Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, April 12, 1895, Image 2

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    Oregon Courier.
Kiitorei In Hie Oregon City poitofllce s second
olui matter.
subscription bates.
On. year 0?
Six months 1
Throe monlhi.
XrTue date nppoilte your address on tlie
paper denotes the time to which yon have paid
Correspondents wanted in all parti of the
countv; liberal Inducements; write lor panrcu.
t. P. Fisher, newipaper advertising agent
12 Merchant!' Exchange, Ban Francisco, li our
authorleed agent. Thla paper l kept on nie in
his office.
Statesmen and businessmen tlie world
over who are nut selfishly interested In
bulling gold and bearing silver are
unanimous in the opinion that the
statin or relation of both the chief
money melals needs regulation and that
prosperity is seriously hampered by the
present conditions. What the outcome
of the projected international bimetallic
congress will be is problemellcal. Even
if silver was remonetlzed at 20 to 1 of
gold, instead of 16 to 1, the present
ratio, a great change for the better
would have been made. No good will
have been accomplished unless the
ratio adopted, in case the congress
agrees on one, makes the silver coin
equal in money value to the gold coin
of the same denomination, as it was
before 1373. Then the world's stock of
ultimate redemption money will bave
been augmented by several billions and
the occupation of the gold bulls will be
gone. In case the present Increasing
output of the gold mines continues, silver
in comparison with gold may in course
of time rise in value, but we could wel'
endure a silver dollar at 20 to 1 that was
at a premium with gold.
This is certain, however, that action
by the bimetallic congress favorable to
silver would increase its price, and it is
' not true, as gold monometallic ts
reiterate, that the stock of silver in the
world is relatively greater, in compari
son with gold, than it was a decade past.
Were gold demonetized and silver
recognized as the chief money metal,
the latter would immediately rise lo
$1.29 per ounce and gold would sink in
value. It is not the intrinsic value of
gold, for a sack of flour has more in
trinsic value than a sack of gold, but
its accepted use as tlie standard money
metal that gives It its value. Bimetal
lisin, succinctly stated, means a silver
and gold coinage which is of equal value,
if coined at a certain ratio, and places
the coins of both metals on exactly the
same footing, where they would now be
if hostile legislation, at the behest of the
money lords, had not demonetized
silver. A shrinking quantity of stand
ard money, in comparison with a rapidly
extending commerce in every part of
the world, must inevitably produce
The rain has put a stop to farming In
this vicinity for a while.
Mrs. T, B. Donaldson has been laid
up with rheumatism for the past week,
but is improving under the care of Dr.
Leavitt of MolalU.
Mrs. Waller Noblitt is quite low
with malaria fever.
Joseph Johnston is building a new
barn In the place of the old one. The
old land marks are fast passing away.
Rev. F. W. Parker of Hubbard filled
the pulpit at the Smyrna Congregational
church last Sunday and preached an
able sermon to a large and appreciative
audience. He will leave shortly for
Huntington, eastern Oregon.
W, A. Haskins made a flying trip to
Portland last week.
Married, at the residence of the
bride's parents, Wednesday, March 27
Elmer Hardesty and Miss Blanch Ker
stetter, both of Needy. Rev. Hughes
of Hubbard tied the nuptial knot. May
their troubloi all be little ones little
8. W. Hardesty and family of Needy
havo rented their farm and moved to
Silverton. where Hardesty A Son will
engage in the practice of law.
April 2d. Jumho.
The County Compromlmei with tbt Port'
land General Elootrlo Co. on tho
Delfq nuent Mortgage Taxes.
Win. Patiforlh is working for Geo
Albert Fankhauser, who has been
teaching the Rock Creek school, came
borne sick with pneumonia last Friday
Geo. Forrls is staying at C. F. Tyler's
where he bus been engaged to work by
the month.
Ara McLaughlin lias been suffering
witli a severe cold and cough, but is
now improving.
Green McMurray of Damascus and
Mr. Forbes of Tremont were in Harmony
on legal business Monday.
Frank Karr has stopped hauling wood
for a while on account of a lame horse
MisB Etta Karr who is staying in
Portland paid her parents a short visit
April Otli. Juxta.
Rev. Harry C. Yrooman considers a
fmely subject in "Crime and the Eir
forcementof Law" in the April Arena.
On Monday Inst the county court ac
cepted the proposition of the Portland
General Electric Company to expend
$8,505 on the public roads, in settlement
of the claim on the part of the county
for delinquent taxes due from Elijah
Smith for the years 1891 and 1892. The
settlement was made upon the advice
of C. D. A D. (J. Latourette, attorneys
for the county, who expressed an
opinion adverse to the validity of the
assessments. The compromise was
made on the basis of 50 of the tax, and
was thought by the court and the at
torneys to be an advantageous settle
ment, inasmuch as there was so much
uncertainty of success in the case. It is
doubtless the bettor policy in cases of
tills kind to compromise, rather than
involve the county in protracted and
expensive litigation, which generally
results in benefit to no one except the
lawyers engaged in tlie controversy.
Tub much talked-about bloomer bi
cycle dress Is simply a pair of trousers
very baggy at the knees, abnormally
full at the pistol pocket, and consider
ably full where you scratch a match.
The garment is cut decoletle nt the
south end and at the bottom is tied
around the knees to keep the mice out .
You can't put it over your head as you
can a corset but you can set on tho floor
and pull it on just as you do your stock
inus one foot in each department. You
can easily tell which is tlie right side by
the buttons on the neck band. Ex.
