Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, August 10, 1894, Image 3

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OliKODM CITV, AI'fJl'ftT III, lr4.
Tttrintof Mufiscriptimi.
4 unit Copy, one yoiir, In mlvHiutu, 12 01
Hiiiiiitt Cuiiy, nix inotittm, In tKlvMiicf. ' 1 OU
COUK1KR. Own Clly.Ori'gon,
J Ull UH ,
I!lfrk of ('uiirU,
KtUiinlor ,. .
'TYiwh tr, .
ihIhhiI HuiiHrliilfiMli'iil, , .,
tO.MniiilKwIniirn,,,., ...... ...
0. K, liny.
... B. M. JUnuliy
... M l,. Monro
..J. C II r hi I l.y
. . II. H tilhihiil
11. W. KlnnlHrd
. . !. II.'Iiuhx
f ltli'linrl itnitt
' i Km iik Jiidiiitr
Co n n(y Court nioKinoti fir. Wi'iliiHhility nftrr llutt
.liHiuuiy oi every munin.
iTobute Court imhu oti fittX Monday of vry
in iiiin,
Circuit Court in.-U on third MomUy In April and
nr-tt AiomiMy ut rtovmnimr.
Mayor, II Irani HtrniKl.t
H 'Ooiilcr, L. I. I'nrli-r
Clilcf of INitloi- .'. C. K. HuniR
AmwuiKor anil Colloctur K. H. Cnllff i
TnMiirur, . Jl. I.. Hoi nun
City Attorney, K. V. lrlw
Htnti't ('umuiKH inir ...CO HuliN-k, Jr.
W. 11. lluWHI
Tim Nkw Fihiiway. At tli In!
nIuii of lint li'ulitliunri) nil niiriprmtl'in
of t 10,01)0 or no inurli thrr.i( an shall be
nt'CfHHury, vyu mailt, fur lliu nun
Hlrili'llmi (if ii II ill way over tlitt fall of
tlif U'llliiniHiti rlvi'r at OrMni Ci'y,
Thi' IIhIiwhv In to liu iiiiiistriii'ii'il in tlie
bed of I tit river nn llie west iil of lie
iiihIii mil by inukiiiK cxi uvuiluiiH In tlm
Niiliil rock alien the wiilur in low ho llinl
IIiohIiijio will In' mora (railinil ami wlmn
t lie wilier it tiiifher Hm i-ximvatl'ii will
form ft loricH of poolii voiinueliiix with
eui'li oilier, ull in siit.-h a iimiiiier llinl
Million cuii freely itHce.nl from below to
above the full by iiinnjii from iool to
pool, A boniil conxiNtiliK of tliH it' v-
urnor, M-cietiiry of Hliite, iiml nihIo
treasurer, have control of llio pluns,
locution iiml construction. hii'I are
uuilioiizeil to (inpicy u mipuriiilenilent
ami worKinen una imrcliase tool mm
xiipplifN lor ii -e in the work. The
linn n l i iii'Kiliiy ileciilud in ion dIho una
employed J. K McCoy, o( thii city. u
llie Hiinerinteiiileiil: l ie est mstuil wist
ol llie hhiiio will not exceed fSUU. Mr,
McCoy hhvs Hint it will tuke liiniHelf
una six men thirty day to complete the
ine jou. nome 01 ttie tooiu lime been
TllHKK liliil)'. Fl.KW. Mort Grown and
Mart r.ilwunU, imiiiiuoned lor mom u It,
mid A I Nunien, for iiirceny nmuped fr mi
ine romiiy jit 1 1 nn nuniiuy sltiiriiniin liy
way of the lb mr of the recorder' olllcn,
Into w bicli they cut hole. I'revioilHly
prisoner eat s pun tiiroiiKli Hole ut the
idenllcul Hoot but it Iiml ma been thor
ouiflily meiided. Kviiioully the county
court miiHt tuke utepi to render t ie J til
more iiecure, a it Isn't the IiiiiiIi"
duly to neiflect rliurcli service or ut
tendance it Himduy hcIumjI to wutuh the
Jail. The three prisoner that wert, ton
iH.y to rruwl out deHerve bread und
waler. The uheriir ollor T.!) cucli for
the irreiit uf llie lultiveg.
T,.Sirr"::.r d tome ure now
Ciinoiimn-n. o. Aihriifin, Jr., II. I,. KHiy, u. n. bcuiK iniulo. Tin ilynuuiite, tooln und
i'rwtilHMli, ,l. J. tNiKH, p., . jiuwt'ii, i.oorKe
nruuuiiion, ii. r. JHrieir, n. .. mevim
Cuiini'il iiii'i'ti Unit WiilnnMliiy of citeli nitinlli,
Piikskntko With a Gold Watch.
I he reception winch Superintendent
ijiuson lenuereu tne teacliem and In-
Htriieturg preHt nt at the inalitute, at liia
remdence on lucmluy evemnir, de
veloped n feiiture that be bad not ntillci-
paied. All at once, while the chatting
I wan pruitieHgiiiK merrry on the lawn,
iwr, cMoiy tiegun 10 auilreag Mr. ullmon
A MiliNliilir Finn At 1 o'clock Mon
day morning, a (Ire broke nut in the bur
berahup of Mr, HcniHin. near the Oil-
ental hotel. The firemen (juickly
queiiclied the flume. The Iohn id Mr.
KuoKiriim ia about IOt). With dilllculty
Mr, Hahlow, the uhoemaker, wan
awukened, thouidi hla bed waa not over
fvoleet from the lire. In tlio adjoining
Hhop. A lie carried l-M) Inmirance lie
felt erliaii too indillerently secure.
The lire marled between tin Imrbvr'i
und the aboemaker'i ahopa.
0. K. & N. Co. Traveler miixt not
forget that the 0. K. A N. linn is
thoroiixlily repaired and all train are
running without tranafer or delay.
Tbrouuli service to Omaha. Kansa
City. 8t. Louis and Chicavo; I'ullinan
sleepers, free reclining chair cars, up
holstered tourist deepen and modern
day coaches. Cull on U. It. & N. agent
before purchasing tickets, or addres
W. H. Hlkiiiuht. General rassenirc
Agent, I'ortland, Ure.
Cibcuit C'ouht Mattkiis. Ilenrv
r, . . .
uerson nas enieren suit against Kd
Dtipuis and L K Morrell. Dttuclimen
and summons issued: on transcript
from recorder' court at Canity, action
Sermon Tull of Hit Spirit of True
Catholicity by Roy. Or. Cowan
'AXtJLtlSSll i"i !)ie p!',MW,uTf fll'wn Pi'Mh. begun by LI Boiberlick against Milton
n., AH"S'Hiui.j..c.,.d ,n. whl(Jh ho e nipbusued by presenting HoHford ; A F Stoke v C V Dix und
'"" ' '..u -men uL-uring j i0rrlson Uampbell, cninptaint and ut
ilise will cost The board will
visit llie site of the llsl.way Friday and
ine wora 01 warning win oo commenced
on Monday by the superintendent.
ntllnn fitnlvtmnn.
