LOCAL EVENTS. Nkwh'AI'kii C'iuxhk' Willi IhnI week' iHNiie J. It Xi'lulut lealiiiieil lil innilliin h fililor n( lliu llfiulil uf tlil tlic mil ay : "Ymn e'liinr liml liiipeil iiiiii'Ii.IhiIIi (or IiIiiihi'II liml Iho uier from hi coiiiitM'iloii Willi il, mnl It U with a li'i lli'U nl (liHUiMilniiiiiiii, iiIiiiohI hitler, lliut he fi'i'la ihiiiiiiiIIiii to nwivn. lit) Iihh naatnl. h fur m Im In ciiiicuriittil ivvttu iiiunllm of liunl, lint pli'imaiit woik. To tlimo win have liulK)(l linn with die iiimr In llio same liimelllhli ilrit tluit liu liu cuiiiril'iilwl Ills own work, lio exIeniU hi hi'iirtleat llmnkH, and wimlil nay to nil nl you, yuntlcinol.'.luiini toHpiireclitteyoiir uluil dew ill iriiHirliuii your iiMMinmrH, your jawbone ami your My train." T. H. Hankini inn) I'. D. Hull liuve tuinoo wycharKu n( tliu iiiht. It Ih uuiler atooil lliat II. II. I.ni'i) uml olliera ili-aire to make a alatu pniier oiitnf I ho Herald. A I'kiiii'atktii) IIvi'Motiht. A wan ilurlng lectwer on biblical topic! who glvea hla namo aa Stewart, wear a Sal vation Army coal anil breeched, anil claiina lie waa roomily winking with the "blood and fire" wliliem in Oregon City, a few day ago hypnotized a lady livhm near Muliiio, at wlnmu Iioiiho ha waa flopping Hii aat ilown In her kitchen aii'l began to look at her Intently, hut aa aonn aa aha peieuivod wliut trick he waa playing on her alio hurried out through the gato, into the wood hanl by, where alio lay down lor iiomo time in a KPi'luiU'ii f pot to recover, if powible ifrom the shock to her nervona ayatein occasioned by Rtvwart'a liypimiic inliu ence. She la now under a phyalcan'a nare. Aa every experiment of that kind puts Stewart in a atale ol high nervous excitement, followed by proalratlon, liu object can hardly be a good one IIimiiii uk Til a na, Tho regular unit lily iiir(it;ng of the hoard of trade was held mi Mondiy iilitht. T. I, Cliarman waa elected (reaauror. Matter of mukliitf arniiigHiiiuuta for extending eiiiirtiialua In the folluwing referred to committee l Ule grange meeting on May in, O. A. H. eneiiiiipnieiTl on June IT ami 18 and Ihe Chaiitaiii anetnbly Inly 10 in 20. Hlepa were taken tn Kuril amtlMliii!! In Imlliliiiir la'ue aa- . . I .itiiimv nun inn :nu ill mutim imiiniiB nipeiiii ami ' ......... ..... ...... ami mi a nugii noun, rreiwieiii, a. Miller reported liml tranapnrtatlon lines had agreed to linn lie all p:inneiigors between here and Portland at reduced rates. IlAii.HOAi) Imi'IIovkmsnt, The trac li.vinu rani of the 8. P. have paased this lde.ee. Besides putting In (12 pound tails instead of 5fl pound ones ihey are putting in Improved switches, mring eplit railf. The laborers and tampers receive 1.40 per day and spike drivera $1.00 and pay (1.50 a week board at bos car hotel with Chinese cook. It is learned from L. A. Noble of thia place, who has a brother who la au engineer on the road in California, that the com pady expects to improve the road (hrouuh to San Francisco, by relaying heavier rails! putting in steel bridges and trestles.blc; and that ihe time be tween here ahd there will be reduced from .'Ifi to 26 boms At present the trains make about 20 miles snd hour hut ftr those improvements will make about 30 miles. itiik Intkrebt of Goon Roaps. F, J. iBnattv. one of the two 5000-mile cycliata sent out by Ilofer Bros., publish era of the Salem Journal, to make I tonii of the state and report on Hie con' dition of the roads, arrived in Oregon nitv on Saturday. Mr. Bently has traversed about 000 miles already, and has been on Ihe road since April if esTfc's to be on his wheel at least KlOdava. After reaching Portland he