CITY AND COUNTRY. 1)111 : K I ITV. MA V 4. I' 4. Terms or Xulcriitinll iflliiKle Cimy, on rant. In advance, VIOL Mliivl l.'oiiv. alx inouina. In envauce I OH I.OI'HIKK. On.f. U ( My. Oregon roUKTV Or riCKIIX. .linlM. 4 l.ia ,.f C. .... 4.W. M'Mrwii url, . lira Y. Iliirlim , .. , (' W llalnilig K M. Itsm.l.y K M Call! . . J, ('. IhHillay Mfrln. ,1 rnrilff 'J ri-iillrt'r, AMMr Suluail Hllp'rllltllll'llt, , aliirvayr, I'.uruiir, . . II H III! HMnay Hwylli It L lliillimti I UIaI.imI ...,! i(m-lln Hair County f'liiirt intwliiill Unit Wwlnaailay altar flial M'-lillHT Of fVITV M'lllll, I!r ibaia I Hun mart, tin nrl Mlnlay hi nary riimitli. i 'I. .'.ill il mrl i la on third Mnwlay in anil flri M'n-in) in Knvi'iniwr, OIIKIHiN I ITV OPNCKIIH. Mvr, .Illnin Hlmliilit lt..orlir L. I,. I'urlar i I .if i..lli. OK. Hums Aaaaa.ur ami t'ollrrlur K. S. ('alllf Tr.niriT B. I.. M"liiian City Alhirwy K K. lrlK UHM..I I'.iiiiiiiUil.iiii.r. (C Imlfirlf.Jr. Mun i cif Wairr Wurh W II. Kuwait I'll Kiialiuvr. D. W. Klniilanl uu clliii-n-C. (). All.rlnlil. Jr.. II. I. Kelly, V. N ilraaiimaii, J J. Coosa, K. M. Iliiwvll, Uaoria llriilliililoll, II r. JnKKr, II. K. StaMra a '-II iiifcIi Unl VYHhirwIay nl Mich month. CHtJUCUJCS. Klr.t ftuigninllunal I'lllircll-IUV. M. lhrtlKllrrty I'wtiir. SiTilree li . I". " p. "' """J riHr iiuirtiliiif wrv ice. PmTur Mfrtlnaavarv Wlinly mi-iiIiik at :' p. ni. I'ruyor Hading ul V. I'. S. )', K. "itj Sunday evening u li:Ml prompt. Plrat llipilrt Chiiirli-Hnf. (liliiran Parkar, Pastor M'iriiliiic Krrtlrx II: Hiimlny School li-.i',; Kmihig .Sarvlre ; ILKiilnr Prayer MwlliiK Wwlnnnliiy lawnlng. Monthly I'iummiiI Mfi-tlliK mmji VYadni ,4y cvhiIiik prvcviulliK "i SUmm)' in llicilloniii. HI. John's I'lmmli. fl hollo -h. A. Illlli'liraml, 4aliV, n Honday, llu ill mill IU:.V a III. Kvory Sarlulay tiauiuili Harmon after H ool,k Miua. jM all other ilaaaaa Klutllah ti. rin. na. Sunday Kcluail ;.HI p IN. VHtpra, AMiiK1irMl HubJiIK Mini hen. .iiMlD al 7-.: p .lallnallat Kplaciipal t'lliirth ller 0. HykM, 1'ilalur. XiiMilliK' al II: Hhii'Ihy Srli.ail HI i:V: Kvmi tut Narvlca al H:INI. Kl'wnli lurrllnK Hun tlay oalilnK ill IliM: I'myrr tli'rlll.g Tliunalay avail Inn al HW. Kiral l'nl.ylrliin riiiirrh - llav. II. W. Oilainay, I' H-'rvli'm II a. Ill anil MK) p. III. Halilmlli Milliail Ilia. III. V. I'. H. K. IU..I.H avary Hllllilay i.nliiK al :il. I'niyiT HwilnnWiilnmUy a,lm HlO. iH'Ula fraa. Kvangallral lliurcli, daniian A. KrtiKl, Paal'r rani-lilnii Hivli)aa avary altaruata Hiinilay 11a.m. ami 7 p. m. Halibaili dt h.Kil aaary Hiimlny 10 a in. (J. HarrUlwrcr, Supt.) Waaaly l'r)r Martliig vary YViHlureuay uvalilllg. llnll-l Iiflliran Clmrph. Ilav. P. B. Wllllania, I'aalir h. kIc Unit awl tlilid Munilay iiiurlllnna a.i.l ilia prr. atdhn lUllinlay iiikIiI In rai'll laulllli al Un'J'ii II a. in.amn ii. in .ami the Ural Hun an afiWAf'Mh uuiilli al ralbVlaw. H. l'aul a Olunh, Kplanipal W". J-A feln"n. ixaior. h-rlce every Buiulny at II a. ni.ainl liU . lu., and Friday evening at 7 p. lu. KvaniHIral Lnlharan Zlnn r.iliirn.gatliin. Rar. U lln-y, paatur. Mrala lu Slilvvly'a hull. Hullday a, tniui Uilll In IU;.1 a. m. Hi'rrlcea IIISM a in. I 7::tu p. m. SOCIMTIKH. KallaCily Ualgaut A. II. V. W.-Mla avary 8at llnlny evriilm: it rarh moiilli in A. U. l. W. Ii.ill ,ia Hvvanlli alraat. All Juunilng bri'lhran ninllally J...I...I tu allauil. 'I lunula Ualllti II. W. W. T. tUiutLn'k. Ilw. 111! Iron fcalgu, Nn. 1 A. O. I'. W.-l ta atary iliilmdiiy rvi'iilUK at (hid Kallnw'a Hall, Uawrji.i. 'lallliig'bilhrealtaya walanlue. J. I'. tampWII, jl. w. H.niruuaa, nn'. U ilalln 1-Ib". K". 41'. A. O. It. W.-Moeta Unit awl rlunl Halunlnya in well nionlli at Kchuol limine, yialllug liicinbpn uinda wtdciilua. T. H. Ntlpp, M. (rV. J. W, Tiioniaa, liar. Uaval ldf. K M, A. O. V. V. Meetl aacond nil llitrd Mulunliiy evenlnge al Knlglit'i Hall, Canb.v. Vlaitluir Imiibrra wad welcome. A. B. Shank, 11. V. JC. K.l'arllon, Ui. llnckaiHta ll, N, 87, A, 0. V. W.-Meeta Ural and lliird 111 earn nuinlh, at Strlte'e Hall. Vialllllg bflhrall irrUmilia. M. lluleoDlh, H. W. V, K. i'niM, llaO, guntlac lalna, Nn, , A, O. U, W, Maela evarjr aauuiid and fi.unh Knluntoy uf each month al Wil. .mvllle, Uri'gou. Ml 8chuliui, H, W. 0, T, Tonr.a, III. A)rruiin Lralna, No. 3, I O. O. r.-llrata every liurauar evanlng at 7::KI o'cluuk p. tu. lu Ilia Udd jfmlowe' Hall, Main itrrri. of lha Order re.Mlirn Uia.irii... J.W. MuAatl, H.U, Thoa. K. Iltyaii, n. r. Knaamunient. Nc 1. 1. 0. O. t. Maall flrat aad tJUrd Tuaadaya t each uiniilh al Odd Vellowa' Hall, viltnl v-mUtri nod vlMiing pBtrirchi cordially In ,.. O, Utyrjajy VUM llttrlttrlu J. A. Hinva (' "w ' a Vo. ai, I, O, O, F.-Mee(B at Odd ftl. 'Ml w.'f '"!. W. J. Pl.iuHXM, N, O. si. . h bodge, No. Clt.T- A- M.-Holil. ta , miUhcatlnnaon tlntl" 1 ihirdSatunUya tl. ,i: -..(I n m brailiraT'ni iaid alajid- fug are Im i im. I., ij. rtirtar,-?-'. f, T. H) en, av, Ottteg" I-K'Se No. Ul l, A. F. A A. M. Mt-eta the jweoud and fourth Baturdava Miikiiu) inviivil. o . p . U:f. VV . K. J. Kuaaell, .Sua. 'larkumiii (liaiiicr Nn. 