r L A. SIDE from the fact that the cheap baking powders contain alum, which causes indigestion and other serious ailments, their use is extravagant. It takes three pounds of the best of them to go as far as one pound of the Royal Baking Powder, be cause they are deficient in leavening gas. There is both health and econ omy in the use of the Royal Baking Powder. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., 10 WALL BT 'NEW-YORK. A LABOR QUESTION. The Ancestry of the Popes. The popes Lave been drawn from all classes of society. Nineteen were sons or sear relatives of princes, and an equal num ber came, from illustrious families. Many came from absolute poverty and obscurity. Sbctus VII was the son of a very poor fisher man; Alexander V was tbe son of very poor and unknown parents, the future pope spending all of bis young life In befaring on tbe streets. Adrian, the only English pope, was abandoned early in life by a worthless father and bod to subsist on charity until, going as a tramp to find an asylum in France, he entered a monastery or convent as a servant. His real worth was soon manifested in his diligence, and bis virtues and intelligence soon won for him the papal tiara, Sixtus V had for a father a poor laborer, a common servant for a mother, and a laundress of vicious habits for a sister. Celestine V was the son of a farmer of no means and little intelligence. Benedict XII pent bis childhood in a bakeshop. Urban IV learned the carpenter's trade from bis lather, as did also Gregory VII. Fire of tbe popes studied medicine before taking holy orders, Julius III was the son of a fa mous jurisconsult. Benedict XI was the son of a poor notary. Tbe father of Pels gius was a prefect and the vicar of his province. The father of Paul V was a pa trician of Sienna. Tbe fathers of Eugene IV, Gregory XII and Alexander XII all be longed to the patrician families of Venice. St Louis Republic. The Lot Katona-. The princes and greater magnates of Siara prepare n long toy boat with gilt prow and ornamented stern ana cross benches all complete, and sometimes a pinnacled dome incrusted with gold tinsel and pas.o,.tv els. On the benches are placed well dressed dolls in the uniform of tbe owner armed with mimic paddles. Instead of the hum ble taper large candelabra are fixed up, blazing with waxligbts and showing oil the splendor of the ship and its crew, Such "katong" as these are launched in the royal presence at one of tbe palace laudings, and float along between a liue of guard ships flaring with oil lamps, amid the discbarge of rockets and fireballs and with limelights shining upon tbem from some gunboat or royal yacht. The floating of these boats (for the word loi means to float) Is not really "to the dead," but only in honor of them, for after a short journey tbey are recaptured and re stored to their princely owners. But they add an imposing feature to the night's dis play, and doubtless yield to their proprie tors, and to all who have a bund in the business, a comfortable conviction that by the whole proceeding they have "made merit" as good BuddhistB. It is a rather strange coincidence (if it is a coincidence at all) that tbe date of the "Loi Katong" cor responds nearly in all years with the old Catholio fete connected with the jour dca morts. London buturdny Review. VANISHED. She died: this was I lie war she died, And when her breath was done. Took up hor simple wardrobe And started fur the sun. Ber little figure at the gate The angels must have spied, Since I could never And her Upon the mortal side. Emily Dickinson. What Sleep Is. It seems a somewhat startling fact that at this late day philosophers should be dis cussing the question, "What Is Sleepf" and should announce entirely new views and ideas on the subject. The buman race bos been sleeping nearly one-third of its time for the lost 100,000 or 00,000 years and has certainly had enough experience with it, but It would seem that we doaiot fully understand the mntter do sot quite know what sleep is, bow itcomes about or even its effect. Una thing, bow- ever, Is now accepted as proved that the condition of tbe blood vessels of the brain, and Indeed of such tissue as tbe optic disk, is an anromio one in sleep. As drowsi ness comes on, the surfuce of tbe brain grows paler in color, and the lack of red blood is noticeable when such conditions are observed. Tbe theory of Dr. James Cappie of Edinburgh and some other eminent scien tist has been to tbe effect that the veins of the pia mater, the inner membrane of the skull, are capable of congesting and dis persing comparatively large quantities of blood; that congestion produces vertigo and "senselessness" or stupor, and that the dispersion of blood from the brain cellB produces a slight compression on tbe sur face of the bruin, and thus brings abodt sleep. The bruin being less active, tbe cir culation of the blood to tbe bruin is sup posed by this theory to be diminished, and as the blood In the brain cells bus passed into the veins, the effect will be to cause a alight yielding in the brnln and a pressure upon it. New Orleans Times-Democrat. An Illustrated Bull. The janitor of one of our publicbulldlngs wet tbe walk to sweep off a pound of dust. The water froze, and he hud to put on a bushel of ashes to save the necks and legs of the citizens. Next time, he will not sweep. Brooklyn Eagle. TO PUT ON needed flesh, no mat ter how you've lost it, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It works wonders. By restor ing the normal ac tum nf tile rii-rnnfreri organs and functions. it builds the flesh un to a safe and heulthv stanuaru promptly. pleasantly and nat urally. The weak. emaciated, thin, pale ana puny are made strong, plump, round and rosy. Noth ing so effective as a strength restorer and flesh maker is known to medical sci ence;this puts on healthy flesh not the fat or cod liver on ana its Iilthy compounds. It rouses every organ of the body to ac tivity, purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood so that the body feels refreshed and strengthened. If you are too thin, too weak, too nervous, it may be that the food assimilation is at fault. A certain amount of bile is necessary for the reception of the fat foods in the blood. Too often the liver holds back this element which would help digestion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery stimulates, tones up and invig orates the liver, nourishes tbe blood, and the muscles, stomach and nerves get the rich blood they require. Spent Hundreds of Dollars with no Benefit. M. T. CoLSHAN or 71 Sarrenl St . kaxhurv. jnaxs., wnm ; Alter suffering from dyspepsia and constipation with un told agony for at least 18 mouths, I am more than pleased to nay that after using Dr. Purees Golden Medical Discovery aud ' Pleasant Pellets ' lor one saonth, I was entirely cured, and from that day to this I do not know, thank God, what even a slight headache is. I paid a doctor on Tremont St., Boston. In one day ( for lis advice only,) the aura rJ Ctn m win t, f medicine, and derived no M. J. Colkmak, Esq. benefit, I got more relief in one hour from your ncuicincs, an iar an my stomacn was concernea, than from all the other medicine 1 used If any person who reads this is suffering from dyspepsia or constipation and will use your bcuhoc as i nave ouue, ne wiu never regret 11. Stories of Greatness. "You know John Ilabbertou," said one of a group of urtists who were talking to gether, "is doing the book reviewing for Godey's now. A few months ago be hud a letter from an editor un editor, mind you who asked if Mr. Ilauherton could possi bly secure him a new novel by George Eliot or one by Thackeray. Said be would be willing to pay almost any price if either of them would send him a new story." "Oh, pshaw I" said the rest, with un bounded contempt. "Oh, it's a fnct. upon my bonorl" "Well, perhaps it is," said the second speaker, "for I know of a book dealer who wrote to a publisher here and asked that he would send him a new novel by June Austen, for those be hud were selling very well. Poor old Junel I guess she turned In ber grave at that." Everybody laughed, and the long hnlred youth shook buck his bungs aud allowed nimscir to look really Intelligent. "Your stories are bud enough," be said, "but they don't equal one which I have heard vouched for by good authority. It is that 'As You Like It' was produced several years ago on the stage of a New York the ater, and part of the audience culled for the author!" That broke up the party. New York Sun. Not Eligible Himself. The retort courteous has seldom been more aptly made t han was done by Hon. Frank Button of Tho Post. It will be re membered that Air. Button held the posi tion of postmaster general during tho Arthur administration. Over a year ago a would be swell entered the editor's private room at the office of Tho Post and voiced his grievance that in the Dumblune .ace he was to ride the following afternoon at Ivy City he found that a young follow em- Iiloyed in one of the departments was to lave the honor of competing with him. reiterating that tbe sole objection to the other gentleman entered for the nice lay in the fact that be was in tbe employ of tbe fovernnient, the visitor left, urging Mr. latton to attend the races and promising to send tickets by tho first mail. This was done or ruther one ticket duly appeared in n note to be as speedily returned to the donor wit h the brief message that the editor did not feel himself eligible for the honor conferred, inasmuch as be also had once been in the employ of tho government. Kate Field's Washington. It Would lie a Iletter Terminus For tbe New Transslberlan Ilellroad Tbaa the Hllierlan Tort uf Vladivostok The Brit ish Mou's Views Two Cartoons. A large portion of the civilized world Is understood to In witching, With a good deal of Intermit, to see what tho Russian hear will do about the war between China nnd Japan. It is tho British lion princi pally that is worried over tho affair, though oilier mil Inns are Interested in a casual way. ltussia, as the reader will roinom l r, baa lsvn building a railroad across Hllierlit. It la oxHctod thnt this road will Discussion of a strike and the Beaultln Iteslfnatloa. "Hammond, nay Mlaa Manly f3 addition al Saturday night ami until further notice," "Yes. sir." Mr. Johnson seated himself at bit desk and began opening the morning ninll. Ha was mannuer of the big firm of Bayard Bros. Mr, Hammond was bis cashier; Miss Manly his stenographer. Mr. Leslie Johnson bad been a poor boy and bad worked himself up by degrees. He appreciated therefore the rights of labor tad the rewards of Industry, and lie en deavored to treat his subordinate fairly. lis tried also not to favor Miss Manly merely because be loved ber. He would have allowed ber the same advance under Other circumstances and just as quickly. But Miss Manly, a bright young lady of to, who had never seen any very hard times, was inclined to be a socialist and an agita tor of a decided type, Hhe was in sympathy with strikes and labor unions anil favored redistributions of wealth and various other measures of a more or less heretical nature. Mr. Johnson, who bad been all over the ground, was diametrically opposed to these opinions. They had argued the matter at length and somewhat warmly at times. Just now the Homestead alfuirwas at Its height. Miss Manly was full of it. And later in the day, when there was a lull In their work, the question suddenly devel oped itself in the little office, and straight way there was a battle royal. Despite their love for each other, these young people were very firm In their beliefs and vigorous In their expression or tbem. At the end of balf an hour Mr. Johnson tired from the field to avoid a downright quarrel. Pretty Miss Manly was flushed and triumphant. During the rest of tbe week there was just the slightest trace of coolness between them. Saturday uight came, and with it Miss Manly s increase of salary. Mr. Hammond had left the office earlier than usual, and the young lady was alone with ber superior. She approached bit desk, ber checks very red. Mr. Johnson." she said curtly, "I did not consldcrthatourargumenthadanypersonal THE KOtiKAN cock fioiit. application," aud she laid before him three The Russian Hcar-Ilnl Whichever wins I see EYE OF THE BIG BEAK RUSSIA'S GAZE FIXED LONGINGLY ON PORT LA2AMEF, KOREA. MCVKK IDLK. A CURIOUS HEALTH FACT. Thy the Death Itate Among Coal Miners la as Low as That A moot Fanners, Seeing the conditions un r which coal miners work in a hot and ii.;.-,t laden i t. mospbern, and their trrriblu liability u nuai acciueni, it nugnt naturally be ex pected that their death rate would be ex cessively high. As a matter of fact this is fur from being the case. Even when fatal accident is included their death rate Is by no means an excessively high one and puiung acciueni aside, me death rate from t is a nnaitlve nun. iu ,i !,.. ni disease alone is exceptionally low. being be a thousand sufferers una and a thousand almost exactly me same as agricultural la onanoes more to get work and hold it. llet- borers, mr nines may soon come and there is noth- Limiting ourselves, however, only to "ke "l reat remedy for pain to help phthisis and diseases of the respiratory or- a,!!at ot Pinful troubles aud into place gain, wfilen are the affections to which coal miners are popularly supposed to be esne- The Heimrute 8exea In FloMra. dully victims, though the mortality of coal It bus been recently noted, especially In "A million people out of work," says a newspaper, writing of these bard times. A 'Med to this misfortune are tbe physical ii.llni. i -h with wbiab thousands have to bear. Bui there h one thing tbat ii never idle; always at woik, unceasingly in search of those thus deterred. It seeks to mire such and help them to grasp a chance when it oyines. in is is tne mission of at. Jacobs uu. Among tne millions there are thou sands sullering with neuralgia. For this expect that, by reason of tho better facili ties they will then possess for conoontrut- miners from resiilrutorv diseases is some-1 il,.i,,i,u i n. i......i... ' i .... fc.. I.,ImI,I I., . ...nr. ..! ....... 