Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, March 15, 1895, Image 2

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    Oregon Courier.
Entered In Hit Oregon City postofflce loeond
clu Blter.
On rear...
Blx month!
Three monlh
. 60
aWTha due opposite your address on the
paper denolci the time to which you havs paid.
Correspondent! wanted In all prli of the
county; liberal Inducement write for pertlcu
ar. L. P. Flihor, newspaper advertising Ment,
11 llerchtnU' Ixohange, Bn Francisco, U our
authorized agent. ThU paper ! kept on lilt In
nil office,
THE adjournment of congress
and the probability that there wu
be no extra session promises the
country nine months of peace, so
far at feast as the uncertainties of
lecislation are concerned.
In regard to the tariff it may be
assumed that there will be no Uis
turbance for two years at least,
President Cleveland would not
sizn any bill in the direction of
McKinlcyism, and after another
year's operations of the existing
tariff it is not likely that the re
publicans will venture to challenge
a verdict in favor of higher taxes
with a presidential election pend
ing. There may be some "popgu n
bills" introduced at the next ses
sion of congress by zealous Mc
Kinleyites, but there will be no
action to disturb business.
In regard to the currency the
promise of stability is almost
equally good. We can have no
worse money than we have, nor
any more of it. The debt state
ment for February 28 showed a
gold reserve of $87,085,511, stead
ily increasing and a net cash bal
ance of $91,1 12.075. Treasury of
ficials are confident of their ability
to meet all obligations until July 1,
when the proceeeds of the income
tax will put an end to the defici
ency in revenue.
The political events of the year
will be valuable as indices, but
present conditions do not promise
an exciting canvass. Elections
for state officers will be held as
follows: Rhode Island, April 3;
on Nov. 5, Iowa, Kentucky. Mary
land, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Mississippi, New Jersey, New
York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah
and Virginia. These states rep
resent every part of :he country
save the Pacific coast, If there
were any grounds for' a reaction
against the republican party the
fall elections would show it. But
unfortunately neither the demo
cratic administration nor the dem
ocratic congress has given us any
hopeful- basis for a fight, and the
republicans have not yet had an
opportunity to start the reaction.
Unless the silver question shall
cause a split from both the old
parties the elections of 1895 bid
fair to be very tame. The meet
ing of an international conference
on silver would operate to post
pone and perhaps prevent a politi
cal division on this issue.
The relief and the truce come at
a good time. The country needs
nothing so much as to 'settle
down to busiuess."
Horn to the wives of J
Buttson and
L. Haaslebrlnk, sons.
Married Clias. Wagner and Miss A.
Deering were united in the holy bonda
of matrimony Tuesday the 5th. Numer
ous costly presents were given. All wish
them a happy journey through life.
J. C. CriBtesen of West Chehalera had
a publio side Saturday of all his cattle,
horses and farm Implements. i
tends (rolnj; frf-v i.?iru , h
je'.V' bum.
Alius Twitik Orananiji
'i".!p.-?Dr;r. M. 0. Young and euvorul
o( our fuimors contemplate a business
trip to the metropolis this wee k.
The health in general Is much im
proved. The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Hedrick are again able to be around .
Master Willie Barber of Hood Vie w
was the only pupil who returned to his
study and school in Forest Grove after
the scare of dyptheria.
March 13th. "Anna."
When Baby was tick, we gave her Castoria.
When the wu a CUM, ihe cried for Cantor la.
When She became Mtas, the clung to Castoria,
When ah had Children, she gave them Castoria
Don't forget Capt. John Kelly when
you want any fresh salmon, halibut,
cod, lobsters, etc. Orders can also be left
for a nice chicken for your Sunday din
ner. " The Racket Store can save you from
15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar's
worth of goods you buy.
Climax tobacco 40c a pound, men's
wool hats 50c up. Lots of new goods
at Russell's Park Place Store.
Uo to the Racket Store for ladies hose.
Good fast-black ribbed hose for 10 and
15 cents a pair.
Courier Clubbing Rates.
met er
Toledo Weekly Blade 00
N .W. Pacific Fanner S 00
N. Y. World, aemi-weekly I 00
almanac i 25
Illustrated Home Guest and
M noveleltee
American Farm Kews IM
Womankind 3 M
Farm News, Womankind and
While Ribbon Cook Book.... 00
Prairie Farmer
Demorett'a Maa-aslne 00
Courier-Journal - OS
Rural Korthwea 00
WeWont Planter t 50
cox bin an
tl 90
2 00
2 (
i 00
2 oo 1
t oo
2 no 1
Chiracs Ordered In County Roidi-
More County Charges.
Gokdon E. IIayks, County Judge.
R.Scott and F.Jaooab, Commissioners.
Report of viewers on the 8. D. Barney
change in the Thayer road approved and
road ordered opened ; expense account
of $10 allowed.
Report of viewers on the Palmateer
change in the Oregon City and Salem
road filed : There being a discrepancy
In the petition It was denied; expense
of 110.80 allowed.
Report of viewers of damages on D.C.
Ball road approved, and expense ac
count of $11.-10 allowed.
