LOCAL EVENTS. rTiiUHii)yNi(iiiTPRTV, Tlia Tliiira- 'day Night Club gave it first party of the leason it (he Armory laat Tliuraday Pfennig, from 8 to 11 o'clock, Tlie exe cutlva commltti't) conilnti ol Mr. P. P. Moiey.Mra. T. A. Pope, Mra. O. A. IHarding, P. T. OrlfUth and J P )l-ovolt. Dancing and carda were the (feature of thla drnt meeting, which waa in wry way an enjnyuble auineaa, Thoae presoiit woro: Mr. and Mr. T. A. Pope, Mr. and Mra. 0. A. Harding, 3lr. and Mra. W. C. Cheney, Col. and JOx U. A. Miller, Mr. and Mra. W. E. Pratt, Dr. and Mr. L. L. Pickun, Mr. nd Mra, . E. William, Mr. and Mr. F. II. ChaiiiHU, Mr. and Mr. It. L. llolinan, Mr. and Mra. A. B Uraham. Mr. J. II. Walker, Mra, P. F. Morey, Mr. Thoo. Clarke, Mra F. Jlomenway, of Spokane; Mi Florence Morey, Ml us Mamie Clmriiun, MIm C, FUlier, Mia Etta Pope, Mia Loretia Ackorman, Mia Mollie Holme Mis Vera Pillebury, Mia Kdnetta Cliane, Miaa Azalie Cochrane: J. P. Lovett, M. Koaenbaum, Dr. Som men, F. S. Kelly, U. U. Iluntloy, Frank Lewis. Axel Ekatrom, F. X - OrifTtth. Capc Horn Bibt. I. R. Iiirt, builder oi me uape Horn telegraph line, la o-ro-eyed, becauaa of the annaatlonal dally newspaper reporta that he had eloped with pretty Amy Johnson of Grrahfim. We have known frlond Birt for half a decade, and waa o confident of liia Innocence that we anid to one of the dally Journal that it hud gntlon ita foot In It mouth before. We knew that he waa "In the middle of the road." It la now In order that the Injured Mr. Birt alionlil cry "(julta" with all con cerned. The newspaper follow have done their ahare of backing down the tti I Ih1 a. Mercury, For bw Oamk Law A meeting of the State Kod and Gun Club wai held In Portland laat week and recom mended the following change in the game lawa: 1. Preventing the aale of all birda during the cloned Benson that had been kept on cold storage. That the open season for all upland birda be from August 15th to November 15th of each year. 3 That authority be granted for counties to offer bounties for crow, magpie and Jaybirds. 4. That the open aeamn for killing wood duck and other water fowl commence August 15th, and extend to March 13th, canvaaback duck excepted, for which the seaton remain open until May lat. 6. The Jackanipe be afforded the same protection ai water . fowl, fl That the game warden be authorized to ap point deputies in the several counties. 7. That the game and fish lawa be eparate, nil old lawa to be repealed, and anew bill embilyiiu tha gd features of oilier bill ba P-tsie I. If m. L. T. Bitrin la president of the ehi'j, an I members attending from this oui'ity were John Gardner of Cm i i u I II m. Peter Parpiet of till city . Pi,ua ron a Hatchery. A cannory man of many year' standing is of the opinion that the mouth of the river in not a proper place for a suluion hatoli ery, notwithstanding the facilities af forded the young IHi for gotting into the aalt water. He aay it has been de Hion8t rated that the young salmon spend two or three year in fiesh, water before going out into the ocean, and that the oool mountain stream and spring branchea are their homeg during that period He thinks the Clackamas the proper place for a hatchery, a plenty of Chinook salmon can be caught there to furnish spawn for hatching. Laat aprlng, he says, over 50 tons of Chinook sa'mon were taken In tho Clackamas, owing to their pasaage up the stream Icing Impeded by a dam Many streams which would furnish good sites - for a hatchery are not visited by the Chinook. School Mkktino. At the school meeting held on Friday laat the follow ing person living outside of district were granted free tuition: Misses ChesRinan, Lemon, Orant, Ada Moehnke and Walter Fleming.... The salary of A. E. Donaldson as Janitor of Eaatham school waa raised from $29 to $30. . . . Bills to the amount c( $1003.16 were paid.... The resignation of Q. W.Gib oney aa director was accepted and the clerk ordered to call a special election on Monday, November 12th. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. W. A. Huntley will move his book storo to the Can del J block about the rpi. P i til t r . I . . - jiio i urtiB'r win give a new lear tu h. cj. U. Hunt er will also move dance. hla llrniHtnrn ahnnt that linio after Teachers' examination on Wednesday, which Bchwan & Putrow will occupy the November 14th. building vacated by him. i The Red Men are preparing to give "The Worklngnian'a church." liev a dance about Thanksgiving. J. C. Read will talk to young men at The Salvation Army tent brigade ar- 8lvely'a hall next Sunday eveniug. rived in town on Wednesday. Cooke orchestra and a mile quartette r,.i.H i. i . ""I lurnian the muic All are made wttr.wn.t v,IV..l, IB III ilUKDnn U Rkv. I'arkrr at Brownsville. Rev. Oilman Parker of Oregon City occupied the pulpit at the Baptist church laat Sunday morning and eve. ning. Mr. Parker was here In the interest of the home mission work, and succeeded in raising a very neat sum. He is quite well versed In his chosen profession, and on this occasion preached two sermons which would have done credit to any divine on this coast. He uses eloquent language and l pleasing in hi style. Timet, Orkoon Citv. There has never been in tins city a better line of shoes than the ladies' fine kid at $133; best kid $3 ; course shoes, 00c ; best graina, $1.3 men's good kip tap, $1.35; best graina tip, $1.50; baby'a kid, 25c and 30c best school shoe for price $1 to $1.15 Eastern- Shoe Ptore. Tiik Shoe Factory. The Capen shoe fuotory of Willamette Falls started up last week and is now running with a force of eight or nine hands, but is anxious secure more experienced help, aa the factory is crowded with work. The orders are coming in faster than waa expected. The County's Showing. For the first time since the salary law for county officers went into effect, the receipts of the county clerk's and recorder's offices more than paid aamnea Jor uctooer. The clerk collected $307 80 with a salary expense of 1215. The recorder's ret ceipte were $230 20. with total expenses $177. The sheriff, however, took in only $50 10. The clerk issued 32 mar riage lipenses during October, while for the same month In 1893. but 14 were Issued. The rooorder'a fees this month amounted to $00 more than foF the cor, resDondine month last year, 84 more instruments being filed. Of the 232 in struments this month, 105 were deeds, 30 real estate mortgages, 33 releases, 31 chattel mortgages, and 1? miscellane ous. This surely does not indicate a very bad condition of affair (or Clacka mas county. Fell Orr tub Bluff. On Monday evening as Jack Boylan of the west side was going home he In some way got off the road and stepped over the bluff, just south of H. E. Smith's house and opposite the Locks Company's office, and fell to the foot a distance of about 30 feet, breaking his leg below the knee, He says when he came to his senses he hollered, but the men who were work. Ingonascow near did nt hear him. He lay in the drenching rain, which fell during the night, and in the morn ing as the pulp mill's dayshift were golrtg to work he was discovered, wet to the skin, and taken home in a spring waeon. Dr. Payne set the broken member. Baptist Convention. The Stute Bap tist Convention opened in Portland on Thursday last with Rev. Oilman Paiker In the chair, and afterward he was elected recording secretary, D. C, Latourette of this place was elected a member of the auditing committee. Rev. Gilman Parker was elected state missionary In placo of Rev. A. J. Hun Backer, resigned. Saturday was de voted to the B. Y, P. U. Mrs. Driggs gave an interesting talk on ladies mis sionary work. E. A. Smith of this place was elected a member of the exe cutive committee, of which . W. Baird U chairman. A Cfcosg Call. A rock weighing several tone was jarred loose from the edge of the bluff, a short distance south of the depot Friday morning, as the overland passenger train was