t TRIED TO CAST OUT DEVILS. St, Lonls Woman Created a Sensation at "Hoi Ghoul" Meeting;. Wrought up to n lilgh pilch of cxolto mcntand overcome by religious fervor, a ttrnngo woman created nrvllilUlsturhniico at tlio Church of God Tucmlny night, snyi the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, llcllovlng that she was Imbued with ilivlno power, iho attempted to ciist out devils, nnd lie snuso thn dorlls wouldn't go sho atumipt Ed to throw llio other worshipers out. Tho Church of God was started by Mrs. Woodward, a traveling ovnngellst. Oho It the rulos of tho church Is to bold a sorv- TUB TWO WOMEN CASTING OUT DEVILS, lea every evening. Those sorvloos nro coll ed Holy Ghost meetings, andatsuch times tho spirit Is supposed to bo especially pres ent. At tho Holy Ghost meeting on Tuesday evening, when thoso present lind bocomo filled with tho spirit, a large, portly Gcr .ruitn.womuu udduiily nroso In her -seat and began to talk unci gostlculnto. "Come forward, slstor; coino forward," said tho leader. Sho did go forward, lint en tho way sho caught sight of Mr. Levi I'orgy nnd In sisted thut ho should accompany her. See ing that tho woman was greatly ojtclted and wishing to avoid n scono, hen rose, and accompanied her to tho altar. No sooner had sho reached that plucothnn sho turned about, crying: "Open tho doors, while, I cast out this dovll." Now, Mr. Forgy Isn't a devil. Neither has ho tho anpeuranco of one Ho nlso ob jected to having anything cost out of him or being himself cunt out and started to return to his seat. This scorned to anger tho woman, who turned suddenly upon blm and began clawing him In tho face. She scratched hi in until the blond flowed In profusion before ho could make, his es cape.. Wlion ho did get away, sho turned ber attention to the other monitors of the congregation, blio walked up tho aisle, clawing at every ono within reach. Her action caused great consternation, especially among tho women, who mado wild attempts to get out of Iter way. Miss Cora King was knocked down In tho wild rush, as wus also Mrs. Gcorgn Mnlonc. To add to tho commotion an old negro wom an was seized with tho spirit, had the "power" nnd began to shout and gesticu late. Tho German woman kept on her march, and being decidedly muscular it was soma minutes before she could bo subdued. Sho wus liuully quieted down, however, and tho meeting cuino to a close. Some of the women had crawled under thn seats, and n number of men had fled from the building. For a time it looked as though there would bo a panic, especial ly when the negro woman began her an tics. An Argument Fur College Sports. Outside of emergencies there Is much to be said in favor of brawn, ami fortunately it Is no longer necessary to argue that brains are better when there is brawn le hiud them, while on the other hand the time has already come when those who se lect athlete have little use for brawn with out brains So they su pplement each other more and more. The college man carica tured for yearn as a consumptive, then as a bis bruto, is today neit her. The type is ap proaching more nearly to that of soundness of body and mind. Twenty years ago n father exhorted his son to study hard and atand high; now the anxiety is that the stu dent should not fail to take plenty of exer cise. The strongest argument in favor of school and college sports is the one advanced by nature herself. She develops the body be fore the mind. A man readies the prime of physical power yearn before the maxi mum of bis mental strength is attained. The best systems, backed by the best ex ponent of the times, have failed to make physical development popular among men whose college days and days of youth were over, who were in the struggle of their life's work. It then takes too much out of the man to build up his physique. Jle has not the time. If he tad done the building years before, exercise will prevent retro gression. Youth is the time for physical development, the time to expand the chest and increase the biceps, to bike the larger proportion of bodily exercise. Then in ma turity the proportion should change to a mental exercise with the otbsr for ralau tlaa. Cscturr. 4 "m Je THE POPE AND HIS WORK. What lie rjas Aocomplinlied of Unity and M'liut lleinalns to lie Done. If Leo XIII wore tiO instead of 84, lio might ljopo to olinngo tho faco of Chris tendom. His zonl. bin fuith, his per sistent pursuit of unity could hardly fail to leavo tboir mark upon events. Even in tho 10 yenrs of his pontificate he bus achieved moro thai) it seomod possiblo for a popo to compass. IIo has mado peace with tho French ropublio and tho Russian czar, and if ho has not effected a reconciliation with tho king dom of Italy it is hooauso ho has satis fied himself that to do bo would bo pro mature and inexpedient. He has, in a largo moasuro, tho imagination without which no great object is ever attained. Wlint to less hopeful souls seems liko n dream is to him a present reality. Ho looks out ovor the world, and ho is not in the least daunted by tho weary spco taolo that moots his gazo. Ho bccb dis sension und schiHin nil around him, but he sots to work to bring unity out of confusion as cheerfully as though his obioct wero already hulf attained. His eyes nro turned at ono and at the snmo timo on England, on tho cast