Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, March 01, 1895, Image 2

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    Oregon Courier,
Kntorcd In the Oregon City poitofnoeas second
class matter.
Furnished Every Week by the Claokimii
AbMraot I Trust Company.
On year 0
HI I montlii I 00
Three monlhi
fa""Tue date oppotlle your addreta on the
paper denote! the lime to which jrou havs paia,
Correspondent! wanted In all partf of the
county; liberal Inducement!; write lor pariicu.
I P. Klsher, newspaper advertising agent
12 Merchant!' Exchange, 8an Francisco, is our
authorized agrat. Thii paper li kept on flit In
hli office,
The following paid notice appeared in
the Oswego Iron-Wotktr of last week
Notice to tub PublicTo whom
It may concern: I would like to he
known that I am the proprietor of the
Reception saloon at Oregon City. I
would also like it to be known that my
saloon is not a place of ill-fume as one
or two would have it. I would further
Hints that inv saloon, in its morals, in
the stock of goods set upon the bur and
in Its attendance is not excelled in
Oregon City. Further, I would write
for the benefit of the Coi hikh that I am
preparing papers for the arrest of Its
very poor editor for criminal libel. I
defy the Commit or anyone else to
prove that the Reception saloon has
ever been a house of ill-fame. Hknkv
Close, Oregon City, February 18, 18U5.
The following item, which does not
mention it as a house of ill-fame, up
pcared in the Courier of January 25th
A petition is being circulated to have
the city council refuse to renew the
license of the Reception saloon. This
is one of the lowest places in town and
should be closed.
On February 8th this item appeared
as part of the proceedings of this city
council of February Gth :
Petition read asking council to take
some action in regard to the Reception
saloon, an alleged disorderly place.
Councilmen Porter and Moffat and
Mayor btraight appointed a committee
to investigate.
The following report of the committee
appointed by the council is sufficient
to prove that the assertions of the
Courier were facts:
To the City Council of Oregon City,
Oregon: Gentlemen. We, your com
mittee to whom was referred the petition
of C. T. Hickman and others in reference
to the Reception saloon, beg leave to
report that we have investigated the
charges set forth in said report and
find that said saloon is not run in a
proper manner. From reliable citizens
of this city we are informed that said
saloon has connected with it rooms used
for assignations and that the place is
practically a house of prostitution. We
would recommend that the proper steps
be taken to revoke the license held by
the proprietor. We also believe that the
ollicurs of the city whose business it is
to see that such places are not kept
open have been derelict in their duty.
Signed : L. L. Pobteb and J. W. Moffat.
.Mayor Straight was not present at the
, meeting of the committee and would
not sign the report on the "spur of the
moment," or nutil he was satisfied the
acquisitions were correct. The chief
of police has failed to find anyone who
will now testify against the place.
If Mr. Close had evidence to prove
that the assertions of the Courier were
incorrect the editor would have gladly
published his statement of the case, but
as Mr. Close was not willing "to show
his hand" ho cannot blame the Couhirr
for publishing facts, even if other papers
are afraid to do so. The editor of this
paper has no grudge against Mr. Close
nor did he ever have any, but when a
petition has to be circulated and pre
sented to the council there must have
been "something wrong somewhere."
All the good people of Oregon City are
with the Couhier in this mutter. It
is dilliicult to understand whore Mr.
Close can find grounds for a libel Buit
against the Courier.
Geo Lsrkliu by Sheriff to Wm Lai kins,
part of Ezra Fisher claim ; $10.
Adam Delne to J 8 Maddux, 3 tracts
of land In t;ti. r 1 e: IIMO.
L Callahan to A Lelchtweia, 1-S Int in
150 acres in section 2U& 30, t 4 a, r 3 e;
L A Booty to C T Toozo, 83 100 acres
in sec '.':), 1 3 f, r 1 w ; f.'iOO.
li M Grant to F F.ggort, 120 acres
ioo2(l. I 2 a. roe: II.
II W lloltwick to Albort Crossan, e )
of n e Va of sec 21. 1 6 a, r 2 : 1300
G W Mitchell et al to Red Rock Mia
IngCo, Red Chief and Red lllufT mining
claims; si
John Drown to Rod Rock Mining Co
North Star minina claim : II.
S II Christian to A W Uoddard, 120 as
In w K of sec ,"). 1 1 s. r 2 e: t'J.iOO.
W F Hubbard to Kpbert A Miller, lots
1 and 2, blk 12, West Gladstone; I2.K).
W F Hubbard to Will L Miller, lota
and 4. blk 12. West Gladstone; 1450.
Wm Kilwards to K v Bliort, n u ol
n w J' of sec 20, 1 3 s, r I w ; wo.
T Stahlnvcker to Collin A Ueebe, 10
in sec 3(1. 1 1 s. r 2 e : t'KX).
E M Howell to II L liowers, lots 3 4 5
Gand 7 in blk "IT , IstaddtoCanemali
M A Faircliiltl to A U rairclillU,
acres in sec 28 1 1 s, r 2 e: 1 1000.
F W Miller to A U fairchiul, reculvor
lot 21. blk (ill. M nthorn: II.
K M Mortimoie to Isaac Allison, land
in ttts, r2e; tlOOO.
Isaac Allison to Carrie I) Covey, nw
of sec 14, tils, re; $1700.
United Stales to W Stover, s w of
w i and lots 5 0 and 7 of sec 30, t 2 a, r
M A Caseday to W Stover, lots 3 and
4, blk 31, liullon; $2000.
Win Jack to J t Jack, (Jo. 73 as
Jeremiah Jack I) L C, t 0 s, r 1 e: $1.
