1 Oregon City, July 27, 1894. A rollCIIII.K SUOflKSTION. TlieNeW Orluang Picayune inukM iUKKegtlon which aeomi quite lorcible in the light of tho hintory of rucont logUla tlon by coim-rcai. It a)i unJor the heading of "One-Bided LpkIhIuUoii :" "The curse of American politic! i that there la notioiiy io roiiroaum " if real itenoral iutorvHta o( tho country, Thia may ai-em strange, but it la true. All the leitislatlon when it la honeat, la in the interest o( stales and section". When It la (linhonoat, It la in the Injur, oatol Individuals and elasaoa. Tliia fact liaa long been known to be at the but torn ol lie corruption which haa been ao rife in our lobulation from that of con gro down to that of the ciiles." Tho Picayune then refers to the fact that whatever aection la in political con trol of the government ahapoa legjala tlon In Ita own favor, rcgardlesa of the Interests' of other portlona of the coun try, and cltua, among othor Instances, as an Illustration of this fact that the Eaat "knocked out silver,"and that had the Weat been In power, fiee coinage would have beon enacted, and concludes that "nobody atanda for the whole country." The foregoing it seems truly depicts the cause of a grave evil In our national legislation. A fuctor ia needed which could be rolled upon to throw ita power in the direction of ao tampering legisla tion as to auoserve the greater, inter eats of the whole country regardless of sections. claBsos or individuals, it ia impossible to introduce snub, a factor into congress under present constitu tional provisions as to that body, and even should It be poscible to socure a change in the organic law for the pur pose of affecting the needed romedy, it would be difficult to formulate a feasible plan whereby members could be pro vided for either house . who would not be swayed by local or sectional consid eratinna In their participation In legis lation . The bold operations of the sugar trust and other manipulators, and of the currency contractionisti of the East have, however, awakened the people to a sense of the gravo evils they sillier") ronsequenca of sectional, class and In dividual legislation. In a anull country such evils could not reach a dangerom growth, but in such a vast country as the United States, where interests of sections are ao constantly conflicting and the opportunities and incentives to corruption are so great, the subject pre sents a grave problem. Indued, the disturbed condition of the country to day is probably due in a lurge measure to this sectional and selfish legislation and corruption. XATMNAL AUTI10KITV. While the local authorities of Chicago were put to their wits' end by the thousands of hoodlums and toughg, of tho worst in the city, who, crazed with li.pior, rioted, burned and destroyed, the president of tho United States sent thither several companies of regular troops to enforce the laws ol the coun try and the orders of the courts. For this exorcise of federal authority, Mr. Sovereign, master workman of the Knights of Labor, commenced le gal proceedings against Mr. Olney, U. 8. attorney-general, on the ground that the government in this acceded its powers. Of courso, this proceeding of Mr. Sovereigu will terminate farcially. His pronunciamento against Olney is nothing but wind, in which he prudently says nothing of the immense qnanlitios of freight and long lines of cars burned by the mob of rioters. The critical, dangerous situation In Chicago at the height of the strike is graphically stated In the Chicago Record of the 14th, viz. : The president has evidently deter mined to enforce the laws at all hazards, and the day of parleying with criminals is at an end. It is now war against the United Stutes government and those who carry it on must take the conse quences. There is now no middle around between the rioters and the government. II the country is to be dominated by the class that has for the last week du lled law and order lit Cook county the quicker it Is known the bettor. The Pullman strike has sunk out of sight, and the only issue now is the suprem acy of the litws. If the United States authorities cannot enforce them then we hove no government worth sustain ing. What Is the use of a national govern ment it it has not the sand to maintain Its authority and that at any risk? Do wo want mob rule? Buinoii (i. Ferrnro shows a proper ap pieciation of the Baucy summer girl in white shirt-waist. If his idea is adoptod the world over, mankind will be hap pier and better. And woman, the larger half of man if she isn't a sour old maid, Is heartily in favor of it. "A perfect woman," writes the dear signor, "should be a chef d'auvre of grace and refinement, and to this end she must be exempt from toil. The working woman grows ugly and loses her leminine char acteristic). Womanly grace and the love which men bear a beautiful woman have perhaps been the origin of pater nal love and all the other sweet and tender feeling of which the male is ca pable. Grace is tho lesthetic side of weakness. Woman, more tluri man, enjoys all the benefits of civilization, which nevertheless have been in great part acquired by him alone. Man la bors and toils to day, j ust as ha did of old, and there is nothing abnorm it in this fact, for it is his positive duty. What advantage, then, can bo gained by participating in man's struggle for existence, when woman has only to wait until he places these benefits at lur feet ? I cannot understand why the question of woman suffrage should so excite pub lic opinion. It is emirjly pro'illu-n to her. If her husband strain every njrve already to provide her with all tiie lux uriesof life, he will