tvill go east to the mountains and follow tlni south till he reaches Salom, when ha will go south. The obleet of the Journal in sending out these wheelmen is to promote (be cause of good roads snd the enterprise certainly is com' vendible and deserving of encourage' dent. Brismi. Sbssjom. A Biecial meeting of the city couucil was held Monday avenlnff. Remonstrances against the Imi.rovement of Seventh and Sixth streets with brick were tiled. Ordin ances were ordered published declaring the rebate on the assessments for the Main street and Fifth street improve ments, the rebates to be paid when all the assessments bIuiII have been paid into the city treasury. Councilmen Bronghton and Jaguar were appointed to act with the local Grand Army peo pie in arranging for the coining encamp ment. Bill of C. C. Babcock for (94.95 for improvement of cemetery was al lowed. . M. E. Conkbrknl'K. The Ministers! Association of the Portland district con ference of the M. E, church will meet in Oregon City, May 20, 21, and 22. On Monday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. J. C. Wilding, 0. P.. will lecture on "Why Qur Preacher Did, Jot Succeed on, Tuesday eyeniqg t S.tyiv. q. D. friver( j. D. on "Bob Ingersoll and the Devil Combined j" on Wednesday everting Rev. Chas Locke, D. D., on "A Yankee in Bible Lands" Besides the lectures in the evenings, there will be discussions and remarks dur.ng the morning ses sions. Every one that cm, should at tend. Bicycle Accident. qn Friday even jpg If. . Jones apd EJ.' Clappie were firting a tandem along Main street when a large dog jumped In front of the wheel, throwinsr the riders to the ground, where they were run into by Tom Cow ing, who was about five in the rear. Jones was quite badly cut about the fane. SlaDoie was rendered unconsious but soon reviyeij i('pfati!'!p4iii6: and Cowing Basket Picnic Hie Mark's Prairie school, W. T. Hankins teacher, will give a baBket picnic on Saturday, May 25th . The school closes on ihe follow ing Friday, but as the countv teachers' assoast'bp fleets the 'jptlUt that place ie picnic will be hed" on that date. A arge number o teachers are exneotecj tp e present. J. pampbefl' of (his dace wilj make an educational address C. E. C'ii.nvkntion.-TIiu loilowlng dele gules represented Oregon City a the Y. I. 8. C. E. convention at Palcm during the past week: Mrs. C. II. Dye, Dora M. Gray, I.ella Cheney, J. W. Cowan and Hobeit Warner, Congregationalist j Mattle (iray, Ksdie Stiavsr, G. W. Swope and I.oroy Case, Baptists; W. G. lieattlii, Presbyterian. Key. Cowan d& livereda practical talk on "What Boys and Girls are Good For." Next year the ''C. E.'s" will uioet at this place 11.8. Gilnof Salem was elected presi dent and W. I. Htanley of Salem secre tary. Tiiiikk Linkers. The following do luKiitcs represented Clackamas county at the Odd Fellowsconveutlonin Halem: Oregon City lodgu. Thos F Ryan, J W Molfatt and O P Miller; Oregon City encampment, Win II Howell; Oregon City IUbukuh, Lizzie O IIi.tjII and Thos F Ryan; Oswego Rebekah, Ida Starkweather; Oswego lodge, J Risley and W I Phinages ; Aurora lodge, P M Graves and John II lUlyj Hcotts Mills lodgo, F J Riding. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Miller ha relumed (rem Gettinii Poiti.aii. A man and a woman were seen to board a "side-door Pullman" on the south-bound freight on Tuesday evening at this place. They were probably going to a more congen iul clime. Two well-known drummers who had lost (heir jobs in Portlam dressed as tramps, took the same tral for San Francisco.saying to an acquaint- a nee here "that they did not propose to iav what little money they had (or fares." Tramp Biiiii. On Tuesday afternoon aa the local train was passing. John Uickleman liscov red a sm ill bird, re sembling a canary, porched on the break beam of a car. The bird was covered with dust and wa about ex ha listed when taken off, but after being washed and placed in one of McKittrick cages, hopped arou id and seemed quite at home. ATTENTION, WATER CONSUMERS! Rules and regulation regarding the use of water havo been amended in the folluwing particulars: Rato for sprinkling, in addition to household or store use, shall be f 1 for the Beaaon, payable June 1st of each year, mis )ncU)lJ8 use oi nose any lime during the year. Rate fur irrigation or sprinkling where water Is not used for oilier purposes shall be f 2 per month or 5 for the sea son from May 1st to October 1st, pay able in advance. Vegetable gardner special rates. Section (3 provides that consumers will only be allowed to uss wstor for irrigation or lawn Bprinkling between he hours of S and 0 a. m. and 5 and 9 . m. Allowing water to run all day or night is positively forbidden, By order of Board of Water Commissioners, Awarded -Highest Honors World' Fair. DIl mm r CREAM MUM MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Orape Um oi wrur rm-iw. : vktarea uke0i any oincrauuiiciAiiw i - J AAn.lw bam Company F Orders Captain F. 8. Kelly has issued the following orders; The following appointments are hare by made. 2d Serueant A. Matlieson to be 1st Sergeant vice Huntley elected 2d LtetH enanl. 5th Sergeant F. Metzner to be 3d Sergeant vice Mathesoo promoted . 1st Corporal C. K. Itickma.i to be 3th Sergeant vice Metnep promoted. 3d Corporal G, B. Fancber to be 1st Corporal vice Hickman promoted. 4th Cornoral II. K. Jones to be 2d Corporal vice Rands resigned. rrivaie U. L. Cason to be 2 1 Corporal vice Mncher promoted. Private Q. Piereter tq be 4'h Corporal Vve uoiikq jruiffuiD. SergRiiit E, W. Scqtt Armorer. An examing board oonsistingof Lieut enants Pickens and Huntley is hereby ordered to convene at the armory on May 28th. 1805, at 8 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of examining lor warrant the above named. In response to an Invitation from Ihe Grand Army of the Republic the mem bers of this command will assemble at the armor on memorial' Sunday! May 2(ith, at' 9 :30 o'clbok' a .,tot. tf pur p6aeQfa((elndlirig'diYiqe service, Men will report with side arms, white gloves and shoes black. On Thursday, May 30th tills command will assemble at 9 clock a. m. to act as escort to the Grand Army of the Republic In obser vance of Decoration day. Private A. 0. Warner is hereby de tailed as aid to the grand marsh'al on' 'huiBday. May 30th, and' will' repdrt t6 him mounted at fl a. iri.' pn 'aamtf' we, l-he'semi-annual shoot for the honor ary member's medal will be held at the company range on May 30. h at 2:30 p. m, (jontestauts win report id tatigue uniform, cartridge box and belt (campaign hats if desired) and will furnish their own ammunition, ' 1'U shoot will be endtt direct supervision of ; leutuiiRiu Ij ii, rictens, company, in spector of rifle practice', and (of further particulars ap;py to hin , Tlie corc ftouri o( disiplipe will yod vene at the armory on May 21at, 18U5, and'ptixieed, to try such cases properly come before it Djeiail for the oourt. Lieut. L, L. PySeps, Srg. A,. Matt eson, forp.. eo- ff. Fancher- C. A. Willey has moved hla harness and repair shop from on the hill to second door west of depot, next to Courier office, where he will not only keep a full line of first-class hand made harness, Baddies, etc., bat will do tfl kinds of harness qndboqt qqdj sqoe