Oregon Courier. A. W. CHENEY. CITY OFFICIAL PAPB3B. Intered In the Orcyoa City poitoDlce ai tocond clui matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. On yew BIX month! Three monlbi 12 oo 1 00 80 fBT-Thedateoppotlte your addreii on the paper dtnotet the time to which yon hurt paid, Correipondenti wanhd in all parti of the eoanty; liberal InducemenUj write for particu late. OREGON CITY, NOV. 30, 1894. TUK NEW LOAN. The necessity of new losn, If it really exists, if to be regretted. Tbis necessity is supposed to grow out of the deficiency of rerenue as compared with expenditures and the need of maintain, ing the cold reserve. Bo far as the deficiencies in the rev enue are concerned, these are expected to be temporary. There is no serious doubt that the new bill will yield abundant revenue as soon as It gets ll 1nn operation. Its eucci was lanrely discounted before it became law. The depression of business also hu reduced importations, and a cbange in this respect Is anticipated before long. It is worthy of note that the deficiency tha last month or two is due as much to Increases of expendi tures as to reduction of receipts. When comparisons of receipts are made with last year, It is at once objected that 1893 was a year of panic, and that nmlnta were below the normal . But an panic does not keep down expenditures which are provided for by appropriations made long In advance. In beptember, 1893, the expenditures of the govern ment amounted to $25,478,010.17; in September, 1894, they were 130,323, 018.61 . In the same month of this year the revenue fell off less than two millions as compared with last year. Whatever may have been the reason for this Increase of expenditure, it is not due to any cause operating during the whole calendar J ear, for the ex. pendltures from January 1 to September 30, 1893, were fifteen million dollars greater than in the corresponding period of 1894. The maintenance of the gold reserve Is no doubt necessary to the mainten ance of confidence in the currency; but what is more necessary is the adoption of a currency that will not have to be maintained by periodical issues of bonds. The currency question Is of the greatest importance and no little diffi culty, not to be settled in an essay; but it requires no exceptional Insight to perceive that the present condition is Intolerable and that it can not be per manent. Let us look for a moment at our stock of currency as it was on October 1, 1894, according to the latest treasury report that has come to hand. It is as follows: Gold coin $579,728,587 Standard silver dollars 421.170.408 Budsldiary silver 78,054.481 . Gold certificates 04,845,099 Silver certificates 339,070,604 Treasury notes, act of 1890.. 151,009,207 United States notes (green backs). 340.081,016 Currency certificates 56,305,000 National bank notes 207,564,458 Total..... 12,242,041,420 This is our stock of money . The part of it in actual circulation varies from time to time, On October 1, $1,655,- 038,062 were in circulation, and the re mainder in the treasury. The circula tion per capita was $25.29 on an esti mated population pf 68,764,000. Besides the gold and silver coin above named, there was in the territory about f 170, 000,000 worth of gold and silver in bars. "Whom the Lord loveth he chas tlseth," said Holy Writ, and "Pride goeth before the fall." The defeat that has befallen the democrats because tens of thousands of them stayed at home on the day of election, will purify their party and put them in fighting trim for the great presidential conflict of 1896. The republicans will commit a wicked blunder like the McKinley bill or the rilling of the treasury by the Harrison regime which is just like them and be whipped, horse, foot and dragoons. Governor Fennoyer, speaking to an Associated Press reporter concerning the Toklo dispatch of last Wednesday boastingly said : "I see that the Japan' ese government has followed my ex ample in reminding President Cleveland to attend to bis own business. For the sake of the country, the president really ought not to have allowed him self to be snubbed the second time It is too bad that Fennoyer cannot stay in office and continne to set examples for governments to follow. Owing to an ordinance recently passed by the Portland city council, the East Side Railway Company are proh ibited from taking freight or packages to Ore' gon City. We are at loss to see bow the public can be benefited by such a law. It will prevent the people of Ore gon City from sending to Portland mer chants for small orders. Perhaps the city fathers have hit on an unexpected device to meet "that deficiency. "Sun. Bo ati no is lively on the Willamette this season. It will be lively all the time if the government would give the river proper attention. It is a iitnenta ble fact that, although this was the first Improvement in Oregon for which con gress made an appropriation, the river is in worse condition to-day than it was forty years ago Statesman. Thi era of McKinley ism is past. Even Senator John Sberman admitted in a speech at Columbus, O., that the tariff would not again be raised. Demo cratic tariff reform bas therefore come to stay, hence the people will express their appreciation of It at the polls. Tui circulation of tbe daily Sun In Portland now exceeds that of the Ore fonian, and Brother Scott Is afraid he will poll np at the