pulling into town, and tumbled down and across two railway tracks and Stopped within a foot of the train that was passing It was a narrow escape from a serious accident. The Southern Pacific Company has had a. a. gang of men at work all d.a. remov ing rocks mat were position. Haliowees Tamy Pen. On Wed- neaday evening a party was given at the residence of Mr, and Mr J. A Smart in honor of Miss LUiie Banoke. Those present were: Mr. and Mr. Will Muir, Mr. and Mr. Will Green, Mr, nd Mrs. Ben DooU'tle, Mr. and Mia, Roliie Wood; Misses Celia Adama, Marie Roberts. Kellie Younger, M417 Vonnger, Lixzie Bancke ; Chester Muir, Jack Pritchard, Fate Marrs.Toni Car? rico, narley Wood, Bert Moore. in a threaleniriK Chanub or Time. Commencing Oc tober 2Uth, the Oregon City boatB will omit Sunday trips and run on the fl lowing schedule on week days 1 Leave Portland 11 a. m and 3:30 p. m., and leave Oregon City 9 a. m. and 1 :30 p. m. PERSONAL MENTION. Albert Rnyle of MolaUa was In town Monday. Miss Rose Nefzirer returned from Port, land last week. Rev. Father Rauw of Portland was in town last week. David Robeson of Canyon Creek was in town Tuesday. Senator Mitchell was in town last Saturday on business. L. C. Russell of Sllverton was visiting in the city last Thursday. Ralph Marshall has gone to The Dalles to accept a situation. Mrs R. L. Blanchard of Brownsville has been visiting relatives here. Mrs. Fisher of CorvalHs is visiting her sister Mr. Thos. Charman. W. T. Whitlock returned from his claim or tip jdantiain last Saturday, Alex Thomson ofOlaokamas.ex-oounty superintendent, waa In town Saturday. A. G. Jacobs, of the woolen mills, was doing business in Salem on Satur- dry. Theo. Clark of the Bandon .woolen mills left for that place on last Thursday evening. Justice Porter of Garfield was In the city last week on his way to Portland to buy goods. Mrs. D. Sass of Tooze'a landing is visiting at the home of E. tfass in Wil lamette Falls. Hon. Peter Paquet attended the meet ing of the State Rod and Gun Club at Portland last week. Nettie Hall And Bird Bevena of Buena Vista will spend a few months with Mr. Mass of Willamette Falls. the Duffy farm of James Shaw J. R. Shurtliff was appointed a notary on Wednesday by the governor, A squad of militia practised shooting on the Gladstone range Sunday. Married, on 31st, by Judge Hayes, Edith B, Hunter and Fred 0. Mott. Cha. Murray and II. L Schiller are the new proprietor of "The Club." Sidewalk are being laid In Wil lamette rail on all the principal streets, A special school meeting will be held on Monday, November 12th, to elect a director. Mr. C. II. Dye has been confined to the house several days this week by sickness. License to wed granted on the 20th to Lottie E. Eastman and Duvid J. Pen man, Jr The people's party no operative store to start in Portland will apparently come to nothing. Bounties on csyotes and wildcats to the amount of $117 were paid during the month of October. Married, on October 25th, by Recorder routs, at his office, Alice Hess and Robt L. Russell. R. Scott of Milwaukie received high eat award at the Tacoma interstate fair for Cotswold wool. A portion of the stock of W. J. Davis was on Saturday removed under attach' ment, by the sheriff. Glass & Smyth have removed their welcome to these services. Miller Bros, of Garfield report that they have sawed during tho summer about 200,000 feet of lumber. The pleasant, salubrious plateau on which they live is sure to be, in time, the home of a prosperous community. Rev. Dr. Cowan announced Thursday f venlmts as his time for receiving mem bers of his congregation and last Mayor straight will Thursday evening he was surprised by a aPn "e Germans nouseiui 01 uongregationists wno maae a part of Wacheno tribe attended it an occasion of great sociability. the Ked Men's blowout in Portland Rev. Gilman Parker, of the Baptist Monuay night. The speaker in wel church has submitted bis resignation coming them said : "Children