Win Jack to Burton Jack, 82.14 acres
in same: $1.
Wm Jack to Allen F Jack, VU.HO acies
in fame. $1.
Wm Jack to M in S Jack, U.VU3 acres
in same; $1.
Geo. W.
MoBrlda Eleoted
the 59th Ballot.
Senator or
Mongolian pheasants are crowing
once more, lirouse are Hooting anu
grey-siiuirrels are chee-urking, so
spring inust be close at hand.
The school entertainment held in the
mountain road school house on Friday
evening last, managed by Miss Joehnke,
was pronounced a complete success.
The Frog Pond literary ground out a
very entertaining program Halurday
evening, and the debate, "Resolved,
That the A. 1'. A. is more detrimental
than beneficial." was very ably
handled and finally decided in favor of
the negatives. (Many have been asked
as to what the letters "A. P. A." stand
for? Right here, allow us to state that
the iV. II . VnoH Farmer says. "Ameri'
can Poultry Association," while
Miss says it stands for "Ask Pa
John Schiewe is making a cistern at
the parsonago and righting up the
Brown's bail in Larson's hall Friday
night was well attended and a rousing
old time was indulged In.
February', 2(1. Lengthy.
frog Vom
The weather has been line for the
past week and everybody sees that it is
time to get out and rustle
Mr. and Mrs. John Seedling were the
guests of James Turner last Sunday.
The literary of 23d was a grand sue
cess, tor recitations anu songs it can
not be surpassod, and the debate was
handled in fine shape and was decided
in favor of the negative. The society
hie expiring democratic congress
will be ciuefly remembered for the mess
it made of financial legislation. No
leader has arisen among the democrutic
members equal to the critical occasion
So their disgrace be it said that it seems
they have vied with the republicans in
their f (Torts to put the president in a
hole.. "Cleveland is too sensible u man
to claim that all his acts as chief execu
tive arj above criticism, but those even
who have censured him most severely
and that justly, but kindly and with
feelings of patriotism, admit that he
is upright and does as well as he can
under the trying circumstances. With
congress against him and the treasury
on the vergo of bankruptcy, what other
course is there except issuintr bonds
on such terms as the bankers may
dictate? However, as the secretary of
ths treasury believes that the ipsue of
$05,000,000 bonds, will bring him "out
of the woods" for good, and that In
December there will be a surplus in the
treasury of $23,000,000 it does seem as
if now all mistrust in the stability of
our financial system ought to cease.
That it U gradually evaporating is evi
dent from the gradual awakening of
industries and the growth of business
throughout the country. It is there
publican party which left an empty
treasury for the Cleveland administra
tion on which we should heap out
vituperations. Time will soon tell
whether the next congress, controller!
by the republican party, has sense and
patriotism sufficient to give us such
financial legislation as the country
needs and demands.
will meet, the Oth of March, when the
qtieslion is, 'Resolved, That gunpowder
is beneficial to man."
Miss Mary lioeknaw is going to Port
land to seek her fortune we are told.
The entertainment given at the
Mountain Road schoolhouse on the 22d
was a grand success and many thanks
to Miss Minnie Joehnke for the way she
entertained them. We have heard that
she is engaged for a term of three
months more and we wish her eood
success, for she is the kind of a teacher
for us.
Tualatin grunge held its regular nioet
iig lust Saturday, February 23d. It
was called to order by the master at
10 o'clock, and transacted such business
as comes before the meeting and ad
journed at 12 o'clock for dinner. All
enjoyed the bounteous repast which all
good granger ladies know how to pre
pare. Afterwards it was called to order
and the young lecturer entertained the
grange with a select program, consisting
of songs, recitations and Instrumental
niusie. The meeting adjourned till
March 1st, when the state lecturer
and master will deliver addresses.
Every bod) cordially invited at afternoon
Air. and Mrs. uonrad Mchroder were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mint Peters and
Miss Minnie Joehnko,
The la grippe has boen prevalent here
the last few weeks. Several being
uuwn out nicy are convalescing.
We are told there is going to be
double wedding next Sunday at the Ban
:.. i i. .1.. t, t i
urn emucii mi me inn. iiiirruni Doys
with bund, lor there will be Borne fun
Close Peters is talking of going to the
logging camp, we wish him success
February 25th. Y. W.
i m ...
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold Mnlil Midwinter Fair, San Francisco.
It May Do as Much for You.
Mr Krcil Miller, of Irving, 111., writes (lull he
hail a tk'vore Kidney troubles for many yen.
will) severe palm In Ills hack ami also that his
bladder was affected. He tried many so called
Kidney cures hut without any good result.
About a year into he begun use ol Electric Hitlers
and found relict at onto. Electrlo Bitters is es
pecially ndaiiteil to cure of all Kidney and Liver
troubles and often gives almost instant relief,
One trial will prove our statement Price only
60c for Urge bottle, at Chnrman & Co.'s Drug
li Chnroinn Bros. Illoek.
Es-Becretary of Slate McDride re
ceived the entire 72 republican votes for
United States senator on the 60th ballot
at midnight on Saturday.
I lie solution of the deadlock was
effected st so late an hour that the
legislature had no time to elect the rail
road commission and other olllcers. On
the list are the followlmt : Three rail.
road commissioners, game warden, food
commissioner, pilot commissioner, etc.,
and atate librarian. As the present
incumbents of these offices were elected
to serve "until their successors were
elected and qualified" the same old
railroad commission and other officers
will be in the employ of the state for
another biennial term, much to their
surprise and the peoples's.
There is no greater legislative per.
quisite than the allowance of mileage at
10 cents a mile each way travelled by
legislators in attending I lie legislature
and when going about the state on
visiting or investigating committees.
