Oregon Citj.May 4, 1894. Democraticjtate Ticket. For Conretsman, lat District, 3. K. WEATHERFORD of Linn. For Governor, 8. GALLOWAY ol Yamhill. For Secretary of State, CHARLES NICKELL of Jackson. For Treasurer, TII08. L. DAVIDSON of Marion. For Supreme Judge, A. 8. BENNETT of Wasco. For Attornoy General, W. II. HOLMES of Marion, For School Superintendent, D. V. S. REED of Lane. For State Frinter, JOHN O'BRIEN of Multnomah. TIIK OREAT MISER))' STRIKE. East of the Rocky Mountains, I'.'VOOO coal minors art) out on a alrike. The Chicago Rerun! tliti explains Ilia nllu- ation : The claim of the coal inliiurs is that too much coal is mini'il, that they mui't "go out" to red iicu stocks so that tliu coal dealer may deniand a hinder price (ur his coal and thus he may net more money both to put In his own pocket and give to his opuratives. The '"'" lion of what the consumer, who f'ir ulshes both the mine owners' pMi' and miners wages, will hnve to isy lor the coal he usus cuts no lignre In the calculation. Well, why not? It is simply the same argument upon which a high jiroiuctiv tantr is basecl anil II it is sound lu one case it it sound in the other. Keep nut foreign made goods, thus reducing the supply, put on duly to increase the cost to the consumer thut tho manu facturer may hnve larger profits to put in Ids pocket, which he may, or may not, divide with Ids employes. Tho high tariff is a sort of perpetual xtrikn, while these disturbances among work ing men are oidy periodical. The law For Attornoy, 5th Judicial District, E. F. DRIGG3 of Clackamas. Member Equalization Board, 5th Dist., W. B. ADAIR of Clatsop. Democraticjounty Ticket. For Senator, JAMES THORNE. For Joint Senator, E. RVSSELL of Clackamas. For Representatives, DR. W. E. CARLL, MARTIN R0BB1NS, JOSIAII MARTIN. For County Judge, J. 8. RISLEY. For County Commissioner, GEO. J. CURRIN. For Sheriff, C. W. UANONG. Tug republican party throughout the slate will strain every nerve Id elect miijori'y of the legislature In order to secure the reelection of Mr. Dolph or "i republican successor, and money will bo ludiclously spent by the "inachinu" to that end. The democrats have no fut corporations fed by special legisla tion to draw from, and in comparison with the republicans i re short ol fiiiuU. Campaigning wiih lh.ni Is ' uphili" work. If the democrat and pnpulils and Independent republican could jointly elect a majority ol the legislature, the victory would be a glorious one. No republican would then he rent to the I'. S. senate. W ill this county must attend to our oioi knitting. II the democrats, by hook ur crook, can dclo.it tho republican legislative ticket, Messrs. Ilrownell, Mintle, Kiucarton and Smith, they will have secured a victory whoso results will have, intyhu, an iin.iorlii i t effect on national legislation. Tim oc casion is a momentous one. Tim prize W, For Clerk, B. STAFFORD. For Recorder, A. W. SHIPLEY. For Treasurer, A.J. WASHBURN. For Assessor, 8, R. GREEN. For School Superintendent, 0. Y. DRAPER. For Surveyor, FRED HESSE. ' For Justice, District No. 4, W A. HEDGES. For Constable, District No. 4, E,' T. FIELDS. ol supply and demand, under which in great that it is worth striving for business Is most profitably carried on. is i (,Vtl) niJt,r ()ll ,mvii,l,;ijvt U) w tiii-h of little consequence so long ss a trust . , or a strike can be relied on to change democrats aie subject. I ..rhaps the nalurnl coniWti'jn of things. they can elect at least a part of their Suppose tho duly of 75 cents a l'n Icginlalive ticket. was taken oil Canadian Hiid clonial i, l coal. It is easy to see that the entire ( ;Ai.i.atim. Ph., April in. The public Atlantic seaboard cities could readily , chool directors of (iallulin, t'niiiliriu supply themselves wilh bituminous . cuiinly. have been retrained by a coal without making any demand on the j iiniimiy jnjiinelion, granted hy Judge mines of Pennsylvania, which is th'i j,,rkel, at ijolliduysliurg. to-day, Irom home of the strike and the point from employing six Catholic nuns as teachers which it Is manipulated. ! jM the schools. It is evident that the Americ .il work- I T , M , , u ,.,, inginan Is learning some of tho practices . of the trusts, and that he is making a i injunctions. Toe A m an public thorough use of the schooling he bus school is n putely secular iri.-tit tin'.ni , us been having for many years, hut the ! .), , uliy fytem of ciliienli.ni m shoe on the other r,mt" Is not rehshe. b , j( CHtMk.t ,.V).,y ,.,, r,.(, . by the men who have so long used. ' , , , ,, . the American lohorcr ns an liislruinent i nized this fad. uud acted in accord nine for filling their own pockets. therewith, they would bent lit them selves far more than hy any zealous acts CIRCUIT COURT-CONTINUED. E I lloyles, dig l.t;. TAX REFORM. In New Zealand a revolution has been made In taxation with very fortunate of aggression which aroiro hatred and bitter antagonism in zealous Prole -tauts. The public school is not an results. Capitalists predicted that the j ideally perfect Institution, iKilwltlistium change would ruin the colony, hut the Ing. in this us well as in every other contrary proves true, her credit being , public function, the church and the state TUB COMMON WBA L ERS. The people of East St. Louis unsuc cessfully tried the "industrial" test on General Frye'a "industrial army." It happened that there wag an extensive job of digging to be done in East St. Louis, and this was offered to the army at the pay of $1.50 a day a man. The distressed army promptly refused it. In California the indignity was offered to passenger bolter to-day on ti e London money market than that of any other Austra lasian colony. The present direct taxes of New Zealand consist of a Inn 1 lax and an Income tax. Of these, the land tax brought in 11.500.000 lust year and the income tax lilo.OOO. There is no tax on personal property, or on Im provements on real estate under the value of $15,000. Nobody w hose prop- artv la lint u-nrili AVor i''.r,n(l tllivu nnv . ..ii in i.l.i... l ..! I ' peiises oi ni mi. in nuiueia in iiiiiiii.i.i-i ( - land wortli over flJ.j.OOO are subjected to graduated taxes in addition to the ordi nary land