and and on the United States. To each in turn ho holds out on invitation to cotno back to his fold; for each in turn ho docs his utmost to make reconciliation easier. If reunion wore purely a ques tion of temper, we should sot tho great est possiblo storo by his efforts. Cut thongh a soft nnswer may turn away wratli it is poworloss to gonerato con viotion. What Btands between tho popo and thoso whom ho addresses is differ ence of belief. What to ono is a self ovi dent truth is to tho oilier a contradic tion of history. Tho conception of church authority which underlies tho papal ap peals is radically different from that which commends itself to tho Orthodox eastern, to tho Anglican, to the Protes tant. The popo hardly understands, howover, that before nuy of theso can como as suppliants to his feet they must bo sure of something moro than a kindly I welcome Ihoy must hnvo undergone an intellectual conversion. They must have boon convinced by papal argu ments, not merely conciliated by papal kiuduoss. London Spectator. Tim H ire uDIwi, We must examine the Talmud and the books of the commentators before we can answer the question of a correspondent: "Did Moses take a negro woman to wife?" We learn from the twelfth chapter of the honk of Numbers that certain persons "spake against Moses because of the Ethio pian woman whom he had married, lor he married an IClhlopian woman," but it must be remembered that all tho people of the extensive region anciently known as Ethi opia wero not, negroes, tne uusinie race lived there in the time of Moses. Perhaps the wife whom tho Lawgiver of Israel mar ried was a dislike or Salmvin. If, how ever, she was of the negro race, we cannot help it. Now lork Sun. Ivory Hall Making a, Slow Process. It does not look reasonable that (I to 12 months should be needed to make a bil linrd ball, but a first class ball cannot lie manufactured in less time, owing to the tendency of carved ivory to shrink. If it shrank equally, a hall could In-cut and pol ished iua few hours, but It does not, the shrinkage being greater in the direction of the width than of the length of the tusk. A ball must thus be roughly shaped, then kept for n number of months, until the shrinkage process has been completed. when the flnecuttlngiuid nolishinir niav be done. Chicago Tribune. A Simple Uemrtly. An effectual means of stopping bleeding from the nose is to move the jaws up ami down as if going through the process of mastication. If the patient Is a child, put some paper In his month and tell him to chew It thoroughly. I bis method is ridicu lously simple, yet it has never been known to fall even in the most aggravated cases. ulgarisateur. Confined to the llouao. A. Yon look very pale and thin! II Yes, 1 have been in a very bad wav. Yesterday I went out for the first time dur ing the last 12 months. A. Poor fellow! I'ray, what was the matter with you? U. One year in jail: that was the mat ter. Monarquia. The author cf "Alice In Wonderland," Lewis Cairo!!, has two hobbies children and amateur photography. The former may be guessed at from bis peculiarly suc cessful children's books, full of the delight ful Doniwoa that children of all growth aiar. A GREAT DISCOVERY REMARKABLE ACHIEVEMENTS THE AGE OF SCIENCE. The Ingenuity anil Skill of One Work an Kverlnxtlng Hineflt to Hie Fellow Men An liiMtimee In 101111, lien il, South Demi, Wash.) It falls to our lot this week to tell our readeis, and especially those who are not blessed Willi pel leel ileal 1 11, of one 01 the gieatest and simplest remedies of the century. IVrsonallv we enioy the very best of health year in and year out, but among our mends is J. L. Myers, pro uriutor ot the liroauway Pharmacy, man who knows his business thorough ly, is entirely wedded to chemistry and hvgieue and often "talks Bhop." One evening the conversation turned on new discoveries in drugs. lie told us that one of our mutual friends, John Wyanilt, a locomotive en gineer, owed Ins health to a new medi cine known as Dr. Williams' Pick Pills, and that Mrs. hau ler, the wife of Patrick hauler, cooper at the Tannin Extract Works, and well-known in this city, has been raised by them from what her friends thought was iter death bed. Having hail our attention called to the mutter so paiticularly we have since found that everybody lias a good word lor Pink PillH, and especially were we interested 111 tho case of Mrs. Lawler. Finally we called at her home and asked her to tell us if Pink rills bad really done as much for her as had been told. She said they had, and site would re peat the lads to me. Mrs. hauler eaid: "Two years and a Halt ago 1 was taken sick. 1 then lived in Tacoma, and lor five weeks was not able to turn invself in lied. Mv litis band and boys lifted me around and cared lor me, and they scaicely hoped ior my recovery, J could tat nothing, was simply worn out. "l sent lor the Pink Pills and 1 began taking them. It said in the directions that thev should on taken immediately after ealii g, to Inti iis'litly, then t ok the puis and 111 two days was able to sit up. iu two weeks 1 was 110 and around. and was able to ...ake the trip of 125 miles by cars to .South Bend, wiiere my husband hail gone to work. ".Since that time I have been well and have done my own work, and now when I feel worn out or ill I always take Pink Pills and they help me at once. I have in the two years and a half used twenty one boxes of them, and we all use them when we are feeling outof sorts. I have recommended them to many of my friends, and thev always helped them. and 1 can say to all mothers that they will find lliem a good medicine to build them up, emu headaches, dizziness and the ills which so often beset them." Mr. hauler also stated that he had often taken Pink Pills. That he used to lie troubled with sick headache and diz ziness in the morning, but that Pink Pills bad en 1 cd him. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are for sale by all druggists or may lie had by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Sche nectady, N. Y., fur 60 cents fer box, or six boxes for $2.50. W'liy Slmiikiim Win sliutik. "Pimpkins. you know," said the fat man, "bns an idea that he's a w it, and he's all the time springing gags on people lie knows Most of them is chestnuts, but once in H w hile he gets oil a new one. lie got off a new one to his girt the other night, and that's why he lost her. It seems that be was up to her bouse, and they were sitting out on the veranda. She got to telling him alsmt an adventure she had that afternoon when she was down town. It seems that she was coming along Main street up by TupiH-r, and a little pisidle dog ran across the street with a policeman after it. Just as it reached the middle of tho street the policeman pulled out his pistol nnd fired at it. The hull went through the dog's lungs, and it dropped over ileaiL "The girl was telling this, and she said: When I saw that poor little thing lying there dead, I just couldn't help going over and picking him up. It seemed too bad to havea great big brute of n policeman kill such a lovely little dog, and I told him so." Hight there is where Simpkins got In his fine work. 'You picked him npV he asked her. 'Yes,' says she. 'And be was shot iu the lungs?' he asked again. 'Yes, snysshe. 'Well,' says r-impkins w ith a sober face, that wasu't quit the right thing to do, was it V 'I should like to know why?' says the girl, licrnuse, says Simpkins, 'if he was shot in the lungs, he had a hole in his pants.' "That settled it with Fimpkins." contin ued the fat man. "The girl shook him then ad there." Buffalo Express. 1) l I) Often Conducted With Little Regard to Revenue Officials. THE ItOMANOE OF KJU'CJfiMM., The Temptations to "Free Trade" Too lining For Many Venturesome Spirits Along the Canadian Frontier A len- graphical HUeau Ways anil Mesne. Smugglers swarm tilling the Canadian border from ocean to wean. It may ho tho track of 11 solitary sledge an the frozen Kt. hnivreiioii, or a fWiIng sohouner licallng Into a quiet buy where I bore are no fish, 1 r, if you like, a well dressed woman hid big 11 siiinll fortune in gems In tho rug with which sho protects a sick pug from iho cold as tho train Hears the frontier. The methods change from time to time, for in novelty cifltlmo there Is safety, but the smugglers, llku the poor, nro with us always In thn groat seaport men and women urn oftencst caught. In nil attempt to ovado tho customs ufllcc.li. n they leave tho big A SOMTAIty 8LKK1II TIMCR. transatlantic liners, nnd thn crime Is set down by nil as serious and properly pun ishable by heavy linn nnd long Imprison ment. If tho job Is on a largo scale, the community fur tho moment is shocked. In tho woods nnd on tho wators along ho Canadian frontier it Is very dllTcront. i The communities of tho border, be they j American or v-anii'iiau, as surciy as tney are mado up of frontiersmen, born and bred, lire Inclined to take a lenient view of fcuch matters. From a urimo smuggling Leccinesni) enterprise, or, at, worst, a sort of geographical dlsonsont which ono might he shocked wero ho alone, but which I roubles him llttlo slnco his neighbors aro Infected too. Tho fact now Is just, what It has been over sinco tlinro has boon population enough on both sides of the border to ma ko tho ovation of tho tariff a paying business 'ur adventurous spirits Uncle Snm can not pollco his long lino of bordor fence, nor indeed do any moro than make a poor bluff at it and trust to tho moral boiiso of tho pcoplo for tho rest. And whon tho fenco Isn't watched the almighty dollar crowds tho moral scuso of tho people to tho wall, nnd there's an end to it. (jive tho frontiorsman a chaneo to smuggle, nnd ho will tirrungo tho matter with his con science IIo has tho chance, and arrange it with his conscience ho surely does, to such an extent indeed that there lsn t a heartier, happier chap in all tho land. Along tho wooded stretch of tho lower St. Lawrence nnd In tho thousand and one sheltered caves of the gulf tho "free trad nrs" have, long since been most formidable as fur as the castorn country Is concerned As for tho river Itself, thoro aro boats In summer, and thoro Is tho Ico In winter. Tho revenue posts nro far apart. The rov onuo cutter cannot bo every whero oven In summor. In the winter tho smuggler with a llttlo money to earn will go farther In Ice and snow, in the dusk of early morn Ing and evening, In the night Itself, than the revenue policeman, who, aftor all, Is but human und may earn his salary much as bo pleases. If ho discovers a solitary sleigh track across tho frozen river, he may surmlso or