Nearly all travel on passes. Thev are
entertained wherever they go, in most
cases. The legitimate per niom ol uu
representatives is $7200. The mileage
paid under this bill is fl 1,084. The
mileage and per diem of senators
amounts to 95701 . The report of the
committee on salaries and mileage
which report required the service of a
clerk the entire session at 3 a day to
get it up. Any ordinary business man
could make out the report in. hall an
hour as the members would all report
their own mileage.
The senate confirmed the appoint
ment of Col. lieebe to be brigadier
general, vice II. 1). Compson.
Governor Lord has approved the fol
lowing bills and they are now numbered
among the new lawn of the legislature
of 1805:
Complete List of the Firms sf Origos
City, and Their Looatloe.
Insure in the Farmer's Co operative
Fire Insurance Association of Oregon
City. The cheapest mutual protection
in the state. Men combine to insure
themselves. Applications taken by
M. 8. Moore, county treasurer, and
president of the association. Agents
wanted throughout the state. Address
the secretary, O. A. Cheney, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Buckles's Arnica Salve.
Thi Brit Salvs in the world for Cuts
Brnslses, Ulcers, Ball Rheum, Ftrer gores
Teller. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and
II Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles
or no par required, it la guaranteed to give
perfect satlsrarUon or money refunded. Price
o e ntsper box. Tut sale by Charman t'o,
Charmau Bros.' Block.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Knights of Maccabees.
The state Commander writes us from Lincoln,
Neb , as follows: "Alter trying oilier medicines
for what seemed to be a very ohstlnato cough In
our twochlldren wo tried Dr. Winn's New Dlscov
ery and al the end of two days the cough entirely
loll than. We will not be without It hereafter,
as our experience proved that it cures where
all other remedies fall." Signed f. W. Stevens
Stale Com. -Why nnl glvo this great medicine 1
trial, as It la guaranteed and trial bottles are free
at t'tiarin in & Co.'s Drug Store, Charman Bros
Block . Regular sizes 50e and II. ID.
For Over Fifty Venn.
An Old aku Wsll-Tbikd RtManl. Mrs. Win
alow'e Soothing Byrup has been need for over Sfty
yean by milllona of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect sureeas. It soothes the child,
softens the funis, allays all pain, cures wind eolle
and Is Uie beet remedy for IHarrhosa. Ia pleaeant to
the Uute. HU.Id by Druggists In every part of the
World. Twenty-Are cents a bottle. Its value la In
calculable. Be sure and ak for Mrs. Window's
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind .
I nited States Land Otlice, Oreiron
lily, Oregon. January 31, 18'Jj. .Notice
is liereliy given tliat the amiroved D Int
of survey of township (I south, range 6
east, has been received from the sur
veyor general of Oregon, and on March
12, 18H5, at 9 o'clock a. m., of said day
plat will be filed in this "(lice and the
land therein embraced will be subject
to entry on and after said date.
Kobekt A. MILLER, Register.
Peter IjrtT, Keceiver.
Dr. Prlc' Cream Baking; Powder
WarM's Pair High Mastal aaS fMcllsafc
No 7, protecting streets ag'.inst statute
ol limitations.
2211, fixing time nf elections.
l'Jo, Oregon soldier's home amend
8., amending section 1170, Hill s code
220, Wasco and Multnomah counties
71, regulate building and loan asso.
213, protect game, fish, fowl.
2:17, relocate Coos county seat.
1(11, changing compensation of county
clerks, clerks of circuit court, etc.
223, Urogon Ulty charter amendment
201, regulating the practice of medi
107, preventing the sale of pior IjoJ
104, amending section 3897. Hill
code, relating to limited partnership)
iii.lamending section ia'.), reutinit to
the discharge of attachments.
23, transfer and satislaction of more
KW- ...
Hi'.l, protection native song birdi.
14, exempt county roads and public
hluhwavs from assessment and taia
100, to determine the time of holding
circuit court in Lincoln county.
13, amending sections 17 and 33 of
chapter 11 of title 11, relative to the
site of consent.
112, reoiiirmg to superintendent ol
insane asylum to report to the county
74, amending contagious disease act,
to prevent the spread.
8, allowing mayors to Luy at tax sale.
2, employment ol convicts in pern
24. amending section lltll at code.
112, making streets and alleys public
4o, creating Vln judicial district.
41, appropriating 140,000 for expenses
ol legislature.
135. anthorizing certain corporations
to appropriate lands lor railroads, etc
102, creating 0th Judicial district.
180, new sewer for asylum and pen!
S.J provides lor organization and
government of irrigation districts.
28, denning a felony.
24, extends time for judgment debtors
to redeem in one year.
loo. provides for building branch
insane asylum at Union, Ore., and ap
propriates S140.UUO.
244, authorizes county court ol Lane
county to operate a free ferry.
01 , amends road law to allow county
court to construct puncheon or plank
1, repeal jute mill act.
33, amends attachment law.
74, raises age of consent to 10 years,
02, fixing salaries county treasurer
375, amending section 4220,llill's code,
321, employment of convicts.
382, general appropriation bill.
228, creating Multnomah county
142, amending Astoria charter.
40, protecting salmon.
251, prohibiting minors in evil resoits,
27, protecting Ash in Wallowa river.
120, lien on horses for shoeing.
45, amend pharmacy, etc.
384, validate city hall bonds.
42. formiiis dvklnir districts.
342, amending sec. 2328 miscellaneous
II J M 7, opening part of Cascade
forest reserve.
2, creates state board of horticulture
composed of six members, appropriates
41, allowing school districts of 25,000
to borrow money.
