Oregon Courier, A. W, CUEXKY. CITY OFFICIAL PAPKIt Knlorcd In Hit Orison City postofllce as second1 , clui milter. ttl'IIHCHIFTION HATK8, Out year W 00 fill month! 1 Tlirce mouth. M a3sTlic data opposite your address on the piper dcnotci the time to which you bare paid Correspondents wauled In all parti of the county; liberal Inducement!; write lor partlru' Inn. F P. Flatter, newipaper advertising agent 21 Ucrcuanta' Exchanro, Ban Francisco, 1 our authorized agsnt Thli paper 1 kept on flls In hit omce. OREGON CITY, FEB. 15, 1801. TUB SITVATIOS. The condition of the national treasury Is a result of the mal-fldmlnistrntion of the republican party under Fresiuont Harrison. The McKlnloy bill, which raised the protective tarllT and thereby decreased the revenues was passed by the billion-dollar congress ag a reward for the manufacturers out of whom the 'fat wag frlod" to secure "soap" for the purpose of bribery in India and Now York. To fortify the McKinloy tariff act the surplus of 1100,000,000 left by the Cloveland administration wag squandered and many millions were added to the permanent expenses of the government. When Harrison vacated the White House the treasury was more than empty : it bad "sone broke." To the succeeding Cleveland administra tion wag left the privilege of holding the empty sack. Unless congress acts, Secretary Carlisle will again resort to an issue of bonds to replonish the stock of gold, and were It not for the unwise and stubborn opposition of the silver men, a relief measure would have been passed, perhaps in December. The re publicans, years ago, established the custom of paying gold out of the treas ury, at the option of the person pre senting the government's paper for re demption ($800,000,000 of which hangs like a menacing cloud over the precious slock of yellow metal), and were Secre tary Carlisle now, regardless of the danger in which our national finances are, to refuse gold and offer silver, a crash would take place that would at once send gold to a premium and de preciate silver money to Its market value as bullion. The country is reap ing the harvest of the seed of folly that was gown by the republican party, and it is only by paying out sold when gold Is demanded that it and the white metal can both be kept in circulation at their face value. THE LEGISLATURE. Bills Appropriating Over Introduced. a Million Tho logislalure has but eight working dujs yet and still nothing except the pnssnge of fw town charter bills has been done. Tho leiilalutors are still receiving $3 pur minute for voting for senator. iJnlph mill lacks live ol majority. The Oregon City charter bill was introduced by Brownell on Wednesday and passed the senate. llofur's bill lovylng a two-cent tax on Insurance companies panged the house on Wednesday. The present session was supposed to be of the retrenchment order, but an analysis of some bills thus far introduced in the sonata is as follows: Hills Iniro J need to abolish extravagances, three as follows stato board of equalization, state board of railroad commissioners and repealing the jute mill act; bills creating new commission s, 12 as follows state horticultural inspector, bank examiner, stato grain inspector, state board of horticulture, state and county bank examiner, state irrigation engineer, state treasury examiner, state assessor, board of railroad commissioners, lumber Inspector, state board of equalization and nsn commission. A few of the Bonnie bills already In troduced this session and carrying ap propriations of greater or lesser sums are the following: McAliBlor for Improvement Wallowa canyon, fKXW. Urownoll state bank commissioner, alary fl'jOO per year and traveling ex IIAnMeM. , ... .... , 1 lirownull stale irrigation engineer,' salxry fHWO per annum. I'rlce examiner hi state anu county treasurer, salary $.'1500 per annum. Maxwell graded school at lillitmo ik, Holt slate assessor, salary iijIKJ per annum and traveling expenses. Carter Oregon stute dairy and lood commissioner, salary flOlO per year and expenses. uowan Uraded school ai minis, $.5000. Htuiwer I'isli commissioner, salary $2000 ner annum, $'0( per annum for expenses and $500 each for five deputies. Calbreatli Mate horticultural in spector, $'.'000 per annum. Maxweil-fisli hatchery ai iiiiuiiiook, $.'1000. Haley State grain inspector, sow per annum uesner soldier a nome, f ib.uuu. Kalev State board of horticulture, $15,000 per annum. Kailroad commiHHon, $ . Tax relief of Tillamook county, $2,- 028.08; Washington county, 10,01)8 33: Harney, $t(10U; Union, $9,004.33. Keliel o Ida Templulon, f-'u.iwu. 6 Board of horticulture $ 12 000 3 Fish commission l.COO 0 New pilot schooner 115,000 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Numerous Changes In Roadi Mill Bar clay Allowed $200 Damages on Acoount of 8u.pen.loi Bridge Cable Anchorage. WHERE TUB GOLD OOK1. The following table gives the amount of gold in the principal European banks on January 17 of this year and January 18 of last year: - - . 