'J. It. A. M Rraular r !- vncailun tin id Monday of nioiiih at T&1 p. in, f. H, U'nlker, II. P. l. .Sihulpflia, Sec, Ifuliear (Ulaptor, No, 2S, O, K, 8, Meeta in If HHila IWnple. Mra, n. H, Wruugo, w. Jl. Ulna Ad 4iaO. del, iljugs Sff, yyillamatta fdlln (lauip No, lis, W. of W.-MeM at'COtlJl an lourm rK.wiya I ma iiiohih of r. r. hall. Viiting nul(lliii Iliad'' welfiijui-, K, M, Kunda, I!. V. JS. B. Martin, L'lr(, VVancheno M'i No. Ii), J, O. H. M.-lfeeta Mon day r veiling nt A. O, V. W. ill. Vlalttug aiemberi cir.ll.lly invited, J, II. Ho ward, Bothm- Moul I'Mt, N". a, o. a, H., Prrnnen of Own, Meu Drat Monday of imI nionlli at A, 0 .11. W, Mall, Oregon city. Vlaiting pniniwiaa mada wel. rome. W. II. Ilurgliardi, C'oui, C, 0, Wllliiu, AdJ, aeneral I'ope HnM. '. -', 0. A. K.-Meett first tuiunluy lit inch nioiiih I (irangc hall, a"Uno. Couirndvi corillullf inviM. 1, . Sielaoll, Uolu, Uiaudcr. II, W. Shaw, AJjulUHt. IJall.Uni.ik I'oat, No, tO. 0. A- U: Prtment of Ori.g.m.-Mraita In ashoul houea at Naady u drat Hat unlay in 1'iu'li numih al 'I u'flock p, I", Ail " rmlr inmlu wekiiiiiia. Jacob rlpnghi, Uulil, J, Sar etailer, Adj. Maada Blk'f Cori, No, IS. Departluupl of 0r gun. gcela oil Ural ami third. KrWayeof each month in K. of P. Hall. Meinbera of corpa from abroad o.nliully ayelciuaiil, Mra, l. 8. I'lUbury, Praa, Mra. K. h. LVliran.Traaa. lira, J, 9. lliirding.Sec, mtf of Veterana, E. II, Baker f.'allip, No. 18-feeta Ural and tliinl Thureday avaniiiga ol mch month. W, K. J..nW'ii. U. O, Wiad, lal Ueal, AtaW Wil kliam, 'lt Lieut. J,. A. 8. of Bilker Camp. S of V-Mertaln K. P. lull I on rci oml and ll lll th Moiulay evenlnga of each Mjtlllli lira. W. K. Juhaou, I'rea. illea Norm Calilf, wy. Achillea toilire, No. 38, K, of P.-Meeta arery Fri J.rigbt t tile K. of P. hall. Viaitlug knight! IN jIud. B, L Uulman, C. C. F. i. Louia, K. uf It, V awr Lodge No, S.1, K. of .-Meeta every Wednea dnv wwiing in (Siatlc hll.. Brotbara Invited. J. F. Thoa. Ne(laon,K.f Va. Canliy Lodga, Na. WH, I. 0. 0. T.-MeeM Bwlli4 flilltl saiuruaf araniuga av niMnm, nn,Mai.j.. Viaitlng uiembera aiwaya made welcome, 1), J, llol, W" C, T. Mlsa Iilur Knight, Sec, O'WW Loilge Na 1. 0. 0. T,-Meta every fraluy evening III new hall (n ol4 town, J, t, IIiiiuix. v. y. joua nruae, aw, b . i . r-: , ii . . l t 1 fTtilHl r vjiwjaiir, ia i v, a. niwui, ml Main, fief ular drill nigbt, Ikmday. ficgular tiuHineai uiaetiug , nrat nonaar ol each uonui. W. (ianong, t'apt. If, , Mly, Fifal Waul. L. PicKena, rVculld Lieut, Callby Spirltuallat SooiMr.4Mt'n)buis os Aral and third Minuaya oi raca oniniu. n, A, tt, rn ,,Wnt. ll- Hatlle I'liilllpa, Becopllnf Stwalary, Sew Era W. C. T U.-Meeta II rat Saturday In aub .month at the ir hall ll. New Kra. Frienda of the cauae .invited to bo preaeut. lira ( arejr Julioum, Mra. 'HaldJman, frea. M inbn'a Branch, No. S47, C. K. of A. Meata Tuaaiaf evening al llieir hall, comer Main aud 'Tenth Oregon City. T. W. Sullivan, Prea. V. Michala, fee, Ore n City Boari of Tfa-Meati at Coort Honae , at-c ,od Monday ia each Vl""" 'e"n- I'anl.r Bunrd of Trade-Meeta at lltbl'i Hall, tr t.v,'rm flrat and lliird Fridaya of each moot. Vut'al'on. Wm. Knight, Prea. D.J.Garri- ilidalla Grange. No. 40, I, of H.-Meel at their lull at WriAl'a Bridge on the eeeond (Saturday of ZL montfiat M m. I allow m.mbera mad. wMwa- J. F. Nelaoa, Maater. 1. H. Cooper, Sac Tualatin Qiange, No. Ill, . f H -MeeU iaat Satur ,l,r ufaawij mu at their Ball la HilaoflvilH). R.B. Henry, Maater. Miaa Bada ittvf, S. Waraar grange. Ho. W. f. oT M" alaUirdiVof eaacb month at thair hall in Dew ira, t!J. Vllliama, Maater. Ml-Maggie Brown. Sen. Butte Crk Orange. No. 112, P. of H MeeU it Ihalr haU la Jfua- JS.ndSnrd.yl h oaonthjl 10 a. viitiag pea,! aiwaya walcona. J. U. White, MaatM. J, K, Jatk. 8e. Oawego Graag. Jo. 17 P. of H.-Meeta aeeHl (taoird.J in rnoaih at ID a, m. u. Katon. MMter. J.,fe. Pamaac- Granc. No. W r - Saturday in awnlh at 10 a. an. in Oaraaaci irl l. Ycnng. Maater. T. H. Fth.ra. xtUfleaaa Lodge No. 20. I), of H. Meeta every MyBUvrkford.CH. Flora Dyer, Be. Columbia Hook ML-Uer C-'2?J 4 ' mch month at Fonnuln Ingina Honaa. HJrJ. -fIalh. Prea. Wallac. to., roua. tiaorfe Hrvwn, ac. Foanaam If a Co, No. !-M "d"!' i . arimoh at tonne Uoaaa. eaat aede Main etreal, yg. r Vluinn, Foraaavaa.. al- ewarl. Sec. Oltarx-t B ar Co. No. l " TV'? ... hon.h at Oaur Engim. Mofua- kUfK JL C. Ho- Co, -MolaHn- Bw - ,riii th. third Taeattay of aavh aaoerUX T. i - v.. Prea. ' Foretnaa. H. S. .Mra"; Jf ec- j.tpan Tahules: best lirer tonic. EVENTS OF THE WEEK A I'liNKKK (ioKK The IIMirllll iiiHiiia hi Trunk Al. t;n pph, wim whn well hihI liivurulily knuwn In iIiIh coiinl were bulled in Hip Diiinimcua cemetery in riniHV, .ipru Z7UI. Air. Unuin wua Imrn .lumniry Illlh, 1842, anil ilieil ul poiiHUiniiiiiin al liln reHiilenre ncHr t'lHikHuian RlHtluii Aiiril L'.jih, IWH. II t'Hine aeroHD Hie iIhIii will) liin mreiiln al very curly line, went wlili tlietn I he guhl iihiii'H in CulifiimiH In 1S4H mill relnrnt'il with them in 1H.')2, when I hey petlleil on the ihiintlinn cIhIiii we'l klinnti