" i - Oregon Courier. A. IF. CnEXEV. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. CITY OFFICIAL PAFKB. Entered In tbe Oregon City poitofflce m second elui matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. On yer 12 00 8lx monthi 1 00 Three monlhi " It paid In advance, per year 1 50 VThe oppoilte your address on the papor danolei tbe time to which you bare paid PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY. AUGUST 10. 1803. Furnished Every Week by the Clackamai Abttraot L Trust Company. C E filruble lo 0 E Kline, 0 an in 10 and 21, 12 . rle;f.10. A 11 Hreyman to Joseph Alial, of aw Ja of "no 8. 1 1 a, r 4 e, 80 a ; f 7.'H) . ON Wait (by KliorilO to Meyer Kor. neretal.n & of Jatnee Moored; 'J20. Martha Hoilires to Julia Frost, 3 ax in the 1'lillantlor Lee cl j 1 3 a, r 1 e ; 1 100. Oregon Land Company to J O Keod, lota 7 and 8, bile 72, Mintliorn; :I0(). Oreitnn Land Co to K O Heed, lot" 0 and 10, 1)1 k 72, Minthorn ; WO. W It Jonna to W T Hnrney, e )i ol ae hi ol aec s! and w ft ol aw ;i ul nee U.toa. rse; fi. Ja Taylor (by heira) to Multnomah Lt'il.e No 1, lot 1, blk4,OreronClty;l. Multnomah l-ode No 1 to John Be h ram, part of lot 1, blk 4, Oregon City I 000. Mary L Holmes to Walter I: Carll, COUNTY COURT. County Buys Cord Wood at $1.52,' i Land for Poor Farm at all Prloei. Hon. John Mlnto, ofSalom, has quit 2 as in the llolmea cl. 1 3 a, r 2 e; $I2.'A writing lettera to the Oregonian about tbe pernicious effect of the Wilson tariff on wool since that article haa gone up about 6 cents per pound in Eastern Ore-on.-?E. -r Andrew Carnegie is quoted by bis Now York manager as saying : "Tbe country at large does not relize the boom which haa started in the industrial world. Iron and ateel mills all over the country have contracted their full capacity for months ahead and many are actual ly un able to take additional orders. Since the bulk of their contracts were booked there has been an advance of fifty cents in pig Iron. This fall consumers will find that they cannot place orders. The country is on the threshold of the big gest revolution in business it has ever experienced, and it Is not a long way off." Unrnoy Dolan to Hacliol Hill, lot 2, blk 12, BunHotUitv; .'J3U. U 8 to John Mahan, lie i of nw ,'4 of aec 4, t 3 a, r 1 w j patent. John Mahan to Clackamas Co. samo; It . E C Maddock to W S lrvin, n )i of ne i, ae lA ol ne !1 and lie 'i ul ae hi of nee 30, 1 1 a, r 6 e; flOOO. August Fiaclior to Hot man Fischer, )i i lit in w )!, of cl 44, t 3 a. r 3 f ; $1000. Herman Fischer to August Fischer, land in cl 44, t3 a. r3 e; flOOO. J P Shaw to Harney Dolan, lot 5, blk 3, W Side add; aWO. F 1) Williams to B 8 Belloiny, 5 4." aa in sec ill, t 3 a, r 2 e ; $350. (JACK H to ti Juiisonrd. aw 1 of sw 4 of sec 11, t 2 s, r 4 e; 11'0. OA C K H to G Jonsourd, nw '4 of aw M of sec 11; I40 H E Cross to II A Straight, 1(10 as in Milton Hrown cl; $2000. John IV Hchrader et nl to D T I,ee, w l of nw nnd ra W nf nw L.' 3. 1 4 s. r 3 e : 2.jO0. E C Maddock to W 8 lrvin, ne '4 of sec 32, t 3 s, r 5 e; $15.04. Weather Strvice Bulletin The facta that Mrs. Leland Stanford, widow of the California senator, will dispose of 1,000,000 gallons of brandy Weather Monday, August 5, was one from ber ranch for the benefit of the 01 the warmest davs so lur tins year. Stanford University is not pleasing to a" localities it wa the warm- a i nuL .'il, ... es'i "wo. tllun t,! temperature has v.v.j ,.,. ..... -v (alien; the maximum temperutiiro that It will be used for medicinal pur- ranged from DO to 70 degrees, and the poses in a mask," declared the Ilcv. minimum ranged irom 48 to 70 degrees. G.E. Mitchell, of Calvarv Preabvterian minimum temperature ol 70 do church. "A nice college, indeed, to l ,,. .na ,,, , , " send young men to I Do you think any tomperature on record at Portland. G. E. Hayes, Judge; R. Scott and P Jnggar, Conunlssionera. Report of viewers on tho change In the Oregon City and New Era road laid over till .September term ; expense $ 1 1 20 Ilepnrt of viewers on the petition of F. W, Yoiininns et al for chnngo In Duker'a Ferry and Clackamaa road ap proved and road ordered opened. Petition of W. E. Welch et al for a county road granted and road ordered opened ; expense I'll. Petition of A. N. Wills for a road of public easement granted and road ordered opened on filing of receipts for expenses, Report of viewers of damagea on the Revenue read approved and $2.) ordered paid Win Ranpach, expense o( $8 al lowed . R. Conner having agreod to accept $10 in full payment for damagea to his property on account of change In the P. Lewis road ho was ordered paid that sum and road ordered opened. The viewera awarded him in their report $100. Report of D. W. Kinnaird, road master on tbe petition of A. Longnecker for a change in the Vancuren and Forester road approved and petition denied. Supervisor ordured lo open roid on its present survey. Petition of K. F. Riley for purchase of certificate of sale for l!).'t taxea to I . -4 01 set , 1 . s.HBP,i o George North granted. Petition ol G. C. Kinney et alfora countv road referred to Headmaster Kinnaird. Application f J. E. Crawford for a tax rebate grunted. Reports of road supervisors in follow ing districts approved and accounts paid : Hod Mate nrlilc No. 1 250 7 5 2 38 75 a 2H0 00 4 04 20 0 81 75 1) 75 Max Sell ul pi us 30 " 40 J 8 M. Cord 40 " 100 ECHackett 100 " 153 II L Kelly 80 Theo lliiiimber ...... DO W W Mvera ... . 