dft onvtr. Oregon City, May 18,1894. Democratic State Ticket. For Congressman, 1st District, J. K. WEATUERFORD of Linn. W. 8 For Governor, GALLOWAY of Yamhill. For Secretary of Slate, CHARLES KICKELL of Jackson. For Treasurer, TH08. L. DAVIDSON of Marlon. For Supreme Judge, A. S. BENNETT of Wasco. For Attorney General, W. H. HOLMES of Marion. For School Superintendent, D. V. S. REED of Lane. For State Printer, JOHN O'BRIEN of Multnomah. For Attorney, 5th Judicial District, E. F. DRIGGS of Clackamas. Member Equalization Board, 5th Dist. W. B. ADAIR of Clatsop. DemocraticCounty Ticket. For Senator, JAMES THORN E. For Joint Senator, E. RUSSELL of Clackamas. For Representatives, DR. W. E. CARLL, MARTIN BOBBINS, JOSIAII MARTIN. For County Judge, J. 8. RISLEY. For County Commissioner, GEO. J. CURRIN. For Sheriff, C. W. UANONG. For Clerk, V. B. STAFFORD. For Recorder, A. W. SHIPLEY. For Treasurer, A. J. WASHBURN. For Assessor, 8. R. GREEN. For School Superintendent, 0. Y. DRAPER. For Surveyor, FRED HESSE. For Justice, District No. 4, W. A. HEDGES. For Constable, District No. 4, E. T. FIELDS. Til a Minneapolis Journal says that Congressman Rreckenridge, smirched with Miss Pollard by the scandalous trial, "Is not a model by any means, but a good many people who are throwing paving stones at him now, will be just as alck as he la when the recording an gel runs her finger up and down the alphabet to find their names." That's so. Distinguished Oregon statesmen might be found in comparison with whom the porsonnl history of Brecken- ridge la the blogrsphy of Virtue Itself Tub 19 "armies" of "industrials" on the march to Washington, number all told about 0000 men, slightly less than the several hundred thousand which, excited telegraph operators told us, would swarm Into the capital city. Canadian livestock breeders put their competitors in the United States to shame at the ColumbiaI International exhibition. ' Out of tM In- prizes" lor Ayrshire cattle, Canada look $1885 and the United States only (150. The Yanks can take lessons in stock raising from the Kanuuks. A row occurred at the Baptist con vention in Dallas, Texas, between the A. P. A. preachers and the the friends of Governor Northern, who appointed Pat Walsh, a Catholic, to the U. 8. senate. The anti-Jewish crusade in Russia may find its imitation here against Catholics. A law was passed in Minnesota re quiring deaters in bogus butter to color their stuff pink. The supreme court of that state declares the law constitutional, and the dairy commissioner will enforce it. The legislature should pass Btich a law for the protection of Oregon dairy men and the butter-eaters. In 1800 the Kansas State Board of Agriculture secured statements from great number of farmers relating to the cost of the wheat crop, and these state ments, Including taxes, interest, iusur ance and hauling to market, make the cost a fraction over 50 cents a bushel. Iu Australia, it is claimed, wlieat can not be raised for less than 58 cents i bushel, where it is now Belling at that price. Tin Salem Journal and Governor Pennoyer are at swords' points. It ao cuscs him, among many other trans gressions, of "leaving from $300,000 to $.VX),000 of state taxes outstanding In Portland banks drawing interest for the bankers, when it should have been in the state treasury to pay warrants that were being discounted. It is true that when the slate's money .was shut up In the Portland banks, state warrants were being discounted In Hulem 5 per cent. The quesiion Is, was that tho fault of the governor or of the state treasurer? Sinck millions an millions of hard cash are locked up In the banks, wait ing for the subsidence of popular aglt' tlon and dispersion of Coxey armlet, and the passage of the tariff bill, it would be wise if Governor Pennoyer, instead of advocating the printing ol a pile of paper money, on the ground that what ails us is the lack of money in cir culation, advise 1 his hearers to buy a lot of dynamite and blow tho tied gasted banks open, scatter the hard cah and put it in circulation. Then, presto clianiro. money would bo plenty all at once. This revolutionary proceeding would be as safe, financially, as launch ing out on the uncertain sea of paper money inflation. Not all of the western farmers are complaining that they must be going to ruin because they do not get as much for their wheat now as they did 20 years ago. R. R. Lambert of' Rush City, Minn., has recently published a letter which shows that he has reached a dif ferent conclusion. He tells his brother faimers that the quesiion is not so much what wheat brings as what the wheat crop will buy. When "dollar wheat was the rule, in the '70s, he could buy only 8 pounds of sugar with a bushel while now he can get 12. A hundred weight of nails required 0 bushels of wheat 20 years ago; now It can begot for 4. It used to lake 120 bushels to pay the cost of a mowing machine, while now it requires only 75. Mr. Lambert declares his firm conviction that the farmers of Minnesota get as many things with a bushel of wheat at 50 cents as they formerly did when the selling price was $1. He regards it as impossible that there shall bo a return' to Hie old figures for wheat, for the same reason that prices of other till nits will never again be bo high as they once were, be cause the aim of civilization Is to furnish all articles at the minimum price. Asking Governor Pennoyer Ousitloni. A communication signed "Farmer'' In Wednesday's Uregoninn colln-chise our governor thus wise: There Is no desire tiion our pint to be Impertinent, ,ul in all candor would like to know how it is that you can at one and at the same time be a populiNt and the recipient of a protective tariff? In your business you receive, as 4 manu facturer of lumber, a benefit through the tariff of $2 for each I0U0 feet, of which sum you reliate not oiia penny lo the overtaxed consumer. How is it that as a populist, good and true, yjti are opposed to all nefarious trusts, and as a business man von could ever be a prominent metnlwr of a lumber com bine? Also how it Is that as a populist, opposed in unjust taxation and illeiral over-feeing of public: ntllcials, you can and do, as a public ollli ial, accept from the hands of a notoriously corrupt legis lature, the last one, an "additional emol ument" lo your salary of $x) per an num In payment for the hitlierlo unheard-of dutv of "extra labor and worry, etc.," as well as many other fees and perquisite which swells your sal ary to more than double the limit set by the constitution of file stale, and lo a sum far any away in excess of any amount ever received by any previous irovernor of ibis stale, some of who.n have not acquired fame for their Spartan courage for refusing to accept "what the gods send lliem?" We do not understand (though it pet Imps, an d no doubt Is, perfectly right) how it Is that yon as a M.pu!ist. ran be so bitterly opposed to lh issuance of passes by Hie THE CANVASS. The democratic candidate will ad dress the voter ol Clackamas county in the onler Unhealed ss ioiiow Friday. May I lib. 7:30 , . . .Ksturday, 12th, 7:.'I0 Mnn.lny.Utli, 1 ;.'I0 Monday, Mill, 7 ::0 . ... Tuesday, 1.1th, 7:.'M) , Wednesday, llltli, 7::U) , .. Thursday, 17th, I ::(() ...Thursday, 17th, 7:110 Mduy, IHili, ::io rri.luy, IHili, 7;:io , ...Hsiiinl.iy, llith, 1 ::i0 , ...rinliirdiiy, IHili, 7:.'l Monday. 