Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, May 10, 1895, Image 2

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    Oregon Courier.
Entered In the Oregon City poiloflloeiiiocond
class mttter.
On vear . KM
Bit monthl 1 00
Thro month! w
If paid III advance, 23 por cent dlacount.
CTha dte opposite your address on the
paper donotel the time to which you have paid
OREGON CITY, MAY, 10 1895.
Von'Mg 13, No. 1. Tiie CounigR was
12 years old last week, end today it be'
Rim Its 13th year under the most favor
able conditions.
The democratic county convention of
Chicago on Saturday declare I almost
unanimously for free silver. Ex-Con
grossman Bryan, of Nebraska, and other
sneakers scored Cleveland and his
It mek a heap of diflunce in de self
respec' of some men whedder doy am
caught in de watermelon patch or net
away wifout bein seen. Uncle Sben'i
ritilotoqhy. Had Kev. Brother Reed
not been caught In "de watermellon
patch" the bank he would not have
been crazy. Juries now-a-days evince
more symptoms of insanity than the
prisoners who pled for freedom by way
of the insane asylum.
Tin Salem Journal gives the follow'
ing comparison of the cost of clerk hire
of tho committee on engrossed bills of
the late legislature:
Senate McGinn, chairman V-1170
Holla Boullirtxle, chairniau . ....... 772
Senator McGinn paid liis clerku $4 and
f 5 a day for forty days, and Representa
tive Sehlbrede paid his clerks only for
the time they actually worked. Reform
was the watchword for some people
Willamette River Bueiness.
the number of
and tons of
Following is the report of President
C. II. Caulield of the Willamette Trans
portation & Locks Co. as filed iu the
governor's office last Fridity, tor the
quarter ending March 31, 1895, showing
the number of boats which
through the locks, with
passengers, live-stock
freight carried through :
January, 1805:
Modoc 8
Toledo 11
Altona U4
Huag 7
Eugene 6
Salem 12
Baby 1
Cnltle Ton)
Etc. C'r'd
February :
Modoc 1)4
Toledo J3
Altona 12
504 882 352 2990
Salem. . .
Elmore. .
Henry Welchor has Just finished dig
ging his potatoes.
Melnt Peter's now granary, on the
Meridian road, is beginning to loom up
into prominence; size 20x30.
Sam Moser's grubbers have completed
their nine-acre job and moved up near
A special meeting was held at the
school house, district No. 41, Saturday
for the purpose of deciding whether or
not wu shall build a new sclioolhouse.
After soveral hours wire pulling it was
decided by all that we are ssilly in need
of the same, also in need of funds with
which to rjroceed. Thev could not
agree on bonding the district, As the
hour was eotlinir late thoy adjourned
until the first Suturduy In October, at
which time they hope to have plans,
soecifications. etc.. on hand so the
voters may see and come to an under
Rtamlinir more readilv. One voter put
his Duke into the effect that the old
tinililinff wna ntill sood enouifh. in fact
better than his own dwelling-house, and
he did not have funds to build for him
self, where upon another arose and said
he did not have to call a meeting to tell
people that he needed a dwelling house
ns they were already aware of the fact,
but tins meeting was called lor me pur
pose of deciding whethur we shall build
a sclioolhouse or not. There was one
female voter present and It is rumored
that she was very influential in preserv
ing order.
A. and I. Holton came down from
Silverton Sunday, and reported the roads
May 0th. Lengthy.
15 00
ISO 00
80 IX)
Clias Millard is at homo again.
Growing crops have been greatly ben
efited by the late rain.
Herman Kannie. who had the em ill
bone of his leir broken and ankle dis
located, is not getting along very well
Notwithstanding the heavy ruin Sun
day morning, a large crowd was present
at tre dedicatory services of the "lies-
cue' J-.vangelical church. liishop
William Horn, of Cleveland, O., was
present and preached an appropriate
sermon lor the occasion. 1 lie money
raised by collection, subscription, etc.,'
amounted to about $150, which will
clear the church of all debt.
The Y. P. 8. C. E. is in a prosperous
condition. On next Sunday six new
members will be taken in.
Mrs. Martha Brown (nee Wise) re
cently sold 0 acres of land for $900.
Mr. and Mrs. Win Jones of Clackamas
were the guests of M. Phillips Sunday.
Miss Etta Karr came heme from Port
land Saturday and returned Sunday
Louis La Grand has decided to not
buy the acre of land of R. Dannnls, nor
will he lease any ground. After due
consideration, he decided to back out
of his bargain, lie has, however, taken
a job to clear 3,'a acres for Mr. Dunnals.
George Kilton is having somo Blasti
ng done.
Born, to the wife of C in Battin , May
4, a daughter. Mother and child are
doing well.
Mrs. Fankhauser bus been on the sick
lilt, but is better at present.
May 7th. Ji'xta.
57 1085 02 3511
March :
Modoc 11 292
Toledo 12 148
Altona 13 442
Hoag 6 90
Eugene 6 47
Elmore 9 221
3 580
34 1380
Total 65 1240 833 3453
Boats total :
Modoc 26," a' 528 143 2353
Toledo 35J 030 98 090
Altona 308 1082 853 757
Hoag 22)4 383 90 1738
Eugene 15 134 11 1058
Salem 17 237 4 800
Elmore 12J 313 48 1741
Baby 1 2
Eaglite 1 10
Grand total 108 3213 1247 0401
Puring the quarter ending March 31
1893, there were four boats plying the
river, the total record being aj (uIIowb
Trips 104'i, passengers 1974, cattle etc,
120, sheop 83, tons carried 7021.
During the quarter ending June 30,
ltivj, six boats did business, with a tola
record of trips 112, passengers 2454,
cattle 199, sheep 15, tons carried 037S
During the quarter ending September
au, lisya, there were eight boats oil ana
on, with the following total: Trips
i.W'k, passengers uuoa, cuttle Nil, sheep
08, tons carried 2734.
During the quarter ending December
31,1893, nine boats operated with a
total business as follows: Tiips 155,
passengers 3492, cattle 107, sheep 20,
tons carrieu BlUj.