Flint ColiBri'KiillonHl ciiurcii iipv. ja. iwusneny
PMtliir. HiirvlcuM II a. m. anil H:lMJ h. in. KiinJnv
BolliHtl aflur murnlna wrvleo. PntjrHr MrflliiR every
Wedui-HilHy etenlns ut h:iu p. ni. I'myur Mtwllnsur
V. 1. a. t'. K. every aiiuiiuy oveiiing at u:;ii)niiiiut.
Klrat Jlapil't Church Kev. Oilman I'arker, Pa.tor
Mornhm Hurvlrn lis Hiimlny Krlimil 12:f'; Evening
Hurvlca 810; ItK'Har rniyer Heeling wunneMiiiy
eveiilnir. Mtinllilv 1'i'VeiiMliL ftlruliuif everv Wetlliia.
day eveniiiK pmivedins am Hiiiiniiy in uiemunui.
HI, Juhii'a (Ihllrtih. (nlli.illo Iter, A. lllllehniiid,
Pa.tur. un Hinnlny, niiRa HI H anil 1U::iu n
Kvury Hnniliiv Ueuiuii Herinnn alter s o'uliiek Mium.
At all utlier Mftiweii t
2:M p. ill. Vciprrn,
illcllun at Ti'Mi p. m,
.leilHKil.I r.l)M:uimi iiinn n. itev. w, nril'i. I'llfllor. I .. . . . .
MurnlliK Service at II: HiwiIbv School at 12:1.1: Kvan- 11 P lOMTipilOH oil llie IIIHIlie 01 llie Cane, taclinil'llt : Rtala (it Drilirnn va f! K..v
l,. Hurulen al K.IUI Kiitvurll. I .mi.uiia ln..ll,.u tin,,. ' I. r.llll fltra Tulloliur, ( 'l.w.l. a ... .. .... T. . '
dity evening at 0:0: 1'niyer ftleellng ThnmitHy even.
lug ai saw.
finit I'renl.vlerlan Clinrcli. dev. 0. W. Olboney,
'Kr, S.'rvlcea 11 a. in anil HitOp. ni. Sahlwlh
Scbuil ID a.m. V. P. 8. 0. K. meet, every Sunday
veulnit at ll::u. Prayer UleetlnuWediieMluv avenlna
riiu. BL-aia trae.
KranKellcal nmrrh. Oemian A. Krimt. Pa.t
Preiu'hlng Hervlawi every alternate SiiiiiIhy lla.ro.
and T:;I0 p. tu. Halihaili gchmil every siindny IU a m.
(J. ilarrianergi-r, aiipt.)
avery WrdDvadiiy cveniug,
United llretliren Church. Rev. P. II. Wllllanit,
Pimtor. Unrvfcea flnt nml third KtimlHy iiiurniim
anil tne nrececuing Balllnlay mailt It each munlli at
Mreunn i;ny ii a, in. aim i p. in , ami ino nnit sun.
AIM alternuon of each month at rail view.
St. Paul'a Church, Eplncopul Iter. J. A Kcknlnnn
iMNlur, Horvlcei every Sumlay at 11 a. in. and 7:30
ji. ui., ana f nilay avening at 7 im p. in,
Kvuiifireifcal I.uthoran Zlon CoiiKregiitlon. Rev. K
flrey, paMior. - Meet lu Hlilvely'a hull, Kiinday
i liooi irinii usiu to iu;.iu a.m. mrvicim in:iua lu,
aiiJ7::U) p. in.
Weekly Prayer Meeting
Cltv Utillt of A. 1). V. W.-Meet every gut.
urduy evoninK of eui'h month to A. O, I). W. ImII
ou Seventh Mreet. All aojournliig brethren eonliiillv
luvlled to attend. 'IhouiHs (iaull; l, Vi. W. T,
W hltlock, Hi.
1'lg Iron IoiIbp, No. lilfl, A. 0. II. W. Meeln every
TliilivdHy evening at Odd FelloWe Hull, (htwegu,
Vlnllilig'brellireu alwuyu welo.ilue. i. V. Culupliell,
91. W. n. BirHUW, nee.
MoUlla Lodge, No. 40, A. 0. U. W,-Mi'oll flnt ami
thinl HaltirilnyH in each month at School IIoiiko.
VlHltlng uicmbera ninde yelcoine. T. H. Sllpp. H,
W. J. W. l lioiuua, lU'C.
Gavel Lodge, No. 6i, A. 0. U. V. Menta aecond
ami third Saturday evening! at KlilRlit'i Hall, Can by.
Vlalilng liroihen made welcome. A, It. Shank, SI.
w. jv. n,. curiiuu, neu.
Clackamas Lodgo, No. 117, A. O. U. W. Mccte first
,nd third Mondavi In each inorith, at Slrjte'i Hall.
IslM'ig lreturei
. I'ea, flea,
Hunrise Louge, so 1,1, a. u. ti, w,neei every
justice to the occasion by a Ciceronian
response, but so well were the donors
convinced of Mr. Uihson' wottli as a
man and a citizen that such an ell'ort
was unnecessary. The ice cream waa go
good and so plentiful that it Was elo'
ipieuce itself. The number enrolled at
the institute was 140, which lias indeed
been "a feast of reason and a How of
soul" to tlie teauherg of this county.
Motoii Link Petition. All the prop
erty owner along Seventh street signed
the petition to the city council asking
that the motor line franchise be granted,
exceptinir tnoso that were absent.
friends ol the scheme tried to nursuude
the council to bold a special meeting
mmedihtely to consider the matter, but
councilmen rclused as a meeting would
be culled any way at the end of the
week. At that tune Councilman Cooke
(for the motor line) will be away and
perhaps Councilman Howell, und the
company will inereiore not pregont It
petition ut Unit meeting. It is unfortu
nate that the entire council cannot gee
the great and valuable advantages to be
derived from a motor line to Molulla, to
which it would without doubt be eon'
tinned from the eastern city limits. Mow
Harlow, Aurora, Canny, Hubbard and
(iervaig get the Molulla trade, which is
lurge. a motor line of 10 or 20 mile
would bring that trade to us,
i Hifoiuh, M. y.
aucond and fourth Saturday of each niontu at Wll
(unville, Oregon, Mai SclllllpilM, U, W. C, T,
Tuoza, ltt'0.
Oregon Lodge, No. a, I 0, 0. f. Joii every
Thumlny evening at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Odd
relloara' Hall, Main itreot. Hemliera of the Order
are Invited to aiieiiu, u. w. jionatt, h. u. Tlioa. F.
ltyau, K. H.
Falls Kncampment, Nc I, I. 0. 0. F. Meeta flnt
Ind third Tuedaye ol each month at Odd Kellowa'
al. "Menibera and visiting; patriarch! oordially In-
.-: vitedto allend. p, Lnveioj', C hief fatrlurch. J. A.
Hlewaut, Hci'lba,
Oawego Lalge, No. 03, 1, 0, 0, f. Meeia at Odd ft,
low'a Hall, uawegu, every .Moiiduy evening, viaitniji
brethren mada welcome. W, J. I'hliiuzeo, N, U. J,
jr. Hinley, sec.
Willinuette Rebaknh Pegree Lmlge No. 2. Meeta
Die second and fourth Monday In the month at 8:110
in lm 1. ). u. r Hall, Mra. ilnry Wllllama, N. u.
Hr. n. .mariiHii,
Mllltnoinat) Lodge. No, 1, A. f. A. M.-IoUI fa
regular ciiniiiiiiicHtioua on npi and third sitnrdiiy.
