OREGON COURIER, Hi VOL. XIII. OIlKttOX CITY. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE 7. 18H5. NO. 5. Charming. A charming lilrl I at her best when as a background she has charming Hiir rounitiiiKH Furniture, like music, has charms, ami certainly no belle of the hall Han ever more issciiiatlng than our display of up to date mruittire. All Oregon City Im charmed with it, to stale disease exactly, and speaking by the fc-rsiiimar, our stock In in the Imy-cai-e. All who see it are anxious to parse the inapectlon a a cane of buy under the home rule of "make the house an at tractive ami charming as possible." There can be no belter titne to put the home in order than this week, when we l r selling a puir of portieres for I'.'.oO. Bellomy & Busch, Tha Holme KuriiUtiers, SIGNED IiY ALTGELD Statement From Illinois' Gov ernor on Debs Decision, I A (10VKK.NMKNT BY INJUNCTION J) uuu CHAIN DRIVE. FOOT LIFT. I- J- c BH3ST oust earthi CAKRY a complete line of Hay Tools, including Jones Chain Drive Mowers, Advance Hay Feeders,, Advance II;iy lUkos, Advance Hay Cirriers and Forks, Advance Hay Presses, Lihtiiing liny Presses, Advance Feed Cutters, Advance Threshing Machinery ami a full line of Implement, Edward Hughes, Corner Front and Taylor, Portland, Or. 15 YEARS IN ' THE OLD 6T. OREGON LUU1B g Medical and Surgical Dispensary. Thl. I. Ike oldest Private M edict Dispensary In the city of Portland, th Br. I Medical Dts- penury ever lUrted In thl. city. Dr. Keuter, the old reliable ipeciall.t, ha. been the general nanager of thla luatitution for twelve year. during which lime thouaanda of caaea have been cured, aud no poor man or woman waa ever refined treatment because they bad no money. The 8t Lou la DUpenaary has thou aauda of dollar. In money and property, and la able financially to make- Ita word food. The St. Louie Dlapeuarry haa a staff of the eat Phy.lclana and Surgeona In the country, all men of experience. A complete set of Sur gical inatrumenta on hand. The beat Rlectrlc Apparatus In the country, both French and American. Their apparatua Tor aualyiliig the urine for kidney and bladder dlaea.ee, are per fect and the very latest. No difference what doctor, have treated you, don't be discouraged but go and have a talk with them. It coata you nothing for consultation, beaidea you will be treated kludly, Person, are calling at the St. Loula Dlapenaary, every day, who have been treated by eonie adverti.ing quacks of thla city aud received no benefit. Thl. old di.penrary ia the only one in the city that can give references among the buaineaa men and banker, aa to their commercial standing. tWThry positively guarantee to cure any aud all Private Utecasea ia every form and atage without losa of time worn your work or buaineaa. Rhonmoriem Curtd. br IlllbUlliail Jill remray. tiiib remedy aent to JJr. KcHnler a few month, ago by a triend attending medical college in Berlin. It haa ever failed, aud we guarantee It. Kidney and Urinary Complaints. Painful, difficult, too frequent, mtlkv or bloody urine, unnatural dint-barge., carefully treated aud permunelitly cured. Pile., rlieum ati.m and neuralgia treated by our new rente diea and curca guaranteed. flirt nrOC P'". Cnra. Ktc, cured, no UIU OUlCa difference how long .fleeted. Private Diseases .antee tocure any caae of Syphilis, Conorhcca, Gleet. Strictureacured no ainerence now long .tanding. Spermator rhcea, I.oaa of Manhood, or Nightly Kinlaaioua, cured permanently. The habit of Self Abuse effectually cured iu a ahort time. Tniino Man Vm". rror nA f""1" of I UUIIg IIICII youth can tie remedied, and these old doctor, will give you wholesome ad vice and cure you make you perfectly atrong and healthy. Vou will be amazed at their suc cess In curing Spkrmatorkhika. Srminal. iam bus, Niohtly Emissions, and other effect. BTRICTURK Nocuttiug, pain or atretching unleaa necessary. READ THIS. nn old Gtrmtiii inifl remedy wan ouns Men or Old ('nil. tig Mniihom,, I'liyfticnl V,xcenc. Menta Worry. Stunted Dcvelomiient. or anv oernoim wrakiietts, enn be restored to 1jkrkkct IIkalti nd the Noiilk Vitality of Ktkon(. Mkn tin Pride and Power of Nntion. We claim h. yenraof practice by our exclusive tuetlioda f tin i form "Monopoly of Succesn." in trenlimr ml diiteaxea, weaknesses and affliction of men. FEMALE DISEASES &$Ll:z "Z rrostration, Female Weakuettn, l,eucorrhoe and r.eneriil Drbtlity, and Woru Out Wuineti speedily brought to enjoy life again. Call oi write particulars of your catie. Home treats ment furninlied by writing ua particulars. Al let tern strictly confidential. MHUICINK furnished free In all PHvnt? mnA Chronic diKeasea. Consultation free, in private rooms, where you only see the doctors. r TAPE WORMS -1 (Sam pies of which can be aeen at their office, from 13 to 50 feet long) lemoved In 34 hours. II. ...A n:..... And f.lver Cnmt.lninl In vis-m uwiiw -1 ui uieiir in 1 IIUUI t