Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, November 23, 1894, Image 4

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    Take no Substitute for
Royal Baking Powder.
It is Absolutely Pure.
All others contain alum or ammonia.
Brother Hugh Renounce! Wealth anil Nam
Fur Work Among the I'oor,
Brother HiiRh, the founder of tho Now
Brothorhood of the American church, an
order of the Prot
estant Episcopal
church designed
for work among
tho children of the
poor, Is a nephew
of ex-Judge Lonlle
W. Hnaaull of the
Now York state
supremo court and
a member of a
wealthy Ronton
family. Ho has
taken the vows of
poverty, chastity
nnil obellonco and
dedicated himself
for five yearn to
tho work so near
hla heart. During
that time ho will
bo known ai
Brother Hugh,
and when till
term of Hcrvloohaa
expired he cxpocts
to renounce tho world for life and continue
the work.
By his -not Brother Hugh not only lie
Totoi his entire time to tho scrvlou of the
order, but ho aiirn'iiilers all his property,
With the exception of tho hiiiuII Income
needed to furnish him a frugal living.
The work of tho order will be carried on
at present in tho thrco story brick holme,
871 West Thtrty-llfth stnvt, New York
city. Tho basement will bo used as
night school for tho poor boys of the neigh'
boihood, tho first Hour as a rending room
and hall for entertainments, tho second
floor will bo devoted to tho library and
prlvato chapel, and tho tiip floor will Ix)
divided Into six small, cell-like rooms for
Brother Hugh nnd other brothers who
Will join him In the work. At present
Brother Hugh is tho solo niemlKT of tho
order, but Bovcrnl other young men nro
anxious to enter tho brotherhood. As each
new member joins ho will devote Ills
earthly possessions to tho useof tho order.
The sick and tho deserving pour will bo
Visited and allied without regard to race,
color or creed. Brother Hugh Intended to
study for tho ministry, but was prevented
from doing so by poor health, boring a
visit to England the idea of tho brother
hood occurred to him, and ho prepared
hlmselt for tho project by taking a courso
of thoology at Oxford. On his return to
America ho studied law with his uncle.
but his eyesight failed him, and ho opened
a real estate ofllce In Boston. His love, for
religious work soon caused him to nlian
don this pursuit and organlza tho now
brotherhood. On tho street he wears a
seal brown cassock reaching to tho knees
of his trousers. Over the cassock Is a long
coat, and about tho waist Is a silken glr
dlo. Upon his breast and arm nro black
Reminiscences cf Some Famous
Rogues of Long Ago.
About tim "Full Moon."
Did you ever see a "full moonr" I know
what your answer will be without waiting
font, it is tuts, "lea, once every month
since 1 nave been old enough to pay nttcn-
tiontosueh phenomena." Yet I take the
position that you ure badly mistaken, and
that In all probability you have never in
your life beheld the full face of our "silvery
later world." By way of solution let us
see what it takes to constitute a "full
moon" In the exact sense of the term: A
full moon occurs only when our obsequious
attendant Is ISO degrees of longitude from
the sun, Old Sol and the earth being on the
ecliptic. Hut tne moon's orbit Is inclined
to the ecliptic at an angle of 5 degrees 8
minutes 47 seconds and is therefore never
on the ecliptic except when at its "nodes"
or crossings.
This being the case, what we call the cir
cular disk of tbe moon (full moon) lucks
considerable of being un exact circle, being
wnac astronomers term "in a state of gib
bosity," and is never a perfect disk except
when "a full moon" happens exuetly at the
time when Luna is crossing the ecliptic, at
wmun tune sue must necessarily bo cen
trally eclipted. One of our liest present day
astronomers, tn concluding an article of
much merit on tho same subject, says, "We
therefore concludo that n real full moon,
one having a perfect circle, has rarely, If
ever, been seen." Again I repeat, "Did you
ever bob a run moonr" St, l,nuis Republic
A Description of tho Event as Been by the
Famous Dean Htanlcy.
Tho following concerning Denn Btnn
ley's view of tho coronation of Quoon
Victoria Is taken from a recently pub'
lialicd nro of time remarkable man:
At 10:80 another gun announced that
she was at tho abbey door, and in
about a quartor of an hoar the proco
sion appeared from under tho organ,
advancing np the purplo approach to
the ohunool, every one leaning over,
and in they came. First the great dukes.
struggling with their enormous trains,
then bishops, eta, and then tho quoen,
with hor vast crimson train outspread
by eight ladies all in white, followed
by the great ladies of hor court in enor
rnons crimson trains and the smaller
ladies with delicato sky blue trains trail
ing along the dark floor. When nbo
oame within the fnll view of the gor
geous nbliey she paused as if for breath
and clasped her hands. Tbe orchestra
broke out into the most tremendous
crash of musio I over hoard. "I was
glad when they said onto mo, 'Let ns
go into the houso of tho Lord. ' "
Every one literally gasped for breath
from tho intonso interest, nnd tho rails
of the gallery visibly trembled in one's
hunds from the trembling of tho specta
tors. I never saw anything liko it.
Tears would have boon a relief. Ono
felt that tho queen must sink into tho
earth under tho tremendous awe. But
at lust she moved on to her pluco by tho
altar, and, as 1 heard from my cousin
who had a place closo by, threw herself
on hor knees, buried her face in her
hands nnd evidently prayed fcrvontly.
