Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, June 22, 1894, Image 2

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    Oregon City, June 22, 1894.
In conni1e.'liig tlio prospect of rocov
ery of the normal relation between the
debtor nd the creditor classes' and of
general resumption of profitable busi
new, one muBt tearch for the prime
cause of the rupture. For 20 years there
has been, with some natural irregular
Ity, a continuod fall In values, making It
on an average Increasingly dillkult for
the man who does business on borrowed
capital to get out of his materials on
hand the money necessary to meet his
Incurred obligations. That prices for
all the great staples have enormously
fallen, not relatively as compared with
each other, but as statod in tonus of
gold, Is undisputably true. The care
fully compiled table of Augustus Sauer
beck of the Royal Statistical Society of
London shows that the 45 chief staple
commodities, which, in 1873, sold at an
average of 111, reached 00 in 1875, 83 in
1871), 70 in 1884, 72 in 1888 00, 08 in 1893
and 05 in the month of May, 1804. Thu
commodities, taken in part, are wheat,
barley, oats, rice, silver, beef, pork,
sugar, tea, collee, tin, lead, cotton, flax,
hemp, wool, silk, hides, oils, petroleum,
Indigo and timber. This full in value
has been accompanied by the demone
tization of silver, by the aggrandizement
and accumulation of gold by the great
nations of England, France, Austria,
Germany and the United Stales, and
Tin following 27 robber barons con
tributed the sums opposite to their names
a total of $001,000 to the presidential
campaign fund of the republican party
In 1802. They are all Interested In
manufacturing enterprises and made
their contributions for the purpose of
enslaving the agricultural and working
clashes by means of the Mi'Kinloy tarilT
B. F. Jones
Pinion Sous
The Dobsons
W. C. Krick
A. Carnegie
George Pullman
Druxel A Co
Harner Bros
Win. Wood
O.K. Bailey
K. O. Fitter
W. L. Kikins
Jonei & Lauglilln
Southwark Mills..
Strawbridge & Co
B. D. Foster
The Baldwin Locomotive Works
Josiah Bally
Thomas Dolan
The Carnegie Steel Works
The Cramp Ship Works . .
P. B. Widunerv.
. .150,000
. lll.(KK)
. .KI.IXNl
. 100,0(10
. 100,000
. :o,ooo
. 60,000
. 5,000
. 5.000
. 5.000
. 10,000
. 5.000
. 10,000
. 10,000
. 10.0(H)
. 10,000
, 10,0(10
. 500
, 5,000
. 1,000
. 10,000
. 5.0(H)
. 35,000
. 100,000
. 50,000
. 10,000
Tim Portland Ditpntch says of the gi
gantic fraud the republicans perpetrated
in Multnomah count to curry the elec
tion :
Figures speak for themselves. The
vote for citv auditor in 1803 was 7721
and tliis year it is 14.412, notwilhstand
ing the fact tnut the records of the city
water ollice showed over 1000 leas ra
pavers on June 1st than in the year pre
ceilinir. I lie lluurea snow an incieuse
of 0001 votes. Does anv reasonable per-
also by the complete dislocation of all son presume to say that such increase is
exchange relations between these na
tions and the remainder of the world
which, through the loss of their gold to
these great powers and the forced fall
in the price of silver, have been driven
to paper currency or a sole silver money
between which and gold there is no reg1
ulur ratio. The rUe in the value of gold
in comparison with other products, is
the fundamental cauBeof the prostration
of business the world over, and until by
international bi-metallisin silver is rec
ognized as money, as the equal with
gold, millions of capital will continue to
lie idle, profits on business investments
except favored ones, having vanished
Tin true valuation of the real and per
sonal properly of the United States is
given in the last census at $05,037,001,
107, and of this amount 15,982,207 ,089
is in farms, with buildings, fences, im
plementB, machinery and live stock
divided as follows :
Lands, fences, buildings. 13,250,2o2,040
implements, machinery . 404,247,407
Live stock 2,208,707,557
Totals 15.082,2(I7,08
The estimated value of farm products
for the census year was 12,400,107,454,
which is about 15,'i por cent, on the
total invertment. Illinois leads the en
tire country in the value of its farms
and improvements, being (11,202,870,587,
Ohio ranking next with f 1,050,031,828.
So far as the vulue of farm products is
concerned Illinois ranks first, being
(184,750,013, New York ranking second,
Missouri third and Ohio fourth. The
great north-central division of the coun
try is the section that hsB increased
most rapidly in wealth since 1850. No
single KaBtern state has made a larger
gain than some of the states in this di
vision, and in some of the states the
gain is astonishing. For instance, in
1870 the per capita wealth of Dakota was
1395, but in 1890 it was in North Dakota
$1844 and in South Dakota $1203. In
fact, the per capita wealth of North Da
kota exceeds that of any one of the
Eastern or Middle state.). And yet in
the face of these figures, showing the
wondetful increase of wealth in the aitri
cultural states and the value of farms
and their products, it is said that farm
ing does not pay and that agriculture is
wofully depressed.
NoTinviTHBTAMNa the depression of
trade and the decline in prices, the pro
tected cotton mills of New England aro
paying dividends regularly every quar
tor. There are 01 mills in Full Kiver
alone, and they are all running, or
would be if two or Hired were not shut
down for repairs. The establishments
are owned by 30 corporations, capital
ized all the way from $100,000 to $1,200,
000. Twenty-five of them have palddiyi
dends since 1st of March, These profits
range from to 4 percent, per quarter.
Another company, the Osborn, has paid
a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent.
A few of the concerns are converting
their profits into additional spindles
That explains their failure to declare a
dividend this sprint?. Taking the 25
quarterly dividends already announced
flmd allowing the Osborn Company a 2
per cent, dividend for the quarter, we
have a total of $200,050 as the net prufits
for three months of 25 Fall Kiver corpo
rations capitalized at $10,000,000. This
is interest at the rate of 7,'-4 per cent,
per annum on the entire capitalization.
legitimate in view of the wretched con
ditiou of the city for the pant y.-ur?
Another Instance : J lie vote lor cny at
torney last year was 7005, tlna year
14,415, an Increase of (IK 10, as uu.iug
that not a simile voter had left the cily
Uambell, city auditor, trained 4174 over
last year, and Uiltner 4220 more than
the republican vote of 1893. That is
about the proportion of increase in ihe
republican votes, notwithstandirg the
hegira of voters and the combined
strength of the opposition. Tuke one
more: In the sixth ward last year 1015
votes were polled, and this year the
tally sheet shows 1079, with over 400
houses vacant in the ward, and so it
goes through the entire comparison of
the iwo elections. Does it require any
argument or logic to point out Iruinl In
the recent election?
