Oregon Courier. A. W. CIIEXEY. CITY OFFICIAL PAPKBi Riilcrod lh c Orron Cltr poatofflraaaaeforid UN it! ATF.8. Unlqut Experlenoet. Ltat Tuesday evening an Interoittlng nd enllnwlastlc company of MoIIiocIIhU met In the lecture room of tlie M. K. church to toll their experience! In earn ing a dollar. There were many and varied experience recited, canning oc casional burnti of lauichter. One declared alio had dyed fur her dollar; painting, miming, wanliin, put ting up lunchea, blacking ahooa, brim COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. 0. W. Klnnaird Appointed Roadnuster Jury List tor 1895 Drawn, eJUtWUHIlTJON avt aa ."IV' . 1 oc '"8 cloHe. fetching milk, Milling eggi Three monthi.... clerking, oiling oil cap and coat, aaviu mThitiionioiit roiir addrtu on the car fare, cloanlng and ai lling chicken naner denolci the time to which you hav paid aelling pumpklna, knitting mitten, Correapondenti wanted la all partf of the eountr; liberal lnducmnUj writ lor particu lar!. L. P. rubor, newspaper advertlalni f ent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Ban Francisco, li our authorised ageat. Thli piper li aepl on main bli office. knitting aocka, gelling bread, doing without thlnin which were thought be neceaaaiy j ono dollar waa earned by hard knock; while not a cw had slipped easily along by idling empty lard buckets or making douiilinula walking a mile on an errand (or 10 cents, 20 cents' worth of (rood resolution. Ono dear old lady, 82 year old, had mu auilt block and aold them at 6 cents 4ar.li iliA l.nva olirllKP tlinlll In tl I'BHIDKNT John MCBriae WO occasion r A III Rrwlntvi 10 rnl elvim on .... - . I It-- - to aay in mi inaugural auureaa w Tt.i.LBivintf iuv. ilinv llvr iioiIhIi. believed organised labor would go into I cleanlna and soiling empty physic hot pontic ana nominate a canuumw 'M teg( empty 0il cans. Uklng a note to the the presidency in 1896. This is proof ..... ln,Hnt. tr ilmlina out who tbat Mr. McBride intend to use the SanU ru, vnnillaiin a room for . .. . .. .. II,!.. I ' " organisation lo lurtner nia own arauuion two cel g(J,n pCelli9 monding old OREGON CITY, JAN. 18, 1895. in the political fiel Tin probabilities are that a general miner' strike will be Inaugurated next month. The National Miners' Associa tion will meet at Columbus at that time and it ia understood a strike will be ordered. As 150,000 anthracite miners have joined the organization the strike will be greater than that of last year. clothes ; Bve or six gave a dollar Mrs. Trice delimited the audience with one of her amuaing recitations. The stormy weather prevented ninny from being present. Mrs. U. Sykks, The effort is making to fill the yawn ing gap between revenue and expenses. Congressman Money, of Mississippi, baa introduced a bill to Increase the tax on beer from $1 a barrel to $2 a barrel. Before doing so be made canvass of the ways and means committee, and expresses confidence in early and favorable committee action. Another bill is to be introduced shortly Increas ing the tax on manufactured tobacco f rem 6 cents to 10 cents per pound. Communication. Editor Courier: As considerable interest Is being manifested In regard to the road (Ues tion would It not be a good Idea create a little excitement through the columns of this paper In relerence the various ways in which our tervtintn appropriate tho peoples' hard earned money. To "start the ball a rolling' I would say, "None of the people's monev for secretarious purposes. Let each county build (heir own roads; no appropriation from the state, and let each low passed stand on its own merits no compromise you help me to get tins law passed and 1 will help you. fliow who conies next? K. THE LEGISLATURE. Tin county court (Judge Hayes dis senting) bas refused to pay the bill of Sheriff Maddock for actual expense In- Now that the Oregon legislature is in session everybody wilj want to read I . . 1 - . t .1 - !. .1 .nrrwl h. him In .ntn. nnt tn Wilholl newspaper pnilteu 81 Daiem, me capuui to trv to r.t th. m,.rdrr M J.m They will want a paper that gives all M. Brown, who was murdered in such cold-blooded maner about two week ago. It was the opinion of the commis sioners that he should pay bis own actual expenses (not mileage) out of his salary, In this case his salary for tho day he spent in the country was 10.00, and bis actual expenses wero $6.60. If the sheriff does not look after the criminals who will do it? The rest. dents of that locality want detectives sent out to investigate. Detectives cost $8 per day. Can the sheriff afford to pay this. In addition to the 1300 reward offerd by the county, private subscription have raised the amou nt to about f 460. the news. The Statesman is just such a paper bright, spicy, active, energetic well edited. It reports the proceedings in detail every day, not overlooking a single item in either house. Your senators and re' presentatlves were elected on a stated platform, pledged to carry out certnin policies of reform, iou will want watch their course in the legislature and see whether or not they remained true to their pledges. The Statesman will give you all of this