During the quarter ending March 31,
imn, six boats divided the trade an J
made totals as follows: Trips loTJg,
passengers 3101, cattle 83, sheep 7, tons
carried 0137.
During the quarter closing June 30, 1894,
six boats were in the trade with a total
record as follows: Trips 179', pas
sengers 0227, cattle 179, sheep 298, tons
carried 712!) .
For the quarter ending September 30,
1894, there were soven boats operating
and the total results were : Trips 1 7S,
passengers 9982, cattle 123, sheep 131,
tons carried 014U.
During the last quarter of 1894 seven
boats took a hand in the business and
made this record : Trips 109, passenger s
8900, cattle 140, sheep 21, tons carried
A New Volume.
This Easter issue is the initial number
of Volume XIII oIMunhky's Maha.ine.
The volume just closed has the distin c
tion of having shown a greater gain a
vastly greater gain in circulation than
any single volume of a magazine in the
whole wido world has ever had. It
started with the October issue with a
circulation of quarter of a million, and
ended with the March issue with half a
million. The increase in these six
mouths alone, represents a largor circu
lation than that of any other magazine
either in the old world or the new,
while the total circulation of Mi sjkv's
,- inexcen af the combined circulation of
any other four magaiine$ in America.
Whenever you bear a man finding
fault with bis local paper, op 'n it, and
ten to one be hasn't an advertisement in
it; five to one he never gives it a job of
printing to do ; three to one that he don 't
take the piper; two to one if be is a sub
scriber he is a delinquent ; even up that
. be never does anything in any way that
will assist the publisher to run a good
paper, and forty to one he is the most
eager to see the piper when it comes
O ul. Three SUten.
It has ruined considerable. Grain is
growing very rapidly.
Two men and their wives came here
last Monday to look at some mountain
land ; a third man was looking for a lo
cation to settle as a shoe maker. It
seems that a person with that trade
might be very acceptable In a neighbor
hood .
Two new houses have been built hore
this spring, by persons taking claims.
Quite a number of the school child
ren are sick with something like scar
latina. Mr. Matley, an Iowa man, is to take
George Grace's old stand, as a merchant.
May success attend him.
The Redford boys, who made Colton
their home for some time, have turned
out to be horse theives. Mr. Sexton
bought a horse of them, but the owner
came for it and he had to give it up;
also Truman Bouncy of Hubbard had to
give up a nice span of horses to the
owners which he had got from the Red-
lorj boys. Ihey are now in Salem
Today one of Mr. Gorliett's horses
kicked Joe Carlson's horses and broke
its leg, Joe lias been a fuithfull son,
helping his family and he depended on
his teuin a great dual. It is a pity.
May 3d. Pixy.
Alva Jallvn vs Wm J. and Clara 0.
Bruce, plaintiff allowed to withdraw
note; J. G. Miller et al ve Hamilton
Bros, defendant's granted until J uno 3d
to answer; It. L. Sabin vs Hamilton
Bros, plaintiff allowed to file amended
complaint on June an; mate vij.a.
Lousignont, Jury verdict of larceny and
value of property assessed at $47.90.
Court allowed the followirg b'lls:
Kvnnn Rrna. defending Henry
Halloway 15 00
0 H Dye, defending Fred
Romuln 25 00
J U Campbell, doienuing isuac
W N Barrett, district attorney. .
Chas E Runyon, court reporter. .
W K Barrett, prosecuting cases
against Oregon City hank. . . . 50 00
Goo Webber vs Fred Huffman, plain
tiff llowed to file amended complaint;
H P McNary vs Clackamas county,
nonsuit; J A Baker et al vs Rhoda A
Edes et al, partition of properly by re
ferees accepted.
Louis I. Seibnrlick vs Milton Hosford,
judgment for $51.83; Adam Andre vs
C. M. Andre, divorce; Thos. Channan
vs G M B Jones, dismissed ; Lizzie E.
Close vs David Close, plaintiff allowed
15 days more.
Bills of bailiffs: T. W. Fouts for
$00, T. M. Miller for 03 and Max
Schulpius tor $30, allowed.
The cafe of II. P. McNary vs. Clack
amas county, involving a demand for
taxes against Minthorn addition to Port
land, was dismissed with costs taxed
against plaintiff J. T. Apperson, C. O.
T. Williams and A. S. Dresser, the re
ferees appointed to partition Minthorn,
have tiled their report, it snows jhuu iois
divided among 92 holders, the smallest
being $71 and the largest $10,100.
J. A. Louisignout has not been sen
Ifliieedand hisattornev. Geo. C. Brown
ell, has hud the pnsioner admitted to
bail of $150 until June term. Air.
Rrowneli has been very successful with
his cases.
The case of the city against the East
Side Kail way to forfeit its charter has
been postpaid until the June session.
Wednesday the case of William B,
Partlow vs. A. T. and J. A. Howland
and J. J. Frazer was decided in favor of
the plaintiff. The pii it involved the title
to about three acres of land near this
city, but there is also settled by it the
title to several acres more; was occas
ioned by conflicting lines in the govern
ment survey of the S. 8. While and
John S. Howland donation claims
feed down In Open Ground la Left to Ma
ture Without Transplanting.
The horticultural editor of American
Cantoning has the following to say ou
the new cubbago culture:
Whooping Cough.
There is no danirer from this dlseiau
when Chamberlain's L'nmdi Kummlv ia
freely given. It liquefies the loiigli
mucus and aids its DinwtnrHiloii. li
also lesions the severity a d frequency f
paroxysms of coughing, and iiiiuhs a
ipeedy recovery. There Is ii"l the lean
danger la giving the remedy to children
or babies. it contain no luiui in-iaa
substance. For sale by G. A. Harding.
Druggist .
A Fkw days ago Rinear, the populist
sheriff of Spokane coiintv. bv the aid of
For yoars we have bad the most sutis- ,u,lr guards, took ix prisoner toihe
factory success with cabbages by follow V"'8 penitentiary, at Walla Walla. On
ing what some of our reuders may re- ",e fy aon' .prisoners it set nis
gard as a Mew method. It Is ouly the "J ? "'""'"l 'jnpw'W" '.