65, governor to appoint timber land
375, creating survey of logs for Coos
and l.nne counties.
Besides numerous charter bills.
- Some Appointments.
llelow is the first list of appointments
made iy uov. Lorn, and tney nre ve
received :
Regents state agricultural colleire
W. K. Yates, Corvallis; II. B. Miller,
(j rant's Pass; Denton Killen, Portland.
Regents state university A. Iiusli,
halum; a. 1 . stiiigiss, Pendleton j S. A.
friendly, hugeiie.
Itegents Monmouth normal school
Beni. Scholleld, A. Noltner. Pirtland:
O. V. Paxton, Portland.
Kegent Weston state normal school
W. U. Lyon, Helix.
Brigadier-general O. N. (. Chas F.
Lieebe, Portland.
Assistant Aihutant General W. S.
Trustees Oregon Soldier s Home 8,
B. Ormsiiy, Argent; B. P. Alley, Flor
ence: Wm. ualloway, MeMinnville:
John P. Kobertsun, Salem; Henry Bust,
Uaker city.
Don't forget Citpt. John Kelly when
you want any fresh salmon, halibut,
cod, lobsters, etc. Orders can also be left
for a nice chicken for your Sunday din
For your strings and extras for all
musical instruments go to Burmeister
A Andresen's, who keep a full supply.
The Backet Store ran save you from
15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar's
worth of goods yon bur.
Photographs made in first class
ityle at Brown's photograph gallery.
Call and examin bis work.
Highest cash price paid for second
hand goods of 'all kinds at second-hand
store, opposite Noblill's stable, on
th street.
The Oregon City Steam Laundry doea
the best work at the lowest prices for
cash. No Chinese employed. Work
railed for and delivered free.
CDADC Lntourette, Com'l Rank block.
Brownell A Dresser, Caufiuld block.
K F Driggs, Caulield bliuk.
II K Cross, Main, between 0th A 7th St.
VT 0 Johns'in, corner Main and 8th.
Cowing A Cowing, Charman Bros' block,
L L Porter, corner Oth snd Main.
J V Campbell, corner Oih and Main.
O E Hayes, county judge, courthouse.
U L Story, corner Main and 8th.
O II Dye, Oregon City Bank block,
F D Bruce, Cliarmsn Bros' block.
Swope Bros, Main, between Oth and 7th.
Bnrney A Draper, Charm in Bros' block,
O'Neill, Hedges, Thompson A Griffith,
Barclay block.
abciiitkcts .
White Bros, Jefferson.
Murray A Morrison, Main, bet Oth A 0th.
Clackamas Abstract A Trust Co, Can-
held block .
II J Thorn, Main, btween7th and 8th.
Bank of Oregon City, c irnur Main A Oth.
Commercial lJ.ink, Main, bet 3th A Oth
Jacob Kober, Seventh, on the hill,
H J Harding, opposite postoflice,
Mr Eagle, Sliively's block.
II Weinhardt's branch, cor Main A 8th
Story Bros, corner Main and 7th.
Scripture A Cronin. Fifth.
Kay A Huffman, corner Main an I ll)th.
W S Maple, corner Main and 4th.
Oregou City Iron Works, 4th, near river
E G Farnsworth, Com'l Bink block.
II ilehart, Main, between 0th and 0th
II Sloper, Oregon City Bunk block
W A Scogiran, near corner Main and Oth.
John Vigullius, Main, between 4th A 5th.
Wm ureen, Seventh, on the hill.
Club," A N Mousey, Main, bet 0thA7tli.
"Commercial, fc. Parker, (Join I u nk blk
ti n-! .f . ... ...
Mrs n rner, main, oeiween tin anuotlu
H.I Baechelor, Seventh, on thj hill
"Novelty ,"C II Wheeler.Main.b5th A Oth
Ueo Kedoway, neventn, on the hill
Glass A Smith, new Caufi dd blk.
C N Greenman, Main.
II Cooke, comer Main and 4t.i.
Dully A Heckart, -illice at B jllomy A B'h
Geo A Harding, opposite postuflhe.
Dr L M Andrews, Seventh, on the hill.
C G Huntley, new Caulield block.
Charman A Co, Charman Broj' blo.-k.
W B Shtvefy, Sliively's opera house.
Boston Store, next to postoffice .
D B Kees A Co, corner Main and 4th.
L L Pickens, B irclay block .
K O Smith, next to I O O F hall.,
White. Caulield bl ick.
tlickey A Hit-key, Charman Bros' blk
Bellomy A Busch, Main, bet 5thA0tli.
M Uraham. Main, between 4tli and otl
Second Hand Store, rear M. E. church.
R Staub. next to postoflice.
V Harris, Main, next to Pope'-t lull
E P Elliott, Seventh, on the hill.
K Frevtag, corner Main and 14th.
Marr A Kubertson, Seventh, on the hill.
E E Williams, Masonic building.
F T Barlow, Main, between Oih and 7th
U A McMillan, West Sid e.
A K Dojlittle, West Side.
It L Russell, Park Place.
H Straight, corner Main and lOt h.
Ely Bros, Elvville.
S M Cross, Gladstone.
Thos Charman A Son, Main, bet 3d A 4th
Hamilton Bros, corner Main and 9th.
I Helling, suspension bridge corner.
Wilson A Cooke, Commercial Bink Blk.
Pobe A Co, coiner Main and 4th.
Schwan A Putrow, CauAeld block.
R E Dyer, Seventh, on the hill.
Alex Schran, under Ann ry.
C A Willey, Seventh, on the hill.
Electric Hotel, Charman Bros' block
Cliff House, J Bittner, opp woolen mill.