poorhoase. On Monday, Nov. 2tith. the new 150, 000,000 bond issue was awarded to a ayedicats of bankers on their bid of 177.077 for all or none. Cassiks M. Clay, 85 years old, bas Just married a 15-year old girl. I Dr. THE MYSTERIOUS SEAL. The seal Is one of the mysterios of the sea, At a certain season of the year lie disappears suddenly from his haunts in the North Pacifio ocean, to roappear in January far to the south in schools ex tending as far as the eye can see over the undulating sea. Whence these millions of fur seals came or whlttior they went a few months previously is what puzzles the United States fish commissioner. Soals have been caught in the Atlantic when they wore absent from the Pacific, different in this par ticular that they are "hair" not "fur" seals. Whether those wore essontially the same seals, excepting that they were dressed in their fall coat of hair, is an open question. If they were, how did they make the trip from ocean to ocean? j Any way, the great herds of seals which bob up in the South Pacific In midwinter have allayed the apprehension that the animal was being exterminated. A year or two ago, it was believed that the seal migrated southwardly, but this belief has been found to he erroneous. The close season for the catching of tiie seal should commence instead of May 1st, April 1st or sooner, as, for Instance, the Indian hunters of the Neali bay rotwr vation kill In the fore part of the sum mer many seals heavy with young, it being one of the curious domestic freaks of the animal that the herds at that time cunsist mainly of females, as if the bucks were too indolent to leave the Arctic islands where the seals do their courting. MOUNT PLEASANT. Rev. Mr. Mathews, of the Primitive Baptist denomination, preached at the house of Morris Reilly on Monday eve ning. He is an old gentleman of the band of pioneer shepherds of the flock of Christ, who go about calling sinners to repentance for the love of the work lie lives on a farm In Polk county, on which he has grubbed many a stump, and dispenses the Gospel, like the apostles of old, for no earthly reward, "without money and without price. tseemingiy, lie can quote, at will, any verse of the Bible. After the service, by request of Private William Kidgoy, the articles of faith and rules of conduct of the Salvation Army were read to the congregation by Mr. Mathews. air. ana Airs. Lee of Highland vis ited Mr. and Mrs. James Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Reilly on Tuesday. The suit between Mr. Partlow and the Howland Brothers in regard to the division lines between their respective lands has brought into prominence the fact that there is a small wedxe shaped tract between liiehvo donation claims, as oii'mii'v l.i : out. that no body owns. Even L' ne'e Sn m will not have It because it it too miihII lo bolder his head about. At it l es in a canyon it illicit IVm a good duck i a null for a Chinaman. CIRCUIT COURT. State va II E Cross: dismissed. State ys W W McUuire at al; dis missed . M Pratt adm vs Doliah Sargent; with- drawn. W H Rees vs J II Teasdule; dii missed. E Collins vs Sidney Clack et al ; dis missed. Wm Farllow vs Alfred T Ilowland et al; defendant's demurrer ovenuled. Wadham & Co vs H A Vorpahl: ver dict set asiae ana new trial granted. State vs J 8 Bruce: not euiltv. Stale vs O Shaffer ; euiltv as chareod. Anna K Davis vs Thos T Davis ;divorce. iK.rocke vs Ann aicuratli ; dismissed. Hannah Bufllngton vs C N Wait et al: defendant's demurrer overruled. employ nruse in ueiault. W II Fitspatrick vs Clackamas Co et al : defendant demurrer sustained. MP Bradley vs Clackamas Co; trial set for January 12th. M P Bradley adm vs do; trial January 12th. State vs Wm Wallnns; triul January 8th, release on (50 bond. State vs Wm Bluhm, fe lled by mi r age. State vs C II Shaffer; indicted for forgerv and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. State vs Jos Peoples; Indicted for assault with dangerous weapon and fined $50 or 25 days in jail. State vs Wade II Spencor; indicted for larcency by bailee of $10 and sentenced to one year iu the pen . Geo Smith vs D B Rees & Co; new undertaking. Theresa Kramer vs L M Frennett et al ; plaintiff motion sustained . Court allowed the following bills: W N Barrett, diet atty $342 50 C E Runyan, reporter 140 00 T W Fonts, bailiff 78 00 Thos M Miller, bailiff 78 00 Max Schulpius. " 42 00 The circuit court ndionrnod at 4 o'ciock many, alter a ltsiiayss session, in wliicn tiino 01 cases of law and equity ami 14 criminal cases were disposed 01. The Companion's Calendar. The Youth' Companion has just pub lislied a calendar for ius which is a work of art indeed, three works of art in one. Scenes typical of three seasons of tho lyear, Winter, Summer, Autumn, are shown. The first picture represents a mother and boii pausing in thoir walk iu a snowy field, across which a rabbit is running, much to the museiiient of the boy. The artist In the summer scene has pictured three children rowing down a winding river; and were it not for the apples which fill the pan in her arms, one would scarcely imagine that the graceful alrl in the third picture was typical ol autumn. Around the pictures are grouped the monthly calendars, tied together by ribbons. This attractive calendar and a full prospectus for 1805 will be sent free upon application, to any one consider ing a subscription to Tin Companion. From no other paper can so much enter tainment and instruction be obtained for so little money ($1.75 a year). If you subscribe now you will receive the paper nntil January 1, 1S05, ami for a full year from that dale, including the Thanksgiving. Christmas and New Year's double number. Address : Tin Yoitii's Uompa.xi w, Bjston, M iss. A Bargain. 