VldvUtfU"" lurini, curea. the bottle, act aside aud look at it in the morn-1 our OP TOWN patirvt rit r. I enclosing atampa fur au.wcr. He Ari-uses tt.e Hutminei Court of UsV' lug TrsmjilPil l'iiil lllghl. ot tha r.Oil. HpriiiKfli'liI, IHh., June 4. Governor Altgolcl i of the bvliuf that the hu promo court him eHtablUhed a danger ouit pruouduut iu roiilHildiiiK Kugnue V, DoIm aud his American Railway Union asHociatoH to jail. Hu oxprossod him sulf in a very caustio ntauuor today regarding the dooiHion, and Hocuses the court of tTHiiipoling on the righbi of the people, and being the tool of a monopoly. He gives his views for pub Mention in a signed statement, in which ho says in part: "This division murks a turning point iu our history, for it establishes s now form of government that is, government by injunction. "The provision of the constitution that no man shall be deprived of his liberty without a trial by an impartial jury is practically wiped out by this decision of the supreme court of tho United States, and the theory that onrs is a government of law is now at an end, for every community is now sub juct to any whim or caprice which any federal judge may promulgate. And if federal judges can do this, thou it will not lie long until state judges will follow this example. For over a cen tury our government moved along the lines of the constitution, and we be came great aud powerful; life aud property were protected, aud the law was enforced. Now we have made a departure; the bulwark of liberty has been undermined; trial by jury has been strickeu down. "For a number of years it has been remarked that the decisions of the United States court were nearly always in favor of the ooprorations. Theu it was noticed that no man could be ap pointed to a federal judgeship . uuless he was satisfactory to those intercuts. "Over a year ago the New York World talked about a -packed supreme court, and that court has, within a few days, rendered two decisions which unfortunately tend to confirm this charge. A week ago it did violence to the constitution and laws of the laud by holding that the government had no power to tax the riches of this coun try. Now it has strickeu down trial by jury, aud has established 'government by injunction.' "Forty years ago the slave power predominated; today it is that of cap italists. The American poeple crushed the slave power and saved our institu tions. Can they rescue them again? Many say yes, but they have not re flected that the orushing force which now confronts them is greater than I was ever the slave power. Capital sits iu the White House aud legislates in the capitol. The courts of justice are its ministers and legislators are its lackeys. The whole machinery of fashionable society is its handmaid. "Just see what a brood of evils have sprung from the power of capitalism since 1890: First, the striking down of over one-third of the money of the world, thus crushing the debtor class and paralyzing industry; second, the growing of that corrupt use of wealth which is undermining our institutions, debauching public officials, shaping legislation and creating judges who do its bidding; third, the exemption of the rich from taxation; fourth, the sub stitution of government by injuuetion for government by the constitution; fifth, the striking down of trial by jury. "Never has there boeu bo much pa triotic talk as iu the last twenty-five years, and never was there so many influences at work strangling republi can institutions." INVESTMENT IN MINES. CONDITION OF THE CARGO. This Has Developed Into ant Point. an Import- you have some kidney or bladder disease. CATARRH AND PILES. 0Ve guarantee to cure any case of Catarrh or Piles. Don't be afraid to try because so many remedies have failed. Treated witli our own remedies. Address with stamp, ST. LOUIS BOX YAMHILL STREET. 0B. DISPENSARY, SECOND. rOHTI.AXn. OREfiON. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Train Leave Portland Daily. South. ! I f""''nj sTis'r.Vri Lt Portland Ar I ti:2UA. 7:lCr. . I Lv Oregon Uly Lv 7.1'ji. ltM.'i.a. I Ar Sau KrauciKio Lv j 7:uu r. Oregon City Transportation Co. Str. RAMONA. TIME TABLR OREGON CITY HOA1 The above Iraiua atop al all alations from Portland to Albany tnulilKive, 'I anvctit, 8hel(lit. Halaey, HnrriHburK, Juni'tiffn City, Irvine;, fcu- :ene ana all aiauoin irum Koaeuurg to AMD.aun fen II rl BAIrieBritli HAIL DAILY. 