of theWa of the pastorate here and will take op cneno, who dwell by the tumbling the service of state evangelist in the waters of the Willamette, your fame for church. It is understood that hi Hospitality and open-hearted fraternity resignation will take effect December has spread far and near over these buy. Give us a look and we are pleased. Shivoly's, on the hill. The Baptist people will take possession of the Congregational church next Sun day evening and hold their services there. Pastor Parker will proach. The Christian Endeavor at 6:30 will be a union meeting of the Baptist and Con gregational societies, led by Erastua Smith. Junior of the two churches will have a rally at tho same place at 0 p. m. The Nautilus C. L. S. C. meet next Monday night at Miss Erma Lawrence, Each member is permitted to brinir one friend. The roll call will be anawered with quotation from Dickens. Reviews of required reading will be given by uiuoicui, uieuioer aim several new features are added each give an address For the best tea and coffee, and sugar cured ham and bacon, go to the Star Grocory. Notice the fine display and the low price of Rogora Bro.' silverware In the show window of Burmelster & Andresen. 1st. Monday evening three fine deer, pressed by hunters,crossed both railroad tracks at Gladstone, went through the hospital premises, and took to the nunting grounds, and we feel the genial warmth of your presence." The market gardens of the Dsiroes on me unoccupied town Jots between Eaat Portland and Mt Tabor, show whatonr timber back of town. Several men and soil is capable of, with skillful, intensive, clothing stock to their new location in the CauOeld block. Chester Caufleld, son of B. Caufleld, is sick. They fear it may prove an at tack of typhoid fever. The eiectric crane which the General Elcctrio Company will erect has a ca paclty of 24,000 pounds. Mr. Ray on Monday commenced building his new blacksmith shop corner of Main and Tenth. Prof. Clias. Cutting on Friday wrote a congratulatory letter to the Portland Sun and It was published. Hay, clover $10; timothy, $12; po tatoes, 50c per sack; eega, 2oc; butter, 45c per roll ; apples, 35c per box, The president has announced No vember 80th as Thanksgiving day. Grover beats Sylvester tills year. Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F., will entertain Willamette Rebeklah Lodge No. S, Friday evening, November 2d. Rev. Read preached to a large con gregation sunuay evening. His ser- boys tried to capture them, but were successful On Saturday L. G. Gurnett expects to move into his magnificent domicile on the west sido, near the W. P. & P. Co.'s house. This new structure adds greatly to the appearance of the coming resi dence part of the city. It has eleven rooms and cost about $4000. There will be an all-day missionary meeting for the Baptist ladies with Mrs. D C Latourette on Tuesday, the 6th. The ladies are cordially requested to come and bring their lunch and be ready for a profitable and pleasant day A special invitation to new members County Clerk Horton is now trans cribing the tax rolls, he having received one volume from Assessor Bradley, The work is progressing satisfactorily and the rolls will be ready to send to Salem about November 15th . Tho state equalization board meets on De1 cember 4th. The new Presbyterian church will be opened next Sunday, November 4th, and the dedicatory services will occur at 11 o'clock. Rev. Uibonoy will preach his farewell sermon and it is expected that Rev. A. J. Montgomery, the newly elected pastor will be present to take part in the services The Young Peoples' Glee Club met at Mrs. CD. Latourette's last Tuesday evening. About 30 of the young people were present. Thesinging is conducted by Mrs. E. . Charman; Mrs. Jennie White, organist. These rehearsals will train a charming chorus for next sum- .1111 L lit...., . uiMgv-ui, uuiuvHuon. Mere one sees acres of young turnips and onions sown since the first