Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, May 04, 1894, Image 4

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    I Royal Baking Powder
Leads All.
From actual analysis made by me, I
pronounce the Royal I.akiiij; Powder
to be the Strongest and Purest Unking
Powder before the public.
It is entirely free from alum ami other
additions injurious to health,
Pm. Cktmi'liy, Cohife of f'hjumnf lrf I,
i'liivmilr of Ciiuniij.
All other baking powders are shown by
analysis to contain alum, lime or ammonia.
A Frenchman Wearing th Itnsette of tha
Legion of Honor a Hharp Scoundrel.
A really clever tliiof is engaged just
now in robliins people iu Paris who no
ess securitio payable to bearer. His
plan is to do a little bntrfness with some
of the Parisian banks in order that he
nay have an excuse for hanging about
the counters. He then watches the
bank's customers, especially ladies, and
when he sees ono of them receive from
the clerks any bonds or other scrip to
bearer he quietly makes a note of the
person's name and the numbers on the
documents. Having ascertained the ad
dress of his proposed victim, he calls
there later in the day or early the next
morning, and representing that he is a
clerk from the bank, asks for the securi
ties, alleging that there is some little in
formality in them that has to be recti
fied. As he is armed with the numbers,
in nine cases out of ten the customer
gives up the documents quite unsuspect
ingly. So far this ingenious swindler has
eluded all efforts to detect him. He is
described as a gentlemanly looking man,
who wears the rosette of an "officer" of
the Legion of Honor, the little bit of
ribbon of a plain "chevalier" apparently
being thought not sufficiently imposing
now that such decorations are so plenti
ful. London Daily News.
tf It Last Penolng Lesson.
A dispatch from Lyons announces that
a sad accident has occurred nt the Mili
tary Medical school there. M. Jourdun,
who was just about to take one of the
highest medical degrees in the school,
- was having a fencing lesson from the
maitre d'armes, when during a vigorous
attack by the pupil a short piece broke
off the end of the master's foil. M.
Jourdan, who was making a lunge, liter
ally spitted himself on the blade. He
went up stairs to his room, fell on the
bed and died in about an hour, in spite
of all efforts to save him. No blame is
attached to the fencing master, as the
accident could not have happened but
for the violence of his pupil's attack.
M. Jourdan took the first prize for fenc
ing last year and was training for a
coming, assault at arms. Foreign Ex
change. BICYCLE8.
Swift, T.tght, Strong,
Reliable ami Beau
tiful. A live agent wantrd In
every city and town In Ore.
gon.WaslilnKton and IdHhn.
fiend for catalogue and
887 Washington St., Portland, Or.
I 00" TAKE IT '""""aw
r Oregon Blood Purifier
Onlv the beat do it. There Is oulvone
best. The beit brand! of HKI.TIMI ninl
HOSE are Maltese (noss and Krd Hlnp
Belting Hiid Maltese Cross, Klagcwiiuilanil
Wa labnut Steam and Water Hose, They
have stnod the text since lK,r5. Krery
le gth is guaranteed. Demand litem ol
your dealer.
Established I8R5. Portland, Or.
And OOPHKKS Totally Exterminated by
F. A. Cook Co.. Sole Agents, Portland.
should be rich to nourish.
Depleted blood means a pale
face and Anaemia.
the cream of Cod-Ilver Oil,
enriches the blood, restores a
healthy color, cures Anaemia
and tones up the system.
Physicians, the world over,
endorse it.
Don't be deceived fcf Substitutes!
Prepare a nnn K. Y A'lDrortlsU
Belting, Packing and Hose, Boots and
Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing,
Druggists' Rubber Goods,
Goodyear Robber Co,
7a ! T First St., Fortlaad, Or.
Writ for cataksrua raaa.
man Ink.
with Jaeneeke-t'H-PALMER
1 REY,
It la the Largest liver Known ami la Wnrlli
A.UOU.IIUD lloiir It Wae Pound.
Captain Julius Andi-nom of the firm
of Wcstergiiiird & Co., shipbrokers of
this city, was the center of a group of
curious ones recently as ho carefully
opened a box which had been mailed to
him all the way from Ciijie Town. As
he unfolded layer of pns-r wrappings
everybody was on the (pit vive, and at
last he triumphantly displayed n plaster
cast of the newly discovered Excelsior
diamond, the largest known in the world.
The discovery of the monster diamond
in the Jagersfimteiti mine was made on
the evening of Juno !IU lust. Captain Ed
ward Jorgimsoiin, tho superintendent of
the mine, who is a son-in-law of Captain
Anderson, was just quitting work after
seeing the men out of thediggingswhen
suddeAly a bright lump attracted him,
and he stooped to pick it up. Atthosame
timo a native Uasut truck driver saw It
and grabbed it. Captain Jorgimsoiin told
the native to tnko it to Malinger Gilford.
That gentleman pronounced it a diamond
of the first water and worth about
000,000. It was a curious fact and much
commented on that a firm, Messrs. Brcit-
meyer& Bernheimer, had just contracted
with the company to tako over all its
finds for one mouth nt a certain price,
and the very first find on their contract
was the Excelsior.
Extraordinary precautions were takun
in transporting it to tlm couch. A troop
of the Sixteenth lancers escorted it to
Cape Town, where it was transferred to
the gunboat Antcloe, and is now de
posited in tho Hunk of England. Tho
British government lias offered i'300,000
for it, which has been declined. The
Chicago World's fair commissioners
woro very anxious to get tho giant bit
of costly carbon, and offered to insuro
it to the extent of f l.olW.OOO, but the
proprietors were obdurate and would
not let the stouo cross the ocean. The
stone is white, with a bluish tinge, and
reflects nil the colors of the rainbow.
It measures 3 inches in length, 2(
inches in its broadest part, and weighs
071 carats, or ?J ounces avoirdupois,
The only flaw is a small black spot right
in the centre. This, however, cun easily
be cut out. The Emperor of Germany
is said to be negotiating for its purchase,
Philadelphia Times.
Where 1,000,000 I'ounda of Sugar la Made
Per V eck and i:rry body la llny.