certainly nit bj lax in defending those interests which are identical with those of his family." Tiik chief distinction of Debs, the head of the great strike of rail way hinds , accruing from bis aa'ault upon the coin -merce of the country, lies in the fact that be has been the first man since the government was established or since Shay's rebellion in Washington' time, to force the president to take advantage of a power invested in him by the con stitution, viz. : to send troops into a state regardltss f the local sanction. In forcing the president to adopt this course he haa male any funre I) la ai impossibility. In California a petition is being cir culated to the senate and house ol rep reaontativea asking Hint Immediately on default In mooting the matured bonds ol the Paclflo railroads, the morigagoa be foreclosed, and tho roads hid In by the government and operated as national enterprises. The bonds Issued by the government In aid ol the construction of the Central Pan fl1, Un un Pacific, Western Pacific, Kansas Paciflu, Cen tral Branch and Sioux City and Pacific railroads will begin to ma uro on Jan uary 1(1, 18!)5,and will all fall duo within the following four years. The principal of theso bonds amounts to $(H ,023,512 and tho Interest paid by the gnvernmon up to May 31, WH, and not repaid hy the companies, to 1)72,302,227.10. The petition avera that to the people ol the Paclllc coast it is a mutter of impera tive necessity to hae an Independent means of communication with their Eastern mat kols, that the allied trans continental railroads at present consti tute a high barrier to trade, that any new road built by private capital would at once Join tho old combination, and tliat tho only trustworthy rej.nl.tt.ir of ratos would be a line owned by the pub' li ami onernted In the public interest. That the necessity of such a line, ob vious enough before, has just been startlingly impressed upon us by our absolute isolation from the Kast, and Hih eomnlele paralysis ol businexs cumed by a quarrel between the roads and their employes in which the people had no interest. t.. L'ri,.,.U,,i .vi,ir lui week published a ' aupplmneut, containing startling and convincing documentary evidence of the bribery of congressmen by Huntington, for legislation in favor of the Central Pacific and the Southern Pacific of Kentucky. When justice is but partly done, the "property" which Hnnlinitiin and the otlur ruilroal plunderers assume to be theirs, will be "snnronriated" bv tho people, fur tl e people, to the people, to whom it righ;- fully belongs. Government ownership of the lines of transportation and com munication will mean a permanent civil service, based on merit an J abv lutely divorced from politica.lt will niei n that when a man enters the service as brakeman, the way will be open for him to rise by ability and faitniui worn through all the grades to general man ager, and that no man shall Inose his place on account of his political opin ions or for any other ciuse except his own fault. But where would the gov ernment get the money to buy the rail roads? Billions of irredeemable paper monoy or a huge bondod Indebtedness? The idea has popularly prevailed that the Chinese language is difficult to learn ; but C. Imbault Iluart, the authorofa manual for its acquisition, states the contrary is true. There are two forms of the same language, the one written the other spoken. Tne former is ahso lutely monosyllabic, Its grammar is simple and free from all those stumbling blocks that urrost the progress of stu dents of the European languages. In Chinese there is no artich, no gen lex, no declension and no conjugation. The relations of substantive, tenses and moods are marked by participles, which are very few in numb er. In itself, the syntax Is q'lite Bimple, and has the log. ical order for its basis. The rules are fow and easy to remoinber. The Chinese themselves, even the most highly edu cated, have no knowledge of the gram mar of their language. They do not know what a noun in the genitive, da tive, Instrumental or ablative is, nor what a substantive, adjective or verb is. (iovKiiNoit Pennnyer pardoned C. W. Uurleigh.sentenced from Lincoln county for rape on a 10-year-old girl, and gave as the reason that the prosecuting at torney did not think the prisoner guilty. S.W. Condon, the prosecuting attorney, quickly jumps into print and ileclures that Burleigh was plainly guilty and to turn such a tlend Iooho on the public is itself a crime. A bard hit the governor with all ol his rhinoceros hide ought to feel. This wholesale pardoning ol guilty men is an outrnge on the public. Albany Democrat. Sy lvester Pcnnoyer's active sympathy with criminals makes mockery ol jus tice and courts of law. There is little use in expending money to con vict criminals when the governor par dons them in hot haste. His excellency ought to be shut np in the insane asylum It is to the interest of Oregon City that the city council come to an understanding witli the company that desires to build a motor line on the east side of the city. We cannot afford to loose this opportun ity to secure the commencement of a line that will be ultimately extended to Molalla and beyond. We mint make every reasonable and honest effort to bring business to us. If the line is built to the farmer's door, the farmer will come. The Molalla trade that now goes to Hubbard and (iervais and other towns we should divert to ourselves by a motor line. Tiik Americans are presume 1 to biat the rest of mankind in machinery. This presumption is a symptom of "big head." The Boston Journal of Commerce sas: ''It is a fact, although we dislike to ad