Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, November 16, 1894, Image 2

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    Oregon Courier.
Intorcd in tho Oregon City poatofflce aocond
olaai matter.
On yew 0
Six monthi 1 00
Three mombi 80
jCaeT-The dale opposite your addreaa on the
paper donotei the time to wnlcli you nave para.
CorreipoudenU wanted In all parti of the
county; liberal Inducements; write lor parucu
OREGON CITY, NOV. 10, 1894.
Skcbkiary Cablisli on Tuesday is
sued call tor bids for $50,000 5-per
cent. 10 year bonds.
Thk late election will reverse the
strength o( the two larger parties in the
national house ot representatives. The
democrats no have 219 to 127, and
the republicans will have after the 4th
of March 243 to the democrat 102.
The populists remain about the same,
only 10 members. There will probably
be 10 democrats in the senate to 41 re
publicans, andBpopulUUs (
Tub Eugene Guard utters a truism
when it remarks that "nine-tenths of the
people of Oregon are in favor of restor
ing silver to the position it held prior
to its demonetization in 1873." The
one-tenth that is not are the goldbuus
and their hirelings. The demonetira
tion of silver took place under President
Grant, where the republican party was
at the senith of its glory and power.
Stop your croaking. The acute stage
of the business depression has passed
and slowly but surely general prosperity
is returning. A long face and everlast'
ing groweling benefits no one, but if we
look on the bright side and every per
son without chronic dyspepsia can see
that bright side each one, even the
humblest, can contribute his mite of
influence toward the return of "good
times," an event that depends on the
consensus of humanity.
If the U. 8. senator was elected by
popular vote, presuming that they are
as many republicans in Oregon as there
were in June, C W. Fulton of Astoria
and not Mr. Dolph would secure the
prize. The latter is an aristocrat and
hi sympathies are only with the rich,
though of late in his peregrinations
about the state he has been making
love to the hayseeds. The former is a
man of the people, in the prime of life,
and he is not married to Joe Simon, the
railroads and the trusts. That's where
he and Dolph differ.
In one county of Nebraska (the census
comprising 9 of its 13 townships) crops
have been so damages by frost and
drouth that only 110 bushels of corn,
3020 bushels of wheat and 607 bushels
of oats and rye have been raised by 256
families, consisting of 1425 persons,
which is less than half a buBhel of corn,
not 12 bushels of wheat, and a little
over two lushels of rye and one of po
tatoes per family. The judge of the
county court, in reporting the above as
the result of the investigations or super
visors, says "the county as a count is a
howling waste;" and that "this deso
lation follows on the heels of the
drought of 1893;" "unless help comes
starvation is right before hundreds of
our people."
Tub great decline in the foreign trade
of England and France baa alarmed the
most astute of European economists
who attribute it to the decline of silver
in comparison with gold. Mexico,
South America, India and Cathay, the
bulk of whose coinage Is siver, cannot
profitable buy fron Europe If their pro
products continue to depreciate, as the
appreciation of gold inevitably entails
the depreciation of silver and of all pro
ducts whose value is measured by the
gold standard, as they must be In for
eign trade. They recognize that Eu
rope's foreign trade will continue to
decline, unless the financial tangle Is
unsnarled, and that thus eventually the
goldbng bankers will kill the goose that
lays the golden egg.
A becbnt experiment in the way of
wheat feeding made by P. D. Armour,
Jr., of Chicago, was attended by Inter
eating results. On September 18th, he
selected for his test 18 pigs. This ag
gregate weight was 1975 pounds. For
two weeks the hogs were gi'ven no food
excepting 1650 pounds of dry crushed
wheat. They were then put upon the
scales and found to weigh 2500 pounds,
a gain of 525 pounps in fourteen davs
At the market price for hogs five cents
tills would make 126.25 for the in
creased weight, or a little more than 95
cents per bushel for the wheat fed,
which cost Mr. Armour 53 cents a
bushel. Other tests have been made
In the same line which have yielded
the experimenters as high as a dollar a
bushel on their wheat. Soaking the
crushed wheat is found not to be profi
table because in that state it is not as
well assimilated by the hogs.
To siiaw how the reckless financial
policy of the flarrison administration
injured the credit of the national govern
ment, the Louisville Courier-Journal
cites the fact that "during the four fiscal
years from June 30, 1889, to
June 30, 1893, corresponding
nearly with Mr. Harrison's term of
office, the exports of gold exceeded the
imports by oyer $160,000,000. This was
not in payment for a trade balance, for
during the same years onr exports of
merchandise exceeded our import by
nearly three hundred million of dol
lar." The foreign bolder of our se
curities feared that the depleted treas
ury would force ns to the silver stand
ard and they exchanged them for gold
a rapidly as they could. Thi board,
of gold assumed an aspect almost
panicky also on thi side of the Atlantic
-and the prostration of business naturally
followed. Now, under the safe guid
ance of democratic conservatism, the
country is returning to prosperity.
Or. Pricc'c Cream Baking Powder
Werld'i Fair High! Award.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
Fine weather.
Another wedding near at hand. The
parties live in Canby.
Mrs. Fletcher is moving to town.
The Jipes have loft Canby for Port
The roads are getting good agnln
Mr. Kiggs has bought the Fletcher
place near here.
The hop market is very quiet since
the election. Wheat will go up now
Mn TTarrlR llHR moved I lit o the
Hodges house.
8. Garrison is across the Willamette
in the hoop business.
Mrs. Garrison is repairing her house
Geo. Knight is shipping apples.
The S. P. Company is giving the
bridge across the Molalla a good re
We now have two hutchershops.
The city council is having eight street
lamps put up.
The Good Templars will give an enter
tainment about the 29th.
3. Wolgamot is sowing 50 acres of
winter oats.
Canby wants a doctor.
A Chinaman will preach in
the Christian church on the 2.'!d.