A Napoleonville correspondent of the
New Orleans Tiuies-Di'inucnit writes iu
The wentlier in nil tlmt coultl beile-
sireil, and rime cutting mill Ki"'iliiif nre.
further advwiced tliun luive ever been
known. The yield is excellent nnd the
extraction fur above anything on record.
Mr. L. Godehnnx s l.lni Hall refinery
barreled tip 1,(hH),(HiO tioimds of sugar
tho past week, tho production of seven
days' Hi'iinline;. About 1)00 tons of cane
per day pnssen tlinuiKh the reliefs, 4(1,
000 pounds of irriinnliited xitirnr falls
from the vacuum pans every six hours,
and under the Hkillful maiiageiiieut of
Mr. Eddie Uodchaux there is no letup in
this vast nirureiMtioiinf machinery, not
for a minute. With 500 men under his
supervision not one herniates, but all
know their duty ami do it by some kind
of instinct, as it were.
During the day 100 wagons feed tho
maw of this mounter mill with cane, and
at night BOO curs are pulled in with 1,000
tons of cane to appease the ever crying
call for more cane. About eight miles
of railway are required to handle this
vast crop. A Baldwin locomotive will
take the pi are of initio propulsion in a
few days. Yet with all this imiiieimo
acreage and nil this cano to handle the
indomitable enterprise of tho malinger
has led to tho incorporation of about iJOO
acres moro new laud, and even now ran
be heard the terrifio blasts of dynamite
operating with fatal elfects on the
stumps that block the progress of the
If any one were to mention the fact
that this country was now in tho throes
of a great financial panic that is, in this
section ho would be scut to an asylum
for safe keeping. Times were never bet
ter, ami altogether prosperity is on top,
and everybody is happy.
A Tliorn In Ills Knee.
When a boy 17 years of nge, in the
year 1S50, V. Newell, who now resides
beyond Nichols' ranch nnd is now over
60 years of age, was out hunting and
ran in bis knee what.be supposed was a
thorn. It broke on so deep in the knee
that tho wound closed up, nnd all search
failed to locate it. Mr. Newell finally
concluded tlmt he was mistaken, ami ev
erybody told him bis troubles were
caused by rheumatism.
Uf late the old gentleman's knee got to
be so bad that he bad it lauced several
times and was treated for rheumatism.
A few days ago the thorn worked its
way out and was found to be half an
inch in length. Mr. Newell says nfter
suffering untold misery for 4;l years ho
now feels easier with tho thorn in a lit
tle bottle instead of in his knee.
General Mi-hles' Proxy Vote.
A crutch voted fur llu Chinese bill re
cently. It was carried dowu the aisle.
by a page and passed between the tell
ers, counting "one inure in the nihma-
tive, Mr. Speaker." The crutch was the
proxy of lieueral Daniel K. Sickles, who
tat in his seat and smiled as he saw how
he could save himself much trouble in
the future. St. Louis Ulolw-Democrat.
A Navlpalila llalloon.
A cablegram snys that the Russian
military commission has completed sat
isfactory tests of the navigable balloon
kt Warsaw. It is made on the Tred
system. It rose against strong atmos
pheric pressure, was steered successfully
gainst the wind, was propelled in any
desired direction and descended without
releasing gas.
"It Is nanus and It's liaine.
And II la liauia I fain wmiM ha."
Oh. for I lie ala-hl of a n. minimis.
Wlli Ha branch" real and Itsfrosiy !, lit
Oh, for Ilia shads ul a dark mudrone,
Villi ay tilnasmna Ha li-aies ontweenl
Oli, fur Ibe liflit of a wlilla Hlerra,
Or uudiilant ave uf a rulllnn ,lalul
Oh, for one view of Ilia broad I'aclfle,
Or Ilia roundrd lilllaof Ilia liiwcwat chain!
Oli, for one breaih of Hie Iwlni) pine brveiu
That softly full from Hie mountains almve!
Oh, for Ilia cool of Ilia futf l evrnliiit,
NeallliiV Ioh d llkv a liruodluif il'ivul
Oh. fur one hour Is-.lile Ilia orrau,
That elilx and flows lliroiiifli ll:e OoMeo
Ok, for a ,lare on culm I -one uiouulaln.
To lumber In lien tliedny grows Intel
Oh, for a ilulit of the luarluua vi-rdurcl
And, oil, fur Ibe lovely flutters llml grow!
Oli, for a nwl ami mi hour's fnrifi lllng
of all of tbuoilii-r Uii'l. I know!
Oh, give nie our lunir In 'iillfnrnlul
Twnllld eyrie lliiiflu-r liimlxilltwelllh.
Oil, let nni once feel tier sklrs o'cr.liiule mel
Years, year I would iilvr for but Just one
OI.IVK II (Kl-Klt.
POOR Ml!. rKNIillYX.
It was tin-height of llichciiwui llintls,
It wna becoming luoro anil Inure diflieillt
to secure a m-coiid piece of pie. The tuble
lit, Ijiwlon'a had never la-en what yon
would call generous, mid t be elderly people,
to whom no uiiiotiiit of leiuiU or ilog cart
could ciinipcnwiiu fur any luck In dinner,
were grumbling iercepi ilily. OKI .Mr.
I'oxwood Indeed wiih heard In mutter ono
afternoon Hint he Inul serious thoughts of
going down t" h" ity merely In get a
rcgiihir dinner, nnd uln-n asked where he
should expect to Hud it murmured trtily
thut there were phiees where tliey had to
t.iiire the circle, mid knew hoiv to give
j on a wpmru meal if ymi paid litem a
round sum.
"I'm going buck to Ivianko In Septem
ber," he added, 'it was terribly hot tl.cro
In July, and 1 hadn't a particle of appetite;
but they set it splendid table."
"C'nn'texM ct everything anywhere, Mr.
Koxwwal," remarked Vuii Ktten cheer
fully. "Here you have ti it appetite and
nt Kiasko you had something to eat."
