CITY AND COUNTRY, OIIKOON CITY, JULY 0. Is" 4. Torinauf Nulitrii , C"vr. nut fr, In ndvnni'e, I'J M 11'fl t!lll, all III. Mil IK, III HllVHIK'l). I U' l.'UllltlKH. tlri'gnli flljf.Ori'Kim. COI'NTV (IKKII'KIIM. . J. W. Mi-lilriim . .. llm. P. II n ... (' W ii.M'.iii H, M. Hairi-I.jf H II ('allil . , J. '. Ilrailla II. H iillM'n ,., ... Hlilnrj Hinjfll, II, I., Ilullliali I llirlianl IConi'llua llelr Ciiiinljr Court mixiH on Drat wnlnsailay afh-r Hi Mmiila tif evurv nuinlh. Probate Ciiurt mn-ia oil Anil MoihUy (if firry 1111111111. circuit r..iirt mwunn llilnl Miimlav In April am nrai nmi'ift)' in nuvrmiwr. OIIKlliiN CITY nmcKIIM. Imlic IM "f Ci'llll. Mtwtir, .... ltMiitriir. TrMaaiirfr, AMir, ... HdlMNil Miiprint'iiiliiil, , Murvuyir, l.'uriiii.r,.,,, tfotniiilsaiiiners, Mayor. Ili'Curiler, I'lllcf .if pullc, Aaeneeur ami t'tillKlnr. Tnatanrar Illy Ailurii.y, Hire! rontiiilaeliliir, .. Kup'l of M'mrr Worka, rily IciiRliirrr, .Illrain Hin.llit I.. I.. I'mlar f K. Hum K. H. talis . .. II. I.. Il.'lin.n . K. Y. Iirlmie .1'. ' llaiiirk.J W.ll. lli.Wi-l I). W. Klmilanl Ci.iiii.'II -II. O. AM'rlglil, Jr., II. I.. Kelly, t). M iliwiimaii, J. J. I'iaik, K. M. lliiwHI, lliir llri'Uytiiiin, II. K. jHiruHr, II. K. Mtiviia t'lilllicll inii'la tint Wwlmialay tif Mich nwililli, CHU1IC11KH. Pint Congn-aalkMial Church-Rev. M. IMniherly l4alnr. Hervlcea II III. l"l I' Htinday Rnhoiil after inurnlnit amice. Prayer Mi-Win every WlliiHulr evening m s:I1 p. ni. Prayer Marling uf Y. I'. S. I'. K. every Him.lHy evening al H:.KI iniuil. VlrHl Itapllat t'liurrh-ller. Oilman Parker, Paitur M.iruhiK Hervlre II; Humlay Hrliuul l'J:K; Kv.nliig Harvhe lti K'glllar l'nijfir Mn-llllK Vyclnesiliiy availing. Monthly Cuverisiil Mrrllug every Wiiliies. day evening preceding Drat nuiiiiay 111 iiieinonin Kt. Juhn'a Church, tillmllc-llev. A. Ili1llrmnd, Pa.ljir. (In Muntlav. Uhm at H and IO:.D a Kvery Mnniuir tlenuaii Henmni afters o'clia-k Maea. At all olhrr Maeeas KnslMi Hern Humlay Krhn '2::iO D m. Viwirn, Almli'iirtlral Huhjifta ami !" llctlun at Mm p. m. Meiluallat Ri'lacopnl Chiirrh liar. 0. fykn. Piiator. Morning Krivlee al II: rtnn.Ixy K'Uiml ill w:in; I11K Kervlce at Kwurlli League uniting Hull, lay Minting at IliWi I'm) it Mei'llug Thiinalay even ing al attl. Mint Prrahttrrliin Church.-Rev. II. W. Illlwni-y, Paator. Services II a. 111 ami MWp. III. HaliUlh eVhiail III a. in. Y. P. rl. (1. K. linHa evvry Humlay ncllhiK Hi .:. I'myrr ll-llliin nlunnUy rvrliliig Hnu. Hi-aurma. Kvaiiilloal i?liurch Ofnuaii A. Knial. 1'aat'ir Prfarhllig narvlcM evry alliTiialH Humlay 11 a. m, ami 7 :UI n m. Hahhalh Hrhixil rrr Billi'lnT 10 a III. (J. llarrUlxirgrr, Hupl.) Wimkly Prayer Meeting evary Wetlnualay evening. United Brethren Clnirc-U. Ile. P. II. Wllllama, Pantor. Kurtloea flrnl ami Ihhil Humlay niiirliliiir ami tha pneecdlng Hatllnlay miillt III earn niuuili al UreKn City II a. in. alio 1 I). 111 , ami Ilia lira eiin- U attemuuD Oleacu inunin at ranr new. HI. Panl'a Chnrrh. KdImiuwI Hrr. 1. A. Kckntrom. panlur. Hervlcea every Huuilay l II a. ra. anil M p. in., aim rnuay evening al i:hi p. 111. Evangelical Lutheran Zlnn ('uigregnlloii. Iter. L drey, paatiir. Meeli In Shlvrly'l hall. Humlay n h,Hil from 0:w I'l I0;.l a. 111. Hervlcea IIISla aiul7::nip. in. BOCIKTIKP. r.ll. fit. fjtfluf of A. 0. IT. W.-Mneta every Hat. unliiy venlnK of earh month In A. O. II. W. I1.1II on Hevenlh Hreet. All anjounillig brethren ninllally hilll to alteml. Tliiuuu (iault; M. W. U. T. Whltlock, ll'. Pin Iron I-iIk, No. I.W, A.O. TJ. W.-Meeta eeery Tlillnnliiy evening al win reuiiw mm, pa"-a". Vlaltlng brethren alwaya welcome. J. U. CannplH-ll, H. W. H. Slrauaa. Kec. Mulalla Lwllto. No. itt, A. 0. V. W.-Mi'cta Brut anil thlnl Halllnlaya In each llionth al Kthwil llmiae, Vlaltlng nicmben nmile welcome. T. 8. Hllii, l. W. J. VV. Tliomaa, Km. Havel Loilie. No. M, A. 0. U. W. Mei'la aeconil ami llilnl Halunlay evenliina al Knlljlil'l Hall, Can by. Vlaltlng lirolhera maile welcome. A. II. Hhank, M. W. K. K. Carlton. Keo. Clnokiiraaa Lmlge, No. Kt, K.O.V. W. Meeta drat anil Ihinl Mumlnya In each Hlrlte'a Hall, Vlaltlng brethren welcome. H. Ilnlcomli, M. W. 0, K. Peaae, Itec. Hnnrlae IaxIki'. bo. , A. 0. V. w. Meela avery aanoml and fourth Halunlay of each month at WII- aonvllle, Oregon, Max Hchulplua, M. W. I), T. Tooie, kve. tlresnn Loilire. No. II, I 0.0. T. Meela everv Thumlay eveuiug at 7:i o'clock p. m. In the Odd rellowa' Hull, Main llreel. Memliera of the Order are Invited to attend. J. W. Molfall, N. (1. Thua. K. Kyan, !(. 8. Falla Kucampraent, Nc I, I. 0. 0. P. Meeta Ural and third Tueaduya uf each mnntli at Odd Kelhiwa' Hall. Membere and vlaltlng palriarcha corillnlly In vited to attund. 0. laivejny, Chief latriurvh. J. A. Htewaat, Scribe. Oawego Loilga, No. Kl, 1. 0. 0. f.-Meeta at 0.1.1 Te. low'a Hall, Oawego, every Monday eveulng. Vlaltlng brethren made welcome. W. J. Phlnauie, N. U. J. r. Uialey, Bee. Willamette Bebakah Penree Loilite No. .Meela Ilia aectind and fourth Mondays In the month at 7 :H0 In the I. O. O. r hall, Mary M, Ulianuan, N. U. Minnie 11. Charman, Hec. Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, A. F. It A. M Ita regular comimililcatlona on tint and third iiatlirdaya of each inonlhal7ilOp. 111. Brethren In giaal ataml lug are I11vil.1l to altend. I.. L. Porter, V. M. T. F. Hyan, Hec. Oawego Lmlge No. 101, A. V. X A. M. Meeta the aecoml and fourth gaturdaya. Maioua invited. I. B. Ileea, W. M. E. J. lluaaell, Sleo. Claekaiuaa Chapter No. 8. K. A. M -Ri gnlar con vocation third Monday of mouth ul 7:.KI p. lu. J. II. Walker, II. P. M. Hcliulplna, Hw. Pioneer Chapler, No. W, 0. E. 8. Meela in Ma onlo Temple. Mra. II. H. Htraugo, W. M. Miaa Ad dle C. Jennings, See. Willamette falla Camp No. 148, W. of V. Meeta aecoml and fourth Tueadaya of the month at K. of P. hall. Vialting nclfthbora welcome. K. M. Knnda, 0. C. K. E. Martin, Clerk. Waucheno lAHlge, No. 13, I. 0. H. M. Meeta Mon day eveulng nt A. t. V. W. Hall. Vlalllng members oorillally invited. 