Everybody invited.
J. Hodges is going to ship 500 sacks
of potatoes to San Francisco.
It is understood that C. Armstrong
has sold the Nolin place to a Portland
Chas. Lewellen has moved back on
his place near town . He has recently
returned from east of the mountains.
J. Zeck wants to rent his hop yard.
Everybody wants work and can't tlnd
Potatoes are worth 30 cents a sack in
November 10th.
Tl.o Koliulmn pnnnnrv closed Thurs
day, after packing over 6000 cases of
salmon. ,
V... A Rimblnv nf Ornaa Vallev will
toed 5000 head of their sheep on wheat
this winter.
Tl, fnllnaino ilnlppntpB to rnnreSOIlt
Oregon at the trans-Mississippi congress,
to be held at St. Louis, November 2(ith,
have been appointed by the governor :
ar na...a llan V. fHiflmhnrlflin .
iiauuicaii ' .
H. B. Compson, M. G. Butterneld and
W. F. Butcher.
Voma 1-oa Iwion rppnivflll at Cooa bav
that the Eastern syndicate which has
(da i..aaiar nnrtinn nf the InWRr
UUUUCU til. gic.u. fvi -
Coquille, including mills, timber lands,
etc., had. nounea inwresieu persona mm
the money was forthcoming, and that a
.1 k. kun nftnotml Klirllllil it nrOVfi
true, it means the distributing of a large
amount ol money on me i;oiuiiib.
M.r.t,ftiM ia liliolv to have a woolen
mill something the same in plant ca
pacity as the one at Bandon, which has
done' so well. The plant would cost
$15,000 and the payroll would be $1500
monthly. The concessions asked in
clude a factory site, water privileges,
lactory ouuuing as largu no wo juu ui.
linndnn. one acre of land on water
front and $5000 in coin.
Tnhn Tlonilnrann of Yamhill COUntV.
dug about 0000 bushels of potatoes this
fall from 37 acres, and says it beats
wheat at 30 cents.
Tkn Innoaat train nf inra nvnr hauled
Intn Grants Paaa was Wednesday, when
fi2 box cars were brounht in Irom the
south, to be strung out norm tor nops.
Ninety sheep were crushed to death
in a stampede near Union one day last
week. They belong to E. Draper.
A Milton widow threatens to sue the
Vnnlm tnr lihnl hAnaiiHA in writinir her
husband's obituary it said he had gone
to a happier nome.
R. D. Hume, the cannervman. is said
to have subscribed $1000 toward the
construction of a telephone lino from
Crescent City to Gold Beach.
Koatnopa liflv nut. n n IJiOO.OOO nonnds
oi nsn uuring me season jusi uiuaeu.
There are 315 Silotz Indians to nartici
Date in the present disbursement of
The first fruit of the populist victory
in Whatcom county. Wash., is said to
be that county warrants have dropped
from 90 to 80 percent.
We give particulars in another column
of the greatest work of art recently pub
lished, a first-prize water-color picture,
which we will give to all our readers us
a Thanksgiving present.
Almost a New York Dally.
That democratic wonder, The New
York Weekly World, has just changed
its weekly into a twice-a-woek paper,
and you can now get the two papers a
week for the same old price $1.00 a
year. Think of it! The news from
New York right at your door Iresh every
three days 104 papers a year. We
have made arrangements by whu'h we
can furnish the Courier and the twice
a-week New York World for $2.35 a
year to cash in advance subscribers
Here is the opportunity to got your own
local paper and The New York World
twice every week at extraordinary low
Our brand Thanksgiving Premium to All
Our Readers.
We shall print a coupon in our issue
of November 22d, entitling everyone
who buys the paper to a reproduction
in colors of the great water-color picture
" Whith it the Steeelert" painted by
one of the most successful artists in
water-colors. This suberb present is
copyrighted, and cannot be purchased
of picture-dealers at any price. It is
1214 x 17,,' inches in size, and will give
the finishing touch to the moat ex
pensively decorated apartment ; and
when bung in a simple room this picture
imparts an artistic effect, not only pleas
ing to the eye, but refining in its influ
ence. In this age of artistic interior
decoration a house without pictures
seemionly half furnished. Re sure to
get a coupon entitling you to this mag
nificent gift.
Francis Houghran.
A liberal bkk ard will 1 paid for
the address of Francis Houghran, aged
24, black hair, tall and slim, a clerk,
who left New York in 1SS9 for this lo
cality to benefit his health. He has
recently inherited an estale and his
presence in Waehington, D. C., or a
power of an attorney, ia necessary for
settlement. Address this office for par
ticular. Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Fumlshtd Every Week by the Clackimai
Abstract L Trust Company.
W A Hart to Keziah Mott. 70.27 as
Insec0,t4s,r le;$M00
Alexander i ice to Mias r.
as in sec 9, t 4 s, rl eif-iM.
W T llurney to C W Himpson , lands
t.. , I Iftinua. tllMMXi.
J as Shaw to John Campbell, lo Is ,)
and 4, blk 2, Annex auu to uregon viv
'.!!.. v K1..I.A tn Kind Mutzner
lots 1 2 and 4, blk 150, Oregon City
' J aiiies Turnor to C A and C W Rlchey
t ,. f,i) a O a A.V
Gladstone U K Ass'n to C P Andrews,
lots 7 and 8 in blk 3-i, mansion;
O W Ganong, sheriir, to Joseph
Hedgea.73a in sec 34, t 2 s,. r I e;
r7-. .
United States to u inciter, ci i,
' Tucker to E Closner 83.50 acres in
Board of School Fund Com rs to Mary
Ahorn, lots 4 and 5, sec 18, t 2 s, r 5 e ;
Gladstone It E Ass'n to Chas Holds,
oik 115, Gladstone; $339. ,
O A C K K Co to ri J W are, ne ,U
se i. sec 23, t 2 s, r5ei $140.
