Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, August 17, 1894, Image 2

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    There are hundreds of well-to-do people in Clackamas County who contemplate, at some
time in the near future, purchasing a home in or near Oregon City.
Tlh(uisaimdls Inlaw osotedl
Oregon City, August 17, 1894.
Tim flour trade has received new ani
mation since the commencement of the
Japanud Chinese war.
Suim-ly and demand rule. In the
Eastern market corn now brings a
greater price than wheat. The corn
crop is short.
Tim fruit growers of Yamhill county
have formed a Fruit Growers' Shipping
Assosiution, a means of self-protection
that the fruit growers of this county
should adopt.
According to a summary by the De
partment of Agriculture from the esti
mates of 25,000 farmers in the West and
Northwest, the average cost per acre of
wheat is fU.OO.
Tiikkk will be a rpecial hop day at the
olnla fiiir a... I Ilia tnunairnlnnnl. Kaa ftro.
vided two large premiums for the best
exhibit of hops in the bale and the best
stand of hops, with no entrance fee.
The Southern I'acilic Kaiirod Uoni'
pany has so cunningly fastened its cor
rupting grip on the Board of Equaliza
tion of California, that its taxes, the
bulk of them several years past due,
have been cut down $2,200,000.
Caiiiioi, D. Wright (chief of the na
tional bureau of labor statistics), Nich
olas E. Washington, of Peoria, HI., and
John D. Kernati, of New York, consti
tute the national committee for the in
vestigation of the Pullman strike and
Tiik nation's puisestrlngs are loosen
ing. Over a dozon ads. of "money to
loan" appear in the 8.F. Examiner this
week, a half dozon in the Sunday Ore
goniaix, and a couple of million dollars
a week is going in circulation of the sur
plus in the New York banks .
Tub Cliino sugar factory, the largest
factory and refinery in the United
States, was started on the 3d at Cliino,
Cal. With this season's addition to the
plant, made at a cost of f'.'.iO.OOO, the
factory will use 1000 tons of heels per
day and its daily output of refined sugar
will be HO tons.
The Chicago 1'raitU Farmer says that
many . wool growers in the West are
holding firmly to their season's clip, be
lieving that belter days and better prices
are coming. There is unquestionably,
adds the Farmer, a brighter feeling in
the buying centers, and the market has
been characterized by heavy trading
and an actual advance of from ' to 1
cent a pound.
Evidences continue to develope of im
provement in European trade, the re
ports to London banks and discount
houses showiiiK tliat, instead of in
creased stagnation, trade and business
have greatly revived and that cheap
money is again stimulating business.
The low rate of foreign exchange baa
pnt a stop to gold exportation to Europe,
which indicates that also on this side of
the Atlantic the ebb tide of adversity is
taming into the flood of pronperity.
The Great Northern Suburb of Oregon City, the past summer, during
the great Chautauqua Assembly, and have been charmed
with the beauty of the situation.
is ihe
Gladstone has its own local car; fa it
Next week there will be an
the indifferent one, BUT THE BEST, and at a figure that the public never dreamed
of. Literally thousands of dollars' worth of property will be given away.
took Out for
Tiik Catholic Total Abstinence Union
at its convention in St. Paul, August 2,
with only one dissenting vole, adopted
a resolution endorsing the decision of
Monsignor Batolli, sustaining the action
of Bishop Watterson of Columbus, Ohio,
in refusing to recognize in his church
Catholic societies officered by liquor
Tub bulge in corn, owing to the
drouth and the steadily decreasing price
of wheat, draws attention lo the fact that
only twice in 32 ears has corn sold on
the Board of Trade at Chicauo, for more
money than wheat. This occurred Au
gust 2; No. 2 yollow corn sold at 51
cents, while sales of No. 2 hard wheat
were made at 50 J' cents.
The 200 Catholic pilgrims who re
cently mado a visit to the shrine of Our
Lady of Gtiadulupe at the City of Mexi
co to oil'nr up prayers for rain, arrived
at Durango, Mux., on the 2d. On the
day following their prayers the heaviest
rain in four years fell throughout the
state, and many of the pilgrims will be
kept busy for some time to come repair
ing the dummies done to their ranch
properties by the overflows. This should
make the professional rainmakers
Circumstantial evidence points to
the murder of Charles Gloyslein on July
27th by the anarchist wing of the popu
list party of Spokane county, Wash.
It seems that he had Incurred the en
mity of a branch of the party, on ac
count of his zeal as a republican, and
he had been hung in efllgy and repeat
edly warned by kuklux methods to
leave the country . It Is now supposed
that his enemies have carried into exe
cution their threats of murder if he
failed to comply with their demands.