fall rain, and Infra patches of cabbages planted about the middle of October. The land, it la al most needless to Bay, is liberally manured ' On dit" that a gentleman of Salem, a iormer resident in Portland, well known In journalistic and business cir cles is about to once more emlmrk nn the ship of fate, taking with him as life partner one of Oregon City's fair daughters. "On dit"-also that the departure takes place on the 15th of November and the future Mrs. Frank Hodukins (nee Jennings) will reside in Salem Portand Sun Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Of the appearance of Rmlmn! R French and his excellent company in Seattle the lelrgraph of March 24th. ays: "iji. jeayii ana wr. Hyde was enmusiastica iv receive! laat n irM Mr. Richard E. French in the title role. ! 1 . L. - 1 . BuoiHineu mo cnaracier witn tne tact, method and art of the accnmnlinhnrl actor mm ue is, 11 is characterizations were marked by intelligent discrimina tion, delicate, yet bold, portraiture, artistic submergence of self, natural adaption to condition and circumstances. a refined and true conception of tbe psychological structure of the characters portrayed, his metemorphose from the villian Hyde to the learned Doctor Jekyll in the third act. we think was the most impressive climax. When the deformed Hyde knocks at the door of Dr. Lanyond's laboratory and Is ad mitted by the doctor. In the facial expressions, the low gutteral noise, the hissing of the breath, hi pleadings for the drug, was shown the actor's art. After the curtain descended on this great scene, Mr. French was called be fore the curtain attain and aeain. Miss Eva Earle French captured the good will of ail hearers by her pathetic rendering of her role. This lady has a magnificent slaee presence and a voice . . . .. . oroo till prices are hieher. which th ?mlrHD,y BUllea. l emotional acting. irencn ana an excellent . ,' , " , 7, ' tue character 01 James t. roole, Dr ninn for next Sunday will be to young mer'a Chautauqua assembly men. Prime bops are now 6 cents. A The Chautauqua committee are circu- Chinaman who owns a 75-acre yard near latlng their stock book for the next Salem is of the opinion that the hop assembly. 8hares are going like hot huyerB have found a trust to keep prices rakes. down, and he will therefore keep bis Rirharff ougni 10 ue as on;y one pound or nop, it is said, goes into a barrel of beer un Tuesday evening aoout 7U per sons gathered at tue residence of i E Mr. Eagle, Jr , of Shively's bakery, left on Wednesday with his wife for California, where they will reside. Mrs. Carey Johnson returned from The Dalles last week. She has been visiting her son, Balfe, of that place. Mr. Conyera of Olatskanje, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Ohas. Meservo, returned to her home Sunday. Henry Pierce of San Francisco, who has large Interests in Oregon City, has been spending a few days in the North- west. W. T. Whitlock returned from the mountains Saturday afternoon. He has been on his land claim for the last three month. Hon. W. E. Carll Is prominently mentioned in connection with tbe office of school director. Dr. would be a good man for the place. Judge Aaron E. Waite of Portland. who, in years gone by, lived iq the resi dence now occupied by E E- Williams, will enter his 83d year nejt month- J. R. Morton and M. W. Gardner of Damascus were in town Tuesday. Mr. Morton's wife is at tbe Gladstone hoapl tal, where she had a cancer removed. The Misses Bertha mi Lena Gold smith arrived home the first of the week from an extended visit with rela tives at Oregon City. Eugene Journal. Miss Louise Rice of Portland, who haa been visiting friends here, left on Wed nesday for San Diego, Cal., where she will live with her nncle, Cspt. T. M. Smith. G. A. Taylor, representing Glass 4 Prndhomme of Portland, waa in the city Tuesday. Mr. Taylor served two terms as clerk and one term aa sheriff of Douglas county, B. F. Parker, traveling