HI eapn inoinil at i iai pi, preiren in goiiu ian,i:
lug are Invited to slli'li'i, l i., porter, w . M.
T. r. ltyau, Hue.
Oawegn Lodge No. 101, A. t, & A. M, Moela tha
leflnun ana toiirtu sutnruaya Aiaaoui niviiou. jj.
B.Hvea.W.M. E. J. HusmII, Sou,
Clackamas Chapter No. It. A, M Heautar onn
yncallon third Mmuliiy of month at 7:80 p. ut. J. H.
t).j(er, i. P..JI. Hchulplua, Seo.
pioneer Ghnlllcr, Nn. 28, fl. E. 8. Meeta In Miir
aonlc la 11 pie. , ij. Slrunge, W. 51. jlt Af
uiu u. denuiugH, sec,
Willamette Fulla Camp No, US, W. of W,-eeti
second and lonrtli Tueailaya ol thu month at n. of f,
hall. Vleltlllg neighbors made welcome, K, It,
Kiinda, C. C. K. K. Slurlln, Clerk.
Wuuchcno Tribe. No. 13. I. O. It. St.-Meeta Tiles.
day evening: at A. O. V. W. Hall. Vieitiiifr members
S;il'ii4lly lV tea, P, A. M'Ule, Hnclielu. c. W,
ie)ly, K. o It.
Ifenile Poat, No. 2, 0. A. H., Tluperinient of Oregon.
.MiwU tjriit Monday of eacii moiiili at A, 0 II. yf
Han, ofumi iiy. yiaiong conirauoa inune yef.
como, vr. ii, uiiiguaniv, ruin, v, t iinum"! auj.
Oeneral Pope piisl, Nn, fa, 0. A. Jl.i-Miuita firt
Saturd'iy of eauli luiinth at Urungu hull, aluifno,
r, ..llu I....1 I L W..lu....
i.uinrmieB uoiiuiiiiT iM.tiM. r. nct'ii, vi',n
maudi'r. II. W, Sliuw, Adjutant.
Gen. Uniok Post, No. 22, 0. A. R., Department of
nrejfiiii, ateets iii scnoni notnie at Aeeuy on nrst est
HfVny ill eaeM innntfi at 2 o'clock p. ni. All com
new made WelfliW. ' ttt p'fff
spular, Adj.
Meaila Ueljuf Cornii, No, in. TlepartMitlCt of Orv-
ami. Heef oil Drat and third r rjilu.ve ol each month
in K. of P. Hall. Members of corps from abroad
Cordially welcomed, Mrs, !. g. I'll'burv, Prea,
Mrs. V. L. Cochran, Treaa. Mrs, J, H. Harding, Seo,
Nona of Vetentna. E. D. Baker Camp. No. 18-Meet
lirst and third Thursday eveninge oi each month, W
K. Johnson, ( i'l. (I. O. WoimI, 1st Lieut. Alnnao
tVick liatlt, 2d Lieut.
L. A. I), of BukerCBinp, 8 of V. Meets in K. P.
hall on second aiiil loii'lM Monday evenings of earh
inouili. Mr. W. K, Juliaoh, freii. SoraCajig-,
Achillea Lodlre. No. 38. K.of P.-Meeta every frl.
day night at tha K, of P, hall. Visiting knighta
luvlted. . L. Ilolinan, V. C, Y, J. Louis, K. of
li. & 8.
Star Lodge No. 9.1, K of P. Meeta every Wednes
day evening In Ciullv hall. Brothers Invited. J. F.
Killer, p. C Tlioa. Nrllaon, K. ol R A .
ui teacners ol Clackamas I l ln,i,r,u.,t aniUra.i i.. i:.. ,i..i,:..
TI... ...I..I..... I I . V
.nc iruifiicui. ciniiii inn no jrom justice court.
John Ilowlund of Mt. I'leaBunt wi I
build a house.
Ed. Walker of Tillamook is visitimr
nis urouier, tviu 11. walker
Mace Warnick of Snrimrwater. was In
the city last week to get binding twine.
Waller kirchem and Hon. Jamna
Tracy of Logan were in the city lust
Monday end Tucgduv. Col. Dve'a
iiuuiiy moveu into ttieir liandsome new
nuturday, J. A Buck and nartv re
turned from a three-weeks' trip to the
upper csuniium
Mr Peter Panuet und her ilauulitnr
Morenoe, left lust Thursday lor The
uaiies, 10 visit relative
The co-operative brick comnanv lias
several tiiousanu nricka uileit un in its
;ani on air. hiiuw' land
John Everhart was here Saturday.
He say thut crop In Molalla are aver
age und gome Hold very poor
Mr. and Mr. BlankenshfD left Mon
day for Colorado with their invalid
daughter. Miss Susie Islankenslup
A cancerous growth waa removed fiom
the upper lip of Ailain La Mour on Sat
urday by Llrs. Uurll and Somer.
h. u ureen aasumeu lit duties a
postmaster of Oregon Citv on Tuesday.
Clerks, Jennie Gray and Ethel Ward.
D. B. Rees A Co., Osweao merchant.
have rented the store heretolore occu
pied by Lovejoy and will move their
kv's Stock. rL. B.
Jiuincy, lawyer and preacher, diq not
succeed In uonvinuing the Blue River
Mining Company that it owed him t'475
for legal services a an oilnet for assess
ment on his stock. le hud been pres.
mil a a o I r 1 li rl do a t t Via niaal .
inir at which It wa conoluded bv vote 8took t0 ll,is ci,y
that ull the company's olllcer were to I I- N. Baker, formerly residing on the
serve without pay, Including the secre- west side, now located at Lemati, Or.,
taiy, which happened to be Janney. visited the city tins week. Heisgradu-
Hiv stock was therefore duly sold for any losing his eyesight,
the assessment. Brother Janney was With a (lance at Oak Grove, and an
miij,co iroin conifui o to ion
Copley, which waa pl'ioeil in
hands of a receiver, and he Is now
somewhere In California. Sjine par
lies here would very gladly meet him if
ins wallet be inn. tor several years he
control of tho mine at other at Willamette Park, tha annrtivn
Copley, which VW pl'ioed In the vomiu man aeU all the ohunce he wants
was Methodist missionary In India.
Tim Soiiuow ou a Poor Ismus.-: In
dian Oonrgo, one of the lust tttfotl sur
vivors of the Claokamu tribe, came
here a short time ago from the Siletg
reservation to iiiiiuire Into the reported
desecration of the bones of the mem
bers of his family by the vandal hand
of white men. When he saw, on the
banks of the Clackamas, how the graves
of t)pse d'ur o lin) hud. been rooted
up and he skill Is and long banes spat
tered about, tlie giiof unj intjignation
that took posaession of the wrinkled old
mun nhnost deprived him of reason.
But wiiat i'o oouid nor insirine ima
gone to its everlasting home and the
wliito men who had sent it there were
mesachjum. Alas. What coul I he do
butsiuipir (P frtlc?