As an evidence of this result, his hat
was found, after his disappearance,
rid died with bullets and covered with
Our trade relations with Europe, in
cluding the shipments of gold, are en
couraging, and an unmistakable index
of our business solidity as a nation, rur
the year ending June, 1894, our exerts
of merchandise were SJ2,111,2S0, a
total never before reached except in
1881, 18!tl and 1802. The Importations
of free and dutiable merchandise fell oil'
from 8ti0.-10O,922 in 18U3 to G54,835.873
in 1804. The imports in lfKKI exceeded
the exports $18,735,728, while in 18!4
the exports exceeded the imports by
the handsome sum of $237 ,27.1,407.
This is an unusual showing, for only in
1878, 1879 and 1881 have the exports ex-
ceeded the imports in a like degree. In
the great grain exporting year, 1892.
when the exports exceeded $1,000,000,000
the balance of trade in favor of this
country at the end of the year was only
202.875,680. A look at the gold and
silver movements reveals the interesting
fact that the gold export of the year
exceeded the imports only t 4,5S5,03, as
compared with an excess of exports of
irold in 1893 of IS7.500.4fi3. For the 12
months the excess of silver exports over
imports wa $37,168,438. as compared
with an excess of $17,541,087 during the
year ending June, 18! '3. The country is
all right.
Eipan l abulea : best lirer tonje.
Handsomest Spot in
Sale of 200 of the
Next Week
The lower house of congress on Mon
day passed the senate tariff bill, and
the country is watching for the elite
the end of the long fight against the
Gorman crowd in the senate has on the
general prosperity of the country. The
alliance of a clique of democratic sen
ators with the sugar trust to frustrate
legislation in the interest of the musses
is one of the most disreputable incidents
in national legislation. The ell'irt of
the reformers is now to pusli through
separate bills placing barbed wire, coal,
iron ore and sugar on the free list
The attention which the Southern
I'acilic cabal is now receiving, reminds
us of the grandly, sweetly soiemn man
ner in which Senator Stanford, the head
of the robber band that killed and de
spoiled the settlers of Mussel Sloigh,
was expedited to heaven by Christian
song, furved prayer in tho name of the
Great Redeemer, and unctions sermon
izing extolling his virtues. One of the
fruits of the deviltry of millionaire anar
chists such as he was the derailment of
a passenger train by fiendish, disap
pointed strikers on the Baltimore A Ohio
by which 24 human souls were wafted
lo the other world. Will the angels
sent them and Stanford side by side
around the White Throne when the le
gions nl the blessed sing the Olorint
But perhaps Stanford didn't stop oil' at
heaven's gate.
Tiik A. P. A. having concluded to
dispense in its propagundisin with the
services of renegade priests and Orango
men, and to cease its opposition to the
Roman Catholic church, such sensa
tional mouthers as Uevs. Holund Grant
and J. Q. Henry will be obliged to seek
some other vein of bigotry with w hich
to fire the patriotic heart. They might
take up the neulected cuti.se of the
goody goody folk who can't sleep 'o
nights because God and Christ are not
specifically mentioned and acknowl
edged in the Constitution, as though
t ie nation, like the Pharisees of old tin t
hounded Jesus of Nazareth to the cross,
should mske broad the phylacteries in
order to be seer of men. Perhaps it is
the present dearih of sensational ma
terial Ilia', caused Parson Wallace to
utter the tirade trom his Portland pul
pit sgaiiiBt a theatrical company.
Tux Southern Pacific docked all the
engineers and conductors for the lime
the trains were not actually running
during the late strike, nit hough every
mm was punctually "on hand" more
than the customary number of hours
These failhlul bands can now be kicked
and culled at will, for there are plenty
to take their plaoes. Even the pay of
Sam Claik who lost his life in the air
vice of the company by the ditching of
the train near Facramento, w hich crime
is believed have been instigated by
railroad officials to break the strike
even Clark's pay was stopped from the
moment his lifeless body lay under the
engine, and charitable suberriptiona are
n w being aoiicueii lor me suport oi
his aged mother. No disaster that can
Overtake the Southern Pacific gang
will be unmerited. They are the most
lawless set of unhung rascals between
the Atlantic anJ the Pacific.
Ripans Tahules assist digestion.
OiiKiio.N City can better nfli J to give
a bonus toward building the motor line
to Molalla than to lose it and see Caul y,
Barlow or Aurora capture the hulk of
the Molalla trade by building a motor
line first. All the couucilmen should
see the great importance ( the pro
posed line to the business interests of
Oregon City. We need it and ihe far
mers need it. '
.Jewelry Jn a Grave.