C E Baty to 8 J and M h Ware, ne )i
of se M of sec 30, t 2 s, r 0 e ; $200.
H K Hayes to Sarah I. Hayes, 180 as
in ts2and 3 s. r 1 e; $1.
Sarah McCown to Geo C Brownell,
lots in blks2and 14, Gladstone; 11000.
Geo C Brownell to Cornelia McCown,
lots in blks 2 and It, Gladstone; $1000.
Jas H Walker lo H Straiidit, 2 as in
lot 2, sec 1(1, t 3 h, r 2 c; $100.
J W Thomas et ul by sheriff to It O
Stevens, 19 as in sec 20, t 6s,r2c;
'g W Maxon to E A Billings, lota in
Marchbanks; $1800.
E A Hillings to K A K-tterly, lots in
blk 7, Marchbanks; $(100.
E A Fetterly to Svarverud & rrasier,
lot 38 in blk 7, Marchbanks ; $10.
E A Hillings to Svarverud & Frasier,
lots in Marchbanks; $1400.
u..nl .t lilnrlioir to Toedemer ot al,
riuht of way in sec 17, 1 3 s, r 1 e; $5.
J O Sylvanus to .Morns iwuuuuu,
240 as in sees 20 and 29, t 4 s, re;
"l.ffiml to Adolnh Borchard, 50 as in
E L siurges to r i onirics, t.i.t. no
in sec 6, t6s, r2e;$5.
v l. Ktnripg to Ella Sturces, 40 acres
in sec 6, t5s, r2e;$5. .
F D Sturges to E L Sturges, 120 as in
sees 5 and 0, t5s,r2ej$i.
(4.,.. ..null t al to E P ' lliot.
lot 5, blk K, Clackamas Heights ; $200,
A & Win scnuiiz ion r t viuiuoi,
w ol ne i of ne i of sec 30, t 4 s.
' J8R Zeifflnr to Jane Hedges, blk 32,
Canemah ; $25.
M Morris to G M Hively. 8 as in H H
JohnBon cl, 1 2 s, r 2 e ; $250.
II H Johnson trustee to f w raust
lot 8 and fract lot 7, blk 17, Bolton;
viu Shirfi.B to E L Sturuos. sw lA
of uw M and lots 1 and 3 of sec 5 and
other lands; $.
,.John Welch by collector to Oregon
City, lot 0 in blK l(W, ureon uuy ;
i..i. v..if-i. nnlltu'tiir to Oregon
City, lot 5, blk 103, Oregon City; $319.
W W Myers Dy collector uj ure'Mi
City, lot 3, blk 159, Oregon City; $97.
Do to do, lot 5, blk 139, Oregon City ;
Do to do, lot 4, blk 159, Oregon City ;
Alden Fruit Presorying Co by collector
to Oregon City ; $(112.
L Comer by collector to Oregon City,
part of lot 8 In blk 22; $71.
Annie It Ball by collector to Oregon
City, pt of mill reserye, Oregon City ;
Lopus & Albright by collector to ure
gon City, lot 8, blk 15, Oregon City;
II W Ross by collector to Oregon City ,
pt ol lot 8, blk 27, Oregon City ; $144.
John Drescher to Justina Drescher,
w of nw sec 30, 1 5 , r 1 e $1.
II and C Ogle to A and B Kuenai, 50
as in sec 12, 1 5 s, rle;$500,
3 A Thayer to A Zimmerman, lots 18
and 13, in blk 7, Falls View ; $400.
Thos Anderson to 11 and K Koch, 150
acres in sec 20, 1 2 s, r 5 e ; $500.
C Messegee et al to A V Bruce, lot 4,
in sec 17, t3s, r2e;$fi00.
Paul A Ozanne to Ida May Arment,
00 as in sec U, t 3 s, rlw; H500, .
A set of books showing all transfers
and the chain of title of every indi
vidual tract of land in Clackamas
county are just reaching completion by
the Clackamas Abstract and Trust Co.
They have the best arranged, simplest
and most complete system in use, and
the only set of books in actual use in the
county. Office over Huntley's drugstore.
"Table and Kitchen" is the title of a
new cook book published by the Price
Baking Powder Company, Chicago.
Jnsl at this time it will be sent free if
you write a postal mentioning the
Couiiieu. This book has been tried by
ourselves and is one of the very best
of its kind. Besides containing over
400 receipts (or all kinds of pastry and
home cookery, tlierfl are many hints for
the tuble and kitchen, allowing how to
enter the dining room, etc. a hundred
and one hints in every branch of the
culinary art. Cookery ot the very finest
and richest as well as of the most eco
noinlcal and home-like, is provided for.
Remember "Table and Kitchen" wil
be sent postage prepaid, to any lady
sending hur address limine, town and
Btate) plainly given. A copy in Ger
man or Scandinavian will be sent if de
sired. Postal card is as good as letter.
Address Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, ill.
Thk Russian government fixes 1901
as the time for the opening of ita trans
Siberian railway. It will then be possi
ble to ride from Paris to Vladivostock
on the Pacific, a distance of 8000 miles,
and w hen Bering Sea has been tunneled,
a project which is being seriously con
sidered, we will be able to travel by
rail from Oregon City to Paris nearly
half around the world.
Whm Bly wa dek, w fm bn CiutorU.
When ahe waa a Child, ahe cried for CartorU.
When ahe taame Mta, h clung to Caatorta.
Wheu ah had Children, all (b Caatoria
Oregon City Market Report.
Wheat Per du. .1M. bulk without taci
OAT-J.X't-c bnahel. with aci.
Flocb - Roller f! per bbl. nt
Eooa 'l'c
Burria :lVt'c a roll, country
Vial .'V lreed
CsicxiMii BMli-ra-ll'il .": yinii-t .TOSt
-; oi .