tax. This supplementary tax begins at a little over one-twentieth of one per cent, and gruduully increase: to fU of one per cent, on estates valued r.t 1,030,000 or over. Persons who have lied outside the colony for three years or more are subjoct to an increase of 20 per cent, in their land taxes for ab senteeism. The income tax is levied on all incomes which, after deducting re turns from mortgages, rents and the use of the land, exceed $1500 a year. The result of these exceptions is that there were only 34 48 Income taxpayer I last year, and 'SM firms and corpora- lions paid nearly two-thirds of the f.'iO.'i.OOO received from this source. must he kept separate and distinct, with- out an inch of favoritism, to any form of Christianity or any political party. Tiik Coxey I'm sco at Washington on Tuesday was preceded hut a few days by uhout lOOO Philadelphia workiugmeti, members of a protective tariff lenuue, who went I'l a body lo protest against the passage b; congress of the Wil-ou bill, and there is little doubt the ex tho demonstration, wh cli must have been several thousands dol lars, were paid by protected in inufati turersand the republican i rgauizalion of I'fii us v 1 vii ni n. The whole affair was originated uud carried out by the repub lican politicians for party purposes Naturally, Cuxey's army went to Wash' ingtun to also ask protection. Two of their leaders, Curl Ilrownu and Christo pber Jones, were protected by being shoved into jail Hi ate of Oregon vs missed. Mis I. iiella Mcl'arland vs John land, dismissed. Kllle Junes v It L J utes, ('has E Itunyon to report the tesiiin my in tills case . Ouk drove L A I (" v (J B Hurrcll, referred to C II wholes to t'lko testi monv. J II Bridges vs llerm'iia Artult, i.j. (endai.t in default and in irtg igo to Ih foreclosed ; defend nit oes plaintiff $.117 and Interest. Dennis Sullivan vs Pan M Trnccy, demands of plaintiff having b i com. plied with the action is dismissed. W J Taylor vs M J llroilcrick, it ap pearing In' the court thai the defendant is ill and tumble to appear at the trla', and that he consents to pay the costs ol the plaintiff necessarily incurred in bringing his w itnesses into court for the trial, it is therefore ordered that tho trial of this case be continued until ug tin set down Cohen, Pavis A Co vs Olscn A Louis, execution hv default agaoist Frank J Louis lor $102 47, besides '."j years' in terest and costs. State of Oregon vs Win Wallens, in dictment bv grand J.irv fir linirll dentistry without a cerlill -.lie Iioiii the State Hoard of Denial Kxaminers; con tinued till next term John I. mid vs Win Neeves, litle to property held by plaintiff quieted as spoils' defendants. State of (liegon vs (ieorge (irosboiig, Verdict delivered by the j try on .Sunday ut 5 o'clock p. ni., "We ihe Jury in the above entitled action Hod the defendant guillv of assault only." Fine of 75 paid. II 0 Stevens vs II M rootee' ill. mor gage foieelo-ed on account of debt of $.)IH) and interest. All jurors in alten l i'iee upon r .nrc treio ilia.-harncd Mondsv. exeel t Max Scbulpius, (i W ll iyluu, .1 r Kisley and h S WalKei. Mary K Wiiidon vs LJ Fletcher, fore closure on account of debt of $lll0. Portland 'Jen K Co vs J Y llntii)i!irv et ni, upon application of defendants, it is hereby ordered and a-IJiiipM thut the inj'inclioii ordered, In rcitiliMlnio intide, be anil the saiiiH is hereby modified so that the defendants, ami leach of tliem, may have the right lo fish in and about the waters of the Willamette river men tinned in the complaint, and may have the right ami privilegn of lying and fas tening Ihuir nets, appliances and boats nt any place ur point, ut or below the uctuu'l water line of said river. Dan N Trullinger vs Juliet F Trul lingcr, tlie plaintiir lo have unit! June I Itli to pay the $100 alimony heretofore allowed defendant by the court. Adjourned Wednesday ill! Ju ic 11 h. PACIFIC COAST N0T. ) next town in In it refused. Insisting upon cars. In Portland the "army" that sub sequently captured the Union Pacific train at Troutdale with results disas trous to itself, scorned work, some of the men leaving joba at $1.75 per day. In Washington, alBo, laborers left 1 heir jobs to join "General" Cantwell'sarmy, encamped at Puyallup. In these in cidents we recognize the spirit of the well-bred tramp who at first re fused a proffer of imitated Worcester shire sauce, but was finally apposed upon a hnmble representation ol how difficult it was to got the genuine article in this country. In Coxey's, Kelly's and Frye's so-called armies the men that would work have been demoralized by the Weary Wraggles, Dusty Roadea and Tom A. Tocans that are "bums" by choice and profession. These mobs of idle men, inspired by the absurd popu list doctrine that the government must take care of them, are pursuing a vain - phantom In their march to Washington. In Europe fellows with wheels in their cranluma like Racehorse Coxey and Carl Browne would betimes be arrested and put into an icehouse to cool off, and it would have been better for the foolish armies themselves if they had been stopped before they started. California should not be able to dump her poor In to our state, nor Pennsylvania Into New York. The tramp army craze is unfortunate. It can, it seems, accomplish nothing ex cept by the emphasis of numbers call at tention to the fact that tens of thousands of men are idle. The kindly sympathy which the swarms of men receive from the people in their peregrinations ren ders it more difficult for the authorities to dispose of this serious, problem than it otherwise would be. Unfortunately, . the burglar, the pickpocket, the cut throat and the ex-convict march and uivouao wttn tne honest and in dustrious but impecunious mechanic and penniless clerk, and are equally re cipients of the charity of the public and of the free rides on captured trains. There is, however, much good sense hidden in the volume of folly that characterizes the "on tj Washing ton" movement. Heretofore million aires have been granted special fa vors by act of congress, and why should not penniless men be treated with like regard? Isn't it about time for special legislation for the poor man? There has rarely been a time in the last few years when the men out of work in the country have not numbered about half a million. Yet every year an equal number of foreign labore.s has been admitted to the country to compete with them for the jobs that were already too few to go around . It is not surprising, therefore, that wages have fallen and strikes and lockon's have resulted in favor of the employe: The old statement of Cobden is still true When two men are looking for the same job wages go down, and when two boss, s op. THO VSIOS YETERASS. n i n:.i.. t... !..:.. I...