' V, Cltv T-lhrary OREGON COURIER, OREGON CITY. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. bllEGON. FRIDAY. FEBKUAItY 8. 18W. NO. 40. vol. xn. LUXURY... It is to rtcline atease on one of our ill' berb couches. Blum her comes unsoujrh unnVrsuch deliitlitrul condition. 1'ievea ol fiirnliure like (lien are aa plenRant to luok on ai they are to lie on, and tbl fact makes tlirin an IrreMstible temptation to repose. Our enllie atock la packed lull i f temp'ailona lor tbat matter, tempta tloua in parlor and bedroom suites and evt-ry kind of furniture, and uiipnce- deiiteo temptations in price. Dome peo ple are al ays quoting from Homebody, but our favorite quotations are Names like tuese: B ugle lounRe. 4 anu up ward.: Med 1 .unites. Ill and upwards; Couches, ill and upwards. Every artiole in our store at sucu low prices. BF.LIOMY & BUSCH - OREGON CITY 15 YEARS IN OREGON TUE OLD ST. LOUIS , .Medical and Surgical Dispensary. Thi. la the oldest Private Medical Dlspeneary In the city of Portland, the first Medical Die petmnry ever alerted is thia city. Dr. Keaaler, the old reliable apeclalist, ha. been the general manager of Mil. Institution for twelve years, during which time thounsnds of ea.ee have been cured, and no poor man or woman waa ever refined treatment because they had no money, Tho Bt. Louis Diapeuaary baa thou. anud of dollar. In money aud property, and la able financially to make ita word good. The St. I.oui. Dl.penarry has a etaff of the bent l'hy.iciana aud Surgeon. In the country, all men of experience. A complete aet of Sur gical hi.triiiiienia on hand. The beat Klectric Appnratua In the country, both French and American. Tliclr apparatua for analyzing the urine lor kidney and bladder diaeaaea, are per feet aud the very latest. No difference what doctora have treated you, don't be discouraged. but go and have a talk with them. It co.ta you nothing for consultation, beaidea you will be treated kindly. Persons. re calling at the St. Louis Dispensary, every day, who have been treated by aume advertising qnacka of thia city and received no benefit. Thia old dispensary is the only one in the city thnt can give referencea among the bualnesaiueuandbaukeraaa to their tommercial atnndiug. CaThey positively guarantee to cure any and all Private Diseases la every form and atage without loss of time .from your work or business. Cured by an old German remedy. Thia remedy was .em lo Dr. KeHslera few niontlia ago liy a triend attending medical college in Rerliu. It haa never failed, and we guarantee it. Kidney and Urinary Complaints. .'niuful, dillicult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnntnral disclmrKefl, carefully tr t ated mid perniiinently cured. Piles, rheum nliMit mid ueuralKia treated by our uew reme dies and cures guaranteed. fllrl Cnroc Ulcers, Cancers. Etc., cured, no UIU OUlud difference how long affected. DwU,nn nioitnAKA These doctors ffuar- nildlC UloCdoCO.nntce to cure any case of Syphilis, I oiiu r haa, (Jteet, Stricture cured no dilfereiice how long stnndiufr. Snerinator rluea, I.ohb of Manhood, or NiKhtly hmiHstoiis, cured permanently. The habit of Self Abuse effectually cured iu a snort time. I Your errors and follies of youth cau be remedied, and these old doctors will Rive you wholesome ad vice and cure you make you perfectly strong and healthy.