I' . .".I ,.'.7.?fiawfcaVei CITY AND COUNTRY. OH I1 ft (I IfV. AI'llll. T. tf TWrillNl'l n.. iuicnir."' ri,in iiv;",i. ' 1 l.'Ol'IIIKH. Or. II i ll -r-rinaur MllllllirlllllOII. I IK' ronav ofkii'KIw. Judg i ii-ih r i'i'Hi' Hlieiin", . It -eiirdi-r, ileM.IIIrr, AMr M-li.ail Superintended, Suraeyir runnier, J. W. aMIiuui llm. . Ihiiliih t!. W llaiimig .H. II. Ilalll.l H. II. ('aim . J. ('. Bradley . II. H lillaaui rSI.in Hmyili It. U llullliall I Hlrliard Sr Oiinniilaeliuiera, tWiii-llua llNJr dimly r.iiirt niwiann llnil Wnlneailajr after BiM a.i.da ufi'ViTjr immhIi. Pr.iliale fmirl iii"l on Hrl Miiiidiijr nf eirrjr "ri'r'.i'ili Clin iimMimiri tlilnl iVmUf li April mid Itr-t M la) In Km I'liiiwr. (IIIKIIiiN I I TV limrMIS. Mayor Hiram Wnlidit ll.-o.mler. ' !'"" ,i.i..r..r k. Nr. C K. Hum Aaatetaor ami CiiliiTlor - K. H. I'allrT Treaanrer H I- ll'dmas ClU All..rne. K-r. I'rlsna rtlrm'H'm ImIciimt, '. ' Blwk,Jr. Nnli'l ur Wnl.T Wurh . II. I""'11 Cur KiikIih'it, D, W. Kliinlard Ouiiiclliin-ii -(!.. AMirliilil, Jr.. II. I. Kelly, 0. N. ilreeiiuiau, .1 J. I'ikiIii'. K. M. Unwell, (linrKi llriMiiililmi, II F.Juiilliir, II. K. Stem-lie I'uillii'll liiii'H nr.1 W.ilmiMliijr nf mtcli usnilli. CUCHCIIKH. Viral C.iiiKr.KH"iil lliurch-ltev. M. Ikuigliertr Pialur Serilrea 1' a. ni. "1 ' I'- "' '"""'"J' Winul arter limrnliiii nlrt. Pram li-elln et.rj VYeillimUt eveiilnil l P- " "jer Min-IIiie uf V. I' 1 . K. every Sunday aiming m U:..U prompt, lir.l ll..illet(.'liUM-li-lle. Cllmaa Pwker, Piieliir K i-rvl.e III Hilndny CoIi.m.I I2:IA t.renliilt m..ito ii'U H-K'Hnr Prayr Meeting Wwliiwliiy i ,., t hlytienanl Mi-ellliR-every Wi-ilni ,Uy 'mnli mmdlli tlral Sunday III III. month. Si i..l.. Church. Oalhollc lle. A. Illlnhmnil. '..i;,r. (in Hunday, Hn-s ill "' Ki iv SiliM 1 UIUII Sfnilim riirH.ic Hck !!. Al .11 ollwr ivM KukIIhIi H.TIIM II.. HllmUy Mi-IimiI : p in. Vwia-n, Afliii'il'i"ll"'"l xilcllup ! T:: p. . H.iliiaiut K..l.iipnl Cluinh -. n. Hvk. l-ii-mr. MiirnliiK Hrrvlcul II: Hllmlny Mrlnil III IK:1A RVi Init Hurvloa l M:UI. Kir1li I.WK llii-rtllig Hmii clv nwilnn ! I'niyw Mwllni Thuwlay vn. Inii at "Ml. rirnl l'nl.yliTln rinirch -n.'V. 0. W. Ollmnry, Ha-lur. HiTiliii II . in mill P. " WilaiHi Km Ul. Y. V.. 0. K. nii'i'la i-Vry HilluUy ..nili't hi au. I'myi-r lwlliilWiiliiii"Uiy fifiilnii biu. ttt-atifrM. KMiiilnllral ilninli, (Ivnimn A. KniKt, I'mlT Pmn'lilni Hmken i""7 lii,rui Hinnlay II m. iul 7 -m p. m. Kalilmili iklnaii ry Binniiiy in m. (J. IturrUlH-m-r, Huiit.) Wwkly I'ruyiT Mcflliig vry Wnlwvlay unilli. Vnllwl Bri'lliri'li CIhiitIi.-Hm. I1. II. William, Paalor. Ht'rvlm firnt ami llilul Huiulay inurnliiiia and III' pr'nllnK Halnnlay liillt III mi'li nuilllli al OrKiili t'Mjr II . I", ami 7 p. m , anil Ilia Unit Hull llUT aflurnuon of mcli ruuiilli at Kallf View. HI. aul'aMinrrli, Kplniil-li'. J. A Krknln.ln. tauiur. NurilcM vry Kuiidiiy at II a. ni.aiul 7iiU p. iu., and Friilay evinhn al 7 1)0 i. in. KtaiiBPllrul Lilllwran Zlnn t iicnlMtlii. M I- lln.y, Uiiatur. iii 10 ni'i'iy hull, Huiulay w IukiI fr Il;llll'i IV;.W.UI and 7::m p. m. Srrvlcoa HiiOa in. HOCIKTIKf. Vn city lanin' t " W - 'jr onlay imiImi! ( mi'li muntii In A. o. I', n. li'Ul on s.vmiiIi Mrwl. All .liiuriiliin Urrtlimn fnnllalhr llivlhil III alli'lld. 'llliilUHa Cuilll! tl. W. . T. Wliitlin'k. IIm'. 11b In.n l,.-li!ci, No. A. O. I'. W.-Jin-lawny Tlmmlay MMilim "l Uil'l t'..l..w'a Hull, Oaai-K;;. VMIIiig bnahma altvaya nnlcmua. J. li. lainpia.il, H. W. II. Slmux. Ilw, M dalla laalKl', Si. 40, A. O. t'. W. MiU nrl anil tliinl Satntdnya In each luonlli at Miuol llmiaf. Vialllnx mi-llibn lllnila widcollli.. T. B. Slipp, H, W. J. W. Tlliiluaa, Hw. Ilatal IhIk-, No. A. O. U. W. Hwla twlnud and third Saturday aVanliiRa Klillil'a Hall, l aiiby. VlaliliiK liruilicra inuda Wftcunia. A, It. Shank, M. v. K. U. lrhuu. Ui. Cliicldiniaa Ualno, No. 7, 0. tl, W. Mwla Aral and l hint Himalaya In aarii limnlli, at Slrlm'a Hall, VllinK Imalirvn wi-lconiu, S. Hulcuiuli, M, W. 0. jt I'nuD, llrt. MUlirlM! I-udK'. No. 43, A. 0. V. W. Mrvlaavi-rjr aaouiid and fuurlli SHinntav of caoli muntii at Wll n.llillla, Or-gmi, Ma Spliullilua, M. W, C. T. Toozo, live. Uri-Kon UU', No. 3, I 0, 0. K.-MPta awry Thtirailar rranhiKat 7:: o'clock p, ni. IntliaOilil ,.ll, ,' Mull, laln irwt. Mi-mlfra of Ilia Onlur r lllnl to alli'lld, J . W. Moffall, N, U, TIliH. F, Uvau, 1(. H. Pilla Kiifauipni.nl, St 1,1, 0 0.r. MH Ural nd Ihlid Tui'iiHn- I at'li nionOi ot (Md frllowi' Hull. Malnl.r.ii.-viMl'ng patiivuli" Ponlellly III Mini lu all-nil ti. I..i..i(iy, t'l 'ff I'lili'laii'li J. A, al.nraai, gcrllic. ( iaMlra, Ho.ici, M.tJ. r. Jiiwu iiiaiiiri.!. Ii.w'i tl ill, tlireyUi errry M i y arrnmK. VMlllit iireilirfn niadi, wi.1. uiiia V. J flilnaai'is N. II. J. f. IlKll y, s , Mllltnmiali 1al No, 1, A. f, A A. M.-lWd. IK t rularr'Tulinni'i-'lU'ii- nu llrt and ihinlSatili.ln.a eauli li ! 1 Hi p ni. B uliren In giaal ajai I. lug are Indira tn aiuiid, I.. U I'mtfr, W. M T. K. Hyall, Sec, Oaweg" Lialga No. 10 1, A. P. A A M, Maata Ilia aaouiidand fnllrlli Sutiirdiiya. Minolta IiitIIwI. II. U. Iltii'a, W. M. li. J. Iluiell, Sen. t'lni-kniuaa t lmpter No. t. U. A. Jl Ri'gnlar mm viK'Hilua tlilrd Monday ol inouili at 7:3U p. in. J. II. Valker, II. 1'. M. Scliulplua, S I'liaiwir Cliapiar, No. as, O. R. H.-Mi-fU In Mu aoniu Tullipl". Mm. II. S. Strnnge, W. M. Ml Ad ilia (J. Ji'imiiig. WIManiella Fnlla ramp No, 1 IS, W. of W.-Moi-t .,- and fourth Tuiy of Un- month at K.of I'. hall. YMllllK Mi-lg libera lliailn wnliP, Itanda, U. C. E. K. .Manlii, L'lerk, Wulif lino UlB, No, 13, 1, 0. t. M. Mla Mon day evauiug at A. ti, V. W. Hull. Vlalilng iiu-iiibura oonlliilly iuritud, J, II. Ho want, gucheiu. Ilnuda PiMt, No. 8, 0. A, B, I)upartinnt of Orogim, Mania drat tliuiUay of each month at A, 0. U. W, Hall, Or-'irou I lly. Vlalilng cuninuliia niwla wi-l. come. W. II. Ulllghimll, Com, C. 0. Wllllama, AdJ, Getifml l'op I'iii-I. No. M, 0. A. H.-MiH't flrat SaturilKy of mcli luunlh at tirauge hut), Mathin, Cniiirnclea oonllully lnvlti-it. J. ". Nvlaiin, Cum-niaudi-r. II. W. tihaw, Adjutant. tlni. Unaik hail, No. tl, tl. A. H., tl.