Oregon Courier. A, W. CHENEY. CITY OKlTIOIAti PATTCIt Bnlored In tho Oregon City poslofflcc tocond clasi matter. BuiiscmrTioN ratks. One year Hlx montln 1 Th ret motithi ..i. f-Tlio date opposite your address on Hie paper dcnolci the time to which you have paid Correspondent! wanted In all parti ol the county; liberal Inducement write for parucu Ian. L. . Fliber, newspaper advertising agent 12 Ucrchanta' Exchange. San Francisco, la our authorised agent. Tlili paer li kept on Ola In hla office. OREGONf CITY, APRIL 10, 1893. Tim Olympia Standard Buys the situ ation In Oregon is about as it is there, with tills difference : Washington's leg islature removed a portion of the burden of excessive taxation from the shoulders of the people; Oregon's did not. This state still imposes a penalty of 20 per cent, on delinquent taxes, on an BKuro Kate ratio of over 3 per cent, on city property. How the protective tariff has been the means of accumulating great wealth in the hands of a few, is clearly demon stratod by tho statistics of the iron and steel mills. During the decade from 1878 to 1887, the iron and steol used by this county, had it been imported free of duty from England, would have cost us $500,000,000 less, or, in other wordf, we paid that much more for them than England would have sold them to us This vast sum has been wrung by the Carnegies and the Fricks fiom the the pockets of the industrial millions the merchant, the farmer and the mechanic. The protective tariff lias contributed its share toward producing the depression now upon us. Tiieke is- no fairer or more fearless critic ol the present administration or cny other, for that matter than Henry Wattorson of the Courier-Journal. Ho closes an editorial on the "Bond Issue" with this emphatic paragraph : When this administration and the men who compose it have passed into history, it will be understood by all that Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Cleveland met the greatest emergency that has arisen since the war with courage, patriotism and wisdom. Yes, the "courage, patriotism and wisdom" of these two democratic states men will be remembered long after legions of the curbstono and newspaper politicians, who know how to run the government better than they do, have been forgotten in unhonored tjraves. The 1'orlland Sun was six months old Monday. Many were the predictions that it would not live over two or three months, or longer than the end of the legislative session at the farthest; but it still exists, and is becoming more and more appreciated. The Sun says it has had no easy struggle to carry itseli through these six months, and place itself on as solid a basis as it is today and it docs not expect a rose-strewn path in the future, but with the generous appreciation of the public, it expects to gain monthly in strength, merit and use lulness. And asks only to be accorded a reception in the business community in proportion to its circulation am efforts for the benefit of the city, state and county. The Sun is the people's friend; it wants them all to he its friends. The N. Y. Lumberman calls attention to "the almost entire lack of honosty honor and patriotism among politicians, the men who run the political machinery from the township organizations to state and national conventions." This vll lalny in politics will continue no longor than the natlonee of the people, in wow York city the independent voters be' came tired of tho corruption of Tammany and elected a non-partisan mayor whom no boss can control . Now Tammany is purtrlng itsolf of corruption to omerge from Its meritod defeat an organization worthy of its glorious past and of the democratic party. It is the indopend ent votor, not the party bigot who would vote for a yel'ow dog on tils ticket, that is, to consign the corrupt politician to perdition. Teasel Creek Arbor Day. Arbor day has come and gone and though our circular lettor from the county superintendent was rather late in reaching us and wo had not thought of Arbor day until its arrival Thursday April 11. We. the tcachor and scholars of Dist. No. 05. known as "I easel ureek," concluded to celebrate and celebrate we did. The people of this district are awake and their children are of the same stock. This fact would have been evident to anv one going along the roads leading to the school between 8 and 8:30 a. in. Friday. The boys had axes rakes, hoes, grubbing tools, spades, etc, while the ifirls were loaded down with flowers, seeds, and shrubbery. The boys orders were to rake and clean the school grounds, the girls to attend the making of flower beds, and every one set in with a will. .Several amusing incidents occurred during the day; little Fred Daugherly came to the teacher and said: "Holla oawtell wanted me to come and ask you for some matches but I don't like too" and tiien that pad agogue could not take the hint, maybe I la the alternoon we planted a maple tree and dedicated it to ur Marcus Whitman, and our other trees we also dedicated to different people of note. Miss Belle Douuhertv was chosen to prepare a map of the school grounds locating the dillerent trees. Saturday there was a special school meeting. Among other business a pro position for the building of anew fence by subscription was made, and tho patrons of the district who were in at tendance showed their liberality and esire to improve the surroundings of their temple of education by raising euough to build a new fence and steps to the school-house, Jhis proposition we consider was a result ol Arbor day. And when we hear a voice calling: "Is easel Creek in it"? The echo, if you isten, is sure to be "strictly in it." Cm a s. M. Crittenden, Teacher. Molalla, April in. RURAL DELL. Charles Cunningham of Pendelton has commenced shearing his sheep and will run SO shearers, and expects a total clip