renairjng at' prices th,qt pan't be dupt licated. Give hirp, a call. Satisfaption guaranteed,. It's all oyer (own) What? That V- j Harris is a fixture in Oregon City ami ..can give yon better value ip Groceries, ' Crockerywsre, etc., delivered free, than I yon can get in Portland. Try him and be convinced- ' j , 1 Take your babies and children to X. . I I . I - . . i liiuwa, me iiioiogrBpur, moo get goou from Ammonia, Alum or 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Gallery over Sovelty A. W. Corvallis. W. T. Wblll.ick left on Tuesday for his hanllain ranch. The Baptist young people will give a flower drill on Friday evening. Miss Hattie Cochrsn gave her pupils a picnic si GladidoiiM last Kuturda Married, on May ,1th, by Mayor Straight, Sarah Ktrarup and Win. O, Elliott. Some of the Knight's Tempter of Portland srill visit Fall City M lions next week. Mr. Nemyer left on Wednesday for Bandiui. where he will work In the woolen mill. Miss Anna Samuels of Corvallis, vis lied Missos Erma Lawrence and Ora Spangler last week. The Altar society of the Bt. John's church gave a necktie social on Tuesday evening at the school Hop buyers are olTjrir.g 8 ami 10 cents for this year's crop and 10 and 12 for 18U0 and 1807 hops." The machinery for the farmers' creamery at Barlow has arrived it will commence operations Monday R. Wits, formerly ol this placej has hla brewery in Alaaka all ready to, run but the governor of the territory objects. The smoke oh .Wednesday was from a Ore at Syvan, four mltra weal of Port land, which burnt 3000 coYrlsol wo id. I.J. Straiten has purchased the side k of the Blue Front grocery of E. P. Elliott and will sell goods at lowest prices for cash. The "experience" concert at llm- M. E. church on Tuesday evening was well patronized and a fir-it-class entertainment. Z. Swell, G. J. W., II. Daniels, U. Trustee and Sam Kafka, G, Sec, visited the Foresters of this plaue last rrlday night. Rev. Charles Edward Locke, D, D,. will lecture on "A Yankee In Bible Lands" on Wednesday evening at M, E. church. Piof. Werrchkul'a vocal concert at the Presbyterian church on last Thurs day evening was first class in every respect . Rev. Q. D, Driver will lecture on "Bob Ingersol and. the Peyil Com bined" at the M. K. rtmrnh. op ner Tuesday evening. On Friday before lleooider Fouls Dr. Card sued W. M. Robinson for 18 and secured a jury verdict." The costs amounted to about 30. 4 Ijlri) l)as built its nest and reared its young on top of an arc light a,t cop- ner of Main and 14th street. The bird must have a warm berth nlghti. The Willamette Falls Sunday school gave an entertainment on Wednesday evening at RAtilorf's hall. The proceeds of which will go towards p iyjni fqr tl)eip new organ. Married, at the residence of the bride'a parents at Pamascu1, Or., May, 13, by Rev. R. F, Smalury, Geo. Fleming o( Seattle, Wash., to Miss Ella McMurray of Damascus License to wed granted on 10th to Ella E. McMurray and G. S. Fleming, on Ilth to Minnie rlinn and U. w. Douglas, on 12th to Sarah Strarup and Win. 0. filHott. The infant daughter of Prof. S. W Holmes was playing in the yard on Wednesday when it in some way secured some matches and set its clothes on fire, burning itself quite severely, Boys and girls under fifteen years of age are offered drawing books free with cash prizes of fifty dollars. Call for books at drug store of Geo. A- Harding, Oregon City, after 3 p. m. Saturday. . There Is a strip of Ian I bjtwjen the Oregon City claim and the McKinley and Holmes about a mile long and three rods wide In center that will ba tiled on by a man who is building on same. Probate court ; Will