1895. lN'.H. Gain. England tlHflMfita ai.M0,AM ",0tM,ll0 1'rillloe S8,li.'IO,4.'8 67,!!I1.UIIU 1T,6 U.M Germany 3,l81,r.!S Sl.an.ll.'io 7,!Wfl,M6 AusL-liuugary... lfi.acM.UJO 10,M,m 6;as,w0 NpHln . 8.004,11110 7,'J1S,0IX Hi.tMl) Nolherlsnda 4,l)!M,JOO 4.017,0110 77.(1110 Nat. llefglum 3,4j,UK) 8,010,017 Mll.Sffl Total ilS7,7l,M4 flM,lK,472 36,0U,07 It thug appears that while this country lost in gold exports last year $81,200,000 the chief European banks gained just about twice, that amount 1103,000,000 In round numbora. Of this the Bank of England gained $10 000,000, the Bank of France $78,000,000 (or nearly as much as the net log of the United States), the Bank of Ger many $25,000,000 and of Austria-Hun gary 120,000.000. The gold reserve In our treasury on January 12 of last year wag $74,108,140 un the 1st ot January this year it wag $80,000,000. The Clearing-House banks of New York city held $ 75,512,000 of specie on the 12th of January, against $118,303,000 on the same day In 1804. Only half of the foreign gain In gold was drawn from this country. Th reminder came from Australia, Africa, the Guinnas and other sources of supply. 9 Normal school, Drain 5,000 12 Tax rebate Clatsop Co 10,137 19 Graded school, Lake view. . . 5,000 23 School dist. 73, Jackson .... 1.000 58 Tax rebate Coos Co 087 (19 Tax rebate Douglas Co 700 73 Constitutional convention. . 15,000 90 Tax rebate Union Co 11,094 119 Normal school, Ashland. . . 5,000 144 East Oregon asylum 140,000 230 Examiner steam engineers (per year) 2,000 244 Tax rebato Multnomah.... 07,000 2"0 Snake river bridge 13,100 271 Improvement Grande Konde river 25.000 275 Portage railway 300,000 278 Voting machines 125,000 280 Road to Bohemia mines. . . 5,000 287 Belief Wasco county 4,000 289 Graded school, Eastern Oregon 6,000 292 Tax rebate Baker Co 7.848 298 Soldiers' home buildings. . 29.500 305 Moral director (per year).. 1,200 207 Southern Oregon asylum.. 100,000 3148.- P. Moss and others.... 080 323-J. H. Sharp 3,600 345 Fish hatcheries lu.OOO Tjik theory that that value which admittedly is produced by all com' munity, and never by any single indl vidual, justly belongs to community, and should djfray the expenses of the government of community , and its just and natural complement, that the pro ducts of personal effort and enterprise belong to the enterprising individual who produces them, Is the single tax theory; a very simple and logical proposition, says an exchange. Were this method of taxation enforced the men who have made millions by freezing to property in our great cities would have to pay their just share of taxes, and at the same time the farmer would not be flued by increase of taxation for improvement of his land. The story thut the Hawaiian govern ment was selling bonds at 25 cents on the dollar for the purpose of influencing legislation iu this country in favor of annexation is met by the statement t hat just now the Hawaiian treasury is In better condition than the treasury of the united btate. 1 tie revenue is. more than sufficient for the expenses, there is a surplus on hand, bonds are sold over the treasury counter for par, and there is no worry over the question of gold shipments. We believe that Hawaii ie also free from the nuisance of financiul cranks, and altogether the position of the secretary of the treasurer in Hawaii should excite a feeling of envy in Washington. It looks as if Governor Lord is not going to be very popular out at the east end of State street. The pardon mill, like Mr. Pennoyer's sawmill, is shut down. Stateman. Don't forget Capt. John Kelly when you want any fresh salmon, halibut, cod, lobsters, etc. Orders ca n also be left for a nice chicken for your Sunday din ner. For your strings and extras for all musical instruments go to Burmeister 4 Andresen'g, who keep full supply . The Backet Store can save you from 15 to 20 per cent, on every . dollar's worlh of goods yea buy. ' in i m m Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Total $1,022,908 A bill of considerable interest to linn ber districts is one introduced by Senator Brownell lor the inspection and meas urement of logs. It divides the Btate into 12 lumber districts. Each lumber inspector or his deputy shall receive for measuring or scaling logs or similar timber the following fees: For one or more rafts or lots ol less than 200,000 feet, 4 cents per 1000 feet ; for one or more rafts or lots of 200,000 feet or more, 3 ceuiH per 1000 feet ; fees to be collocteu Irom the buyer and seller ol said logs. The present session is now three quarters gone and absolutely nothing of importance has been done. Too session opened on January l lth and the forty day torin expires at midnight on Satur day, February 23d. There is but nine davs remaning. Senator Patterson's woman's suffrage bill created not a little discussion In the senate and was adopted by a vote of 17 to Jl, absent uarter and Maxwell Those voting against a