100 acres of land in this county, town ship 4 south, range 4 east, within 1'4' miles of store, postoffice and school house; county road to the land; six acres in cultivation. I wi.l sell the above described land for $000, $100 cash and the remainder in stock of any kind, or on sa long time as mar be agreed opon. This place is 5U miles from Springwater and 21 miles from Oregon ' City. Inquire at this ollice. Price's Cream Baking- Powder Went a Fair HlgHeM Made! 4 MpfeM. LOCAL SUMMARY. For staple and fancy grocoiles go to the Star Grocery. FREE I Samples of 25o green tea Compare with teas sold at '40 and 50 cents elsewhore. Cabot W, 17 yards 1 ; Vaseline 5c, at Bud Front Stores, County and city warrants wanted by the Commercial bank. Now Is tlio time to paint your houses, roofa, barns and fences, and for the next 30 days wo will give a cash ilia count of 2 per cent, on paint bills. Channan & Co., City Irug Store. Btirdman's Soothing Powders claim to be preventative as well ss curative. The claim has been recognized for over fifty years. Mortgage loans on improved farms at a low rate of interest. .Security must be gilt-edged. Apply to C. O. T. Williams, Oregon City, Ore. For choice hay and feed go to the Star Grocery. Uiie Pure Prepared Paint. Chnrmun & Co., Druggist, agents. Pumple card free. Cordwood sluuipage for sale, or to be cut on shares. Apply at Commit office. Prescriptions carefully compounded at G. A. Harding's ilrug store. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, Kan Francisco is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on 11 lu in his office. Received at Charmnn A Sou's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and nret tiest designs. Drs. Ilickey & Ilickev, dentists, are at the Klectrtc Hotel in this city on Friday and Saturday. Portland office, Rooms 117-118, Dekuin Ulrig., 3d and Washing on streets. 8H1NAL TKIL'MI'IIS WON. Ily Dr. Prlee'a Cream II . king I'uwilrr Two signal triumps have been achiev ed by Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. First It received Highest Award and Diploma at the World's Columbian Ex position of 1893. Next it secured High est Award and Gold Medal at the Call fornia Midwinter fair of 1804. At both fairs it surpassed all competitors In every respect. The award, in each instance, was for strongest leavening power, peifect purity and goneral excel lence. It was sustained bv the unani mous vote of Hi" judges. The victory at Chicago establishes the supremacy of Dr. Price's as "The Fori most Baking Powder in the World." The triumph at San Francisco confirms and emphasizes it. FREE. The Northwest Pacific Farmer, pub lislied at Portland, Oregon, now in its twenty-first year, is the best uud In fact tbe only true weekly agricultural paper published In the .Northwest. It le edited by Frank Lee, the erangei editor, assisted by scores of correspondents, and contains from 10 to 32 pages weekly, of agricultural, horticultural, stock poultry, Western market reports children's, household, and other items of intereet that no one who has any interest in the farm or the Northwest can afford to be without. At $1 cash in advance per year for this large weekly makes It the best and cheapest paper in the United States. To all new sub scribers who will pay one years' sub scription to the Courier in advance, and all old subscribers who will pay their back subscriptions and one years' sub scription In advance to the Courier will receive this great Northwest journal free for one voar. O. R. A N. Co. Travelers must not foruot that the O. R. AN. line thoroughly repaired and all trains are runnliiL' without transfer or delay Through service to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicairo; Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair cars, up- bolstered touriat sleepers and modern day coaches. Call on O. R. & N. agent before purchasiiiK tickets, or address W. IIJ lluiuiiuiiT, Ooneral Passenger agent, rortlanu, ur. Almost a New York Daily. That democratic wonder, The New York Weekly World, has just changed its weekly into a twice-a-week paper and you can now get the two papers a week for the same old price $1.00 a year. Hunk of it! I he news from New York right at your door fresh every three days 104 papers a year. We have made arrangements by which we can furnish the Common and the twice a-woek New York World for (2.35 a year to catdi in advance subscribers Here is the opportunity to got your own local paper and The New York World twice every week at extraordinary low rates. Francis Houghran. A liiikiial iikwaui) will be paid for the address of Francis Houghran, aged 24, black hair, tall and slim, a clerk who left New York in 1889 for this lo' cality to benefit his health. He bas recently inherited an estate and his presence in Washington, i. v., or a power of an attorney, is necessary for settlement. Address this oflice for pur ticulars. Cheerful Winter Evenings. Nothing brings so much joy and com fort to the fireside as a genial viailor one that entertains and instructs every member of the family. The hitch string is always out for the Prairie Farmer, for it always brings a weekly budget It is brighter than ever, with a host of new writers, this year. The Thanks giving and Christmas nuinhers will be worth more than a year's aubacription. $1 gels 52 visits This Pkairir Fakmkr, Chicago. FOR SALE. Eichty acres of fine farm land, inostlv bottom, on Woodcock creek, Clackamas count v, two miles from Meadow Brook poHtotlice. Three acres cleared, 12 acres slashed ; good house 20x.'