1:30a. . Lr Portland Arl 4:30r.k :31a.M. Lv Oregon I lly l.v !:3f.i : r. . j Ar Rowburg l.v7:UUl. IllNINO fARS OS OGIIEN ROITK. PL L1.MA.S BUFFET SLEEPERS AXO SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Traina. Weal Side Dlvmlon, Between roilTtJlMI awd COKVALLIC ilLTtiift DaiLTi rrr rxD v.) 7 MAM. U:iV.U Lv Ar Portland Corvallm Ar Lv P.M. I OUP. M. At Albany and i.'orvahia conned Of OTecon Parlnr Railroad. ith train f.irr. ram iii.T(i' rrr50T.i 4 40 P. M. 7.2AP.M. is: Portland MrMlunville l):2.i A. I S:fA.l THROUGH TICKETS to a ix rorxTe r tin EASTERN PTATE8. TABaDA ASD EfROPI ran be obtained at the lnwett tatn from I.. B. MOOEF, Agent. Orcai t lly g. EOEfTLER. C. t. ROGERS, Maea'er. eat. o HP A rest Portland, Or. Leave Portland Foot Taylor St. 7:00 A. M. IIi.TOa. m. 4 :00 p. m. Leave ORIGOK ClTT Foot Ith St. 9 :00 A. M. 2:00 P. Jt. 0:00 P. M. Str. ALTONA Leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave Indeendenre and Salem Mon days, W ednesday; and Fridays. San Francisco, June 4. The condi tion of the cargo of the Coliina when she left Maztlan is important, in view of the telegrams printed yesterday morning. In these dispatches, from three different sources, come the state ments that the cargo of the Coliina shifted, and that the steamer was top heavy because of the deck load. These statements come from survivors, who related them on the San Juan, and at Mazatlan, from Manzanillo, where some of the survivors remain, and from information given to George Herbert, manager of the Manzanillo & Colima railroad, who has sent much of the news of the wreck by way of the City of Mexico. The question is: Was the loss of the Colima due to bad stowing of cargo and to a deckload too great for the steamer to bear in heavy weather? Alexander Center, the general agent of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company in this city, said positvely that he does not believe the statement that the cargo had shifted during the gale, and he declared that the Colima was loaded in the best possible manner, and was anything but overloaded when she passed out of the harbor of San Fran cisco, May 18. Mr. Center denied that the Colima carried dynamite, as re ported, but said there was a quantity of gunpowder on board which was stored in the magazine. Kugenieaa Prevailing In Europe Noon to Ittiai'h Thla Country, Sau Francisco, June 4. Irwin C. Stump believes that tho eageruess for investment in mines which now pre vails iu London, Paris, aud Berlin will soon extend to New York and spread over this country. He looks for a genuine boom in mining properties In tho United States. As he is at the focus of mining thought aud enterprise in New York, bis opinion is of value. He further said: I would not express an opinion of that kind unless I had some foundation for it. And I will explain t ) you why I think that a groat deal of money will be invested in American mines in a short time. There is at present ai great excitement in Loudon over niin ing properties as there was in San Francisco iu 1870 over the Cotnstock. Men with money want mining proper ty. This cagoruess for mining proper ties is not confined to Loudon, but is quite keen in Paris and Berlin. In fact mines am uow tho favorite invest' ment throughout Europe. "We had a similar boom in Califor nia during the Cotnstock days, but the excitomeut of those days and the in vestments theu made are insignificant to that which is now going on in Lou don. Europe is now eugrosod with the properties in Africa aud Australia. The efforts to mine for gold in the new fields in Australia will in all probabil ity be a failure, owing to the lack of water there. The quest now will be confined to Africa. The system of de veloping those properties is as follows: An exploration company was formed of which the Rothschilds are the chief spirit., and Cecil Rhodes the promoter in Africa. This company as the name implies, explores the country for mines. The stock of iron mines is placed on the exohango in London for sale, and this the people all over En rope are buying. Now as to America. There is no doubt that an exploration company will be formed in New York on the same Hues as those iu London. It would doubtloss have been organized this month had certain gentlemen re maiued iu New York. Senator Jones is deeply interested in the project, and D. O. Mills and J. W. Mackay will iu vest New York is quite as ready to take np mining investments as London or fans. All the money needed to carry on a work in the United States similar to that which the Rothschilds are backing in Africa can be had in New York in a short time. The exploration company which will be organized iu New York in a few weeks or months will operate in this way: "In the first place it will have a very Targe working capital. If a mine owner comes - with a miuo for sale to the company he will be requested to pay for an examination of the property by oue of the experts of the company. If the report is satisfactory the com pany will buy the property and de velop it or will endeavor to sell it, charging a commission. With the in dorsement of the property by the com pany this will not be difficult to do; or, if the mine-owner wants enough money to put up a mill, the company will do that and take a share of the returns; or the company will take a proportion of the stock, with a view of opening it up to gee what it contains. If it is not satisfactory after