1. II. Ho ward, Hnclmiu. Mwle Poat, No. 2, 0. A, It., Deirtment of Oregon. Meeta flrat Monday of each month at A.O. t. W, Hall, Oregon City. Viailiug comrade made wel. ' cume. W. II., Cm. C. II. Wllllama, Adj. General Pope Port, No. K, 0. A. K.-Mei'ta fln,t Haturday of each ln.iuth at Uraugc hull, Mulillo. t:.imru.k' conllnlly InvlM. 1. K. Nt'laoll, t'.'iii niaiider, II. W. Khaw, Adjutant. Uen. Ur.ik Poat, No. US, (1. A. B., Houarlnient of Oregon. Meeta ill achool huuae at Needy ou fli-al Bat urday In each month al t o'clock p. m. All com. raiioa made welcome. Jacob Mpogle, Com. J. Kur atailer, Adj. Blende Belief Corp", No. 1, Heparlmenl of Ore gun. MeeU on flrat and third Krluaya of each month In K. of P. Hall. Mrmbera of corpa from abnwd cordially welcomed. Mra. M. S. Hllsbury, Prea, Mra. K. L. Cochran, Treaa. Mra. J. B. I'lirding.Heo, Hona of Veteritna. E. D. Baker Camp, No. 18 Meet brat and third Thuraday eveninga ol each month. W K. Johnaon. ('apt. U. O. Wood, lat Lieut. Alonxo W ll kham, 2d Lieut. I. A. 8. of Baker ftmp. 8 of V. Meela 111 K. P. hall on rcrond and Inurlli Monday eveninga of each month Mra. W. K. Johann, Prea. Mba Nora CnlifT, Hecy. Achillea Lodga, No.:W, K.of P. Meeta every Fri day night at the K. of P. hall. Viailiug klllghta Invited. B, L Hulniau, C. C. F. J. Louia, K. of 11.111. Star Lodge No. 95, K of P. Meeta every Wednea day evening In Caatle hall. Brotliera invited. J. F. Ilialy, C. 0 Thoa. Neilaon, K. of K A S. Canliy Lodge, No M4, 1. 0. 0. T. Meets Ural and third Halunlay eveninga at Knlghl'a Hull, Canby. Viailiug niembera always made welcome. II. J. Cox, W. C. T. Mias Laura Knight, 8eo. Oawego Lodge No. 448, I. 0. 0. T. Meeta every Friday evening lu new hall lu old town. J. ( . Hninra, 0. T. John Kniae, Deo. F Comiamy, Flrat Rei ., 0. N. 0. Armory, Third and Malu. Hrgular drill night, Monday. Jtegular hualneaa meeting, Ural Monday of each month. J, W. Uanoug, Capt. F. g. Kelley, Firat Lieut. L. L. Picaana, Hecotid Lieut. Canby 8plrltuallsl Society, Aasemhles on flrat and third Hundaya of each month. H. A. Lee, Prea dent. Mlaa Hattle Plilllipa, Reconllllg Secretary. New Era W. C. T U Meeta II rat Saturday in each nontll at tholr hall ll. New Kra. of llie canae Invited to lie preaent. Mra Carey Johnaon, Mrs. Kaatulan, Pres. St. John's Branch, No. I7, C. K. of A. Meeta very Tueeday evening at their hall, corner Main and Tenth streets, Oregon City. T. W. Sullivan, Pres. II, C. Michela, Hec. Oregon City Board of Tnule Meets at Court llonae on aeeond Monday in each month. Viaitora w. Icome. (Jso. V. Biownell, Prea. F. S. Doualdaun, Bee Canby Board of Trade Meets at Kniicht't flail, Canby, on flrat and third Fridays of each month. Viaitora waloorae. Win. Knight, Fn. 8. J. GarrL n,8ea. Mulalla Grange. No. 40, P. of H. Meats at their lull at Wright's Bridge on Ihe second Saturday of aeh month at ltt a- n. rei low members mads wslume. J. F. Nelson, Master. C. II. Cooper, See. Tualatin Giange, No. HI, P. of H. Meets iaal Satur day of each mouth at their hall in Wibunviile. ji, B, Henry, Master. Miaa Beda Sharp, Sec. Warner orange. No. 11", P. of H.-Meet fonrlll Saturday of each month at their ball lu New Kra. C. 0. W illiams, Maater. Mi Maggie Brown. Sea. Bolt Creek Grange. No. 82, P. of H Meets at their kail la Mart nam second Saturday In tacb nun lb at IV a. av Viattinf memliers always welcome. J. St. W bite, Maater. J. S. Jack. See. Oawego Grange No. ITS, P. of II.-Meeta aeean4 Hatarriay la mouth at 10 a. m. O. Kama, Master. i. y. Gage, See. Damaacoa Graogs So. Ji. P. of H Meets aa flral Hatarday ia atonlh a lu a. m. in Itamaarns srhcad bonaa 8. Toong, Msster. T. H. Feathers, Hee. Mlatletoe Lodge No. 91. D. of H.-M-ets every jxary macaioni, v. ' EVENTS OF THE WEEK Tim Cki.kiiiiatihn at Oiikuhn City. Tlie t'ttli'lirgiii n of t lit Kounli lironuli aeveml IIiiiiisiiiiiU nf meii, wuinnii anil Lliililren In Dri'tr. n City from I'.irihiml anil llw I'oiuil y rniiinl uliniif, Nnlliiiiii iHiticri"! In iniirr llm liuriiiunr hihI it'ioil liiiimir lliui iiii'vitilnl liiHiilm ami am nils ilrHiu'il hmIi IhiiiiIhk m-ru nil iniTiiiiH ulmiK Main Htritt. Tim Miivural ali'ilinliiMIlM nil llm I'lirllitiiil rnilli Mini llit KhM Hull, motor liiiiu'drrinil tlimnif liui'k mul d.rili. The iir.H'.'ai-ioii mill iiiiishi tl in (rnni ( llm (,'utlinlli! I'liiiiili ul I lie river. Mind Kvmm yniiiiK Imly n( hIi.iiii I.') aiiitiriiiTM, rt'i lleil tliu 1'iM'lurnllnii ni'H In iiiHiimir iiiipxiiuIIoiI, hihI Mr. Kiiltnn'H urulimi wuh wortliy nf llm hcchmIiim unci tliu lurK HHafiiibliik'o, Tim raceg In Hie dlliTiKNin rtiHiillml h fnilitws) : big rolling IC'ihm Hpi'iicer Climi, Rii)n i tr M, Win, Arilinr .') I. II Uranium 4th, CmiiH) nif Cliimili nml Cuinpliell 1st, Kflly mill Milliiilu 21. Hwlniinlni nii'e u. i HiiaMHii t. (;. Hnii(!t)r '-M Sawlnif rut' H. Hiii'iienr 1st. C Hpe-nour .M. zaiy tril iIiimIi w. hi. Mnv !t. V. I'riw Uil. Fut inun'a rnt'ti 8. it. lirt'i'n IhI, Hiipt. liilimin I'll. I'nlittu rHio 0. I'hiihIIuii IhI, K. I'riie IM. 100 yard iIhhIi J. C. Krnst 1st. Uliiluule ntcr K. K. Mullen Int. K. I'tlre LM. 