318 " 100 Win Ohlenkaup 120 Jamea Wnitlock 00 or 70 " " 40 Slock, Implements ami crop included. CLAIMS AI.I.OH'KI), Uemld, printing. $ 7 0 ItollomyA Ituscli.courtlioineacct 20 25 O O Iron Works, roail sect Glass A Pru Ihoiniiie, rocnrila,. ,. Meston Dygnrt Co, sUlimiery . . . Irwin-llodson Co, records V Harris, juror I. Ruconicli, juror Geo C Sears, sheiihT's acct Ilronollgh, McArtlier, Kenton & lirono'igh, witnesses TIiob Charman 1 Son, pauper sect roruann nospiiiii, pauper, claim ed $118 f,S 00 Levi Erb, road .MoHtcnser A Hanson, roud T U Thomas, pauper California Powder work, claimed $248 13 241 13 N'ohlett'a stable, pun per 5 00 hnos LhIiiII, piiuir... 2 17 Adoiph Ascholl, " 5 00 OC Hospital, pauper, claimed 'i 20 70 W A Huntley, stationery 'i 10 3000 4000 41NM) 8750 2100 4000 2500 MM) 8000 (UMN) 201 X) 2750 1200 33 10 50 75 4 (Ml 40 50 4 20 3 (Ml 1 00 0 05 4 25 30 50 7 10 25 00 professor would dare advocate temper ance there? I most certainly would oppose sending any Christian youth to a college supported by the sale of liquor." Thero was an entire absence ol rainfall during the week. Due to the numerous and extensive forest tires over the west ern portion of Washington and Oregon, the uir is tilled with smoke, so much so that the sun is almost obscured, it ap pearing as though it were a red ball ol tire. This smoke is usual during the month of August, nnd continues until the first ruins occur, which event hap pens about September 10. Crops Harvesting Is almost over, nnd Somo few There is no more stubborn free-nil-verite in Oregon than ex-Governor Pen noyer, and he does not dislike President Cleveland a little bit. It u tweedledum, tweedledee : one savs that Uncle Sam fnnlfl QnfAttf on if ulnna in fraa.aivar threshing is in progress nninna i i 1 ,i n,. i,( :, correspondents report the yield as shown coinage at 10 to 1 md t.ie other that it by , tireBlimii wh,c , would "bust" the old fellow so wide yariea from 21 to 38 bushels per acre; open that all the 20-dollar pieces in his oats from 30 to 70 bushels per acre, and pockets would roll over to Europe, barley, 20 to 60 bushels per acre. Some Time will solve the financial p... and mK&ffi&l while time is solving it, it is appropriate 0f the present week . to again state the fact that Oregon never Peat-lies are becoming very plentiful 5 70 4 00 8... 11... 14... 10 .. 17... 18... 10 .. 22... 23... 2(1... 31 50 . ,351 00 181 . 83 53 . 4 60 .. 03 71 .. 8 50 .. 23 05 . . 80 60 . . 3 00 ,. 14 75 71 7P02 30 57 8 50 22 20 7 74 13 55 .207 10 55 24 00 bad a more economical governor than SylvesterPennoyer; $400,000 in the state treasury when he stepped out of office. We thought that Oregon had the most corrupt legislature on the face of the earth. It is just possible, however, that we were mistaken. That Oregon had ed this year than formerly, and apple in 1895 the most useless and extravagant and large shipments are being made 1 tie Pest varieties 01 peaches are now ripening. Plums nnd prunes will be lull crop, picking and drying of them being now in progress. The berry crop is about over, though a few lute berries are yet being picked. Apples are tully an average. Spraying was more generally practic' orchards have been given more than I .1.. . I. !- .1 lo0iltl- ..... ... i,i.i 1. 1,10 "'"" ,1ID rlBU'1 ' mere UUUJ, Ou.u.0U, , are fower c0(JUn ln()tll lence a i,eller pretty generally admitted everywhere, quality nf apples. The pear crop will, But that there baa been as corrupt law- as usual, be a full crop, and of a better I quality, due to the wren tor CAre 0f the in,.. A .n4M.I ..Inn ( IKa latiml mtnrm ?"- . ThirUlt Crop 0 Oregon 18 7, . , ' i Decerning lurger ana oetter every year, called by Governor Altgeld In Illinois A great portion of the state is admirablj to reform abuses, has turned out lo be adapted to prunes, apples, pears, a scandal and reproach to that state. Peaches, apricots, to berries ol all kinds T. ... , . , , ,., ., and to melons. Josephine county pro Its failure to enact certain creditable ducea nossiblv the laraeat and ns B,md legislation that was desired by the as any watermelons in the United Stutesi people is as nothing when compared are very proline in bearing. with tbe charges of corruption, which have taken a specific form, and have been aggravated by their steadfast re- Government Railroads. Prussia, a poor country naturally, with fusal t normif an Invoafmnfinn s7,, no great resources, has mado a Buccess , ....v... . . ,,,.,, Independent. lul llnnnt'iul experiment with stuto railroads. Her ruilroads, built by the state, paid m lSS'.MlO the interest on The world needs a religion today that "'eir cost, the interest on tho state debt, n..1 a .....1... fwA fVIA Wi.l- will make a man's word as good as his " ' '"''"'"y.""- '""" ., . ... , ,. nuul surplus bs diminished, but lust note; that Will make its possessor pay year it was $22,500,000. In addition the 100 cents on the dollar; sell sixteen railroads have paid off $137,000,000 of ounces to the pound : thirty-six inches their debts, instead ol constantly adding to the yard; 128 cubic feet to the cord; t?1tl,u,r,co8tI na ,"" r1ifHa'l hew. ,, . :,, ', , , , , The railroad system of Prussia includes that will make a man plank down a dol- 15,530 miles, about thrice tbe mileage lar in advance for subscription to the of tho Chicago, Hurlington and (juincv, Valley Transcript; that will make a the Southern Paeillc, or tho Chicago. ,on ,1 . fll ,1..I. ..,.!, I. . f..1l .!...) "ilinuimuo. 