Report of D. W. Kinnaird, road
master, on petition of Ueo. J. Currin et
al for a change in the Foster and Mil
waiikce road accepted and petition
RopcrtofK. Hilton on completion of
bridgo acrops Iiutte creek on the a. B
Kent road approved and ordered that
John Kent be paid T:J4 for said bridge.
Matter of selection of two newspapers
for the publication of court proceedings
ft is ordered that papers In this county
furnish proof of the), circulation at next
term of court.
Telilion rejected of Portland Genoral
Electric Co. to compromise the claim of
county against Elijah Smith for delin
quent taxes on mortgages.
Bond of J. C- Bradley, county asses'
sor, approved.
Petition of R.J. Sharkley ct al for a
counly road filed. Orderded that D W,
Kinnaird examine and report the advis
ability and practicability of said road.
Petition of R. W. Alden et al for
change in Morion road filed, and Road
master Kinnaird to report on said road
at next meeting.
Claims of road districts for road work
in February aMowed as follows: Dis
trict No. 0, $10.81; No. 11, $48.12; 12,
f 4 20 ;19, $G. 75 ; 31 , $30.37 ; total $1 12.29.
Proposition accepted of California
Powder Works to furnish blasting
material for onj year.
Ordered that $8 per month bo allowed
for care and keeping of John E. Tuttle,
warrant payable to J. W. Jones.
Allowance for care and keeping of Mrs.
E. Christensen ordered discontinued.
Ordered that f 3 per month be allowed
for the care and keeping of Cyrus Bur
leigh, warrant payable to E.A.Carter.
Or.lered that a warrant issue to the
sheriff1 of Clackamas county for the col
lection of delinquent taxes of 1802.
Application of August Suhoth for tax
rebate on account of double poll col
lected granted and $1 refunded.
Matter of care and keeping of S. S.
Uiggings, a pauper, referred to com
missioner Scott.
Report of c dicers on collection of
taxes for February approved, collections
as follows: Clerk $108 05, recorder
$204.0.1, sheriff $47.25, total $.'IG1.10.
Mileage and purdieinof commission
ers allowed as fullows: R. Scott, 3 days
and 18 miles, $10.80; do, 1 day and 8
miles, $3 80; Frank Jajjger 3 days and
12 miles, $10.20; do, 1 day and 30 miles
C Bair, pauper account $ 2 00
K L Holman, pauper account.. .. x w
Mrs Marv Hart, " " .... U 7
Mrs OA Nash, exte ding tax roll 51 75
Dorothy Chase, " , " " 30 00
Glass & Prudhomme, stationery,
claimed $124 110 00
G A Hamilton and J F Myers,
witnesses 8 80
CG Huntley, jail 7 80
Or. City Telephone & Telegraph
Co., telephone, claimed $0.70. . 5 00
Geo Brotighton, courthouse.... 3 38
Oregon City Hospital, pauper
claimed f 21 50 11 00
O C Water Works, court house. . 15 00
State vs W A Scoggan, claimed
$11) 05 18 30
State vs Henry Keinschinitt. . . 4 15
" vs John and George Strick
land, claimed $53 70 51 05
Teachers' examination 09 00
Robbins A Son, pauper 4 00
E C Maddock, boarding prison
ers 102 25
Nohlitt's Stable, sheriff's, claimed
t.l 1 On
fj Maddock, sherilf's, claimed
113.12 9 02
E C Maddnck, sheriff's, not al
lowed $(150
M II Hyatt, sheriff's 22 75
J U Campbell, att'ys fees county
court, claimed $5.75 5 00
Mis L II Stricklin, pauper act. . . 15 00
Stuto vs John Cart 21 20
" " H Ilolloway 14
" " Clin Kiu.' .,- 70
IV. frnviler Works, p.;-' tl i'O
.1 . iljrt-will Mr. to. roa.! jtfi5'
1 llarvev (iibsiii, roaJt : . . . 5 00
I lfr N"!iiiiiajMty'hni'.t.i n nil
-7. IIV-UT W
r ,Tvl (Juni-pr.ruaJ 1 00
III' kr,u., a.,uan, !? on
Luterprise, stationery, claimed
$(18 75 fitl 25
W A Huntley, stationery 1(1 45
1) L Paine, insane case 5 00
The following account of the death of
Mrs. F. B. Mayer appeard in the Sheri
dan Sun of lust week. Mrs. Mayer was
the mother of Laramie Mayer, who is well
known here and in the Molalla country,
hut now residing at Seattle, Wash. :
Fannie Bradshaw Mayer, was born in
North Hampton, Kngland, Jan. 21, 1825,
and died in Sheridan, Or.. Feb. 24, 1895.
For some time she had suffered from an
attack of the gri p. The immediate
cause of her death was her weakened
condition followed probably by pa
ralysis of the heart.
When a girl of twelve years, with her
parents, she immigrated to the United
States. April 10, 1847, at St. Louis, Mo.,
she was married to II. F. Mayer. To
them were born four children, two of
whom died in childhood. One son re
sides at Klko, Nev., the other at Seattle
W ash. I hey have lived at a number of
places during this time, principally at
St. Louis, Collinsville, 111., Fort Laramie,
Furt Hiley, Camp Halleck and Sheridan,
Or. In 1874 they moved to Sheridan
whore they have Bince resided. She
was a brave woman. While at Fort
Laramie occurred the massacre of the
soldiers by the Sioux Indians. Her
deportment during this terrible time,
and which followed, would have done
credit to the most heroic of the women
of revolutionary timei. Though af
flicted she did not let it mar her hap
piness or deter from her usefulness.
