fyt onrir. Oregon City, May 25, 1894. DemocraticState Ticket. For Conireminan, lnt Piiitrlc., J. K. WEATHEHFOKD of Linn. For Governor, W. 8. GALLOWAY of Yamhill. For Kccrelnry of filate, CHARMC8 NICK ELL of Jackaon. For Treasurer, TII08. L. DAVIDSON of Marlon. For Supreme Judge, A. 8. BENNETT of Wiaco. For Attorney General, W. H. HOLMES of Marlon. For Hcliool Superintendent, D. V. 8. REED of Lane. For State Printer, JOHN O'BRIEN of Multnomuh. For Attorney, 5th Judicial District, K. F. DKIGG3 of Clackamaa. Member Equalization Board, 5th Dint., W. B. ADAIR of Clalop. Democratic County Ticket. For Senator, JAMES TI10RNE. For Joint Senator, E. RUSSELL of Clatkaman. For Representatives, DR. W. E. CARLL, MARTIN BOBBINS, JOSIAII MARTIN. ' For County Judi;e, J. 8. RISLEY. For County Commissioner, -GEO. J. CURR1N. For SlierifT, C. W. GANONG. W, For Clerk, B. STAFFORD. For Recorder, A. W. SHIPLEY. For Treasurer, A.J. WASHBURN. For Assessor, 8. R. GREEN. For School Superintendent, C. Y. DRAPER. For Surveyor, FRED HESSE. For Justice, District No. 4, W A. HEDGES. For Constable, District No. 4, E. T. FIELDS. A MODERN COUNTY CONVENTION. The last republican county conven tion was exceedingly modern; that is tossy that those who in former times thought they knew a little about p li tics and how a convention should be managed, were tauirlit a new lesson - tiny will not soon forget. Scan over the present ticket anil compare the "-canUfdatea witrrTsucmnen-BS-Tr-w.-Tracy, Judgi J. W. Meldrum, ex-Sher Iff W. W. H. Sameon, Hon. J. M.Sliker C F. Clarke. Capt W. II. Smith, Cupt. 8. B. Califf, Hon. Geo. W. Prosserand scores of others. These men have formed tlio "bone and sinew," as it were, of the republican party in this county for years past,and then to thrust them aside without any consideration whatever is a lesson now to those who have stood in the van of every battle fought by their party, and an insult to their integrity and manhood. it u sale to sav there was liardly a single delegate who attended this con vention that went homo thoroughly sat isfied with his and the convention's work. Is there a single delegate who can consistently rally . to the support of the ticket, brought out and under suidi a condition of things and knowing, as he does, tho underlying factors directing these matters? "Coming events cant their shadows before,'' and if we rend the signs of tho times aright, conscien tious republicans will not submit to any such chicanery. I. J. Iuiu.imi suya in the IuhI isauu of tha llrfurmtr, pulilUlicd at The Dulles, (ha. "J, N. Pulpit has nut only re pre resented tho O. R. AN. C.i. (Union 1'uclflo' in a general Mciine, alnce his election to the U. 8. senate from Ore gon, but he openly charges that Mr. Dulph has directly contested, In their behalf, a movement on the p ut of the government to relieve tho people of Him Inland Empire from a monopoly wliL-li ha ground the very llfooutofoiif farm ing and shipping community fir in my years; and in spiiu of the 'Intcrui'i -in deniuP of the Suinlty 0tgiminn of MuyJ.'l, the truth still stands that Mr. Dulph has attempted to represent two seta of people whose Interests are dia metrically opposed, and thoiiuestli.il f r the farmer and tlm shipper to rneo:i..-:io is: How ran Mr. Dolph run his hand to the elbow into the corporation coir.-rt, and at tho mime time pat us upon the back and relieve us of our luird (-innings in favor of the monopoly of which he is the paid agent ?" i Thkiik are many reasons why the people of Oregon should elect Hon A , S. Bennett aiaoclule justice. Tint su preme court should bo computed of the ablest lawyers of the itiite, an I Judge Bennett is irciignl.nd as one of the brainiest men in tho legal fraleruily in Oregon. Wo should have on tho su- j preme bench men whoso integrity and honesty cuunot be questioned. Jii'L'c Dennett's reputation can he piiked threadbare and not a dishonest uet e.i-i , bo (mi ml. Our court should u cjiii ' posed of men who are not tools i.f c ir- ' poralions and railroad companies, men who have stood up for the lighls of Hie people aifiiinst die grinding opprcal in I of railroa.l companies as has Judge Ili-u-1 nett. Besides, Eastern Oregon should I have a representative on the sup em i I bench. Western Oregon has aUuya j had the judges; now lot Eastern O.u gnn have a representative on III j b -:i :'i Salem Demuerat. If Mr. Gaming is reelected sherill. Mr. HUIcy Is elected county judge and George Cnrriii cimiiiilKslniier, il will lx llifl self iliiHised tusk i.l the ileinnerals to so conduct the s Ha Irs of Clackamas county that at 'lie end of four years II will be practically out uf buht. The re. publican looters and tux-eaters know this and are saving neither money nor cllorts to elect tlu-lr county ticket. Will tho pini( re-endnran t!'eir rnblii'rlcs Stfilio VutiiiK their ticket? Ik Hon, Win (i.illuway Uelec.nl g.-v erm:ruf the state, a few years hence w ill nut bo treale I to the spectacle of our chief executive drawing his salary and campaigning the stale speaking In I the imprest of parly hostile to t'n one j which twice elected him ami incidentally paving the wsy to a seat in the U. H. senate. Gallowav will he governor first I last and all Hie lime; nor ill lie tlra an unconstitutional kaliiry us Mr IV ' noycr is doing. THE CANDIDATES On Hip Democratic Counly Ticket Are Representative Citizens. They Di'Ncrve tho Hearty Sup purl of All KeKortlleNN of . l'urly. HuN.CuAKi.Ks Nickell.tlie democratic randldate for secretary of state, is a man of the people; his newspaper i Is an ante ciaiupiou oi ineir rignia his recortl in the legislature III op posing bitterly the repeal of the mort I gage tax law and tho law peruiittin I deductions of indebtedness ant) resist lug extravagant appropriations, is one that the pontile hv their suffrage should hold up as worthy ol einiViVn vnlli Timri. Dl iiinii the years from ISilt i IS-I", , nuiuher of tiirilf ref inn ur.leles ip;eared ' In the 0,rijii!iinii They expressed some di mocriilic tliH-trine and we w ritten by Harvey Scott, since then li I has grown wealthy, and now the Or gun in n' i tuiiir aitich-s are written by I dinle iiiii'ortcl Irom the Kant, who has 'strict order to itleKip it up (or the g. n ' p., and principle be d . Tho Cou I kk Kill publisli inure of Harvey Scott editorials. Boukkk Cochran, the groat Tammany orator, created a sensation by Ills speech at tho opening of tho Catholic edii'.