from his bands of 300,000 pounds. The sheep to be shorn number 20,000. The sheep are in prime condition, no wool has been shed and it is clean and with' out break. Twenty to 30 pounds will be taken from each one and in some cases even 35 to 40. Mr. Cunningham has 3000 weathers to sell as fat muttons, which, he asserts, are the largest and finest mutton slieeps in the county. They are grade merinos, The Cunning ham pastures counting up 14,000 acres, are all fenced now and the grass is con sequently kept in line condition. Mr, Cunningham has always regretted that he did not send full fleeces to t'hicago during the Columbian exposition, as he hna been told that he would easily have been given first prize for merino wool in the United States Oregonian. Talk about Eastern Oregon not being good for stock raising. If the above does not prove that we have the finest state in tho Union we would like to know what would. Thirty-five or forty pounds of wool at 8 cents per pound, would bring in from $2 80 to 3.20 por Bheep. With sheep like thatastoik man could stand 4 cents for wool. The absurd claim of the republican press that the prosperity of our manu facturing interests depends on the per petuation of a high tariff, could not be more completely refuted than it is by the report of M. Pierre Arhel, of the Saint Etienne chamber of commerce. Franco, who, with a number of fellow experts, was sent to this country to examine our factory methods. He mentious, in his published report, these three principal factors that give the American manu facturer superiority over his European competitor: More intelligent equip ment of the plant and greater facilities for transporting material; use of the most perfect apparatus obtainable ; and finally, the labor is more efficiently or ganized in the workrooms. M. Arbel estimates that under like conditions American factories produce two and even three tlmej as much as the French. The secret of the great development of American manufactures is not a tariff, whether high or low, but the maximum use of every available resource, from the electric dynamo to the errand boy, everything and everybody being made to hnstle. For Oyer Fifty Tra. A Old axu Wiu,Tain Rihidt. Mrs. Wln elow's Soothing Syrup baa been Died for onr fifty years by milllom of motbwi for thiir children whlla teething, with perfect success. It suothee the child, softens the gnma, ajlaja all pain, cunt wind colic, and la the best remedy fur Diarrhcea. li pleasant to the taste, kid by lirugglau In every put of the World. Twenty-ova eenla a buttle. It falae li ln calculable, fie nun and aak (or In. Wlulow'a Southing Syrap, and take ne other kind. Weather rainy. Mr. Sampson is enjoying very good health for him. Jon Johnson is suffer ing quito severely with erysipelas in his hand. The special school meeting was quite success, the chart gained by one vote mnjorily. Rev. Jones preached a very able dis. course Sunday at 11 o'clock and also in le evening at 7 o clock. Key. uelis. tho Congregational minister, closed his meetings Sunday, with an addition of four to the church. Mr. Kelloand wife started to Portland this morning. John Palmer and family left for Idaho last Monday. Success to Johnny. Kov. C. II. Mcrriman will preach the fourth Saturday night and Sunday of every month. April 15th. Dew Drop. HOOD VIEW. And still the same old story a rainy Easter. Mr. Ely Calkins la J'ist rushing the road business, but we would like a little more rush In our midst. We do not need a road supervisor to tack up notices that a cortaln bridge Is unsafe, and not attempt to fix it; we want the bridges so we can cross them. There surely will be a general howl if our bridgos are left in such a itate much longer. People who pay taxes do not like to drive three miles to go one on account of a bad bridge. Mr. Grant Lichintyler ia no more a new man in our pulpit, and It is hoped he will succeed at hla calling. Our health Is general improving. A dance at Frog Pond Saturday, the 20th, is next on programme, given by W. W. Graham of Graham's ferry. Miss Ruse Graham of Newberg had a very serious runaway with a fine trotting horse and aculky one day recently, smashing the rart to smithers. Fortu nately, Miss Rose and her horse were not seriously hurt. Mr. Judd Seely and family, formerly of Wilsonville, who have spent the last few years In town life in Woodburn and Xenherg, intend moving on their farm and hop ranch at that place soon. Miss Daisy Vowel!, who spent lat summer with the Young family and her sister, Grace, has spent this winter in California and thinks that climate and the orange groves perfection. April 10, "Anna." NEW ERA. The gardens look linn sinco our last rain. L. Furgerson is putting up a barbed wire lence arounu ins larm. J. Crader is getting ready to build barn. School has begun, with Mr. Harring' ton as teacher. Spring lias come at last with its beau' tiful flowers. How glad we farmers are to see the sun in all Us splendor. How's tliis ? J. Crader 's school tax ii very much higher this year than lust $13 school tax. What will farmers do taxes will eat up all the land if this keeps on ? There was service at St. James' Catlio lid church Sunday. Mr. Anthony has recently purchased a Jersey cow. R. D. Stone has bought a span of horses from Eastern Oregon. B. Friedrich will give a dance and dinner tonight, it is said. Mr. Lane was seen on our streets Tuesday. For eood leather go to the tanyard three miles southeast of New Era. Mr, Butcher gives you your money's worth In " time and quality. Our roads are nothing but chuckholes and mud. Mrs. Whittenbury is on the sick list Grant While is on the same list. J. Sager is talking of putting up a store here this summer. If so, Mew Era will take a boom, April 13. Evening St A it C0LT0N. "We take pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy because it is praised bv all who try it." says J W. Cox & Son, druggists, Marshfleld, Oregon. No one alllicted with a throat or lung trouble can use this remedy without praising it. It always gives prompt relief. It is especially valuable for colds as it relieves the lungs, makes breathing easier and aids expectoration. A cold will never result in pneumonia when this remedy is taken and reason able care exercised. For sale by G. A. larding, druggist. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. m -- en NERVOUS PROSTRATION. E. W. J'iy Comi'ANV Gentlemen: 1 have ant fcred from a nervous prostration from financial losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable tJarsuparllla ll us cured mo. My liver, stomach and bowels have been very Inactive, but since taking your remedy I am entirely woll. All business men and women should use It. I'leuse publish. (Signed) MR. WJl. 11KNUY JONES. Butte, Montana Backache, dizziness, tiredness give way to Joy's Vegetable Maraiipttrllla, llillloiia Colic. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic will he pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. It acts quickly and can always be depended upon. In many cases the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first indication of tho disease appears. 25 and 5') cent bottles for sale byG. A. Harding, druggist. Frank Shepardson, an engineer on the Southern I'acllc Hy,, who resides ut Los Angeles. Cal., wus troubled with rheu matism for a long time. Ho was treated by several physicians, also visited the Hot riprini!3. tint received no permanent relief until he used Chamberlain's Pain i'.al in . He says it is the best medicine n the world for rheumatism, l or sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. NERVOUS SHOCK. E. W. Jov CoMPANV-Oentlemen: This Is the first time I bare attempted to write (or three yean. Hare been so nervous and weak that I hare laid In bed fur most of the time. A Irlend who had taken your araparilla sent me two bottles. Tho second ono Is most gone, and I have gained twenty pounds, and surely (eel a new women. I wns pale thin. No ambi tion. Had given up, as I had tried so many remedies and doctors but found no benefit. If you csre to publish this you have my consent (Signed) MltS. A. C.TILLMAN, Alnmedn, Cal. Now is the time to go to Ihe Cocrirr office for stallion printing. Large cuts furnished free. . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Entire stock of Crockery will be sold below cost at R. Staub's Grocery, KIDNEY. E. W. Joy Comimky Gentlemen: I hare suf fered from kidney trouble for two or three years. I would hare to ret up In the night to void my rlne from ten to fifteen times. My sleep was die. turbed, and I became Terr thin and nervous. No appetite; bowels constipated. I hare token two bottlea and gained fifteen pounds. Sleep well. Hare to gel up aliout three times during ight, and am very mnrh better in every respect. M illrootlnue to take your Vegetable Sarsaparllla for ! believe It will entirely rnre me. (Signed) MR. EDWARD YY. FRENCH, Stockton, Cal. JOT'S FOR THE J A OKI). JOY'S VEGETABLE SAKMAPAKILLA. The wind blew quite hard vest erday It was almost a hurricane. The fore part of the day was very pleasent. Sun day was fine, the young people went to the graveyard alter baubatn school ana decorated the graves of the loved ones lying there. So far this sprint: the loss of cattle has not boon as much as usual, but few have died. Miss Mable Ball and her aunt, Mrs Tipsitt, came home last Thursday. Our teacher, Miss Ncfzzer, began to teach on the 1st of April. She has done very well so far tor a beginner. Success to ber. She boards with Mr. Sexton Mr. Huddelson baa gone to the tnetroplis of Oregon, and he has not returned yet. Geo. Grace, the Ringo merchant, ia having lumber hauled to f.ly, where he will build a store. He is intending to reside there in the near future. Another man has taken a claim, two miles from Colton . The country keeps gradualy li ling up, but Uncle Sam hasn't much more land here for his nephews. Grain is looking well, plum trees are in full bloom. Mr. Dix has got his hop yard in nice order, it is the nearest to the moun tains of any hop yard I know oh". Postmaster Green speaks of careless ness of people in addressing letters. It is a thing that tho public should be more careful! about. Three men from Portland staved al Colton last night. They were looking for homes, and seemed energetic people. we are glad to welcome bucIi to our community. April lOlh. Pixy. STAFFORD. The many who have been on the sick list for the past month are convalescent. Wm. Schatz was called to the county scat Monday on a cae against the Tualatin distillery for fruit furnished last lull. Frank Weddle is so busy on his stump patch that he cannot find time to go under shelter when it storms. John Schiewe is keeping his clearing burning; Ihe small ranches are bound to bloom like a bunch of roses someday. J. P. Gaire returned from Nestucca, Tillamook county, last week after a stay ol a month ; he reports feed good on the range and stock iu good condition. Koads through the reservation at Grande Koiulo are full depth yet ; a buggy going down to Ihe axle, for miles. Henry Schatz is making rails (what time he is not dodging showers.) II. L. Melcher is still at It rootimr out spuds with a plow and a band of hogs. April Kith. Lengthy. Bipana Tabulea cure bad breath. Alliance Resolutions. Resolved, By the Clackamas countv alliance at their regular quarterly meet ing held at Milwaukie on April Oth, 181)5. Tl at we sincerely thank the senators and representatives from this county, and otherB also, for their courageous stand on the bill fur a constitutional c onvention to Bubmit the initiative and referendum to the people. YV e demandthat the delinquent tax ist and other county printing be award ed to the county newspaper of general circulation making the lowest sealed bid for the same, ami we believe st can be done one-half or less than last rear's charges.