Biar On loot. ) '.(Hie
Mui-Toii-ai tl i
SaiMoi.ra II ." t thontaad.
Lasd 12Hc Tf pound.
Hi nan Gren,3c; dry.tJTeHl; n-tblrd 06?
orrulled. Sheep pelta, 2.30c
Hat Timothy, Hi clover 111, baled.
Dm id Faiirra Pninea fle: applea dull.
M.ll Fain Short! U' 0". Branll.' :; Chop
4; rejected hl. V itnli V bu
Poaa Sidc-a Ito. asouldera e. hamt Ur;
on tool 4c: dreaaed 5(.
PotaUiea 5 cenu per W.
Applea eenu a hoi.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
AwaraVd GoU MnM Midwanrr Fair. Sa Fraariaoa
Scalp Bounties Rtducetf-M. F. MuCows
Appointed Constable for Oregon City.
Ooiiitox E. Havks, County Judge.
K. Scott and F. Jaikiar, Commissioners.
Report of viewers on the change it
the Milwaukio and Foster road read
and petition denied for the reason that
petition did not pray to vacate the pre
sent traveled road; expense account of
$50.40. Remonstrance filed.
Report of viewers on the Maxlngo
road read and petition granted ; expense
account of 1 55.K0 ordered paid.
Renort of viewers on Oregon City and
Highland road filed and petition granted ;
expense account paid by petition.
Roport of viewer of damage on
claim of (ieo E Dye approved and said
Dye allowed $25 in payment of same.
M F McCown appointed constable to
fill vacancy caused by death of R L
Application granted of (instav Woh
ucthnn to sell spirituous, malt and
vinous l!iiiora In Harlow precinct.
Report of C A Holstrom on the iui
provement of Kirchetn' Mill and Moss
Hill road approved and expense of salu
Improvement amounting to $273 00
ordered paid out of the app-oprlation
heretofore made for said purpose.
Repoit of E P Carter, supervisor of
road district No. 4, for month of October
approved and expense account ordered
paid as follows: Bridge work $108.13,
on Molalla river $07. 75, material $45.70,
supervision $45, labor !on road fund)
Insurance policies on courthouse ac
cepted and warrants ordered drawn in
payment of said policies amounting to
Application of D W Kinnaird, county
surveyor, for drawing case for survej
or's office referred to Commissioner
Jaggar with power to act.
Report of C Howard on improvement
of Oregon City and Molalla road ap
proved and expense account of 5J4.05
ordered paid.
Report of A W Cooke, supervisor of
road district No. 1, for the month of
October approved and expense account
ordered paid as follow : Labor $182.50,
material $53.84, supervision $15, total
Report of A W Cooke on the improve
ment of Moganett and Eagle Creek road
approved and expense account of $26
ordered paid out of appropriation here
tofore made.
Application for an increase of the
allowance for the care and keeping of
Ole Hansen, a pauper, granted and al
lowance increased to $15 per month
from November 1st.
Report of John Dennison on the Im
provement of Mulino and Meadow Brook
road approved and ordered that expense
account be paid a follows: Labor
$477.25, material $62.80.
Report of V W May on road Improve
ment approved and ordered that ex
pense account of $31.75 be paid,
Funeral expense of Samuel Parker,
pauper. Ordered that Noah Flinn be
allowed full amount of warrant (or
October to cover said expense .
Report of W II Smith, supervisor of
road district No. 2, for October approved
and expense account ordered paid as
follows: Bridge expense $201.86, road
expense $420 35, supervision f HQ, total
$057. 01.
Report of U vf Prosser, supervisor of
road district No. 4, for October, ap
proved and expense account aa follows
ordered paid: Labor $38.50, material
Matter of bounties on wild animals:
Ordered that the order of the court
heretofore made offering bounties for
scalps of wild animals be repealed and
from this date bounties are offered a9
foil owe : Coyote scalps $2.
Application of J F Jennings for settle
ment of taxes assessed allowed and
court orders that upon payment of
$45.40 the sheriff shall deliver a receipt
in full for taxes of J F Jennings tor 1893
and upon the payment of $85.14 a re
ceipt in full fur taxes assessed against
Jennings' estate for 18P2
Bridge work needed on Oregon City
and Oswego road ; Ordered that O W
Prosser, supervisor, be authorised to
procure the necessary material and
cause the bridges on said road now in
a dangerous condition to be rebuilt,
Judge Hayes dissenting.
Report of county officer on collection
of fees during October approved
Fees collected as follows: Clerk $236.20,
recorder 1280.05, sheriff $.59.55.
Matter of repairing the county jail
Ordered that county judge be authorized
to enter Into contract on behalf of county
for the necessary repairs to the jail, said
said repairs not to cost more than $360.
Opening of the Crileson road: Or
dered that W S Rider be appointed to
supervise the opening of said road and
collect labor due from petitioners.
Matter of refunding $5 50 to Portland
General Electric Co, said sum being
overpaid for recording deeds : Warrant
ordered Issued to S M Ramsby for same.
Report of J L Swafford op improve
ment of Oregon City and Highland
road approved and expense account of
(281.fl allowed.
Report of Judge G E Hayes on the
expenditure of the warrant heretofore
issued for contingent expenses approved
and ordered that an additional appro
priation of $50 be made for said purpose.
Matter of relief ol Mrs L P Clark, in
digent, ordered that $3 be allowed for
the relief of suid indigent,
Matter of payment of extra deputies
for sheriff; Ordered tlit the sheriff be
allowed for deputies for serving each dsy
of less distance than five miles with
horse $2 50 per day and nothing (or ex
penses; over five miles from courthouse
allowed actual expenses.
Kmplo;ment of an attorney to de
fend county in the suits of M P Bradley
vs Clackamas county : Ordered that Geo
C Brownell be engaged to defend county
in said cases, Commissioner Scott dia
Mileage and per diem of commission
era; It Scott, 4 days and 18 miles, $13 80;
Frank Jaggxr, 4 days and 12 miles.