1.I..I. I. I 1. T ...... I . "" " ... ... ,, ,, u,M, , , m.vuis.-.ucnniveiiHi, incidentally a liurmmi author, Hildebrand, it is tho HiiiwIhiu hnpo for groat things and their mortality from phthisis is far be has wmie years ago ud verted to, that certain ..mil v ... ...mw .., un... ui.u. aiii't ije-i lowinni, oi oiiieriiiiHiiiiiiaiiiiirocciinaiions. rnrmu (,r i iiu-nns r..iir,u i,a ....... ...i .uv.. liovo it will enable, them to control much and Indeed Is not very much above that of PflffM.. Ill ttinsf. .inaltin f.t ln.lM more of the world's commorca than they agriculturists, or even above that of fisher- the ray florets of the tublar' character are iii,u uvor u-i.u uiuu mj, nuu mcy men, wuo enjoy an me advantages 01 a hermaphrodite have stamens and pistils dust free atmosphere, n tho sumo flower. This la notably the Now, that coal dust may be less injurious case In tliedttlillaiuidchrysuiithemum. The to the lungs thnn tho dust of stone or metal ruy florets nro strap shaped und are fcmule is renmiy inieiiiKioie, ior, as uiri nas only. Hut under tho hand of the florist pointed out, the particles of coal when ex- doubloduhliusanddoublechrysanthemunsi amlned under the microscope are found to are given to us, the doubling being in these oe, comparuiireiy speaking, rounueu ou cases nothing mora than changing tbetubu- anu iree irom suarp xiuns ami angles suca iar llorot Into a strap shaped one. as characterize the flint dust in a china Hut the purely pistillate condition fol- factory. lows the rigulute corolla, and a purely This, however, clearly would only explain double dahlia has the whole flower consist why coal miners are less subject to these of nistils onlv. tbe Btamens havina- whnllv uiRcanes man worsen in menu anu siono, uisappeured Wltn tne tubular florets. Just and not why they are scarcely more subject why these coincidents should exist has not to tnem, taken together, tnan agricultural yet been explained by vegetable biologists, laborers, nor why their mortality from Mora attention is now beine: e-iven to these phthisis alone Is very little above that of subjects than formerly, as it ia believed fishermen, who have been taken as the their study will throw much lio-ht on the siauuaru 01 comparison because 01 tneir wws wuicn regulate the production of the great neaiiniuiness. The question is, To what is this compara tive exemption duef There are two possi ble explanations one, that the apparent exemption Is simply due to the picked THE HIGH HATS CAME OFF. separate sexes in flowers. New York Inde, peuuenc Rules of Two Hill Owners. A mill owner not long ago issued tbe or- charocter of the miners, inasmuch as none dcr thnt the girls in his employ should not but strong men are likely to adopt so la- Wl'ar htced shoes. The reason be gave was silver dollars. He hesitated a moment. Then he pushed tbem bock a little and turned toward ber. "I believe I do not understand you," be replied, also reddening. "I had spoken to Mr. Hammond before our discussion, if that is what you mean. You surely do nut think my way to a dinner. London Punch. lug troops and vessels inthoorlont, Russia will bo a much stronger naval and mili tary power in that part of tho world than heretofore. Naturally this Is not relished overmuch by tho British. They buvo hud tho cream thut I thought tbut that you were ot tho oriental business for many years speaking for yourself did you, Carrier" he added gently and pleadingly. "You know I could not think thnt." But Miss Carrie was fiery and impetuous and ready to believe anything for the mo ment. Her recent victory bad not yielded tbe satisfaction she had expected. She loved Leslie very dearly, and she was all the more inclined to blame him and punish hlin for their recent estrangement, "I do not know what to think," she said sharply; "but I believe you wanted to bu- mlliute me and heap coals of fire on my bead because I defeuted your arguments." And she again seized the money and tossed it down before bim with such force thnt one of the coins rolled from the green cloth into the waste-basket. Mr. Johnson turned quickly from red to white and without a moment s hesitation took up the other two and tossed tbem after their fellow. Miss Manly's eyes fairly blazed. "So," she cried, stamping her little foot, "you cannot humble me, so you insult me. You take tbe advantage of your position to vic timize me. I am glad I have found you out In time, Mr. Leslie Johnson, and I will say good night to you, sir, and I trust you will have no difficulty in filling my place bot li or my places Mr. Leslie Johnson." bhe flirted out of the little office and was gone, Mr. Johnson sat for some moments pule and bulf dazed. Then he leaned his bead forward and sat thinking for a long time with his face in his bunds. By and by, while he could yet see to write, bo took pen and wrote a few lines on one of the firm's letter heads, folded and addressed it, and taking it into tbe president's private olllce laid It conspicuously upon bis desk. It was his resignation. On Monday morning the office boy found three silver dollars in the wastebasket. A. B. Paine in Harper's Weekly. borlous a calling; the other, tbat there is some special preservative condition at taching to the industry, and aa the most notable condition under whicb the coal miner works is the necessary inhalation of coal dust it is to this that most writers who have adopted the second explanation at tribute the comparative immunity. "It is In the highest degree probable," says Dr. illrt in his well known treatise, "tbat coal dust possesses the property of hindering the development of tuberculosis and of ar resting Its progress. Dr. William Ogle In National Popular Review. Shutting Away Opportunities. At a dinner given in town not long since, tbe talk about tbe table drifted into a dis- ond besides havo been ublo to make every one- there stand round as no ono else could. If Russia's plans regarding tho Trnnxsl- bcrlun railroad work as expected, Eng land's supremacy will not bo so sure and so certain of permanency as it is now by a great denl. As things stand at present, tho eastern terminus of tho now road is to bo Vladi vostok, a truly Russian town, although cussion of certain books on metupbyslcs sary