Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, April 20, 1894, Image 4

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California State Analyst.
Royal Baking Powder is Superior
to all in Purity and Strength.
" For purity and care in preparation the Royal
Baking Powder equals any in the market, and
our test shows that it has greater leavening
power than anyof which we have any knowledge."
Prof. Ckimulry, U'ivmity of Cahjonia,
Analyst California State Board of Health, etc., etc.
No careful housekeeper can afford to
use any baking powder but Royal.
trembled, the iky w'ua like a of fire
Atntdat It all Mono uw tint churning col
umn iwri'p alonu; towKrd the llrillrb
work. Unit 11 yet wkio grim and eilcut
M line of Iniiiba. Hlio wn to almorbed
In th light that die did not lienr the n
proach of body of troop. tliHt wa
making iu wuy thr.m;:h the thin wood.
A loud order in n rlour, fumiliur voice
eturtled bur and at the mine time Qlltd
bur with Joy It win Pnnoott li lin
on hie men. She looked and wiw him a
little way off, hi fare pale but deter
mined, bit iti'P a quick and firm w a
pantber'i, bin .word (I;uIi1hk In the red
Lght of the rocket, can-aiari and bomb,
and hii flue form iIiuwIuk heroically in
her lovinit vUion. She knew him in
stantly, although the light wiw of a kind
to dintort the iiipeurniite of every object
At thii iriHtnut the Uritinh line opened
fire and loneed a tcuiet of duatb.
Bedroom ruritlahlng.
' In no apartment In the home la audi
lmple tiute no welcome nml appropriate
ax In the bedroom. I li-re tln i-e Hliould ever
be an nlr of quiet nml repose, and a com
plete alixencc of nil obtrusive decoration
and assertive color. An nlr of hiiIkIiiccI
harmony should Invest the entire upnrt
ment, and valla, celllnu, floor coveriineK,
woodwork and IihiikIiikh aliould nil he se
lected no im to unite nil together and form
a peaceful tout enwmlilu.
Variou acbemea of ilecoratlon of course
permit of a variety of wood for the furnl
tureof the lieilroom. Where delicate olive
irreena or Hulnlued Idiu-H prevail upon the
walls, etc., it Ik well to employ dark cherry
colored nuiliOKuny or rosewood. Where
rose color or warm yellow or aalmon is pre
ferred, then the introduction of an ivory
white enameled unite would he most desir
able, and so on In like manner with thereat
of the furniture wood. It Is absolutely
necessary to maintain a sympathetic color
Injton the walls, etc., if a restful and taste
ful effect Is to b? accomplished. The repe
tition of this truism may perhaps seem
very superfluous to some of our readers,
but It In astonishing how frequently it la
violated. Furniture and Decoration.
A Class or Water at lledtiuie.
The human body is constantly undergo
lng tissue change. Water has the power
Of Increasing these tissue changes, which
multiply the waste products, but nt the
same time they are renewed by iu agency,
Clvlng rise to Increased appetite, which In
turn provides fresh nutriment. Persons
but little accustomed to drink water are
linble to hnve the wiiHte products formed
faster thni they nre removed. Any ob
struction to the free working of natural
lnwsatnnre produces disease. People ac
customed to rise In the morning weak and
languid will find the cause in the secre
tion of wastes, which many times may be
remedied by drinking a full tumbler of
water before retiring. Tills materially as
sists in the process during the night and
leaves the tissues fresh and strong, ready
for the active work of the day. Hot water
is one of the best remedial agents. A hot
bath on going to bed, even in the hot
Aights of summer, is n better reliever of
Insomnia than many drugs. Exchange.
iryuil Died KS llurtft.jne IJluiU
There was a reumrkiiblo similarity be
tween the futo of Admiral Tryon, who
perished when tin) Victoria went down,
and that of Captain Hugh Uurgoyue, the
commander of the Captain when she was
lost, 1'rivu'o dispatches received in Eng
bind say that tho udinirnl commanded
his men to tuive themselves, but refused
to save his own life. When tho Captain
capsized mid after struggling to right
herself finally turned over completely,
Wonting with her keel uppermost, Cup
tain liurgoytio, Mr. May, the gunner,
(ml a seumiiu mimed Heard reached the
pinnace. The ship ulmiwt immediately
disappeared, but her second launch, with
IU men on hoard, came alongside the
A sudden lurch sepuruted the two
bouts before Captain Iinrgoyno and
llcurd bud time to board the launch.
The eailur took his commander by the
hand und proposed to jump. "Save
your own life, my liiiiu," Captain Bur
goynn replied. The bouts separated
uioro and more, und Heard exclaimed,
"Will you come or not, sir?" Burgoyne
answered: "Jump und save yourself. I
shall not forget you some day." The
sailor leaped mid Unit 1 ly reached the
launch, but tho cuptuin was not again
Ho was a descendant of Sir John Dur
goyno of tho Revolution and the only
sou of tho then const able of tho tower,
uuothcr Sir John. Admiral Tryon wus
rcgurded us Lnyluiicl a chief defender,
and Burgoyne was a skillful and bruve
officer. It is a singular fact that the
two linkers served together as lieuten
ants iu tho trenches before Sebustopul,
beiug ut tho time attached to the land
servico. Buffalo Courier.
of disease food on llfo, and
are only overcome by the
making of sound, healthy
Uie Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
i3 an easy, palatable fat food
that makes new tissue quick
ly and gives strength. Phy
sicians, tho world over, en
dorse it.
Don't be decelted by Substitutes!
Prepared by Scott Dowuo, H. Y. A Dmgul.u.
Thilt frequently occurs with poor
Bo t UK it 'll 1 1 .hut not Mil
Mullein Or m nr Ke Xlrlp Hell
ing, nr Maltese I 'm-s, KIiIkcwooiI
nr Wu!l bout Xlcnm nml V lor
Ho K cry length gimriint.'oil.