V.B.--Sjiine tlie oliangoof manage'
mentin the litiluHlrlnt ycrad.Mr. Hed-
tier, the editor, has left for Oakland,
Cul., previously having been baptined
in the turbid waters of the Willamette
by Rev Fero of the Seventh Dav Ad
ventist denomination, which has a large
piiiiiig oico in i;iKiaiii. .v -. Ajnson,,
"munriger, (eft Moutlav for Southern Or-
anu tr. imrpis, rorpmun, had
eami, and Air. i.rmrrii, toreman,
previmuly returned to Astoria, ('he As
toria Herald savs that "when the n in.
ulists of Oregon selected three crap The probability 1 that the Iron mine
fiends and boomers to edit a paper tor win not oe women ior years 10 come us
to be hilarious on Sunday
J. D. Coi had the misfortune to break
down hi traotion ermine on the wairon
road down the blurt" on Saturday eve
ning. He is getting ready for thrashing.
Mr. and Mr. Dunn of Antelope were in
the pity thi week- They are highly
pleased with their work us teachers in
that looality and have reengaged for
another year.
The Protestant churchea (not Includ
ing the Episcopal) have formed a com
mittee (or committees) of four whose
olhce it is to ask those who do not
attend religious servjee why they don't'
Messrs. Fuller & Soggs find their res
taurant customers increasing so rapidly
that Air. Ncliram, the landlord, is build
ing a 30-foot addition to the rear. An
oilier partner will soon enter this rns
tllng firm.
Win. Fine, who is a good indue of
norsenesh, savs that from observation
hp a come to tip coppu.slpn that
Messrs. Maple Hay, the blacksmiths
on upper Main street, are the most skil
ful horseaiiueri In the city.
"Why the men In Oregon Cnv (some
of them) don't go to church. ' This will
be the toplo at the Congregational
church next Sunday evening. The reu
sons uf 25 or more of them will he given
ip thejr'owfi worijs, togetier with snina
ppmipepw on hip siimui
In fall, unless new order come In, the
Oswego pipe work will close down.
them, they did incalculable in ury
to their cause. I lie trio ot brainless
idiots have been removed und a gentle
map, E. J. Weston, js nqv,' jn plinrge.M
: . -..
As Hanov a a PoCkBT i A Shirt.-'
The telephone connecting the Lawton,
i'artlow and Williams families on Mt
Pleasant, they Iiml by ample exper
ience to be, as an investment, not alone
ka' a Knuuv Ha'lianTy (1"venlent and amusing but sometimes He state that it is the toughest job hp
ays made welcome, i). J. profitable. When they wish to consult ever tackled,.
Canby Lodge. No. 5114, I. O. 0. T. Meets Brst and
third (laturuay evenings
Vi.llln.ff nipmhera slwuv
Cot, w. c, T, iim Laura Knight, Sec. .' one another on business matters, or
. oego Lodge No. 4ia. 1. 0. Q. T. Jleeu erery wish assistance.they go to the telciihone.
Frldey evening In new hall lu old town, i, V, Whan tliBrn in timo In tnr imnununl Inn
tlui,.. fl T J.Jin Kniu. Me. " 'IV ' " ! ' . .'. " ""'.
... , . . , I Itnra fihn.i I.I ha In a luull eai.til ,itu,l turn.
V Company, virn lieiu,n, tr, Annory, iinru ... , , , , -i.. :
and Main: K-giilar drill night, Monday. Regular "' pittyen hi uim iitniny niip-
bus ness meet iiib. lira Monday ol esell month. J. I tliieB SIHO llie Other IWO W l l music
w. oanong. capt. r. s. Keiiey. tirai ueut. i,. i Tne te tnhone irives one the chance tu
ii. i . . .
visit his neighbors without moving a
(lie cost is too great. Tha half million
dollars invested in the works will bs
unproductive. For Oiwego the oittlojk
is tmd..
Krneit Rands writes from the survey
ing party In the Cascade mountain
that where they are at present the snow
is 10 feet deep, as they find by hard ex
perience wlion they have to dig down
through It to drive a stake in the grouua
I'lckens, Second Lieut.
Canby r"plrltuellst Society. Assembles on first
and third Sundays of each month. H. A. Lee. Pres
dent. Miss Hattie Phillips, Recording Secretary,
New Kra W. C. T U.-Meels first Saturday in each
inohth at their hall Ii, New Era. Friends of the cause
lnit(rl) to lie present.' Mrs' Carey Johnson, Mrs.
Kasluao, Pres.
St, John's Branch, No. fH7, p. K. of A.-Meeta
avary Tuasduy evening at their hall, corner Main and
Tut streets, (iregon Cty. T.f. Sullivan, Pfes.
N. C. Sficliels, baa.
Oregon City Board of Trade-ljoets at Couit House
on second Monday In each month. Visitors w. (corns.
Quo. 0. Brown,!, pres. f. . Donaldson, Sep.
Caul, J Baird ot Trade Meeta at Knlaht's Hall,
Canby, on first and third Fridays of each month.
Visitors welcome. W. Knight, Pres. S. J. Uarrf-
aun, aec.
License to wed issued August 3d. to
Marion L Pernley und W. S. Wood
to Ella Davis und Charles E. Fuge, who
were married on theSih; on the 4th to
Uuth Buck iter and E. O. Uornschuch ;
the tlill to Sarah Ellen Jackson and
Thomas A. Spurlin, who were married
S unilny by Justice Dixon.
step out of the house. It should be in
troduced in all well settled rural communities.
u r n .
IM K.M.MI (IK 1I1K. VHADKK S rJOTRI. I n I. ,nn 1. .......
On Kri.lnv. Mr. tlrniW. hntBl ne.r NVvi "P "Pre? ""."'.""P
, . ... . (Jumohe for m iUU con
fa? '1?!7? Pl.WL11? ? firmed by Jounty it dge. " ' '
lheHrewas Hrat observed In the narttV
.i l -uai-.! .l. i ... ii. na
S".1 iaciiiir,i.erouo,auoiii8Me- nf nmnriI ni illn,, fl fitimrt.
nc.tu si.i.1 bjhi ss i, i.u.u . n. ku, a . -, v . s . m.
Molalla Grange So, 40, P. of H.-Meets at their wste(. t0'he ,
kail at Wriahl'a Brldre on the seaopd. btiirdr of , .
ach month at W a. m- hallow members mtAt 111 ' 'P noij,
,e. J. f . Alison, jiasier. a., ji. Looprr, pec,
welcome. J. F. Nelson, Master.
Tualatin Oiange, No. ill, P. of H. Meeta last Satur
day of each month at their ball in Wilsouville. K. B.
llenry, Master. Miss Beda Sharp, Sec.
Warner brange. No. 1)7, P. of H.-M fourth
Sampky of aaski mouth at their Ml in New Kra,
IJ. (3. Williams, Mastef. Mj U(rjle Bnifn ep.
Butt Creek Grange, So. Si, p. of H Meeta at thef
ball ia Sunjoaaa aecond Saturday is each month at
1U a. ss. Visiting meniliers alweja waicoma. J. R.
W hite, Master, i, . Juk, gee.
Oswego Grange No. 175, P. of P. Meets second
islet-day in month at 10 a, m. U. Vaton, Ma.-er-,.tJ.G.ge,8a.
Pamaaaoa Grange So. 2U P. of 0 Meets oa rt I
nataroay in wontn SI ill s. in in isiroaerns scnooi; t
lu,atm S Vodm. U.str T M S M,i,n Hc ' l
traction enifine that nasaed by previous
ly, into the open window. As there was
nan, tor ine wen was
ise, nothing could be
done except let the nre burn. The loss
is oyer )2iKX); insurance ftGO. Tle
blow is a heavy one to Jr. Cratjer.