She was a women of more than ordinary
culture and intelligence. She kept
abreast of the times and she lived for
the happiness of her fiiends. She was
a member of the Episcopal church, but
there was nothing sectarian in her na
ture and her life was applied Chris
tianity. The funeral was conducted by
the Rev. K. C. Graff at the M. E.
church where a large concourse of
friends gathered to p;iy a tribute of re
spects to her memory. Her remains
were interred in the iiasunic cemetery
f Sheridan. Though dead the blessed
influence of her hie abides.
Saturday night at the opera house the
Eureka t'olored Jubilee and Plantation
Singers. Admission 2V, 3V, children
The First Newspaper l Oregon-Two
Mailt a Year.
Hie following was written by D. f.
Schnebly, in early (lays editor of the
Oregon Spectator Orcgona Hint news
paperpublished at Oregon City. Mr.
Kchnobly, now advanced in years, pub
lishes weekly paper at Kllenxburg,
The first newspaper established in
Oregon was the Oregon Spectator In
1815. The place of publication was Ore
gon City. It was established by the
missionaries of Oregon, which embraced
all the territory from the British lino,
the 40 parallel, and was bounded on the
east by the Rocky mountains and on the
south by the Cnlifornia line. The paper
was publihed for five years and had in
that time four or five editors. Hon.
Robert M;ore, of Linn Cltv, purchased
1 he plant with its good will In the fall of
1849. He secured the services of Rev.
Wilson Bluine editor for one year.
At the close of Mr. Blaine's year the
editor of this paper took charge of tlie
Spectator for Mr. Mooro for a year, at
the close of which It was purchased by
the editor.
In those days the news of the world
was received twice a year; it was
brought by the way of Horn in sailing
vessels. There was no plagiarism, no
copying of editorials without proper
credit. The paper hd to be made up
wholly of local happenintcs and imagin
ings to the manor born.
In the winter of 1850 a semi monthly
mail was established between San Fran
cisco and Portland. It was a great
treat to get a mail every two weeks, in
stead of twice a year, as formerly. To
the editor It was an especial accommo
dation. In the fall of 1850 the Western Star
was established at Milwaukle, by the
enterprising Lot Whitcomu. The paper
was published there for nearly a year,
the work being done by John Water
man and W. U. Uarter. Miiwauaie
was nearly the size of Portland, which
contained about 300 inhabitants. Port
land was a small place then, but ueing
m ttin hnml nt shin navigation it crew
rapidlv; and in the winter of 1850 the
Oreeo.)ian was established by some
enterprising citizen of the vitnge
Stephen Collin, John coucu, iawim-
dale and others. T. J. Dyer was editor.
Henry L. Pittock was not then a citizen
of Oregon, but arrived in the early '50s
and soon after bee ame the devil in the
Thus tho (treat paper of the.ortnwesi
had its early beginning. But it en
joyed ti e improved mail facilities a.-
most, it not quite, iroin uie auveui.
Tim Drpimii Statesman was the next
in the order of birth at Oregon City, and
it was conducted by Ashley Bush for
Samuel It. Thurston, the first delegate
e looted by Oregon to repreient the ter
ritory at Washington. The paper was
purchased by Thurston to aid in secur
ing his re election as delegate. But un
fortunately he died on his return, some
where between the Isthmus of Panama
acd San Francisco. He was an iudefat-
ble worker and did Oregon great
service at Washington, lie was me
author of the donstion law and had a
new mail route tslablished between
Oregon and California, and had the first
land office established at Oregon City.
1 he first census in Oregon was taken
by Joe Meek, marshal of the territory of
Oregon, whose deputy, Daniel O'Neill,
did the most of the work. The deputy
did good service for the Spectator dur
ing his ride over the country. We were
in tebted to our friend Dan forhis Argus-
eyed reports. The marshal had a large
extent of country to ride over, and the
country was sparsely settled in 1851 .
In thoje early days the young men
when they went sparking had to carry
their blankets with them. The pro
verbial "spare bed" was not often found
in the residence of the dulcinca's home.
The beau in going to and from his sweet
heart's abode looked very like a travel
ing man, but as it was the costum of the
country it was little thought of, and the
sweetheart had no difficulty in divining
tho visitor's thoughts.
The weather being fine, quite a number
have commenced farming.
La grippe still stays in our midst, quite
a number being sick.
Sam Mosier's new house is being rapid
ly built under the management of
August Tephart.
There was a social dance given at
Conrad Schroeder's last Friday night,
and a general good time was had.
Music was furnished by the Turner
brothers. We say it was the hard-time
dance. Supper was served in the finest
style, for which we tend Mrs. Schroeder
many thanks.
We are happy to say that J. L. Kruse,
after a long swell of sickness, is rapidly
improving in health.
Miss Minnie Joehnke made a flyinp
visit hmi last Saturday, to attend a
drann, wh;oh, she says, aas "just
" Min8 Lulu Schroeder is hoinu front
1'nrtland on a visit to h"r parent.
Chas. Thompson is digging his pota
toes, which look fine and bring a good
price. That is the way to raise potatoes.