-)airtini-iit of Ori-Kiin. Mi-eta In nchiail houw. at Nwnly on flrat Hat priliiy in inch month al i o'clock p. in. All c.hii. nultf ramie welcnma. Jacob Hpogln, Com. J. Kar apulur, AdJ, Hoaila Riduf t'ori, No. I", Ili-pnrlim-lit of Oif auii M' l'la mi Ural mi" "'"d 'rlaaya of rach imiuth Iu U. or P. Hull. Jlolllbip. uf coipa from almmil amliully wlc ad, lira. H. B. Illabury, l'n. lra. K, b. CVhrall.Tn-aa. lira, J, , Harding,. Soiia of Voti-mna, K, H, Baki'r Camp, No, Ht-Mi-la lil'il anil llllnl TliHnalny evwiiuga ol each mouth. W, i, J,.iuhii, l'a.t, li. O, W.a.d, lat Lieut. AIillIO Wli klmpi, &l blout- I. A. S. (if lialior Cainp, 8 nf V.-Meeta III t. P. hall on M'l'iiml mid li noli tlol.iliiy eli-nlnga of i-hi Ii niiiulii Uin. W. K. Jthana, I'rea. JIM Norn laliff, swy. Achillea I,fali(, N'. .in. K.of P.-Meeta erery Frl, day night ut ilia K, of f, hall. Vlalilng knlKliU liivlte.1. It. U Huliimn, 0. 0, F, J. Loula, K, of It. 4 8. Htar I,odga No. ''. K. of P. MeeU atery Weilliea. lay eTwillig III t'aatle hall. Brolhera Invited. J. K, lllaley, C. IJ . 1 In. Nellaon, K. ol B A B. Canliy Loilga. No SU4, I. 0. Q. T. Meeta flrat and third Saturday efanlnga at Kulght'a Hull, t'anby. Viailing nii-nibera alwaya made welcome, P. J, Col, W. C. T. Mlsa buu Klilltht, Seo. Oawego Lo-h ' ..... IW. I. O. 0. T. Meela erary Friday eve .4 iu net; hall.iu old town. J, I. Hainca ' . .'uhn Kiuae, Sec. FCu i; t, rm Bi.,0.N. (t. Annory, Third awl Main. .sui.e" jJrlll night, Monday. Ki-gular LU-m-aa I'ji-li'itl rlral Xondafaf each month. J. W. ttanoir; i ) i Kellay, First Lieut. L. L. Pi-tiiii(-W...-ii I i' -" i-ifiby Spirit'-' '' Society. Aaaemblea on flrat vfud tlilid ,Snuili. -i .j'a-a'-h month. H. A. Lee, Free dent. aa llalllf I allllp, KecuHing Secretary. New Fra W. 0. T J.-Meetrrlrat Hatnnlay In each . -Month at thalr lull la ktW fcra. Krlen.la of the cauaa invited (u m preaeat. Mi" I any rlohqaon, lira. Matiuau. fret. SI, .Ighn'a Biaui-t. so. ni, i . i oi a. aiwu ,,ery Tuanlaf even.ug al ihelr ha!., curaar Main and reutlt M-ei-ll, lre 'U i-W,. Sullivan, Prea. S, 0. Hieb'-la, Sue, Oregon City Board uf Trl MaU Conn Houie on at-cond Monday Iu . h w nth, Vlaltura w- Icoma, Deo 0. Bioauell, Pre. F. K. Ponalilaon, Sec. ttnby Board of Tle-Meeta at Kniiiht'a Hall, Canbr, on gr-l and Vl,lrd r'll', each monlh Vlalt.ra walcoiue. Viti. Klligh Prea. H. J. Oarrl- UMl, See. MnUlla Orange. No 40, P. of L r-Meela at their hall atWrlghl'a BrUlte cm the aee d falunlaj of aach month Ullll '" mJm,n m"l' Welcome. J. F. Nelaen, Maater. B. H. Cooper, Sec. Tualatin Oiare, Nir I 1 . r. of H.-Meela laatlatn da, of ch mouth M l! Wll.,.,llla. K. B. Henry, Maater. X" 1 " Waruer t,ranga N F H.-Meei fourth gatnrday of aach n,"n .h taH ' C. 0. VV ilUan;a,J!iK- B -Xwg.e Brown. See. BniW.,,1, Cr,e,, S" '1.V.I II -Meeta at their hrll in -J .rn .i.,ai c oir! au i.-ii-y la aali mouth at III l m Vlm I u.ein'-ere ajaMye mm, 4, . White, Ma ter. J. t J-. Oawego Oraiv- A " H -"eeta aeo.nd at. U. liege. See. j Damaaeua Grane S- t.ot H Meeta o. drrt Loua. 8. Young, M -r. T H. F-tkera, Sec. Miatletoe Lodge Sa ,"'' ".T,'?' Vl'Z Tuwlny welling Ma' ' Black J. I, C. of H. Flora pjer, Bee. t Cidumbia Book ml ! Mer ''-- day erf eb m M Ugtaa U,M. 1BV W. "reailaiOi. Prea. Wain" t. Forema. Oeorge brown, B-ntlnuln HiaW -- l I Meeta eetond WadneeAay j. aen-b mood, al faineflc.-et aide '. U-i.Je setanlh and "- Stmifht, Prea. If.gaiin.riMU, -t - i Cataract H Co. No. iA Meeta ani l Tweajby of ' 't mih at lilaracl Eni ". Frk Lewia, ., . n w. Binnaina. roi Tborme, See, aa lloaae : h. T. S. EnTll the thiH To-day f a Lawrence. "1 aonngc. Sec K.tetiai. H. 8. 1 Ripan. rabu'ebfet liver Vic EVENTS OF THE WEEK I'nl.iTir l. KciixiiMV. Ah nil uiitlmr, lleiiiy Wouil Iihh u uniNiiiit riMiiiiuliuii u ml liia eollt tflii'ii i. KMiy rocundy la- gum! in (lib Ml ill n m limit, liuiiily vol uiiih amiili il, " J'lm 1'oliitutil I'Atunuiiiv ul .Naliiriil I, iw" (l.iiu A HlnMiunl. ti. Inn, .Mum., f will, in ilouhli'iily, du iiililll iu fHluijIlall II. Ilii'V will tin (lux m.t ho iiiui'li by u iii-ilunliu iliHpluy ul li'i liiiiciil ur llit-urt'liu knuwli'du ul lliu H'ii'iiru, h liy iiitljii into iittninlivu nun iHipniiir iuiiii tiiu mIuiiiiiiu m tn- clplt'8 wliii:li liu ul llm Ijkhu of liny truu uiiilt'tHiiiiiiiinu ni u ii r ft'iiiioiniu ci i mi i limiH ur ul Hit) imikhi l j I i : ich u( our awljl ilt'vuliiiiiiieiit. I'liu In puiliiiim more nci'ilcil tliitn llnu ilriiH ii illMtincliuiiH und I'Holt-nu rt'UHuiiiiiua j mid lonuinly it io nium Uaufiil Iu tlumtj in. Ml ill uniu( elf liL'littiliim'Ul in tlit'Mt) ni.illuri, lliu in. in- tiul lubun-iM, Hli'iau cuiituiitinuiit und rti'll lif inu in no liuut-HHUiy to the wel- iniDultliu Dtitlu, uii'l wliu liuvu Imin 11 Willi 80 IIIUdlHUIIlllllUlllllI Ullll S.'fllll- iKtic trutili Hint niunt of llieni ure utterly minli-uil butfl uh to llii'ir true itileruMlH anil us iu llicir rlxlilH ami tliiliuH. Tliiit iri Mr. i oud cuiictMiliun ul our plutu- vratiti "coiiilitioii8 :" "Tliu pri'sent 'bo- Cilll B)'HlL'lll' bflllillK in inlnij tliut its abiiM'8 arc no real part uf it iH lliu only out) Unit will Hrrve liiiiiiunily in Iu pi un cut blaiju ul ilfvi'lopini'iit. As wull lit un nrliliuiul hIil'II on tliu buck ul a tur loiku.UB to (riiino any new external order to mill prenfiit etliiual t'oncli(ionn and iit'ceHHitii'8. Tlieie are luuny hucIi arti- lli-ial kiiuIIh priipiiBt'il, each ul wliieh in win runic J to III In fuel, to be a umver- eal punojea, lor exirtniK ills. Ainuiitf tliuiu ure land in cuimnuii, guvermneniui lruiibO lalioii, an iuuuine lux, limited (orttiiu'H, unlimited uilver, Kold m nic- mctallimn, unlimited VetmbHekH,' a high tarill, a low lnrill, free Irudu all I bene and many mure. Without uny artiiimcnt nl present as to the merits or py of Mr. Iluyer, will occupy the cor delnerils of I bene proposed imanuren, Mr bulcher shop in Mr. Buck's build tbu point is only made iu tl is connef- I inifl coiner ul Seventh and Center lion that il is beyond ibelr power and ritniie In remedy existing economic ills. If ever the time arrives when true social ism pure and simple is practical as a form of uoverniiienl, neither it nor any other exiernul M'stcm will be needed. At that lii)(li evoluli liuiry hIul'O every nil can and may be a law uu'o Imnself. Ni.n-iCKistance and tiiiHelllnliness will ten comprise the brief but unwritle.i cude of liiimanily. Al preseut any new and forced artilliial Ira me work would rather retard than aid a natural growth toward more ideal conditions." A Cumino Attraction. The Chicago Lady Quartette in composed uf artists. They gavo an exquisite concert Inst eve niUK befure a goudly audiencH. The se ed ions were varied including the sim ple melodies w ith the clas-dcal, and the execution was simply superb. Kncore fullowed em: re with certain sequence, fur lhecharniinr young vocalii-ts won the jieart of every auditor in their yery first effort, mill, they refuted to release a soul thus iniprisioned until the last number was sung and it was fitting" and nppro-piiat'.