- Vou will be an tared at their sue cm in curing Sikkmatokkiuka, Skminal Los bi:h. Nightly Kmihsionh. and other effects. BTK1CTURK No cuttiug, paiu or stretching uulemt uecesHary. READ THIS. Tnkea clean boltleat bedtime aud urinate In tin buttle, set aside and look at it in the morn Iiik. if it in cloudy, or hit a cloudy settling iu U you have some kidney or bladder disease. Man nr fllrl Suffering from Nna- Young Men i these old doctors IUUIIK mCli Ul UIU VOUH UK1I1LITV. lost Vailing Manhood. I'hysical Kxcesses, Mental Worry, Stunted Development, or any personal weak u ens, enn be restored to Fkhfkct 11 kali h and the Noblr Vitality ok Stkono Mkn, the Pride and Power of Nations, we claim by veiirs of practice by our exclusive methods a 11 u i for in "Monopoly of Success," in treating all diseasej, weaknesses aud afflictions of men. FEMALE DISEASES ffrKK S Prostration, Keumle Weakness, J,eucorrho;a and (.eiienil Debility, and Woru Out Women speedily brought to enjoy life again. Call or write particulars of your case. Home treaty meut furnished by writing ui particulars. All leiiers siriciiy conpocnaiL v , 1 MKDICINK furnished free In all Private and Chronic diseases. Consultation tree, iu private rooms, where you only see the doctors. 1W TAPE WORMS (Samples of which can be seen at their office, ironi 13 10 50 leei luugj icmuvcu in 34 nours. Heart Disease .A.,.,?or.rurcer,""int ,D OUT OF TOWN PA HUNTS, write Tor que tion blank and Iree diainois of your trouble, enclosing alampa fur answer. CATARRH AND PILES. MjTWe eunrantee to cure any case of Catarrh or Piles. Don't be afraid to trj because so many remedies have failed. Treated with our own remedies. Address with stamp, ST. LOUIS DISPENSARY, WX YAMHILL STKEKT. COK. SECOND. l"JKTLA.D, OREGON. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF TUB fcOUTHEUK PACIFIC CO. Ar I 8:10 A. I Lv 7.1UA.1 Express I'raiua Leave Portland Daily South. ! I Korlli 6lh "p. u7 1 l.v Portland 7.i,:. u I I fir..LM,n Cltv lu.4ia.a. I Ar Ban rraiieiaeu t,v uu r. a f iieabnve trains slop at all staliona from 1'oilluiiil to Albany Inclusive, ImiibwiI, Shedds. tlalaey, lliirrinuiirK, Juiicligu City, Irving-, fcu Kuue and 11 11 station. Iruui Koscburg to Asu ami inclusive. KOdEUUllU MAIL iMii.Y. 8:30a. m. , I.v 9:111 A.M. Lv 5:50 P. h. I Ar Portland Ar Oregon City l.v Riiseburg l.v 4 :. H:2tir.a 7 .00. a DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Tralna. Wetgle Mivlaloli, Between POltil.A.NO and COHVALLlB XAIl.TKAIN DAILY tax C'KKl BUN DA V.) 7:0A.M. 12:15 P.M. Lv Ar Portland Arj 5:36 P.M. Uorvallis Lv 1 1:00 P. M. "At Albany and (,'orvalila connect with trail. olOregon Paid He Railroad. SXPBKSB TRAIN DAII.Y(XCITSUNDY.I 4: 10 P. M. 7.2SP. M. I Ar Portland McMlnnvllle Ar I 8:2ft A. to I,Y SrfOA.M TIIKOUGH TICKETS TO AM. POINTa IN TIIK EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE Can he obtained at the lowest ratea from I.. !. NOOK R, Aa-ent, Oregon City R. KOEHLKR. E. P. ROGER8, Manager, est. O. F. A P. Aaeni Portland, Or. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL ,j::::wxm dictionary A GrtHd hJtmtr. Succes$orofllie " tnabridged.' Standard nf the V. 8. Gov't Print ing; OfTii-e. the 1 .8. BuuremeCourtand of nearly all the Bcnnnltionke. Warmly com mended by every State Bu-erinten-dent of Boboola, and other Educa tor almost with out number. A College Preaident write : "For " eue with which ih eye find the " word .ought, tor accuracy of dcflnl "tlon, for effectlTai methoda In indi " eating pronunciation, for tereo yet " comnrehenalra etntcmeliU of facta. "and for praetleaJ naa aa a working "dictionary, Webater'e IntcraMtlonmt' " ramie any other .ingle Tolaane." The One Great Standard AnthnHtr- - . J. Rf..r. Jnsfiee of the V. S. Supreme t'.rt. write ; - The Intcrnatiioal lnti.tnsnr I. th rrfertion of dirtionartefl. I rommrmt it to all aa the one great etand- aruautbonty. ryA aaTlnc of thrr emta per fffy for a rear will provfcle more than enough money to pnrrtukw a copy of the ImemationaL laa yon atrora to be witnoat 1:7 G.Jb C. MEKRIAM CO, PvhllMbm. SpnatMd, Mama, I nwatwl to The enMHi. 