'i, milt) liii'vclt) rarp, liinlti'il In Chiikiiinns county iiidii M. J. I.pu Ihi, itnlil nu'ilul; IIiirriHUiirifi'r L'iI, Hllvur meilitl. A mile mini rnre In ('liirkainua liriilifo Hint re lurii llarrialiprtfor 1st with hnniJirap of two minute, .McKee 2.1 with liamlivap of .'I miiiulei, Kriuur .'Id (oorKlcliinan). J. It. Ilniiiilircy with liamlirap of 3!4 iniiinit'H, urn IIiiih nin.lti hy trn.or Ana I") niinuli'H anj A hochiiiU, ami hy liiirrisuprifi'r (ifii'luilinif liiiinlicup) was III mil) it ten ami H amumU. I lone enn- ii'Ht Catiirui'la 1st, 01 1-5 aecomla; 0. ll. A I... 2.1,01 -1-5 HPt'omla: roiintaln lloiiit, Hi accnmla. A Mudki. Fiicit Kaiim. I'. I'. Moroy followinif iileaa of liia own nn liia fin in ni'iir OHWPgo. With Ihe ol.jtmt of U'stint; whut prnllt tin-re is In tlin " red apiilu for vililrli Ori'tion was but liltltt vihilp Bi;o fiimmiH, Im liua ilinileil IKK) aiMile IreeH. llu-y ait) iHliiaffare fully eiirnyeil ami llie cultivation nf llm pntaloPH Lift wren the rows knepa llm wee Is down anil llm anil In. we. All llm ytiiiiK Ireca Inuk licilthy ami viiruroim and a vtry fw years hence Mr. Morey will be aliipuliiu IlioiisamJs ol boxea of apples. One of the attractive fea inrt'H of llm ealale is a liot- ImiiHe li, led with rare ami be.tiiti fill plaiila and llowera; another Is ih HpacioiiH park, a atrctt'li of wootllitml cleared of briiHh and fallen trees and sown lo kru"H 8!iaded paths ami liravele 1 varriaKe roads lead Jirouuh this, HloiiK t lie snlea ol w Inch one on serves here and there circular flower beds. Spring's are handy to quench Ihe rambler's llurxt. The farm is in clinruu nf Mr. linvvar, a profesHional liorticiil turiHt, and 10 men are at present em plnyed in clearing and ifruhbinif. The view from the brow ol the hill back of the alopiiiK area of the li orchard is well worth Ihe toil of p. climb up an in illerent windiiik'p itli. It takea in the river on either hand, the squares of meailnw ami iilowe.l laml, the hoiiHes neslliui! auiniiK ureen trees, and on leur day tiivesyou a diiripseof East orliiiiKl. I.OCAF. NEWH ITKM8, Circuit anil county coiirls In ieaslon on Thursday. Married July lat, Win. A. Krnst am) raniiie M. limiler. Iiiiiii'e at Anthony's hall, New Kra, naiunniy vvitnintf M. J HriMlerlrk t'loaed his salisin on the ,'WHi of June. Mr, (iilliniiHtin left Mnndiiy evmiinK ny ntesmer lor Ualilornla. Ai'li.ill enliired : Jiireuil ill I' Onil verse vs lloshea) Ualloii, judgmunl The nllli's of Justice Klin ir Dixon Is over Mr. Mi Kittrick's sluwlorH. No trains here on Wednesday; train up iiiursiiay iiiorninv at u:.hi. Mcense to wed Issued July LM to Bertha A. Iean and Tom A. Hoots. Col J. II. Killilan of the I'ortlaud Dii patch was amoiiK the visilora here on the rourih. Mra. Clifton Callahan of died on Kalnrday eveninif Inst at U o'clock, aged 00 years. A cmnnlalnt was filed July 31 lv J. W. Trullimttir aicuinst J. . Williains and Iiavnl Harris. Last week the W. P. A P. Co. received a uiillstmie for the wood pulp ifrindera welhliit 4000 pounds. Mr, and Mrs. Moses Hull will ppeak at Ihe npiiltiialist camp meet imr open ing at new r.ra on inu in Olllcer Hoss Pm-ncer has enlered with vim into his new business of serving umuions, complaints, et cetera. Jim Edmunds, niiflit foreman at oaner mill, lelt in latter part of last week lor the liig Nestucca in quest of recreation On Friday last. Willie Lok-us fell lown 15 feet from the hay mow In the SPECIAL COUNTY COURT SESSION The county court convened In special aeaaiim on June 2Sth, cnncliidiiiif, on salur.lay, llm IIiiih. In remird lo coiinlv warrants IhsiihU prlur to July 1, iHIM.and still reinalnlou iinpiild, II is orilurml Dial Ihe clerk du'y iiverne them. Ordered that the chirk Issue a war rant for 7 ,'10 In favor ol W II Itnru; hardt for the relief of John (iurbmle, soldlir. Ordered dial clerk issue a warrant for H'i lo W II lluruhardt for burial ex Dense of Cnn Iiiiinel, Iniliii'iit soldier Claim allowed nf llamshaw & lleinn if l 10 for work on Ahernethy road. Approved and ordered that Ihe clerk Issue a warrant in favor of John w Meldrum for til H7 lo iiilmhurse him for money expended. Ilou'ds approved 0 F Horton. county clerk ; of 8 M Itamaby, recorder of con vet Hiices: of Kit C Miiddock, slier i IT: of I) W Kiunaird, county surveyor; ol U I. Ilolman, coroner. Ordered thai the clerk Issue a warrant of $ IH7 Ml in favor of Amos Cahlll for lumber furnished for Oregon City and Apperson road. It appearing to the court thai no liniment taxes Mill remain unpaid for Ihe years IHK7, ISHH, 1HKII, IH!K), 1HIU and 1HD2. It is ordered l int the cloik Issue a warrant in due form nf law for the col lection of said taxes. Ordered I lint Ihe clerk Issue a warrant in favor of J K Ithoades, of f 100 in pay ment of balance due him for completing Ihe township maps. The clerk ordered to have said township maps bound. I lies l) I'aUilock allowed a poll lax rebate of f.'l. Claim nl owod of f''75 of Western Wheel & Hcraper Co, for road scraper. Approving of M L Moore s bond us bam on Mr. Morey's farm and broke his county treasurer lain over till July term I Tub Potato Businkss. A farmer w ho ins made potatoes a specially, and has miiicutlly prospered thereby, states that of all tliimts the 8an Francisco market for potatoes is most mi staple. grower here may learn Irom Ihe printed qui.lulions Hint the price is good Prisco. lie ships a lew hundred sacks and when, after a few weeks, his returns come they may consist of a bill lor storage ol his consignment that rot led on the wharf and was dumped into Ihe bay. sometimes, the hundreds of shipments arriving In San Francisco almost ut Ihe same, time ut tit the market, and then the price goes down to nothiiiir llie Calilornia climate be ing warm, the sacked potatoes, piled up our ol tioors pernaps, sprout ana de teriorate and it is not long before they are unlit for human consumption. The crop of 1S03 1894 has brought a large proportion ol Ihe potato farmers little se than experience, notwithstanding large areas have again been planted, be cause one crop sold at a good lijpire balances two years ol a bottomless arket. The duly the farmer owes mselfthal raises pitaioes is to read ctretuiiy the market quotations In Poilland and San Francisco p ipers, a nd it is of no less importance that he pro dure a superior article. hi TlIK ClIAUTAUqtlA CaMP.UON. A tllOUS. and seats lire ready on the grounds at Gladstone Park fnr the meeting of the Chautauqua Circle. The East Side motor line has given special fates nnd agrees to put m incandescent lights on the ground. A S. Dresser will have chame nf the orchestra. July 24 ill will be Sunday School Day, for ynung people's societies, etc. ; July 23' h, Patiintic Day, for Ihe (i. A. It. and kindred orders; July 2iilli, Educational Day. Prof. Oiay, Supt. II. S. Uibson and Rev. (i W. Uiboni y form a committee to work up an