Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, January 04, 1895, Image 4

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    Officially reported,
after elaborate com
petitive tests made
under authority of
Congress by the
Chief Chemist of the
United States Agri
cultural Department,
Superior to all
other Baking Pow
ders In Leaven
ing Strength.
The most Careful Housewife
will use no other.
Th Story of Woman Who Suffered
for Nina Long Yuri-How She IV aa
ValvnlarTdlsease of the heart has al
ways been considered incarahle. The
following interview therefore will interest
the medical prolession since it describes
the successful use of a new treatment for
this disease. The patient is Mrs. George
Archer of Clifton, N. J., and this publi
cation by the News is the first mention
made of the case bv any newspaper. All
physicians consulted pronounced the
patient suffering with valvular disease
of the heart and treated her without the
slightest relief. Mrs. Archer said : "I
could not walk across the floor; neither
could I go up stairs without stopping to
let the pain in my chest and left arm
cease. I felt an awful constriction about
my arm and chest as though I were tied
with ropes. Then there was terrible
noise at my right ear like the labored
breathing of some great animal. 1 have
often turned expecting to see some crea
ture at my side.
"Last July," continued Mrs. Archer,
a t -a o i u i .1 t .
i was at ojiniiKiiciu, vioimuk,
aud my mother showed me an account
in the SprinqfitUl Examiner, telling of
the wonderful cures effected by the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple. My mother urged me to try the
pills and on November 25th last I bought
a box and began taking them, and I have
taken them ever since, except for a short
interval. The first box did not seem to
benefit me, but I persevered encouraged
by the requests of my relatives. After
beginning on the second box, to my won
der, the noise at my right ear ceased en
tirely. I kept right on and the distress
that I used to feel in my chest and arm
gradually disappeared. The blood has
returned to my face, lips and ears, which
were entirely devoid of color, and I feel
well and strong again.
" My son, too. had been troubled with
gastritis and I induced him to try the
Pink Pills with great benefit. I feel that
everybody ought to know of my wonder
ful cure and I bless Qod that 1 have
found something that has given me this
great relief."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are now given
to the public as an unfailing blood
builder and nerve restorer, curing all
forms of weakness arising from a watery
condition of the blood or shattered
nerves, two fruitful causes of most every
ill that flesh is heir to. These pills are
also a specific for the troubles peculiar
to females, such as suppressions, all
forms of weakness, chronic constipation,
bearing down pains, etc., and in the case
of men will give speedy relief and effect
a permanent cure in all cases arising
from mental worry, overwork or excesses
of whatever nature. The Dills are sold
by all dealers or will be sent postpaid
on receipt of price, (60 cents a box or 6
boxes tor fZ.&O they are never sold in
bulk or bv the 1UU) by addressing vr,
Williams' Medicine Company, Schtmeo
tady, s. X.
Soul Cmiiiuuiilon Day.
The last of the 17 tilt)- But apart by
the World's fair iininiieiiit'iit for "the
parliament of religions" is monthly
whole world soul communion day and
the sixth minivorxury of its institution,
Sept. 27.
The first whole world observance was
on the 27th of September, 18B0, when
"there was silence in heaven for the
space of ono-liulf hour." when a greater
or less number of the worshipers of all
the great religious faitlis of the world
United for SO minutes (time at all points
corresponding with the half hour inter
vening at Sulcm, Or., between 12 mcrid
iun and 12:30 pant meridian) in invoking
universal jieuce and new and higher in-
llowings of spiritual light.
Of course the World's fair manage
ment did not know in setting apart the
17 days between and including Monday
the 11th und Sept. 27 that "the parlia
ment of religions" would terminate its
session on the anniversary of this the
most universal religious movement ever
instituted among men, but such is the
fact, and being so it is eminently proper
that the brief universal prayer season of
half an hour should on that day be ac
corded to soul comimmionists and all
who will unite with them in invoking
with unific soul impulses "peace on earth
and good will among men." Soul com
munionists will ask no more of the fair
management, as they are silent workers.
The time of observance in Chicago will
be from 2:20 to 2:50 p. m., when there
and then will bo gathered worshipers
from all the shrines of earth, and some
of all of whom will have been divinized
by continuous previous observances id
the most interior spirit of the movement.
This is "the universal prayer gauge,"
which a distinguished English scientist
some years ugo called for, and its proofs
of the efficacy of unity of thought and
aspiration for the common good have
been wonderful and will be more won
derful. H. N. Muguire in New York
A Washington Correspondent
Describes a Strange Scene.
The Great Majority Are Negligent In This
Important Matter.
Much has been and will be writ ton
on the care of the teeth because so mnny
persons do not appreciate these valuable
orgaus of mastication. If tooth are wall
cared for and regularly inspected by the
dentist, decay will hardly have an op
portunity to do great harm before it is
stopped. Decay often has its beginning
in bits of food sticking between the
teeth and forming tho starting point of
diseased tooth.
The toothpick should be used regular
ly after each meal and after eating. It
need not necessarily be employed during
a meal or be carried like a cigar in the
mouth after eating, but in tho privacy
of one b room the quill toothpick should
search out each comer and angle be
tween the teeth, and all foreign matter
should bo removed; thou the toothbrush
should be used, and, as the spuevs be
tween the teeth are vertical in a stand
ing person, bo the toothbrush should
be used up aud do wn ruther than across,
so thut fresh water may be scrubbed be
tween each tooth.
The tooth brashes that shod bristlos
are not desirable articles of the toilet,
for not only are the loose bristles a
great annoyanco, but they may oven
work in between the teeth aud in the
gums and cause painful points. Such
loose bristles usually come from cheap
bruBhcs or those used for too long a
These injunctions nbont the care of
the teeth have to be repeated again and
again, because it is such a matter of
everyday observance that persons care
ful in other matters arc cureless about
their tooth. As the teeth are not only
very visible, and when in a bad state
very prominent, but are aids to diges
tion, and if imperfect may lead to dys
pepsia and kindred troubles, they should
be scrupulously carud for. Popular
Health Magazine.