lo hII ulil-limere n( lliii eclii.ii. tire hut two left of very In i tot IhiiiIIv, ell of whom huv (lieu of thid (Ireeil iliaeHhe. lie leavei h wife, one I it t lu ylrl uinl inutiy wirin liieiiila lo iiikIiiii hiri loss. Frank everyhoily knew lilm. wui an Intimate ni'iuniiilHiii'u 4f the wilier aince early I ovIkhiiiiI, uinl I ilo iinl heailaie tuaay Ihai he mar one nt the heat men lever kcew. Too Mini hearted and liheral for hie own uood, hu never acquired Unit wt allh many a man would have Ii ue under like cireuinatanvea. H died, ax he lived, an houeat. upright manly iiihii, ami the world ia certainly iH-lter lliat hu lived in it. He waa ehiel deputy under exBheriff A. fclioi pa, and did IiIm duty aa any true man Nlioti Ul. All, well, fur us all anmo fond Hope liea Deeply hurled from human eyes; But in' the hereafter angels may Hull the alone from its ijrave away." fc. C. II. Is Mkuoiiv op A. It. 8iiipi.iv. Frl day afternoon last, three trees planted in the campus ot the nttriculturul culleae at Corvnllis in honor of W. H. I.aild, h M. Helknan and A. U. Shipley, our late were aiHiroDrialely dedi atcd. rrnl. I.etcher aanl in ma aoiireaa n memory of Mr Sliipley that he. w.ts horn in Mi Veinon, Ohio, in IK27. lie wan a fellow law student of William Wind. nn. lale secretary of the treasury anil Senator Nurlon, of Ohio, under At tornev Uencral Tuft He came to Port land in !Ko2, ith less than 15, waa en eruelic, attentive to Imslneaa, waa twice master of the stale ittanue, a thoroiiitli Chrihtian, beloved by all who knevr him. tinu his life waa an example whiul all migltt follow with profit. Si'kkciies ii v Dkmocratic Stati Can didatb'. The democratic 'candidates for state offices will open the state cam palun in Orettnn C'itv next Monday, May 7th, at 7 iJO p. in. lltere will be pres ent at the tneetinit, which will he held at Shively shall, II n Win. Galloway, can' didate for governor; Hon. Charles Nick rundtilate or secretary of stale Hon. T. I.. Davidson, candidate for state treasurer: Hon D. V. 8. Heid candidate for superintendent of public. nslruction: Hon. W. H. Holmes, can Itdate for attornev-eenoral : Hon. John O'Urien. candidate for state printer. Und linn J. K. weatiierioru.caniiiiiaie lor congress for first congressional district Tun Finest Music. The Denver Timet tides that the powerful trained voices of the vocalists and the skill and sympathetic power of the accompanists made the concert -an oasis in the desert of ordinary musical happenings. Hig. G. Kerrati rendered these baritone solus ftom the operas of Ernanl and Nabuc codonosar, also selections from Donizet ti's L'Klisire I)' A more, adding dramatic action to vocal in the latter anu carrying bis audience away. In the closing number a duet from ,-II Trovatore" by Miss Clara Kernetta and Dignor U. Per rari. Hearty applause and enthusiastic encoies follnwed iter selections. Tiir crop-weather report for the week ending May 1 says : There are excellent nrnsneets for the fruit crop in all see t ons. In Clackamas oounty there are some tent caterpillars appearing In the orchards. The acreage of spring sown grain will be up to the average in Southern Oregon, but in the Willamette vallev it will fall very much below Early potatoes are coming tip. Straw berry vines are blooming in all sections snd a large crop is expected. Stock is thriving nn the excellent pastures. The general desire is for less rain and warmer weather. The prospects are Tiltl ami runners are cheerful. Tiik Hkbkkaii Dkohee. This week Friday. Willamette Rehekah Lodge No. 62. I. 0. 0. F., is to be established in this city. At 3 o'clock institution and installation takes place at Odd Fellows' Tempi; from 8 to 10:30 Initiatory cer emoufeB at Armory hall ; 10:30 to 11 :30 banquet at Pope's hull ; dancing at Ar mory hall till 2 a. ui. Three Rebekah lodges of Portland are to be present, and the ceremonies will be conducted by Past Orand Patriarch A. O. Walling, special deputy grand master. 17 Proijnttn Jtiilo Ainwicano, New York city, states that it is pleased to hear of the anpreoiation of Signnr Fera, ri's talent in Denver, Colo. The gentle man has won laurels with his lyric art in New York as wall as in San Francis co, Milan, Italy, anil wherever he has been, not only lor his talent, but also on account of his genial and pourteoi) dis position. Notice. The republican machine politician of fori land, leu Dy ine eouor ot me vre aonian. who was chairman oi ine cm miltee on piatrurm. retusen to allow tnt initiative and relereuuuiri to oe consul ered at ell by (hp state convention. This was done in the laue of Ulaukamas county s instructions to her delegates to make this demand a plank in the state platform if possible, and the further fact that it had been endorsed by many re publican county conventions. It is a plank of both the people's and democratic state platforms While many republican candidates mav pledge themselves to call the nee essary constitutional convention, and from conviction will do all they pan for this reform, yet those who are governed by the machine will he against