The Extra Session.
A most unique entertainment will be
given at Shively s, Saturday iiijht,
April 13th; opening of the "Extra SeS'
sion of the Oregon Legislaturs" at 8 p.
m.j roll call promptly on time. No
one should mis9 seeing the new spring
bonnets to be worn by the members;
they will simply be immense. If you
did not attend the legislature last
winter, you will now have opportunity
to see how they did it; presentation of
bills, dispensing clerkships, amending
of charters, etc., etc. The proceeds will
be used in the establishing of head
quarters for tlie Oregon City W. C.T.
U. at' the Chautauqua Admission,
adults 25 cents; children 10 cents; re'
served seats to be had at no extra
charge ; select early and secure a good
Mrs Helen D Harford Speaker
Mrs M M Charman Reading clerk
Miss Gertrude Shaw. . .Recording clerk
Miss Fanuie Maddocb. Senate Messenger
MrsJM Lawrence. . .Sergeant at Arms
Mrs Clinton Latourette . V isitor
Mrs L C Young Artist
Mrs 3 W Holmes ForeignWoman
MrsC II Dye Hofer
Mrs Theo Clark Rinearson
Mrs M L Driggs Terapleton
Mrs EE Charman Jefl'ry
Mrs DulTy McCracken
Mrs A C Beaulien Smith of Polk
Mrs Sidney Smith Blundell
Mrs J K Groom Cooper
Mrs Lottie Green Seblbride
Mrs Geo Rinearson Gowdy
Mrs J E White Paxton
Mrs Caples Stewart
MrsC OT Williams Hillegas
Miss Hnniet Cas) Meyers
Miss Nellie Younger Smith of Linn
Miss M Williitms. . .Smith of Clackamas
M ins llultie Monroe Barkley
Miss Mary Younger. Smith of Josephine
Miss Gertrude tiiiley Uleeton
Miss Bertha Summer Guild
Mias Ana Baird. Burleigh
MiBS Friinkie Currin Mintie
Lobbyists Messrs. Geo. Rinearson, L.
C. 'Driggs, J. U. Campbell, Sidney
Smyth, Bert Boatty, Ned Driggs, S. W.
Holmes, t . I. Uriintli, U. 11. Dye,
11 A. l oung and J . K. uroom.
Petition of F. W. Walker el al for a
change in the Shipley road granted and
surveyor to survey and J. H. Hays,
Geo. Lacey and Frank Ford to vie a?, to
meet at place of beginning on March.
Report accepted of road master on
petition of R. J. Shockley ut al for change
in road and petition denied.
Report of road master on petition of
R. W. Alden et al for a change ' In
Morton road accepted and petition
Petition of Morris Grapenhain et al
for a county road granted and J. M.
Sliker, C. 8. Porter and Geo. J. Currin
to view to meet at place of beginning
on March.
Application of Elmer T. Davis to
purchase certificate of tax sale to Rich'
ard Davis estate for 1893 taxes granted
Petition of E. P. Dedman et al for a
change in Damascus, Clackamas and
Oregon City road referred to road
Report of Geo. Killen on completion
of improvement of Elliott Pralre and
Woodburn road accepted, and $71 25
ordered paid as $72.75 worth of volunteer
work had been expended.
Petition of Jos Gill and other super
visors for all the road fund collected
from their respective districts to be ex
pended in said district denied.
Application of Portland Flouring Mills
Co. for a rebate of 1891 tax granted; if
company will pay city, school district
and state taxes, amounting to $8010, the
balance will be rebated, on account of
wrong classification.
Petition of F. I). Mack et al for a
bridge across Milk Creek on cotinly
road leading from grange hall to Canby,
known as the Darnall road, referred to
road master to examine.
Report of D. W. Klnnaird, road
master, on the completion of the Kent
road approved, and expense account of
$G5 allowed.
Application granted of Jonathan John
son for settlement of taxes of 1893.
wrongly described and sold, on rebate
of the 20 per cent costs of sale.
Cases of M. P. Biadley vs Clackamas
county: Action of attorneys in com
promising second suit for $500 approved,
and warrants ordered as follows : .
M. P.Bradley, damages $ 1500.00
Cost bills tiled, defendant 217.00
Cost bills filed, plaintiff 146.00
Court reporter 49.00
4 08
48 70
123 32
A short time ago the Oregonian had
a doleful plaint about how the lunibei
business was injured by reason of being
placed on the free list by the Wilson
bill. That was politics. Now it gives
the information that a number of ships
are being loaded on Puget Sound with
lumber for Australia, China, Hawaii
and Chili, That is news and business.
The political end of a newspaper may
tell lies, but the business end often ex
poses them. Guard.
A Neuhabka paper sajs : "It will be
an amusing sight, next summer, to see
some of our farmers chasing a cultivator
dowu a long row of corn, attired in a
swallow-tailed coat, a Fedora hat,
plaited shirt, piccadilly collar, four-in-hand
tie, and a pair of patent leather
tooth-pick shoes, being the full dressed
suit of some Eastern dude, and con
tributed to the sufferers of Nebraska."
Great meeting at Needy on Suturda y
April 20th at 2 p. m. Never was the
need greater for farmers to bestir them
selves and band together fur each others
protection. Let every farmer in the
precinct a'.tend this meeting and give
his support to any action that may be
taken to avert distress or confiscation of
properties under the sanction of law.