2 1st, I iVS ,. . Monday, 21st. 7 :0 Tuesday, 22d, 7:.'t0 , . Wednesday, 2;td, 7 :.'I0 ,,..Thurdii).2th,7::j0 Friday, Moth, 1 :.') Friday, 2.1th. 7:30 ....Saturday, 2Uth, 7 :.t0 Monday, 2Hih. 1:110 Monday. 2Kih, 7 ::(0 ....Tuesday, 211th, 7 :M . Weilnesilay, ;luth, 7:.1) ..Friday, June 1st, 7:.'l Saturday, 21,7:30 a, IV. VIHKKN, Chairman C. C. Committee. C. Melwin, Secretary. Harlow ....... C'stiby Clackamas. . . . Milwaukie Oswego Needy. ..... . . . Marquain So la Springs. . t'pper Molalia lnwer Molalia Milk Creek.... Heaver Creek . . Viola Harding Iiuuiascus Sandy Ksgle Cr 'ck . . (iarlleld Htiringwalor .. Highland New Era Park Place Pleasant Hill.. Wilsoiiville.,.. Oregon Cily ... Oswego Il will be lo the iulerot of the tax payers of Clackamas county to vote for A. J. Washburn for comity treasurer. FOR SALE. Eighty acres of fine farm land, mostly bottom, on Woodcock creek. Clackamas ruiluat'd i,i anv one not an emnl")e i eonnlv. two miles from Meadow Brook the railways, and at the same time be , postollice. Three acres cleared. 12 acres the regular and unfailing recipient of slushed ; good house 20x30. Price $800, such passes, and use lb year in and ,,( which fWO must be paid down, bal . ... i 1.. ..I. .... .... ua u il.,Hfl. ' ....HA ......vu' (l..n V.tm f..vtl...M n in IVOin l((,l1 . f 1UI l.m 1 ... ..r. . - .,t i i . - ucuiars can at voi kikii oince or suitress v,.ariiiil to no u Mill on as a head at the expense m me rany " poralions, lo make speeches condemn ing their use by other, these are some of the things shout your methods as a populist, a successful politician nd a business man. which we do not understand : lo us it seems that you me at Vancouver. Wash. Mrs. Anna Taylor. A lady at Toolevs, La., was very sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, s prominent merchant of the town, gave must be a nopuli-t in theory only, lor ,ur a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic your business method if pursue-1 ly ; Cholera and Dlarrlnea Remedy. He another wotiiu lorever ciass mm suys sue was wen hi to nunuies aner Tub general appropriation bill of the legislature of 1803 amounted to $1,400, 000, a large part of which was uncon stitutional. The thieves attached the "steals" to the appropriation bill for necessary state expenses, and thus se cured the governor's signature. Gover nor Pennoyer should have vetoed steals In every guise or form. In 1878, when the legislature was democratic, the amount of the general appropriation Mil was only (308,000. Ir the voters of Clackamas county would signify their disapproval of the gigantic steals ol the last legislature, which was republican, they will, on the 4th day of June, defeat the republican candidates for the legislature. The re publican party of Oregon Is as rotten now as it was in 1803. Its organ, the Oregon ian, is fulsome in its praise of Boss Joe Simon, candidate for the state senate in Multnomah, than whom there isn't l more unscrupulous or more corrupt poli cian west of the Rocky Mountains. Treasury statistics show that there was a slight increase for the month in the total volume of money in circulo tlon. The totul circulation on May 1 amounted to (1,601,703,000. an increase of lit tie-over 1, 000,000 "as coin pared with April 1. As compared with a year ago there was an increase of a little over (02,700,000. The increase for the month were $1,702,777 in gold coin, $4,050,000 in currency certificates, $858, 710 in silver certificates and $1,005,707 in national bank-note circulation, while the decreases comprised legal tender notes to the amount of $0,147,008, standard silver dollars amounting to $870,174, subsidiary silver to the value of $402,075, silvor treasury- notes amounting to $200,741 and gold certifi cates to the amount of $310,400. The per capita circulation amounted to $24.82, which represents a decrease of 3 cents tor the month, but an increase of 85 cents as compared with the correa ponding date of last year . The receipts of the government for the first nine months of the fiscal year, which ends July Diet, were $223,000,000, and ex penuiiures -(, ouu.uw, indicating an approximate deficiency in revenue be low expenditure for the vear ol $73,000,000. Accobdino to government statistics, in 1800, manufacturing interests, pro tected and unprotected, represented a capital of $8,000,000,000, and the farm ing interests (10,000,000. It is of Inter est, therefore, to note that the total value of farm procucts in 1800 wss but $2,400,000,000, while that of manufac turers was (9,(154,000,000. This dispro portion is excessive and speaks vol umes against the special legislation which has been msde for the manufact urer at the expense of the farmer. The profits ot the tormer may not be whatl Both abroad and at home the money reserves in banking centers are phunom enully large and constantly increasing. While there is no way of knowing ex actly the reserve in Chicago banks, says the Saturday Record, the most conserva tive estimate places it above 50 percent That is to say, half of the money In the keeping of the banks is lying in the vaults drawing no revenue . The glut of funds is the more apparent bt cause private lenders have been forced to compete with banks for the privilege of placing money where it would bring some sort of Income. Tho rate on long term loans in Eastern business centers has been reduced to 4 per cent, while call loans have been made at 2 per cent- Business men whose paper is good are asking no favors, be cuuse they are carrying little stock and extend few favors to their country customers; the merchunts in small towns are buying nothing but slaples and country capital in Clackamas county as well as in every other section lias found its way