constitutional amendment extending tho right of suf frage to women worn : Bancroft, Butler, Culbreath, Cogswell, Huston, McAllister McGinn. Haley, bmitli ol Liaison, Woodard, Hiinon. Adopted in house also, Beach, Burko, Cardwell, Cheeton, Curtis, Keyt, Long, McCraken, McGreer, l'uxton, Thompson voting no. The legislature committee of the Ore- iron State secular Union, consisting of Katie Kehm Smith, secretary of the union, Mrs. A, E. Barker and Hon. Lee Laughlin last week had an audience before the house committee on assess ment and taxation. The Secular Union wants a total separation of state and church and that all church property be taxed. Up to Monday but thirteen bills have passed and received the approval of the governor. All but one are town incor poration bills. It costs from four to twenty times more to maintain the O.N. G. than is expended fur like purposes in other stales. Here is a chance to retrench. One of the reasons why there will be no radicul legislation against railroads this session or fur many sessions, can he found in the fact that a large part of Oregon has no railroads and thut every locality needs and wants one, and the representatives of those localities do not propose to take any action that will discourago the building or extension ot brandies or main lines. The clerkshin business is an abuse a ruuulur hack for political hangers-on. Many clerks ol the present session have not as vet touched pun to paper. Their salary is going on, however. Statetmnn. itepresentutive Holer has introduced a bill prepared with some care by Mr. Buih, the Salem banker, providing a penalty of $1000 to $5000 line and from one to five years imprisonment for bank olliuiuls who receive deposits knowing their bank ia insolvent. The banking committee has agreed unanimously upon a favorable report. It hag recently developed that at least four men say they voted lor Binger Hermann in the senatorial caucus, three Lane county men and Senator Brownell, yet nulv two Hermann votes were found in the lint! What became of tho other two and who cast the Dolph votes if they were not cast (or Hermann 7 It will be recalled Dolph had only two more than a majority of that caucus. Journal. S B 212, Dawsou for appropriation of canal and locks at Oregon City. II B 3')5, Long Amending the salary law of 1893. H B 33(1, Wright Prescribing nutter of keeping countv accounts. Photographs made in first class style at Brown's photograph gallery. Call and examine his work. Ooiidon E. Hayes, County Judge. It. Scott and F. J.ukiar, Commissioners. Heport of viewers on change in the Farnsworth road accepted and ordered that the change In said road be estab lished as per said report; expense account of $32 ordered paid. Report of viewers on the D C Ball road acceplod and W II Mattoon, E Harrington and Henry Jewell appointed aa viewers of damages, to moot a place of beginning on February Kltli at 10 a. in., and determine how much less valuable the premises of said clnimants of damages (Oliver Bobbins and G J Trulllnger) will be rendered by said road ; ex) ense account of $54.40 ordered pail. Report of viewers on tho change in the Ilutton and Baker road accepted and road ordered opened nn line of sur vey ; expense account of $21.80 allowed. Petition of Kate Barclay for da mages nn account of suspension bridge cablet being anchored on her property : $200 damages allowed ; Commissioner .Tuggir dissenting. Report of J L Swall'orJ on road work approved and expense of $12.45 allowed. Report of .1 W Smith on road work approved and expense of f 42.5'J allowed. Petition of E B Stark et al for two road districts in Milk CroeK precinct denied. Petition of D J Palmuteer et al for a change in the Oregon City and Salem road granted and D W Kinnaird ordered to survey an I C W Armstrong, Adam Knight and D W Howard to view, lo meet at place of beginning on the 21st day of February at 10 a. m. Application granted of school district No 48 for the transfer to disti let 48 of ertaln property in said district, but wrongly assessed to other districts . Petition of Henry Kleinsmith et al for viewers to a change in county road withdrawn. Petition of J F Millslead et al for assistance to Cyrus Burley referred to Commissioner Jaggar, with power to act. Application of W A White et al to have the title of lots in county addition in Oregon City perfected: As the county has long ago parted with all title that it ever had in block 128 (or block 15 county add) and block 140 (or block 17 county add), but ag the proceedings have been irregular, which clouds the title, it is ordered that the county clerk execute a quit claim deed on behalf of county to John Myers, former owner. Petition of Henry Wilbern et al for viewers to a change in the Foster and Milwaukle road: The petition wag dis allowed on motion of II E Cross, at torney for Mrs. Glover, a property owner along line of said road. Petition of Geo J Currin et al for a change in the Foster and Milwaukie road and Currinsville