!0. Price $S00, of which MM) must be paid down, bal ance two years' time. For further par ticulars call at Coi RiEK ollice or address me at ancouver. Wash. Mk. Anna Taylor. The administrator of a deceased home steader has no authority under the law to submit final proof for the benefit of the devisees. In the event of the home steader's death, final proof may be sub mitted by any one of the devisee. and if such proof is found satisfacti ry, the certificate should issne in the name of the devisees of the said homesteader generally Asst. Sec'y. Sims. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. The Toledo Weekly.Blade. Of the now nosrly 20,000 reguh r piiuilcatinns in the United mates, tlieie are nut (wo or threo weekly newspapers published for general circulation in every state and territory, and of these the Toledo Weekly Blade is the best and most popular of them all. It is the olilott, best known, and has the largest circulation. For more than twenty-live year it has been a regular visitor to every portion of the Union, and It is well known at every one of the UO.OtM) odd postotflces of the country, It made especially for family reading. It gives the entire news of the world each week, in such condensed form as will save reading scores of psges of dully papers to get less uiiorirmllun. ju publican in politics, temperance in prin ciple, always on the side of justice and right, it is just the paper for the rising generation, and a great educator for the wholo family, burial stories, wit and humor, short stories, household depart ment, question bureau, farm depart ment, camp lire, Sunday school and young folks are a few of the many other prominent features or this great paper. A specimen copy will be mailed free to any address ou application, and the pub lishers invite any person to send in a long list of addresses to whom they will mail sample copies. They would bo 2lad to mail a couple of hundred speci mens to readers of this county. The Weekly Ulaue is a very I a rue paper, and the price Is only $1 a year. Address : Til K 11 LA UK, Toi.koo, O. An opportunity. To make room for shoes now being made for us we will close out our $1.25 ladies' grain button shoes at 89c. School shoes, according to size, 75c, 8oc and $1. The Red Front Stores. Notice" ' 1 Notice is hereby given that I have sold my good will and Interest l the livery and feed business to Fred Wil Hams and Wm. Kidd. I shall continue the truck business as heretofore. IIksrv Cookk. LOST, STRAVED OR STOLEN. A small bay mare, about 10 years old, branded SD on the hip, weight about 800 pounds, white strip in face, nose partly Roman, mine and tail rather long and dark colored, iiind leg white nearly to the hock. Anyone giving information as to her whereabouts, or returning her to M. W. Randall, will be suitably rewarded. The Value of Frieud, ' Coiin'fxia, La. For over sii years I was greatly troubled with constipation and biliousness and was often unable to work. At the suggestion of a friend I tried Simmons Liver Regulator and am now free of these troubles. Harris' n Tarloton. Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid. The powder to be taken dry or made Into a tea. I Courier Clubbing Rates. cairn nr combined both. raics. Tolodo Weekly Made - S3 00 12 SO N .W. I'aclllc Farmer 3 00 2 00 N. Y. World, loml-weckly 3 00 35 " " almanac 2 23 2 00 Illustrated Home Uuest and 20 novelettes 2 60 200 American Farm News 2 60 200 Womankind 2 W 2 00 Farm News, Womankind and While Itlbbon Cook Book 4 00 2 25 I'ralrlo Farmer SOU 2 25 Pcmorest'i Magazine 4 00 8 24 Courier-Journal 8 00 2 60 For Sale or Trade. A first-class lot In Pierre, South Da kota, two blocks from University and but a short distance from business part ot the city, lor sale at one-fourth actual cost or will trade for or towards an Ore gon City Int. Inquire at Courier oflice. Forgot the name. A Portlander step ped Into an Oregon City store and bought a paper of pins for a penny. He also got a card of hooks and eyes and a paper of needles at the same price. lie forgot the name but remembered that It was a very busy place and painted red. Corn For Hens In Bummer. Corn will moko tho hens lay in win ter, bnt is detrimental to laying in summer, says a writer in The Mirror and Former: A small allowance of corn may do no harm, bnt when the very warm days come it is too heatinir. When hens are laying, thoy are capable of utilizing food for producing eeus, bnt wneu ou the range they have no diffi culty in securing all they desire. When hens arc confined in yards and fed a lurgo ration of corn daily and are also exposed to a high degree of warmth. they are liable to die from apoplexy or overheating of the body. This is especial ly the cose with large breeds that are in a vory fat condition. Corn possesses but a small proportion of mineral substances and is too