Goiso to California. H. J. Lawlef
and Joe Lawlef, who have been em
ployed in street grading in Portland (or
the last five years, are going logo to
California the J.ithday of aieptem'ter, tq
work in the vicinity of kiacramento for
Hunt Bros. Henry will be general
manager and Joe superintendent. These
energetic yoqng men aje the ton
J. K. i.awler of Jieedy. They
firmed by county judge.
Monday, October 1st, set for settle
ment of fjnal account In estate of J,obn
Tqesday, September th, set for QnaJ
hearing of tepdrt of L M Lelund. as e-.
eputor of Leyi I-eland.
September 3d set as day for final
bearing of Elmer Cloe as tydniiniHtra.
tor of estate of (jeorge Ua,iarer.
A lurgn conifregulion gutliered at the
Congregutioiiiil chii'ch Hiimlay evening
to listen to i a ng si rvlce tin ler the aim
plcer nf tho Vniiiii Men' Hiiuilav Eve
ning Hurvlce Club. After a ropnive
exercise, unthem and a solo by Mrs.
WiifuhiH. tint naslor. Itev. Dr. Cowan.
discussed the evening's tuple, "Cliri-itian
Hong,"siibstautiully iik follows, lllmtrnt
ingpiiiiil by p. lint by uppropriale hymns i
Song it vhitr.irlrrittiriilla t'hrintinn.
said the speaker. The first thing Christ
did for tho world was to bring a ong
into It tho sonif of the aniiels ut Kitllile.
hem. The lust thing lie did before he
went out to his butrayal ami death, was
to sing a hviiiu with his discloles. His
church has been lull of song ever since.
Paul and HiIiih sang in the prison at
Phillppi. Tin) early Christians sang in
tlio cuIiicoiiiIm at Itumo. The Crusaders
sang ou their way to the holy wars.
Luther mimr the Reformation into the
hearts of thu people fur more than he
preached it into them. John Wesley,
preacher, never could have muilo the
great Methodist church without tlie aid
ol Charles Wesley witli his 40)0 hymns.
Moody did not become the Moody that
he Is, till be found u S.inkcy to sing the
gospel ut his side. Christian enthusi
asm and fuitli vent themselves naturally
in song. It is safe to say Unit the city
of Cleveland with it 40,000 Christian
Endeavor delegate last month did
more singing in four days than in four
weeks at other times. The Midway at
the World's Fuir wns full of sound, but
not ol song. Non-Christians do not sing;
or if in nun Christian lands you hear
what might be called song, it is almost
always in the minor key, as if the heart
without Christ were too gad to break
forth in real, joyous song. But Chris
tian glad. less bub'yl'1 over with aontr .
The great composers nre all Christian
Sona i O'llli'ilie in Siiirit. Njt Ro
man Catholic, but catholic. It is
broad in it sympathies to be anythin
but catholic. When men write bonk
they can sometimes be bitterly partisan
and sectarian. Even when they preach
they can be Methodist or Presbyterian
or Congregationalism But when they
sing they can be nothing but just sim
ply Christian. 1 su a book on my
shelves labelled, ".Methodist Hymns
with Tunes." So I took llie book dow
and looked at it. The first hymn
came lo w as "Jesus. Lover of Mv boul.
What" I said, "that a Methodist
hymn? Why, I have been singing that
ull in life, und I urn no Methodist
But then I remembered thut its author
was Charles Wesley, and I said, "That i
all right. It i u Methodist hymn.'
But then I looked a little further, and '.
found "Rock of Ages, "und I said,"How
its this now? Toplndy lived, Indeed, in
the days of Wesley, but be wag of the
Church of England by affiliation, and
black-blue Presbyterian in theology
and he hated Wesley's theoloiry, and if
he didn't bate Weslev himself he talked
more like it than a Christian ought
And yet here it is, or my eyes are liar
loplady's hymn in Methodist covers.'
And then further down I found "Nearer
m God, to Thee," written by a Uni
tarian, and "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought," by a Universalist, and some
other hymns by Whtttier, the Quaker
ahd several by alier. the K iniaii L'ath
olic, and I conoluded that all there was
Methodist about that book was the label
on Its buck. Wesley and Topludy are
singing duet in heaven to-night, and
Unitarian Sarah lower Adams, and
Universalist Phoebe Cary, Whittier
and Fuber and a lot of other from all
point of the theological compass, are
joining in the chorus. And the whole
church below is singing the hymn
all ol them, never stopping to ask who
wrote them, because when men write
hymn they don't belong to any church
but Christ's. Let us sieg, "Blest be the
tie that Hinds. A Baptist wrote it
but it is a (Jongreeational hymn as
much as it is Baptist. For it is neither-
it is just Christian.
Sunn t an Educator. It illuminates
the truth. It does Ihe work of the ser
mon, und of the system of theology
and doe it better and quicker. It
eluciudutes Scripture bettor than a com
mentary. - J his use of song was then
illustrated by singing, "Nearer, my God
to Thee," the Bible story of Jacob at
Bethel being read between the stanza.
Songita Mistwnary and kvunneluiiio
Agency, if you want to draw a crowd
on the streets, sing. Missionaries in
heathen lands get their congregation
in that way, and their converts often
learn to sing Christian gongs long be
fore they learn to read the Christian
Bible, The singer and the preacher
are the two chief agencies of the church
In evangeliaing the world, und it is
bard to tell which is the more Impor
tant. 11 you have a beautiful voice
you have a gift of Ood, which he wants
yoi) to ie for limi. Hon t dare to use
It selfishly, if you haven't done so al
ready, go home to-night, get down on
your knees and consecrate it to his ser
vice. It is his, not yourg, and he w ill
demand an account of your stewardship
seme day.
Song is a Spiritual Power. Through it,
the diyine spirit hrefttlies holy thoughts
ip,to t)e jiep.rU of men. Many a man
Ima bebii lured into the kingdom by u
gong, who cuild be won in no other
way. 1 liia point Dr. Cowan aptly illus
trated by some anecdotes, after which
Mrs. E. E. Cbarman sang, "The Sinner
and the Song."
The following is a list of letter re
maining at the Oregon City postoflice
for tlie week ending August 8, 1804,
uncalled for:
Baker, J D
Benson, John
Benson, Chas
Gallagher, J, C
firinies, ,a
La ni gun, Win
Leonard. Johnle
Noon, Win
Barker, MUs Minnie
Londergen, Mrs J
Maluney, Mjss E
Melyin. Mrs M M
James, Harry
Maasey, Chas
McEldowny, John
Stuart, Frank
When calling for these letter please
say "advertised. H. K. vjHkrn, m.
fucohltrt rltlll "Agin- tl,. OovernnMni, but
ma ijitu r lioe.nl Hrm tu Mind,
A MoJouriM r in tlio British inotrotoll
suy in p. recent ictu ; Treason has been
in tho MigliHli air this week. Tho Jao.