Lovett A Smith, ofllce near cor M'n A Sth.
BurmeUter A Andresen, I O O F Bldg.
P Lowe, next to Charman Bros' Blk.
John Younger, opposite Caufield block
Elmer Dixon, Bank of Oregon City Blk.
T W Fouts, city recorder.
Mrs II T Sladen, Main, bet Oth and 7th.
Mrs M fV Butcher, Main, bet 4th A Sth.
N'oblitt's, corner Main and 7th.
Kidd A Williams, corner Main and 4th.
Oregon City Steam Liundry , Main, be
iween 3d ana -un.
Three Chinese Laundries.
EnterpiUe, Oregon City Bank block.
Herald, corner Main and 10th,
CotiRiKB, opposite It It depot,
J II Brown, Main, between Oth ami 0th
K I'rler. Alain, between 4tn and otu
E N Wells, tent on the hill.
A Walker. Center, near Seventh, on hi)
J II Howard, corner Main and Ot i.
physicians. .
W ECarll A E A Humor, Barclay block
L) L raine. uaiinel l Dfjck.
II E Ferrin, Main, between 7th nidAth
J W Noma, Main, between Oih and 7th
J W Powell, (Jharman Bros' block
Portland. L Rueonlch. Main, bet 5ili A Oih
Five -Cent Lunch Counter, opposite
Charman Bros block.
Portland Hotel, corner Main and 6th
Farmers', cor Main and Sth.
St Louis, near corner Main and 4 h
Boelime A Hess", Main bet Oth and "ill
CO T William". Caulield block.
T F Ryan. Main, between 0th and 7th
W 11 Biirghardt, Alain, bet 7th and Sth
II T Sladen, AMin. bet Oth and 7th.
Thayer A Abler, Main, bet 7th and 8lh
u u Melds, u.irciay block .
W A Huntley, new Caufield Blk and P O
E J McKittric'c, Bank of Ore City Blk
A Coles, postoflice.
Geo Broughtou, foot Main.
Gladstone Mill Co, Gladstone.
sash, noons, etc,
G II Bestow, corner Main and lltll.
Oregon City Sash A D ior Factory,
corner Alain ana n in.
H Salow, near corner Main and 7th.
K Tscharnig, 5ih near M tin.
C F Horn, Fifth, on the hill.
Sheppard. corner Main and 4th.
Depot Hotel, L A Noble, opp' R R depot
afe. Hill A Cole, Main, bet 3d and 4th
flub. J A Moore, near cor Main A Oih.
Casino, A Schilling, Main, bet Sth A 0th.
Alulalla, HradyA.UcUonoiigti, Alain.
Bon Ton.T Campbell, Main, b 4th A Sill
J Trembath, corner Main an 1 Sth
Reception, Close Bros. Main, b 3d A 4th
Oriental Hotel, J Cohery.cor Main A Oth
Urewery Beer Hall, h Alanines, cor
Alain and win.
Family Liquor Store, M II Flannagan.
Alain, between 4th and Oih.
Bismarck, A Knapp, near cor Alain A 8th
Kinnaird A Johnson, Bank of O C Blk.
Henry Meldrum, Washington.
R L Holman, Oregon City Bank bi nk.
How to Cure Yourself While Using, it.
me toDacco naoit grows on a man
until his nervous system is seriously af
fected, iinparing health comfort and
happiness. To uit suddently is too se
vere a shock to the system, as tobacco.
to an inveterate user becomes a stimu
lant that his system continually craves.
Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to
bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully
compounded after the formula of an
eminent Berlin physician who has used
it in his private practice since 1872, with
out a failure, purely vegetable and guar
anteed perfectly harmless. You can use
all the tobacco you want, while taking
Baco-Curo, it will notify yon when to
stop. We give a written guarantee to
permanently cure any case with three
boxes, or refund the money with 10 per
cent, interest. Baco-Curo is not a substi
tute, but a scientific cure, that cures
without the aid of will power and with
no inconvenience.1 It leaves the system
as pure and free from nicotine as the day
you took your first chew or smoke. Sold
by all druggists, with our ironclad guar-
antee,' at $1.00 per box, three boxes,
(thirty days treatment,) 12 so. or sent
direct upon receipt of price, send six
booklet and PROOFS free. Eureka
Chemical A Manufacturing Company,
Manufacturing Chemists. La Crosse.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Thot. r. Oukes Henry C. Payne, Henry C,
1 nAOinn n n
s3 rHUiriu n.n.
What is
r-i ; x
m a
Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher! prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotio substance. It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use- by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms aud allays
fererlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Cutorla Is an noelltnt medlcln for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told ma ot Its
food (Sect upon their children."
Da. O. O. Oaoooo,
Lowell, Haas.
" Castoria la tn best remed for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers wllloonsider the real
interest ot their children, and use Castoria in
stead of the rartousquack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
fonts down their throats, thereby aendliur
them to prematura gwes."
Da, J. r. Kihcbkloi,
Conway, Ark.
" Castoria la so well adapted to children that
I recommend It aasuporlortottny prescription
known to me."
II. A. Ancnsn, M. D.,
Ill Bo, Oxfonl St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Our physicians in the children's depart
ment hare spoken highly of their expert
ence In their outside practice with Castoria,
and although wo only hare anions; nnr
medical supplies what Is known as rririilur
products, yet we an free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
faror upon It."
United Hoam-ib axd Dispikbat,
Boston, ltoss,
Alux C. Barra, Prti.,
Oregon Pacific Railroad ompanv
II AN. I.AIIK, Ituci.iTer,
CiiiiiuiMlns wlih Sir, ' ll)U;" UlWMn YhiHIiis
and Kan frsnciico,
Htiuir I., in San Kisnciara February soill. Hard
M, Ulli,2J.lsrid 31.1.