stimulating as summer food. If the hens are kept iu iuclosures, it is butter to feed them loan meat and ground bone once a day, with a plenti ful supply of chopped gross, especially of clover, rather than groin. A mess of groin may be given three times a week, but such a meal should be light, gronnd grain being excellent Scatter whole grain, however, so as to induce the hens to scratch. Tbe Clover Hay Worm. Thoro is a pest that is called clover worm that is becoming quite serious, destroying the hay in the bottom of the stacks or barns. They like to work in hay that is stored ou the ground, where It is dump A correspondent of Prairie Former tells that these worms will not hnrt hay that is stored on floors that ore high from the ground and dry. He also writes that tho worm can be de stroyed by sprinkling air slaked lime on the first loads you put in the barn a peck to the load. Bisnlphido of carbon Is also nsed, bnt a person must be very direful with it, as fire close to the 'nines would cause an explosion. IiuerU and Fungi Among Frulte. In his annual address before the na tional convention of nurserymen Presi dent Pearsall of Kansas nrged an active co-operation with the introducers of preventives and remedies for destruc tion of the thousands of insects and fungi which are the great enemies of the fruit grower. To this end the sys tern of spraying is practically more effective than all others, bnt the liberal nse of wood ashes or potash in its vari ous forms will be fonnd a great auxil iary, for perfectly healthy trees are lesa liable to infection or ravaged from in sects than thoM which are only in a fair state of vigor. One way to fight the Russian thistle la to pasture it in its early stages of growth, and for this purpose there ia no animal that will compare with the sheep. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Ripans Tabulcs cure headache. Kipans Tabules : for sour stomach. Kipaiu Tabulcs: one give relief. K i pant Tahules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules assist digestion I WEALTV PROPERTY OWNERS List of the Taxpayers et this County Who Pay on Aneiimente of (2000 nd Over. Achorn, Oliver estate of $ 2:KiO Adams, W I) 'K Albright, Charles 6410 Albright, Olive 2250 Albright, Wallace and E K. 5510 Aemiseggor, Mathew 2 1 Ho Andrews, L II 2,H15 Apperiuin, J r 12.IM5 Arnold, Lucy J 2000 Ash A Ackerman oouo Athey, Benj 2010 Atkinson, U II estate of 0256 Atkinson, J L 0245 Ayers, Oscar 2700 Baker, Js B snd A 2540 Barclay, A C A (WW) Uarin, L T 4750 Harlow, FT 2130 lUrlow, M E Mrs 11.400 Barlow-Will Mercantile Co 3750 Barlow, William 1(1,330 Button, Thos F ;woo Italy, Robert 2715 Untitle, K U ,'J;00 Bohr, John 22115 Bessellen, Sarah A 2:155 Billeter, John 2780 Billings, U M Mrs 2120 Dingiiiun. James K 2050 Blackburn, D 8 US20 Blanche!, FA 24.0 Blount, Wm 2100 liluhin, Fredrick 2U50 Uoiina, ilios J 2405 Bond, Hannah 8 Mrs 2805 Boss, Jacob 2:105 Breyman, A and Sommerville J. . 5U10 Brobst, W sjito Brulenck, fella 3750 Broetze, Jno F 3155 Broughton,(ieo 25 Brown, Bamuel SlHX) Bryant, C W 320O Buck, J A 2000 Bucknian, August estate of 2000 II. T...1-1. I Su ,k"Z: m""' " ' miil(mMn Naruh I iakhA Bucknian, Thos 8200 uuiiock, K ll Miss 2:iO0 Murmewter, u 11 L, Mrs L'550 uurney, wm T 2.r00 uutie creek orange Association. . Mllo Cabell, lienry C 2300 Callahan, (J Airs 3,'JOO Campbell, John 2300 Campbell, Morrison 2500 cupps, a 2815 iaruineii, Unas 2300 CBriton x itosenkrans 2500 Carter, Lydia A 2000 Caufield, Chas II Cautield, E O 7400 Y napman, ciien Mrs estate of. . . . 3500 iiiarman, is is 13,252 iiiaruinn, & a 3070 cnarman, Mrs MM 8050 Viiarman, soon a Miin Channan, Thos 16,000 Charman, T L 10 4:0 Uiarman, f L trustee ihkhi Uhannan & (Jo 2000 Channan & Son 8-KX) Chase, Sarah A. 4000 Christian, o 11 2505 Church, M E Mrs 2450 Clark, Allred 27 Clark, O F, and wife 4990 Clark, I L 395 Clark, T W and H H L 7400 Clayson, W II estate of 8000 cocnran. j v hits Cole Bros & Co 2220 Crawford, J E 2800 Crisell, W A 4125 Cross, HE 0830 Crown Paper Mill Co 23,300 Currin, Diona 3410 5010 Currin, Geod Currin, Hnbt Y 2700 Currin, Wm J 2100 Daniels, Reuben 2235 David, John B 3500 Davidson, J G Davis, CO 2400 Uaveren, Mrs N 2300 DeardorfT, D H 4280 Deardorff, J M 7485 Dibble, R T and Jetty L . . . ..... 3725 uiuoie, i nos i, auos Dicken, Mary J Airs 1 2915 Dixon, Elmer 2450 Dolan.John.. 2075 Draper, J V 3800 CONTlNttKn NEXT WKEK. R. Staub's Star Grocery keeps a full line 01 an Kinas 01 groceries and pro visions, which will be sold at lowest prices possible for good goods. Do not send your orders to Portland when you can get better satisfaction at the Star Grocery . Chrysanthemums for sale at the Gladstone greenhouse. A large assort ment to select from. Money to loan on good security by A . S. Dresser. For the best tea and coffee, and sugar cured hams and bacon, go to the Star Grocery. We give particulars In another column of the greatest work of art recently pub lished, a first-prize water-color picture, which we will give to nil our readers us a Thanksgiving present Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A Wise Conclusion. West Corinth, Me. I doctored for years tor biliousness but nothing ever helped me like Simmons Liver Kegula- tor, I shall take nothing else hereafter. N. M. Oakman. 