in'o the city bunks. The result of this money congestion is singularly like the condition that at tends a money famine. Business pa ralysis follows in either case, but the cure is widely different and much easier to effect when money Is plenty. "roblier hamn," an "oppressor ol ine . .iuu.u,uu,l " nni mi honorable iuoi, m o -. " . " , . I, iim frmiin who risk hi h'u, i n 1 fre quently pay it. for hi ride upon the bieakbeam. What shall we a a protected monopolist, a tax-Jodger, a salary-grabber and ostensibly a populist, say to the unprotected, other kind of a populist, in such a case as this? These are things that puzzle our sin.ili brains. We, like you, would know how to use a pass, or pocket "the additional emol uments" paid for "extra worry, but how to explain our actions when out canvassing among the people finds in at fault. What should the farmer do in a case of this sort? Shall we find it per fectly safe to get out of the meeting by way of the front door after a discussion of these and kindred evil? And if so, what luck of spirit on the part of his American manhood, what benumbinir; influence upon hia common sense is it which will prevent the farmer from aris ing in his rightcus wrath and indigna tion and ducking us in me uorao in for our glaring and dishonest uupiiccy hiking the first dose. Harding, druggist. For sale byU. A. Dr. 8. F. Scott, Blue Right, Harrison Co., Mo., says: "For whooping couuh tliainlierlaiu s uuugh Keniedy is excel lent." By using it freely I he disease is deprived of all dangerous consequences. there is no danger in giving the Kerne, dv to babies, as it contains nothing in jiirious 50 cent hollies for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. When Harvey Soott Was Free Trader. On October 7th, 188(1, the following Piliinriul fmm the Den of Harvey W Scott appeared in the Orrgonian under t lie caution Ol "rroieciion foes not Help the Farmer:" Kzra Meeker of Puvalllll). W. T. man for whose judgment we have the huihest respect, iiiinss inai u is pos sible to cure the agricultural stagnation of the times by legislation. A higher and more general protection is, in gen eral terms, the plan proposed in his let ter printed in Monday's Oregon- tan. remaps an application oi pro tection would help out the particular in dustry ,'that of making sugar from beet which Mr. meeker employs us an il lustration, but we cannot believe that agriculture, generally speaking, has anything to tain trorn protection. nm for this reason that protection ad vances the cost of nearly everything the larmer has to buy and adds not a mill to the price of what he has to sell. Pro tection, by keeping up nu artificial price for iron and articles made In whole or in part of Iron, adds a large per cent to the cost of furm machinery. Every ar ticle, from a garden rake to a threshing mnehine. is the dearer for protection. The freight rate on machinery from the place of manufacture to the Held (a large item in a remote country like our own) is greater for protection, because pro protection, adds to the cost of railroads, the same circumstance adds to the freight rate on (arm products from the Held to the place of market. Protection adds to the cost of clothing worn by the farmer, to the fur niture in his house, to much of the food on hia table and to the books he reads. Protection makes the farmer pay an artificial price on the wire that Hinds his sheaves and me oags mat mint his harvest. On the other hand, pro tection does not advance the price of any product he bus to sell. Protection nuiy help iron men, furniture men and sugar growers, but it does not help the farmer, certainly not the farmer of Ore gon and Washington, who must buy in a protected market 3000 miles away and sell in a free market 15,000 miles away. CANBY ITEMS. Judge Hubbard on "Kelly's Trainiw" and General Weaver on "The Common weal Crusade." with dozen or mora photographic snap-shots at Kclly'a Army in camp, will command thous- of new readers for the June Midland Monthlu. After the recent newsnaner discussion of General Jones' WBr record. Maud Meredith's Midland sketch of the (ieneral, with portraits, will be read Willi keenest interest. Henry Wallace has fine sketch on "The Scotch Irish in America." very timely in view of the near approach of the' National Congress of Scotch-Irish in Ies Moines. Miss L. Heart is lying very low with the consumption. She cannot live but a few davs. J. M. N'olin and wife are going east of the mountains. The cily council has let the contract for building the ci'y jail to J. liedinui. Mrs. Manila is having her house painted and a well dug on her place. Mrs. lia'cs has bought two places of S. Mathews, and has the lumber on the ground to build a house, one story, 14x21 feet. J. Jerry lias the contract. Horn to Ihe wile ol u. Whipple, a girl. Sam Cox is on the sick list. I). It. Dimick, w ho has been sick for some time, in going east of the moun tains for his heallh, and his wife will spend some tune at his mother s on Freeman prairie. J. Smith will take care of his livery stable. II. A. Lee is building a house 18x30 on his property near town. 8. Norton has moved to Can by. Tho political pot is boiling. The Christian church gave a benefit oyster supper at Evan's hall on May llith. Crops do not look well ; there has been too mucii rain an I c il l weather. Cump meeting beirins June27th. F. Mitrs is fixing up toe grounds. J. Wolgamott will plant but four acres of melons this year as the season is not very favorable. J. Hodges has bouuht a new buggy and harness. Mrs. tiurley is lying very sick at her daughter's near II ubhunl. I'. II (iur ley came over from east of the moun tains to see his mother. George linr- lev is sick witii pneumonia. mere were nve baptisms last Wed nesday . Under the Knife ' Of the surgeon there is nc mire acute siifleilng than people endure every day with rheumatism, uistorted and wita ered limbs mark its ravages every where. )r. Druminonirs Lightning Keniedy lor Rheumatism has a remarkable record of cures not only relieving the pain, but restoring all the function of the crip pled limbs. There is no reason for any one to suiter longer, when tin wonder fill remedy affords such certain retief. If your druggist has not got it, write to tho Driiininond Medicine Co., '48-50 Maiden Lane, NewYurk. Agents wanted. If King Solomon was alive he would now say: "Go to the traveling man, learn his ways, and be wise " Mr. C. W. Baltell, a Cincinnati traveling man, representing the Queen City Printing Ink Co , after suffei ing intensely for two or three days with lameness of the shoulder resulting from rheumatism, completely cured it with two applica tions of Chamberlain's Pain Halm. This remedy is gaining a wide reputation for its prompt cures of rheumatism, lame hack, sprains, swellings, and lameness. 