- Owing to the great expense incurred by the county in farming out the county's poor, we favor the purchase of a county poor farm. II. Thiksskx Pros, E. II. Cooper, Sec. Knights of Maccabees. The State Commander writes na from Lincoln, Neb , as follows: "After trying other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate rough In our twochlldren we tried Pr. King's New Discov ery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without It hereafter, aa onr experience proved that it cures where all other remedies fail." Signed F. W. Steven, Stale Coea. -Why not give this great medic 'Be a trial, as It la guaranteed and trial bottles are free at ( harm m 4 t'o.'s Drug Store. Char man Bros Block Regular siies 5tk and II U. MOLAUA. We are having plenty of rain and mud with an occasional mow in tlx loot Hills. Kaster Sunday passed here with out rain during the day, but it rallied directly after dark in the evening, so according to a superstitious tradition we may expect rain for at least seven Hun- days following. Messrs. King and GUI have abiut finished their blacksmith shop and are now in running order. They nave a lull line of material and tonia and are pre Kb red to do all kinds ol smith work, liltnn Trullinger is also holding forth in the old stand and doing all that comes in liia line. John Shaver and w, u. r.ngie are buying young cattle for a man in Polk county. They are picking up quite a number la this locality and are paying a fair price for them. There will be a show in town tonight, but it will probably be lightly attendou aa quarters are too scarce in this locality to be given to a few country boys for a small entertainment. We are informed that the troup was organiz ed in the vicinity of Needy. Rev. Gardiner has Just closed a suc cessful serins of meeting at the Sander's church. There were several additions to the church. Lee Harless is going lo Long Creek in Giant county for the benefit of hie health, which ia rapidly failing. The base hall fever lias struck the Molalla boys again and they expect to reorginizo in the near future. Judge Moldruin was here last week surveying in the interest of the Sliarer-vs-Adams law suit, to properly 1 icate the coiner of the four corners. Our school ia rapidly advancing in both departments. The farmers from around here that drove their stock to the mountains recently think now that it would have been the proper thing to furnish each one with a snow plow. Uncle Jake Harless visited Portland and ordered a new buggy and two set of harness. He was heard to remark in his sleep that when it quit raining and the mud dried up and he once rot his old mare thoroughly sand papered and nickle-plated he would knock Uncle Charley Noblett, with the widow, or know the reason wuy. we can t say in regard to uncle Jake talking in big sleep but the buggy and the widow are straight goods. April 17. X. Y Z HARMONY. C'has. Millard, who is working on the Columbia Siough, spent Saturday night and bummy with his parents, 41 r. and Mrs. 8. B. Millard. August Kannle had the surveyor three days last week resurveying his place. Rev. Thos. Wiles, of Weal van Meth odist church of Sunnyside. will preach at the Evangelical church next Sunday at ll. tev. n.l. uittner will preach in the afternoon. Wm. Council, with a force of men. is grading and otherwise improving a bad piece oi the road between Air. Kanuie and the Multnomah county line. Mr. and Mrs. H. Karr. accompanied by their son, Frank, and their little daughter, Edith, went lo Rock Creek Sunday, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Johnson. Albert Frankhauser. whom we report ed in last week with pneumona, is a little better. The prospects for fruit this year are good ; the irosta have done but little or no injury so far. Ihe caterpillar has appeared on the fir boughs already, but may be kepi out ot the orchards it due precaution ia taken. Hiram Dannals, Herman and Henry msuuiu tnwuutsu services Hi. uio Xjpiauu pai cnurcn at Lents Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Battin returned last Mon day Iron Clarke county, Wash., where she was visiting relatives. The Southern Pacific is soon to have new steel rails laid. They have been distributed along the track for some tune. April 10. Juxta. When Baby was sick, we gave ber Castoria. When she was a Child, she dried for Castoria. When she became Mlsa, she clung to Castoria, When she BVl Children, ah gave them Castoria It May Do as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a Severe Kidney troubles for many years, with severe pains In his back and also that his bladder was affected. lie tried many so called Kidney cures but without any geod result. About a year ago he began use ol Electric Bitters and found relief at onco. Eleetrle Bitters Is es pecially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost Instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 60c for largo bottle, at Charman A Co.'s Drug .Chnrman Bros. Block. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Bust Balvi in the world for Cuts Bruslses, Ulcers, Bait Khenra, Fever Bores, etter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Conn, and II Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed lo give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price centsper box . Fot sale by Charman A Co, Charman Bros ' Block. A full line of new laces, especially adapted for children's wash dresses, at the Racket Store. Children Cry for itcher's Ccstcrla. DON'T STOP TOBACCO. How to Cure Yourself While Using t. The tobacco habit grows o a m an ntil his nervous system is seriously af fected, imparing health comfort and appiuess. To quit suddently is too se vere a shock to the Bystem, as tobacco, to an inveterate user becomes a stimu- ant that bis system continually craves. Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician who haa used in his nrivate practice since 18 2. with out a failure, purely vegetable and guar- nteed perfectly harmless, l ou can use 11 the tobacco you want, while taking Baco-Curo, it will notily you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent, interest. Baco-Curo is not a substi tute, but a scientific cure, that cures itbout the aid of will power and with no inconvenience. It leavea the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad guar antee, at $1.00 per box, three boxes, (thirty days treatment,) $2 50, or sent rect upon receipt of price, send six TWO-CINT STAMPS FOB SAMPLE BOX. nooKi-ET and PROOFS free. Eureka Chemical A Manufacturing Company, anufacturing Chemists, La Crosse, isconsin. Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder Awarded Gold atrial Midwiatar Fair, Saw Fraadacav See the dagger trair pins, with amber sterna and metal tips, at the Racket Store. It is an indisputable fact that for more than fifty years, children, from tb age of three months to ten years, hare oeen benefited by Sttvdman a Soothing Pow ders. These Powders are termed soothing hecamie? shew' rrtrrwt. fnitiirate. and re- more, disorders of h system incident to teething. I ro'rf.i.t a. miller, Rrtt.ter CIRCUIT COURT. Ihe April term of the circuit court convened on Monday with Judge T A Mellrlde on the bench. T W Fonts and T M Miller were appointed court baliir. and Max Rchulpius grand jury Imlliir. The following persons were drawn aa grand Jurors: J N Harrington of Ely (foreman), Wm Palmateor ut Oar. field, Jaa U Dickey of Molalla, Fr.ink Welch of Highland, Win Ht ine of VmU. Henry Breithaiipt of Damascus of Dm msarus, It 8 McLaughlin of Milwaukie, The following eases wore dismissed i Mary Ann Tee ; era va Harsh L Meek, W 8 Bunyan vs K M Robertson, Oreg- n National Bank va S W It Jones, James Hodges va Julia A Frost, Zimmerman A Miller va John Cobery, Mary Fred' erlcks va Bernhard Fallen, Jennings A Webber va John Conway, F O 1'erry va John Palmer, Helen M Montour vs Daniel Montour, 11 Tim.n va August Hlrawasser, Mtate of Oregon va Bank of Oregon City and Ktate of Oregon s Commercial Bank. Ihn last two cases were bills of discovery Instituted by Governor I'ennoyer to have uncalled (or deposits escheated lo Ihe slate. The costs of beginning the actions were taxed against the stale, upon Ihe dis missal ol the suits. Louisa Stout was granted a di vorce from , Alonzo Btout. The sale of property of Henry Mwift et al lo satisfy a judgment of Mary A Hatch was continued. Iloury (lersnn took judgement for $1111 against Edward Dupuis of Oswego. A (Itcree of hue closure was granted In the case of Thos O'Connor vs Samuel Ericksen et al for $4'J0 . The case against Oeo Conors and Bob Oarthorne, for swindling Chinamen on a bogus opium deal, was set for trial April Ti. The suit of 1'hoebe A Oillwrt vs W II Adams and wife was revived ; W II Filspatrick vs Clackamas county et al, planum given ten .days to plead; Mrs W II Wallace et al. sherilfa sale not confirmed ; E U Caulleld vs O O and Isabella Rinenrson, judgment for (VU and costs ol lu; Joe Tedisco vs I) w Howard, iuditment for I3U5: T M Mill vs M K Barlow et al, decree of lower court confirmed by supreme court. TUESDAY. Chaiman & Son vs Joseph Wilson judgment f r I14.G3 and costs ol t.V II C Rogers vs W T Linn, appeal dis' missed; U W (trace va J L Evans, iudir. ment for and costs of $35 ; Chas Albright va John Drencher and wife judgment for $111) 08 and costs of fid What is WW f .la-V. Vaaera" 1 ' eW V II V WWatxA'VFJ! 3 V n M fa.ajAVOOtXVWI Custorlu Is Dr. Samuel Pltcber's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contain! neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xnrcotle substance. It U n harmless nubHtltute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uho by Millions of Mothers. Cimtorlu destroys Worms and allays feverlMhncHS. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Dlarrhoua and Wind Colie. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Cnstorliv assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. Ornamental buckles for dresses at the Racket Store. hats and APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. NOTICE IS IIKRKBY GIVEN THAT I SHALL aiiDlr lo the ell v council ur Orexon c iv. ore- on, fur a salnnn lleense to eontinue my saloon x'Sled in Ori'K"ll City, said license to date (rum nay am, ist. at. 11. m.ahauam. ORDINANCE NO.... An orillnanoe declaring certain acts ami practices to 1m unlawful, and to constitute disorderly conduct. AREUON CITY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Vr Section 1. It Is hereby ucllued and declared to be an unlawful practice tor any person or persons to conKregate at or upon any railway station or denut within the corporate limits of this (own, and to loiter and remain about the same without lawful busluess, or at any time to deface, mark, scratch or otherwise Injure any of tha bulluiiiits, rooms, walls, seats, furniture or nniDcriv of any kind of at or upon any such station or depot, and any and all such acts or practices are hereby declared to be unlawful and to commute disorderly conduct Section 2. Any person violating- (he pi visions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall deemed siiiltv of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a lino ot not less (ban tt.e dullara nor inure tliau twenty-live dullara, or In delault ot the payment or sucn nne, men uy imprisunmeui in ine ciijt Jail uol leas then two nor more than leu days Ordered published by the City Council of Orcaun City, Orcunn, al an adjourned meeting hem April win, vm. T. W. FOl'TS, City Recorder NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICB AT OREOON CITY, OREGON, April 12th, 1SU6. Notlca Is hereby given (hat the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, una that said proor will De made before the Regliter and Receiver V. H Land Office at Oregon city, Oregon, on May 24ih, M'A via: JOHN T. WECKKRT, E. No. 7VG8, for the 8 ' of NE 1 and lots 1 and 2, Sec. 6, Twp. 3 8., B. 7 K. He names Ihe lol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resl .1 ...11 A. ..IJ l. uviiuo iiii, miu iiiiw vawuM v., bwu i.iiu, Silas D. Hedges, L. T. Boyd, Friederlck Glrke ana Firmer wantiey, an oi Salmon, uregon, uuiir.iil A. .M1LL.I.K, Kegisier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. AND OFFICE AT OREOON CITY. OREGON, I Auril li. 1KKS. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler Has niea notice or his In' tentlon to make Onal proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof wili lie ntade before the Register and Receiver u. B. Land Olllre at Oregon City, Ore gon, on May ami, ibw, vis: CHARLES W. HARRIS, H. R. No. 714.1. for the S,' of HW'I and N'rf of uurl ... u thl T..... o d 1, A V It tha following witnesses to nntve his contloil ous residence upon and cultivation of, said lsnd, vis: Joseph E. Long, Dan W. Barker, Ueo T Beebe and Jesse Hammer, all or unerryvllle. uregon UUIIKUT A. MU.I.KIt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. AND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY. OREGON I Anrll lti. lm. Notice is hereby given that the rouowing-namea settler nas men notice oi his Intention to make tlnal proof in support ol his oialm, and that said Droof will be made before the Reir ster and Receiver I. 8. Lam ontoe at Oregon City, Oregon, on June 13th, inw, viz: CHRISTIAN BITTNER, H. E. No. 7842, for the E M of NW U and K i oi bw ec. iK, twp. a., n. i r.. ne names (he following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said lsnd. viz: John P. Nibecker. Jackson A. Grindstalr, Jessie Cox and Michael Holland, all oi- tnvoon, iircgon. Huitciti a. jiii.Lc.it, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. AND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY. OREGON. Anrll 15. 1NI.1 Notice is hereby riven that the followtng-uained setller has riled notice of his Intention to make tlnal proof In support of kla .l.im ...Hl.a, -al., will ).u mu.lu re the Register and Receiver U. H. Land otllci at Oregon City, Oregon, on June Lith, lWKr, viz GKORGK BITTNER, H. K. No. 7H43, for the WW of NWW and Wlf uf SVV, Sec. 32, Twp. 4 6..B.4E. He names the folluwlng witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John V. Nibecker, Jackson A. Grindlalf, leliai'l Holland and Jessie Cox. all ol Klwooil, Oregon. Kurfr.ni' a. MiL.Lr.it, Kegisier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. AND OFFICII A r OREOON CITY, OREGON, Anrll U. Ifl'j5. Notice is hereby aiven that (he followlng-natned settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver U. a. Lund ollli-e uregon uuy, urefoa, on june rin, mint, viz: RILEY FRKNCH, E. Nu. 9430, fur tha W H of 8W M of Sec. 32, Twp. i 8., H. 6 E. He names die following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz: Harvey Gibson, ol Kagle Creek, Oregon. Frank Sellinan. of Curriusville, Oregon, Ira Cuoper aud Christian Pagh. of Dover, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLS.K, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. AND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY, OREGON, April lo. lf.5. Notice is herebv given dial the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention lo make Snal proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will b made be fore the Register aud Receiver I'. 8. Land Office uregon citj, uregon on June 12tb, iMo, viz: CHRISTIAN PAGH, II. I. No. 81.V-', for the E V of 8E of Sec. 32, wp. 2 8., RSI. He namea the followint witnesses to prove his continuous resUleuceupon and culUvation ot said land, viz: F R. French. of Dover, Oregon, Frank Sellman, of Currins- ille, Oregon, Ira Couuer and 8. I. New. of Dover, Oregon. ROBERT A MILLER, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. AND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY. OREGON, I March 13. 1st., Notice ia herebv fives tht the following-named settler has Sled notice of his intention to make proof ia support of his claim. and that said proof will be made More the Reliefer and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on April a. m vu: SAMCEL C. HITMAN, I TUT, for the NW of See. SO. Twp S 8 , 5 E. He names the followlna win, .a. to prove his continuous residence npua) and cultivation of, aald land, vis: Hrnrv B. Server. Wo. W PalaaUeer, " Castoria la an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeat"!' told me of Its good effect upon (heir children." Dr. 0. O. Oaoooo, Lowell, Haas. Castoria la the beat remedy for children of which lam acquainted. I hope the day la not far distant when mother will consider (he real Interest of their children, and use Castoria In stead of the various quack nostru ma which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agent down their throats, thereby aeudlng them to premature graves." Pa. J. T. Kixchslob, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria I ao well adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me." R. A. Aacnzn, M. D., Ill Bo, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physician in die children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what 1 known aa regular producla, yet we are free to confess tliat the merit of Castoria baa won ua to look with favor upon It." Vmitso Hospital ind Diapasuar, Boston, Mass. Alias C. Smith, Pre:, Th Centaur Company, TI Hurra Street, Haw York City. una i.iu arlutisi MANHOOD RESTORED! tILS- Ciidiuhit i J iv i uri'ii.i Mtnvuuad.HuuMJH.iucii ua YVuak Miiiiry,IiiiHf Hfulr l'owur. 1 It tularini, v. ukuiuliieii, Luil Manhood, Mtfliiljr KmlNNWnin, Nervuntf iittai'.nll tirutit.. uiiil lor. uf itwrrln OuuerativeOrtdins of fit ber vox caused l'T overxtTttiii, yi'u'Iil'ul rrrora, oxceHNlvotiftttuf tnbarro.nirluiii nrntliii uIihiih, wfiiiU I- nil tn Jiiii.'