Tub dollar of commerce is by law 25.8
grains of gold 900 fine, and 25.8 grains
of gold is everywhere and at all times
worth 25.8 grains of gold. The $20
piece is 510 grains of gold 900 fine, and
510 grains of gold 000 fine is worth
always and everywhere $20, whether
coined or in "dust," not the "govern
ment stamp" but weight and fineness
giving the gold its value. The actual
standard of value, whatever It may be,
gets none of its value from the govern
ment stamp on it. The silver dollar
under our present system does get
part of its value fron the government
stamp, and the paper dollar gets all of
its value from the same source. The
latter has no other value than the one
it gets from the government's promise
written on its face, but when an article
is a standard of value it gets nothing
but its name from the law.
Wealth, like poverty, is a powerful
agent in disease. The rich man, from
his frequent overeating, his want of ex
ercise, bis excess of comfort, easily ac
quires obesity, the gout or diabetes; his
kidneys, his heart, are frequently af
fected. The poor man, on the other
hand, from want In its different forms.
from overwork, exposure to inclement
weather, or want of cleanliness, may
suffer from various derangements ol the
Tiikiib are signs that the people are
learning the lesson of Coxeyisin. Iowa
hud a good deal of experience with one
of the "armies," and as a result the
Des Moines Register declares thufnever
before has so much common Hence been
distributed among the people of Iowa "
The coming of the army was hailed by
many as a visible manifestation of a now
force which was to emancipate all who la
bor.but when it arrived its members were
found to be"lti7.y,filtly,slilftlen8,thriltle8
mon who had taken advantage of the
liar times to desert their families and
throw tlionnelves up in tin ctinr -ties
of others." The real lubjring men
have been cured of whatever delusions
they harbored, and the Rryitter is firmly
of Ihe belief that ''these armies, instead
of being the forerunners of socialistic
movements and uprisings in this coun
try, w ill be the means of bringing thous
ands, who have been misled by theories
and preachings, to their senses."
Colon rl A. L. Conger, ex member
of the Republican National Committee
from Ohio, and one of the most proml
nent republican manufacturers in tliei
Middle States, says in statemont he
has published: "Personally, I stanl
upon the tariff question where the Re
publican National Convention left it in
1888, for revision 'downward.' We'
have now a population of 05,000,000 and
we shall soon havn u population of 100,
000,000. The people of this country do
not propose to see silver knocked out,
and we want tariff reductions as fust as
the safety of the business interests will
warrant. We want that kind of pro
tection that will deal justly with all
classes of American labor." Conger is a
much better democrat than Brice, Hill
or Uorman. or Senator White ol Cal
There Is now abiut $04,0:0,0 of gold
reserve in the treasury, -and with this
amount must be maintained at par
$834,827,330 certificates and treasury
notes in the treasury and in circulation
on .'lav 1. l lie moment the govern
ment declines to pay these obligations
in gold on demand that moment we
have a depreciated currency. Since
the beginning of the war the govern
ment has not been placed in a position
similar to the present and appearances
ndicate that the situation is likulv to he
worse before it is better. The country
is now paying dearly the penalty for
the extravagance Inaugurated by the
republican party in the administration
of the national government.
Tin throe men In the United States
senate who have done more mischief to
tariff reform than any dozen republican
senators and delay ed the senate's final
action for Ihe past three months are
Messrs. Gorman, Brlce and' Hill, three
protection aristocrats who cull them
selves democrats and are in collusion
with the republicans and the sugar
trust. The democratic parly is cursed
by those mas(UHraders and Is very wil
ling to unload them on the republican
Tiik total vole cast in the first con
gressional district, consisting of Hie
counties of Denton, Clackamas, Coos,
Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine,
Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln. Linn,
Polk, Marion, Tillamook, Washington
and Yamhill, was about 44 500, an in
crease of some 4900 ovor lhat of two
years ago. The vole was divided about
at follows: Hermann 21,500, Weather
ford I0,5u0, Miller 12,500, a plurality of
0000 votes for Hermann.
Aci-oiiniNo to Ihe latest elec tion re
turns throughout Ihe stale, the republi
cans will have 71 out of 90 members in
the next scs-ion of the Oregon legisla
ture. Thov will be divided as follows:
In the senate, 19 republicans, 8 demo
crats, 3 populists, total 30; in the hnu'e,
52 republicans, 1 democrat, 7 populiHts,
total (10.
Tiik Juarnal ol Clarendon, Texis,
asks: "Whut has bee nieof E. S. Me
Comas of the Union Sentinel!" Will
some kind soul point out the grave of
Mac to the editor of the Lone Slur Mate
Tiik country d ies not want two pro
tectivo tariff parties. The only salva
lion of the democratic party is the pus
suge of a radical tariff reform hill by
For Sale at the Courui office i
Mori age,
KM I hi Cows,
Bond lor Doed,
Promissory Note,
Kecelpl Book,
Warranty Deed,
Quitclaim Demi,
Circuit Court Criminal Hunpoena
Teauhen.' Report Cards,
Partial Fyniunt Real Kalal Contract,
Nberln Summons,
Jury Summon,
Co)r ol summons,
Notice to (larulahee,
Answer lo Garnishee,
Writ of Attechmenr,
Juaiiee Bubpoeua, civil,
Juntlce Subpoena, criminal
Special or private blanks priiueri on
application expeditiously and correctly
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Kipuns Tubules : one glvos relief.
Hi puns Tubules : (or sour stomach.
ul Oregon, I
Ijr ol CUKkaww. I "
I'lcliire or Famous Prise Winning West
ern Saddle Hone.
One would know at a glance that tiiil
is a western saddle horse, from his bean'
tiful, long flowing tuil, which hus never
been disfigured by being lopped off, as it
would have been hud this handsome
gelding belonged to an eastern rider,
The horse Is Red Rose, owned by a lady
in Fremont, Neb. The illustration is re
produced from The Breeder's Gazette,
Horseback riding for Indies becomes
niore fashionable every year, with the
Increased devotion to physical culture
among the feminine sex. A horse well
broken for lodies' riding will therefore
always command a good price in the
market. Red Rose is a bright chestnnt
with four white stockings. He is trained
perfectly to nine different gaits, a degree
of horse accomplishment seldom at-
Savovaki) writes from Washington
that "when the old phonograph, Dolpli,
is permitted day after day to get up and
spin out a yarn that there is no begin
ning, end or middle to, and which eluci
dates nothing except that, if tiie fool-
killer were there, and disponed to do his
duly, Dolph would be killed on the spot,
then the senate brings contempt upon
itself." If the fool-killer would do his
duty, Oregcn wouid escape the probable
fate of another six years of that "old
phonograph" in the senate
Tiik result of tho election so fur as
governor is concerned is about as fob
lows: Lord, 40,758; Pierce, 2(1.570;
Galloway, 17,079. This makes Lord's
plurality 15,179 out of a to al of i Lout
80,000, which is an increase of 10,000
votes as compared with the election of
02. Irwin receives 13,400 plurality for
school superintendent; lor congress. El-
is 8200 plurality in the second district,
and Herman 0087 plurality in the first
talned. Red Rose was sired by Mont
rose and is now 8 years old. He is one
of the greutest prize winners alive as a
saddle horse for ladies' riding. For this
purpose he represents almost the idea
shape and action.