interest among schools, colleges, teachers, etc. This Chautauqua assem bly promises to he the greatest and besl advertising medium for Oregon City's resources and beauty ever organized or devised. Everybody in favor of edu cation is interested in Chautauqua. Sev eral musical clubs and bands of music are expected. Col. K A. Miller makes a splendid chairman of the Executive Hoard. The following committee on entertainment has been selected to look after distinguished guests and find them suitable stopping places: Mrs. J. W. Norris, Mrs Sidney Smyth, Miss May Kelly, Mrs. Laura E. Pope and Mrs. M L. Driggs The speakers, of course, are the city's guests. Closing E.xkhcisks. The closing ex ercises of St. John's school to)k place at Shively's hall on Monday evening. The house was tilled and the audience evidently enjoyed the different parts of l he programme The operetta, ''Grand pa's Ilirthday," in which the smaller childlen took part, was rendered In a mnnner which reflected great credit on the teachers who trained them The drama, "My Aunt's Heiress," ihe char acters of which wi re impersonated by the older scholars, was also well played. Miss Mattie Draper's performance on t lie violin wat excellent, as was the oilier instrumental music. The grand chorus by the pupils was b)th delightful and impressive. At the close Arch bishop Ciross delivered an oh hand ad dress in which he praised the teachers and Father Hillebraod for the thorough manner in which they had trained and instructed the pupils of St. John's school. arm near the wrist. Cliflon Lewthwaite and Miss Lois Riebhotr were married at the residence of the bride s father at Logan on Tliurs day last by Kuv. f. II. Organ. It is believed that the highwaymen who robbed the peddlers near Molalla were two of the numerous convicts liberated by Governor Pennoyer. Charles Porter lias disposed of hie milling interests at Jleppner and ac cepted Iho proposal to build a (louring mill al Drewsy, I'iitlio, with a bonus of f200U. Julius SchnllK, an Irish gentleman from Hamburg, has entered into part' nership with Mr. Klynn in the butcher Ordered that the clerk is'iiu a warrant of 10,1.27 in lavor of lien U Irwin & Co, for records. In Ihe matter of the apportionment of thecouiiiy road fund : It appearing to Ihe court lhat the road land, as paid lo the treasurer by Die sherill, was segre gated among live separate districts, the tax roll for ISil.'l having heen made previous to Ihe redislrictiog of ti n county into suitable and convenient road districts at the January term. 1891 of this court, at w hich time Ihe county was divided into only four road districts, instead of five as heretofore; it is there' fore ordered by ihe couit that the treasurer transfer all the sums paid InU his hands as belonging severally to business, Mr. Janney having departed five rond districts into a general road (or the East A son of Mr. Stevens of Canby, a boy about l.'l, last week rode to Portland on his "wheel" in four hours, the distance heing 22 miles. He rays he wasn't much tired either. Will Green will move his barbershop into the place recently vacated by A Walker a palntshon, next door to J. A Buck's store. It will be nicely llxed up ami be a dandy shop. Polk Gribble, one of ihe pr iininent farmers of needy, was In the city last week. Hops in mat vicinity nave not lor many years had so promising an up peitranceal this season ul the year. Ernest Rands is one of the surveying crew of Elliott w Barrows, who lelt last week Thursday morning for the foothills of the Cascade townships for the government laud do partmeut. R Q Jones was sent to jail for 12 days lust Saiurdav for stealing on the train coming from the south the overcoat of R. Mcknight. Jones had the money to pay his 2'i line but he preferred to weal It out. Messrs. Boehine & Hesse have laid out 100 acres of land they purchased from Clarence Porter, situate about three miles from the city, in 10-acre tracts, which they will sell on the installment plan. L A. Nobel, of the Depot saloon, last week received seven barrels of old sour Mash whisky direct from the govern ment bonded warehouse at Louisville, Kv. : the "straight stuff." way ahead of the decoctions ol I'ortlantl liquor dealers. I. II. Amos of St. Andrew's Brother hood, Portland, will conduct services at fund for the county, and it is further ordered by the court that the treasurer shall pay from said general road fund all warrants duly aulhorixed and drawn upon said road fund. Mileage and per diem ol county com missiouers: C Hair, 3 days and 28 miles, fit 80; R Scott, 4 dava and 18 miles, i:i 80. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- V II Vttuglmn to May T Frazer, te ' of sw 'o of sec 2:t, ne M of nw i of sec 211, r 4 s. r e, hu as; ?i. O V Hihbard lo D 1' McUarthy, I02?i as in sec 2'), t o s, r I e : ij.xio. COT Williams to F A F Whfto, lots 1 and 2, blk 00, Oregon City ; tl. John Coberg nuit-cluim to II F Met racgo to survey two faf( ot o Hn, pBrt of lot 7, blk 40, Oregon City ; f 1. II 1' Mctcnll to John Coberv. same: eloOO. Charles Moehnke, undi ol lots 10 and 11, blk 8, Pleasant Hill add; 150. Sunset Laud Co to Sarah A Davis, lot 3 of hik 0, Sunset City ; :)i)0. COT William to Jennie E White, lots 3 and 4, blk 00, Oregon City ; f 1 . G C Ely to Allen Frost, lots 4 and 5. Heckart'a addition to Oregon Citv; 250. J P Ollield lo li B Scramling, 100 of Wm Ollield claim Nj 42; 1150. T M Cross to pred lleuke. 00 as in sec 32. 