Ask your denier fur Ucse stipo
ilor uriindi.
Gu'la I'ercha and Rubber Mfg. Co.,
Established 18B5. rnrtlanil, Or.
Ke.t Ills Wife In a Trunk.
The offense, known in this country as
sequestration, or private imprisonment,
is fur from uncommon. Only tho other
Uuy a wliolu family wus brought up for
trial on n charge of kot'tiiiiir uu idiot
youth in an iron engo until ho had lust
all his physical as well us his mental
faculties, und a similar case is now
reported from Evreux, in Normandy.
The authorities of the village of Neu
bourg wero advised recently by uuony.
nious letter that a peasant mimed Le-
huby was "sequestrating" bis wife.
The gendarmes presented themselves
at Lchuhy's houso and asked to see bis
wife. This request being refused, thoy
proceeded to starch the place from the
cellar to the gr unary, and having found
no truce of the woman were about to
withdraw when ouo of tlicm discovered
largo trunk und usked for the key. On
the cuso bcititf opened the figure of Mine.
Lehuby suddenly jumped up like a jack
in tho box, und she explained to the
gendarmes that her husband would not
allow her to go out und that whenever
ho loft the liouso ho left her locked up iu
the box.wheresho could scarcely breathe.
Loliuby was ut once urrested and will be
tried for "amateur imprisouincut."
Furis Cor. London Telegraph.
mm h'mm-Ih' liri'inl mule with
Every can U ifiiaraiiiced pure.
is ALL
r Uli l,
but 11 li
Bee Supplies.
171 m-imi htrtf, - rurtlaml Or.
8e..1 1 r OHdilomte.
And GOPHERS Totnlljr Extermlnntrd hj
F. A. Cook St Co., Bute Agents, Port Unit
Belting, Tackint; and Hose, Boots and
Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing,
Druggists' Rubber Goods,
Goolyear Rubber Co,
"I and 15 Unit St., Portlsnd.Or.
'..'rlK lor cnutlogue fREK.
win. Light. Slronj,
Bcllable and Besa-tlful.
A lire sireiit wanted tn
cvrr city s'.d town in Or
iron.WMtiinirtoti and Iddlio.
t-nd tm culoguc mod
Objects "f tlio reury KxiicdiUon.
Tho chief objects of tho Peary expedi
tion include u careful exuiiiinulkmof the
detached laud musses which ore known
to lio to tho north of Greenland, uud
which huvo been seen on previous expe
ditious, not only by Lieutenant Peary,
but also by Lockwood und Drainaid,
little or nothing being ut present known
of their extent and general character, uud
the delimitation of a considerable por
tion of the east coast of Urceuland, es
tenuing I r oui Independence bay about
UOO miles south to Capo Bismarck. This
portion of the coast lias never been ex
plored, although it was seen from ves
icls coasting iu that vicinity about 200
years ago. IIo also intends to ascertain
the transverse profilo of Greenland along
or ncur tho seventy-seventh parallel from
Cape Bisuuirck to Inglolieldgulf. Along
this line Greenland is about 1)50 miles
Wide. Incidentally lie will also coij.
tinuo tho study of tho arctic highland
ers, a tribe of people who livo in tho
highest latitudes known to bo frequeuted
by uny people in the world. Brooklyn
A Welcomo tleudy Tor Iterinuda.
We confess that tho proposal of The
Suu that Bermuda join us is u fascinat
iug ouo. Why, indeed, should we not
annex Bermuda? It is scarcely farther
from New York than is Detroit or Hali
fax. Tho people aro desirnblo. Less than
half of thcid are white, to be suro, but
three-fourths of tho whole populutiou
are worthy Episcopalians. An annual
budget of $150,000 provides government
lor these peoplo now, and their debt is
mere bagatelle. Already most of Ber
muda's business, is with the UnitedStates,
and our people make up the bulk of tho
"itthbt l'iu !l'n to me nez' tlmtl"
Count d'Estaing wus at first so sure
of bis ability to capture Savannah that
he undertook to convince the British
commander by argument (bvfore resort
ing to arms) thut resistance would be
worse than unavailing. Indeed the brave
and brilliant Frenchman seemed to feel
that the mere prestige of bis name and
the known valor of bis troops would be
sufficient to make the gates of the town
fly open to him. When he found that
the plucky garrison would certainly
fight hint to the last moment be made
ready to reduce the place by siege; but
soon enough he discovered thut the
works, although not formidable from an
engineering point of view, were suffi
ciently strong to render them vory hard
to reduce by the butteries at bis com
mand. At this point Gen. Lincoln
could not uid him much, having no ef
fective guns. Nothing was left but to
take the lines by storm, and this was
agreed upon between the French and
the American commanders.
The British were aware of what had
been determined on by the allied forces.
Maynard, now promoted to a captaincy,
bnd managed to ascertain through spies
that preparations for an assault all along
the line had been going on during the
night lie was in command of two
companies, stationed really outside the
works, but protected by the loop of
canebrake and wooded swamp through
which Grampus had led Rose. Little
did he dream that Miss Fenwicke was
so near him while be wus maturing his
pluns for distinguishing himself by tak
ing the enemy in the flunk whenever they
should attempt to chnrgo past tneBwiuiip
where he lay in ambush. Lie wus a
good soldier enough, and ho was cun
ning as well as daring. Two heavy
pistols hung at bis sido and his sword
was unusually long to suit bis stature
and great strength. He was ready when
at last, just at daybreak, the grand
charge took place, and right stubbornly
did be meet it
Prescott, now a bruve major, led the
storming column that was to attempt
the line in the rear of the swamp, und
so it happened thut the rivals met in the
full flood of the buttle. With such vigor
and swiftness did the little body of
Americans come down upon their an
tagonists that it wus scarcely a breath be
tween the start and the crash of their as
sault. Firing as they sped forward, so
accurate wls their aim that Maynard's
men were thrown into confusion and
broke badly. This apparent success was
bad for Prescott aud his command, for
deeming themselves victorious they
yelled vigorously and swept on beyond
the swamp, unaware of the battery plant
ed there with curtains of earthworks
flunking it und manned with a double
line of men.