For the first pnrt the silenco was so
great that at my cxtrcmo point I could
hear quite distinctly tho tremulous but
articnlato voico of the archbishop. Aft
erwnrd it was qui to inaudible. Tho
great drawbacks were tho feeblo re
sponses to tho service and tho feebleness
of the acclamation hardly any at all
at tho recognition and only tolernblo
nt the coronation. That was tho crisis
of tho ceremony and the most striking
part. '1 he very momont tho crown touch
ed her head the guns went off, tho
trumpets began and the shouts. Slio was
perfectly immovable, liko a statue. Tho
Duchess of Kent burst into tears, and
her lady had to pnt on her coronet for
her. Tho anointing wns very beautiful
from the cloth of gold. Tho homage also
from tho magnificent cluster in the very
It was a tnko off, though a necessary
one, I suppose, thut throughout hor fuce
was turned away from the spectators
toward the altar. All the movements
wore beautiful. She was always accom
panied by her eight ladies floating about
hor like a silvery cloud. It wns ovor at
8:80 that is, she wont out then with
hor crown, hor orb and her scepter. I
walked homo. Tho rest had to wait till
8 for thoir onrriago, which was forced
back by the length of tho line to Ken-
nington common. The crowd in the
streets to see tho roturn of the procession
was stupendous. It was all more like
dream than reality more beautiful
than I could havo conceived possible.
should wish almost never to see her
again; that, as this wns tho first image
I had ever had of her. so it should be
the last
A Review of til flood Old Timet In Merry
Kngland Willi h I Mora Iiutruetlve
Tlmn Kill'vliif-Tlttie Oates, the "Klnf
of rerjurers."
"Twulvo Bad Men" Is tho odd title of a
hook nt nneu Intensely aunaiitliinul and
strictly historical recently put forth by
Tinmen Hccmiiiln of 1ondon, but It Is
evident at a glance that ha has not so
looted tho worst men In history, and he
explains his choice by saying that "white
washing lias proved iw bail for biography
as the worst taint of bigotry," ami ho him
therefore taken 13 men whom nobody has
tried to "whitewash," men so thoroughly
and Irredeemably had that men of ull par
ties admit their badness.
Tho star character of tho book Is Titus
Oates and It Is very strange that no full
biography of him hail ever been published
that utterly conscienceless villain whu
" T-'WiT rl
spirits take flight.
the help offered in
vonte Prescription. It's a medicine which
was discovered and used by a prominent
physician for many years m nil cases ol
'female complaint " and the nervous dis
orders which arise from it. The "Pre
scription " is a powerful uterine tonic nnd
nervine, especinlly adapted to woman's
delicate wants for it regulates and promotes
all the natural functions, builds up, invig
orates and cures.
Many women suffer from nervous pros
tration, or exhaustion, owing to congestion
or to disorder of the special functions. The
waste products should be quickly got rid
of, the local source of irritation relieved
and the system invigorated with the " Pre
scription." Do not take the so called
celery compounds, nnd nervines which
Buckley Mailt) a Unotl Throw, but lliidn
Beckoned With His Horse.
Tom Buckley was working on tho
spring roundup in tho employ of one of
tho largo cattle outfits in southeastern
Montana, vvliilu riding through
clump of brush one day hunting cattle a
full grown silvor tip boar suddenly
arose and confronted hi in. Tho only
weapon at hand wits his lariat, and with
visions of juicy bear stuuk for the boy
at supper around tho uioss wagon that
night and a line rug for the protty
snltrmlmiLl,,, lin miinllv lnnummil l.i'u
N Society rone and throw it. A few turns ovor
women often feel the saddlohoru, nt tho snmo time spur
ring his horse, and the shock cnnie.
It was vory sovoro, for unluckily tho
bear's foro leg ns well as his heud was
through tho loop of tho ropo. Tom was
about to drop tho ropo like a hot cako
whou his horso suddenly pnt his head
down and started bucking in true
broncho style.
Thomas didn't last long, flo suffered
whou ho struck tho ground, but he didn't
linger in tho vicinity to ascertain the
extent of his injuries. Ho started for
the top of a bntto closo at hand, and, nl
though an indifferent sprinter, bo man
aged to nmko very fair tima
Looking back from his position of
oonipnrativo safuty, ho coultl seo that
both animals had becomo entangled in
the ropo nml wcro having it out in great
stylo, making frantio efforts to froe
themselves. Tho rope finally parted,
and away they went in opposito direc
tions, or, ns ho expressed it, "they quit
the country, hitting only the high
spots. Chicago Record.
the e licet of too
much gayety
balls, theatres, and
teas in rapid
succession find
them worn out, or
"run-down " by
the end of the sea
son. They suffer
from nervousness,
sleeplessness nnd
irregularities. The
smile and good
It is time to accept
Doctor fierce a ha-
only put the nerves to sleep, but get
lasting cure
with Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Mrs. William Hoover, of Bellville,
Kicniana to., unto,
writes: " I had been
a great sufferer from
' female weakness ; '
I tried three doc
tors ; they did me
no good ; I thought
I wao an invalid for
ever. But I heard
of Dr. Pierce'a Fa
vorite Prescription,
and then I wrote to
him and he told me
just bow to take it
I took eiarht buttles.
I now feel entirely'
well. I could stand
on my feet only a short time, and now I do
all my work for my family of five."
ill 'WW(R1''
Mrs. Hoovkr.
JEWELRY of the moat reliable
hoaao with the lariesl aa.art
meet, baeaaas Fee will get aood
end full valae for roar manor.
All goads warranted. Blltll Is
A. Feldenheimer's,
Ct. Tint a.d Morrl.o. ttreou.
To Suppress Fraudulent Advertisements
or World's Fair Awarder
Letters from both the Chief of Awards
(on Agriculture) at the Chicago World's
Fair, Mr. J. S. Browning, and the Judge
of Awards on Baking Powders expose
the falsity of the claim made in behalf
ol a Chicago baking powder that it re
ceived the highest award for leavening
power keeping, qualities, purity and gen
eral excellence.
The Judge of Awards says that this
claim is false; that no such award was
given to that baking powder. -
Mr. Browning in his letter already
published also shows that there was no
award given to the Chicago company for
tne nest oaking powder.