1 1 b, r 3 e. V7 P Chi loot e to T M Cross, com at se cor Bee 32, 1 1 s, r 3 e, n 1 10 rds, w 82 rds, 8 110 rds, e 82 rds; $1. A Sommer to U Rosenthal, lot a 3 4 5 and 8 in section 17, t 2-s.r 8; P OD atr 2800. Kosetta A Ueardorll to Trlllu C Malcli, lot 7 in blk 0, Pleasant Place add to Or Dairy thaesoniaklnf. After the milk la properly ripened heat It to 83 degrees in the summer nnd 81 in the spring and full during cool weather. After the proper heat U attained add the rnunot in quantity to coagulate milk in from 80 to 60 uiinutea. Then cut the curd In cobes of about three-eighths of an inch each, then stir ffontly 10 to 15 min utes, then apply heat, alowly at first, and raise the heat to from 00 to 03 degrees, when the heat can be raised rnpidly to 08 degrees, when the whey can be drawn. Then stir the enrd gently nntll It begins to pack. When sufficient acid i developed In the enrd and cooled down to 85 degrees, grind and aalt about 2, pounds of aalt to 1,000 pounds milk. Then the curd Is put to press. Apply the pressure grad ually until the whey Is Dressed oat The cheese should be In press about 2i hours. The cutting room should be of a uniform temperature of about 70 degreea. After cheese Is properly cured, If not market ed, it should be placed in a cooi room so the curing process will be retarded. Cur ing rooms should be bo constructed that the temperature can be invariably kent i iroin oo to w degrees. Farmers' In stitute Quostion Box. Cleaning a New Chum, A new churn should alwava be soaked for several days before it is used, and if It is perfectly tight when this is done tne bolts should be loosened, or else it will warp and get out of shape. Some manufacturers stencil this instruction right on the churn, and yet many butter makers neglect this simple precaution. If not soaked well, the first churning are apt to get a woody taste. Many are tne uinerent ways of soaking, some rec ommending this, that and everything, but cold water will absorb most flavors u changed often, yet I should prefer the following method: Soak in cold water for 24 hours, changing two or three times, then churn for an hour with a solution of some weak alkali (powdered ye or lime), then rinse with boiling hot water, and if at hand soak for 24 hours with clean flavored buttermilk or sour skimmilk, repeating this if practical. After that wusb the churn as usual, as, for instance, by first rinsing with cold water, then churning for 10 minutes with boiling hot water, and if steam is available steam It sufficiently to make me ennrn hot enough to dry itself, Dairy Messenger. "Only the Scars Remain," Says IIknoy Hudson, of tha James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Itiladolphla, li., who certU flea aa follows: " Among tla many testlmonla als which I see In regard to cer- ,r-iiii meuicines r li N v. y V p r f o r m 1 a g i a Decreasing Butter Yield. 1 wtah to ask yon a question lo regwl to the yield of butter. We are running a oo-ODeratlve crramerr. pay according to Uabcock test All through tha winter we made lire pounds of butter to 1(0 pounds of milk. About tha mid. die of February our yield betao to drop off until now It Is down to 4,40; the milk testa leas. The patrons are feeding Jut the same aa in tne winter, is the milk poorer In butter fat In the spring months than lo the winter! Or wdm ii the trou tiler Klmwood Crsumeht. If in addition to giving the yield of ouiter tne actual test had been added. we might have found some defect in skimming or churning to account in part lor the decreased butter returns. There is no reason for a decreased per cent in butter fat unless there has been an addition of fresh cows, or the cows nave been more exposed in the cold spring rains and winds. It is well worth while to notice these things and Investi gate their causes. The Babcock test ought to put you in the way of making rome discoveries. If all the herds are not affected in the same way, make a, note or me ainerent conamons. uoara Dairyman. The San Francisco IVeeklu Bulletin and the Coubikr for $3 to cash in ad vance subscribers. The Dailu Bulletin and CorniKR one year for $5, cash in ad vance. The xOaify Bulletin'i regular price is fo per annum. St. Paul's Episcopal chumh Sunday oily ; I.'I00. morniiiK. Air. Amos is a layman out makes a very interesting talk on practi cal Chiistianily. Come and hear him. If Mr. Fitch of Portland is not satis fied with the 15 cents C. E- Nash gave hi in for Fourth of July oration at Wright's Springs, the CorRiKR will one him a bill of $1 to collect from Nash (or posters. Will Mr. Fitch please answer? Mrs. C. H Dye la one of the most untiring workers In the Uhautauqua cause, and if the "assembly" becomes the magnificent success which II prom ises to be, her friends may justly credit her with a very large per centage of the success. Mr. Heinz of Macksburg reports that Ihe outlook for a large crop of hops is good, but not for a good price. He con tracted his at 11 cents, a figure which not now offered. However, il is too early to tell what (he financial outcome will be of the season's work. George Swope, It. L. Hnlman and II. II. Johnson have been appointed hy the county judge appraisers of the estate of James Wise, and John Wise ppninted administrator; eighth annual nirt of W. W. lrvin, guardian ol minor heirs of J. I3ituer, placed on file. Mr. Frey tag's venture as a market gardener on the Uinearson place has one lisconruging feature, which Is thai lie inniit supply the J 8 Purdon to Max Sculpins, 30 as of J O Swallord claim in t 3 s, r 2 e ; $3000. Amanda Porter to Mona Porter, prop erty at Canemah; f 100. Fred A Ely to C W Schoenleber. 