; $13.20; Frank Jagger, one day and 10
milcs.extra, $4.
W Beesontt Son. road A bridge. . $ 7 20'
John Baxter v ' ... 16 V)
C W Vonderahe " V ...118 17!
Pope 4 Co " " ... 24 36
AdkinsBro. .... W 10
Sch ram A Moore, ponrthouse ... "7 10
C(J Huntley .... 50 S3
R L Holman, pauper J5 Ol)
Portland l.Kpitl, pauper , S HO
er o tv
Oregon City Hospital, piuper,
cluiraed$74 , "
J 8 Bichner, pauper J "
Tho Charman & Hon, pauper.... 02 7
J Htephens, Indigent somier "
0 II Dye W ?
nnirrn Wnvka i-.iiirt houso..., 9 70
j v . t ----- - i I 111
CotiRia-R, printing '
25 50
tiiass rruunoiiie, inn'j
I I l..r,ur , LxniltV ll Hi SUV . . ,
5 00
Inquest of R L Hpencer, claimed
:ci lis
28 05
80 80
Hlaie v A I Rlcliardtion, dist 4,
claimed $31.30
ei-iotiaU Phillilina Htal. dist 4
10 65
" WmWallena, ulsn n
" Geo Power et al 37 0
B F Linn, road and bridge 15 30
it W k'innuir.l. aurvevor 40 50
K A Bommer. pauper, claimed
.121 50
II L Vaiighun. sheriir
Marr & Robertson, pauper
E M Ilartmaii, pauper
fvnn OImhii. nauner
. 4 10
. 10 00
. 8 25
. 2 60
. 8 73
EC Maddock, board of prisoners. .123 7
Hiram Straight, courthouse oo
R W Porter, road 00
OeoC Sears, sheriir 8 10
A Walker, courthouse 84 00
J C Bradley, arsessor, claimed
$108 210 00
W A Huntley, stationery 23 83
Enlerprite, printing 00 00
I) W Kinnaird et al, surveyor. ... 8 60
State vs Joseph Peoples 9 00
Minnie V Wine, cost allowed
circuit court "
Oriep & Son. road 353 80
J A Smith & Frank Smith, grand
Jury 11 Of.
Ben C Irvin & Co, stationery. . . .205 W
E C Maddock, sheriir 84 75
Geo Marshall " 10 00
Millard Hyatt " 30 00
Geo F Horton, expressage (re
ferred to judge) 3 15
YY II Young, pauper (not allowed 0 00
Bounty on wild animals $137 00
Pauper acct 270 00
Indigent soldier fund 12 00
Company F, armory rent 25 00
Peter Nehren, janitor 60 00
UeoF Horton, clerk 150 00
E C Maddock, sheriff 166 07
S M Ramsby, recorder 125 00
M L Moore, treasurer CO 07
H S Gibson, superintendent. . . . 00 Oy
Deputies salaries 183 00
G E Hayes, county judge 10Q 00
B Greggenbin
Davis; dis-
Mlntie Ball vs J S Ball ; divorce, and
minor child in charge of Weldon Ball.
Mitchell, Lewis A 8taver Co vs Cape
Horn Tel Co ; property ordered sold.
E T Holgate v I S Mullan ; sale ap
proved. J V Crook and Chas Scott vs T W
Waite; demurrer overruled.
li II Scott and Chas Scott vs T W
Waite ; demurrer overruled.
Elizabeth Hess vs Oregon German
Bakery Co; deposition submitted.
Anna Weston vs Mason Weston ; di
vorce, plaintiff not entitled to costs.
Patsy Parrish vs Geo W Parrish ;
Jas Simpson vs R U SwatTord ; Judg
ment for $55.30.
Calvin Harrington et al va Sarah M
Miller: demurrer sustained and defend
ant to appear December 1 .
H L Io Hack vs John f.rlckson and
Justice Lakln ; motion of defendant to
quash writ of review overruled. On
piaintin motion justice umn uruereu
to return writ before November 1ft.
Cora Hulat vs Geo Hrtlat, divorce
and custody of l&an Arthur Huk.t
granted to plaintiff.
fianiel Trullinger vs Juliet F Trul
liuger; G J Trullinger made parly de
fendant and given 20 days to answer.
Jas II Crookshank adm vs W H
Adams et al; judgment by default.
Phoebe A. Gilbert, substituted as plain
tiff. Phoebe A Gilbert vs W H Adams et
al ; judgement for $4459 11 .
V O Harding vs Henry and Laura
Orney ; sheriff's sale confirmed.
Emma Clayson vs Chaa Clayson
adm ; decree of supreme court entered ,
appello.pt ia recover of respondent
$g4-05oogts, .
August C Kanne et al ys Wm and
Agnes Otly; decree ol supreme court
entered, respondents to recover costs of
State vs James Drake; defendant dis
charged. State vs S Phillips .nd Ed Holds; de
fendants discharged.
J W Cooke and Chas Scott vs T W
White; sale ordered of Woodburn
property toaatisfv $150 and costs.
Woodburn Milling Co vsT W White;
sale ordered to satisfy $213.08 and costs.
Mate vs J 8 Peoples, trial on Th ursday.
State vs Chas P Ware, "
State vs A V Names, trial on Friday .
Theresa Kramer vs Rudolph Winterer
et al ; L M Frennett adm made party de
fendant and case continued.
F D Ball vs C L & A Redn Co; prop
erty ordered sold.
John Renke vs M J Broderlck and
wife; judgment for $171.33.
Thomazine Endy extx vs Thos Char
man; jury disagreed.
State vs Rudolph Agenter; guilty of
simple assault and to be imprisoned in
county jail six months.
State vs T F Linn, trial set for Satur
day. V II Fitzpatrick vs Clackamas Co et
al ; complaint allowed 10 days to file
amended answer.