- ...t,t. I x . a. unaul i ('I . iiiiiiii 1 1, linn nun- -Wmrt'n'nij, nne--Tmniocrarnr tumui-m! representative. He states In his letter to Dr. Cnrll Unit lie never was more loyal to the principles of lite democratic party, but approaching old uge and ill health prevent him from making the canvass throughout the county as he should inil would if he remniued on the ticket. Josiah Martin, a veteran of the civil war, has volunteered to take the place vacated hy Mr. Bakor. Mr. Martin volunteered once before when the enemy was more dangerous. When a brave stripling of 10 years ho enlisted in the Ninth Minnesota Infantry and served continuously in the ranks until mustered out at tho close of the war In 18115. In the spring of 1888 he left Minnesotii for Oregon City, where ho has since resided, supporting himself by working at his trade of millwright. With two battle scarred Union veterans, Mr. Washburn and Mr. Martin, on their ticket, the democrats ure fully prepared to meet the llaiintings of the "bloody shirt" hy the black republicans, J. S. 1 ihi.ky, the democratic candi date for county judge, has, according to all accounts, the inside track in the race. It Is the opinion of many that tttu contest lies between hhn and Everhart, while others believe the populists will elect Hon Gordon E. Hayes hy their votes for Mr. Everhart, when they will have a lawyer for county juU'n. Mr. Everhart's uprightness an I integ rity in all tho relations of life, aro not questioned by any one, but he is be lieved to be unlit, by reason of his igno rance of the ways of the world ami of business transactions, for tho dilhVult position of county judge of Clackamas county. The people's party committed a wrong against the pulilic an 1 against Mr. Everhart when it nominated him for a very responsible olllje whicii he can not fill oxcept ho have an adviser and director at his elbow, who would want a sulary. Mr. Everhart should have re fused to accept tho uomin.itlon. His friends may say, ho certainly ca-i do as well as the present county judge. That is not the question. The taxpayers of Clackamas want a man that will do much better, and that is why the demo crats urged Mr. Uisley to be their candidate. Tiik republican policy of protection Is an utter failure, even worse than u fail ure. Alter .10 years of this policy, the country is being traversed hy great crowds of penniless populists clamoring for work and food and more paternal protection in the form of f.iOO.OOO.OOO greenbacks "issued directly to the peo ple." This extraordinary demand from the government, to create a half billion at doll""-1'1! illogical result of such le- Kiniaiiuii-nB yim iwimnj llliiw, mHcn was virtually dictated by tho million aire manufacturers that contributed the boodlo to buy (he fool votes which elected Harrison president. A nkwhi'ai'Uii in Illinois recently brought suit against 4.') men who would not pay their subscriptions, and ob tained judgment In each case lor the amount of each claim. Of these, 28 made alllduvit that they owned no more than the law allowed them, thus pre venting attuchments. Then, tinder the decision of the supreme court, they were arrested for petty larceny ami bound over in the mini of $.100 each. All but six gave the bonds The now postal laws make it petty larceny to take a pa per and refuse to pay for it. Tiik Coxey march to Washington be gan at a most inopportune time for the unemployed "industrials." At this sea son the army passes between continuous stretches of broad fields in w hich farmers are busy and calling for help inces santly, and every many in Coxey's army could find employment at fair wages in a single county of Texas, says tho Gal veston AVirs, It is evident that they do not want hard work. They aro deter mined that somebody else shall do this work, while they do the rest. Tttitoi'iiii the collection of back taxes, Clackamas county has $2o,000 more in her treasury than she would have had, had the republican candidate for sheriff been elected in 18!2, as he evaded ply ing his own taxes. Actings speak louder than words. Mr. Gaming has made every effort to make the tax dodgers disgorge, with results that aro most creditable to him, in the treasury of the county. The two lolv adj ilnuu the Catholic church were sold last week Mnndav un der foreclustire of mnr gage for $152 V P. A. Stokes purchased one for $Sil'l, ami Ned O'Connor the other for $00", The property sold Ihiee years ag- f r .'!000 .turii iVniM. I'. S. District Judtte Bellinger mi Monday discharged the arrested leaders of the Coxey army lliat had eap'u ed the Union Pacific- train at Troutdale and wasrnpluted itself hy V. S, I loops at Arlington, after their solemn promise that they wouldn't do it agiin. Prof. Rudolph, ex-Culholic priest and expounder of the doctrines of the A. P. A., delivered a lecture last evening at the M. E church to a large audience Rev. (i. T Kllis. of the Baptist church, offered a fervent prayer, after which he in'rodiicid til ) spei.lt ir of tin evening, Prof. Rudolph. filter City Democrat. Surveyor-General Byurs has just awarded contracts lor surveying public lands as follows: 1 11 s, r 7 e, to Wm. M, Bushev: I 2 n, r 11 e. to J. A..Mit ,.o:i ; Is 5 and 7 e, r tie, to Messrr ..ri iv.s & Howard; t 32 s, r 15 w, ti '. ,:n Filzhuh; t 40 s, rs land 2 e, !leici ' TVm. Daughtrey is liotne agal ,r ,.. i trip to Portland, Tuooma and V -iy n -r, savs the Pendleton E. 0. Ho o. vs company lias been formed in Portland which proposes to buy st least 35,000 horses. These horses will he shipped to a rendering works and killed. It is estimated that the present low prices