15 as of 8 D Francis claim, 13 a, r 2 e ; tOOO. CANBY ITEMS. vegetables. His success is bo unmis takable and assuring that next year he will launch out In Ihe business on a much larger scale He. is experiment ing with a patch of sweet potatoes. Mrs Peter Miller died here on June 10th and -Mrs. Susbaner June 24th. Quite a number of the farmers around here will cut their wheat for hay on account of the smut. Oats and hay look well and potatoes are making a vigorous growth. O. V. Sturgess' house whon finished will cot about $1200. Mr. llalsman is building a barn of 50x75 feet, and W . Hrown a new house near the village. Camp meetingclosed July 2d. Fifteen repentant sinners have joined the church and accepted salvation in Jesus. Mr. Draunan has traded his property here for property in Gladstone. J." A. Cox has started his dragsaw and will rut about 4(H) cords of wood for the railroad company. LETTER LIST. The following is a list of letters re- great demand (or maining at the Oregon City postoffice for the week ending July 5, 1894, uncalled for: Abernathey, Wm Gregory, F D Bauthon, Mrs Clara O'eConnor, John Brooks, Minnie E Piddle, Prof. N N Brooke, Lonnie Chase, Mrs M Gibnon, John Nekokd Mail 8rrvicb. Notwith- ntanllnu tha fuel tlmf thu (iaftran nnat- iiffi.a ru,.m-afl omul, ileal nf mai I mat. Gray, Bros ter, it has but one mail service a week, Gregory, B while Dn'er has ttro, Cherry villa three nd Highland six. This is an unfair incrimination against the patrons of he George office, who have petitioned he department for two services per week, lo which Ihey i?re entitled. Ross, Ferd Shuck, Nettle Shannon, J L Welch, John Weisiz, Wm When calling for these letters please ay "advertised, fi. Al. Hands, f. i CoNTKiii'Tini.R. The event of Ihe cel ebration at Wrights Springs was the oration by Mr. Fitch of Portland, which as a splendid effort. Notwithstand ing, the lessees of the ground refused to pay nun any more than lo cents, anil a collection was made by the assemblage nd presented to Mr. Fitch. Ihe man agers of the celebration have ample rea son to feei deeply ashamed. At Sandv. Sheriff Maddock, Assess or Bradley and Mr. Noblitt, Sr., drove lo Sandy on the Fourth, where about 2-"00 people ere assembled to partici pate in the celebration. Mr. Brownell was to have been there also to deliver the oration, but on Ihe 2d instant he was taken sick snd in accordance with the orders of his physician remained at home next dar and also on the Fourth and fifth. To fill the vacancy in the programme. J. a. Freeman, a school t acher, uYlivered a li inintite address containing many good points, and marking him as a man of ability. Bail Rkditeu. James Drake, col ored, was brought before Judge Hayes flora : on halunlay under a habeas corpus writ TaMMlaT vs nlna lijr, be. i ny ins attorneys, .iesr. Mory ami Columbia Ha and Laddvr . am n- , Kmearson. Itli the object of reducing da; aaek avoatk al Funataia Kaglat M""- ' Trrnlaua. rrrm. - - - " llrowa, Sac- Poaeuia H,wc Gi, So. 1 Wu aaarood WadixwlaT ! i a aJl month at Eein House, aat svt Main Krrrt. sHias Mreatn and Kifhth. Hiraai Straight, Prse. at. r. goieri. fuiaaiaa. i. W. Win, See. Cataract " Co. . i. M " arwi i Taiday-HT earh monUi at tlatarMt Enfina Hoaae. Frank Lrwia, rna. D. W- Klnaair. fdiisaa H. I. Taora. See. Oraf a Crrr H- Co, He. J H ia Rose H ; mm the mil tb third TaiaT el earn awata. T. S. Lawraejca, frae. MUIT, Paaa. ft. S. ' hiraar. sW- as much as possible the expense to the county of boarding prisoners, and as Drake is poor man, the judge placed his hsii al a rum within his reach, $100, which he furnished. If the woman in the rase was also arrested and put nnder bail. justice's scales would more nearly balance. Quart fruit jars 6Sc per doz. ; gallon ftV per dex., at Rellomr A Burii. The July Midland Monthly, published at Des Moines. Iowa, Is well named "A Midsummer-Reading Number," for, while it contains several full-page por traits and profusely illustrated descrip tive articles, it also has more reading matter and a greater number and va riety of articles than has any previous number. Besides Col. Keatley's re freshing "Life Among the Alaskans;" Miss Lowater's out-door sketch of Lake Pepin Scenery ; tne editor's trip from London to Antwerp; Mrs. Hawley's illustrated paper, "American Pottery," and Commissioner O'Bleness' talk on employment bureaus, there are a num ber of contributions of intrinsic and literaiy merit suitable for vacation read ing - ' Water Caaismrri Can pay their rent to T. L. Charman, secretary, at his office, room 5, Charman B"T. block. Do you know, my friend, that Johnnie the Barber gives jf'io shave fur 10 cents and s hair-cut for 25 cents. done in the best style of the tonsorial art? The Electric- Hotel. A horse kicked H. S. Shafer, of tho Freemyer House. Middlehurg, N. Y. on the knee, which laid him up in bed- and caused the knee joint to become stin. A friend recommended him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did, and in two days was able to he around. Mr. Shafer lias recommended it to many others and says it is excel lent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. This same remedy is also famous for Kb cures of rheumatism. For sale by G A. Harding, druggist. w V. H. Nelson, who is in the drug busi ness at Kingville, Mo., has so much con fidence in Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrlxea Remedy that he warrants every bottle and offers to refund the money to any customer w ho Is not sat isfied after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doing this because the remedy is a certain cure for the diseases for which it is intended and he knows it. It is for sale by G. A.Harding, druggist. A Valuable Cheat. Tacoma, Wash. I have used your Sim mons Liver Legulator and can conscien tiously say it is the king of all liver med icines, I c insider it a medicine chest in ilself Geo. W. Jackson. Your drug gist sells it in powder or liquid. The powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. To prevent fits and cor.vullions during Say. if you want to clear some land 10 acres or more, and take your pay In iiierToflUlfeTter see E. 0. Hackett at once, at sheriff's office, before it is all taken. Only 25 acres of choice river bottom left for some good mau who wants a home. First come first served. Take a plunge in Captain Bnndy's oatnnouse at the sandbank. Special ac coinmodations for ladies and children. LOCAL SUMMARY. We manufacture an excellent article in ice cream. Call at the Novelty and satisfy yourselves. Prescriptions carefully compounded et w. a. tiaruing's nrug store. The Cincinnati Weeklu Enauirer and the Oiikoon CoimiKR, both one year to cash in advance subscribers for only (2 50. The Enquirer is a 10-page paper wnose regular price is l per year. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent 21 Merchants' exchange, nan Francisco is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in bis office. Weekly Examiner and the Courikr one year, cash in advance, $3.10. Daily Examiner and Courikr, cash in advance, fH.SU. Weekly San Francisco Chronicle and the Uoiirikr, cash in advance, one year, $8.10. Received at Charman & Son's a large invoice ol wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. For job printing go to the Cour eb olfice. La w v khs' Brikfs a mi Foi.dkiib printed at tne uoubikr ollioe. Teacher's monthly report cards for sale at the Courier office, 50 cents a 100 To Rent A barn near Main street Inquire at Courikr office. Shaving 10 cents and hair cutting 25 cents, "Johnnie, the Barber," Electric hotel. Ne-v stock of baby carriages just arrived Irom the East, prices below Portland. Come early and get votir choice at lieiiomy an liusch. Stop at the Novelty ice cream parlors for a pure ice cream soda with fruit juices and pulps. A Veteran of the Mexican War. Oak Harhor, Ohio. I met George 0. Moiueny. an old vetean of the Mexican war, on the streets to-day, who told me that after reading about Simmons Liver Regulator he bought a bottle, and th e first ihree doses gave him immediate relief. Geo. Gosline. Your druggist seils it in powder or liquid. The pow der to be taken dry or made into a tea' Impure blood is the cause of innumer able maladies. Hence, one of the great est benefactions to humanity was the discovery of Ayer's Harsaoarilla, which, more than any other medicine, has saved America from becomings nation of invalids. Sometime ago I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I used Cham berlain's Pain Balm and was completely cored. I have since advised many of my friends and customers to try the remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon Goldraum, Han Luis Rey, Cal. For sale by George A. Harding, Druggist. Th I aalt ef a Trial. teething, mothers should always have on : Caxxp.i to, I .id. I have used Simmons hand etrrdmao's Soothing Powders. Fine Sas.ijn f all kiss's at City View "e. Market. Satiifactiss fsarasteei. rtinn A soft, fair skin is the result of pure blood and a healthy liver, to secure which, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the Super ior Medicine. Ladies who rely npon cosmetics to beautify their complexions, shoald make a note of this, bearing io mind that they can't improve npoo na il SCHULTZ. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Liver Regulator, manufactured by J. II Zeilin A Co., Philadelphia, and found that tor indigestion and liver complaint it is the best medicine I ever used E. K. Clark. Your draggist soils it in powder or liquid. The podwer to be taken dry or made into a tea. When the hair begins to tall out or turn gray, the sraln needs doctoring, and we know of no better specific than Hall's Vegetable Hir-ilisn Hair Kenewer. euros, cleansing the blood, etc., none Impress ma more than ny own eas. a xwenty years msSM man at tha arm T,-t B of 18 years, I had swii'llns comn on my lags, which limko mid became run. nlnK sores. Our family phy- slolsn could do ine no good, and It was feared that the bones would be affected. At lust, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Sursaparllla. I took three bottles, tho sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the sears remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of tho good Ayer'a Barsaparllla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am In the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Bar saparllla advertised In all parts of th United States, and always take pleas ure In telling what good It did for mo," Ayer's Sarsaparilla Pi piiri'J by Dr. J.CA)rerCo, Lowell, Maas. Cures others, will oure you BLANKS! BLANKS II BLANKS! 1 1 For Bale at the Courikr office : Mortgage, Filing Covers, Bond for Deed, Promissory Notes, Receipt Books, Warranty Deed, Quitclaim Deed, Circuit Court Criminal Hnhpoens Teachers' Report Cards, Partial Payment Real Estate Contract. Sheriff Summons, Jury Summons, Copy of Summons, Notice to Garnishee, Answer to Garnishee, Subpoena, Writ of Attachmenr, Justloe Subpoeua, civil, Justice Subpoena, criminal Special or private blanks printed on application expeditiously and correctly. FOR SALE. Eighty acres of fine farm land, mostly bottom, on Woodcock creek, Clackamas county, two miles from Meadow Brook postotfice. Throe acres cleared, 12 acres slashed ; good house 20x30. Price $800, of which 1500 must be paid down, bal ance two vears' time. For further par ticulars call at Courier office or address me at V ancouver, Wash. Mrs. Anna Taylor. Chamberlain's Ib the best of all. Vin cent J. Barkl, of Dnnbury, Iowa, lias used Chamberlain s Cough Remedy whenever in need of a medicine ftr coughs and colds, for the past five years and says:' "it always helps me out. If anyone asks me what kind of cough medicine I use, I reply, Chamberlain's, lhat is the best of all." 50c bottles for sale by (jr. A. Harding, druggist. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Notlos. United States Land Oppick. Oreqok City, Ore., May 28, 1804. Notice is hereby given that the ap proved plat of survey of township 6 south, range 4 east has been received Irom surveyor-general of Oregon and on July 10, 1804, at 0 o'clock a.m. of said day. said plat will be filed in this of flee and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said dale. Roiieht A. Mn.i.Kit, Register Pkteb Paquet, Receiver, Notioe. I'nitko Htatp.s Land Oppicr, I Okkuon City, Or., June V, WM. I NoUce la hereby given that ths approved plat of survey of TOWNSHIP 8 BOOTH, RANOK S EAST, has been received from the surveyor gen eral of Oregon, and on JULY 10, 18114, at 8 o'clock a. m. of said date, said plat. will be filed In this office and the land therein embraced will bo subject to entry on and after said date. Notice Is hereby given that the approved plat of survey of TOWNSHIP 8 SOOTH, RANUK 2 EAST, has been received from Ihe surveyor gen eral of Oregon, and on