for bim to have some record of it. He tbat each one's boots became untied at least 6 times a day and took at least 5 seconds to retie. When these 23 seconds were multi plied by 800 the number of girls in his em ploythe loss of time was, he said, too seri ous to submit to. Another mill owner, talking over this case, said tbat lie bad forbidden visitors be cause each of his "bonds" turned her head to look at them. Computing 20 visitors day aud 2 seconds for tbe head's turning to eacn oi tne ouu employees, made over hours dully wasted in that gesture. Sta tistics are inexorable things. New York Times. One of Dlahop Brooks' Tasks. A poor young man had been christened in the Episcopal church, aisd it became neces- locutcd In Asia. It is confidently predict ed by tho Russians that tho whistlo of tho first locomotivo that passes over tho road Will usher In a now era for the place. which will enter at onco upon a period of growth that will mnko it one of the most Important of seaports, tf indeed it does not In tlnio uecomo tho lending commercial city of tho orlentnl world. Thoro bos never been but one thing in tho way of realizing this idea. The harbor is well located, it is capacious aud of diup water. But It Is which within a few years bad made a deep wrote to Bishop Brooks to ask if there was impression on many minds. Some one was anv wav he could tret the deali-ed lnfnrm. speiiKing oi me quuiuy oi tne aumor s tion. All the mun knew was that he had work, of its peculiar value as a preparation for an understanding of subtler subjects which subsequent writers along bis lines hod expounded. The beautiful woman who sat near the host looked up and said, You do not mean you find anything of value in that mauf His tone is so irritating to me, been christened in some "high" church in Montreal, but he had no idea which church it was. This was a very indefinite question to submit to a busy bishop, especially as there are a great many Episcopal churches in Montreal and several of high denomina tion. But Bishop Brooks set to work to I can't understand anybody's liking bim." answer the man. He found the names of l uis enaeu tue discussion ot me man, ior ull the churches of Montreal, communl- so fur north that, wliilo it is nover quite the talk, as It always must among people cated with them nnd finally established the A Habit That Grows on One, The chewing gum habit is, I know, an old closed by tho ice, it Is sometimes rather difficult of approaching in tho winter months, and It has more than onco been pointed out that not ouly would this mill tato against tho commercial prosperity of tho port, but It would be fatal to its use fulness from a naval point of view during any unusually severe season. Tho Russians themselves have ncvor ad mlttcd that thero is anything in this way of looking at Vladivostok, but it has long been an open secret tbat they would be ex ceedingly glad of a pretoxt for seizing a port further south suy the Korean port Lazarcf. Indeed the Russian flag was onco hoisted ovor this port, and thero Is no sort of doubt that If thero bad been no questions usked of tho big bear at that timo the flag would have been allowed to wave continuously ovor the port's ram parts. Tbe British lion, however, niado so great a fuss that the bear disavowed the movement aud hauled down the flag with celerity. On his part, howover, the Hon had to take his paws off Port Hamil careful not to destroy by dispute the charm of a dinner when it runs upon a snag of dis agreement, swept easily about into another nnd a diiicreiit channel. The next day, however, the beautiful woman called upon the interrupted speaker. "I have laid awake half the night," she said, "thinking of what I did. It was so stupid in me to record of the birth. Boston Globe. Her Point of View. A charming lady of the old school, who is a member of one of tbe historical fam ilies of Massachusetts, says that she never goes by a statue of ber most distinguished Irlttamnn tvithnut mrlunl,n .l.nf it AiA ,nt 1. I tl.. .-!!.... -J .1.1 " v urn uu. u. lUut a,, i luiiuiuum, uuvuilig tand there w the sun and in the gtormg. loineuiscussion.anuisntitawayirommy- ..otuer peopla like statues she says. sen an opportunity to widen my jtnowi- "but I do not. I don't like to see mv cousin rained on, and I always feel it when the snow fulls." Boston Transcript. edge in a new direction." ibis shutting away of opportunities from ourselves is a sin of which the majority of us are guilty, though few ot us, like tbe lady at dinner, are so wide awake spiritual ly as to perceive our fault. Hurper's Bazar The Spanish Eaourlal. The Spanish Escuriul is built in the shape of a gridiron. The buildings form a parallelogram, 040 by 680 feet, and at each angle is a tower 200 feet high. There are Hndden Destruction. It was a February day, with a warm sun tarce large churches in the in'closure, one anu a (.ninoon wind irom tne racino melt- contninlnn- the tombs nf most nf t.h- Sn.n. Ins the snow. All alone- the trail, as we iuu i,in. .i - r- wound up the mountain side, great mosses of snow seemed to overhang us, and more than once I noticed how anxious the grizzly LIFE OR DEATH T established weakness among the female ton, ot tho southern entrance to the sea of haired old guide seemed to be. Only a nor- tood by'pSwho.! kw!,".h0re,,ln.etl?e kind of these United States. For all that it bos not lost itshtimorous features during 25 years of wear and tear. It is infectious. People who care nothing whatever for chewing gum will readily do so when they are with a crow d that encourages it. The very fact that they would be ashamed to chew gum all by themselves Induces them to do so when two or three other peopla are uomg it. It is one of the funniest ot silly spectacles to get in a railroad cur on a turned seat facing the passengers and watch out for chewers. It is a good chance that at least a dozen people will be chewing gum on the sly that is, working their jaws very slowly when they think no one is looking. Of course most of tbem are girls and women. If you should accuse a man of cnewing gum, he would unhesitatingly deny it and swear reluctantly that it was tobacco bo hud in his mouth. I don't know of any little weakness a man bates to own up to more thun chewing gum. New York Herald, Cerms of disease feed on life, and are only overcome by the making of sound, healthy tissue. Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, Is an easy, palatable fat food that makes new tissue quick ly and gives strength. Pay. tieians, the world over, en dorse It. - Du'l be deceived bf Substitutes! T W aU Bowse. . T. All DragsMa, woold b An Atmosphere lu Outer Space, Maybe. That extreme cold paralyzes every vital function is of course a piece of everydaj knowledge. But it lias been left to Profess or Fletet, who has been conducting sonif experiments on this subject, to discovei tbat at a temiiernture of 150 degrees below the centigrade zero there is no chemical ac tion between nitric or sulphurlo acid and potash, between oxygen and potassium, though under ordinary circumstances the affinity of tbe latter metal for oxygen is so great that it will burn if thrown into wa ter, owing to its combination with tbe oxy gen In thut Quid. But if the electric spark is played on bodies which have thus lost the power of chemical afllnity some new and curious combinations result. The latest Invest Ra tion, the conclusions of which, however, have been theoretically presaged for some years past, may require us to reconsider the question of the temperature of outer space and the possibility of an atmosphere com posed of gases in combination existing there. London Chronicle. Harmony In the Leaves of a Tree. One of the remarkable characteristics of a tree is the process of leafage, and if we examlnt, the bough upon which the leaves grow the admiration of the scientific asri- culturist will become thorougly aroused over the perfect consistency and artistic skill manifested in the arrangement of eaeu spray, and the exact number of leaves arranged with the most exquisite art and regularity. Every group of leaves forms merely long lines some short and each one different no two alike, no two in the same position, yet all so perfect and lmr- monioiisly blended that there can be no an tagonism, no sameness, and ull those thou sands and thousands of strange and deli cate forms grouped together, neither con fused or ill arranged. Boston Transcript. Japan. Tho English now confidently ex pect that Kussin will try to find in tho present war a pretoxt for tho rooccupanoy of Port Jjizaref. It need hardly be point ed out that if such a course is adopted there will bo a right good chance for a lively tilt between the bear and tho lion. This would bo a fight that all the world would tnko great Interest ln'ns a battlo be tween tho two nations that nro the strong est in tho world in ninny respects, and are also tho bcut hated, of all nations thnt claim to bo civilized, by the orientals, whom wo do not, of course, admit to be olvllized at all. Thirty years ago Vladivostok was a very small place. It was not then located on Russian territory, bijt was under Chi nese) rufo nnd bo remained till after tho last (Jliincso war to which occidental powers were parties, and during which tho sum mer pulnco at Peking was looted. At the oloso of this unplcuHuntncss Vladivostok and surrounding territory wero ceded to Russia us tho bear's share of tho plunder. Vladivostok began nt onco to increnso In Importance botli from a commercial and a naval standpoint, though not nearly so row path had been cleared throuirh the that this condition of things Is flnallv Inductive snow, nnd the 20 mules followed each other ' ,a state oi the orimns where life hnnns In the One of Nature's Harmonies. Nature has ber own eye for harmonies, I studied one of ber schemes of color the other day. The man had light brown hair, brilliant reddish yellow or old gold beard, light irrcrn eyes, rvse red ears and a pale yellow complexion, strikingly veined with blue. He was not balf an ill looking man either merely unique. Huston Cuniniou weulth. Smart aa Ilia Tat lent. Old Doctor You look quite well today. Did you take the pills I left for your toung KnowiUU (triumphantly) Not one of 'em. Old Doctor Well, it doesn't matter. They were made of bread. iood Newa, An Ignorant Stranger. Stranger Where is the courthouse? Boy 'Bout six blocks west from hero. Stranger But I I don't know which way is west. Boy W'y, jus' stnn with your face to th' north an then y'r right hand'll poiut east an y'r left bund west. Tbort everybody auew inai. uood ivews. HOW THE KORTIIKRN AI.EXANPKR MIGHT CUT TIIK KOItKAN KNOT. From the Merlin I'lk. rapidly as It is predicted It will crow when trains begin to run regularly over tho TruiissllK'rliin. Its population is now In tho neighborhood of 1G.U00. It was but about 8,000 In 1880. Accompanying thisnrtlclo are rrorodnc- tlons of two cartoons showing how tho mntter is looked at In Kurope. in single file. Hulf way up we came to four cabins oc cupied by miners. Three brawny men in red fhlrts stood at the door of one of the cabins talking as we filed post. Salutes were exchanged, but we had no occasion to halt. We had gone about 300 feet and were about to make a turn in the trail when I baited to look buck. The guide was ahead I came second. The liue of mules was strung out for a quarter of a mile, and on loot among them were five packers, all half breeds. I heard no signals of danger, no crvof alarm. With the swiftness of thought the snow, BOO feet up the mountain, began to move. Tbe width of the avalanche was about half a mile, and it moved very rapid ly, l hero were thousands or tons of snow, hundreds of trees, hundreds of great bowl ders. In a few moments it was all over, and a cloud of what seemed smoke hung over the spot. It drove off down the mountain after two or three minutes, and I looked for our pack train. Not a man nor a mule hod escaped. I looked for the cabins. They had disap peared. Aye, the very trail hud been swept uown into tne valley a mile below and nl most across it. For a space hulf a mile wide tuere was neither tree nor shrub not a yard of earth. The avalanche had ground Its way down to the rocks. Goldthwaite's Geographical Magazine. balance. Brleht's disease, dinhetea. albuminuria. are an uitenstsoi a very oDsuuaie cnsincter in their mature staire, and all hare a fatal tendency. They often baffle the most practiced medical skill and the most approved remedies of mate ria medlca. But opposed at the outset thut Is to any, when the kidneys begin to discharge their functions Inactively with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the dangerous tendency Is checked. Very useful also Is this household medicine for those aliments of common occur renceconstipation, biliousness, dyspepsia and nervousness. It la a safeguard Hgalust malaria, and averts chronic rheumatism. " Can I see you apart for a moment T" You mcHn alone, don't you f" "Yes; a loan that's It exactly. I want to borrow five." A Dream of the Twentieth Century Mute- rla'lses In a Brooklyn Theater, This really happened. It la tbe record not of a vision ot the millennium, but of fact. Tbe reporter who witnessed the iud dent secured on tbe spot seven unassailable witnesses, all of whom pinched one anoth er, took drafts of fresh air, water aud other fluids, viewed the phenomena from all sides and points and generally took pre cautions agalust deception and delusion. The occurrence was lu Brooklyn, at the Co lumbia theater, Friday evening. Before the curtain rose the body of the house was hid den by the usual array