We understand that our new road
supervisor, P. A. Baker, has commenced
working the roads. That is right, for
they need it.
Who is it that goes to the dance at
the new town and gets left ?
Miss Minnie Beckman, while out
visiting laBt Friday, thought Bhe would
go and get the mail, but she got lost
and arrived home at 7 o'clock, "all the
There was a show in our midst lust
Saturday night which relieved the
boys of their spare change. Now boys,
take warning, and let shows alone-
J . M. Turner got the end of his finger
smashed while piling roots last last
A. F. T. is breaking horses. Any
body wishing horses broke will do well
to see him first, for we think he is "just
fine with the ribbons."
Albert Turner and his best girl were
out to the Duplex last Saturday night,
which they say waa "out of sight.
The Frog Pond literary met last
Saturday. Everyone had an en
joyable time. The society adjourned
till October 2dth at 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Frank Ford has purchased T. L.
Turner's fine stallion "Webfoot Chief."
The Mountain Road school is progress
ing finely under their new teacher, Miss
Minnie Joehnke. She has but 14 pupils.
Jake Peters made a flying trip to
New Era last Sunday. That is right,
It is rumored that there is going to be
a wedding in our midst soon. That is
right, boys Licenses are cheap, only
$2 a pair.
F. G. Eggleson lost a valuable horse
last week with the lung lever.
Maich 12th. V. W.
A large assortment of Japanese nap
kins just received at the Racket Store.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded CM Medal IMwtsesr Ftr. Saa Fraactsc.
Tho New President's Committee Ap
The regular meeting of tho board of
trade was held on Monday .
T. L. Charman presented the new
president with a handsome gavel, after
receiving which the president made a
short address, suggestiiic several mat
ters upon which the board might act for
the benefit of tho town .
The treasurer's annual report showed
a balance of $25 on band. The adver
tising committee reort id that $130 had
been spent In getting ready fur an ad
vertising pamphlet, and t iat $225 more
would be necesrary for the printing and
binding. Treasurer instructed to collect
dues for four months, or to May 1st, so
as to be able to tav for pamphlets ; 45
members were reported paid up to Jan
uary 1st and 18 delinquent.
Bills of Pacific Postal Telegraph Co.
for $1 30 and of Courier for $1.75 order
ed paid.
Col. R. A. Miller, J. E- Hedges, T. A.
Pope and C. G. Miller were elected
members. G A. Hamilton withdrew
on account of being a non-resident.
President E E. Charman announced
the following standing committees for
the year:
On legislation P. F. Morey, J. T.
Apperson and T. F. Ryan.
Finance G. A. Harding, C D. La
tourette and E. G. Caufljld.
Railroad and transportation (ioorge
C. Brownell, II E. Si.iilhandII.il.
Johnion .
I Navigation A. B. Graham, C. H. Dye
and George F. Horton .
Advertising W. A. Huntley, J. G.
Pillsbury and II. E. Cross
J anufactures-C. II. Caufleld, Thos.
Charman, George Brouithton, T. W.
Sullivan and C. G. Hunlley.
Arbitration D. C. Latouretle, W. C.
Johnson, E. C. Hamilton, C. II. Dye
and L. C. Driggs.
Trade and commerce E. E. Williams,
F. R. Charman and Samuel Selling.
Roads and highways T. L Charman,
N. 0. Walden and C. O. T. Williams.
Membership F E Donaldson, A W
Cheney, II S Strange, S M Ramsby and
G Marr.
Reception committee W E C'arll, C
O T Williams, Charles Meserre, L G
Gurnett, J P Lovett, Charles O Albright,
Sidney Smyth, J G Pillsbury and E E
E. W. Joy Comi-iny Gentlemen: 1 have suf
fered from kidney troublo for two or three yean.
I would have to get up In the night to void my
urine from ten to fifteen times. My aleep wu dis
turbed, and I became very Uiln aim nervoui.
No appetite; bowels constipated. I have tekon
two bottles and gained fifteen pounds. Sleep
well. Have to got up about three times during
night, and am very much better In every respect.
Will continue to take your Vegetable Sarsaparllla,
for 1 believe It will entirely cure me.
(Signed) MR. EDWARD W. Kit E NCI',
8lockton, Cat.
Notloe to Property Owners on Main Street
Oreoon City, Ore., March 6, 1805.
At a regular council meeting held in
Oreiton City, Ore., on March 0th, 1895,
it was moved and carried mac tne prop
erty owners on Alain street, uregon
City, Ore., be given 20 days in which to
pay their street assessments on said
street or warrant will issue for collection
of the same.
T. Wt Foots,
Recorder for Oregon City , Ore.
For Over Fifty Tears.
As Old axd Will-Tbicd Bimidt. Mn. Win
low'i Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty
yesn by millions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind eolio,
snd Is the beat remeily for Diarrhoea, Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by Drngglsts In every part of the
World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value la In
calculable. Be Sure and aak for Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.
Cure For Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best.
It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded
habitual sick headaches yield to Its in
fluence. We urgenll who are afll lcted to procure
a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In
coses of habitual contlpatlon Electrlo Bitters
cures by giving the Deeded tonic to the bowels,
and few cases long resist the use of till
medicine. Try it once. Large bottles Fifty cent
at Charman Si Co.'s Drug Store, Charman Bros.,
Thp nifinvry SaveJ t Is Life.