A rour of urtillery and a close, deadly
volley of musketry did the work. It was
useless for Prescott to wave his m.'.ird
And rave at his flying men. They were
now as wildly scared and as thoroughly
beaten us a moment before they bad
been enthusiastically victorious. There
was nothing for him to do but to fly
with them and try to get them back to
their senses, but the farther thoy run the
more they scattered themselves und the
more unmuuageablo they became. Be
fore they hud retreated beyond tho
swamp they were badly cut up, and
every man wus seeking bis own safety in
bis own wuy. Indeed it was so all along
the line. The French fared even worse
than the Americans, Count d'Estaing
himself receiving a wound, which seems
to have made him in a great hurry to
raise the siege and re-embark. The
charge while it lasted, however, was one
of the most bold and even desperate that
as made during the Revolutionary
Struggle. Viewed through mere de
scriptions it loses most of its tragic pict
nrestmeness, because the whole affair
took place in. a flat and budlv drained
area, where the mere mutter of insecure
footing fur tho storming party hindered
more than the earthworks and guns of
the enemy.
At a certain point near the little loop
of swamp woods Prescott, us bo ran back
after vainly trying to rally his meu,
heard a cry that brought him to a short
halt as if a bullet bad struck him.
"Wayne! Wayne!" it called forth,
with such a strung, clear, beseeching ac-
.... , r i. . .
T imer p eHM.ru noc. e ire ira.m u, , cent that tUriUo(j
oonccde that if Bcrmudasuggcstsnunex,-1 fully
Btum a great many or us will take off
our bats and cheer. New York Com
mercial Advertiser.
Value WhULy Abova Gold.
Thcroisn law against selling whisky ! for hearan's sake come!"
Ho stood still amid the awful din of
the fight thut rolled to the right and to
the left of him, and listened and gazed
searchingly around.
Waynel Lieutenant Prescott! Here.
to the Indians In AI.L-ka, yet fully 300
barrels of the stun nre sold there by the
whalers and sealers every year. When
tho steamer Australia; leaves for Hono
lulu, part of her rurgo will consist of 53
barrel of whiskr, and it is an oiien se
cret that it is sent down to be placed on
the whultrs bound to Bchring sea.
The liquor is doctored and adulterated
so thut by the time it reaches Alaska it
has doubled in quantity and is a first
class article of "cbuin lightning." The
Indians will give everything they posses
for the win '.;y, and the captains fiud it
fur better than gold iu trading with the
natives. San Francisco Examiner.
vjuickly turning to where the cry
seemed to rise, be saw Rose, struggling
in the arms of Maynurd. who had chanced
to find her and was trying to bear her
to a place cf safety.
The surprise of this discovery might
have been greater bad Prescott' mind
been less burdened with the terrible load
of personal responsibility for his little
command. It is doubtless true, bow
ever, that the stimulus of great excite
ment made his vision quicker and clearer.
By the broadening gray light of day and
by the lurid flashes of the gnus and of
the flaming mihsiles launched by both
armies he recognized Rose instantly.
his i word went up and he sprang toward
"Unhand her and defend yourself I" he
cried, with that lofty show of chivalry
so much in vogue in those day.
Maynard wus not slow to respond.
Putting Rose behind him with bis left
hand he cried out:
"Come on. I am always ready!'
It was at this moment thut the men
recognized each other and, us if the
mutual impression hod some elTect of re
pulsion, they recoiled slightly ami stood
glaring llercely, gathering themselves
fur the utmost of deadly effort When
their swords crossed It was as if the
clash had been the signal for a doubling
and trebling of the din of battle. At the
farther part of the open field the French
were now storming np to tho very face
of the liritiiili works under a concen
trated fire delivcrod level along the
ground and absolutely unlienrable. With
a courage that was melodramatic In its
displuy the bruve fellows, led by Count
d'Estaing In person, forced on against
the tide of death, floundering through
the mire and scrambling over mucky
ditches, but all in vain. Back they were
hurled like dry leuves before a wind.
Prescott and Maynurd took no notice of
this brilliant but ill futed rush. They
thought of nothing, they dared think of
nothing but their own personal struggle.
They fought with fervid eagerness uud
with that concentrated force naturally
engendered by the situation. Their
swords leajied and flashed and clanged so
rapidly that one blow was scarcely sep
arated from another.
Rose stood rigid and brcathh-ss. white
as marble and cold as if dead, watching
the desperate engagement. Prescott
was not us strong us Maynurd, and suf
fered the added disadvantage of wield
ing a much shorter weapon; but his
great suppleness and agility did much
to set him on an equal footing with his
ponderous und resolutely culm antago
nui From the first Prescott was the
assailant, and so fiercely and nimbly did
be address himself to the desire of the
moment that the best strength and skill
of Maynard were called into most violent
and constant activity.
The Englishman, however, wus sure
to win unless some fortuitous circum
stunre should cast a deadly advantage
into Prescott's hand. Round and round
they fought. Maynard always keeping
Rose behind him and leering at bis op
ponent with an expression of malignant
hatred, heightened by the effect of the
still livid scar across his cheek made
long before iu a similar contest. Pres
cott was ever forcing the fight and in
creasing his intensity of effort with each
cnt or thrust. All around in the swamp,
and scattered through the thinner parts
of the wood, a running, rattling fire of
musketry was mingled with shouts and
imprecations, while out across the open
field still poured the heavy, bellowing
tide of the battle.