- 'Ifnme, Sweet Ilmne." There were solus as well as quartettes and tliu fact was exemplified that each member uf the quartette is a finished solo artist. SI. I'a ul Daily Ohilie- In Imperson ation MUs Cornelia Neltnor U without a peer while ull of her work is very tine. SfuiY Juurnr.l, Mudieun, M'i. HI e possesses Just enough enthusiasm and reveals a fine appreciation of wit, thought and beauty. It gives me pleas ure to stale my own delight iu her read ing Vo David Swing. VrUic,Chicaijo. We consider Miss Neltnor tbe finest reader that ever appeared in Harwell Hall. '. M. C.A. uf Chicago. Miss Ndltnor's marked ability as an impei 8 iiiiilor has won fur her a host of admir ers in the twin cities. St. Paul Pioneer Vr. This quartette, assisted by Miss Xellnor, wjll appear in this city fur one nigdtt only, Tlmrg lay. May 3d, in Shive- ly's opera house. Hinge wishing, to s'oend a uleHuunt evening listening to singing which eteryono can understand i..oiiiii not mlsa tins rare opportunity Tickets at Huntley's book store. Tub Kussiak Evii.g'g Opinion Gal vani, who was a prominent figure in the Hint people's parly state convention held in this city, is out of politics. He said to a reporter of the Sunday Wel come: ''The populist party of to-day is not what It was w hen I was at tne lieatl of it in this state. I most emphatically denv I hut I have been turned down. I withdrew uf my own accoid, and have no desire to uiraiu llnu re prominently in that party. When I took an active in terest in polities ihe people's parly was composed of men who were figditiiiK for principle. Now look at it. It is made up nearly entirely ot sorehead oiilciists from the other parties who have nu other object in view but to leather their nests wilh down iu the shape of fat anil easy olllces. I never made a cent out of polities; in fact I went broke, and was compelled to go upon my farm iu Washington tinunly and live I it in no without funds. Mv ranch is iml paying inn uuylliing, and 1 cannot sell any properly, so 1 am here in Portland now trying to get a job until things pick up I haven't been lieutetl jnt exactly right, but am still a believer in the true principles of the paity. However, 1 don't gu nmcli on the crowd thai is now in il." Say. Twj lln.i.ioss Monn Hurry Watson, a populist, will lecture in Money at I'm e's ball un Friday eve ning. April 27th. He adv icales the speedy inci p ise by the government uf the total of gold, silver and paper currency in circulation to f 50 per capita, ur in round numbers, to U,2(H),000,000. The money in circulation, outside of the government treasury, Is now ll,700,i 000,000, and, besides $700,000,000 is in the Ireasuiy. Jkcurb Vcpb Tickkts at Huntley 'a book st"re for the concert of the Chica go Lady Quartette, Shively's opera house, one eveningonly,lnursilay, May 3d ; admission 50 cents; seals may he reserved without extra charge. Dkkv Cumpbtition! Ten loaves of fresh bread for a quarter dollar; -20 loaves for 50 cents and 40 loaves for $1 at the Seventh Street Uakery, Jacob Kober, Prnpr. :oeben erhalten, erne frische Sendung Limbtirgerund Kraeuter Kase.und Cerv- eet Wurst, bei L. A. Ni-bel, Depot Hotel TAXES MUST BE PAID! BhetilT C. W. Ganoiig will keep the books open for the collection of taxes until .May 9th. After that date all tin paid taxes will be declared delinquent antl costs will be added. This is the last and final warning. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That there will be a meeting of the Democratic County Central Committee at the Hountain Hose House, Oregon Citv, on Tuesday, the 1st day of Mny, 1805, at 7:30 p. m.,for the purpose of electing a chairman and secretary and the transection of audi other business as may come before said meeting A Part ok tub Committeb e LETTfcB LIST. The following is a list of letters re maining at the Oregon City postnflic for the week ending April 21, 1S'.)4, uncalled for: Arnold, Win Childn, Rout Kveleth, Pearl (iyena, li Lacbelr, Mian McDonell, Din Millars, J Peeward, Mrs Mary When calling for these letters olea'ae ' , ".dvertineJ " E M kum P M ' j mats. Bay ws atck. we g Cartorav l waa a CbM. abe cried for Caetort. mica ah became Xiam, the dung to Caaaorta. Tka at had OaUdna, aba gnawtheai Castorls, LOCAL NEWH ITICMS. inv. iViuioviir will riiaku a I'niiulliti pi'i't'ii iiith mi .May 1 1 Itunxxliiii Hiiti-ra U llm impnl ir nnn uiiIku likker at .Miiriiuin A II pi. und Imv hhh limn In I lie wilt f U'illiani Slieel 'uii 'I'lleailiiy lilllit. Iluil KiikIh, Itubt. Italy ami J. R Mniver ul .Mnlitllii were in llm eiiy mi lileailay . Mr. Ailmrtmi of I'lirtluiiil, an old Kun ia nieiiiim Mr. iimwiii'II, miih in in il v liHMday. JaimtH V. ('iino U ut lti:i lni en- ttuKi'd on llm machinery ul tliu mm wmden mill there. Do nut mim tliu bull to tin triveii mi I'riday evening at A nn.iry IinII by the Oihlmii Ciiv iirclifhiia. Tliu A. I' A. claiuiH In thin city nearly '.'00 member, ull i-xcf plliitf about I liakni's dnz.-ii republican Tuesday Tom Garrett o( Mariiuum and two h uim were iu Ibe city Id appear an ilnemes lx lore court. Mr. Lu-vler. a uroiniiiunt farmer of Xeedv. Htniipud ill the ciiv Tuemlay on lliu way liuine from Portland. Sexton Sluver nnkn that the city cuuil I allow him about 2) or ') to tlx up the ceinulcry fur douuration ilaf. T. J. lleiialei' ri'tiiinda Ilia fiiendH that lit) Iiuh recovered from lliu grip by auin ap)eariiij biii ilintc on (be street. Dr. S. I'arker. our former townsman. has returned to Oregon from a anjuurn I two years in California, and lus lo cated in Portland. 