of Almeda M. Anderson admitted to probate; Henry Wilbern.O. B. Smith and J. M. Slacker appointed appraisers of estate of F. H. Forester Jr., and II. F. Forester ap pointed administrator. P. F. Morey and family have moved to thpir elegant poqntry residence near Qswego. They will not retqrq to Qregon Cjty this (ali but will go to Port land to reside hereafter. It is reported that Chas. II. Caufield will occupy their fine residence heie. Twelve new members were elected at last meeting of Willamette Rebekah Degree Lodge on last Friday. The A,cm,o staff of Portland, wll be prejenj on Fri- ay evening, May 24th, to pooler tb,a grees.. This looks a,s, Hiou.gh, th,e led as. in a flourishing poqiiitiaq. The eleotrio current from the new power house on the west side was oar rled to Portland on last Friday. The machinery has been running for some time and now everything works satis factorily.- But one bj tlie0(-lorse pow; ?.T, '?.?i'm.! ' Wfcfffl 1 PHt wsrk. Stated communication of Multnomah Lode, A, F. and A. M on Saturday, 18th Inst, at 7:30 p. m. Grand Master S. Malcolm will be present on an of. ficial visit. A ll m.ffib.en rcauested to be Dresent and aotournlnc hrplhrnn rnr.. fliaity' lnvted. G,.' L,. G,ra,x, Vf. H. Before Recorder Foqts : T;wo Ohlnese. Pia,rejr a,n,d Tm, ld a fight on Monday eoHig over a gambling gamo each, vrere fined 112. Charley payd bis ftne but T,m preferred, ai to paying money, ep. Hanpagan was fined $10 on Moo daj (or striking G. W. McPongal, A Chautauqua musioat will be given at the home of A. 8. Dresser on the evening of the 24th, to which members of the Chautauqua c rcles of Oregon City are most cordially invited. A.1I the, members o the McJ Stalin circle are r'egiested, ',a V8 PTWCflt at the nex.t meeting, Monday evening, at the rea dence of Mrs- Dye. Jacob U. MiHer has been named by the Marion county conrt as administra tor of the estate of Samuel Borkholder. who died on the 97th of March last. The real and personal property la valued at a boot $2300. There are seven heira namely : Elisabeth, Eli and Catharine Burkbolder of Aurora; John, of Ijhepsrd, rii i. . t...u' ",.f c..itw4 i.l. Ar Bethel, Missouri ; and Annie Knight, of, j tanD. CANBVV ft fill n Ih Ififiltlnir Aim. Hie , prone crop la going to be very good. Tbere aie snout lli,im prune trees arounu umn. (I. E. Dosch, the fruit Inspector, Was in i. .I., ii.u nwli. Hh said the fruit trees near Ihe river were affected .wltn fungus, but the nursery slock bac I....T. ,i... .u., . .. .ii iiii Ha dldn I know the name of the disease, but said it was very bad for trees. ,1 frnin 1'unhv to Goode'S bridge is now all gravelod and ready for travel . W. Vorpahl has his house covered and Ihe floor in. There are quite a number ol strangers in Canby looking for homes. . They an like the place. S. E. Rider Is getting ready to fence the place he bought a short time ago. He will also build a House aim Darn. Strawberries are beginning to get ripe and will be ready to ship by the 20th. There will be 20 tons here. The berries are the best for several years. Henry Hall, L. Hall and Nellie Engle of Woodburn were . visiting friends here this week , The Christian church will give a hard- times social at Evan's hall on the utn. Refreshments 5 cents. All Invited. The Good Templars will give an en tertainment May 18th. Everybody in vited. . ' R.S. Sapp has moved to Pomcroy, Idsho, where he has bought a place, May 13th. J- servikc; Ts a duty which noi' wails lor no roso time. Wa ii-rr tor the pnblt' clocks and rise can uai.aie. Time but nil must wait on time by watching it i ot Oregon City. Our of how llr MlchM l'P 'he minutes are