When Maynurd saw that the vehe
mence of the young lieutenant was be
ginning to tell upon bis strength he
changed his manner of fighting, and at
once began a rushing assault witu all
his reserve force. Rose saw this tre
mendous effort, and, without knowing
what she did, grasped the Englishman
around the body and tried to hold him
bock. This did not appear to trouble
Maynard in the least It is probubli
that ho did not notice it, so savagely in
earnest wus he in pressing down upon
bis weaker antagonist, who wus now some
what entungled in a clump of small bush
es that hindered his movements. Anoth
er minute must have ended the combat
in Maynard's favor, although Rose was
struggling desperately to embarrass him
and render his urin unsteady. Prescott
was no louger fighting; he was merely
straining to dofond himself. Grampus.
who up to this time had been praying in
abject terror, suddenly observed the sit
uation, and at the same time caught the
overwrought, almost crazed look on the
face of Rose.
Come, Grampus, comet" she wailed;
'come, I tell youl"
Tho old negro leaped up and sprang
forward, flourishing a heavy club.
"Stop datl stop dutr he cried; but the
men did not hear or heed hi in.
Stop dut or I knock yo' head off n yo'
Maynard was still pressing his advant
age and forcing Prescott back into the
entangled bushes.
Mebbe you lis n to me nex time!
fairly shouted old Grampus as, rising on
tiptoe and wielding the club with nli
tho enormous strength of both bis arms,
be dashed it uguinst the back of May
nard's head.
The man fell us if hit with a bolt of
There u no record, nor is there even
tradition, to lead me in giving any par
ticulars touching the escape of Pres
cott and Roso from the battlefield. That
they did escape and were married soon
after is well known, and it seems to be
settled thut Rose lived with the Ameri
can army, following her husband through
the hardships of a soldier's life until the
happy end of the war.
Savannah was never retaken by tbe
Americans, and therefore it was impos
sible for Rose to see her mother until
after peuce had come, and with it the
freedom of America. The family tried
to destroy all the proof of the affair
which forms the central thread of my
story, but it could nut bo doue.
In the army Prescott's beautiful and
devoted wife was given tho name that 1
have taken for tho titlo of my romance,
and even so lute ns in 1810 there was a
letter written in which sho was referred
to as "The Roso of Chatham."
Maynard was left where the blow de
livered so opportunely an 1 so effectively
by Grampus felled him; but he sur
vived many years, and was met in Paris
by Prescott and Rose when they were
traveling for the benefit of their daugh
ter's health. It was not a pleasant meet
ing, hut there was no encounter. The
men had grown too old, und the circum
stances out of which their animosity
arose had been left too far behind for
any active passion to lie uroiised by such
" chance glimpse nt them. Rose, with a
woman's quick sight, observed that when
Maynard's eyes met hers a plow, scarcely
noticeable pallor overspread his face, and
the slender scar oti hU cheek burned like
A line of lightning across a dull gray
cloud. He had uever married and was
understood to be a quiet, reticent, rather
sod mannered man whose chief amuse
ment was travel.
The Fenwicke mansion was destroyed
by fire some sixty years ago, but the
Fenwicke family still flourishes in Vir-
ginio, bonth Carolina and Georgia.
Tits ESD.
A Uoiuau'a Hlranva Vniana Vut the
llaath of liar l.uvar.
la Webster county, W. ., there are
without dou lit more rHttli-aimke to the
iqnnra yard than anywhere el mi In the
country. Horsemen riding ftlunu the ob
MUr bridle paths frequently llnil It lieeea
inry to dismount and kill the snakes which
lie coiled up in thu pathway, ready In sink
their fan In tint horses' lent. If It ever
bapiM-iin that out of the Welisterltes Is bit
ten by a snake, a inessenaer Is at one sent
for I,antile (.'ognr, a mountain woman, who
ha an Infallible remedy, If taken Iu time,
l'ir tho line of a rattlesnake.
Aside from Is-lug able to cure blltn, the
i iiiik Ijiiinle CiiKtir is oiia of the most tiu
ilihiK fins of the venomous reptile Unit
i vi'i'M-t font In tliu wilds of Webster, any
l eoirespMtiilen: of the St IoiiIm (JIoImi
Di'iuocial. It is her only pleasure to hunt mid kill
the snakes, mid slin has excellent reasons
Ivr her eunilly toward tin-in. She Is Insane
an the subject, and her insanity Is the di
rect result of the deiiih of her lover from
t lit Ir fund's.
1 Jtimle lias iioconipiiiilons in her cabin oil
Indian Head but a bi black dog. The cabin
Is built of iinhi'Hi-d I on and has a rouuh
shack floor. The walls of tho sleeping
chamber art dienradd with the rattles of
snake she has kill. d. These are so uiimer
on that in many place the wall I entirely
covered naif by some queer tapestry. The
rattles she lias tied with thread so that
tliey may be suspended from nulls driven in
the logs.
Liinnle CoKiir appears to be about 40 and
retains little of thu benitly ihut made her
famous the country over at IK. She was vi
vacious, too, and suitors came even from
tho distant Panther mountain district and
the Itlackwiiter valley to bosk in her
smile. Laiinle could outdance all of the
other mountain maidens, and when she
granted a swain the privilege of being her
partner at one of the numerous "shindigs"
held in the neighborhood he was envied by
all of his fellows
Of tbe many suitors that Lannle pos
sessed, the most favored by her wus a hand
some young mountaineer of the name of
Ilanse Uulitiii. He was a powerful young
fellow and bad a great reputation as a bear
hunter. Doling was accustomed to visit
the Cogar cabin at least once a week to see
bis sweetheart. On one of these visits he
besought the girl to see the Dunkard preach
er and become Ids wife. Lannle was per
verse aud a coquette aud ouly laughed at
"The fellow I go to see the preacher with
must hev done soinethin to show ez how he
Is a man," she answered scornfully.
want somebody thet hez proved how be kin
perfect me from everything thut turns up,
I wouldn't have no coward for my man."