1 Clt-IB is IHH .uau n ,u.i uujr a num IU1 a lull UUJ o pay, whether the eye of the employor is on him or not ; that will make capital disgorge the lion's share of the profits and divide them equally and justly with the'laborer; that will make the manu facturer cease adulterating his goods; the clerk from robbing his employer; the official man from embezzling the in this country any group of 15,000 miles of railroad which distantly Approaches the Hi) n n c iu I results of the Prussian roads, under ofiiciul states ninnngemeut. i'o.i Intelligencer A letti r to tbe Secretary of the Hor ticultural Society: "Sir-I pnrtickly wish the Satiety to be called to consider the caso what follows, as I think it mite be maid transaxtionable in the funds committed to his trust; that will next reimrts. Mv wif had a tomb cut make men upright, honest, pure and trustworthy through all their walks of life; that not only makes a man happy Out righteous. Valley TranserijU. that ilyd. iseing a torture shell and a grate fnvirit, we had him berried in the guardian, and for tho snkeof inrichment of the mould I had tho enrks deposited under the roots of a gosberry bush. (The fruto being up till then of the smooth kind ) lint tho next seson's fruto, after the cut was berried, the goshems was al liuiry and more re I am sir, your humble servant, Thomas Fiiost." Credit Lml, In a Willamette valley town, the name of which cuta no figure at present, thero dwells a man who has long held that he markable, tlieciitpilursofthasiimu bush could edit an ordinary paper successfully was al of the same liuiry inscription arid not devote more than an hour a day to the work. "It is nothing," he has : been accustomed to eav. "to write a ml. ,,,.,... . .i . .i A Story With Beaonant Moral. Umn of Commnnrn nnnn tli. tkvunta ,l I ,o dav Not lon ,n ,ii.- r . nf Ynng nicn on8ht not to piny pokcr- , .. ., , or old men, for that mater nt any time, the papers in that town wascal!ed away and when poker is played iu business for a week, and the man who know it all hours tho heinonsness of tho net is fln- waa persuaded to take charge of the edi- grant So when President Warren Elliott torial columns during his abBcnce. On of tho Wilmington uml Woldon railway the flrst day thin man did very well ; he CIune unexpectedly upon a group of his dashed off a column and a half without yu"8 1,10,1 Paying poker, with coffee trouble. On the second day he perspir- bem's for chips, the other day, ho ao- . j , ,,, ... ' 1 , , cepted thoir explantition that thero waa ed freely, although the room waa cold novork on hmld uml tha WM .v. v ,a uuiio; uu uib -just for amusement" At some remote third day he walked the floor and pulled period uf his existence Mr. Elliott had his whisksrs out by the handful, and on been Initiated into tho intricacies of the 8 75 ! 21 00 Petition granted of C. A. Sweet for vacation of streets in Unavilla. Petition of Robert Thompson et al for a countv road referred to ituaumaster Kinnaird. Petition of B. F. Smith et al for vaca tion of McCown'a blacksmith shop and Robinson road granted and Marion F. Samson, Frank Fish, George Purdue and Roadmaster Kinnaird appointed to viow, to meet at place of beginning on August 24th at 10 a. m. Hobert J. Moore appointed to extir pate Canada thistles in road district No. 20. Petition of Henry Wilburn et al for a change in the Foster and Milwaukie road referred to koadmaster Kinnaird. As the indigent soldier fund is nearl) exhausted ordered that $200 be set aside for said fund. The following bids for furnishing 50 cords of wood for court house wore re ceived and contract awarded to Chas. E Reynolds: John Bell, f 1.00 per cord; Chas. E. Reynold, $1.52 ; Fred Jack son, $1.85; J. A. Lousignout, $1.85. B. W. King bid $1.49 but afterwards with drew same. D. L. Paine awarded contract for acting as county physician for one year at $350. lieport of P. W. Kinnaird, roadmaster, on completion of bridgo across Rock Creek on 1. S. Miller road approved and contract price of $128 paid. lieport of Roadmaster Kinnaird on completion of bridge across Milk Creek on Hamuli road leading from grange hall to Canby approved and contract price of $125 ordered paid besides labor account of J. M. 1 1 ay den of $130.07. Reports of officers on collection of fees for July approved : Amount collected by clerk, f 134.20, mid by recorder, $145 55. Petition of Adilie C. Hodgkin for set tle I of taxes denied as court considered assessment valid and that land can be held for taxes, costs and penalty. On payment of $8.20 sheriff ordered to issue receipts to ll. r. uonnev Ir taxes of 1801, 1802, 1893 and 1WI4, on account ol irregularity. Demand of Oregon City for 00 per cent of road tux collected within limits of tho city denied. Application of B. F. Linn for part payment on contract to plank Highland roud granted as said work is nearly com pleted ; warrant for 800 ordered drawn on road fund. Eight dollars per month allowed lor care and keeping of Prof. Charles Cut ting alter August 1st. Application of Meade Post lor relief for J. W. lientley granted and $10 per C (t Huntley, court house 8 25 O Tel A Tel Co, " " 1 25 Sirs C A Nash, clerk a acc 18 00 Millard Hyatt, abend's 8 75 I) E Sheppard. " 3 15 O W Noblett. " II 0 J N Harrington, " 0 75 K (' .Maddock. board Drisioners. . 30 00 C WFriedrich, mad , 30 00 I'.ciw iioiman, pauper 20 00 R L Holman, nun tier 117 50 J 11 Revenue, " 10 00 I) I. Paine, pauper 250 00 J C Bradley, assessor, claimed $248 220 50 Inquest of M. Blackburn, " $!2.05 87 05 Slate vs Walter Xohhii et al 2i 70 " Noah Hardest)' etui. . . ;8 00 " G K Dcdinan 10 40 A Clark 12 10 12 10 37 00 30 (15 11 15 38 05 5 40 1!) 