road: Matter postponed until next regular term, and that in the meantime the county road master be instructed to examine into the advisability and practicability of pro posed change and so report. Petition of S Barney et al for change in Thayer road granted and D W Kin naird to survey and T B Thomas, Henry Hughes and M M MuGeehan lo view, to meet at place of beginning on February 27th at 10 a. m. Petition of J T Drake et al for bridge across Butte creek on the road leading from Marquam to Mt. Angel laid over so ag to confer with Marion county court. Additional bond of Sheriff E O Mad- dock as tax collector examined and approved. Proposition denied of II II Johnson et al for the improvement of the For sytbe road. Application of A M Shibley for as sistance to Joseph Raney granted and $8 per mouth allowed, commencing Feb ruary 1st; warrants payable to A M Shibley.- Report of viewers on the change in the Oregon City and Molalla road ap proved and road ordered opened on line of survey ; expense account of $03.40 allowed. Petition of Chas Miller et al for a new roud district in Viola precinct denied. Report of A W Cooke, supervisor of road district No I, for January, approved and accounts paid as follows: Labor $10.75, supervision $0, totul (90.75. Report of W II Smith, supervisor of road district 2, for January, approved and expense account allowed as follows : Labor $132.95, material $29.94, super vision $21. Report of E P Carter, supervisor of roud district 3, fur January, approved and labor account of (10.35 allowed. Report of G W Prosser, supervisor of road district 4, for January, approved and expense account allowed as follows : Labor $193.80, material (8, supervision $0. Report of road supervisors for the year ending February 4, 1895, approved. Propoiition of B F Linn lor planking the Oregon City and Highland road ac cepted and ordered that county judge enter into contract with said Linn, who is to prepare roadway, deliver, lay down and spike the lumber for $7.50 per thousand ; work to be done under super vision of roadmaster and engineer. Repoits of officers on collection of fees during January approved. Fees collected sa follows: Clerk $183.30, recorder $i:t0.20, sheriff (412.65. Mileage and per diem of commissioners allowed as follows : R Scott, 3 da ys and 18 miles, $10 80; F Jaitgar, 3 days and 12 miles, $10.20. BII.I.S AM.OWKII. D B Recs A Co, pauper 4 73 HI. Vincent's Hospital, pauner. claimed $10 30 8 15 Oregon City Hospital, pauper. .. 04 20 California Power Works, road.. 0 80 Irwin-Hodsnn Co, records 13 40 Jury list, district 14 7 00 W (I Cooke, sheriff's 4 54 BFLinn, road 24 77 Smith & Dunn, road 3 80 Mrs C A Nash et al, clerk's. ... lift 50 Glass A rrudhom.ne, stationery. 2 00 Millard Hyatt, deputy sheriff.. . 37 00 E O Haddock, sheriff's, claimed $8.4tl 4 50 Isaac Larkin. sheriff's 8 00 Btate vs Oliver Scheidler 20 85 State vs J K Worthington 35 00 8 M Ramsby, recorder's. . ...... 5(1 50 C W Vohderahe, courthouse:... 18 25 J C Bradlev, assessor's 152 00 P h Donaldson, grnd I y witness 2 20 Noblitt's stable, justice court ex pense, claimed $15 100 State vs F Rowan 12 75 w A Huntley, stationery 37 65 C G Huntley, pauper 11 15 II S Strange, deputy clerk 10 00 EC Lakin, not allowed 2 50 8 J Bachler " 9 20 VACATION WARRANTS liSVED. For scalps ( 4 00 Circuit court expense 20(1 00 Paupers 287 00 Armory rent 25 00 Indigent soldiers 12 00 Officers' salaries POO 34 Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awanhd Gold Mtdil Midwinter Filr, Ssa Franciscc. Sunday School Convention. Following ! the program of the FIHh Annual Convention of the Sunday School Association of Clackamas county which meet it Clackamas Thursday and Friday, February 21 and 22, In the Methodist church. President, . Chris Jloberg, Oregou Cily. Secretary, Miss R. M. DolisUlson, Oregon City. TIII'SKDAY EVENINU. 7:00 Song service, led by Mr. Lawrence, 'of Clackamas. 7:30 Address: Who Calls Us Together, by uev. a. j. anmgomery, i urpgon i;ny. Anthem: Be Joyful and Sing unto the Lord. 3:00 Address: Dulles ol Sunday tobool Superin tendents, by J. K, Oroum, Oregon City. FRIDAY MORNU'O. 0:00-Pralse service, led by Alvln Shanks, of 1'anby. 9:30 I'anor: Over Succew, by Mrs. Emma Groom, of Oregon City. Music. 9:45-Our Failures, by (ieo. Randal, of Now Era. Discussion. 10:10 Address: International Lesson System Is It the Best? by Kev. J. W. Cowan, ol Oregon City. Solo: Sclecte '. by Mrs. Dora Grey, of Ore gon City. 10:40-Adcires: Use of Maps, by Prof. Gary, of Milwaukie. Discussion. 11 :10-Address: The Library and Its Use, by G. W. Hwope, of Oregon City. Discussion. Music U:30--Addresa: Christ, tho Model Teacher, by Kev. Conner, of Canby. Discussion. Appointment of committees. FRIDAY AFTEBNOON. I 1:80 Song service by the children of Clackamas schools, led by Weldon Shanks, of Canby. 2:00- Election of olilcers. 2:15 Reports of olilcers. 2:46-8olo, by Miss Ella F. Hoberg, of Oregon ciiy. 00-Address: Friendly Attitude and Keed of Co-operation, by Kev. W. 11. McLain, of Ore gon City. Music. 