LOCAL EVENTS. Tkaciikiih' IsfTiriTie Cuiitliium) from liiNt wci'k On l'rlity professor Ackorinun lit'ld disfUXHlniiH on curruni news topics I nk in (nun the Oregmilati dully, in addition to I if m nuulur prn grHintiiu work, I In uteris Unit it much llt'ltlT to Ht Ulils Inlori'Mlcil i remlinrf Hiid Hludying current went from Mia iii'WKin'i'tK tlniii to Imve then reading Iraidiy liluriituri) Professi Unnitr, in lii talk on history, on ii pupils tlmlihl bo tuuyli t a grciit t1u.il o history tliut was not ihiwn in tho hooks, Professor Minkler Iccturud on tin "Hun mitt Karili," ami Professor II. H, StrHime made a short mlilrccH 01 "Theory." On Kutiirdiiy, In uiMitloi to t lie mlHuolluneoiiH work of Piofessor 1tnHilur mul Ackerinn.ii, Profusror Keyi gave a led tire oil "Pestoloz,1" and U L. Story delivered an address on 1 Hclioo Wotk." After tlio closing exercises ol till niOHt successful Session Hll)(lllll (undent II. 8. (iihsou eiUi'rluiimJ the visiting professors und teachers at his residence. Tlie following registered since lust week' lint wuh pulillsned : Bessie WIIIh. C'lHckiiinus; Rachel Iteynoldil (inico Moruin, May Kelly, Oregon City; JolinCtillalt, Sandy; Myrtle lirieth supl Damascus; (iruce Kiiton, Mnywood, III; Anno Hoss, II Korr, Eva Moss, Mi waiikle; luiny DituvdH.Treinont; 1'. M. .Wedooll, llertha M Ciilbert, Multle Godfrey, Mlnniu Jniuptr, Coin fvutt. Oregon City. Total 127. A Bio Kiiik On Suturduy at aliuiii U o'clock the "Mechanic' Mill" hiihI and dour factory, whh totally di-Htroyed by fire. The Tire was first observed In the northeast corner of the upper floor. near the engine room, nml noon fprcui over the entirn bnililing. Tliu tire do purtmeiit m on on the unnnd Inn it was powerless to Have the hiiildinif which was very dry and burned quickly but it succeeded in saving the adjoining residences and railroad trestle by hard work. Tlie firemen did heroic work and deserve much credit. The trestle was somewhat burned and the ItiiHebiirit local train was delayed about an hour pending examination of same by railruail people. The building was tlie property of Mrs. P. F. Morey and valued at $1200, with $800 insurance; the contents was the property of the .Mechanic's Mill Company, composed of C. C. Hobbies, T, tf, Lawrence and II. E. Harris, and was valued at about $2200 with f 1000 insurance. Tho S. P. Company repaired the trestle on Sunday. Joski'II Hkdcks Dead. On Friday evening Joseph Hedges, a pioneer ol 1852, died at bis residence in Canemah, aged CS years and 7 months. The funeral services weio held at tho house on Tuesday, Rev. Isaac Dawson offici ating. Mr. Hedges was a well known contractor and builder and has resided here almost continually since emigrating from Ohio and was prominently identi fled with the development of this place. Ilia widow, Ellen O., was a daughter of Dr. Allen and is a step daughter of Mrs. Win Barlow. Besides his widow he left seven children : Mrs. J. A. Jacobs of Whitman county, Wash. ; Mrs. Eliza beth Long of Canemah ; John Bryon, county treasurer of Pierce county, Wash. ; Wm A. of Canemah; J. E., an attorney of Oreiron City ; Gilbert L., a Yale student, and Frederick V., a stu dent of Eugene university. Goes Back Wiu.ingi.v. Fred Green, the young drug clerk arrested here Tuesday night, guessed correctly what be was wanted for, as the followed dis patch received Wednesday shows: "Manistee, Mich., Aug. 14. E. Meyer, chief deputy sheriff, Portland Warrant for Fred Green is for seduction of Lillie Sweetnum. Will he come back without requisi.ion papers? 