ho may even watch for tho return of tho drlvor. Kven then ho Is hours lute and finds, if anything, an lnno cent trnvolcr with an empty sledge. The innocent traveler's pockots may be heavier, but that Is his business. What Is truo of tho Ice Is truo of the water. Fur down In the gulf is tlio"freo' port of St. Pierre. Ono may laud there what ho will froe of duty. Thus his wares are at tho gates of two protected countrios and safe as yot from tho revenue olliclnls. Will ho lose money by ontoring thorn through the regular chtinnclsf Not ha Tho "underground passage" Is moro risky, but it promises great returns. Ho calcu lates to a nlocty, does tho wicked "frco trader," the chances of profit and loss. If ho carried his goods up the waterway In wliolcsalo quantities, lie might have all FIEKE TUADER3, seized and confiscated at once. Ho knows better. lilg schooners sail from tho free haven of St. Plerro richly laden and with out a port boforo them. That is tho trick. Whon they hnvo gone fnr enough, and It is dark enough, down goes tho anchor and up goes the quietest of signals. The spot Is secluded. The big schooner rides alone, without a light save thoso carried by tho most honest merchant men. Hut in tho night smaller boats come alongside sloops, rowboats, any oraft of small capacity, and which can llnut In Shallow water. The cargo Is distributed iiulckly until It becomes 100 cargoes. then tho big schooner beats back to the freo port of rt. Pierre, and the smnllcr craft take their chances of landing where tliry may. Ono or two may bo captured and tho cargoes confiscated. Tho majority escape, and the profit on the stuff that Is landed In safety easily compensates for the lorses and leaves a handsome mnrain. The chief article, smuggled there Is liquor. The Canadians, by avoiding the duty on whisky nnd alcohol, suvo an amount which Is sometimes as high as ?J or t'.i a gallon and profit n rdlngly. Wliisky, cigars and tonacco, too, to gether with precious stones, are the things which seem must tempting to tho frontiers men In Maine nnd New llrunswick. There Is many a load of hny that goes over tho border with n big jug of whisky hidden within. A load of wood or an apparently empty pocking case often ferves the same purpose, rrom rnssamnquoddy bay the boundary line runs for 40 nilies up the St Croix river, thence 30 miles through a chain ot lakes called the S-heodies, 80 mile through a sparsely settled agricul tural region, liO miles along the Ht. John river, through Lake St. Francis and then through a wilderness down to the Now Hampshire linn. The geography Is a temptation In itself. The old cathedral town of St. Andrews Hi's but two miles from the -Maine border, and a railroad, of which Knssell Sage Is now the chief owner, connects It with the ports of St. John and Halifax, both of which have stcainshlo connections with Knglnnd and are constantly receiving Kngllsh goods. Bustling Calais. In Maine, faces tit. Stephen, In New Brunswick, with a toll bridge between them. The towns ex- Sits change goods with llttlo regard to the rev enue olllclii Is. You may walk over that bridge, pay the toll, and unless you are carrying a trunk you pass unquestioned, Ho, too, many a man drives a decrepit, wnrnoiit horse across la the Canadian tiilu and returns, after a proper lingering, with finite a different animal. Tho nliloer at the gate has forgotten his identity. If ho rcmcmlicrs It, ho cannot swear to It prob ably and credits the vast Improvement In the homo to the bracing quality of Cana dian air. Tho Inhabitants of tho Island and bo low, of Kastpart, huboo and CumpulHillo, the lust a summer resort of growing popu larity, enjoy free trailo In liko fashion If they are so Inclined, nnd many of thorn are. Farther up country, whom tho railroads oriiss, as at Vanceboro, Mo., nil baggngo Is Inspected, or Is supposed to bo, and yet you might well wager that you could curry what you liked In diamonds, silk or opium out of or Into Canada mid stand to win. A rovcniio man opens your grip, peers Into It, digs down into It perhaps nnd overturns 0 few of tho articles It con tains, then marks It w ith a bit of chalk snd Is dune. What you or the ordinary immigrant has In his pockets or In his hat, Ids shoes, or Ills padded garments Is only discovered when tho traveler (Iocs iouietliliig which would nrousu suspicion snywhera under heaven, Of course If you began to carry great quantities of dutlahle goods across the bonier thev wnlllil Ihi nntli'i'il unit imimiillv , --- - - - u'l.eil, hut no one attempts any such thing. Tho traveler smuggles In a small way In I most Instances. Only ono who Is nccus I turned to make tho Journey by rail can , realize how farcical Is the examination at , the border. Ill the wilder country which lies where tho border line Is a iiicro survey lino ono ;li'S as one pleases there. An example Is the Mcguntlo region, where Morrison, tho Mcyuiillo outlaw, so lung defied tho nil- A IIEVKNLE MAN Ol'liXS TOUR CHIP. thorltles. To cover such torritory would necessitate tlio employment of an army. It Is not worth while, so tho smuggler iocs 09 he likes, becuuso neither govern ment can afford to go to great expense to stop leaks which nro trilling In the aggre gate. Kven In cases whero suspicion has been amused thoro aro many ways of outwit ting tho authorities. It