it. No friend of the initiative and referen dum should vote for any man for the legislature or for a state office unless lie is sure the candidate has promised in writing tn do all in his power to submit the question to the people. W. S. D'ItE. Sec'y Joint Com. on Direct Legislation. Milwaukie, Or., April 23. Mr. Welsmandel Declines. Oregon City, May 1st, 1894. To the Chairman ol Democratic County Committee: JJtar Sir I hereby respectfully decline the democratio nomination lor coroner. The welfare of the democratic! partv is always my desire. The nomination was unsought by me, and believing the affairs of that office are at present well conducted, I do not wish to enter a cam paign for office for myself but heartily Wish for the success of the other candi date.. I remain faithfully yours, alofljl Wiismakdel. LETTER LMT. The following is list of letters re. maining at the Oretton City postofflce for the week ending May 4, 1894, uncalled for: Epperson. Geo K ( libson. G E Grose, Wm II Jonson, Herman Keotler, Thos A . McFadden, J W LundDaeii. (Just Morgan. II a! Shneer, Alex James, Miss Maggie Hamilton, Mrs Jesse Miller, Miss Francis Miller, Mrs Mand When calling for these letters please nsy "advertised. t,. 3, kands, r. M. Don't be mistaken. The highest price psid for veal calves is at Flino A iWy. The old meat rrmkef, loot ol Seventh, street. Soeben erhslten, sine friscbe Sendnog Limbarger and Kraeater Kase.ond Cerv eH Worst, bei I.. A. Noun., Irent Hole! LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Mrt. John Price becnim I hi' in dher i f i girl on April antti. Mrs. Fred Hesse la'cainu the mother of a girl mi Tuesday, The Clackamas County Horticultural Society will meet in Oregon Clly on July 18. John Revenue, h lintel keeper of Sawlv was in Hie city this week, the first time in a year. The engagement is anil nince'l of Miss Bessie Wilson uf Portland In L (1 W ir mill of the Willamette P. A P. Co. Dr. Curl I ia munlfe-Uln his Interest in the canst, of democracy liv lakinii steps o organize a .Iclfersnii Club. Mra. Albert Fuller (ditilifliler of Henry Harding) lies seriuurly ill with typhoid fever at her Portland home. The only inofor line or street railway in Portland or suburbs that is paying is the East Side line running to Oregon City. Ross C'liiiriiiuii has been kept at home some time by illness. He Is alllicted with malaria , Gradually he is recov ering. John W. Myers, a son of Hon John Myers, will sing in the concert to he given at Hhlvely'a next week Thursday evening. John Kruse and John Lewellen. who were county commissioners when Colo, nel While was county judge, were in the city on Monday. Last week Thursday evening, a dem ocratic club was organized at the Klliint choolhotise in the s nithera p in of the county with 48 names on the roll. Dull Trull I Hirer, residing In the Mull no neighborhood, cut a deep gash in hi loot Willi an ax last week luesday am it Is feared blood poisoning has set in Wednesday, the water in the main on Alain street waa turned oil on account of lowering of lite level of lite street by the contractors who are paving the street. , Mr. (jiiiltrnlge of Hpringwater was in the city on Monday. He rep irts that ie county authorities have done nrt rate work on the main road leading trom lis section to Portland. Now it is when the smooth fellows who like to live bv Hie sweat of the officeholder's brow, strike those candi dtttes for skuds who believe their calling and election to be sure. On Saturday, May 5th, the democrats of Kl I lot Prsirie will again assemble, to fleet the permanent organization of a ub, by adopting a constitution and by laws and electing officers. F. II. Muyhew, a sign painter, was rresled here last Thursday night by chief of police af balem, came alter hnn May hew had stolen a watch. MrM'ihorii Wnp, published in Salem, the first number of which appeared on Saturday, is spicy and fearless, and well edited. lis missi in is a treat one, e. laying bare political corruption. The Verdi Operatic Society of Port land will give selections from Opera La Fille De Madame Angot, duet, trio and omntette, at Shively a hall. May 10 Una has proven a grand success all over the world. Addresses by Hon. Win. Qallowav, democratic candidate for governor; by Hon. J. K. . Weatherford, democratic candidate for congress, and other can diuates for state omje nt S'llvely s hull Monday evening. At the meeting of democratic commit teemen Tuesday evening in the Foun- aln Hose house, S. U. Ureen was elected chairman of the county central committee and J. C. Alehan sepretary, to serve two years. The Albany Democrat says of Prof Rudolph: "He is the worst kind of an nHdul. Albany people let him glori ously alone, only a few hearing him.' liigotiual rot is not as p ipular in Linn county as it is here. Miss Ella Olenville attracted all eyes at the street services of the Salvation ruiy Wednesday evening. She sang sweet v in her alto voice, and walked around in the oircle of the singing army excitedly waving, lies arms. II. E. Hayes has withdrawn from the populist ticket as candidate