To which .Miss Dclilois milled grim
lummeiit to the effect that It might lien
good thing occasionally for a high liver to !
bsohliucd to diet for awhile. j
"Yea, Mr. Kitxwnod," wild Vim Klten
blithely, "much lictter di-ct tliun die eat-'
Ing." i
"Don't think so. If I knew smoking'
would shorten my life ten years, I'll goon '
smoking ami die earlier."
"Hut it is such n pity," murmured Miss
PeliloiH, "for men to hca slave toany tiling,
oven to ten."
"Is thut the reusoii why you never tnkc
any, Miss Debloisf Then It seems to me
you nre a kind of slave, too; you are a
slave to not taking ten. And sjicakliig uf
tea, what is the matter with this coffccF"
"It's Hie cup," said Mnstersnii Flower
.-hilutivcly. "I should us soon think of
trying to drink overs htonu wall."
"No, It's the way It Is browned. The
unoducsH of cuiTee is all a mat ter of brown
ing. Anybody can make good colTee after
it is brontieil carefully."
"Yes," sighed Van Ktten. "Such a pity
the KroH-iiIng clubs ilon't tnko up this
practical laaiieli of llieirni-t.
Hut the young people were perfectly
sat islied. There was tennis. There were
lovely woods, with drives and walks
through them. Occasionally some youth
w ould complain of a toodevoted chaperon,
who insisted on accompanying tho pair
through the woods, and effectually pre
venting any conversation except about the
scenery; but he was always assured by
Van Ktten that it was n good sicji when a
chaperon took such Interest in the "pros
pects." A small "park" hud been laid out
with great exactness and very green sod
ding in front of the house, ho that invalids
ij'uild tnko their constitutionals comfort
ably within range; hut the landlord feared
he had made a mistake when the park
belug a perfect stpiai-e tho worst of tho
Invalids complained that be knew he was
losing strength, because when he came he
could walk quite around the entire square,
but lately, as soon as lie got half around,
he hail to turn and come back.
However, the young people who were
lul invalids were in ecslnoies. There were
picnics and excursion ami walking par
ties ami moonlight, drives, when Mr. Fox
wood, surveying the start from the piazza
nnd gazing at the bright young faces,
would remark cynically, "Good heavens!
one would think you were Htnrting out on
A party of pleasure!" The natives of the
vicinity olYcred unique entertainment in
the local color of their speech and opinions.
It wna seldom that an excursion returned
without some bonmols from a rustic to
carry back for a dinner anecdote during
the city winter. It wna thought Van Kt
ten had aecttred rather Hie cream of these,
when lie came across a nat ive stonecutter
whose ill reet business was the making ol
gravestones. He hail gravely assured Van
Ktten that he thought of changing his
profession anil going to the ciiy. "The
trouble with niniic incuts," he explained,
"in that yer can't never securu any one
niuti fur a regerlar customer!''
Yes, the young people were happy. For
there were piazzas ami ibmciiig a; I col
lege snugs, la mill it inn to the woods and
the tennis; and then there was Arthur
Arthur IVurhyn was young, lie was
handsome, ho was rich, ho was aristocrat-!
le, he was devoted. True, he was also!
married; hut his wife hud left in July to
take care of a sick friend in the city, and !
Mr. l'ciii'liyn, in her absence, did not j
mope. Moreover, he had a dogcart, "Yes, i
it was rather n nice all'air," be used to con
fess wll li pride; "I'm not too proud to go!
without a dogcart, hut. 1 am too proud to
have a shabby one." And ho never drove j
out alone; some one was always invited to i
.share t he drive. Moreover, lie was a enpi
tal tenuis player, a good talker, a rather
remarkable musician and n tlinroTighly
lino fellow. In other words he was,
in summer hotel parlance, "ready for any
There were those, including Miss I)e
hlois, w ho thought lie was too ready, ami
that if poor Mrs. IViirliyn knew, she
would shorten her iniuist rat ions to her in-1
valid friend. Nothing more definite waa
ever brought up against him than that ho
stenied to ho "sarrying on." He was not
guilty of pronounced devotion to any one of ,
the fair belles. Knell hail her turn ill thr j
dogcart, and there came a day when Mis ;
Dc hlois herself was subjected to a painful
decision between maintaining a just con 1
sisteucy nnd going to drive with Mr. I'eli
iVyn herself. j
After much reflect inu she decided that
t'ev long, quiet drive would give her ur.
excellent opp.irtuniiy to sow good seed la
Mr, i'-ehinj ns absence, So she went
ami sowed, hut the only harvest sliereapcu
w;w n secoi:.! invitation when her lure
cume around again, after a Kisxlly number
of pretty girls had lieru content to go tn
drive without sowing, but flic sowed
was not known; nnd it was probably the
linperccptibility of any particular harvest
luut led her lo accept the second Invita
tion to herself, and so apparently to en
courage the delightful Art bur in "carry
ing on."
"Is your w ife coming loduvf" she asked
primly at the breakfast table one morn
ing, when a date lb;. t she bail heard men
tinned had come around w ith the wbirli
pig of time.
"Alas, no;" mid Miss ), b,n was thank
ful that at least the ciuerlol Arthur had ,
the grace lo susM'iid nn animated couver j
satiiin with Miss Howe mid sti:h. "She
Hilda she must stay another week, and she
has sent for another of her drcsse. 1
found the skin, but I am in despair about
the waist; I can't lind it mi) where, and
she is in a great hurry for it."
"Oh, well," said Van Ktten. "if she is in
a hurry, just puck up the skirt r.e I sen I it
flf in haste. Haste, you know, alwavn
brings waist." ;
When the second date that Pad been
fixed for Mrs. IVnryhtra arrival r.iinr :
around, however, it wna announced (bat i
she really to arrive. Miss Ih-blois :
noticed with pleasure at Irast she said it
was with plcaur that at any rate Mr.
I'cnrhyn gave up n game uf tenuis to go In
lhadogenrt himself to llts station to meet
Ida wife, I'onr thing! How Utile she
knew! It una to be hoped he would at
lenal have I he grace to cease "carrying on"
ill her very presence.