Only Rich Oflltiera Need Apply.
It is soinnwhat hard to find Buitublo of
ficers of the army and navy to occupy
the places of military and naval attaches
to the United States legations in foreign
countries. To satisfactorily fulfill the
duties of these posts plenty of money is
an essential requisite. A man attached
in such a capacity to the embassy at
Paris or at London needs a private for
tune to keep up with the social require
ments of the situation. He must move
in the most richly gilded swim and must
meet all sorts of unusual expenses. It is
expected of him thut he shall live like a
gentleman of rank and wealth, because
the attaches at the legations of other na
tions are rich aud noblo.
A clear understanding of these facts
would lessen the number of applications
for these places which are sent in by
young officers to the departments of war
and navy at Washington. They desire
the appointments for the sake of the
agreeableness of the duties and tho so
cial prestige belonging to them, not real
izing that they could not keep up appear
ances decently on their pay alone.
Washington Star.
The rromlsa to Obey.
The promise to obey ought no longer
to be either asked or given. Men as well
as women are learning to regard it as a
relio of barbarism. One young man of
uiy acquaintance acted as "best man" to
a friend who was married by tho Ejus
copal service. He wus scandalized by
the brido's promise to obey and wrote
to his own sweetheart a letter of in
dignation and dismay. Ho said he
hotied it was not customary with other
denominations to use a similar form,
for he should dislike exceedingly to have
nor promise to obey him. She uuswered
thut he need give himself no uneasi
ness; she had not the smallest intention
of promising anything of the sort. They
have been married 10 years and are
very happy couple.
Methodist ministers are now forbidden
to exact the promise to obey, und it is
fust going out of use in all denomina
tions that are not tied to a fixed ritual.
Boston Woman's Journal.
They Were Diapossd to Resent Any Re
slttanoo of Tlielr Control From the Me
dium The fteanca Was Held la the
Open Air at IUgh Noon.
Townrd tho close of the sonson, when
the crowd of the ourlnus lifts thinned out
snd thnso who remained wore fortlio most
part thorough bollcvom, then) was ennetcd
at Lily Dale tlio strangest performance
rvnr seen on a spiritualistic camp ground,
writes tho Washington correspondent of
the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. "An In
dian sennco" was what the promot
ers called It Tho sjicotators agreed
that in years of steady atbmduiico Uon
manifestations and materialization they
bad never seen anything quite like this.
Tho Indian seance was held In broad day
light. More than that, It was conducted
out of doors.
There was no humbug about this In
dian teanco. That Is to say, whether
spirits had anything to do with tho per
formance, the manifestations were honest.
The mediums undoubtedly passed under
tho control of something. Tlioy were not
shamming. They wore not acting parts.
Thoy were for the tlmo being Irresponsi
ble as so many lunatics.
An old time medium from liuunlo, Mrs.
Van Busklrk, presided, so far as thoro
was any direction of tho proceedings.
Wiii-m-iu-ugh!" coiiio from outsiiio or
the benches. Everybody turned to look.
A heavy, rather good looking young man
was passing under some queer lnlluenco,
His faco was scowling, and his shoulders
were, twitching. Tlio man lurched for
ward Into the space loft by the arrange
mont of the benches. Without a word he
bcimn to gestloulato vigorously, at the
samo time working his faco as If to Indl
cato groat satisfaction because ho had been
allowed to come. The other mediums and
believers encouraged him with applause
and laughter and pleasant words. '1 he In
dlan control grew more and iiwro demon
stratlvo and wound up the astonishing
performance by shinning up a troo. At
that the epeotators lnuglicd loud and long.
Tho medium came down from the tree.
IIo rubbed bis oyos and temples after the
T HP 1 Tf1P I'refirred Prison la Liberty.
Koiwrt Komnson, bettor Known as
"Old Hob," a lil'u convict In the north
ern prison, died Friday night at the n'je
of 60, Robinson was notorious through
out all tho northern part of Indiana
among tiio thotniimls of excursionists
who annually visit the prison as perhui
the first one on record who positively re
fused a pardon and regarded the prison
as an accoptuhlo home.
Robinson was scut to the prison at
JelTersonvllle, liul., in 18,"i7 from Wayne
county to serve a life sentence for mur
der. After serving two yeurs there ho
was transferred with others to this city
to assist in building the northern prison.
After the labor was finished he worked
on contracts until ho grew old, and then
during the wnrdonship of the lute Charles
Mayne in the seventies lie became a
"trusty" nnd a furmliiind. As he ad
vanced in ngo his oddities grew upon
aim. Early in his prison career he form
d a strong attachment for dumb ani
mals and made puts of dogs, rabbits,
"(jiiirvelH and foxes. Ho also developed
into a great hunter ami truppur and
would frequently turn his skill to finan
cial account.
Onco during tho Mayne regime Bob
got lost while limiting in Porter county,
west of the city, aud actually hired a
man to bring him back to the prison, Iu
1877 Governor Williams offered Robin
son a panlou, but ho rejected it. Michi
gan City Cor. Chicago Tribune.
Throuch Tralus on Trunk Lines.
The 26 west bound trains which run
daily on the 8 railroads connecting Now
York with Chicago average only 8
through passengers each. The joint
committee of the Trunk Line and Cen
tral traffic associations infers from this
small number of through passengers that
there nro too many through trains run
ning on all the roads. They use this as un
argument thut tho New York Central
should not put on its 20-hour limited be
tween New York and Chicago nnd report
that through trains ought to raise their
fares as their time is quickened, adding
the following extra rates to the regular
Twenty-six hours S3
Twenty-four tinil one-liulf hours I
Twenty-two and one-half hours. S
Twenty and one-half hours 10
This would make the cost of a trip on
the Central's 20-hour limited, with $5 for
the sleeping car, US each woy, or $70 for
the round trip.
The attempt to gauge the profits of
running through truins by the number
of through passengers is in the highest
degree fullucions. New York Advertiser.