mitit.our cotton and woolen mills, as regards machinery and the improved methods of manufacturing at a low cost, in discipline, etc., are very much behin 1 those in England." The protective tariff has put the textile manufacturers of New England into a state of stupr, from which a healthy competition with England would awaken them, to the ad vantage of the whole country. Tiik sugar schedule as prepared and adopted by tho senate in committee of the whole, fixes a duty of 40 per cent on all grades and adds a specific tax of one eighth of a cent a pound on refined sugar. Loaded w ith this sweet morsel fur the sugar trust, the senate tariff bill is now under consideration by the house, which will undoubtedly repudiate the senate's corrupt bargain with the trust. IIaii.roaimxh is almost as dangerous to life and limb as active war. During the year ending June 30. 1S93, the num ber of workers killed on the railroads was 2727 anil the number injured was 31,729. The railroad army numbers 000.000. There are four candidates in the field for United r-tates senator: J. X. Dolph, Binaer Herman, T H. Ton :neandC W. Fultosj . "Labor advances by evolutionary, not revolutionary moves; by Intellectual, not by physical force. Tim true leader of labor now la the one who seeka to keep reamn enthroned to nee the masse thinking, not striking." Such were tho comments of J. N. Oorbln. secretary of the Knlghta ol Litlmr of Denver, on the Soveicign strike order, which ho rolused to obey. " What a pity it is that all labor leaders have n 4 the brains ol Mr. Orbjn! For stealing a few railway cars for a ride, members ol the Into Industrial Army were imprisoned. For Healing a whole railroad, and the earth besides, Klanford, one of the lea Ion of l It 1 1 i t of hiuhhindeia which has terrifl jd and enslaved California for mo e than a quar ter of a century, was sent t- tha v nt l States senate. Tint Is wlutis c tiled the "rights of property." Tim strike has emphasized the duty of a citizen's loyalty to tho Union and obedience to the laws that preserve III ! I Union. President Cleveland gave tint i American People an ohjm-t lesson In stern patriotism when he called the regular troopt into Chicag) to suppress tho Debs-Sovereign rebellion Urov.tr was equal to the occasion. Tim Debs rebellion proves unfor tunately a greater Injury to lab ir than ti Duke Pullman. It wis initiated in a spirit of rash'iess an i e i Is in diu-oinl litre. Nearly nil the great Btrikm ol in i Inst t ear or two have been ilismal fail ures. When will lab r learn wisdom? Rioting and the bi.yeolt mil never re form anything. Lst v.-:ir England paid to forei, n countries l."ii,00(l.0tV) for meat, butter, eggs and general farm ami garden pro duce. This competition frm without has ruinously reduced the price of farm hinds in norlions of tile "tight Utile island." Yet the Kngli-limun does not dream of reluming to the "corn laws' ' ofthe40's. Tiik teachers of Clackamas county should make it an object to attend tho institute which will open here on July 30th. All can dei ive benefit from it. for every man or woman, even tho most wise, can learn fro-n contact with others, especially if they all follow tho same noble calling. Conohkshman Black, who has returned to Washington , is confident of democratic success in Illinois, and asserts that tho renublicans must have more than 40,000 majority to carry the legislature. This is owing to the careful manner in which the shrewd democrats re- districted the Btnte. Ecvit will produce a million bales of cotton this year, far superior to the American product. It is shipped to tne United States in increasing quantities and used bv the New England mills. In crease in quality not quantity can only save the Southern cotton farmer. Tiik house of representatives has been polled with the Interesting result that 201 have declared themselves hostile to the sugar trust and have announced that they will oppose the senate concessions. They will stand out lor free raw ma. terials first and last. ' I mii.iBVB this .is the strongest gov ernment on earth," suid Thomas Jef ferson ; "the only one where every man at the call ol the laws would fly to the standard of the law and meet invasions of the public order as his own personal concern. tTius is presuming loo much . At .Ihe Iowa Btate republican convention on Wednesday at Des Moines. Kv. J . I.. Weaver prayed tiod to drive the in famous democratic party from power. Who knows but the Lord is a democrat? Tiik coRt to the country of the grent strike is placed ut 1 00, 000,000, one half of which conies directly out of the pockets of the laborer and Ihn farmer . What have we gained by the strike to offset the loss? Tiik fight is now on in the senate be tween President Cleveland and (iornian, the champion of 'the sugar trust. Sena tor Hill has assumed the roll of Cleve land's friend. Well, the country Is with him in this. "You are a liar! You are a liar!' yelled littlo Mrs. Anna Dij-'gs as she shook her tist in tho face of Mrs. Lease at tho big populist meeting in Topeka. Now the two women leaders don't speak as they pas?. Tiik senate's whisky amendment to the tariff bill would put !pt0,0C0,OOO in the pockets of the whisky trust. Even a hide bound republican must admit that the senate is woefully corrupt. PiiKsihKNT Cleveland has succeeded in making it plain to Governor Allgeld that the state of Illinois is a part of tiie Union. A lesson liKe that is needed by Oregon's governor. Tiik Kansas wheat is being harvested in excellent condition, and corn prom ises a phenomenal yield. Kansas is all right ; so is .Mrs. Lease. Cloyer Bacteria. The clover root baderiuin produces tubercles