was not long ago that n New York Jeweler suspected of imugglliig jowelry Into tho United States from I'urls through Canada was watched and finally followed. His house had a Par is branch, and It was thought the opera tions were oxtensivo. Diamonds aro ad mitted to Canada free of duty, and when tho revenuo defective had followed his man to Montreal and hud discovered that bo received largo packages of precious stones through the Montreal postofllce from thn contlnont he scented n big cap ture. Ho waited until the Jeweler started tor New York and boarded tho same trnln. When they crossed tho border, tlioy had a slcoper all to themselves, and tho detect Ivo, once on I'nltcd States soil, accused tlio merchant nnd demanded the right to search him. Tho dealer was Indignant. Tlio detective Insisted. The doalor resist ed. The detective was tho bigger of tho two, nnd overcoming his man by main torco ho mado a search and found nothing dutiable. Ho was profuse In his apolo gies, and tho merchant, who might have mado no end of trouble ovor the affair, consented to bo mollified. They became friendly, but tlio detective still wondered about thoso diamonds. Ho did not forget them either, and a year later a special treasury agent In Now York discovered that the crafty jeweler, Instead of attempting to carry the spar klers over tho lino, had simply shipped I hem from Montreal to a trusty ally In Windsor, Out., who "sneaked" them across tho river and forwarded them to New York, whoro they were duly placed on the market. So it Is that somo men novcr worry over tho tariff. BAKER'S RABBIT'S FOOT. It Was of the Bight Kind, and ne'e Now a Senator Elect. The rabble's foot has again boon vindi cated. Several years ago Luclcn Bakor, a lawyer of Leaven- worth, received ono from a colored client, nnd now Mr. linker Is Unit ed gtntes senator elect from Kansas. Many other people have carried rab bits' foot around for yenrs without breaking Into the United .States sen ate, but they doubtless failod to onrry the right LUCIKN HAKER kind. Mr. Baker's mascot, it is to be presumed, Is the left lilnd leg of a graveyard rabbit, shot while Jumping over n murderer's grave in the dark of tho moon nt midnight by a cross oyed colored man, who crawled Into the graveyard backward. No other rabbit's foot could hnvo possibly won a United States senatorshlp fur blm. Sonator Baker was born In Fulton coun ty, O., In 1 8-10 nnd obtained n common sciiool cdiiention. IIo removed to Monroe county, Alleh., when ho was 20 years of ngu, and nftcr tho noccssnry three yoars' study In a law office was admitted to the bar. Bo thon entered tho Ann Arbor Low school, and after graduation began the prnctlco of his profession In Lonvonworrh. His knowledge of law and his genial char acter soon rewarded him with a large and ucrativo practice, nnd ho Is now said to be worth about f 150,000. In 1S73 ho mar ried Miss Mary Iligginbotham, nn accom plished Denver lady nnd a graduate of Vnssar. Their son Is now nttendlng Ann Arbor Law school and looking for a rab bit's foot of the right kind, und the only' daughter Is at Vassar, her mother's alma motor. Tho year of his marrle ;o Mr. Baker was elected city attorney of Leavenworth, bis first office. A year later ho run for county attorney, but was beaten by Hon. M. Uoddnrd, now a supreme court judge in Colorado. In 1SMJ be made an unsuccessful canvass fur the congressional nomination, but was beaten by E. N. Mor rill, the present governor of Kansas. In W2 he again entered the political arena and was elected stnto senator. Mr. Baker is an nntiprohibitionist and a Republic- n. r-evcrnl years ago he temporarily bolt ed bis party on the prohibition Issue. He was a dark horse, compromise candidate far senator and was not In the race until the afternoon of the lust caucus. His elec tion was a great surprise to tho people of Kansas, none of whom, however, could have been much more surprised than the lucky lawyer himself. In 18S0 the reckless marksmanship of a printer named Tom Thurston, whom Bak er had saved from the gallows, resulted In serious mishap to Baker. Thurston fired at D. R. Anthony, editor of the Leaven worth Times, but missed him, and the 4S caliber ball Dew on down the street, pass- ng through llaker a liody and causing a serious wound In bis liver. Look Out For the White Bona, Red balr has "ccine in" asaln. The market will anon be ttoodod with articles for turning your crowning glory from any shade to a rich, deep, glowing red. And then the whit horse joke will be revived. NO ll't'H TUINO, The quality of endurance of or Indllfer enr lo what In other men produces shook or repulsion Is said to belong to man with out ner u. There il no such thing and oannot be. The liner the physical devel opment Ilia keener perhaps is the sensibil ity to ntiii. bet neuraltfia out on lu her. ness for a raid and get after suoh men, the iioives win oe ioiiiiu ail quivering at once, a 1111 eu una 11 a auv woras. a oriMiiiiitf. ugly foe to benlili, bent 011 torture and misery, unlit it meets Its antipathy, ttt, Jacob's oil, which 011 res and conquers, quickly, surely, A Fresh Word on lead Drinks, "At this season it will bo in place," writes a pn.vsicimi in a paper on house hold chemistry, "to say rouiethlng aa to tho wholosoiiiencHS of tho extremely cold