and more, too for it is a newspaper in every sense of the word and every day of the week The daily Is 50c a month. The big 13 page Weekly is (2 a year three month 50c. Address all communications and make all money payable to Statesman REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- Furnished Every Week by the Clackamas Abitraot & Trust Company. Tub freezing of the Florida orange crop Is a commercial disaster whose Publishing Co., Salem, Or, effects will be more generally felt than almost any other which could tall on so limited an area. The United States ob tain almost half its supply of this de licious fruit from Florida. The Havana crop is marketed before Florida oranges are gathered, and Sicilian and Mediter ranean oranges have been gradually driven out of the market by the prod' ucts of California and the South. The California crop is equally large, and of fine quality, but California oranges ma ture later and are not handled till the others arrout of the way. As It is now the California crop will go East, and the Atlantic coast and the South will be supplied from the Mediterranean groves. The damage is- so great that it has already affected prices seriously,' but H Bryant & wf to Henry Miley, the se M of see 24, in t 2 s, r 4 e, containing too as; iiooo. Henry Miley and wl tori Dryant, mi of lot 5 in blk 12J. Oregon City; 11000. E V JSIIiotte & wf to J A Hiick all ol blk 21 of Clackamas Heights; $1800. M t & t Keed to W 11 Summers, part of the sw 4 of the nw of sec 9, in t 4 s, r a e, as ; J.iOU United states to Unas Usuom. the nw i of section 27 in t 2 , r 7 e, containing D W Crowley and wf to W A Cleland, lots 3, 4, 8 and U, In Atkinson ; ft. G and K Taylor to Peter laylor, the ne'i of the nw 'i of sec 30, in 1 5 s, r 1 e, also their undivided interest in the Florida correspondents are putting hf q e nw,, , 8Bme. 8Up,)ort ma uguiuo uuiieutroBMrii utsjii. vunt- during 1110 Ing that 3,000,000 boxes were frozen, this would not represent a loss of f 5,000,- 000. The average pi Ice of oranges on the tree is only fifty cents a box. Of course when picked, sorted, packed and marketed the value is greatly increased, but good oranges have been selling in the Eastern markets at from 1.75 to f 2 a box for some time. Since the freeze the price bas gone up to $3. E N FoBter to L A Freeman, s of e j of D L V of John and 1 flrmelia 1 nttlo, in twos 2 and 3 s, r 4 e. 158 as ; $700. L A & M E ! reemnn to J 1' and N D Freeman, e U of s i of e )Z of the D L UolJohn and 1'armelia Tuttle, in twps 2 and 8 s. r 4 e. 70 as : $400. Sunset Land Co to L J lironks, lots J and 0, blk 19, Sunset City ; $275. Livev ix Brown to b 11 llurghnrt, part ot the John Fagalde limstd in the sw li sec 15 in i 2 s, r 3 e, undivided int in 2 pes, cont 2(1 as ; $50. Oak liiove Land & improvement Vo to N O Cedarson lot 1. blk 57, in lirst sub. Webb the Oregonian devoted strictly to business, and not to politics, that Is div of a portion 0f Oak Grove ; $-ou ii ii aid not mix ana coniounu me two, its hostility against silver would be loss rabln and less often would it reason from false premises. The Commercmf and Financial Chronicle, the most im portant financial paper of New York city, which is non-political, and is at least as well versed in money matters as Senator Dolph's organ, has declared itself unequivocally for International bimetallism. It says that the period of greatest stability in money values was from 1803 to 1873. When one nation, France, succeeded by means of a law in keeping gold and ailver at a fixed ratio the world over. This was unanimously Will Falls Co to J II Ralston, lot 2, blk 10 Will Falls; 1. O & C K It Co to J C Schmidt et til, the ne H of the sw L of sec Kl in t a s, r 4e;$lL'o. K Y Currin to Geo J Currin lots 1 , 2, 3, and 0 and the s i of the ne U and the se U of sec 10 in t 3 s, r 4 e. 4119 89 as ; 4000. hi h kelloiw to Mary J, nebor. lot 1. blk 31 Oregon Iron & Steel Co's lirst add to Oswego ; f 300. Fred Will et al to Margaret Will, the a yi of the se.'i, the se M of the sw ;4' ol sec 0, tne e of the nw .'4 and the w i of the ne f4 and the ne .'4' of sec 7 in 1 4 a, r I e; $1. UL,UK Harbur to U L Oirle, lots 15 & 10 blk 4 of West Gladstone ; .'.'HI. V O T Williams et al to l'aul Smlt.ke accepted as a fact by the members of 5 a In theCrantield cl in sec 10 t 2 a, r 2 flia Rrifluli rnval jtnmmlaainn nn silvnp e; $500. .nrt anlrl Dnrini th 70 vp. l. L A H. "'?Ver to. M .E Thomas, 79 OS ill market price of silver held steady. Advocates of international bimetallism believe tbat when the currency ia ex panded in a normal way by the re monetlzation of silver, the price of cot ton, wheat and other staples will rise toward the point where they stood when silver was demonetised. It is very doubtful whether the millionaires and bankers who control the financial policy of England will ever agree to inter national bimetallism because England is a creditor nation and wants to con tinue to draw her interest and dividends in gold and buy wheat and cotton in the world's market at half their value. The only course tor the United States is to the n 4 of the n of sec 21 and 10 a in thes ol the ne ol 24 in 1 5 s,r 1 ; J W Montague to J II Hawley the s w nf aR l' in I 2 a r li lllll ui-rud Al - --- - -1 " -1 - , v. Have your title examined and abstracts made by the Clickamas Abstract & Trust Compaay, who have the only complete set or abstracts or title or all lands in Clack amas county; accurate and reliable work by responsible firm. Office upstart in the Caufleld building. Afllletml With Klieuimtllmn. Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of Lebanon, Conn,, says: "I was alliicted wi'.b rheumatism in my back all last winter. It was so severe at times that I could not stand up straight, but was drawn over on one side. I tried different remedies with. act in this matter Independently of out receiving any relief until I bought a England, which, financially, has us by bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Bulm. Af- ter using it for three days, according to directions, my rlieiiiimli-ni was gone and bas not returned iiiu-e. I have since recommended it to others and know I hey have been benefited bv its use. For sale by G. A. Harding, DruguUt. (ion don E. IIavks, County Judge. II. Scorr and P. Jaiki An, Commissioners. Iteport of viewers on the Meldrum chango in the Hinearson and Milwaukie road accepted and new road ordered opened and the old road vacated as soon as the now one is in ull respects as good as the old. Application of F W Gorther for lumber for bridge over Heaver Pant cret-k on (loins road denied. Application of T M I!alcn for the appointment of constable of district No 1 granted and T M Baker appointed. Petition of M W lUndull cl al for viewing and survey of Oregon City and Molulla road granted and I) W Klnnaird appointed to survey and J L Swadbid, J G Cummijis and W W .May to view said road, to meet at place of beginning on January IStli al 10 a. . Iteport of J L Swafford nn work in sub-district No 2 approved and expense of $11 .50 ordered paid Petition of J K Miller et al for view and survey of I'arnw worth road granted, and ordered that 1) W Klnnaird he ap pointed to survey and A J Yoder, M Kobbins and C Hair to view said road, to meet at place of beginning on January 23d at 10 a. in. Keport of V S Kider on correction of bridge on Criteson road over ravine approved and expense of said bridge, $79.57, ordered paid. Petition of T J McFarliind for license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in Oswego prioincl denied, as suid petition does not contain the names of a mnjorily of legil voters of sai.l pre cinct as shown by lust general election. Petition of D 0 Bull et all for a county road granted and I) W Kinnaird ap pointed to survey and John Dennison, C 0 Hubbard and Chas Holman to view said road, to meet at place of beginning on January 2Kth at 10 a. in. Petition of W E Mumpower et al for a change in the IUtton and Haker road granted and John A Byers, H Walker and Thos Ilrown t yiew suid road, to meet at pluce of beginning on January 15th ut 10 a. m. Heport of A W Cooke, supervisor ol road district No 1, for month of De cember, approved, and expense account as follows ordered paid : Labor $99.35, supervision $0, total $105 35. Heport of W If Smith, supervisor of road district No 2, for December, ap proved, and ordered that expense ac count be paid as follows: Libor, 7.98, material $25.10, supervision, $7.50, total 1110.58. Keport of E P Carter, supervisor of road district No 3, for December, ap proved and expense account (18 follows ordered paid: Labor $89.32, material $18 80, sttperv isioii $11. Application of J W Roots for lax re bate grnnled and clerk ordered to issue warrant for $3 in his favor. Iteport of H D Barney on the improve ment of the Thayer road approved and expeii3e account ot fl.0,0 ordered paid. Report of G W Prosser, supervisor of road district No 4, for December, ap proved, and expense account as lollows ordered paid: Labor $41 li, material $515.97, supervision $12. Repairs to county jail : Ordered that on the acceptance of the repairs by the county judge, a warrant for $300 be drawn in favor of Pauly Jail it Mfg Co in payment of same as per contract heretofore made. Tax levy for 1894 : Ordered that tax levy for 1894 be as follows: State 3 mills, road 4 mills, school 5.0 mills, county 11.4 mills, .total 24 mills. Matter of offering a reward for arrest and conviction of the murderers of James M Brown : Ordered that a reward ol $309 be and is hereby offered for the arrest of murderers. Ordered that sheriff be required to give an additional bond ot foO.OOO as tax collector. Report of G E Hayes, county judge. on the expenditure of warrant drawn for contingent expenses approved, and or dered that clerk issue an additional warrant for $50 for same expense Report of county nllicers on the col- collection ol fees for mouth of December approved. Fee collected as follows: Clerk $280 45, recorder $220.35, sheriff $89. Application of Lewis Young for tax rebate not allowed. Petition of Kate Burclay for damages i account of cables of suspension bridge, continued for term. She asks for $1000 mid claims this cable to be a perpetual mcnanco to tho enjoyment of cr property. Cure and keeping of