for Joint senator, and Air. Mtntie has been placed on the republican ticket instead of Win. Barlow as candidate for repre sentative, the latter having withdrawn. Mr. Gengler, of Clackamas Heights, upports himself and family from the proceeds of five acres of ground, and two Chinamen are making a small for tune from two acres in garden truck near East Portland Intensive farming pays. Thirteen witnesses were summoned in te case of the stale against Phil Mar- quam, and when they g it here the case was dismissed l ney cost the county from $7 to t8 each. It is in such wick- dly foolish ways that the taxpayer's pocket Is looted. R. Sillier, butcher, who claimed the groceries stored in Marr fc Robertson's store, under bill of sale from ltolla Woods, left town with Ins family before is suit in court, leaving his butcher- hop and store rents unpaid It is said he has gone to Bandon to start a but- lershop. April 28ih, articles of incorporation ere filed with the county clerk of the ndustrial Publishing Company, E C amnion, James 8haw, W. It Wyatt, R H-Miller and Elmer Dixon being ncorooratora: capital stock 2000: ob- eel, publication of newspaper and doing ob work and general printing or pub- islu ling business. The Chicago Tribune nay of the Milan Opera Company: "The charm in their performance will be lound in then pre senting Italian opera in true Italian stvle, The audience was enthiH istic their appreciation of BignorG.rer- rari's baritone and Kignor Lambardi's tenor. Their msgniflcent voices and artistic rendering of music was beyond criticism." Letters testamentary have been issued bv probate judge to Hcbt. L Hingo, as executor of H. C. Ringo, and U. W. Lee, G W. Grace and L. Stout ap pointed appraisers; Frederick Wolff executor of last will and testament of Uustav Baumann. to appear before probate judge on May 7'h to a,how cause whv he has not distributed Baumann's estate according tn the will. Two farmers from Highland were in the city Monday, who declared they could not pay their taxes because they could not sell at any fair price what soever, toe cattle they had fed with the object of selling them to the butcher Cattle from Eastern Oregon, here ranchmen are dtap tsing of them wretchedly low puces, are sold al the Union Stockyards at prices our farmers can't compete with. A nsrtv was (riven at Armory hall Saturday evening by the Wednesday evening dancing club to the Thursday evening dancing club. The attendance wat large and the enjoyment as abun dant as youth and beauty could contain. Alter the sixth nance, ine mcrrymnsers oolkad" through four figures of the German. Thereafter, iu the reception room, lemonade and cake and "sataned ham sandwiches were served. The gigantic sponge in the window of e lity drugstore weighs nve pounds. la very seldom that a sponge ol its size and weight is seen. Mr. Ross, its owner, a gentleman stopping at the i Kltxtrio Hotel, who for years has been an amateur collector of curios, bought it from a steamer that arrived in Portland from the Orien:. lie aim has an oyster shell that weighs 2(0 pounds; the bi vslre itself weighe I 63 pounds. I i shoold ; Every man having a beard I , 1 1 rru 11 ma ctcu atnu natural cuiur, ! 11 11 vb not so airesar, use cocsingiiam a Dye and appear tidy. Rirjaua Tab ales assist digestion. R ipans Tabules : one gi res relief. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Llipinr license of M II Flnnnagan con tinued, Cniiiii Inilioii frmn C II fsufleld flor Mr.Ciniu Moiev) claiming l.e had bmiL-lil a I it in the city ccniuteiv aud mil, I i 'h fur it. that It had been ru'iee qileiilly wld to oilier parlies and two oodles' bin ud in the lot, and asking for a if tut ii nl tie initiev. w I. It'll was grained. O.ih-itd that if parlies Would com plain In lite i lllcets of cows running Hi latge l he owners ol Mich st'M-k Would be nrrt-aleil . Coinmuniciiliim front the majority of the business inuu of Oregon Oily asking ihat the sulaiy ol lite cliief nl Police lie laisud so that he could ilevole his w hole lime to the duties of the olllce. Ordi nance ordered drawn in c iinpli.iiicj therewith. Warrant otdered diawn for 33 4(1 in favor of Mr Wyclilfe lo.- extra work on lower M iin street. The original bill was 1.10 !M and was cut down by city engineer. Report adopted of clly uttotuey in re gard to the several ca-ius before the cir cuit court. Recorder rep tried ono case of div derly conduct for the month. Repoit of city engineer on work done during Aptil by Hantshaw A ilclitn showing balance due litem of -'Wl 11, which was ordered paid. City Attorney Driggs' bill of 200 was cuhto f 100 and allowed. His bill fof :il 27 for collecting Filih street notes referretl to committee. Appropriations: J W O'Connell f2, L L Porter 75, P E Co (174 15, 0 E Iltirns fi, Ed L Shaw iK), Jeff R Shaw 2, Cliaa Babcock Ml 35. A W Sihwan 17"). Bellomyo: Buscli t-.