"And ao pretty!" sighed Miss Deliluls, na
aha peeked through the blind when the
dogcart drove up, ami caught a glimpse
of a lovely little lady habited most stylish
ly lu dark blue rlolh Willi a very becoming
lint and dark blue feathers, who smiled
brightly as she glanced up at the house as
If conacioua w hat might be lurking Ixdilnd
closed blinds. "How could he desert her
In strict truth it was Mrs, IVurhyn who
might have Is-en said to desert Mr. Ten
rbyn under the circumstances. Ua Miss
. Dcblols never recognized circumstances.
If Ida wife had lo I si away it was Mr. l'ell-
rhyu's duty to mope. And he had not
j uiomI. Moled, indeed!
As the I'enrhyiiseuine out on the piazza
I a few ininuti-s before ten. Mr, IVurhyn be
I I rod nerd his wife to occasional groups,
and especially to Miss Howe,
! "And are you the Miss Howe who plays
I lt.i,llsMiiatil.,i,lldlvr" tthlMl tru !,... kI,p.
t s "J '.
with n cordial smile.
"1'isir thing! she knows," murmured
Mlsa Deblols. "Whocollld have told lier"
"Perhaps he told her himself," remarked
Van Ktten grimly. " YoU know there was
always a letter every day."
"From her, y-s," answered Mlsa Deblols,
pursing up her lips.
"Hut people don't go on persistently
.writing letters unless ihey am answered,
do I hey f"
"Devoted wives ilo, frequently," said the
lady, with an eiuiiliasbi as of one who had
been n devoted wife for years.
It was Minn evident t hat, u ltiM-ver might
lie the guilty Informant, Mrs, r.Trhyn
"knew nil," ns Miss Deblols would have
expressed it. Kvery name was evidently
familiar to her, ami she knew Just what
IncldenlH were connected with every liaine.
It was Miss Howe w ho played tennis no
well, and Mlsa New-Inn who snug ho many
Herman songs, anil .Miss Lewis who had
made Arthur that charming smoking rap,
and Miss ile IVysler who had found those
beautiful ferns in the drive through the
woisls, ami Mrs. .Malcolm who had shown
her husband that lovely view from n re
mote hill, and Miss Deblols herself who
played whist so well that Arlluir had Isen
beguiled into playing lung after midnight.
They must hnve n rubber that very even
ing. It was evident I bat she knew all.
Hut she hail her revenge. The devotiou
of Mr. I'cnrhyn lo the crowd was nothing
to the devotion now of the crowd to .Mrs.
Penrhyti. They might pity her while she
waa away, but when she was present she
worked her own sweet will. No plans
were made without consulting her, no m-
tertaininent was complete without her
presence. One touch of her hand on the
piano, and around It would gather old
lueti, young men, collegians, professors,
married men, widowers nnd bachelors, to
say nothing of the tiuop of bright young
girls who admired her ns only young girls
cun admire.
And if Mr. 1'enihyn hail never concen
trated his devotion upon, however unpar
donable Hie amount of devotion he sent
tcred generally, Mrs. I'cnrhyn, if she
wanted revenge, had all she could attend to
in the single hearted devotion of her great
est admirer. For there was one gentleman
who seemed aware of little hut Mrs.
l'enrhyti's presence. It was he who walked
with her, drove with her, talked with her,
listened to her, played for heron the piano,
with her in tenuis and against her nt
whist. If It were n solitary drive, she was
the solitary lady who tisik it, and If it were
a party, she it was who made up the parly
nnd decided what other Indies were to go.
No other young married lady had ever
"carried on" so before nt Lawton's. It
was he who suggested her shawl, went for
the shawl, wrapped it around her shoul
ders, read to her, promenaded the piazza
with her, took long strolls wilhjier.
"She can't be promising to 1st a sister to
ldin.-of course," remarked Van Ktteu ns
the two came uplhe walk one day. "Iioks
very much as if she were promising to be a
widow to him."
Nor did the attraction wear out in the
least. It lasted till the very Inst moment,
when Mrs. 'Penrhyn's trunks were all
packed, and when her ndmirer dniviriier to
the stalion and actually went with her to
the city on the same train!
For this anient admirer of Mrs. Penrhyn
was .Mr. I'cnrhyn, her husband. Alice
Wlllingtou Rollins iu I'ittshttrg Bulletin.
A Siiggeetion.
I've oflen wished 1 had a sister.
Why don't you propose to some nice
One of tli rirni.
"Who's the 'Co,' in your firm?" asked
Pmasher of his friend t lie grocer.
"My wife."
"Ah, she's a silent partner, Ib slief"
The grocer rubbed liischiu for a moment.
"Well," he replied, in some doubt, "she
itiu'l soall llred silent, when you come to
think of It." Detroit Free Press,
Not to Ile Helped.
Soak Do you always pay ns you gof
Fresliby Always.
Soak Why
Kreshby-Hecuuse they won't let me go
without. llrooklyn Life.
A Clreut Itecord.
He I am very proud of this horse.
only lost, one race last season.
She Dear me! How many times did he
He Once. Tit-lilts.
True Hospitality.
Jones (who has been roughing it lately, tc
Hostess) I assure you this is the first de
cent meal I've had for six weeks.
Hostess (genially) I'm so glad. I'uuch.
Ilojack-The sparrow is a very coura
geous bird.
Tonulik Nonsense! Any restaurant
keener can moke him quail. Life.
A U Ise llonifaee.
The proprietor of a restaurant in Paris
recently issued the following notice
"Being desirous of honoring the Kus
sians, who nre the country's guests. I
have decided to change the name of this
establishment, and by the use of a sin
gle apostrophe to transform it from the
Cafe Divan into the Cafe d'lvnn." Paris
A C lever Pet Monkey.
Commander H. I). Kvatis has on board
Ids ship a pet monkey. The greatest
dainty which ran he given the monkey
is n Malaga grape, and in order to test her
agility all sorts of devices nre resorted to.
On one occasion a trape attached to a
sleiider string was dangling from a yard -nrni
at a disiaueeof eight feet nlsive the
(Ink. A fur several futile efforts to bridge
the distance by a jump, the monkey rvtircd
lo a corner and apparently ave up the
game. The olliivrs laughed and declared
the commander would be a heavy loser by
hia Ih.'Is wagered mi Oinny. Fiually oue
ol the number, a six footer, passed under
the swinging fruit and paused a moment
tohsikuiK Like an arrow from the Ihjw,
the niotikey darted from thecorner, jumjard
on the olVicer'a shoulder and with one Hy
ing leap upward had secured the priie.