-a tionul hospital in New York city. T n il ing to the archbishop and advancing willi forefinger outstretched, he de clared with Impassioned eloquence lli.it he would accept tho teaching of tho church from his grace with the utmost reverence, "but if tho day should ever come (here Cochran's voice rosj ii r.il it echoed through the big hall; when from tho Catholic pulpit you utter one word hostile to the integrity o( this guvm ment, I tell you such language w mM ' j heretical, you would be false to I he republic, false to the church that placed the coiiHccratod oil upon your head for the blessing of your children." A sub dued murmur o( astonishment ran through the hall, quickly followed by a grand burst ofapplauso. A true dem ocrat is always a true patriot and no traitor to his country can he a true Catholic. Govkiinuii Pennojer, who is now go ing over the state telling the people how much ho loves them and hates the cor poratious, travels on a free railroad p iss He also draws an ollicial salary of over $10 a day while he is out slumping more than double the amount allowe him by the constitution uf the stale, Those who listen to Ills speeches should bear these fuels In mind llmiburg llerirw. Tiik "on-to Washington" 'Wealers have made themselves ridiculous by their horror of hard work. Two hun dred of Coxoy's bums encamped at Dla densburg, Md., refused steady employ ment offered them by the agont of a rail road company. Not a soul of tliem would budgo. Goneral Coxoy has not deigned to reply to a proposition tele graphed him from Idaho by a land com pany to employ several hundred of his men for one year at $1 50 per day. The company has only secured about 50 stragglers who couldn't endure toil over from one to five hours a day. An Iowa farmer offered a wagon-load of Goneral Kelly's men work for tho summer at l to fl 50 a day per man The "never aweats" laughed in his face. Also the sheepmen of Idaho are ma king efforts to secure mon that mill work. The crasy, pestilent notion has cuptivnted those swarms of idlers that the govern ment should give each of them a bushel ot Dat paer money in order that they might live without work. Toil early and late, to get rich, is good enough for I). P. Thompson and the Into W. 8. Latld. The country is tired of the 'Weuler. Mh. Wealherford, democratic eandi lalo for congress, stales in his specclioa that he, some time ago, sent for and re ceived a copy of the Sydney .Vtil, the leading newspaper of Australia, of the date of March 17th, 1804. In the mar M -Trport he found wool, unclcaned,' quoted at 14 (? 15 emits, and at that very time it was selling here at 7 to 10 cents only; cleaned wool was quoted ut 21 to 25 cents and in Oregon it was selling at 12 to 15 cents. Welhers wero selling theie at $2 50 to 1.00 a head, and here they would not bring more than ft 50. This diBsiputes the bugabao of foreign wool competition. Why would Australian growers ever think of exporting woo! to the United Stales and selling it at at smaller prices than they could get at home? Onto wauls a clinngo and wants it badly. At the close of the last fiscal year of Governor Campbell's democratic administration, its state government was turned over to McKinley and re publicanism with a balance o(D I, ,'100,500 in the treasury. At tho close of Mc Kinley 's first administration the balance sheet presenlod a decl Joly different as pect. Revenues had fallen away, ex. penditures had increased, and the slalo treasury was on tho vorge of hunk, ruptey, and three months later was forced to temporarily suspend payments on three different occassioiis. At tho time the condition of tho general revo nuo fund was: Balance in the treasury, (138,01510; liabilities or appropriations, $1,4:15,04(101); excess of linbilith's, $1,001,0:11 63. Housb Jockey Coxey is a good deal of a nuisance, tint be and his armies haven't done the country a tilhe of the Injury that results every year by tho presence in Washington of the lobby ists in tho interest of protected re publican capitalists and trusts. For walking on tho grass, Coxey. luodor ol the 'Wealers, is lined and sent to jail ; for plundering millions of people, the lobby ists ore wined anil dined and asked to come again. What wonder Coxeyism is abroad ill the land? TiiAiT.moi's schemers are m iking the attempt to hamper the freed mi of the press by pursuuding congress to raise the p Huge on S"C hi I class matter from I to 8 cents a pound. On April lOlh the lower house of congress adopted an amendment raising the rate of postage on certain kinds of periodicals 700 per cent. The plotters against the press de serve a few feet of hemp around their necks. No one who heaid the speech of Hon J. K. Wealherfortl in this city, and who has examined that gonllem tn's record in (he state legislature, can help coming to the conclusion that willi tha', gentleman as our representative in congress we would have a member who would be a representative of the whole people and not of himself or any set ot political schemers. Juihjr Lord, republican candidate (or governor, for 12 years has been feeding at the public crib and for five years drawing $1500 a year in excess the constitutional salary, this be ing a violator of the constitution of the state, contrary to his solemn oath of ofllce as a judge of our supreme court. Both Governor Pennoyer ami Judge Lord have been convicted of drawing salaries in excess of the sums ullowed by the constitution. Judge Galloway pledges himself, if elected, to draw only his constitutional salary. Vote for Galloway and you will be helping to secure an economical administration. Tiir incendiary tendency of populism is shown by the declaration of Osborne, Kansas' secretary ot state, that (l imes would hurst out from the pulaces of the rich in every part of the country. . That fellow would steal a train if lie had a chance. No wonder business is pros trate willi such crunks in ofllce. It is now the supreme political duty of democrats, whatever their differences on national questions, to stand by their ticket, especially the legislative