LOCAL EVENTS. ltlJHH Will and llnss Ciiaihhn'k I ICATII. - K Cliitriiinn died Mmiduy iiiuriiinn, 52 yearn. Hit Iihm lieen a Milfrier t'iMiiii)llim (ur Mlmut two yearn, Ills death wait cxiiei'ted (or some ilinu Mr. CliitriiiNit hiiu Imrneil in 'Surrey Kiitfluml, in IK4'I. I In wiiHtlioyuiiiiKiml of a family of eilit children. When tvaili yearn old litt ciiine to America will lii parenta, who took up their rciidmice la Indiana. K. li. Clmrinain struck out fur himself at an eurly site, and was jr(iinlneit in business and politics the city of Antiunion, Report from liia brother, Miijor Tlioinaa Cliarnm and the lato Frederick C'liarmaii, Induced I he younuur brotlier to como to Oregon Cliy in IHS'J, and yix yvara later lie bought the iuterettt In the drug firm ol Oliarnmn & i'o. which lie held at the time" f liia death. In 18118 lie niariled Mini Matilda Elliott, who survives The deceased waa a Kcnial man and had a larue circle of friends. He wns a Free Miihoii front 1807, and the funeral service wore held under the auspices of that order, from the residence on Seventh street, Wednesday uiiimiug at 10 o'clock The aervicea were conducted by Revs, Cowan and MontKouiery, and an elo quont eulogy on the life of the decoded waa delivered by JuiIko T. A, Mc ltrldu. Only a small p irtiou of the lare number present waa able to fculn ad niittance to the realdence, but hundreds of people, followed liia remains to the grove. Mr. Cliarman left no children liesides liia residence property and half Interest in Charinan & Co. 'a drui; atore there are Insuiance policies on Iiih life to the amount of fliUOO. A. 0. U. W. Ohasd Okkicbks. The new irrand clllcer of the A, 0. U. W. installed at 1'ortluiiil Friday are aa fol Iowa: Grand muster workman, Vi- liaiuM. Culvlu, Banner lodge No. 23, Jacksonville; grand foreiuun. J. I). Cole man, 1'ucillc lodge No. 17, Portland; grand overseer. C. II. Stockton, Seaside 'o. 12, Astoria; Newton Clark, River aide No. (18, Portland, grand recorder, and R. L. Durham, Hope No. 1, Port land, grand receiver. J he supreme representatives are V. W. Iirannin, Viola No 114, Pendleton; J. J. Duly, Union No. 3!, Dallas; W. D. Hare, Hillsboro No. 01 and George II. Durham, Pacific No. 17, Portland. F. Herchlold, of Corvallis, was appointed grand guide ; G. K.Johnson, of Carlton, inside watch man, and Thos. K. Guull, of Oregon City, outside watchman. Will and Executor In the matter of the estatn of Rev. Al. I.. Summer, who died February 20th in Marion county, the will was admitted to pro . bate by County Judge W. C. Hubbard of said county and E. A. Summer appointed executor in accordance with its provisions. The estate is valued at about $300. The will was executed in Portland, January l, 1888, and one of its provisions is that his body should be delivered over to the medical collego to be dissected and used for anatomical study by the medical students. The bond of the executor was fixed at $1000, which he gave with W. E. Carll and L. L. Pickens as sureties. Blackhwiriks. N N.. Robbing and son, O. D. Robbing of Logan, returned from the mountains on Tuesday with 22 gallons of wild blackberries, the re sult of 2 days picking. Mr. Robbins, on his way back, visited his son in law, W. P. Kirchem, who resides on the Clackamas. While there he visited the large tame blackberry patch on this well-managed farm, and brought to this office a sprig of the berries. The ber ries measure Ali inches in circumferance the long way and 2)i the other. They are beauties and were grown on bottom land that was damp the entire season, a requisite for bhickberries. HAi.r Fake Raths. Through the kindness of Manager Koebler, of the S. P. R. R. In Oregon, the members of theOregan Soldiers' Home will here after enjoy the privilege ol traveling I.AVINII TIIK CollNKlt Rtonk. TIio luy lug of the corner atone of Mother House of the Good Khephard will take place on next Huudav at 3 o'clock, p. ArchhlHho!) W, II (irons will olllclato after which he will