a certain amount of work has been done, it will be dropped and the loss accepted. It will be the aim also of the company to list the stock of the mines on the ex changes and offer it for sale to the pub lic. "New York is eager for this move ment. The great exoitement in Eu rope over mines has extended to this country, and the people in the East are ready to invest their money in mines. It is my opinion that this country is a better field for a mining boom than Africa or Australia. We have good mining territory in New Mexico, Ari zona, California, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Washington. There are innumerable prospects here which will pay a com pany to explore. "New York is now the center of mining interests in the United States. There are ten mines offered for sale there now to one in San Francisco, and scarcely a day passes that three or four mine-owners do not call at my office with a proporty for sale. If an exploration company takes hold of these properties, examines them care fully by a competent expert and then publishes his opinion of them, people in the East will have more confidence in them and will put their money in them. I think this movement in American mines will begin iu the fall." PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Condensed Telegraphic Re porta of Late Events. BRIEF fiPARKS FROM THX WIRES Budget at Keare rerCeey Olgeatlen Frew Alt, Parte of Oregon, Waah- Ington and Idaho. i The city assessment roll of Albanv. Or., fools up il,470,000. Ten new churches have been organ ized at Spokane the past year. Work has begun on a 112,000 girl's dormitory for the Pullman college. D. E. Vernon will soon start the In dex, a nw paper, at Buccoda, Wash. Goorgo D. Allen, of Abordoen, as signs to C. R. Ureeu, with liabilities at 14,500. The sheepmou in Union county, Or. , report ail unusually good lambing sea son, 00 prr cent having been saved. The Waterloo, Or., woolen mills are now runfing for general busiuess, with three moMis' orders ahoad on blankets alone, b A bonis of fl.OOO is offered by a large cattle dealer to anyone who will ooustruct A telephone line from Canyon City to Barns, Or. The contest for postmaster of Monte Cristo, Wash., terminates iu favor of Joseph T.J McDovitt, of the Monte Cristo Mercantile Company. The flrp clay aud brick works, of Lit tle Falls, Wash., are said to have been sold last Wednesday to Philadelphia capitalists for $75,000. Teu oarloads of wool have been shipped from Prosscr during the past fortnight; Several parties are holding their wool for later shipment. Some of the creditors of the Spokane Mercantile Company, which' assigned to J. N. lover, have mado application for the appointment of a receiver. The Workmen iu the waterworks tunnel iu Astoria struck a small vein oi coat Saturday, wntch seems to be a first-clans grade of bituminous coal. Dilley Bchool district has rescinded the order authorizing bonding the dis trict for 1,000, and the directors have been empowered to Issue district notes instead. The Olympian says that a bill per mitting less than twelve jurors to re turn a verdict iu civil cases has been passed by the last legislature, and will become a law June 13. THE TRADE REVIVAL. KBert of Wheat and Cotton I'rlrea on Oeueral Kualneaa. New York, June 8. R. U. Dun Co. 's Weekly Review of Trade says: More far-reaching than any other change during the past week really warranted by facts, is the continued rise iu -prices of wheat aud cotton, Real scarcity of either would affect all busiuess. Happily, there it still room to hope that accounts of injury are greatly exaggerated, although there has been some evidence during the time that some crops have suffered more than at first reported. Other changes are alomst all favorable, and some highly encouraging. Labor troubles are clear' ly less thoratening. Monetary oondl tious are satisfactory, and the substaU' tisl increase in the commercial domand is a good sign. Exchanges through the clearing houses have been greatly inflated by speculation, and at this time last year were cut down by the coal strikes and toward the end of May, 1803, were greatly reduced by bank failures, but for the week exceeded last year's by 19.0 per cent, aud fell only 6.0 percent below those of 1893. Wheat is largely supported by publio buying, and the purchasing orders from fanning regions are supposed to indicate an opinion of the yield. Yet wheat comes forward freely, as it would at current rates, if a short crop was assured, and Western receipts for the month have been 5,994,770 bush els, against 5,625,000 bushels last year. North Atlantic exports reflect increased haste to buy abroad, amounting iu four weeks, flour iucluded, to 0,183,500, against 9,716,000 last year. Cotton continues strong, because it is believed there will be much reduc tion in tho yield pnr acre as well as in acreage. The iron manufacture is THE COLIMA'S