of horses will make it possible to sell hides, crease and other portions of the animal's anatomy at a proll', The delegates from southern Oregon to the republican state convention have returned homo, covered wilh glory They succeeded in nominating a narrow gauge man for a big olli.w when thev named Leeds for state printer. He knows very little about the printing business outside of publishing a small country newspaper, and has occupied most of his tune in villifymg his more successful competitors. It is to be hoped that he w ill broaden out and en deavor to make himself tit for the o I lire in case he is elected JuchonvilleTimr. Judge A. S. Bennett of The Dalles was nominated for supreme Indue hy the democrats. A better selection could not have been made. A ripe scholar, a mature judge of Hie law, a man w hose integrity is beyond question, he would hugely dignify the supreme bench by the force and character of his decisions lie was the democratic candidate two years ago, and ran some 110(H) votes ahead of his ticket. There is a Hno.jr feeling among the people that the court should be divided, that there sli mid be at least one democrat on the bench. Judge Bennett will prove a strong can didate. Albany Democrat. Democratic Stats Platform The fnlliiwIiiK Is the pluttorin ulnpitst pt the ill'mocrnllr tute ennreiitmn: Tli reirwiitnllTc of iho driiiiHiraiic party la ronvtuiilim i.emliM mskn tin following rt cUrsllnii at principle! and mciirtt at their platform In the presnnl cKiiiptlmii WucloHureour meiKlhoit.ilho.hm to Iho fun lUiimntal maxim nf Iho democracy, via: "(jnv oniinoni hy Iho iwnple, hnnmiljr and erunmul tally dinlnUterud, Inr Urn rcRio.t good nl tin Kresleit iiionls-r." IV e charge upon I lie rcp'ilill on prly and It rocklesa liKllatloti all llie toll frmn which the people are now aiifTcrlng, and snwrt Hint the low prleua of farm prisiucta, no.e employment of lalmr, general iteprt'snlnii In bail neaaan I tsKiialloii of Indiiiitry, are the renillla nf the iiiijiim and hiirduiiHinia txe, hlirh pro tocllvo lurirt aytlinii, and other clans Iculidallmi of the repiilillcan party, ol which tho demono llnalloiiuf allrerlu 1S7S and the vunlrarllnn of ourciirn-iicy are Inalancea. We believe that all taxation ahiiulil be eipial and ,'nt, that uiinceemary taxation la unjiut taxation, and that Hie wealth of a nation ihiiuld hear lt Just proportion of the bnrdein. of the na tlinial tjot'triiiiu'iit, and that Me are In favor of an inuome tax. We favor the culling of a conatltutlonal con. Vuiitlon, tu aiiliinil to Vetera of the statu a ceu lltiilluii embodying among oilier things what la kimwn an the Initiative and referendum. We again declaro our faith in and advocacy of ui.lliuliiierliiliai.li principle., of the demoerutie party as rcaflirnied by tho Chicago platform. W'e huve an abiding faith and Implicit ooufl. deuce In the Integrity, good faith and patriotism of I'reht.leilt Cleveland, and believe that he will aci'oiiipllh,tofarai In his power, before the clone of hi. term tiff oltliw, all the pledgee ol the deuio 'ralic party contained in die milloual plat form a iopltsi ai i.lilcago In 1W. We einloiw the roieal by cougreia of the odl nun federal ele tlon law, and indorse Ita efforts ill behalf of turlft" reform and to hrlnz about a more prneperoua condition of allalrr. a We favor the speedy ootutriictlou ol tho Nlca- rnglia canal by the govormn.nil and under gov vninivnl upcrvUlon and control. H'u realtlin the portion that hue ever bein 'maintained by the demorratlu parly, that guld and ellver arc equally Hi,, people's money. We are opposed to all inoanurca of discrimination against silver, and demand free coinage to tup- pi) mo ueinuieia ol dukiiiohs, and that all mone; Issued by the government be made a legal lendi: f ir all debts, both public and private . We b. llcve ihill the pension roll ahould be one ot Honor, an. we favor liberal peusloua to sol dlers disabled lu the service of our e mnlry. Vt.'e ttro In favor ot the election of United Slate winter. Iiy the direct Vote of the pe lilc. We denounce the, act of the last legislature wnereey was repcaleil what Is known aa"l'ie Mortgage Tax Law," nd we demand lu ro enactment at (he noxt aesslon. .Vi'e demand that all property shall bo assessed Hills true rash vuluj, and thai there shall be UeUllel'one only for Indebtedness which has corresponding taxable enslll. We demand the cnaotmenl and enforcement of more stringent laws for the protection of the smmun ami sturgeon flshliu Industry. nd II a'-ilUioit of all llshlraps, seines and wheels, and tutor more extensive artlllclal prop.wailou no are ni lavor of liberal appropriations for me improvement or our rivers and harbors, aud llie adoption o( such measures as will tend most ipccuny to llie opening of (lie Columbia uver. Vii! are opposed to Chinese and nil pauper lav migration. We favor a change In the law regulating ti e aiiopu in ol school text Uaiki which will invile healthy competition uud prevout too frequent cuicigcsiii tne same. We ure In favor of laws for the protection of depositors la banks. We are hi favor of the aliolishment of rail road and all other uun.Hennry coins is In.a Wo favor fixed salaries for all public olllceri and the ubullshmeut of the fee system, aud are opposed lo an oltloer receiving mom than his constitutional salary. We condemn as Infamous the attempt of the last legislature to tamper with the purity of our elections by so amending the Australian ballot law as to take from It all Its bencHceut previa Ions, and wo earnestly oppose any change or luodlllcutlonof said law. We declare ouraetves In sympathy wilh the lust dwh lm nf Judge Caldwell, regarding the ni; ol luoor in the recent controversy be 1 1 ;,.,i tlio linlun Pacilio Railroad Company and !i .v,.ployes. :- i ruUa me last legislature for lia waste of . 'I'.'.S.'JT.-'feSSf b7 extra-iaeejit and.ckles ."i.Hl1-n ami lioiu ihe repuuva,?pany Mil i i.a sine rwtiK.nlble for the shameless aud vicious I. 