3:30 Paper: Relation of Ihe Chautauqua Idea to the Sunday School, by Miss O. Finley, ol Oregon Cily. DI8CUSSIOU. FRIDAY EVININO. 7:00 -Praise service, led by the newly elected president. 7::iu Address, by Rev, Carl A. Holdridge, of roruanu. Music. 8:11 Gospel service, led by Rev. G. Sykes, of Oragnn City. Closing Praise services. fBrlng -Gospel Hymus No. 5.'' WMHgaMaMMIMsVs Thiaj. r. Oskct linn ry C, P'yns, aWvlvri, llmiry (', II w, aTIorthern bli PACIFIC R. R. for Infants and Children. THIRTY yr' os)srTtlom of CaeiorU with th yav4roaf of mnlllloni of prona, pwmlt n to spok of It without failf. It la niiqnstlonatily ihm teat remedy for Infaxati mni CMldf tho world has oTor taow. It la harmleaa. Children llfct. It. It ! Ht thorn h 1th. It will to their Urea. Ta It Mothws haw OBf thlm which l opiolmtoly aafo and praotloaJUy porfaot a St child's fdlolno. CoatorU dertroya Worm a. Coatorla aJloya ToTorlahnois. Coaterlat proronta vomiting; Sonr Cnrd. Cetatorlo enroa Diarrhoea and Wind Collo. CnotorU rolleToa Toothing1 Trophies. Cawtorlo enroa Constipation and FlatnlemcT. Caatorla aontrallaoi tho ogouto of oarhonlo add gae or poloonono air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Caatorla aaalmilatoe tho food, tognlatoa tho stomach and howola, tiring; healthy and natnral aloop. Caatorla la pnt np In ono-alio hottloi only. It la not sold In hnlh. Don't allow any ono to sol! yon anything olao on tho ploa or promlao that It la"Jnat aa good" and "will answer OTory pnrpcao.' Boo that yon got C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Tho IWe-afanllo algnatnro of U on Tory wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. auoasAU Aria ta MANHOOD RESTORED! 'ZLK,- gut rauM-ed toeure a. I tiorvuus diseases, such aa Weak Meninrjr.Lussof Itraln Power, Headache, Wake! ul liens, Lost Manhood, Miihtly Kiulsnlmis, Nervous, lie. Lalldraliisandlohsof powerln Generative Orifans of either sox citini-d by overexertion, youthful err!, excessive use of tobacco, ouluin or slim, ulanta, which lead to Inhrmlty. Consumption or Insanity. Can bo carried In Text pocket. SI per bix, for Hlit by mall prepaid. WIIIiagA order we le a written aoumntee to cure or reruna the Money. Sold by all (IrtiirirliON. Auk fiia It. tnku no ntltfr. Wrlfn fnr frflA MAdlcal Hunk amit Ri.nli-il nu. Inglulnwrauiier. AudroaNEUVBKUCO.tMaoiuTemele.CuiUAJu For sale In Oregon Clty.Ore.,byCIIAH.UAN A CO., UrugalsU. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Dlpletaa. DON'T STOP TOBACCO. How to Cure Yourself While Using t. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system ia seriously af fected, imparing health comfort and happiness. To quit suddently la too se vere a shock to the system, as' tobacco, to an invpterate user becomes a stimu lant that his system continually craveg. llaco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to bacco habit, in all its forma, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician who hag used it in his private practice since 1872, with out a failure, purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco-Cnro, it will notify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 1 0 per cent, interest. Baco-Curo is not a substi tute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad guar, antee, at (1.00 per box, three boxes, (thirty days treatment,) $2 50, or sent direct upon receipt of price, send sis TWO CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX. booklet and proofs FREE. Eureka Chemical A Manufacturing Company, Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse, Wisconsin. Big Slaughter gale ! WE MUST DO IT. ZEVZEYTHIIISrG- GOES. Sale Begins on ft at unlay, JANUARY 26th, AT 10 A. M. Sale ILasts 1 5 Days. McKITTRICK. "THE SHOEMAN." U N 8 Pullmm Sleeping Cars Elegant Tourist Dining Viws Sleeping Cms fX. VAI'l. MINNK ll'OU III 1.1 Til TO PAIDiO Oil AM) FOI'Ks lllMIKTlJ INN I'KI '. M K.N mihT BITTf.' THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO H'Ai'lllNOTOV rillCAIIKM'tlj A 1 MKW VOHK T IllltlilX Willi Hll FOiNi'ri KANT ami SOUTH. For Information, tlini) tickets, cull on ur u tile i-anls, maps mid D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE Ol' FINAL SKrn.KMKXr In the matter of the estalo of Chrlstcna Cal lahan, deceased VOTICK IS IIERRBY tllVKN THAT TH K iinilerslirne' . adnilnUlrntor of lliu eslule ol Clirlsteua Callvhaii, deecaKcn, has tiled his llnal renorl and nci-nuul as such adniMilsinitiir In Ihe county eourt of tho r.ouuty of ClHckainas. stale nf Oregon, and that Monday, Ihe 1st iliiy of April, ihili, at iu o elocK, a in., ui me eourinoiiNe In said i'ountv, litis been appointed as the time and plai-e lor the settlement of said llnal rciMirl and account and the hearing uf objection thereto. gAMUFI. K.NI.I.K. Administrator. Dated February R, lwjs llrotviicll it Dresser. Attorneys tor snld e-uuv Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tub Best