DEAD Said to Number One Hundred and Eighty-Eight. A GIST OF THE DISPATCHES A Telegram from the Company's Agenla t Manianlllo Intimate Other May Have Been Saved. San Francisco, June 1. The Chron icle will say tomorrow morning that dispatches received from Mexico to night make it certain that no fewer than 164 persons were drowned in the Colima disaster. This statement is based ou advices to tho Chronicle that 198 persons were aboard when she foundered, and only twenty-six reached shore alive. Great difficulty is still being experienced iu opening tele graphic communication with Mexican ports, but the brief messages received are practically unanimous iu the state ment that at least 160 lives were lost. The gist of the dispatches as received up to this time is as follows: ' About 8 o'clock on the mornhitr of tne Z7tn, tn latitude 18:38 N., and longitude 104:14 W., the Colima was struck by a powerful veering wind and driven upon a ooral reef and sunk with a large hole stavod in her side uear the prow. Captain J. F. Taylor, after dis playing masterly skill iu the manage ment of his vessel, was killed by a fall- lug mast. The first pilot and first en gineer were also killed and soon after the boat struck the reef and went down iu 430 fathoms of water. Nearly twenty-four hours later the coast line Better atllurtlOli Run Tnnn ennuuaum 1 .... gaining rapidly and the average prfce, pluUed np gixteon 8nrvivorg and which had fallen February 1 to 64.1 ,.hm fnta ft,a m,r v0n.u.,tii others swam ashore, and five more, three cabin passengers and two sailors, were subsequently rescued by a govern ment boat sent out by the Pacific Mail Company's agent at Manzanillo. One hundred and eighty-eight persons are known to have been drowned, and twenty-six were saved. The names of per cent of the prices in October, 1891, has now risen to 59. 1 per cent, most of the advance having been in May. Bos senior pig has been lifted to $11.05, and gray forge to (10.40, by the grow ing demand. The structural demand is large, aud while buying in other forms of irou aud steel products is still "As old as tliciiillu"and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. 8 i m in o n i Liver Regu lator i the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your, faitlr for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid-1 neys. Try it. Sold Ly all Druggists in Liquid, or in Fowder to be taken dry or made intoa tea. The King of Liver Medlrlnea. " I have twed yniirMlinmnna Liver Iteeu lator and run ionMHcntltiil.v any It la lite king of all liver medlrlnea. I ronolderlt a ntedli'lneeheat In llneir. (Jeo. W. Jack Son, Tucomu, Wuthliigtou. WETEBV r,CKAOF.-i aa the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. 'an Pills To CONSUMPTIVES In mnleHmed burin rWn rttorrd to health hx fifm) meant, after enfrVrinj for everal yeam with wTere lime ftW t.on. and that dread 1ieae Consumption, if am km to make mown to hi fellow ftuflerer the meant nf rnre. To thme who denlre It, he will cheer- inllT enn (free of rhunrei a copr of thenrewniv Hon iieI. which ther will find a nre enre for Consumption, AMhma, Catarrh. Krone ht tl and all throat and lung Maladies. He hope t.11 wnnVrer will try hi remedy an It ia InrtiliiaMe. Thoe deftlrinj the prescription. hH-ti will rot them nothing, and mar Drove a bleating, willpleateaddrea. Rev. Edward A. Wilton, Brookly. N. Y. Mman's Sootmug Powders. For Children Cutting thtir Tith. IN USE OVER FIFTY YEARS. fftfre M Hemt arena ta. fimxinna. aaaf eaane a le tate a foe eemuurtea turlmf ta jvrfM a teettla , He M net Reply nt Onre. Constantinople, June 4. The saltan has undertaken to reply to the propo sition fof the powers regarding reforms in Armenia before the feasts of Bairi am, the powers having declined to en tertain a proposal to hare his answer deferred until after that period. Re ports from Erzeronm are that Armeni ans are being persecuted. r ramie Will Rot art. London, Jnne 4. The Berlin corre spondent of the Standard says the Prussian government is not going to ascertain the expediency of the Ger man government excluding Anstro Hnngarians, and will not in conse quence of the outbreak of the disease among them it Bternburch. Ilarl,lliilna; the Hawaiian Army. Indianapolis, June 4. A private let tor from Honolulu, under date of May 20, printed in the News today, says, among other things, that McLane, late of the United States army aud navy, who had charge of General Grant's fuuerl procession, has been made colo nel of an Hawaiian regiment He ar rived on the last boat and took charge at once. He is regarded by the troops as thoroughly military, and has made some radical changes and inaugurated a course of strict discipline, which has heretofore been rather lax.: The letter adds that there are lots of rumors afloat on the island of a filibustering expedi tion that is supposed to be on its way down the islands, or else getting ready