Jt now appears further that the analy
ses of the powders exhibited showed a
baking powder made in .New lork alto
gether the superior of the Chicago pow
der in both purity and strength.
ine government has prohibited the
nae lor adverting purposes ol the tneii
ais awarded oy trie lair, it would be a
great protection to the public If the gov
ernment would also prohibit the publi
cation of false claims, such as those that
have been exposed in relation to such
ine only otticiai competitive test ol a
national character, from which consum
ers can obtain the actual facts as to the
relative values of all the principal brands
of baking powder of the country, it that
made by the Agricultural Department at
Washington, u. V. It so happens that
this was conducted by the same eminent
chemist who acted as Jndge of Awards
at the Chicago Columbian Fair. As has
already been published, at this exami
nation the Koval Baking Powder was
found to be tbe superior powder and
highest in leavening strength.
aworo awny tho lives of many Innocent
men In tlm later years of C'hnrles II and
Btirvlveil tlm whippings In which ho re
ceived U, lino lashes. "Tho Mood ran in
rivulets," says an eyew itness, "and his
bolluwlngswcro frightful to hear. Several
times ho swooned, but tho cruel lash con
tinued to fall nnd with it vigor which
showed tlio hangman hail received special
Instructions." When unbound, the flush
of his entire back was cut In strips to tho
Contemporary with Oatos was tho
"wicked Judge," tho Infamous Jeffreys.
Botbwell, ono of tho husbands of Mario
Stuart, Is given a prominent place In tho
book, but ono wonders to seo so much
Hindu of rilmon Krascr, Lord loviit, for ho
was neither cruel nor licentious. He re
belled ngalnst King fleorgu II, however,
and the author probably thought that the
sum of all villainy. Another star charac
ter Is Colonel J-'runcIs C'barterls, tho fa
mous client, gambler and rako, who lived
from 1)175 to 173:2 and died In Ids lied aft
er being twlco condemned to death for
rnpo and threatened with assassination for
80 yenrs.
I ho portraits nro a surprise. That of
Jeffreys is from n painting by Kneller
when tJio subject first becamu eminent,
nnd ono can butn.sk: Is this tho (iorgon
which terrllled malefactors, rebels and
dissenters In tho days of the restoration
tho face at Iheslghtuf which men swooned
nnd ono young woman died; tho face which
Inspired Charles II to say of its possessor
that ho had "nioio Impudence than ten
carted street walkers." It Is not even
what Churl Hurfiico would eall a illsln
heritlng countenance (emphasized with nil
oxiilotivo). It Is a faco to threaten and
command, ono also of judicial openness
and serenity.
JufTruys worked hnrd nnd drank (loop,
Ills youthful faco soon becamo blunted and
his eyes bloodshot, nnd when ho hiul dona
tho cruel work of Charles II and James II
for a few years his countenaiico acquired
nn unearthly ferocity. It was after tho
failure of the Monmouth rebellion in KISS
thnt ho was sent on tho western assize.
where ho won for himself his lasting in
faniy. It wns nt Dorchester that ho was
observed to laugh ominously when tho
prenoher referred to mercy In thoasslzo
sornion. A violent cnargo to tho jury fol
lowed, "so passionately expressed ns scorn
ed rather tho hingungo ot a Spanish In
quisitor thnn a Protestant judgo." Thirty
porsons were convicted of treason. They
woro tried haturday and hanged Monday.
Throo hundred others wcro convicted
thero, of whom 75 woro bunged nnd tho
rest- cruelly whipped or transported. Ten
der children, for merely walking in a pro-
oossion at tho command of their teacher
when honors wcro paid to Monmouth,
woro condemned to slavery In the West In
dies. At Taunton 1!)4 prisoners woro
hanged nnd 1118 transported. Tho corpses
wcro hanged In chains before tho country
churches anil loft to roc. "Tho poor pens
ants at worship could sco tho skulls of
but ho bud Inriiielieo and wna spared.
Ho wna old nt 60 nnd grow painfully de
vout, proponed to iwtablish home and
school for his unlawful children, who won
to Iw "collected by nilvertlwiuiunt," and B4
almshouses for oor women whom lie had
Injured. Ho recovered, however, and for
awhllo wna wurso than over. It wan lie of
whom the tory was told that hu offenil
tau.UOO to any one who would prove thero
la no such place aa hell, but the atorlea of
Scotch prenehera III 171)0 and therealHiuta
ought not to bo accepted without oonllr
mntlon. ld'slilea, If thero had been no
hell, such a man would havo mado ono
for himself. Hu died In 17!I2, and tho
mob Uwpaltered the hearse with tho vilest
lllth and garliago as his corpse was taken
through Killiiburgh. Thero was a riot at
the church, and at tho gravo thomohdrovo
nwuy tho sextons and threw dead dogs
nnd cats on his colli n. Arbiithnot wruto
hla epitaph, of which this Is part:
(tiirlea of Curious Tliluga Dune by Tlio.
Addicted to the liuklt The Iloy Who
Went Flalilnf-Caaea ol Sleepwalking
Which Had Fatal Reaulta,
Dim lYiiitlnni'th to rut thu body of i
Colonel Don l-'rani-tsco, ;
Who, with nn intlfxllili constancy !
And inlinltiilile uniformity of life, !
I'ersisti-d In spite of iiko and (annuity :
In tlm practlcu of every hiiiuuu vice. ;
Think not, Inillmuuit rendi r, his life !
uhc1i.hh to mankind, l'rovlilenen fa ;
vnri-d hU fxi-cmlilo (IcmIkuh that ho !
nilulit remain to this nnd future twin i
aiimrtpli-tiotui proof nml example of how !
small iMtliimilon exorbitant wealth ts '
held in iheniKlitof tlm AliniKlity by his '.
iH-Mtowing it on thetnoMt unworthy of '.
the doMci-ndniiU of Aihnn. ;
Simon Kroner really ought not to Ik) In
this collection, lie was burn In lilH7nnd
beheaded In 1747. Ho seized by I rami and
vlolenco thu headship of thu Clan l'rasi-r,
but used his authority so Well that
his people loved him. His authority was
recognized by tho crown, and ho Iw-
came Jxird I.ovat, but In his many In
trigues mado tho mistake of thinking tho
Stuarts could bo restored, joined In tho
their bite neighbors grinning over thu
church door." And so It went through
all the western counties, tho progress of
this monster everywhere attended with
scenes of which the mere description sick
ens tho heart.