L.11 number of plants of Jersey w'ake- LtS
iiliurtfr'a luuill.it anil
nv i.u.u ...... . Hiuaniurvuruury uiuue way Willi tlieiU .
ana sot iu open ground in sjarcn or
April. All cabbages lutwidod for use iu Cure For Headache
midseason and later were sown directly Ai remedy for all forma uf ilcad.chu
in open ground and thoro left to ma- Kltwtrlo lllltcra haa proved to be the very bent,
tnre without transplanting. This "new " 'ffrctssiwrmaneut cure and the most drcadi-d
cuubairo culture" hiu tawn mimHmin. habitual alck headachoa yield to ila hi
quito frequently, and yet it is so little
practiced by tho average borne gardunor
and yet so very vuluublo that it will
bear nioro and stronger words in its
favor. Indeed wo find it the easiest and
simplest way of starting a patch.
llio land is enriched and prepared in "'
tne usual way required fur any of our
garden crops. Light murks are then
made with tho garden marker, two foot
apart for small sorts, three apart for
late and very large ones. Next we tuke
t in Tin m 1 " 1 w
Alienee. We urgcall who are alll Icted to procure
a bottle, and give thla mindly a fair trial. In
cases of habitual conization Kleclrlo lllllvra
curea by giving- tlio needed loulo to the bowels,
and few caaea lorm rvilut the ue ot III
medicine. Try It once. Urgo botllca Fifty cent
at Charman it Co.'i lirug Hiorc, ('barman liroa ,
Mrs. Illuir preached three quite Inter
esting sermons at this place, Saturday
evening, Sunday ut 11 and 7:30 o'clock.
The fourth and lust quarterly meeting
of this year will be hold at liunil Doll
sclioolhouse the ll'.h and 12th of this
month by Revs. II. L. Ilnrclay , 1). 1).,
and C. if. Merrimnn, pastor of V. B.
Joseph Johnson is still improving.
It Mill continues to rain.
Mr. Tingley is still on his pins.
Joe Lolier wears the largest bonnet
of anyone since the lilacs came in
bloom .
Th. Ogle hub built a line shed on the
end of his bain.
Hops are looking qnile Muttering ut
A nine pound bov arrived ut Men
Bowe's on Tuesduv of lust week.
Muv (Ith. Dkvv Dkoi-s
Law vi. Law.
The Coi'kikb of last week made
mention of troubles of the Laws over a
child, and in the article it was stated
that Mr. Law was arrested, which was
a mistake, as he was not arrested until
this week and then h r threatening to
kill Mr. Trevor. His examination took
place on Thursday . The following from
the Portland Mercury is published by
Lillian Lovelace was formerly the wife
of J . II. Law, an Oregon City milkman.
There was a good deal of the frisky
about Lillian to which Mr. Law objected ;
onarre Is ensued and a divorce resulted
the woman alleged that her husband
drunk to excess and Law accused his
wife of infidelity. But Law contested
the woman's suit in a half hearted man
ner, finally informing the court that he
gave up the contest, so Mrs. Law was
granted a decree, the custody of their
child, Forest, and the privileges of re
suming her maiden name, that ol Lillian
But Lillian Lovelace detested the life
of a recluse didn't like the idea of be'
ing a female bachelor. Along last fall
Lillian made the acquittance of William
Trevor, a grocer on first between Ulay
and Columbia streets. From that time
on she seemed to hump herself to get
more and more acquainted with the
man and she seemed to succeed right
well. In fact she seemed so successfully
that a Mrs. Reynard, a neighbor lady,
caught Lillian and William occupying
the same bed. She says they seemed
to enjoy the situation, too.
Mrs. Reynard was shocked, and
shortly after informed Lillians ex
husband of what was transpiring. Now
it has been Law s ambition for a long
time to secure possession of their three-year-old
boy. He has the affidavit of a
physician that Forest was once alllicted
with the itch, and of others that the
child's grandparents, who keep the boy,
do tint treut him kindly. As a step in
the direction of accomplishing his pur
pose, Law caused his wife to be arrested
at Oregon City on the charge of lewd
co habitation, and Trevor whs placed in
a similar position in the municipal court
of Portland .
Now Law hail a dead cinch on the
guilty couple. There was no doubt of
that, and ho might have insisted on their
punishment, but when, Saturday fore
noon, Judge Smith joined the pair in
wedlock, it was decided to have the case
And so Lillian and Will were made
husband and wife. They had "caressed"
themselves into an involuntary engage
ment and a hurried union, and may now
occupy the same bed forever, il they
wish .
Entire itock of Crockery will be sold
below cost at R. Staub'a Grocery.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
How to Cure Yourself While Using it.
The tobacco ha bit grows on a man
until his nervous system is seriously af
fected, impuring health comfort and
happiness. To quit suddently is too se
vere a shock to the system, as tobacco,
to an inveterate user becomes a stimu
lant that his system continually craves.
llaco-turo is a scientiliccure lor the to
bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully
compounded after the formula of an
eminent Berlin physician who has used
it in his private practice since 1872, with
out a failure, purely vegetable and guar
anteed perfectly harmless. You can use
all the tobacco you want, while taking
Baco-Ciiro, it will notify you when to
stop. We give a written guarantee to
permanently cure any case with three
boxes, or refund the money with 10 per
cent, interest. Baco-Curoisnota substi
tute, but a scientific cure, that cures
without the hid of w ill power and with
no inconvenience. It leaves the system
as pure and free from nicotine as the day
you took your first chew or smoke. Sold
by all druggists, with our ironclad guar
antee, at 1 1.00 per box, three boxes,
(thirty days treatment,) 12 60, or aeut
direct upon receipt of price, sknp six
Chemical & Manufacturing Company,
Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse,
A Crltio of Renan.