1 will start imme diately. Hold biin. Answer. George Nungesser, undur sheriff." Green states that he will not try to make any trouble for the Michigan officer, but will return willingly with him and face the charge, as he has r.o fear of the result. He lias been clerking for Gep. A. Harding for a short time and is a nice appearing and gentlemanly young man. That Survey Congress, at the ses aion before the last, made an appropri- ati n of $S0O0 for a tborou gh and com tjie nlnta toDoirrriDhical survey of Willamette river from Eugene last fall and. with freatient unavoidable delays, ...... ,.l tit tl.u nnrtv rebelled Oregon City, says the Telegram. I Hat was some time ago. As yet the Biirvey has not been made from Oregon City to Portland, and will not be until the maps of the survey of the upper river are completed. Wmk on these maps is in progress at the office of M-jor Post. To Snake River SuperintendentW F.Hubbard of the Clackamas hatchery on Monday left for Pocatello, Idaho, where racka have been placed in the Snake river and salmon will be taken for the Clackamas hatchery. The bsI mon will be taken there and the spawn shipped by express through to the hatch ery. This step has been found necessary on account of the unavoidable delay in the construction of a flshnay in the Cross inilldam just below the hatchery. Good... ...Things T t Ladies' Calico Wrappers -' S9C White Chamois Gloves..., 75c Turkish Bath Towels 5c Ladies' Ribbed Summer Vests, long sleeves, 3 for. .25c Lisle-Thread Combination Union Suits 25c Ladies' Shirt Waists I3C, 35c, 50c Boys' Extra Fine Percale Waists 25c Ladies' Seamless Fast Black Hose.. ..10c Children's Ribbed Hose, sizes 5 to $'2, per pair only 5c TO BK HAD 0XLY OF McAllen & McDonnell, COR. THIRD AND M3RR1S0N, PORTLAND. New Bazaar Patterns just in. . . . . Camping Blankets. Me nd l arge, full sire and double . Din Ni,t Get Oct. Will Moore, the suit club mun, who is confined In tho county Jail on sevoral charges of fraud, chiiio neiir niiiklug his esrapo on Hittnr day uioriii ng about 2 o'clock, Tlie day bo'oro he asked the sheriff for a brace and bit for the purpose of making some repairs to his bunk and with this and the aid of a wood saw he made a hole hroiigh tho ceiling In the assessor llico, and .was In the act of crawling through tlie hula when he was dis overcd by Janitor Nehren, who lives in the building and was awakened by 'lie nolso Monro made. He has been ick and was under lie doctor's cure at he time. Several years in Salem mak ing stoves would do blinand tint com munity considerable good. He lias already cost the county about $100. While running his suit club he cheated difleront parties out of several hundred dollars. Htaok I1iii.ii Ui The Wilhoit Springs stugo was held u by two masked rob beis on Monday near Million Driver Matoon says he recognized the robbers us the sumo ones that held up the same tuge on July 1'itli and that they wore false whiskers and long dusters and had haiidcrchlefs over their faces. They secured $0.75 from the three passengers, 13 C. Towno, Charles Allsky and Miss Andrews of Portland. The robbers were Jiad because they did not secure more liooly and fired a parting shot at the Iriver. "heriir Maddock and Deputy Moody are following up clews which may lead the arrest of the guilty parties. Some think persons living in tlie vicinity aro doinic the holding up. Oiiksiiam Not 8ai.ooni.kss. All state ments to the contrary notwithstanding. IV. II. Close, the Gresliam saloon-keeper, formerly of this place, is holding the fori, and the W. C. T. U. has not been able to drive hi in out. Mr. Close has a government license, which allows him to sell liquor in quantities of one gallon r more, and his patrons seem to think that a gallon ol bear at a time is enough to buy. Mi. Close says he conducts an orderly place, and he has the support of a majority of the people of Gresliam and vicinity, and he proposes to stay there, says the Oregonian. No Ei.Ki riuc Fkkkiht Caii. Tlie city council met on Saturday evening for the purpose of considering the ordinance u regard to granting franchise to East Side Railway to run freight cars In tho ity limits. The matter was laid on table until the pending suit against said company lor tlie loneiture or us iran- ise (or non payment of its $0000 street assessment is decided. The action of the council is commanded. A Huntinu Tine A party, consisting fCapt. Rockwell, Capt. Shaw, J. A. Leiler, Mint Randall end A. F. Parker, left on Friday last for an extended trip to the headwaters of