TUE DAL September lOth, 18!M, 14 o'clock a. in., to October lth, 182P4, at Name hour; at which time the sale stops instantly. La JL 200 LOTS T 200 LOTS ! 200 LOTS T Selected from the Handsomest Suburb on Earth, and sold at the One Price of 11 05 Each, or at just One-Third their Actual Present Value. TERMS OF SALE WILL BE CASH OK APPROVEM NOTES DUE JAN. V5, 10 INTEREST. Let no one think for a moment that because this is a Special Sale and at an unheard of price, that only the poor lots will be sold and the best reserved. This G.eat Scheme is simply one plan of advertising GLADSTONE and distributing the lots as widely as possible over Oregon, and in so doing we have actually selected the Creine dc la Creme Of all the Lots in GLADSTONE, averaging four to the Block. At least 180 of these Lots are ENTIRELY CLEAR and READY TO BUILD UPON. A few Very Choice Lots with some few Oak and Fir Trees for Shade have purposely been selected near and soms fronting on Gladstone Park. The citizens of Oregon City will only be permitted to purchase 50 of these Lots; outside parties in Clackamas County oO, and purchasers outside of the County 100. Not more than two Lots will be sold to the same party and single Corner Lots will not be sold. Applications by mail will be received and in every case the very best unsold Lots will be selected. The final payments can be arranged before the end of the 30 Days. 36 ELEGANT ELECTRIC CARS LEAVE GLADSTONE FOR OREGON CITY EVERY DAY, AND 23 CARS RUN TO PORTLAND. Fare to Oregon City is 2J Cents TO ACTUAL RESIDENTS, AND Cents to Portland. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO WALK UP THE BLUFF AT OREGON CITY FOR THE PRICE OF A FARE TO GLADSTONE. jttc mmet Oregon City, September 7, 1891. The Clirifltiiin nation ot Ent;liiiiil i covertly nidiiiR heathen Cliimi in the warngainst Jupan. It Is a question not of principle but of pounds end ponce with Jolin Dull, and there is money in the piR-tniled nation. By a dispenimtioii of an all-wise Provi dence, the (renter portion of the fruit in California was about threo weeks late iu ripening, so that it was ready for market just about the time the strike was declared oh". The fruit growers have sustained little if any loss. Sknatoii Quay's tariff Bpeecli of 120 paues, read to tho senate at odd times as occasion offered, is Baid to be the longest speech over porptrated on any legislative body. The ono vote lor a differential duty on sugar by which he saved the Biigar trast $10,000,000, ac complished more than that interminable speech . ' Mibs F, Marie Quandt, a Scotch news paper woman who has been traveling in the Orient, strongly advises that the Vet sond no money to India, China or other countries for the purpose of ameliorating the condition of the women of those countries, but that tho same be expended on the woman of Iviropa and America. . News from l he Oriental beat of war is meager and fragmentary. If it be true that Itussia has eight warships in Co 'rean waters and an army til nearly 110,000 men ready (or advance into the northern portion of the ''hermit king dom," the Hastem question may be solved on tbe farlhor shores of tho Pa cific ocean. The incidents accompanying the late Ktrike have loaded the managers ol the Southern I'acillc Hnilroad Company of Kentucky with an accumulation of odi um unusual even for them. The gov ermeiit of the fctute of California is in its hands. It is for the people of the state to decide at the polls whether the government Bhall remain in the hands of the corporation. S. F . Examiner. The present tariff law is a victory of a democratic minority in a senate whose majority is distinctively for protection. Three populist, seven democratic and 37 republican senators are wedded to a pro hibitive tarriff in a manner lhat renders them almost stone-deaf to all reasoning to the contrary. From this protective body the tariff reform democrats have wrested a redaction of sugar duties, free