A paper that will attract widespread
attention in orthodox circles is a scath
ing criticism of Kenan's "Life of Jesus,"
from the pen of John P. McPt.erson, of
the United States supreme court, which
appears in the Arena tor May. Mcpher
son goes carefully through Kenan's
famous work, and upon the examination
of the authorities he cites shows that
his deductions are not sustained by his
torical evidence. Several of the most
important criticisms of Renan on the
character ol the ministry of Jesus, such
as his conscious imposture as a thau
maturgist, are alleged to he based upon
insufficient and flimsy evidence. The
paper will most assuredly be read with
avidity in orthodox circles, for Mr.
McPherson's acute legal mind has
brought forward several important
points which have escaped other critics.
The Discovery Saved Hit Life.
Mr. a. Caillouctle, Drugglut, llcavirlllo, III
aya: "To Dr. King's New Dlicovery I owe my
life. Waa taken with U Galppe and tried al
the Dhvalclani fop nilli.a aluilll. hut nt tin avail
a cup or other small dish (or a papor) and wa given up and told I could not live,
containing the seed in tho left hand, Having Dr. Klng'a New Ulacovery la my Morel
take np a few seeds between thumb and cnt for a bottle and began ita ui and from th
index finger of the right band and drop doae began to grt belter, anil after using
them in the mark, lightly rubbing over ,hrt'e botllca waa up awl about again. Il l worth
the spot with the right foot and finally " metltM '" I"M- We wo"'t ke"P ,u,rc rhoue
stopping ou it The operation is repeat- . L ,rt' ,rU1 bmllc 81 (,""
ed at proper distanceaa pinch of d Co ''"wMsnaanBro,.litek.
being dropped about 18 inches apart iu While in Stockton' Cat . some time
the marks for Jorsey Wakefield and two ago. Thos. F. Lamran. of I.o llii
feet or more for the later, larger sorts, that state, was taken severely with
Thus a big patch can be planted in a camps and diarrhoea. He chanced to
very short time. The seed soon comes "ieet M. C. M. Carter, w ho was
up. If flea beetles become troublesome, similarly amicied. lie says: I told
a sprinkling of ashes or tobacco dust 'lm . ,erl".in Colic, Cholera urn
...in ,i i.. ,i , ,t,.i Diarrhoea Remedy, and we wont to the
quarters. When theplantsare in strong i . l " ? J
,. . . . , i . i - wa at HBV t'l . vn 1 171 Jf UlllUt ftjlllll
w w.vv, .a.v..,w.lh.. '"sr Hnu i can vouch lor its havinif enrft.I
are thinned to one in a place, the bent mi?. For khIh 1v (J. A llnnl intr lf-.ia
t.111 ...at. flM.- .Ul..
for Infants and Children.
THIRTY yara' obaTrattton of CaatorU with thjtanagof
MilUlona of poraone, permit ns to apkHwlthontjneaalng.
It la qneetionaplr h Tmij for Infants and Children
tha world has iwr known. It is hannleaa. Children like It It
lTOe thorn health. It trill aavo their Uvea. In It Mothers havo
aomothbaa; which U aheolntelr aafe and praotloally porfeot as a
child's medicine.
Caatorla deatroya Worm a.
Caatorla allays ITeTerlahnwae,
Caatorla preTents Tomltlng Soar Cnrd.
Caatorla onree Piarrhaa and Wind Collo.
Caatorla rellevea Toothing Troubles.
Caatorla euros Constipation and Flatnlenoy.
CaitoHa neutralises tho offeots of carhonlo aold gas or polaonona air.
Caatorla does not contain morphine, oplnm, or other narcotic property.
Caatorla aaalmllatea tho food, legnlatee tho atomachndhowela,
sjItIbk healthy and natural eleep.
Caatorla la put np In one-also fcottlea only. It la not sold In hnlfc.
Don't allow any ono to sell yon anything olao on the pica or promlae
that It .."Jnet as food" and "wtllan.wer OTery pnrpoae."
gee that yon t C-A-S-T-O-K-I-A
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Oregon Pacific Railroad Company
( HAH. I'LAKK, llttceivnr,
I'oiiiii clliiK Willi Mir.'-IIOMKH" bolwwii Yai,i,hl
and San fraiicliae.
SiKaiunr U. Hnu KmnclKO February SUIIl, Marol'
-ail, Will, Ml and Dial.
Siwni-r Ii'ovm Yaiiilna F-bmary Sfttli, Warrli Ttli
lTlh mill 7lli.
IIIkIi!' rrnvru'cl In chungo tnlllng tlatM wllliuUI
Kor fn.lshl anil pwwiiKor ratc-a apiljr to anjr Agrut
Nik, 2 to 8 Murk it Slrwl,
HiinKraiiclun, Cl.
CHAM. CI.AHK, llciwlvar,
t'urvnlllK, OruKon.
i April 11, lwiri. Nullcu la herchy kIvimi that
the follnwhiicnaiiii'ii ai-lller lm IHcd notloe of
IiIh hiluiilliin l" iiiiike llniil priinf In anpport ol
hla claim, and that anhl proof will ha mado be.
lore the Hi xIMi-r ami niwivnr V. H Land ctlice
nl On-xnti ( liy, llri'Kiin, on May 17lh, IHiij, rli:
II. E. No. KIM, lor tlio H i ut HV i ot Heo. 2K,
Tup. II M It. 4 K. lit, iiiinica the MIowiiiK
ullnetxea to priivn Ilia (-iiiiihiuoua rividunee
iiKin huiI iiihlviitlmi of, mild land, via: Kit
Wllhiiina and lilrimi Wllmui of (Jiirrhmvhh-,
liri-Kiin, ami Jnlin Hlor.iH-r and Wm. Kandle
o Siirllliiuull'r, Uri'ii
KKlll'.KT A. MII.I.KR, Ri-KlKter.
Tho lao-olmlla
elgnatnro of
nings may be used, if desired, to make
some of your neighbors happy who like
good plants, but were not fortuuate
enough to know or practice the "new
cabbage ciTlture. " If there happens to
be a luishill, or yon want to set some
plants in a place where a first crop has
just token off, you have the plants and
good ones to do it with.
for over Fifty Year.