Tho largest amount of jowelry known
to bo iu a singlu gravo was buried in
Greenwood cemetery several years ago.
The undertaker who had charge of the
funeral protested against it, but was
severely snubbed for his interference.
The family had its way and in that
grave is buried fully 5,000 worth of
tliumoiids, with which the body was
decked when prepared for burial. Some
times families who desire to bury their
dead in tho clothing worn in life in
evening or wedding dresses, for in
stance substitute less costly imitations
for the jowelry worn in life, partly
from motives of thrift and partly from
a superstitions fear that anything taken
off a body when it is ready for tho tomb
will bring ill luck to future wearers.
Philadelphia. Times.
Kcady to Accommodate.
All exchange tells a story connected
with a strike on the North British rail
way, during which much difficulty was
experienced iu finding engineers to keep
the necessary trams running.
One of tho substitutes, a young fol
low, ran boiiio distance past a station,
and then, putting back, ran as much too
far the other way.
Ho was preparing to make a third at
tempt when the station agent shouted,
to the great amusement of the pussen
gers: "Never mind, Tamnms. Stay
where you nre. Wo'U shift the station. "
Youth's Companion.
The rumest oi civilized people ore
tho English, with $l,2(i0 per capita.
France follows with $1, 102, while the
United States bus $1,02!), while by the
sale of their lands to the government
somo of the Indian tri uos are worth from
$5,000 to $10,000 per capita.
He who extiects from mankind that
they give np established customs in com
pliance with his single will and exacts
that deference which he does not pay
may bo endured, but can never be up
proved. Dr. Johnson.
During the most of tho sixteenth cen
tury the English people called the Bible
the Bibliotheca, or the library, this
word being limited in its application to
tho Scriptural writings.
A bill is better receipted, and an old
chair is better reseated, and that is tho
resemblance between them, although
neither of 'lm looks at all like tho
The wine export of France is greatly
overestimated. France imports 10 times
as much wine as is exported.
If alllicteJ with scalp diseases, hair
falling out, and premature baldness, do
not use grease or alcoholic preparations.
f(n nan a iinir uenewer.
The Chinese pay their doctor only sj
1 Mig as be keeps them in health, They
helieve in preventing rather thin enrina-
disease. This is sound sense, and one
of the strong -st recoinmenda'ionl (
Avers r-arsanarilla, a medicine which
not only cures diseases but prevents
Ripans Tabules cure constipation.
2c to Oregon
The 8an Franulsco Schoolboy Whose N'auie
Com! HIiii IVrliapM a Fortune.
Ill one of the public schools of this
city is a bright eyed lad of 15 years
known us Fred Gould. No oiio to look
at him would over dreum how near ho
came to being tho favorite, nephew of
the Into wiza-d of Wall street or what
a petty trick of fortune it was that
cheated him out of it million or two.
Fred, whose full linnio is Jay Fred
erick Gould, is the son of Abrnm Gould
of St. Louis, the only brother of Jay
Gould. Auram is a railroad man iu the
employ of the Texas and Pacific and
Misonri Pacific, Ho never traded on
his relationship to tho millionaire, so
that he is little known outsido his ini
mediate circle of railroad acquaintances.
Fred first saw tho light of day in St
Louis. The happy father notified his
brother in wall street thut he had a sou
and heir, and Jay, iu a spasm of fra
ternal feeling, asked that the child
should he christened Juy Gould, Jr.,
and promised thut be would do some
thing handsome for his namesake.
Tho father detested the junior, which
he thought his hoy would hove to write
after his name for a good many yours,
so ho compromised by calling the boy
Jay I' redenck.
The lad was left motherless at an early
age, but lie received a mother a care
from the wife of Captain Austin of the
Pacific Mail company, who practically
adopted the boy. Jay Frederick was
brought to Oakland, where he lived un
til the Austins moved to this city. ' Re
cently the captain died at Panama, but
the widow lives here and sends the boy
to school. The boy has tho Gould fea
tures and complexion. He is very slow
in his movements and iu his speech, but
he inherits the business sagacity of his
uncle, as ho generally gets the better of
any of his playmates in a trade. He also
shows a shrewdness beyond his years in
purchasing any nrticles.
When his uncle died, Mrs. Austin
was very anxious to learn whether the
millionaire had done anything for his
nephew. She knew that Jay had been
wroth because the father had not follow
ed his instructions in naming the boy,
but she thought the millionaire might
hnve relented Tho will showed that he
gave Abram $25,000, but there was ab
solutely no mention of the little boy
whose middle name knocked him out
of a chance of a fortune. San Francis
co Chronicle.