on the rools of this plant, and equally on the roots ot nil the varieties of the extensive lainny oi me leiiiiiiiionK-, to which clover, peas, beans and many other valuable crop plants belong. These tubercles contain a largo quan tity of nitrogen, that element of plant food which is the busis of all those ex ceedingly nutritious substances of pl.inls which we know under the generic name nf albuminoids or proteine matters. Thev are found in the roots, and il is there and by them that the large quan tity of nitrogen compounds that exist in the leaves and stems is formed an d dis tributed through the plant. MUMU. "It seem too bad, " said Mr. Easy well, "that authors and reviewers do not Ret on together better. " "Yes," replied his wife, "the world seems to be quite wrong. Judging by what one reads, the critics shonld all be novelists and the novelists all (Tit les." Washington Star. Th War -lrl Harry Has Mauri's engagement been announced yet? Ethel No, bnt she blnshes furionsly every time his aame is mentioned and lars she just hate him. New York World. Ripane Tahulre asust digeation. Kipans Tahules cure constipjition. ONE ON MOatS. Tha Bosnia Arll.t of (1.1. ago Tlualer Allied In Spilling mill Military, Bconlo Artist Moses (if the Schiller theater puilited tho Hennery for "Tho lilac!: IIiiHHiir, " now on ut that house. Mr, Mostta Iium painted the wxnory foi many plays and operas in his time, but it lias never hnpiieued that he has been called upon to mount this particular op era before. Ho wns given the socno plot noma time ngo, mid he went to work. A few days before tho production Man ager Prior ordered a scenic rehearsal, u i id viheu tho scenes were set ho went back on the slngo to Inntxct them. It will bo remei ibered by thoso who Imvo heard "Tho Cluck llu sar" that iu the second act, Hceno of the village square, thediplomutio magistrate is supisMcd to bavo iirrnytuj 0poU the outer wull of his bouse u reversible pieiuro showing the figures of C.nr Alexander and Napoleon. This picture ho works by a trunk, so thnt when tho French troops nppeur on the sceno he can loyully display Napo leon, and when the Russians arrive ho can readily shift to tho czar. Well, aft er admiring tho picture of Nupolcou which Mr. Moses had made, Mr. Prior turned the crank attachment and swung tho affair around. In placo of a portrait of Alexander iu full regimentals ho was astonished to sco tho figure of a smooth faced, stem looking party, cladiu a togit and wearing u vivid green laurel wreath. Turning back to Nupoleon, Manager Prior called Mows nnd asked who It was. "It's Napoleon, " said the artist, "and I flatter myself it's a pretty tidy like ntm" "Yes, it is nil right," suid Prior, "but who is this supposed to represent?" And lie turned tho crank. "Why, that's CVsar," replied Moses. "What is Cirsnr doiii np there?" asked the malinger. "Hero ho is on the scene plot, " an swered tho artist "It reuds 'Napoleon and Cu-sur,' doesn't it?" "No, it doesn't," suid Prior. "It does say, 'Napoleou, ' but thnt is c-z-a-r, czar, not CVsur. It menus Czar Alex ander." Moses then wont over to the public library, got a plato of Alexander from Fred Hild, painted out his laureled Cuwir and filled in with tho uniformed Alexander which tho audiences now too. Chicago Times. THE TREATY WITH RUSSIA. Self I:cM-ct lK-mauils That the t'nlted States Should Abrogata It. Senator Turpio introduced a joiut res olution declaring that it is no longer to tho interest of tho United Status to con tinue tho treaty ratified with Russia lust April and that notice shall be given to tho emperor that tho treaty shall ex pire at the end of six months, the term prescribed in its text to precedo nullifi cation by cither signer. Tho immediate, cause of the introduc tion of tho resolution is refusal by Rus siu'to permit American citizens of He brew fuith to travel or sojourn in thnt country. Wo cannot tolerate this as sumption by an ubsolute despotism of tho right to discriminate among Ameri can citizens to the ndvuntugo of some uud tho injury of others. Thero are clauses iu the treaty which shonld have rendered it obnoxious to the senate and executive of the United States, who ought not to have approved it. It was approved nnder tho illusion that in the Bering sea controversy, then unsettled, ratification of tho treaty would insure for ns ut Washington Russian friendship desirable in tho adjudication of the fisheries question. No matter what tho fallacy under which its ratification was effected it was offensive to tho people of tho United States, who did not submit to it tho more willingly becnuso of uu implied but im proper and irrelevant argument or con sideration for its ratification. Wo gain ed nothing at Paris by the treaty. We were not entitled to gain anything by it So long as Russia continues an ab solute despotism, so long ns human rights iu that country nro utterly at tho mercy of official caprice iu the high est ranks and subject to the corruption or malico of officialdom in tho lower planes, it ill becomes a free people to enter into uny compact beneliciul to Russia and discreditable to the institu tions of democracy. Russia has treated us with open con tempt iu violating tho articles of the treaty guaranteeing to all American citizens equal rights within her domain. As slio lias herself broken an essential part of tho treaty, it is demanded by self respect that tho United States shall abroguto the instrument altogether and without delay. Chicago Herald. Why Few Munlvr Trials In llustuu. Considerable curiosity has been arous ed by tho statement that tho Corehidi caso is tho first murder trial in Suffolk county iu 10 years. It