As Old inb Will-Tbko Rixkdt. Mn. Win
low'a Suollilng Syrup haa been naed fur orer fifty
yean by mllllona of motliera fur their children while
teething, with perfect aucceaa. It aoothea the child,
auitena the guma,allaya all pain, curea wind collo,
and la the beat remedy fur Diarrbcea. Ia pleaeant to
the taata. gold by Druiutlata In erenr nart of the
World. Twenlv-flve eanla a (uiltlw lta valna la In.
Let me Say With all ' emphasis that calculable. Be aura and ak for Hra. Winalow'i
nitrate of soda is a wonderfully effect
ive fertilizer for cabbages and cauli
flower, as also for spinach, beets, etc.
Wherever nitrate of soda can be readily
obtained in small quantities, home gar
deners should not fail to make use of it
Soothing 8yrup, and take no other kind.
K. W. Jov CoHPANY-aentlenien: Thla la the
flrat tlmo I hare attempted to write for three
yean. Have been ao nervous and weak that I
It really has every advantage over other have laid in bed for most of the time.
nitrogenous fertilizers. It is the chenp- A friend who had taken your Saraparilla sent
est source of nitrogen. It is clean, it is ""two bottles. The second one la most gone,
easily applied, and it shows its often
remarkable effects sooner after applica
tion than any other fertilizing sub
stance. We just Bcatter a scant table-
spoonful around each plant and repeat
once or twice, or we just sow the stuff
broadcast at the rate of a pound or two
to the square rod.
and I have gained twenty pounds, and surely
feel a new women. 1 was pale thin. No ambi
tion. Had given U , as I had tried ao many
remedies and doctors but found no benefit. If
you care to publish this you have my consent.
(Signed) MU9.A.C. TILLMAN,
Alameda, Pal.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tug Best Balvs Iu the world for Cuts
Bruslses, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever gores
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coma, and
all 8kln Eruptions, and positively curea File
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to glv
ilttOMaaall an
tnutui -1 '- t i :.! i oi voiiittllKUiti0!,ucli uh iik Mmnory,LuH(if iirln
't.wrr Ufa' irli", Wukyluliwrt. l.uit ManlimMl.NlKiitly Kmlfsloim, Nervous;
!u)M ttlicrui" .uurt ft vt itowt'rliiOt'iierativoUiKunrt ut cHUvr ncxrpu u
I Tovnrox'i-;;on vMliil'i error, xcomIvo uw fit toltuiru.opluin orfiihTi-iiitnt-.
vrhlcL if! lii.ii .iniiHy.C'truuiiipiloinir lntHntir. Con t'O cmrlctl.ti
-.-t i't-M,ft. 4. HrlJt c,ariirtfa by nntll ihvpuM. onkT wo
Tlvnu . r. :m jiii r .nietio cure or remind the money. Hultl ny Ril
ilrmi'1-1. -'t ? ''fit 1 im iH.ht. Vrll fr lrunMwilnil Itfink Bt'nt wiiIJ
Aurjniuii.iiwrii.,M:r. i 3iiAUVaBKKUtO.,iMuiiOUlo'lciupio,LUii;4(ju
Old Hickory Wagons
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
When Baby was alck, we gave her Caatorla,
When aha was a Child, ahe cried for Castorla.
When she became Mlsa, ahe clung to Castorla,
When ahe bad Children, ahe gave them Caatorla
Selection of Seed Wheat.
The government experiment station
for North Dakota at Fargo has is
sued a bullotin in which the subject of perfect satlafacUon jr money reluudcd. Price
national Selection 01 Wheat f or ccntsperbox. Foi sale by Charmnn k Co.
Seed is disouBsed. The following is a Charman Bros.' Block .
summary of the contents of the- bulletin
in the discussion of the question of the
improvement of the wheat for seed. The
author cites that while the milling
qualities of North Dakota wheat are ex
ceptionally fine it is not what it should
be. North Dakota wheat as it goes upon
the markot is very inferior in the size
and appearance of the grain. This is due
to the careless selection of seed and to
methods of saving the crop. The princi
ples of seed selection are then discussed
and the following points recommended
for seed selection for the form:
1. Select a pure variety. 2. It should
be nncontaminated with seeds of weeds
or spores of disease. 8. The grain
should be nnimpalred in its capability
to germinate. 4. All small and light
weight groin should be eliminated by
fanning mill The difference in fa
vor of the largo, heavy grain for seed is
known to be from one to five bushels
por acre. The reasons given for not
using mixed varieties for seed are: 1.
If that is done, the farmer cannot im
prove his grade of wheat by selection.
2. Mixed varieties do not ripen at the
some time, causing a reduction in grade
or a direct loss in harvesting.
E, W. Joy Company Gentlemen: I have suf
fered from kidney trouble for two or three years.
I would have to got up In tho night to void my
urine from ten to fifteen times. My sleep was dla-
turb1, and I became very thin and nervous
No appetite; bowels constipated. I have taken
two bottles and gained fifteen pounds. Sleep
well. Have to get up about three times during
night, and am very much better in every respect.
Will continue to take your Vegetable Sarsnpari Ila
for I believe it will entirely cure me.
(Signed) Mlt. HOWARD W. FKF.NCC,
Stockton, Cal.
"Our readers will find Simmons Liver
Regulator advertised in these columns.
We advise it, and use it, and we com
mend it as a sale and excellent medicine.
We became acquainted with it in
Georgia where it is a standard family
medicine. We do not deny the merits
of other preparations, but simply state
that this one commands confidence."
From the "Journal, Lanesboro, Minn."
E. W. J-iT Cosrasv Gentlemen: I have mf
fered from a nervous prostration from financial
losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable Harmparilla haa
cured me. If y liver, stomach and bowels have
Any one has ever had an attach of
inrl (minatory rheumatism will rejoice
with Mr. J. A. Slumm, 320 Boyle
Heights, Los Angeles, over his fortunate
escape Irom a sieve of that distressing
ailment. Mr. Sluinin is foreman of
Merriam's confectionery establishment.