Clias Bergman: Tho sum of $10 per month from De cember 1st ordered puid for said purpose, arrant to be drawn in fuvor of Mrs Bergman. Assessment of Halo & Morse for 1891 ; appearing that the assessment was erroneous, in the mutter of description, and the suid patties being willing to pav the amount of the tax, $39.13, it is dered that the costs and per uentages bo surrendered and cancelled. Ordered Hint 1) W Kinnaird, county surveyor, he and is hereby appointed roadmaster and engineer for Clackamas county, and that lie be paid as com pensation therefor the sum of $100 per month and that he shall make all esti mates and surveys for the county with out extra compensation. The jury list of 200 names was drawn and will appear next week. The court was etill in session when this report was made. Jury list, district 4 7 00 " " 0 7 00 ' " II 7 00 Htorv Bros & Co. road and bridge 3 00 Nohlitt'a stable, sheriff IB 00 K V Maddock, sherlll 27 05 " 42 84 John Rtubbi. sheriff 2 00 0 K Bnllnrt. pauper 25 00 Glaus & Prndhomme, stationery. claimed $45 50 41 30 Robt 8ch uebel, road 2 25 J 0 Bradley, assessor 194 50 Milliard Hyatt, sheriff 24 00 State vs Louis Himler, dist 4, claimed $53 00 AO AO State va Kd Willoughby, dist 4. . .35 90 " Goo Hamilton, " . . 50 85 Inquest of J M Brown 88 85 P Nehren, road .- '. 1 50 M F McC'own, slierifl 9 90 Enterprise stationery 11 25 Jury list, dist No 1 7 00 Hiram Straight, courthouse 7 75 R It Alldreiige, road 8 00 C'has Moehnke, road 10 30 8 B Califf, courthouse 180 Jury list of dist 13 7 00 J P Hill, grand jury witness 2 20 Witnesses for county, Bradley vs Clackamas Co 81 40 Claims of jurors, circuit court... 391 10 W Ii Garrett, inquest (i 00 E C Muddock, sheriff, claimed $12 50 4 38 J U Campbell, attorney 6 00 ( I.AIMS NOT ALLOWED. Oregon City Hospital, pauper. W H Cooke, sheriff C G Huntley, jail 17 35 4 50 6 00 CIRCUIT COURT. Continued from last week: Wadhams & Co vs II A Vorpahl ; last spring the court awarded plaintiff $133, but at this trial they were allowed $434.84, Hie full amount of claim and costs. Tlie indebtedness was Incurred by the defendant's brother. Portland Trust Co vs R B Beatlie; verdict for defendant. The property in volved in this suit is valued at 110,000. M P Bradley va Clackamas county the nlainiiir claims damages to the amnunt of $5000 each for the death of his wife and child in a runaway acci dent at Gladstone a ' yeat ago last Fourth of July. They were throw- down a high bank into the Clackamas river, and Bradley claims that it was by reason ol tncounty s negligence in not fencing the road there. A change of venue was granted to Multnomah countv circuit court. . Chas F Horn vs Lydia and I D Bige low; dismissed. Geo W Vetito vs II L L and Theo W Claik: dismissed. Lizzie E Close vs David II Close: de cree of divorce, , interest in defend ant's property at Engewood, $00 all mony and cosis ot $08 70. Phoebe A Gilbert vs W H and Olive Adams; sheriff s sale confirmed. J E Melcher vs State Ins Co; sum rnons set aside. u Al usuorn vs V t inboard : con tinued. Jas Abraham vs Marion and Mary Johnson ; continued. John Erickson vs R L Pollack et al judgment of the justice court annuled PARK PLACE. C0LT0N. The weather has been quite stormy for the past few days and the road some place are quite bad. The third month of the winter term of reboot t this place closed last Friday School Is progressing nlcelv with W. Woodruff A' sten of dolall a teacher. Our Sunday school was reorganized last Sunday and the following officers wero elected for the ensuing quarter Superintendent, Mrs. Sexton; a-slsta it superintendent, Mrs. Fannie B inney secretary, Miss Delia A Hubbard; treas urer, Miss Meadie E. Hubbard; librarian Miss Mable Hubbard. W. Woodruff Austen, Mrs, Gorbett and Mrs. Fannie Borney were elected teachers. The Salvationist hel I a meeting at the Gorbett schoolhouse last night and an enjoyable time was had. Mr. Anderson has gono to Greg in City on business. The Bethel school will close n Friday. Rev. Taylor, of Wilhoit, will preach here the third Sunday in th's mon h. The general health of the community is good. January 8th. Syntax. A white frost, last night. The Clackamas is still rising. We are having a very interesting liter ary ; the young men are no longer hiding them talents under a bushel, but are convincing these hoary heads, that they will soon be able to fill the places of those that are being called away day by-day. The subject for debate, Satur day nght, is: ''Resolved, That the Government Should Have Control of the Railroads." John Straight leaves his team at Oregon City, as the water is too high ftr phamr.t driving to this place. School is progressing nicely under the auspices of Piof. Gray. The prisoner, that escaped from the county jail at Oregon City, on January 13th has not been captured, at last reports. A couple young men, of this place are taking an active part, in the literary at Oregon City. The rain and snow together has soft ened the ground, which caused a land' slide on tlie Clackamas, about three miles from here. The cord wood that Cupl. Apperson had cut is all afloat. January, 14th. Si-nsiiinb. FOREST GROVE SCHOOL. the lb ot. Bellomy A Buach are agents for the CLIMAX SEWING MACHINE. A guarantee of five year is given to every purchaser of this machi ne ; it ia first class in every respect. Deserving of mention ia the perfect double feed, which completely surrounds the needle giving a uniform pull on the fabric and serving cqaally well from either aide of the needle. It uniformity of action is particularly noticeable in tucking, hem ming and binding. It ia imposible for deli cats fabrics to ecome entangled in the interstices of the plate. Price 25. Wh Baby wm rick, m (e her CHt. Tm wt waa a ChUJ, ih cried t oc CMtorta. VTbm ah became Hist, ah dun to Caatorla, ITbaa aba Lad ChOdran, aba fan them Caeturta CLAIMS ALLOW Kll. Charmnn A Son, pauper acct. . .$ 13 00 Oregon City Hospital, pauper.. 02 00 II S Gibson, educational meeling. 8 00 C W Fnedrich, road . 7 00 Cornelius Itair, road 2 00 L'oi'kier, printing 1(1 05 Bellomy & 1!um:Ii, courthouse... 1 ciO cliwan & Pulrow, courthouse. . 2 10 L L Porter, dist atly 10 00 T J Driver, arrest ot M Green, etc 5 00 kittle vs M Green ... 20 43 j " A V Heckman, insane. 10 40 W O Duffy 11 70 ' " Chas Harper 13 50 " Win Howley et al, dist 3 53 75 George Broucliton, road 2 05 D W Kinnaird. road 0 00 i Ben C Irvin A Co, stationery 12 30 1 Chas .S Imiiili, imjiiest 2 00 Jury list, justice dist No 8 7 00 "..... 7 00 Circuit court expen-e 1.13 40 1 Stale vs Powers et al 21 00 ' Win Wallins 14 00 " J Christenaen, insane. . 5 00 " Chas Sturger, .. 10 90 The winter term atPacilio University opened January 2. Owing to the heavy fall of snow many of the students were slow In returning after the holiday vocation. The work on the new college building, which was discontinued some time ago, will be resumed as soon as the heating apparatus arrives from the East. Were it not for this delay, it would have been com pleted in time for the state oratorical contest, which takes place here in Feb ruary. rrof. F. K. Foster of Oakland Cal , will deliver a course of five lectures In the interest of the college, beginning M in- day, January 14. President McClelland recently relum ed from the East, where he had been ouking after the financial Interests of the uniyersity. He expresses himself as being well pleased with the standing this institution has among the leading educators of the east. In glueing over the college record bojks ol twenty years ago we find that the well known names of W. T. Wliitlock, H. II. Johnson and Henry Meldrum frequently occur. January 15. Student. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have sold my good will and Interest in the livery and feed business to Fred Wil liams and Wni. Kidd. I shall continue he truck business as heretofore. Henry Cooke. How's this? 19 pounds of best dry granulated sugar for $1. Pure baking powder 23c a pound. 10 pounds best lard for $1. The Red Front Stores. Remember the Racket Store more for your money than any In town. gives place The Law Makers. Tho 18th loiaion of the Oregon IcgUlatnre convened Monday. Joneph Simon was elected president of the cnate and C. B. Monrei upeaker of lha house. Senator llrowni-11 It chairman of the railroad committee and a member of the lndlciary and of the medicine pharmacy and denilatry corundum. He haa Introduced a bill to abollth the railroad commiasion. Joneph N. Dolph waa nominated in the caucua for aenator by the following vole: Dolph 40, Fulton li; Tongue 11, Lowell 4, Lord 4 Hermann 2, Strong 2. The meaaage of both Pennoyer and and Lord have been preaented. Fifty-five bills have been Introduced into the senate up to Thuraday. Vote on Text Books. The canvass of the votes of the several county superintendents and state examiners for a series of text-books to be used in the public schools of Oregon for a period of six years, under the law, exhibits the following results : Ho text-book lias received a majority of the votes cast on the follow! ng topics : Orthography, spelling blanks, draw ing, physical geography, rhetoric, com positon and English literature. There has been no change in the fol lowing text books now in use, and they have been readopted for use in all of the public schools of this state : Swinton's new word analysis, Barnes' new national readers, Spencerian system and copy books, Fish's arithmetics Nos. 1 and i. Brooks' mental arithmetic, Monteith's elementary and comprehen sive geographies, Smith's series of prim ary text books in physiology and hygiene, Steel's physiology and hygiene for high schools and advanced schools. Barnes' primary and brief history of the United States, Looinis' series of vocal music, Barnes' general history, Mon- teith s popular science, Kuuinson a algebra and geometry, Bryant & titrat ion's system of bookkeeping, Steel's chemistry, botany, physics, astronomy and geology. The text-books that have been chang ed are as follows ; Maxwell's first book cf languages, the introduction to the English gram mar and the advanced English grammar has been adopted instead of Barnes' language lessons. Sill's English gram mar and Clark's normal grammar. Peterman's civil government, Oregop edition, has been adopted instead of Young' class