water, tea, lemonade, etc., which are to extensively used in tills country. It must be acknowledged that medical men are not iu possession of facts sufficient to form a positivo conclusion, and many adopt the opinions which agree with their desires. It cannot bo donied that ono may becomo a toper in nouintoxi cunts us well as In intoxicants ami that it is easy to creuto by habit a strong de siro for frequent drufts of very cold wa ter. "With snmo persons tho porspirative function is so activo tho effect is less serious, but in the majority of cases theso abundant cold drafts disturb the stomach, and it would certainly be hot ter if ono could learn to be satisfied wib wntcr at a temperature of BO degrees F. rather than 40 degrees and to limit somewhat the amount taken. There is some indication that the medical profes sion is losing its confidence in the merit of effervescing (carbonated) beverages such as soda water. An English View of America. Tlio announcement that an influential syndicate bus been formed in Brixton to send an expeditionary force of pickpock ets to the world s fair is a little belated. Gratifying to national pride it will be no doubt as showing thut English spirit of enterprise still springs fresh and vig orous iu tiie Drixtoniiin breast. But from tho point of view of commercial speculation it is to be feared that the fcyi.dicuto has been as completely whipped by American firms as have all previous exhibitions by the Whito City. Consid ering that the ashes of Christopher Co lumbus were all hut stolon on the very opening day, and thut the czar of Rus sia's jewels and the queen of Italy's loco have disappeared outright, wo gravely doubt whether English competition will liuve much chance. Obviously native talent has every advantage of local knowledge, and though we conld see the adventurers cross the Atlantic without a sigh we should advise them in their own interest to con fine their operations to the narrower sphere of Brixton. Smuggled Tobacco In a Pneumatic Tire. A now system of smuggling was detect ed recently at Dover. A young man with a safety bicycle, the pneumatio tire of which was inflatod with fine Turkish to bacco Instead of air, attempted to Inno cently rjdo off on his whool. The customs officer, with the usual suspicion of bis class, detcotod the tobacco, and the "new smuggler" wus consequently detained. Prince Bismarck is determined never to grow bent. When taking his daily walk, he carries a stout cudgel across his back, held between his elbows. This helps him to keep himself erect. Use words of Saxon rather than of Iutin origin whenever it is possiblo to do so, thus gaining terseness and vigor rather than a hiriie number of syllables with diminished force. An Eager and a Nipping Wind, A continuous down piur of rain, inclem ent weather, generally in winter and spring, are unfavorable to all classes of in valids. Out warmth and aotivity infused into the circulation counteract these in lluences and interpoie a defense against them. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, most thorough and effective of stomachics and tomes, nut only enriches the hi iod, but accelerates its circulation. For a chill, or premonitory symptoms of rheumatism and kidney complaint, partlcu'arly preva lent at these seasons, it is the best possible remedy. It is also invaluable for dyspep sia, liver oomplaint, constipation and ner vousness. Never set out on a winter or spring journey without it. Blder.'y per sons and the delicate and convalescent are greatly aided by it. Flees Thev tar ttut Rsdwnn Is aulte ill. So I his trie d have grave fears for III f Fogg think tbeir fears extend b youd Ibe grave. SAFE, QUICK AND EFFECTIVE. The valuable curative properties of All cock's Pobous Plasters are due to the employmext of the highest medical and chemical skill. Tney are purely vegetable, and in ingredients and method have never been equalled ; safe, quick and effective in their action; they do not burn or blister, but soothe and relieve while curing, and can be worn without causing inoonveni ence. All other so called Porous Plasters are imitations, made to sell on the reputation of Ai.LoncK's. Brandretu's Pills, the safest purgative Known. "Ef women,'' said Uncle Ebjn, "am e con trary en -ome fo ks' clan's dey Is, de bei' way ter Kit 'em out of wanlin' suffrage am ter tell 'em de) gutter vote." OMEN'S FACES like flowers, fade i and wither with time ; i.i f .i. . . 1b only known to the healthy woman's cheeks, the nerv ous strain caused by the ailments ana pains peculiar to the sex, and the labor and worry of rearing a family, can often be traced by the lines in the woman's face. Dull eyes, the sallow or wrinkled face and those "feelings of weakness" have their rise in the derangements and irregularities peculiar to women. The functional de rangements, painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses of women, can be cured with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For the young girl just entering womanhood, for the mother and those about to become mothers, and later in "the change of life," the " Prescription " is just what they need ; it aiiis nature in preparing tne system lor the change. It's a medicine prescribed for thirty years, in the diseases of women, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti tute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cure the chronic inflamma tion of the lining membranes which cause such exhausting drains upon the system. It cures nervous prostration, sleeplessness, j faintness, nervous debility and all disorders arising from derangement of the female ' organs and functions. I Mrs. Jesnik Williams, of Mohawk, lane Co., ! urrgoH, writes : "l was sick for overthree years with blind diczv spells, palpitation of the heart, pain in the back and head, and at times would have such a weak tired feel ing when I tint got up in the morning, and at times nervous chills. The physicians dif fered as to what my disease was. but none of them did me any good. As soon as I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, I began to get Detler ; Mas. WrtxiAMS. could aleeo well nijhu, and thai had arrrous feelins: and the 1 pain in mr back scon left me. I can walk ever- j al miles without p-ltin tired. I took in all three bottlesof ' Prescription 'and two of Diacorery.' " AJURE CURE FOR PILES Itamac ito. BDnva bf anatuivlike ompintioa. met fnlsMiarbinffwbarawsrm. lata form tu or nwmiuiM rum viriU ut mnrm tm On. BO-SAN-KO-a PILB REMFDV. Meh trtt dinrt I, oe part. affVMd. ab-orbo Unm al. ire nchmc tCfW a p--nn cere. Pnoa . uu. "r. tioaaake, rallaaa .fo. i Pure Is absolutely necessary In order to have good health, Tlio greatest allliction of the human race it Impure blood. There are about 2100 diiorden inci dent to the human frame, the large me.. J irlty arising from the Impure or pois onous condition of the blood. The beat remedy for all blood dlseaaos is found In Mood's Sarsaparilla, Its remarkable cures are it loudest praise. It is not what we say but what Hood's S.irsaparilla duel thut tell the lory. No remedy has ever had so marked success, or won such enormous sales. Scrofula in its severest forms yields to its potent (lowers, blood poisoning and salt rheum and many other diseases are permanently cured by It. For a neiieral Spring Medicine to remove I hose impurities which have arcumii I ito I during Hie winter, or to overcome That Tired Feeling, nothing equals HOOD'S arsaparilla EXTINCT MONSTERS. Oh, had I lived In the good old days When the Ichthyosaurus romped around, When the elusiuoiuurus swam the bays And the sivntlicrluin pawed the ground. Would 1 have spent my precious time At weaving golden thought lu rhyme? When the tlnoceriis snooped about. And tlio pterodactyl flapped In wings. When the brontopn with the warty snout Moseyed around for herbs and things. Would I have untliored myself o'ermueh About divine afflatus and such? The dinolherluin flourished then. The pterygotus lashed the seas, Tlio rhampliorynehus pniered when Tlie teaphagiiatlius perched In trees. And every creature, wild or tame. Rejoiced In some rococo aame. Pause and ponder, who could write A triolet or roundelay, While a mcrnlherium yawped all night And a hesperornis yawped all day. While, now and again, the bray sonorous Of Ulyptotlon asuer swelled the chorus? If I'd been almost anything But a poet, I might have got along; Those extinct monsters of hoof and wing Were not conducive to lyric Bong. Bo nature reserved this tender bard For the kindlier age of pork and lord. -Eugene Field In Chicago News-Record. 100 RKWAKD OlOO. The readers of this paper will be please I to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient BbrviiKu uy uuiiuing up me constitution and assisting nature iu doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, mat tney oner une Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Benu ior list ot testimonials. Address, F.J. CHENKY A Toledo. 0. gjsr-soiu oy Druggists, 700. NEW WAY EAST-NO DUST. Oo East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla n ana via o. K. dt fl. to Spokane and Ureat northern Kailway to Montana, Dakotas, ot. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis, Bast and South. Rook-ballast track; tine scenery; new equipment Great North ern Palace Sleepers and Diners: Family Tourist Cars; Bullet-Library Cars. Write C. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland iw.. M v f u; n d 1. T A St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in- iormauon aoo.n rates, routes, etc MUSIC STOKE-Wiler B. Allen Co., the oldest, the largest, Vll First St., Portland. Cliiekerlng, Hurilraan, Fischer Pianos, Estey O gans Cow price, easy terms. 10-CKNT MU.iIC-8, nd for catalogues. Dae Insmellne Stove Polish; no dust no smell. Tax Oibmba for breakfast. DR. GUNN'S IMPROVED UVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. ONE PITX FOR A POSE. A maremsnt of the bowobj etch day u neoemry fet hoftltb. TbeM pills iujtplj wbat th nyitein lacks to trievk it regular. They cure Ueadaohe, brifhten the Eyes, and clear the Oompluton batter than oosmetloa. Ther neither jrripe nor sicken, icq onnnoe von, will raU Mmple frne. or a full box for Sfo. Bolder DR. LIEBIG & CO., Special Doctors for Chronic. Private anil Wasting Diseases. Dr. LtebU'i Invlgorator the greatest remedy for Seminal Weakness, LoMof Muni ood aud Private Diseases, Overcomes Prematurenena and prepares all fur marriage life's duties, pleasures and respon sibilities; fi trial battle given or sent free to any one describing symptoms; call or address 400 Oery St., private entrance 405 Mason St., Han Fran Cisco. FRAZER