1 our druggist sells it in powder or liquid. The powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Our Thanksgiving Gift. We have arranged with the publish erg to send free to every reader of this paper a copy of that charming, prize water-color picture, " Whith i the Sweetert" Everyone has gone into ecstasies over the popular study. The pictures are each 12,34'xl7 inches in size, it is an opportunity mat snouiu not be lost. To obtain this valuable present you have only to cut out the appended cou pon and fill it up, enclosing four cents in stamps or pennies, for packing, mailing, etc., to the publisher, W. Jenninqs Demorest, 15 East 14th St., New York, who will send the picture direct to you, thus avoiding the additional expense hich would be incurred if sent to us iu the first instance snd then mailed to your address. We present our compli ments with tins choice gift, which we are glad to be enabled to send to yon, as it will form one of the most attractive ornaments of your home. W. JENNINGS DEMOKEST, : : 15 East 14th St . N. Y. : Please send me by return mail the -' water color picture "Which is the ; tweeter?" which I am entitled to ; : by being a reader of the Coi aisa, Oregon City. Oregon Inclosed find 4 rents for postage. . ; packing, etc. ; Name. Post flice. Conntr. . State.. What is ' mi iiiMMMiiiiMiuvPittlivvtii;xvvVV fj Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing- Syrups, and Castor OH. It' Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys 'Worms and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Can toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Cartorla la an excellent medicine for chil dren. HothershaT.xepeatodlytoldm.of Ita food effect upon Ihelr children." Da. O. O. Oaoooo, Lowell, nana. " Caatorla la the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day la not far ditUnt when mother, will consider the real Intent of their children, and uie Cutoria In stead of the rarioutqutck nottrumt which are deetroTinc their lored ones, by forcing opium, morphine, toothing syrup and other hurtful agent, down their throaU, thereby tending Ibwn to premature graTea." Da. J. F. KnoaiLOS, Conway, Ark. The Cmtanr Company, TT For tale luOretn.,iClt,Oi'J.,byCUAltMAN a CO., VrumilaU. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I HAVE NOW IN MY 1IAND8 FUNDS API'U cable to the pnvmenlof Ihe following county warrant, endoriiil July 11th. iml, to-wlti Koa. Ul.M and Kl.'jta lot t-'ajn each. Intereat will ceaau on aume from the date of j thla notice. M. L. MOORE. TrcAaurcr of Claokamaa Cnunlr. Or. I Dated Oregon City, November loth, im. ' Oregon City Market Report. Wheat Perbu, 3sc. bulk without tacktl O ati--2325o v bushel, with aackt. Fi.oua Roller fi 00 per bbl, net Eoos 23c Botts a 353oc .roll, country Vial baa dretted CHICKKN8 Broilers $11 50; young-fl CO 2; old M. Beet On foot, l!,(3ic Mutton $1 2.'el 5u 8hinoi.es fl 50 thousand. Lard 12Xo pound. Hides Oreeu,3c;dry,a7ctlb; one-third off orculled. Sheep pelts, 2j30o Hay Timothy, 112, clover 111, baled. Dried Fruits Prunes 5c; apples r$ijc; dull. Mill Feed Shorta $13, Bran 113; Chop H; rejected wheat, M cents $ bu Pork Bidet l'-'o, ahouldert So, hami 12c on foot 4c; dressed 5Ho. Potatoes 40(346 oentt por 100. Apples MCI0 centt box. When Baby wa. tick, we gaw her Caatorla. When the was a Child, the cried for Castoria. When the became Mist, the clung to Castorla. Whw ah. had Children, the gave them Caatorla We offer you a beautiful picture, free, as a Thankstiivine token from us, and give particulars in another column. Crouu is a terror to young mothers To post them concerning the first synip toms ana treatment is me odjpci 01 hub item. The tirst indication of croup is hoarseness. In a child who ia subject to croup it may be taki n as a sure sign of the approach ol an nttack. follow ing this hoarseness is a peculiar, rotiL'li cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the rough cough has appeared will prevent the attack It has never been known to fail. 50 cent bottles for sale by G A Harding druggist. For pain in the side or chest there is nothing so good as a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain calm and bound 011 over the seat ot pain. It atlortls prompt and perma nent relief and if used in time will often prevent a cold from resulting in plieu noma. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back. For sale by G. A, Harding, druggist. W. A. McGuire, a well-known citizen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that there is nothing as good for children troubled witli colds or croup as Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. He has used it in his family for several years with the best results and alwavs keeps bottle of it in the house. After having la gnppa he was troublad with a severe cough, tie used other remedies with out benefit and then concluded to try the children s medicine and to his de light it soon affected a permanent cure. 50 cent bottles for sale by U. A. Hard ing, druggist. Notice. Oregon City, Ore., Oct . 