Some months ago, on leaving the heated
work room to run across the street on an
errand, he wai caught out in the rain.
The result was that when ready to go
home that niht he was unable to walk,
owing to inflammatory rheumatism.
He was taken home, and on arrival was
The Fodder Corn Crop.
No crop which the farmer can grow
will produce so much or so valuable
feed for cattle as will fodder corn. It is
not a perfect ration, but with plenty of
home grown fodder corn a farmer can
afford to tray wheat bran, flue middling
and oilmeal to supplement its deficien
cies. It is best to drill the fodder corn
early, for it will then tassel and ear
while- the weather is still favorable for
securing the crop in good order. Even
When put into a silo, warm, dry weath
er is bettor for doing this job than
weathor which is cold or wet. The rich
er the juices iu tho stalks tho better will
the silage keep. But fodder corn cut
early and well cured is very nearly as
good as silage, and with a little clover
hay each day will keep young stock
through the winter quite as well. Milk
cows do bettor with silage, as its succu
lence increases the supply of milk.
American Cultivator.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco.
Ornamental buckles fur
dresses at the Racket Store.
hats and
Tuberculosis In Cattle.
Tuberculosis in cattle is winning at
tention as one of the most common
agencies for transmitting consumption
to the human race. New York and Mas
sachusetts state cattlo commissioners are
moving actively against it Now the
bureau of animal industry of the United
States department of agriculture has
been provided with an appropriation.
In Prohibition Maine.
A Journal reporter had a curious ex
perience at a franklin comity hotel a
In the Slate ol Oregon, f.ir the Comity of
t.l Kama.
F. R. Charman, plaiutiir, vs. Thomas L. Sagar,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, bs.
virtue of hii execution and order of sale
ssued out of Hie circuit court ol the Htale ol
OriKou for tile County of ('Itu-kamai, hearing
dale the 4th day of May, l-,i, in a suit wherein
K. K. Charman is vlainlitr and Thomas L. Hairnr
is defendant, commanding- ine. in tile name of
the State ol Oregon, that out ol the real estate
hereinafter describe!, to realise a sum sulhcient
tu satisfy the demauda of said decree, to-wit
$.'i(M)0 to draw interest at 8 per cent, per annum,
and S206.UU to draw interest at 10 per cent, per
annum irom uie aim uay oi April, imia, aim tne
further sum of fl.1.05 costs, and also the costs
ol and attend tut this sale.
r,ow, inereiiire, la ooeuience to sucn decree,
I did, on the M day of October. IstM, duly levy
upon, and will, on Saturday, the Sth day of June,
Ikuj, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of said day.
at tne ironi uoor oi ine conn nouse in said
oouutv. oiler for sate at public auction, and
sell to (lie highest and best bidder, lor cash in
hand, all of the rig-hl. title and Interest the said
defendant, Thomas ,. Sagar, haa in an-t to the
following-described real properly, to-wll: The
west one-half of section VI in township 4 south,
ranice "i east of the Willamette meridian, in
Clackamas Counly, State of Oregon.
Dated this 4th day of May, A. D. lt.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, State of Oregon
By H. M. MOODY, Deputy.
Mild dirt rti..ltiK (rum tian-1, Khali upon con
viction thereof iii the recorder' court be lined
not leu than five dollar nor more tliaa twentj-
five dollars.
been very lli-e .bull iiKe Uam, your rrme-lr ip fonl of t fr0 nd thoruimlilj
I am entirely well. All business men
women should use It I'lease publish.
Bulla, Montana
Barkarh, dlaainrava, tlrcda. give way
to Joy's Vegetable mraaparllla.
rubbed with Chamberlain's- ruin Balm.
Puring the evening anil nitrlit lie w as
repeatedly bathed with this liniment,
and by morning was relieved of all
rheumatic pains. He now takes especial
pleasure in praising Chamberlain's I'ain
talm. and alwara keens a hntfl nf it ia
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder . the house. For sale by U. A. Harding,
Warlars Pair Mlgtiaat Maaal sax Wplasaa. Irnggh)t.
few nights ago. Ho arrived at the place (KKfiox CITY does ordain as i
after a long stage trip in the night r section l.-Any person who shall
t- .. ... . I v . .i . l j deposit lii any street, alley, sidewalk t
Everyone was asleep but the clerk, and r th ric of orn ciiv .m im.
he took the lump and led the way np bottles, crockery, ualla or othei substi nee what
sfnim Affor frvi,, vll 4e ever, whereby the feet ol horses, r-iesirlan.or
. aaas..j m A-uw gny ocasi oi Duraen naj oe lujurea, or tnruw,
one room and after much rat t Huff of the dei!-or sweep n Pn y reet. aide
key. in the lock he suddenly recollected VllX'JSi
that tne new coolc had been located
there earlier in the evening. The door
of the next room was sectirely locked,
.. ine proprietor ptio,, ,.jr ,nT prion or persons shall cnt.
Was called from bis slumliprs. but he saw or sum any wood upon the sidewalk of anv
conldn't appear to locate the key. Then ? Zlr'c ' X'l
iiic iit-ra. ix-iut-moereu a Dox oi IlllsniS,
and after a series of experiments on
the lock got the door open. As be bade
ns good night and wiped his perspiring
brow he said apologetically: "I hope
Ton Will excuse rue for keening TOU airaw or grass iu or upon any improve I street in
" ... , . 8 ' Oregon Ciiv, shall be punched upon conviction
waiting SO long. But you see I tend bar before the recorder's court by a line ol not less
nere, and 1 m so busy that I don't find
much time to keep posted on the rooms. "
Lewiston Journal.
sawing or aplitling of said wood upon aaid
street, lie or they shall upon conviction thereof
oav a flue or not less tnan nve nor more than
twenty dollars.
Section S Any person or persons who shall
feed or cause to be fed any animal with hay.