35 DON'T STOP TOBACCO. How to Curs Yourself While Using t. Tho tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous islem ia seriously af fected, Imparlng health comfort and happinoHi , To quit suddently is to so vtre a shock to the system, as lobacco, to an luveleiate user becomes a stimu lant that Ilia system continually craves. Ilaco-C'uro ia a scientillc cure for I lie to bacco hubit. in all its forms, carefully compounded afler the formula of an eminent Berlin phycician who has used it iu his private practice since 1872, ilh out a failure, purely vegetable ami guar an Iced pvrlectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you wsnt, while taking Baco-Ciiro, it will notify you when In stop, We give a written guuriiiileo to permanently cure any caso with three boxes, or refund tho money with 10 per cent, interest . Baco-Curo is not a substi tute, but a scientific euro, that cures without the aid u( will power and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took yjur first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad guar, nnlee, at $1.00 per box, three hiixea, (thirty days treatment,) $2 50, or vent direct upon receipt of price, sksii six TWO-CENT BTA.MI'8 Koll BAMI'I.K HoX . iiooki.kt a so ritoors 1-HKK. K.urcku Chemical A Manufacturing Company, Manufacturing Chemists, I. a Crosse, Wisconsin. What is Custorlu g Dr. Samuel PItclior'a prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Mornlilno nor other Xnrcotlc Hubstance. It in a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is rieaaant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Cawtorla destroys Worms and allays feverlahness. Custorlu prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething; troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Mr. C. G. Strong, principal of the public schools at Anderson Cul,, says: "1 have used Chamberlain's 1'ain Halm and have found it an e .cedent remedy for lameness and slight wounds." LamenesM usually results from a sprain, or other injury, or from rheuma tism, for which Chamberlain's Piiin Halm i especially intended and unequal led. It allords almost Immediate relief and in a short time effect a permanent cure. For sale by G. A. Harding, llrug-gist. II Clark. Will Moure Will Moore Geo W .Stewart Mollie Hrown R V Ja kson August Kobi Elmer Dixon, justice fees, $1.50 not allowed Mrs Wise, panoer. claimed s25. . Barlow Will Mer Co, pauper. . . . Hnterprise, printing K C Maddock. telephone acct D L Paine, jail acct, not allowed f;i0 18 00 5 70 L'll 80 1 50 Who can blame a newspaper man for wanting to so into the buck vard and throw stones at bis mother-in-law? The following letter, stopping the paper, was received by a Kansas editor, which is self explanatory : "I think fokes otent to spend there muny fer paypera me daily dit'ent and evvery buddy says be is the intelligent est man in the'kentry and had the smartest family of boizu that ever dug ged taters." We can match the above with this: " stop mi paprihav nothing time to rede as mi crops air redy In harvat 1 will pay vu when i curn down." -Ex. Protect the Gamt and Fish. Shoot or fish only in the proper season and escape the game warden by observ ing the law. Many states have new game and tish laws this year, and if you don't know them, send five 2c stamps lor a copy oi me uame Law issue ol rue Ameuican Field, 245 State 8t., Chicago, Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tim Here Sai.vi in the worU for cut Hrimlica, Ulcers, Salt Ithviim, Finer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Llilllilulm, Conn, and all Skin Eruptions, anil positively cures I'dea or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect BiitlsfucUon jr money refunded. Price cciituper Irnx . Koi talc liy Charmhii Co. ( hiirmnn tlroi ' llloek. - KIONEY. K. W. Jov Company (ienlleinon- I have Buf fered from kidney trouble for Iwo or three year.. I would have to get up In the iiIkIi! lo void my urine riom ten lollflecn times. My sleep umdli turbvil, and I bceanio very thin ami nervous No appetite; Levels constipated. Ihavo take two IkhMcs anil gained tlftui pounds. Slee well. Have to get up about three times tin rim nla-lit, and aui very much better in every respect Wlllcontlnuetotake your Vegetable. irsimurl II for I believe it will entirely cure me. (SlRllril) Jl it. KPWAKO W. KHKNt"', Stockton, t at. JOY S FOH TIIK J AI)KI. .IO VS V KG F.'I'A 11 1. K SAILS AT A III I.I.A Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent modlclna for chil dren. Mothers have reieatedly told me ot its good effect upon their children." Dr. O. C. Oanooo, Lowell, Muaa. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope ttie day is not far distant when mothers will consider tlie real Interest of their children, and uw Castoria in stead of thevariouaquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dtt. J. F. Kincheloi, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria U so well adapted to children that I recommend it uaauporlor to any prracriptioa known to mo." II. A. Ancnan, M. D., lit So. Oxford St., Drooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians In the children's depart ment have fpoken highly of their expert ence In their outside practice with Cuatorla. and although we only bare anions; ocr medical luppllea what is known as regular products, yet wo are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." Unitio Hospital ind Dispinsart, Boston, 1 Au.cs C. Surra, Prt$., The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. Ono night when Mr. Isnnc Reese was stopping with mo, says Al r. Hutch, prominent merchant of Quartermaster Washing!' n, 1 heard him uroaning. On going to his room I found him suH'erin irom crump colic. lie was iu such agon I fearetl he would die. I hastily guve ii i in a dose ot (.iiamberlain s Lolic Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedv. II was soon relieved and the iirst won he uttered were, "what wus that stu you Kiive me?' I infoimed him, few days ago we were talkinir about b attack and he said he was never withou that remedy now. I have used it iu my lamily tor several years. I know its worth and do not hesitate to recommend it to mv friends and customers. For Bale by G. A. Harding, Drtigaist. The difference between Pilla and Sim mons Liver Regulator, is just this: Till don't go down very easy with most peo ple, and you feel them afterwards. While Simmons Livor Keuulator in liquid or powder is very pleasant to take, and the only feeling that you have after wards is the great relief that it gives Irom Uonstipation, ildtousness, tic Headache and Dyspopsia. It ia a mild laxative and a tonic. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria "It is the best patent medicine in the world" is wh'it Air. Ji. M. Ilartmnn, o Aiarquiim, Ureuon, says ol Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, "What leads me lo make this assertion ia from the fact that dysentery in 'Is worst fioin was pre yalent around bene last summer and it never took over two or three doses of that remedy to effect a complete cure." for sale uy U. A. llurding, Druggist. OF INTEREST TO LADIES. tbe next be wrote about half a column and nearly broke a blood vessel in the effort. On the two succeeding days he used tbe scissors exclusively, and said that he wouldn't be an editor for all the wealth of the Indias. There are plenty of men who think that they could edit papers while dozing in hammocks, and they ought to be given the opportunity. Cottage Orove Echo-Leader. Just the thing for jellies Large plain tumblers 45 cents per doien at "The Fair." According to tbe Falem Journal prices of wheat vary considerably among the six flour nulls of Marion county. During six months the highest price paid by the balem mills was 44 cents, lowest price paid by the Aumavilie mill was 40 cents and the highest 00. The averaee prices were as follows : Salem, 40 cents ; Jetlerson 45 centa ; Aurora 45 cents; Aurora 60 cents; Sidney 4'J cents; Gerrais 4734 ; Aumsville 55 cents. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. gtuno, nnd so ho drew up n chair and watched it with interest. Each young man bad in front of bun apilo of coffee beans, which, as they were careful to explain to the president, wcro of uo value whatever. As a mat tcr of fact, they had been bought of tho banker for 25 cents each. The president of tho road watched tho gnmu with mild in terest and from timo to timo absently helped himself to a pincli of beaus from the different piles on the table, masti cating them with the indifferent air of a man who knew that unpround cofl'co was only 40 cents a pound. The an guish of the young men, who saw their chips molt away, was poignant, but no body dared to explain. lieu tho presi dent had consumed nil tho lx-aits in sight, he said good night in tho most affable way and went oil with un inno cent smile on his rosr, cheerful face. Tho gentleman who kept tho hunk and bad no chips to redeem is now a warm admirer of the president. New York Press. Dr. Price' Cream Baking: Powder World's Fair HlgbMt Medal nasi Dipleau. I month allowed I'elition from Oregon City board nf trade for a preliminary survey for a road from the southern end of Mains treet to Center street on the hill referred to roadmaster. Claim of Lindsley A Son for $1115 on contract for lumber for Appcrson road allowed, us 110,000 leet have been de livered. Claims of commissioners allowed as follows: Richard Scott, 5 days and 32 miles, IS.L'O; Frank Jaigt'r, ,'i days and 12 miles, $10 20. The followim; propositions for sale of land for poor farm were receied' aud matter confined for term : Ownvni. AereM, Win I'ixor.... Theo Wyitant. W W lrvin W C Williams. . . Mrs Michels A J iloel (ieo Hrown Thus F Ryan . . . Arthur S Railey. Amelia Darling . M A J Campbell. Krnest Mattheas hall at ' acre , C R liinearson C O T V illiams.... it John O Shannon. . . Ottilie Priester K E Charman Mrs l.vdia Livesay . ,i Thayer A Allien . . A K Stevens ,, C II Dye J I. Swafford N Thiessen W F Kirk D D Matrone. improved . 1 15 . !Mi . 44 . 40 . 5S . M .I'OO . .it) . 00 :s7 . 70 SKI .150 Pries. ti!HK) 7000 5000 llt.O saw IHHlO ItiOO 3S50 5'JOO 4500 S750 MM.) 7S00 ChilrlrAn rrw f I ;VrX ' Honghan. I Wm Lewthwaite. ... .".0 ... (10 ... 40 . .. 40 ... 8 ...UW ... 4S ... 79 . 55 ... 40 . . . ill .. .10 .. :w't . :io ..MO . ;k ..104 .. 