Her lover looked at her sorrowfully. '
dunno what I kin do ter prove that ter ye,
Lannle," he suid almost despairingly. "Yer
Carml Ni Mora fur Candy.
One of the pet sofa Maine vlWagu Is
imull, blink ih'g which cvcryhisly know
is Nig. It Is equally trim to say that
S'lg knows ever IiimI)'. lio is nt home
mi) where iH twi i u Hie railway slullnn aud
Urn sawmill. Toa-k who ow us him would
be to provoke a smile from every rcsldi'iit.,
minister and M hnolhoy alike. The dog
I louu to t he low u. '
Mg has never been an used (if more
than one weal. nrs. Tho Main on hi
nllicrwisu spot less choruiicr was Ids pit
ion for candy, of w hich no spoiliil c hild
onhl cat. inoii'. His man) admirer kept
I i Well supplied, but never willslled,
t ' of I ni a liu (land he culled on his favor
I . -.lorckecpcr, salilonii before the candy
in niter mid "Is'gged" mil II t lie inaiilosset1
liii i a generous treat.
Willie Nig' weakness was nt its strong
est, I wo young villager began the manu
facture of a kind of nut candy. Frequent
ly they fed him until lie had too much, but
he never had enough.
On one disastrous day, when Mg was
present, thu young men spoiled n butch of
candy. It turned utit sticky instead of
"snappy," and they could not cut It. While
they discussed the question of remellliig.
one of Ihein llioiightlessly threw a loo
cued handful of thustulf to tho expectant
Nig caught it iu hi mouth and set hi
Jaws upon it. Then lie undertook to chew,
but hi teeth were fixed. lie looked
puzzled mid anxious, as bo tried again
with the same result. The next attempt
was to scnqie olf the candy with hi paw.
That failing, he held his bead on thelloor
between his fore pawsaud tried to lift him
self free. That was a hopeless effort also.
Finally t lie young men came to the res
cue and Nig wus relieved of his mouthful.
He thanked them as well us he could and
trotted away with a shamed, disconsolate
look on his face. Hut nell her ho nor they
w ill have to dread a second acc ident of this
sort, for Nig has never touched candy
since. Youth's Companion.
The dlHurent orKii ol the body are very
sympathetic One I very apt to feel the
pain of another, and it I nut always easy
to locate the trouble eiaolly. A weak back
n it Infiequently occasion piln In the
ilele, ami one liiuh often ache out of ym-
painy lor anoc uer.
A i Mom' l'i.d'1'i I'l A nt mm ara Junt the
remedy In such riisen. They are toothing i
In their ellect, and draw out the pain nil
thut the back or side or limb re supple!
Instead of still', and free to perform their
They have befit tried by Ihomnticls and I
itillll.it of people) Iu every hind, and with '
one uniform rcnoit, entire mi sijcllon.
Ihanihkim' 1'ii.ij mil relieve rhrinna-1
II If not every etiiliiieiiiiil u I rl lint or rs,
" Ijini, l.onl," Ihiil (ell uicctii urelll lm
biintl. j
Til IO' cl reiilltHtlcill of "llnwn'$ Hum-
tliial Timlin ' lor the relief of roughs,
colds aud throat disease has given them a
favorable notoriety,
ClUH'lelKli It lives me great p'cl'lircr to oiler
vein llila cigar. Juiiu'i liresl Mil. I mil Unit
I ''Hit lii'iirtily my In any lont'K renin who Is
waut'iiK K'l'sl eni Icy ii c I, work Im JuIiiimcii
I'ii, Iciiji'W i lit-li li'timc Iiiuk. mkI von wdi silt -lei-el.
' so writ- n uu iiKenl ot Jl l-4. Juliuson A
(' n( Kli hninnd, Vs., ami Hull Is lc. wuy all
ut lliirlr men talc..
ought ter know 1 would die for ye," he add-
cd huskily. " 'Pears ter me like the pur
tier t lie Lord makes his critters the more
willful he makes 'cm."
To this speech the girl answered nothing,
hut stood watching him for a little, as if
meditating. Then she burst out with a
sudden iiispiciitioii. "I tell yer what yer kin
uo, ilanse Doling," she exclaimed, "VV by
don't yer spend a night iu tbe yeller devils'
den down on Gnuleyf"
Then she broke into a paroxism of laugh
ter and ran into the cabin. When she re
turned, her lover had disappeared.
The yellow uevils' den" of which she
had spoken is a cave on tbe rocky bunk of
theGuuley river, which can be reached only
by swimming or in a dugout. It is in tbe
base of a perpendicular cliff which reaches
down to the water's edge. Its mouth is
only a foot or so above tbe level of the liv
er, and how far back it reaches no one
knows, for since it was first discovered it
has been infested with rattlesnakes of tbe
most ferocious character.
For several days after his visit to the Co-
gar cabin, so the mountaineers tell the
story.IInnse Doling was missing. Lannle
supposed thut his protracted absence from
the cabin was caused by a continued rise
In the Gaulcy river, and that be could not
get across it. It was learned that he had
not been ut his home since his visit to tbe
Cognrs, and much anxiety was felt about
Finally Lannle thought about the task
she had Imposed upon him, iu jest, to win
her hand. "He couldn't hev been so plumb
foolish," she said at first, but her fears grew
upon her, uud she told tbe story. A searchi
ng party was organized, and tbe cavern
wus visited in dugouts. When they reached
it, a horrible sight met their eyes. Near the
mouth of the den was found the body of
tbe young man, terribly swollen and al
most totally disfigured. It was surrounded
by dozens of tbe rattlesnakes. These glided
under the body or coiled themselves upon
it in defensive attitudes at the approach of
the mountaineers. Before the body could
be recovered the reptiles had to be killed or
driven back into tbe cave.