1. fnr fiM wwiiiVt. wr 1 m har etear irna. M aaogtulittma .w.lw' Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, AH Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Muatang Liniment conquer! Pain, Makes riaa mt Beast well again. MEMBERS OF HOUSE. Life-Like Pictures of Thirty Oregon Representatives. THEY EECEIVED YOUR VOTES J. T. HKIDOKH. J. T. Bridges, Representative from Don ulna county, waa born in California in IH07. In 1870 hii parent moved to Oregon and lettled in Douglas county, where Mr. Bridge has since made his Here lie lias continued Ma profusion of teaching until elected U the prevent Legialature. t. a. cook. T. K. Coon, Joint Representative from Sherman and Wasco counties, was bom In the Waldo Hills near Balent in 1H64. After receiving an education from the public schools and Willamette Universi ty he taught school in a number ol places in Washington and Oregon until 18H.', when he moved to Hood Kiver, where he has since devoted his time to fruit-growing. Mr. Coon is now Presi dent of the llood Kiver Frolt-growers' Union. As a member of the House of Representatives In 1803 he was active In securing legislation in agricultural and horticultural matters. Mr. Coon is Republican. 0. d. iturrMA.H. ' C. D. Huffman, Representative from Union county, was born in Portland In AflAr manv parlv vlciaaltlllleS. at the age of 16 he went to Monmouth for an education, which he was compelled glaia In 1811ft. He mine to Oregon in and has since resided in Wallowa eoonly. Alter teach I ng school for sev eral years .Mr. Kurleigli commenced the pill'liiation of The Aurora, a I'opnlist pafier, in lHICI, of which he Is still editor and manager. He was formerly a Re publican, but became a I'opnlist in 181)1, ad lias since affiliated with that part. T ' DAVID I'RAIO, David Craig, Representative from Ma rion county, waa horn in Toronto, Out., In 1X52. In 187S Mr. Craig moved to Or egon, and has since lived in the Waldo Hills near Macleay, where he is engaged la diversified fanning and the breeding of blooded stock. Mr. Craig savs of him self that he has been a Republican since railing " Uncle Tom's Cabin " and hear ing of the assassination of Abraham Lin coln when a bov. '.' 1. L. CALVKHT. " 4. L. Calvert, Representative from Ma rliin county, wns born in the adjoining ootinty of Clackamas in 185(1. .Mr. Cal vert's early life was chiefly spent on a farm, and his education was derived from 1801. He has been self-supporting from the age of 14. After temporary reai dence In several Western States Mr. Hope settled in the Malheur Valley in iuu'j I,.m t.A .n, tila tirntlme ara nnw I (.!, WIICIU .ii. Wfiv. ' - engaged in the merchandise business and also Interested in farming ana siqck raining. This Is Mr. Hope's initiation to public life. By political faith he is a Republican. CLAHKNCK COI.R. PLmnM P,.l.i yin A tt fhA TTlPmlwr. from Multnomah county, was twrn in ll..i, V V InnnU 1HKH. Ilia rjAr. ents moved to Michigan the same year anu sciueu on a larui, wnere ua m brought np. He was educated at the mil.),., u.linnla In PliarlnttA. Mich., and at the Normal School in Valparaiso, Ind. lie reaa law inree years ai umuu IJail,U . n.l HLa. aitmlttA.! in tllA hnr in 1880, and began practice in Portland, Mich. He continued a successful and lnrratlvA nraj.tirA llir five veara until int,mul l.v ill lioallh Mr tfnl. nma tn Oregon in 1888, and settled in Portland in 188U. Soon alter oe was appointeu ' To-day we visited the railroad yards, and were Informed by the agent that the twelve cars loaded with supplies for the destitute were in the Burlington & Missouri Kiver yards, and about three carloads were in the Ireight depot, be sides what waa, then stored in ware houses. We proceeded to a building belonging to the BuckstalT Bros. There we found Irom statements made by the persons in charge of said building sixty cars