Mr. (I. CiiIiIoik'Hm, lirutrirt i. l eavervllle, 111
aj. ' lo It. Kliijje New LIsi iv 'iy I owe my
life. vt'"ti'tiv hii la Ct1!'. and tried al
the I'hyslclansfnr milts about, hut of no avail
and was given up and told I tenia not live.
iUvltit lr. Kli.ssNew Discovery in my store I
sent for a bottle anl began Its use and from the
first dose began to get better, and after using
three bottles was up and about again. It Is worth
Its weight In gold. We won't keep store or house
without It" Uetafree trial bottle at cnarman s.
Co's Drug Store, Charman Bros. Block.'
Iusure In the Farmer's Co-Operative
Fire Insurance Association of Oregon
City. The cheapest mutual protection
in the state. Men combine to insure
themselves. Applications taken by
M. 8. Moore, county treasurer, and
president of the association. Agents
wanted throughout the state. Address
the secretary, O. A. Cheney, Oregon
City, Oregon.
E. W. Jor ConraSY Gentlemen: 1 have suf
fcred from a nervous prostration from financial
losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla has
cured me. My liver, stomach and bowels hare
been very Inactive, but since taking your remedy
I am entirely well. All business men and
women should use it. Please publish.
Butte, Montana
Backache, dliilnrss, tlrednesa (It way
to Joy a Vegetable Maranparllla.
Work Well Done.
Cedab Rapids, Iowa I suffered with
dyspepsia and disordered liver and
would frequently throw up bile. I pro
cured a bottle of Simmons Liver Regu
lator, and after using half of it was
completly cured. One of my lady cus
tomers told me the other day that Sim
mons Liver Regulator completely cured
her of sick-headache D Olds.
K. W. Jot CoxFtSY-Genllemen: This Is the
first lime I have attempted to write for three
years. Have been so nervous ana weai inai i
have laid in bed for most of the time.
A friend who bad taken your Saraparllla sent
me two botUet. The second one la most gone,
and I have gained twenty pounds, and surely
feel a new women. I was pale thin. Mo ambi
tion. Mad given np, as I had tried so many
remedies and doctors but found no benefit. If
you care to publlah this you here my consent
(Signed ) MRS. A C. TILLMA.1,
Alameda, Cal.
Bucklen'i Arnica Salve.
Ths Best Salvi in the world for Cute
Bnislsee. I'krrt, Sail Rheum, Fever Sores.
Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coma, and
all Skin Eruptions, aad positively cores Pitee
or no pay required. It la guaranteed to gtv
perfect aatiafacUoa or money refunded. Prk
II nlsperbox. For sale by Charman a Co.
Charm an Urn ' Blnrk
Furnished Every Week by tho Clackamas
Abitraot L Trust Company.
L L Hawkins to Clara I) Hawkins,
part of Uubt Moore d I c, t 2 s, r 2 e;
Peter Entile to Henry Ciilbrich 1 11 so
rds in sec 25, t 3 s, r I ; tin.
Henry tillhrlch in I'eler Knul", If H 4
sq rds In sen 25, t 3 a, r 1 e; $1(1.
Moor oV Wilde in Jacih Minder, land
Int2s, r3e; 1720.
F rk'hmidt to liurimtt V Walker, part
otriloNnSO, t3s, rlej fittl.
Uriah Payne to N O lliiilln, land in
sees 35 and Sit, t 1 s, r 4e; tl.'KlO.
David Robeson to Canyon Creek F A
fc I T, a In sen 4, tft s, r3e; .
R R Lee to J II Woiueldorf, 10 a in
sec HI, t 3 s, r 1 w : 172.
Jos Allen to Collin Ueebe, s i of lot
2, blk 1, Marshfleld; $1000.
T C Livesay to C D Covey, bind in
Geo Aheriiethy d I c, t 2 s, r 2 e ; (21)00.
Willamette Falls Co to A W 8chwan,
lota 11 and 12. blk 15, Willamette; $211.
Mortimer Case to O J Trulliniter, i
of s of James Barnard d I c. (1100.
Oregon Iron & Hteel Co to Clara F,
Barton, s of se hi of se i of sec 17, t
2 s. rlej (KO0.
J as A Chase to Harding A Wal leu,
part of Jas Winston d I c and lots in
Park Place; (I00U.
John L Evans to Hamilton & Wash
burn, 10 acres In Howland die; (1000.
J W Stsndinger to W 11 Vaughan, 25
a in sec 2. t6s. r2ej (UK).
J W Ktandinger to Lawrence Frey,
land in t 5 s, r 2 e ; (2 50.
II W Ross to J W Powell, lots 7 and
8, blk 30, Oregon City; (1150.
Gtiruoit & Walker to Willamette Pulp
& Paper Co., part of cl 30, 1 3 , r 1 e;
J R Trembath Jr to K Q CauQehl.'lots
3 and 4, blk 4, Pleasant Place; (225.
Otto Peck Jr to O 0 Meyer, bits In
Pleasant Little Homes No 3; (175.
Willamette Land Co to Geo Groom,
tract 71, Pruneland; (8.V).