-, Popu A Co $74 25 On Main Street Until : D W Kiiinaird fiiis 60. C It Welsh i:..W. Report ol City Treasurer llolman, as published in the Cockier last month. not accented as it was not c intilct ', and as he was paid two salaries it was the opinion ol ci unci! that he make or litre made a lull report, and llnai en coiiiini. tee ordeied to wait upon him. ' Report of comuiilteeon claim of W II Cooke adopted, showing that he was en titled to a rebate of '! but owed the city 1171 interest on improvement as sesainenl. Committee ordered to fix roof and paint Fountain engine house. Committee reported that R Glasspool had receipted lu full for his claim for damages. Committee report acceptod on lite em ployment of L L Porter for 50 as assist ant counsel In lite suit of Wineseit ys. the city which was decided in the city's favcr. ' Judge Mc IS ride, holds that no one can secure damages from the city under the present charter. Ordinance fixing salary of tieasurer at t00 per annum referred to finance committee. Recorder ordered to have published a notice in each of the three city papers calling in all the Main street assess ments. He was also ordered to make a statement of disbursements on Main and Fifth street improvements. Council elected the standing commit tees by the following vote, seven mem bers being present : Finance Kelly 0, Albright 0, Ste vens 0. Streets and Public Property Stevens 0, Greenman 0, Broughtoti 0. Fire and Water Albright 7, CookH 7, Jaggar 0. Health and Police Greenman 7, Kel ly 7, Howell 0. finance committee was authorized to enter into an arrangement with the P G E Co for the same number ot electric lights as at present at the reduced rates (same as Portland) mentioned by Hunt Good, thereby saving 25 a month. Council thought it better to keep lights at that price than cut them all off and hire extra police which would have to ba done if t ho lights were dispensed with. STAFFORD. Farmer's have beeri'a1mot too busy ofl late to gj to the postoflue for their mail. Yours truly has been in the swim and has been very neglectful of making re ports. The rush being over, we shall now expect to hear from all over the county. Come, my worthy colleagues, "wake up" and assert yourselves. Don't give un lust because vou feel out of sorts about the weather and the mar ket is dull. If you can do no more give a general report of how the crops stood the winter. Who has joined the anti- work army in your immediate vicinity? I for one would like to hear from differ ent Darta of the county on this stihiect. This immediate neighborhood is flour ishing: crops look finely. Coxey s army only flourishes in the shadowy mist called "disgust." and no one here thinks little enough of hinnell to side in with the movement'. Jack Hanna has taken a contract to clear four acres of slashing fur Ben Athey for 40 and board. Miss Delia Larson is slowly Improv- ng in health and at present is on the fair road to recovery. Michael Shafer has rented 20 acres of his land to some Chinamen to put into hops. They are to have all thev can make this year and two-thirds of the orop for the next four years. Grain crops are almost all in and now omc the garden and spuds. 8ome cowardly sneaks made three at tempts to poison Frederics: D.ilker's dog before they succeeded, then broke into his hen house and coaxed about two doann chickens tn follow them away. Borne wheat was also taken and put in to a wagon that stood in readiness at the gate and the callers departed as quietly as they had come. This "borrowing on the sly" must be broken up or ill feeling is sure to arise. L. The Grange Wakes Up. Wiiekras, For nearly 25 years the price of farm products has steadily de clined so as now to be below the cost of production and, wltereai, we believe the time has come for the Orange toactas a unit towards restoring their lost pros perity or it will soon hi too late, there fore, be it Krtohrd, By Mola'.la Grange No. 40, P. of II., that it is imperative that Granges and grangers should so educate themselves on all public questions, (in stead of as heretofore scattering their votes and thus securing no lasting bene tit) as to cast their votes as a unit for principles an not for parties, and thus free themselves from industrial slavery. 2nd, That the State and Granges inaugurate as speedily as possible a system of education on all public questions tending to this end. 3d, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to our delegates to the State Grange lo present to that body and to the papers for publication. f. F., Master. E. II. Coopi r. Secretary. Cured With On Bottle. Mr. Jordan Baker. Tifton, Ga., had muscular rheumatism for ten years. After using half a bottle of Drummond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism, he wrote to the manufacturera that be waa satisfied he would be cured by the time the bottle would be used up. Ii yon want satisfaction, insist on having Drummond's Lightning Remedy. Noth ing can take its place. Of druggists, or direct, with full particulars, from Drum mood 1 edicine Co., 43-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. Stud horse posters printed at the Coi aiiR office either on paper or cloth. Candidate cards and other job work executed neatly and cheaply at the Cm sir.a office. When baby is