slxf ' What's more, there alwav ' aeCnnds to our minutes, which Hip ' - "'""d approved as correct by the v . There are no better time keepors j esrlh than our clocks and watches; in fact, they keen belter lime than ineoilnre Thomas' orchestra. They run by hand and can be depended upon not to quit in tho race. Burmeister & Andresen THE JEWELERS. Now Open! NEW SHOE STORE. HARMONY. Geo. Tlie infant child of Mr. and Mrs Avery was buried Sunday. ;- , Rrupen Dannals recently - sold acres of land to a Mr. Kilton. The Y. P. 8. E. E. took in nine new members, last Sunday evening. Thos. Tultle la cutting wood for Wm H. Karr. May 15. Jitxta Roadwork, The following amounts will be spent on the different roads of the country out of the four-mill road tax. Abernethy $1178 Beaver Creek., 474 64 Barlow 400 68 Boring 194 40 Canby 018 11 Canemah ... ... 300 20 Canyon Creek 102 58 Cascade 42o m Cherry vllle 84 18 Clackamas 037 20 Damascus 651 30 Eagle Creek 343 38 Ely 713 oa Garfield 213 56 George.... 43 lUrdJng...,,,,, 448 43 Highland 3B0 81 Lower Molalla 904 78 Marquam 741 50 Milk Creek ; 285 81 Milwaukie 1509 24 Needy 465 80 New Era 355 7 Oregon City 3879 05 Qswego 1871 28 Pleasant Hill 533 04 Sievers 128 14 Hoda Springs 297 40 Sprlngwater 198 81 Tualatin 320 16 Union 192 62 Upper Molalla r. 678 60 Viou) BOflia wesiuregon uuy just if A Full Line of C. 0. & D. C. LAT0URETTE, Attorneys at Law, omemrcial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial OREGON CITY, Bank Building OREGON. II. E. Ilornshuch and J. M. Preiss of Canby attended the Evangelical c infer- pnee In Salem last week. Rjv. J, B. FlBher was re-elected presiding elder of this district. H. E. Hornshuh, P. E wasappolnted to Oregon City and Canby, A. Ernst to Milwaukie, Rev. Webber, member Canby quarterl-conference, B. F. Myers attended from Oregon City loual'summary". Good pasture for catt le and horses at my ranctie near Oregon tity (Mount Pleasant) from May st. Terms low I. LbMahiku Prescriptions carefully componnded at G. A. Harding's drug store. Received at Charman & Son's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret ties! designs. do not go to Portland lor your photographs when you pan get the best work at Brown's gallery here. County or city warrants taken at par for subscriptions to the Courier. Let us know and we will call and get them or you. Photographs made in first class ityle al Brown's photograph gallery Call and examine his work. Money ta hum on good security by A . s. prpsspr. tiling lobaeoo 4()c a pound, men s wool hats 50c up. LdU of new goods at Russell's Park Place Store. Depot of Schilling's Best Baking Powder at R. Staub's Grocery. Jus recevpd-4 new line of side potn,b a the Racket Store. Leave yor ordej at Moody A Kinear sop's (or , good summer suit. Your measure taken and a suit made for $15 ; pants $5. This is as cheap as a ready made suit and besides you can have the very latest out. Get a sampje. cj Sk.y Raking liwdor Iw n't forget to examine the samples of fine goods Moody & Rinearson are. putting into suits for $15. They ift't Ve beat. ladies' snd children's shirt waists at the Racket Store. if Highest cash prioe paid for second hand goods of 11 kinds at second-hand store, opposite Noblitt's stable, on 7.th street, Eastern Boots ami Sioes which we will sell at Eastern Prices. Call and Examine Our Good. We will give you Great V Bargains New Styles, ' Latest Designs, Lowest ',' Prices. A. 8. DsKMutr Krausse Bros, Next Door to Burme'eter & Andresen'i ....The.... Gladstone Greenhouse Is the Plaoe to Oft Your rlantl , A Jme collection on hand of Begonias, Geraniums, Cinerarias, Fusias, Petunias, Pelargoniums, Chrysanthemjms, Carnations