A canter is the guit best liked among
women riders for a steady thing. The
height for a woman's saddle horse is 144
to 15) bunds. Some horse professors de
scribe a method of attaching a spur to a
woman's heel which would be ridiculous
if it were not dangerous. They direct
the lady to bucklo the spur to her boot,
then make a hole in the skirt of her rid
ing hubit for the spur to pass through.
But lest it get out of the hole, fasten a
string to the skirt at each side of the
hole and bring the two forward and tie
them around the anklo. Nice predica
ment thut "lady rider" would be in if
ror any one or a dozen causes which
might happen she should suddenly need
to disengnge her root and free it from
the tangling skirt. Go to with this spur
and the foot tied fast to an equestrienne's
Exports of gold from tho United
States since the first of the year are
$44,000,000, and the gold reserve in the
national treasury is so reduced that
there is much talk of a new bond issue.
This and other disturbing factors pre
vent much recovery in the money mar
ket from a position of dullness. Interest
rates in Eastern money centers at 4VH
per cent.
The pork packers of the middle West
haven't as vet heard of the buainmis dp-
miernal organs, the lurgs, the liver, the pression. The packinn business of St.
kidneys, the bowels, etc. He has, like Louis. Kansas Citv and SI. Joset.h has
the rich man, a special tendency to dis- during the past tli'rt-e months been
Sure Uull Pen.
A bull is a good deal like dynamite -
no one knows when he is going to ex
plode. Dehorning is not a guarantee of
ssfety, for we have reud within the pust
year of teveral instances where persons
were either killed or greatly injured by
dohorned bulls. It is necessary thut the
bull have vigor and physical force, and
to supply thut he must have exercise.
A. L. Crosby of Maryland several years
ago contributed to Hoard's Dairyman
his method of handling a bull. From
tho same we quote as follows:
"Make a pen large enough for the bull
to exercise in mine is about 85 by 40
feet and divide it in the middle by a
strong partition. The best way to make
the fence is to plant a continuous row of
posts close enough together so that
the bull cannot get his head between
them and nlxmt seven feet aliove the
ground. Eighteen inches will be deep
enough to plant them. Of course the
'holes' will be a ditch wide enough to
receive the posts and 18 inches deep. On
top of these posts nail a board to keep
them in lino and from spreading. In
each division of the pen have a door, and
in tho partition at one side have two
strong planks to slip in as bars from the
outside of the pen. Adjoining the pen
moke a box stall, with roof over it, and
in this stall have manger and a feeding
"To oiierate, slip in the bars which
confine the hull to one of the divisions
of the pen. Then turn the cow into the
other, tuke out the bars, and tho bull can
enter where the cow is. Afterward,
when dsired, separate cow and bull by
means of the bars, and you can enter
the division occupied by the cow and
lead her ont. The only trouble in oper
ating this pen is in separating the bull
and cow, but an ear of corn or some
thing that the bnll likes will usually
coax him from one division into another;
or by walking on top of the fence on
the board yon can drive him by means
of a long handled whip with a stinging
"Friends, this pen will give yon abso
lute anfety from all danger in handling
a ball. It is worth all it coats in saving
time owl in rxpivising a bnll kept in a
stable and many time its coat in the
immunity it give from the distressing
Oregon, for (he Count; of MiiltiHimali,
I. W. Townaond, I'lalntlir,
William Neanijrth anil KIlwMIl
NMlliytll, DnleuiUllla.
ol an exrcutl. n iwuvd out uf tli nlroult court of
th. alata of Oregon for the cuunty of Multnomah,
bearing data the hub di.y uf May, HH. In a ault
wherein J. W. Townaelld waa ptalulln" and William
Nesniyth and Kliaabeth I Ntniyth went detVuilanla,
euniiiiamiing oic, in the name of Uie alata ul Oregiin,
that out uf the parauiial property of eatd defendant,
or if uittcltml could not be found then out uf
tha mat DnioertY of aald defelldanta. to realli
sum aufoclrlit to satlafy the denuutda uf aald decree,
ii,-wit: Htti. and Ihe further aura of 1310 and
furber ainn of MO.lt, together with lulereet on Ihe
aiue aince aaid dearee wee euterva at e par tier cent
Nate. Now, therefore, III obedience to such writ, I did
per annum, and alau the coeta uf and attend lug thia
Male. Now. therefore, ill obedience to such writ. I did.
un the lulli day of May, IM4, duly levy npon, and
will, on Saturday, auth day ul June, mii. at the boar
ufloVlocli D. in. uf aald day. at Ihe front dooruf
Ihe court houae In aald ouunty, offer fur sale at
iiibllo auction, and aell lo the hluheet aod beat
ihliler, for caah in hand, all of the riiiht, title and
Intereat the aald derendltlite had on the Mat of reb
ruary, WW, in and to Ihe following deavribed real
pnuierty, to-wit: The n C of lie and ae of ne
4 and ne;4 ol ae- ol aecllun an, tuwnenip l euutn,
range 0 eaat, of W.M., In Cleckanua .county, Ore
Sun. 0 W. GAKONO,
Sheriff of Clackamiu) County, Oregon,
Hated thia lat day of June, A II. IKH,
a gou, dated June 16, MM, Complaint bavins-
been entered at thia olhou by Wilnelm Weber
alleging that U. W. A. On-ar Stierker (allaa tier
man name, "Staerkar") died oil June Ski, 1W8,
and complaining auainat the heira and legnl rep.
reaeiitallvea ol aald aeeeaaed lor abanuoiiliie
homeatead entry land, claim No. M:H. made and
tiled by aaid gtlerker (allaa Htaerkerl on the 7lh
day u September, Inwi, upon the eoutheaat quar
ter of aectlon two, townahip three aoulb, range
rive eaat, Bituate in Clackamas County, Oregon,
with a view to the cancellation of aaid entry; the
hearing of aaid conteat and taking ol leetlmnu)
lurnihhed by the parllea thereto will take ulaoe
at tlila ofnee on Tueailay, the 14th day ol Auguat,
IH'.M, at 10 o'clock a, m., at which time and nluce
the heira or legal repreaentatlvee of aaid 0. W. A.
Orcur Htierker (allaa Htaerkerl, deceaaed, are
hereby aiimiuoned lo apiiear and reapond lo the
allegatluna made and the prool then and there
to be adduced by ooinpliaiiaut in aaid conteat
Itonr.KT A. MI1.LKK, K -giater.
I'KTKK PAOI'KT. Receiver.
To the Heirs and Legal Repreaentatlvaa of O W.
A. uacar snorter (allaa siaeraor), aeceaaeti.
action I, That ne peraon, Arm, mmpanr or
eonntioa ehall be hiuhI in, proeeeule or
carry on any trade, baaineaa or pr,.fe ioi within
Ui ilmlte of the oily of Oreaon City for which
a licraee may lie required by Uiia ordinance until
be or tney ehall nave bbtaiaed such a liceua.