of supplies, which the men in charge said had been there from one to two weeks. The supplies were com posed of Hour, wheat, corn, oata, corn meal, beans, potatoes, kraut and a large amount of groceries and clothing. The potatoes, about one carload, were frozen hard. The kraut was in barrels, some oi which were buret and leaking badly We were informed that one carload had been shipped out of this warehouse on January 30. We then visited another warehouse, owned by Kendall & Hmith, TiiArA va found two carloads of supplies, mnatlv clnthinir. a few Quarters of fresh beef, iinsalted and packed with other supplies, This lot showed plainly that "As old as thehill"and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the -m n w """AirTmw ...." u t .a ass i'-wnh a Reproduced specially for this paper by American Typt Founder's Co., Portland, Or. THIRTY MEMBERS OF THE OREGON HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To CONSUMPTIVES la ondenirned hating ben tr-torfd to braith by .imple mean. aftr atinVrinf for wrrral Tar with ae.ere lune afreetlon. and that dread dia Ci.iaiaBpl.B. i aniKin. to take mown to hi. Wlow mlfffm th amna of eure. To thofe who deaire it, he will eher fullTwnd (frrof rh.r, a rmijof iheprwrtp tton owl. whirh they will Snd a .ure rare for row.aanwtloA. A.thn., Catarrh:. R ntmrht tl. and all throat Inns: Maladira. He bosr all tnfrim will try hi. remedy, a. it is InT.laahl-. Thow doirinf the presrriptioD, whtrh will mat then nothing, aod auiy prove a bleating, will plraae addreaa. Re. Edwir A. WiltM, Brsoklys, N. Y. home. Since 1887 he has been engaged in the mercantile business at Drain, and now classed among the prominent merchants of Southern Oregon. By po litical affiliation Mr. Bridges is a Repub lican. OEOBOE W. DUNN. George W. Dunn, Representative from Jackson county, waa born in 1864. He is a native son and life-long resident of Jackson county, and, therefore, eminent ly adapted to representing it in the Leg islature. In politics Mr. Dunn is a Re publican. H. V. GATES. Representative H. V. Gates of Wash ington county was born in Ixwell, Mass., : to, a 1 . i .1 . I.. .In.ll&l n I ir i I 111 lOtQ. a . All A, 1 c.'i'.i w. v. . .. i engineering, and was in the railway ser-, vice twenty years. He served three years with the r-izth Iowa Cavalry in i the late war. lie came to Uregon in 1881, and for several veara resided at Ilillsboro, where he is largely interested in electric light and water plants. He is also interested in similar plants in other ritiea. He promises to be a useful mem ber. t. J. cLirros. T. J. Cleeton. Representative from Colombia county, was born in Missouri in 18tU. His early life was fall of strug gle for an education, and at the age of 18 be was able to teach school. Alter holding several public office of a scho lastic character in Missouri and Kansas Mr. Cleeton came to Oregon in 18UL. to work for. Later Mr. Huffman taught school, and has been engaged at inter vals at this profession since completing his edncation. Mr. Huffman waselected to the legislative assembly as a Populist from Marion county, where he has been engaged in farming since 1890. I. HOFEB. E. Hofer, Representative from Marion county, is editor of the Salem Capital Journal. Mr. Holer's ea-ly life was full of struggles, and his education has been largely acquired in the school of experi ence. He was born in Iowa in 1854. His life since 1876 has been devoted to jour nalism, and although admitted to the bar, he has never practiced law. Before coming to O egon in 1889 Mr. Hofer was Secretary of the Iowa Senate for two terms. He favors economy and simplic ity in public affairs and a strict surveil lance of the relations between the gov ernment and corporations. w. I. BCBKE. W. E. Burke, Representative