Tbe lover bad taken bis sweetheart at
er word and attempted to spend a night
in the hellish hole. Tbe remains of a fire
were found inbe den, and it wus surmised
that Doling had built this to keep oft' the
makes. This would probably have beea
the result, but the treacherous river had
risen suddenly, as tbe mountain streams do,
at a moment's not ice, quenched tbe fire and
penned tbe victim in tbe den. He had been
unable to escape, bad been surrounded by
the rattlesnakes and hud died from the
bites which he bad not been able to avoid.
Wbeu Lannie Cogar learned the truth,
le was overcome with remorse and struc!;
uttib at her loss, for it is said that she
really loved Doling and bad intended to
marry him. For days she sat crouched in
becblmney corner of the cabin, not speak-
ng to any one or answering when ad-
ressed. Suddenly one morning she dis
appeared. She returned to tbe cabin that
evening, laughing joyously, w ith something
In ber hand This something proved to be
several rattle of snakes she had killed.
Since that time she has bunted the snakes
A Ilurular Keep a Sufa.
On Monday the burglar who broke
into Colonel Arthur Puget's bouse, In
Belgruve stiuure, n few nights ago, was
chnrged at tho Westminster police court
and committed for trial nt the Old
Bailey. It appeared iu evidence that
this prisoner, named Tbtirgtir, alios
Knot, has struck out a new line in the
business of cracksman. Since August
lust, when ho came out of prison, ho has
rented a safe ut the Chancery Lane Safe
deposit, in order uo doubt to avoid any
unplensnnt association with receivers of
stolen goods. When searched by the
police the safe was found empty, yet no
doubt, but for the accident of Colonel
Puget's appearance at the moment when
Thurgar was taking Mrs. Puget's jowels,
it would now contuin plenty of articles
of value.
There is something very amusing in
the picture of the apparently respecta
ble middle class gentleman who rents a
Food's is Good
Makes Pure Blood
Scrofula ThorouKjily Eradicated.
'C. I. Ilmsl it Co., Lowell, (Mini. :
" It I- wltli pleasure that I lv roti ih dlll
ol our little May' uleknoa anil h, r reiurii to
health bv Hie uw of llisid'a eisaiarilla. she
wa taken d"U Willi
Fovor and a Bad Cough.
Follbnltm llila or i-ain on he- rliihi aid bo
Iwcxin the two lower HI. In a li,nt ilino an
other broke on Dm li lt aido. HI... would lake
IK'llul Mireincililli and alien bad aiiecwd-
u.l In f,vif.,inilcitf Ihla aim would sillier with at.
ameli and I'oiiip'eiely dining the whole aaiem i "' Ids'J ' "If' blcsiiiy limklng
rirni'll'iic. lie, mi-um wnp,,, .... . , wr
oiue.l from h r e ra. A Her each attack alio be
came wciraoaml all treatment tailed tnidre her
relief until we Ix-ksii Iu use ilood'a v.,. j mllla.
After ahe had taken one-lialf bultlu uti '.iild see
that he wa better, We eiiiitleiicd until alio
bud Ukeu three bottlea. N a alio looks like
The Bloom of Health
sud la fat ta rdr. We feel rmteful, and cannot
y too in iti li iu favor of IPshI snrsiipailha."
Mas. A. M. AD.m, Inmau, Teiine-he.
At mercury wl'l nl'eiy d, lrov I ho iiuao of
lertiiit It iiirmiiili tt.e m r -ne anr'iie
Hiieh art eleii shciiilcl iievor Is lie cl except on
pro crlitous Ictiit re titille iihiiii'liiua, it- Jbe
nimime ihc-v vvpl dn 'a i ichilcl lo tut u.ii d Tun
erill icia4ib y dell ve from Ihc'lil. Hull's I ictiirrll
Cure manurm-lurcd hy K. J. In-nev k ".., Tit
le li,0.,cnntiilii no me renry, mni l taken inter
iinlly, HeiinK J reeily iih)ii ice blood und ine
r nta aurf.ice-of thu ays pin. Iu bmli Hull's
Catarrh I'nre he sure yon I the ueimlne It
la In ki n liilerenl y Hint made In Toledo, Ohio,
ry r. j. i in-iii-y c. lesiinioniu a i ee.
ftp bold by drill Ita; price, 7a null per
Uw Ktiamelltie "love Pollali: uo cl oat noimell.
TxTOittNi for breakfast.
Hood's Pills net eHftlty.yct promptly uJ
tlluieiitiy, ou tliu Uvvr tul bmcla. 'Mm.
Bladder, Prlnarr (nd Liver Dlaaaao Dropay
Urarel and Plabelea aro cured by
heavy packages, lint wiio is in reality a
noted burglar. The writers of melo
drama have never dared to draw so im
possible a picture us this; and yet, after
all, they might with iierfect propriety
have brought the millionaire and Dill
Sykcs together iu tho corridor of the
Safe deposit. Loudon Spec-tutor.