representative of the Sun, wu in tbe city last week. He report that the new journalistic luminary is rapidly climbing to the zenith of a cloqdle, brilliant pos-peiity. company of artists in ur Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at Shively's opera house on Tuesday, tbe 61 h. George Ware of Mt. Pleasant fell down a well on Thursday last and wrenched his arm ao aeverely that he has to carry it in a sling. On Tuesday Gardner Freytag dis played on his wagon large head of cauliflower so large that a common bucket would not hold it. At.the present prices of veal and beef, it pays tne farmer better to knock a calf in the head as soon as born than to feed it several weeks for the butcher. Mr. Sarah McCown was appointed vice-president for Clackamas county of the Oregon State Woman Suffrage Association which met in Portland last Saturday. Petition and will of Ira W. Laoey filed In probate on October 20th; pe tition filed of Rudolph Winterer on 30tb ; guardians appointed for Rudolph Sass et al on aotii. John Williams, Ed Fortune, James Armstrong and R. Preston were brought before Recorder Fouts on Monday and fined $25 each for "keeping as manager a gaming house," Tbe lite slae orayon portrait of Capt. J. W. Ganong, which was presented to him last week, will adorn the com pany' armory. The boy are proud of their favorite oaptaln. On Friday Jos.' Miller was brought before Judge Hayes and adjudged insane and taken to Salem by Sheriff Maddook. Mr. Miller, aged 38, ia married and leaves a wife and three children. The new residence of A. W. Schwan In Willamette Falls will be complete in its appointments and contains 14 rooms, and is the largest house in that plaoe. The outside work Is nearly finished . The minutes of tho Teachers' Associ ation, held here last Saturday, ar rived too late for pnblication, but will be published next together with tbe program for tbe meeting, which will be held at Canby. Qregoq Pjty is goon to have a Pity messenger service. The order for the fixtures has been sent Goat, and they are expected to be iq the various pub lic building by the first of the month, Portland Sun, Oregou chrysanthemum are now in their glory. A box of choice specimens were sent this week to Michigan to cheer that ice bound region. A tine bunch of ripe blackberries waa seen in this city November lit. Clarence Field with a company of 14, ia practising for ft rflinstrel show, to be giveq tbe latter part oi November. The boys shoqld be encoqragec and citizen aboqld patronize a home talent enter tainment liberally. The three day' session of the Free Methodist quarterly meeting closed Monday evening. Service were held at tbe United Brethren church, and were conducted by the Rev. Smalley of Salem and others. There are now prisoners iq the eoqnty jail waiting to be dealth With by pie grand jury . Que ol tbese 1 detained jar unlawfully practising dentistry. for theft, and Coqnty and city warrants wanted by oqe for forgery, one ! the Commercial bank . I the others for asauU . Wm. Giboney, the retiring pastor of the Presbyterian church, and presented him with a handsome bible and Mra. Giboney with a set of silver spoons as farewell tokens of esteem. L. C . Caples made a touching presentation speech. Rev. Arthur Smith, the missionary from China who lectured at the Congre gational church Wednesday evening, is, in the language of one who heard him, "a whole menageria with all the ani mals thrown In." A crowd beard him, a bigger crowd would come again. After the lecture a Halloween sooial was held. Word has been received from Rev. A.J.Montgomery, of Fullerton, Neb., who received a call from the Presby terian church here, that he will come immediately. It i probable that he will arrive In time to assist the retiring pastor, Rev. G." William Giboney, in the dedicatory service for the new church next Sunday. Now then, we want to say to you, confidentially, that we are open for business. We have oome here to do a dry goods