The farmer who can and does not at
tend this meeting is an enemy to all.
By order of committee,
N. R. Graham.
Entire stock of Crockery will be sold
below cost at R. Staub's Grocery.
Troduce taken inex:'nt fv hi
scriptions to the Courier.
For Over Fifty Years.
Ah Old anu Well-Tried Rehedt, Sin. Win
low1 Soothing Syrup has buen used fur over fifty
yean liy million of mothen for their children while
tepthlng, Willi perfect success. It soothes the Child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic
and Is the bent remedy for Diarrhoea. I pteasant to
the touts. Stild by Druggist! In every uirt of the
World. Twenty-five centi a bottle. Ill value ii in
calculable. 11a lure and auk for Mrs. Wlnslow'i
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Mlas, h clung to Caatoria,
When she bad Children, she gave them Castorla
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
E. W. J'(T (Jon I'ANY Gentlemen: I have suf
fered from a nervous prostration from financial
lossca. Can say Joy's Vegetable Paranparilla has
cured me. My liver, stomach and bowels have
been very Inactive, but since Using your remedy
I am entirely well. All business men and
women should use it. 1'lease publish.
(Signed) UK. Wll. 1IKNKY JONES.
Butte, Montana
Itau-kaclie, dlastneaa, tlretlneaa give) way
to Joy's Vegetable Haraupartllat.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
warded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, Saw Frasoaca.,
E. W. Jov Company Gentlemen: This Is the
first time I bave attempted to write for three
year. Have been so nervous and weak that I
have laid in lied lor most of the time.
A Iricnd who had taken your Saraparllla sent
me two bottles. The acrond one is most gone,
and 1 have gained twenty pounds, and surely
fuel a new women. I was palethin. Ko ambi
tion. Had given up, as I bad tried so many
remedies and doctors but found no benefit. If
you care to publish this you have my consent
(Signed) MRU. A. C. TII.I.MAX,
Alameda, Cal.
- is . .
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
-uorjavarp jsrssw. tuititfej, udt;i
norredfisuiK) bjtio seintttj, urtdiy
0Ucn i8A js-q :ienq4 iit1ijj
-sqrapvaq mdj t4nu,x tired! a
Ripans Tabulea cure bad breath.
Total costs, except atty's fees. . . $1912.00
Matter of opening the Niebur road :
Ordered that Supervisor Smith expend
the labor of petitioners in opening the
Application of W. L. Davis for aid
from county granted and ft) per month
Honed, beside $0 for immediate use.
Matter of selecting official newspapers
The publishers of the Industrial Herald
having filed a list of their subscribers
duly sworn to as required by law, and
no other paper having filed such list, it
is ordered that the Indutirial Herald
and the Oregon City Enterprise be and
are selected as the official papers.
Application of J. F. Bock for tax re
bate on account of being dou bly assessed
for 1891 granted on payment of $23.55,
there bring $32.50 chanted against him
Allowance of $12 a month for Mrs,
Pierce ordered discontinued after
May 1st.
Report of L L. Porter, deputy district
attorney, on collection of delinquent
taxes, accepted, he having collected for
the years 1690, 1891 and 1892 $898.15.
Warrant for $89 81 ordered for his coin-missions.
Report of H. S. Gibson, school
superintendent, on number of districts
reporting for the school year ending
March 4th accepted and $290 allowed
for same.
Claims for road work for March
ordered paid as follows :
Labor. Material.
District No. 3 $ 74 00 $ 8 00
11 8 00 3 48
' 13 8 50 0 02
14 418 00
1 15 4 00
' 17 40 42
18 40 75
1 27 153 12
24 48 75
30 339 50
" 31 181 14
" 42 39 61)
Application for aid to Thomas
Pomeroy, an indigent old man, referred
to commissioner Scott with power
to act.
Reports of county officers on fees
collected during month approved .
Six dollars per month allowed for
caro and keeping E. Bergman.
Mileage and - pay of commissioners
allowed as follows: R. Scott, 8 days
and 28 miles, $20,80; Frank Jaggar,
5 days aml32 miles, $18.20.
Geo K llorton, cert copy 8 B 101 $ 9 00
K A Homer, pauper expense 5 00
Tiros Charman A Son pauper. . . 20 00
Oregon City Hospital " ... 5 50
It J Hendrix, reform school ex. . 1 70
H L llolman, pauper ex 20 00
C N Ureenman " 2 50
R L Ilohnan et al, Jas Tucker,
deceased 22 75
It L llolman, iuquent unknown
man 58 70
T J Strife, pauper ex, claimed
$750 2 60
Geo Moorn, g j witness 2 20
Henry MeUlruin, jury ex 2 20
Coi'rier. printing 22 50
N M Moody, deputy sheriff,
overtime 25 89
E C Maddock. board of priaioner 105 5tl
J C Bradley, self and 5 deputies. 544 00
S M Ramsliy, recorder ex 20 00
W M Moore, treasurer ex 6 00
J A W White, courthouse ex 4 00
C C Robhin " . . . . 4!l 50
Port W A I Works " .... 40 00
Bellomv A Busch " $3 not
H II Johnson, deputy surveyor. . 33 00
Noblitt' stable, livery ex 12 00
Slate vs It Atchinson, $13.2.)
laid over
State vs Joseph, Richet $20.70
laid over
Stale vs Clarence Palmer
" Jesse Kinfsbunr
W II Welch A F" M Bley
" J A Lousignout, claimed
Slate vs Dan Ferguson et al
Wilson A Cooke, road ex
Mortenaon A Hanson, road ex.. .