portion of It. In this county it happens that the democratic ticket is made up partly of democrats and partly of populints; but it it as much the political duty of al I democrats to faithfully support il as if all the nominees were life-long demo crats. By no other Doaailile meana can republican majority in the next legis lature be prevented. The personality of the candidate for United States sen ator should cut no figure now with dem erata. It will be time enough to con sider that when the legislature is gained. It is scarcely less than silly for demo cratsto be scared with the notion so "TA.x-Puyer's Protest," or "Tax Dodger's Protest," in last, week's KnWr prite, makes one smile. Piesumiihiy be thinks buggy horses mil soon be in de mand in case lie does not square up with tho county . W'hv doesn't he sign liis name so the people could sjo whoso ox is gored? A blind man could read his article ''between the lines'' and see tax-dodger stamped all over it. With C. W. Ganong for Bheriff, he realizes that he cannot beat the devil round the stump much ioniser. Joe Simon is the republican candidate for state senator in Multnomah county. If elected he will certainly dominate the councils uf his party in the legisla ture. This (act is too well known to be met by any contradiction. Mr. Simon is the especial champion of machine politics. He will labor (o annul the Australian ballot law, to prevent (he enactment of a mortgage tax law, and, in fact, to control the legislature in the interest of the Portland ring as it has been in the past. G. M. Iiihin, republican candidate for state sell io! superintendent, is a preacher ami a one horse politician. Who wants a political preacher to fill this re sponsible and honorable ollice. Vote fur Prof. Reid, ono of the foremost teachers of (he state with an expeilence of 20 years as an educator. If the republicans elect the governor and n majority of the legislature, they will without a doubt so modify the Aus tralian ballot law as to destroy its safo guards auainst vote-buying. The re publicans tried lo accomplish (his dur ing the session of the hist legislature. Pi t a heavy lux on all laborers com ing to this country and see if it don't do more to keep up wages than nil tho tariff on foods. Low turlll is good for evorbody except the trusts an I pro tected manufacturers. The time for e'eclion is near at hand and it behooves evn y dcui KT.it who considers tho welfare of his party ami his county, to consider well the step he tskes as he casts his billot on June Ith next. The county is pausing through one of the severest sir iiti it hi ever seen all brought on and about by the effects of republican rule P'r tile past 30 years and no honest ili-mi lerut who is faithful to Ills colors, and desires the good, botli of his fellownien and bis country, will fly offal a laiigout mi any visionary scheme. Tula is n t time for theories ami impracticable scheinjs, but rather fur ib-r rell ic-ti tn and every thing that is practical, tried and real. Feeling and leulizing this, the last democratic county convention put forth une of the best and uust representa tive men In this county . Judge James Thome, as camiidate for senator, is a man l vast and varied experience in almost all the lines of life. Several times has he amassed quite a fortune at milling, but true to the nature of all miners, he would st'c't to it just a little too long and would lose . e.,,... ' ., . !$reipponedto all i it again. Hi comes to us well and as-slim .liver, and il Mil. Pennoyer in bis pecch expresses great sympathy with the industrial armies. These armies steal trains. Wonder w hat song his excellency would sing if they stole his sawmill? Pknxovkk's speech made no vutes for the populists. The idea of a gentle man north hulf a million dollars going ! around the country bewailing the alllic- tinns of the poor! highly recommended, and we know fmiii tliH five vears he lug been in this county that he is fully in touch with the people, ana that lie would servo them faithfully, honestly ami conscientiously. Dr. W. E. Cull, one of the brightest and 'most intellectual ciliz.tns of this county, is a man of broad ideas, capa ble easily to see liiroiun tne sophistries ami schemes usually worKeu through our legislature. You will nut do your lull duty il you uo not vote ana work (or him from now till election day . Of all the other candidates on either ticket he has nut a peer among thoin. This is gunerullv conceded, an 1 if the voters studv their own interests they will vote fur bun irrespective of parly. Martin Rubbins and Jisiali Martin. (lie other two candidates lor representa tives, are representative furmurs, and now is the lime of all tim s when the farmer should stand by the fanner. Both arc old residents of this county and know ils wants as well as anv other two nice, that could be selected. Another man ot whom the democrats are especially proud and than whom no better can be lotinJ, is our next county judge, J. L Risley It . is now very generally admitted that Mr. Risley a election is beyond question, and also that ol (jeo. lurrin as county commis sioner. Both men will do their whole Int v, and from the present condition uf tilings they will have quite a duty to perform, if you know them you know they will d it fearlessly and honestly. If von don't know them you ought to get acquainted at the tirst opportunity. Una is purely a matter of business and it is to your interest to do so. Uur candidate lor sherui needs no eulogy at our hands. His record is be fore you. It he has dune the manly part by you, he is according to all pre cedents, entitled to another -term, and uu siiouio nun uu uonoi expects ma sup port 01 tne nest people ol mis county . irrespective of party. He is suing to got this support no question auout It, W. B. Stafford, our candidate for county clerk, will snow George F, Horton under so deeply on June4tli that Horton will think an avalanche struck lit in 'Keep your eye on Stafford I" A. W. Shipley will not be last in the race either. Fact is, Ramsby was out le other day looking after his corral, and when lie saw so many saps down nd Ids' vutes su badly scattered, he came home very badly scared. This is the truth, the whole truth, so help us