Kale Field's Washington.
In China the cobblir atill gne from
liou-e lo house, announcing- hia approach
with a rattle, and taking up hia abode
nitb the family while be aecotnplishea the
necessary making and mending.
('ouitiiodor Itnmsey Will Moou Ile Pro
meted lo Hie Hunk of lleur Admiral,
V,iu Admiral Heiihain la retired frniu
the navy for nge on April III, I'nmiii'slore
Francis M llaiusey will he promoted to
the rank of rear
admiral. Commo
dore Kamaey lis
la-en stationed at
Washington as
chief of the bureau
of navigation ol
the navy depart
ment allies Oct. 10,
issv, when he was
transferred to the
bureau from th
command of tho
llrooklyn navy
yard by President
Harrison. He was
roMMonoliK IHMsKV. bom in the Dis
trict of Columbia April A, IKt'i, and will
consequently himself reach the retiring age
in ISO. The commodore has Is-en In the
navy since 1.MI, w hen he was npH)iuted a
midshipman from I'eiiiisylvania and went
to the Annapolis academy for a year. Ills
llrst Ml service was aboard the frigate St,
Law rence In the 1'aeille squadron, and he
served in the same squadron as passed mid
shipman on the frigate Merriinac, which
was afterward converted Into I he famous
Confederate Ironclad.
Promoted master and then lieutenant lu
K, he was made lieutenant commander
July III, ISO'.', when betook command uf the
i-niichid Choclavv In the Mississippi squad
ron, which participated lu some important
engagements, notably theexpeditiou up the
Yazoo river to destroy the navy yard at
Yazoo City, and the battles at Liverpool
Landing, Mlllikcn's llend nnd the siege of
Vicksburg. In IN'.t-.l lie commanded the
gunboat I'nadilhi in the north Atlantic
squadron, nnd was in the engagements at
Fort Fisher, Fort Anderson and other forts
nu the Cape Fear river and took part lu the
capture of ltiehinoud.
After the war he was for a time lu charge
of the department of gunnery at I he naval
academy, ile was promoted commander
in istsl and was fleet captain and chief ot
staff on the flagship Guerrlere iu the south
Atlantic squadron from lNITto lSiit). Ile was
afterward on ordnance duty nt the navy
yard and In the. Uireau of ordnance at
Washington and lu IHtl) was appointed In
spector of ordnance nt t he llrooklyn yard.
Ile was in command of the cruiser Bos
ton from the day she was first put in com
mission, May a, IHX7. until February, lSSO,
when he succeeded Admiral tiherardl iu
command uf the navy yard at Brooklyn,
only to lie called a few months later to
Washington, where he has since remained.
Henry l.ahoiiehere la a Free Lalire In Lit
erature and Politlea
Henry Lalxiuchere, editor of London
Truth mid lender of the extreme Radicals
in tlie house of commons, is as great a free
lance in politics as he is iu journalism. He
is always a thorn in the side of the minis
try, whether it be of the Liberal party, to
which he acknowledges a limited sort of nl-
legiunce.or of the Conservntivesjo whom he
is iu perpetual and belligerent opposition.
His audacity and unduuntnblecour'age give
him a prominence in tire commons which Is
almost entirely personal, and his radicalism
makes him and his faction an awkward
factor to reckon with In times of cluse cal
culation. Politically he is the representa
tive of the coming democracy, nnd If he is
lint the trusted leader of the English peo
ple he comes nearer la-itig their spokesman
t hail any other man and tins the courage to
express their convictions more fearlessly.
Kit her from a political or journalistic
standpoint the personality of Mr. Lalxiu
chere is one of the most Interesting In Eng-
huid. I'lidei nentli his exterior of careless
ness, callotisnotis and flippancy there is a
very strong, tenacious and clear sighted
man. He is one of t he most thorough rad
icals tliat ever breathed a radical by in
stinct, hating shams, fripperies nnd osten
tutious display. Ho is nn individualist
without comproniiseorcoucession. He has
no faith save in the survival of the fittest.
Probably no journal in the world is more
closely idcntilled with its editor than Lon
don Truth. It is rarely mistaken iu its
statements, seldom stoops to petty scandal,
is often bitter, caustic and spiteful, but aW
ways it is brainy and brilliant. It has the
touch of uenius which makes its abuse po
litely trenchant and adds cleverness to Its
flippancy. Xothinir could he more enter
taitiiiiK than the charnihiK courtesy with
which Labouchere skillfully flays a victim
and then delicately dusts his wounds with
vt'rbal pepper and suit. And it pays, for its
editor's income from this source alone is
said to be over Kxl.OtX) a year. It has pnid
from the Mart, for the first number of
Truth, issued in 1ST", wus a money maker.
Labouchere is the eldest son of the late
John Labouchere of Hioonie Park, Surrey.
He wus bom iu Sol and was educated at
Kton and Cnmbrldm that is to say, ( he
spent two years at Trinity colleue, durniij
whicli he distiiiKuished himself cliielly by
hlsnernetual rows with the col Ickb authori
ties. After lcuvinir C'anibridite he traveled
iu .Mexico and the fulled States and then
cot into the Kurdish diplomatic service anil
was successively attache St Washington,
Munich. Stockholm, Frankfort, M. Meters
burjf, Dresden and Uonstnntinople. In 1804
he was elected to parliament for the bor
oiiuh of Windsor, but was unseated for
havinK hired too many committee rooms.
He was elected for Middlesex in 117, de
feated in Xottinuham in 1874 and returned
for Northampton in ls8, which borough he
still represents.
Hits Ilia Revenge.
"Hn! hn! ha!" laughed Rcggy jrerrl
mHn, "lial li.il ha!" nnd lie stuffed an
other suit into his overcrowded valise.