California Powder Works " ...
D 1. Paine M D, insane ex
W E Carll M D, "
Mrs L H Strirklin, pauper ex
State rs H P Neifus
H S Gihann, teachers meetings .
Miller A Stevens, courthouse ox.
Entenri$t, stationery claimed
IIU 116 00
D E Sheppard, sheriff's ex "
.. 5 80
G C Fields, sheriff's ex. claimed
4.50 2 50
Meston A Dygert, record 105 00
0 W Prosser, road A pauper ex , 8 00
Mrs Carrie Mvres, ' 8 00
Appl of B A U A S for Briun'a
children 27 80
M Hyatt, sheriff ex ,. 50 (W
E C Maddock " $10 not allowe I
A 8 Dresser, atty In Bradley vs
county, claimed $500 250 00
Matter ol tire tie liniment mnrtn-iiu-a
taxes assessed against Elijah Smith for
1801 and 1892:
The above matter having coma on
reguiariy in me open court to be heard,
upon the report aud recommendation of
V. 1). & V. U. Latourette. attorney for
the county, from which report it appear-
ing 10 tire court that there li serious
doubt as to the validity ol the asseai
ment of said mortgage taxes, as well as
tire uncertainty concerning the pos
sibility of collecting the same under the
law as it now stands.
And it aonearlnir to the court, under
the advice of the said attorneva. that a
settlement ot said claim would be ad vis
able and for the best interests of the
county, and preferable to a tedious nnd
protracted course of litigation in tlie
court, entailing a considerable expanse
to the county.
And the Port and General F.U'trin
Co. having In consideration of this order
and a release of said claim for taxes,
tendered a bond guaranteeing to the
county the expenditure of the sum of
18505 upon the roads of this countv.
And the court being now fully advised,
tnereiore nereoy orders that the said
bond be and the same is hereby ac
cepted as mil settlement ol the mort
gage taxes assessed or claimed against
Elijah Smith, in person and as trustee,
lor the years mm and 18U2. and that
the shenii is hereby directed to receipt
mereiur aim cancel lucn taxes Ol
record .
Know all men by these presents, that
tne roniand uenerai E ectric Co..
corp oration, is held and firmly bound
into the county of Clackamas, state of
uregon.in tne penal sum of $1710 for the
payment of which sum well and truly to
be made, it bids itself, its snccAaanra
and assigns, firmly by these presents :
signed ana sealed tills 5th dav of
April, 1895.
lhe conditions of the above obligation
are such, that whereas the countv of
Clackamas is to release and cancel 'cer.
tain delinquont mortgage taxes.as-jessed
against said Elijah Smith upon a trust
deed, executed by the W. T. !t L. Co.,
upon property now owned by the P. G. E
Co. in said county, said assessments bo
ng for tlie years of 1891 and 1892.
Now therefore, in consideration of
such release, if the said P G. E. Co ,
its successors or assigns shall after two
years, and fully within five years from
the date of this instrument, furnish in
i a nor, gravel or crushed rock, as directed
by the county court, upon the county
roads, leading from the westerly end of
the suspension bri Ige, across the Wil.
lutnette river at Oregon City, Or., the
sum $8505 for the purpose of grading
and improving said roads in manner
and form as shall be directed bv the
court, but such improvents to be begun
at, and extend trom the westerly end of
said bridg.i on the road running up tlie
tne river not to exceed two miles, on the
road running down the river not
to exceed one mile, on the
road running westerly from the river
not to exceed one-trait mile ; then these
presents to be void, otherwise to remain
in full force and ettect.
In witness whereof, the P. G. E Co
by its president and secretary pursuant
to resolution ol tne directors or said cor.
poration, duly adopted and entered, has
hereunto affixed its hand and seal the
day and year above written.
Portland General Electric Co
Following Is a partial list of tlie cases
before the circuit court, which convenes
Monday, April lSth.
Dittenholfur llua A Co, vs D M Mc
II W Ross v John and Win Phillln.
Thomazlne Kudy vs Samuel Rmnadoii
and Catharine Rams len.
Alex 8 week rs Marlon and Mary
James Humphrey vs A M Shlbley.
M K Perrin vs A M Shibley.
Peter A Weiss vs A M Hhibley.
W B Ames vs Llie N Bowers.
T R Worthlngton vs Henry Thiessen .
John E Courtney vs John Wetzlur.
State vs Gartlurne A Powers.
G Weber vs V Hoffman.
R Dundas vs M A M Johnson.
J D Cock vsj M A M Johnson.
J Tompkins vs M lUiinlry.
W T Burney vs H SniRthern, et al .
E Bachman A Co vs W A Ackeriu.ui.
O Yunker vs ii Tneger.
James Crooksliank vs II Dnvorey.
iv ii r iisipatiific vs uackatnaa Co, et
It May Do as Much for You.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he
had a Severe Kidney troubles for many years.
with severe pains lit his back and also that his
bladder waa affected, lie tried many so called
Kidney cures but without any good result,
About a year ago he began use ol Electric Hitters
and found relief at once. Eleetrlo Bitters Is es.
peclally adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver
troubles and often give almost Instant relief.
One trial will prove our statement. Price only
80c tor large bottle, at Charman & Co. 'a Drug
re, ! t a rman Bros. Block.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tin Best Salvi in the world for Cuts
Bruslses, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
centsper box. Foi sale by Charman A Co.