l'eter ! County Treasurer. What's the matter with Washburne? Don't you know i in 7 If you don't take our word for it and vote for him any way. You'll never regret it, and he will con luct the ollice as any business should be. He's luroiurhly competent. S. R. Green is a young man of this county, and the way he will rake in t ,e votes on election day will surprise you. e was assessor ami collector of this ty and did the work in an exceedingly reditahle manner, and be understands hat would be required of an assessor. e has been in business here, is a good udgeof the value of property and es peeiully fitted for this work. C. Y. Draper,a young man thoroughly uulilled and one of the most practical teachers of this county, will look after he interests of public schools of this county for the ensuing two years, lie just as certain to lie elected as that s name is Draper. Pin this in your hat. Fred Hesse, a thoroughly educated and eminently worthy young man of ciman birth, is out for county surveyor. e was educated in the schools of Ger many, is a skilled draughtsman, and if you feel that you need this kind of a man as county surveyor he will (ill the hill exactly. Don't forget him on elec tion day I For Justice of the Peace, W. A. edges of Canemah will no doubt pre side in the court of justice for district INo. 4 lie has grown up in tins county and fully deserves recognition at the hands of the votes of this district. Vote (or your own interests and elect him By a rousing majority. You will never re gret H you tlu. Last, but not least, comes Kd. T. Fiehls.wliohas served the people of this district for the last two years as con stable and who intends to servo them in the same capacity, for another two years, the people consenting, uf course. He was elected by a rousing majority before and as he will be again. He is one of our boys, you know; every way com petent, active, alert to every dtitv, an t withal a very worthy officer. Give him a big; boost, boys ! St. Oemooratio Stale Platform. The fnllowliiK li Hit platform silopltsl at the ilfinnf ralle (! pniirtnliun: Th rt'iirnrnuilVM ol lha ilemnorailp party In (oiivnllon sKuemlili-d m. Hit full., wins tie elsrsllun nt principle and meamires n. Ilielr lilatliirro In the prounlcsmptlgiii W dec-lure our itonlnutnlho.i.iii io the fun dsm.nul maxim ol the demncr.')', vis: "Ciov trmnonl by the people, honmljr anil eronmiil c.lly uliululitured, lor His f reaUi.t ihhI ul lliu rt'iU-.l number." We oh.nrn iiimid Hie ri'imtill- can party snd lis recklm Itf Illation all tliu oil. ! (rem which lliti people am now iirTirlnif, siul iwrl thai the low prlrtm n( (arm prixlucu, nu eiiiplnymoti! nl lalmr, st-nersl dcpremiliai in knsl lie mi, I titfintllon nl Imiu.iry, sre lliti rcnll ' nl the qnJiKt ami biirili-nwuiie m-, hliih pro- j turllve tariff yi.ii-in, ami oilier i-lau lnlUlloii ! iif the republican party, of whlrh I he ilcinciiio tlMlluii uf ailver III Prill and tho i'uilriu'lla of, uur I'lirmioy arc liultiii-ei. I We Mlrca Dial all lanalioii .li.iulil be niial snd jul, that u a new-Mary Imntlou la uujunt, Unalkui, and thai the wnalih ul s iiallnn nlmiild bear II. Jiut proportlun ol the burden, nl the ha I llonal foreriimi-nl. and that sre In favor ol j an Income tax. ' We lavor the i-alllits uf a coii.lliiiil.ni con. veiillun, lo iilmili to vutitrn ol the elate a cult lUiitluii embodying aiming oilier UiIiik what la known an the mutative and referendum. ' We aialn declare our fulfil in and advocacy ol , the ImperlihaMj principle, if the dvuioerallc party si n-alllrimsl by the Clilcasu plallorin. We haveau abldlnn lallh and Implicit cm II- j deuce In the Integrity, good faith and palriotl.in of I'rekident Cleveland, and be! let e that he will , ecoinpll.h, so fsrw In hi. pot or, before the cluaeufhli terra of offlee, all the plislKi-e of Hie deiuoi-rallo party contained III Hie nalioual plat-1 form adopted at l.'hlcaiio In PW, ' We endone III. repeal by coimrena of the wh om federal ele -tlun law, a ,d hidorae II. efltirla Ui behalf of tariff reform and to hrlnj- about a faiorprti.perotia coudhlou of aflalrr. I . We favor the upecdy eon.iriietloii of tho Nica ragua canal by the Kovermuoiit au l iiwlcr got-I , eminent iiwrvllon and conlrol. , We reatllin tlic ptulilon that hni ever beta maintained by the democratic parly, that guld I 'ud silver are eipiatly Hie people.', money. We incanurva ol dlwrlmlnalloii I leinnuj freecoiuaie Ut nut piy ins ueinan I. ol uikIiicim, and that all money bued by the government bo main a legal tender for all debts, both public and prl imp . ! J We believe thai Die pen.lon roll uliould lie one ' oi nonor, anil we ravur liberal pjnliu to ol- Oleri di.abled lo the ervLu ul our cumry. . We are In favor of Hie election ol United Hlalea senator, by the direct vote ol the po pie. ' Wa denounce the acl of I he lat legl.lature Wbereliy was repealed what la known aa "The Mortgage Tax Utv," nd wo demand Ils re- uavtin.nt at the uext wlon. We demand thai all property iliall be aueued at II. true cash value, and that there shall be deductions only for Indebtedness wh'ch has a corresponding taxuhlo credit. ; Wo demand the enactment ami enfo rcemeiil of mora stringent laws for iho protection of the tahaou aud sturgeon Ashing Industry, and the aooiiiiun oi an nshtrups, seines and wheels, and lavor more extensive arllllclal prop.uia Inn W'c are ill favor ol liberal anproiiriatlons for Hie improvement of our rivers and harbors, and Iho adoption of such measures as will tend most speedily lo the opening ol the Columbia river. We are opposed lo Chinese and all pauper Im migration. We favor t change in Iho law regulating the adoption ol school text books which will Invite healthy competition and prevent too frequent ohsnges hi the same, We are in favor of laws for the protection of depositors in banks. We are In favor of the abolishment of rail road and all other unn.tenary i o:nn is I ma We favor Hxed salaries lor all public officers and the abolishment of the fee system, aud are opposed to an oHIoor receiving more than his constitutional salary. We condemn as lnfsraus the attempt of the last legislature to tamper with the purity of our elections by so amending the Australian ballot law as to take from It all Its