1). C. Her and Nulnon McCunnull of cilierwoiid, liave each contracted 10,000 urn U of their 1MI4 hoocrop to l.iliell- thai & Co. of San rrancmco lor U cents per pjuml. Kirliard Flvun. who wan in the em- streets; opens Monday, The "little church around the corner" is gelling there. Since Mr. Kckslroin has been pastarof the Episcopal church its supporting membership has mure than doubled, the same now numbering oyer 80. Onlbel5ih,a gentleman tied his horses lo the barn near the home uf James McKillican, Mt. I'leatant, and when he druve li ime in the evening left a lively eight pound boy. Mother anil child are lining well. It is absolutely nece-sary that the succession nf mud holes between the Ferguson and Melntyre places on the Abernethv mad be tilled up. The plank road laid by the street contractor to the Muss Hill gravel pit is a boon tn lioise llesh . The Sons of Veterans of ('nl. E. D. Baker Camp will give a musical and literary social in the K of P. Hall, Thursday evening. May 3. The Misses McCnnl and others will furnish the music. Small lulniission. Cuke and ice cream. Bishop J J. Ksher of Chicago, will preach on next Monday evening in the ICvungeliciil church of Cttiiby, and nil Tuesday (at 7:1.1 p. m ) in 1 lie Evan gelical church of Oregon City. The v 'tierable bishop will speak Uermaii at both p'aces. About two weeks hence, 500 men will be at work In and about Oswego for the lessees at the iron company's works. Meanwhile, the furnace will be relined with firebrick. About the middle of June, a cargo of ore will arrive from the mines in northern Mexico. Mrs. Katie Kehin Smith, the free thought lecturer, is gradually extending her field of work. Besides her weekly lecture in Portland, she supervises a Sunday school iu Forest Grove and will lecture in Yamhill county on Sunday. Miss Olds is devotedly assisting the lecturess in her work- The Chicago Lady Quartette which will soon appear in our city, cornea to us laden with the highest honors and de served praises of the White City, both us soloists and as a quartette. Tlioy there delighted thousands with their sweet singing. To music lovers, their concert here will be a rare treat, A snag was lying in the highway near Win. Jack s place. Alarquam precinct. Hoad Supervitcr Ed Carter came and looked at it and ordered Sub Boss Thompson Drake to remove it, who hired a man to do the work , Now Drake tells that he paid four bits to have the job done, and he gut $2 and Carter $4 fur bossing it. Dr. E. Schubert has closed his office in this city and established himself per manently at Oswego in partnership with Dr. Sullivan to practice his profession. Dr. Schubert is a gentleman of varied attainments, having hud the advantage of thuroiigh training in some nf (he best Institutions ol learning In Uerniuny, and a brilliant future is before him, The Willamet'e Cornet B ind lias dis- bunded'. The instruments have been di vided amuiig the several members and the music books collected to be sold in a lump, the puoiic snowen so little apt r-iciaiiun of the efforts nf the boys Unit tliev liavo still outstanding $170. of uncollected nccotint-i. Now itironlv baud for campaign pin poses is thai uf the Sulva i-n Army. There is smite piospeet nf a removal of Ibe Oregon City flour nulls being made lo Seattle. The mill is 250 barrel capacity per day and if removed to Se mite will prolMlilv lie increased to out) barrels per day. The principal reason for removal is that high water changed the channel so as to make it impracti cable lo operate the mill.-0,vi)io Standard, Perhaps this refers to the Singer ii)ill. t n . CANBY ITEMS. There are seven hop yur Is ne.ir by, and in several of them the poles are be ing erected. E. Kummerer lias planted 4(1 acres with prune trees for .1. Stevens. W. C. Sapp of Walla Walla has moved to Csuby . The city council is uniting bids for the building of a jail. Dr. II . W hile has nn vi d onto a place three miles from town. Aa a lesult of Ihe protracted meeting conducted by Kev. J. Wund, quite a number of new members have been added to the M . E. church . There will be three months' spring scluHil with Mlsa r. Stevens as princi pal. Five teams are hauling wood fur J. Hodges an the 8 P. company. S. V. Mack is doing good road work. He intends graveling it lo Good bridge. John Redman lias bough! four lots from George Susbauer fur $300. Mr. Fegiey has bought one for $75. Miss Rumor savs that some one is about to gel him a partner to d) the cooking. G. Whipple lost a fine horse Ihe other day by the blind staggers. Our fruit crop looks promising. After an absence ol two years William Weed has returned home from Astoria. Candidate cards and other job work j executed neatly and cheaply at the Cot p.ikk office. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION'. VOT1CE 1.1 HEREBY (JIVES THAT FOB THE ! nnox of makitu an examination of all per- OM "no "" . " lo tewhera of the arnoon oi tnta eonnty, ine cotinty aehool aiiperiiitnoeut thereof will hold ; s puWie examination the coonix.nae in ore- go f liy. cuvrkamaa county. Oreiron, beginning ! oa Wednesday. May th. 14, al 1p m. I Paled this ath day at April, lt ; U.S. CHIMIN, j County Srnool 8nterinndnL RipansTahaleacnrebesdacbe. i . RipanaTaiiuleacnrecorutipatiua. THE CIRCUIT COURT. Sundry Galling Hymeneal Bonds sunderea. Dirty lli'imbllcini Linen from Mu ii mini (JctH u Flnul Ailing. A List of Articles Nice to S'eal-Dele rjatlon from Missouri Ridge. The following Is a hiiioiimIs of ihe transactions of the circuit court since last week Thursday : A li Karniiart vs llonry lS.irnliurt, de cree of divorce. Joseph Hedges vs Win Ililtket, luilg men I and fort-closure uf inurlgage lor a debt il "HM) wilh interest and costs, It Duiiilas vs Marion Johnson, con tinued fni the term. H 1) Bull vs li LA It Co, plui null's uini lun to strike out cerium parts ui De fendant's answer burein sustained.. J A Junes vs U O Woods, defendant s motion to strike out part of the com plaint denied. Mrs Al II Wallace- vs v c vt ens. sner ill's Hale upprovetl. Win Vnipiilil vi f.d Kammere'-, siier- ill's sale approved. TIiiih Charinan A Son vs It l-anion a II Tt-asdule, slicnti 's sule apt roved. Maty Mason va A Campbell and C D Covey, dismissed. das K .V Hell wood el ai vs i J ner mann el ul, T It A Sell wood, adinini-t-trator of J It W Sell wood, deceased, sub stituted as pi linliir in this case. State of Oregon vs A RCIarklcoloredl. indicted hv guild inrV nf crime of lar ceny of piuperljr nf the value of $11, pleads guilty, enl tn jail lor :u days De sides costs. Clark has had about three montliH in i I already. A Kecliloii vs Antoinette Lewis aim W J W McCurd. foreclosure of mort gage on account of debt $1200 beside in terest and costs. - Slate of Oregon va II S Itanium, not a "true bill" reported by grand jury and defendant discharged. Do va James Leonard and Julin Howard, not a "true bill" reported bv grand jury and defen dants discharged. 