Sec. I That every ptreoa, (Inn, oo.npany or
corporation required by any oiduiauoe lo obtain
a lioecee to eii'M in any inula, bualneaa or
profweum for wliioh a lioenee aball b r. 1 trd,
ahall pat lo tlw city treasurer the aura or auma
required by oiiliuanoe lo be paid therefor, theie
upon with the receipt ol Uie eny trtwaurer
(which receipt ah ,11 aet forth the kind ol buai
naas fur which lioenee la required) they aliall
apply lo the eity recorder, who shall laaue a
licet! ae to the parties appbiug, in aoconhuce
witb Uie receipt of the treaaurer, Uxn the com
pliance by the applicant witb the pruvieiona ol
all ordinance) relating totbeobuiniuguf icenaee
for the bueiiieea, trade or profession for wi i -b
uch licsuae is require I.
Bee. S. That in even licen e taken na nmbv
or by virtue of thia ordinance ahail be o hi win d
and aet forth the purpose, trade bnainesa or pro
fession for which aoeh liosnae is granted an.i Uie
nam and plac of abide of the person or pereo s
taking out Ihe ssmei and said licen e ehall
authorise the eontinuan e of lh buai ess
named therein at Ihe pure named then in ba
the term of aaid license, but -hall not sullwrite
tlieoairyiugon ol such business in any other
place unless the p a-e licensed shall be closed,
snd in such case then the recorder aball be nwl
Bed ol Uie change ai d he ahall note the same in
Uie ragiater of ,ioenaee if by a peddler surh
iiflMnaa ahall ati,ta wheti.ar snthoriced to travel
on lout or wilh one, two or mors animal. The
tim fr wbi h auoh licene is lo run, at.d the
date or time if granting tuch license, and a y
peraon eiercising ol oairying on such I rails,
business or profeseino, or doing any sot for
which a license is lequirad, ahall oo ilema d of
any ci ty ortioer at hia lace ul business produce
such liosnae. ai d notes hs shall do so may he
taken and deemed to have no lloen-e, and in
ca any peddler ahall refuse to prodiioehiaor
her license when demanded by any city olll. or,
he may seiie the animate, wagons and coi. tents
or peck, bundle or bket of any person ao re
fining and bold the same uutil the lioeme it
Bee. 4. That if every cane where more than
one of the purau Is, emploment or occupation
for which a license i required shall be pursued
or carried on in Ihe same place, by the same
peraon, at the earn time, lioenee maid be t. kn
out f"r each according to Uie rates severely
Hen. . All license laaued a Quarterly li
cense shall eipire the last day of eeoh quarter,
ia slat day of Match. Kith day of June. With
day i f September and list day of December; and
all quarleny liosnae ahall be dated from ti e lat
oa of the month in which the liability I here f ,r
by virtue of a warrant for the collee-'
tin ol delinquent taxes ol me assess
ment of 18U3. in the county of Clacka
mas and slate ol Oregon, which warrant
iii now in my hands, and is in woida and
figures as follows, viz:
Stat or Oreqon, I
Countv of Clackamas, t
To C. VV. Oanong, Sheriff of Clackamas
Countv. Ureifon, Greeting: -
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby commanded that proa levy,
upon the goods and chattels of the de
linquent tax payers named in the fol
lowing list, and if none be found, then
upon the real property set forth therein.
or so much thereof as shall satisfy the
amount ol taxes so chatged, with oosts
and expenses, and that you pay over all
money so made to the county treasurer
of said county, as by law required .
Witness my hand the seal of the
county court this 2Mth day oi May, 1894.
County Clerk.
Which warrant is attached to the list
of unpaid and delinquent taxes for the
year 18!l.'i, in said Clackamas county,
and not having been able, after diligent
search, to find any personal property
within suid county, out of which to
make the taxes hereinafter mentioned,
I have levied upon the laud described
n the annexed list being the property
of the within named individuals, aa the
tame appeurs assessed on said delin
quent tax roll, and wih, on Haturday,
the Zlst day ol July, 18114. at the door of
the county court house in Oregon City,
Clackamas county, Oregon, at the hour
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the
suid day, sel. at public auction, to
be highest bidder, lor cash in band.
Ihe land described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point that is 300 fet t
west from the intersection of the south
line of Third street aqd the center Iii e
of Main street (measured along the
south line of Third street) ; thence south
along the west line of Water street 28(14
feet to the intersection of the west line
of Wuter street and Ihe north line of
Second street ; thence west along the
north line of Second street to the Wil
latnette river; thence down stream with
the meanders of said river to the south
line of Third street; thence east along
the south line of Third street to the
place of beuinuing, all in section 31,
township 2 south, range 2 east of Wii-
amette meridian, and winch land be
longs loan unknown owner, and it a -
sessed by me for the year 189,'i, and
upon winch a tax of $3 20 is now due
and unpaid, or so much thereof aa may
be suflicient to satisfy said sum and the
accruing costs fur said year of 1 81:t .
U. W. Uanono,
Sherill' of Clackamas County.
Statu or Oiikoos. i
County of Clackamas. )
I hereby certify that Ihe above is a
true and correct copy, and the whole
thereof, of the original warrant for the
collection of delinquent taxes f ir the
year 18U3. C. W. Uanono,
Mien It ol Ulackamas County
Dated June 22d, 1804
ace od, and ahall be iaaurd upon ueyment of a
auitxble proportion of Ihe whole amount of duty
imposed by ucb lioenee.
Sec. (. All cen ee required by his ordinance
hall be pa d In advance in gold or silver ooiu of
the IniPd Siatea of America.
B.O. 7. Aatrologers, south. layers, seer and
fo tuiiceller aliall pay a lioenee fee of thioe
dollar a day or twenty dollar per quarter.
tVo. 8. Hawker, ihal p y a license ot ten
dol la per day each, aud evry pi raon who
ehall offer any article for sale from a ttsnd or
wagon upon any at eet. publio or open ground,
witiiin the limits of ti e eity, shall be deemed a
hawker ander this oidinanoe. and whenever
moie than one pet eon hall sell or offer to e I
from Uie same s'and or wagon, each of said
person ahall be required to bike out the licet.
derein required.
See. 9. Bowlingaller and billiard tables shall
pay a bcenae acoording to the number ol alleye
or lauie oeionging to or ueru in ine Duuaiug or
place li eased. When not exceeding oneaflry
ur table me teopie or auon nouse snail pay a
quarterly bcenae of fire dolls per quarter, and
when exoeedina oue alley or table, an adilitio al
aura of live dollar for each additi nai table
and each additional alley. Kveiy place where
bowles are thrown aud oimo to pjblio, whe her
with or without price ahall be loguraeu a a
bowling alley. Any table upon which billiard,
pool, pigeon hole, or any otlv r game where bills
ana cnee are neen w in or wituout prtoe, uau
be oonaiuerea Dintaru tauie.