teething or feverish, ask yoor dioggist for S'wdm .n'a toothing 1 Powder. Kipant Tihules en re liver trouble. Mrs. J. II., 152 Pacific Ave., Suiitu Cruz, Cul., writes: " When a girl at school, In Reading, Ohio, I bad a severe attack uf brain fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friends urgod me to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have aa Ana a head of hair as one could wish for, being chunged, bow ver, from blonde to dark brown." " After a fit of alcknesj, my hair cams out in couibfulls. I used two buttles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair Is ever a yard long and very full and heavy. I have reconi mended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Bldney Carr, I4G0 Angina St., Ilarrlsbtirg, Pa. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and aiwaya obtained satis, factory results. I know It is the best preparation for the ltnlr that ia made." C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, alaaa. SHIVELY'S - HALL, Thursday Evening, May 10. Grand Debut Concert --NY-'-, MttS. W. P. IIAWLEY. of Oregon City, assisted by The Principles of the Verdi Operatic Society of Portland. Soprano Madame G. Ferrari, Mez. Soprano Mrs. H. Chris man & Mrs. M. A. Lawrence, Tenor Mr. W. A. Askin, Baritone Mr. W. A. CofTey, Basso Mr. John W. Myers, Basso Cantante Sig. G. Ferrari, Pianist Miss Mary V. O'Dea. Director SlGNOR FERRARI t .Tickets 50 Cent. Seats reserved at Huntley's bookstore ', without extra charge. LOCAL SUMMARY. Prescriptions carefully compounded at G. A. Harding's drug store. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent 81 Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his olllce. For job printing go to the Coutt ibk otHca. Lawyrus' Bkikps and Foldkhs printed at the Courier office. Teacher's monthly report cards for sale at the Courier office, 50 cents a 100 J. Kober, the Seventh street baker, received a fresli lot of imported delicious I.i in burger cheese, and cream cheese the choicest in the city Just the tiling for a palatable lunch. Received at Charman A Son's a large invoice of wall paper, latest and pret tiest designs. The Courikr sent until after the June election to any address for 23 cents in advance. James Thorne & Sons, Abstracters of Titles. Notwithstanding the unfinished ab stract indexes we started for Clackamas county have recently passed out of our hands, the abstract buaineai did not, and we therefore desire to say to our old patrons and the public generally that we are still in the abstract business at our old stand in the Jaggar building, oppo site Huntley's drugstore, where we are fully prepared to furnish reliable ab stracts of title with certainty and dis patch ? Drw Competition! Ten loaves of fresh bread for a quarter dollar; 20 loaves for 50 cents and 40 loaves for $1 at the Seventh Street Bakery, Jacob Kober, Propr. TAXES MUST BE PAID I Sheriff C. W. Ganoug will keep the books open for the collection of taxes until May Utlu After that date all un paid taxes will be declared delinquent and costs will be added. This is the last and final warning. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. VOTICE 18 HEREBY UIVES THAT FOR THE parpoM of making an examination of all per aona who may offer themselves a candidates for teachers of the achooli of llila oounty, the county school superintendent thereof will hold public examination at the courthouse in Ore gon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, beginning on Wednesday, May 9th, 1W4, at 1 p. m. Hated tide 2th day of April, 111. II. 8. GIBSON, County School Superintendent. Oregon City Market Report. Wheat Per bo. 4'ic, bulk (without sacks OaT-3K$r! ft bushel, with licks. Floue Roller f2 70 per bbl, net Eoos 10c Bums toe a roll, country VstL-ej;e dreaaed Chiciims S4g 1 90 a doien Bsir On fooLeows !c: rteera VCr.rtr; Se dreaaed M OTTOS 1 902 2 V thousand. Laid 12He V pound. HiDEa Oreen.Sc; dry.trellla); one-third of oreulled. Sheep pelts, VaS0e Hat Timothy, 12,eloTer tit, baled. DailD Faorrs Prunes r: apples 5a)6e; eery dull. MiU. Feed Shorts 117. Bran lie; Chop IS; rejected wheat, M) eenls V bo Pose aides 12c, shoulders e, bams 13r; on fool Ie: dreaaed s,e. Potatoes !iOe stack, Onto.s-11.25 per 100. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. FOR STATE PKXATOR JAKES THORNE Regular Democratic Nominee FOR STATK SENATOR GEO. C. BROWNELL s Regular Republican Nominee FOR JOINT SENATOR E. RUSSELL (of Clackamas County) Regular Democratic Nominee FOR REPRESENTATIVE DR. W. E. CARLL Regular Democratic Nominee FOR REPRESENTATIVE MARTIN ROBBINS Regular Democratic Nominee FOR REPRESENTATIVE JOSIAH MARTIN Regular Democratic Nominee FOR REPRESENTATIVE GEORGE RINEARSON Regular Republican Nominee FOR COUNTY JUDGE J. S. RISLEY Regular Democratic Nominee FOR COMMISSIONER GEO. J. CUKRIN Regular Democratic Nominee FOR SHERIFF if C. W. GANONG Regular Democratic Nominee FOR CLERK W. B. STAFFORD Regular Democratic Nominee FOR CLERK GEO. F. HORTON Regular Republican Nominee FOR RECORDER A. W. SHIPLEY Regular Democratic Nominee FOR RECORDER