wool, lumber, salt, copper, agricultural implements and jute, and a great cur tailment of tariffs on the textiles which the masses must buy for clothing. An income tax is secured, which relieves taxation and places a share of the gov-; ernment expenses upon the wealth whose concentration has been favored by Inderal laws. The average advolem Outies in the new la ire nearly It per i cent. lower .'ban in the Mckinley law, and 3 70 per cent. Icwer than in the Mills bill. The free list has been in creaaed altogether by lf0 article. How iiisit'iiiflcaiit seem the figurei which represent the estimated cost of the War of the Rebellion, threa billion five hundred million d illara in I t in aiisjri'ifiite sunn pii l the ti ivernm nit's pensioners live billion .1 ilhr.i v'i i:i compared with the most conservative estimate of the l.miM su-Uined by tlio business interests of the country diii-iii;' the memorable year of p-mic, IS!):!! Brailnlrrel'i puts the minimum of loss to trade last ymr at ten billion dollars. Is it any wonder the times are hard? W'iiitb men working as section h inds on the O. U. & N. railway have all been discharged and Chinamen employed in their places, fays the Ilunlinglon llemU, This uction on the part of He ceiyer McNeil throws from -100 to ,W0 men out of a job. John Chimimiin does the work for $1 per day. While men have heretofore received Ah. Wore that kind of economy carried out all around, tho (). It. & X. Co. and the whole country would become totally bankrupt. Li k k iruny other far oil' loc.iliiios which are rendered niagnilicenl by dis tance, tho South Pacific archipidag is popularly supposed to produce abun dance of food to its liumiui inhabitant without woik. KxpsriniMU h is pr.ivjn that tlie-o islands will yield n ithin.' In' copra, the meat of tho cocoanut, ami a community cannot live on comm. Navigation to the ishiuls is al.vivs difficult, in conseipUMum of th a re (fs, an I thus freights nro high. Islands which havo no surplus product that can be exchanged for giods can lurdly nuke much progress, and it is always a prob lem whether the people had better not go elsewhere. It was not tho design of providence tiiat all the world should beinhabiied. With our striken and g old bugs and tramps and sugar trust, wo are way ahead of the Snith S.M folks whose all is copra. Tim Roman Catholic church expresses itself in no uncertain language on the grave social questions that demand solution, and to its honor be it said it sides with the "under dog," the labor ing inn i). In an address whose topic was Labor Day, M nsgr. O.n-ey of New York city aaid : The facts and sentiments coming from the mind and heart of the Ca'holic church appeal to the clergy and laity throughout the w.Hd to a deep interest in the great question of the hour for the safety of the society, the bib r question. I thank God that 1 have no trust cor rupt or s and in mopolistic outlaws in my congregation . I would touch prefer be ing Ihe pastor ol the much condemned ami censured rum-shop keepers. It certainly is now high time for the 10,000 priests of this country to follow the direction of the Holy Father and prote-t from their pulpits Sunday after Sunday against the corrupting list) of dishonest riches. It does seem a farce to hear ministers of religion preaching to the poor and oppressed about the danger of riches, of winch dangers they know nothing, while very frequently we kiss the hand of corrupt power and bend the pregnant binges of tho knee and kiss the haml that unites humanity, the hand of such men of whom Jesus Christ has said, "Die rich m m died and was buried In hell." 1 wonder if this w is a prophecy about the mu.tr trust ang-l ? Ripann Tabules : tor tour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Tub Gorman Smith variety of demo cratic senators could not have fulfilled its bargain with the sug'ir trust laid the republican senators refused to ratify it by their notes. In fact, the trust would not have