Ben. 10, 8hootiog gallerie thai I pay a quar.
tarly lice ae of twenty dollars. Kvery pltoe or
building wn re gnn or viatui aie Kept lor
hooting at targets wheth r for hire or , ot
hall be oonudered (booting galleries.
Bee. 11. The tre ahall b elaascd and rsbd
aa followe: Where a charm of a sinale ad
mission to any part of the house (including the
reeervea esauo or aeventy-nve cento or more is
made, the first-class: wt ere a oharare for a
single admission to any part of the house (in
oloding reserved aeate) cf lea than e. ve.ity-tive
cent i made, a aeoond-elaa. For theatres of
the firt-olM, seven dollars at d fifty cents
for each performance, or thirty dollars per
week; fur theatre of Uie c nd-ol as, fivedullar
fur each performance or twenty dollar ier
See. 12. Circuses shall be classified and
rated as follows: Where Uie price charged f r
admission (including reserved seats) is seventy,
five cent or over, Uie firat-claae; where tiie
price charged for admiaaiun (including re
served seata) la less than asventy-nve oents and
not lee than fifty oeute, the e oond-olaae;
where the price of admission (including re
served scats) ia less than fifty centa, the third
claae. The proprietor or manager of every
o rou ahall pay a liceo aa follows: For a
oirouaof the nrat-clasa, seventy-five dollars fur
each performance; for a oircu of the econd
clasa, fifty dollars for ea h performance; for
a circus of the third class, thirty dollar for
each peiformanee.. ror each aide show, ex.
hibition and separate petformanoe oonneoted
wi1 1, uiv giiwi, w no o m ciuuinf wr miunaeiuo
ia made tn audition to uie price or aumiaatuo
to th circus, ten dollar per d-y. the pro.
niietor or manager of every menaoerv when
not oonneoted with the ciroua performance
ahsll Day a license of twenty.five dollars for
each exhibition.
Bee. 13. Jurelera shall oaf a lio nee of five
doliare lor each performance. .very person
who performs by sleight of hand ahall be re.
eardeil aa a iuereler. The Dionrietora oraeenta
or an other exhibition or Shows lor money
not enumerated in this ention shall pay a
license of five dollars for eaoh performance,
8ec. It. venr net-eon who ahall be enenired
in the bulinee of buyine or selline- old iunk.
old lead, old metal, bottle, broken glass, old
for Infants and Children.
pnOTHERS, Do You Know iwp.,
1 Dateman'a Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, nianjr ao-called Booihlng Byruna, and
moat noiedles for children are composed of opium or morphine I
De Ton Knew that opium and monihlu are stupefying narcotic iwleons I
Do Yob Know that la moat eountrles druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics
without Labeling tbem poisons I
Po Ton Know that you should not permit any nuxllclne to be given your child
unless you or your physician know of what It 1 com posed f
Po Yon Know that Caatorla la a purely vegetable preparaUon, and that a Hat of
Its ingredients Is pubUahed with every bottle 1
Do Yon Know that Cactoria Is the prescription of toe famous Dr. Bamuel Pitcher.
Tbat It bas been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla Is now sold than
of all other remedies for children oombined t
Pn Yen Know that the Patent Office Department of the United B tales, and of
otber own tries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assign to use the word
" Castorla, n and Its formula, and lhat to Imitate tbem Is a taut prison offense f
Po Yon Know that out of the reasons for granting this government protection was
because Castorla had been proven to be abiolutaJj haraUeae?
Po Yen Know that 35 iwtl doses of Castorla an furnished for 35
oemts, or one cent a doe I
Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
be kept well, aud that you may have unbroken rest f
Well, these thing are worth knowing. They are faota,
signature ef
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
per, or any other trtiolei Diuall found in a
dk mod. uoona-nana oiotninn. secun
rurtutur) or any hind. oeoonabnd ga pi
pay a
tola, axeti or any other articles of aeo nd-ha d
merchandae o feoond-hand furniture, or
econd-htnd property of any kind whatero',
within the Umiti of th oify. shall
quarterly license of three dollars.
Sec. IV The owner or keener of ererr etaro
ooaoh. hack, carriage dray, cart, w4oa or
other vehicle which shall be nsed for the cun
Teyenoe of pausMwre, packages. goGds i r
freight from pUce to place within the city for
hire, except hand carte and the vehicles used by
merchants, deilera ad mmufooturtt. exclusively
for the delivery of their ware to (heircn tomen.
shall pay a quarterly lioenne of four dollars for
eaoh v- hicle dntwa by one a iima, and for
each additional animal ueed for drawing such
vehicle the a dit onal sim of one dollar. The
owner or driver of vehicles conveying packages
or mere nan nine or auyining as above men
tion d, hall place the numb r of hie vehicU
in a conspicuous place in Meat and lesible
manner in figures of not leas than one and a
half Inches Ions and Drooortionabl width.
and such numbers shall not be ohanged whilst
the earn vehicle subject to the payment or a
municipal license.
Bee. 16. 1 he owner or proprietor of every
eam ued in hauliug any wagon or cart uied
for the purpose or carrying earth ttken from
exe vaiiona or to be need in filling private or
publio grounds from place to place withiu the
city, ehall pay a license of three dollars per
quarter, before any tem uaeu in hauliug sny
wagon or cart named in this section shall be
used for hauling such wagon or cart for re
moving farth on any of the streets of the city
the owner or proprietor thereof or the person
having the the same under his control, shall
oause the number of bis license to be placed
in a conspicuous place on said t mm, aaid
numbers to be in figures aa required in
oeotion 1&
gee. 17. Peddlers ahall be classified and
rated aa follows: When traveling with more
than two animals, tirat-claas; whn trav ling
with two animals, seoond-clars; when traveling
wi h one animal, third-claaa; when traveling on
foot, the fourth -clat. Puddle e of the first
class shall pay a licence of seventy-five doll rs
ppr quarter or ten doliare per week; peddlers
of the aeconj-clase shall pay a license of fifty
doliare p-r quarter or teven doliare per we. k;
peddlera of the third-class shall pxy a lioenee
of thirty dollars per quarto or five dollars
per week. Peddlera of the four h-cl ae ahall pay
twenty dollars per week or thirty rlve ollars cer
a nailer, and all such licenaes shall date from
te date of paymut. Any person except per
sona peddling newspapers, bibles a d religious
tracte, and farmers or pe irons peddling ihe
products of thv-ir own farm, garden, or
milk-ranches who offer to sell at etail goods,
wares, merchandise or other commodities, as
traveling fiom place to place iu the city of
Oregon City, ahall be regarded ae a peddler
ander this ordinanoe-
S a'
- till, i it . .a. a al . . . V
w nai is ine condition oi your is your nntr ury, ,
harsh, brittle? Doe It aollt at the ends? Has It a
lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or !
brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch ? ,
Is it dry or In a heated condition ? If these are some of i
your sy mptomsbe warned in time oryou will become bald. J
Skookum Root Hair Grower i
I what you need. Iu product Ion U not n accident, but the react t of rlntl(le f
reaearch. Knowledge of the disease of In hair and scalp led to the llu- B
ery of how to treat them. "Skookum "oontalna neither mineral nor alia. It
la not a Dye, but a delightfully eoollng and relreahlng Tonic. By itlrauleiltiir
the follicles, it Hopt JaUing hair, curat tkiadraJT and grant aalr on bald
IBF ITdAft Va Main .1... V aa If I. w ! fpaa lrff atln amntlnn. t)V
m",uh ui asooKum oaia ooan. iioesiroyajNinwtiie lawmtwawa
t ttd o
If your druetflHtcsanntiunnlvTon Bend dlrset to tu. and we will forward
prepaid, en receipt of price,. .Grower, au per bottle i lorSMft. Boe,Suc
Iter Jar i furi.3u.