Charman Bros.' Block.
A full line of new laces, especially
adapted for children's wash dresses,
at the Racket Store.
How to Cure Yourself While Using t.
The tobacco habit grows o a m an
until his nervous system is seriously af
fected, imparing health comfort and
happiness. To quit suddently is too se
vere a shock to tlie system, as tobacco,
to an inveterate user becomes a stimU'
Ittnt that his system continually craves,
Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to
bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully
compounded alter tne formula of an
eminent Berlin physician who has used
it in his private practice since 1872, with'
out a failure, purely vegetable and suar
anteed perfectly harmless. You can use
all the tobacco you want, while taking1
Baco-Curo, it will notify you when to
stop. We give a written guarantee to
permanently cure any case with three
boxes, or refund the money with 10 per
. !... . I, r. : . . .
cent, iiuuresi. uuuu-iurois not a substi
tute, but a scientific cure, that cures
without the aid of will power and with
no inconvenience. It leaves the system
as pure and free from nicotine as the day
you took your first chew or smoke. Sold
by all druggists, with our ironclad guar
antee, at $1.00 per box, three boxes,
(thirty days treatment,) $2 50, or sent
direct upon receipt of price, bend six
two-cent stamps for sample box.
rooklet and proofs free. Eureka
Chemical A Manufacturing Company,
Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse,
See the dagger hair pins, with amber
stems and metal tips, at the Racket
29 85
10 0J
21 90
37 10
10 75
10 00
27 51
82 41
10 00
S 00
10 SO
13 55
12 20
13 U0
It ii an indisputable fact that for more
than fifty years, children, from the age of
lui.fc m'vhu. w icu jcaia, uuve uecn
henebted by Sticdman's Soothing Pow
der. These Powder are termed soothing
because thew correct, mitipate. and re.
move, disorders of he system incident to
Notice is hkreby given that the
undersigned has been appointed executor
of the estate of Jorgen Oleeu Klngnoes, de
ceased, by order of the county court of Clacka
mas county, Oregon All persons having
claims atainst said estate are hereby required
to tile said claims with me at my residence at
Canby. Oregon, or at the office of my attorney,
C. II. Kye, Oregon City. Oregon, with the
proper voucher, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Hated al Oregon City, Oregon, April 2d, l.i9o
Executor of the Estate of Jorgen Olaen Klngnoes
undersigned has been duly appointed by
the Hon. Gordon E. Hayes. iulKe of the
county court of Clackawaa county, Oregon,
aa administrator of tne estate or Annie E.
Partlow, deceased. All persons having claims
against said astate are repaired lo present ihm
same, property vended, lo me at the office of
C. 1). A I. t'. Latourette. my attorneys, at
Oregon CHy, Oregon, within six months from
this date.
Dated Oils 23d dar of Marrh. A. I 195.
AdmlalMrau.r aforesaid.
J At Lawrence vs U I Sct.ilii r.
Meier A Frank Co vs H I, Schiller,
(i Woodruff 1'ratt Co vs II L Schiller.
R L Sahin vs II L Schiller.
R I. Sahin. et al. vs It I. Schiller, et
J Barker vs I M McClellan, et al.
II Freeman v Christopher Webb.
J K Sheak vs A M Wallacn APT
(4 (iutman vs Hans Johnson.
State vs W Jess A F Nelson.
U Smith vs D R Rees A J W Stewart.
Aken Selling A Co vs E M Harlinan.
W I) Randall vs Allen Simmons. C II
LarverA (ieo. A Hamilton.
T Charman A Son vs ( h s K oeger.
Henry Uerson ys Dupuis A Mnrrell.
L J Leiberlick vg Milton Hosford.
H D JonnBon vs A L James A wf.
Clarence Farr vs J 8 Williams.
F R Charman vs Tiros L Saegor.
F Frederick vs O I A S Co.
A J Eisner vs W F Burkholder.
P T Co vs Eliza J Casun.
PTCovsFF White.
P T Co vs C M Myers A R ibert n
P T Co vs E M Atkinson, trustee.
Bobbins A 8on vs J Arquoit, et al.
E U Caufield vs G Hnrrmr an.l T
HC Rogers vs WT Linn.
John Hanna vs Louis Toedtemcier.
0 O L A I Co vs I Anderson.
E Hughes vs John Doyer.
J F Anderson vs Portland F M Co.
M Fredericks vs Bernhart FalllrrtA
Anns Fallert.
N Zimmerman A J N Miller
John Coberv.
i u I'erry vs John A Julia Palmer.
Eliza Dickenson vs J M Dickenson.
Ttroumzine Eudy, ex vs T Charman.
J S Jennings A J Webber vs John
w m Kaupach vs PKaupich.ex, -et a'.
W T Burney vs S W R Jones and
Bank of Oregon City.
James Abraham vs M A M Johnson.
W T A L Co vs Aurie M Drafter A W
T Burney.
Lovejoy.et al vs P G E Co.
M A Fellows vs Mrs C M Plrilllns.
Win Phillips, Emm J Jones. L I) Jones
A A Mather.
M A Leetervs S L Mack.
J R W Sellwood vs P J Henneman, et
E J Thompson vs D W Willinms.et al.
II R lJuni.'iway Lumber Co vs James
O N Bank of Portland vs S W R Jones .
Ornamental buckles for hats and
dresses at the Racket Store.