from Multnomah county, was born in Clarke county, Wash., in 1806, and removed to East Portland with bis parents in 18H. His edncation was received at the Will amette University in Salem. Mr. Burke is a firm believer in the fotare of this Bute, which be has proved by investing in land in several counties. In politics Mr. Burke ia a Republican. J. A. BCBLEIOH. J. A. Burleigh, Representative from Wallowa county, was born in West Vir- the public schools. He has been engaged in the drug business at Hubbard for the past fifteen years, and was postmaster at that town for five years preceding 18114. VIHOIL CONW. Virgil Conn, . Representative from Union county, came to Oregon with his family at the age of 7, settling first in Douglas county. His early edncation was acquired at the Willamette Univer sity, and has resided in Oregon over forty years. On graduating he aban doned the study of law, and has engaged in mercantile pursuits since 1808. Mr. Conn., removed to Paisley, Lake countv, in 1882. He has always been a Repub lican, and was elected Representative against Bernard Daly, a mem her of the last House, in a Democratic district. THOMAS BUCKHAK. Thomas Buck man, Representative from Coos county, was born in Ohio in WM. His parents moved to Indiana while he was a child, and there he grew to manhood. At the age of 25 Mr. Buck man came to Oregon, and alter tempting fortune in Idaho and residing at several points in Oregon moved to Coos Bay in IM'JO, and now lives near MarshHeld. Mr. Bnckman, formerly a Republican, now affiliates with the Populists. His life bas always been that of a farmer. I. w. ROPE. I. W. Hope, Representative from Mal heur county, was born in Wisconsin in i.. T w Pittunimr Denntv Police Judize of the then city of Albina. He served two years as Deputy District Attorney nnder Thomas A. Stephens and two years in the same position under W. T. Hume. Mr. Cole has never been any thing but a Republican. He has a nice home in Albina and a wife and two children. He is an Odd Fellow and Woodman. Mr. Cole is unqualifiedly for free bridges for Portland and free silver for Americans. NEBRASKA'S SUFFERERS. I'lenty of ProTlalons, but Thy Ara Not Properly Ilia rlbuted. LiNcoi.it, Xeb., February 8. The Leg islature has been compelled to recogniie the complaints from all parts of the State of the inactivity of the State Re lief Commission to distribute aid to the destitute, and is expected to take meas ures at once to reorganize the commis sion. The commission bas made little progress in distributing food, fuel and clothing. The fo.lowing report of a committee, com posed of Captain W. H. Hunter and Dr. 8. 8. Sadler, of Alma, Neb., to the Legislature, is a sample of the way the substance contributed is being loat: the proper care and attention was not tlmm. We were informed by the Burlington A Missouri River agent that no more free billing could be had of his company, but, on visiting the Union Pacific depot we found that company loading supplies on free billing orders, and that there was then in possession of the Union Pacific one carload of sup plies on track in their yards, and from statements made to us by those in charge we found seventy-seven carloads in the hands of the Burlington A Mis souri River Company. The pirties in charge stated that their company was ready and willing to ship these supplies whenever ordered to do so by 1 P. Ludden, and with these unprecedented circumstances existing, hand reds of ap peals are arriving from the West daily, many written in the mo t heartrending language, asking in the name of Gou and suffering humanity that provision may speedily reach them." Muat Wall Two Veara. Viesxa, February 5. King Alexander of Bervia bas proposed marriage to Princess Syblle of Hesse. Tbe Princees