book. The additional books adopted, that may be used, all grades, in the public schools, are as follows: National number tablets, Song Wave, Gow's morals and manners, Kidd's ele mentary and vocal culture, Johonnot's natural history and historical series for supplementary reading for primary and intermediate schools. For advanced and high schools the following: Geographical reader, Irving s ".Sketch Book," Irving's "Tale of Traveler." Scott's "Ivanhoe," "Lady of the Lake," The Abbott," 'Marmion," "Wood stock," McCaulay's "Essay on Chat ham, Shakespeare s "Julius Caesar, "Twelfth Night." "Merchant of Venice." and "Midsummer Night's Dream," Webster's Bunker Hill orations, the De Coverley papers, Arnold's "Sohab and Kustum The Beat for the Family. M AcoN, Ga. I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best family medi cine. I have used it in indigestion and Biliousness and found It to relieve im mediately. After eating a hearty supper if on going to bed I take a dose of it I never feel any effect of the supper. Ovid G. Sparks, Ex-Mayor. for Infants and Children. THIRTY reare' oDrTtioi of CaatorU with thajjBtJf BalUlnma of paraona, pannli us to apaak of it without gnaaahia;. It U wqneaHonmbly tho Boat remedy tor Infanta avnd Children tho world haa aver known. It ta harmleec. Children llho It It kItoo thorn health. It will aaro their live.. In It Motherc harp aowiaUitnK which la nhaolntolr anfo nd pramtloadlr perfect a a child's medlolne. Coatorln deatrore Worm a. Caatorlo pilar FoTerlahneae. Caatorio preventa TomlUna; Soar Cnrd. Catatortn onree IMorrhow and Wind Collo, Coatorla rolioTO Teething Troubles. Coatorle euro Conatlpatlon atnd Flatulency. Caatorla nentrallaea tho offeote of carhonlo aold gaa or poleonone air. CoetorU dooe not oontoin morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Caatorla naatmllatoe the food, roirnlateahotomochjndwrfa, giving healthy and natural aloop. Caatorla le pnt up In one-aiao hottle only. It i not sold In hulk. Don't allow any one to poll yon anything elao on tho plea or promlao that it ia " Jnat a. good " and " will anawer QTory pornoee." eo that yen get C-A-8-T-O-R-I-A. ia on erery The fao-aimilo aignaturo of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. wrapper. Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder WorM'i Pair Hlgheet Medal and Dlplema. FOR SALE. Eighty acres of fine farm land, mostly bottom, on Woodcock creek, Clackamas county, two miles from Meadow Brook poRtolIice. Three acres cleared, 12 acres slashed ; good house 20x30. Price $800, of which oOO must be paid down, bal ance two years' time. For further por ticulurs cafl at Courier oflice or address me at Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Anna Taylor. For Oyer Fifty Tears. AS Old ami Will-Tbkd IUmidt. Hit. Win alow'a Suotlilag Syrup hu ben uaed for orer fifty jtm by million! of muthera for their children while teetblufc-, with perfect aucceaa. It aoothea the child. aoftena the gume, allaya all pain, curea wind colie, and la the beat remedy for Dlarrhosa. Xa pleasant to thetaeta. Suid by Drugglita In ererjf part of the World. Twenty-Are cents a bottle. Ita Talua la la oaloulable. Be aura and auk for Mm. Wloslow'a Southing Syrup, and take no other kind . Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder Awarded Cold Medal tfklwiaur Fak, Saa France. Carlton Corn well, foreman of the Oatette, Middletown, X. J., believes that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy should be in every homo. He used it for a cold and it effected a speedy cure. He says: ' It is indeed a grand remedy; can recommend it to all. I have also seen it used for whooping cough, with the best results." 25 and 5U cent bot tles for sale by G A. Harding', Druitist. Mr. J. A. Scriven, a prominent manu factnrerof 18 East 15th St., New Tork Cily, purchased a liottle of Chanber- lain'a Cough Kemedy from druggest H. Lane. Peeksk ill, . Y. Such good results followed its use that he sent back to Mr. Lane for two bottles more of the same remedy. Those who give this medicine a trial are seldom satisfied with any oilier when again in need of such a prepaiation. Itia onqualled for coughs and colds. For sale by O. A Hardirg. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Bscklti'a Araica Salve Thb Bear Silvs ia the world for Cats Bruelar. l"krt. Salt Rnrara. Few Sorea, I Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and , all Skin Eruptions, aad positively eurei piles, j or ao pay required. It la guaranteed lo live perfect eatiafaruna or money refunded. Price , ce nlaperboi. Tor tale by Cbsrman a C. j Charman Brae ' Slnrk . I Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. RipanaTabulea asJiM dwoatinn hipjus l ab u lea cure buiuuaoua R i pans Tabulca cure headache. Eipans Tabulea : one gives relief. NOTE TIME PRICES ! GROCERIES. -ugar. Bulk Sewing Mach.Oil, 4 oz. Lemon or Vanilla, bulk, oz . . Fine Seedless Raisins, lb. . . . Flour, $2.43 barrel; sack. . . . $1 00 Fine Syrup, key $2 00 25 Good Green Tea, lb. 25 5 Fine Uncoloicd Tea, 2 lbs. . 75 25 Cocoanut, lb. . 