address the public The house, which is a reformatory for fallen women, Is alluulod on litis fide Chiekamua river on the old l.ovoj place purchased by tho lute Judge Anderson ami given liy his widow totl Misters of the Good Hhophitrd. A plut form, with stem to the ground, has been buill by the Sisters at the elcctr car trestle so as to afford people an easy access to the place. A cordiul Invitation is extended to all. Oi'ii.i, Diiivkiis' Mkkt. The ninth annual session ol the uregon rress as snclation convenced at Newport on Yanuina liny on Saturday . resides the routine work the features wore a speech by Senator Mitchel', a grand clam bake and a short voyage at sea (during which most of the editors grew deadly pain) C. C. Doughty of Dallas Otmereer was elected president and Albert Tozier was re elected secretary. Tho press was woll treated by the transportation companies but the cilzens of Newport (with one exception R. A Rensell) gave no enter tninuient to the visitors at all and left them to shift for themselves. - Stolk His Horse. The Blackburn family ol Springwater sooms recently to have become the victim of mis- iitune. In th first week of July the school teacher of the district in which thev reside stole Mr. Blackburn's best horse with which to ellect tils escape from the authorities who were after him fur fnririmr the names of the school bourd to a check. CiniTiT Coi'iiT. Action fl'ed on 231 noriHi Forman vs County Judge and Commissioners, notice of appeal ; Cnlh erine Koclier ot alsvnA.K. Marks etals. complaint; Baptist College vs M. N. Shulstad, complaint; on 24th, GeoC. '.Iv vs XV. L. Mollov. transcript of uilgement. Pearl and white metal belt pins at the Racket Store. . A ltu Ellilliig. Ottkhvii.i.k, Va. "For fifteen years tvu a ureal sufl'erer from Dyspepsia, nd nothing relieved me until i tried Simmons Liver Regulator. This is the hest medicine in the world. 1 am now irood hea th" Mrs. IN. J. uouins nor ( riiL'LMHt sells II in powuer ur liquid; the powder to be taken dry, or ado into a tea. Be sure and see the Jones chain-drive foot lift mower before you buy. J'.a- ard Hughes, Portland, Or., is soiling them. The chain-drive is ahead ot all for durability, lightness of dralt and mplicity. A Si'kciai, Balk ok Fink Hats the La Mode Millinery Parlors. heir styles ere the latest and prices the cheapest. 230 First street, neai JIain, Portland, Oregon. Fairweather & Swift have opened The Fair," two doors south ot bridge; and 10 cent counters. To them for bargains. Ladies' and boys' Eaton caps, just the thing for outing, at the Racket Store. Send your work to the Oregon City Steam Laundry and have it done in a first-class manner. Work called for and delivered free. n ' ' Tho Southern Pacific Co. will run a local ttain between Salem and Portland, commencing Monday, June 24th, leaving Salem at 8 :00 a. m. and leaving Oregon City at 9:27 a. m., arriving at Portland at 10:15 a. m. and returning leaves Portland at 4 00 p. m., and leaves Ore gon City at 4:49 p. m., arriving at Salem at 0:15 p. m. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. A new supply of ladies' shirt waists, white and colored, at the Racket Store. The O. R. & N. Co. always alert to the welfare of their patrons, have placed on sale at principal stations, a 1000 mile ticket at the rate of three cents per mile, sood one year from date of sale over the roads of that company at half- ! gn( 00( for passage over the rail and fare rates. Persons who are on their water lines of tlieir Rystein. way to the Home to become memhers will also be allowed like privilege'. Persons wishing to avail themselves of these rates must communicate with the commandant for that purpose. A Curiosity. Capt Brown has in his collection at Grant's Tass a live oak stump brought from the head of Jones' creek, in which is the left half of the antlers of a six-year old elk that was left there over 70 years ago. The growth of the tree shows by rings that it is 97 years old, there