Cals, etp.t at bedrock trices. ORKOON CITV, KIDD& WILLIAMS, guooessors to (1. Cooke, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLE, COR. FOURTH AND MAIM STS. OREGON CITY. R, FREYTAG'S Corner Grocery Keeps a Full Line of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, Provisions, Flour, Feed, Fruits & Vegetables, AT LOWEST PRICES. Gso. o. ngowNi.i,. Brownell & Dresser Attorneys at Law, Office One Door North of Caufield it un ley't D' nqttore, JtrsnnA.. uiiauyis wry, . . OREGON E. F. DRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 9 OREGON CITY. Odice : Two Doors South of Courthouse. Special For The Comlnit Week At TLj W0NDIW .MIWNEJRY H0U 254 Morrison 8t., Two Ooon freat Third 8t. Near Iwiatlat-s P0RTLAN0, OREGON. TTAS the following attractions for the coming weak-All the Ut. rX yu Nve not boiiKht your tri.nm.d I b.tl ,ti 1 v"1 n w? " evince yon thst csn ?K 1 nesr vsiuo lor tlie least money: Sec our Ladies' and Misses' Sailors at c: csn give yoo lbs hildren's Sailors at Kc: Leghorn Hats at 20c: Trimmed I Leghorn with fancy ribbon at fi; Trimmed Fancy btraws at $1.50; all our $6, $7.50 and 13 Pattern Hats at $4.50: see our Fancv Straw t?,LI..a u.Y. with wide fancy ribbons; Laces and Roses at $2 50 each Violets of 3 dozen at 5c per bunch; Rose Sprays at loc, 15c and 20c per bunch all colors. the WONDER MILLINERY HOUSE, 254 MORRISON' Naw Htrlni Itcoairsil UbIIt. U. STREET. Flattering Evidence G. 0. RINEARSON, ATTORNEY lW, Opposite Caufield Block, oruoon fioblitt Livery and ale table OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and tat Depot. Double anil alnele rim and ,l,lio kn... .. ways on hauil at Llm Ihumi rUiUB .,i . , tlo connecled Willi Ihe bam for loone loc k. AiiylnformaUon regarding any kind ol ilock piorapUy auuided to by letter or peraoa. UOItSKS BOUGHT OR BOID L. M. ANDREWS, M. D DEALER IN Drags, Notions, Perf a merles Toilet Articles, itc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. OS THE mix. or. of7Ui A Center St., Oregon City OF the sale of our French r epons de onstrates the fact v7ij t uvuut wuat nib iauiv,a Ji 1 urilAlJU and vicinity appreciate a good and standard article, when placed on sale at 37c a yard, or $2.59 a su'.fr, worth $5.95. Ladies, don't lose sight of the fact that we are up to date on dress goods, silks and velvets, and dress makers' furnishings, and give you the lowest and closest quotations enu eratcd from a retail standpoint on first-class goods. Best Values offered by any Dry Goods House west of New York, McAUen & McDonnell, COR. THIRD AND MORRISON, PORTLAND. Tan Shoes. ... -FOR- Latest A. R. DOOUTTLE'S West Side Store KEEPS A WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF Groceries, Provis ions FRUITS, FLOUR AND FEED. West Side Express IN CONNECTION. Taoa. T, OakM Deary O, Payna, Reoelveiw, Henry O. ftuuw ATfORTHERN flj PACIFIC B. R. GEO. A. HARDING, DEALER IN IF 3DRUQ-S tandard Pat. Medicines. PainU, Oils and Window Olasi. Prucriftloni Accurately Compounded. HARDING'S BLOCK. MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Summer Suits! m m Bicycle Sweaters, Caps, Pants and Stockings. Pioneer Stove- THOS. CHABMAIT & SO IT. CO TO -FOR TH e Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Loant made. Blile cllHr,ntitil(1 Mnl.., ..nl loctiona. Du.vk and Hells exclmngi) on all polnu In the United States anil Europe and on llonj Kougr. DtM)OHlt rcceivod mihlei'l to check In. tereat at usual rutee allowed on time depoilti. Bank open Irom 9 A. M.to4 P. M.; Haturday ovenlnu Irom 6 till 7 P. M. D. C. LATOUKETTE, F.E.DONALDSON, Prohldunt. Oaahlei u N S Well! Well! Talk about Tonr Luteal HuR They All Smile When They Drink It. Randall & Meyer Are always pn, top. a,n4 they wII furutsh you, a quurt for 5 cents, yes, give you a qjart a day for $1.50 a month. Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist TO Sleeping Cars C ST. PAI'L MINN I II il NKPOMS IM M TU CAKI.lt KAMI FOKKR KOIIKWTON WINNI PKO IIEI.ICNA BITTK THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAOO WAftHINCTOX onTon'aoii all WUXTi gin! WOfTM. tat Infonnalloa ti Utiieti, eall oo r wr .rrlfl. map and Dr. Price's Creini Ukinc Powder - oHd' fair Hlteft Awar. Try tlieq and lie convinced.! A. D. CHARLTON, Asst, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. frrtw pllrt, ('mr Tklrtl. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING IIOU8K IN THE CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. President, - THOU as Charmak Vice President, . . Giso. A. Hashing CaHhier K. O. Caiihild Manager, Charms 11. Caufiicld K General Mmililiig HiihIih'91 Tranaaeted, DepoHltH Heieiveil HilJei!t to Check, Approved III liu and Nolcn DlKccuntvd. County and Clly Warrant! boiiKht. . Lnaim Malleoli Available Hecurilv Exchange Huuglit and )i. Collections Made Promptly. liraHs Hold , Available iu Any Part ol ttl. World. Telegraphic Kxchanir Sold on Portland, Ban FranclHco, Chicago, and New York. Interent Paid oa Time DepOHita. ' IUB AQBNTS Of THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. Adirondack 719. ADIRONDACK, a brown homo, ttt IikikIm high, highly liniBlicd; tlie iM'Ht bri-d horso In tbo Mtiite: a aure foal gutter, hla cfilUare large and niiceily. C'orneoii Willi your marcN and get a roailntcr. ADIRONDACK 719 w Hired by Holm Fide 7'tl, ure of Humbert:!; Dun Hmine.iire of Eobo Nellie M 2 Susie Owen A DI RONDACK'rl dam wa Madge, who waa sired by Volunteer W, sire of HI. Julian 'i-MU and 'a', ottiers in 'l.M or belUT. ADIRONDACK has aired Ronnie Hell Flora T t:.V. Annie II 2:411, Admill 3:41, Ambler 2:4I;, alu dam iiigllule 2: 1. ADIRONDACK Is making Hie Henon of Ih'.i.'i at Noblitl't Htnblu In Oregon City exceiit Mon. days and Tuesdays at Canby for the extreme I y low price of 110 r,.r the ftcaaon; Insurance $h, payable when service is rmdrred. Harry Sloper, Proprietor, Opgon City, Ore FOR SALE. Eighty ic.ren of fine farm land, mostly bottom, on Woodcock creek. Clackamas county, two miles (roin Meadow lirook poatoflice. Three acre cleared, 12 acres slashed ; good house 20x30. 1'rice $H00, of which $.500 mnst be paid down, bal noe two years' time. For further par ticulars call at Cocrier ollice or aihlrens me it ancouver, Wash. Mas. Asxa Taylor. Insure in the Farmer's Co operative Fire Insurance Association of Oregon City. The cheapest mutual protection in the state. Men combine to insure themselves. Applications taken by M. L. Moore, county treasurer, and president of the asociation. Agents wanted throughout the state. Address the secretary, O. A. Cheney, Oregon City, Oregon. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING And Building Material. Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered for First-Class Goods. Shop Opp. Congregational Chore , Main Street, Oregon City tablet Bicyce V LEAD THE WORLD! Look at the G. & J. Clinch Tire Before You Buy. All Sizes All Weights All Trices Cash or on Installments. Second Hand Wheels Bought and Sold. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, rOKTLAND, 0REU0, Controlling Ore., Wash., & Idaho. W- A. HUNTLEY, Sole Agent, Oregon City, Oregon. THE IOWA JEWELER a J A. N. WRIGHT. Watch Repairing a Specialty. NORRIHON OPPOStTK POSTOFriCti PORTLAND, OREGON. i- Courier for Job Printing