I also carry Advance Threshers and Traction Engines, Advance
and Lightning Hay Presscrs, Piano Binders and Mowers,
Genuine Norwegian Plows, Harrows, etc., and a full line of
Cultivators, Garden Seeders, Spring Tooth Harrows. Disc
Harrow , Corn Planters, Hay Rakes, Hay Tedders, Binding
Twine, Belting, Oils, Carts, Buggies, Carriages, lite.
April II, lMi'i. Niitlic is hereby given that
the fulliin iiig naini-d settler has tiled unties of
his Intention In imike Anal pronl Iu support of hla
claim, and IIihI Hitld priHil will he made before
lli-gislcr iiiiihltccclvnr I'. H. hand Ollice at Oreguu
Cltv, Oregon, on May 17, ISM, vis:
II. E. No. MM), for the 8 V,' of NE ot Sen. in
Twp. 3 8., It. 4 E. He names the following
wiincHscs to prove his roulluiious residence upon
and ciiitlvnlion ol, said land, vis: Harvey
(iiliami, Augustus llurnelt, J. W. Douglass and
Wlllliun llowlclt, nil of Eagle Creek, Oregon.
ItollKRT A. M11J.EK, Register.
April ll.ls'.ii. Notice Is hereby given that
the fiilloivliig-uiiiiiiMl setilur has Hied notice of
his intention to iiuiku ilual proof In support ot
his claim, ami Unit said proof will be made be
Inre tlio Keglstur and Keeelver 0 8. hand Office
ill Oregon City, Oregon, on May 20, lsn'i, vis:
H E. No. 7113, for the SE of Sec. 31, T. 2 8.,
It. 6 K He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of, siiiii liiud, vis: Henry Koch. Joseph
PiihcIiiiII, Tlioiniis Mi'Cubc and Julius Wendland
all of Handy, Oregon
J April 11, 1MI . Notice is hereby given that
lite follou'!tig'ii,imcil settler has tiled notico of
his intention to in ike Ilual proof In support of
Ins claim, anil tbnt said proof will be mado
belon, tlio Itcglhlcr and Receiver 11. 8.
Laud Ollice at Oregon (,'liy, Oregon, on M ty '.Dili,
lKii.-, via:
II. E. No. W2I, for the NE M of See. 2fl, Twp. 1 8 ,
K. r E. Ho ninnes the (.Mowing witnesses to
prove his continuous resldetiee upon and culti
vation ol, snid hind, viz.: 1'cter Wilhelm and
Henry W. Frits of Aimcs Oregon, William A.
Johnson anil Frank Johnson ol Trouldale, Ore.
J April II, IK.i,'. Notice is hereby given that
the following-tunned settler has tiled notice, of
ills Intention to make final proof in supjnrt of
Ills claim, under Sec. 2tnl R. S., and that said
proof will be made before the Reglstorand Ko
ceivcr l. M. l.nuiUlllicu at Oregou City, Oregon,
on May aUth, lhu;,, viz:
II. E No UVUkI for the N of the NEJi of Sec.
ti, Twp. 6.S., R 3 li. ileiiauiea tho lullowing
witnesses u prove his continuous resilience upon
and ciilllvntiim of, said laud, vis: Joseph Reea,
Charles D. Robeson, John crulcnger and Win.
Htuvtrt, alt ol Memlovv llrook, Oregon.
RiMIKItr A. MiLLEK, Register.
April 11, l.s.i.1. Notice is hereby given that
the followiug'tiametl seliler has tileu notice of
his intention to make Ilual proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tiie Register and Receiver U. S. Land Offlce
at Oregon City, Oregon, ou May 17th, 1H'J5, via:
II. E. No, 77 for the NE i of Sec. 21, Twp. 4 S
R. 4 K. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of, said laud, viz: John T. Mvers and
M. L. Ilriclcnsline ol Lacey, Oregon, llenry C.
Meyers and W. M. Warnnck of Mprhigwaler, Or.
ItollKltT A. MILLER, Register.
of imitation
trade marks
and labels.
Insist on
in packages.
I Costs no more than inferior package soda
S never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni.
M versally acknowledged purest in the world.
Hade only by CHURCH ft CO., Rev York.
SoU by grocers arerywlisre.
rita for Arm and Haanner Book ot ralnabls Baaipw FSZK,
and don't be imposed upon by ImyiiiK a
remedy that requires ynu to do so, as it i
nothing mure than b substitute. In the
sudden stoppage ol tobacco you must have
some stimulant, and in n:ost all cases, the
effect ol the siitnulant, be it opium, mor
phine, or other opiate?,
leaves a fur worse habit con
tiacled Ask vnur drimiriHt
nbi'tit BAC0 CUR0 It is
purely veneli-ble. You do
not liave lo stoi n-ir.tf tn
barro willi BAC0-CUR0.
It will notify yon when to
isn'U nl'-oir deiiri fir tibieii ill ci ase Ynur system will he as free
ju np cutiue ,n tna dty before y m to ik your first chew or smoke. An iron
clad wiilten tjnarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms,
or money refunded. Price $1 per box or 3 boxes (UO days treatment and
guaranteed cure) iiM. For sale by all druggist or will be sent hv mail
upon receipt ol price. Send six two cext stamps for sample box. Jlimklets
and proofs Iree. Kl'REKA CHEMICAL & M'F'U. CO., La C:osse, Wis.
I Weekly Oregonian
Oregon Courier
j Inquire at thla Office.
Offlce of TIIE PIONEER PRE?! COMPANY, C. W. Horxii k. Sunt.
et. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, 1MX.
Eureka Chemical A MTg. Co.. La Crosse, Wis.
Hear Sirs-1 have been a lohacco fiend for many years, and during (he pnt two years
have smoked Itfleen lo Iwenly clears regularly every day .My whole nervous system became
affeclcd until mv physician told me I must keep up the use of lohncco lor Ihe time being, at
leant, i' tried the so-cslkd -Keeley i ure," -No To-rUc." and various olher remedies but
wiihniu succes". until I acclflently i?arneu oi jour naco-v uro. mtw iriKii i,, u
mn.idMr nvlf comnletelv cured: I am in perfect health, ami tiie n.irrllile craving
tobaco, which everv inveterate smoker Inlly appreciates, has completely left me.
sider your -Baio-Cnfo" simply wonderfnl, and can fully recommend II. .