Ho became lord chancellor nt 37. Tho
revolution came, nnd ho tried to cseapo
from England disguised as a butcher, but
was caught, and only tho exertions of po
lice nnd military saved him from being
torn In pieces by the people. Ho lived in
tho Tower four months dying by Inches
and NtilTcring such agonies ns cannot be
described, and when dead his corpse was
aid beside that of Monmouth, whose fol
lowers ho had used so cruelly, in the
jhnpol of tho Tower. Yet ho was a mnnof
rcmarkuhlo talents nnd early In his ca
reor noted for a certain coarse humor.
eat once recognize the portrait nf a
oundrvl In that of Colonel Francis ('liar
rls. It represents him as ho stood in tho
oek of the (lid Hal lev, with bis thumbs
tied. The face is powerful nnd intelligent.
Its best feature, tho nose, being well form
ed and prominent, hut the eager, protrud
ing eyes and thick, sensual lips are not
beautiful. The portrait suggests a human
hawk. It might stand ns the Incarnation
of rapacity. Indeed this man preyed on
two classes of his fellow creatures nn
fools with money and on women who
pleased him.
Ho wns of nn excellent Scotch family,
hut took to cards and dlco as n young
duck to water, nnd hia first crime struck
the keynote of his coreer. Coming homo
from Flanders with money intrusted to
him to raise recruits, he gambled away ev
erything while on shiplionrd.
Although frequent ly exposed aa a cheat,
the pennlty for which was the stripping
of the culprit and making him stand for
hours In the corner of room, ("hnrterls
waxed rich and won even tho title of
"colonel. " He secured the Karl of Wemysa
for a son-in-law, having given his daugh
ter the dowry nf a princess. Meanwhile he
committed outrngce that cannot ho de
scribed in n modern newspaper. Suffice It
to any thnt It was violence to women that
twice earned fur him the sentence of death.
Inst Jacobite rcls-lllon, and soon nfter tho
battle of Cullislen wns captured. Hognrth
saw him in prison nnd sketched bis por
trait as tho old rebel was counting the
clans on his fingers.
At tho ago of HO lie was lK-hended nnd
died with great dignity, repenting ns ho
laid his head on thu block, "Dulou ot de
corum est pro patria morl." Ho hnd lccn
a traitor to both sides, nnd tho only "pa
tria" ho eared for was his own lordship in
the highlands.
Other characters in this book nro Jona
than Wild, tho most rascally of all tho ras
cal detectives In history; Walnwrlght, the
poisoner, and Kelly, tho murderous bush
ranger of Australia, nnd Sir Kdward Kol
ley. But in pure nnd unrelieved business
all tho others yield to Titus Oates, tho
"king of perjurors." From tho crndlo to
tho gravo this man never onco exhibited a
moral trait of any kind whatever. Ho
was born in Norfolk In 1IHD. Ho was
known at school first ns a dunco, then ns a
sneak and informer nnd finally ns a pick
pocket. Nevertheless ho obtained some
education and a poor vlcarago In tho
Ho was accused of stealing tho pigs and
chickens of his parishioners, nnd ns a mild
punishment wus mndo chaplain In a war
ship of tho worst class. For various of
fenses ho had to flco from Knglund, and so
tried to becomo a Jesuit In Spain. Tho
fathers thero wcro too shrewd for him, so
he got bnck to England nnd entered a Jesuit
school, from which ho wns soon expelled.
It wus then, in 11178, that ho unfolded tho
alleged nnd ever famous Human Catholio
plot to kill King Charles II.
Tho mysterious murder of Sir Edmund
bury Godfrey set tho nation in a fury
against tho Catholics, and Oatos was hailed
ns n savior. By his abominable lies ho
caused tho death of many Innocent men,
including Lord Stafford. Ho hnd not the
wit to pereeivo when tho reaction camo
nnd was caught in his last and worst vil
lainy tho attempt to convict tho queen of
conspiring ngalnst her husband. Tho jury
gave an awful sentence, part of which was:
"You shall upon thu next Wednesday bo
whipped from Aldgato to Newgate. Upon
Friday you shall bo whipped from Now-
gato to Tyburn by thu bunds of tho com
mon hangman."
On tho first day ho received 1,800 lnshos;
nn tlio second 1,700, being stretched on a
tumbril, ns he was unable to walk. Yet
bo survived, and his partisans claimed it
for n miracle. Tho revolution came, and
he was released. The remaining 18 years of
bis life wcro passed in all manner of petty
villainies. J lu succeeded ill marrying an
old wnninn of some property and tiled in
1705, having outlived Jeffreys, tho cruol
Judge who sentenced him, 10 years.
J. M. L,
Ills l'lnt Was llelter Than a round.
Old sayings nro nearly always truth
ful, but they must bo applied with due
tliscretion, ns a woman inn little storo
'down tho neck" discovered to her sor
row. An old darky called ono morning
to purchase a pound of shot Tho store
keeper being out, his wifo attempted to
servo tlio customer. She could not find
tho weights, but being a good house
keeper slio remembered nu old saving of
frequent uso in cookery, "a pint's as
good ii9 a pound tho world over. "
In her dilemma she quoted that say
ing to tho darky, asking if ho would be
sntishcd to tako n pint for a ponnd
The darky, with wiilo nwako cunning,
snapped at tho chance, got his shot,
paid for it nnd hurried out of tho store.
lho woman couldn't account for tho
sudden hurry of his departure until she,
with prido, related to her husband her
mppy idea enabling her to get along
without weights. Philadelphia Call
According to scientists, thoro ore four
kinds of somnambulism:
Those who talk whilo sloeplng, bnt
do not walk or otherwise act
Thoso wlio wulk or otherwise act while
sleeping, but do not talk.