'gtJlMlon of that body, and we call upon the mesi voters 01 tne state to relieve the common wealth of this Incubus upon its Industry and prosperity by taking the reins of power from the hinds of men incompetent and unworthy ser vants. The people cannot hope for Immunity from corrupt appropriations of public money so long as the party in power Is controlled by the combination of spoilsmen which has and will control the republican parly of this state. - What is " 1 1. aeKxwwewsieeiii . i MMgswi s m:i murium l.fcAjXX3XXXlfc-h -.v.rf v .Mi. p 1 1. aseiMiMiMeiaMHeisisaa.l Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Knrcotle substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos torla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. " Caatorla Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have) repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." Da. O, O. OaaooD, Lowell, Has. " Caatorla Is the beat remedy for children of ' which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers willconaider tho real Interest of their children, and use Castorla In stead of the various quack nostruma which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. T. KnrcBKLOl, Conway, Ark. Castorla. " Castorla la so well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. AacBxn, M. D., Ut Bo, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians in the children'! depart ment have spoken highly of their expert-: nee) In their outakle practice with Caatorla, and although we only have among our medical auppllea what la known as regular ' products, yet ere are free to confess that the merits of Caatorla has won us to look with favor upon It." ' United nospmL ixo DieranuiY, Boston, Haaa, Allin C. Surra, Pres., The Cantear Compaxcy, TI Murray Street, Hew York City. r'jWyWlWW.WVWVVW.'.'A .Ws' A'.'aNVirV VaWaW I BALD HEADS! What Is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, , hsrah, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has it a ; lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or brushed ? Is It full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch ? , Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of i yoursymptomsoe warnea in urae oryou wiii octomo . iSkookumRootHair Grower! lUwhatyoaneed. Its pradaetlon Is not aa accident, hot emttof!efmtllla J I a. s . -a ii j I a tka klat aae A Mali ft LaWl A Uul alfanOV I lymrcn. unnwiNigi ui uitj uuusiui w . . . err of how to trat them. M8kookuro "eooUlu neUheUiiU i norolii. It i TBADC WARE Is not a Dye. but a dellghtfellj eoollng and relreshlng Tonic. frni'auitUM , the foUielei, U oj Mg hair, sum 4amtruj and grew, Aolresitwld , the eealp clean, healthy, and free from irritating emotioni. br ' ookum &kia. Soap. It destro;! JMrcuillo Hutelt, iirotf in at noir. . - It vour dniHiitcUBflfupp!7txraieBd dlnet to nf, na we jna mnra i i pnpaia, on receipt ot prices ucvwvti a,w yvt wvw - i per jar t iur 4w. THE SKOOKUn ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., 07 Houth Fifth ATna, Vw York, n. 1 keadM. thft us of and de$tny th hair n DEATH j HAIR (HHtantly remove and forever destroy! objee tiimnbte hair, whether upon the hamitactt amis or nri'Jt, without (iiiiciiloratioii or fiiyury to the moni tle.lieate akin. It whs fur fifty yours llie secret formula or KraHmua Wilson, acknowledged by physicians as the highest authority and the moat eminent dermatologist and hair specialist that ever lived. During his private practice of a life time among the nobility and aristocracy of Europe he prescribed this recipe. I' lc, 1 by mall, securely packed. Coiretpem etence. confidential. Hole Agtjre for America. Ajlilresa.--; ,. : Y' Ii! no oKuvauui nuvi nair arewvr uv-, Dept. R,. 67 South Fifth Avouiie, Ker York. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tiik republican vtrtury in tlm iniinii'i iul clt'ctinn of Albany, X. V., is dmi to the asslstani-o ol thu Hill in of the ili'iiiniTiitii! parly, ii'suliing in tlie nvi'r throw of Albany's ii'gnlar lttnot-rat c orifuniz ttioii. As tin! rculiliian It-uis- litttira ot Now nrk ifave Kunuinr Dave Hill a votu of thanks for liis recent api'tH-li in eiinitri'ss, he in iy now uonsiil er hiinsflf fully installiil in the republi can party Th 313 I'lerfynien coinprisiti); the1 Xew York Kast Confcrenee of the Meth- i odiat Ejiiseopal Church, in session nt! Brooklyn dttrinj the first week of April, i are men possessed of w isdom and ijrit, j not afraid to express just demands open- J It. Thev nlaced th cmselvpa mi ra...ir,l I ( - f.M lu fniinilllll achoola by petitioninif Ihe legislature to pass the following amendment to the constitution ut the state of Xew Y and aubinit the same lo Ihe people for their action at the ensuing election : No law shall be passed respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, nor shall the atate or any ennutv. cilv. town. vill ur , or other civil division use it pr.merty or credit or ar.y money raised Iiy tax ation cr otherwise, or author either to ue nseu lor tlie purpose of foumlinir. iJriTK it number ol the republican or gans proless to believe that Ihe South is drifting from her democratic moorings, and that there will soon be great politi cul changes. One thing U certain, says the Xew Orleans State, anil that is whether the South drifts from her dem ocratic moorings or not, she will never drift far enough to give the republican party any hope of reestablishing iti Mk. Ganong will, according to all np pearancea, succeed himself as sheriH" of k I Clackamas county, lie has conducted the a Hairs of his cll'ue in a manner so thorough and upright, without tear o.' favor toward any one, that he deserves reelection. He has collected $3,000 of delinquent taxea lelt over by his repub- i Kagle Creek Mean predecemnrs, Clackamas Milwaukie Oswego Xeedy Mariptam Soda Springs. . . I'pper Molalia Lower Molalia. Milk Creek. . lieaver Creek Viola Hardiugs . . . Iiamascus Sandv J A Thayer to J G Fehler, 30 as f Charles Walker donation claim No 43; fVM). Do to Mary A Peltier, 30 aa of U Walker donation; foOO. Susan B Crookahunka to Susan Ter mitdow, as of A V Smith donation ao 03; ifl.'UO. Susan B Crookahanks to Sarah Cook, 20 as of A. P. Smith donation; 2000. I'hoehe A Gilbert ami Susan K Crook shanks et nl to James 11 Crookshanks, 10 its 1 1 A I' Smith donation; $2000. Win Jolin-ioii to Kd Ltjimeti, i, of lif.14 ol sec 17, t b s, r 3 e, Su its; illMK). .! 