Ripans Tabules : one gives relief.
August IS. 1MM. Notice l hereby liven Itul
Ihe following-named settler liu Died notice of
his intention to meke Anal proof In support of
aid claim, and lhat said proof will be made he
fore the Regiter and Receiver lT. S Land mce
at Otvgon OIJ, Oregon, on September 25. M,
vis: SAMl'EL C Hi'FKMAX. II. K. So. 7127. for
Ihe N W. . of See ai. Tp J9, R. S E. He name
the following witnesses to prove hia continuous
residence upon and cultivation nr. said land, Tit:
Henry R. Sanrer, William W. Porter, Henry Ep
person, Kichanl u rsimateer, an or I urriniroie,
Oregon ROBERT A. MILLER. Register.
I Coiinlv. Oregon, will receive sealed buli
until Wednesday. September U, at 1 p. m.. for
raisins: the present approach or apron of the
east end of the Kock Creek bridge on Ihe public
rna.l located on half section line Ihruoen sec
tions I V 16. 17 and 1 T. S., R. I t . on that part
of the Woodhurn and Molalla mad known as the
Bvland or Martoa Samson rnsntr: and to extend
the aaid approach or trestle on a level with the
main bridge across said Rock Creek bottom the
distance o( .am feet, and a further approach lo
the same of 7U feet sloping to the ground. The
county court reserves the right to reject any a-a
all bid, each of which must be accompanied I y
a certi lied check lo Ihe amo-mt of 5 per cent ol
the hid oKOKi.S F. HOKTOS.
Clerk of Clackamas County. Or
City, TLQc to Portland.
announcement of
Lots in-Gladstone,-
H. El. CROSS. Agent
What is
Castorla la Dr. Samuel Pitcher! prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contain, neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups, and Castor Oils
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Bullions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
. teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
" Castoria Is an excellent medicine tor chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. Q. O. Oaooon,
Lowell, Haas.
Castoria Is the beat remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day la not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castorla in
ate&d of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved anas, by foremg opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
gents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature grave."
Da. J. r. KotcnLoa,
Conway, Ark.
Tho Cents wr Company, TT
w w-m Vksr east
.Wur. UeastMii4t.Vak-
oiBDu.wpim i- .in m in
t"i fNx-Kt-i. t pro'
Iffivcts wrltcrn vnur
iflMnaiHiL'Inii'si'tt". writ. I
WUUiliirt&alu.y. inp.aiu wrap,- . Aud:
KorsoleinUrcg ..C .1 .,
Id th matter of the estate off
ChriMtviia. Uaiithau, dexwiued. t
ulirnfd, Samuel Enile, administrator irf the
extate ui i hrisiena ramnan, deceased, to the
creditor of. and all persons havinf claims
against, said deceased, to present them, with
the nereftsary vouchers, within six months
after the lint publication of this nntfee. to said
admistratorat his residence in Molalla, county
of Clackamas, and state of Oregon,
uaieu me ann aay oi jiuv, i.
Baowxrii. Pa em eh. Administrator.
Attorneys lor taid estate.
July ltt4. Notice is herety viren that
the following" named settler has filed notic f
hia intention to make final proof in support of his
claiat. and that said proof will be made before
IteMter and Receiver V. 0. Land Office at ria
I'iiv, Ore . on $eptmher 11, 1R4, tIi: Harvey
GitMoa, H. E No 7V.9, for trie V E. V .ee. i
Twp. I - . R. 4 E., W. M. He names the f Mow
ing witneae to prove his ontinuoua residence
uiion and tultivatioa of, aaid land, via: Charles
W. Cawiedv and Hu;h FiUferald, of Dover,
Or.: J. P- Woudle and Henry Githens. of Eagle
Creek, Ore. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register
Ripan Tabulet : (or soar stomach.
Ripant fib u let cure bHioainewt,
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend Itaaiuperiortoany prescription
known to me."
H. A, Aacata, kt D.,
Ill So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our phyaiciaiis in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although wo only have among our
medical supplies what Is known as regular
producta, yetweare free to confess that tha
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
Cxrran Bobrtai, ako Disnxuar,
Boston, Mass.