Portland vs Sheriff Ganong and Clack
amas Co; defendant allowed 10 days to
amend answer.
Nellie P Brown vs H W Wesco et al ;
sale confirmed.
Application of Jos Fields for habeas
corpus; lower court affirmed and de
fendant to pay costs of $33.20.
Samuel Johnson vs J 8 Williams and
wife; plaintitl to recover $115 and costs.
Charman & Son vs Geo C Watson and
wife; sale confirmed.
State vs Jo Teasdale ; defendant dis
charged. State vs Wm Wallane; defendant
Anna K Greaves v W C Greaves;
divorce and plaintiff granted custody
of three children.
John Murphy plead guilty to charge
of indecent exposure and was lined $50
and costs, and sentence suspended for
30 days.
Lizzie Close v David H Close: testi
mony not furnished at this wriii ig
(Thursday morning).
Cheerful Winter Evenings.
Not hing brings so much joy and com
fort to the fireside as a genial visitor
one that entortains and instructs every
member of the family. The latch string
is always nut for the Prairie Farmer,
for it always brings a weekly budget.
It is brighter than ever, with a l.wt of
new writers, this year. The Thanks
giving and Chrisimas nnm'eni will be
worth more than a yrar's subscription.
$1 gets 52 visitu Tils Psairi Farmkk,
A Valuable Cheat.
Tacom., Wh. I have naed yoor
Simmons Liver Regulator and can
rnnscietiiiualy say it ia the king of all
liver meilli'ltie. I Consider it a me1icin u la the beat reawdy fur IHarrkata. Is plaanl aa
chest in itself (ieo. V. Jackson. ) the taste. &4d by Draiata la every part of the
Your .druggist sells it in powder O; World. Twenty Sre ceata a bottle. Its ealoe la In
liqull flip powder fO bp taken dry or . calculable. Be sere as art for Mrs. Wiaakiw'a
made into ( tea ! J.nothiM Synrp, and take ae ether kind
for Infants
MlRT f yaara' ebaarratloa
bUV iob of pTsxma, permit
IJ I wnqnoatlonaMa- tho Boat romodr for Infaata ond Children
tho ww rid ha oror known. It 1 hfmleaa. Children Ilho It. It
ft.' thorn hoaJth. It will aavo tholr Uvea. In It Mother have
onaoBklng which U nhaolntoly aafo atnd prnotlonlly perfoot a
ehUd'a wodlotno.
Cwatorlat doatroyi Worm a.
Caatorlo prowonto Tomltln; Bonr Card,
Caatorio onroa Plnrrhoin and Wind Collo. . .
Caatoria roUovoa Toothln; TronMoa.
Caatorta enroa Conatlpntton smd riatnloney.
Caatorta nontralla tho offooto of oarbonlo aeld gaa or polaonom air.
Caatoria doo not contain morphlno, oplnm, or other narcotlo property.
Caatoria aaalmllatoa tho food, regnlataa tho atomaoh and howela,
tiring liaalthy and natural iloop,
Caatoria Is pnt np In ono-alo hottlea only. It la not old in hnlh.
Pon't allow any ono to soil yon anything ola on tho plea or promtaa
that It "Jnt aa good "and" will anawor orery parpoao."
Boo that yon got C-A-g-T-O-R-I-A.
Tho fac-almllo
lgatnro of
Children Cry for
IkIvaa rlCI., cimrnn'
Ulruio7ivM. .i font, like
AriaaiaiMu iunuii.wiai,uur. auJ
jorauiouif eii.il ut.iOni..
will be a ruioilar ftoncral election for the city
ot Oregon City, to be held In said ell)- on
Monday, the 3d Day of December, 1894,
Between the houra ot nine o'clock a. m. and I
aeven o'clock p. m. ; tor which election there have
been designated the following polling places,
Ward No. l
Tho Cataract Engine HoiiKe, corner of Main and
Third street.
Ward No. 2
The Fountain Hose Company'a Engine House,
on Main 8treet, between Seventh and Kiglith
alreela, of said city.
At said time and place there will bo elected
tho following-named officers:
Two Council bn for thr Firht Ward,
Two Coimcii uKS for th Ski osd Ward,
There hara lieeit appointed as Judges and
clerks of saiil election Ihe following-named:
Ward No. 1-
Judges: Joseph Stewart, Max Schiilplus and A.
N. Munsey.
Clerks: Thos. F. Byan and Wallace Colo.
Ward No. 2-
Judges: J. N. Harrington, J. 0. Purler and O. A.
Clerks: T. 8. Lawrence and F. W. Greenman.
Published by order of Iho City Council Norem
bar Uth, 1894.
T. W. FOl'TS,
Recorder of Oregon City.
Croup U a terror to young mothers.
To post them concerning the first symp
toms and treatment is the object of this
item. The first indication of croup is
hoarseness. In a child w ho is subject
to croup it may be taken as a sure sign
of the approach of an attack. Follow
ing this hoarseness is a peculiar, rough
cough. If Chamberlain's Coiinh Remedy
is given as soon aa the child becomes
hoarse or even after the rough coiiiih
has appeared will proven! the attack.
It lias never been known to fail. 50
cent bottles for sale by O A. Harding,
For pain in the side or chest there is
nothing so good a piece of llannel
dampened with Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and bound on over the seat of
pain. It affords prompt and perma
nent relief and if used in time will often
prevent a cold from resulting in pheu
monia. This same treatment is a sure
cure for lame back. For sale by O. A.
Harding, druggist.
VV. A. McGuire, a well-known citizen
of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that
there is nothing as good for children
troubled with colds or croup as Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. He has used
it in his family for several years with
the best results and always keeps a
bottle of it in the house. After having
la grippa he was troublad with a severe
cough. Housed other remedies with
out benefit and then concluded to try
the children's medicine and to his de
light it soon affected a permanent cure.