Now is the time to go to the Courier
office for stallion printing. Large cuts
furnished free.
A or 11 11. U9.r. Notice is hereby alven that
the following-named settler lias tiled notloe of
nis intention to make nnai prooi in support ol
Dis claim, aim inai saiu proof win oe mane oe-
fore the Register and Receiver U. 8 . Laud Office
a. ....... Alt nM..n An U.... ITlk lunr. .1-.
WIVBUH VIU,UltgUI,, VII BJ ll.ll, 40TU
H. E. No. 8l.fi for the 8 M of 8W t of See. 28.
Twp. 8 8., K. 4 E. He names the following
witnesses to prove nis continuous residence
npon and cultivation of, said land, vn: Kit
Williams and Hiram Wilson of Currinsville,
Oregon, and John stor.uer and Wo, Handle
of i
inriiigwater. Oregon.
a- April II, IMi. Notice is hereby given that
tne following named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final nroof in sunnort of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register aud Receiver U. 8. Laud Oflice at Oregon
City, Oregon, on May 17, 18'J5, viz:
H. E. No. 84110. for the 8 of NE M of Sec. 10.
Twp. I 8., R. 4 E. He names the following
witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon
and cultivation ot. said land, viz: Harvev
Gibson, Augustus Burnett, J. W. Douglass and
William Howielt, all ol Eagle Creek, Orrgo:.
KUBLK1 A. allLLBK, Register.
April It, 1HU5. Notice Is hereby given thai
the following-named settler has tilei
notloe of
his Intention to make filial proof In support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Reirlstur and Receiver U. 8. Laud Office
at Oregon City, Oregon, oil Hay 20, 1&, via:
H. E. No. 7448, for the SE M of Sec. 84, T. 2 8.,
6 E. He nainea the following witnesses la
prove his continuous residence upon aud culti
vation of, said land, viz: Henry Koch, Joseph
Paschal), Thomas McCabe and Julius Wendland
all of Handy, Oregon .
Kuiir.ni a, aiiLLr.K, Register.
I Anrtl 11, ll'i. Notice Is hercbv liven that
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to intke Anal proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver IT. 8.
Land Oflice at Oregon City, Oregon, on May 3)th,
18'JS, viz:
H. E. No. S424, for the NE W of Sec. 2(1, Twp. 1 8 ,
R. 6 E. He names the fallowing witnesses to
nrove his continuous residence noon and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Peter Wilhelm and
Henry W. Frits of Alines. Oreiton.. William A.
Johnson and Frank Johnson of Troutdale, Ore.
I April 11, 1KI5. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has hied notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
hla claim, under Seo. 2101 R. 8.. and Urn said
nroof will be made before the Reuinier and Re
ceiver U. H. Land Otllce at Oregou City, Oregon,
on May 20th, lt vis:
II. K. No. I0.4M. for the N U of the NE l ot Sec.
Twp. 6 8.. R 8 E. He names the following
itnesses to prove his continuous residence udou
and culUvation of, said land, vlx: Joseph Rees,
Charles D. Robeson, John irulenger and Win.
Stewart, all ot Meadow Brook, Oregon.
Koiir.Ki a. iru.i.tri, Register.
1-""-" 'VvvVVS.Vv
for Infants and Children.
IHIRTT yara' ebsarrratlon ef CatatorU with the patronage of
millions of parsons, permit bs to apeak cf it wHhont guessing.
It la unqntiatloiialily thai teat remedy tor Infants and Children
the world has wsr known. It U harmless. Children like) It. It
0;1to thorn heatlth. It will aaro their litres. In It Mothers havo
something which la ohaolately safe nnd preotloaJly perfect a s
child's medlelno.
Caatoria destroys Worms.
Caatoria allays reTorlahneas,
Caatoria presents Tomltlng Boar Cord.
Caatoria enres Diarrhoea, and Wind Collo.
Caatoria relieves Teething Tronhlea.
Caatoria enres Constipation and Flatulency.
Caatoria neutralises tho effects of cerhonlo aold gas or polaonone air,
Caatoria does not oontaln morphine, opium, or other narcotic property.
Caatoria nidmllates the food, regnlatos) the stomach and towels,
giving healthy and natural sleep.
Castorla la put up la one-atse hottles only. It Is not sold In hulk.
Don't allow any one to sell yon anything elae on tho plea or promise
that It Is "Just at good " and 14 will answer every purpose."
Bee that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
Oregon Pacific Railroad Company
I'll AH, CI.AHK, Receiver,
('.mm cling wllh Blr."IOHEH"belWMn Yao.ln
and San franolsco,
Mleamer I,, vns Nan Francisco Fsbrusry 20th sfaiel)
2l, Ulli, 'IU and 31st,
Miwimer leaves Ysiillna February Mill, llsrrli 7la
17ili and 27lli.
Illghts murved to clisngo sailing dates wltaeal
For freight anil pnuenger rules apply to sny Agent
Nun. 2 to g Market Stout,
BanrrsnclMo, Cel.