of monstrous mil linery, the high bats with their furlwlows hiding tbe stage from all who sat in or chestra chairs, except the very foremost seats, been from above the audience re sembled a forest of cabbage pulnis. From a level all vision was shut off. Soon after the openinr of the rday thrco styimn young women threaded their wav along the middle row in the balcony aud seated themselves in chalrsdlrectly in front orine stage. A suppressed moan of an guish spread behind them to the roar wall, ior eacn wore a lolty bat tbat might well reconcile one to tbe inconvenience of crino lines by contrast. To those behind tbem the stage was absolutely obscured. An un. gallant man murmured in a hoarse whisper: "A woman who'd wear a bat like that to the theater would go to a funeral In pink tights." But soon as seated the middle one of the three women turned a face that assumed a heavenly expression, even beneath her ob truding hat, and asked the man in the seat behind who was muttering things: "Is my bat in your wny at allf" The man. completely upset at a question so unexpected, stuttered something about, "Not at all; don't mention it; er er" The lady with him said something about "a slight obstruction," but almost before she bad spoken tbe girl with the immense bat said: "Well, I'll take it off any way." This she did, and her two companions fol lowed suit, while tbe audience forgot to look at the play and arosned and tmzed at the hatless girls. The example of their ac tion produced a curious effect upon other iuuics present, ah over tbe balcony flrst one ana men anotber blK bat came off until the balcony presented an array of beautiful, bareheaded women. The stage disclosed itself as a ship coming out of a fog, and n wave oi nappy smiles sweot over the house. ine reporter climbed to the familv circle ana mere ooserveu a similarly nhenomenal state of affairs. Fully a score of women sat bareheaded and serene, with their big hats in their laps. The same was true of the parquet, and even one gorgeous girl in a box tooK oti a stunning bat. If those wom en only knew it and of course they did tney contributed as much to the Dleasure of the audience as did the players. If this be not an Isolated instance, there can be no question that Brooklyn, in one important feature, is leading in the march of civiliza tion. New York Sun. Cure For Hinallpox. "I nm willing to risk my reputation aa a public man," wrote Edward Hlno to the Liverpool Mercury, "if the worst case of smallpox cannot be cured in throe days by tho use of cream of tartar. Ono ounco of cream of tartar dissolved in a pint of wa ter (hot) drank ot intervals when cold is a never failing remedy. It has cured thou sands, never loaves a mark, nover causes blindness and avoids tedious lingering," How to Go I'p and Down Stairs. If a girl wants to learn to occunv stairs with a fuir amount of self possession, she can do it. This is a cose where practice oriugs perfection. To begin with, hold the body erect. whether going up or down. Don't rrive an imitation of a man with cramps. Hold the body and shoulders In a line horizontal to the flat of the steps. Then don't climb all over. Most women use their elbows for propellers or oars. They jerk themselves up stairs by tbem. Hold the elbows well down by your side tnd mount from the knees. It is an art to acquire this, but once gained it is a wonder how one persisted so long in using every joint In the operation. JJon't plant tbe entire foot with snuore solidity. That is what injures the muscles of the back and jars the body. In going np stairs press tne nan oi tbe loot on the tread of the stairs and secure a spring from that to carry to the next tread. In comlne aown, poise on one loot and land well for ward on the ball and toe of the other foot. And don't, for mercy's suke, toe in. Lift the skirts in front as you mount and leave the long, graceful line from the waist to the skirt hem undisturbed. Buffalo News. An Astrological tsplunatlon. There are first sight repulsion between certain people for which there Is no ac counting by any fixed rule. A enters a ballroom or coffee room of a hotel for the first time and see B. Neither had ever seen the other before; neither knows any thing ot one another. They are both well dressed, respectable looking people, so that no repugnance can possibly spring up on either side on the score nf appearance, yet in both their minds bus lodged adlsllke for each other, such us can sometimes never be wholly eradicated. The new Haturnlan theory on this sub ject is a little abstruse, but is equally ro uiurkuble. These people are positives and negatives, brought about through their be ing born under different conditions of Sat urn's light 1. e., the positives will be born when the light Is shilling on the earth di rect from the nucleus, the negutlves when the light is shining through or being Inter cepted by the ring. Astronomers will raise their hands In pious horror at such simht- stitlous teachings, but let the astronomer shut himself up in his observatory and bo lor tne nonce forgotten, while the reader tests the mntter for himself. Imagine the dial plate of a clock and let tbe figures from I to 12 be tulten to repre sent January to December. It is a cycle without beginning or end I. e.. November and January are not nine months away Irom one another, but only one month In tervenes. This is the threshold of the the ory. A is bom In January, H in June; A and B will have a repugnance for one an other, or if not on actual repugnance each will Intentionally or unwittingly uIwuvh In jure the other. So with other mouths, t ebrnnry and July, October and April. July and December, lOdgur Lee in Arena. Climate of (lie Forty-ninth rarulli l. Did you ever hear of tho peculiar climate of the -tilth parallel Signal mivUo men tell some strange stories concerning it. In tbe stretch of country north and northwest of Bismarck, and from Fort Denton, Mun., to Pembina, N. D., is a belt of territory about U0O miles long by l,r0 wide that may well be called the land of maximums and niiiiltnums If the records given bo correct. When a cold wave prevails, this belt is colder than anywhere else in that reiion. and when it is warm this tract is wanner than any where else. If the signal station nt JSismnrck shows a temperature of 10, 15 or 20 degrees below zero, It is at least 10 or 15 degrees lower ulong t he parallel. In July, 1881, when Ilismarck registered 103 degrees in thesbailc, it was 110 degrees at the others. Asa mutter of course this district shows the great est extremes of tem perature. The mean range in that part of the northwest is probably 150 degrees that is greut enough but Pembina and Fort Benton have recorded a range of Kill de grees. On Dec. 20, 1880, the thermometer stood at 69 degrees below zero nnd In July of