11 E Cross vs Julius und G C Camp bell, tliamissed. N 1 Sorensnii vs Mary 8 and W II Wren and U Shindler, default of defen dants entered ami that plaintiff have and recover from each of them the sum of $1302 besides interest and $100 costs. A F Miller vs W T Linn, dismissed. AtnoH J Lovejoy et al v W Halls E Co, Friday, April 27th, Bet for argument on defendant's demurier. Katie Barclay vs Oregon City, April 27th amended complaint to be tiled. Slate of Oregon va George Uroshong, indicted uf assault with intent to com mit rape on Clara Camion, a pale girl of about 12 yeais living a couple of miles from vilhoit Springs, in "Missouri Ridge." Her mother, Mrs. Cannon, a widow, lias beau supported by the coun ty as a pauper lor several years, though twu of her eight children are nearly grown. Twenty witnesses have been summoned who will each get 50 miles' mileage and a day's pay here with which to pay taxes. ThU is a daisy case. Martin D Morgan vs Mattie L Morgan, deciee of divorce. Charles 11 Watson va Carrie M Wat son, decree of divorce. E T Holgate vs I 8 and Amelia Mul lan, judgment for plaintiff by default, defendants owing him $rXi2 besides costs. On the 20th a w arrant was issued for Ihe arrest of Ada Sci. idler, on the charge of larceny in a dwelling house. More particularly, that on the 10th day uf December, 1803, said Ada did wil fully and feloniously take, steal and carry away, in the dwelling house ot Marion C Fern ley, Elsie Ware and Dora Ware, persunul property valued as fol lows ; One gold locket and chain $30 00 10 yards of ribbon . ?4 yard of plush (green color) . . .4 yuru oi piiisn (ping coior j . . . 2 yard lace 1 leather belt i4 yards inuslk 1 picture on satin 3 ya.-ds luce 1 comb 1 white skirt s. 1 veil ; 2 pair ladies' hose 1 breastpin 1 pair scissors 1 dress skirt and waist 1 white skirt 1 striped underskirt. 1 lace collar 1 thimble. 50 3 spools thread , , 13 3 pairs muslin drawers W 1 apron 50 1 shawl 80 1 writing tablet 25 Ada plead guiltv and the court or dered and adjudged that sentence be suspended during Iter good behavior and she was released from custody. State ol Oregon vs Phil Marquain was dismissed on Tuesday. The charge against him was retuiling liquor without license. This is Ihe third time this case has been befuie the court and it has literally been worn out. Last Novem ber Phil appeared for trial but the pros ecuting witnesses could not be found, and this trip, seemingly, the court dropped it in accordance with that fun damental principle of jurisprudence as laid down by Cunfucius, Ulackstone and lesser legal luminaries, that when the pot calleth the kettle black both should either be pitched into the highway or the back yard. 1'hll knew that he had the bulge on the case in this year of grace and on the main prosecuting wit nesses, Thompson Drake and E Hart- man, or as he phrased it, could "give the calf a chance to hang itself," and had a dozen of his neighbors suhpecned as witnesses, to let them earn a few dollars with which to pay taxes, who, when they had swallowed their hotel dinner, found there was nothing for them to do except tl raw tlieir pay. This fool case lias cost the county about $500. If I'hil hadn't drawn the line at allowing his customers to shy bottles across his saloon he might have avuided this litigous muss. R Sihler vs C W Ganong, dismissed because Sihler failed to appear as he had no case. Allen & Lewis take Ihe goods nominally sold to them, under Ihe original claim. Mary A Hatch vs Henry Swift et al, referred to C E Runyon for testimony. Dan N Trullinger vs Juliet F Trullin ger, ordered that plaintiff appear in court May 1st to show cause why he should not be adjudged in contempt and punished accordingly. H J Stevens vs minor heirs of Vina M 1'oote, H T Sladen appointetl their guardian ad litem. State of Oregon va heirs of the lute John Gray, ordered and adjudged that the state be seized of the lands and tenements in the complaint claimed, to wit, n of se of sec 10, t 4 s, r 2 e. Sichel A Mayer va Will A Ackerman and Tliofl Campbell, the jury called, after due conaideration, reported It could not agree on a verdict and was diex-hargp'l . Anns K Weston va Mason Weston, decree of divorce. .WaJhamsit Covs (I A Vorpahl.verdict of jurv that plaintiff recover from defend ant ti'Xi 73. Plaintiff wants $ W0 and is vra ntixl n-w trial. U Harding vs li . ana r. ros. uinrniSM - Cl Portland Trust Co vs Sam Marrs, aetiled and dismissed. LJ v James Marrs, do. Do vs J A and L E Thayer, do H E Croes VS Clackr.mas Farmers' I Alliance, plaintiff to recover $:Stf and coats. Kate Barclar va Oregon City, p'ain tiff to have 30 days from Thursday in bich to fi e arawer. In matter of assignment of J P Logan, T F Hyti, at-slguee, ills h tig -d. Junu-a If phr-y vs J J l owleral al, aie in really nllr.noil by slieilir I.IUMI Ji ll V IIKI'llltr To Huh. Tlw: A. Mrllridr. Judar: We; your iindciaigueil grand jury fur the April, 1MI4. term tif ihe circuit court, make ibis our fluul report and rer-poct- iiiuy represent dial wu have rurclilliy invesliguted all charges of crime thai have been pieaenled lo us und while we nave only rein rued Into court five "true Jills," yet we have iiiventigulcd a num ber uf imiNiriaut cases which after a full iiiveslig.iiinii of all the evidence pre sented to us both