Both tlio method and rosulu wlieu
safe und is constantly depositing in it , Syrup of Figs is taken; it is J)lea9tiut
nnd relreshiug to tho tnsto, and acts
rcnlly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tbe sys
tem efiectunlly, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures hnhittml
constipation. Fyrup of Figs is tlio
tiily remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tnsto and ac
ceptable to tlio Btoimtch, prompt iu
its action and truly bciicfieinl iti its
t!reet9, prepared only from tho most
healthy ami agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all aud havo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in GOo
and $1 bottles by nil lemling drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on bund will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Ik no vellttner thnn thut Of hii Uiifortiinii.o In-
ilivMuiil vh on-liver oom tnint htm hshhtiu'i) the
t'liroiitc form. The eyelallK if the tufTercr a&
miii o stiff roii hiif, Miiti' fa dull pain in thu re
gion of the orKiui titftictril, the tongue 1 c mtod.
brpnth tt i.r.tit-k h tuli.eht'S unuk ly t ut not at
ivnya occur, Hint ilierv in to'ncti.iH's llzsciiien nu
Hrir-iiiK from a sitting pout "re. Cortt pjithui
mill (ly.).iH.fa art hImj attendants of thuvery
common iiHmtiii.imvtiyti in iiHtiggr vait'ii lorin,
iinuie to nneu auncees 01 tun liver, uu 1 arc
very ittuiKeroiift. HoMcttcr'tf Stomach IthterN
wholly t-r .Hcxtcs tt, as well m Ihe tront.h-H
comtt lcateu wth it ami which It o'k'hiuli
In i hi In ana lever, a coniiilntiit wi.tch hvtiva
yreMn to theB taw. tho liver I wrintiH y iu
)lvet. i his line rtltemttve t'mt) to moves cos
tlvenexs mill lmliircstion. rhciim.itie. nervous
ana Km icy irouoie ana aetiiuiy.
MIh Wallop (Hio teacher) Tommy did I se
u whlripcr iig with the boy next you Just nowT
owiny AO, ma am; your oae was lurno".
A prominent clrrsvnmn of M ississii u ii ro-
commends "Golden Mcdieul Disoovery" to
Buttering humanity everywhere. Tho "Dis
covery" hiiilcis up the strength nnd solid
flesh when reduced below a healthy standard.
Rov. A. H. MeyS, of Friar'8 Point, t'mhnma
fsrtt;-?t s-rr- C"., wViwixfitrrf, writes:
X' .V.jjhV Iluvintr eiil.erod for n
-snTv number of yearn with
yV UABpepsin, toipul liver
lllll 1 Hi -ltl 111.1111 1 1. j-,
nml hiivinjf tried eevei'
n 1 physicians with little
or no iK'iH'lit, I resolv
ed, hb a liit resort, to
consult vnur specialists
ut thu World's Dispen
Biiry. Hi'iiiw mlvified hjr
them to in..' Dr. I'ieree'8
Golden Medical Dm
covery, I did an, uud
of tor uslnur several bot
tles, I feel entirely re
stored to health. Now,
I tnlto it-rent ulci.sure
in reeoininendlnjr ynnr medicines to suffering1
humanity everywhere."
I- Im
Rev. A. H. Mev.
ft Pr. WflllflmH Indian Pllo
Jfc Ointment will euro Blind,
jurvuiiitf a u iiciiwk riieM.
It nbHorlm the iwmoiT. allavs
too iicnuic aioncc, ikus as a poul
tice, (rives liistiiiit iliff. Iir. Will.
Inms' Indian Pile Olniin.ml In mvnnred
for Piles nnd Hchiiiir of the private
jNiru. jivery nnx ih wnrraniea. uvarug
cists bv mad on receipt ot pr'c, ffl conta
ft E
Cure Bright'! Dlaeaw, Relrntloii or Non-re-UMitlciuul
Vrluo, faiua Iu tlio Hack, Lnlua or
Cure Intemperance, Norvoua DI.icmw, Oener
Pebtlltr, Female Weakuew ud Kiecaau.
Cure Blllonanm. Headache, Jaundice, flout
Stomach, Dyapepata, Couit.atlon aud I'llc. .
AVI AT OM.'Kontho lllitnci , l.ti r
and Hon pin, restoring thcru lo Health;
lion, nnd I I lci:Nwheu all other medicine
111. Hundredi, have hccii uri il who hav buoo
Klveu up to die by (rleuda aud physician,
NOI.U II Al l, Mil i uism.
Proprietors, Ciovelniul, Ohio.
!: Trail
f ATA PDM nrniifiiir.
VM I Hltttn TheGreat Curo
for Catarrh, Deaf npas.CoM 9, SoroThront,
IloarsouefiJ, Headaeho, l-Wid, bickeulUK
Ureal ti t itwttorif t-.o Voiro, Borne vt
Smell, etc l i h e o (. c. o 1 1 cri uit t s or
tuall. 1. l KVOl! Y & rtOToim.,
Hit iVih bUB lirouklyua V
I tJimcuklpt.w
aT k. OViUUVjd. .
a Ptpiiils custom wn.k, eniin(j irom
' to 4i, pi-st vahiu (tirtht' mniicy
i niu wona. jvmie and phco
jm;H'd on the bottom. Kvorv
i puir warrant vd. Tukenosubstf
i-ce local papers for full
lescriptionol our complete
l Women or send for 7-
lustrated Lafalogu
giving in-Ktnictions
dw by mail. Postage free. Yod can get the best
Regulator of the Liverand Kidnsys
-A ol'Et.'IFIC FOR-
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia
And All Other Blood and Sklo Diseases.
Free by Mail
It ia sold on a Buarantee by ail dru
gista. It cures Incipient Consumption
au'l ;.r tne best uouaa una uroup iure.
un receiptor link Dollaii
A Whole Garden.
r.t ih molt you otir lllurtratwl Catiilognp whirl
will .pll you all about It. Minuet ml hihI HIhiiI
I'ii. CNIiprwood Hall Nutacry Co. I, 427-9 Naiiaonii
Street, Han Krat Cisco, .electee! tieedn a apeclult)
M. V. S. II. Nr. 541 -K K. N. II. No. 18
It la positive cure tor all those painful, dell
cme com Minima uud complicated tumbles and
wcaktiesseaconimou among our wive, motliert
aud clauithlcra.
The effect Is inimedlnte and laatlnir. Two or
three doaea o( Uh. Fabhiik's Rkmsdt takcu clallj
v(.a ..iv U10..U c-iiui, uie nver anu Kiciueya act
ive, and will entirely emcliciite from ihe Bjatero
all traces of Scrofula, Hull Khi uui, or any other
form of blood disease.