20 I 00 Rice 20 lhs. for 1 00 5 5 gallons Bulk Oil 65 6 2 sacks Potatoes 75 6$ Apples, box 35 45 Dried Apples or Prunes, 1 lb. 5 55 Oregon Pacific Railroad Company (MAN IXAHK, llereiver, :iiimllM( Willi Ntr.llOHKU" between Yaituliia and San Vranolx-o, MlHttui-r I., res Han Kianrlini Kehruary 311 h, Hiol U, l.'lli, Wl and Mat. Siiiaiiisi lraes Yaiiiina February tilli, Mann Tie 17lh and ft III. , . , lll(lils rexirrnl tn changu sailing dates ullliuul nnllrr. Cur freluhl ami iwxenger rales apply l any Agent I.'IUH. J. IIKNIUIYM.miif A CO., Nn, 1 lo S Market Street, SanCraiirlMO, fsl, ll.4. CI..MIK, Receiver, Camilla, Oregon. Best Conden.'ed News, Stories, Miscellany, Women's Department, Children's Department, Agricultural Department, Political Department, Answer tu voi respondents, Editorials, Everything, W1U. HE FOUSIt IS THE WeeklyCourier-Jcunal A 10 pane, 8-cul. Iemucratic Newspaper Henry Watterson is the Editor. PRICE, $1 A YEAR. The Wkkki.v Cui iiikii Juiiiinai. makes very libera! teiuis tu aifcnls. Sample copies ol the paper and Premium 8iij plfiiifiit sent free lo any address. Write in Courier-Journal Company, Louisville, Ky. . The OIlEflOX COURIER ami the WEEKLY COURIER JOURS A L will be rent one year to any adilrem for i .SO. Ad'lrett thil office. Hay, Straw, Wheat, Oats, Wood, Shingles, Chickens, Etc. DRY GOODS, SHOES. &c GOODS, SHOES, $1 00 7 spools Best Thread $ 7 Needles or Pins, per paper. . 5 Hooks and Lyes, card Vaseline 50 Curling Irons 10 Fast Black Hose S Trimmed Hats 75c, $1 and up 4 Clothing, 1 lats, Ties, Etc. SchoolShoes 75. 85, $t and up Baby Shoes $ 25 Ladies' Fine Dongola, now. .$1 50 Child's Heavy Lace Riveted 50 Ladies' Coarse Button, cut to 89 Men's Boots ; I 75 Ladies' Good Coarse Button t 00 Boys'Coarse Shoes, warranted 1 25 ftW Xmas Goods at About Half Price. All Slow Sellers in the Store at Cut Prices. TRADE FOR PRODUCE. 18 yds. Cabot V Muslin. Linen Toweling, yd Gray Toweling, yd Kid-fitting Corsets, Irom the makers, up From Extra Wide Shirting Good Uubleachcd Muslin, yd. Elegant Handkerchiefs NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION, LAND OfKirK AT ORKIiON CITY, OltEOON. lii-ct'iiilitirlH. IMM. Noliceilioritiviiiven lint thi, following-named at-tlli-r iihm llltd notioe of IiIh IiiIl'iiiIiiii to make dual proof lu aupport of iiIh i-iiiiiu, and mat aaid prtHii win im made oe lnro Hie HiKlMer nil Ht'cciver U. S. I.aucl ullice al Ort-Kon City, Oregon, 011 February Sill, KU5,ylx: JAMKS A. UAKIIUK, II. B. No. Tij, lor tlio SE. M of SE. 4 nf See. 2, Tnp. a X., It. i K. lie nuinea Hie following wit-nt-HttL'N to prove iiia i-oiitliiuoiiN residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, via: William W, Myers, Amos U-ek, ('alitor iioliu and hhermau Itnriiev, all of Oreiton l ily, Ore. KOHKKT A. MILI.KH, Rrglater NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OltECON CITY, OREGON, IH-eenilier :v. 1HM. Nnllie la heMby given Uial tlie following named acttler litis tiled notice of bin Intention toiUHkvnnnl proof lu support olhla elalm, and Uial said proof will Iw made before Kexi'tur anil Receiver V. H. Land Ottiee at Oregon. Cilv, urcgun, 011 r'ebruury fct, vlt: OliOIKiE B. St. PULLEY, II. E. Nn. 7IA, for the E. H of NE 1 and E. H of SE. 4 or liee. 8U, Tup. 1 H., R.5 K. lie names the following wftneweK to prove Ilia continuous reai. deuce upon uml cultivation ol, lulil land, via: K. A miller, A. J. KlKiKT, Henry r'rltiaud Her umn I.ludernmu, all of Aimce, Cla-kainas county. Oreiion. KUIIKKT A. MILLER, Register. REP. FRONT STORE, OREGON CITY. FIRST ANNUAL Clearance Sale IN OREGON CITY. According to our custom for many years in the past, we will make a sale to clearout all we possibly can, to make room on our shelves for New Sprintr Goods we are expecting. Therefore we offer OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED FIGURES AND WILL INAUGURATE OUR First Annual Clearance J3ale, BEGINNING Thursday, Jan. ITth, AND ENDING Saturday, Feb. KStli. Our friends who have attended our sales heretofore will readily recognize their opporttnity to secure goods at FAR BELOW their real value. They will know that we are strictly a One Price House and when we do make a special reduction it is sure to be a bona fide one. At Our Annual Sale Every Article in the Store is Marked Down and in Plain Figures And you can see for yourself what kind of a reduction we are giving you. Our pr'ces generally are not high, as we are content with a fair profit, so that when we offer the same goods at lower figures you may be sure you are prccuring BARGAINS. LITTLE TALK NECESSARY. Our Prices are tie most Convincing Arguments. Shivcly's on the Mill, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. CITY TREACHER'S NOTICE.' VOI ICE 18 HRKKjMT GIVEN THVT tHERR -li is Bumoieni m.rivy on hitnd to pay war runt Nn irju hih. No. 127, UmuihI on the Uenera. Fund March 1MH. liileri'Ni CL'ttHi's with the dale of thin notice, -K. L. IIOLHAN, Orngnu City, January 3, city Treasurer, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for tba County oi ClHi'kauiaM. JitAprr ('lift, plaintiff v Robert J. Bftittio, truttet; Hubert J ItvHttle, Mury A Soulc, George Qt til I won and It- U Miller, defendant. Tn Hubert