being 23 rings between the point of deposit of the horus and the heart of the tree The two lower antlers protrude about two inches through the opposite side of the stump and are about six inches apart. The Mump is perfectly sound, without knots, and is about 23 itches high Euyene Gutird Camera Club's Outing Some 12 or 15 members of the Portland Camera C ub came up to Oregon City, the Tuala tin and the C'ackamas rivers, Sunday, and spent a verv pleasant afiemoon, during which over GO views were taken. The club is collecting views for the ex hibition to be given iu October. j REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by the Clackamas Abstraot & Trust Company. B F Ronnes to Ackerman & Latourette, 15 5-10 a in siv )i of see 20 in 1 4 s, r3 e; 115. C Beal to Y M Batchelor, so of ne of sec 20 1 1 s, r 4 e, 40 a; 10O0. Jas W Roots to Clackamas Co, 1 a iu sec8t2s, r 2 e: 1112.50. A W Crawford to E M Loney , nw 5 of nw H of sec 20 t 3 s, r 1 w ; $1. Jbb W Shaw to Mary W Mvers, lots 0 ond 7 blk 1 lots 11 and 12 blk 2 O C Annex ; $320. W H Gross to Jas Phelan, 1 a in ne Knfnw UotsecH t2s,r4e; 1. H A Kavlor to W O Sawtell, 33 and 7 a in sec 21 in 1 5 a, r2e;$7r0. J F Albright to TheoBileter, 1.90 a in ne M of sec 13 t3s, r 1 e; $05. Jas W Shaw to Gus Lund, lots fl 10 11 and 12 blk 4 Bhaws first add O C -,$000. Josephine Jackson to Stella Allen, se i of nw y of see 9 t 4 8, r 3 e, cont 40 a; $400. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Ladies9 Duck Suits. Made from English Duck, soft finish, handsome patterns light, medium and dark colors, stylish, perfect-fitting; re served for our Midsummer Sale. PRICE, 51.50 the Suit. PERCALE HOUSE WRAPPERS, not 5-cent calico, but percale; fine cloth, cape ruffles, large sleeves, full skirt, wat teau back, close-fitting, lined waist, refreshing colors, cut, style and fit perfect. PRICE, 75c. BATHING SUITS REDUCED. Did you know that our Midsummer Sale is on in all depart ments? Come and get our prices on table linens, ginghams, white goods, summer underwear, curtains, corsets, mitts, gloves, laces, parasols, sun umbrellas, hosiery, silks, wool dress fabrics' sheetings, muslins, napkins, satteens, wool challies, etc McAlleu & McDonnell, COR. THIRD AND MORRISON, PORTLAND. Mrs. W, A. White Is jnile sick with thoipilnsy, .Mrs. Gen. Wainer becaurj the wither of a boy Saturday. A generous shower of rain is needed for the spuds anil garden truck. Married on July 17th by H-v.J. A. Roaer. Kuniilo II. Fohna and Kdward L. Klliott The families of Mr. Midlam and Clark (lanong will start for a camping trip noxt week. C. K, Horn has moved his shoe shop t) the new Williams'- building on Sev enth street. A maBS meotimr of the populist has boon called for Saturday, August 3d, Shively's hall. Col. W. L. White has boen sick for several days. Tiie colonel bus bee 11 ailing for several months. Two dwellings on tho farm of 8. Krilzrosky, near Redland, burned on Sunday; loss about $1000. The pipe for the extension of Portland city water works to Sellwood is being manufactured al Oswego. Two cars of wool from tho Pendleton scouring null were received liy tne woolen mills here last week. The sale of the Oregon Pacific to A. B. Hammond for 101,000 was confirmed by tho supremo court on Monday. Afr. I. Ackerman, formerly of this city, has become manager in Pruger Bros.' store, the Farmers' and Mechntiics' Portland . Col. R. A. Miller was reelected presi dent of Chautauqua association and Mrs C. II . Dye waa reelected secretary at the meeting on Saturday. Mr. Cluvering, a well known operator, is now associated with Mr. Prior iu the gallery on Muin street, where you can get the best work dune at living prices . If a sensational paper reporter had been present during the closing hours of the Chautauqua assembly be would iave found matter for a racy write-up. J. C, Stewart, recently from southern Oregon, has opened a confectionery, fruit and temperance drinks store in tho new Williams' liuihhng