beneficent provis ion., and wo earnestly oppose any change or modification of aald law. We declare ourselves hi sympathy with the Just decision of Judge Caldwell, regarding the rights of labor In the recent controversy be tween the Union Pacific Railroad Company and us ewpioyost We arralgri the last legislature for its waste of me peouie s ra Hioy ry extravagant and reckluss appropriations, and hold n,0 republican party of the slat, responsible for the shameless aud vicious lexi.iaiKia oi mat Doay, and we call upon the honest voters of the stale to relieve the common wealth of this incubus upon It. industry and prosiwrlly by taking the reins ol power Irom Iho hmilsof such incompetent and unworthy ser- What is mi. iswww.wwwem...aww. is . a i ... ixi,-w Wsiuxxvv,i i i-wx-si sli m x as. wsm i i uwh s-l . EAST AND SOUTH ' The Shasta ftoute SOUlllKKN IMt'Jl 1U 10. I rain, l-oave I'urllaud Daily, 7 "..77" i ""m- 1 1.1 l.v I At r.spii. S .uili. ! I I r s. l-.iUe. . III i , I iolUi.ii I'ltgoll I It) pan , ism ism I I I i II 4 I.l I I M I.l Cftstorla l Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Caatoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Caatoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving liealthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castorla Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mother, have repeatedly told ma of Its good effect upon their children.' Da. O. 0. Osoood, Lowell, Haas. " Castorla Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Caatoria in atead of the rarlousquack nostrums which an destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kimchkloi, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria la so well adapted to children thai I recommend it aa superior to any preacrlptioa known to me." H. A. AaoBso, at D., It! So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physlcume la the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence la their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to coo fees that the merits of Caatoria has woo us to look with favor upon It." Umtid IIoartTAL ixo Disrxssaaf, Doatoo, 1 Allxx 0. Sarra, Prti., I bo Move train, slop Ml ail .iniioii. in.ui I'uiilttiiil to Ammi) iiii-ni. ti.-, l,iiis-Mi.Hicli. Ilals.-), ILrn.mira, JoiiitiM I'll), mo,,-, r.. Jon huh all .lalli.M. Hum 1,14-11,1 10 .ll. anil iliclllsivi-. Ilil.-Klll UU .mil, IMll.V 1::S' IMI .M. :. H. I.l l.r ar I'orilainl fir,, gnu 4 My l(o.i.,iirg M It l.v ;i:.l'-. 7'l.x K IHNINII I'AIIH ON IIIIHKN lllll Ih. I'Vuhan rm.T ki.kki-ekm 4X11 SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING1 CARS AIIscIiihI lo all 'I linn gh Iriiliis, W.IHhlTrvi.lll, Halweei, J'OUT I.A N , m loll VALLla) saiaAirnuii.vtKsiimii'Siiiv.) J:W A.M. I Lv "i-ortUmt TTiTjTyIT, l.h I'.M I Ar l-orvslli. I t 1 1 m p. M . Al tibaiivand t'orvahls i-iiuuec'i wllh Iraina oliircgoii I'acillc llallroad. raa.s Tauii ixii.vTmcaiTsnsiuv.i l.'iiP. il 1 l.t P.. Miami 7.IIAH ll.Ur M.-Mliinvllli ArlM.'.'.-iA.M l.v I :'nA.M . Tllltol.'lil! TICKKTS To ail. I-OINTS in ins KAHTKIIN HTAIKH, I'ANAlU AMI KUini'r. Can be iilil.ilui d al the lowest rales from 1.. 11. moi:i:, Ageiii,ora'H li ft. KOKH I.Kit. K. I'. ItlKiCIIH, Maui' il. ,,il 1 I I n, 11 rnrllaud, III Tha Cents ar Coxspavnj, TI M array Street, If aw York City. .'.'.V.VAVWWMWrWAVs's . .VsVeVeVAVAV.VsVkV I BALD HEADS!! What Is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? lias it a lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or brushed ? Is It full of dandruff ? Does your scalp itch ? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. Skookum Root Hair Grower In what you need. IU produetlna ( not u accident, bat tho malt of rftntlflo rrMar('h. Ktmwlswliru tit tim HisMias nf th hair and swalD IshI Co tha dlaviiT- ryof boirtotreattbem, "Skookum "ooDUlni neither niiMrtli nor oili. It Is not a Dre, but ft delightrullyoouliof and refreiblDg Tonic. Bj itlmulatlnr the follicle, it siup jailing hair, curt dandruff and grow kaironbaid htadM. tm Keen the scalp clean, health?, tad free from Irrltatlar eruption . by the ue of Skookum &i 6oop, It dustros panuitlo inmt$, which etd and tttftroy the hair If vourdruKtcUt cannot supply you send direct to m, and we win forwsrd nm-iilJ. n rpccfucof urice .'irower. ALU) Dr botUe i $ tot liU ttoapsfiuu. per Jar 1 6 (ur '&0. j" THE SKOOKUH ROOT HAIR GROWER CO.. i TRATtR VARK S9 Month Vlfth Avenee. New Terk. N. Y. ' S e wJjka a jAaAVaVVsVWsVMWrWsVeVf a" yanls. The people cannot hope lor Immunity from corrupt appropriations of public money so lunj as the paitv in power is controlled by the eonil.lnnlUoi of spoilsmen which has and will control Hie republican parly of this slate. He Clackamas county nover Inn! a more rH'ii-it'iit slifriir 1 1 111 11 C. V. (iunon. lie lias i-ollei-ti'il S.'o.tHIt) ili'lin.iient luxes It-It uiii'olli'i'leil In- several pre vitms slit-rills. IU'sinkss will not resume its wonted coiiliileiu-e ami alaliiliiy until (lie ctilanv ily howler (the worst enemy of the mail who wauU work) stop-ihis i-lack, i-lat-k, i-hi'k. It will ho to the intureat of the tax payers of Clui-kitimia county to vole for A. J. Washburn for county Ireaurer. Pitcher's Castoria. SHEKIFF'S NOTICK OF SALE UNDKR EXECUTION. S THK CIKCIIIT COUItT OK TUB STATE OK 1 Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. l lie utaieol Oregon, I'lamtitf, vs. The Heiisof John Gray .deceased. Dan J. Jones and any one inter ested in the estate of said John Gray, deceased, Defendants, Mate of Oregon, I County ol Clackamas, f 88 Notice is hereby iriven that by virtue of an execution ami ordor of sale issued otitof the circuit i-o irt i f tleStite of Oreon for the County of Clackamas bearingilate the 1st tlav of May 181)4. in a suit wherein I he 8 a e of Or,-on was plainlilf and theabive nainetl were de feml.inlH, coninianiliiiir me, in the nam i of the state of Oregon, to sell the real estutu hereinafter tleacribml, and which aai-J lands are escheatetl to the Stale of Oregon, and will be sold on the follow. iiiK terms to wit: One half cash on the day ol sale; I lie remainder to he pipl in I wo yearly installments, purchaser to execute a note and morlKHge liettrinti 8 per cent, interest to the State Hoard of School Land Commissioners to secure the deferred payments. Therefore, in obedience to l he decree aforesaid, I did, on the 14th day of May, 1SU1, duly levy upon, snd will on Saturday, the Kith day ol June. 18(14, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, at the front door of the court house in said county, oiler for sale at public auction, and sell to the highest and best bidder, on the terms aforesaid, all of the right, title and in terest the said defendants had in and to the following described real properly, lo wit: NW. 