Thoso who both act and tulk while
Thoso who net and talk and have the
senses of touch, sight nnd hearing, and
it is alleged, in some instances, the
senses of tnto and smclL
This fourth kind is never found ex
cept when induced by niusiiierio or hyp
untie influences.
It is of tho third kind thnt thoro are
most micer developments, independent
of voluntary external influences. Often
tho somnambulist will rise in tho night
and wulk through tho vurlous rooms of
tho house, go out on porticos, and, in
snmo cases, on steep roofs, whore be
would not dare go whou nwako. Fre
quently ho will leavo tho house and
walk through street or field and will
return and go to bed without knowl
edge of anything having transpired
Tho celebrated French physician, Bent
heim, tolls, in his work on "Suggestive
Therapeutics, of a photographer of his
acquaintance who roso in the night and
finished tho work on which ho had boon
engaged during tho previous day and
wns astonished ou finding it finished
whou ho went to work on the following
morning. Painters havo been known
to do superior work whilo asloop, and
essays have been written and poems
composed in tho snmo way.
A youug countryman related an inci
dent occurring in Ins own family. His
brother was a sleepwalker and nlso fond
of fishing. For a number of nights in
succession ho would get up and godow
through a long meadow to a creek and
scizo tho root of a walnut tree growing
on tho bank and pull and tug with all
bis might and at the same timo calling
for tho lured man to help him land
big fish. "I had heard," said his broth
er, "that it would break a sleepwalker
of the habit to wake him suddenly when
ho was out rumbling about, and I de
cided to try its ofllcncy on my brother.
Ono night I followed him when ho left
tho house. As I passed by thowoodynrd
I picked up tho ax, and when we got to
the crock nml ho began tugging at his
imaginary fish I cat the root ami lot
him fall backward into about two foot
of not vory warm water. Ho camo out a
badly disorganized and somewhat fright
ened boy. I havo nevor heard of hint
going fishing or otherwise walking in
his sleep smco bis ducking. "
Sometime sleepwalkers go over places
whero they would not dure go when
nwako, and the fact that such things are
frequently done with safety has led
ninny to believo that thoy novor hurt
themselves. Ordinarily that may bo
true, but there is at least o:io authentio
record of ono death resulting in that
way. Tho sleepwalker walked off a high
portico and died from the fall.
Ono of tlio most singular and at the
same time sad cases of sleepwalking oc
curred near Bakcrsvillo, N. C, a fow
years ago. A young man of the name
r f Garland had been a sleepwalker from
childhood. His rumblings had always
ended without harm to himsolf or others,
and for that reason his wifo usually
paid little attention to his nocturnal eo
centricitios. But a now phase presented
itself when ho began to stay away longer
at a time and always return "wringing
wot," as the washerwomen say. His
wife determined to follow him and ex
ploro the mystery. When ho left his
house, he followed the road to Tow riv-
or and then took a rough, narrow pig
trail leading up the river.
Ho picked his way through the tan
gled homlock and laurel and ovor stones
and fallen trees and along the summits
of precipitous cliffs. His wife kept in
sight by means of the moonlight waver
ing through tho trees. For more than a
mile the sleeper trudged on until he
camo to a Inrgo poplar tree which had
fallen with its topmost limbs far out in
the rivor. Ho walked the log till ho
camo to a large limb extending from it
over tho wnter; then ho got down nnd
began crawling out on tho limb. The
now thoroughly frightonod wifo scream
ed and called to him to wake up and
como back. Ho wns awakened by the
cries, and, doubtless startled and con
fused by the situation, fell into tho river
and wns drowned. Ho had been getting
up in his sleep, going up the river,
crawling out ou that limb, jumping
from thero into the river, swimming to
the bank and returning home uncon
scious of anything that passed.
Thoso facts nro well known to a nunv
ber of people now in Washington.
Washington btar.
tat or Ohio, City or TuLkdo,!
Lucia (,'o(ist. I
FsankJ. CHSNXTmakaa oath that ha la Ine
eenior partner ol the tlrm of K. J. ;nNr i
Co., dolus bitalnoM In Ilia olty of Toledo, conn-
lv moil UlBtu ur.,aali1 miA !. ....1.4 ll.u.lll
pay thu am of ONK lhlNUitKD llOIXAKS fur
each ami every cane ol L'atishh that cannot ba
cured uy tne uae ol UaUi catahbh (Iiiks.
Sworn to before ma and iiilxcrlbwl In my I
urtmiiiiw tine uin uar VI LfeoemiKir, A. v. irvw.
fsau.) A. W. ObKAHON,
Hall'a Catarrh Care la taken Internally, and
aete directly on the blood and miiooua nirfavea
01 uiu syneui. Beau tor luntimoiunli, tree.
. 1. CHKNKY A CO..
Toledo. O.
U..1 A V... . .. I . . - . '
0VIU W U(UglM, fOl-UIII.
" Our country, If right, should be kept
right; if wrong, should ba put right," Is I
polltioal maxim whlob, paraphrased, ap
plies to other conditions of life, thuii our.
health, if right, should be kept right; If
wrong, bhould be put right, especially in
bodily ailments, aneh aa pains and achea,
which pit. Jacobs Oil nroiuDtl von res. Manv
out of work should heed to give it a chance
to oure, and It will give them chanoe to
go to work oured. Another adage iat " he
doeth beat who doeth well." Well, of
course, you want to oe well from all torts
of achea. and the beat thing to do is to uae
the great remedy. Ha who doei so la doing
well Indeed.
Queer UuitiU.
Lady Morgan records in hor "Diary'
thnt whilo dining nt tho paluce of the
archbishop of Toronto slio mot with
guests whose presence would have boon
more becoming to tho playroom of a boy
than to tho dining room of an Italian
Between tho first and second courses
tho door opened, and several enormous
ly largo and beautiful cats wore intro
duced by tho names of Puntalooiio, Dee-
(lemoiia, Otello, eta They took their
places on chairs near tho tnblo and were
as snout, ns motionless, aswoll behaved,
as one could desire.