50 cent bottles for sale by O. A. Hard
ing, druggist.
Eighty acres of fine farm land, mostly
bottom, on Woodcock creek, Clackamas
county, two miles from .Meadow Brook
postollice. Three acres cleared , 12 acres
slashed ; good house 20x30. Price $800,
of which $."00 must be paid dowr, bal
ance two years' time. For dirt her par
ticulars cafl at Coi'rieb otlice or address
me at Vancouver, Wash.
Mas. Anna Taylor.
Okraom City, Ore., Oct . 24. 1894.
Notice it hereby given that the ap
proved plat of survey of Township 1
South, Range 6 East, has been received
from the Surveyor General of Oregon,
and on December 18th. 18!4, at 8 o'clock
a. m. of said day said plat will be filed
In this office and the land therein will
be subject to entry on and after said
date. Robert A. Miller, Register.
Pf.ter Paqcet, Receiver.
A photograph gallery and Int. with
complete outfit fur work. Instructions'
in photography and crayon enlarging
free to inexperieni-ed purchaser.
Reason for cllin-; have other studi'
which occupy my time. A bargain to
cash purcha-r. Full particulars on
application. Aduress Box 91, Gervais,
For Onr Fifty Teara.
Aa Old uii Waix-TaiiD Rividt. Mia. Win
low's Soothing Syrup baa been aard for oter Iffy
j-n by millions of aa.ithtra for their cbildrea while
teething , wita perfect rarceee. ll aootbea tbe child.
anrteua the fua, allaye all pain, cures wiad eorlc.
and Children.
of Catatorim with thm atmaan of
na to ap li of It without tjneaalng.
Pitcher's Castoria.
fuuruuu-itU utcurt, u.l iicr"uuiidlMLitM)x,auuh u Wtmk Metnurjr.lJitHor Itrutn
'owur, ltf.rOtclio. WaKnic .nuita. Lust M&iiIiikhI. Nightly KmtuMlmia, Narvoua
nt.i.H,&lllr.i' ittnu 1 li' i of puwerluUttnerttUveOf-KRiiti or t-ltliHr laxcaiiMMl
bjr oTerv.erUon.yuuihl I errora, eiueHnlve uftuol loburuo, uuluia oratliu-ula-.ta,wal
'j I. ril tolimn ilty. Consumption or lii.anllr. Can lu oorrlwl In
eelo curt, or refund the money. Hold brail
noolhor. Wrlto forrnicMi'iHciil Hook Rent Honl.-d
:a Elt VEEtlC'0.,Muoiil(j'J'uuji)lo.culcAUU
ii UAIl.MA.N & CO., Urunslats.
Oregon Pacific Railroad Company
CIIA8. CI-A ItK, Itecfivrr,
Connecting with 8tr.,HOMKB" between YitijUiiia
mid fan Franc Ihco,
Kipanivr Uaviw San Franc Juro Fobrunr)' 20th, Alarcli
SitI, l.Hli. 22d and .Hit.
Stoamer hwtrm Ynqiihia February 2-Mli, Rlnrch 7tli.
17th and 27tli.
ltlghU rwirvot
tn chanjjo Mtlliuif cluttn without
For freight and piif ngcr ratK apl'l) to any Agent
I' 1 1 AS. J. 1IKNDHYH, SON A CO.,
Noh. 2 to 8 Market Strtvt, '
SunKriinciMJO, Cal,
1 Corvallix, Oregon.
lne unilersiuned having heen restored to
health by simple means, after sullerlng fin
several yearB with a severe lunir all'ectlcin, and
that dread disease Consumption, Is anxious to
maae Known to his follow sunt-rera me im-aua
of cure. To thuro who desire It, he will cheer
fully send (free of chareo; a copy of tho proscrip
tion used, which they will Mud a sure cure for
Conaiiniptl AatlmiH, CntHrrli. Brouelil-
tla and all throat and limn Mttladiea. lie
hopes all sufferers will try hia remedy, as it is
invaluable. Those deslrlue the prescription,
which will cost them notlilnir. and may prova a
blessing, will please address,
Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and 5traini,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
AH Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquer!
Makes flan or Bc-x.t wJI
anfwer and an honeat opinion, writ to
Ml S3 A C'0..wlHhT bad neamfltT eiv
rpaiienc ta the patent bosinesa. Commnnic.
Uoiu trtrtlr ermMeniuJ. A H aadbvok of In
fonDatioa imoeniiiif Palrnia and bow to ob
tain them aem frea. Aim a cmtakagnaof iiacbaii
tea. and acienttfle bonka nent free.
Patanta taken tbroiurb Muxo k Co. reeelT
ffpeaal notice In the ?Vievttlie Amerirtm. mn
lam are broueht widety before the public with,
out enat to the rnTenuir. Thu sdIv'ixIkJ paper
(seed weekly, etaa-antlr illavtrated. ha bT far tit
world. 93 7 8mpV enpie irat trte.
1 BnltdtDf sMtwoo, mootbly. j yetf. &mgt
enmes. 'i f eatit. Rrerr nmnbtT eomniTM baaao.
arrest circulation 01 but aaentiDC work tn ua
pUtM. to cclort. and pbiuvrmpht of orm
. with pluiaV nthiur ou idri to ibnw thm
MiPft dMin mad Bfrore amtrmn. AMrwm
0. R. & N. CO.
K. McN'KIl,, Krcelvpra ,
I'M It
Tor nil ilcliiils call mi or address
(icn'l I'uns, Aitunt,
The Sha&ca1 Route
Kziiruas Trains Leave furllanil Daily.
Simlli.T I Nurlli.
i!:l.r, p.m. I l.v l'urllan'l Ar KiIIUa. at
7:JUp.M. l.v Ort'nuu City Lv 1:lt.M
ll;4l.ii. Ar Ban prauciacu Lv 7:uu r. a
Tliu abuvu trains tni at all slalliins (row
Purtliitnl to Allmny liifluslve, 'laiigt.nl, Hhvililn.