50 cent bottles (or sale by G. Ai Hard ing, druggist. "The flowers that bloom in the Spring'.' are not more vigorous than are (nose persons wlm pnrlty f heir 'Mood with Ayers's Sarsaparilia. The fabled Ellxer Vitie could scare ly impart greater vivacity to the countenance than this wonderful medicine. ' If ever a man feels like "a poor worm of the dust," it is when he suffers from that tired feeling. Avers Sarsaparilla removes this discouraging physical con dition and imparts the thrill of new life and energy to every nerve, tissue muscle, and fibre of the whole body. Notice. Unitkd Status LiNii Ofkk-b OiiKiioN City. Or., May 0,1894, Notice is hereby given that the ap proved plat of survey of township south, range 4 east, has been received from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on June 21st. 18114, at 0 o clock a. m of said day, said pint will be filed in this (iflice, and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said KoiiKiiT A. Mii.i.kk, Register. (lute. Pktku Paiji'kt, Receiver CLUBBING RATES. The C'nunnati Weekly Enquirer and the Uiikoon l.oi'iiiKR, holh one year to cash In advance subscribers for onlv $2 50. The Enquirer is a Itl-piute paper whose regular price is ft per year. The Ran Francisco Weekhi Iinlletin and the Cophikk (or $3 to cash in ad vance subscribers. The Dnilu llullelin and ComtiKR one year for $'i,nash in ad vance. The Daily Hiillrlin't regular price is Hi per annum. Weekly Examiner and the Cormuit one year, cash in advance, $3 10. Vaili bxaminer and toritiKit. cash in advance. $8.30. Weekly San Francisco Chronicle and iiieuorniKit, casn in advance, one vear. $3.10, It will he to the interest of the tax payers of Clackamas count v to vote (or A. J. Washburn for county treasurer. If the care of tho hair were made a part of a lady's education, we should not see so manv gray heads, and the use of Hall's Hair lienewer would be. un necessary, t Demooratio Stats Platform. 'I he fullnw In U lha plulfurm adopted st the (U-inncrstlc tsla oniirentnin: Th rcpriwiiuilvoa ol the dcmncrailn party In (Kiiivenlinn smwiiiblt-d lank. Die following lie-' eUMllim of principles and mesmirus their lilsiliirin In the pruMiit t'smiitlgiu I We declare our ludful aillin.lnn lo lh fun lUm.ntal maxim ut the demuvraey, vis: "Gov ' eminent by Ihe pi-ipplc, hmi.niry anil erunmnl cully aihnliiUtereil, for Ihe srealvit good of the ireatenl number." Wo charge upon the rc'iilil: can party and lie reckluu li'xMatlim all the evils fmin which Hie peoplo are now ntt'irlcn. and aaMrt thai the loo- price, of farm product., no .-, employment of labor, fciiursl depruaaimi In laial neaa ami atignatlon ut luiliialry, aro tho rcmilla . of tho unjiiat suit burdensome laxos, IiIkIi pro tectlve larllt ay.lnin, ami nlher class U-Klnlatlnii j of the republican pnriy, nl which (he ilcinoui lUalliin uf .liver hi ls;x ami Hie ionlr.icll.in nf our currency are hialaiivi a. 1 We bclk- that all taxation h ti :l be r.iiul and Jlit, that unnecr.iary taxation la unjiiat taxation, and thai Ihe H0..I1I1 01 u luilloli ahuuld : bear It.JiKt pmpurllini ol the burden of ihe ha- i llonal gov.rniiK-lit. and that vte are In fiivnr of an Income lax. We favor Hie calling uf a constitutional con vention, u inbuilt to voters uf the alulv a con "lllutlou embodying aiming oilier things what la known as Ihe Initiative and rifurvmliiui. ! We again declare our fullll in and advocacy nf f the ImiHirlahaLlj principle! 1 f the dcuiocriitic I party as rvalHrnicl by the Chicago plulloiin. We have an abiding failli suit Implicit con II deuce hi the hilrsrliy, noud faith and palrlolhm i of I'reMdeut Cleveland, ami hello c that lie will aeroiiipllali, so far a. In hi. power, la-furu the I clone ol hi. term nf ufllrc, nil the pi. does of Die democratic parly cunlaiiied in tl.e u.illiiiial pi..:-1 form adopted at t.'lilenxn In Is..?, We endorse the repeal by cnusress of the odi um federal .le. tlon law, ami Indorse ila c florin 1 in behalf of tariff reform and to hriiu almm a more prospermia roudliion nf altiili-. We luvor the tpcedy eon.truetlun ol the Men ragua canul by the government and under gov I eminent supervision and voulrol. We realllin tho po.iimn lh.it hna ever be. u maintained by the dcmeeratle party, that gold, ami .liver are equally Ihe pmple'a money, ,. I arc npiMiavd to alt ineamin-. of diM-rluilualliui axalu.l .liver, and deinr.n.l free e..l..se to Hip ply Hit demands of husiuesK, 111..I tlint nil money Issued by the government be nu Jo a Icsal lender for all debts, both public find prlv.i' , We believe thai the peu.lnn mil almultl be one ut honor, an J wef.ivorllb .-r.il pnd.ina to sol dier disabled In the sen-Ire "f our e ,ti ntry. We are In favor of the election of United Stales aciiatur. by tho direct vote of the pj pie. We denounce the act uf Hie last IcgblAtm-e whereby was repealed wlul li known as VI he Mortgage Tax Law," vi d tvu demand Its re enactment at Ih. next session. We demand thai all property .hall be aascssed at Its true cash vuiu?. and that lliere shall be deduction, only for IndeUclneu when has a corresponding taxable credit. We demuud the enactment and enforcement of more stringent laws fur the Droleciiuii of the salmon and sturgeoo llalihij Industry, and the abolition of all Hshtrans, .dues ami wheel., and favor more extensive urtllh-lal prupica Ion. We are In favor of liberal aniironnatiima Lo uie improvement of our river, and haroon. and the adoption of miou lncamiros ai will lend moat ipeeuiiy to the opening of the Columl-U river. we are opposed to Chlneae and all tniuuer hn. migration. We favor a change In the law regiiiaUnir the aiinpuun ui scnnol text hooki which will invite healthy competition and prevent too freuiieut change. Ill tho same, We are in favor of laws for the nrolecttnn nl depositors In banks. We are In favor of tho aliollalnncnt of rail road and all otlur unn n enary lomr Hint We favor fixed salaries fur all nubile officere and the abolishment ol the fee ivatem, and arc opposed to an oltlocr receiving more than hi. constitutional salary. Wecou.lemn as Infant us Ihe altemnt of Ihe last legmlature to tamper with the purity of our elections by so amending the Australian ballot law as to take from It all IU beneficent provis ions, and we earnestly oppose any change or modification