'A of SE.'i' of Sec. Id. T 4 S., It. 2 E. of the Willamette Meridian . Claulumas countv, Oregon. Dated this IStli day of Mnv.A. D 18!4. C. W. Uanono, : Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. r HAIR DEATH 1ntaiitlu rrmovrn and forever tUnirovi ohtee- thimble hiiirtU'hrthrr ujnm the Aam,ucr, arm or neck, without (lincoloration or injury to the mot drlictite kin. It wan for fifty yHr the Morpt furinitln of KrHHiiitm a ii iiimiii, HrKiinwieaKCU uv piiytitittH8 am lT II... I.t..l...u ....A . 1. - I a wic ii i;iiirnt nui uifi ii.t uini Uitr HIiHti it 111 I lit. Il( dfruiiitolnKitii Hint i-nirfiperitillMt tliHt ovor livt'1. During hit priVHie prttcllce nf n life lime nniniig tlie nohillly and arlftntTHOy of K u rope he pruooribtHl thirt rtt'lptt, I'llne, 1 by mail, hponrt'lv pHi-ketl. Correniwit' (truce crtiijitteiitiul, Soic Agvit for Amcriua, A'lilreNH The Skookum Root Hair Grower Co. A I IH'Pt. R, r 7 South Fifth Avenue, Kew York. To CONSUMPTIVES Tne nntUTsiirnetl having been restored to health by simple means, after miilerinK for seveml years with a severe liinif h fleet I on, and that dread dtseane Coituniptloii, is auxloiiH lo make Known to his fellow suttVrerit the means of euro. To tho?e who desire it, he will cheer hilly send (free of charge; a copy of thepreserlp tion used, which they will find a sure cure lor Conaiiiiiptlnii, Anthmit. CMlarrli. Hroiielu tla and all throat and lung Mtlat!iea. He hopes nil sufferers will try his remedy, as It i Invaluable, Those deiriiig the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blesting, will please address, ADMINISTRATORS NOTfCE. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly appointed by the Hon. J. . Mel drum, co.iuty julg uf t'lat-kamas county, Ora if on,' as adminiKtrator of the estate of' Isano Krost, deeeahed. All persons having claims against said estate are nottlled to present tht same properly verllled to me In Oregon City, Uregou, within six months from this date. HIRAM NTKAIliHT. Admlnlslraior aloresaid. C. u. A 1. t!. Latourkttk, Attnrneys. Dated April 1:1, im. AS.SIGNEE'S SALK. KOTH E 18 HKRKIiy GIVEN THAT THE I'N dersigned, assignee of the estate of Selniyler Rue, an in solvent debtor, will sell at public auc tion, at the easidoor of the cminlv eourth use, In the city of Oregon City, In Clacksmas cminiy, statu of Oreinin, on Mutiifday, the M day of June, l)flM. al .1 u'cluek p. m. o( said day, to the highest bidder for V. H. gold coin, to lie paid at the time of sale, the following described real property and premises belonging to said ttate, to wlt: Iho (toiuhwest quarter CO of the northwest ihartor (t) aud the west one half ('v of the MiiiihwoHt tpiartur (!) of section twenty-six ('Jrt) in IowiihIiIh Iwn CD Mtnth. rnitL'e four (4) cast nf ftthe Willamette meridian, certificate No. ttMH, au plioaiiou No. diKl, and cnutHiiilug- 1M) acres uf land, more or less, sfluale In Clackamas county, Oregon, together with the tenements, heredlta .incuts and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining, tiaid above de scribed prcm will be sold as aforesaid, sub ject to the balance due on a certain mortgage against the same, the said balance of said mort gage Lelug about one thousand (I HKW) dollars. J. K. T. H. URKNTANO, Assignee of the Kstate of Hehuvler Rue, an lnm vent Debtor. Dated April U, 1km. Oregon Pacific Railroad Ccmpany I II Is 41.. It K, lln-'-ivi-r. t'oiimriliia willi Htr. 4 lltiMIII." iH-ia-t-rn Yniiilns soil Sun Praiirl.r.i. Slnon.r lia.i-. KnU KianrlMi d-lilllan rlili, M.irh M, IMi, .".'il ami :il.l. Stillii.r li-avi-s Vsillina Vlirilarj Kill ami '.Till. ill, Mun li 7ih, Itlalit. n-M-rvtil 1 1 rhsiigi flullr.1. mIIIiiS il.ilm alllmiil for fri-li;lit anil iisMriiKcr rali-s nijt1j In an.v Aii.nl , CIIAS. J. IIKNHIIYS, SO A t'O, Nus. 2 Ui a M trial Htrv-I, San t'rnuclwp, r.lif. CHAD. I'l.AIIK, llixvlvrr, I'urviilll', On-KOii. Kty THROUGH jp TICKETS SllKniFF'8 NOTICK OF SALE UN- DKU FOKKCLOSUKK. tN THE CIRCUIT COliRT OF THE STATK OF Dregoll II, for the Comity of Clackamas. C. Kerens, Plalntlir, 1 XOTICK SHERIFF'S NOTICK OF SALK U.V DEK FOKECLO.srilK. IN TDK t'lllCUIT C ifRT OF TIIR STATU OF 1 Oregon, (or tlie Countv of ClaL-kaiinia. II. C. Mtpveua, I'laintiir,' V8. I II. M. Foote, Uirtlie Foote, Karl Koote, lliizt-l Foote anil Xeila Foote, minor heir of Vina M. Foote, tleceased, Defendants. ) State of Oregon. ) County of Clackamas. )' Notice it) hereby viven that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued nf tlia oir....!l n.tn r, ..f t Via nlatA nf CnilCirCn UryTOr jUrexon for the county of C lack a ma. i tearing uuiu ine an .uny vi .nay, i;rtt hi a suit wherein the abovfl named were plaintiffs and defendant, commanding me, in the name of the atate of Oregon, that nut of the real estate hereinafter described, to realize a sum sufficient to Hrtlisfv the demands of said decree, lo wit: $553.77, and $50 attorney's fee, and accrued costs of $1520. together with interest on the same since said de cree was entered at eight per cent, per annum and also the costs of and attend in if this sale. Now, therefore, in obedi ence to such decree, I did, on tim 7th SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF HALE UN DER FORECLOSURE. N THE (MIUMIir OOt'KT OK THK STATE OP Oregon, fur the County of I'ltickitmas. Mury K. Winston, I'luinlilT. v. L. J. Fletcher, Dcfcn.laul. Statk or OhRcioir, i County of ClrtckiunHB.i M VOTICE 1A HEREBY OIVKN THAT BY VIR tut of uu execution anil order of Hale Urnied out of th o iron It court of the ntute of Oreon for the county of Olnckatnas, leariii(i ilule the 7tli i1y uf May, 18!M. In a suit wherein Mary E. Winston wait plfliutitt'aud L. J. Fleteher was de fendant, commanding me, In the nam of the Mtute