Same to Anna M Maier. tract 72,
Pruneland; (1150.
Same to John YRolh, Iract 07, Prune
land; (50b.
Have your title examined and abstracti
made by the Clackamas Abstract & Trust
uompaoy, wno nave the only oomplete set
or aostraots of title or all lands In Clack
amas county; accurate and reliable work
by a responsible firm. Office upstart In
tne launem ouuaing.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
How to Cure Yourself While Using t.
The tobacco habit grows on a man
until his neryoua system is seriously af
fected, imparing health comfort and
happiness. To quit suddently is too se
vere a shock to the system, as tobacco,
to an Inveterate user becomes a stimu
lant that his system continually craves.
Raco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to
bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully
compounded after the formula of an
eminent Berlin physician who lias used
it in his private practice since 1872, with
out a failure, purely vegetable and guar
anteed perfectly harmless. You can use
all the tobacco you want, while taking
Baco Curo, it will notify you when to
stop. We give a written nuaranleo to
permanently cure any case with three
boxes, or refund the money with 10 per
cent, interest. Bacn-Curoisnot a substi
tute, but a scientific cure, that cures
without the aid of will power and with
no inconvenience. It leaves the system
as pure and free from nicotine as the day
you took your first chew or smoke. Sold
by all druggists, with our ironclad guar
antee, at (1.00 per box, three boxes,
(thirty days treatment,) (2 50, or sent
direct upon receipt of price, bend six
Chemical & Manufacturing Company,
Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
foj's for the Jaded and Good
lieulth for all Mankind.
Is made from
herbi, and
coiuains no
drtip;a or
d-.-adly poii
on. Joy's
robs the
blood of all
its impuri
ties, and
courses alt
tic through
proper chart
ncla. Joy's
Barm par ilia
cures Dys-
tion. Liver
and Kidney
Ihde impuri- j.
Tov's Veeetab'.e
tired feelin r. sU
gently seinatioiH,
palpitation of heart,
riwti ol biooa to tne
head, at izm ess, ritij
inr lit ears, dimuc it
of vision, spots before
t ie eye, ncaaaciu,
biHouHtiew, conniipv
tion of bowels, p.iiu i
In the bac!c, melan
choly, totii-iecaiteil,
luui Dream, pt:npi?t
on fit :;, bo ly sua
, limb.ucclr.icofnerve
lorce, dizzy spells.
faint bikIU, q cold
clammy feet and
hands, sour risinrp.
futigue. inrommu,
and all diseases of
the stomach, liver
and kiducy.
Joy's Vegetable
fiarsapnrilla i so: J
by ull druggist;. He
fuse a substitute.
When you pay for
the best, see that J o a
get the best.
It is an indisputable fact that for more
than fifty years, children, from the age of
tnree monuia 10 ten years, dsts uccn
benefited tv Stldmanfs Soothing Pow
ders. These Powders are termed soothing
because they correct, mitigate, and re
move, disorders of he system incident to
Mrrh Li. 1". Nolle is hereby ultra that
the folluwing-liaratu M-lller has filed notice of his
intention to nutke Hiial proof In support of Ills
claim, and that said proof will be made before th
Krai"!'? and Receiver at Urt-gott t itr. Uregon, on
April '., I !', ts:
II K So 7M, for the Kt of Sec S. Twp
,1 S., R. 4 E. He names the following witneifles
to prove bis continuous resilience upon and culti
vation of. said land, via. Charles W. Cassedy snd
Hush Fitigerald, of Itover, Oretun, J. P Woodle
and Henry Uitliens. of KhkI Crwk, Oregon.
ROBERT A. M1LLKK, Register.
Mnrrh IX. Iiwi Notice Is hereby given that
the following-named settler has flled notice of bis
intention to make proof fa support of his elalsi,
and that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on April tfi,
UW vis:
H E 7127, tor Uie SW of See. SO. Twp 1 S ,
R i E. He names the following witneaees to
prove his eontinoons residence npoa and euluvatloa
of, said land, vis: Henry B. Saner, '. W
Porter, Henry Koperaon ana Richard ti. Palmateer,
all of t'nrrinsville. Oregon.
KHHr.KT A. JilLLCB, Begiiter
i.s is aumclenl funds on hand In the gen
eral fnnd to pay all warrants endorsed p lor to
April litn, iw
interest eeaaes who toe oaieui mi notice.
Oregna City. March 14, !". Cliy Treasurer.
for Infants and Children.
pn OTHERS, Do You Know tn.t rsone,
Bateman's Props, Godfrey s Cordial, uuuir aooalled bunihlna Hyru, and
moat remedies for children are composed of opium or riorphiua t
Po Ten Knew that opium and morphine axe stuiwfylng narcotic poiauna f
Po Ton Knew that in moat countries drugglsta an nut perniltUxl to sell narcotics
without labeling them poisons t
Pa Ten Know that you should not permit any niedlclno to be siren your clilld
unless you or your physician know of what It Is composed 1
Po Ton Know that Castoria Is a purely Teg table preparation, and that a list of
Its Ingredients Is published with every bottle f
Po Ton Know that Castoria Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Wclier.