on Seventh street. Wade II. Spencer joined the circus advertising car al this place and is now repared "to see the world." This Is more pleasant than residing at "state boarding house" at Salem . Rev. Montgomery and wife returned on Friday from their trip to Ml. Hood They were )i days making the distance between government camp and this place and report roads in good condition On Wednesday night at the paper mills Wm. Hutson nearly lost the ghtof his left eye by being struck with sulphur plug which blew out. He may yet loose the eye. Drs. Carll and Soinmer are attending him. The excavation is being made for the new Union block, next to Odd Fellows' hall. Hie building, which will cost 13,000, will be three fronts wide and two stories high, the upper story to be occupied by a hall and offices. A Beaver Creek rancher hauls wood to town, a distance of five miles, making two trips daily- and hauling cords per trip. He cuts in winter This man has the wood business down no. The Marion county court has appoint ed Anna Johnson adro.niatratrix of the estate of her deceased husband and accepted her bonds of $.2000. The estate has property in Marion, Clackamas and Multnomah counties. A new mail route is to be established on the west side of the river between this city and Wilsonville, by way of Willamette Falls and Stafford. Bids are asked for beginning the service October 1, and six round trips per week will be made. C. H. Guttridge says "the prospect for prunes at Springwater this year is good. Have never seen trees so full of prunes at any season as they now are but many will of course drop. The sleet storm last winter destroyed about half of. the trees. Out of 4000 I have 2000 left." Part of the old brewery building is be ing torn down preparatory to the erection of Henry Weinhardt's new $10,000 brick building. Mr. Weinhardt will build the sewer along Eighth street at his own expense and under direction of the city council, thereby dispising of the water from the creek. Rev. Murai, who, by mistake, failed to speak at Congregational church last Sundav, will be here next Sunday morn ing and s peak on the "Religions of Japan and China." On Monday evening at sane place he will lecture on the China and Japan War." Admission to this lecture, 15 cents. It is reported that the S. P company will put on a local train beween Oregon Cily and Portland and carry passengers for 25 cents round trip. This will probably encroach on the business of the electric cars, but as they are not very accommodating no one will be sorry. Postmaster Green went to Portland on Tuesday, and had a test made of a lot of ore from the Blue River mine. The mine is situated in Lane countv, but is owed by Oregon City parties. The test gives upward of f 12 per ton and was male by Captain Shaw's dry process. The ledge is 13 feet in width and apparently Inexhaustible. Mark B. Blackburn, who was killed in the aocident on Singer hill on last Thursday, was buried on Saturday. The funeral services were held at M. E, church. He leaves a wife and seven children and has resided in this county for about 20 years. The coroner's Jury found that the train waa running over 15 miles per hour when the accident occured, . . A second Rebekah degree lodge was instituted Tuesday evening at Odd Fel lows hall by Mrs. Foster, special deputy, assisted by Mrs. Manley and Miss Lacy of Portland . Abernethy, No. 80, is the title of the new lodge, and the officers are: Mr Georgia P Meldrnm, XG; Mrs Minnie G Charman. V G; Mrs Xellie T Glass, secretary; Miss Bessie Midland, F S; Mrs Pauline ' etzner, treasurer; Miss Erona Lawrence, con ductor; Mis Hattie Wetherall. warden ; I Mis Mollie Hanking. I G; E W Mid land. O G. Nineteen charter members vr limited ' i PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs, Marks visited Oswpgo last week. ltev. (I. Sykos made Canity n visit during tho week. Miss Lonora Kay of Salem, was visit ing In the city last week. tiiloH II. Johnson, editor of Nelialoin