of Oregon, that out ol the real untrue here inafter described, to realize a mm Mittiolfiit to Hatiufy thedeniftiids of said decree, to-witi SHU, together with Interest on the same since the i'th day of August, at 10 per cent. er annum, $50 attorney's fee, and also the accrued conu ol and attending this sale iNow, therefore, In obedifi.ee to such decree, I will, on Saturday, the uth ay of June, 1U4, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. uf said day. at the front door of the court houie In aald couuty, otter for Hale at public auction, and sell to the hfghe t and heal bidder, loreaxh In nainl, all of the right, tlue ami in terest the waul defemlantH had in and to the fol lowing d cm r then ral pnpirty, to-wit: Begin ninir at a iMtint Iti.OI chaiiu aouth of the north east corner of donation land claim No. ;"U, in ectIoii!i 'JK and 'JH of Uiwimhip :t nonih, range 1 cunt, of the Willamette meridian: thfiice went 27H.)ehriinH; tlienee aouth It) 7m rhaiiiH; thenoe eHHt '11 K chains; thence north 1078 chaint to the place of beginning, containing .'in acres more or lean, in uiacKamas eouuiv, Oregon. Dated I Ilia llthday of May. A. O. lrM. U. W. (iANONG, Sh -rifT of Clackamas County, Oregon, va. J. W. Thoinan, R. K. Tliomas, A. W. (k-o i bock, and ThomaaCliariuanaud F. R. f Charmau, copartners an Tummta Char- ! uiau A Son, Defendants. j Bl'ATB OV ()KK(iOS, County of Clackuiiiaa. KN NOTICK IS HKRRItK (ilVEX THAT BY VIR tue of an execution aud order of Kale Isaued out of the circuit court of the stale of Oregon for the countv of Clackamas, bearing date the 24 ih day of Apiil, IsiU, in a "'lit w herein II. (J. Stevens whs planum ami .). w. iiionnut, K. R. Thoiuna, A. W Ocibticlc, and Thomas charmau and F. R Charmau, copartners as Thomas Charuiau A Son, were defendants, citiuinanding me, in the name of the slate of Ori'gt ui, (hat out of the real estate hen Inn fter described, to realize a sum sulltcieiit to satisfy the demands of sanl decree, to-wit: iHi7."'0, together witli lulcrest on the same since said decree was entered tit 10 per cent, per annum, aud a! so the ccttts of and al tending this sale and an attorney'a fee of f.'sj. Now. therefore, in obedience to such decree. 1 did, on the 2Uh dav of April. WM duly levy up on, and will, on Hnturdny, the 2d day of Jiue,lNi4, at the hour of one o'cloik p. in. of said dav, at the fr ut door of the eiMirthnue In snfd comity, oiler f r.-Mle at public auction, an I sell to the highest and het bidder, for cah in hand, all of the right, title and interest the said deieu dams hud on the lh day of i el otter, 1K.h1, or at any time since, iu and to the following dc- scrihcu real pfoticrty, lo-wll: A portion of sec tion M of town-iilp 6 nuih, range 2 east of W lanielte meridian, decrllad as follows to-wit BeL'iuuliiu at a nolnt wliPie the countv road lead' line from Molaliu uralrie to Heou'a mill crosses the aouth boundnry line of said section 20, said point being the center of satd road; running thence east rods; thence north Hit rods; thence weal 20 unit to center of said count v mad: theni south along lit id couuty road to place of begin ning, coinaiuiug 1:1 acres, more or I sh. Iatcd this 4th day of May, lw4 C. W. OANoNO, fheriffof Clackamas County, Oregon. Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis. AN II Alii. Eastern Cities. DAYS to 2 CHICAGO U n 1 1 ro toe Qalckes to CM M U U I o cago and the East. UnnroQQicker to Omaha nUUlo and Kansas City. THROUGH PULLMAIi AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. 31 8. II. II. CLARK. ) OI.1VKK W. MINK, ( E. KLLKKV ASIiKRSON.i Uwelvcrs. For ruttB uml Kcneral information call on nr iiddroas, W II. HUIILBUUT, Aaali'oe'ii. I'aaa. Aid.t 2."i4 Wiisliint'ton St., cor. Third, 1'OKTI.AND ORKGON. ffi "Job Printing at the Courier Office. 1 wnVLnlU. llinULHIflnKSs I STRAY HORSE. (1AMK TO NIIIILITm STABLE, MAY Msl, &. une black niare allh liKhl (are and while lef I: weifhi isjm Hiunds aatl ane alHiiu a years. Hraii.1 (0. ( ul ba.ll)' on Hit brrat with barb wlra. y It ia currently report.) I that no fewer lr.iaieDi, preaented to them, that Un ,ix perBons of lis ,.()lln,y iave I wme one whom thfjr do not deaire.niay, been proiniaed tl,u jMaiti.m of d.ior- .c.cu iu me aenaie. ll democrat! keener of the w. I....! .1..a CJ. ... t ect enough memliera of the next legii- poaiiiK a like state of affairs to cii-t in 'ennoyer had bet Utare to beat a republican candiJatejoiliercounti.ii.Gov. thL ii 7 t0iUpPw thMler tft a force of mechanics n.akintf i!. . haT not,lin8 10 t0 irhom now doori or tiiere will not be enough hl U (he aenator. Snutlty Wrlrom . ' to go armir.il. StlKniKF'S NOTICK OF SALE lV . DEK FORECLOSURE. N THE t'lKCl ir COl'KT OK THK STATK OF Ort-goit, fur tht tVmity of i'lacktiniiijt. A. KeU-hton, rUimiir, 1 vs. I Antlont'tte Lewu and W. J. f . Mclord, Uefendsnts. J 9tat cr Obe;on, I Con n(y uf Clacsnuntsfi.) Notice in b?rely given that by virtue of an ex eiuiiou nd orttr uf tiale out of the rfr ruu court of the mate of Oregon fur the county oi Cbu-kaiuaii. bfannir dale tne an day oi Mar. 191, iii a unit wherein A. Ketrhtu wan 1iiiiitf aim Aiiiimietir u.wm auu v. j. n. M-ora were defeiilana. coinniantling nie, in the nam of'the tate of Orecon. that out of the real entitle here inafter dewrtbed, to realize a mi in knttirient to satisfy the demaud u( an id decree, to witaklio. together with intereftt om the iame since April ifoth. at 10 ter rent, per anuum. and alMthe routs of aud attendiiig thm sale. Now. therefore. in obedience tu mi'h decree, 1 will, on Saturday, the yth day of June. lMH.at the hour of t.w o'clock p. in of aaid day, at the front dour of the counhtmse in aaid count t, orTer foraaleat Eubltc auction, and veil to the hiyhent and beat iddcr, fr canh in hand, all ot the right, title aod intrtt the aaid dctodnt had iu and to the following dewrit-! rral property, to wit: . - - v - - - t , . 