business; we haye bought goods to sell and we ask yon to inspect our wares. If you find nothi ng to please you, you are under no obligations to Jekyll's butler, waa impersonated by mr. rete em to. and De imbues it with life and zest. Miss Lottie Ellis assists him as Marie, the housemaid. The bal ance of the company were effectively cast. Mortgage1 loans on Improved farina at a low rate of interest. Security must be gilt-edged. Apply to C. O. T. Williams, Oregon City, Ore. . C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties, OFFICE : Commercial OREGON CITY, Bank Building OREGON. Ozo.C. Browniu,, A. 8. Dazuxr Brownell & Dresser Attorneys at Law, Office One Door North, , Caufleld & Hunt- ky'i D uqtloTi, OREGON CITY, . OREGON. W. CAREY JOMSOxN, LAWYER. CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS, Oregon City, Oregon. Roal Estate To Sell and Money To Lend ABOUT PRESCRIPTIONS. The best of medicine are dor too good for sick folk, It Is bid nou;h to be sick without running chance with second grade drugs. That' tht reason we buy only the very highest quality of everything. It' great satisfaction to aa to know that every prescription we send out la just a good a good drug, will make It. No matter what yoo paid for it you couldn't get it any better. C. G. HUNTLEY, Prescription Drucslit. E. F. DRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREGON CITY. . L. M. ANDREWS M. D DIALER IN Drags, Notions, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Shively's Block, or. of 7th & Madison St., Oregon City Nobiitt Livery and Sale table OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the uepot. Double and alnile rlirn and saddle hornet ai ways on haiid at Ihe lowent rates, and a corral alio connected with the barn for looae stock. An; Information regarding any kind of stock promptly aitenaea to oy letter or penon. HORSES BOUGHT OR SOLD A MODEL SHOE. You begin to find out what sort ol a sboe yon cave bought when you've worn It a little while. The test of a shoe is the wear It will stand. We call onr $2.50 shoe a model. It Is a handsome looking shoe bnt that Is by no means all that can be said abont it It Is not only hard some looking bnt It keeps Its good looks If you've ever seen anything cheaper in footwear you've had an exper ience that we've never enjoyed the big in quality and the little in price have never been more happily combined. This same happy combination is also fonnd in onr J2.53 shoe. WE HAVE OREGON CITY SAUSAGE FACTORY Michael Munch, Prop. ALL KINDS OF SAUSAGE KEPT ON HAND. Seventh Street, Opposite Depot. FRANK NELD0N, Gun and Locksmith, Adjoining the Nobiitt Stable, , OREGON CITY, OREGON. All klndi of FlrMrmi repaired ud clnuied. All klnd or sm Almnolilnel repaired, Duplicate keys DJAdlforall klndi of lockl. GuniMid l'lutols bought sod sold. BICYCLES REPAIRED. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES GALORE Gaze on Our Show Window We are prepared as usual to do all kinds of watch and jewelry repairing and guarantee satisfaction. Burmelster & Andresen. Fresh Olympia and Slioal water Bay oys. ters served daily from 8 a. m. to 2 a. m., at the Novelty Refreshment Parlors, op posite Commercial bank. Now la the time to paiut your houses, roofs, barns and fenced, and for the next 30 days we will give a cash dis count of 2 per cent, on paint bills. Charman & Co., City Drug Store. nighest piice paid by the Commercial Bank for countyand city warrants. The Result of a Trial . Cannklton, Ind . I have used Sim mons Liver Regulator, manufactured by J. H. Zeillin & Co., Philadelphia, and found that for indigestion and liver complaint It is the best medicine I ever used E. E. ClBrk. Your druggist sella it in powder or liquid . The powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Dlplema. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. . CAPITAL (100,000. Transacts a Gensral Banking Business. Loans made. BIIU dlnuounted. Hakei enl lections. BuyH and aella exchange on all polnli in me unuea maiei ana jiurope ana on uong jiuiia. uHouniii received Biiujeui hi cnecic. in tereut at usual rates allowed on time deDOMlta. Bank opon from 0 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturday evening! irom o uu ir.n. D. C. LATOURETTE, F. I. DONALDSON. President. Caablei Golden Honors from the Golden Coast .for.. Dr. Price's Baking: Powder California, empire of the Pacific, salutes the world, tier Midwinter Fair closed i.i a midsummer blaze of glory. Second only to the Columbian Exposition in extent, variety and splendor, the coast display was a veritable triumph. Out of her abundance the state poured her treasures and the nations of the earth came to aid her in her noble exhibition. Memorable were the exhibits of gold and silver, of wheat and oil, of fruit and wine, of silk and wool of all that man and nature could combine to produce. And no exhibit attracted more attention or excited warmer approval than that of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Official tests showed it to be highest in leavening power, purest in quality, and most efficient in results of all baking powders made. Accordingly, the Highest Award and Gold Mrdal were, conferred on Dr. Price's at the Midwinter Fair. The triumph at San Francisco confirms the victory at Chlcaro, The Midwinter Fair verdict austalna and vindi cate tbe bestowal of highest honor on Dr. Price' by the Jury of award at the World's Columbian Exposition. NEW FRESH STOCK! CHOICE GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Obtain your family supplies al the Grocery, just opened, on north east corner of Seventh and Ccntei streets. Prices as low as the lowest Country Produce Bought. Flour and Feed For Sale. J. A. BUCK, Prop. Oregon City Transportation Co's STEAMER RAMONA. TIME TAKLK ORKOON Leave Portland Fool Taylor SI. 7:00 A. k. 11:30 a.m. 4:00 p. m. SUNDAY. 8:00 a. h. 11:00 a.m. 3:30 p. m. CITY II0A1 Leave Oregon City 'oot 8th Hi. 9:00 a.m. 2 :00 p. m. 6:00 p. M. 9:30. a. m.' 2:00 p. M. 5:30 p. m. GEO. A. HARDING, DKALKR in IP ZDIRCJG-S R, -p-i Standard Pat. Medicines. PalnU, Olli and Window Glaai. PretcrlptUmt Accural! ly Compounded HABDIHO'f BLOCK . r,,!, w trf lA a ni I., a nil n unanes a. Baldwin & to. BANKERS, , 40 and 4a Wall street, NEW YORK. AeeaaaU f Bank. n4 Banker received a laveraMe term.. rWatfi aad lavcatatent aecartllee. Oafli Fkuaeial letter vaHed ta ApeJicaUea. coaaasroivDENca aoucrriD. ijSrrry McKITTRICK "THE SHOE MAN" NEXT DOOR TO OREGON CITV BANK THOS. CHABMAN & SOUST CMHENDERSONWO's ' LITTLE CO SCHOOLHOUSI SHOES took V PRIZE ATVWOSfAlll. mmsm MfMMApnSITTHE SHORTEST GILeHAVETHC LONOvCSTLGCT SHOES FOR OLD AND Y0UKG. MEN'S BOOTS. GO TO d TUT TO!n?.finPflIIW HA -U.-U- JlVJLdkJJl. v vv FOR- DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS And Building Material. Lowest Cash Prices Ever Offered for First-Class Goods. Shop 0pp. Congregational Church, Slain Street, Oregon City. Seventh Street IBakery AND CONFECTIONERY, JACOB KOBER, PROPRIETOR. BREAD OF ALL KINDS. BEST HOMb-MAJJii MtAU Sweet Cider, Llmburger Cheese, Dry Sansage, Etc. ISTLeave Your Orders for Holiday Cakes and Pastry. Bank of Oregon City. OLDKBT BANKING HOl'H JK TUB CITT Paid Up Capital, $50,000. President, ... Teomi Cuamik VlcePreildent. - Oio. A. Haedisb Caihier, .... I. O. CicnaXD Manager, Cbailu H.UiunxiD 4 General Banking Bn.lnrai Traniacted. Delimit. Received Subject to Check. Approved BUI. and Note. Dlnecunied. Councv and City Warrant. Bounhl. Loans Made on Available Becumv Exchange Boujtht and Mold. Colleoiions M.de Promptly. Drain Bold Available la AnJ Part ol lb. WTeleraphlc Eachanire Sold on Portland, 8n Franclwo, Chicago and New York. Interest rata on lime wi"" cs isum or THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. A. R. DOOLJTTLE'S West Side Storo KEEPS A WELL-SELECTED STOCK OP Groceries, Provisicr.:, FRUITS, FLOUR AND FC3. West SId3 Expr::: IN COSSECTIOS. Eipans Tabuto core bnioasaett.