"Well, old wan," said his college
clmm, who was helping him pack,
"what do yon find so funny in your
thoughts just now? A penny for them I"
"Oh, they're worth more they're rich
such a jokol Ha! ha!"
"Explain, or I'll dump the contents of
this valise on the floor again."
"Do you see that box?"
"Yes, old man: what of it?"
"It's ful; e f Christmas presents."
"Oh. come off; you're crowding the
"Wait a hit. They're my Christmas
presents. That's the joke. Say?"
"Yes, old man."
"Y'oti know I have a cousin Jenny in
"She's in the joke; and there's my
married sister Em at Lansing, and
Bob's wife at Pontine, and Lil and Kate
they are other fellows' sisters. Oil,
how I do love those girls, and they,
every one, will get a Christinas present
out of that box."
"Whr. what's iu it?"
"The" presents they sent me every
Christmas fur the past six years. Hal
"But what nre they?"
"Have patience. They'll save me a
lot of money."
"Tell me. so I can adopt the same
' I'll send them back all their own
presents. Ha, lia!
"But. for heaven's sake, what are
"Suspenders, man! Embroidered sus
penders! Ha! ha! Revenge is sweet!
Ha! ha! bar -Detroit Free Tress.
K f r.
It a 1 1 roads In Siberia.
Kilnu ia, coupled as its iiiimo is with
stories of Hussian barbarity, is not the
barren, torrihlo laud of limitless deserts
which fiction and the drama have pic
tured it. Tho building of the trans
Kiberiun railway and the extension of
lines uloiig tho northern frontier of
China will greatly change the entire
drama of civilization. The railroad from
Vladivostok to tho Ural mountains will
bring that great Itttssian naval station
within fourteen days' journey of St.
Petersburg, and along this route stations
will rapidly grow into towns and offer
opiKirtouitics for new and striking de
velopment. II ussia's enterprise stimulates that of
China, not only as a matter of com
petitive ambition, but for strategic
reasons. The railways now being sur
veyed and completed with tho Celestial
em pile ure numerous, nnd to this end
many foreign engineers ure employed.
Holdiers and convicts aro largely em
ployed ns workmen, thus cheapening the
cost of labor as far as isissible. Hurt
ford Globe. .
A C'UHa Walk at Luna; Branch.
The cuko walk at Long Branch was
attended by an appreciative lot of whitu
people from the various hotels, who, iu
their unxietv to obtain good places, wait
ed iu crowds outside tho door long be
fore the polite person who bud been de
puted to gather in tho shekels was able to
escape from the duties of bis regular ih
sition nnd attend to them. When they
finally succeeded in getting Inside they
relieved the exuberance of their feelings
by impartially applauding every man
Won nu i or child who crossed tho floor,
regardless of age, color or previous con
dition of serviinile. The first prize a
largo rocking chair wus awarded to
Miss Jackson, u slim, dusky maiden iu
black satin, with a beautiful figure and
a very digiiihed carriage, she nevor al
tered her expression one jot from the
la-ginning of the walk to its end. A for
tunate couple succeeded in taking the
cake, but the gold watch which had been
promised ns the first prize for gentlemen
failed to materialize. New York Her
ald. l.obstera.
During the past three months there
were listed in Portland H0,UTt live lob
sters nnd ill.ToO canned lobsters. When
we consider the fact that it takes on on
average tho moat of fifty lobsters to fill
one dozen cans, and that tho above fig
ures represent Hie imiHirtation of more
than l.oOO.riOO lobsters iu three months
at this port alone, we get some
idea of the enormous consumption of
this article of fisid in this country, and
the old inquiry as tn how long this drain
upon tho rich resources of tho coast can
be stood naturally suggests itself.-
The most Inhuman outuic, outrages whteh
would dNsraeu the savage, man rpctrates
upon his own syitem by xwall .wbigdriistli ,ur
gitives wlileli convube li la aloiniicli. agonize his
in estlncsaml weaken tils system. .Mnnv people
eonstiimlv do this umh-r the impression that
medicaments only which nre violent In theli
action, a d pririieubirly ciiiluirties, aro ol any
aviiil. Irr parable injury to health Is wrmailit
under this mistaken men. Tho laxative which
most uearlv spproneh s tliebeuellcentre ion of
uaiuie Is llostetter's Htonuieh ltPters, wid Ii h
painless, but ihorouch, and Invigorates tlio In
testinal canal Instead of weakening and irrltHl
liig it. The liver mid die stomseli share la the
benign ills Iplluc Inst luted hv this compre
hensive medicine, whose healthful Influence is
felt thro ighout the syslelu. Malarious, rheu-iiintp-,
k duey mid nervous oiiipbdnts succumb
to ,1.
fall, r (looking at a picture) Poos vour innin
inn palm? I Hue Sou -Yes; la; I she is thnm.'li
with Unit an' Is purlin' on the powder nnu.
she'll be don li lu a nihiiit?.
! Both tlie method aud results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasaut
and refreshiug to the taste, aud acts
fjenlly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tnsto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
is action and truly botieficiul in its
iTccts, prepared only from the most
icalthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
oyrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
md $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
ivi: hes to try it. Ilo not accept any
r v. t is Mr
ers, Books, Capouiiina;
Hay Forks. Rakes. Scythes,
T Cut this advertisement out, and send it when yon write.
; rrinteil
man IdL
i Ajents.
with JaeneckeTll
" Know ledge overcomes Ignorance as sun
light darkness.'1 In the same way Ai.b-
cock's Poaous 1'i.astkrs have overcome the
prejudice of people who are opposed lu
every remedy of tin kind. Their suncis
is testified to on every ha ml by those who
have used them and those who have seen
them used.
For mora than thirty years thev have
won the highest praise from people uf
everv mi'ionalitv in every count rv. Suf
ferers from rheumatism, indigestion, still'
and sore muscles have told of their value,
and friends who have seen the relief i ml
returning health have added their praise of
A i.t cock 'a fusees n.ASTKKs. ine result
has been thut opposition has cess d and
thev aland Minreme.
IlsAMiiKKTii'i l'li.n can always lie relied
The milk ei human kindness
la never under ban;
Though oft, throiiKh human kindness,
It latessonieuf I he can.