of said law. We declare ourselves. In, sympathy with the Just decision of Judge I'SM well, regarding the rights of labor In the rilccnt controversy be tween tho Union I'anhU .ilnisd Company, and Its employs-.. V ' . - , Ws arralKii the last, )Jt 'atnn fnr.n. u. j,. m lix swopt&'a m njr Ivy e ,.; , MaRnt auj rieXles. appropriations', and hoidjin ropablkan party of the stale responsible for llJe. uaoMlrss and vicious legislating of that bodr, lMie all upon the honest voters cf the at: if. relieve the common wealth of this lueiibui ujpon Its industry and prosperity by taking the reins of power from the hsndsofsuuh Incompetent and unworthy er vants, The people oannot hope for Immunity from corrupt appropriations of public money so long as the party In power la controlled by the combination of spoilsmen which haa and will control the republican parly of till, slate. for Infants and Children. THIRTY yrs' ooa.rTatioa oMjiwlfc)jaM.f Millions ef persons, permit ws to spealr, at It without f seeing . It Is ttnqnoatloiiablT the post remady for lafsuata sua CMldrssj tho world has vr known. It Is harmUaa. Chlldron H 11 It t-lys tham With. It will say taolr 11.. In It Mothers fcavo something whleh Is ahsolntoly safe and praotloajly porfoot as a ehlld's medlolno. Cantoris, deatroys Worms. Caatorla allays loTorUhnasa. Caatorla proTents vomiting; Soar Cord. Caatorla enros Dlrrho and Wind Colle. Castorla rollaTos Teething TronMos. Caatorla enros Constipation and riatnlanoy. Castorla nsntrallaos tho offsets of earhonlo aeld gas or polsonons air. Caatorla does not contain morphine, opium, or othor noreotle proporty. Coatorla assimilates tho foodtognjayiojhejito giving healthy and natural sloop. Castorla la put np in one-.Uo tottlos only. It Is not sold In fcnlfc. Don't allow any one to soil yon anyt-i aa tho ploa or promlao thattt is"Jnet as good" and "will ana wot otwT purpose." goo that yon got C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fne-almlla 0 slgnatnro of tf&ftU wroppw. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. I BALD HEADS! . ..... .... vviim 1 no nonunion or yuurar as yuur iimr uij, harsh, brittle? Doe it split at the ends? Has it a lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Does vour scalo itch ? 15 it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of sP your sy mptomsbe warned in time oryou will become bald. Skookum Root Hair Grower In what rou nerd. Iti production li not so accident, but the rtiult of tdrnl Ifle research. Kuowledve of ttie diseases of the hair and scalp led Co the d Incur, ery of how to treat them. "Skookum "contains neither minerals nor oils. It Is not a Dye, but a dell-lit fully cool lug and refreshing Tonic. Iy stimulating the follicles, it stop ulimg hair, eures dandruff and g rotes hair m tort heads, I If Keep the to&lp clean, health, and free from trrltatlnr eruptions, by the ue of Skookum Sm tivapt It destroys, panuitio insects, which fted on and detUvy the hair. 1 will forward If vmir Hputrtrlut nftltfmr. BtinnlvvMit Ulrlrl rflrMt tAtlfl. lltfl prepaid, on rectjito prlwe irower( $1.01) per bottle 1 1 for $k0U ikiap,fiuu, J THE SKOOKUn ROOT HAIR GROWER 57 Mouth lifth AT.n.e, New York, N. Y. Tmnr vAnc co., i fWW For Over Flltjr Ve.ra, As Old amu Wkll-Tbikd Remedy. Mm. Win iluw'i Soothing Syruji Inia Devil iimhI for over fifty yean by nillllona of motlien for their clillilri-n while tiwthiug, with perfect auccnaa. It aouthoa the child, aoftpDn Hie guniH, allnya all pain, enrea wind collo, anil la the bmt rcninly for Iliarrhuia. I plcanant tu the tante. H..I.I by DrliirgiXi iu evury rt of the World. Twwity llve ceuu a bottle. In value U In oaloillable. lie aura and aalt for Mrs. W'lnMow'i Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. be would like to have them, bnt they Tw.ni, vr. a Te.ch.-r. are rssujr larger man ttiose ol the farm- Ca3sbki.I4ivii.i.k, Kt. I have been SIIEniFF'fl NOTICE OK SALE UN DER FOKECLOSl'KK. N TIIK CIRCUIT COt'RT Of TIIR STATU or OnKoii. for the Coiintvof ('lucksnius. II. C. Stcvi'iis, Haintiir," ) vs. I H. M. Foote, Birdie Foote. Karl ( Foote, Hazel Foote anil Neiia Foote. minor heirs of Vina M. Foote, deceased, Pt'tcndnnts. State of Oreiton. ( County of Clackamas. ( notice is heretiy triven that bv virtue of an execution ami order of sale issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. bearing date the ,th day f .May. 1S!U, i county court of Clackamas county, Ore m a suit wherein the above named were j g,m. duly appointed executor of the will plaintiffs and defendants, commanding I ani estate of 11. C King. deceaseil! me, in the name of the state of Oregon. ! All nr..n hm-im luim. .u;,t inai nut oi 1110 rem rmaie iiereinaiter described, to realize a sum sullicient lo SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION N TIIK CIRCUIT rul-KT OPTIIK STATU OK 1 Oreg.in, fur the County ol Clackaniai. I lie Male of Orei.Mii, I'laiiitilt, vs. The lleitsof John tiray il.n-eased. Dun J. Jonus and any one inter- ested in ihe estate of s til John (imy, ih ceased, Defendants. ) State of Oreu'on, C unity ol Clackamas, j' " . Notice Is herebv uiven that bv virtue of an execution and order sale is-ine I out of the circuit co u t f the St le of Oregon for the County nf Clackain is bearing date tlie 1st tlav uf Mav. 1H!)4. in a suit wherein the Sta'e of Oregon was plaintiff and the above named were de fendants, coinmnmling me, in the nam) of the state of Oregon, to sell the real estate hereinafter describ-d, and which said land are escheated to the Slate of Oregon, and will be sold on the oIImw. ing terms to wit : One h Uf cas'i on the day of sale; Ihe remainder to he ptid in two yearly installments, purchaser to execute a note and mortgage liearine 8 per cent. Interest to the Stale Board of School Lu.icl Commissioners to secure the deferred pnyments. Therefore, in obedience to the decree aforesaid. I did. on the Hlh day of May. 1891, duly levy n pi in, and will on ttatunlay, the I tit li day of Jnne.IMM, at the hour of 2 o clock ). in. of said day, at the front door of Ihe court house in said cnuiitv. ntTur for sitle at public auction, und sell u the highest and best bidder, on the terms aforesaid, all of the right, title and in terest ihe said defendants had in and to the following described real property, to wit: NVV. i of SE.l4 of 8c: 10. T 4 S., R. 2 E. nf the Willamette Meridian, Clackamas conntv. Oregon. Dated this lSih day of Mav, A. I) 1K4 C. W.' OANONtI, Shcriirof Clackamas County, Oregon. HAIR DEATH i (nit(t?illii remove and Jiirrver ilrttroin nhire- Jf