the following year at 110 degrees ubove, Pittsburg Dispatch. A Limit to Progress. Old Gent When the children of today get to be old folks, I don't see how thev are going to get light enough to read by. r nenu w nut s to binder? Old Gent When I was a boy. wo used randies, and they gave light enough for young eyes like mine; then, us I grew older, we changed to lamps and Inter to gas, and now we have the electric light and I'm all right yet. I can rend by thnt as well as I used to with candles. But what's to be cotoie of the children who begin with the electric light, thnt's what I' like to know? New York Weekly. DEAFNESS CANNOT UK CUItKD By local appllcnt Ions, as they cannot reach tho diseased portion oi the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is canned by un In flamed condition of the mucous lining ol the eustachian tube. When this tube la inilamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when It la entirely closed, denlness la the result, aud unless the Inllammailon can be taken out and this tuhe irsiored to Its normal condltloii, hearing will be destrnved forever; nine cases out ol ten are rautcd by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed couditiou ot the mucous surfaces. We will glveOne Hundred Dollars for anyense Of deafness feauspd bv catarrh! that riiimnt tin eared by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Betid for c rcu lara; free. K. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists; 76 cents. SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY. Vitality of the Trichina, Experiments made In France with a view to discovering the amount nf vitality ia specimens of trichina?, show thut although they may be subjected to a temperature of Not Ashamed of Ber Aire. Mrs. Lavina Fillmore, a resident of Clarence, N. Y., widow of Eev. Glezen Fillmore and a cousin of Millard Fill more, was 105 years old on Aug. 15. Mrs. Fillmore was living when (nrr ucgrcea ueiow zero ior two Hours niey Washington was inaugurated president again become as active asever upon return- of the United States. She was born in '"r 0JH'Tmal light 8UJ bcat--i'uiladel- Waterbury, Conn., in 1787, and moved - to new ioric wnen Preeorlons Little Louise Lease. Louise Lease, tbe 11 year-old dauirlit. r of Mary Lease, shows that she has inherit ed man of th-? traits of her mother. Ia ropeka the other duy she gathered 100 boys of the reform school under the tnv itnd lectured them, telling them they ought to behave. At the conclusion she announced she would be a candidate for president soma day and wanted tbem to rota fur ber. : The King May Press the Iluttan. Spain's infant king may help President Cleveland set the machinery of the World's fair in motion on May 1. It has been projiosed to connect the Atlantic cable with the electrical apparatus at Jackson park, and at a given moment have President Cleveland, standing in full view of the audience at the exposi tion grounds, and King Alfonso, sur rounded by the royal family at Madrid, press the electric button simultaneously 8tas;e Names. When Tom Wise was playing in a smaU New llnmpshire town a stranger told him that the troop would do well. He added that the minstrel's took a lot of coney out ot the town. "What minstrels were here!" asked tlie actor. "Some New York chap owned Ihem." "Who was In the company?" "Why, they were all named nil, Vept one, and they called bim props." New York Evening Sun. - Bla Capacity Was Greater. Charley That tailor's always la a f,o ot trouble. Jack He can stand four times that. Be'a a bushelman. Clothiers and Haber dasheri WccUr very vountr. She was living with her husband in Buffalo when that city was burned by the British in I8ia. Mrs. rillmore has resided on ber farm at Clarence aii.ee her husband' death in 18TS. She has never ridden on a railroad train, litis never seen the telegraph or teieptione in operation, and has evinced no curiosity in regard to these fruits of science, preferring to live her lost days amid the peaceful surroundings of her qmet home. She is not ignorant, how- erer, of the improvements made in th world, for she had been a constant reader of the newspapers. Her Bible been real and reread until sha nearly knows U all by heart. So well preserved comparatively is she that her neighbors think ohe will live for many years. uncago p.t. A Public Trl.jcle Service. An enthusiastic whvlman proposes to establish an extensive tine of tricycles for passenger service in th city of London. A man in uniform won d be responsible for the propulsion and guidance of each tricycle, and the seat o -cupied by the passenger would be suiUnly covered in. It is calculated thnt a tariff of cent per mile will make the project remunerative. A Satisfactory Experiment. "I hear that you think of taking a series of boxing lessons," remarked a Detroit in surance agent to a bank cashier the other day. "I do, sir." "Any particular object." "Of course. I'm out late o' nights, and quite apt to run up against loafers. 1 don't want to carry a revolver, but I do propose to have some protection." "You'd defend yourself, eh?" "Certainly." "Now, my friend, before you throw away any money on boxing come over to the gym nasium with me and make an experiment." "What sort of one?" "Let some one tap you on the nose and see if yon have any sand left. I don't be lieve you've got the grit to engage in a fight, and I think you'd run after being tapped." j "You do, eh f Might as well call me a coward. I'll go over with you right off." j Tbey went to a room on Monroe avenue where "the boys" scrap occasionally, and there was a scrapper there w ho said he'd put on the mits to accommodate the gent, lie did so, and at a proper moment he did the "tapping" act with a left bander and knocked the gent into the sawdust. The victim lay quiet for about 15 seconds, but then jumped up with a yell, pulled off the gloves, jumped over two chairs and clat-. tered down stairs without coat or vest "Well," said the other as he overtook him, "you got about halt what a loafer would give you, and what do you think?" i "I think I'll take lessons in running and begin this very evening," was tbe prompt reply as he sat down on the curbstone to bold a wet handkerchief to his swelling pro-' boBcia. Detroit I ree Press. No external remedy ever yet devised has so fully and unquestionably met tbese three prime conditions as successfully as Allcock's Porous Plasters. They are safe because they contain no deleterious drugs and are manufactured upon scien tilio principles of medicine. They are sure because notning goes into tbem except In gredients which are exactly adapted to the purposes for which a plaster is required. They are Bpeedy in their action because their medicinal qualities go right to their work of relievins nain and restorine- the natural and healthy performance ol the functions oi muscles, nerves and skin. Ask for AbLcocK's, and do not be induced to accept a substitute. Bbanorsth's Pills are safe and sure. An Odd Southern Name. Of all the odd appellations that ever came to my notice Is one I beard not long since ia little town down in Mississippi I think is Hazelburst. 