OT Heath Fifth Avenue, New y
York, K. Y. '
Imtmitlii rriiuwrn urf fnrrrrr tlertii ohjrc
liimnhlr Imir, whrllirr iioihi Ihr hlmlt. lm r,
arum itr Hrt'k, witlmut itinvtiltmUhit nr itt'im-y
lo Ihe nwt ilrlirnlr tkin. It waa fur II fly
yeara the secret furmula of Krnaiiiiia
I tVllaon, ackiiowlcducd by phyaiclitiia
n.o , ,.- .t,,,,iy nun int. iiiimi viillllt'lll
ilermaliiloglat and i ulr pi'clulll Hint ever
llvi'il. During hla private practice ot a life
time a ng the imlilllty anil arlvtncracy of
r.unipe ne preacnoen una reciie. fiice.
all llV 111,111. aPniiri.lV iitollf.ll larM,i.Hi.
ilrtice'coujlileutiut. Sole Ageula fur America.
The Skookum Root Hair Grower Co ,
n,.ltt R A7S,.nlh ITIfll. A. ... v...u V..I.
r , , .v . . ..... n ,v.., .u.n.
1 no limlerstirned llnvlne lieen r.nlnrorL li
heulttl bv aimnle niciina. after aiitlt.riiie for
several yeur with a severe lung nllectlon, and
Mint dread dlaeAne Consumption, la auxloua lo
inilke knnwii to his lellnw allll'erera the nieana
ol cure. To thiire who desire it, lie will cheer
fully send (free of charge; a copy of Iheprcscrip-
il a sure cure lor
tion used, which thev will II ml
Conaiimptioii, AatllliiH, tlntHi-rli, Bronchh
tla and all throat and lung Alnlndtea. He
hopeaall aiiirerers will try his reincdv, as It la
Inviiliiuhle. Those ilfslrln- the prescription,
which will cost them tliillilne. and iuhv iirnvn a
blea lug, will please address,
owner or proprietor o9 erery
bage wftiroa or rar nd wholly or in part
eue. certain point, and very different per cent . heavier than it . a, in M.n:l, ! (?) CBMrf by
This Remedy
I a pleasant, safe, and eare rare for aoagba.
eoida, aa4 all throat and lang sffWctioaa.
ajitrracTvaas tr
I. D. HOLDEN, Stockton, CaL
Bee 18.
carbarn 1
for transporting swill, offal or any felth or
gaiDage anaii pay a license or one dollar ana
fifty cents per qunr er. Before any wagon or
ea t named in this section shall be driven upon
any streets of the cttr, the owner or proprietor
thereof, ahall cause the namber of tne license
tteweof to be placed on the outside of the bed
or boi thereof in a conapicnoos nlaoe near , be
front of ench boa or bed iu na-ures not lees
than three inches in height and one and one
ha f inches in width.
Hee. 1. House mover engaged in the busi
nee of moving house, biuidrag a-id other
enperstn euirea from placj to plae- thnrash
the etreets of the cit , rhall pay a quarulj
license of fire doliare.
Hee. 30. The manager, owner or proprietor
of every ewing. m- rr -go-ronnd. oane-rack-
plaoe, where balla or o her thing ere thrown
or projected at a there; or other obi ete, or any
other devloe where a ehante i made to i eroone
performing thereat or using the aatne, a all
na license of two dollar, per day or ten
lass per week.
Bee. IX 8'eam woodaaws ahall pay a quarterly
license of afteen dollars.
ee. 22. The owner or peraon la charge of any
stallion. Jack or bnll, aunding the eaaae fur er
Vic within the city limits, ahall pay a llceuae ef
twenty dollars per year.
See. ga. That If any penoa or peraena exercise or
carry on any trade, bauuneaa or prufeMioa, or de ;
any act for Ike esereising. carrying on or doing, of
whtck a llrenac la required oy this ordinance, witb-
Loss of appetite; bad breath; bad taste la
the mouth; tongue coated; pain under the
shoulder-blade ; In the back or aide often
mistaken for rheumatism; tour stomach
with flatulency and water-brash; Indiges
tion: uoweia lax ana costive Dy turna;
liendnche, with dull, heavy sensation;
restlessness, with sensation of having left
aomothing undone which ought to nave
been done; fullness after eating; bad
temper; blues; tired feellngi yellow ap
pearance of akin and eyes; ditstne. eto.
Not all, but always some of these indi
cate want of action of the Liver. For
A Safe, Reliable Remedy
that can do no harm and haa never been
known to fall to do good
Take Simmons Lirer Begalitor
Malaria. Bowel Complalnte,
Dyipepftia, Sick Headache,
ConitlpatJon, BiliontneM.
Kidney Affection. Jaundice,
Mental lepreMlon, GoUo
" I have been practicing medicine for twenty
yean and have never been able to put up a ven ta
ble compound that would, lilte Simmons Liver
Regulator, promptly and effectually move the
Liver to action, and at the tame time aid (instead
of weakening) the digestive and assimilative
powers of the system."
L. M. Hinton, Wuhiogtoa, Ark.
Has our Z Stamp In red on front of wrapper,
J. Si Zeilin & Co., FUIadelphia, ft,
In tiik nitenrr court ok tiik statk ok
Oregon, fur thu County uf Cliu'kiiiiiiut,
N. P. Kotvnsmi, I'lRiutitT. I
v. 1
Mary S. Wren, W. H. Wren ami f
State of Oregon, 1
County of Clackamas, j
tu of un exveution and onier of wtle ImiiUhI out
of the circuit court uf the Htate uf OnKn for the
county of Clavktuuiui, btitrliin: date thu liMli day of
.tiny, 1K.M, in a suit wiH'i-wiu n. V. porciiitoii was
plaintiff anil Mary H. Wnn. W. II, Wnu ami U,
yiilmlhT with (IcfundiintR, cununamliiiK me. In the
natne oi the miuiv or uri'ton, inni oiu in im niti
eHlnte hert'iim(ttr dntcribil. to rmllze a huiii sum
clout tt aatitfy the dtiiuuid of' mUii ilttcHH?, to wit:
8l:w;a.fiO. totii'iher witb lutrt on Uie same aince
aid dfcrw was etttervd at 10 per emit, per annum,
and also the cml of aud attnndiiiK thhiiale, with
accrued conts of fti and an attorney'! fee of $IU.