Salve In the world for Cuts Druslses, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed lo give perfect satlsfacUon or money refunded. Price ee ntspcrboz. For sale by Cha imau A Co, Charman Bros ' Block. Bellmrt B's'h, court house aoft$ 00 "Mi wan A 1'ntrow " .7 60 Coi'KiKa, printing H H5 1' KeHtaurant, meals for jury 6 50 Job 11 Early, pauper 1 75 Charman A Son, " 18 80 (ieo I) Barnard, warrants 123 05 K It Alldriilge, road 1 50 Pope A Co, " 8 00 W ilson A Conke " 11 22 Jury list, district 2 7 00 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. All Free. Those who have lined Dr. K'ng'a New Discovery know Its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try It Free. Cal on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Bend your name ann address lo II. K. Bucktcn&Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life, Pills Free, u well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All ot which it guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing at Charman & Co.'s Drugstore, Charman Bros. Bloik. Free Pills. Bend your sddress to II. E. Bncklen 4 Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy In action and particularly effective In Ihe cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They arc guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular size, 'i'v per box Sold by Charman A Co., Druggists, Charman Bros. Block. IThea Baby waa skk, we gave her Caatorla. Vben she waa a Child, the cried for Castoria, When the becanw Mlaa, ah clung to Caatorla. When aha had Children, she gave them Caatorla For Ortr Fifty Tears. Aa Ou amu Wux-Taiao Bskidt. Mrs. Wia low's Soothing Syrap kaa am used fur over aft J years by millions of mothers fur their ehiMrea walla teething, with perfect snceess. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, cares wiad coin, and Is th beat remedy fur Dtarrhota. Is pleasant to the nuts. tM by Drag gists la every part of the WorM. Twenty-Set cents a bottle. Its ealae la in- Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 8tatr vs A!f'it Bengatron, insane " K t Creexy, insane .. " J Nichnlson'laiuied S5U " Kred Bourquin " I Hire, claimed SI5.13. " 1 Howard A J Burnett Imiueat of Henry Heaa. 3 7 00 , calculable. Be ann and ask for Mrs. Window's 5 00 10 00 I 9 00' Soothing Syrap, and lake aw ether kind. It ia an indisoulable fact that for more - 05 (hirJ fifty years, children, from the age of " 1 three monllia to ten years, bare oeea 8 20 benefited by Stfdman's Soothing Pow- 42 50 derm. These Powder are termed anothinsT Nulilitt's stable 33 W i because the correct mitigate, and te- K C Maddock, sheriff's 55 IB , more, disorders of he system incident to f W (Jreenmaii, rlera's 1 W ' teething. Sterling Silver Umbrella Clasps, Only 25c AT... THE IOWA JEWELER A. N. WRIGHT. Watch Repairing a Specialty. 305 Morrison St, opp. P.O., Portland NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMKNT- Notice Ib hereby uiven that tlm undtir- Bigned, executrix of the. will t.f l'eter Met, rath, ileeenscd, tint liled her account for final m ttlement in the county court of Clackiiiuas county and Blnte of Ore 2n, and that suid court has annnlmed Monday, the 4th day of March, l.Silj, at the hour uf 10 o'clock a. in., for hear inf objevtiongtogaid account and Bctl le nient thereof. Dated this Itfth day of January, lS'.lj. Mary Mciuatii, Executrix of the will of l'eter Me Gralh, deceased. Oregon Pacific Railroad Company t il AS. t'l.AIIK, ll.coilr.r, Coiiiicciina with Sir. "IIOJIKIl" beiwean Ymjulna slid San rranolsco. 4lkiinr I.. n Han Piaiiclaro February Will, March M, l.'lli, Ml and Ulst. Hiiamer li-ares Yaiiiliia Chruary Mill, March Tib I7lh and -.'(ill. Illi:lil rMvmil to eliango tailing dales without umIU-c. Kur frelithl and paumiger rales aply lo any Agent I'll. SB. S. IIKMUIVM, HO!f CO., Ns. il in II Miirkel 8lre.il, HanKraiiclsco, Cel. i UAH. ( I, AUK, deceiver, 1'urralli', Orvgnn. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION A XI) OI'I'K K Af OIIKdONOITV.OItKOOM, S'Jni ry an. Mi.,. Nmli e Is hereby (Ivenlhal tlm fiilliiH liiv nai I M-uler has llleil milhenf lilsliiti'iiilnii tniiiiilfi- Anal priHif iu support ui hla liilm. anil llialnalil proof will Ih mailo hWore IhniHi-r anil liioHvur I'. M. f.niiil Ulllc-eat ureirou i II v. uri'uiiii, nn March V, MM, vlsi J.WIKH K. ('I'llltlK, II. K, N,i. KUI7, fur the SW.'l nt Bcc. 12. Twi. S 8 , It. K. He liitincs tlit- fiilliiwllia wllncsses to pnive his c.iiitliniiiiis rcslih-iM-o imhiii anil rult. viilH'ii ui, ilil Imi'l, vis: Krul IiIih-IicI, Thus. K.iiiik. Jihi, M iu ami 11 V I'atkiir. all uf I'licrr) villi-, Ori-Ktm. uiiiii.il l A. nii.i.r.H, iteiiisivi. NOTICE l-OIJ ITULICATION. AND (II KICK AT (iltl'tiON CITY, OltKd'ON, eti.tiriii.ry I. lMl.1 Nolict-la henliy kIvuii that lie fnllou iitK-iiiiin, ,1 at tiler lias llh-il niiilce of Ills llilclltlull Iu in .kc lllilll liriHlf In Slllilmrt of Ins chtliii, ami tluii sitiil pruuf will ho niadu be uirc the It, KlXi-raml Kcciivr II, 8 l.nliil Hire nt im-iiuii t'liy,()rcuiin,oiiJliirch luih, m tit: WILLIAM W. I'dltTKIt, II. P. Nn. 7-71. fur Ihe UK. '4 uf Hit!. W,Tp. 8 8., It. A K. He Haines the 1 .HuwjiiK wllnessos to prove his i-untjiiiioiis realilciii-e iiinhi anil cultl viitlon of, until laml, rix: bainiit-1 C. Ilult'inan timl AiiilrcwJ Rrluiiamn, u( lon, Uri-Kuu. and JiiIiii '. Trary ami lieu. J. t'urrlii. of Currins ville, On-Ko'i. ltOIIKUT A. Mil. I.Kit, Register. NOI'lCE I OU ITULICATION. JAM! ul'TICK AT oltKdON CITY, OIIKI.ON, .Lniuatx :iii, Iwio. Kut-ce Is hereby ulveii that the followina-iiiiiiiiMl MHlr has llleil uutloo uf his Intention In iiinkii iliutl proof in siipiairt of his chiiiii. 