1- r.wing to b Uiiiyam, n i of ne y4 01 eec jz, 11 s, r o e, w as ; f z W. S It Lanipaiigh to Henry mid Andrew Fulirer, sw ,'-4 of lie so J4 of uw l4 i f sec 31, t 3 s, r 5 e, MU us, 000. Bond for deed. J S Donaldson to (Irani Soger, ne '4 c ( nw ut sec 'JH, 1 1 a, r 3 e, 40 as ; tl . J W Boms to C K 1'eiise, lots 1, H, 3, 4 hlk 14, Boots add to Marshfleld; $2 0 to he paid in iimtullmeiils in two years. Poiiliind L Co to Sum Marrs. unit- claim to 2 ; l 12.50. O & C B B Co to S K Carlson, so V , sec 17, l 5 s, r 3 e, KM) as; $4S0. j J K Cotirtnev to K 1'attersou, lot 10, 'hlk 48, Oswego' 1st add: fl. I Tom .Martin and J I'olsen to J T Grace, l.'!A hi ids in sec 28, t 4 t.. r 3e e; 1. O Ci'y BE & L Co to Joe Herlitzka of LaCrosse, Wis, lot 8 hlk 0, Annex add to Or City ; $123 in 22 payments. C C Adams to J A Thaver, 80 ns of C Walker donation claim No 4:!; $400. C L and X C Brush to J X Duncan, of 114 as; $1. JKSiidham to X Bichardson. 50 as in sec 2D, 1 3 s, r 2 e ; $2ikH. KlizabeUi Henrolty to Ktitma 11 Mil lard, frs of lots 17, 18, I'.), 2J, blk 138, ext Oswego 1st add ; $1 . Iloldeu llargrenves toll KCross.tr J, Clackamas rrtitl Lands, on Clacka mas; $1000. John I'oole to Cora C Poole, 81) as in the Jasper and Kos:i and K Gilliam donation claim ; $2000. 1) Kdd Itilleter to (iodfried Moehnke, ne 1-4' of 11 w l4 of sec .".1, ae 1-4 of aw yi of sec III). 1 3 a. r 3 e, 80 as : $2;i00 K E liuick to 1) J Switzer, lots 1, 2 iilkS, S Or City; lot 9 blk 11, Sunset City; Iota 12. 13. 14 blk 10, Park Place, Apperson subd ; $1200. P T Davis to W M Law, trustee. 13 as nf A P Smith iliinutiim I."WM Friday. May I lib, 7:::nl Marv K Ambler to V M Law, 33 as . .Saturday, l'.'th. 7 :.I0 ! of CUi Riehriv claim I.L'jin D Crowley to Herman W ittenbere;, To CONSUMPTIVES Tne tindersiirned having been restored to health by pimple means, after suffering for several years with a Bevere Iiuir affection, and that dread disease Coiiuiiiptlmi. Ih anxious lo make Known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To tho?e who desire It, he will cheer fully send (free of eh ante) a copy of the prescrip tion used, which they will find- a sure cure for CoimiMiptlon, A nl hum. Catarrh, Bronchi tU and all throat and lting Malitdies. He hopes toll suttVrers will try his remedy, as tt Is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blestlug, will please address, , APPLICATION FOU LICENSE. NOTK K 18 IIBKKBV OIVKK THAT I KIIALL apply to the city council of Orriiun City, Ore- f:on, for u siiIimiii Ili'tMise to eontltiiio my saloon iKiated In Oregon Citr, said license to date from May al, im. ' M. II. KLANNAUAN. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. NOTIOK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUB t'N-derslaiu-d, assln'iee of the estate, of Sohuyler Rue, an iiisolrvnt debtor, will sell at public auc tion, at tho rax! door ol tho county courthniie, In tlie eity of OreKon Oily, lu OtueKuinas inimty, statu nf Orciton, on 8aturdtiv, the 'M day of June, 1H!M, at :i o'clock p. in. of said day, to tlie hlxhest bidder fur V. 8. xold coin, to be paid at the time of sale, the following described real property The1 Imth'wwtqWr" "ftiAt1 ihWorHlwA't li,arter (V,) and the west one-half (Si of the southwest quarter ti) of section twenty-s'T , ';,, In township two (2) south, ranue four (4) ,t of the Willamette meridian, certiorate No. a iti- rdieatloii No. IttKti, and contaiiitiie IM ai rvn of anil, more or less, situate in Clackamas t'.'imy, Oregon, together wilh the tenements, heii'dua menta and aiipurteiiaiifes thereunto belnu-uiK or in anywise appeitaliiine;, Haid abov,. de scribed premises will be sold as aforesaid, sub ject to the balance due on a certain mnugiiBr aicaiuat tlie same, the said balance nf said i.ion- Rune being about one thousand (siiiio) iiot ni J. K. T. B. 1IKKNTANO, Assignee of the Estate of Schuyler Hue, an Insol vent Debtor. Union April is, 1MU The Working Class Xo matter w lint niiiy lie the result ol llie Co.vy movement, the lesson it Ima tiuiL'lit is one which alioulil nut he lost upon the country. It is lllleil with the possiliiliticM of wiiK'stneml ilHtis-er and disaster only because it hits the coun tenance nnil can eommiiiul tne active support ot elements; which feel them set vts in s.tmpattiy with any move ment promising a renter recognition of the t.iird estate Anyelt'irt to overbear and oppress an element in the p ipuhi tiou of this country must necessarily reiiet upon those who attempt or nnp port it. There has never been justi Men tion for the persistent attempt of the hist few years to detirude the working class. Hint clns in this country is very largely a class of liomeste.nlers It has interests in common with the other element of society w hich will hold it true to the social compact so lonu ns i'a eipial interests are recognized and con ceded. ,S7. Limit Hrpitblic. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned J lias been duly appointed ly the Hon. J. . Bid-1. drum, co.iutv Judge ot Clackamas comity. Ore gon, as administrator of the estate of IsaHC Frost, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hotitled to present tin same properly verified lo me In Oregon City, Urcgon. within six months from this date. IIIHAM KTKAKHIT, Administrator alormald. C. I'. A li. C. Latoi'rkttk, Attorneys. Haled April law. MOTICE IS HEREBY (IIVEN THAT I WII.I H on the Hull Cay of May, IK'.U, at II) o'clock a. in., at my livery aiuniv on nevenm Htrett in Oregon City,Clackainas county ,On gon sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand, one dark bav mare, four years old, the property of Harry Trenibatb, lo ralisfy a Hen that I hold aga list the said animal for feed turiiL-hed and labor bestowed on tliesalil animal at the request oi tne saui uarry irenioaui. ine sain lien umouutiiig to tlie sura of $1!!, with costs of sale Hated May -', lsirt. f. Jul'I.IN. Under the Knife Of the surgeon there' is no more aiitite fiiifleiinic than people endure every duv with rlietimatisia. Distorte I nnd with ered limbs mark its ravages everywhere. Dr. Drununond's LiKlitnin Itemedy for Kheiinintism has a remarkable record of cures not only re!ieviii tlie pain, but restoring all the