to come. The government has hired a steamer, placed a cannon on board, and has it patrol around the islands watching for any suspicious vessels that come in sight Flrat Nethndlat hurrh. Ban Francisco, June 4. The first Jap anese Methodist church in America was dedicated here today with appro priate ceremonies. The church is on Pine street near Hyde, and cost 000. A debt of f 1,300 is yet to be paid. The pasfrir of the church, Rev. 8. Doi, waa trained in the Japanese college. He came to this state and was admitted to the California Methodist Episcopal conference, being now an or dained minister. The membership of the church numbers 360, and twenty three of the congregation are women. The average attendance is about 125. Many of the members are so employed and situated that they services regularly. A corporation is to be organized in Seattle to establish a hatchery in Spruigbrtiok, 'near CWlla, " Wash. - The purpose of the corporation will be to grow tront for the market Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton, referee in the celebrated water-right case of the Nevada ditch vs. Malheur county settlers, has set .the time for hearing argument for June in Baker City, Or. The sheepshearers in Wallowa county, Or., were out on a strike for several days last week. The owners offer four cents and the strikers demand five. The men finally concluded to accept tho four cents and all are now at work. Preparations have been taken under already for the fruit fair to be held at Spokane in Octobor. The main build ing is to be begun nt once, a wooden structure, the council having granted permission for its erection in the fire limits. A contract has been signed for the erection of a smelter at Leavenworth, Wash., within a year, to have 100 tons dmly capacity. It is to be erected by the Blaine Mining Company, for treat' ing the rich nickel and cobalt deposits of the Leavenworth district. The third railroad shipment of Walla Walla cattle by Jackson, Wagoner & Warren, wag started out from Elgin Wednesday morning. The train con sisted of twelve cars and goes to Chi cago by way of the Union Pacific aud Chicago & Northwestern roads. State Superintendent of Publio Iu- stnetion Irwin has just issued his fifth circular letter to the teachers of Ore' gou, relative to their annual meeting which will take place at Gladston Park, near Oregon City, July 18, 19 and 20. He nrges in his lotter that the attendance be as large as possible. Dr. J. C. Cantowine is contoinplut ing investing bis capital in an irriga tion ana reclamation scheme on some 200 acres of land a few miles up the Columbia from Kennewick. Although the doctor has reached the venerable age of 84 years, he is vigorous in mind and sanguine of success in his new en terprise. The directors of the Klickitat Valley railway are reckoning on putting on a force of men on the lower end of the road within a month. They expected to have several miles of the road graded before harvast. The work done will not be lost even if the rails should never be laid, for it can be used for a wagon road. The Westminster Congreaational cnurcn oi spokane baa appointed a committee to wait upon Mayor Belt and make overtures of peace. The mayor recently left the church in high dudgeon over caustic remarks made in the pulpit and pew concerning his veto oi an orninance restricting the opera tions of variety theaters. ojmservative, great confidence prevails the three mhin paaseugors rescued by that prices will hereafter advance ma' terially, The failures during the past week have been 215 in the United States, against 184 last year, and 34 in Can adu, against 27 last year. LORD SHOLTO MARRIED. In the government have not yet been learned, but the names of the others are as follows: 'Thomas Sarania, Charles Cushing. jr., A. J. Southerland, K. M. Thorn ton, Domingo Albano, W. H. Boyd, G. Rowan, Bruno Cerda, J. Antonio Soils, George u. Ross, Luis Sangienes, T. J. Oriel, Juan Ramos, Carlos Ruiz, Jose E. Manuel, Angel Gutierrez aud Sail org Hausen, Aviles Carpenter, Richard- son and Fish, Had She a.FmsaiiUaBMitto-f- JNew York, June 1. A special to the World from the City of Mexico Wedded to the Variety Theater Girl Nan Joae. San Jose, Cal., June 3. Lord Shol- to Douglass, Miss Yda Addis and their mutual friend, F. H. Robertson, an in surant man of 1080 'Mission street, San Francisco, came to this city from San Franoisoo yesterday afternoon. Shortly after their arrival they went to wys: The Colima encountered heavy the office of the county clerk, where a weather all along the Mexican coast marriage license was procured. The Muoh difficulty was experienced in party then proceeded to the courtroom keeping off the rocks at Isabella Island of Township Justice Dwyer and re- ana f learo de Mar. The passengers quested him to perform the ceremony were in a constant state of terror, which would unite his lordship to the which was augumented