Unliable linir, whether li)nm the ltautl, ftw. If nrm or Hfek, witltmil itiiciilorutitm nr liij'wr M to the mmi delicate tkbi. It was fr fifty I yr.ra III. ai-rrel formula of KriiMimia Wllmin. ni'knntrlnlgi-il hy )iy- k-tit iih na the lilulH-Ht Htithority and llieiiioaieininent lermatiili'Kliit anil rnlr niieclallHt that ever I ll.tnil III. rit. a klu nt . I. . .line ainong the nnliilliyiuiil arlstocracv of 1 Europe he lireaiTibeil thla recipe, 1'iiiie, I 1 by innif, hi-i'iircly packed, f orwyion- I itrnee ennHiirntiiil. Hole Agent" for A mcru-n. I Aiirtrwa J The Skookum RjoI Hair Grower Co., 1 Dept. R, (7 South Filth A ve.iiie, Xow York, tt To COKSUJVIFXXVES lne undcrslmicil having been rcHtoreit to health by simple meaiiK,- after nn"ering for Ht-veral years with a severe lung aliectloii, and that dread disease Coiiaiiiiiitioii, is anxious to make known to his fellow snll'erera the means ot pure. To there who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescrip tion used, which they will Unit n sure cure lor Consunijitliio, Asthma, Catarrh, llriiiii lu tia and all throat and lung Maladira, He hopes all siill'i-rers will try his remedy, as It is Invaluable. Those deHlriiu the prescription, which will cost them uoihlng, and may prove a bles.lng, will please address. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. VOTICK 18 HKKKIIV GIVEN THAT Til K UN diTslgued, assignee ol the estate of Si-huyler line, an insolvent iieiuor, win sen at puiinc aue tion. ut the enstiloor of the county eourlh use, In the cltv of Oreiron (,'ilv. Ill (Mai-ksmas itouulv. slsle of Oroi-iio. mi SiiLlirilav. the LM ilav ol June. 1S!M. al .-I o'clock p. m. of said day. to the highest bidder for lT. 8. gold coin, to la- paid al the time oi sine, tne iniiowiug iiesorineu rem property and premises belonging to said estate, to-wlt: ihe southwest ouartur CI of the northwest onnrter(Vi) and the west one half Oi' nf the southwest inuirter I'.) ot section tweutv-aix CM in lowushiii two (21 south, range lour (4) east of the Willamette .ueridian, eertllicate No. iV8, n. plication Mi. raw, ami containing iiai aerea ol taint, more or less, situate in Clackamas uounlv .Oregon, together wilh the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto ueiouguig or in anywise apnetiniuinir. nam anove de scribed premises will be sold aa aforesaid, sub- jei-t to the balance due on a certain mortgage against me same, tne sain oainnce ot saui mort gage being about one thousand (f WWI) dollars, J. K. T. II. IHIKNTANO, Assignee of the Kalntc of Schuyler Hue, an Insol vent uuiiior. uaied April is, imi. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE UN DEU FORECLOSURE. S THE ClltCWT COt'RT OF TIIK STATE OF Urr-gon, for the County of Clackamas. H. C. Stevens, Plaintiff, 1 vs. I. W. Thomas, It. H. Thomas, A. W. On-. biH-k, and iiioiiiasCharman and F. K. Charmau, eopiirtners as ThoinaH l!inr man t Son, liiiendauls. J Siatk or (IIIKIION, j County ot Chu-kiunns.) MOnCtS IS II Kit KB I" CIVKN Til A f II V Vllt- " tne ot an exreuiiou and order of sale lsiue nut of the cireiilt court of the stale of iirrgon f.i tne enuniy oi ciai'Kainaa. ucarnig iiiite the .'4 in day ol Aii II. Is'.M, ui a suit wherein II C. Stevens Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned A, w' o(!hck, and Thomas (im'-iiinu'iind F. K has been duly appointed by the Hon. J. . Mel drum, eo.intv judge of liai-kaina county, Ore gon, as administrator of the estate of' ismie Frost, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate aro uotllled to present the same properly verilied to me In Oregon Citv, Oregon, withfn six months from tills date. 1IIKAM STItAKillT, Administrator aforesaid. C. I. .4 l. ('. I.atoI'iif.ttk, Attorneys. billed April 1:1, IKH. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OK SALE UN DER FORECLOSURE. IN THE CIRCUIT court OF THE STATE OF Oregon, for the County of Clnckauias. Mary E. Winston, 1'lainUH.i vs. ? L. J. Fletcher, Defendant.) STATE Or OIIKOOM, I Comity of Clai-kamas.t VOiiCE IS HKRKBY OIVKK THAT BY VIR me of an exeeullon and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon tor me county oi Clackamas, Hearing date the Tin nay u .May, is'.o. in a suit wherein Mary I-. Winston was plniutirl'and L.J. Fletcher was de fendant, commanding me. In the naina of the state ot Oregon, that out ol the real ealale here inafler described, lo realize a auni biitliciriit to sallsry the demands of said decree, lo-wit: !'), together with interest on the same since the nth day ol August, IsiHi. at in per cent, per anuiim aitorucy's fee. and also the accrued costs of and alteudlng tins sale Now, therefore, In obedience to such decree, I will, on Saturday theuUi ay of June. ls'J4, at the hour of J o'clock K. in. of sairl day. at the front door of the court ouse tu said county, ullcr for sale at public auction, and sell to the highe-1 ami best bidder, for cash In hand, all of Ihe right, title mid in terest the said defendants had in and lo the fol lowing ilescrllied real property, to-wit: Kegin nlng al a point lti.U.1 chains south of the north. east comer of donation land claim No. :. in sections 'JH and SK of township :l south, ranire 1 ensi of the, Willamette meridian: thence west sochHtus; thence south ID.Ts cliaiiis; thence east k'i chains; Uicuce north 10TM chains to the place of beginning. containing :m acres more or less, in Clackamas conntv, Oregon. Haled Hits U:h day of May. A. II. I'M. C. W. (iANONO, Sh -riffof Clackamas County, Oregon. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT EXECUTOR. OF SH MUFF'S NOTICE OF SALE UN DER FORECLOSURE. IN THE CIRCl IT COtT.T OF THE STATE OF Oregon, lor the County of Clackamas. A. Ketchton. Plaintiff, 1 vs. 1 Antlonctte Iwirf and W. J. f W. Mclord, Defendants. J Stats cr Obigos, County of Clackamas.) Notice ia heretiy given that by virtue of an ex ecution and enter ot sale issued out of the cir cuit court of (he slate of oreiron for the conntv estate are nolilied to present them ilnlv ' """. 'e me .in nay oi Mav. estate art notiuei to present them inly 18.rt, , ,u wherein a. Keichtou was plainiirr VHritiMil Irt nm at l.larka Oreo-nn uilnn ..... i n. it- . ..'j ' satisfy the demands uf said decree, lo- i kit inmilha from the date of ll.la notiro ' deleudan's. rommandina' me. in ihe rntmr rf th VOTICK l IIKKKBV OIVKS Til T I, TIIK f.N '"dersigned. have been, by order of the Charmau, copartners its iiiouias chitrmau Son, were defendants, commanding me, in the name of Ihe slide of Oregon, that out of tile real estiite her. Inafler described, lo realize a sum sulticlciit lo snlisfy the demsuds of sum decree. lo-'.vil: HKI7.