For bronnhlsl and usthmatio complaints
and coughs and oolds "froi''a' liwnrhinl
Tror.he'" have remarkable curative proper
ties. 'JS cents a box.
This spring's nnrtlrular fad Is evidently In he
Ibe formation of eiuiinaules for uiliklns isover
oiu oi riiiiiiiiis waiir ami iuuiiiiiik ii ny ens1
We offer One 1 1 ami red Dollars' Ituwiird for
any case or estsrrli that cannot be eureil by
nan s l ainrrii taire.
P. J. ('HUSKY A CO., Pri'iej., Toledo, (I.
We, the undersigned, have known V, J. Che
ney for ihe lasi llfieeii years, ami believe him
perfectly hoiiorHiile in all b islm s transaction
ami llutuinl- lly able lo enrrv o I anv ontlL-iilion
made by their Una. U KMT A TKI'A.X,
Whn'essle Urugglsls. Toledo, II.
Wholesale Unwgbls, Toledo, (I.
Hall's Catarrh Cure l lakeu Internally, ncdns
d reetly upon tue blond and iniicoiis surfaces of
the sy-iem. Price, 7r,eeuts ia r bintle. r'nM by
all dfiigglsis. Testimonials flee.
liuard yourse'f for summer miliaria. Ilr. d
feeling, by using nun Oiegou II ood I'liriller.
Use Knamellne Stove Polish: on dust no smell.
Try Oirmea for breakfast.
gives you a I'etllmf of horror and
dread. Tliere la -. longer necessity for
Its uso in inuiiy diseuacs formerly re
garded as Invurablo'witnout cutting.
The Triumph of Ccaservatlvs Surgery
Is well Illustrated by the fact that
D1IDTHRP or lirrneh. ta now ratU
rtUr i Unt tuna cured without tho
k;ilfcund without pain. Clumsy, chaf
ing trusses can be thrown away I They
never cum but often Induce lullum
matlon. Mniugiilitiinii mid death.
TIIMftRC Ovurlun.Klbroldil'lerlne)
I Uliivllw mid many others, ure now
removed without tho crils of cut
ting operations.
other discuses ot the lower bowel, aro
permanently cured without pain or
resort to the knife,
OTP 11 P l ""' madder, nn matter
3 1 Uiil UMT larsre. Is crushrd. pul
verized, washed out and ocrlculy re
moved without cuttimr.
CTDIfTIIRF of Urinury Passage Is
Ol filly I Ullt also removed without
cutting In hundreds of casts, lor
pamphlet, references ami ull jsirtlcu-lie-s.
send 10 cents (in stamps! to
World's Dlsis-iisary Mtsliinl Associa
tion, (1UI Maiu bU, llu&ulo, N. Y.
It is sold on a guarantee by ail drug
Kiata. It cures Inoipient Consumption
aurl is the best Cough and Croup Cures
Bee Supplies.
ITl Second Street, - Fortlaad, Or.
Send for cutidoffiie.
sitnui.ii ret
into their pis t form. To tie It is a men mi re ol
hcHlth, plcasuro and econouiy.
....n.n.uuuta ISIBUJg
equals custom wink, rosumr from
f4 to $6, best value for tlie mnney
. .WIT. W nm'.a "X-U.I.-1''J "'V.""
Sml(lails.pi",var:,nl,,l. TakenesulMtj.
jVJJCaiill5SKiulc. fcceliical papers for full
W'Lboii -J Vlcn or tend for JU
IN,Mtf?l- ffivinK in.
i Btruclions
-v now 10 or.
derby mail. Postapefrce. You cm vet the best
bartfumn uf deuleni who push our thou.
L tholtcl
Dr. Wllllnms' in. linn Plln
unitmcnt will cure Blind,
lllceilluir M"d I toh in ir Piles.
nbsorbB tho tumors, allava
iiiuiteninirai once, neis as a poul
tice, fives I nstnnt i nllel. Dr. will.
lams' Indian I'lle (liniment Is prepurcd
lor I'lles nnd 1 tclilncr of the nrlvnto
Darts. Kyerv box Is warranted. Uv rtrna.
m slsts, he mail on reeelnt ot nrip-., rn cents
Proprietors, Cleveland, Ohio.
II Ian a rF.n
thus making VI 3
TO:iA tf.r hekk: nartles nreferred
who can furnish a horse nnd travel through th
country; a team, though, is not necessary; afen
vacancies in towns and cities; snare Hours mnv
be Used to good advantage. B. K. Joiinsu.n 4
Co., 11th anil Mnln streets, Hlchmond, Vs.
P. N. IT. No 643 -S F N IT. No. f 20
Chickens are easily and successfull
raised by using the Petaluma In
cubators snd Brooders. Our il
lustrated catalogue tells all about It
Don't bny any bnt the Petaluma if you wsnt strong, vigorous chicks
We are PaclBc Coast Headquarters lor Bene and Clover Cutters. Maik
Tools, Fountains, Flood's Koup Cure, Morris
rouury i.ure, ureososone me greaiciiicsen-uee aiuer ana every otnei
article reqnired by poultrv raisers. Bee tbe machines in operation at
our exhibit with the Norwalk Ostrich Farm, Midwinter Fair, hatchins
ostriches and all kinds nf ritys. Catalogue free; if you aant It, write
750 762 "04 750 Maiu stieet, Petaluma, Cal.
4, 30, 36, 48 and 11 Inches Wide,
T ail SnnSTk tarsals a fcMti.
Ur. A. C. ilcilliHlt "
Orleans, In I.
Good ReasarTfar Faith
Cured of Scrofula by Hood's
Rrromla permeates hums ally. It Is iimromhlir
Infused into the hhsid. Hearrely a mall la
frie from II, In oue form or another. Ilo- d'a
Hiirsaparllla cures scrofula promptly, surely,
Is'rnisnciilly. Taoiisnuds of people say so.