aiteinpted to iiilluence turifl legislauon in its favor bail it not been certain that more than enough re publican senators would vole with Gor man, Murphy ami Smith to secure what they asked for. Those and a lew moro renegrade democrat iu semitois sided w ith Ihe it publicans, and therefore any attempt to place rclined sugar on the free list was sure to be fiustrated. The silly republican papers endeavor to exonerate republican senators from any responsibility for ihe wicked consum mation because they huil no part or lot in the democratic caucus meetings or in the formation nf the senate tun 11' bill. To repeat, bud their friendship for and allegiance to the sugur trust not been a notorious fact (the MiKinley bill is indisputable testimony) said tru-t would not have undertaken to corrupt a few democratic senators. Notwithstanding, the sugar trust has been to that extent shorn of its power that about ."il),000, 0(10 more will go into the national treas ury under the new tariff law than re mained out of it under the MiKinley law, whose sugar schedule was made b the sugar trust . A Question of Legs. "Pupa," said an inquisitive In y, ' ilou I Indies have legs r "No, my dear boy, they ilo not, re plied the (olid papa. "Well, why don't they, p:ipa?" "lieciuso iishes swim, tin. I do not re quire legs. Now go and play, because 1 am reading my paper." The boy was silent lot a while Then he begun to lidget after the manner ol boys. Alter twirling his cap a bit be burst out "Hut, pa!" "Yes," said pa, "what is it?" "Iliickf have legs, don't they pa?" "Yes, of course they do. Go and plav." ''lint, pa!" "What the Yes, Chailey dear, w but is it?" "Well, pa, ducks swim don't they?" "Of course they do! What a worry ing boy you are !" 'Well', pa, then w hy don't fishes have legs, if ducks do? Or' why don't ducks not have no legs, like tishes don't, if Ihev Clin both swim?" Irving W. I.ariinore. physical director of Y. M C. A ., Pes .Monies, Iowa, says be chii conscientiously recommend Chamberlain's Puin Halm to athletes, gymnasts, bicyclists, football players and the profession in general for hrui-es. sprains and dislocations; also for sore ness and stillness of the muscles. When applied before the p rts become swollen it will iill'.-ct a cure in one ball the time iisuully required Fur sale by G. A. Maiding, druggist. While in Chicago, Mr. Charles L. Kahler, a prominent shoe merchant of les Moines, Iowa, had quite a serious time of it. He took such a severe cold that he coiilt! hardly talk or naviirate, but the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cuiiitli lienie.lv cured him ol his cold s i quickly that others at the h del who ha I bad colds followed his example an. I half a iloi.-n persons ordered it from the nearest drugstore. Thev were profuse ill Ihe their tanks to Sir Kahler or telling them bow to cure a bad cold rO .iniekly. For sale by G. A. Harding, drugget . m Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. $D MODERN HAYMAKING. Improved Maelilusry and luiprovt-d Mrth v.U Suvo Vuluublt Time and Hard Labor, On our largo western farms, whero tho bay luu'votit continues for any con siderable length of time, tho four foot mower has been replaced by ono with u six or seven foot cutter bar. Tho eight foot rulco has given way to ono of twice tho width. Other implements havo been added. Clover grows in such luxm-iunco in tho Iown soil that tho tedder i;s indis pensable,. Tho loader saves timo mid bard labor. Stacking in thoopeii air lias proved to bo a very cost ly method of preserving liny, mid our prairies ure be coming thickly dotted with bay barns, into which tlio liny is placed by horse power. Bruin lias supplanted brawn in a great measure, and haying may now bo justly considered an art. Uy utilizing the improved machinery and following improved methods one man can now do tho work that formerly required two men. Thus writes one of Iowa's progross ivo fnrmers to American Agriculturist. Ho