Sh-siner Irsvas Yaqiilna frbrusry SMb, War.b 7lk
17ih and 7ih.
Illslil. meiU'il In clisiiuu islllng dalss lUninl
fur fr-luln ami paurngar ralrs sp,ly to any Arnt
Ku. 3 to S Msrssl SlrMl,
SsnKraiiciaen, (fcl,
CHAN. t l.AIIK, H..Mr,
t'urritlll., Oixinn.
sa Jtiliiinrv :kl. IMC K. .ti.... I. I........ . ..i ,..
the rnlliiuTliitihiiin.il .,.,.r 1,.( n, , f
Ills I iM.-iit Un in inik-final prHif In support nllils
t'lnlm. Slid Unit .Ml,l i.r.utf ulll l.u lf...
hVm.li-r Hint Ili-VHlvur I'. H. I.mwl unit al Kri-uou
( llv,iin.i;nn,iiii Mnri-li 37, isw, vlsi .
II. K. Nil KWT.f.irtlicNtt'.'wifHi,... l2.Ti.H,
It. ft h. Hi, until, Un, rli,wliiK wltni'ssBs U
prnvo lilsriiiilliiiiiiiis ri-Rlili'iii c ilium and mill,
viilinii ui, al, I liinil, vis: Krul lll.-clu-l, Tims.
A h, mis. Jitlii. Mi,.., u.ul 1, VV .L... .n..
clu.rr vlllc, Ori-Kiiii. '
IIOIIICKTA. 1111,1. Kit, Itrglatei-.
Th Cstntmnr Oompaay, TI Mursvy Strew t, Now York City.
cuuiuiii, vd l.-i urt ii.lnirvuuatIlMawi,siicli as wiik Mi.morjr. l-osanf n.-j'f
1 uwur.l,.'a . I.i, VMikolulne.a, Lost Manhood, Nlittitlv KiiiImIoiib. Kenvn
in.... nil tlra; siinriin.Mi.r inw,.rlitU(,iierativeOritiins of tlilier sescnti-
I ruTorVTui ilon, y utbfiil error s, eicea.l.e unonl tnbareii.oiilutii ot slln
lllalls, which .-r.llolnlli-tittr.C,,iiauiiiiitlon or iii.iiilUr. Cun Ifl currletll.
iniiwisi. wiiMriMii.or.irsj.i, 1.7 msii prmuiiii. Willi sS.l onicr ti
ulvea wi-llfui, tt,i'.i'i,,,lporurr nr rt-rimii (he money. Hold r-M
ilruuuk.l.. A.;f.ir . In ' ,, wt ,,li.. U'h,ki...ku,iu.i ....!.
UMi Inu.ulu vraii:M r. .'...jnj j KKItVESIltll ,-n.. m'.u, T. --,
orsalcliiliou.u,..t,ti ..nyCUAllMAM A CO., Drumilsls.
I ASK omcr! AT (IIIKdON CITY, (ItiKllON.
SJ .',,,rMrV I. 1MI.V KiiIIi-uImIi l.v..l..n !..,
Hie MIoHliiit ninnid Mi nkr nas tlk-d nnilee of
his Inii'iiiliiii to uinkv final proof In support of
Ills cliiliii. nud Him Hld proof will bo made lie
ion. Hit- Ki'itisU'r ami Himiver I'. 8 Laud nice
al un-siiii l ily,Ori.t on March mill, 1MO, rli:
l 11,1. 1 AM w. I'OHTKK,
II. K. Xn. T.T'J, for ll.o UK. )i tif Hco. S3, Twp. 8
It. A h. lis names tile f .llowiliir u ltuesMis lo
prnvo his cniiiliiiiniu rmldt e upon mii.I ctiltl-
union of, snld limit, vis: Samuel c. Huil'man
mid Andrew J Krlitlianin. of Im,u, Orison, and
Joliii I'. Tmcy ami lira. J. C'urrlu, of Currins-villi-,
HOHKItT A. HIIXKK, Rpsisler.
Sterling Silver Umbrella Clasps, Only 25c
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
305 Morrison St, op. li.O.,l)oi'tland
Sleeping Cars
Portland Flouring .Mills C, two tnilU,
upper main.
Oregon City Mfi On, woolen mill and
soap factory, upper Main.
Willamette Pulp & Paper Co, 4 mills,
west slue.
Crown Paper Co, west side.
Portland General Electric Co, 2 stations,
basin and west side.
Excelsior mill, west side, foot of locks.
Capen Shoe Co., Willamette Falls.
Pctzold & Gale, Seventh, on the hill.
(J U Albright, corner Main and 3th.
Isaac Farr, Main, between 4th and Sth.
J Konkle, Seventh, on the hill .
M Munch, opposite a P depot.
John Kelly, llsh, near cor Maiu and 5th.
Sliively's, Seventh, on the hill.
Pope's, corner Main and 4th.
Armory hall, Main, between 3d and 4th.
Mrs Martin's Racket, Main bet 4th A 5th.
Sleeping Cars
Striped TafTeta Silks
A Good Line of Wool
Dress Gooda. .......
Best Scotch
fast colors.