JULY 23, 1H, at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, said plat will be filed In this of fice and tha land therein embraced will be sub ject to entry on and after said date. Notice Is hereby given that the approved plat of survey of TOWNSHIP 8 Bul'Tlf, RANUK 8 EAST, has been received from the surveyor gen eral of Oregon, snd on JULY 28, im, at 9 o'clock a. m. of aald dar, laid plat will be died In this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after aald date. ROBERT A. MILLER, Reglater. PETER I'AQL'KT, Receiver, For Over Fifty Vaars. As Old asu Wsll-Tbiso Risici. Mrs. Win sloar's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suooms. It soothes ths Child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cares wind colic, snd Is the best remedy for Diarrheas. Is pleasant to ths taste. Bold by Druggists In every part of the World. Twenty-ore cents a bottle. Ita valne is ln- ealeulable. Be sure and aak for Mrs. Winatow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind . Oregoa City Market Reps rt. Whiat Per bo. 44 j. bulk I without saoksi Oats- -S2.'!1c f bushel, with sacks. Fhoiia Boiler 12 70 per bbl, net Eoos-12Sc BuTTit.ric a roll, country Vial 6j,c dressed Cbicisss I4g 3 ao adoaen Bur On foot, cows lc; steers te, pat; 4!4c dressed. at ottos 1 5U2 prime sheared: stock sh'p II Bhihoi.cs 2 tbousaod. Labd 12 HeV pound. Hides Oreen.Sc; itj.tayicfttS; ana-third off oreulled. Sheep pelts, 2jAS0e HAV-Tlmolhy, 112. clover 111, baled. DaiED Fatirra- prunes 5e; apples lagSe; very dull. Mill Peso Shorts 117. Bras 11; Chop 11; rejected wheat, SO rents f. bn Pons Sides 12c, shoulders te, bams 12c; on foot te; dressed ISC Potatoes 2T a sack. Onlim-1.2S per 100. Ripans Tabules : for soar stomach. TECOS OHARMA1. lurtyVK: - k V atai r" SHOES FOB OLD ASl) 101X0. KEN'S I W. CAREY JOHNSON, CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS, Oregon City, Oregon. Roal Estate To Bell and Honey To Lend C.I).&D.C.LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE : Commercial . OREGON CITV, Bank Bulldlig, ORE60N. Seventh Street Stable, Ml FKKON & MoKTIMOitl, TROI-Sa Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. FEED OF ALL KINDS IIOUUHT ALL AND KINDS SOLD. Cor. of 7th and J. Q. Adams Sts. Oregon Citv, Or. 00. C. BIOWHU. j BrowncUC. Attcrnsys c Office One Door Nortk i c9 -Uy't D -valor', OREGON CITY, . . ( Noblitt liven ri f OREGON CITY, C Oitkt Strut kitwMi tut Double and slnile rte. tad wajsonhsad at lite low, r. also connected with the bare , Any Information regardl; , promptly attended to by iZal I uoitau Boooar 04 1 maxzz Cun and Le-" Adjoining the Noblla I OREGON CITY. . r All klmla of Unarms reoslraj sal d vi Rwaj maoaiaes repaired. L audi for sll kinds sflscaa. v Pistols boashl sad sa, bicyci-es repaiz::. Holden's Ethereal Cough Syrup A Nerer Fall Inn Remedy, for all THSOAT AND LUNU AFFEOTIONS. Suitable for Old or Youus. MnTAKID BY TBB BOLDEI DBUfJ Co., Stooktoa, OaU old v all Daoooim, SssssssssS S Swift's Specific S S S S s Aw ana Aa a A Tested Remedy For Ml E!::d)d Shin Dice::: A reliable cur for Contagious Blood Polaoo, Inherited scro fula and 8kio Cancer. tonle for delicate Women and Children It has no equal. Beinf purely vegetable, la harm less in Ita efiecte. A trratlm on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed raaa on application. Vniygitt Ml It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 1. Atlanta. Ga. issssssssS s s s s s s s s s s s FRESH SiT CHOICE groceries ft n;.. Obtain your family r; the Grocery, just opened, c : east corner of Seventh r 1 streets. Prices as low as t; Country Prti::s r. Flour and Feed For J. A. DUCX, r. Bank ofOrr:: r 'i HEALTH RESTORER, -tlrp. USEIT! IT! t8 TUB IDEAL MEDICIWg. ll rou'-er thi f-ivrr ard Klitiwa nml Stomach, rurvs ll"inl:uh . I)vt 'I'.ali, cri'titt'S m AtM lite, I'm ilua liu-IiuVure Illuud, and Mnkfi The Weak Strong. MWlillliWrc PFIINrYPD'cA RSamai tUudovorytvlmre. CI a bottle lala for 94 I 'fYAL KBM ill Absolutely Pure. 1 -'r xwmrsrmrr Wheat Baby waa sick, are gave tar Caatoraa. Then sta. was Child, aha cried for Caatorhv YnnatMbrameMaavaakeduntoCaaa-U. When she bad rWMnse, ah gare then Castorla .TSrtieVnJeT4jL, ThisistheTopoftheGENUiXB Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. AH jthers, similar are imitation. This exact Label isoneachPearl Top Chimney. A dealer may say snd think he hat- others as good, BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon ths Exact Label and To FSS Seal inmMIt BAM MIT ST tFO. A. leACBETH & CO., PittstsrsM. Pa. OI.DK8T BANKING H0CII M T Paid Up Capital, V President, . fr Vloe President, 80, Cashier, . . . f, ' Manager, . . . CIAS' Oeneral Banking Bnsl-' Deposits Received 8uf Approved Bills nnd NT.I - -'Von Mr and Crir Vm Loans Hade on Avails' Exchange Booiht ana - Collections HndePrompur. Drafts Hold Available la A , World. Telegraphic Exchange Boldm r Francisco, Chicago nnd New Y .. Iuterest Pnld on Time Depttuu. ids Aaum or THE LONDON CKE.JZ I DIALIR U Drugs, Notlcrs, I::.' Toilet Articles, He. Preiorlptlsn Cutfilly C;r. Shively's Block, ' Cor. of 7th 4 Madison St., Ort. 1 The Commerclxl T OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts a Osatral Bailt' T Loans mails. Bills dlscounuw. 1 lections. Burs and sells exchsan In Ihe United States and lurot a Kong. Deposits received ubrx'' in terest at usual rates allowed or ti Bank ODon from I A. M. tot t. a.,' a evenings from 1 11117 P. M. D. C. LAT0URETTI, T. M. D0K- President, Capt. Bundy's Bath House,!: at the "sandbank," is now rc for the public. Sptclal accommodationifor VTo: . CbiMrtn. GEO. A. HAEII- DIALIS IS dbug: B .. . Standard hi L: Palnls,011i and Window t PreieriptUm Atcuratrtf tar HiBDIlW't BUCK- r 1 Ripans Tab ulrs mssUt digestion. STCA'l wood s.A:. Contracts taken to 1 with our Steam Wo: 3 T ERNEST ELLIC".." JOSEPH HART--. Frc; Oregon CityTr:::: STEAf'in r TIMB TAB LB OBI Leave PostlAub Foot Taj lor 8L 7.-00A.B. 11:30 a. . 4 HOr. m. 8:00 A. 11 0 a. M. 3 JO P. .