parents promised to consider the propo sition two years hence provided Alex ander ia then willing. afar Eartbaak tat Italy. Rome, February (.Earthquakes were felt tnis morning in Genoa, Piacenna, Pavia and several other cities. j-x iaior is me -V?zJlonly Liver jLJl'l'I'ksl and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your CTJ faith for a 1 Id CI tl n t 'laia- ' tive, ' and " purely veg etable, act-f-'l C on tne Liver J. ft fO an(i Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Towder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medlclnea. "1 have tiaed yourKlmmotia I.tverllf Ro tator and ntn coiiKi'leiitlniiKly say It lathe king of all liver meillrliii'.. I wimldrr It a medicine client In llnelf. Jei. W. Jack Son, Taoomu, Wuelilutjton. "-EVERY PACKAGE- aa tho Z Stamp In rod on wrapper ffei fait a a i This extra ordtuary Be JuvenatOT la the most wonderful dlaoovery of the age. It bas been en dorsed by tbe men of Europe and America, Hodjas fa GST TO8a- Huiyaa stops PTtmiiuraiiess of the dis charge 1 USSOOD snsss f die- f In 20 f Coras I IT 00D ii Constipation, iJiiilooai, Falling gen-" satioria. Nerv ous twitching of tbs eyes and other paita. Strengthens, Invigorates and tones the entire ayitem. Hudiaa cures Debility, Nerrooaneu, Emissions, anddevetorxa ana. restores weat organs. Paws la the baek. loins by day or nlhtstopped ly..rrtrflNf.. 1 4 WW' qnlcklr. Over 2,000 private endorsements, Prematurenees means lmDOtency In the flnt stage. It la a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness It can be stopped In 10 days by IheuaeofHudyan. The new discovery waa made by the Special lata of the old famous Hudson MsaieaJ laiUtat. It Is the strongest vltauser made. It Is very powerful, but barmleta. Bold for 11.00 a pack age ort packages for W.O0 (plain sealed boxes). Written guarantee gtren for a cure. If yon buy six boxes and are not entirely eu red, six mors will be aeot to you free of all ohargea. Bend for clrculanend testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, loaetton Stockton, market V Ellis 8 la. an rraneiaco. vsu. m LtMATSJRADElRKs COPYRIGHTS. CAM I OBTAIW A PATENT f Tor a Srompt aniwer and an honeat opinion, write to 1 1) N N A- CM., who have bad nearly sity year.' experience In the patent imaineas. Cooimonlcav. tlniu .trlctly confidential. A llaadb.olt of In formation oonoerolna Patents and bow to ob tain them aent free. AIM a catalogue of auwhao loal and Mlentlne book. Mnt free. Fet.nts taken through Vtunn A Co. reserve apeolal notion in the MrlentlAo American, and Urn. are brought widely before the pul'llo with, out orwt to the Inventor. Thia aplendld paper Imuea weekly, elegantly iiiunrateu, oa or iji wi. 17V in iu a. lantert circulation of any eolentll Worn Bu llriil Dlatna. In eolora. and houMa. with Diana, enabling tmtamt Anaiirna and mmiuta oontranta. MUMN CO. Uxw Youa, 3x Bhoauwat. world. S3 a year. Sample on pie. sent free. Bnlldlnx edition, mootniy, wium year. Bingw eoplea.'J.loenta. Every number eontaina Daau- ihotoaraDb. of new luilden to .bow the leelgn. and secure contract.. Aaurea. Job Printing at the Courier Office. n R & N CO. mW m m mm sseaaj m m m E. McNEIL, Kecelver. TO THE EAST GIVF.8 THE CHOICE OK TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL IR,OU T E S VIA GREAT NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL VIA UNION PACIFIC RY. DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO AIL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLANO EVERY 5 DAYS . FOR... SAN FRANCISCO For fall details call on or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen'l Pass. Apent. . PokTL.xo, Oa. For Children Cutting ih$w Tth. IN USE OVER FIFTY YEAKX Meoe fi Hmt tntmt tit. C mux aaet aiaaawai tlt t tta nmrtaMa " tax.