seems that there have been many murders iu the county within tho period mentioned, bnt rather than go to the expense of a trial the government has seen fit to accept the plea of guilty of murder in tho second degrco nnd sentenced tho accused on that, as it is believed that tho ends of justice uro as fully met in this way as in trying the man on a charge of mnr der in tiie first dugreo uud running the risk of failing to convict. As a rule, juries du not liko to bring iu a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree oven if it is in keeping with the evi dence. Boston Transcript. Kt-Hnoiiuble Doubt of tin Truth. A few days ago a dispatch was print ed iu tho pupurs stating that William L. Guptill of Gouldsboro, Me., had been thrown from his carringo and kill ed, the details of tho accident being also given. Thursday The Journal received this note written below the printed dis patch: "Mr. Editor Tho ahovo was clipped from n late paper. Yours truly, William L. Guptill." It is evident thnt County Commissioner Guptill ia very much alive, and it is also evident thnt his bright wit sees the superfluity of more comment than the signature at tho end of his laconic note. Boston Journal. The Vli tor Ale It. M. C. Albertson was recently elected mayor of Hannibal, Mo., over J. II. Dicknsou. Both meu are warm personal friends, uud when the result of the elec tion was unuouueed the defeated candi date sent Albertson a letter, accompa nied by a cuke, in which he stated that "the cuke hail been baked by my family for the mayor elect, und now that you have won the race you will please ac cept the cake with my compliments. " M. Louis i unes. 1'launlnf a lli( lllrlli.lay lllowout. So far a sum of 13,000,000 toels, or nearly 3,000,000, has been subscribed by the Chinese officials and withdrawn from other funds for the purpose of cel ebrating the sixtieth birthday of tlieem pn ss dowager. But even this enormous sum is not sufficient, and 12,000,000 more aro called for to make the celebra tion npon what the imperial advisers deem an appropriate scale. Loudon Spectator. I No one in nlinary liealth nce,l be cnie balJ or gray, if he will fullow sen sible treatment. We a.lvie eleanlineas 4 llie scalp ar.il (lie ue of Hall's Hair JJiwwer. What is Castorla U Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription Tor InfunU aud Children. It contains uelther Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It U a harmless substitute for rarciforlc, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is rieasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorlit assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla la the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. "Cantorta I, an excollent medlclna for chil dren. Mother, hare rcputadlj told roaoflu good effect upon their children." Da. O. O. Oaoooo, Lowell, tut " Caitorla U the but remedy for children of which I am acquainted. 1 hop tha day Is sot far duttant when mothers wllloonmider the real Intern! of their children, and uaa Castorla In stead of tha rariomquack nostrums which ara destroying their lored ones, bjr foroln opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throat, thereby sending thein to prematura grarea." Da. J. F. Kiaoauos, Conway, Ark. The Cantanr Company, TI Xrrar Stroat, Haw York City, IBALD HEADS!! uri.. i tl. ji4inM a viuirit la vmir hair drv. S harsh, brittle? Does -ri- ? brushed? Is It full Is it dry or in a heated condition 7 II these are some oi i your symptomsbe warned in time or you will become bald. ; Skookum UwhttronawL luproduet oHDOtanaociMaBpinBiTOnor,ooi reM.rclT Koowlei. of Hie dlHiM of the balr and K.lp ll to U i wot. a" r of imw to trett5rm. "8kookum"oonuUn, neltner mhurali aor ol . It af Ih. follicle,, it oi ailing "t'ir Keep the scalp clsan, healthy, and free from Irritating srnni the ue of Skookvm t&m ttxip. H dwtroys jwrtxilio iiuMl wAicA n ml liriinut ,h . Inir. and rft.trot, Iht hair. ir jroururuKHlcsBnnisuppiyyo"ii , . i, ij,.., T : prepaid, ,n rro-lutof prion.. Jrower, gUW per bottle I lor Mu. op.Sw. a Iier Jor i e lur siau, 3 TItAIFARIi (j7 south Fifth Avenue, Kaw Yark, N. Y. J ,Ui,.4.t,( M.n-'U.I: tt..i iCitt, Wuk. i N't ! to lt.h li" Ji3aif ! J. loicrfi tf.lt I. can, TO. liUUUJsAAU aUiiiiiUIAU. ill H.uiU vn.;- Kor&ulu ;ri r. i ' IT TT ATR t HAIR DEATH imlmillu remnirei anil forcreir ilentroyt okjec tlimuble hnlrfwhethrr ufuiiflhe haiuU.Jnce, nriM r lire!-, without ilircittortttiitH or injury to Ihe miM tlrlkntr ntlu. It was for fifty yours Ilia necri't formula or Erumiuia Wilsnn, ai-lcnnwlcilged by phyHiclans na the liiKhest Hiitlini ily and the mini eminent dermatologist and imlr ,iecUlinl that ever lived. During Ills private practice of a life time nmnug the nnliillty aud sriKtucrarr nf Kurope he prescrlheil till, recipe, Pile, 1 by mail, seeun-ly packed. Currmmii timer ennfliltnliat. Sole Agents for America. Address The Skookum Root Hair Grower Co., Dept. R, f 7 South Filth Avenue, New York. V.v.v.v.vvv..v.v.v. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Next Si'ssion beifins tlio l"ili of S n teinlu-r, ISiM. Tuition, free. II ninl, 2 -V) a vck PIiihhIciiI. Si-iflltilli Liierury, Knulisli anil Bnsim'sx. IKIKMITDIIY. Tl... K,.i.r,liiur Hull fur cnnnif ImliH and the Itoanling Hall fr yoium Kntlu- men win ne nnncr ine- iierm, mri vipinn ot Mrs. Mutirii, a lady f vn,ui,m,it uml lnri,H AxiiHrinniie. Fur catnloisiK's, address J !. Walton. rti'cy. Kcgeins. NOTICIi: FCU PUDLICATIOS r AND OFFICE AT OKKflON OITY, OltEOON, li .1- ib.iti ic.tii.a ! Iiurstliv iriviti thnl the follnwiniE nuiiiwl netller has tiled iH)HP ff niR imeilllUM W mnv mini I"""'" "'(''' , cltitm. and Unit twld proof will be made tWnre .... i a, a l ....I llHIna .1 I Iruir..,, Ut'KIHlur ailll l-ceivur U. a. i.ium, ...vc Cllv, Ore . on HeptemlHr 11, MM, vi: Harvey Oibxoii, II. K. No. ')!, for the N. K. K, See. i, Twp. II S., R. 4 K., W. M. He names the f Mow ing wltnesiws to prove his continuous residence iiik)ii anil cultivation of, said laud, vis: t'harlm W. tJassertv and llliuh Fltsgerald. of lover. .a . i 1, ti--...l,. ..,.1 lliinrv liilliPOH. Of Kfllf e creek, Ore. ROIIKRT A. M1IJ.EK, Ki-gUtei. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE In tho mutter of the estate ofj Christena I'alllhan, deneil.l VOT1CK IH IIKRKRY (ilYKN BY TIIK l'NIKlt- SlKIU 'O. iiiinir, Limn-, ... estate of christena rallihan, dweaseil, to the Crt-llllOrS Ol. nitll till 1MTPiii, norina ntralusl, said ileceaseil. Io present Iht-m. with ............... .-....!.... u-llhill ttlv UHUllllS mw iu-ri-!,i 7 ...... -- - after the llnd publication of this notice, to said aiinnsiraior ui ins ri-i-nii-in-p u, i,,..,i,no, , ol Clackamas, nnd stale of Oregon, Dated the -lull day ol July. lw't. SA.MI KI, KNCI.K, liBowNKi.i. Dnnssnt. Ailininl-itrator. Allorneys for said estate. riant Propagation, Soma very enrions proeesst-s for propa gation are practiced at tho public gar dens. One consists in cnttitiK with a knifo a ring aronnd a branch of a plant. One illicit iniaKiiie that tho intention was to kill the branch, but such is by 110 means tho object in view. Tho cut having been made, a pieco of wet moss is wrapped and tied around the branch at that point Beneath this protection the sup pxmles from the wound, nnd little rootlets uro developed. After n few days tho branch is cut away from tho parent stem, being then itself a complete plant, with roots, all ready to put in a pot This plan is adopted with plants of slow growth, because one plant may thns be split np into half a dozen or more of good size, instead of waiting for a seedling or lit tie slip to develop. Wash ington Star. Insulted An American traveler relates that, alighting at a hotel iu Uranada, a man at the door pat out his hand toward him. The traveler supposed that the man was the porter of the hotel and offered him his valise. The man step ped back, tossed hu head and frowned scornfully. "Caramba!" he exclaimed. "Do yon ta' me fir a porter? I would have you understand that I am no por ter." "Iudeed? Then may I ask yon, senor, what yon are?" "I am a beggar, sir, and asked yon fin- alms." San Francisco Argonaut Castorla, " Caitorla is ao well adapted to children that I recommend It as super lor to any prescription known to me." It. A. A son is, V. D.,. Ill So. Oiford St., Brooklyn, K. T. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment hT spoken highly ot their tsperi ,ooe In their outside praotlea with Castorla, and although wa only bTS among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet wa an free to confess that tha merits ol Castorla has won us to look with faTor upon It." Vxrrso HoanraL aao Disnasan, Boston, atasa. Alls 0. Sara, iYw., V-WsWaVaVWV.'. W It split at the ends? has It a ; rknaa l fall Anr ,hen combed or 1 of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch ? , Root Hair Grower ! hair, turu duadntf aai gnu, hair a bald tint,, t, jtta on ' , . ...... ..,,,,,- s . 'tiun i. n.mieli uu Wtink Moniory.lsoiisol Urtilr 'iiffR. l-ua'. MiinlMH)tl,Miilnljr KmlMiouii, Nurrour- mwt-r Ml uui'f niUTUwrKHim oi uimer hoa. ciiuwt i crro s xcuKitlve UHiuit t'ltiut-cti.uiiltim uraHlm t t,Oi MHiptioiior InnDtir. Cnn be currloo ti rtfiie -f nmil pnimlil. With a 95 ur-kr wt 'ter. VVrUe iir I ro ModlcAl Hwk tn"'i VI ' K;. O.,.M;iKui40Tl'Uli4y, :i Of i"itin no miinryi cm v ft-1.-. ii-i- Absolutely P'ire. To CONSUMPTIVES h I........ l.A..t.. I.uah MalnroA tn 1IIU Illl'IcrntKin.",, iinxiis "CTi, ueuiin oy siinjnt, iiit-nin,, piwi uiic.,v .... several years with severe lung aflectltin, and that dread diaeaxe Consumption, Is anxious to make tiinwn to his fellow sufferers the mean, of cure. To those who desire It, he will cheer fully send (free of charge, a copy of Ihopreacrlp tioii used, which thev will rind a sure cure for .'OIlNlllUI'l,1'11, fl"OIIHl n,..,, ............ Its anil all throat anil lung Maladies, lie hopes an HiiniTpra win iry ins rt-im-uj, n Invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, .h,,.h u-lll Mi tltpm iioililnff. Ami mav nrnve a lili-s-liiK. will please address, , rnr I - A TfAV CriD T TP17VTi NOTH'B IS IlfcRKRY (JIYEri THAT VVK8HALL apply to the cllv council of Oregon City, Ore- f'on, lor a soioon iii-ensi- io rioiuiiut! on, Numm o-ateil In Oregon City, said license to date from August ai, tstn. mi-1. a uui r.. NOTICE. ITS. LAND OFFICE, ORKIION CITY, OKE- J gon, ilatcil June in, m. complaint nav lug tiwn enlered at this nthce ty Wllhi-lm Weber alleging thai it. v . a.uai-ar oiiersor ibiiii, u-r-mail name, -'Staerkor") diMl on June -.Ihl, lMtiS, ri.i noinnlAininii auiiinst the heirs and Itwal rep. rt-seiitallvt'S of sniil deceased for abandoning hoincsleail entry land, claim No. M:W. made and M. il hvtntd stlerkar (alias siaerker) on the ilh ituv f Sfiittonber. lsKD. upon ihe southeast oiiar- ter ut section two. uiwinliip three south, range live east, situate in ciai-namas i.onniy, urrioiii, with a view to the cancullntion of said entry; Ihe hnnrlntr ( siiltl c mtest and lakiiiir ot li?timon furnished by the parlits thereto will take place at this offlce on Tuesday, Ihe 1 Ith day of August. lS'H. lit 10 o'l-loi k a. 111.. at which time and place 11, h bpirs or It-iral representatives uf sal,l(i. W. . Oscar siitTkor (alias Staerker), deci-ased, are ht-rebv summoned to spi ear and respond tn the allegations made and the proof then and there to be atlillli'eo uv oonipnanaoi in sain i-oine!,. KOII.'