when the ship, little actress with whom he was infatu- having put out from ban Bias, a worn ated. Lord Sholto had on a cheap passenger from San Franoisoo be checked suit, aud his appearance betok- "o crazed with fear, aud spent the ened that the world had not been treat- "Kh deck, entreating the officers lug him kindly of late. He was very to put back, and prayiug heaven for awkward and very quiet, and the affair deliverance. seemed to be under the management of When the vessel b truck, the pilots, Robertson, who bad been acting as both all on duty, under the direction of the his backer aud adviser for some titne officers were steering straight toward past. Douglass gave his age as 22 years. Miss Yda Addis, however, did not share the spirits of her intended, and acted in a vivacious manner, while in oourt She was attired in a pluin black dress, and no one would have guessed from her garb that she was about to marry a lord. She looked to be about the snowcapped summit of the volcano of Colima. The passengers rushed from their berths t J the deck, screaming and praying in terror, as the ship pounded horself to pieces. One woman, named Braslyn, the only piisseiigor who ex hibited composure, passed among the frenzied throng exhorting them to reas on. Many, despairing of securing pit mM It 8 . I i a 1 V This extra ordinary Ke Jovenator hi the most wonderful discovery of the aee. it his been en domed by the men of Kurope aud America. Hudyanj Is EST TOga- HlldvlBj stops. Prematurjness of the dls. charge In 20 days. Cores LOST Falling Een-eatlon-.Nerv-out twitching of . the eyes and other pails. Strengthen, Invigorate! and tones Um enUreAyitem. Hndjia eurca Debility, Nervonsneas, Smlsalona, and develop) s and restores weajt organs. Pains lo lb back, losses quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsement. Preinaturenets means unootenry In the flrat stave. It Is a eympiom of srmlnal weakness and btrrennos-. It can be stopped In SO days by Ibe nseorHudyan. The new dlacnvery was mad" by the Sneoist lata of the old famous Hudson Medical Initltate. It Is lha strongest vliailrcr made. It Is very powerful, but baimlees. sold for 11.00 a pack era or6 packages for U.00(plaln sealed boxes). Written guarantee aiven for a cure, irvon bnr six boxes aud are not entirely cured, six mora will be sent to you free of all charges. Beniinr circuiarxand testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDICAL IN8TITTJTK. Junction Stockton, Market ft Ellla Sta. amn rrancisco, vai. 25 years old, but the license stated that places in the boats, seized the lifebelts, and cast themselves into the sea. The first boat to be lowered with its heavy burden of humanity, succeeded in olearing the ship's side, but was en gulfed five minutes Inter. Of the occu pants of this boat, only one, a si i lor, she was but 18. She gave her real name as Miss L. M. Mooner, Yda Ad' dis being a name used only on show bills. She did not'oome up to Sholto's shoulders, and they made an odd-look. ing couple, n illo The ceremony was performed and at escaped. As the Inst boat was lowered, its close the bride turned to her newly the Colima capsized. made husband and said jubilantly: "It's all over now. Kiss me, dear," and Sholto awkwardly complied. There was no display of wealth in any way, aud it even required a re. minder from the justice before there was any movement made toward pay' ing the usual fee. Then Douglass re luctantly drew out his purse and brought forth $3. The opening of his purse disclosed the fact that he possess ed tUO. The party wanted the affair kept secret, Robertson stating that he expected the couple would be pursued by "policemen and bulldogs;" for what buried in trenches. A conductor on the National train from Manzanlilo, which arrived here tonight, says there are fifteen Ameri cans among the rescued. A train, bear ing a rescue party and physician, has been sent from here. The people of Mimzanillo are panic stricken. Bodies are being washed ashore in scores. Fifty-four bodies are recovered. The weather is hot, aud there are no means of embalming. Funerals will be held at once. The digging of separate graves is imposHi ble, and the unclaimed dead will be E. McNfc'lL, Keceiver. TO THE IE AST CIVK8 THE CIIOICK OK TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL IR,0 U T E S VIA GREAT NORTHERN RT. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL VIA UNION PACIFIC RY. DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITT he failed to state. The trio went from the oourtroom to the depot, ostensibly to return to San Francisco, A SHOCKING DISCLOSURE. The combined daily capacity of the shingle mills now muuing in Castle Koclt, Wash., and vicinity is 400.000. Beside those now in operation Charles Sturm and Bemis ft Son will in a short time have their mills running, with a combined capacity rf 100,000, which will make a daily output of 500,000 shingles, and it is said the mills are re ceiving orders for all they can saw. Oue of the happiest Polk county men is Jese Berry, of Dallas. Or., who a few days ago received a check for f 10, 000 from an aged maiden relative. named Elixabeth Jeanes, of Philadel phia. Berry is a porsr laboring man Feature of a New Religion Katahllaheil at Omaha. Pittsburg, June 3. The Commercial Gazette this morning publishes a spe cial from Omaha, Neb., stating that Rev. John Morrow, formerly of Pitts burg, has established a new religion there. The principal feature of it is that all members of his church worship in a nude condition. A Mrs. Christen- sen, of Omaha, who is a member of the church, gave out the information con cerning the new sect She claims Morrow has 200 followers in that city. Services so far have been held at the homes of various members, and in each case all the participants were naked. Morrow is now said to be in Peoria. He is well known in Pittsburg. He was ordained as a United Presbyterian, The jefe politico of Manzanillo has summnoed all the mounted rural forces to Manzanillo, and the garrison of sol diers has been placed on guard, to pre vent robbery of the dead, and to dig the trenches. Several bodies have been found a short distance from tho shore, stripped of all valuables and clothing. Severe punishment will be meted out to any offenders who may be discovered at this work. The dead are laid out as well as possible by the Manzanillo agents of the Pacific Mail Company. Portions of the wrecked ship have reached shore. Excluded from the Mai Washington, June 1. The Church Union, a religious paper published in New York by Miss Elizabeth Oranuis and which has for associate editors Rev. Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst, Bishop J. P. Newman, Miss Francis E. Will ard, Rev. C. C. Salter, Dr. Joseph R, Wilson and others, was today excluded from the mails on the ground that it contained a lottery advertisement and but was dismis-ed from that church on that the paper was in fact conducting a account of bis faith cure beliefs. Later lottery business. The last number of he was bible instructor at the Bethany the paper contained a full page adver- home here, a faith cure institution, tisement offering a total of about $3,- 1.0 VV RATES TO AIL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS ...... cob... SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on or address W. II. IIURLBURT, Oen'l Pass. Ajjenl, PoitTi.xn. Ob. J COPYRIGHTS. V While there he edited a paper known as the Faith of God. He was removed from there because he wss in the habit of kissing the sisters. 900 in prizes to aid in seri tiers for the paper. securing sub- A Battle at Jlbee. Santiago de Cuba, Jane 8. A battle is reported at Jibes, on the road from J M (invamlln tn ttuvunn nn fu 9? Iia. l . 9n .1, , .. . , I j , J ' " 1 zonula, ana recently toox a: tween the batallion Catolico and 300 propositions notion to write a friendly letter to Elizabeth Ry1 her sister, who reside to gether at an advanced aire in the neace- cannot attend j fnl Quaker city, and the result was a surprise. rebels. The fight lasted abont three hours, and fifteen Cubans were killed, among whom are said to have been Amador Uuerra, Reiter and Vega. Spanish lost nine. Second Lot of If Ida. Olympia, Wash., May 29. The state board of education opened the bids for state school books today on the second calL It ia impossible to tell the rela tive merits of the bids until all of the are carefully segregated. CA 1 OBTAIN A PATZNT t tai prompt answer and an boneas opiatco, write lo MINX eV CO.. who have bad Dearlv tttj rears' experience In the patent boaineaa. Coumiinlae tlona aflctlr ennlldeDtull. A Handbook of in. formatlna eooeerniaK Patents and now to ob tain then aent free. Also a eatatofsal Ot BTfsa Ical and aclentlfle bonka aent free. Patents taken tbrooeb Mima A Ool sseslaa special notion in the fe-ientlae Aaaerlraa, and that are browbt widely before the public with, out enet to the Inventor. Tbia eplendld paper leaned weekly, elegantly lllaetrated, haa bv far tha largest elrenlation of any eetentiac wort tn toa wunu. vj a rw. campie eopm aern nao. BalMlna Ultlaa. ssontbrr. tiJIIayear. Stasjt eopiea, i. cents. Kvery number eonte.ae h n tiful plalea. In color, and pbotosrapaa of new bousee, with plana, enablinc builders to abow the) latest deslene and secure otmtracta. Address MUNM i CO. sw Youa. Ml BauauvAT. It is aa indisputable tact that for more than fifty years, children, from the age of three months to ten years, bare oeea heaented by Suffdman a Soothing Fow- which the board will do tomorrow. State Superintendent Bean thinks there dera. These Powders are termed soothing are very few changes. Twentr bids because they correct, mitigate, and re Tbe were submitted, as against twenty-fire on the first calL move, disorders of the system incident lo teething. 1 V JJLI