11111I Unit s.iiil proof Mill he made he lure the Keiiisivr ami luci-lvcr II H. Laml olllcv at Oregon C.ly, nreuoii, nu March 27, lull.',, via: II1KI) HIIXIIKI., II K. No. 8I.VJ. fur Ihe KV. i f Heo. T. 8 ., It. .1 K He tiiiMiet lllu IhIiuwIiir witnesses to rove his e.iiiiluuoiii, rehlileiire imhiii anil oiiltl- viti Eon ol, hi i,l lii ml , tlx: Thulium A. Evans. J, imc h. Curric ami .lohii Mnsn, if Cherryvllle, Uri'Kun. ami t harli s I'liftial, of Hanily, Orefton. itiiui'.iii a. .Mll.l.r.u, Kegister. TO THE PUBLIC. All subscribers ilclin(iieiit to Ihe Coi-itiKR ai urgently rciineHted to pay their bills in order that the. accounts may be closed. Dollars, wheat, outs or potatoes taken in payment. I. LkM AI1IKL'. Notice. United States Land OHioe, OreL'nn City, Oregon, January 31, 18115 .Notice is hereby iriven that tne iniprove i pint of survey of township (I south, lanire 0 east, has heen received frem the stir veyor general ol Uregnn, antl on march 12, 18!).), at 9 o'clock a. in , of suiil (lav plat will he liled in thin cilice anil Ihe land therein embraced will be subject to entry or. and after said date Kijiikht A. Mil. i. Kit, KeuiBtcr. Petkk Paji'KT, Heceivei. FOR SALE. Eighty acres of fine (arm laml, mostly bottom, on Woodcock creek, ClnckainiiB countv. two miles from Meadow ISruok postoHice. Three acres cleared. 12 acres slashed ; good house 20x30. Price fSOO, of which 00 must be paid dowi , bal ance two years" tune, tor lurt her par ticulars cull at Courier cilice or adilreHs me at Vancouver, Wash, Mrs. Anna Taylor. R-l-P-A-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEL. Weekly Oregonian AND Oregon Courier FOK 9. Inquire nt thU Ofllce. Sl'MMONS. In tho Circuit Court t.f tlm State of Oregon, for tl County uf I'lm-kitMUM, Jiir..T ('lilt, I'li.hitlir vi Itohert J. H-'Hltlr, truitrt; It'iiittit J I km m f, Mnry a Niuir, ueortce u. (sllirhiii itiitl It U ill Iter. defenUiiiiU. jo Itntitrt J. Iltnltio, trtintiw; H.Mrt J Ilea It If, Mttry A Smile, UcorK" . (iibtun auu U. ii, MIIIit. dt'ftudHiit.H nUtvu iimiiuhI . N T1IK NAMti OK TIIK HTATK OV OIIKOOV, ymi iihd t'ui h uf you Hit) lii'wlrv nutlitnl huiI riMiiin-il U iiij'Hr tunl uwr lit- ciiiiluliit bniii, niiw nu tile in lliu uIIU'h of Hie clerk of the altova phi it ltd court, on or uefi.ro tho l.'itli tiny of April. ihtt.V tM'ltiic tlit tirst iliiy of tliu term of Haiti court Willi li Mill lie helil next ti.lluwllig tlm Xirution of ttiu Unit reM'rilK! In the order of wtiii Cuurt fur the ftervirij uii you of tlm mi mhioiii herein by pub. 1 1 mt Ion, mill yi'ii Hiiti emli of you tire hereby nu titled thut Ifyuii or either tt juu tall to appear nd Hiinwer Miid coin plaint Hkabove retjiilreil, pluintitT will upply to lllu court for the n-lief deiuauded in MiHlcoiiipliiiut mill will tk juilitii.eiit KK'tlnst. y u, hihI fuch ol you hen In, iih pni.VHl lor therein. Tlx: For h dec iee timl ilitihiifl Intvo huiI recover of mid from deffiiilttiii, Itohert J.J It. at tie, truatee. and of imd trtm eat h and nil of naiil (lel'eniiniiU, on certain pr llisHr-ii t foi tTlH) mailt1 by nid Jtobert J . Itetitlic, t Ui-lee, t ii ,lunt Mil, lM.ll, heiirlriK iutemt nt h pi r cent per aiiiium paynhle to plHiutilf, on wlilrlt Interest Jini been pit ill, amloti a uiortgaK Klveii l.y tii id Hubert J. Inutile, trustee, on tha ttillowiiig detHrihtHt property, alt tinted iu Cluckmnaa enmity. Oregon, towit; ii'iiiniiiK at thu aoutli ciit cttrner of the wetsl Imlf uf the Bant hit If of M-ction 2, township 2 aoutli. range 2 eaut, runuitiK tht'iice went tmciuK the nouth line of tmld Kcctioii O. IS clmitiR to the iiinrter section corner on the Mouth Hue of mid xertlon; thence north tntclng; Dip wert lin of the etut half of will section lUchalna: thence eitt on H lute pitrttllel with tile south line of wtiii Mt'tton lu.uy ciixini to a int efjuimHtant from thu cast lino and the west line of said west hall of ihe eii-Ht half of rnil ttvctloii. thence north In chilli i to a eiUiMlintuitt from the east line and the wot linof Mtid went half of the east half of said wectioti; thfuce etut on a line parallel with the south line of mud m cllon 10 im chains to the east line of Miid went half of the eit-t half f wild seotiulli (hence south eh ui nn tutlie place of licglnnliift;, conUlnins; ;tn li1 acrc.o. nn' m or