the Molalla river and Butte creek They will not only hunt for large and small game and fish hut will seek gold as well and for that purpose they took along one of Capt. Shaw's dry-proceed gold separators to test their finds. $50 IiBWAitu. I will pay the above mount for the arrest and conviction of the parties that robbed the Wtlhoit stage on August 12th, 1805, near Mulino, Clackamas county, Oregon, or for any information that may convict. E. C. .Haddock, Sheriff of Clackanus County , Oregon. STAFFORD. John Schiewe is hauling cord-Wood from Polifka's woods to the Tualatin, thus far his blacksmith bill has been rather steep and if he does not do better will not more than pay for repairs. Miss Blanche Phillips has returned from a week's visit in Portland. Philip Baker was on the sick list last week but is able to be around again. Mrs. Augusta Melcher Is still laying in a helpless condition; recovery Jouht ful A church picnic was hold in Win. Schatz's woods Sunday and dinner was served on the grounds. We did not count how many were present but noticed they drank twenty gallons of coffee. Sam Mayer has been going it alone j binding alone on his harvester while his wife did the driving. F. Delker is busy cutting his spring oats. .lake Rchalz lias iuBt finished a med- iiiin heavy harness for Mr. Bjlliece, rlia F. Weddles' wile presented him with a ,, on Tuesday, tlie tub. He went to tnivn tlie next dav and bought his young heir a pairoi overans wnu um, so he may be in style. J. P. Gage has finished harvesting and hauling his grain. The cloyer crop promises to be good and Hie seed very plump. August 13th. Lenuthy. Over doing things is about as bad as under doing them. There is such a thing as paying to much for crockery. No merchant is justified in going beyond a certain point in bis charges. Bellomy & Busch only charges ten cents a gallon lor stoneware. in 1 1 1 ii The Utility knife set bread, cake and pairing knife for 49 cents at 'Tne Fair." Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. LOCAL NWS ITEMS. l.icetiBtt to wed grunted n Mth to Margaret A. Black and John J. Ktlckny Patrick Brodorlck, who died at Astoria was burled from the Catholic churcl here on Wednesday. A list of teachers attending the county examination now In session will be published next week. Myrtle Lodgo, Degree of Honor, will give an ice cream social on Friday evening, August lfltli. Mr. McDoiiough'B large new house at corner of Ccntor and Fourth street is fast Hearing completion. Friday afternoon Frod Williams pur chased the property of B. S. Bellomy, formerly owned Mr. Lark . On Friday tho flve-vear-old son of Charles Hurl us of Wheeler's mill was drowned In the tall race of that mill. 'riiel3 )tli annual meeting of the'Oregon state fair will be held on September 25th to October 4tli. All that can should attend. Rev. M. L. Uugg will take part in tho dedication exercises of the handsome new edifice of the First Baptist church of Sulem. It Is said that Itev. Read passes a'vay time at Salem asylum by playing bil liards and attending the duncoi given by the inmates. The Crown Paper Company have re ceived several new water wheels, which will be used to operate new grinders in their pulp mills. The Weekly Ortgonian and UieCouitiKK for cash In advance. The Rural Northwest or the N. fl'. I'acifie Parmer and Col umn for f 1.50, cash in advance. Fr.nk Und, who claimed to reside at Murshfleld, bud his foot crushed on .Saturday as be was stealing a ride on the suuth-bouiid freight. He was taken to the Gladstone hospital. A regular meeting of tlie board of trade was held on Monday evening. The illustrated pamphlets descriptive ol Oregon City have been completed and are ready for distribution. U. 8. Commissioner Lameroiix has decided that the Mt. Hood & Barlow Wagon Road Company can collect toll on their road il it does run through the Cascade timber reserve. J. Itoake is rebuilding and enlarging bis former residence at corner of Jeffer son and Eleventh streets, which he will occupy. His son, William, will then more in