.RT A. Mll.l.KR, R gister. I'KTKR l'Aijt f.T, neceiver. To the Heirs and Legal Representatives of (I W. A Oscar snerker (alia sisei aer). nece.isea CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. YOTIr-E m HEREBY GIVKS THAT THERE are aulni'ient lumlsnu hanit 10 pay all war rants on the lieneral Fund elulorseil prior to January l"t, 1MM: also In nay warrants No. Wt, iti!i, B70, (7l, tiTti, u,( ana iftv on nam street Fund. Interest ceases with the date of this notice. R. I,, llcll.il AS, Oregon City, July 12, lHtM. City Treasurer. Ripans Tabules : for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. 1 1 Ti-e- ... tjre a-Mt K.iln- r j-n-l Sfomach ;ur. I, a ,. h . !K-iv i .-r.-.ti-s A,ipi MaVcs The V.'eek S.rong. ' ;rHtP FUN oFrVSSga St..a .-evyrM-ns. ai anuliaeiisis !,?& ill Attempt at Suicide. It Might Hart Inn Pwnted. From tbs Boston Post. While tha walks in til Public Uardvn vera crowded yesterday afternoon about 4.30 o'clock, people near the entrance Rules at the comer ol lleacon and Charles stret-U were horrilied to see a man suddenly pltm; a knife repeatedly into bit tluout and full to the ground. W title waiting for a conference an olricer questioned Ihe would-be suicide, who was about 60 years of age, as to hit name, aildri-as, and reason for wishing to end his 1 1 I'd, but Ihe man steadfastly refused to give any infor mation regarding himself. He was luUn to (he Massachusettl General IluMjitul and surgical attendance given him. Although wesk from lose or Dlootl il is nrouume no will recover. About 9 o'clock lu-l nl;ht a hospital attendant got a little information from him. lie said but name wnsHniniicI D , and that he came some wteU ngn from New Brunswick. The last few d.irs its Kead kai Itlt outer, and he lias been wan- dering about the clly.not knowing which way 10 turn, nnai impeueu uun iu vnmiuit ms rsih act lie was enable to say. Tha above la the fanillinr but terrible itory ot the results of menlnlilcruiiKcineut caused by overstrain of the t or una syhicm People who bava durinest, ....i'ikk or bail ocas, or who are troubled with neluneholy or detfxmdtnt feelings, are already well on uie road which leads to insanity end niciilt, "Dr. Miles Medical Co.! I cannot nnd language In which to express my apprecia tion of the great benelit 1 have derived from the use of your Kcstorntive Nervine. When life became a burden I would uae the Nervine to soothe my weakened nerves, and tn calm mv exhausted and Irritable bruin." Mas. II. Bbowk, Kochesler, N. Y. Dr. JlilU Jltelorative mervme lias no eqnni In rirniim Nervous Diseases. It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a positive gusrantee by all druggists and Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Aomen, The common afltlei lonaof womea are sick-head aches, Indigestion and nervous troubles, they arise largely from stoosch disorders. As Joy's Vegetable Barsaparllla Is tha only bowel regu lating preparation, yon can sea why It Is mors eBectire thsn any ether Barsaparllla Id those troubles, II Is dally relieving hundreds. The action Is mild, direct and etTectlve. We hare sao res el letters from grateful women. We refer to a few: Hervous debility, Mrs. J. Barron, 112 7lh St., 8. t. Ksrrous debility, Mrs. Fred. Loy, S27 EUls8t.,8.P. snaral debility, Mrs. Belden. 610 Mason 8L, B.F, Nervous debility, Mrs. J. lamphers, 736 Tark St., Nerreui debility, Mlas R. Roaenblum. 232 171k fit,8.P. Stomach troubles, Mrs. R. L. Wheaton, 701 Pert St., a K. lick hesdsches, Mrs. M. B. Price, 1 Prospect riace, a. r. Blck headaches, Mrs. M. Fowler, 827 Ellis St,B.P. Indigestion, Mrs. C. D. Sluart, 1221 Mission St,, a. r. Constipation, Mm. C. Melvln, Ut Kearny BL.B.P. Inil'c Vegetable uUy OSarsaparilla Most modern, most effective, largest botlla tarns price, 11.00 or e for 16.00. Cm. aTaT r. si.ji. OT tvVV ' moraoMS on utxb diseam i Losa of appetite; bad breath; bad taste In the mouth: tongue coated; pain underthe ' shoulder-blade ; in the baok or side often mistaken for rheumatism: sour stomach with flatulency and wateibrash; indiges tion; bowels lax and costive by turns; headache, with dull, heavy sensation: restlessness, with sensation of having left something undone which ought to have boen done; fullness after eating; bad temper; blues; tired feeling! yellow ap pearance of skin and eyes; dirtiness, etc. Not all, but always some of these Indi cate want of action or ttie Liver, tot A Safe, Sellable Remedy that can do no harm and has never been known to fall to do good Tike Simmont Liter BepliUr -AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria. Bowel Complaints, Dyspepsia, Slek Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Kidney Affections, Jaundice, Mental Depression, Colic. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. " I hsve been practicing medicine for twenty yeen snd hsvs never been sble to put up s vegeta ble compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly snd effectually move the Liver to sctloa, and st the same time sid (instead of weakening) the digetlivs snd sstimilstivs power, of the lyttem." ..... . . L.M. HiKTOH1.n.,Wuluagton1 Ark. ONLY. OEN17INK Has our Z Stamp in red on front of wrapper, J. H. Zeilin & Co., FMladolpMa, ?a. IB LITTLE LIVER PILLS. 01 I0T CRIPf, SICKEN 01 - CONSTIPATE. Srlf fin Cm ne Sick Ntuuin. aaa all troaaias snslns rreal laSlgntiea sr Censttssnsa, lalproeMtbeOoBipletlea br Parlfilns the Bloo. tke Sses sea he aleet, s4inu4 le n.t theeM, as eae ,111 esa never be too larse a dost, Eaa, to take ss e aiach eesar. 