-0, togtther Willi llllcrcst on III samp since said decree was enlcrcil al 1(1 u cent, per annum, and also the costs of and at. tending tills sale ami an attorney's few of Sou, Now. therefore, In obedience lo such decree.! did, on the -Jlth (lav ol April. 1-114 iluly levy up on. and will, on Snlnrday. the 2d day of Junc,ls.,4 at the hour ol one o clock p. m. of smd dnv at tl.e fruit door of tlie coiirthoiitn in said county, oiler f--r , ale at nubile auction, an I sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash In hand, all of tne riaht. title and interest the sn it delci Itiuis lind on the stli day ol i.ciohcr. I8sl. or a any time since, iu and to the toil .wing de scribed real pioiM-rtv. to-wlt: A port on i.f see tlon 'Mot township ft .onth, range 'J east of Wil lametle meridinli, decrita-d as follows to-wtt lleailininu at a tiointwheia Iheconiilv road It-Hd ing from -Molalia prairie l.i Scott's mill crosses the south tioiindiiry line of said section '.ill, said point being the center of said road: running thence east 2(1 rods: thehce north ll.'i hsls; thence west 'JU rods to o liter of said county rotu! ; thence south along said county road to place of begin ning, conitiiuuig in acres, more or t sa. luted this -llli day of Mav, ls'.l4 ('. W. (IANONO Sheriff ol Clackiimaa Comity, Oregon Johns ii 4 Idlenia , Atlys.J FINAL SETTLEMENT. I hereby give notice that I have filed In the county court of ('Inckamas county, Oregon, my final accntint as administrator ot the estate of John Iloheidcltiur, deceased: and the court has designated June :, lwit, at lu o'clock a.m. the time for examination and settlement of the same. HENRY OAN.S, Adiulnlstr.-.tor. Hated April 1:1, ls!H. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE, f HAVE NOW IN MY HANDS FUNDS al'li.I. cable to the payment of all warrants emlorsed prior to February 4 Wrj Jiiterest eeasid Iroiu Mi.) -til, l!M. S. B. CALIFF. Trensnrer nl clrilta nUB i-n..nu- Dated Oregon Cily. May 3, ts!. Tuicv Want Namks. The Russel Art Publishing Co., ol t28 Arch street, Philadelphia, desire the names and ad dress of a few people in every town who are interested in works of art, and to , secure them thev offer lo send free. ! "Cupid (iiiides Ihe Boat,' superbly dav ol May IS, duly levy upon, and I executed water color picture, size 10x1.1 will, on Saturday, the llith dar of June. ! ism. st the hour ot 1 :M o'clock p wu: f.Khi and f.sj attorney s lee, ami accriieu costs oi i.) .-u. logeuier with interest on the same since said de cree was entered at eight percent per annum and also the costs ol and attend ing this sale. Now, therefore, in obedi ence to such deciee, I did, on the 7th Dated May l.V IS4. RtBk'RT L. RlXOO, Executor uf the Will and Estate of II. V. Kingo, deceased. H E Hayks A (iso. I. Story. Attorneys for Estate. j state of Oregon, that out of the real estate bere I iualter dcscrilwd, ui realize a sum sutflcient to satisfy the demands nf said decree, to wit-vlJuit together with nilcrest oa the same since April aah. at IU percent, per annum, and also the corns oi aim aiiemiing mis sale. ow. therefore. in uoeiience 10 sucn aecrve. I will, on saliir. the tan nay of June. 11, at the hour of SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE UN DER FORECLOSURE. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Joseph Hedges. Plaintiff, 1 vs. I Wm. hurket and Sarah W. f Biirkel, Defendants. j State of Orego , i County of Clackamas.) Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution and , rder af sale Issued out nf the eir. cuit court of ihe stale of Oregon tor the county t.i v iai-Rnias. .carina; ine an aay oi May, i.---m, iu a Heilges w W. burket were defendants, eominaadinc me. in EAST AND SOUTH ' in The Shasta Koute OF I HK , , MtV I'iiKltA l'Atil ic; tu. iVeVM. r I KHi.' U..VI' i'ullluiltl i(l'. ftHiilli. ; I Nurlli, lldCM, i l.i itfiiiNiMi ,,i . r :oa.i illlif, M, I I- Ul.fc'll, I H l.i I 7 II' A.I U i ' A I At dull r I till) li t, ,,i,U I, I lilt' til.oVt' 1 1 ill II fli'l' ut hl.illt'hh Irolll runliiinl h Altiiiii)' Hn iit'tVi, I hi ifiii, .lii'tlii, iIhU.), i.iriimuiMi JMi(th. til;. Iiv.h! hit fUlIM ,tiMt (ill ftlllltiJt i r III IV t-lill It Ml' IIM'lllklVi. . -jij.a.j,. x f,i""j,(;.;v A. N. ,lsl rorllaud llregoii (II) HllMChlllg Ari I V I I :.l. i-.n n a t PININil (Alls ON OdliKN liol'lr.. I'll I.I.MAN HtlrKT Nl.kM'KHN SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS A I' i. clhil lo all 'Min i tli liiilhs. VeslHllle7l7nslllll, lletwuei, I'Olll l.AMl Mini CltllVAI.LIM MAIL TIM IS lUII.Y tsxcgn SimtlAY.) J:.KI A. TT I IT ViirilaTu aTiS I'. M. Ii.16 I'JI. At Ci.rvnlio ly I :iu f.u. At Albany and i.'orvalils cioiiiccl wTth tralni oforegon f'ai lllc llailroad. ixi'aKss tb7n imi.y i gji gn sI'sikv.i CJnl1 M , l.v IMP. M. I Ar Cortland McUIiiiivIIIi Arlsv.'.A.M l.v I Mo A.M, TllltOl'tlll TICKETS To AM. I'O I NTS IN TIIK KAKTKHN HTAI'FU. CANADA AMI Fl'ltOI'f. fun he obiiilucd nl ;lie lowest talcs from I.. II. MlMll f . A n nl, Dm a, ii i My 4. KilKIIIFH K. I. HIKiFkH. Mai i- 1 1. tin I 11 . I FiiMland, Ot Oregoo Pacific nailrcadCcmpany I II AA. ( I. tl;K, llcci tvcr, ('oiiiiiciIii- whh Sir. ' HoMCIi" is t. en Yiiiiulna and Sun Fra' eU-c. ilitilui-r leaviw Hall Fia-ielscn F.Villnty Vl'th, slntcli ill, I'JIli, '.'ii mill :ll.l. Shilllicr Ii-iiviw Vn.jlllrin Fi ITlli anil J7.li. Jtlghts h-seivcil to eliangc ll.illi-". billin; C.h, Mtirili Till, ailing ihles ttllhi.iit For freight and iiasscuger rates npi'ly to any Agent CUM. J. MKMUIYS, SON A CO, Niis, to a M irkei Sin-el, Sin Fmiii'iM' , Cal f. (.'HAS. CI.AIIK, lln-elrer, C.irvslllv, Oregon. vESd through ( TICKETS i - flU I U" Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis. AND AI.Ij Eastern Cities. DAYS to CHICAGO U n 1 1 r 0 tlie Quickest to Ct 1 n U U I o cago and the East. Uonto Quaker to Omaba nUUIb and Kansas City. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. Q'2 S. It. II. CI.AKK, Ol.lVKIt W. MINK K. KI.I.KHY ANHKItSON J Ilccelvom. For rales iitul ifcuornl itifornmliim cnll on or Rildrcss, V II. IIURLBU UT, Asst. flen. I'asa. Arent -'.i-l WfiHlniiL'ton Hr cor. Third, . I'ORTLAND OREUON. Job Printing at the Courier Office. i CAvt Al o. nAUt MARksTV COPYRIGHTS, CAJJ OBTAIN A PATENT t For a RnMfat'fiTJf ,nS P b0W opinion, write to Il 11 N N CO., who have had near r flftr tears' iperlenoe inthe patent buaineaa. Comiiimci fn,m ortlT wnflcleuttal. A II andbook of iS! S??t.'x"lafTnln.,1 ''' "id how to ob. tain them lent free. Also a cata loguo of nieehan leal and aclentlHo books sent free, .a,t!nt,..t,,1!en 'hrough Munn ft Co. reoeira put cost to the inyentor. Thla aDleSdld DaM? !?!?." fJr.culonn of any aclentlflc work In thi w J rw, samp e copies Bent free Bulldltia BMItlonjnontbly.Wa yeir Hlnila epploa,!iJ cents. Wery numfcrcontalna bJ! hiSL?1"?.1!: '? ,on- nd PhotoS, of new fL;fi w th I""M- e"abllnirbulldor to Show Uia latest dmlana and secure contract . i aJul MUN CO, New yonij. 