I'll AH. CI, AUK, Iliwlver,
Corviillls, Oregon,
J Muri-li 1:1, lsil.V Ni.llee is hereby glveu that
tlm riilliiwliiK.iniiil seltler has tiled notice of his
iriieniluii to iinike llmil proof In support of ,1s
cliilui, ami Hint sulil proof will be made Infers the
HegintM-and Hwnivrr al Oregon city. Oresn on
April ait Hti.',, vis; (
II K No 711.11, for the NE of Hec , Twp
:l S, R. 4 K. lie names I he following wltnss.es
lo prove llli eoiiliiiuiilis n"lilelice imhiu end colli-
viilliinef. awtlil liiml, vl. Churl! W. Cawdy auit j
HllUll Fllaeralil. uf Dover. Oreimn. J. P vf.w.ll.
and llniry (iitli of Kiigln Creak, uregoa. 4tJft
IIOHhlli A. Mil
...k, urego
.I.Kit, It,
Tho fao-nlmlle
slgtnatnro of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
fiittru uived to cure a. 1 nervuuUOBMii,iucti us Wttnk Momory.ljaHoi i'r:ittt
'owur, lltmdache.Waktilulit?H, Iaiiii Manhood, Muhtly Knilntiotiti, NtrvnM
iieiM.slldraliiaaiidioMof (HtwerliiUeuuratiTtiOritmii ot either twxt au.-rtj
r overexertion, ynuthftol errors, excepulve uno uf tobacco, onluin or t Urn
ulft-nts, which Waa to Infirmity, Consumption or .(infinity. Can )u cunieiUn
31 ve m wrlttrn vnanintrelo cure or refund the money. Hoi J ly till
.ilruit-sTlittft.. Awk fiii-It. lakit no other. Writ it for f pop MhiIIciiI Honk sti'iit. ..iilt-.l
ForBnleln Ore...nCUy,Oro.,by CHAllMAiN CO.. UruKKlsta.
a. .
J Mnr.li ill, am Nulleo is her.i,, given Umi
Hie riillowlniMiniiiud suttlir Im. HImI i,.ir ,,r l,u
intention lo n.uke proof In sniHirl of M clslm,
anil llwt anlil proof will lie msdo Mute tin H-nlil.i
liu'i v'i'z'V,'r "' U"," 0r,i "' April a
:l S
If V Tlel ... i ... -
.. ..... ,,. ,,,, ui. loiinwing aitniyae.lt,
prion lila continuous n,,i,0n upon and culuvatloii
of, said laud, vlsj Henry I). Murv.r, Win. W
Purler, Henry Kpprrson and lllcliard (1. FalmalMr.
all of Currinsville, Oregon, '
1IOIIUIT A. MII.I.KR, Register.
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
f tlm spreading of contngiuus or Infection,
iliwitMi-H nnd to prtserllM) tho duties ot the
board of lieulili or eoiniulttee on health and
pull I" reliulou thereto.
Oregon City duos ordiilu us follows:
i?iTl.'u1i1'. T'"" wl,c"f,vcr "-Person residing
wlllrln ih lorponue limits of Oregon Cltv
Oregon, shall know that there exists within his'
place of resilience or within his family any
perMiii allltcied wllh smallpox, cholera, dlph.
llierla, M'lirliiliua, meanela or any other eon.
tnnlurri i or iiileclions .IIm-hb., he shall give notice
hereof to lhe board of health or commute, on
hen III and Hire Within twelve hours after
such fact shall come to his knowladge.
Reeiioii 2. That whenever any physician or
other po-sun slmll alien, I upon any person within
the corporate limits of Oregon t'lty, Oregon
who Is afflicted with smallpox, cholera, dlph.
Iherla, scnrliillna, mcnsels or any other eon.
tsgrous or Infectious disease, such physician or
other person shall give nolle, thereof to the
boiird of henlih or committee on health and
police wiihln iwolve hours after such fact shall
come to their knowledge.
Sections. That whenever the board of health
or committee on heulih and police shall be
iirormei I of the existence of smallpox, cholera,
dlplillicrla. scar hit na mu,ii,,. ..... ,i .7'
tngioiia or infectious ill ease within lire corporal
lilUltS Of OrCIMU Cite. Ilrpn ,l.h.llk..,L..,.
... ...Miu-inuieiy cause to oe raised over th.
prom sea In w Inch such disease exists, yellow
lag eighteen by twcnty.four liichesi and kVsoall
u unlawful for any person to lemove suen-
llag except upjii the direction and wllh the oon.
taSai? i.-XSto.? 1,t'"'1" or cora"",M"
Per- Ion 4. It shall he the duty of the board of
health or commliico on health and police to
provide a place of resident, the necessaries of
life, medical attendance and nurses, for Indla-ent
Persons within the corporate limits of Oregon
City, Oregon who are afflicted with siualliJox.
cholera, diphtheria, scarlatina, meascls or any
other coutngloiiB or Infectious disease.
nfS'!!,,l'1'iili.6-nI'.l'i,,',U he "1C '""'J' "I the board
of heallh or tho committee on health and
police to employ a physician and enter any
promises, or examine any person within the
corporate imlls of Oregon City, Oregon, when"
ever llrey have reason to believe therein exists
any unreported case of smallpox, dlphtheris.
scarlatina, meascls or any other contagious or
street or al ey or to use any other means which
they may deem necessary to prevent the spread
said city0' b 118 or l"'ecll"" disease within
Sl'n!'u" m Any ,er8", violating any section
of this ordinance or who may in any war
attempt or hinder or prevent the board of health
or comm ttee on heallh aud police Irom per.
fornilng their dirties, shall . fined In any sunt
Silenco" n"r """'0 ,iW eh
Ordered published by the cltv council of
Aprd'aj l'ji'i!r',,t0"' a ri'K"l,,r meeting held
' li'
T. W. FOLT3, City Bsc Tile..
antl dun't be imposed upon by buying a
remedy that requires you to do so, us it in
nothing more than a substitute. In the
eudtlen stoppage of tobacco you must have
some Btimulant. and in most all cases, the
e fleet of tlie Hiiiiiulant, he it opium, mor
phine, or other npiutps,
leaves a far worse lialrit con
tracted. Ask vour dniBirist
about BAC0 CUR0. It is
purely veKeti'ble. You do
not have to stop tii:-,ir to
bacco with BAC0 CUR0.