1 was passing along a sine street one duy when a coal black ne gress appeared from a neighboring door way and shouted, "Gloryl Glory Hallelu- inhl" I thought the woman was crazy and paused to see just what her form of demen tia could be. Looking around a moment, she repeated the cull, this time much loud er than before. This time I heard the an swer from behind a fence. "Yer I is, ma'm; whut yo' want?" "Nebber yo' min, child, whut I want; yo' sum yerl" Immediately after there ap peared from behind tbe fence one of the blackest little pickaninnies I ever beheld, and upon inquiring I learned that the child had actually been christened Glory Halle luiah Jones. St. Louis Globe-Democrat Minnie-What 1 the suhlect at the Girl's De bating Society to-nlghtf Mamie Which Is the hardest to dhconneet yourself from a bicycle or a narumocar ForTired mothers " I feel very thank ful for what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. I have taken three bottles aud the medicine hai made a great change. I was All Run Down from trouble and overwork, aud had other complaltitscom- mon to my sex at ray sks, M yean. Now luce taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I tm much stronger and am eel'ilna- In flesh. I would advise all overwsrkrJI, tired. weak mothers to take Hood's Sarsaparilla to otuia mem up,-- ana. w. warnock, Beverly, Nebraska. Beniomber, Hood's'CurcG Hood's Pills act ca.lly.yct promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c. The faculty the chameleon has of chang ing its color bos been attributed to the pro tective instinct of the animal, by which it seeks to render itself less observable to enemies by assuming the color of tbe bed on which it lies. rarpYs take Onecentadoee (jj 1 Ely's Cream Balm WILL CUKE CATARRH Prim no Cent I AddIvBhIiii Into each nntril ? aT IBOJn M lirrm SI. In Tirt. l,,f yv-ii-n "No. Maud, dflsr! If n nnrsnn sits tn Ilia Utrht of the crescent moon, It doesn't fjllow that he will catch 'newmoonla.' You're a little off lu your spelling, anyway." LEWIS ft DRY I) EN'S MARINE HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC MOltTU WEST. This exhaustive review of the marine in dustry is nearing completion; and, as we do not wish to slight any matters of inter est to marine men, we would like to hear from you. AH data or photographs sent us will be returned as soon as possible. The work will contain accurate accounts of 2,.r)00 steam and sail oraft that have made marine history in the Northwest, detuiled accounts of 350 wrecks occurring here, sketches and engravings of all prominent old-time craft and the men who ran them, and hundreds of pages of interesting marine niicellany. Lewis & Dryukn Printino Co., Portland, Or. E. W. Whioht, Editor. THE INLAND PRINTER Should be in the bands of every printer, publisher, bookbinder and Advertiser aim consults nis best interest Published inland printer Jo., Chicago, 111. by Tbt Gibmia for breakfast. UscKnamellne Stove Polish; no dust no smell. W. L. Doucla $3 SHOE IDVIUC lUQTITIITr 1036 Valencia street, llinnu intllllVli. Ban rrancisco. Select Boaiding School Ior Girls. lghteenth year. Nineteen teachers. For Illustrated catalogue address RBV.KbW. fl. CHURCH, A. M., Principal. FOR LADIES 1 100 IN GOLD will be paid by the Koch Chemical Co. for any cave of female weakneu that will not yield to DR. J. 8. KOCH'S ANTI SEPTIC SANATIVE POWDER. PJctf 11.00 per box, for aale by all druggists. MR? WlnKinurC sooth.no IIIIVi HHIUkUII U 9TRUP - FOR CHILDREN TCETHINQ -rersalesTallVrmnrlsta. SS Oeats kettle. sir I L, Jljj I' 4 1 w,-eTvJL aaV! 3 IS THC BEST. NO SQUEAKING). I )5. CORDOVAN.' .toFlNECAlf&rftfjeARll 3.WP0LICE.3Sol 2.L7J BotSchodlSHuES, LADIES' ;if.l.i? , Tea eaa i 'b-STDONSOt. ' SENOfOfi CATALOGUE WlDOUCLAS. BROCKTON, MASV i ea save saogey by wearlac tks w. I.. Deaelaa li nn as... J??0!!fl are the larrest aaanfaeraran at Shla trade ef shoes la the world, and guaraatee lasa value by sUmpinf the aarne and price oa tke ?i?iW, e" ?rotMt Tm ' Ufa prices aid UriT f J"?" ' "rou- " I1"' inal eusteai the valoe Miw'J-V?wi'Fl' "ass. Ityeordoaasu,piye;Ve IIEBi jlajtheitc! It is sold on a guarantee by all draa glsta. It cures Incipient Consumption and, is the best Cough and Croup Cure. Much harm has resulted from a recent tendency to use cocaine to break off the opium habit and from a mistaken notion that the drug can be employed safely and! advantageously fur that purpose. A well preserved tooth of a mastodon is said to have been unearthed 87 feet below the surface, near Snake river, Idaho. Tbe tooth weighs about four pounds and meas ures 17 inches in cirenmferenca. CaaaasaartlTea aed people who Save week nuura or Astn oa, iDoaM ase PfcWeCarafor Coaraviptlon. It bae enaS see. ft has not Into. ed one. It hi not bad to tasa. isteue DwMODega Byron. Boas 1 From Face, Neck and Anns in Ynu C1M I n ve miniitei witn alajkic, if move I without pain or injury to th MFG. CO., Room 12,' Tbe Ven dome, Portland, Or. HAIR ". P. N. V. No. 667 . F. N. V. Nn. 644 Dr. WJllinms' Inrifnn PUn Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. Absorbs the tllmnrs. nllavB tne Itching at once, acts as a poul tice. Hvpk Itistnnt ,14ff n fi-ill- lams' Indian Pile Ointment Is prepared lor Piles and Itchinar of the Darts. Everv box in warrantpd. Ttv fimv. fist, bv Trail on rooo'it nt Ttrfv rJi and $1.00 WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Proprietors, Cleveland, Ohio. W0fff T i Bread made with SOW- WEST BAKING POWDER. It makes a light. live, sweet lonf. Dealers sell It .the manulacturers' guarantee, tLOsSET a DEVER9, Portland, Or. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. Bay your GROCERIES and PROVISION'S of us, and we will save you monev. We handle ihe best goods aud deliver free to trains or boats. We boy and aell for spot cash, and sell (rood eh- at-r than any other firm In the eountry. Send os your name and address, and we will mail voa our new price list, which will be oat soon. We offer to-dav : Dry irannlated sugar in UO-lb. sacks for $5 so I Best coal oil per ease. n .. WW Address your orders lu MARK L. COMM at CO., 146 Front Street, Portland, Or. Portland dour per barrel 2 16 Arbuckle'a coffee r-r ponnd nug as us. ui .u.i you ueeu, sou we wiu niKfl run special prices. DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO TISTHPAPRR IN THE PlMn. MALARIA! P TTf firm Trr ft. W) YOU FEEL BAD? DOES VOLS BACK acheT Does everv step em a bnrden? Yon need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY.