Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, May 18, 1894, Image 3

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Tonne r Nul'icrii'liim,
H.inlelJnny, nna year, In advam. '
Mlii'flu :, all mmitiia, In ailvai.c" I ov
(.'OH 111 Kit. Href ii l.lly.OrnKi.ii,
rink f '..url,
KVIl.Mll NllHrllllellleiit,
J. W. Meldruni
lien. V. IIi.iIiih
V; W lint
H. II. lUlu.l.y
. . . i, V, llrs.lley
II. M miasm
.... . Hl.lney Hmyili
It. L llnltiiaii
llllul.sr.l H.-..II
ll'nmi-liui llalr
I'minly Court meeta on Aral W'nliiesilay after flirt
MmimUv tit every monlli.
I'niliitli ('imrl nieei oil Hr.l tl.ni.lay of erery
rirr.ilt I' inn nieeia iiii Ihlnl MiuuUv In Anrll and
nri .mmiiiim) in n.Menii.or,
oiiKtiiiN i'lTV nrricKiiN.
rlii,.f r I'., Up.
AMMiur mill t'ollectiir
I'll) Att.irney.
Hlrwl r..iiiiHls.i.iier, ..
Nun'l uf Waier W.irke,
I II) KliKlneer,
. llln.ni Klnilalit
I.. L. K.rler
(' K. Burin
K. K. rallff
. .. H. I.. Dolman
. K.r. Urliricn
..;. nances, Jr.
W. II. Ilowxll
1. W. Klliul.nl
llimiirlliiiMi-l!. O. All.ilahl. Jr.. II. h. Kelly. (1. N
ilreeiimaii, J J. I'lNikf, K. M. Unwell, Ueurite
llr.l'l.l,'ll, H. P. Jairimr. II. K. Hlrvpna.
I'ulllirH liieelannit Wednesday ul each llMMlll.
First ('iixnKalliiial ITmrch Rev. M. Ihiimlirrly
..t,,r. Hart leva II a. m. and n:. p. m. HuuJiiy
BcIiiniI after l.irnliil senlce. Prayer Heclliis; every
Wednesday evenlim al a:lu p. ni. Prayer M.'tli( of
V. I'. H. I'. V.. every Humlay evening, at 0:MI.rmnpl.
First Uiiilal f.'linreli Kev. Ollmnn Prkir. Pastor
MuruliiK Hervlea II; H.in.luv Heli.s.l I'J : I "; F.velilii(
Hervlre lleajular Prayer Mrelllia: We.lnea.liiy
evening. Ilnnllily Covenant MrellnK every Wedues.
ilay evebliiK preceulliip- flrat Hiltula)' In Hie muntli.
HI. Julius Clnlrrh. rhtlmllc-llrf. A. IIIIMiralid,
Pailor. (in Humlay, Maw at H and luau m.
Kvirv KiiihIrv tleitnaii Hennn af ler a o'clock Mas.
At all olhrr Mama F.iikIIsIi Hernums. Kuiiday Hclnsil
2::tlp ni. Viera, ANliaellcalrilliJeCtaalMl ''
rllcikin al 7::m p. m.
Meili.sllst F..leriip'il Churc h Iti'V (1. flykes, Pastor.
aliirnliiM e..Vleeel 11: wniniity im-iiish in iz:n; r.ven
Ills Service at e:ISI, K.wur1ll LenKlle meeting Nun
lay eveiilna at HiKI; Prayer Mentis. Thursday even
I UK at a .41.
Vlrat I'maliVtrrUn flilireh Iter. 0. W. GlbuM-v,
I'a-lor. Ki rtlrMi II a. in anil MM p. ni. Kalilialli
Hrluail Ida. m. V. I. rl. C. K. mifla evrry tiniulay
irnlUK nl l::tt. I'ruti-r Mi-HliiitWrdnrMlny rvrnlng
H.1HI. rwuu frm.
Kvatun-llcal iliilnli. (Irnnan-A. Ernat. Taut
1'rt.Mi'liiiiii Hivici avrry altornala Hunilay 11a.m.
ml 1:UI D. ni. Halilialli Hrluail arrrr gnllilnr 10a In.
(.1. HrrilirBi r, Bnpi.) Wwkly I'layr Mwllng
vary Wnlniialay uvanlng.
UnllMl Un'llirrn Clinrrh. Ri-r P. B. Wllllama,
Pwlor. HortirKa lint nml thhd Humlay tiiuriiinira
and ilia pm-mlluii Hatnnlay iiikIH In rarli month at
unon l-liy ll a. m. aim i u. ni , aim inn nri cuw
dnv afternoon of eacu montli at tallfllrw.
St Paul'. (Iiurrh. Knlarolml Brt. J. A. Kckntrom,
piuilor. rlrniraa avry Hundny al II a. m.and "SH)
n. in.. and Friday avenini ai i.wp. in.
Krangfllcal Lutheran Zlnn (tengrFgailnn. Re. I..
drey, inulor. Mrela lu Slllvely'a hall. Hullday
i liiiiil frniii I'M In I0;:tn a. in. Hrmlcea ins u a in.
aml"::iu p. in.
Kti MP Pl'KAKKII llollll Tllf ir'"PM(rf
!( KoNHwell Ci. linir f lln- N. Y. Trih
niifUi ihu I'iiy Niiirilny fvi'iiiinf h
iiihiIp 1 1 if ihchmIiiii dir h ichipI rpimlill
en n iiViiiiiiiHiruiliiii. Tim 1'iiriliiinl II iiii
lifllll Clllll l!illlIUHIl III IflMlll'I'l yilllMK
imii In flume nni(,iriiH, niuuiiiiin,liul
l)V H Hlllfllllill lirHHK Inn. I, V. HM tilt IIIHHI
HllrHi livf IcHliirt. ol IIih niilny iiiiiri'lilnu
coiiiiiiii hh it hwi.,I Ironi Main mrn-l up
Hovi'iilli Hln-ft to Kliivflv'a luill. Ili.f.iri-
tHplHln Apimthoii iiilruiliiml tliuHimalt
er u( tlip (iviilii tn tliu VHMt hh.IIoiicp
nig' poii ill not itoi cvun hihii.IImij room
innlili', a iimrli.tu i!niii)iiHri nl four
yiiniK mi. ii of the cluli. erilnwttil with
Hilimlii V(iicn, enlfrl ilni'il It with two
liiniiy t'H in pa i it n hoiiim. tliu miii lutiniit
ter til w hit'li wan riiliciilH ol Hie iIpiiio-
crali ami popiiliHla. Mr. Il.irr. wlio Ih
ptiHHV anil wliiti-liulrfil. U u No,
Htiiui H eHkcr. Ilu Iiiih Iichii at it (or
vcnrH hiiiI tintlvrxlHiiilH it. Hp prtnwntg
liiu rt'piililii'Hii aiiltt ol Hid nnlioniil Ih-
niipianil nHiiotml(iit)Hiiona In a mutinur
nioHt favorulilu lu the If n puny, by
eilhcr 8tipprpHNiii or diHtortiiiK fucla
anil eiiH(ininu bin lll(lita aophiHlry
with J..kffl ami tmllipa of wit. Tbia vet
eran nralor privi'il by U iittcrenccH
that it Ih not nei'UHHary to Ih able to
coiiHcifiitioiiHly prove or impartially
pxnluin tivpry 'proportion aut forth in a
political Fpeui'h. The Htninpiir imi-t
have plenty of trail. It in a part of a
biii'hiirrah'bovH affair, and ilH main ob
ject la to puIIhiho the vntera antl miike
tlieni feel happy. To be brief. Mr.
Ilorr Ih a mouthy rn l.tical revival
preacher, a protection evangelta! .
K.ll. Clly l.ollgeUf A.O. II. W.-Meela every Sat
unluy nliit or f"'U nionlll In A. O. V. W. hall
on Huwilh Hrt. H Jonmliig brethren oonllalhr
I.Kllnl to atteud, 'Ihomaa Umill: II, W. Vi. T.
V hlil.k, Ht-o.
I'll Iron I.(kIKo, No. A. O. V. W.-Mnela eteiy
Ti,nn.l,,v evMilua at Odd K.'llow'a Hull, (Hwogu.
VMIIub brellirea alwaya welcome. J. U. Calnpliell,
M. W. K. Htiauai, Kn-.
Mulalla LikIko, No. til, A. 0. I). V. Met flrat and
third Haturduya In each month at Hrhool Holme.
Yl'lllng inombera made welcome. T. H. Htlii, M,
W. J. Vi, Thoiuaa, Bee.
I)ael IrfHlge. W, - W.-Meeta aecond
and third Sulunli.y eyeulugi Hi KulRlifi Hall, Calibr.
Vleltlnir l.rolliera niaua weipuma, A,a. Diianat aa.
W. K. K. Curllun, Bi.
l!lncliiinitt!i toilgo, No, o7, A. 0. U. W.-Mwt flnl
and tlilru Momlxya in eacn nionui, at niniee nan,
VlHllIng hri'thren wi'iconie. n. noiuowo, at. nr. u,
K. I'enae, Hco.
Hilnrl I-oilge, No. 4, A. O. I'. W. Meeti every
aecond and fourth Hnturday of each month at Wif.
aoiirllle. Oregon. Mai 8cliuliii, M. n. C. T.
Tooxe. Bee.
Uregnn Lculiie, No. 3, I O. O. f.-lieen eery
ThilnxlaT evenliiK at 7:.'!0 o'clock p. m. In the Odd
KellowllHll. Main atreet. Meml of the Order
are Invited to attend. J. W. MotTait, N. tl. Thot. K.
Ilyan, t. H.
vll Hiioaninmenl. Nc 1. 1. 0.0. P. Meeta Unit
and third TuesUaya of eih Hlnlli at Odd fellowa'
Hall. Hembenaud vlelllng painarpln parfllally In
vite.) to attend. O. Lorejoy, Ciller Patriarch. 1, A,
Ktewaat, Scribe,
niwera Loilae. No. ft). I. O. O. F. Meeta al Odd Fel.
ow' ilail, Oawego, every Monday evening. VMtlng
hrrthran mada welcome, w. J. rninaiee, H. u. J.
V. lll.lfy, 6u,
Mllltnoraah Lmlge, No, I, A, F, t A. H.-llolda ita
regular coiuiiiuiilcntlona on And nml ililrd Sulunlayi
nl mi.'Ii month inittl p. ni, Brethran In gwal land,
lug are IiivIiikI to attend, I,. L. Porter, W. H.
')', F. Ilyan, Hue,
thwegii Lodge No. ID', A. 1", 4 A. M, Meeta the
iMioml and fourth Satnrdaya. Miuom lnvlto.1. It.
II . Hum, W.M. K.J Bliaeoll. Hun.
(!un.kmuaa Chapter o.. It. A. M -Regular con
vocation third M'U.ikv of mouth at 7:3U p. m, J. II,
Wnlk.ir, It. P. M Schulpllla, Hec,
plonoer Chniiler, No. 0, K. S.-Meeli In Ma
aonla Temple. Mr, II. H. Htrnngo, W. M. Mlaa Ad
dle tl. Jennings Sec.
Wlllmlt Kalla Camp No, HH, W. of W.-Mceti
ai.oi.ml and fourth Tii.'.lu.va of the month at K. of P.
hull. Vlalllllg nulKllbiira nmdii welcome, K, M,
Hnllil, C. C. K. K. Manlu, Clerk.
Wailrheno lodge, No. l:l, I. O. R. M.-Meeta Mon
day evening lit A. tl. U. W. Hall. Vlnlting nielilbera
c.mllally Invited. J. H. Ho ward, 8achclu.
Mnu,iA p.i N 9 n. A R . TtemHtnent of Oreffon
Meeta Unit it, mday of each month at A. O. IJ. W
Hall, Ore..n City. Vlalllllg oonirailea maile wel.
eullio. W. 11. Ilurglinnlt, Com. C. t). Williamn, AdJ
Oenanl' Pope Post. No. W, 0. A. H.-Meota flrnt
Haiurdny of cucli mouth nt Grange hall, Mullno.
OomrHiUii uoi'iliully luvlnil. J. V. Nelsun, Com.
Uialidcr, H. V. Hliiiir, AlljHtant.
lien. Urook Poet, No. t, 0. B-. n.'partmeiit of
Oregon. Meeti. In oh(e. hu t Needy un "rat Sat
urday lu each month al i o'clock p, in, All l"H.
Me ina.lt" welcome. Jacob Spogla, Com, J. Kr,
nl.ulur, A'M-
Meada Bullllf Cuqi", No, 1, Ileparlmi'nl of Ore
gun. Meeta on Drl mm third Vri.laya uf each nionib
lu K. of P. Hall. Ilenibi pi of erupa from abroad
oonlially welninwd. Mm. M. P. Pltibury, Prea,
Mra. r'. I.. Coclimii.Treiu. Mra. J, 0, lurdiiig,Bo,
renil of Vetenina, K. D. Baker Camp, No. 18 Meet!
brat and llilni Thuraday evenlnga ol each monlh. W,
K. J.'linwn, t'apl, I'. O. Wood, lit Lieut. Alonio
W I. kllHlli, ti l.Ut.
1,. A, K. at Bilker Cemp, 8 nf v. Weete III K. r.
fcro.ul and l(. mil. aiouiniy aveninga oi earn
(low PitNNOYKtt'a fSpKKt'ii. Tlieantiu
Ipateil cpi.ecli of (iovermir Pennoyer on
Monday biniiirht loirether an audience
of About (iOU In the urove neai Mr.
Mori-y'a Ihiukb where the ponulint meet-
I nir look place, about half of them re-
puoiicatia atitl tlemocralH. A prominent
populinl naiii to the wilier an the crowd
difpiTHHl that the "remarkable cool
neSH" of the audience diRappointed him;
that waH the chunk ol It. The "old par
ty" volera were a damper on the tneel
in(. If the "wood are full of pnpu
litilR," bh in claimed bv admirers of
(.icneral (!oxey, lliev didn't come out of
the biuith in great number on Monday.
The speech delivered with little at
tempt at oratory waH in aubHtance the
HHine un that which appeared in the
newspapers two weeks airo, with this
dilleronce that jokes were interlarded in
the spoken speech. It wag a mixture of
good democratic doctrine and populist
moonshine. Whether the governor in
this intreiiioiiH manner can mameuvre
enough populiata into the legislature, to
send him where he wants to go, to the
United Htates senate, remains to he
aeen. Any way, Oregon, an J especially
Eastern O.eson which wants the ob
struction to navigation in the Columbia
removed, has had more than enough of
Senator Dolph, who has always mani
fested enmity lo this improvement, and
1'ennoyer might be a decided improve
ment on our ''senior senator."
This li.uaow Political Picnic Not
alone were the speeches politically good
delivered at Bailowou Thursday eve
ning las!, when the republicans held a
revival inciting there, but there were in
a lilition, speakers from adjacent com
mitlees to Jill up for the occasion; also
the Jluitopor-uiuo in t'ortlanu. Alter
the speaking was over a dance was given
tor the tienetlt of the Uregon Lity dele-
gallon. The oichestra seemed to im-
hi he the full apinta ol Hie oucaaion
playing all the lute dances with un
wonted energy. Soma of the musicians
had quite a little difllculty In seeing tlm
music. 0. 0. Hull had a small boy
holding a reflector attached to a (Jhinee
ilantbeau to enable him to execute Kith
runs with rapidity enough to let the
caller have a chance to drink a glass of
frothy lemonade, (which kept Mr.
Kohler pretty busy running up and
down stairs). Alter the dance the Ore
gon City band gave a few selections by
special request, parading with a torch
bearer, who was soniewhat incotiven
lenced in search lor a innlcli, but was
accomodated by a lady friend, Bloppipg
at uie notei. men ine memners oi me
band amuse themselves pulling people
out of hed and playing Salvation Army
In the hotel anil out ol the noorj with
the bass and tenor drum until train time.
lira. W. K. Johaon, Pres. Mix Mint I I iff,
hall on
Aciilllea Lodge, No. 38, K.of P.-Meeta every Frl.
dar nlilit at the K. of P. hall. Vlaltlng knlgbla
Invited. B, I Holman, C. 0. T. J. Louts, K. of
It, Jt N.
Star Lodge No, 81, K of P. Meeta every Wednea
dny evening In Caetle hall, Brothein invited. J. r.
Billey, C. C. lhua Netlaon, K. ol U .
flaulir Lwlga, No 64, 1. O. O. T.-MeeH flrat and
third Saturday evenlnga at Kniglit'a Hull, CanUy,
Viiiilng niembeni alwaya mada welcome. I). J.
Cot W. 0, T, Mlsa baure Knight, 8eo.
Onwego Loilga No. 4W. I. O. 0. T.-MeeU every
Friday evening In nee ml In old town. J. C.
Hainua, C. T. John Kruae, Bat.
rComny, Firrt Rei ., O. N. O. Armory, Third
ami Main. Kegular drill night, Monday. Regular
IiukIwhi lliec-tlng, llrat Monday of each month. J.
W. tlanong. dipt. F. 8, Kelley, Flrat Lieut. L. It.
Ilaaana, Hiond LJeut. (
Canby Pplrltultt Society. Aaiemhlea on flirt
and third Sun.laya of each month. H. A. Lee, Prea
dent. Mlsa Hattie Pliilllpa, tUoorllnl Secretary.
Vew Era W. C. T IT. Meeta flrat Saturday In each
monlli at llielr hall It. New Km. Frien.U of tka aauw
luviled lo lie preeent. Mra Carey Jobnaon, Mra.
Kaatnian, Pra,
St. John'a Branch, o, 047, C. K. of A.-Meeta
every TueeilHy evening at their ball, comer Main and
Tenth etreeta, Oregon City, T. W, Hulllvan, Prea.
N. V. Mlchela, Hec.
Oregon City B.rd af Trade Meeti at Conrt Houae
an m-e.uud Monday in each month. Vlaltora w.leoma.
Ueo tl. Uiownell, Prea. F. S. Uonaldaon, Sec
Canbv Board of T rule Meeta at Knlirht'i Hall,
Canby,-on nrt and third Fridaya of each month.
Vuilora welcome, Wm. KnighU Prea. 8. J. Garrt
aim, Sec.
Mnlalla Orange. No. 40, P. of H.-Meata at their
hull al Wrlght'a Bridge on Ihe aecond Baturday of
each month at lu a. m- elloW membera mada
welcome. J. F. Nelaon, Master, i. U. Cooper, Sec
Tualatin Oiange. No. Ill, P. ol H.-Meeta laat Satnr.
lay of each monlh at their hall In Wllmnvill. K. B.
Henry, Maeter. Miai Beda 8brp, Sec.
Warner u range. Ho. 117, P. of H.-Meet fourth
gatnnlryofaacb month at their hall In New Km.
C. V. Vi illiama, Master. Mia. Maggie Brown. Sec.
Butte Creek Grange, No. S3, P. of H. Meeta at their
kali in Maninam aecond Satnrday la each month at
Itl a. n. Viaitluf memliera alwaya welcome. J. R.
Whit, Master. J. K, Jack, See.
Onwego Grange No. 17 P. of H.-Meeta aecond
Hatnnlay In mouth at 10 a. m. O. Katow, Muter.
J. O. Unge, See.
Ikamaacoa Qrang No. 2G0, P. of H. Meeta om Ural
Saturday la month at 10 a. m. in Ilamaaciu achooL
Ikinee. 8. Voung, Master. T. H. Feathers, See.
MUttetoe Lodge No. 2H. I). of H -Meeta every
Tuesday aliening Mary Blackford. C of H. Flora
Jlyer, Bee.
Columbia Hook and Udder Co. Meets flrat Fri
day af each monlh st Fountain Engine Hoeaw. H W.
Treastaub, Pres. Waileoe Cole, Foreau. George
Brown, Sec.
FouaUIn Hosa Co, No. 1 Meeta second Wednesday
i a ea. k nxih at Engine Houae. aaal sele Main street,
betweea rteventk snd bghth. Hlnas Straight, Prsa.
M. P. Uninn. Foreaaaa. J. Mewart, Sec.
Cauraet H ae Co. No. t Mea aeea d Twaadayaf
eaHi month at Cataract Eagim Hows. Frank Lewie,
Pres. I. W. KinnainL Fotiaaan H. 1. Thorn. See.
Oregnw CHy Hosa Co, Ko. Meets in Hose Bowse
..a the nill the third Tnearlay of each aajatb. T. H.
Lawrence, Pres. Bia Nefafer, F.a-emaa. H. 8.
fttrange, nee.
W. A. Armstiionq. The remains of
Willis A. Armstrong, which were found
near M lesion landing on May Olh, were
buried on May 11th in Milltr's grave,
vard, near Silvert.-n, Marion OJuniv,
near the place of Ids birth. He dis
appeared from the El wood while run
ning, on April 11th, nesr Lambert's
landing Yamhill county. His watch
lopped at f:0H p. m., which is supposed
t ) be about 15 minutes after he was
drowned. ' He was 22 years old on
S ptember 2.'id, I HI).'!. He was the son
of Kdgar and Louise Armstrong of
Macksburg. Willis was ambitious and
had schooled himself for Ihu last four
years besides helping his parents, who
have limited means. He was second
engineer at the time of his death and
would have passed examination in a
few daj'8 fur fir t engineer.
Remember boys as you pass by,
What you are now, once was I.
What I am now you soon shall lie. -Prepare
for death and follow me.
A Rock Hoad. A track of chunks and
bits nf rock wide enough for one wagon
is being built in the middle of
the highway along t lie places of
O. Dickerson ami Tom Davis, the other
side of the Lalouretle bridge. Flitch
croft, Sr., is bossing the job. This
patch uf road is evidently intended for
winter use when the mud has worked
into it and over it as it is now too
sharp for horses' feet. Kn passant, a
part of the lane this side of the Latour
elte bridge is also in very great need of
the roadboss. Home believe that such
work aa Mr. Flitchcroft is doing bv
day's labor, could be done cheaper by
contract, the contractor giving bonds,
but the county court thinks differently
for the reason that a contractor neces
sarily always figures a margin for profit,
which the county, supervision being
honest and intelligent as it is presumed
to be in this instance, saves.
Tub New Tows The Willamette
Falls Company is giving away 25 lot
on ils townsite at the Tualatin to those
building without delay houses on them
to cost at least fxHJ, and the r .positt n
has been accepted by It. B. Walker, Mr,
Ralston, Mr. Thore, A C Tower, Wm.
Reams, Smith, John Logan, Geo.
Kinney and F, Morrison. For fl a
month they receive unlimited privileges
to ride on the motor, water for 50 cents
a month and electric light for 1 cent
per day. The new town is to be im
mediately supplied with a sewerage
system .
Sake Bcriilabizkd. On Wednesday
morning between 1 o'clock and daylight,
burglars enteie 1 the Molalla saloon of
Brady 4 McDonough through a back
window and opened the safe which
was locked by the combination and
took $100. They opened, the window
by breaking a hole in the glass so they
could reach the catch. There is no
clue. The combination to the safe ia
complicated and the cracksmen must
bave been experts A dent was. made in
the floor by one of their tools, presum
ably a crowbar.
Yon enuld luiiqh at hard times if you
bad a piece of gixl land, where you i
could raise all you wanted. Yon can ,
get "rO acre of choice Clackamaa river!
bottom laud for clearing a like numlier of!
acres; 42:1 acres for sale on hard time
basis, near Clackamas station and rive ,
miles from Oregon City. rite or aee
K C. Havkeit, sherirTi office, Oregon
City, Oregon.
C. A. Miller left for the A mud
countiy on business Hiinday.
Miss Maud Upton relumed to her
'Winn in K ist Portland Haturday.
Dont forgot lln' It'.dinito'a picnic.
ipen n i r concert and ball June lil.h.
Mis Minnie lUrck and Wvlie Diinnl
way were married In l'orlla:,d oi
Hihis light of Liberal will Again
leave for the Kootenai country in the
beginning of Juno.
On ,M liy Mr. Califf, the county
treasurer, p lid the remnant of Clacka
mas county's HlulH lux.
R (ilasspool Is suffering fr..ni a veiy
sore hand, Hie slllictioii being a felon or
some disorder akin (o it.
The meeting of I he board of trade
Monday evening did not materialize, hy
the presence of a quorum.
II. II. Chase, who wan county com
missioner some years ago, died at his
home in Handy lust week.
Jean LaForest and wife, who have
been visiting his mother, returned lo
their home in Albany Monday.
Kev J. W. towun will arrive from the
Fast on Saturday to assume the pastor
ate ol the Congregational church.
It will be lo the Interest of the lax
payers of Clackamas county lo vote f'
A. J, Washburn lor county treasurer.
Mrs. Jos. Knrten, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mra. Win
Sheehan, returned to dulem Wednesday
A small . cancerous growth was re'
moved from the left cheek of Oliver
Haw telle of Molalla, by Dr. Carll on
Aa a result of the elfor.s of Post
master Hands, a -special mail leaves
here in the afternoon at 4:'.M by motor
car for Portland.
Rev. Mr. Thompson of Portland will
preach in the Episcopal church on Hun
day, and Mr. . Kelt-it inn will hold
services in Portland.
John Fowler of I f ulib.tr 1 says thai
F.ditor Flagg of the H.ileio Iknio-rat
can hold hia end up wit i tne best of
em as a stump speaker.
One thousand ticket are guaranteed
lo be sold in Porilund for the Redman's
picnic, and dance at Kroderick'g park
Oregon City, June 10th.
Mrs. Thompson of Willamette Fall
(or Hardscrabble) became the mother
ot a boy on Humlay uight, the first babe
oorn in mat, aspiring young town.
P.F. Mo rev, presided I of the Electric
Company, is able to go auout out doors,
and, thanks to his vigorous coustilulion
is rapidly recovering from his injuries
Mr. Fimiigau, ol Canemah, recently
purchased six acres of land irom Mr
Lawton with the object ol devoting his
spare 'line to floriculture and horticul
tu re.
It is stated that the saloona at Barlow
dish out w hit ky bv the glass though
they have only a U. 8. license. The
prosecuting attorney should look this
whisky matter up.
The house on tho old Rartlett place,
on the west side, nppotite lion, Peter
Pamiet'j house, where the peach
orchard is, burned down Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock.
Saturday evening Luther Newman
employed at the mechanical pulp mill
of the W. P. & P. Co., had the front part
of his foot crushed by the falling upon
it of a cut of a large spruce log.
Wednesday evening Thomas Root and
Arthur roster of Clackamas were
brought before Justice -Fouls under
the charge of disturbing a religious
meeting, htandlord Lawrence being the
complaining witness.
At a special circuit court term on
Monday, the case of Urnderson vs. V
den. E. Co., was set for trial June
11th; Taylor vs. Broderick, set for trial
June 12th; Howland vs Ross, decree
for defendant, opinion by Judge Thayer
to be delivered hereaiter,
or a week or more two divers have
been employed at the west side coffer
daip in cleaning out a big deep pot hole
in the line of the proposed concrete
wall. When they get down on the
river bed, encased in their diving suits,
the muddy water shuts out every ray ot
The Chinese laundrymen near the
CouniKR oflice disturbed the pious meii
tations of ihe editor on Sunday by ham
mering and slain banging the life-long
day on the drying scaffold the erected
over their washhouse. And right near
home of worship, too. It's awfully
The greatest picnic ever given in Ore
gon uny will be the one given on June
10th by the Wacheno social Club. The
principal attraction. will be the Portland
Military Band of 40 pieces, with a
musical concert alternated with dance
music, from 1 o'clock p. in. until 12:30
p. in.
Capt. Bass Miller inlends going o
California in the near future for the pur
pose of buying a steam yacht, to run Ihe
game between Canemah and the month
of Ihe Tualatin, to connect with the East
Side motor line which is to be extuneed
lo Canemah. The captain will lay off
west side realty in half-acre tracts.
Rev. T. II. Organ, one of wiioae car
dinal doctrines of belief is entire sancti
rication, and other ministers w ill begin
a camp meeting at Gladstone June 8i.li .
The meetings will "last from two to
three weeks, as Uod nny indicate. The
great object is the conversion of sinners
and the saniifluatiou of believers."
At the meeting of Ihe Ppringwater
populist club on Saturday, the demo
crats w ho Joined to accommodate A I
Lacey, its moving spirit, attended with
the expectation ol hearing Mr. Lacey (a
populist canndidate) explain why be
did not pay the 120 lie subscribed
towards the Baker's Ferry bridge, but
he never said a word.
It Is understood that John Kverhart
will challenge J. S. Kisley for a joint
discussion on county affairs. As a
man's desire or ability to talk is in
itself no sign of business qualifications,
Mr. Risley will, as a matter of oourse,
pay no attention to such chaff. This
is said here with all respect for Mr.
Everhart, for' whom the Courier has
kindly regard as a man a id citizen.
On June the 10th the Reduien will
give a grand picnic in Brodeiick's park
which will eclii se anything before
given in Oregon City. The Mili fry
Band of 40 pieces of Portland, A. L.
Ttlleman, director, will be preeent.
There will be four parades in Portland
and one or two here in anticipation of
the event The Jr.ed Men never do
things by halves and it will no doubt
prove a gi and success.
Lewis Davis, the Maple Lane boy who
was conyicted last week by jury trial of
assault on another boy, seems to be
getting his share of hard knocks. Not
alone did he get a licking from the two
Oilhousen boys after he had attacked
the one (which came out at the trial), but
subsequently he also received a thash
ing from his father, such a thorough,
searching, honest one as he himself re
ceived when a slip in merry England.
Rep 1 1 nf viewers nn change III III-
nears u hm-i .iiiiiiikii roan approve.!,
oud ord -in mieiied and Ihe ex pen
CCOll' I ii' fill hi) ordered pil.l
Rop'irl nf viewers on Taylor road ap
nroyed ; road o-d-'red opened and ex
en so account of (2d II') ordered paid
R.'ii.in of viewers on ti ird in road ap
moved mid .xiiene account of fll or
ilcri 1 1 paid.
Rep ni nt viewirs nn OrUimll run I
Hppri.ve.l ; C F 'lark. R M irton an I Ii
S Mclilui.lhlin appointed lo appraise
ihiiiiiiges, lo meet at place of beginning
Jloiidnv, May '.'1st at 10 a in ; expense
accounl of fll 20 allowed.
Repi rt approved nf damages on Ihe
Held road; cletk In Isanti a warrant In
W J Lew ellcn for IK) in full payment
for ihiiiiiges; supervisor to employ Ihe
labor of p-titiouers in upeiiing road.
Petition giauted of Peter and W A
Wise for road for public easement; Sid-
ney Sinylh I.) survey and Milo Cfard, J
W Kiniiuiril and Jiicoh .lones to view
said road; In meet at place of la-ginning Slate vs I Lnnsiguoiit
Mileage and per diem nf coinmhaion
rs: C llalr, H HO; R Scoti, H 20
CLAIM Al l.' Wkll.
urve,.r K.nvtli . . f 10 Af
m-hh. r ll H.lli y 4iH IN
-vloik Hurt. ii 42K 61
herilf (iai g J07.'l 02
II r.urgliHldl, ll.ll sol licet ... 20 tl
I I ii'll K Co fl l
M Rol.iiiHon. meals Jury 11 (If
(.-roller llolmaii. pauper hit! ... 10 IN
Xolihti stable, road accl .1 (10
l' II I've, lax ciillei li.iii 41 Kl
l'r K (,'aill Aw
" A 1 1 it nl It-v . Mini ( iiit-rv' 20
II Mraiu if. ct h ncct I IN
J u water works I A 00
Enterprise INI 7A
iilasa a Huivlli, pniiper accl .... II 2A
nnesge and per ilicm grand Jury 1.10 (Ml
Jurors,.. , .MM 20
g Jury wit, 212 2ll
141 Ik)
v Hnesses. Slate vs (in ahong
Slate va Jas Leonard A J llowur.l
Iheo llimnilttr
ti M Smith
Search warrant, J A Kckatmin. .
May 2). al 10 a m.
Proposition accented of II Longcoyfor
county read Irom .Milwaokle to uiacka
mas. and $250 50 allowed for the purpose
the same being eiiual to the amount
subscribed by parties Interested for im
provement nf said read. A W Cooke is
flu'liorissid to collect tho sn'jscriptuns
I ewia Ilu vis
Western Wheel A Scraper Co .
Pope A Co. Hiintilioa
Ben C Irwin A Co
Vt llson A Cooke
Constable Fields
Milter Bros, r and b aect
St Vincent hiu-piial
riiriiiiiiu hospital
and superintend the expenditure oi me ;, . ' --i'""
money, and no pari of the appropriation " a7.' ''I"'. Iuper acct. . . .
shall be available until an equal amount
shall bo collected from the subscribers
anil expended.
Ordered that Sun'r AW Cooke expend
not to exceed 1 100 for improvement of
Henrlck load, and an appropriation, is
n ade for that purpose from the jwunly.
There is hereby appropriated the sum
of SO for the further Improvement ol
Ihe Oregon City and Molalla road in
Mi!k Creek precinct and the further
sum of 170 for the better protection of
the county road leading from Meadow
Brook to Mulinn from washout, and It is
Statu vs Ed Bovles
E W Miller, insane....
Emma Melcull, insane
tieorge llonney,
107 (HI
a;i :io
2 00
I.I 40
7 110
50 wo
50 40
275 01
17 :)
42 55
5 (15
2 40
25 o;
2l 00
20 (X)
0 25
2 70
15 00
15 00
15 00
A Names Jl 10
Mra Mary Hurt, pauper acct.... 4 00
eoiirt. adjourned to meet May 24lh.
A cold Sllell of weather la nt liani! anil
shrt'p that have been sheared shake I
iiioiigh they had Ihe ague.
Schroeder Bros
their chop mill for Ihe season, the e
ordered Hint C T Howard, foreman of "ell'K 8 owelty of grain to grind.
Mrs. Jennie Meleher hua l.oon 111 Tut an
In lliiauciul losses in the wavoflaw
Another new convert nt tho Rantl.!
church 'in the person nf (iotileob
Preparalions have been made for
commencing work Monday on Hie new
steeple to be built on the' Frog Pond
Cierman church.
Gardens are most all In.
subdistrict No (I, ro.d district No 2,
superintend said improvement,
Application of James Ward for tax
rebate for 1804 allowed and f:l warrant
issued to him.
Application of J W Exon for tax re-
hato allowed and warrant issued to mm
(or 4.22.
Application of W L Mallow for .1 tax
rebate allowed.
Petition of John Johnson et al for
viewers for countv road granted ; Sidney
Sinvtli to survey, and Joseph Hoffman.
O Whipple and wm Knight to view wneat, wiucn he in. lends to feeding to
. , , ... i .. t i : : l.lo I.
sain roan, in meet nt pinue oi uegiiiiiiug " '.u.ecs.
r riduy. May. 20, at 10 a. m. Roads are in splendid condition and
C M Toole appointed clerk of election people can take pleasure in iniintr lo
in auemaii precinct, vice u a nenges. can un uieir neighbors.
resigned; l d narKennuer appoinieu i b cv sis are nm- mnr. ,..,.hi n,i.
aIopI rl Mi)antin in l luetiul.l tiea.tin.tt I c, , . . P
tirm ... ..r. ... v....v... i-.v., ...., 1 rouiius. cevera naviinr nnaaeii inrniiiri.
: 1. I. D 'I' . . . a " . .
.itc . . ....u, vol.,..,.,) . j ttere oi tuie
lor appinnieii cierk oi eiecnon in tuar-
nuani precinct, vice M ltobb'.ns, re
signed ; Ben Kux
election in Clackamas
Lester A. Shipley, of Hazelia, wus at
Mr. Phillips' Monday after a load of
a.fliu. ' r ,
Tho Best tii
J. 0. V.'i:,"-if", ( (.iuc'.i,.- mil
Uiilldcr, Sulphur Spring-., jcxim,
thus Kpciika of Ayer'a P'lls:
"Ayer'a I'llharn Hie l.st iiir-.llclne I
ever tried; nml, in my -,ij.im.nt, no
lN'tler g. m-riil reinei!y i .,c d Ijn ilevlsed.
I have used tlx-iii lu my family an. I
rwntn nili.il tlii.in to my friends and
employes for morn than twenty years.
To my certain knowledge, many casrg
of the following complaints ju la-en
completely and
Permanently Cured
by the use of Ayor's Pills .i!nne: Third
day rlillls, (limit) ague, l.lilncs fever,
sick lieiiilaclie, rlieiimiitlsm, flux lvs
pepsla, I'oiistlpntiiui.atiil liunl eoMs. Z
know that a ini'ileralo. usu of A' ei-'a
Pills, coiitlniieil fur a few days or v. ei.s,
as tho nature of Hie coinplalnt rei' .lied,
would lio found nn absolute cum for the
disorders I linvo named almve,"
" ( liavo la-en selling iiieillcluo for
eight years, nn.l I ran safely say that
Ajer's l'llls give better satisfiictii.it
than any other Pill I ever sold." J. J.
Purry, Hpotlsyhanla C. If., Va.
Prepared by Ir. J. C. A yer k Co., Lowell, l .s.
Every Dose Effective
r 4 ;vr.s w-z?
iv y i 'r'airvac -
?Pf "ifzs&t Jr c-?s
A surprise nurlv is in the uiml fnr the
ice i ivuoo'.iia, re- !., , . , .
appointed clerk of Plrt,? ll,e "' ,nt ,lie
ms precinct, vice JR L'!' are sl1" 'K110'1 o(
; J K Grahnm ap- P1" u'osen.
Landers, resigned
pointed clerk of election in Reaver
Creek piecinct, vice Ben Jaggar, re
signed: Theodore Hagenberger appoint
ed clerk of election in Milwaukie pre
dict, vice 11 Hoesley, deceased : Ole
Mikelson appointed judge of election
in Cascades precinct, vice H B Chase,
deceased; Ward B Law Ion appointed
judge of election in Canemah precinct,
vice A S Lawton, resigned.
Petition of E B Kelley et al for a new
voting precinct to be known as Bull
Run precinct, denied, for the reason
that the law requires all changes shall
be made in voting precincts at the Jan- it will ho t.. ti, ii.w r n, ...
uary term, and it being too late to make pavflr, of Clackamas county to vote for
the change. -v -- A. J. Washburn for county tretsnrer.
Urdered that clerR issue a warrant in
J. unties are comparative v ouiet
aionud here. A few men have dropped
their old patty and old party papers for
someining better."
School is Drouressintr solen lidlv wiih
V. E. Bow ton at the head nf over M
"diity little urchins."
Frederick Reichle has had some
ground broken for potatoes lately.
Red men's entertainmenls are alwavs
success, their picnic and dance June
10th will be greater than ever.
It will he to the interest of the tax
payers of Clackamas county to vote for
A. J. Washburn for county treasurer.
Ke-w stock '( baby carriage just
arrived from the East, price below
Portland- Come early and get yoar
choice at Bellotny an Bucli.
The following in list of letters re
maining at the Oregon City postoffice
for the week ending May 17, 1804,
uncalled for:
Henick. Mrs E I,
Biy roar neat at tne ld City View ! Jf B ...
.rket, faot f SeyeatU tree, Flins tV ! J'UT.P u
... d. I Parker. A H
Jaaaey, Props.
I Skinner. Wm D
Hodge, Joseph
Moorey, I T
Xemnn, Ella Mr
S hnlU. Paul
arahoer. A
Children Cry for ! Pitcher's Castoria.
When calling for these letter pleaae
ay "advertiseil. K. M. Uaxrw, V. si.
favor of VH Yonn" (or n lor extra
services In keeping "V'ul Arthur, pau
per, and that on t In ' ' ii rut day of each
tnoolh-Wie cierk .wiliTs-wj a w irrantto
said Voun-,' forureA:i.l keeping of said
Arthur until further oMur of this court.
Petition granted of ll J' Lorenzen et al
for assistance for Mm Mattie Missen, an
invalid, and ordered (that, the clerk is
sue a warrant tor IH on sttrst ot each
month to Christ Johnson, beginning
with May, to be used by him in taking
care of said Mrs Nissen.
Report approved of A W Cooke, road
supervisor, for. April, and expense ac
count allowed as follows: Labor
10.'17.G0, material .115.8o, supervision
Recommendation approved of A W
Cooke as to principal road work to be
done In road district ln l, and it is or
dered that the sum of 250 be appropri
ated to improve the road beleon Baker's
r.dge and liock creek, and the further
improvement of the Baker'a bridge and
agalde mill road.
On recommendation of A W Cooke, it
is ordered that Sidney Smyth resurvey
the roatl between Deep creek bridge anil
Wilberu's, and Richard Morton, Seth
oung and 1'. 11 Uurghar.lt to view said
road, to meet at place nf beginning on
Monday, May L'Hth, at 10 a. m.
In Ihe n ol r of bridge work needed
in road district No 1 : Sup'r A W Cooke
ill procure the necessary material and
build the bridges recommended in his
report, and certify bill to this ooiirt for
Proposition accented of A Hunter to
mnrove the countv road between Sun-
nyside and Flavel Sumner's farm, and
anpropration of $75 authorized, the woik
to hn done under supervision of Sup'r
W Cooke.
Report approved of W H Smith, sup
ervisor of road district 2, for April, as
account allowed: Labor $1218 57, ma
teria1 $120.(15, supervision ftiO, total
On recommendation of Sup'r Capt
Smith, it is ordeted that the sum of f 200
be appropriated for the further improve
ment of Canon's bridge and Baker's
ferry road, and that supervisor super
vise expenditure of the money.
Report approved of Supervisor Career
for April and account allowed: Labor
$00.74, material $81.80, supervision
$07.50, total $050 04. .
Ordered that the proposi'ion of R L
Mor is to rebu Id the bridge over Butte
cieek, on the Elliott Prairie and Wood
burn road, be end is hereby accepted,
and C Bair is appointed to superintend
the rebuilding of said bridge.
Ordered that the sum of $400 be ap
propriated for the further improvement
of ihe Gordon road, district No 3, and E
P Carter to superintend.
It is ordered that Robbins A Son be
authorized to furnish necessary clothing
to Mrs N Smith and family, not to ex
ceed $15.
In the matter of the subscription of
Carlton A Kosenkrans and others for
improvement of county road from Canby
to Oregon via New Era, it is ordered
that Sup'r W H Smith procure the nec
essary blasting material to blow out
stumps on said road, and that he collect
the subscriptions and superintend this
road work.
The motion of Gordon E Hayes to ex
tend time for the collection of delin
quent taxes dismissed and petition of
Milwaukie Grange in this matter de
nied. Report of Commissioner R Scott on
the aid extended to Mr McAllister,
pauper, approved, and ordered that the
court issue to him warrant for $28.95
to reimburao him for money expended ,
in assisting Mra McAllister to return to !
her home.
Report approved of G W Prosser, su-1
pervisor of road district No 4, and ac
connt allowed: Labor (1142, material!
iA.05, supervisor $38.
i Report approved of R Scott, commis
: sioner, on the pun base of road scrapers.
I On petition ot Mrs Henrietta Kelly, I
ho live on the Samuel Miller farm,
.er taxes reduced from $'009 to $2121.
Application granted ol 8 Rogawiy for ,
tatrtbate. !
All democratic candidates are re
QUeatid.4o appeas-at the-Fountain Mm
house in Uregon City, nn Sunday, the
20lh, at 10:80 a. in. By order of tho
committee. 8. R. Gkkkx, Chairman.
J C. Mkiwn, Secretary.
Col. W, L. White for Juatloe.
I solicit tliu votes of tho suffragists of
the 4th Justice district for the oflice nf
justice of the peace, for which I am an
independent candidate. W. L. Wiiitk.
Regular Democratic Nominee
Regular Republican Nominee
Regular Democratic Nominee
Regular Democratic Nominee
As my wife has wilfully left in v home.
I am not responsible for any debt con
tracted by her after Ibis date. J. A. Boa.
Needy. Or . May 11), 18114
It will be to the Interest of the tax
payers of Clackamas county to vote for
A.J. Washburn for county treasurer.
Redman's picnic and concert by Port
land Military Band June 10th.
Regular Democratic Nominee
A span of mules for sale cheap, or
iraue ior gnou mare; good workers and
gentle. They can be seen on Tompkins'
dairy farm on tliu west side.
Prescriptions carefully compounded at
it. a. tiarutng'sorug store.
L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising
Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, San
Francisco Is our authorized agent. This
paper ib kept on file in his oflice.
J. Kober, the Seventh street baker,
received a fresh lot of imported delicious
l.lintinrgor cheese, a. id cream cheese
the choicest in the city Just the thing
for a palatable lunch.
Received al Charman it Son's a large
invoice ol wall paper, latest and pret
tiest designs.