24, 1894 Notice h hereby given that the ap proved plat of survey of Township 1 South, Range ti East, has been received from the Surveyor General of Oregon, and on December 18th, 1894, at 8 o'clock a. m. of .aid day said plat will be filed in tliis office snd the land therein will be subject to entry on and after said date. Rohert A. Miller, Register. Peter Paqukt, Receiver. FOR SALE CHEAP. A photograph gallery and lot, with complete outfit for work. Instructions in photography and crayon enlarging free to inexperienced . purchaser. Reason for selling: have other studio which occupy my time. A bargain to cash purchaser. Full particulars on application. Address Box 91, (iervais, Oregon- For OT.r HOT Tear. Ai Old axu WeuTbiu Eimidt. Mrr. Wit iuw'i Soothing Syrup ha. bt. naed fur over fifty rtra bj aailliona of taut Dm fur their chiMrp. wbile trthiag, with prfct anceeet. It arotht. tfe cSiM, aufttaa the gaaw, aliayt all pain, care, wiajd colic, and la the W-4 rrmty ft MamuM. la pl-Mat to It aw. SuM by Dnifgiau la eierj part of the World. Tweatjr S eraia a bottle. Its nine is In calculable. Ba tare and aak for If ra. Wiaolow's Sootbiag Sjrmp, and take me ether kind Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder AvanM CoU Mxd MidariaMr Far. Saa Fnacac. Castoria. " CattorUt U to well adapted lo child ren that I recommend It aaaupsriortoany prescription known to me." II. A. Aacnia, II. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physician. In the chlldran'a depart ment hare apoken highly of their expert. . .no. In their outaide practice with Cottorio, and although w. only hare among our medical tuppUet what Is known at regular producta, yet w. are free to con feat that the merit, of Cutoria hat won ut to look with favor upon It." USITtD BoaPITAl. AND Dni'tSSlRT, Bottou, 1 Allis C. Smith, Fret., Hurray Straat, New York City. MANHOOD RESTORED! JuuruiiU'i'U Iti cure n.l iifrvuiifl(llBeaM!n.iucti n Wunk Memory, Lonof HnUn 'ower, UcnftKCUf.WakululiieM, Loit Manhood, Nlifhtir KiuInhIoiis. Norvous litn,ll fjrutiiHiuid loftor powi,rliiCienurativeOrKuiiR of either ox ciui-u-il br overexertion, vi.iilhtlil error, oxceaslve uite of tobacco, opium or ellni nfnnta, which b'Vl to lntlrmltr.C'miaumpllanor Iriftanllr. Can be earrU-illn VHHt pocket. &X per box, t) for S)A br mnll preimlil. With tj: imlur wa .It m written .iiarniitrelo eure or refund the money. Hold brail Initreifttft. A A for it. take no other. Write forfroc- Medical Uook aeiitflcitli-il lnp.uuwraii!i.r. Auuieet &EUVfiBJttEDCO.,MatiuulGXuuiule.CulL'.U0. Oregon Pacific Railroad Company ;H AS. CLAItK, ItccelTer, Connecting with Btr. "HOMER" between Ttiquiua and Sun Francisco. Steamer leavca San Francisco Februur)' IZOtll Btarcb 2d, 12th, 220 and 31at. Steamer leave. Vii.Mlliia February gTitli, March "til. 17th and 27th. RigliU reserved to change tailing dutra without notice. For frelKlit and paupnger ratet npHy to any Agent CHAS. J. HKNPItYS, SON A CO., Not. 2 to 8 Market Street, ' SanFriuiclhCO, Cat. CHAS. CLAItK, Receiver, Corvullls, Oregon. To CONSUMPTIVES Tne undersiitned having been rxtorcd to health by simple nieuuti, after null Winn for several years with a severe lung alVeotion, and that dread disease Coiisumptlun. Ifl anxious to make known to his fellow sutlerera tho means of cure. To thofe who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of chargo aeopy of the prescrip tion uwd, whleh they will find a Mire cure lor CoiiHiiiiiptloii, AnOuum, Cntarrli, Itroiiehi tla and all throat and lung Mulndifta. He hopen iH sufferers will trv his remedy, an It is Invaluable. Those denfrlnf the preKcrtpMon, which will cost them nothing, and may nrove a bleating, will please address, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Brooklyn. N. Y. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains. Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, AH Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquer! Pain, Makes flan or Beast well again. CcSSJRALEIrks VfiUr T ruun I f A I OBTATtt A PATENT f For ft prompt tnawer and an honest opinion, writ to Ml S3 A- CO., who hftTC bad nearly ftfty eara' experience rn tbe patent bnaineaa. Common tca tlMia ptiietlT eonfMeotial. A HandbMk of In formation eoocmitm Patent and bow to ob tain ibem ent free. Aim catalogua of han- icai ana ciemioc doocs neni itw. ratanu taken tbroasn Mann at it. recwT neaal notieelnth Hrirntinr A titer., and urn are brouent widely beioretbe public with, oat ent to the fnTentnr. Thi tptendtd paper laaned weekly. eeantly illnnrated. bat by far th laireat crrcnJatioa of any cieminc work ta Lb World 93 a rear. Sample enpie tent free. aiMinf twruoeLiDom n ry. w..ju a year. Pinrt nc I enptea, eenta. ktc tifoi Matea. tn eokm. very number contain beao. piarea, tn eown. ana pbocoerapbt of new a, with Diana. enaMinabailoen U.how tna itb plana. enaMinaT 1 latt deatftw and secure contract Aadrena V 0. R. & N, CO. K. MeNKIL, Hpcelver. TO TIIE Bi) AST (II VI'.S I'll K CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ' KOU T IE S VIA GREAT NORTHERN fir. SPOKANE VIA UNION PACIFIC RY. DENVER OMAHA AND MINNEAPOLIS AMI ST. PAUL KANSAS CITT LOW HATES TO AI L KASTEUX CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 FOR DAYS SAN FRANCISCO For full details cull on ur address W. II. IIUULBUUT, U en 'I 1'ass. Atienl, I'OIITI.ANI), Oh. EAST ANO SOUTH YU The Shaca Route OF TUB SOUTllEKA PAtmc CO. Bxiiro.a 1'ruliia Leave Portland Daily. S""l! i Nortli. l.'i r.u fortland Ori'Kou i lly Sau i rauuiMco Arl 8:'AU.l Lv I 7:lu.i ll I 7:tl0 f. a lltf. M. I.V 10.4.. a.m. 1 Ar Tho above trains atop .1 .11 atatlont from 'Olllllllil to AlliatlV illC'IIIKlVO. Tailuelil. Hh,..I.U Halm')', Harri.uiirK, Jiiiii'linu City, Irving, 11- . nt Bia.ion. iivui IVUHl'nurg lOAall.aiMl KUMUHUltti MAIL UAII.Y. ' 