A LUX a Bums, JVs.,
Mmrray Stroejt, JTtrw Tark City.
aVaw sra tents tdii
writnriaarf n I rmntmAm
lUllie. LuslMaUlhOOd.N'lifritlv KtnlaslnnSL Narwnna.
f ptiwrlniiierUrOrKsiiit of llher Mi caarl
rtil rrn, xovmIt ate of tobaoco,oplam oratlm-
rnmy, iMiiiarupiioa or inmutT, i-D ob earned id
, zur . dj mail prepaid, witorav order mm
it in rur r rcftaad thm rasa v. Bold brail
w n-.oitMT. vrttfi.rfreMadial Bnk Mnt atai-d
A tzii MU CO.,MaJuioTamil,CHlCA04
1 VMAN a CO. Drmuliu.
Ine undertime! having been restored to
health by simple means, after iiifTerlns; for
several years wttn a severe lung anecuon, nna
that dread disease Consniitptloaj, is anxious lo
make known to his fellow sufferers the meant
of cure. To thwe who desire II, he will cheer
fully send (free of ehane, a copy of Ihe prescrip
tion used, which they will find a sure cure for
Consumption. Asthma. Cattarrh, Bronchi
tie and all throat and luns; Maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is
Invaluable. Those desiring the prescription,
which will cost them nMhlng. and may prove a
blessiug, will please address.
cable to the pavmenl of all warrants endorsed
Erior lo July lllh. 1HH2: also the following nnm
rred warrants: ID,, lo-su, 1O..V1I and M,.Ji
(for t-VVeai-h), endorsed July lllh. wt
Interest will cease from dale of this nutice.
Treasurer of rlarkamat County.
Dated Oregon City. August Mb, I KM.
apply lo the city council nl Oregon City. Or
egon, at the regular meeting in Beptember. MM,
Iktnse to sell liquor at lot L block a, Ore
gon Chy. A. L BEAN.
Aligns! IV MM
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
in v n n v t it., wno nave naa neariv nny years'
experience In the patent business. Oommnnioa
tions strictly oonfldentict. A Handbook of In
formation oonoernina Patents and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken tbrouah Munn ft Co. reoelva
special notloetnthe ttclenflflc Amerlcnn and
thai are brought widely before the public with
out oost to the Inventor. This splendid paper
issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has byfartu
largest circulation of any sclent! Do work In the
world. S3 a year. Bamnie copies sent free.
Building Edltlon.monthly, t60 a year, einc1
eop.es, 45 cents. Svery number contains bean,
tlful plates, tn colors, and photoKi-apba of ni n
bouses, witb plana, enabling builders to show tin
latest deslffna and secure contracts. Address
MUNN Co., Nkw Youk, a til Bhoadway.
Your Stomach
after eating a hearty meal, and the
result i a chronic case of Indiges
tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn,
Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack.
Promote Digestion, Regulate
Bt.ttinen, stiver ana uoweu,
the Blood, aud are a Positive Cure (or
Constipation, Hick Headache, Bll
foneaeaa, and all other Diseases arising;
from a disordered condition of the Llvprsn.!
Stomach. They act uently yet promptly, and
perfect digestion follows their use.
lllnann Tabules take the plsreof an Entire
Uedlcine Cheat, ami slioul lie kept (or
use iu evory isuiujr.
Sold by inmiiit or snl by
Price, TwoDotlan.
le larase it., Mew Terk.
imtnully rrmavm amf Jnrn'tT tlrrtrny objec
tionable hair.whrther inon the 'iw'ff.,
arms or neck, without dimiloratifiu ay tiijuey
to lite mort delicate nk in. It whs for fifty
Wilson, acknowledged by physicians as
the highest authority snd (he most eminent ,
dermatologist and hair spei iHllal thai ever ,
liven, uurillK ins pri.nir firni-ui-u ui m inu- i
time among the nobility and aristocracy of i
Europe he prescribed this recipe. Piice, T'
1 by mail, securely packed. Correpm- I
tlenee eonldeadai. Bole Agenlt for America.
Address i
The Skookum Root Hair Grower Co , f
Dept. R, VI South Fifth Avenue, New York. J.
'$ '?e-V. Vi Vi ' i i
Next Session begins tlie 17th of Sen-
tember. 1894.
Tuition, free. B lard, $2 50 a week.
Five Conraes: Classical, rk-ientific.
Literary, English and Business.
Thn Rufcrilinir Hnll for vniitiv la, 11a
and the Boarding Hall fur young gentle
men will Re under the personal super
vision of Mra llnnra a la.ltr ,.f
refinement and large eanerience. For
ca'alogues, address J i . Wai ro.
tecy. tiegenli.
Tnh DtH nils, -a (i. .
U- Courier Office.
apply to Ihe eitv council of nree-na rtiv. Ore
gon, lor a saloon license to'-: H.i.i.. ur ss'ocn
located in lr-n f'ilr mmlA . - I . ...
September hate. IH. ' 's li Clt,it-