by the slute and by ilefendantM. we did nut deem warranted by Mie evld-nee to report to the court. We visited (hit county and city Jail" and found them IkiIIi hi good condition. We vi-iled I lit) i. Mires of the county cleik, shciill'. riciuilei. treasurer, shsi-hs ur and county school superintendent, uini loumiiiicMiiilllccsiMroiipM'd hv com petent and ai-eoinui'iihiliug nllleials and the luniks und accounts of auid nllkcrs ueut and well k-nl. The book and accounts of ihe clerk slierilf , treasurer and county tuiieriiilc ndciit having been expurted by an expert employed by the last grand jury ami hearing no com plaints against either of huIiI oHIi-hm. ai did nut deem it necessary to uo to the expense uf having the -hooks and ac counts of said ullii'ers exported at this time. The law requiring the sheriir to collect not only the county, state and school taxes, but also city and school district taxes, requires a more amplified system oi Uookkeeping in the sherill s ami treasurer's nllices. We rind that the sherill keep a cash account of all these vs- riuus funds; that all lax money is prompt, ly turned over to the treasurer by the aherilfas required by law, and the ac- ciiunisol llm treitsuier showing these dill'erent kinds of luxes are neatly and correctly kept. And now hating completed ourlaburs we ask to be dii-charged Signed: G. R. II.Mii.lbb. E. W. Mil- lam, K. E. lloiiAi.l. Thomas Abm- BTBON4I. W. II. CuilXK, E. NbWKIIIK, C. X. (illKKNMAX. The Slate Senatorthlp. As parties have vaguely threatened to start their n.u I mill agiinst the republi can candidate fur stuto senator, Mr, Urnwnell, by grinding over his Kan sas record, it is a least matter of news tn know now what that record is. The Frankfort (Kan.) Weekly Iteiirw of April 20th gives it brielly thus: In last week's issue we mentioned the fact that Hon. Geo. C. Brownell had been nominated foi state senator from the district in which he resides in Ore gon. Mr. Brownell was nominated by acclamation in a convention composed of 121 delegates. This, coupled with the fact thut the distiict in which he resides is the largest in that stu'e outside of the Portland district, proves the very high esteem in which he is held by the peo ple who know him. Mr. Brownell was (or several years a resident of our city, and no man was ever held in higher es teem than he, nor one in whom our people had greater confidence. As a lawyer he was acknowledged by the le gal fraternity as the best in this part of our stute and it is a well known fact that the bar of Marshall county is graced by some of the most competent attorneys in the slate. As a gentlemiii of business qualification:), integrity, and one in whom his constituents can'safuly place their conlldence and trust, the people of Murshull county stand reatly to prove that the convention which nominated Mr. Brownell could not have done better. If the people of that dis trict desire to elect a competent and trustworthy man to represent them in their state legishture, they will elect Mr. Brownell by a handsome majority. It is hardly necessary lo say that the CovniBR would like to see Mr. Thome, the democratic candidate for senator, beat Mr. Brownell. but evidently he must do it, if he can, on square issues, and, ns 01 r. xnorne Is an honorable, high minded gentleman, he does not de sire to accomplish it in any other way. Both candidates are capable, but Mr. Brownell represents and is an exponent of the republican pj'icy of givernment which the Covkikr believes is vicious and bad, and it would be to the advan tage of the people to snow him under. Mr. Thorne has hud ample ex perience in public life, is a bed-rock democrat, and would be ambitious to serve us in Salem both with credit to himself and hid constituents. He was twice elected to the legislature in Ne braska and assisted both in framing the constitution and compiling the statutes of that Biate, which demonstrates that Mr. Thorne has acknowledged ability. Cleveland's Letter to the National As sociation of Demooratlo Clubs. President Cleveland lias forwarded the following letter to the Hon.Chauncey t. isiue;:, president ol t tie national As sociation of Democratic Clubs : "I have carefully rend lliecnmmunicu tion you lately placed in my hands set ting forth the future purposes ami pres ent needs of the -National Association of Democratic Clubs. The achievements ol this organization should be familiar lo nil interested in the continuation of democratic supremacy, and should enlist the encouragement of those who appre ciate the Importance uf any effective dissemination of political doctrine. Your association has done, miiuh by way of educating our people touching the particular subjects which are reooguizud us belonging to the democratic faith, but it seems to mo that its best service has been an enforcement and demon stration of the truth that our parly is best organized and most powerful when it strives for principles instead of spoils, and that il quickly responds to the stim ulus suppled by an enlistment in the people's cause. "This acknowledgement of true de mocracy suggests that the National As sociation nf Democratic Clubs, and every other democratic organization, should labor unceasingly and earnestly to save our party in its time uf power and responsibility frjin the degradation and disgrace of a failure to redeem the pledges upon which our fellow country men entrusted us with the control of their government. All who are charged on behalf of the democratic parly with the redemption of these pledges should now he impressively reminded that as we won our way to victory under the banner of tariff reform, so our insistence upon that principle is the conditiun of our retention of the people's trust, pnd that fealty to our party organization de mands the subordination uf our indi vidual advantages and wishes, and the putting aside of petty and ignoble jeal ousies and bickerings when party prin ciples and party integrity and party ex istence are at stake. "I cheerfully enclose a contribution to the funds necessary to carry on the good work ot your organization, with s hearty wish for its continued success and usefulness." ELECTRIC BITTERS. Thla remedy la becoming an well known anil an popular aa 10 neeu no apet-iai mention, All who have uaed Electric Biora aing the same aong of praiae A ptirermertlclnednea not exlat and It la riiaranloe-l to do all that la claimed Klwtrle hitters will cure all dlaraaea of Ihe Liver nd kidoeya, will remove pimple". Bona, Hall Rheum and other anVr-tiona rauaed hv lm pure blood Will drive Malaria from the aya tem and prevent aa well aa cure all Malarial fe- vera.