Ou the bishop requesting one of the
chaplains to assist Signoru Dosdomoua
to something, tho butler stcpjied up to
l.la l.l..t.ln -.1
urn iiiiiinuip dim uimunvui - t " . . .
"Desdemona will prefer waiting for " wuiug w iu ware, ana acu
tho roosts. "Youth's Companion. p;"" J" jirumpuy on tne iviuneys,
uiver una jjoweis, cieanscs the evs-
llot Water For Cowa. tcm effectually, dispels ColJg. head.
not water ror cows" is tno maxim ncueg ana levers nnd cureg habitual
of the Fronch dairy furiuers in tho do- constipation. Syrup of Figs is tbe
portmont of Fillisters. They claim to ottlv remedv of ita tinrl aiu.
hnVA tiinvPii liv nYraiHiiimita flint, urhnn I .1.. J 1 i ii m "
-v r i uuueu. uieasint? 10 ina tosta una nn.
tnwtl 1 11 til liif .triltii tlinv irinhl rtna. I . i . . 0 -
"" "7 , ' " ceptauie to the stomach, prompt in
third more milk than when thoy aro re- : -; ., j ... i ' J. I ..
freshed with cold water only. Caution i,0. ft e fn lts
must, of course, be observed in adopting f0' Prc?ared onj fro,m the mo8'
mm now .viihim Avnt-iniooa Hoi,,., ncnithy nnd npTCeablo substances, its
must bewure of scalding tho throats of man7 excellent qualities commend it
their cows in their baste tn avail thorn, to all and have made it the most
solves nf this discovers whieh in vnnch. Donular remon v known.
ed for by our consul at Brest The pro- Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 80o
portions, wo are told, aro hair a pail of ana 1 bottles by all leading drug
boiling water and half a pail of cold. gista Any reliable drumnst who
London Globe. miv rmt huva it nn tinA mill
j - - w uhuu i, ii. it i y
! ' . j 1 .
iii.ii.,i.i..a , iv.io it umuiiiLir lor uuv one wna
Wlllinm of Orange, we know, hnd a Ho- n'puv " "T lu no not accept any
. .i .......... . ia.ii.i ;..-. -
man uose, ana uio unit "put oiu iMwsrtU'i ouubl.luu).
la a Safe anil Certain Bemeilr.
Small Ooit-Hoina Treatment-No Nfllfia
rletr-No Interruption or Work-No Injii.
rloua Ktrecteor Anr Hurt-Hut a l'erriiut,
Poaltlve, Permanent Dure.
We have lettara from leading- teiiiner
ance worsen, from iilijalcUiis anil from
liundreda of patients, all telllua the iinr
of Its perfeet, permanent, wonderful
Correapomlonee atrlntlr confident al.
It hHl HIS ttlrfomimntif nl lh.ll.....l ...
Total Abstinence Society of Jluitun.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
Have pnrohaicit 1,000 of the FITTZ V.V It K to l,n
alven to Indlirentnumoiiii nMiieii..i win. n... .nu
eaiie ol alcuhollimi.
It la within tba roach of every one In
Call on oa or write ua for tentlmonlnU,
N. J. MONK l.,
Itoora 7, Flood biillilliiK, Ban Kranclwo, (Jul.,
General Agenta fur Paitllle Coa.t.
hook nosed head on poor jKiicoh' shoul
ders," instead of the Trojan nose which he
probably possessed. Perhaps the correct
or Darwinian theory Is that Kneas, by a
rreuk or "spurt" or nature, really had a Ro
man nose. Hence ho was better fitted to
survive than the other Trojans, and he
handed tho nose down to his descendanta.
the Komnna On any other theory it la
hnrd to discover why the Greeks had
straight noses, while those of the Koniaus
were hooked. Nor, after all, are we Quite
certain tnnt tlio brecKs really bad (ireek
noses. It nmy have been a convention of
their art. The future generations, if they
only possess Mr. liiirneJonea' and Mr. Kos-
setti's works, will como to very erroneous
conclusions about liritlsh china. London
Saturday Review.
iouisvilu, nr. not, .r.
A haunted hoiine tn theae nrantlcitl and nnro.
mannc uiiya m BomeiniiiB'Oi a raruy, out an lu
dividual haunted with (be idea thathlBallment
la Incurable la a periinuHKe frequently mot with.
Disbelief lu the ability of medicine to care In
only a mild form of monomania, altboiiKh In
mime ein.es repeated failures to obtain relief
irom many different sourcea would almoat seem
to Justify the doubt Hoatetter's Btomach Hit
ters haa demonstrated ita ability to overcome
dyiei8la, constipation, liver and kidney
trouble, malar'nl complainta and nervousness,
and its recorded achievements In the curative
line oiurht at least to warrant Ita trial bv anv
one troubled with either of the above ailments,
even Hiinousn ins previous enoris to ooiaiu re
medial aid have been fruitless. Used with ner-
slstciice. the Bitters will conquer the moat ob
stinate eaaea.
Qiierlcua How did such a nlaee ever are! the I
reputation of betrfr such a great health resnrtt I
( ynieua-iwo or uiree prominent men died
Anaarreaable Laxative and NEHVR TfiNIfL
Sold by Draggiatsor sent by mall. S5o.,60o
and $1.00 per paokaga, Samples free.
1TO TIaVThe Favorite T00TB POTTU
ILV UwfortheTeotuudllTCatti.Hia,
Lung Troubles
show a tendency toward
Consumption. A Cough is
often the beginning. Don't
wait until your condition is
more serious. Take
Has Justly acquired the reputation of being
ine saivator for
An Incomparable Aliment for the
Growth and Protection of INFANTS and
A superior nutritive In continued Fevers,
And a reliable remedial sirenr
in all gastric and enteric diseases ;
often In instances of consultation over
patients whose digestive organs were re
duced to such a low and sensitive con,liii,,ii
that the IMPERIAL ORANUM was
the only nourishment the stomach
would tolerate when LIFE seemed
depending on its retention :
And as a FOOD it would be difficult to
conceive of anything more Palatable.