4 pills ,o, a. La s stress elal h lafe tmm be carried ie aet peeket. S Seeet Cea-ea aaa-Hraaaaal-Vrada arl. Sal, S,aerwane.a. , M TraMton M, aala Baaa Seeelayawaa (DM. PTSirll aa, SID a BSSL OS. HARTgW I STUN TONIG. irirstka SLOOP: STOFi.ATra ibvLiraa tlOSRTS aa, BXSTIiRMI Ihe DRall.lTaTBO ' BSSLTHaaS TIOOSOl'SSTSKNOTU arraera. Til ML HUTU MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. M0 JAPANESE piJLE CURE i COUNTY TBEASl'KER'S NOTICE. , I rave now is sit hasds rrsD ppli eable to the payment of all warrants endorsed prior to June lath. lici. , Interest will cease from date of thia nntiee. : M. L. MiHRE. Treasurer of CI ark ara as Conn It. I Paled Oregon City. July 1 ah. ikH. Ml A V v. I 7VZ S fl I AW r EAST ANO SOUTH ' ' VIA The Shasta Route UK TIIK SOUTHKHK PACIFIC CO. Ksprcss I'riilu, U-ave I'orlland Daily. Houlli.i' O.l.i f.H, I ,v I'urilnini Al l '.lu.l 7:liir.M, I l.v OreguiK II) l i 7 li'. I 104-.Siai Sail Inniiixo l.v 1 7.1. r The aiiove trains slop ill all siatlotis Inuii fuilland iu Albany inclusive, i anneal, slu-ilii. Ilalsey, llarnsliuia. Juinliiiii t il), In.im, I.11- genu and nil stniions iiiiu Kosi-Ijihk n, Ami, uml inclusive. ItOSKIIUIlU MAi7.l)Aii'.Y M::ui. m. l.i I'litlluml Ar 0:111 S.N. I.r Oregon ell) l.v .V.'sir, m. I Ar Koselmrg l.v 4:iVr. U iM e. si 'l 1 1, St IMNINO CAKH OS OtlUKN Mol'TI.. PULLMAN BUFFET HI.tKPKKS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS At'uih -n to all 'IhroiiKh luillis, WealMlile lllvialan, Hetween I'Olt'l'i.ANU and toll VALLIM MSILTMAIK P1II.V(KI KITS1IHIXY.) 7:0A.M. Ill t'orllniiil Ar t:i:& I'. M. ii:io i-.ai. at uiirvnina j.v 1 :w I'. H At Allianv and Unrvalils oouueiti with train oltiregon racillu Railroad, KXI'BKSS TKAIH IIAII.V ( HCKPT Sl'rl IIA Y. I 4,11'. M. I Lv Portland ArlS'.'iA.M 7.261. M. I Ar MeMlunvllle l.v I :iuA.M T1IHOUGH TICKETS T ALL POINT, IN TIIK EASTKRN STArKS, CANADA AND Et'ltOl'R Can Ix obtained at the lowest rales from I.. II. MOOUK, Agent, Oregon II) R. KOKIII KB, E. P, ROOKRB. ilana'er. Asst. C.I I' Im rorllnnd, I r Oregon Pacific Failroari Company I HAS. I I. Villi, llei-piver. Cnniu'rllii Willi Hlr. ' II'IVIKII" Ix-IW'eii Viiilllil mid San Khuh'Im-ii, , Hleamer li-avisi Han FtanitlMii Ki-Irliiii.v '.Null. HUieh l, l'Jlli, '.".M and :lll. Stintller li-avi, Yaiiilna Ki-ltrtltiry .'ilh, Mtirrh 7lh I7ih nnd Kill. . ItlaliU reeervnl to elniiigo , ailing llnlis wlllmlil noliee, For fn-luht and passenger rales apply tn any Agent CIIAS. J. IIKNIilIVS, snS A CO , Nns. 2 In Market Sin-, I, Han l-'rtinrrn, Calif, I HAS. CI.AIlK, Iterelver, - Ciinrallls, Oregon. ifaS Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis. AND A1,Tj Easern Cities. 31 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO Hours Hours the Quickest to Chi cago and the East. Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. THROUGH PULLMAN ANO TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. S. H. It. CLARK. l OLIVER W. MINK, Reeelvers. E. EI.I.EKY ANIERSON,l Kur rules nml ifonpriil inlnriuiitiin rail on or RtUlrpg?, V H. HURLRURT, Asst. Cen. Pass. Ag,.nt 2,i-l Waslnngton Hi., cor. llnrtl. PORTLAND ORKHOK. a Job Printing at the Courier Office. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a Prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to iti linn w i;ir, wno nave oaa nearly nicy years' ezperlenee In the patent business. Communica tions strictly eonfldentlcl. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patenta and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Pstents taken through Munn ft Co. nostra special notloelnthe MclentiHc American, and thus ara brought widely before the pulillo with, out eost to the Inventor, Thli tpiendld paper Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any soientirjc work In the world. 83 s year. Simple copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 12.50 a year. Btnglt copies, cents. Every number oontslns beau, tlrul pistes. In colore, and photographs of new houses, with plans, ensbling builders to show tha latest deilgn, and secure contracts. Address MUNN i co. New yoitu, atll Bhoadwat. Your Stomach DistressesYou aftereating a hearty meal, and the result ia a chronic case of Indiges tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack. RIPANS TABULE8 Promote Dlvefltlon, R prelate the Motnncb. I.iTor and RowpIi. Pnvifv the Blood, auUare a Foititfve Care rr Conati potion. Hick Headache HH looaneitB aua all other Dle&te arlttioK from a duonlered condition nf tht I.lvfr nnd Stomach. They act K"tly yet promptly, and perfect dljppntton follows their use. RipaniTalHilea take the plaiif an Entire Uedicine t hn and th.ul he kept for Aaasj IU OfCI IKUIll, Sold by drugg1$l$ or tent by mail. Priett THco Dollar, THERIPANSCHEMICALCO. 10 Spnice St.. Htnr farfc. FREE MEDICINE! Golden Opportunity For Suffer ins Hnmanity. PhyBieian, Glva Thi-lr Blnedles to the People. DO YOU SUFFER? plaining your tronble and wa will arnil yon f'rt- of Charge a rt'ix corasE of apf ialW prerarwt n-niMliM l-t aulu-d to your i-ae. WE WANT Vol B KaXUM MKN liATIOV. UIC Pllll PIIDC (txrmMnnarnrnliiidltntrt ITC wMH llUllCo'M'sxrfVOnrtr-atmrats f..r all diafara anl ,lrf.,nnitif, are Miat-rn and rk-irntinc, arqairnl by many yeata' rxp-rianca. wbici enables u, to Onarantee a Cure. I'oonl di-pair. V. B. Wa hare the only poairire cure for CriuraT iFITSl snd Iatabbh. Refareacea girea. Permanently located. (UUI establisbad.) i Or. WILLIAMS' MEDICAL AND SUR6I j CAL INSTITUTE, 19 Market Mt , as a rranrlara, ta Ripan. lalmles : hst liver t-rnic Ripans Taliulog cure Lad breath. Ripans TaJiule cure headache. Ri'iang Tahnleg cure b'ver trotiblea. Ky THROUGH TICKEJS af I Li. khl el . I S COPYRIGHTS. V-