That It has been in use for nearly thirty yean, and that more Castoria Is now sold than
of all other remedies for children oombtned f
Po Ton Know that the Patent Offloe Department of the United Status, and of
olber countries, hare Issued exolusire right to Dr. Pitcher and bis assigns to use the word
" CnatorU " and Its formula, and that to Imitate them la a state prison offense t
Po Ton Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was
because Castoria had been proTon to be absolutely harmless?
Po Ton Know that 35 OTarago doses of Castoria an furnished for 35
oooats, or one cent a dose f
Po Ton Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
bo kept well, and that you may hare unbroken rest f
Well, these thing are worth knowing. They are fact.
Tho fao-slmlle
sdsrnntnro of
Children Cryfor
uni i.i,,mrk
naOiVw,L j i
I v overt 'xhhIi n.v- iitliftil errors, eitlveu;niil liibaren. opium or silin
, ui.-it.. nh id-1, nil 1 .Inllinilly.Coiuunipllonor Inwinllv J.nn l o ciiriK-il .f.
Le-t nnckpt. 5l -e- Ijo. for tuft, by mall prepaid. Wltlin6. oiler c
Vivo a written u-o .rumen lo mre or refund the mimj-v. Sou I -
in u;uiu wrnL.4'
'orsalo in 'Ms-on ...t.tr .,by
Sterling Silver Umbrella Clasps, Only 25c
Watch Repairiiig a Specialty.
305 Morrison $t,
Just Received!
Ladies' Percale Shirt $i. 00
Waists Each!
Chamos Gloves, special
151 3d
It will notify you when to
top and voiir desire for tobaero will cease Your system will lie as free
from nicotine as tlie day before yon took your first chew or smoke. An iron
clad wiitten guarantee lo absolutely enre the tobacco hubit in all its lurins,
or money refunded. Price $1 per box or 3 boxes (;Hi dnys treatment and
guaranteed cure) 12.50. Kor sale by all drui!trisl or will be sent by mail
uoon receipt ol price. Hend six two-cent stamps f in sample nox. Il..kl-ts
and proofs) free El'REKA CHEMICAL A MTU. I t) , La Cosse, Wis.
St. Paul, Mien , Scl. 1, 1-!H.
i-nn-ka Chemical at M'f'K Co., La Crosse, Wl.
ficar sirs I har. been a tobacco (lend f.tr many yesrs, anrt durlne; the pst two years
hare smoked fifteen to twnly elaars resnilarly erery day My whole nereoua teni hn ame
. . 1 1 .....ui.n jnm , mtii
Children Cry for
on eirory
Pitcher's Castoria.
eahaai AaBWASiSaaBViSye I
f s urteuinioi mi r.-
5 nun. hum' I U'i ui ,i,.liier,ouiiiiiiousoii.Buclin Uonk Motuory.Loitit I.-.;'.
owir. Hi 3d. it .V u-ellllnei'S.Loal. Manhood, Nliilitly KiiiIhMoiis. Morv.ni
n.ir..i ;o-i.f imwiTlii (ioiieratlve Oruiins or cither HMHt -r
1; . Mouther. Ivrl'll lor tree .VI1IIIU-III nooa arm k ho u
Cll Alt.MAN CO., Druggists
op P0., Portland
Silk Windsor Ties....
75c A Fine Line of Dimi
Pair ties
st, Portland, Oregon.
and don't be imposed npnn ly liuyinir a
remedy Hint requires ymi to do S", as it is
notliiii"; more tiian a pnlislitute. In the
Midden ptoppnge n to! ai t:o yuu must liave
some stimnlitnt. and in n-oct all fiises. the
effect "f tlie eiiiniilunt, be it upturn, ninr
pliine, or oilier opiate?,
leaves a fur worse habit eon
tiaited. Ask voiir tlnit'L't'st
aht.m BAC0 CUP.O It is
purely veiiflable. You do
not have lo slop n-ir, to
baeto with BAC0 CUR0.
awn un mr
Pitcher's Castoria.
Oregon Pacific Railroad Company
(.'IMS. f I.Alt It, Keceirer,
Culm, cling Willi Klr.l'li)Mi:il"belWMnyaiUliiS
snd Hnn Kraiiciaco.
simmer l.i vea San Franclara February 'Jtllli, Maiel
U, 1'Jlli, tM and 3II.
Simmer hates Vaiiina Kelirtiaiy filli, Manh 7lh
Kill and -7ili.
lilslits iimiivcil In nhango sailing dales wllhoul
for frelolit ami pa.seiiger rales apply to any agent
L'H.ts. J. iii:mhivs, HON A CO.,
No. II lo S M irkst Slre.'l,
SniiKranciien, lis I.
CHAS. CI.AIIK, Itecelver,
t'urvHlli,, Oregon.
I AM) OI'I'li'K AT OltKi:(IN(llTY,OltR()t.,
" .liiiiiinry UI, I'll'.. Nntli'ii la hereby sivenljisl
Hie fiillnu Iiik iiiiinecl si-itlcr has tiled iiollie of
III" liili iiiliin iiiiniiki'fliiiil proof In support of L
i-liiliu, and llnii mIiI pritnf will be made befoie
llryoili'r nnil It, m iviir II. H, f.nnil Olttce al Uregun
Cllv.orci'oii.nn Miui'h 27, U'J5, vli:
JlMKH K. CI'llltIK,
II. K. No. Kin?, for the SW.i of Hw. 12. Twp. I 8.,
It. A K. He iiiiiurs Uie following wilm-seea lo
prove liln I'liuliiiiioiis rt'iiiili-iit'o upon anil colli
viiIioii ui, nlil Inn. I, vl: I rnl lllei'lii-i, Thus.