3old by DRUGQISTS. Shipping Depot.
ii YOU
With tbe increased facilities for travel
and the great number of travelers, there
has been naturally a great increase in the
risk of accidents.
livery one, wno lor any reason is com
pelled to incur these risks, should keep by
nim a sunnlv of ALi.cneic'a Pnanna Pi.aiu
tirs, for they are a wonderlul specific in
strains of the back or limbs, suoh as are
almost inevitable in case of accident.
Anv one starting on a loner lournev
should have one as a part of bis equipment.
Commuters on suburban trains should
keep them both at home and in the olllce.
ALLeocK's roaous i-lasterb nave repeat-
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil.
at once. It overcomes all the
conditions that invite thai
Consumption Germs. Phy
sicians, the world over, en
dorse It.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Freparad bjr Scott Bowaa, N. Y. All Dniuista.
It u the medicine above
.......... a. a i u j, , un i una,.DD u.,D l ourttt' I . . . , ,
edly proved their great value in time 0 other Jor catarrh, and
it worth tU weight in gold.
IIkandbktii s Fills remove all impurities.
A Frenchman haa Invented a machine which
turns out forty-two cigarettes a minute. It will
be hnrd work for the colli u trust to keen abend
ui mm gttoie.
lean ute Kty't Cream Balm
with tafcty, and it doei all
that t'a claimed for it.B.
W.Sjjerry, Hartford, Conn
ft-D nun a. Mm
Ask for Tickets via
Big Four Route.
e. o. Mccormick, d. b. martin.
Pasa. Traffic Manager. Oen. Pass. & Tkt. Act.
W. L. Douclas
I'm, thai llyi. Vn,i.
A littlo salt and watrr used ns nn ere
wash will ch'iinso nmi Htn iiL'tlii'ii in-
Ihinit'd lashoa nnd rrst tiivd i vrs. It is
afo to nso it at any time that irritation
in felt A Now York mirKoon tntwrilies
tho ocean for bail eves, narticvalnrlv
outiK eyes, "tit't off, " ho wivs, "when
ever you can nnd let the Halt anil tho sea
breozo wauli nnd blow nrounil ynnreyes.
it win no tiiem kikkL it will (lishxlire
tho Kernis 'f iliseao, for tho air breath-
fil by half tho world is perm laden, mid
sore eyes nro more quickly caught than
mnallimx nnd more fatal. It will bright
vu nnd strenjithcn them and prolong
their bennty and usefulness."
A Conuniirnm,
Traveler (on ninth oust railway)
Why don't yon put np time tables in
tho station?
Porter What for?
Traveler To show what timo the
trains arriva
Porter (scornfully! iTow'ro wo coin
to mako ont a table show in what time '
the trains Kt hero till we see what time
they do get here? London Million.
A Sineltrr Man Who Won Out Over 1,000
on a ts3 Stake.
"Tho most wonderful rnn of Inck 1
ever saw a man linvo was iu the Com
bination nt Bufto, Mon.," remarked
Phil Cusick of Billings to a party of
gentlemen who were discussing games
of chance.
"An employee nt tho Boston nnd Mon-.
tana smelter cnine in, anil, holdine np
a f"3 bill, announced that he had a big
note to meet iu Jim Murray's batik and
was going to win it out He said that
it was for f H88. 88, and ho was going to
play tho eight spot at faro and nothing
elsa Ho seemed to be well known, and
everybody smiled. Ho put a copjier on
his $3 bill nnd placed it on the eight
spot. It lost on the turn. Ho let the $4
stay, and ngain the eight lost He
knocked tho copper off, and the eight
won. Ho pnt it back, and it lost
"Hind you, this was the result of
four successive turns in tho deal. The
player let his (:I3 remain on the dead
" 'Ain't you afraid soniebody'll cinch
that for a sleeper?' inquired the dealer
" 'Not much I' was the reply. 'And
I ain't going to touch it till you make
mo draw down or I win what I want. '
"Tho dealer looked at him, thought
of the chonces of splits, I suppose, and
quietly remarked, 'That goes. '
"The very first turn on the next deal
the man coppered the f 32, and the eight
lost Ho didn't take the bntton off, and
tho eight lost out. Mister man had
.)12 on tho card. The denier got up,
and another took his place. The man
never turned a hair and was as cool as
a cucumber.
"When the cards were put in the
box, every one expected to ace him
Ho didn't touch
Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla fenV"5,?i?'l!.1th.? N8a,1 P8R'". "T
t nun via u. iv. w . iu opuaaiie ana ureal lecis me memorane irom coins. Restores the
Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St. KM ffl SuS' tToh,fce'"m qU'Ck'y
Paul, Minneapolis. Chicaeo. Omaha. St. A particle Is anolled
Louis, East and South. Rock-ballast track ; miui; rr,w-w cenw" SWSSvlS,? Dy
1111c auciirrv : new KfiimiiiiKiii. : it rHr, rxtirrn-i it .... .
ern Palace' Sleepers and Diners; Family " rre B1reer, ew tort.
Tourist Cars ; Buflet-Library Cars. Write afaal flR I IFHIP SL PI)
Special Doctors for Chronic. Private
and wasting Diseases,
0. C. Donavan, General Airent, Portland,
Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A.,
St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in-
rorrnauou auotu rates, routes, etc
Tet 0 as vi a for breakfast.
Use Knamellne Store Polish : no dust no smell.
Dr. Llebla'a tnvlffnrAtnr thn .r.t,t ramn.i fn
Hemlnal WeukneiM, Loss or Manbood and Private
Olsranea, Overcomes Prematurenms anil prennriw
All r.tr niMrrlif llfa'a rimlu , .. T.AI.