It will notify you when to
top and your desire for tobacco will cease. Your system will-be as free
rom nicotine as the day before you took your first chew or smoke. An iron
clad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms,
or money refunded. Price f 1 per box or 3 boxes (30 days treatment and
guaranteed cure) $2.50. For sale by all druggists or will be sent by mail
upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for sample nox. Booklets
and proohj free. EUREKA CHEMICAL & M'F'G. CO., La Crosse, WiB.
Oflice of THE PIONEER PRESS COMPANY, C. W. Hornk k, Supt,
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, Istu.
Eureka Chemical St M'f'g. Co., I.a Crosse, Wis.
liear Hirs I have been a tobacco fiend for many yeurs, nntl during the past two years
have smoked fifteen to twenty cigars regularly every day. Aiy whole nervous system became
attecled, until my physician told tne I must keap up the rrse of tobocco for the time being, at
least. I tried the so-culled "Keeley-Cure," "No-To-Bao," and various other remedies, but
without success, until I accldently learned of your "Baco-Curo." Three weeks ago to-day 1
consider myself completely cured; I am in perfect health, and the horrible craving for
tobacco, wliich every inveterate smoker fully appreciates, has completely left me. 1 con
sider your "Bai'O-Cufo" simply wonderful, and can fully recommend II.
Yours very truly, C. V. 1IORNICK.
TO TftADE . wm tra,le '(,r 'TMv.d
i 7; : , , . : formsor Oregon CI v p,'P,;
One liard-finlstied eight-room house vi'l Iio,h
one-(iunrter acre of Inmi
One llnu house nnd lot.
About tjj acre hind, wllh barn, well fenced,
l-ols anil acreage properly near Oregon City,
open t trade for real estate or merchandise,
tall or address Hamilton & Washhukn, Oregon
City and Park Place, Oregon.
Weekly Oregonian
Oregon Courier
for as.
Inquire at thla Oflice.
Thos F. Onkes Henry C. Payne, Henry C. Roass
of imitatioti
trade marks
and labels.
Anrll 11. lim. Notice Is herebv a- veil that :
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
hla claim, and that said proof will be m.te be- '
fore the Register aud Receiver V. S. Land ortl.-e
Oregon Lily, uregon, oo nay ran, isw, vu:
H. E. No. 7J07 for the NE i of Sec. 24. Twp. 4 8.,
K. 4 E. He names the following witnesses to
provs his continuous residence upon and rulti-
ation oi, sani rauci, vis: jonn l. avers and
I. L. Hrietenstlne of Lacay. Oregon, Henry c.
eyersand W. M. Warnoek of Springwater, Or.
AtintRt a. AiiL,Lr.K. negister.
undersined haa been dulr snooinied bv
Hon. It. E Hayes, judge of the'eounty court of
Clackamas, stale of Oregon, administrator
the ratal of William R McCubbin. dtmseri
All persons havl g claims against said cute,
are required to present the same, pmperly vert
fled, to me al ray office lo On-gon Citv. Oregon,
within six months from lhe date of tins notir.
Administrator of Estate of Wm. 9. McCubbin,
Dated at ttrrgnn CUy thla llth day of April, MM.
Insist on
2 s- ansrlatwi .!gSSS&
Jill JpCllVCiCaO
! ' Costs no more than inferior package soda
never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is mi.
I versally acknowledged purest in the world.
' Made only ij CHURCH k CO., Hew York.
, tali by trocars traywam.
' f VritotoAnaiidHsanseBooko(TalaaUaps-rBn.
Eighty acres of fine farm laml, mostly
bottom, on Wooileook creek, Clackamas
county, two miles from Meadow Brook
postoifice. Three acres cleared. 12 acres
slashed ; good house 20x30. Price $00,
of which $."0O must be paid down, bal
ance two years' time. For further par
ticulars call at Cocrikr oflice or address
me at Vancouver. Wash.
Mrs. Ansa Taylor.
for the year l. beginning with the first
day of March and ending Msv 1st, lstvi, unless
an'extension of time is granted bv the county
court. E. C. MAIiIKH K,
Sheriff an4 Tat Collector Clackamas I ounly.Or.
March 14, IfH
Oregon City Tanspotaticn Co's
Pllll HI 'ill
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
("ST. PAl'f.
I ;
MINNF vroi.n
H BI.KNA and
Foot Taylor St.
7:00 A. M.
11:30 A. M.
4:00 P. M.
Foot Ith St.
9:00 a. Jt.
2:00 p. u.
0:00 r st.
!-. V)KK " "
IIO'ION an.l all
For information, time
tii tet", call on or write
cards, map) and
Thursdays ;
Leaves 1 ortlami lutfilays.
and !atarilays.
Leave Indeemlence and Salem M
ily, Vedne.dHV and Fridnvs
Asst. Gen. Pass, Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
tMi Mnrrlsoa