A K,nne, Ji-lin Miiutt nuil tl W. l'arker, all of
CIllTMVllll-, tlhUoll.
lilllli:itT A. HIM. Kit, Keglstei'.
Ki'hrimry 1, Imi.". Nntlce is hereby given that
I lii' follim iiiK-iiiiiiii'il si tilrr una llled noilee of
his inteiiiiim to iiinki' lliiiil proof In support of
Ids I'liilin, nnil tliiit said priml will be made be-lori-
the i'Klti'r ami Hccciver t). 8 hand I'fllce
ill Oregon City, Oregon, on Jtnn-h mill, 1SU&, vli:
II. K. No. 7'."7!i, fur the KK. ( of Seo. !, Twp. 8
It. A K. ilu iiiiiiicn the fallowing witnesses to
prove Ills I'omliiiioiis reelili-ure upon and cultl
vniiitn of, sulii IiiiiiI. via: Hhiiiih-1 O. Huflnian
iiimI Amlri-wJ KrlKhainn. of lin, Oregon, and
John c. Trticy uuil tieu. J. Currlu, of Curriiis-villi-,
KOHKKT A. MIl.l.KIt, Register.
1 J it iiuut y ;in, Imm. Notice Is hereby given that
Hit- folliitviiiK-iiiniieil selller hits tiled notloe of
Ills Intention In iniikii iluiil proof ill support "I
his eliilin, nnil Hint mini pronl will lie tunUe e.
lore the Kegixtcr and liecelver U 8. 1. and Olflee
ill Oregon City, Oregon, on March 27, lHSto, vis'
II K. No. SIM, for Ihe BW. i of Hoc. 2, T. I P .
It. i K lie iiHines tho following witnesses 'o
prove his coiiiliiiioiit, rcaiileure iihiii and eulll
viilfoii of, niiiiI IhikI, vix: Thomas A. Kvatis,
Jami'M K. 1'urrle hiiiI .Iniiii Mush, if Cherryvllir.
Oregon, nuil Ciiarles Pui-biil, of Handy, Oregon.
ItuilhltT A. MI1XK1I, Keglstei
In the mutter of the vstulo of Christens Cal-
liliuill, deceased
mule rij:tie , Hiliniiiislratur of the estate of
christens Ciiili'linn, ileeensed, tins llled his final
ri'inirliiml aeeiiiinl us kih-Ii ailiiuuislrator In tiie
county court of iiiu county of Clackamas, atate
of tireiiiin, nnil Hull Mnnilny, tho 1st dny of
April. l!i;, nt 10 o'clock, a in., Ht tlieoourthouse
In sulii coiiiilv, litis been appointed as the time
ami place for ilic sclllcuieut of said ttnal ruport
ami acciiinit ami the hearing of objections
SAMIIH. KNI.l.E, Administrator.
Hated lYhriiaiyX, 1W
llroivuell & lirunscr, Attorneys for said sstate.
a for iiiu year lii.H, licgiuiilng witli the first
dny of Muich nml cnillng May 1st, lsvA, unless
. an exlciislini of lime is grmitcil liv the cuunly
court. K. C. MAHDOCK.
: Shcrliranil Tar Ciillector Clackamas Cuunly. Or.
-uiircu im, mi'i.
npply to tlie city council of Oregon City, Ore
gon, furs saloon license to continue our saloon
located In Oregon Cliy, said license to date from
Weekly Oregonian
Oregon Courier
Inquire ut thin Office.
Tfl TflATSP' tra(e 'or Improved
IV I imiiJi funnftorOrKon City property
One Imr Mlnlshi'il eiKH-rnm house and About
(HioiiiirU'r acre uf luiui.
One fine hnuso tind Int.
About 14 nvte luiid, wlih bnrn, welt fenced.
Lots rind acreiiife property near Oregon City.
iHn tu trude for retil estate or merclmndlKe.
C11II or address Hamilton it Washbubn, Oregon
City and 1'ntk Place, Oregon.
Oregon city Tansfotaticn Co's
Lobvo " ' ' ' Leave
I'llKTI.ANn ObjoonCitt
Foot Taylor ft Footth8l.
7:00 a. si. 9:00 a. k.
HiDOa.m. 2:00 p. (.
4 :(I0 i'. ji.
0:00 r.M.
Lettves TurMoiid Tuesdays, Thuriklnyi
And Saturdays.
Louve Inilwndence and Balein Mon
ditys, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Tlios V. Oitki'j floury C. Payne, Henry C. Rouse
Sleeping Cars
Diniii2 Cars
Sleeping Cars
I-.i i c rtrf .1
HKI.KX A and
I t'Hic.tr.o
Skw voKk
HOSroN hiiiI all
i'OINi KAT and SOl'TH.
For information, time cards, map and
tie acts, call on at write
Ast. Gen. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
t.Vt Storri! Wrfft, tmrmr Thlr4.