his present residence near iron works. August Koch of Chorryvill was held by Justice Johnsrud In $250 bonds for threatening to kill his wife and com mitted to county Jail on Saturday, after which he was adjudged insane and sent to Salem. Seth C. Meker and William Fisher on Sunday started to swim from this place to Portland, a distance of 14 miles. Maker swam seven miles and Fisher six miles and stopped after being in water 4,' hours. An ''enterprising" farmer came to town one day last week with lot of eggs for sale and on his return trip a water melon and a half bushel of plums was noticed in his wagon. Why didn't he raise his own melons and plums? Lawrence Driggs had a narrow escape from drowning up the Clackamas last Friday, He was fishing in an eddy and the current being too swift carried him about -30 feet. If Mr. Driggs had not been a good swimmer a terrible mishap might have occured. The Molalla Shingle Company on Monday filed articles of incorporation with secretary of state, to manufacture shingles on the cooperative plan; office, Liberal, Clackamas county; capi tal, (700; incorporators, E. Dodge, N. Doucet and J. Jesse. Tuesday was a galla day at camp Alderlea, the occasion being U. A. Hard ing's birthday. A number of Mr, Harding's friends went out to the camp and partook of a birthday dinner. In the evening a concert was given at the Y. M. C. A. secretary's camp. All the young folks of the camps took part. Actions riled with county clerk since August 12tb : Francis Isabel Hammond vs Cass U . Barlow, suit for $25,000 for breach of promise and seduction . S. M. McCown and H. B. Rinearson vs H. . Cross, complaint; Baptist college vs Clias Moehnkeetal, foreclosure; Wm. Scanlan vs O. J. Hoel and W. II . fl. Samson; action for money; A. Latouretle (ex) vs C. Fleming et foreclosure. E. I, FRUG POND. Everybody is busy ; so there is not much news this week. Dr. E. F Makiell gave a lecture at the school house last Saturday night on the A. P. A., which was well receivea and every seat in the house was full. Come again. The Kruse and Turner Threshing Company finished threshing wheat at Curie) 's last Saturday. The wheat in this vicuity turned out very well. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turner died last Thursday. Clyde Evans fell and fractured his thigh bone Thursday. Miss Rosie Mulvany and Miss Lena Nelson were visiting friends and rela tives in this vicinity last week. . The Kruses will cut about 20 acres of clover for seed soon . Oiiice . August 14th. We beg to announce that we have been appointed by Mr. I. W. Harper, the famous distiller, of Nelson county, Ky , agents for his superb Hand Made Sour Mah Whisky. This announce ment is of Importance to every one, for it insures to them for the future one of the purest, tnoH 'Jelicate, and most celebrated whiskies in the world, and those who take the trouble hereafter to demand the "I. W. Harper Whiskey" need have no fear that its moderate use will injure health or disposition. Hii.l A Coi.e, Oregon City, Oregon. Entire stock of Crockery will be sold below cost at R. Staub'f Grocery. Jnst received a new supply of those Tea Ball strainers and fruit jar fillers at "The F -ir." Crdner Frevtaz delivers the best vegetables and keeps a full asortment of ! all kiods. I A few more cords of wood wanted on I subscription accounts at the Coibieb ofr10e ' PERSONAL MENTION. II. A. Straight visited Long Beach last week. Jodin W. L. White is again able to be about. Mrs. J. M. Lawrence has returned from McMinnvlllo, Ira Wlshart left on Wednesday for an ou'log at Table Rock, (loo. (!. Brnwnell wunt to Silvoifon m Wednesday on law business. Miss Edith Wlshart left Monday for a fortnight's outing at Long Beach Gilbnrt Ifediros. who is a student of Yale, returned home Tuesday evening Mrs. Shindler and family and Mrs. Peasly of Sellwood ore camped on tne Clackamas. Mrs. J. II. Walker and Miss Mamie Cliarman lift on Thursday for an outing at Yaijuina. Miss May Wishart returned on Tue day from a week's visit with Miss Ella lloberg of Portland. Mise ElvleApperson and Miss Cynthia Fellows of McMinnvllle, are visiting friends in this city, K. J. McKittrick. II. L. Schille.