Now. therefore. In nliedlcnre to such uecroA, lulu,
on thHLMJthhivof Miiv. 1K1M. duly levy unon. and
wlll.on HatunUy, th ;M)ih dny of June, lKtMt at the
lunir of 1 o'clock p. ui. of aaid day. at the front door
of tho court house iu wild county, olfcr for aale at
puiilic aUfUou, and Hell to thu liinlifnt aim imi
bldfJer, Tor cusli in Imna, all or the right, title aim
intermit the saltl defendants hail on the Kith day
of September, 1WHI, in and to tho follow in described
real pruiwrty, to-wit: Commend iijr on me nriKiuui
line between the DL.(! of Jaroli Wills and tieorui
Wills, at the northetut corner of a certain tract of
land conveyed to Samuel Atchison ny weo. wuih
by deed datiwl October ltith. lHiit, and which deii)
wan recorded on the 27th day of April lNtf.ln ho k Ml,'
pnne 5U of reeord of deed of Mnltnotuah county.
Orngon, and mnuitig thence aouth on the east lino
oi wtiu Atchiam tnu t to the nonnwtwi comer oi h
tract of laud conveyed to U. A . Hock wood by A. 0.
Averv and Cornelia Averv bv deed d it ted Itvceiul
ltttli. lttMtt. and r-dnnittd on t milch 104 of book "X'
of deedN of Clackamas county. Or'Koti, and which
said Dolntof beiiiiiniuir of the tract Intended to
conveyed by thl.t fimtiuuieiit, Ihenco east along ihe
north lino f mid Hnckw oil tract lo the Nouihwet
comer of a tnict ot hind bent)font conveyed to
William K. Wills ami IKntha A. MM ly Uitil dnted
Sepiimiherit-rth, lw), recorded on lK
u44" if detnU, Multnumah county tir,. In which ueed
mid David I'rlce kiiil Kllxnbeth PHco were u i-aiitiT
thente In n northerly direction aoii(( the went line
of mid William K. and LeHthea A. WilU tract to a
polnr, which aaid point it a sufficient dUtiimv n trth
to includetl nveacren in the trnct herein conveyed
vtr a line ilrnwn mm aaid udut parallel with th
said north line of wild Jt sCIcwoikI tract wtMieily
to the west It Hindu ry of the tract hereby
potiveyed thence from said iMUiit in a westerly di
ruction on a lino narallel with the aaid Itiu kwo
tract to snitl eiut tine of aahl Atchison tract , thui ce
aloiia wnid eat line of mtid Atelilnon tract to the
place of liel lining and oontaining live acres,
C. W. UA.SO.Ntl,
Hheriffof Cluckamao County. Or. gou
Hated this 1st day of .'line, a. Jt. inh,
Aldersigned. have been, by order tf the
county court of Clackamas county, Ore
eon, duly appointed executor of the will
and entate of H. C Ringo, detreused!
All perwons havintt! claims hiainHt aaid
estate arc notified to prenent them dulv
verified to me at Clark, Oregon, u ithin
six montliH from the date of tliis notice .
lated May 15, 1804.
Kxecutor of the Will and Kntate of II
C. Ringo, ileeeHHed.
U.K. Hayes A jko. L.Stohv.
AttornevB for Kstate.
Sun Curi for Sick Hcabwhil
tvoa ui iron dim eneing rroi
uaifeaaea er tJoatUpaUeta.
ImprovM th Ooraplil
or runi7inf me diom.
TV 4om ma baalr?ra'tjttttd to m t iheae m
pill een aever be too lru a doe. kMf to uk
a much nnr. 48 pill pul mp Im a itmii rial
bicfe ren b arrled ia Mt pocket rsl C
kmm te Travtkn Mmtm . V Ha
M "OMtsU" Traa lrh. 014 rrtM, th. iblleft
Imp Im m4 ru tor la MUk
) KlprVfl Mel Rr?TOR:fl tbr okhii.itatid I
Arable to the payment of all warrants endorned
prior w May 17. vvu.
Intereat will eeae from dote of this nut Ice,
. B. t'ALIKK.
Treasurer of ('lackainas Countv
Dated Oregon City. June 7, lhW.
ual aalriiaa ntil fllpk tirann im thai KaaKair m- !
qalml. or rliktawsnr of th. Bro-lsloaa of Uiaorii. ortrK IS HERKHY GIVES THAT I. MART
'IKHI Ihaxart, , Mriraw.. wtb i-.i.u.r., ...
from the last; tendency, moreover. April and Mv ol la-t pr TI.AnJ
due absolutely to liin social condition. inn ling in all right
Children Cry for , Pitcher's Castcrla.
ntnef, It?, ah or thv ahall, on etwvtctlon thrrof
Wftire the rwor r, ar every enct. oftVner, beile
Mng Hable fur the payamii of th tax, be etihjrctrd
Id lBprtamiMBt for a term m eicerdinn flft dan
or a iae man exoerdinc oaw hantlnel doilan, or both.
9mr, M. All dtdinuKt! er parts of entlnaneai fa
eonlict iMvwtUi are monby re(MM.
I OrdVrrd rrpvbHehfd by the city omar.1 at a mt
. tBf b4d Jaa U. ism. I
I. U rOKTICR, C( RcnnsT. 1
Hn. t'oi.nir I'iMirt f i"laknia ciMiutr. taie
of (re'n. n- rm-ulHi o( the n-Ute and wiH ml
FiUt Miii rath, deivtvl. and lhat all p?ra
havinv claim- acaint aaid rotate are hereby
ni'tllled to rariit thena with pntrr TwKhm
within month fmm the date n( thia n4fev
at Ihe lw oftii'e f C. D. A D. C. IjUourKie ia
lm2on t'Hy. Orvf..
Voted JnneAlh. UN. Fieeiilhx AUtTi4,
The rommou sfllictions of women are sickhea6V
cues, Indigotioii ami nervous troubles. The
arise largely from itiimach disorders. Aa Joj'i
vegetable tsrsparills is the ODlf bowel rcgu
lallng preparation, you can see why it la more
effective than a:iy other 8araparllla In those
troubles. It la daily n-lieiluj hnndreds. The
action la mild, direct and effective. We hare
core ol letters from grsteal women.
We refer to a few:
Kerrou debility, Mrs. J. Barron, 142 7th St, & P.
Nervous dcbil Ity, Un, Fred. Loy, IC7 Ellis St., 8 .P.