says: Whero tho hay is placed on tho wagon by n hay loader und taken off with a fork or Hling, n good working crew for a largo farm consists of four men and two boys 10 to 14 years old With the wide cut mower it is not necessary to begin cutting before 4 o'clock iu tho afternoon. This is easier for tho horses, moro comfortable to tho man who drives them nud much better for the hay when it contains much clover. Enough eun bo cut between 4 and 0 o'clock to keep l ahead of tho wagons until the next aft ernoon. Ono man docs the mowing and tedding and what little raking thero Is to do und still has timo to help coni(l- erahly in mowing away tho hay in the barn. The boys drivo tho wagons. Two men stay in tho field and do the loading, mid ono stays at tho bain to inanngo the horso fork and keep tho hav mowed back. Threo teams and ono good horso are necessary, tho latter being used at the burn for unbinding. When the lioy comes in with a load, he leads the horse, which is attached to the fork, taking the load off his wagon whilo the other ono is being loaded in tho fields. The timocoiisuimd iu loading isalittlo more than that fur unloading, and this allows tho man ut tho bam to scatter tho hay in tlio mow. Whether ho can keep up this end of the work di ponds on tho distanco to hnul mid liio amount of hay in tho barn. liny is mado very rapidly and very cheaply iu this way. With the force mentioned thero is very little time lost. Everything runs smoothly, and little energy is wasted, The buy is put in tho barn nt tlio rate of l.'i to CO tons per day and at a cost of 4,"i to CO cents tier ton, varyin,', of conrse, with the weather. On the farms of the Atlantic and central states this tedder loader and horeo fork nro coming into increasing favor, but tho average farmer of those regions manages the work with two or - i . i . lit most uircu norses aim iwo men. Tho tedder anil the loader not only save time and money, but the hay is iccurvd in much bettor condition. Tho tedder shakes the grass and give the nir a chiuico to circulate through it and dry it evenly and quickly without burning. Tho loader follows and takes tho bay out of tho swath; henco the leaves ore not shaken off. as when it is raked. Whrn Batiy tu fi.'k. vf pavr her CutorU, Wbm h wh a ChiM, ihe cried for Outurla. When die benunc MlM, "tie clung to CutorU. When h had Children, he pave them Cutoria Mayor Straight, of Oregon City, Says: "GLADSTONE can't be beat for a suburb residence location. I consider Gladsto ie property a good investment. The location is extremely healthy and easy of access." Rev. Gilman Parker, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Oregon City, Says: "After 18 months' residence in GLADSTONE I am thoroughly convinced of its desirableness as a place for a home. Its many points of excellence make it highly preferable to any place between Oregon City and Portland. It has natural fitness, with its cmtour of hills; its magnificent park; its crystal river; its hcalthfulness; its good water and fresh air; its freedom from city noise; its clcc'ric cars an I cheap fare, which are all points of very great advantage and pleasure." But why multiply words? Every school boy in Clackamas County and In Portland knows all about GLADSTONE, and Tens of Thousands of people have visited it during the last two years and have been Charmed with the Beauty of the Situation. Nothing need be said of Oregon City, with its Wonderful Manufacturing Establishments and thousands of operatives. Million of money have been poured into the development of the Great Water Power and Millions More are coming; Real Estate is therefor better than the Hank of England Notes or Government Bonds, I MAKE IN INAUGURATING THIS GRAND ADVERTISING SALE, TWO GUARANTEES: 1st. THAT EVERYTHING SHALL BE ON THE DEAD SQUARE. 