- and R. D. Wilson are hunting and fishing on tlie Hearing river. Levi Johnson, secretary of the East Side Y. M. C. A., and family are camp- ng near the hatchery. Miss Nora Conyers left last Thurday for Clatskanle, where she will visit for two or three weeks. Prof. II. 8. Strange delivered an ad dress before the teachers' institute at Clatsknnie on Tuesday. J. B. Ziegler, formerly editor of the lleruld, is now secretary of tlie Capen Shoe Co. of Willamette rails. Mrs. L. Shipley of Oswego visited her brother, Jut'ga Hayes, on Friday en- route to Salem to visit her parents. Miss Elma Albright, who has been visiting at the Alderlea camp on the Clackamas, returned Sunday evening. Miss Lillian Hamilton left for her home in Tacoma on Wednesday after spending several months visiting here. Mi-s Eaton of Kansas, who has been visiting her friend, Mrs. Uurgharut, lor mcnth, left for her home Tuesday evening. Balf Johnson of The Dalles has been spending the week in town. On Satur day he goes to Long Beach to visit at the Johnson cottage. Geo. R. DeYoro returned on Wednes day from the Johnson cottage at Sea- view, where he lias ueen sojourning tor over a month. W. C. Johnson will now leave for that place for an outing. Rev. M . L. Rugg returned home from uu vacation on Wednesday and will be in his pulpit again on Sunday as usual. During his absence he visited Victoria, B. C, and Seattle, where he formerly resided and held pastorates. MOLALLA. Farmors in this vicinity are about done cutting grain. Some are through threshing. The grain that has already been threshed is yielding much better than expected especially winter wheat. Jacob llarless has commenced the season's run with his new Aultman Taylor separator. The machine has proved itself to be a good one and cleans the grain well and threshes rapidly. Some parties went through here re cently bound for tlie bead waters of the Molalla to try a new patent dry process gold machine. They can probably make the machine work alright but the next thing is to find the gold. Stewart, Russell and Pelky have formed a partnership to develop a ledge of free gold situated on the head waters of Ogle creek, a tributary of the Molalla. It is the only ledge that has ever been discovered on the Molalla that free gold could be seen in the rock without the aid of a powerful glass or acids, but in Mr. RuHsell's rock gold can be seen scattered all through the irou rust seams in tlie rock. The company that owns the Red Rock mines has a number of men employed in developing the ledge and building a wagon road to their mines. In a Bhort time tbey expect to run a day and night sbill and push the work ahead. There has been numerous reports that our game and fish law is being broken by parties not far from here. Nearly any day on the upper Molalla bounds can be heard running deer, and such has been the case for the past six months, in fact ever since our late game law came into effect. AIko any amount of all kinds of fish that inhabit the Molalla waters have been killed by the use of explosives, and are now rotting along the river banks. Such open violations of our game and fish laws ought to be stopped and the perpetrators prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It is reported that Charley Walker, who met with a serious accident at Herman Bros.' sawmill recently, is getting along finely and the doctors think they can save his arm. Herman Bros, are running their saw mill day :nd night in order to fill their orders so they can start their threshing machine. The mountain huckleberry crop is going to be very short this season, ow ing to late snow and frost. At the Table Rock berry patch there will be no berries at all and only a few at High camp. John B Jackson had a serious run. away last Saturday evening while en route to Wilhoit. When starting down the big hill to the spriegs the neckyoke gave away and let the tongue of