Timt, spent lust Friday in town. J. M . Lawrence left for a visit to h home iu the East Wednesday morning MisH Addlu Scoggan returned on Saturday from n visit to friends p.t La Camas. Ed iN'ewlon returned on Wednesday from a two months' trip down th Columbia. E. Mass and wife of Willamette Falls are visitin friends and relatives at Beuna Vista. Mrs. Latourette and daughter of Salem are spending the week with friends here. E. G . Farnsworth spent last week at Wilhoit Springs. He reports ipiite a number there. Miss Goldsmith of Fugomi, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Bollack, left for her homo Friday. fl. II. WMiart and Mr. and Mrs, Houghton of Wisconsin left on Monday for an outing at Newport. Miss Clara Brown of Cincinnati, Ohio, arrived on Wednesday for a visit to her cousin, Sidney Smyth. Miss Wiggins will arrive from the East Saturday, and will be the guest ot her brother, W. B. Wiggins. Misses Ora Spangler and Erma Law renca left Tuesday for Newport where they will spond several weeks. Miss Florence Catlerlin, Miss Adda Irwin and George Irwin, Jr., of Salem were visiting In the city this week Mrs. Henry Close returned Saturday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs John Talent of Salem, who has been sick. Tha families of Fred . Charman and Geo. Harding lelt for their Alderlea camp, near the hatchery, Thursday morning. J. II . Daly of Macksbura- was in town on Katurdav on his way home Irotn Portland, where he attended the A. O. U. W. grand lodge. Mr. L. Schwabacher of San Francisco was in the city during the week in the inlirest of the Crown Paper Company of this place of which he is manager. Mr. Brownoil, candidate for congress, gave a "plcniu" address at the Wood burn celebration on Saturday. M.J. Lee of Conby won the one-mile bicycle race. Mrs. A. Lewthwaite and her two children of Oakland, California, are spending a few weeks in the city, the guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewthwaite. K. II. Gabbert of the Enlerprite, M. E. Bain of the Barlow Three Sistert and the editor of this paper attonded the annual meeting of Oregon Press As sociation ut Newpoi t. Henry Meldrum will soon leave with his family for Klamath county, where he has a large government surveyin g contract. He will be gone about SERVING TIME Is a duty whli-li none ran escape. Tim waits for no man, hut nil must wait e tiino. Wo serve time by walchingon for the public of Oiegon City. Our clock and watches keep the minutes of how time goes. What's more, there ore sixty setc-ids to our minutes, which always stand approved un correct by the sun, There are no bettor timo-keepor on earth than our clocks and watches; in fuel, they keep belter lime tiian Theodore Thomas' orchestra. They run by hand and ran be depended upon not to quit Iu tho race. Burmeister & Mresen !fc THE JEWELERS. WARNING TO WATER CONSUMERS. Owing to the wasteful and unneces sary use of water for sprliiklng and irri gation and other purposes, it ha been Impossible to supply tho higher portions of the city during several hours of the day. The pump has been furnish ing fifty thousand gallons of water per hour which should be an abundance for four time the number of consumers. Consumers are requested to observe strictly the hours for sprinkling and ir rigation, from five to nine morning and evening. Any violation 01 the rules and regu lations of this Board that may come to our notice will subject the party, or par ties, to the full penalties thereof with out further notice from and after this this date. By order of Board of Water Commis noners. T L. Ciiakmax, Secretary. Oregon City, July 10th, 1895. Entire stock of Crockery will be sold below cost at R. Staub's Grocery, Excursion tickets to Yaijuina Bay and return will be on sale at S. P. Co.' depot comment-ins June 17th, fire $0.00 round trip, good until October 10th . C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, Attorneys at Law, Comemrcial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial OREGON CITY, Bank Building ORE60N. JAtlEO P.XURROT7, Decorating, Paper Hasglag, ArtJstla E::j Painting and Kalsomlnlsg. Shop with R. L. Holman, Oregon City. Glaesware tinware and household novelties at "The Fair." Five and ten cent counters. Now is your chance to get shoes cheap. The Eastern Shoe Store is closing out The front door will be locked before long, Soulhof Electric Hotel, Oregon City. Came toNoblitt's stable on June2Uth one bay horse; weigh 1300; small strip on forehead; bell on neck; left hind foot white; branded J II. The attention of those suffering from affections of the eye, ear, nose, or throat is directed to the professional card of Wade, Oculist & Aurist, Marqiiam Building, Portland. Gardner Freyfag delivers the best vegetables and keeps a full asortment of all kinds. To Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the Recorder of Oregon City Oregon up to p. m. of the 24th day of July, 1805, for the construction of Eight street sewer from Main street to railroad track. Plans and specifications to be seen at office of City Engineer. City reserves ght to object any and all bids. Com- HiJ'MiriiE ox Streets and Pt'ni.tc Prop GEO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney at Law, Office One Door Xorlh u 'CaiifiAd & Hunt ley'i D nation, OREGON CITY, ... OREGON E. F. DRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREGON CITY. Office : Two Doors South of Courthouse. RIXEAKSOX & HYDE, ATTORNEY at LAW, ABSTRACTING DONE. Opposite Caufield Block, OREGON CITV, - - - ORKGOV Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double anil nlnele rim and nadclla hnri u waysonhaud at the loweiil ratei.and aiu.rral alio conneoted Willi the barn for loons nook. Any Information regarding- any kind of nook promptly attended to by letter or peraon. HORSES BOUGHT OR SOLD V. HARRIS, Star $ Grocery DEALER I.N GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, CROCKERY, ETC. H. W. JACKSON, Machinist and Locksmith, months in which time he expects to finish the job. .. . C. A. Runds and family, Mr. Bellow and family and James Wilkinson Jr, started on Thursday morning for the coast where they will spend seveiii weeks. They intend going to the mouth of the Little Nestucca. J . A , Con fer returned last week from the Little Anplegate, JackBon county. where he and Mr. Snlow, formerly shoemaker here," are working a placer mine. He hai a vial in his vest pocket containing little lumps ol goia. con cluaive evidence that they are in pay dirt. Mr. Confer says that they un doubtedly will make a handsome profit out of their venture. For all kinds of NOTIONS go to the Racket Store. niirv. Amonz the numerous persons who have been cured of rheumatism by Chamberlaiu's Pain Balm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thorne, of Toledo. Wash., who says: "I have never been able to procure any medicine that would believe me ot rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tuve also used it for lame back with great success. It is the best liniment I have used, and I tukn pleasure in recommend ing it to my friends." For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist. Cheapest place in town for blach and tan hose and ladies' and geuts' under wear at the Racket Store. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salvk In the world (or t'uU Brueltea, Ulcen, Salt Rheum, Fever Sorei, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllblalni, Corm, and all Skin EruplUns, and positively curea Pllea or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satlalacUon jr money refunded. Price centfiper box. Fei sale by Charman Co, Charman Broi.' Block. KIDNEY. E. W. JovCoMrANV Gentlemen: I haveauf lered from kidney troublo for two or three yean. I would have to get up In the night to void my nrtne from ten lo fifteen times. My aleep dl turbed, and I became very thin and nervoui. Noappeilte; bowels coniitlpatad. Ihava taken two bottles and gained fifteen pounds. Sleep well. Have to get up about three times during night, and am very much better In every respect. Will continue to take your Vegetable Sarsaparl 11a for I believe It will entirely cure me. (Signed) Silt. EDWAltD W. FRENCH, Stockton, Cal. JOX'S FOIl THE JADKU. JOV'I VEGETABLE 8AKSAPARII.LA. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. E. W. Jot Coiipaky Gentlemen: 1 have suf fcred from a nervous prostration from flnanclal losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla has eured me. My liver, atomach and bowels have been very Inactive, but since taking your remedy I am entirely welt. All business men and women should use It. Pleam publish. (Signed) MK. WM. HENRY JONES. Butte, Montana Bacfcarhe, dlsilnnaa, tiredness gle way to Joy's Vegetable Marsaparllla. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Briceland, Cal. "I was taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Before one half of the bottle had been used I was well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience was the same. We all unite in saying it is the best. For sale by O. A. Harding. Druggist. I be business of the Red Front is now conducted by the Red Front Trading Co, .y)') are stocking up and getting back .iiu trade. They offer 19 pounds dry granulated sugar or 20 pounds of rice for f 1. For your strings and extras for all musical instruments go to Burmeister & Andresen's, who keep a full supply. C. A. Willey has moved his harness and repair shop from on the hill to second door west of depot, next to Courier office, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand-made harness, saddles, etc., but will do all kinds of harness and boot and shoe repairing at prices that can't be dup licated. Give him ncall. Satisfaction guaranteed. Surprising bargins at the 5 and 10 cent counters of "The Fair," second door south of bridge. Patronize home industry. The Oregon City Steam Laundry does belter work than the Chinese or Portland laundries. Geo. P. Bradford, the new manager, is a practical laundry man, having had charge of the best laundries on the Sound before coming here. The Eastern Shoe Store is retiring from business. Now is the time to got shoes cheap. South Electric Hotel. LOCAL SUMMARY. For a first class shave go to P. G. 8hark, 10c barber, next to Oriental Hotel 14 Prescription carefully compounded at G. A. Harding's drug store. Received at Charman & Son's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tieet designs. See the gents' summer underwear at Racket Store. Money to loan on good security by . S. Dresser. Depot of Schilling's Best Baking Powder at R. Staub's Grocery. Get a sample of Sky Baking Powder at R. Staub's Grocery. New line of underwear at tho Racket Store. Highest cash price paid for secon d- hand goods of all kinds at second-hand store, opposite Noblitt's stab e, on 7th street. Bicycles, Umbrellas, Sowing Machines, Guns, and all kinds of small machinery re- . paired. Prices reasonable. Shop on Seventh Street, Opposite Depot. ..... IT IS NO FARTHER ..TO TUB!.. Old Pioneer Store .OF. iWsNow than it was 30 years ago, besides, you can get better bargains there than any place in the city. Give them a call before buying. GO xo &. M. BESTOW FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING And Building Material. Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered for First-Class Goods. Shop 0pp. Congregational Chore , Main Street, Oregon City THE IOWA JEWEIiEHH t 83 9 A. N. WRIGHT. 'Watch repairing a especialtvj 305 MORRISON STKEKT. OFPOSITK POSTOrFICK PORTLAND, OREGON. Take up a Paper. And read all the advertisements care fully. Look and see who holds out the most tempting oilers. Then go around anu see wnat tnose tempting oilers really amount to. Nine times out of ten you'll be disappointed. We are very careful what we sav in our ads, but we believe it is perfectly truthful to state that when people buy of us they get their money's worth every time. That's ail we can promise. . IV. GRACE, Uler I., 6rocerias, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc. KLY, OREGON. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business, Loans made. Bills rllMnnmiLerl. MAltn. cn loctions. lluya and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Kurope and on Hong rwiiK. LrupoHii. received nuo en lo cneca IU terest at usual rates allowed on time deposits. Bank open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturday vYuuiugB irora o un r. oi. D. 0. LATOURETTE, P. K. DONALDSON, president. Cashier Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING 1I0U8B IN TUB CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. President, Thomas Charxjm Vice President, G10. A. Hahdi.no Cashier, .... E. O. Caufiixd Manager, Chabi.es H. CAurmo A Ooneral Ranking Duslness Transacted, DoposilH Kccelvcd Hulijuct lo Check. Approved Hills and Notes DlHccunted. County and Cily Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Hecuritv Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available In Anv Part ol th. World. Telegraphic Kxchanire Bold on Portland. Ban Francisco, Chicago and New York. interest raid on Time Deposits, us a ok nts or THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair. Da mm Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. CHEAM mum MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Now Open! NEW SHOE STORE. II. W. WESTERMANN, MERCHANT JAILOR. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing Do ne. Prloe'H Old Stand, Next Door of Armory, Oregon City. North A. R. DOOLITTLE'S West Side Store KEEPS A WELL-SELECTED STOCK Of Groceries, Provisions FRUITS, FLOUR AND FEED. West Side Express IN CONNECTION. Well! Well! Talk about Your Lacteal Fluid. -sfc. They All Smile When They Drink It. Randall & Meyer Are always on top and they will furuish you a quurt for ? cents, yes, rive you a ciuart a day for $1.50 a month. Try them and be convinced. A Full Line of. Eastern Hoots and Shoes which we will sell at Eastern Prices. Call and Examine Our Goods. We will give you Great Bargains New Styles, Latest Designs, Lowest Prices. Krausse Bros, Next Door to Burmeister A AnJrcsen's. B!pni Tarinlf s assist digestion. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT. D TRj. WADE, (F. C. 8 , Lowlon, Member of British Mcitictl Association, formerly Oculirt ind Anrlst to the Vlctorls Koyst Jubilee Hospital) has taken of flees at 504-5 Marqiiam Bldg., Portland, For the Practice of the A bote Specialties. Office Hours: 10 to 11 a. m.: I to i and at I p. m. R. ntETTAO S Corner Grocery Keeps a Full Line of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, Provisions, Flour, Feed, Fruits & Vegetables, AT LOWEST PRICES. KIDD & WILILAMS, Successors to II, Cooke, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLE. COR. FOURTH AND MAIM STS. OREGON CITY. 0 ad riental Oaloon, Zimmerman A Miller, Props. srtrB carry the best Whiskies and Brandlsa la v town and make special low rate, on Cali fornia Wines of all kinds. Best brewed beer un th. Coast Th. Uambrinus. Fln Free LunehMMM - .Call end be Convinced GEO. A. HARDING, DIALER IN IP DIRCJQ-S : -p-i Standard Pat. Medicines. Faints, Oils and Window Glass. PrttcripUont Accurately Compounded hardinq's BLOCK. T Oregon City Transportation Co. Str. RAMONA. TIME TABLS OREGON CITY BOA1 Imperial Gallery Orrps City. PHOTOGRAPHY IS KVEBT BRANCH CRAYONS, ENLARGEMENTS. CHILDREN'S PICTURES A SPECIALTY. Cillery aver Mr. Prler'i Stort, Mala St Lear Portland Foot Taylor 8L 7 :00 A. M. 11:30 A. at. 4:00 P. m. Leare On toon cm Foot lib tJL 9:00 a.m. 2:00 P. M. 6 :00 P. m. Str. ALTOMA. Leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satardiya. Leave Indeendence and Salem Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sunday Time. The Oregon City boats leave this place for Portland on Sundays at 10 a. m. and 2 and 5:30 p. m., re turning leave Portland at 8 :30 and 1 1 :.T0 a.m. and 3:30. Ripani Tabntes cure hewlac&w.