2nd. THAT IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED IN 30 DAYS AFTER THE SALE, OR UPON FIRST EXAMINATION OF LOTS, IF PURCHASED FROM ABROAD, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. IN THE MEANTIME CALL IN THE OFFICE AND EXAMINE THE BIG MAP AND SATISFY YOURSELF OF THE GOOD FAITH OF THE PROPOSITION H. E. CROSS, Sole Agent Forewarned is Forearmed. Forewarned is forenr.ued ; and if the pe. p'e of the I'nited States are wise it ini y u,,t. in the i tul, be mi iinlortiinuie thiiigtliiittlieAiiiHrie.il Uuilway Union siiw lit to lake up I I,h i-i.useof the Pull. ti in n .inkers. It bus civ n to the country a lepn-s. nttili n as it were in Ires rehearsal -'f the put which m. gani.ed labor proposes l piny ill til" national drama, an. I wnieli it i 1 1 pi iv unless forcibly withli.-ld, when the rig ii time arrives. The issue of the haul" which IliieiHmis w.diM not remain nni iu doubt. The republic is u it yot in itn dotage, and will know how to eopj Willi rebellion when it comes. Hat while I stening to the p eas if hill ir at taints und the cliHinpims of organ.ZH.1 labor w bother iu tl e pre-s r from the phitforui. iu Icuisluiive hulls or I run liiilicrnuliouul chairs it is well that the people should know and remember that it is rebellion which these org uiizatioos colli, inplule. It is revoluiioii which they hope In nlliiin by peacef "I means, if irmv lie; bv fmce. if must. The ear of the cminlrv is always ready loheiiikento the cry of Ihe working man. The be irt of the couutiy is ten (!er mid quick to be touched by the tale of the wiiiie-earner s Buttering, lint Ihe lountry cannot a Hold to he kind or s. ft lieai ted to tieuson. Let no man fl itter himself that these latest strikes are no more, mid bear no deeper significance, than other strikes which have g me bo fore. Former disorders have been bin sporadic uuihrenks, resulting from local causes. This lust is the development of a deep-seated malady, a cancerous growth, which bus been deliberately im planted in the social system of thecoiin try, and bus been f. stored there till it bus stiuck roots, w hich will not be lorn out without the rei ding ot tissue and the spillint: of blood, lis existence is a minace t" the t atii.n. . P. Uubimon in S. A AV i'iV mi. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The C'tii-iunuti Weekly Enquirer and the Oiikcion l.ormun. both one jear to cash in advance subscribers for only $2 50. The Enquirer is a Ki-puire paper whose tegular price is ft per year. FOR SALE. Eighty ncres of line farm land, mostly bottom, on Woodcock creek, Clackamas county two miies from .Meadow I! rook postniliee. Three acres cleared. 12 acres slashed ; g iod house 20.,'I0. Price $((00, of which f00 must be paid dowi , bal ance two years' lime. For further par ticulars cull at CofitiKK office or address me at Vancouver, Wash. Mn. Anna Taylor. NOTICF. OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. IN TUE OH'STY COl'RT OF TUE STATE OF a ori-Kn for the C.iuntv .if cliu-ksinaH. In the mailer of Ihe etiile ol Usar dowser, deceased: Notiee is here!,; given that Ihe iin.lersifrned, ad. mhnslrat'ir o' (he iate of Isaac rluwaer.de-cra-e.l, has Itled I. in linal ace. Hint as such ad ministrator in the r.mnty emirt of said county and sOile. and lhat M-awiay, the 1st day of tleto-la-r. 1m4. at 111 oVI.M'k a. in. t said day, at said countv eoiirt In Ihe courthouse at Oregon Otv, Omro'n. has liei-n flxed and iHKiinled Ly said court lor ihe hearing of el.),-clins to aid final c.-mint. if any there be. "! 