axle BEST IN THE WORLD. lYtrtWl. Its wearing qualities areunsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free Irom Animal Oils. OKT THE OKNUINK. FjK 8AEE BY OREGON AND WASHINGTON MERCHANTS and Dealers generally. Manhood restored. Night Emission,, Weak memory, , Atrophy, Sexual I Weakness, etc., i Surely cured by The lift gem and vital forcaol plants and flowers; it gives vigor, power and tlx to the vital organs of POLLEN ACME NATURE'S UK MCI man. - POLLEN ACME East f carr im The most won derful achievement In Medical Science. The only uckn ntl dtd erma nemt tun guaranteed. New York Hf-iif Fulton St. Price $i. Six for $5 Sent in plain wrapper, or at all Druggists, Address, TNDHRCM.CJ stATTLK, WN M. OATtnNe:) W. P. N. V. No. 688 8. F. N. U. No. f C6 MEN DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. f MALARIA 1 WJ Thregflo. ortlT. Trr It. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. Buy your GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS of lu, and we will tare too money. We handle the beet iroodi and deliver free lo trains or boats. We boy and tell for rpot'eash. and sell roods cheaper than any other arm la the eonntry. liend as yoor name and addreaa, and we will mail von oar new price liot, which will be out soon. We Oder today: Climax tobareo. 40 oenta per oonnd. Dry rrannlated tusar In 10-lb sacks lor 14 75 1 Best coal oil per cane . t w , oranat oi nour per barm 1 1 u iand at a list ot what you need, and wo will mait mark u BOM" CD, ilood " I wish to say (bat S years ago ire had a beau 1 1 fill boy born to us. At lb age of II months be hrcuthtd his last, a victim to impure blood, On Aug. 4, 1H'-I, another boy was born, who, at the age of two months, became nllllcte l with the same dUesse. We believed the trouble was con stitutional, and not common sore mouth. I procured a bottle of Hood's Uirsapari la and commenced logive It regularly to both mot her and baby. Improvement began at on e. We hare succeeded In eradicating the rcrofiilous blond from the system, aad to-dav we are hiused with a nice, tut baby boy, Is mouth old the very Picture of Health, all life nnd full of infso' iof thanks to llo'sl's Sarsnpirilla. 1 am a minister In the Methodist Protestant Church, and it iill'jrdi me much pleasure In recommend HiK-d's H.irsaparillu to ull as a rale sure remedy, Kven my wife, after taking Hood's, lieciinio lieihhvand fleht',and hill the "loom of yirllinnd agaiii."-ltKV. J. M. I'ats. Ilruoklluu diuiion, Ml s urL unr; Hoi -untr An agreeable Laxative and NERVB TON 10. Bold by Druggists or sent by malL too..6tte, and $1.00 per paokag. Sample free. Tm Tfafc The Favorite T00T1 KTEH lJ UUfortbeTMtaaDdfifeaUJBa. A friend adviird me to Irs Ely'i Cream Balm and after nt'ng it six iircij J believe myielf cured of ca tarrh. It il a moit valuable remedy, Juteph Stewart, 624 Grand Ave., Brooklyn, N. r. CATARRH KLY'8 CREAM BALM Onrnis and cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflamma tion, Heals the Bores, Protects the Membrane from er.icls. Restores the Suiip.es of Taste and Smell, The Balm Is quickly absorbed and gives relict at once. A particle Is applied Into each nostril, and I agreeable. Price, 60 cents at Druggists' or by mall. ELY BHOTHKKH, U Warren Htreet, New York. WALTER BAKER & CO. The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH CRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On this Contlntnt, han Hoalnd HIGHEST AWARD8 from the fnel Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS In Europe and America, 4 TTnitke th Dutch 1mmi. tin A Ik aw lllrior olhrr Lhemkaltor fti used In inf of thfir nrrnm ration. lncttraciicioui jiitbAnr abi tuiUAH idmmuMs pun tad toLublt, aud ctu lew tiuxw om oral a ops OLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER & CO. DORCHESTER, MA88. W.L. Douglas CO CUrtE1 19 THE BEST. Ill WslvLriTFORAKINO. 9. CORDOVAN, rKLNk,n AMAIN LlX&V WALT, '4.3.MFlNEirCNGAR0a 3.V P0LICE.3 SOLES. 2.l7-9BOY5'SCH0a$hm LADIES' Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom Shoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sol. t" rum 91 io 9J hvcu over inner maiccs, , If your dealer cannot supply you we can. 'VJ You Can Get Ferry's Seeds at your dealers " as fresh and fertile as thoueh you got them direct from Ferry's Seed Farms. FERRY5 , Seeds are known and planted every wiiere, aim Bra riwii in Den r eiTT'sseea Annual ior ibj tens an aoout tnem, Free De M. Ferry A Co Oetrolt.MfOh. CHICKEN RAISING PAYS If you use the Petalnsa IncubaUrs A Brooder. Make money while other are wasting lime Dyoiaprocesses. Catalog tehs all about it, and describes every article needed for the, poultry buiineaa. The "ERIE" mechanically the best wheel. Prettiest model. we are Pacific Coast Atrents. Bicvcle cata- logue,mailcd free.gives fnlt description , prices, etc., aojwts WAirrro. FITALUMA nrCUBATOK CO..PetaIama,Cal. Branch House, 3i 8 Main 8t., hot Angeles. MRS. WINSLOWS 6oW FOft CHILDREN TEITHINO for eate ki all Onadata, M Caaki a kettle. 11 I k,;;iim:;:: .... i;l!!illl tin n A9. Palna I I Via Illustrated! 1 niL Catalogue PRBB. DO YOU FEEL BAD? DOES YOUR BACK acheT Does everr tep seem a but den? Yon need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. Arbnckle s eoBVe ner sound az jou fpecial pricea. Addreaa you orders W a Front Street, Portland. Or.