S. M. RAMSBT Regular Republican Nominee FOR TREASURER A. J. WASHBURN Regular Democratic Nomime FOR ASSESSOR S. R. GREEN Regular Democratic Nominee FOR ASSESSOR J. C. BRADLEY Regular Republican Nominee FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT R. S. GIBSON Regular Republican Nominee Bipans Tabules cure contipatto. Bipans f ahules cure bfllonsneM. THOS. CHAiEIIVEAISr & SOIT CHHENOERSOfUCtrt UmiRfOSWOOLHOWI SHOfJ toca V rKlZE ATWOrLOSfAllfj, MAMMAJrVHlf IS ITTH E SHOkJUT CIU KAVETHt lONtfiTLEGtSr SHOES FOR OLD AND ORDER Send for Trice Martin & MARKET STREET, 8 IF YOU WANT MY ' (ROID)5 Clothing of the OR TOTIOIsTS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. FOR SURVEYOR FRED HESSE Regular Democratic Nominee FOR SURVEYOR D. W. KINNAIRD Regular Republican Nominee FOR ATTORNEY, JUD. DIST. NO. 6 E. F. DRIGGS Regular Democratic Nominee FOR JUSTICE, DIST. NO. 4 W. A. HEDGES Regular Democratic Nominee K - C. D. ft D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW OPFICE, REAR OF COMMERCIAL BANK Oregon City, Oregon. Geo. C. Bkowniu. A. 8. Dsiwia. Browned & Dresser, Attorneys at Law, Office One Door North ' Canfield it Hunt ley' i D '., OREGON CITY, OREGON. W. CAREY JOHNSON, LAWYER. CORNER FOURTH AMD MAIN BTREETU, Oregon City, Oregon. Real Estate To Sell and Honey To Lend The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business Loans mads. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys and Bella exchange on all point' In the United States slid Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received sttbfect to check. In terest at usual ratea allowed on time deposits. Bank open (rom A.M. tot P. M.l Baturdaj evenings Irom S lill 7 P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, F. E. DONALDSON, rrealdenl. punier CITY VIEW NURSERY, CANBY, OREGON. All Varieties Fruit Trees For Sale. J. A. COX & SON, PROPRIETORS. Oregon City Transportation Co's STEAMER "RAMONA." TIMB TABLE OREGON CITV BOAT Leava Portland Leave OrsoonCitt Foot atb St. 0 :00 a. M. 2 :00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 9 :.10 A st. 2:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. Pool Taylor St. 7:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 4:00 P. M. 8:00 a. ki SUNDAY. ll :00a. x. 3:30 p. N. BLANKS! BLANKS!! BLANKS!!! For Sale st the Courikr office : Mortgage, Filing Coven, Bond for Deed, PromUaory Notes, Receipt Books. Warranty Deed, Quitclaim Deed, Circuit Court Criminal Subpoena Teachers' Report Cards, Partial Payment Real Estate Contract, Sheriff Summons, Jury Summons, Copy of Summons, Nolle, lo Garnishee, Answer to Garnishee, Bubpoens, Writ of Attachmenr, Justice Bubpoens, elvd, Juatice Subpoena, criminal finecisl or Drivste blanks printed on application expeditiously and correetljr. MSI. aa aaa fm Y0UNU. MEN'S BOOTS. BY MAIL! List and Samples to nolgras, AN FRANCISCO, CAL., Latest Patterns, in Livery and e Stable OREGON CITY. OREGON. On the Street between the Bridge aitf the irepei. nnnkla ,M .1,..!. .1.. .-A ..AJI. I. .. nu at tuo iuwm ram,ano Bcvrrs. also connected with the barn for loos stock Invlnlnnn.tlnn !.. - L,H, . promptly attended to bv letter or person. UUKBKS BOUGHT OB BOLD FRANK NELD0N, Curi and Locksmith. Adjoining the Noblitt Stable, OREGON CITY, OREGON. All kinds of Firearms repair) and cleaned. All klada oi smal maomnes repaired. Duplicate k.jrs mailt (or all kinds of loeka. (June and Pistols bought and sold, BICYCLES REPAIRED. FRESH STOCK! CHOICE GROCERIES ft PROVISIONS. Obtain your family supplies at the Grocery, just opened, on north east corner of Seventh and Center streets. Prices as low as the lowest. 1 k 3 an A iuuuuy rniuuvo jjusgaL Flour and Feed For Sale. J. A. DUCK, Prop. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUBB IN TBI CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. President, ' Thomas Chaimak Oio. A. Hasdims K. 0. Cauhilb Charles H. Cauiiiid . Vice President, Cashier, Manager, A General Bunking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject loC'beck. Approved Bills and Notes Dlsccunted. - County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Hecurtlv Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available In Anv Pari nl lka World. Telegraphic Exchange Bold on Portland, Baa Francisco, Chicago and New York. i merest rata on Time Deposits. us agists or . THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. L. M. ANDREWS, M. D. DRALIR IN Drags, Notions, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, itc. Prescriptions Carefully Ceapeiidetf. Shively' Block, Cor. of 7th A Madison St., Oregon City GEO. A. HARDING, DIALER IN IP IR, IE Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window Glssa. Preuriptimt Accurately Compounded. Harding's block. MARR & ROBERTSON HAVE NOT SOLD OUT But have only moved to more commodious quarters. They are now in a better position than ever to wait on their ever increasing trade. FULL LINE OF FAKCT 1X3 STAPLE G2CCES1XS, FRUITS, TEGS TAELES.4C. Farm Product asd ProrUIcas. Note the New Address : SeTenth and Center Street, A. O. U.W. BUILDING.