75c s Ladies White and Pearl $1.25
Yardj Kid Gloves Pair
50c j Fancy Dress Goods, very S7'c
Yardj handsome Yard
25c j Black Figured Wool 65c
Yard! Dress Goods. Yaid
January , IMii. Nnilei. 1 liereliy nlven ll.at
tin- folloivlnii nnnied ulll.T Iihs llloil nullou ol
ills Inlenllon in iiinko Muni proof in suniMirtuI
his i-liiliii, snd linn stud imnl will l,o inuile ur
fur llio ItuKlslt-r and lli-oulvor II H. Lund oillce
ul Ori'iimi City, DreKon, uu Muri-li 27, IsM, rii:
U.K. No. SIM, for the HV. of Sra. 2, T. S 8.,
II. A K lli names Hie IIiowIiik wltneiamto
prove his i-ouilniiniis renldenre Uhiii aud colli,
vail, ,n of, "un I laud, lt: Tlionma A. Kvans,
Jiiiiivs K. Currie mid John Miirs, if Cherryvlilr,
Ori-Knii. and l lmrles i'lmlial, nf Handy, Oreiron.
KOIIKIIT A. Mll.LKlt, Itegl.ter.
In Urn Circuit Court of ItieHtotcof Oregon, for ths
County of Claekiuiiss.
J,i.ir Clin, pliiiullll its llolirrl J. Ih-altli., trualN;
llulii rt J Meal I lo, Mury A K.,uli,, (lsor( U.
lliliatin and It. (1 Miller, defenduiilj.
To Itohert J. Health., trtl.tl; Itola.rt J. lkstlll),
Mary A Soule, u,rKu II. (lllnuu ami 11. U.
Miller, ilefeniiiinls alH,v nuined .
y.,u mid ,-aeli or ynu sre lierehir uotlilnl and
l-l-qulrt-il lo appear ami iin.wer Hie ooiuplalut lierefil,
now on til. in Hie otlice of the clerk of tl, .U,v
entltleil court, on or before the 1,'itli clay of April,
INio, lielnn Hit- lint day of Hie lenn of said court
whirl. Hill la, held next I.iIIowIiik thn asulrnllon of
Hie lltne prwrrllx-d In 111. order of stliil court for
the .ei-vlee mi you of the huiiiiiiuiis herein by put
lletilioii.iind you and each of you sre hereby iiutined
linn If yon or cither of you lull m to appesr and
aiKWer Mild ioiiiiliiliit a(nhove required, plahitllT
will apply lathe lourt for the roller demanded in
kioiI imiii plaint ini.l will lakeJllilKliieul SKaltisty ill,
and eiti h of you herein, a. prayed for therein, rlst
For a decree thai plaintiff have and recover of and
iroiii oeieiiiiaiii, iiooen J,- Ueattle, trustee, and of
mid irolu each and all of Mahl dereniliilits, on a certain
pr bixory note for 1"IJ niadn by said KoherlJ..
Iliillie, t-ii.tiH., on June Mh, 1H. b,.arirK interest
at 8 per cent pr aiiuuni payable to plaintiff, m
w hich IntercHt ha. beeu paid, aud on a luoritfsjra
Riven l.y snld Hubert J, llealtle, trustee, on ths
lollnwinx descrilasl proia-riy, situated in Clncksniaa
c ly. Ureiioii, hwit: U.ulimlug at tho south-
eil.t lorner of the West half of the Nut
half of section , township 2 south, range 'J east,
running thcr.ce wcM traoiug the south line of said
section 'Jll. 1H chains to the iuarter section comer on
the South line of said section! thence north tracing
the wet llneoftlio east half of said section lOchaioa;
Iheiici' ral on a lute iwrallel with the south line of
said secllon 10 ll chains to a point eiii-dilant
from the east lino and Hie west line of Bald we.1
half of the cast half of said seetion: thence north hi
chniiia to a iKilnl eiiul-dlatant from tho east line and
the wi'M line of said west half nf the east hull nf add
section; thence enat on a line parallel with the south
line of snld serllon It) Ml chains lo the east line of
said west half of the east half of mid section; these
south 2ll chains to the place of bCKlnning, containing
:lll 2" acres, more or less, save and accept a strip of I
land 1J feot w ide off the east side of snld tract of
land, ami a atrip of land 12 feet wide off the west sills
of that port ion of said tract w hich hits for Its west
boundary (lie west linn of said west half of the east
half of said section, for pulilln road purposes, to
secure tile .nine, the sum of SUMS 3.", and interest
thereon from this dale and 175 attorney's fee snd
couls unit illHburscliients herein; for a decree fore.
rliiKlnir snld nuirtiniKo ami ordering said mortiraited
properly to he sold nml the proceeils applied to the
Dtivnu'llt of expenses of Hale. ClMt.. diillmtwtn...,.
and attorney's fee herein and of said proralunry
note, and also for a decree that I he above named
defendant, and each of II I and all persons
claliuinit by, through or under them, or either of
tlleiu, slil,rieillent to the execution of said mortgage,
he barred nml foreclosed of all claim, Interest, right,
title, lien nrcoiilty nf rcdcinntion save onl Hi.
statutory right to redeeming, on or to said morl.
gaiced premises or any put thereof, and for such
other mid further relief as to the court shall seem
nice i lino etjoiianio.
l He service of nils summons ntmn van hv nnl.ll.
Cation I. Hindu nilniliaiit tn an nnlee m.,1. I, h.
JiiilKeol lhi! shove entitled court on the 7lh day of
January, lwiv
J it NTOniiAltD, Attorney for I'lslntlff.
ruled January 7, ISM. PorlUnd, Oregou.
In the mutter of the estate of Clirlstcna Cal-
lahan, deceased
iiiiderslgne,', administrator of the estate ol
Clirlstena Callehan, deceased, has tiled his final
report and account ns such administrator in the
county court of the county of Clackamas, state
of Oregon, and thot Monday, the 1st day of
April, ism, at 10 o'clock, a m at the courthouse
in said county, has been appointed as the time
and place for the settlement ol snld final report
and account and the hearing of objections
SAMUEL KNGLE, Administrator.