No medicluo ever Introduced In Ihla country
has met with Mich ready aalc, nor niven ucB
uiiiversnl untislacllou wheuever lined an that ol
This remedy hHS been used In the hospital,
tnrousliout the old world for the pt twenty,
live years at a speclHo for ibe aboro iliseitfes,
and It has aiidwlllcurewhen.il other lo-called
remedloa full.
Send tor pamphlet of testimonials from those
who have been cured by its use. Druitsist sell
it at (1.00 per bottle. Try It aud he convinced
For ale by
O and II Front St., San Francisco.
A Noble tight.
Smith 1 am sorry to bear, Brown, that
you have failed in business.
Brown les; 1 atriiKKleu hard, but I lost
erythin, save my honor, thank God, and
he property I was wise enough to settle
on my wife when I found myself getting
into trouble. Texas Mftings.
Itadly Elprvaavil.
Mr. Jonathan Trump You arc charm
iiiK ti'iiiK'lit.
.Misa I'enclope PeaclcM.iw Indeed'
VVlint like Ihitifc yi.u mm wiy! Mr. Klat
ter junt told me the Mime thing. .
Mr. Jonathan Trump (anxious to depre
.iate his rtvnl) lf course you don't be
lieve he nicunt ll Lontlun Tit Uita.
mau Ink.
Th. governor of Delaware I usually
farmer w ho has lived a simple aud IhIk
riou life. His salary is small, hi Infill
f nee upon legislation is smaller, as he ha
no veto; b. is not proviclut by the Mate
with a fMl.lpn. and hi r.SH. In h tinw
" u.t a vvm liiiawiaa turn aid lover ever fail to recn-nize hi ! statcbou-e at Dover I fitted op with atcrn
VThea the t!io treen in Franklin mistrce at a glunc-e? The oice of itself rimphcity.
unty. Me., wire in blufwun on re- ' nfflcient. but there was the tule. . , ; . .,
Japnpckp-ri'- 'nt Snndar. n-,w claimed to be rrora beautiful facf. with it aureole of thin- v 1 'T. T. ""
REV n1 t0,mif- Vfh" ?W CT'i , ii . I.' - 7 u , ttr, n. laud.nd have four Vvernrr-nt
aJnt?e!oyd:Mril't.Bndsraanrra.inLM to him. flaming in , passionate en-Kboo Theircbief isStillweilgownook
j k.emb through ta. rtn ft of Philiip.. i treaty. A tingli. KcoaJ n. itood, then 1 .nj B cannot .peak Engliah.
Worth Mopey.
Mr. Bink The paper ays Albert Bier
tadt got f."0,0ii0 for hi painting, "The
Last of the Huffalot."
Mr. Dinks Yes. lSufTaloes is liecomln
no scarce that even a pic t u r' of one i wonb
money. New York Vwi.ly.
Varied tbe Style.
"1 remember that once I wafted twenty
mile to whip a fellow."
"Jerusalem! And walked back, too, I
"No; they carried me." Chicago Xew
Kecord. Italy gives to tbe world outside ber be?
ien ,5o0,000,000 oranies: ipMin. 1,400.
900.000; Portugal, 8ii.in o.iafH); ParaKua-. .
(0,000.000; Florida, nearly as many a
In Sitka, when an Indian wife has lc
ber husband by draib, ahe goe in
monmlng by painting the upper part 1
her face a deep black.
Chicken are easily aud successfully
raised by nslu the Petaluma In
cubators nd Brooders. Our Il
lustrated Ci'.loKuo tellM all about it.
Don't bur any but the Petaluma if you want strong, vigorous chick
We are Pacific Coast Headquarters lor Bone and Clover Cutlers, Mai k
era, Book, Capoiilxing Tools, Fountains, Flood's Roup Cure, Morrt
Poultry Cure, Creosoione the irreatcliickfn-ltce klllerand every other
article required by poultry raisers. See the machine In operation at
our exhibit with the Norwalk Ostrich Farm. Midwinter Fair, hatching
oarichca and all kinds of regs. Cataloenc free: If von want it, write
750 7oi "56 Main street, i'etaluma, C.I.
AtritM)tr Cotttr,
Citculw ftiw uul Smuy StMl Framt.
o(n:-rpiilriiibrriber f llii vapet.
auttituieitt .o. I, wiua wtwk ut.
t-umiitioiu lu aaV
In BTtco1r inlcnr at 1hi piT w rf kttf1iwntl
h 2 trl am lln wtim. Othfr cxtraiiavant (itfan Ui tk
iaul bmndl ter. Tlx Aenuolor to. ul duilui
4, 30, .16, S and ',1 Inches Wide,
Hardvare and Builders' Supplies,
tf Cnt tlii ailvertiaempnt nnt. and end it whpn yon writP.
IS fun, IS PltlZTSfur Dm br-f -iti written 1y k wtfa.
MtWUj,:' '? 3 -r t r v ,:.-t i;: If. I ! ,r i.l l.i ODMIWII.
1H. Sl!r LO 1 1 fX a Ai l: ,n ui;i- M
?w MiMltt of . . 1 1. , !n.: : nampH ,,.
i-jrilnrri l.t'ir j 2. p f. i.d f t lomcnl,,.
- - a . . a t? f T! TV
a TV. t a. fc-"JT i -E ' ' ' -9 W
in ti t
li. .p l nc, AU Ida.
IUlij.MUMi'lUO atk. 9 I
or Xo U
man Ink.
with JneneckeTII-!
ICMaaaapttrea and people
wbo aarv weak Ituura or AaUt
ma, txild iu Puo aCunfor
Conaaaipcioa. It baa cue
Ikaanuala. It ha. sot letuf
ed one. It l. not baa lo ta.
. J in. to beat eooabaynip.
1 Bold OTerTwbera. Ua
rn 1
1 a