the hsck down The horses started to run and upxet the hack, threw the family out and broke the collar bone of the youngest child and bruised all more or less The hack was badly demolished. The horsea were caught at the residence of Mrs- Vorheis. Dr. M. Giesy of Aurora was at the springs and gave tbe wounds and frac'ures a temporary dress in. Dr. Leavitt reduced the fractures. All are doing as well as could be ex pected. Doc Pendleton of Meadow Brook has discovered a mineral paint mine on bis place and nearly all the colors of the rainbow are represented. Mr. Pendle ton is having the paint tested, c'o far it has given perfect satisfaction. Another holdup of the Oregon City and Wilhoit stage to-day at a point about one mile south of Mulino. It is supposed to be done by the same parties that held up the stage a few weeks ago. It seems as though euch things are be coming too fre'jucnt to be pleasant and the perpetrators if caught ought to be roughly handled. Mr. Hankins, from near Arlington, Gilliam county, arrived here to-day 00 the way to his mines on Ogle creek. Himself and Mr. Colby were tbe dis coverers of the Red Rock mine on the Molalla. Aognst 13th. X. Y. Z. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds ol dental worit. iom crowns, porceiam crowns and bridge work a specialty. Wiffirn in P.arclsr hoildine. corner Main and Seventh streets. ; ! Get a sample of Sky Baking Powder JatR rUaob'sUrooery. Assignment of Teachers At a meeting of tbe school board on Saturday the teachers in tliecliy schools were assigned to the different grades as follows: BARCLAY SCHOOL. Pror. fi. W Holmes, Supt. . ,10th and 8th Prof. P. M. Weddell 7.h Gertrude Finley B class 0th Hattie Monroe ftih Ilattie Wethernll Jil, Jennie Boattie 3d Haltio Cochran 2d May Kelly it EASTIIAM SCHOOL. rrof. L. W. McAdams 0th Mrs. McAdams Iirlns7ili n,l Altih Erms Lawrence fith and 4th Ana Baird :id Ora Spangler 2d Alohie Hankins 1st 8chool begins on Mond iy, Soptemhor 23d. The matter of changing division Hue of district was discussed but no action taken, also the mattor of chang ing courses of study. It MayDo as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, ol Irving, 111,, write that lie had a Scvero Kidney trouble! lor many yer, with severe palm In hU back and alio that hli bladder wai affected, Iletrlwl many so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began uno ol Electric Hitters and found relief at once. Elcctrlo Bitters Is es pecially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and otten Klven almost Inntant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only Me for large bottle, at Cliarman A Co.'s Drug tore, Chaman Bros. Block, Knights of Maccabeei. The Btato Commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After trylug other medicines for what loomed to be a very ohmlnate cough In our twochlldren we tried Dr. Klng'i New Discov ery and at the end ol two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without 11 hereafter as our experience proved that It cures where all other remedies fall." Signed F. V. 8tcyen State Com. Why not give this groat medicine a trial, as It Is guaranteed and trial boll les arc free l Lb arm 1 n 4 Co.' Drug Store. Cliarman Bros Iloclt. Regular size too and 11.00. For your strings and extras for all musical instruments go to Burmeister & Andresen's, who keep a full supply. Patronize home industry. The Oregon City Steam Laundry does belter work than the Chinese or Portland laundries Geo. P. Bradford, the new manager, is practical laundry man, having bad charge of the best laundries on the Sound before coming here. LOCAL SUMMARY. Baskets, baskets. baskets, at 'The Dalr." Money to loan on good security by A . S. Dresser. Depot of Schilling's Best Baking Powder at R. Staub's Grocery. Prescriptions carefully compounded at (i. A. Harding's drug store. . For a first class Bhave go to P. G. Shark, 10c barber, next to Oriental Hotel Received at Cbarman & Son's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. The Eastern Shoe Store is retiring from business. Now is tbe time to get shoes cheap. South Electric Hotel. Send your work to the Oregon City Steam Laundry and have it done in a first-class manner. Work called for and delivered free . Excursion tickets to Yaquina Bay and return will be on sale at S. P. Co. 