functions of the crip pled limbs. There is no reason for any one to suffer longer, when this wonder ful remedy affords audi certain relief. If your druggist lias not cut it, write to the Drtimnionil Medicine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. THE CANVASS. The democratic candid.itcs w ill ad dress the voters of Ciack iin is county in tlie outer tmlica eil as lollows Harlow Cnnbv. ....Monday, Utli, l :,tt) . . . Mon If KiiiK Solomon was alive he woulil now say: ."tin to the traveling man. learn Ins wrnis, anil be wise " Air. C. W. Itailell, a Cincinnati traveling man. represeiititiR the (jueen City Printing Ink Co , after suffoiiim intensely for two or three ilays wilh litiueness of the shoulder.', resulting from rheumatism, completely cured it with two applica tions of Cbamberhiiirs fain Balm. This remedy is Kinnlnif a w ide reputation for its prompt cures of rheumatism, lame back, sprains, swelling, ami lameness 50 cent bottles fir sale by ti. A. Hard ing, drmrgibt- Onlorml on Trial. Oak i. ami, (.'ai.. About two years I or dered from .I. K. (iatea A Co., San Fran cisco, a bottle of Simmons Liver .Regu lator on-trial, and so satisfactory has been its use in expelling bile from the system and regulating the action of the liver that Ironi an order of one at a time the order lias risen to a dozen hottlex at once. It. V. Lawrence. SHEKIKK'S NOTICE OK SALE UN DER FORECLOSURE. N THE CIRCUIT COl'RT OF TIIK STATE OF Oregon, for the County of Clnckiimns. II. C. Htevcne, I'lnlntiir, l vs. J. W. Thomas, R. K. Thonias, A. V. Oco-, bock, and Thomas Charm iin and t'. If. Charmiin, copartners as Thomas Char- J mail A Hon, befenilanl. J 8IATR OF OKKIInX, ( County of Clackamas.) UOTICE IS HKKKBT (ilVEN THAI" BV VIR A tile of an execution uud order ut sale Issued out of the circuit ccurt of the stal-i of Oregon tor (lie coiiuiy Ol cinrKainas. m-ariiig mile llie ?nn day of April. Ism, in ii suit wherein H. C. Stevens waa plrtiiilttl an I J. W. 1 humus, It. tt. Thomas, A. W Ouobock, and Thomas charuian and K. K. Cliarman, copartners ns Tliomus Charinan & Hon, were defendants, commanding me, in tlie name of the stute of Oregon, that out of the real tale hereinafter described, to realize a sum sutnclent tn satisfy the demands of said decree. t-vrit: KXiT.'fl. together with interest on the aame since said decree was entered at It) per cent, per annum, ami a:so the coeis nl and at tending this sale and aa attorney's fee of l.'sj. jnw. therefore, in onemeuce lo sue , uecree. I did, on the 'ilth (lav of April, 1MH, duly levy up ou. and will, on Salnruav, the 2d day of Jnne,lSH ... tl.A. h.. nl mta n'..lfl,.l. n ... nt bIH .1.... at tlM front (hair of tlie coiirilioue in saij cuunty. tifler fr .ale at public auction, an I sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash hi hand, all if the right, title and Interest the said deien dama hat uu tlie sih day of Ociolier. lssl, or at any uine since, ui ami to tne loii.iwing de-scrflM-d real property, lo-wit: A portion of sec tion 'Mat towiwiip 6 iHiiith, range '1 east nf Wil lamette meridian, described as follows to-wit: Beginning at a point where tlie county road lead ing from .Molalia prairie to ttcntt's mill crosses the snath boundary line of said section 20, said point being the center of said road; running thence east i Rids: thence north ll.i rods; thence west 2n reds to Ci-nter of said couutv road: thence south along said county road to pi ,ce of begin ning, containing 111 acres, more or I ss. Haled this 4th day ol May, ism c. W. UAXoNO, SherllT of Clackamas County, Oregon. day, Mlh. :.;0 4iXI aa of .losenli . .. inesoav, miii. , :.,o rinnn; JIU.0W. rt'ednesdiy, liith, 7:.UI Samea Fitzpatrick to J W Montavne . Iliursil.iy, 1 tli. I ::!0 -Thursday, I7th, 7:.'t0 rriday, lSih, I :.(l . .. hridav, IStli. 7::io Saturday, lil.h, I :.til ....Saturday, IHih, Monday 2!st, I ::U) sw of sec 12, t 2 a, r 0 e, ltit) as ; f 100, The Astora Herald, a radical republi can paper, says : (.harles .ickell, of (iarlicld Springwater . Ilitfhlaml New Era I ark I lace. Dr S. F. Scott. Blue Right, Harrison Co., Mo., says: "For whooping cough Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel lent." Hy t.sing it freely the disease ia dcliriveil nf all fluniniritiii nwuMnanna. u...t.. -V..'. ' i ": r , - i i uere is no uanger in giving ine Keroe- '' '' dv to babies, as it contains nothing ia Wednesday, 211. 7 jurions .50 cent bottles for sale bv ..Thnrsdii). IMtli. 7:.tt) .. Harding, druggist. ... Friday, 2"th. I :.'!l) I . T r relay, :' ih, 7:J0 ..Saturday, Sith, 7 ::!)' . . .Monday, SSth. I :.M FOR SALE. Eighty acres of fine farm land, mostlv Kellogg donation j bottom, on Woodcock creek, Clackamas county, two miles from Meadow Brook postotfice. Three acrea cleared, 12 acres slashed ; good honae 20x30. Price 800, of which f00 must be paid down, bal anoe two years' time. For further par ticular call at Cot rier ,rlice or address me at Vancouver, Wash. .Mb. A xsa Taylor. NOTICE OFFIXAL SETTLEMENT. rp O AM. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; NOTICE IS nm ill' uie u(M(erBigor((. u aumialS trat.1T of the estate of Andrew 3. Baty, deceased, baa filed his final report in the)rniinty court of Clacka aaaa cuaniy. Oregon, and Ihe judge of Mid roan bat appan!nl Monday, the 7th day of May, lKM, at lu o'clock a oi, as the time f.ar hearing thereof and the srttksaeal of the said estate. ROBERT DATY, AdmjnUtralor C P. D. C . I.ATorrrrr, Attornryi. Ripaua Tahulcs cure headache. "A wolf in aheep'a clothing" the substitute offered by the "cutter" as be ing just as good as Avar's Sarssparilla. If you don't want t be bitten, insist nr , on having Ayer's Sarssparilla, even if it , is a little dearer. Depend on it, it will I be rhrapf r foi you in the end. m. . ,.l.l mi. -,...- Ji'i'iiT . fraod, had good reason; for he got hold pay ment for service., expei,,.. or in ' secretary of state, ia one of the ablest I Wils.uiville ' WediiedaV' Mi 7-1 1 kell is Orcg n City Friday, June Ni, 7 :: Dswego r-aturdar, 21, 7:3J ...... S R. Oattx. iraoo,naa gooa reason, ior negniuoiu payment lor services, expense, or in secretary of state, i one of lb 0(1 W0.l?hlT n"?'