obito club, tho iueinhors of which deny
Queen Victoria',, right to sit on the Brit-
IhIi throne, liu been cclobrntlno- the an,
iilversitry of the escnne of that crowned
debauchee, Charles II, from hi oiiemlc
aim toasting the houso of Stuart and
confusion to the usurner. A sort of oon
fereiice of trnltors was hold at Holywell,
Huntingdonshire. The doleiratos itath-
ored in thu parlor of an ancient luu, ate
ami (iriuik heartily and cheered a num
ber nf seditious telegrams from bnuiche
uiiiihlo to raise Hulllcieiit cash to send
delegates. The member bad hoped that
tho government telegraph department
wouiu nave refused to accent tho d slovaJ
tiispiircnts, and they hoc prepared I
tinging niunifcAfo dcnoi'nciiig the ty
rannical usurpers, but tho prosnio gov
eminent culiuly took their shillings
ana lorxvuniea tholr telegram with no
nioro tpm than would have been caused
by tho banding in of message respect
ing tho price of pork. There was some
bitterness, therefore, in tho festive enp,
but tho delegates flmilly oasod their feel
ings by drinking, with three time three
and tho subsequent coromoiiiul of the
breaking of glimse. tbohoalth of "Mart
It should be explained that the lady
so honored is a stout, elderly Buvarian
princess, who, according to the Jacobite
faith, should now be wearing the Brit
ish crown instoad of Queen Victoria.
In case tlio story should have reached
Amorica, it is just to say here that Mr.
F. C. Bell, secretary of the Thame
Valley Jacobite club, formally douies
tho statement that the momberg of f he
league are in tho habit of sticking
stamps upside down ou their letters in
order to show their contempt for the
reigning usurper. Mr. Bell admits, how.
ever, that "there was a member of the
order of the White Roso whose intclloct
1b about on par with hi wit" who
mode such a suggestion at a meeting of
the loagno. But, Mr. Bell solemnly
avors, "his propositon wo scouted by
un ngni miiiKiug men a not only un
gentlemnuly, but unmanly." The in
dividual in question is midorstood to be
the Hon. Stuart Erskiue, ono of tho
founders of the queer little Jacobite
newspaper which hud only a short and
very checkered career. Sad to say, after
quarreling with all his follow traitors,
Mr. Erskiue rovortod to dull respecta
bility and is uow a loyal subject of
Queen Victoria.
Sioux llraves fihow Their Progress In Clvl-
Illation by Slf LVstruutlon.
Recent events prove that the Sioux
Indians nro Tapidly becoming civilized
ir tne root that many of them ore' fol
lowing closoly in the footsteps of law
less whites can be construed as an evi
dence of civilization. Formerly suicide
among the Indian were never heard
of, while during the last fow year
number of Sioux have committed the
crime of self destruction. In the matter
of qunrreling and fighting about land
some of tho Sioux are also becoming apt
pnpus or quarrelsome white farmer.
The last murder reported from the
Sioux reservation was caused bv a dis
pnto over a piece M land. An Indian
named Eagle Lou-e had taken a furm
under the severalty act. The laud was
better than the avoraK and many other
Indian thougiit they wanted llV The
owner was coinr-lled' in order to main
tain possession to uotei t his rights by a
snow or arm. The most persistent
claimant of the land was another Sioux
named Thunder Hawk. To discourage
tne owuer as much as possible aud ren
der hi life a burden Thunder Hawk on
several occasion cut the fonces about
the place and let wild stock out to scat
ter broadcast over the prairie. Eagle
Louse had some wild colts and kept them
securely in a corral. The day of the
murder Thunder Hawk arrivod on the
scene once more and in a moment had
cut the corral fence and lot the colt
loose. Eagle Louse witnessed the act,
aud in the tight that ensued Thunder
Hawk was shot aud killed. The mur-
dorer now lios in tho Deadwood jnil
awaiting the next term of the United
Slates court, when he will be triod for
the crime. Chnmberluin (S. ,) Cor.
Chicago Tribune.
Tho Best R-ed.c rie.
J. O. Viii.',or, Cm ti actor mul
Builder, Sulphur f-'prinjf.s. iextia,
thus HpcnkH of Ayer'i Pill:
"Aycr's I'lllsarn iholwHt medicine 1
ever tried; n nil. In my liulgineiit, no
lmttor general remedy celd le devised.
I have nsi-il tin-in lo my family and
recommended tliem to my friends and
employe for more than twenty years.
To my certain knowledge, many cases
of the following complaint, iiave been
completely and
Permanently Cured
by the tise of Ayer's Pills alone: Third
day chills, iliinili ague, IiK.'ok fever,
sick lieailuclio, rlieiiinatlsiii, flux Ivs
pepsla, I'nnKtlpntlon.nnd liunl ro.'.K I
know that a nioilernto use of Aver'
Pills, continued fur a few days or v. -cm,
bs tlie nature of the eiiiiiilalnt rer-.m-ri,
would he fiiuml un absolute enre fur tlie
disorder I have named above."
' f liitvn been selling medicine, for
eight yentn, nml I cull snfolv snv tlint
Ayer Pills give lM-ttor antlsfartlon
t' un any other Pill I ever sold." J. J.
Perry, Sputtsj Ivmila C. If., Vn.
Prr-iiared by lr. .1.0. A yor It Co., Lowell, Musa.
Every Dose Effective
UlTlt HfO 5CK00LH0WI SHOfi
& S03ST
. w ry7 .
i -i
Prescription carefully compiunded at
G. A. Harding's drug store.
L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising
Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, San
Francisco 1 our authorized agent. Thi
paper is kept on file in hi oflice.
WeeUu Examiner and the Courihr
one year, cash in advance, $3.10. Daily
Kxamintr and Courier, cash in advance.
Weekly San Francisco Chronicle and
the Couiiirk, cash In advance, one year.
Received at Charm an & Son's a lame
Invoice of wall paper, latest and pret
tiest designs.
For job printing go to the Cour
b office.
Lawyers' Briefs and Folder m-inted
at the Courier oflice.
Teacher's monthly report card for
sale at the Courier office, 60 cen a 100
Quart fruit jars 08c per do. ; gallon
95c perdoz.,at Bellomy & Busch.
The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer and
the Oreoon Courier, both one year to
cash in advance subscribers for only
(2 50. The Enquirer is a 1 (1-page paper
wIiobo regular price 1 tl per year.
Fine Sausages of all kinds at City Vlsw
Market. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Take a plunge in Captain Bundy's
bathhouse at the sandbank. Special ac
commodation for ladiea and children.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Real Estate To Sell and Money To Lend
Attorneys Rt Law,
Commercial Real Estate and
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE: Commercial Bank Bulldlno.
Charles A. Baldwin dt Co.
Accounts of Banks and Banker received J
vn MToraDnj terms.
Bonds and Investment fiarnritUa
Dully Financial Latter Mailed on Application. ,
. .
Oio.C.Buowstu. .s.DiiMi
Browned & Dresser,
Attorneys at Law,
Office One Door North o'CauJlelditHunt-
ley't D' iig,lnri,
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stabls
Oi the Street betwaei the Bridge and tke
Double snd ilngle rigs and saddle horses ai
ways on hand al Ihe lowest rates, and acorra,
also connected with the bam for loose dock
Any Information reeardlnr any kind of slock
promptly attended to by letter or persoa.
Cun and Locksmith.
Adjoining the Noblitt Stable,
All kinds of Firearms repaired adelraned. All kinds
of iniel machinee repaired, llopllcat. krs
nisdl for all kinds of locks. Guns and
Pistols bought sod sold.