.ntiv, cniisuiiii'iton or liinnnliy. Can lo carrion in v.'l pifCkiH. 4-1 mt liit( II for . bf nmll prvimlil. wUhn&.'B u;linvo fclvn a v-K It'ii Yui.'b!itt'eioriire or rcfunil the tnoiiey, iSo'il liy tut ilmnii!. A' it lur 1 1, tnl.tt ti.MiitMT. Writ') for five M mil fill ItiHik Htnt r"'it.d .Mi. iiiuiulti wraiii" .'.tu'iChaM Ell VEttlvKO CO.. AUhuuIuTuiuuIUiCuicauu Furwlt)tntjrcr!'U.:it'.Oi-e.,byCllAHMAN A CO.. DniKkl-ta. THE IOWA JEWELER A. N.WRIGHT. Watch Repairing a Specialty. Okt MOURIHON 0lt) KTHEKT. OPI'OSITK POBTOFFICK PORTLAND, OREGON. R-l-P-A-W-S ONE GIVES RELIEF DON'T STOP TOBACCO ITS INJURIOUS TO STOP SUDDEN L Y anil rlon't be imposed upon by buying a remedy that requires ynu to do so, as it is nothing more than a substitute. In the sudden sto'po.e of tobacco you iniift have some stimulant, and in roost all cases, the effect, of the stimulant, be it opium, nior . Dliine. or other opiates, leaves a far worse habit con tracted. Ask vour druggist about BAC0 CUR0. It is purely vetreti-ble. You do not have to stop using to bacco with BACO-CURO. It will notify you when to Your system will be as free An lron- Hoo! ro fur tohac.ro will cease -A .,;...;., tha ,Uv hofnrp vou took vour first chew or smoke -i-.i ...n. in ol.QfitnipIv corn the tobacco hnbit in all its forms, or monev refunded. Price $1 per box or 3 boxes (30 days treatment and . . vn -n ..... 1 u J :.,, ... y. cunt l.v ir.ai .,..:.! ao m Vnr anln hv all ill uiL'irtls or will be sent ,!nt n nriKS RekO SIX TWO-CENT STAM I'B FOB SAMI'I.E 110X. booklets and proofs free. EUREKA CHEMICAL & M'F'U. CO., La Crosse, Wis. Offlco of THE PIONEER PRESS COMPANY, C. W. Hornic k, Sunt, St. Paul. Minn., Bout. 7, MM. Eureka Chemical A MT. Co., La Crosse, Wis ,.,... .,. Dear sirs 1 nave oeen a looai'eo uvmi umu; " ; every ony. wmnc iiniviin..nici. , ip me use oi iooocco ior uie mnv ouio, n, i-Bsc." and various oilier remedies, but ,,n i a,.ri.inilv learned of vour "Baeo-Curo. Tnree weeks ago to day 1 o.i.ior,,,viu.ilennioletelv cured: I am in perlect health, and the horrl hie crnvinit toliacco, which everv Inveterate smoker fully appreciates, has comp ete.'y lelt me. aider your "Baco-C uro" simply wonderful, and can fully recommend It Vou rs very truly, t. HOK.mK. Dear Sirs I have been a tobacco neno ', mmi have smoked lifteen to twenty cif ars regularly every all'ecled. until my physician told me I must keep up least. Itriedtheso-calltd "Keelcy-Onre, ' "No-To- for 1 con- Oregon Pacific Railroad Company l II AH. CLAItK, Heoaivar, Connecting Willi Htr. "IIOMKIl" between Ysqulii and Ban franolsco. Hleaiuvr lii.vns Han Francisco KuLrusr; S0(h, Mated t'l, I'.'lli, ItiM and Hist. Nlrainer leave. Yaiiilna February lolli, Uarrli 71b 17lh aud Wlh. Itiuiits rcerved tn eliauxu palling dates wlthuul noilce. fur fri'lalit slid iaseiiKr ralrs apply lo any Agent CHAM, 1. IIKNPIIVH, SON A CO., Nos. 2 tn 8 Market Street, UiuifranclMo, l. CHAN. C'l.AIIK, lleeelver, Corvnllls, Oregon, NOTICE KOU PUBLICATION. LAND OrWK AT OREOON CITY, OltKOON, April 11, lsu.ri. Notice Is hereby given that the fiillowliui-nnincd sclllcr lias II lid imtloa of his intention to make 11 mat proof In support of Ids clnlm, ami that snld proof will he made he lore the IteulHler and Hcwivur U. 8. I.nud utiles ill Oreiioii I lly, Oregon, on Kay 17th, IH'.'S, vl: OLIVER ri MATTHEWS, II. E. No. Hilt!, for tho H i of SW U of Heo. 2H. Tup. II H it, 4 E. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence iihiii and (munition of, said laud, vis: hi I U Illinois and Hiram Wilson nf (,'urrlnsvllle, orei-ou, and John Htnrmcr and Wm. Kaudle of KpriiiKValer, Ori'irmi. luini'.iw a. jnu.i.r.K, Kegisier, j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. AND OI'I'iCK AT OltKOON CITY, OKEOON, April 11. Imi.'i. Notice la herebv iilven that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention toumke "mil proof in support of hla claim, aud that said proof will he made before Hcaistcr and Kcociver ll. H. Laud Olllcu at Orexou Citv, Oregon, ou May 17, 18'.i', via: IIKNItY A OITI1ENH, II. E. No. WHO. for the 8 i of NE M of 8co. 10 Trip. 3 8 , It. 4 E. He iiuinea the following witnesses lo prove Ills continuous resilience upon anil cultivation ol, said laud, via: Harvey (illison, Augustus Burnett, J. W. Iiouglass and William llonlcii, all of KhkIo Creek, Oregon. HOBEKT A. MH.l.Elt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, LAND OITICE AT OKKUON CITY, OltEUON, April II.Ikii.'). Notice Is hereby given that the following-named setller has 11 led notice ol his intention lo miike tlnal proof In support of hiB claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register aud Receiver I! H. Laud ODIca at Oregon City, Oregon, ou Mny 'itl, ln'.k'i, via: JOSEPH 1.1 N HART, II. E. No. 71 A for the HE 4 ut See. 81, T. 2 8., II. 6 E He namea the billowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said laud, b: Henry Koch, Joseph I'lisiiiiill, Thiimiis McCahc and Julius Wendlaud all of Handy, Oregon ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OEEK'E AT OREOON CITY, OREOON, April 11, lM'.'i. Notice la hereby given that the following-named scaler has tiled notice of his inii'iillou lo in ikellual proof In support of his claim, and that suld proof will be made before Ihe Kegisier and Receiver U. 8. Laud (I nice ill Oregon City, Oregon, on M iy 'JOth, I w.", viz: JOHN II. CARLSON, II. E. No. HiL'l, for the NE i or Sec. 26, Twp. 1 8 , R. 5 E. Ho mimes the fdlowing witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon and culti vation or, Mini land, viz.: Peler Wllhelm anil Henry W. h'rlts of Alines, Oregon, William A. Johnson and Knmk Johnson of Troutdale, Ore. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . LAND OFFICE AT OREOON CITY, OREGON, April 11, lMki. Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to make tlnal proof In support of his claim, tinilcr Hce. Mil R. S.. and that said proof will he made before the Register and Re ceiver r. H l.iiinl oilico at Oreeou City. Oregon. ' ou May 2l)t!i, 1mi;, via: PRESTON PENDLETON, II. E. No 10,IM. for the N 4 of the NEW of flee. Two. 6S.. R 8 E. He names tho fullowina- witnosses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Kees, Charles I). Robeson, John I riileiiger and Wm. Stewart, all uf Meadow nrook, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREOON CITY. OREOON, Anrll 11, lS'.ir,. Notice is herebv given that the following-limned settlor hna (Ilea notice of his intention to nmke linal proof In support of his claim, and Unit said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Ofllce al Oregon City, Oregon, on May 17th, lS'Ji, vix: RUDOLPH AEOENDER, II. E. No, W7 lor tho NE of See. 21, Twp. 4 8., R. 4 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, vis: John T. Myers and M. L. Brlcicnsiine ol Lacey, Oregon, Henry C. .Meyers and W. M. Wurnoek of Sprlngwater, Or. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. TO TRADE: Will trade for Improve), fimnKurOrpuoii Citv DroDertr One Jninl-tlnlfihcd eifttroom house and about oiKMimrtiT acre uf lund. One fine house and Int. About acre land, will) ham, well fenced. Ixits and acn'ture uronertv near Oreiroii City. O'H'n 1 1 trade ior real ewlate or merchandise. Cull or addrefH Hamilton & Wahiihiih.n, Oregon City and 1'urk Place, Oregon. Weekly Oregonian ANI Oregon Courier FOIt S3. Inquire at thin Office. F. Onkin Henry (. Piiyiie, Iterelvpin. Henry C. Row atIorthern m PACIFIC R. R. R U N EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. '(VTIrR M IIKREHY GIVEN THAT THE iindersiirned has been appointed executor of the estate of Jorgen Olseu litngnoes, ue- ceased, hy order of the county court ol I lacaa mas county, Oregon. Alt persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to tile said claims Willi me al my resilience ai anbv, Oregon, oral tne omea oi my attorney, ll'li.. i,...on rllv llrevon. with the proper vouchers, within six months Irom the dale of this notice. Hated ut Oregon City, Oregon, April i, iiw. HANS A. I.INNEI1ERO, Executor of Die Eslnle of Jorgen Olsen Ringnocs ADMI.NISTKATOR'S NOTICE. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i-i iiiidcriiL'ued has been duly appointed by k. lt..n :... I. .n k lt.iv.., In.lvu ft the counlv court ot Clackamas county, Oregon, ua administrator of the estate of Annie E. I'artlow, deceased. All perwuis having claims against said estate are renuired to present Hie same, properly verified, lo me at the office of u r I .i,.,.ii. in v a,,..rntva at Oregon CHy, Oregon, within six months from mis ume. listed lids ?il day of March. A. I ik'. J.V.MKS . hAKTIAIW, Administrator aloreanid. Oregon City Tanspotation Co's Str. RAMONA. TIME TAIIf.E OREGON CITV IJOA1 Leave Portland Foot Taylor St. 7 :00 a. m. ll:;iu a. 4:00 p. M. M. Leave ORtOOHClTT Foot 1th 81. 9:00 A. M. 2 :00 p. M. 0:00 p. M. Str. ALT0NA Leaves Portland Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave Impendence and Salem. Mnn- days, Wednesdays and Fridays. FOR SALE. Eiirhtv acres of fine farm land, mostly bottom,' on Woodcock creek, Clackamas countv, two miles from Meadow uroon postoiBce. Three acres cleared. 12 acres slashed ; (jrnod house 20x30. Price $SO0, of whii:h v.")00 must be paid dowr, baU ance two rears' time. Kor further par ticulars cafl at Coi-rikr ctlice or addreas me at Vancouver. Wash. Mb. Anna Taylor. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. WILL BE READY TO RECEIVE THE TATE for th year 1"4. hevinning with Ihe flrsl day of March and ending May 1st. lsi, anlesa an extension of time is granted hv the county court. E. c. MAfIXX'K. Sheriff are! Tax Collector Clackamas I'otintr.Or. Jlarrli 1st, Iw. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT ORF.IiON CITT. OREOON, .Mrirh 1:1. l"!l.". Notice Is hereby given that the foilowiiig.namtd settler hits Bird notice of his intention to make Hnal proof in support of bis claim, and that said pniof wilt be madi liefore tlis Register and Kereiverat uregon my. oreg"ti, ou April , in.& vis: HARVEY GIBSON, II . E No 7SfJ9. for the NB i of Sec 2, Twp :i 8., R. 4 E. He names the following witnesas to prove hit continuous rp.id..nce nion and colU. ration of, mI.I land, vis. Charles W. l'asdy and Hugh Fit7gfrail, of Hover, Oregon. J. P Wiaaile and Henry Oithens. of Kcle Cre.k, orriron. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. Pullman Sleeping Cars Elesaiit Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars 'ST. FA t'l. MINNEAPOLIS UILITH TO J KAROO FORKS C KOU K STOW WINNIPEG HELENA and Bl'TTE THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WA'HIMJTOjr I' H I H II K LP HI A N K V YOK ' HQS I ON n,l all rOI.Nrs EAST and HOI'TM. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE THAT THE ! undersigned has been dnlv apioinled by 1 Hon. O. E Hayes, indue of the county court of Clackamas, stale of Oregon, administrator of ihe estate of William R McCiiuhin. deceased. ! All persons hari g claims against said esute. j are required lo present the fcame. properly veri- ; fled, to me at my office in Oregon Citv, Oregon, i within six months frooi the oUte of tins notice. 1 THUS. K. RYAN. j Administrator of Estate of Wm. R. Mrt't-bbin, deceased. j Paled al Oregon City this Itth day of April, l.".. For Information, time Octets, call on or Trite cards, mapa and A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. S.l.t Marriaoa Mrssst, (snwr TblraL