??' K rel"ced;,nJrot,','rraann.''yi'l'Hrch, religions : i.mrnallHts in Oregon Mr Vie ratea." He changed bit opinion, how denomination, or r-f-gious aoeiety of , J"ur-",liH,(' " rt''l,n Mr. .Mi eer, when he began to take Aren'i Sir- any institution, so. ,et . r ondertaaing ent n,n " 18 P,ei aa part I la. It pay a to he earelni, wnen , which Is wholly, r.r in part, under buying medii-ines. tarian or ecclesianic.il i-antr.,;. easure to ' meet, and as an entertainer he has no eijnal. Xickell is all right . " J. C Chairman C. Mchaii, Stvrelarr. C. Coir.nitree. Whea Baby waa tick, we gae kerOattorift. Whea ah waa a Child, ah cried forCaatorav . Whea aha became Jftaa, saw dang to CaaOontw Vaw the had llildrrn, she iswBk faatiaal. A Ia.lr at Toolers, La., was ven sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler. a - prominent merchant of tlie towr, gave .her a bottle of Chamlwrlain'a Colic. Cholera and Iliarrhiet Remedy. He I says she- was well in minutes after j taking the first dne. .For sale brG A. . Harding, druggist. Johnson 1 Idlema , Attys. FINAL SETTLEMENT. I hereby give notice that I have Died in the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, my dual account aa administrator of the estate of John Hohenleitner, deceased: and the court-has designated June 5, lam, at lu o'clock a. m.. as the time for examination and aettlrment nf tlie same. HENRY G A Ns. Administrator. Hated April 13. 11. EAST AND S l V 1 The Shasta V O, llll, SdUiUliUxN J'Ati haVi'Kfa Ir.itu U'wt' 1'irtU Auiiili. ; liTi v.. i l. l "i ti'h .IH!.'. J, let ",kl,h i J Mi 4. A. tt fititt I lie Ml lt ' 'Iho uuitv ii-tiiii ui i r'oUliiiitt ) .th.!)) hi. iiip-.w , i tllttvt lillli.llU, JtfUUU I ivtiu mi II iiii..ii (iiiin i .in hum.. 0 ....in.' IIS . it. I I.I 1.1 ..f IHNINU I'AltS a I ill I . H, V'lair. a. p. on d tii, ii.ni. y I'lillllOMl Oregon nt) Hosi-IMiig . t . l It s Kill I PULLMAN BVPPRT KI.LKPKKS N II SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Alliii lieu lo nil 'I l.li.i i In.li.t. tVealSlilo lllvislon, Hetweei, I'llltl uMi ,,i Lull M.la Mill. nuiN uiii.i i ki kii acNIia v.) MWA.il. 7Z" l-Mltlanb ATjTJii'np. II." VIM I', M I Ar Corvnliir l.v I :lu I'. II, AI Albany ami Corvaliis I'liiinecl with tTaiui ofdregoii I'ai lllc Itallroad. jtesg-s rails mn.v i mtcm-1 siiHint.i l:4nl'. M I I v I'orl'aiin Ar 7.2rtp. t. I Ar McMlnnvlll. I.e NV.'.A.M A''i'A.M, THUOirc; II TK'KETH TO A 1.1. I'.HKTs IN TIIK AfTKHN HTA I'hS, CANADA AM) KI'ltOI'R Can be oliliiliii'd nl .he Innctt ttilea from I.. II. Mimltl.', Atint, On ton I lly R. KOKIII KI' K. I'. IliiCI'lte . Ma MH'i i . Ant I I I A I- I. rnitlauil, Ur Oregon Pacific Railroad Ccmpany I'll . I. tllli, llfmii i-,' Commiiiig wl.li Sr.' ItHllKli" l Imin Vmpili.i and ran Kraiti'lM-n, stiuui-r haves Hmii Kiaicin i, l'.'th, '."Jil and ;:M. Steamer liv, Yaiiiiiia f'fhrusr)- C'.ili, Miinli 7ih, Kill aud -.nib. i Kill us i .ml , March Uighls reservi-d to change nolle.-. piillinjt ll t-e allliollt tot freight and piwn'iiger rales upi-ly lo any Agent, CIIAK. .'. IIKSIUIVS, WIS A ft', Niis. i lo M Mirlel Htnvt, , Hill I'rancl-cc, ii- I'll AS. CI.AllK, lliwlvor, Cnrvalll", Ori'imil. C THROUGH (jj TICKETS eVi - ' aU- - I J - r-ll i w- Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis. Eastern Cities. DAYS to CHICAGO 14 n 1 1 vo tte Quickest to Ct i n U U I o cago and the East Uaiipc 'ta ilvui o ' and ikdiLsaij or r. THROUGH PULLMAN AVJ Ti: ' SLEEPERS, FREE RECLINING '; .. ? ARS, DINING CARS 3 . It. H. CLARK'. (IL1VFK W. MINK. K. KM.KRY ANDKRSON, Itecclvcre. For ratH und general iurnrinnlion call on or uddri'HS, W H. HUULBURT, Asst. flen. Pan.. Agent 2o4 Wasliititfton Hr., cnr. Third. I'OIiTLAND OREUON. Job Printing at the Conrier Office. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT t 1 II ItTA iT. . i ., tno P16" Duflinofl, Com muni ca- Vnr d: CO., who hare bad nearly nhy eari prompt answer and an er Deri an tiom itrlctlv flnnflriontial a t. i r fiffhlS? """""""f Pn tenia and how tb db-f6".'.!?- A1" Mtalogue of mechan ical and sclentlno book, sent free, latenta taken through Milan k Co eAcAiTC ncrtloe in theSclSntiantneHcnJS isteSS Hf w1le'y De'oretne Public with! put cost to the Inventor. This splendid Damr SSUtJ'T' f,"' HlnatratedThS Tb? fK largest gro"1"1 1 nT elmttao work In th! R,$in,n$!!?i"- Sanu;'e copies sent trot. Building Edition, month r, 160a year Htncla copies, liS cents, brery nuiiber contalna dmii tlful plates in colors, ind Pbotoif, of new iTi w th v'mf- enl"'ng oulldeVa fo show U5 " $2 Mlfns and secure contracts. Address Your Stomach DistressesYou aftereatlng a hearty meal, and Urn reault ia a chronic case of Indlgea tlon. Sour Stomach, Heartborn, Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack. RIPANS TABULES S??.'.. fiter' ?'"!'.".- the It luod, and are a Poaltlve 'cin "r ton.iipailo,, sici Headache, Bill sr..,...h ThL. V,"""' ."'""Tuna perfeet d&to,' P-W.nd Kllians 1 atiulcs take the place of an Entire Medicine Cheat, aud .bouie be pitoj --wj ..inn,. Sold by drvmtat or ml by n , Wa". Price, . Two DoUart. THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. ! ttraee St, Mew lark. COUNTY TREASUREU'S .NOTICE. I have sow is sit hasps rrsns APPLI cable to the payment of all warranla endorsed prior to November L lwd. Interest will cease from the dateofthl.no I tie. s. B. t'ALIFF. Treasurer nf riackamaa Lonnir Daled Oref oa City. April ai. IMA Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. FREE MEDICINE! Golden Opportnnitj For SnrTer 1ns Humnnity. Physicians Give Th-ir RrmrdiM to Ihe People-. DO YOU SUFFER? and w wilt send tou Free ot Charwe a rrix. cot'asa of specially prepaml remlii lwt anifwl to ynr ca. WK WANT VOI R BKCOll MFMIATIOS. UfX PAII PIIDC the most nanrnmteddiufwut II L uHll llUnt ".""'""" 'OlrlmfDls f.a- all tliMHMe and ilrformilit arv Mislrn and rVfrntinc, arqairfd hy many yrait' exrM-rirnce, which ellal.lM US to Knarallte a I'nre. lo not despair. . B. We he th y p,, rnr. f,f EriLiraT IFITSI and Oatoih. Htt'ieitu gi?m. Permanenlly localrd. :old nuhlithnl.) Or. WILLIAMS' MEDICAL AND SURGI CAL INSTITUTE, 7I Market St., n rrsieUra, ta Children Cry for Pitcher's Castcris. I.'ipans Ta'mlci enre tad brpath Kiparu Tahtilej : for aour stomach.