Paled February, lw.HS
brownell & liresser, Attorneys for snld estate.
ior ine year ikh. Dfginmng witn the lira I BOSTON anil sill
dav nf March and vnillnv U.v l.t IMttt mlM
all extension ol time is granted bv the 'county
MU1H t,' U.r,IWlt.' '
Sheriff and Tax Collector Clackamas Coun'ty.Or.
bihotii nu WIT.
It if to indispuulile fact that for more
than fifty yean, children, from the age of
three months to ten years, hare oeeo.
benefited by SLffdman i Soothing Pow
ders. These Powders are termed soothing
because ther correct, mitigate, and re
move, disorders of 'he system incident to
For Information, time
ticket, call on or write
cards, maps and
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Oregon
I jin Buys 20 lbs. rice, 28 pounds white beans, 19 lbs. dry
U) I aUU granulated sujrar. 20 lbs. extra C, 20 lbs. prunes, plums
or apples, 10 lbs. good lard, lo lbs. dry salt meat, 18 yds. Cabot V, 20
yds. outing flannel, and in shoes $1 buys I pair good oxfords, usually
1.45, and ladies solid coarse button shoes, usually $ 1.50.
Another shipment ladies' Doneola shoes, patent tip, great value
for $1.50. Broken lots ladies' and misses' shoes at cost or less, baby
shoes 25c up; boys' plows, warranted, $H2S; mens' warranted plows,
1.35 up; ladies heavy slippers cut to 45c.
Steel wire nails, 6 and 8 penny. $2.50 keg or 33 lbs. $1; 10 to 20
penny, $2.25 keg or 40 lbs. $i; 30 to 60 penny, $2 kejj or 45 lbs. $1.
Redactions in Erery Department.
Oregon City.
151 3d st., Portland, Oregon.
Send for Samples.
voters nf schnnl illHtrh.t N'n. hi nr vl..,.m..
county, stale of Oretron, that the annual school
uii-i'iuiK kit inu sain uisirict win De held at
INidu s hall in Oregon (Mir. Orov.tn in haan a.
the hour of s p. m., on the llrst Monday In
(brine the 4ih day of) March, A. 1) l9,r).
This mcetlnir is called fur tlm nn rung it at Ant.
inn a school director for a term of three years, a
district clerk for a term of one year, and the
transaetioii of business usual at annual meet
ings of school district.
.r,,,,., ,. ,...Cll1lr"n Bcmrd of Directors.
THOS F. RYAN, District clerk.
Hated at Oregon City this 2lsl day of Februarr
A. D. IH'Xi. '
and don't lie imposed upon hy buyinjr a
remedy Unit requires ymi to do s, as it is
notliinir more than a cub.ttitnte. In the
vudilen Ptnppne of tobacco yi.u must have
inme slimul int. and in n oHt nil cases, the
effect 'f the miniulan', lie it opium, mor
I'liine, or oilier opiate,
leaves a Inr worse halm con
liacleil. Ask voiir driiirtfiKt
alK iit BAC0 CUR0 It is
purely vegetable. You do
not have to slot, tisir.if to
bacco with BACO-CURO.
, , It will notifv yon when to
top ami t our desire fur tobacco will cease Your system will be as free
from nicotine as the day before you took your first chew or smoke. An iron
clad written guarantee lo absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its firm,,
or money refunded. Price $1 per box or 3 boxes (30 days treatment and
guaranteed cure) 2.50. For sale by all drutrzist or will be sent by mail
upon receipt of price. Srndsix two-cext stamps fob samim.k box Booklets
and proofs free. KL'REKA CHEMICAL & M'K'O. CO., La Cosse, Wis.
Weekly Oregonian
j Oregon ourier
I Inquire at this Ofllce. J
Offlce of THE PIONKER PRESS COMPANY, C. W IlnsM, k. Supt.
Eureka Chemical A M T. Co.. La Crosse, Wit.
Iear Hlrs I han bsen a lobaceo fiend lor manr years, and durini the past two ypars
have smoked fifteen to twenty riaars reaniiarly every day My whole nervous sv.iem ecame
aifeeled, nntll my physlrlan loi.l me I must keep up the nse of tobocco for the time helii. at
least I tried the so-rallcd "KeeleyJ'ure," "So-Tn-Baa." and various other remedy, but
wilhnnt saccMa. nntll I acrldenlly Wnwd of your Hsco-4'imi.'' Three wwk a tolav I
consider myself completely cured; I am ia perfect health, so l the h.trriolv rravina for
tohatn, which every Inveterate smoker lully apprecistss, has complete'y left me I con
sider your "BaM'uro" simply wonderful, and san fully recommend II.
Yours very truly, c. HOBMI'K
Will trade for Improved
farmsor UrMrOn ,'ltv nrn-u,.,
One hnr.l-ttnished enrhi-room house and about
one-iiiartcr acre of land.
One line house and lot.
About', acre land, with harn, well fenced.
Lots aim acreage property near Oregon City.
Open to trade lor real estate or merchandise
Call or address Hamilton 4 Washbiihn. Oregon
City and Park Place, uregon.
" apply lo the l ily council of Oreaon City Ore.
tnn, f,,r a saloon licence to continue my saloon
located in Oreinm ,;ity
jisn u tin, in.,
said license to date from
i-. a. AUttjLi..
gon. f.,r a saloon license lo continue m
HK-aled In On-v.n I'itv. said li.. , jl..
March itth, latu",.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
I ommny s hre rrm on Mondar. Uie4ihdav
Oregon Ciiy. Febrnstr -H I5