Puky Comi'BTITIon I Ten loaves of
fresh bread for a quarter dollar; 20
loaves for 50 cents and 40 loaves for $1
at the Seventh Street Bakery, Jacob
ivober, i'ropr.
Don't be mistaken. The highest
price paid for veal calves is at Fliun A
Janney. The old meat market, foot of
Seventh street.
Cured With One lli.ttle.
,.Mr. Jordan Baker. Tifton, Ga., had
muscular rheumatism for ten years.
After using half a bottle of Drumu'innd's
Lightning Remedy (or Rheumatism, he
wrote to Ihe manufacturers that he was
satisfied ho would he cured by the time
the bottle would be used up. It you
want satisfaction, insist on having
pruniiiiond's Lightning Remedy. Noth
ing can take its place. Of druggists, or
direct, with full particulars, from Drum
inond edicineCo.,4,'f-50 Maiden Lane,
New York. Agents wanted.
When baby is teething or feverish, ask
your druggist for Slfcdnian's Soothing
James Thorns L Soni, Abstracters of
Notwithstanding the unfinished ah
stract indexes we started for Clackamas
county have recently passed out of our
hands, the ahtlrnct butineu did not, and
we therefore desire to say to our old
patrons and the public generally that we
are still in the abstract business at our
old stand in the Jaggar building, opjio
site Huntley's drugstore, where we are
fully prepared to furnish reliable ab
stracts of title with certainty and dispatch
Regular Republican Nominee
Regular Republican Nominee
Regular Democratic Nominee
Regular Democratic Nominee
Regular Democratic Nominee
A band of 40 pieces will entertain
yon at Broderick 's park June 10, given
by Wacheno Social Club.
Regular Democratic Nominee
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Wbasi Baby was sick, we care bee Caatorla. j
"fcee she was a Child, ahe cried f Caatorla. j
HThea ahe became Hiaa, ahe clung lo Caatorla, ,
HTee sfca hd OilUren, rf rare theca Caaturia,
Regular Republicin Nominee
Regular Republican Nominee
Regular Democratic Nominee
Regular Democratic Nominee
Regular Republican Nominee
Regular Republican Nominee
Regular Democratic Nominee
Regular Republican Nominee
E-Fe DRIGGS . w.
Regular Democratic Nominee
Regular Democratic Nominee
Regular Republican Nominee
Oregon City, Oregon.
ClRO. C. UllOWNKLl..
A. 8. Dar.ssKR.
Brownell & Dresser,
Attorneys at Law,
Office One Door North ' Caujield it Hunt
Uy'i D fa'io
Oregon CHy, Oregon.
Real Estate To Sell and Money To Lend
The Commercial Bank
CAPITAL f 100,000,
Transacts t General Banking Business
Loans made. Hills dlaculillleil. .Miikl- col
lections, hmvk anil aclla exfhanife on all points
lu the United Htatea anil r umi'ii ana ou tiling
Koiik. Deposits received suliiiTttocliw'k. In
terest at usual Mien allowed ol time deposits.
Hank open fr on II A. M. to 4 V. M. baturday
evenings Irom Mill 7 1'. M.
President. Cashier
Oregon City Market Report.
WHAT-Perbu. 4oc, bulk Jwlthoul iacl
Oat-MS.'S.c f bushel, with lacks.
FLOca - Roller fl TO per bbl. net
Eooa lie
BUTTKe KKSfica roll, country
Vial ,! dressed
Cmcakut 121$ i 5 a doaen
Bur-On fuotcoiri Sc; steers l',r, fat; 5c
IfuTTos-ll :t1 prime sheared: stock sh'p f 1
SiilfOi.M l t thousand.
Lavd I2!,cV pound.
Hinla Green, 3c;drjr.&3"eHt; one-third 09
orcnlled. Hheep pells. 2.VS30C
Hat Timothy, 112. clover lll.trijed.
Daico Fri-its Prunes V; appl.-VV'i.e; rery
HiU. r Shorts 117. Bran 11'; Chop
1; rejected wheat. Ml rents V
Fuel Hide l?e, shoulders c, I ami 12c:
on loot 5e; dressed 4',e. .
Potatoes "i0c a sacki
Ouione-ll.tf per lu0-
All Varieties Fruit Trees For Sale.
J. A. COX & SON,
Nobfitt Livery and Sale Stable
On the Street between the Brings and the
Double and single rlga and saddle horses al
Ik? M VB nil llalUli all IllA . . le. I aa... -
a 'unija, rouen, anti COrrBi
also connected with the barn tor loos stock
Any Information regarding any kind ot stock
ptomptly attended lo by letter or peraon.
Curi and Locksmith.
Adjoining the Noblitt Stable,
All klii.ls of firearms repaired tail cleaned. All kind.
ui emai msciiinea it-paired. Duplicate key
mail' for all klnUa ol locks. Uunsaud
l'lttols buuiilil and sold.
Obtain your family supplies at
the Grocery, iust opened, on north
east corner of Seventh and Center
streets. Prices as low as the lowest.
Country Produce Bought.
Flour and Feed For Sale.
J. A. BUCK, Prop.
Bank of Oregon City.
l'uld Up Capital, $50,000.
President, ' - , - . Thomas Charmam
Vice President. , - Oio. A. HasDISO
Cashier, . ... . E. O. CAUriiui
Uantujer,- -. - - - OHAai H; CAtJnnB
K Ooiioral Ranking Business Transacted.
Uvimslta Iti'i'cived Subject lo Check.
Approvwl Dills and Notes Discounted.
Countv an. I city Warrants bought.
Loans Madeon Available Becuril'
Kxchange llought and Hold.
Collections Mnde Promptly.
Drafts Hold Available in Any Part ol th
Telegrnplilc Kxchange Sold on Portland, Baa
Francisco, Chicago and New York.
Interest Paid oil Time Deposits.
Drags, Notions, Perfumeries,
Toilet Articles, itc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Shively'sj Block,
Cor. of 7tli A Madison St., Oregon City
Ripant Tabuli'i : one glvei relief.
Standard Pat. Medicines.
Taints, Oils and Window Glass.
Pmrrlptlont Accurately Compounded
But have only moved to more
commodious quarters, "fhey ar
now in a better position than ever
to wait on their ever increasing
Farm Produce and
Note the New Address :
Seventh and Center Streets,
Oregon City Transportation Co's
steamer rai.:o:ja.
Foot Taylor SI.
7:00 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
4:110 P. M.
8 :O0 A. M.
11:00 A. M.
3 :.!0 P. M.
OiMosj Cm
9:00 a.m.
2.00 p.m.
6 Mr. m.
9. .TO am.
20 P. M.
5 .-.10 P. M.