'or final dl chargenf JOHN t'l-OWsKK. Administrator ol Said Estate. prune SAI.F. OF rXCI.Al.MED PKOPFRTY. ri ITI.'E l! H Er Kill t;lEN THAT I HAVE N Iu my p s. slon a certain ihree-spring one- horse expres wsgnn. nunioer,-.! o.. iinc.aimen i.r,,-rlv. lM-l,nittm atl owner unknown, and Hie same will, on H J"lh day of Septinl-r. 14 In-sol I at the CoraiKS olllce, Orenon City, to satbfv ni, claim ol lalmr, storage and adver tising thereon, namely, fill. I. I.rXAIIIKt'. Urcgon t itv. iH-ptcinber 7. KM. Job Printing at the Courier Office. IIP $11 1 g,.,....v. , r1 f-f for Infants IHIRTf yari' oTTtton atlllona of persona, permit It la nnqneatlonatlr tho teat remedy for Infante and Chtldrea the world has oror known. It it harmleaa. Children like It. It gir them health. It will sare their llvea. In It Mothera havo something which la aoeolntelr aafe and praottoally perfect aa a child's medicine. Castoria destroya Worms. Castoria allays rororlshnosa. Castoria prerenta Tom! tins; gonr Card. Caetorla cares Dlarrhme and Wind Collo. Castoria roUoTea Teething; Trophies. Castoria cures Conetlpatlon and riatnleney. Castoria nentrallses tho effeota of carhonlo acid gas or poleonons air. Castoria doee not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and howela, gtrine; healthy and natural sleep. Castoria Is pnt np In one-alee hottlea only. It Is not sold In hnlh. Don't allow any one to cell yon anything else on tho ploa or promise that It UJnat as good " and "will answer orery pnrpoee.w Bee that yon get C-A-8-T-O-K-I-A. Tho mo-etmUo algnatnro of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. m uuiujiu-t-il to . i.rtf i. t tifli rower, iieaimcin', W iiMMi..vUdrtt.itiiuMlt ft"f IbIt a wrlt tn n.ilciiot ire r refund the Money. Bold brill UlUtftAAl) Ainju. ForaalolnOrfKt'ii Ci . SEALED BIDS INVITED rlMIE COl'STV COl'RT OF CLAI'KAMAS 1 t'oiimy, On-son, will receive aeale.1 bld until Welnefla.v, September 6th, at 2 p. m for rr.i8lnff the present annmarh or aornn nf the i east end f the Knelt ( reek brlclne on the public , road UK-airii on nail aeetinn line tnr.,iiKti ec-, lions 1". 16. 17 and IS. T. 6 H.. R. 1 E.. oil that nart lauk. of the U.MHlhurnaiid Molalla road known as the , fully send (free nf charge, a copy of the preacrip. Srland or Marion Samson ehange: and to extend . Hon used, which Ihev will And a sure cure lor the said approach or trestle nn a level with the I Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh. Bronchi main brlt lite across said Rock Creek botunn the tla .nil all throat and inn M.l.Hi.. it distance ol feet, and a further approach to i county court reserves the right to reject any a a all bids, earhuf which mtll la? accompanied by me mw. 1,1 iu ice, storing in me Kruunn. ine i a certified check to the amount of 5 per cent, of the bid (.KuKi.K K. HORTo.V Clerk of ClatkaniasCountv. Or NOTICE FOR Pl'BLICATION, LAND OFFICE AT OREdOS CITY. OREGON, August 13. lv.M. Notice is herehv Kiven that the following-named settler nas filed notice of his intention to make final pnmf in support of i kls claim, and that said proof will be made he- fore the Register and Receiver f. 8 Land iffii-e j vis- tUI'll. C HI FFMAN H IT N TI2T for , theNW. nfSce ai. Tp J. R. 4 E. He names Ihe following witnesaea tn prove his eonllnuona rmlden.-e iis,n and rnltivanoa of. aaid land, via: Henry H. arver. William W. Porter. Henry Ep person. Richard ti Palmatier, all of Cnrrinsville, Oregon ROHKKT A. ktllXKR. Register. Ri)ans Tahulra cure bad breath. MT--vriNTr,Tmt,YTnMiii mi. i ill mni j and Children. ef Castoria with th patronaf ef nm to apaak of It withont gnatilng. laonerery wrapper. i UKkUi Thlswondvrful ru.o;- uc ene. such i4 wnkMemorr,Ljsor.:-ala eilI)tv, uifc Manhood, MtftiUy Ktulwnlon. Nervnjju t-'jwei ui Generative Oocoui. or eiUier lei caii'i'd tirorerPxeitliTn.' thinl arwirt, oxchmIto uw of tobacco, oulum or sum ulnntf, whicli ' sat nflrnity. Onuimpiion or 1muq1t- Can Vu carrleU la tl 'IT V.W t CO Druiwisu. To CONSUMPTIVES Ine undenlcned having been restored to health bjr simple ineani, after infferina; for aev.! veara with a evre lima affWMin and that dread diaeaxe Coi.juiiiptl.in. ia anii.Hi" to make (Down to his fellow sufferers the means nf f-iire. Tn Ihn.e hn desire It. he will ehaer. hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as It ia Invaluable. Those deslril ln the preacriptioo. wnicn win cost tnem Dinning, ana may prove a blestiug, will please address. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. THAVEXOWIS MY HANDS FCN'DS APPIJ- e cable to the payment of all warrants endorsed prior to July 11th. 1 "!'-': also the following num bered warrants: lo.tw. lu.'sn. lO Aul and 10,'sM (for g.'suea h). endorsed July llth. ls'.'i Interest ill eease from date of this notice. H. L. MOORE. Treasurer of Clackamas County. "ffaoB Illy. August U1. IWS. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. lxoni't H HEREBY filVKXTHAT WE HAM. a apply tn the eit. ronnrtl of orran riiy. Ore-, Kn. for a saloon ifrenae tnrmitlnne onr salonn I -au-d in tmrroa l itr. salrt ll-nsr to dat from Octnhrr&t. IH. BBAOV Hi OoNor.iH. I CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT t For a Rrompt tniwer and an honont opinion, write to Hi N N tV CO., who have had nearly fifty rears' experience In the patent businoM. Communlca tlons itiictljr eontidentlr.l. A Handbook of In formation conoarniuu; 1'ntenta and bow to ob tain tbera sent free. Also a catalogue ot mechan ical and sclent I do bonks sent free. Patents taken tbroufth Munn ft Co. reoefr special notice In the Hrlrnllllc Aincrirnn ana thus are brouKht widely beroretlie public with, out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper Issued weekly, elegantly lllustruted, has b7 far thi larKest circulation of any scientific work In the world. 83 ft year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 92.50 a year. Slnpl copies, li.) cents. Kvery number contains beau, tlful plates, In colors, and photographs of now houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tlia latest dealims and secure contracts. Address MUNN 4 CO, HKr Youii, J til BitoAbWAT. Your Stomach DistressesYou aftereatlng a, hearty meal, and the result Is a chruuic case nf (ndlges tion. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack. RIPANS TABULES PmnnnfA nitre!-Ion. RrtrnlntA thm Htoumchs Livr and Doweln, Parity the Blond, uud are a 101 live Cure for Conntlputloiw Melt Headache HI! lousueitH, and all other DlsuaHus arKiufr from a illaorderod eondltlrn of the Liver mixi Stomach. Thty act Kcntly yet promptly, and perfect tUffestttm fnlltiWH their uw. Hlnntis lahulcn take the phu-eof an Entire Medicine Cbent and Mmulf1 bo kept for Sold by drugointB or sent by tnuil. Price, Two Dollar. THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. ie Bpraee 8k, New Vork. HAIR DEATH j imtantly remove and forever dctiroy objec- I tioimble hnir.whrther inm the faiininfftce, arm or neck, without ditctdtirntion or injury to the numt delicate fkin. It wh for fitly yrurn the Mturtt fiirmultt .if KrHminin a n iixiii, ni'iaiiifw inii.ru im iinjniviaiis nn I the hifihent auilmrity und the most t-mineiit ti derniatol' gtHt and t air eHalll that vver lived. During hit nrmitc irnciMo of a life time among tl.e nnhility and ariMwrney of Eurnpe he Prescrilwrt llilc ret'lp, 1 by mail, wriirely packed. t'orrri,on deuce etmjiitentiat. Uul? Agentu for America. i Address tj The Skookurn Root Hair Grower Co , jl Dept R, tl South Fifth Avenue, New York, ' It Dept 1 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. JCl OKXE. as Next Session beuina tlio I7tli of Spii- temlxr, 1894. Tuition, free. B iar.1, $2 50 a week. Five Conmps: Claxairal. Striontific, Lherarr, English and Business. DOBMITOEV. The B.iar.linjt Hall fur y.mn; la.lies and the Boar.linir Hall fur youim ti"na men will be under the frtinal atir-er-vision ol Mr Jlunra, a la.ljr of refinement anil larue exuerienee. ' For rataloicnes, addtos J J. Wai.tox. tjety. Kt jfenls. EXECUTOK S NOTICE. XKTIt E l! HFREBV (.1VEN THAT I, (I. W. Slnntis. have lws-n iii.lv appointed l,v Ihe Hoe. 4'fainty i'ourt of t'lacksmas c tmitv as e. eralnrofthe will nf the hile Jh K,in !. ceased, and Ihst all claims srnint said etste sansi ne nrr-en.efi. amy rennl, to me within aix m.Hiths from the date of the publication of this notice, at the law office f '. f Jt P C. LatoorHle in lreajon t ity . W. STl'Klil, Eleentor of ill of Jarob Ru p. deerast-d Ialed, !eptemher 4th. 14.