The Largest llluck of Conl,
An enormous cob of canuel coal was
recently raised from the Abram col
lieries, Wigan, and sent by train to the
Alexandra dock, Liverpool, for shipment
to Boston. It is suid to be tlio largest
block of conl ever dug from the earth
and weighs over 13 tons. It took nine
months to hew it out of the Benin. It is
snid that the cost of obtaining it was
1,000, or ubout H3 per ton. When
raised, the cob was inclosed iu a case of
planks, the weight of cob and cuse being
13 tons 11 hundredweight. From Boston
the coal will be conveyed by train to
Cbicugo for the World's fair. There
have also just been shipped from Liver
pool several large blocks of salt rock from
the Cheshire suit district. Sonic of them
ore skillfully curved into figures. Lon
don Tit-Bits.
Bo rally VerlOe. a IXuputed World's
fair Award.
John Boyd Thacher is laconic and de
cisive in bis statements. During the
lively campaign Just closed in New York
this marked him especially as Chairman
of the Democratic State Committee. It
was equally true of him as Chairman of
the Executive Committee on Awards at
the World's Fair. This is the positive
and sententious way in which he verifies
in an official letter the honors won by
Dr. Price's Baking Powder: "I here
with inclose von an official cipy of your
award, which in due time will be in
scribed in the diploma and forwarded."
Thus the question respecting the award,
raised by an envious New York rival, is
settled beyond cavil. This same rival, by
the way, is widely advertising an award
for itself. The official records provethis
claim wholly false, as they tbow the New
York pretender was not so much aa an
exhibitor at the World's Fair.
Walking Isau Inexpensive Panacea.
Walking, the best of all exercises for the
well, because the most natural, should lie
a duty, just as are eating, drinking or
sleeping, and the cures and supposed du
ties of the home should be laid usido until
It has been enjoyed. Within a prewrilied
circle, dwelling Umiii unworthy cares often
times, allowing duties to magnify until
they become curses, dwarfing I he soul to
gain a passing show for the Isniy these
are the thing that women indulge in too
often. Physical exercise, open doors and
Sdentyof air are tlio hauuci-a for all the
11a. Lxchnnge.
Artists' Opinions of Women's Forms.
William M. Chose says that while in the
old days women's forms were the Eiost
beautiful thine of the men are liner in this
oeutury. That is because the women sit in
the house aud gather fat and then try to
make people believe them lean by pinching
their waist out of shape and cramping
their feet. Carroll Ileckwith also holies
manner peculiar to mod In ins when they
come out of a trance. His face resumed
Its natural expression. Ho picked up his
bat and walked out of tho" temple.
Immediately a young lady, well dressed
and attractive of feature, left her scat,
and with a sliding, pantbcrllko step moved
out into tho opening. Her face was
wreathed In smiles. As she moved about
she didn't speak. Her eyes were almost
closed. With her right hand she beckoned
encouragingly, while with hur left sho
seamed to bo warding off something visi
ble to her, but unseen by those looking on.
"When she moves her right hand," said
Mrs. Van Busklrk, "It means that she Is
reaching out fur some good spirit. Tho
motions with the left hand ore to ward
off tho bad Influence."
When she hud made two or three cir
cuits of tho open spaco, all the tlmo smil
ing and waving her arms, still continuing
thut curious gliding movement, the young
ludy began to mutter, but In such a low
tone that what sho said could not be ills
tlngulshed. Slio dropped into a scut bo-
sldoa ludy and talked confidentially sevcrnl
minutes. Then, like one slowly and easily
arousing from a nap, sho opened her eyes
widely and was herself uguln.
Toward the oloso of tho lndlvldunl por
formnnce Just described another altogether
different begun. Wyrn 1'uino Is known
to ninny of the older spiritualists of the
country. Sho has been a medium 0
yenrs or more. Before tho young lady
hud left tho open space Myrn Paino was
In tho center of it, striking out with both
hands and talking loudly nnd excitedly.
Moro curreetly speuking, from the spirit
ualistic point of view. It was not Myra
Pulno doing this, but tho Indian spirit
controlling her. The drift of the talk wus
a hnrsh scolding of Myra Paine for hav
ing, as tlio spirit said, resisted Its coming.
''Squaw didn't mean to let liravecomo, "
said tlio spirit, "but bravo was too much
for squaw, liravo did come. Bravo had to
light squaw to get here, but bravo wos
stronger than squaw. Now bravo Is going
to stay Just us long us he pleases.
''Bravo will whip squaw lor trying to
keep him iiwny," exclaimed tho spirit.
Thereupon Myrti I'ainu began to slap und
strike herself, not Rently, but at tho same
tlmo not In such a way as to do much
damage, "liravo will teach squaw bet
ter than to keep him away another time,"
said the spirit threateningly, all tho tlmo
keeping up the pounding, "liravo Is
master now, and he'll show squuw that
she can't do hs she Is a mind to."
Then followed tlio strangest part of
this scene. As If with some Invisible
person, Jlyru Pulnc struggled and wrestled
about the space. At lat, ns if tho unseen
power had got the better of hor, she was
suddenly thrown prostrate on the ground.
Mrs. Van liusktrk supported tho fragile
woman fur a few minutes aud then led
her to her seat. Later In tho seaneo Myra
Pal no came forward and in right mind
said that she owed an explanation. It
was true that she resisted tho coming of
her Indian control. Kur n long time sho
had kept tho Indian spirit from coming,
nnd sho believed that sho had done very
wrong. In the past year sho had felt at
times a loss of incdiumistic power, and
sho now believed that her bad treatment
of her Indian control was tho eauso of It.
Sho felt that sho deserved what they hod
just seen.
These performances in tho templo wont
on In rapid succession fur a couple of
hours. Tho Indian seaneo left no traces
of fatlguo upon the mediums.
Criticism of a New Yorker.
The most insignificant atom in all cre
ation bus its uses. A foolish little dirty
wisp of straw may show which way the
wind blows. The bristle of a pig may
be utilized for scrubbing purposes. And
although it is hard to see at first what
possible causoso infinitesimal a molecule
as that tiny bit of dried up. grayish mat
ter known as the brain of Ward McAl
lister may subserve, certain it is that
even that apparently worthless bit of
sponge may point u moral and disfigure
not adorn a tale to some purpose. At
tho sight of the great prince of bottle
washers and menu makers our scorn
will vanish, and we shall be lisping
cringingly, as 1 heard a Chicago belle
murmur to a New Y orker the other day,
1 mn afraid you find us very crude aft
er New York." Thut is the way to in
vite contempt. If we run to Ward Mc
Allister or after him and vie with each
other in filling his jaded maw with the
best our chefs afford, we shall be as bad
as he. Chicago Post.
Crowds In London.
English reporters con never agree upon
the number of people in a crowd. Es
timates of the numerical strength of the
eight hours' meeting in Hyde park
ranged from 80,000 to 500,000, while the
actual number was probably about 100,
000. The figures given in connection
with Wednesday's loyal demonstration
differed almost as absurdly, the lowest
estimate being 150,000 and the highest
750,000. Police calculation, which le
generally fuirly reliable, puts the num
ber at 300,000, reckoning people all along
the route. At some favorite spots the
crush was tremendous, but there were
surprisingly few casualties. The Metro
politan corps of the St. John Ambulance
brigade wus on duty. The stuff consisted
of 3 surgeons, 13 ambulance officers, 11
nursing sisters and 81 rank and file,
while the transport consisted of 4 pairs
horse ambulance wagons, a wheeled lit
ter and 80 stretchers. A hundred and
fifty cases were treated, mostly faints.
London Letter.
True Kronnmy Is In Caring for Health,
Nut In Buying Dressmakers' Hill.
Every one, so they say, has a jet econ
omy, and the business woman, the work
ing woman, always tries to economize
by doing her own dressmaking. She
likes to dress well, and it does seem so
extravagant to pay so much for what
sho might do herself. It requires a brave
woman to attack her headgear, but with
clever fingers nnd good taste a dress
doesn't scum such an undertaking, and
often it quit') saves the price of another
I W . .. I. - A- J- It. A
liut really you ougiu iiui m uu it
nil. If your duy's work is fulfilled con
scientiously, you ought to give the even
ings to rest aud amusement, xou would
only Bit and read, you say? Well, then,
just sit and read. Reading doesn't give
you that sharp pain in your side. Roll
ing doesn't key you. tip to point of fe
verish excitement because you want to
get so much dono.
If you like to sew you can always have
a dainty bit of fancy work on hand, or
if you have set your heart on some lux
urious addition to your wardrobe that
will give you exercise for your needle.
Then there is always your mendiug,
und tho really dainty woman finds more
than enough to fill the time she Bhould
give to evening employment But, as for
dressmaking, don't try your tired eyes
with it ut night. Every little worry
some pucker in the dress is going to
leavoa littlo worried wrinkle? iu your
face, and every new gown will increase
thut miserable nervousness thut preys
upon so many American women. Even
ing is not the right time to conquer com
plicated dress putterns, and yon had
much better do with fewer dresses and
hand your muteriul over to the profes
sional dressmaker, who perhaps just
needs your work to pay for some help
that will give her a little time lor rest.
A man never thinks of attempting to
muko his own clothes as un economic
measure, but a woman clings to quality
and quantity of ruifcient and heads her
list of economies by making it up herself.
Thut does very well for tho womun whose
days are her own, though often enough
it would pay her better to depend on
some one else, but for the woman who
has only the evenings for all the little
odd jobs that somehow belong to a wom
an's life it is bad policy to add evening
dressmukinir to her daily duties and
means a weary middle age, lucking en
ergy for duty and application for pleas
ure. Philadelphia Times.
Vegetable Salads.
Vegetable saluds are among the most
acceptable dishes that can be prepared
for a summer repast. They tempt the
appetite aud impart a flavor to the rest
of the meal. While the art of making
acd serving them is very simple, care
should be taken in their preparation.
The dressing for a variety of vegetable
salads is the same, yet different flavors
may be delicately added, always being
careful that one does not predominate
over another. It is very important to
have only the best ingredients, as wilted
vegetables and inferior seasoning will
not make good talads. The quantity of
oil to be used is rather difficult to decide,
but two tablespoonfuls to one of vinegar
is the usual proportion for plain dress
ings, while more is required for mayon
naise. Lettuce salad should be dressed only
with oil, vinegar, pepper and salt.
Salads are rendered much more at
tractive when prettily garnished with
fresh green leaves, vegetuble blossoms,
rings of hard boiled eggs, sliced lemons
and fancy designs cut out of radishes,
beets or turnips.
The dressing shonld never be added to
the prepared vegetable until ready to
serve, when the salad should be stirred
as little as possible in order to retain its
The vegetables best suited for salads
are lettuce, asparagus, dandelion, celery,
cauliflower, water cress, beets, string
beans, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers
and tomatoes. Harper's Bazar.
The Jersey Peuch Crop.
A letter from Flemington, N. J.,siiys:
Two hundred und ninety replies to !)U0
inquiries sent out to the largest peuch
growers in this part of the state regard
ing the prospects for this year's crop
substantially report that the prospects
for a very large crop are good. The cold
spring weather retarded the growth of
peach buds until the lute frosts were
over. The buds nre opening now and
are healthy in appearance. In the year
ef a full crop Hunterdon county has
yielded 1,500.000 baskets. It is expected
that thut number will be exceeded this
ear. Similar encouraging reports come
from Wurren, bomerset and Sussex coun
ties, where the peach interest has great
ly developed in tho lust five yeurs.
A Loss to Temperance Women.
The unexpected death of Mrs. A. C.
Thorp of Cambridge will be deeply felt
in the Woman's Christian Temperance
union. She hod been prominently iden
tified with the work not only in Cam
bridge, but in the state at large. When
she went to California some time ago,
sho took with her her enthusiasm for
this work und met with a very cordial
welcome from the union workers there.
Though she wont for refreshment and
rest, she was not content to be idle, the
was charmed with the magnificent scen
ery of the Pacific slope and wrote of it
in the most glowing terms.
Mrs. Thorp was interested in many
Let th mother become slok and helpless,
and the house is all In disorder. When
both father and mother are down, you may
as well olosi the shutters. Order is brought
out of chaos often very easily, and Mr
John Malin of South Butte, Mont., Febru
ary 17, 1HU, found an easy way out of her
dllllcuilles, is sna writes tnusi -siynus
hand and I took very bad rheumatism from
severe sold, aud niv arm wars to lame I
could not raise llinu to help myself. I lent
at once for a bottle of Ht. Jacobs Oil, and
Defora the bottle was half enintv I ooulcl
go about my work. My htiibanild became
so lame neeeuiu not get out oi nen. two
and a half bottle completely cured hlni. I
will always praise Ht, J snobs Oil, and you
may use I hi a you see lit." This I a clear
case of what I boat at the right moment,
and how every bousbold oan be made
happy where pain abound.
Th rise of Meeting.
One of the Salvation Army recruits,
aent to a certain inlund town of Califor
nia, was a young lady of fine social posi
tion nnd savoir fuire. Sho was also very
beautiful. Her arrival greatly agitated
the chappies, who flocked to the street
meetings. Finally one young blood
tuado a bet that ho would secure an ap
pointment with the beauty for that same
night, and approaching her after the
mooting he slipped into her hand a fJiO
goldpiece. She put It in her pocket.
"And ah where shall I uieotyou by
and byr" pursued the masher. "In
heaven, I hope," placidly answered the
lassie as she wulked away with the
golden double eagle, San Francisco Ar
gonaut. Obeying th New Immigration Law.
All the agents of the transatlantic
steamship companies which curry steer
age passengers to this port have now
agreed to respect tho new Immigration
rules, and to do their eharo in tho en
forcement of them. It will assuredly be
to their advantage to ierform this duty
faithfully and to co-operate properly with
Dr. Jenkins and Commissioner Senner.
They are liable to heavy penalties for
negligence. Those of them who have
striven to evado the new regulations
must not be permitted to trifle any longer
with the public safety. Instead of their
interests conflicting in uny way with
ours, the interests of both parties are the
same. New York Sun.
TheHuntet Heed and Plant Co., Bin Fran
nlmo, the leading nursery lirtn on this coast,
ha In pre a Fruit Tree Catalogue snd I'rlce
List that will be or great Interest. It I
handsomely IlluitrsWd and printed In dear
type on good pair, Copies can I had on
iiidinatlon. H. K Commercial Acs' and
IShil'liinil Hit, Vteember U.
With l.orjAI, AIM'LH'A'IIONH.M Ihejrrsnnot
rrach Die lent ill I lie illuisw. t'slsrrh ! blood
or constitutional iiIm-o,iiiI In onlur m mire It
yon mutt tste internal renivmea. moi i s
uirrh Cure Is taken Inkiinally, anil act" illmilly
on the hniiMl anil nnienin aurliim-i, llall'at's
larrh Cure ! not aquae muillc Inn. It was pr
tcrllieil Krone nf tli Ihi nhyali'lana In Ihla
niiintry Mr years, ami i a runnier iiriwripuon
It la onuipiMi-a oi uie ismi inmm animn, com.
blued witu th beat blood liurillera. ai'tle ill-
really on the minima aurlaei-a. 'I he nerfiwt
mnililiia'loii of Ihe two Inu reilluiila la what pro-
iliireeaiit-ii wonilerlul mnilla Iu ouriiif (.'alarm.
Sena lor leatnimiiiaia, irru.
r. j. ( im.Miv a uu.. i'riM,
Tulvdo, O.
Bold by (lriiKils'i: price, 7.1 cent.
On Kiiemelln Stove Pollabi uodual no smell.
Mothers, HTi'ves and Sisters
Tat OmtsiiA for breakfast
Is irithercd by that tremendously rieatructlv
engine, maisriii, put on ine ornaes won noa'ei
fer a Stomach nltteri. which will check Ita eroi-
real und avert disaster. t'rl.Ia snd fever, bilious
remittent, anno "Kile Hiia iodic cane nre prou
Iv relieved and ultimately cuiwl by this son
aelnc, which li sbo a comprehensive family
medicine, ipeeuuy naenu in caaea oi uyapepMa,
blilomneaa. eonatlDsllon. ilek headache. Iler'
voutmesft, rheumatism and neuralgia. Affiduit
the bun fill elle'U of Hidden ohsmrsaol t-ni
nerature. exno-ure III wet eesther. clone "Mill
cation to laborious mental piirMilta and other
Inuiience prejudicial ,o health It li a mo t
trustworthy isleginrd. It fortifies the ayaiem
sirsinst dlseaae. oromntei appetite aud leet.
snd bsttem convale-oeuce after dcblll'stliiK aud
llvah-waatlnii d I Hemes.
Mlai Knobbles And an toh met Lord Faridln-
tonT t'ailby 1 did. 51 In Knobbles And how
did be strlse youT Cad by (peiiitvely)- For .c.
Ali cock's Porous Plasties are the only
reliable plasters ever produced Fragrant
clean, Inexpensive and never failing, they
fully meet all the requirements of a bouse
hold remedy, and should always be kept
on band. For the relief and cure of weak
back, weak muscles, lameness, stiff or en
larged joints, pains in the chest, small of
the back and around the hips, strains
stitches and all local pains Aluock's Pob
ous Plasters are uneousled.
Ask for AucocK's.and let no solicitation
or explanation induce you to accept a sub
Bbanpbith s Pills avert disease.
When a woman'! face her fortune, nine
umei out oi ten ine win aie a pauper.