'a depot commencing June 17th, f ire $0.00 roun J trip, good until October 10th. The attention of those suffering from affections of the eye, ear, nose, or throat is directed to the professional card of 8. Wade, Oculist & Aurist, Marqtiam Building, Portland. The business of the Red Front is now conducted by the Red Front Trading Co. who are stocking up and getting flack the trade. They offer 10 pounds dry granulated sugar or 2U pounds of rice for 1. Be sure and see the Jones chain-drive foot-lift mower before you buy. Ed ward Hughes, Portland, Or., is selling them. The chain-drive is ahead of all for durability, lightness of dralt and simplicity. Mulino roller mill is now in fine run ning order, and is turning out better work than ever. Cash always on hand for wheat at the highest market price. Farmers, bring on your wheat, either for sale, or for exchange for flour and feed. C.T.Howard. The O. R. A N. Co. always alert to the welfare of their patrons, have placed pn sale at principal stations, a 1000 mile ticket at the rate of three cents per mile, good one year from dale of sale and good for passage over the rail t.rd water lines cf their system. C. A. Willey has moved his harness and repair shop from on the bill to second door west of depot, next to Coitbier office, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., but will do all kinds of harness and boot and shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give him a call. Satisfaction guaranteed Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. CHEAKI 0AEM MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 4f) YEARS THE STANDARD. CUFFS Like chains, must have links to be correct. Fashion links them so, and the cuffs of Fashion, like those of adversity, must be accepted with com pliant siibmlxsion. Our links are sc. cepted as absolutely correct and the finest In town. We have them In all the different styles at moderate figures. We not oniy have Fashion's links, but her chains as well, along with a full line of the Latent Stylet in JEWELRY. Burmeister & Andresen... THE JEWELERS. C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE, Attorneys at Law, Comemrcial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY, OREGON. GEO. C. BR0WNELL, Attorney at Law, Office One Door North iCauJleld & Hunt ley'i D nglor:, OREGON CITY, OREGON. E. F. DRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW OREGON CITY. Office: Two Doors South of Courthouse. MNEAKSON & HYDE, ATTORNEY at LAW, ABSTRACTING DONE. Opposite Caufield Blo.k, OKKGOX CITV, ... ortKGON. Nshlitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Dnnhleand ulnula rlra and saddle horaea ai wavfc nu haud at the lowest rutea. and a corral alio connected with the barn for loose stock. Any information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOUGHT OR SOLD V. HARRIS, Star Grocery DEALER IS GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, CROCKERY, ETC. H. W. JACKSON, Machinist and Locksmith, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Bowing Machines, Guns, and all kinds of small machinery re paired. Prices reasonable. Shop on Seventh Street, Opposite Depot. Take up a Paper. And read all the advertisements care fully. Look and see who holds out the most tempting offers. Then go around and see what those tempting oilers really amount to. Nine times out of ten you'll be disappointed. We are very careful what we say in our ads, but we believe it is perfectly truthful to state that when people buy of us they get thoir money's worth every time. That's ail we can promise. ii. V. OUACK, Ilr in Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc KLV, OKEGOX. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Loam made. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points in ine unueu niaics aim r.uroue ana on uung Koiig. Deposits received subect to check la terest at usual rates allowed on time deposits. Uankopon from 9 A. M. to i P. M.; Baturday evenings from 6 till 7 P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, F. K. DONALDSON , President. Cashlur Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITY l'aid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President, Vice President, Cashier, Manager, Thomas Cuarnas Gio. A. Hardiso E. O. C'AUFIILD Charles II. Caufield A Genoral Banking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Security , Exchange Bought aud fold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available In Any Part ol th. World. Telegraphic Kxchange Bold on Portland, Sao Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Now Open! NEW SHOFSTORE A Full Line of. Eastern Boots and Shoes which we will sell at Eastern Prices. Call and Examine Our Goods. We will give you Great Bargains New Styles, Latest Designs, Lowest Prices. Krausse Bros, Next Door to Burmeister & Andresen a. Riparm Tabale Mit digestion. jr-"" Shop ......TO IT IS NO FARTHER I Old Pioneer Store .OF.... OHARMA1T & SOIST Now than it was you can get better bargains there than any place in the city. Give them a call before buying. FOR " DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING And Building Material. Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered (or First-Class Goods. Shop 0pp. Congregational Chnrc , ffliln Street, Oregon (ity THE IOWA PORTLAND, OREGON. H. .W. WESTERMANN, MERCHANT TAILOR. defining, Repairing and Pressinn Do ne. Price's Old Bland. Next Door North of Armory, Oregon City. A. R. DOOL'.TTLE'S West Side Store KEErS A WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF Groceries, Provisions FRUITS, FLOUR AND FEED. West Side Express IN CONNECTION. Well! Well! Talk about Your Lacteal Fluid. They All Smile When They Drink It. Randall & Meyer Are always on top and they will furuish you a quurt for 5 cents, yes, give you a quart a day for $1.50 a month. Try them and be convinced. EYE, EAR, NOSE &, THROAT. D Rj. WADE, (F. C.S.London, Member of British Medieal AMOclatlon, formerly Oculkt and Anrlat to the Victoria Kojal Jubilee Hospital) hat taken of fleet at 504-5 Marquam Eldg., Portland, For the Practice of the Abore Speclmltlea. Office Uoura: 10 to 12 a. m.; 8 to 5 and at I p. m. Imperial Gallery Oretjoa City. PHOTOGRAPHY IS EVERY BRANCH CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILMEV8 FICTVRE3 A SPICIALTY. Gallery aver Mra. Prler'i Stora, Mala St JAUEO r.xucr.0T7, Decorating, Paper Earslrg, Art:"3 E:;:3 Painting and Kalscr.ir.lrj. with R. L. Holman, Oregon City. THE.. 30 years ago, besides, JEWE1LEE& A. N. WRIGHT. Watch Repairing a Specialty QA ORRISON OPPOSITE POSTOFFIC1! R. FRETTAG S Corner Grocery Keeps a Full Line of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, Provisions, Flour, Feed, Fruits & Vegetables, AT LOWEST PRICES. KIDO &WILILAMS, Successors to H. Cooke, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLE. COR. FOURTH AND MAIM STS. OREGON CITY. Oriental Saloon, Zimmerman 4 Miller, Prop. w I carry th. bt WhiaklM and BrandlM la town and make special low ram on t fornla Wins, of all kinds. Boat brewed bw on th. Coast Th. Oambriuua. Fine Free Lunch. . - -Call and be convinced GEO. A. HARDING, DEALEB IN IP DBTJGS -pi Standard Pat. Medicines. Faints, OUs and Window Olaaa. Pretertptioiu Accurately Compounded BABDINO'I BLOCK. I Oregon City Transportation Co. Str. RAMONA. TIME TABLE OREGON CITT BOA1 Leare Portland Lean OaieoK Crrr Foot Mb. 81. 9 :00 A. at. 2:00 P.M. 6:00 p. m. Foot Taylor St. 7:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 4:00 p.m. Str. ALTOHA. Leaves Fortland Tuesdays, Thursdays ana sawraays. Leave Indeendence and Salem Mob daya, Wednesdays and Friday. ; Bcsdat Time. The Oregon City boats leave thia place (or Portland on Sunday at 10 a. m. and 2 and 5:30 p. "': taming leave Portland at 8 :30 and II & a. m. and 3:30. Blparu Tabnle cor ned.