len.4. navo and accept a strip of land 12 H'Ol wide till' the etiHt side of mild tract of land, ituda atrip of land 12 feet wide off the west side uf that portion of Miid tract which Inn for Its west boundary the weat line of wild weat half of tho east half of Nil i section, fur public row I purposes, to Miure tlm hi i me, the alt in of 3.'i and intereKt thereon from thin ilnte antl 0175 attorney's fee and Co) and iliribiiraeiiieuta herein; for a decree fore td i is in if said niortirHjie ami ordering; tald mortgaged propel ty to be Mtl und the proceetls applied to the pii.vineiit of expeiiMn of hule, Costa, disbursements) and nitnrney'ft fee herein and of suiil promissory note, and ulo for a decree that tile above named iletViidioiiFt mid eHcli of thi'in Mnd all persona claiming by, throtitih or under them, or either of llieiu. Hulmeijuetit to the execution of said mortgage, he barred itnd fortHihwd of all claim, Interest, right, title, Hen or equity of redemption save only the Btattitury riKlit t.i ri'deemliiif, on or to said raort Knifed prcini-eH or any prt tliercoi, and for such otheriiuil tuither relief as to the court thall seeio meet and ciui(a'c. 'I he service of this summons upon you by puhll eati'-n is made puntmtnt to an order mule by the Jmlpeuf the uhiiYft entitled court on the 7th day of January, IWiV ' J A STOIinAltD, Attorney for Plaintiff. Pitted .fuiiunry 7, Portland, Oregon . SIMX'IAL CORrOKATK MEETING. rmiKKE WILL UK A 8FKCIAL CORPORATE - ineetiiiff ol the members of the Wlllumotte Sn vIiik.4 niul I, nun Avsoeintioii nt their otlloe Tiiesduy, Kebnmry 10th, lhy.r nt 7::tU p. m , for the purpose f nominating directors and nudltors for tho ensuing year, and to elect tellers to net at the nniiiml corporate mcelinfr. By order of K. G. (.'Al'lKI.D. FreBldent. Attest: HKKMAN K. Jt)N KS, Secretary. Oregou City, Ore., February 8th, 1606. Ripnns Tubules : ono Kivos relief. KiuaiiK Tahulcs assist tiigoatiOD. Ripiitis i'ahulcs cure bil.ousneHt. SPRING 1895. 71 Tlie Be Silks t Quality India in all shades, Figured India very new, . . . Dimity, English Percales, colors, fast 40c Yard 15c Yard Yard Outing Flannels, handsome line, very Ladies Sack Kid Gloves, regular price $1 5000 Yards trimmings,, Silk, gimp From 6c up 75c Pair 5c Yard CASH PRICES. I fin Buys 20 lbs. rice, 28 pounds white beans, 19 lbs. dry (J) I UU granulated sugar, 20 lbs. extra C, 20 lbs. prunes, plums or apples, 10 lbs. good lard, 10 lbs. clrv salt meat, 18 yds. Cabot V, 20 yds. outing flannel, and in shoes $1 buys I pair good oxfords, usually $f.45, and ladies solid coarse button shoes, usually $1.50. Another shipment ladies' Dongola shoes, patent tip, great value for $i.?o. Broken lots ladies' and misses' shoes at cost or less, baby shoes 25c up; boys' plows, warranted, $1.25; mens' warranted plows, $1.35 up; ladies' heavy slippers cut to 45c. Steel wire nails, 6 and 8 penny, $2.50 keg or 33 lbs. $1; 10 to 20 penny, $2.25 keg or 40 lbs. $1; 30 to 60 penny, $2 keg or 45 lbs. $1. Reductions in Every Department. RED FRONT, Oregon City. RUDOLPH GOLDSMITH, 151 3d st, Portland, Oregon. "tend for Samples. DON'T STOP TOBACCO IfS IXJCHIOCS TO STOP SV DDES LY nil duii't lie imposed upon y buying a n-me'ly ll Ht requires yiu to do go, aa it i MDtliini; n f re than a .iihxtitute. In the nddfii Mi 1 )ii'e of tdl aero you must have me ."(in t.lm.t. and in n ost all rases, (lie flVet uf the ctininliint, be il opium, nior phine, or other opiates, li vi a lar worse tiat.it con tacted. Ak vour drueirist hIi. 111 BAC0 CUR0 It is purely vegetable. You do not hove to .top tiir.f to I ico wiih BACO-CURO. It will notify yon when to stop and tour desire for tobarro will cease Your system will he aa free from nicotine a the day before you took your lirKt c'lew'or srn..ke. An iron clad wiitten Kiiarantee to absolutely cure the ti.b.it-cn habit in all its form., or money refunded. Price $1 per box or .1 boxes (30 days treatment and guaranteed cure) t'2.5K For Ie by all driisr-.'isis or w ill be sent by mail upon receipt of price Send six two-cent stamps f r sample box. Booklela and proofs free. Kl'REKA CHEMICAL A Ji'FU lO , La dosse, Wis. Offlr of THE PIONEER PRESS I OMPASV. C. W HnaMra, Suot. M. i'.ui, Mn:n., dept. 7, 11. Etirrka Chemlr.1 M't'g Co.. I.a rrn-. Wis. Ih-st Hir. I have been s ub4C'. fien.l f.-r msnv vir, at .lurina the past two year. I.r. smoked fifteen tn Iwenle rirar. reaiiUrljr eTtry l ir My wh.ile tifrvMis srstni became .(TecU'd. nnlH my pliyiri.n lolit me I rnn.c se. up tli nf t'.h.n fur the time beiti:. at k.L I thel the .w.lkl 4'Keely'nre." 'N.t-T .-B." an-1 srinim other remedies, bnt without otilil 1 srcldptty !.rie! of ntir -BufwWuro." Three weks meo to.y I ronsi.ler mv.t ci.mpletely ntreil: I am in p-ri.-et hIth. snl th h"fTih cr.rina for tibai whi' h every inretersle smoker 1'ilU t.pr.' i le. hs. eomt.letely left aoe. 1 con sider your "Btco-fwro" simply wond-rtir, .ml e in f'lllv ret-ommen-l it. Yours rry tally, c W. BOSMCK.