The firm of K. L. &. Steele it Co. of San
Francisco secured by su cession the prop
erty in a trade mark known as " Diamond
L," which bad been patented In 1871 by 0
Adolph Low Si Co. Under that brand and
trade mark K. L. ft. Steele A, Co. bad sold a
tea which had become known far and wide
for its excellence and in which they bad
built up a heavy trade. In 1888 the sales of
the tea had fallen olf so heavily that the
firm set an inquiry afoot and discovered
that I.ievre, Frick A. Co. of San Franoisoo
were selling a spurious tea under that brand.
H. L. O. Steele A Co. compelled them to
confess and to promise not to repeat the of
fense. They appear not to have kept their
agreement, however, as- this week E. I.. 0.
Hteele & Co. brought an action against the
same firm, alleging infringement and de
manding $50,000 damages. All honest deal
ers who have built up a business on fair
dealing will lend their moral support to the
punishment of all such rascality as this,
Men who oonfess their own lack of ability
by endeavoring dishonestly to prosper at
the expense of more worthy and successful
men, and at the same time defraud the
...I.. I .....n.n.,,a ., ., .1 l,arl,nmain Put,,
buciu. . - , communitVl Bre enemies of tbecommunity
YxviAtra rpnmveil IllJinV flf those) Willi Were ' V J
The Karly Home or a J'alnter.
Elizabeth Strong, the Host on animal
painter, is a little, delicate featured woman,
with masses of dark hair and keen, observ
ant eyes. Her brother, Joseph t-tronii.
whom Stevenson coes out of his way to
praise iu "The Silverado Squatters," is, as
Stevenson did not mid, the novelist's atcp
son in law. The old Strong home in Mon
terey, Oil., was a cbarniinir mixture of
llohemian whims and artistic tastes set
against a Spanish background. A moon
hese bizarre siirroundiiiKi moved the icirl-
isli figure between her two deer kept as
niodii. Betsey R used to say lovingly
and laumiishiiiKl.v, "Kven Lizzie Strong
can 't paint such a picture as she is herself."
-Aew lork limes.
that the most perfect types are found among
the men. but hohla Lhst tl f-mii.it.
proache it beat type more frequently than b"Pitble aaying: Good is not
Lb maacuUne. .'JuCaJo Xewt. CtUlfb. The best is not too food."-
An Ornament I'or a Man's Room.
A quaint pipe rack for the den of the man
who smokes U a small plaque of uak shaped
like a shield. Un the rack are places for
from live to seven piies, and along the low
er edjre are grotesque brails carved in re
lief. I'niqiie berr mugs fur the same room
are of heavy blue, Krayor bnmn pottery
inscrilsrd with queerly lettered rhymes and
sayings. Una bountiful brown beaker with
a silver lid are the lines, "A little health, a !
little wealth, a little house and freedom," j
and at the em!, A bttle friend and little I
cause to need him," Un another cup is the i
The Oldest Inhabitant Gone,
Amos Andrew Parker of Fitzwilliom
N. H., died Friday.
IIo had Bevernl titles to fame, tliechief-
est being that he was probably the oldest
person m ew Liijjland. He had reach
ed the truly remarkable age of 101 years
months and 4 days, and up to the very
last all his bodily and mental faculties
were in an excellent state of preserva
tion. Ho was graduated from the Uni
versity of Vermont in 181U in a class of
10 members, the next oldest of whom
died iu 1872.
Mr. Parker was on editor aud lawyer.
The journalistic profession is surely not
conducive to longevity, so that the case
is a arery remarkable one. St. Jouns
bury (Vt.) Repnblic.m.
The Telrcraph In China.
In a recent report United States Min
ister Den by of Peking says that by tr
ine of the Husso-Chiiiese telegraph con
vention the Chinese land telegraph lines
have been connected with the Russian
system. Messages can now be sent to
all parts of the world from any telegraph
station in China.
Since the negotiation of this conven
tion, the cable companies have added 15
per cent to their charges, but messages
can be sent on the Chinese lir.es at the
previous rate of tl per word, the cost of
transmission across the Atlantic beim;
He Chose Ihe Cold Car.
The city authorities at Leinars, la.,
have begun the enforcement of a novel
penalty for drunkenness. The city coun
cil passed an ordinance which required
that any person arrested twice for drunk
enness have his choice between reforma
tion and hard labor. He must make up
bis mind to take either a course of treat
ment at a bichloride of gold institute or
work on the streets of the city for 10
days with a ball and chain. The ordi
nance is now in force, but so far only
one man bos been twice arrested. Ee
chose the gold cure.
eneaircd in promoting them. The Wom
an's club in Santa Barbara, Cul., gave
her a very hearty greeting. For their
meeting she wrote some verses express
ing her keen appreciation of the delights
of the country in which she was sojourn
ing. They also reveal much of the deep
religious and poetio fervor of her mind.
There is in them, as it now seems, almost
a hint of a premonition of the end. She
wrote that "the old were seldom weary,"
and that "the fainting spirit rallies as it
takes its flight above," almost as if con
scions that she was soon to take her de
parture, in a ripe old age, from the land
of flowers. Boston Globe.
Two Women Detectives.
The largest New York "provider" em
ploys two women detectives Lena Vor
zemer and Eva Peyser. They are both
mere girls. They receive high saluries,
have the run of a lavish wardrobe and
completely change their attire twice a
day so effectively that there is hardly a
shop thief in New York who is quite
sure of the identity of either of them.
They hove a busy time of it, and they
make it a practice never to arrest a thief
unless she it is nearly always a woman
has left the shop with the goods unpaid
for. They sometimes hnve to f,ive chase to
their quarry shoriM they nronso her sus
picion b?iore tluy c.i nnvst her. New
Ycle Letter.
and of all honest meichants. E. L. G
Steele it Co. have always been one of the
sound and trustworthy institutions of San
Francisco, and so long as they had a fair
field they could notdootherwise than pros
per. A stab in the back, however, is a form
of competition in which their integrity
does not permit them to embark, and their
only recourse is expensive and annoying
litigation to protect themselves.
Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla
Walla via O. K. & N. to Spokane and Great
Northern Rail way to Montana, Dakotas, St.
Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, St.
Louis, East and 8outh. Rock-ballast track ;
tine scenery; new equipment Great North
ern Palace Sleepers and Diners: Familv
Tourist Cars; Bullet-Library Cars. Write
C. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland
Oregon, or F.I. Whitney, G. P. AT. A.,
St. 1'aul, Minn., for printed matter and in-
iormation arjo.it rates, routes, etc.
Golden Medical
Cures Ninety-eight per cent, of all
cases of Consumption, In all III
Earlier Stages.
Althoiifrh bv iituiiv believed lo be Incura
ble, there is the evidence of hundreds of
livinif witnesses In the fact that, ill all it
earlier stage, cniimiinpliuii is a curable
flisense. Not every ease, but a large tfr
cenlage of casts, and we believe, fully o.f
per cent, are cured ny Dr. I'lerce s t,oiiicn
Medical Discovery, even after the disease
has profresed so'fur as to induce repented
blct-dinirs from the hum. severe linuerinir
cough with copious enpeelorntion (includ
ing tubercular nwiteri, great iobs oi iicso
and extreme emaciation and weakness.
Do vou doubt that hundreds of audi cases
reported to us as cured by " Golden Med
ical Discovery " were irruulne cases of that
dread and fatal diHcaxe i You need not take
our word for it. They have, in nearly every
instance, been so pronounced by the best
and most experienced home physicians,
who have no interest whatever in mis
representing them, and who were often
strongly prejudiced nnd advised against
a trial or "Golden Medical Discovery,"
but who have been forced to confess that
it surpasses, in curative power over this
fatal malady, all other medicines with
which they are acquainted. Nasty cod
liver oil snd its filthy "emulsions " and
mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these
cases and had either utterly failed to bene
fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for
a short time. Rxtrnct of tnalt, whiskey,
and various preparations of the hypophos
phites had alio been faithfully tried ill vain.
The photographs of a large number of
those cured of consumption, bronchitis,
lingering enngha, nullum, chronic nasal
catarrh and kindred maladies, have been
skillfully reproduced in a bonk of 160
pages which will he mailed lo you, on re
ceipt of address and six cents in stamps.
Address for Book, World's Diapensary
Medical Awnclnllnn. Bnlfaln, N. Y.
Anagreeable Laxative and N EltVE TONIC.
Sold by Drug-gists or sent by malL ffictoa
and tl.OO per package. Samples free.
tr tlf The Favorite TOOTH PWin
ALU llUforUieTeetUandUreathc,
The lllvlue Influence of Home Is In
four Keeping. It u kacrrd Trust.
If you wlll'mmciuuer that
li s illieaie, and will uw your lovh hi II nonet
to have Urn Fnllenl take a Cure, lh re will be
suukhliie where Narrow now dwell.
Oomel as a Irlend In tlni" of need. It it n l.
tollable, and a Nure Cure. Can bo
taken at home. No low of tlmu; no publicity.
Correspondence Cnnritlcfillul.
Tlte I'ure Uunrnnlertl.
I'rlce, SJ2A.I (.
Room 7, Flood Ilillhllutf, H. , Cul.,
(lenerid AKcnts for 1'nrlilc Conn.
Tho LarKuat Manufacturers ot
On tbU Contlntnt, htrt rtelTt
from Uh f ril
I ike tho Dtilrh l'mrrti, nn Alkit
li'i) nr uttirr I'tit-mtritUur lJv iro
innl In intr of ilirlr m-eliniutliii.i.
ThflrrtHlrl.nii lllti: A K K Ast OCOA fi liwIuUlv
pure tud tutubU, uiii cue's Uat lAun om cent a cujt.
Tho .tiM 1'Hi: for Cniigl.N. Cmrti an J
t'OHMI IlipliOII.
J. K liATKd A '., rr-'iirtiftorn,
4"J Sun mum- Nr.. M. l'
Doubtful HeedR alone. The beat
are eusy to gut, ami com no
more. AkIi your dealer for
Alwars the beat. Known
evervwhei-e, livrry'a Hfi-il
Annual for IND-t n-lla von
rvi hiil, how, and wbon to pliiiiu.
I Bout I' roe. oet it. yinru i
Detroit, Mien. jp
Is not Inherited. It develops
only when lungs are weak
and the system run down.
the cream of Cod-liver Oil,
often cures Consumption In
its early stages and always
prevents it. Coughing is
stopped, Lungs are strength
ened and the system built
up. Physicians, the world
over, endorse it.
' Don't lie deceiied by Substitutes!
Prtpwdbr8eoUIliims,H.T. All Drau iita.
I fo75l..Ci;orfC0lDl
My ion was afflicted uith
cntu rh., I induced him to
fry Ely't Cream Balm, aid
the disauretable catarrhal
tmell all left him. He ap
pears as veil as any one.
C. Olmstead, Areola, lll.
KI.V'8 CHKAltf BALM Opens and rleaniioa
the Nasal Passage, Alhiya Pain aud Inflamma
tion. Hen la the Korea. Protects the Membrane
from goIiIb. Reatorea the Senses of Taste and
smelt. The Balm la quickly absorbed and gives
reuei si mice.
A particle la anrjlir-d into each noatrll, nnd la
agreeuble. Price, Ml cents at DniKKlntH' or by
man. i-,i,y Bjtciriaio,
as warren Street, New York.
GEIIGKEH raisins pays
II you ukc ine mnium
Incubaura brooder
Make money white
others are wasting
time by old proctHflcs.
Catalog teh h all about
It .and describes every
article ueedeu lor i
poultry sutfiiieu.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wheel. Prettiest model.
H'e are Pacific Coant
Agents. Bicycle cntn-
full description , price, etc. . aop.ntS wanted.
PFTATTTMA THr.TTRATnR rn .Petnlnmfl.Cfll.