Holden's Ethereal Cough Syrup
A Nayer Falling Remedy, for all
Suitable for Old or Young.
riiriiiD it
THB HOLDEH DRUO Co., 8tooktoa, Oai.
solo bv all Dauaoim
Water Consumers, Attention I
Persons allowing water to waste, or
run all day or night, are violating the
rules of this Board, andwill be dealt
yi (til accordingly, hectton (8 of "Hules
f.nd Kegulations" provide that con
sumers can only use water for irrigation
or lawn sprinkling, between the hour
of A and (I a. 111. and 3 and U p. ni. By
order of the
BoArtn 0f 'Yateb, Coj((issioNfins.
Jlrs. Joseph Hickey and wife of
Chicago, both experienced dentists,
have permanently located at room 5,
Charman Bros' block. Thev are pre
pared to do all classes of work, such as
inaking sets nf teeth, filling or extract-
and will guarantee (he same; use
the bet of dental good,
ing a
only 1
MMlefo. Lodge So. 20. V of H -Mta erJ ! n,er "ve 10 ,lunl mut:" ",r J"u-
Tneaday neuiu. if rj Buck furd, c. at h, riure : They anticipate that they will be ab
P;sr, arc. 'sent during the entire winter, returning
Colombia Houk and UoMr (V-Me-ts ant rrt- home in pring with a large balance to
day of sab taunt!) at Fooauin Eagiae Huiiae. HH, . . h k
Tr-sstatk, Prs.. Wsllara til, r..maaai. '"elr CrtHJII at Hie Dana
Brown, pic I
Fonntaia lime C
. Su. 1 --t second Wsdudn
I a vi month at Engine House, eu Skle Main strass.
tM rxrenth and Eighth. Uusaa Straight, Prsa.
Is- r. Qainn, runaaaa. i. W. mewan, sm.
Caaaraei H e r. . t.ni, seen d Taasdsy of
trk sa'intti at Ouaraat Engine Haul. Frank Uwi,
e a. D- W. ainnaira. Foresaw. U. i. Thorax, See.
Oregon Crt Hos Se. J-Meets In H.a Bones
the Dill tfce third TaeMkr of eerh aaoatk. T. H.
Lawrence, rree. him lriger, F e-enaan. B. S.
totraage, llec.
PAi'Ea to A1ST8ALU Recently slupe
. menu have been made from Oregon
, City of new paper to Australia- vi
' dently Pacific coat paner mill can
compete in the world' market with the
paper mill of Europe, another proof
that protection is a fake and a fraud.
1 The printer of Am rica want free trade
in paper. I
At lk,e Eaarjiloeitiop,
The following nutlet take part in (he teacher'
etamluatlnn thli week:
flattie K Sweet. T. J. Allen, 4 0- Hadley,
8 (V Frsaler. Rachel Rcjnolda. Llule Gilbert,
Dattle K. Monriat, Matilda Reed. Olive A. Lewel
llng, Emm Biuraheler, Minnie Joehnk, Liuie
Etutle, Annie Uumpower, Aaple Dolan, Nellie
Younger, Etta Mi Hurry. Mary Ghonnley. Kate
I, Iiulao, IMlaa Keoaaird, Annie Hand, Jewell
Mark. iertle Nelwrer, Mabel Hanefan, Ruby 1
Spe icer, Mattle Cajfrey, Minnie Walker, Macgie
Stout. Ada Randall. Hattie Cochrane, Mary Uui-teri-tge,
Ada Mi Uughlln, Heater Rusk, Mary E
Talbert, Katie kt Starts. Dell Frjrear, Sade B.
Chase, V. E, Ronton, LewU Thomaa. F. L. Cute-
aaaii, Chaa. Elrey, can, sx. uruienaen, tvr
G res res, C. W. Biepbena, Arthur Hoiden, M. L.
Brartoa. Are McLaiturhllD, Alliert Frankbauaer
George Hnrrtngton, F. L, Bkirria. J. H. Imdi
E. M. Ward. ulla hrnnr.
fJoa.rd ot Equal ijalio.
The county board of etjualiaation will
meet at the ofh;e of the county assessor
at the court houe in Oregm City,
Clackainaa county, Oregon, Monday,
August 27th, and continue in ses
sion from day to day for a week.
i. C. Bkaplky, County Assessor.
A ( fod Recommendation,
La Favette. Ixd A Mr. J as. Fay
living near this city claim to have been
cored by the use of Simmons Liver Keg-
lator after five or six of the best pby
; frfcians hid pronounced the case bope
I lea. Albert A. Well. Your draggist
ells It in powder or liquid. The pow
! der to be taken dry or made into a tea.
Children Cry for.
Pitcher's Castoria.
A Corner In Cocoons.
The Genesee Valley Forest association
offered prize last year to school chil
dren for the gathering of the cocoon oi
destructive insect. The throe scholar
gathoriug tho largest number were to
receive f 5 each, the three gatheriug the
pent largest t!j enoh and the throe gath
ering the third largest 3 eaoh. Then a
prize of $10 was offered to any scholar
who would beat last year's record of
44, 000. This was the offer that is now
embarrassing the society. Instead of a
single boy coming up to the f 10 uiark,
score have brought in their 60,000 or
moie cocoons, aud there is dungcr that
the aggregate of prize earned will go
pp into the thousands. The society
wishes it understood that it intended
ouly one $10 prize, but certainly any
boy who lias the industry to gather GO,.
000 cocoons deserves to be generously
rewarded. The association admit it
error and will try to arrange A satisfac
tory settlement with tho boys. And
what they have done will save thou
sands of dollar to thoir section of the
state. Troy Times.
A Little CountrVa Big Arauy.
Gallant littlp Switzerland, which took
energotio moasures in 1870 for the en
forcement of the neutrality of her terri
tory, still continues to make a military
display that is astonishing considering
the smallnes of her jiopulution as com
pared with that of each of the great
state by which she ts surrouuded. The
latest return shuw a total "effective"
of no fewer thau 488,880 men, of whom
134,089 correspond to what in other
couu tries would be oalled the regulars.
London New.
For Sale at the Courier office :
Filing Covers,
Bond for Deed,
Promissory Notes,
Receipt Books.
Warranty Deed,
QutlClalm Deed,
Circuit Court Criminal Subpoena
Teachers' Report Cards,
Partial Payment Real Estate Contract,
Sheriff Summons,
Jury Summons,
Copy of Summons,
Notloo to Garnishee,
Answer to Garnishee,
Writ of Attachmenr,
Justice Subpoeua, civil,
Justice Subpoena, criminal
Special or private blank printed on
application expeditiously ana correctly.
Her Lost King.
There is a wife of 10 year' standing
who is mourning her- wedding ring, and
it is al) due to a fireman's gentle way of
misleading her. The woman lived in
Brooklyn, when her house caught fire
one night, anr) give escaped with the
ntuigest child, sealskin lack and
silk dresa. That' all Her older boy
was in the lower story of the house when
the Are broke out, with it nurse, and
when the woman was taken Into s neigh
boring residence a tender hearted fire
man followed and broke the new gently
tQ her that thla boy bad been burned
and lost in the flames. The mother waa
crazed with grief. She wore diamond
pin at her throat, a wedding ring and
diamond engagement ring on her left
band, and on her right another dia
mond. In the first wave of delirium she
rushed into the street, tore off the pin
at her throat, tore off all her rings anicfj
tossed them away. The' child wasn't
burned, but the young woman nerer
found ber rings, and now she wishes the
ftremaa bad waited till be knew what
be waa talking about New York Advertiser.