1 1 . . f. t . j nunn nan oi ine loiiowinf uwnuea prrra-, sell state aarranta at a dixnunll.wan.se I '!:' ",,e U C. King), deceased ! in in said county, offer for sale , b.nn,,,, ., .poj,,, 2 70ch.iO.i of ,he W'Uinwm ctinier ui mm ptminrui quantr oi vectiou i aud rn lining tiience nouth 24 -1 chainx: theuce wtt ju.J ciiatn: thence Hith .i.'4i chains; thence went chain: thence aortb 5.i.Vchainf: thnce nonh JH l.v wm 48 chain: thence et A77 chain : thence aouth 19.7 chaim to the place of beginning, eonutaing 314.71 acres. neing tne nortn nan ot ine i, ui. nc ja i ei Brown ami wife, in T. 3 R. 3 K. of W. M.. in j ( lachamaji roimtv, (ngon. Uated lhu IHh -lay of May. A I. t4 j 4 W.i.ANr., SheriaT of riackaaia 4 mint r, Or. OF OF APPOINTMENT EXECUTOR. VOTlCB I IIKKERV (ilVKTf Til T I, THK t'X- UAV Of MAJ 184, OUly levy Upon. ftlKl Adtrinned. have been, by trder if lite ' will, on Saturday, the Itlth dny of June. Elect Hon. T- U. Ia iUin state countv court ot i'lackainaa county. Ore. 1 1SM. at the hour of 1 :.'0 oVlock p. m. of treasurer and it will not be necessary to duly appointed executor ot the will aaid day, at the front door of the court I .... i ..il r t: .1 i ' t r 1 All imr&ini hii'inu a-la!inai mit iii tiat Mail! mitilia i ir t i 'k n ami ap m tltn hiirliavat the money to redeem them is locked up e8lttte ,ri. notitied to present them dulv and best bidder, for rash in hand, all of ! in a hank. I verilied to me at C'larka, Oregon, aithin the right, title and interest the said de- i six months from the date of this notice, femlants had in and to the following i No republican stumpaieaer dare Uated May 15, KS94. described real property, to wit: Lot 6 of oinlv advocate the re-election of Sena-! . , , ..,,1U L- R,!,i,0 i b,ock '' rf Ureun Ci'Jr'- Clackamaa ... ... , . . Kxecntor of the ill and Folate of H. ennty. Oreirn. lori-o.pn ei every repuoucan leitia- Kingn, deceased. Dated this Ml h day of May. A. D. IM , lator will role for him in the next h-icis-J (i K lltv ,x liio. L Stort, i C. W. Oaoso, lature. I Attorneys fr K.atate. ! Sheriff of Cl.-M'kamas ronnly. regon (Johm iu St Minna , All.. FINAL SKTfLKM EXT. I lieretiy give nntfre that I have Wed in tlie county court of riackainas county, On'KOti, my Dual account as administrator of the estate of John ilolii'iileitiK-r, deceased; and the court has designated June 5, 1H!H, at lu o'clock a.m. tlie time for examination and settlement of tlie same. IIKNKY (1ANS, AdinluMrator, lintcd April l:i, Wl. COUNTY TUBAS t'REH'S NOTICE. f HAVE SOW IN MY HANDS FUNDS AFPl.l- Acahle to the payment of all warrants endorsed prior to rebruary 4 luteresi ceiuid frum M..y :tl, Ik'.M. 8. B. I'ALIFF. Treasurer of Clacka nas County Oated Ori'uon City. May 8, IHU. sHEHIFF'sS NOTICE OF SALE UN DKU FOKECLOSURE. 1x the cmcriT coi rt op the state or Orrfptn, fur the County of rlM'knn.s. Joseph Ilrtlven, Plaintitr, U'm lns-lrul ami Gurah IllirlU'l, lK'ffltllHIlU ) State uf Orego i. County uf t'larkama., Nnttrt In hcr-hv elven tliat hy virtue of an ex ecutu.n aim nitr al taie iMiit d uui or in rir- cult PtMirt ut the Mate of Un-gon lor the county in a fit it when in the atMivtMianiAl JoMth Hcxlxea wan plainlilTand Wm. tiurket ml Sarah V. burkfl were ilffendatit, connnautliiis me, in the oaineoi the tate of Orefcon, that out of the real estate hereinafter ilea-rioetl, to realize a Mta aiiitiritnt to atify the demand of said de- eret. twil: -Vi. nnl and dinbiimementt and V0 attorney ft. liitvther with imrtat on the fame iiice the 4th day of Novvmler, li, at 10 pr cent per annum, and alo the eoiu of and attend i uir this Mile. Now. therefore, iu obeiiience lo wieh decree, I will, on SattinlaT, the yth day of June, IPX, at the hour o( 1 o'clurk m. ot aii dav, at the front door o( the cotirt- hone ia said rounty, offer fir fcale at i Siie auction, and ell Ut the hi)(heitt aud bent binder, fur cash in hand, all of (h right, title and inter est the eaid dlendant had in and to the follow inf de-n real itrorerty. lo wit: Heeitininr at the noctheaMt corner of aertion M. township t otith, ranee 2 ea.t of Willamette meridian, in Clackamas county. Oregon, running thence onth 7" rd; theix-e el lii0rod: theoce north T rods; thence ea1 lM rotin. u the place nf be ginning, containing h aa-rea, in Clack am a cwuntv. Oregon. Iaied tint iHn day of May, A. P. 14. C. W. 1VANSG, twriiT of riacbama Citin-. ikregnn C0PYFUGHTS. JSJiS 1 ""AJW PATENT For a i.i ij N pi oc CO., who bare had nearly flft, ,mm "Wrtencelnthe patent buslnosT&miJSSJ. tlons strictly oonBdentlal. A Handbook of Si inn,,hti'j; ""wrDiiuj : I'alema aod how to tain them sent free. A so a cauloaue of macAui. leal and sclentloo books sent frea W " .lt1nt. uken through Mutin k Co. nealrs OUt OOflt ftn tho lrstras.. rVk.-".ruVuw,lu i?o?uf aifl'i'J.0.11 J nrolentlo work fftha Bnliain. it.mm Vr"l. r,?." "" ""Pies, "is cents, bverr numKr oo .uu. piaies. IU OOlOra. and Dhotmrranha rear. Rinvls oonuina beau. houses, with plans, erSbllngbulloeri '(oabciw i ih. lM?WS,'r,l?,"!u',ecurJ, wn'ractkr iddreS MUtlH 4 CO, NKW VoilK, al BuuAUWAT. Your Stomach DistressesYou af tereatlng a hearty meal, and the result ia a chronic case of Indices, tion. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack. RIPANS TABULE8 Prnmnl. ru....!.. t .. Htomacb. Liver aud Bowels Pir. the lllood.. snd are a Positive ''CmH . f!J C'o.sii.i.B. lck HaadiK' hIi! 552n"f n:y ? intiy y pSluy.lSd Entire kepi (or v.i.u,uni, i-ick Headache. Bil. louaneaa, aud all other Llsese irlVliii M"" " oftheLIrm ,'SS ectdlaeVilMRTwS" Klim n. Tabiiles take the placeof an Entire Medicine Chest, and should be keul tor uav tu every lamuy. Sold by iruoQirt, or tent bv mce, . Two Dollars. THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. ! Sprat it, New Vera. FREE MEDICINE! Golden Opportunity For Suffer- ins Humanity. rhynicians Git Thrir Bnwlin t th. P.nl. 00 yOU SUFFER? .SS.e--rs nd w- will .j , r rM , fharaja a rru! culasi f ,p-i.iy prpsrH.1 n-mnliH, , Nni, MKMiATION WK WANT Vol II KKl'Oll- WF PnN PIIDC lb"n,llWmrofrfiurr M L lH II UU n C .f l-Mh .ri,.. Onr tmuments I..r all .h ,MnniUiw sr Mi.lrro and ST.fi! "I"""! br many y- ,ip-ri,. Vhkrk enables n pi linarantre a Cure. In D..I K. B. We have the only po.iti,e rure f. Erarrw ,riTSI and ( sTA.aH" Kr, re.ee, fl'en. Pernuuentiy Uieatnl. (Old ntal.li(he.l Or. WILLIAs1S MEDICAL AND SURGI CAL INSTITUTE, 7! Market St., a,. .irleo. tm, Iiipans Tabules rure constipati.ni. KipamTaliiiles cure liver tronblea. Ripona Tabules cure biliousness. Eipans Talmk cure headache. Ripana Tahules assist digestion. Ripan Tahnles : for four stoma, k L V ? t