Kor Instance, rend Ill's:
1 am plttlllcd lu thinking IPhkI's Xn:a;...rdl
s splendid medicine by own expcr.eaeu with
It. 1 wnsa great siilfrrvr ffoin scrofula, hv.
leg d remind sores In my ears a id ou my
head, so limes like large Is.ils. ipse hsril'ig
all Ihe tluR-. Mv liusliiud ludt'c.l ma' I
lake lho,'sSarapirlda. Of ihe II t Isiltie
My Appetite Improve;),
and t Icltsouiuwliat belter. So 1 tauiglitanothcr
bottle, and by the lime It was gone the
surofula had entirely illsappear.il. I am
now entirely free from scrotals ami wna
never lu better beallli. linnd s Sirs .parllla
also cured me of a (er-lhlu pain In mv si Je,
caused by ueuralgpi of Ibe heart." Mas. A.
C. Mkiiuh x, Orleans, Indiana.
Hood't Pills rare llrer It's, con.tlpillnii,
blllousiitss,jisiimlice.slck hesdac.lie.lmlig. stlon.
TTANTr.n - A sn-ia s ratrwi-i -r o sr .uturt.ss
4nMU su mbsbksi, st.d lo .sni. (. siiluhh ln,. rsop
sslaf sp aUIrs, ssl aatMl, nil l..-d, rus s dwnst. Iwr vSal'IJ
Kssl prsi-,, ,H nn
l-m, urea . -
u. -sumr e-iiii'li-u! BLi
Atiiut r 'ifuouto gf
IltU I W.IIU'B'l(
Iinti ftiol Alutu.imnt
u l!ila.ilrh Atu
MimllttVi.il atllll Ull ilia. ltl
' llKlailiuryohiMUCil
tmuitmrabltf cmiiIuiu
to but I ton ii ft T
htl vrrhsMfi. rifth-n
nMn'U Ct rilco0lililn
rrnrU or IL i'yprrtn.
111:0 IT UnlviiiMxf'd
bt t'lTr.iitw.wllhBmrf.
ful aalvuiilMHl Steel
iiiMtturturr ft p0
In 1 1 r. WoIi:rnii4iKu.
fly Ut utf Mriii. Hi" A'-
lluTo lulMt, l.'lll, H""k'
wr arid liKnimt trr-i,
Chlno tt B I amiiw.tt
It lit Ui(-t (tmilof IU
ku4 In r"ll '"l
ntr litfto of Kuu
viiiilzrd fl'"l ttixV
titnkj L' J ftit llilC
nUr jt hl(i
with ni.irt'ioirt ciniur
t. i tit ion t (of fpilnT
SimI dumI bni irt
ll.lyiJlefi.a lijf li"th
of ..r. Wty ii:i( lit nil
'j i,o Afrmntnr Co.
nmiiork's lu ilUU ibtilo
..$500 CAS,
1)4 MX l'i4
fluent, Ming M to
fWrVlfeUwfa'rtrtl fits
Uobtll InfrtsWr
ix pKirm for ,
tii ti t r
mifo, i' U or
tiin r lw mi ri if
Ing Uri I f
cur er4iiir itiTf,n
llitr h nd bfaiftifl.
Ourblool Iim bcMilri"!
In null a lilt nd
tuwrra atlxir vrrv
nmi;ht' r
mT or
Ihiiif r jf hw. Mm
trtltl'liwllinus Ifsnud
tnjtliint tr known,
line r vrk SI
tati- trfHitJ th (U r
tiull'-l. iit hauii-i
I'H AH (..
MOVbUt Porcon.
dit'i-na ttt eomet
tlii' it ml amouim
Klit .L.i:iUt if
houra nay nw
than u5 iU? In
tar, U' untir
ins in rur virilmi''
priretssii'oj i
ti- ttUr
at ftnn f
dn and nllit
rniutur Co ,
art tcoiiftiti'i i b
v.ind ftmtlmi btl
9, or t
fit tarlh or In (lit
i din Fruit
Lit itn.rjf t'"1"
A;3 Ijiiciln, V''.,
I'll ihln
fllonxCilT, Iiw..
13 I'll
Bladdor. Urinary tud I.Ivor Dice aw Drop?
Gravel and Pialmtes are cured by
Cures Brtght's Dhieiiao, Retention or Non-ro-tentlonol
Urluo, Falus tn the Hack, Loins or
Cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, (letters
Debilltj, Kvinale Weakness and Kstesaes.
Cures BlllniieitLHM, Hesduche, Jnnmllco. Sout
Stomach, Dyspepsia, Coustipntlou slid 1 lies.
C1 AT OMl'K ou the Kldaria, I. liar
and Kuwrln. restorluit them to a heiilttiy so
tlnn, aud ( I It I S when all other mcilleinet
fail. Hundreds have beeu saved who have been
I Riven up to die by friends and physicians.
SO Ml II V At.li Mil ..! ).S.
Regulator of the Liver and Kidneys
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Eheum, Neuralgia
nd All Otber Blocd and Skin Diseases.
It Is a posltire cure tor all those ralnltil, deli
cate complaints and complicnieil troubles end
weaknesses common among our wires, motuera
and dannhtera.
The etfect is Immediate and Iatti'. Two ot
three doses ol Da. Pianis's Keu edy taken dailr
keeps the blood cool, the liver and kidneys act
ive, and will entirely eradicate from the system
all traces ol Scrofula, Salt Rheum, or any other
form of Wood disease.
No medicine ever Introduced In this country
has met with snch ready sale, nor .given nr a
universal satislaciion whenever u&ed as that ol
This remedy has been nscd in the hospital!
throughout the old world for the pn-'t twentr.
live years as a specific Inr the at.ove diientc's,
and It has and will cure when all other so-called
remedies fail.
Bend for pamphlet of testimonial, frnm thne
who have been cured by Its ose. I.ruirtsis sell
It at 11.00 per bottle. Irr It and bs convinced.
For sale by
0 and II Front St., San Francisco.
CosisassDtlvrs and mmnla I
Who have weak I unci or Asth- I
na,abouldas Piso'sCarafur 9
gonanniKloa. It haa nrrS I
tkwaaad. It has not Inmr-1
U la Use best sows avmp.
bom rrerrwber. t&C
I 'A I
t r :
-lUJfflTJO nrnnrnv
mm Ms,