-rot cure oi iieaitar-he, t.onatipation ana liiditreation try P.lectric Bitu-ra Entire aatlalae. tion guaranteed, or money refunded. Prlee SO eta. ana Si per bottle at G. A. Harding a drug store. War Ovar Fifty Tear. A Old wi Weuu-Tsicd tramr. Mrs. Wia- etow'e Soothing Byrnp baa area nana f'r over fifty .By milli.,naf svtheri for their ehlldrea while leethioe. With perfrrt eureeee. It Briothee the child. aofuna the ftjiwe. allaye all pain, enrea wind eolie, and ia Um reeaedv 1"T InarrlMM. b Bleaaanl la tit teal, S-nd by prasgiau ia every part of the World. Twenty-five rente a bottle, lie value H In ealeiilabte. Ha swra aad aek fur Mra. Wiaalow's ia-tiiaaf Syrup, aaas vakc aa aahat blu4 fPf will rcpv MtS2rA CLEAR I H fLONQ SKINjl LIFE MENTALS lA i I STRONG energyI Jnerves r - . AVCD'C Sarsaparilla 8. P. PMiTir, of Townnda, Pa., whoso constitution wits completely hrok"!i down, Is cured by Ayer'i huiattpurilliu IIu writes: " For eight years, I wa, most of tli time, n, great auderur from constipa tion, kidney trouble, and Indiges tion, so that my cnnalltiillon scorned to be completely broken down. I was Induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, anil took nearly seven bottles, with sue li excellent results that my stomach, ImpwdIs, and kidneys are in perfect con dition, and, In all their (unctions, as regular as clock-work. At the llinn I bcgim taking Ayer's gursaparilla, uiy weight was only 129 kiuiuIsj I now can brag of foil pounds, and was never u: so Rood health. If you could see me bo lero anil utter using, you would want ma fur a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla to be tlio best In the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1'r.pared hy I)r. J.C. AyerS Co, Lowell, Muaa. Cures others, willcure you REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I T Hayes and Mrs Ma Bell, 10 as of the donation claim of Joseph Magone, t 6 a, r 1 w ; $150. Do to do. 15,'i as of J Magone claim j $500. C A Willey to Sarah hi Willey, lots 0, 7. H, Oof sec 10, t4s, r4e, KOas: $1.. Sunset L Co to A May Taylor, lot 5 of blk II, Sunset City; $.100. O A C K K Oo to M f. Kelson, BW Yt. of nw )i of sec 20, 1 1 s, r 5 e, 40 as; $200. T C Simpson to A J Gill and E C King, ne i ofsw W, se )i, nw li, in sec 2, tOs, r 2 e, 80 as; $1:100. Albert J fellows to K.vira rellows, lots 3, 4 blk 8, Canemah; $1. A L Snell to J U Shopner, sw li of ne H of sec 30, 1 1 a. r 4 e, 40 as; $1000. Vm Barlow to Aggie Irwin, 3.37 a in Barlow ; $300. V L Mack to I Frost, part of Ph Lee cluim In sec 33. 1 3 s, r 1 e; $375. Do to do; $10.5. C A Priesing to It 1' Mulke, lot 3 blk 1 of subd of tr 3, e li of tr 2, Ouk Grove ; $U0. Alwilda R Organ to Dan Lyons, lot 5, blk 1(10, Oregon City; $1200. W T Beveridge to O B Estes, lots 0, 10 blk 5, P L Humes No 3; $100. Wm Barlow to Clementine Barret, lot 3 blk 41. Barlow: 400. Alice V Davis to Pully Ann Davis, 0 53 as. t 2 s. r 2 e : Cio3. D H Glass to T V Ryan, lot 7 blk 17, Co add to O City; foio. B V Caton to Markus Ruedy, n 14 of nw Va of Bee 82. t 1 s. r 3 e, 80 asl -'000, P T Co to L E and J A Thayer, 12 as on south boundary of Oregon City chum ; 1400. O I & 8 Co to Clara E Barton, sw M of s 1 14' of sec 17, 1 2 b, r 1 e 40 as ; $2500. li li Charmaii to lliram Straight, s of blk 41, Clackamas Heights; f. )-'.). CT Wvnkoop to Elixaboth K Wyn kooi). lot 8 blk 48. Oswego: $1. J U and E A Lee to A I nice Lorene Lee, tract 24, Oswego Heights; l and affection. Do to Lyman M Lee, tr 17, li of trs 10 & 15, do, and blk 25 & lots 1, 2, 4 of blk 41, South Oswego: i ana affection. E E Long to M J McGowan, 50 as of Win Fordyie donation claim in ts 2 & 3 a, r3e; $2000. II K Cross to S G West, 103. U0 Js ot the Win Slrickliu donation No 37, sec 10, t 4 s, r 4 e; $.1007. Do to R Hargreuves, 100 as of same claim ; $3408. JJo to I i ol den Hurgreaves, 80 us of same claim; $1700. The Heat For the Family. Macon, Ga. I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best family medi cine. 1 have used it in Indigestion and Biliousness and found it to relieve im mediately. After eating a hearty sup per, if on going to bed 1 take a dose of it I never feel any bund effects of the sup perOvid G'. Sparks, Ex-Mayor. A Traveling Man Mr. A. C. Wolf, uf Washington. Mo., writes that after taking Druiiimond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism for one week, the pain had left him almost entirely. He slept better, had 110 more night sweats, und appetite was good. He also wrote that he would not tase $100 for what the remedy had done for him. There is no w Iting weeks and months to get satisfaction. The remedy attacks the disease at once. If your druggist has not got Drummond's Light ning Remedy, write to the Diummond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wan'ed. Our better halves say they .could not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Sims linos.. Leeds, Iowa. This shows the esteem in which that remedy ia held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so goud for colds, croup and whooping cough, that it cures these ailments quickly and permanently, and that it is pleasant and safe for chil dren to take. 50 cent bottles for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. LOCAL SUMMARY. Prescriptions carefully compounded at G. A. Harding's drug store. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his office. For j ib printing go to the CotiB ibb office. La wveks' Bkikps and Foi.dk lis printed at the Cockier office. Teacher's monthly report cards for sale at the Con bibb office, 59 cents a 100 When Ihe baby is teething or feverish, ask your druggist for Stvdman's Sooth ing Powders. Anyone wanting good saddle, buggy or farm horses will do well to call on the undersigned at Barlow. W. W. Ibvim. J. Kober. the Seventh street baker, received a fresh lot of imported delicious Limbnrger cheese, and cream cheese the choicest in the city Just the thing for a palatable lunch. Received at Charman & Son's a large invoice of w all paper, latest and pret tiest designs. J. D. Renner is nosy prepared to more all kinds of buildings without damage to the same. Prices reasonable. The Coi'ribb will be sent until after the June election to any address for 25 cents in advance. Children Cry for THOS. OHARMAlfr & SOUST CMMENDERSOiUCo'J iimCRfOfiMOOLHOUil SHofa took, IVPfllZEATWOIWAIrt;. fiHORTLST GIRU HAVE THE LONWST LEW f mJJJl SHOES FOR OLD A IND ORDER BY MAIL! Send for Price List and Samples to Martin & noilgrass, MARKET STREET, 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL., IF YOU WANT Clothing of the Latest Patterns, or nsroTionsrs. Satisfaction Guaranteed. C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW OFFICE. REAR OP COMMERCIAL BANK. Oregon City, Oregon. 0o. C. Brown ill. A. S. Dsxiuia. Brownell & Dresser, Attorneys at Law, 0Kc One Door North- Ca afield & Hunt- ley' D ."ViiM, OREGON CITY, OREGON. W. CAREY JOHNSON, LAWYER. CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS, Oregon City, Oregon. Roal Estate To Sell and Money To Lend The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL 1 100. 000. Transact a General Banking Businaaa. . . Il 1 1 1 .wl U . k nnl. lAIBlia UIWIB. -' U1KVIIIIKU, MBMVB UV. lectlont. Buya and sella exchange on all point In the United Statui and Europe and on Hon! Kong. Depoilta received auufeot to check. In terest st uaual rains allowed or lime depoilta. Bank open from 9 A. M. lo 4 P. M.; Bsturds) 1 . ,111 n D u VVeUllia liuiu v .in 1 a e. n r. I.1TAITD WIT IT W R. TlON A MIHIlH . President. ' Caahter CITY VIEW NURSERY, CANBY, OREGON. All Varieties Fruit Trees For Sale. J. A. COX & SON, PROPRIETORS. Oregon City Transportation Ws STEAMER "RAMONA." TIME TAIILK OREGON CITY 1IOAT fjavA Pll HTI.A m n Oriooncitv Foot nth 81. 0 :00 a. m. 2:00 P. m. 8 :00 P. m. 0 :30 a m. 2:00 p. M. 5:30 P. m. Foot Taylur St. 7:C0 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 4:00 p. m . SUNDAY, 8:00 A. M. 11:00 a.m. 3:.'I0 p. m. BLANKS! BLANKS 1 1 BLANKS!!! For Sale at the Courier office : Mortgage, Filing Covers, Bond for Deed, Promissory Notes, Receipt Books, Warranty Deed, Quitclaim Deed, - ClrcultCourt Criminal Subpoena Teachers' Report Cardi, Partial Payment Real Estate Contract, Sheriff Summons, Jury Summons, Coiy of Summons, Notice to Garnishee, Answer to Garnishee, Sulipoena, WHt of Attachment Justice Subpoena, civil, Justice Subpoena, criminal Special or private blanks printed on pplication expeditiously and correctly. Oregon City Market Report. Whsat Perbu.aSc. bulkwlthoul iacls OiTS--ti:iic V bushel, with lacks. Ftua - Roller fi 70 per bbl, net Coos lie BuTTia 50c a roll, Vsau fi).o dressed Chickins las 8 so adosen Bair-On foot, cows Sc; steers Sc, rn; 5c dressed MUTTOS-ll m 8himoi.es 12 V thousand. Uar 12)icf pound. Hide Green, So; dry,ef-ctrk; on-thlrd off orculled. Bheep pelts, 2j30o Hat Tlmolhjr, 112. clover 111, baled. Deibd Faum Prunes 8c; apples .'Sc; v.ry dull. Mux Feed Short. 117; Bran 1; Chop l; rejected wheat, 60 cenu t bo Poaa Side. 12o, .houlders o, Bams IX; on foot 6c: dressed 5sc Potatoes 50c a sack. On loos-l.26 per 100. lanea Thorie & Soaa, Abstracter! ar Tinea. Noturithstandina- the nnfinisheil ab at r art indexes we started for Clackamas county have recently passed out of our hands. fn abttract outtneu am not, snu we therefore desire to say to onr old natrons and the public generally that we are still in the abstract bnsiness at oar old stand in the Jaguar building, oppo site Huntley's drugstore, where we are fully prepared to furnish reliable ab stracts of title witn ceriaimy anu uta patch imt . e. m Stud horse posters printed at tha Coi-RiES otlice either on paper or cloth. Pitcher's Castorla. WiSZZb Cl'i.l "J Y0UNU. "MEN'S BOOTS. ' Noblitt Livery and e Stable OREGON CITY. OREGON. Oi tha Street betwsea tha Brldgt ail' tla uepot. Dnilhla and atnela Im mnA mmA!. I...-.. -. wava nn hand ml th ln..l - Iw connected with the barn for loos stock Anv lnfnrtnatlnn NManlln. . - Lt.j k promptly attendad to bj letter or person. HOB8KS BOUGHT OB BOLD FRANK NELDOiY, Cun and Locksmith. Adjoining the Noblitt Stable, OREGON CITY, - OREGON. All kinds of VI rearm, repaired ami cleaned. All kills 01 aniai maomnet repalraa. implicate keys tuailt (or all kinds of locks. Uunaaod Pistols bought and sold. BICYCIZ8 REPAIRED. FRESH STOCK! CHOICE GROCERIES k PROVISIONS. . Obtain your family supplies at the Grocery, just opened, on north east corner of Seventh and Center streets. Prices as low as the lowest. Country Produce Bou.tt Flour and Feed For Sale. J. A. BUCK, Prop. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUSB IN TBI CITY Paid Up Capital. $50,000. President, Vice President, TUOeUS CHAlkUX Geo. A, Hasdixs E. G. CAUniLO ClURLIS B. CADrlklB Cashier, Manager, A General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject lo Check. Approved Bills and Note. Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Securtlv . Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available in Anv Part ol tha World. 1e euraohlc Kxchana-e Sold on Portland. Baa Francisco, Chicago and New York. interest raia on lime Deposits. Ul AOBMTt or THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. L. M. ANDREWS. M. D. DIALIR IN Drags, Notions, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, itc. Preiorlptlon Carefully Canpaiidea'. Shlvely'aj Blook, Cor. of 7th & Madison St., Oregon City GEO. A. HARDING, ' DIALKB IN H? DBUGS 1R -p-i Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window Glass. PrtKriptitmt Accurately Ompouadnf. Harding's block. MARK & ROBERTSON -HAVE- NOT SOLD OUT But have only moved to more commodious quarters. They are now in a better position than ever to wait on their ever increasing a trade. FULL LINE OF FAKCT AKD STAPLE GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGE TABLES, aVc Farm Prodoc and ProTialcs. Note the New Address : Seventh and Center Street. A. O.U.W. BUILDING.