45 We offer no apology in placing before you "The Ladies' Safe Protector," it is absolutely reliable, easily adjusted, does not become misplaced and insures pro tection. Can be worn when desired without observation or knowledge of anotner anu prevents uisaitreeuble an noyance under certain conditions. If you uso it once you will never be with out it. It is a faithful, safe, and reliable friend whenever needed by special cir cumstances i-eitiiring its use. It is an article every woman should keep ready for immediate u.e It is simple to use, and inspires conlidence to the woman using it. It is reliable and scientifically made, insures protection with injury to health, as any good physician would say. We are of t tie opinion that no article lius ever Keen made which wi give as much satisfaction to the woman of to-day as "the Ladies' Safe Pro tector." The immense sales of this article is a substantial indorsement of our claim. Do not therefore experiment with any of the numerous unreliable articles, as it is both tlait:eroiis to health and expensive to do so. Mich ex perimenting can only result in loss of lime.disuppointnieiit and dismal lailnre. Ladies should remember this before or doring other gooda and not waste their time and money on interior articles. I ne best is always the cheapest. "The Ladies' Safe Protector" is sold under a positive (inaranlce (or use for one year. with full directions and is sent sealed in pluin wrapper upon recipt of express money order for J.U0, three for $5.00. Do not wait but ordor at once. Address Tiik La Ckossk ScKtiAi.TV Co., La Chossk. Wis. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. E. W. Jot Compahv Gentlemen: 1 have su fcred from a nervous prostration from financial losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable Hanaarllla bos eured me. Hy liver, stouiacli and bowels have been very inactive, but since taking your remedy I am entirely well. All business men and women should use it. Please publish. (Signed) MR. WM. HENRY JONES. Butte, Montana llackaclie, dlziliittss, tiredness give way to Joy's Vegetable Maraitparllla, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. NERVOUS SHOCK. E. W. Jov Company Gentlemen: This Is tin first time lhavo attempted to write for three years. Have been so nervous and weak that I have laid In bed for most of the time. A friend who had tuken your Haraparllla sen' me two bottles. Tho second one is most gone, and I have gained twenty pounds, and surely feci a new women. I was pale thin. No ambl tluji. Had given up, as I had tried so many remedies and doctors but found no bene lit. If you care to publish this you have my consent. (Signed J MRS. A. C. TILLMAN, Alameda, Cal. L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agen 12 Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco, is otu authorized agent. This paper is kept on file In his office. ipme DA DPI) Is kept on file at K. c lUatJ lOt&a Pake's Ad vertlsiniAirencv tvi anu no Diercnaius r.xenangc, kau sriincisco, California, where contracts for advertising can oe inuuo tor it. Our New 1 Leader, J I $1.45. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. It is a big tiling to say but neverthe less true, thai a great multitude of people have crowned Simumtis Liver Kegulalor, the "Kinu of Liver .Medicines." There is not Ii in u like it for .Malaria, Khetima 0000 tism, Chills and Fever, Constipation. ."1000 liiliou-ness. Sick Headscee. Indigestion ("00 'and all troubles arising from a slmrnish t 0000 j or diseased liver. Simmons Liver Ke- ItlliO j jrulator is tlie prevention aud cure fori --50 i these ailments. a.s4o j ti.!20 , For Over Fifty trara. J'AH) As Old ahu Weix-Tbiid RtamT. Un. Wia 700 slow' Soothing Syrup haa twra qm1 for over afty 1 l.VHI yiwn by millions of mothrn for thrir chlUrrn while lkiO nothing, with perfrcl anceest. It auuthn the child, N500 ft'ftena tha (utus,allaya all paia, cares wind eelie, 000 and la thf brat manly for Diarrhoa, Ia plaa.nl to "000 thrtaate. .J by Prmglnta Id eirry part of Ike 0750 World. Twenty-Ire cenla a bottle. Its value lain. tiOOO calculable, lie aara and k for Mrs. Wlaslov'a i 1700 Snmhlna; Syraf, and take an athar kind I Last year's demand for our Leader was so lame that we were unable to manufac ture them as fast as they were ordered. This year we have one mammoth factory that manufactures notnmg but this tine, and we are making this boot in such immense quantities that we are able to produce a much better boot. We have many new Improvements in this line: first, it is made of heavy gen uine Dongola, solid leather sole ana inner sole; second, it has a leather sock lining, which no other but a high-priced boot has ; third, it has a back-stay ; fourth, as much care is taken in selecting this stock, and in makinfr, as in our hieher-Driced goods; fifth, we not only warrant but we guarantee every line to be just as repre sented. The above cut is an exact copy of the boot itself. Our New Leader Ladies' Dongola But ton; styles, Plain Opera Toe, Plain Com-mon-Sense Toe, Opera Toe Patent Tip; widths, D, E, and : sizes, s to 8. Our New Leader Ladies' Dongola Front Lace, Opera Toe Patent Tip; widths, D, , and EE ; sizes, 2 to 8. Our New Leader Ladies' Dongola But ton, Spring Heel, Common-Sense Lest; Patent Tip ; widths, D, , and ; sizes, 2 to 6. Any of the above-described shoes sent on receipt of $1.45, all postage paid by us. Send for complete illustrated cata logue of all grades of boots and shoes tree. 1 'lease mention this paper. POSTAL SHOE CO., Box 2607. Bo.ton, NU.a. Notice. Vnlted State Land OificJ Oregon City, Anpist ' 9th. Notice ia hereby given tbat the approved ! plat of survey of township s south. rann4eat. 1 has turn received from tha Surveyor t.eneral of I Oregon, and 011. September 1:1th. l!i. j at o'clock a m of aald day. said plat will be Sled In this office and the land therein enbrnced will be subject to entry on and after said date Bobest A. MiLilm, B.tl.ter. DON'T STOP TOBACCO IT'S I.XJVMOiS TO STOP SUDDENLY nnd don't