Eighty acre of fine farm land, mostly
bottom, on Woodcock creek, Clackamas
county, two mile from Meadow Brook
postoflice. Three acre cleared, 12 acre
slashed ; good bouse 20x30. Price $800,
of which $T00 must be paid down, bal
ance two years' time. For further par
ticulars call at Courier oflice or addres
me at Vancouver, Wash.
Mas. Anna Taylor.
Swift's Specific
A Tested riemeoy
For All
Bleed end Skin
A reliable cur for Contagious
Blood Poison, Inherited Scro
fula and 8klo Cancer,
As a tonle for delicate Women
ad Children It has no equal.
Being purely vegetable, In harm
leas la its effects.
A treatise on Blood and skin Dn
eaaas mailed nuts on application
DrumM Belt it.
Drawtr 3, Atlanta, Oa.
lira war a, aiwnia, un, w
Eftabllihed la Colorado. IMS. Samnlei bT mall r
xprcit will receive prompt and careful fttteutloa.
Gold & Sitnr Bullion ammgmit
AUrsu, 1731 1 1731 lawmoi St, Dnttt, Cols.
In order to introduce Chamberlain'
Cough Heincdy here we sold several
dozen bottles on strict guarantee and
have found every bottle did good service.
We have used it ourselves and think it
superior to any other. W. 1. Mowkby,
Jarvisyille, W. Va. For sale by G. A.
Harding, Druggist.
My boy waa taken with a disease re
sembling bloody flux. The first thing
I thought of was Chamberlain' Colic.
Cholera and Viarrhiea ltemedy. Two
doses of it settled the matter and cured
him Bound and well. I heartily rec
ommend tins remedy to all persons euf
lering from a like complaint 1 will an
swer any inquiries regarding It when
stamp ia inclosed I refer to any county
official a to my reliability. Wm.
Roach, J. P., Primrov, Campbell Co..
Tenn. For Bale by G. A. Harding,
When moving into our present home
I found a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm left by a former tenant. On the
label I found the statement that it wa
good (or cut and burn. I can testify
to the truth of this. Nothing in all my
experience ha found it equal (or treat
ing blisters or burn. ' Bakkett,
manager Le Hueur Sentinel, Le Hueur,
Minn, pain Balm is also a sure our
for rheumatism. For aale by G. A.
Harding, Druggist,
See that Htee-dinan I spelt with two
eet when you buy Sti'dman'a Soothing
fowdera. iieware of spurious imita
Ripana Tabule aasUt digestion.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
For Om Fifty Tear.
Aa Old ao WexlTaiu BawaoT. Mrs. Win
slaw's loathing Syrup has basal Band for Orar ftjr
rears by millions of aaothan fur their children wbll.
teething, with perfect race ess. It soothes the child,
aoftena the gasaa, allays all pain, cares wind eolic.
and la the best raaaedy for Marrhaan. Is plfedi V
the taste. tUd by Druggists in eyerj part In
World. Twenty-lea eeny. a, aoUC. It WltM kt to
ealcalable. Ba Mrs and, ask ftaT Men. Wiaalow's
Soothing Syrap, and, teA an other kind
This is the Top of the Genuine
Pearl Top Lamp Chimney.
All ithers, similar are imitation.
.This exact Label
is on each Pearl
Top Chimney.
I Adealermaysay
and think he haf
others as good,
Insist upon the Exact Label and Tot?
foi saii EVEnrwstii. lUcioiiiyir
6f0. A. MACBETH &, CO.. Pitlsbirgh. Pa,
& - 8
vl.r' s
Il router the Liver and Kldiu-va anil Stomach,
mres 1 1,-athu-he, lvelepsiil, i-rcutee an Aipa -tile,
Piirifk-a the Impure Blood, and
Makes The 'TA'eak Btronaj.
Used everywhere. 1 n bottle 1 si ( fur f&
Wheat Bahy vast nick, we fare her Caaatorka.
Wheat aha waa a Chad, sim erted for f in.
Wheat aba became Visa, she cJuaaf to Oaaasrtn.
Wljeshe tuvt fhtUren,ahe gnrnthaamCaatorw.
OregeaC.'ty Market Repert.
Wasat Per bo, 44c. bulk without sacksl
0AT--ta3e f boahel. with sacks.
Flocb Roller fl M per bbl, net
Cos lflc
Buttis 30ca roU,oeurr
VsL S)c dceased
CHicma Ms) 3ft a dosen
Bf,r-i liiot, eowi 114c; steers c, raT; 4'c
dress ei
ItlTroa 1 502 prima aheared: stock sh'p 1
SamsLn I! f thoosand.
Labd 12He T pound.
RiDia-Oreen,le;dry,ia)7e1lf; ena-ihlrd of
orcoUed. Sheep Delta, lyj30e
BaT-Tlaaothy, 112, clove IU, baled.
DaikD Ftorra - Prune 3e; apples Hate; very
ktlLV Faan - Shorts SIT; Bran fU; Chop
M, rejected wheat, IW eeaU f ba
Poak Side lie. shoulders te, hams ne;
on foot 4c: dreaaed if,c
PoUloes IS eenU par Hal
Apples rents a hox.
Obtain your family supplies at
the Grocery, just opened, on north
east corner of Seventh and Center
streets. Prices as low as the lowest.
Country Produce Bought.
Flour and Feed For Sale.
J. A. BUCK, Prop.
Bank of Oregon City.
Paid lip Capital, $50,000.
Vice President,
Thomas Cbiuun
Qxo. A. Habdiko
E. O. CaoniLo
CtutLtt H. Caonuo
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Deposits Received Subject to Check.
Approved Bills and Notes Dlaccunted.
County and City Warrants bought.
Loans Made on Available Becuritv
Kxchange Bought and Sold.
Collections Made Promptly.
WorM" Hld Av'Ubl9 ln "' prt '
Telegraphic Kxchange Sold on Portland, Baa
Francraco, Chicago and New York.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drags, Notions, Perfumeries,
Toilet Article, itc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Shively'n Block,
Cor. of 7th & Madison St., Oregon City
The Commercial Dank
Transaofi a General Banking Business.
Loans muls mil. rii.n..aH u.l.. ,
lections. Buys and sells exchane-ei nn all nnlnls
In the United States and Kurope and on Hong
Kong. Deposits received snhlActtnhonlr i7
terest at usual rates allowed oatlme deposits.
Bankonon from o A. M. tn a p u A.i,,.h..
evenings from Still 7 P.M.
Capt. Bundy's Bath House.located
at the "sandbank," is now ready
for the public.
Special accommodation for Women and
Standard Pat. Medicines.
Paints, Oils and Window Glass.
PrtteripUoiu Accurately Compounded
Contracts taken to saw wood
with our Steam Wood Saw.
regon City Trans;:rt::::3 c.'s
stealer m:z::x
Foot Taylor St.
7:00 a.m.
30 A. M.
la) r. at.
.-09 a.
20 F. L
80 A. H.
11 :00 a. bu
S:30r K.
:30 a. b.
10 p. .
SJOf. m.