Yours very truly, C. n. HOBNK K.
Ripana rabules : best liver Umia
Ripaus rabulescurebniousnea.
Kipans Tabules cure b4 breaxh.
than one dollar nor more than ten dollars.
Section 4. In any caae of conviction for any
of the offenses mentioned In tnis ordinance the
court shall adjudge the offender lo pay the costs
of prosecution ami shall In defanlt of payment
of fine aud costa commii the offender to the cily
jail for a term of imprisonment not exceeding
tarnlv Hara nr on dar's Imnriawmani fur
each two dollars ot the fiat imposed.
Ordered publi.hed bv the City Cooacil at a
regular meeUng held May 1st, lSSo.
T. W. FOtTS. Citx RecnnhT
Anrll l., IM. Nolice is hereby given thill
thefollowlnt naine.1 settler has hlol notice ol
his intention lo mke final proof in support of
his elalm, and that said proof will tie made
helnra the Keiister and Receiver I . S. Land
tirtlce al Oregou Illy, Oregon, on June 1-Hh,
Ism, vii:
H. E So. TM2. for the E of SW H mil I',
ol SW s-. -a. Twp. ( i, HI E. He
names the loll.iwtna- wllnes to prove his
! continuous residence anon and cultivation ol.
aaid land vis: John P. Slbecker, Jackaoa A.
Orlndstafr, Ji-ssie Cox and Michael Holland,
all af Elwood. Oregon.
I ROhEkt A. MILLER, Reguter.
April lo, ls!i.1. Notice Is hereby given that
the following named settler has tiled notice of
iiis intention lo nmke Ilual proof in support of
tils claim. himI Ihni snid proof will be made be
fore the HegMer aud Receiver U. H. Land Otlice
at Oregon tity, Oregon, on June 12th, 1I5, vlx:
II. E. No. Pi n, f ,r the W of SW i of sec. .12,
Twp. 2 H., It. A K. He names die following
witnesses to prove hU coutinuotis residence
upon and ctiltivstion of, said land, viz:
Harvey Ullisnn, of Enule Creek, Oregon. Frank
M lliniiu.of l'nrriiivi.lv. Oreaou, Ira Cooper and
Chrii.li :li I'lujii. of liovcr, Oregon.
lUiliKlll' A. Ml U.Kit, Register.
u April 15, lMKi. Noliou Is hereby given that
the loliowing-onmed seltler has filed notice of
his intention to mt ke final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver V. s. Land Offlce
at Oregon Cily, Oregon on June lJth. liCJJ. via:
j H. E. No. R1VJ, for the E'f of SK of Sec. 32,
Twp. 2 b. It 5 E. He names the following
I witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon
ami cultivation of said land, viz: F. R. French,
I of Hover, Oregon, Frank Sellman, of Ciirrina-
vllle, Oregon, Ira Cooper and 8. B. New, of
Dover, Oregon,
j ROBERT A MILLER, Register.
April 15, lwi.-i. Nolice is hereby given that
! the following-named settler has tiled notice of
i his Intention to make linal proof in support of
hla claim, and that said proof will be made
before ihe Register and Receiver V. S. Land Office
at Oregon lily, Oregon, on June Mlh, latS, vii:
H. E. Sd. THT., for the W t of NW and W i
"f S' tc. Twp. f 8.. R. 4 E. He namea
the following witnesses to prove his continuous
; residence upon and cultivation of, said land,
vis: John P. Mhecker, Jackson A. Grlnd.lafr,
Michael Holland and Jessie Cox, all of Elwood,
j ROBERT A. MILLER, Register.
nn,erigncd has been dulv appointed by
Hon. a. E Hayes, judge of the county court of
Clackamas, st.-.te of Oregon, administrator of
ihe estate of W illiam R McCubbin, deceased.
All persons havl g claims against said estate,
are required to present ihe same, properly veri
he,!, to me at my office in Oregon City, Oregon,
withiu six months from the date of tins notice.
. . . , T""- r "VAN.
Administrator of Estate of Wm. R. McCubbin,
hated at Oregon City this 11th day of April, 1895.
Aliril 1. lSUS. KoCle ia haral miimm k.. .h.
Kipans Tabules : for sour stomach.
Ripans Tab tiles assist digestion.
April 12th. lso.Y Nolice is hereby g veil that
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make lii.al pr,of in support of
his claim, and that saol proof will be made
before Ihe Rexister and R-.-ceiver C. s Land
Ortiee at Oreaon L'ilv. Oreirou, ,.u May -Jllh, ls-.t5.
H E. No. Ws. for the '.of NE '4 and lot. I snd
2, Sc.-. 5. Iwp. 3 S., R. , E. He names the fl-
lOWlna Wltnessea to prove MS Continuous res(. ; C,L,ina.am-.l k T. . . , ,
denee upon and ciilti)ati..n of. .aid l-nd. via: 1 tenti. to aiake Snal on,f in ,. o kl. eUlm
!,.. . "-''-'- T B"5'' fnlern-k i.irke ..i ,(,.t d pr will he ms.1. u. Ke,,
and firmer Wakley . n t, .,! mo,, ( eeg, ,n. aM v g offlr. co
KiUltur A. MILU-R, Register. go. oa May 2"ih. ls, vii
' f. W V. Til, .k. a , ' vw I .
s.' "f Sec 3D, Twp 1 S.. R. t Ha I
um iiowing witneaaea to pnar. hit enaoaa
! ow resrfence npoa aiai ealtiranoa of, aajd ass.
: Juseph E. Umt. haa W. Pukev. Ot T
, Beebe aad Jtmr Hua-r, all of Cberryrille. Or-ana.
Ripans Talmles cur? constipation
Ripar.s Tabules cure Uver trouble
Ripaus Tabulec: one fives relief.
; aad TPi af