J. Itenttte. tmitee; Robert J. BmttJe. Mitry A Honle, Uoorga U. dChmm and H. Q. Miller, itermidants aluve named. ': IN TIIK NAMK OK THE STATE OK OREGON, you and twrh or you are hereby notified and required to appear ami answer the eomiilulnt herein, now on tile in the ultlee of tlie clerk of the abova entitled court, on or before the 15th day of April. lHi, being the first ilay of the term of said court wliieh will Ituheld next following the expiration of tlio time proscribed in the order of aid court for tlie service on you of the aummuiu herein by pub lication, and you mid each of yon are hereby notified that If you or either of you fail m to appear and aiiHwer wild compluint aibove required, plaintiff willupply to the court fur the relief demanded in wild complaint and will take judgment againat y -u, and each of you herein, m prayed for therein, via: For a decree tliat plHlntiff havo and recover of and from defendant, Jtobert J.? Beattle, truitee, and of ii nd l rum eat h and all of Mild defendants., on a certain iimiiiiHtory note for 17U0 made by mid Robert J. .lentile, ttuitee, on June nth, lttll, bearing interest at a percent per annum payable to plaintiff, on wliieh I liferent hiu been piifd, and on a mortgage given ly fluid Robert J. lleattie, trustee, on tha following dmrilted pnijwrly, iltuatedMki Clackamaa county, Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning oT the south eunt comer of tho west half of the east half of section 2, township 2 south, range 2 east, running thence west tracing the south Hue of said section 'JO. 1H chains to the quarter section corner ou tlie aoit th lino of said section, thence north tracing the wert line of the east hnlf of said section 10 chains; thence wt on a line parallel with the south line of said set-tlon 10 UK chains to a point equidistant from tho cant line and the west line of Raid west half of the east half of said section; thence north H) chains to a equidistant from the east line and tha west line of suid west half of the eaat half of said section ; I hence east on a line parallel with the south line of suid aectloii 10 Oil chains to the east line of mil 1 1 went half uf the east half of said section; thence south 20 chains to the place of hegiuning, containing ;10 Ti acre.", more or lea.tt save and accept a strip of land 12 feet wide off tho east side of said tract of land, ami a strip of laud 12 feet wide off the west side of that portion of said tract which hag for Its west boundary the west line of said west half of the east half of said section, for public road duidos. to secure the same, the sum of $1898 85 and Interest thereon from this date and 8175 attorney's fee and costs and dlMbursements herein; for a decree fore, cloving said mortgage and ordering said mortgaged property to be sold and the proceeds avDlled to tha payment of expenses of pale, costs, disbursements and attorney's fee herein and of said promissory note, and also for a decree that the above named defendants and each of them od all persona claiming by, through or under i hem, or either of thein. aulmeqtient to the execution of said mortgage, Im barrel and foreclosed of all claim, interest, right, till.-, lien or equity of redemption save only the statutory right to redeeming, on or to aaid mort gaged premises or any pirt thereof, and for such other and further relief as to the ccurt shall seem meet ami equitable. The service of this summons upon yon by publi cation U made pursuant to an order mtde by tha jndgeufthe above entitled court on the 7th day of January, 18.V J R RTODDARD, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated Janua ry 7, 1KI5, Portland, Oregon . TO THE PUBLIC. All Hihfcribers delinquent to the Courier ate urgently requested to pay their bills in order that the accounts may he closed. Dollars, wheat, oats or potatoes taken in payment. I. LeMahiku. Courier Clubbing Rates. mo cor COMBINED BOTH. fRICK. Toledo Weekly Blade - in 00 $2 50 N W. Pacific Farmer 3 00 2 0j X. Y. World, semi-weekly .... a 00 s S5 almanac . 2 25 2 00 Illustrated Home Cueat and 20 novelettes 2 60 2 00 American Farm News 2 50 2 00 Womankind 2 50 2 00 Farm News, Womankind and White RlWmCook Book.... 4 0f 2 25 j Prairie Farmer ... 3m 225 Ieinorest'a Magazine 4 00 s 25 Courier-Journal loo 250 Rural Northwest I 00 200 Webfimt Planter 2 50 2 00 MANHOOD RESTORED! EJEZttfXs.- aoarauu-rd to cure a.l nexTous diieav. audi as Weak Memory. LiM.ni tirata Vuwer. Ueadarbe.Wakelalnv.e, Lost Mat.nond, Pi labile fcml!na. Nerro.i ro.npiani orstim- der. Thtse Powders are termed soothing ', et oret. i per boa. for , br mail irepii. Withaa onirrn Dccanse theT correct, mitigate, and re let a wrlttea natraate ear er refaaa ake aaeorT. ell f all more, disorders of he aTStem tnrlrlent to L.lraawi.1. A'k fur ikfaa pnmher. nt. f..rfree ertl-al B. sent i-al-J ."J- ,uc" UI Tlcm inclUCD.1 IO It is an indisputable iact tbat for more than fifty years, children, from the age of three mot iis to ten years, hare been henebted by Stifdman't Soothing Pow- wuuiamasTaia la.aia wrapper. Aodreaa EaIVBauJitMaauaMTeaipM.CluaiU fat eau ia uretr cur, Ursv.br CM AUMAH Cu. urucai teethitip.