Ilulsi'y, lliirrlsburK, JuiicIIkm City, lrvliin, Kit
tnu ami all sliUluns frum Kusi'biirKtoAsli.aii'l
Ort'Kon ('lly
9::ll a.M.
Atliichoil to all Throuuli Trains,
Wuat.siiit) Division, '
7:30 A.M.
UAti I' M.
b:M P. U .
1:00 P. M.
At Albany ami Curvalila oounecl with train
o I Or i' Kim I'anlllc KallroatK
4:40 P. M.
I Lv
I Ar
Can be oblnlno'l at the lowest rates from
I.. II. MOIIKR, Aeent, Orraon l ltj
Manaecr. Asst. l. F. i P At n
Portland, Or
Ocliiln'r27. IMM. Notice la hereby alven that
the fnllnu inn iiiiiiihI settler bus llleil nollee of
his intention to miikc Until priHif In support of his
cliilin, anil that said proof will be niailo before
llcirifltcr itml Ueceiver II. 8. Land Uillco at OrcKoU
City, Ormton, on December 20, HUM, via:
II. E. No. N.'8'.l. for the K.'i of See. 12, T. 3 8., R. 5
K. He niiiues tbe follow iiiaT witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon and fiillivHlinn
of, Kiilil Iniid, vir.: Fred Hieclinl John Muss,
Htiiv Ware, eumea E. Currle, all nf Cherrvvllle,
Ore'itnu. HOIIKRT A. MILLER, Raglstei.
October 27, lxot. Notice Is hereby given that
the followlnK-niuned settler nas lllcd notloo of
his liileiulon to make Dual proof In support of
Ills elsim, and tliat said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver LT. S. Laud office
al Oregon City, Orciton.on December 10, MM, rut:
11. E. No. K.U2. for the E. of SW. W anil W. i of
SK. 1 1 of Seetlon 2. T. 2 S., R. 9 K. He names
the following witnesses tn prove his continuous
resilience upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz:
Knud PukIi, C. Paith, I. Cooper, S, K. New, all of
Dover, Or. KOlltliT A. MILLER, Register.
October 27, IMM. Notice Is hereby given that
the following-named settler has liled notice of
nis intention lo maKe ilniil prnnr in support oi
his claim, nuil that said proof will he made be
lore the Register and Reoelver U 8. Land Olllee
at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 111, 1H04, viz:
N 1 11 1'AliJl,
II E. No. X171. for the NW. of See. 4,T. 8., n.
i E He names the following witnesses to Drove
his cniitliiuniiH residence upon and cultivation
nf, said laud, via: V. P. Roberts, Robert De
Shazer, I. Cooper. F. R. French, all of Dover, Or.
egon. R01IKIIT A. MILLER, Register.
cable to the nnvmenl of the fnllnwino- countv
warrauls, endorsed .Inly llih. 1ho2, lo-witi Nos.
;m, ki,;,ii4 and 10,'KH, for fiOO each.
Interest will eense on same from the date of
this notice.
Treasurer of Clackamas Countv. Or.
Dated Oregon City, November loth, IMM.
5Tf tZ TV&2y&
The thumb li in unfailing Index
of character. The Square Type in
dicates a strong will, great energy
and flrmneM. Cloeefr allied li the
Stiatulatt'd Type, the thumb of tbos
of advanced ideas and baiinesa
ability. Both of these types belong
to the busy man or woman; and
Demorest's Family Magazine pre
pares especially for such persons a
whole volume of new ideas, con
densed In a small space, so that the
record of the whole world's work
for a month may be read in half an
ho nr. The Conical Type Indicates
refinement, culture, and a love of
music, poetry, and Action. A person
with this type of thumb will thor
oughly enjoy the literary attractions
of Demorest's Magaxine. The Ar
tistic Type indicates a lore of
beauty and art, which will find rare
pleasure in the magnificent oil-picture
of roses, 16 1 24 inches, repro
duced from the orffdnal painting by
De lxjoppre, the most celebrated of
living nuwer-painters, which will
he gireii to every subscriber to
Demorest's Magazine for 18S5. The
coot of this superb work of art was
$350.00; and the reproduction
cannot be distinguished from the
original. Besides this, an exquisite
on or waier-coior picture is pbd-lii-hed
in each number of the Maga
xiue. and tbe articles are so pro
fo i I? and superbly illustrated that
the Magazine is, In reality, a port
folio of art works of the highest
order. The Philosophic Type Is the
thumb of the thinker and inventor
of Ideas, who will be deeply inter
ested in those developed monthly
in Demorest's Magazine, in every
one of its numerous departmental
which cover the entire artistic and
scientific field, chronicling every
fact, fancy, and fad of tie day.
Demnrett's is simply a perfect
Family Magazine, and was long ago
crown r-d ueen of the Monthlies.
Send in your subscription; it will
cot only $2.00. and yon will have)
a dozen Magazines in one. Address)
W. J rniiimos DmoRisT. Publisher.
15 Eat 14th Street, New York.
Thnuzh not a fashion magazine, its
perfect fashion pagps.and itsartklrs
on family and domestic matters, will
be of superlative interest to those
prtssassirig the Feminine Type of
Thumb, which indicates in its small
size, slendemess, soft nail, and
smrvHh, ronnded tip, those traits
shtch belong essentially to the
rentier sex, everyone of wi om should sun
if w orn should snbscrfbe to
ixiuorei saisgaxme.
If von are nnaraaainted with
its merits, send for a specimen codv ifreei. and
yn will admit that seeing tbee THI MBS has pot
a lo the war of savirt: money by finding in one
agazine evervthinf to satisfy the literary wants m
' the nhote family. -