Branch Hochb, 331 S Main St., I.os Aiik'U-s. H
f HI iiiiimruicu I ,s
"a FKliB.
Manhood restored. I
flight .missions,
Weak memory.
Atrophy, Sexual
Weakness, etc.,
Surely cured by
I he most won
derfulachievement j
In Medical Science. I
Tkt M tuknawl'
tdtd fermaneni I
curt guaranttta.
New York
I15-11; Fulton St.
The life germ
and vital force of
plants and flowers;
it gives vigor,
power and size lo
the vital organs of
man. -
Easy to carry in
vest tcket.
Price ft. Six for $
Sent in plain
wrapper, or at
all Drui:i;ists.
Standard Rem. Co
scattlk, wash
sac. ooabt branch
Of thiity-nine selected Songs, by mail, 60
cmia. (stamps taien.i Aimress w iliy
B. Allis Co., 211 First St., Portland, Or.
For Modern Cooklns;.
Aa matter of useful Information it
may be stated that whenever a cooking
receipt calls for a baking powder the
" Roval " should be used. The receipt
will be found to work better and surer.
and the bread, biscuit, rolls, rakes,
dumplings, crusts, puddings, crullers or
whatever made win De prouueen sweeter,
lighter, finer flavored, more dainty, pal
atable and wholesome. Besides the
koval " will iro further or has greater
leavening Dower, and is therefore more
economical than any other powder.
Many receipt as published still call
for cream of tartar and soila. the old
fashioned way of raising. Modern cook
ing and expert cooks do not sanction this
old wav. In all snch receipts the Koval
Baking 1'owder should be substituted
ithout fail.
The trreatest adepts in the culinary
art are Darticolar to use the Koval only.
and the authors of the moet popular
cook books and the teachers of the snc-i-eeslul
cooking schools, with whom lh
best results are imperative, are carefnl
to impress their readers and pupils with
the importance of its exclusive employ
mmt. The Royal Baking Powder is the great
est hel p of modern timet to perfect cook
ing, and every receipt requiring a quick
raising ingredient should embody it.
Indigestion Cured
" I suffered with indigestion. Food dis
tressed me very much. I took Hood's St-
saparilla after meals, and before one bottle
was gone I could eat heartily without dis
tress. I have recom
mended Hood's Sar-
saparilla to many. I
never heard of itc
failure to cure. Re
cently our station
agent had the grip.
. After be was able to
1 I on ns nan a nisw
agre-able sensation
in his head. He said
,.bam)k.Tr2nfrj it felt as large as a
Mr. John Bennett stove, and he was un
able to perform his duties. He took Hood's
Saraaparilla, and after using one and a hall
bottles he was fully cured. Truly, there is
no humbug about Hood's Saraaparilla."
Joh Bia&rrr, S unman, Ind.
This statement is corroborated by Bigney
& Co., druggists, gunman, Ind.
Hood's PHIS art purely vegetable perfect
ly harmless, always reliable and beneBrlal.
I I BMt Court bjrop. Tat (mu4 Vm P 1
fi hi tm fNl M drr.4nrtv V f
Special Doctors for Chronic, Private
and Wasting Diseases.
Dr. Llpblg'i InvlRorator the KifauRt rompdy for
Seminal WenkueMS, Lomof Muni no1 and Private
Disptuefl, Overcome Prwnaturenesn and prepaiei
an hit marriage lire s flutied, pietumreH aim ronpoti
slbilftieri: fl trial buttle yiven or aent free to any
one describing mptoms: call or addres 400 Geary
Hi , private entrance 406 Maitun Pt., Han FranclHt-o.
Gas or
A Positive Power. Requires No Licensed Engi
neer. Your Wife Can Run it.
PALIER & ELY, San Francisco, Cat. ant Portia!, Or
No Batteries or Electric Spark.
MR? WINtinW'C SooTH.-so
r ssia kr all nnn'jla. U "is'i a iillls
Brca made with
It makes a liarhi live, sweet I" if. Dealers oll
It on the niniinfncnirers' guarantee, n,OoSl-.T
4 DKVKKd, Furtlauil, Ur.
Sweet Virginia
I tn wear In anallt enareunsnrDasfeil.aciniillv
ourlastlnK two b-ixes of any ntht-r lininii. Free
iruotAnimai nil-. ;kt tmk liiMi.xt.
and Dealers generally.
I Mil. mi
n-lf-rnoriilile toy noveliy; neat, mil l,
IM.TcMlni.-. I'lire, lw i.nii,,ii1. ClViil.
Mil. nun ml linulidiirir. U-lii U Sana Jl Ckinci, ill.
Ihat MKiil'KU" l-i the Kreateia mkiii n.thin
ever ili-o .vervil. All anictUty. i'rict-JI.'OhihI
1'iperbox. Kvery bix if. arnireeil. Seitd 'j-i-ent
stamp to UII.HLR K KtKKTY I'Al khi CO. I..r
pilvuie i-lrculur. 1'- u. Bui 106, 1'urtlaijil, Ur.
. P. N. O. No. fi78 -. F. N. 11. Nn. 55
J Tir r)rm otilT. TfT ft.
ache? TVy evervtp mm a bmden? Yonneod
But Tonr GROCERIK AND PROVISIONS nf nn. and we wl'I MT TrnimnneT. W h.t rii-rhs ht
cool and deliver fre to train or boa. We bur and ell f..r vpnt rjiaJi. and eell mo.it rhepT
than any othtr Ann in the opnntrr- 8en1 a rotir nn.e and aotire, nnd we will mxil ton our
new prioe I'M, which will be oar wn. We nff-r to dar: Climax ioba-vn. 40 cents jtr ponrd.
D-y frmnnlated vugar In HMb aaok lor. 00 j BeM coal oil p.r ce f ftf)
Beat oranut or no r per rri 2 10 1 Amm-aie w.n. ir pound. 24
Bead ns a list of what 700 need, and we will make yoo iperil prices. Addrees jour orders lo
MARK. L. COHN A CO. 146 Front Street, Portland. Or.