General debility, Mrs. Beldeo. 510 Mason St, LP,
Nerrona debility, Mrs. J. Uniphere, 735 Tark St,
Kerreoa debility, Mlas R. Rownblam, SJ l:th
St, 8. F.
The Shasta Route
aOUIIlKILN 1'At'lrlt' 10.
r.AiM'i Hani U-avv I'uitlaml I'ail).
ri.Mlli. Mailt,
di:, r. n. .1.1 I'iiiiiuiiii Mt a .na, t
lilor. a. l.i Oiia-iii t II) l i 7lta.s
IU4-.4.M Al full J liinrlai'ii .t t',M ,,
Tim alaiiu iruiiia ain, al all auiiima mini
I'unlrtiiil In Alliany iim-iiiivi', ianai-iii,iiif,iti,
ilalat'), IUrrii.urK, Juiiiliiii) I'll), Iri'inw, Km
il'lli. uliil 1,11 al.llliil.a Iiimij KiiM'liui In Anil anil
HoAKIU'llil MAIL liAil.Y
J::il 4.M.
:fair. .
. I.v
iiri'Kuii i ll)
l:i r.N
iirair. a
rUUMAS Htlf r Kr Hl.r.Ki'KNH
A. Ill
Alliu hiil In all 1 htiii.nli Trnliia,
Hptwurn I'UHTl.AMI mill Kill VAI.I.lN
iMA. 07 1 i.v I'uriiiTiii'i "aTi fti7ft Firr
(y?.!L'LJA! ;trvMii i it I iaui'.m.
At Allianjr ainl liiirval'ila -ii nei.wTt h Iralna
olOri'gnii I'ai'llli' Kallrosil.
"auraa-sTKAiw imii.yikVi KiTaiiHiuv.T-
I l.r I'nrtlaiid Ar I :vr. A. M
Ar Mi'Mliinvllli I.v I A:ln A. M
1:40 1'.
f.!ii P,
Tllltoniir Tlf'KKTS
Til M. I'lllNTa IN TIIK
I'nn Ih nl litim il at ,hv liiwcal rnli'a from
i ii. miii:k, akciii, oni mi ii)
M aliai I nl I I t I ji. .
I'lirlliuiil, Oi
Oregon Pacific Railroad Company
I'HAN. I.AIIK, Itiifivi r,
runiiiHliiK with Hir. ' HOMKIt" Iwiwiwn Viiiiihi
ami Hun KrnnrlM'n,
Mli'itiuiT lean-a Hun Kratieiiaii Pi'lmiiiry '.Dili, Maich
z.l, l'JIli, Jil nml lll-l.
Sti'iuiii.r li-aviw Yaiiiim
17lli and '.'Till.
Ki-lirnnry Cili, Mnr. li 711'
Uixlil. riaH'rvi'il
lo rliaiiii .iiillnu il ,iiai wlilinnl
Kur fri'l;hi ami iiiMt.iKr ralwi np.lj In any Akii.I
Nim. 2 to H M.irlK'l Hln-.'l,
San Kmiicl.ro, Calif,
CHAM. ( I.AIIK, IlKelt'ar,
Curriillli, Orrgon.
u. 1.-1 kj r i v." -ii
Stomach troubles, Mrs. S.
Bt, a. I.
L. Wbeaton, 704 Pest
Blck beadaehet, Mrs. IL X. Mcs, U Promcl
Place, & F.
Sick headaches, Mra, II. Fowler, E7 Ellil St,B.F.
Indhrmrtlon, Mrs, a D. Stuart, 1221 IfiMion St,
Constipation, Hit C. Melrln, US Kearny St.S-P.
Mon modern, most enVtlTe. largest aottie.
Same rW. Q. oo or for R.0
Salt Lake, Denver
Omaha, Kansas City,
Chicago, St. Louis.
Eastern Cities.
U n . , r D the Quickest to CM
nUUI o cago and the East.
U n 1 1 po Quicker to Omaha
nuUlO and Kansas City.
fl. II. 11. ( LARK.
F(ir ruled inni ironerul iiiforniation call
on ur Hililrt'HS,
W II. HUULBUttT. Aast. non. Pa. Agent
254 WnHhinutnn St., cor. Tliinl,
Job Printing at the
Courier Office.
1 WAV CH 1 0. 1 tUL MAHKS i I
SnWai S'JIfT i2 "J? bole"i oP'n'on. write lo
Hi UNN eV ('O., who bsve had nearly flftr rears'
experience In tbe patent bualneaa. Commanuja.
tlona atrlctly eontldentlrj. A Handbook of In!
formatloa oonoernliiK Pntente and bow to ib.
PaUnta taken through Munn A ro maaIt.
special noticeln the tlclen.lnnrnerlcnm!
iS?.4;? frH?n. wldel before the public with,
put cost to the InTentor. This splendid mm?
ed i "eeklT. eleesntl7 lllnatratedTbas b? lff?h
Urxeat circulation ol an-.clentlBc work l" th!
wSll?;J,3J.yer. Sample copies sent free
uuiiuiiur ataiuon. montblj, I2.S0 a rear. Simla
tlful plates, In color-, and pliotonraoba ofnasi
iSSTl w!tb p""!., nttbllnB KullderVfo show uZ
tat..!?.9?.8ll"!l ""d secure contract. Addreaa
MUNN i CO, llew Yohk, al BhSadwat.
Your Stomach
after eating a hearty meal, and the
result is a chronic case of Indiges
tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn,
Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack.
niire.tlon, Herniate the
niOlllnrh. l.lwfP nai Rnmal. II
Che Hlood, aud are a PoitTe (Core for
trttrn a UinorUered condition of the Liver und
Stomach. They act icentty yet promptly, and
aKlitann I'al.ulpn take the nlaoe of in tutlM
Aledlcine ChfHt. aud i,oul be kept tot
Sold by dntmlMts or fn by
, maU.
Price, TieoDoUan.
I (eras St., Hew Vara.
Golden Opportunity For Suffer
ing Humanity.
rhj.lctana (live Tli-lr BVni-die. to the PdI
and w- will ii.l jru Free ot hree a rru.
coi-aaa of p-ciallT prpnr.! n-ro-di-a lt anit-d
WF PiN riRClh.'I,K"''f"'"""ld;-w.
Ht.V1' uUnt ir tofAarm. OnrtmMmmta
f.r all JiMirf and ,1-r. nnilia. an. U..I ..a
Scl-nlinc. s.iUlr-d b, many ye!,' Mp-ri,sc.
which enal.ln aa Ui (iiianMit-e a t are. i a,4
H. hare lh only p.ili,a rnrr f
Trn-mr iHTsi sad t ,t,srh. Kef,,..,.
rrra. PennannitiT lucal-d. :Old nubli.krd i
7:9 Market ., HhFi, I.
Kipnn I'aliiile : lit liver tunic
nipanaTaliuloi rnre had brralh.
Hipans Taliule cure beadacJie.
Eipan Tahnle enre brer trotibW