be imposed upon by buying a fined that requires you to do so, as it is iiothirg moro than ti substitute. In the B idden stoppage of tobacco you must have i-ome sliintilnat, nnd in n est all cases, the I'H'ect of t tie stimulant, be it opium, mor phine, or oilier opiate, leaves a fur worse habit cou nseled. Ai-k voiir driiish-'ist about BAC0 CURO. It is purely veucteble. You do not have to stop ifir.u; to bitcco with BACO-CURO. It will notify you when to top and your desire for tobacco Mill cease Your t-ystem will be as free from nicotine as t tie day helore you took jour first chew or smoke. An iron clad written guarantee to absolutely cure (he tobacco habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Price fi per box or It boxes (30 days treatment and guaranteed cure) IL'.SO. l'or hhIu by all drmtuiats or will he rent by mail upon receipt of price. Pkxi six two cknt stamps roll samci.k nox. Booklets and proofs free. Kl'HKKA C II H.M1CA I. A M'F'U. CO., La Ciosse, Wis. Office of THE IM0SKK.lt PI K.SS COMPANY, C. V. itniixii K, Sunt, ;t. Paul, Minn., Dept. 7, IWM. Eureka ('lieinienl A M'f'ir. Co., t.a Crosse, Wis. Pear sirs 1 have been a tnhneco item) fur muny years, and riiirhur the piist two years have smoked llfteeuto twenty eistirs retmlarly every ilny My whole nervous system beeamo alleeted. until my piiysieinu tnM mu 1 must keep up the use of tnhneco for the time being, at ieast. 1 tried the so-cullul "Keeley.riire," -'.No-in-ilHC," urn! various oilier remedies, but without success, until 1 iii'cideiuly P-tirned nf jour '!iNco-('urn." Three weeks ac,o to-day 1 consider myself completely eared; I um In perfect health, and the horrible craving, fur tnbaeoo, which every Inveiernte smoker fully appreehites, has completely left me. 1 con sider your 'il.n-o-l'uro" himply wonderful, nnd can fully recommend il. Yours very tiuly, (J. V. HORNIt'K. The JSe w Way East. Lp AMR n D JPi M P.lTQ IIMCQ The Sbort Route To Points In Anil A Mi hroujih Tickets l it Sale - To and From ( POIN"Td in tli f Washington, I Idaho, j Montana, -. T 1 A uaitoias, Minnesota and the EAST. Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, New York U. S., C A V ADA tmil MUKOPJ0 The (treat Northern Railway Is n new Trnnsconlinei ltd Line. ltuns Obsorvntion cars. Palace Sleenlni; and 1'inlnir cars, Family Tourist Sleepers second-class coaches. Having- a nick Imllnst track the Great Northern Itnilway Bullet-I.llirary and llrsl and is free from dust, one of Hie chief annoynuces of t-auscoutinental travel. Itoumi trip tickets witli slop over privileges and cnoteo of return routes. For further information call upon or write. C. C. DOXOVAN, General Aeiit, or F. I. WIIITXKY lL'2 Third St., Portland, Ore. G. P. A T. St. Paul, Minn. If 8 ; PROFITS Small Investments. $10.00 Helurniuir r.rosnertv will make many rich, but newliero can they make .i much within a short time as bv succesbial Spcculutiea iu liruiii, Provisions ami Stock. FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED can be made by our Systematic Plan of Speculation orlgiimtcd by us. All successful speculators operate 011 a regular system . It Is a well known fact that there are thousands nf men In all nurts of the 1'nlted states who. hv Vat P mil tin It-iulfllll llimilirh t'llleSVIl timbers, nillk'n lHl-iri Hlnlllllll. even. Vt.P tuo Ir.tn, u tel.' thousand dollars (or the man who invests a hundred or two hundred dollars up to S,"i0,000 or fliKi.lMXJ or mure by those who invest a few thousand. It is atsoa fuel that those tvlm umkellic lttrcesl prolits from eoninarat ivelv small investments on this plan are persons who live iiwny from Clilcn,'o and Invest through brokers who ihornuKhiy uu- uersiuiid s sieinuue uhuihk. Our plan does not risk the vhnle aimnmt invested on nnv truiie. tnit covers both sides, so that wiietncr tne market rises or tans 11 m inus a steaiiy iironi turn piles ut enormouslv In a shor1 lime. WIIITK Ft lit CONVINCING TllCrilS, aKnoiir Manual on successiil sncfnlntlon and one Pally Mai ket Report, full of innney-nia-in pointers, all FltKK, our Manual exi'lams niar- n iraitinK tuny. niK'iest reterenees in reuaru to our Manning anil success. For further informal ion address Joy's fur the Jaded and flood Health lor all JUiiiiklml. IOY'1 VEQETABLI 8AR3APARILLA. Ismndert'ont hei Ik, and coiiliilna no ttitnaial d r 11 it or deadly pois on loy'S Veprctuhlt HariiiiNitilla rob tho jilood "f till us iiiirm- f "v.ii-w,:'',, ties, anil fri.;lwJ0ri COIIIN'S lid ts"V JOtil'-I" llicujtmnui-l- B;-WT:,..f &91S Nursttintrllhi fii?. SaTaK litovniila tuel I'cd. IV.S Ktm l-gSSOtgg"riug sen- sale ins, pallnt.iluin B -;,(. I t 1, ...-I 1. ..11 $J blood to tho Lead, 6"ITf-T,J n tlirniiKli 1 l-atuie sown 'r-ul Piopcrchan. j..fJ iiela, Joy's KSft'l-j Vctiibl .ir.u.arlPa iii i.t ' cttrt-a l)y r' '"!" "(V'-i Rrp-,, ' . S C h r on U M ISlr ,'"'-"'r- 'i' '1 .. "Hi 1 ' 0"", Liver )oinl Knliiry Allcctloua. ft M,,l""" palptt'lion ram Aural tiluiru liil.iM liaa ftW'l pvr. iii-iiiI;U Tirt lul. tfj Lin.. up a iiiibt i i,f tort Frttic'iil "'' bowels, pains Jul? Ki f.1 tie liaiiKjiieluiiuliolv. fJ;a toi'Rue cimtid, foul Pa Sj-J bita.h, pimpitil on tSlal.'n fac. Ikkw and Ibnli. I'd (let linOofnervo force Pa.:i5 "I"''-! c 'hi, fliimmy ' I $ haii'la, sour .Ina l--inri fnt u-S in- A? jd so'tiuiH, and all dis- '1 iSa iiiSfsoflliesloniaeh, C-' f -il ...i 1.1.1 Jfi livrruim niiint-y-i. S? ajW loy.a Vriietable Bar- anpatiiinu sum uy all cliiii:ull. Itefuae a i subititute. When vou r rd pay fr 1 hc " Umt S3 ' Y. Oukw Ilrnry ('. Piijiifl, HiH'olveni. Ilt ury 0. iUmit r ATlORTHERN PACIFIC ft. B. R U N 1 1 111 :m l?l(M'i)ins Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist .SIrfi!.g Cars (ST. PA II. M I N S KA I'Ol.lH 111 I I Til TO I i jiilL'l? J liitANtnriTkai t IIOOKMON W INN! Ill; 1 it itt i: THROUGH TICKETS TO 2HIC,GII VAsllJ.NiTtlN Pll I LA J KLPlTl A NKW YOltK HOsiTON anirall ' POTNTsj KA.sf"a7ld HOIITII. For information tickets, call on cr w: .nrds, mnis and A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. 