Iallillltlea; tl trial bottle given or sent free to anv
one describing-symptoms; call ar add reus -tonorary
8t , private entrance 40& Mason 81.. Hun Francisco.
When Others Fail
Hood's Sarsannrilla builds up the shat
tered system, by giving vigorous action to
the digestivo organs, creating an appetite
and purifying the blood. It is prepared
by modern methods, possesses the greatest
rurative powers, and has the most wonder
ful record of actual cures of any medicine
in existence. Be sure to get only Hood's.
Sweet Virginia
"Hood Sana-
panllii is tin
best medicine
I have ever
taken for a
blood purifier. I had a tired feeli ncr. and
was restless at night. I feel much better
since taking Hood's Sarsaparilhi. I have
taken a great many other medicines, but
thev have given me no relief. My wife and
childien have also taken Hood's Sarsapa
rilla for purifying the blood with beneficial
results. Earn, Koch, Beecher, III.
la a Baking Powder that leads
all ethers in parity and leaven
ing power. Ask jour grocer (or
Hit of prizes, or write to
Portland, Oi.
r 1
5. Cordovan,
: Cfifurui riituri i trnnAi r
! i rtliunw,ciw-u'lCLU.WOrtLJ.
4--3r.5 FINE CAlf & KAKGAR01
3.5PP0L1CE.3 Soles.
Tea eaa aave money by wearing the)
W. L. Donalaa 93.00 Hhoo.
Xeeaaae, we are the largest manuroctorera of
tale gradeof shoes in the world, and guarantee their
valae by Btampfng tbe name and price on tha
kottom. which protect you against high prices and
the mlddleman'a prollts. Our ahoee eiiiial custom
work Id atyle, easy Suing and wearing qualities,
wehavethera Bold everywhere at lower prices for
value given than any other make. Take no sub
atltuta. It your dealer cannot supply you, wa can.
Manhood restored.
Night Emissions,
Weak memory
Atrophy, Sexual
Weakness etc.,
Surely cured by
The life germ
nnd vital force of
plants and flowers
it give vigor,
power and size to
the vital organs ol
The most won
derful achievement
in Medical Science.
Tbeonlyacknowl- I
edged permanent
cure guaranteed.
New York addresi
115-117 Fulton St. I
Easy to carry In
vest pocket. Price
$1. Six for $5.
Sent in plain
wrapper, or at
.ill Drug-gin.
Standard Hcm. Co.
eo. ooAaranAwoH
too IN OOI.D will be paid by the Koch
Chemical Co. for any ease ol female weakness
inaiwni not ram to l)K. J. . h(M HH A.NTI-
or.i iiu OAiNAIlVK rowDEH.
box. For aale by all druggiata.
Price 1.00 per
Morphine Habit Cored In 10
to 20 darn. No pay till cored.
OR. J. SIEPHENS, Lebanon. Ohio.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. 25a. H. P. N. O. No. 672 -8. F. N. U. No. 649
, noomer, mil wnw v. . MMBAUJ U., Munnfactureri. Headquar:
TtwM Pi-wtl mrA (m aVaaBao u.-tt. i L.(ifi tn . . j . 1 1
if you use the Petalnm I
Incabatort 4 Brooder. I
Make money while I
otners are warning I
time by old processes, j
Catalog tells all atout
It .and describes every .
article needed lor tnei
poultry business.
a Paire
i Catnlogue
The "ERIE"
mechanically th best
we are Pacific Coast
Agents. Bicvcle cata-
ftllldesrHntInn.rtr(rr mtr. Anrvra w.ifTrn
pkawch mocsb, iai b Main St., Los Angeles
TIaTJ igy ' i fl a i aH
. zzz.
it The top card vrag a kins. Tbe dial- I
or fine ra trembled as be pnshed it
nnl mil r.iT. m.,v V -.... Ir titM if thtk ai.Ii.
I IL.J . I......1. 1,... . M.. . J V.fcl..
' of hearts wakn t right nndir rt
bwvet Oirl Do yon enjoy taking me "'I'M bo over and pay that liote
now,' said the smelter man, and he roll
ed up $1,02-1 in a big irad.
" "Pretty (rood winning on a f 2 stake,
ain't it?' he remarked as be went ont
I was told that his name was Bob Rey
nolds. " Chicauro Times.
to church?
Lover Xot so nineh an riding with
yon in a at net ear.
"(tiXKlni'sti! Why?"
"The sexton never yells 'Sit closer,
pleas ' " New York Weekly.
J Three rtfw rwlv. Trr ft.
aehe? Does everr step teem a bm den? Ton need
Wmbm'9 Surt PrlarvM. a Catll. a w-i.i
PurITTamhla. Manvtaau Tauiaw ... v .
fetal W" '- WaMBaM'al FHMai." ftnd MflB f"T 1 fU Fau
Pai.MCftAT MtDICICCO,4.fclClL7..1
Buy Tonr GROTERIES AD PROVISIONS of na, and we will aare ron mener. We handle the heat
awKla and deliver free 10 trains or boata. We bar and let! lor spot cash, and sell (tools ebeiper
than anr other arm In the eonntry. Send a. Tour name and addresa, and we will mall von oar
new priee list, which will be oat soon. Weoltertoday: Climax tobacco, aOcenls per pound.
D y rranalated socar In 10-lb aacka lor. $5 as I Bnt coal oil per ea...r .il aa
Beat branda of Boor per barrel 14 1 Arbockle'a eolfee per ponnd.
aad oa a liat of what you need, aad wa will sata yon apeeial priesa. Addraaa your stdars u
MARK L. COHN at CO. 140 Front Street, Portland. Or.
area aU arall Braaatna. aa Ceata a battle.
I 1 Beat cuurt Brnia. Tarwa t. Tjar al
I 1 tn tiT. sirt innrrj J