3r Bur,,r1T Your Stomach DistressesYou aftereatlng a hearty meal, and the result is a chronlo case of Indices. tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack. RIPANS TABULE8 -roniore ingestion. RevulAtA il Stomach. LI "er and' Boweli. Farll? the lllui.,1. ana are a I'o.lllve tare "or 7..e fit-anacne. Ill . lounnpaM. mA .11 mhn. i.i , a,.,,!!',., '''"""'''red eontm,-n of the Liver i,3 Kinnnsfaliiilea take the place of in .Hn medicine Chest, and shoul.' be kept for J ...l,U), Sold by dngaliU or lent by mail. trice, - Tin Dotlart. THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 1 Spraea at., Htw Y.rk. FREE MEDICINE! (Joldeu Opiiortnnitj For Suffer ins Hnmanitj-. Physicians Give Their RrmisliM to the People nn ynii siifpfpi ... a wuiia.ll.pi and ws will srii.l j.iu ailnnr ximr IranliU 'ree ol Cliarire i n-u. ted OM- mas. oeanus oaie tlie .in aay ol Mav. cocnat of sne.-i.tlT .,s,-ri " " i 7 'l suit .herein tne above-named J.swph to y," V.T F vU "'V, ,'" TV-IV as plamtirl and Wm.Biirket .nil Sarah MKNIIATIOS ol II KaCo . HIirKfl VuM nttaII(1alnrsi milTllnan,tln ana In aaaaaa . the name ol the state ol Oreeoii. thai oi.t of ',!..! WF V.iH P 1 1 K C "'. T1 "Mrarntrn dia, TV. I esl.le b,r,in.llee H..ril-.l lo . : ." MUIIU'""" CITY TREASURER S NOTICE. inches, suitable lor (rsininsT. ami lti i 11. st the hour of 1 :M o'clock i in. ol i ... . . . m . I UT Bll ersndlhemsntlfacttltercan no I teacher for t.enta rear, .n.l ,1.., n I "t",rCT ' "''. " C(Hin I rant, on hr.l.el Fund eudorse.1 prior to : . ..- .... . ' i to nv one semnnir inein at once ine itorwe in sain count v. oner lor sale at nei-emoera. j XOIICE t-l HEREBY r,IYK!t THAT THERE are aunVten. Iiimls on hand lo ear all war- ask Ihe farmer to "orotect" him. n,,, ! "". ,,nie ll"r repealed attacks o( intant" industries h.ve long since sc- frn !f 'm .2W 1 "" '""ire,y , -free , . , tc "c"lrom them after nsing Simmons Liver quired the strength ol maturity, and (or Reirolator. It was so tnil.l in its action them to be rolling op wealth at the ex-1 il never interfered with school pense of the farmer, while lie is toiling ' e K' A- c'"eek. lor profits Oiat pay so small percent- .... age upon his investment and his Ishor, I CnllarCn Ciy JOT is a tnonstrmis ininnily. Pitcher's CaStOrifla Interest ceases with the date M this notice. K. L. HiiLMAN, May IS, ISM. t'lty Treasurer. namMB anil ailitroa. of IO ip.h. .'..I. ' rillhlie aiifri n anil hi-II t.i II.a l.i.rl.u. ' mirers of fine pictures) toirether with and best UiiMer, for ch in liaml, all o six two-cent stamps to cover expenae of , the nlit, title ami interest the said de-1 mailing, etc. The reirilar price of these i fendants had in and to tlie following ........ I IW I.... .1 .11 U ... ,lMP.ilu,t rut nnouri. ... . I . . . I , e. w. io.. s... '"""7" ' f f"!-" : " -" " tH.laneeol the ..wssmeol for llw impmve- j cured free by any person forwarding the block l.il of Oreiton C ily. Clackamas rnent of Main street ha. Seen wlered paid riy I names and slaminj prwni.tlif. Note I county. Oreiron. the ( lit uoum-u of omron 'ity and that if the , The editor of this paper has already re- i IHtted this lSih day of Mav. A. I). l$!i. M"" " t"''1 ,,lr,f w- J"- "arram will . ti- i - be ;suel for the collection of the same. i 1 ceived copies of aliove pictures and con-1 C. . Uavono, . M., umi, I-L. etiRTER. siih-rs them reallr 'tJeins ol Art." ' Sheriff of CI kamjs county. Orejron. Ifr( nretna rity. Hretrmi o'clock p. m nf said day, at Ihe front door of in. isuin.iHiw m .trt rmmtr nnu. f... ..i I public auetioii. and sell lo the hizoest and beM bidder, lor cash in baud, all of the ri'sht. tide and Interest the said defendant had in and to tne fotlowiua- dest-rihed real property, to wit: The north hall of tne following desert bed prem ises, becinnnift al a point 2 TUt hains east of the iMilhae.1 ,-orner of ih .itilli..tt nmi... -non 2 and mntiing tlience south 24 21 i-haius: i h. tr r. . ....... . . - ".-.-.wm, iiminrni, sr.io siilti.-ieut lo satisfv the demands of iu.nl He. L'"7Z",'T ."''"iui' are M,l,rn an i .10 i ana i VOTICE IS HEREBY iIVE THAT THE theoee west 3'.12 chains: theiire MHilh chains: thenre west ls.-ai chain.: thetMe north .VVait-hain: thenee north - 1-V west IS ehains: IhetH-e east. '.7. "i7 chains. theui-esiMirh l.7" chains !. ihe place of ta-giniiiua. contatniiif 114.71 acres, beint the north halt ol the i'. L. ('. of Jm ea Unian aa.1 wife, m T. .1 S., K. 3 K. M M., in t lackamas e.iimv. (r.-a.n. liatnl this llth -lay of M ly, A p. 1"4 C. W . (.AS Sli, Pherifof rlackawm. t'nnnty Or. t.Ml a((ornev'a fee. totrtltit-r Willi int.n-u ..n uie same since ine 4tn aay uf .November, ls.M. at hi per cent per annua,, and also the costs uf and attending int. mle. Sow, therefore, iu ohedience to such decree. I will, ou Saturday, the 9th day of June. taw. at the hour of 1 o ci.s k p. m. of said dav. at the front d.air ol the court house in said conntv. orTer f.r sale at prMic auction, and sell hi the hia'iest and hesl hinder, for ra.h in hand, all of ihe right, liile and lnler- tne said attendants had in and to Ihe follow- whieh ensl.les as t.i many Tftii.' exn.-rienca. liosmnlee a Core. lo a..t de-pair. N. B. We have th- only pitio. rnre r. EfttawT illT-Si and ia..h KefcreaV.. given. IVrnianenliy lia-alcd. II U.l e-ut,i.,i I Or. WILLIAMS' MEDICAL AN0 SUBGI CAL INSTITUTE. TI Market St., s Frael.en. ( ., ing de.ciii.ed real property, lo wu: Beaiuniuf al ihe northeast corner of section :I4 town.hip t saith. range eat of Willamette meridian, in , Clackamas county. Oregon, running thence ; south 7.'. rod: tbenee west b'Orud.; theiH-e north I r.w1.:trieiM-eeais liMr.Mts. Uithe place of be ; giotiing. containing 7, acres, in Llai-kamas i outiiv. drcgon. j Ha.nl tins .llli day i.f Mav. A. Il Ml. I '. W. OA V'Sli, hertrT rf lla kamas I'nnrt). iirrgnn Kipaa Talmles cure constipation. Ktlians Talmles cure liver trorihlea Kipans fahulesctirehilii ll5IO. Ripans Taliulos cure heailashe. Kinana Tahules assist rlicc.ation. Ripans Tabules : for sour stomach. Ripan. Tabules: best Uver tonic Eipans Tahulcs enre had breath.