8 1 rt, Corner Tlilnl. 35 MorrlNou JOHN WELCH, Dentist. Hooins 7ii, 77, 711, Pektun Huilillnx. I'0llTI.AM, DIIEOON, Many nf my frieinls have tnaililu to ami mu; hence tiiia card. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF TIIK SOUTUEILN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Dally. South, j HIP. M. H: 9:!w. M. 10:4:. A.M. Portland Oregon city San r-raucisco j North. 8:ldi. 7:U.it ti:uur. a The above trains stop at Kast Portland, Oregon t;ity, H ooilburn, Saiein, Turner, Marion, Jeltei snn, Alhuiiy, AUmny Juiicliuu, Tangent, Shwlils, ilalsey, llarrisbiirg, Junction Cilv, I lug, K'lgeiie, t.'resivell, drains. k77sk ii uTuFjiAif, daily"! mnu. m. 9:27 A. M. p. m. THOMAS & CO , Bankers and Brokers, 241-242 Jiilofa JJuildin-, Chieago, III. AOMIMSTU V Oirs XoTICK. XOCUK IS HIJtKUY (JIVKX THAT THE tinut'tigtn"1 hurt tieon HpP'init(l lv the Hon. G. K. Haven, IVnnty JuiIrp of rim k-umin unt v, (rcuin, ailminimriunr nf the ctute of Willitini o'l'mnmr, (iect'n-i. All ihtmiiis luiv liiK clfiiius HUHint mi ill i s! iite will present (lit-ir lnim duly veriiit'd with tihh'Iu-m (ii nit at the iiirt' in 1: i. tV 11. 1 . i.iiioiirt'ite, my aiioriirvs, ( Ort'ktDii City, Oreou, within fix iii"iiihH fnnii thit ln(t. Ihitul .1 illy Jiiili, VriiM'K ii'l'OXNOfl, AiliiiiniMrnEnr Al.P'suiil. XOriCE FOli rt'P.LlCATIoN. AN'f OFKIrKATOUKCiOS" 'tTV, 0!iF,;nN. 1 Aumist lvXi. Nut ire i livn lv aivt-n tlmt the follow iiiK-iuiint'fl M'ltler iitw tiUit notiftof R tlMeillldll to lll:Uit ti Mill ItP 'if 111 rt lliliort of lit claim, nnd tint paid pro. if will be nittde before the Keiter nnl Itt'.viwr I'. n 1-iiih1 otlioe t Oreoti City, Oreiimi, uu SfhtcmtHT I'.'th. INC, vi: CASPAR Tl'NKEI., II. it. X-. ftir the K. XK. nnd K 1 2 .K. l4 Sh 1 Tp. i S., It. j K. He Urtint the How inn wiineses U' prove hin roi.tiinnni resl deiire upi'ii Anl etiltivHtion of, n'ui land, viz: Henry KiM-h, otiit-li MiilU-r, Ji hnn Meyer nnd JriiiK1 II. J. XUv'He. all of Hhd1v. Oreirou. i IHIti:ur A. MiLI.KK. Register ! ARE YOU GOING EAST? . ' II' SO. UK (ifUR AVD SKE THAT YOUU TIl'KhTH K KAILS MA 4:uO I' M 4:4tl V M ti:ld I M l.V Lv Ar HAI.KSf Lv l.V Ar I'orllauil Oregon Dily Hoseburg "l'ASSKN'fiKir Portland Oregon City Salem 4 4lr.M :i:6Up.al 8:OUA. DAILY. Ar!10:ir)AaI I.v 9:27 A M Lv 8:00 A at THE MSSOI.ITIOX XOTICK. Till PARTSKRsntP PFRETuFilKK KX istina tHtwecn Michael Muench ami John Hnetlr haa leen dissolveit by mutual consent, Mr. Burtler eoi.tiDiling the htlsiu, sa. All bill diK are parable u John Huetler, aho will also par all bills against the ll-m M ICHAET. HfEXCII. JOHN ill KTI.KR. Dated July i7, Isii".. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. V'WE IS ITEREBY GIVES THAT I SHALL " at ipplv lo IheettT ronncil ol Orrrt.D t'itv. tire coa. for a sahxin licence to continue my aalooa Ptv..a..u- D l , iu I'lrsu,,, in.it,, niTiiiriiMisir inns ITrra Pa.jrrr. Receiver. t ,,(., :,h. i-c. i . voni i NORTHWESTERN LINE. Til K . Cliicago, St. Paul, Minnsapolis an 3 Omaha R. R. TIII.-l IS TIIK Great Short Line 11KTAVEKN Duliuh, Sr. Paul. Chicago AMI ALL IVINrs EAJT AXtl SOl'TH j Their MagnifH-icnt Tract. Pi erle"s Vestibnied I'linni! and isieepmg l ar Trains, and .Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME." Having given this road a national reputation. All flashes ul passetm-ia rarried on- the velit,u.ed train miihout ettra charge. Ship ynur frfights and travel over this famous line. All omenta have tickets F. C. !.VVAt:.E, Trav. F. A P. Agt. W. II. M E D, Oen. Ant.. 24S Washing. in St., Portlami, Ot. DINING C'AKS ON OtiDEN KOL'TE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS ANU SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Weslslitle Division, Between I'OKTl.A.M) and toll VALLIM KA1LTBAIN PAILV 1 111111 SU-NPAY.) 7:30 A.M. I L v PortlalnJ Ar 15:40 P. 57 12:16 P.M. Ar Corvallis I.v 1:00 P. M. At Albany and Cirvalils eonnecl with train of Oregon f'aellic Kailrnad. PBES TSAIS nAII.VIEXOKPTSUNllAV.I 4:4.1 P. M. 7.2."iP. M. I.v Ar Portland McMinnvllle Ar I Lvl 8:'2.-)A.M S:fioA.M 'riIItf)L(iir TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IX THE EASTERN STATES, PANADA AND El'ROPK Tan be obtained at the lowest rates from L. H. MOORK, Agent, Oregon City R.KOEHI.ER. E. P. ROGERS, Manaer. ast. G. F. P. Agent Portland, Or. Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Company. YAQUIXA HAY KOTJTK Connecting at Yaiitiina Bay with the San Iranciaco and Yanuina Bay Steamship Company. Steamship "Farallon" A 1 and first-class in every respect Sails from 1 Ailllina fnr San PMn.-iuw, .lu.t ........ eight days. ' Passenper accommodations unsurpassed. Srn,r,C"! ro"le" between the W illamette valley and California. Albany or points west Iu San Fart from Francisco: Cabin -Steerage - t'ablt,, ronud trip, fciod for tin days .... 12 no 8 00 la (0 Pitcher's Castoria. For sailing days apply to H. L. WALDEX, Agent, Albany, Oregon. CHAS IDWIn STJIE, Mjr , Corva'lia. Or. CLARK. Supt Corrallis, Or. a