3::ioa.u. ,v Portland Ar I 4:KOr u 9MJL.H. I.v Oregon City I,v I rur a 5:51) p, 11, Ar ltosebnrg LvJ7:UUa.' DININO CAKS ON OUDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECONO-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Tli rough Train. WenlNlile 1)1 vmlon. Botween I'OIITlaMI hikI COItVALLlS MAII.TBAIN DAILYtKXCRPTSttNPAY.) :30 A.M. I Lv Portland Arl 5:36 P. Al. P.M.Ar C'orvnllin I,v 1 1:U) P. M. At Albany Htnl t:orvnlila C011111...1 win, tr.i.. f Oregon Pacific Kailroad. KXPHKSB TRAIN DAILY ( S Xt'KPT.UNDA V.I 10 P. M. I.v Ar Portland McMlnnvllle 8:WA.M IWOA.M 25 P.M. THROUGH TICKETS TO AM. POINTS IN Tils' EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at the lowest rntct from L. II. MOOHi:, Agent, On ton t'lty . KOEIU.ER, E.P.ROGERS. Mant'cr. A,M. (j. F. t T Am 11 Portland, Or NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREOON CITY, OREGON, October '.'?, 1MM. Notice la hereby given that the following nami'il settler has llled notice of his intention tniiiiikeflnal proof in support of bis claim, and Ihal said proof will be made before lti'Kisli'r uud Iteoeiror U. H. f.atnl Ollice at Oregou City, Oregon, on December 'M, WM, via: THOMAS A KVANH, H. E. No. MW, for the SE. U of Sen. Pi, T. 3 8., R.li E. H. names the following witnesses lo prove Ills coiitn.i'tua residence upon and cultivation of, said In . iz: Fred Klechol, John Muss, Stay Ware, lames E. Ctirrlc. all of Cberryvllle, Oregon. KOIIERT A. MII.I.KIt, Register. NOTICE FOR TUDLICATION. I AND OFFICE AT OREOON CITY, OREOON ' October '.'7, Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler Itus llled notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of bis claim, and that said proof will lie made be. fore the Register and Receiver I'. 8. Land I'fllce al Oregon City, Oregon, on Dicember ltl, lMM,riz: n. 1,1:11 i. ltuitr.riis, H. E. No. W12 for the E. W ol W. V. and WM of SE. '., of Section X'.T. 2 9., It. 5 fc. Ho names :he following witnesses to prove his conliniiotia resilience nion and iiiltivation of, said laud, Tit: Knnd Pngh, C. I'ngh, I Cooper, H. K. New, all of Dover, Or. RollURT A. KILLER. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, LAND OFFICE AT OREOON CITY, OREGON, October 27, Will. Notice is hereby given that the fotlowlng-natned settler tins tiled notloe of his intention to ninko final proof in support of his claim, and that said prool will be made be... lore Ihe Register anil Receiver U 8. Laud Ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, 011 December )!, MU4, vlii KNUI) PAliH, It . E. No. 8171, for the NW. l of 800. 4.T. 8 8 R. K lie names the lollowitiff witnesses to nmva his continuous residence uoon and cultivation of, saiil laud, viz: V. P. Roberts, Robert De- Sliaxer, I. Cooper, F. R. French, all of Dover, Or egon, UOIllillT A. MILLER, Register. Job Printing at the Courier Office. Lt - , The thumb In an unfailing Index of character. The Square Type in dicate a strong will, great energy and Arm new. Closely allied Is tha tSnatulated Type, the thumb of those of advanced ideas and business ability. Both of these types belong to the busy man or woman; ana Itemorest's Family Magazine pre. pares especially for auch persons ft whole volume of new ideas, con densed in a small space, so that the record of the whole world's work for a month may be read in half an hour. The Conical Type indicate refinement, culture, and ft love of mufic, poetry, and fiction. A person with this type of thumb will thor oughly enjoy the literary attractions of Dtmorest's Magazine. The Ar tistic Type Indicates ft love of beauty and art, which will find rare pleasure in the magnificent oil-picture of rosea, 16 1 24 Inches, repro duced from the original painting by Be Lonjrpre, the most celebrated of living flower-painters, which wil , be given to every subscriber to Dt-morest's Magazine for 1806. The cot of this superb work of art was 5350.00; and the reproduction cannot be distfngnlshed from the original. Beside this, an exquisite oil or water-color picture is pob lihed tn each number of the Maga zine, and the articles are so pro. fniMily and superbly illustrated that the Matrazine is, in reality, a port folio of art works of the highest order. Tbe Philosophic Type Is the thumb of the thinker and Inventor of idea, who will be deeply Inter ested in those developed monthly In Demorest't Magazine, in every one of its nmnerons department, which cover the entire artistic ana scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. DemoreM ta simply ft perfect Family Magazine, and wa long ago crowned (neen of the Monthlies, send in your sobpcriptloa; ft will cost only ftil.OO, and yoa will have a dozen Magazines in one. Address W. Jrxiei DtMoasaT. Publisher, 15 Kat Htta Street, New York. 1 hnQL'h not a fashion magazine, ita ptrf.-c fashion page.and its article on family and domestic matter, will be of superlative Intereat to those poeewii.g ihe Feminine Type of Thumb, which indicates in Its small size. tend ernes, soft aaii, and smooth, rounded tip. those traits o wntcn oeiong essentially lo tbe rmtier sex. every one of won tnonld nbscrfbe te lK-mret')(neazine. If yon are inacqaainied with iu aents. send for ft specimen copy rfreet, an4 ya wul admit that see teg tnee THI' MBS baa pot va in the way of anng money by finding in one Magazine everything to aausfj the literary wants atf Ihe n hois fanuJj. . .