Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, April 13, 1894, Image 2

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tylt ottrler.
Oregon City, April 13, 1894.
Democratic County Ticket.
For Senator,
For Representative!,
For County Judge,
For County Committioner,
For Sheriff,
For Clerk,
For Recorder,
For Treasurer,
For AsBesHor,
8. R. GREEN. .
For School Superintendent,
For Surveyor,
1 ( ; r FRED HESSE. '.
For Coroner,
For Justice, District No.
For Constable, District No.
Prof. Rudolph, the lecturing ex-Rom
ish priest.travels the country over under
the direction and protection of the Amer
lean Protective Association, for the pur
pose of "welling; the ranks of that secret
relieio-political rk-anUation, the ad
mitted object of whose existence is ac
tive, ceaseless opposition to the Roman
Catholic hierarchy, and the thwarting
of the treason against the governinen t
of the United States and our conatitu
tional liberties, which, it declares, is
harbored by the Roman Catholic priest
hood under instigation of the pope.
Many members of orthodox Portestant
churches, when the case against Rome
is skilfully presented, believe the dan
ger is real and Join the A. P. A., but
members of the "big church" ridicule
the movement, and consider it a greater
evil than the presumed one it is intend
ed to oppose. The while, ex-priests
like Prof. Rudolph make a living by id v.
iuK the Catholics "fits." If Bob Ingersoll
could be prevailed on to deliver a lecture
for hat receipts at Sliively's hall on I lie
"Mistakes of Calvin and His Followers,"
he would draw as full a house as Prof.
Rudolph, and would crack full as many
vulgar jokes at the expense of the Prot-
' estants as he has at the expense of the
Koroanists. some one published, a
couple of years ago, in pamphlet form a
list of the American Protestant ministers
that have become a disgrace to common
decency. The list is appalling. Prot
estantism can ill afford to hire rene
gade priest to tar the Catholic clergy.
It would be circus if Rudolph and
Ingersoll could jravel together. . Mini'
ters and priests are but frail human be
ings like the laity.
Prof." Budolph prudently omitted
mentioning in his leetures that during
the "middle ages," so-called, not the
Catholics alone, but also nn-Catholius,
whenever they had the power, punished
those that theologically differed from
them. At that time in Europe, as now
in the Russian empire, a disavowal of
the government's religion was in itself
treason against the state and was pun
isbed as such. Henry the VIII, for in
stance, who rebelled against Rome and
waged merciless warfare against Ca
tliolicism because the pope would not
sanction his divers adulteries, during the
38 years of his reign, in the middle of
the 10th century, ''ordered the execu
tion of 2 queens, 2 cardinals, 2 arch
biBhops, 18 bishops. 13 abbots, 500
priors and monks, 38 doctors of divinity,
12 dukes and earls, 104 gentlemen, 124
commoners and 110 ladies." A century
later, Oliver Cromwell, the Lord I'ro-
tector, with his army of brave, cruel
and bigoted English Protestants, landed
in Ireland, and with the bible in one
hand and a sword In the other, but
chered many thousands of Irish Catholics
that would not surrender at the first
summons to the Puritan tyrant. Famine
followed in the wake of the war and
persecution to desolate the country, all
the priests were exiled or killed, thou
sands of people were transported and
nearly all the lands belonging to Cuth
olics were confiscated and parcelled out
by Cromwell among his soldiers.
. The persecutions, imprisonments and
butcheries to which Elizabeth, queen of
England, subjected Roman Catholics,
more from political than religious mo
tives, for piety never troubled her, need
but a passing allusion. Calvin(founderof
Calvinism), who had Scrvetus, the liber
alist, roasted alive,' and Molr.nchthon,
the gentle, scholarly lieutenant of Mar
tin Luther, the great German reformer,
both agreed that it was proper to kill
Catholics or heretics. Theodore Beta,
the scholarly disciple of Calvin, wrote a
book concerning the "punishment of
heretics by the civil magistrate."
Heresy hunting, at that time, was as at
tractive and lucrative to adventurous
minds as office hunting is to day. Hor
rible cruelties were committed by both
Catholics and Protestants. The state of
society and government were vastly
different from what they are now. But
the world (i. e. the people) has changed,
and it does seem that he who fears the
reign of a Catholic oligarchy is scared at
the ignis fatuus conjured by an excited
Mark : The Roman Catholic church
will flourish long after A. P. A Urn and
puny unfrocked priests like Prof. Ru
dolph are forgot ton, and human liberty
will not alone survive but become more
complete with the advancement of humanity.
Aitohm democrat! will entertain del
egates and visltora to the democratic
state convention to be held there April
17th. They Issue the following circular
"The democrats of Astoria and Clatsop
county are taking steps to entertain the
members of the stale democratic con
vention and other visiting democrats.
There i nothing like starling campaign
with enthusiasm, therefore we Intend to
give our state ticket good start. In
Oils effort we solicit your hearty co
operation and should feel honored If
you could possibly attend In person.
We also wish that you would urge the
democratic clubs of your county, as well
as every other democrat, who can pos
sibly spare the lime to come to the
state convention. In return we can
only promise you that our accomoda
tions are good, that our citixons are
hospitable and that we propose to make
it as pleasant as possible for you."
law tun
Uittiuhoefvr, Uaaiand Cot. Donald McDonild
H W Brat w John and William Phillip..
Thoinailne End Tt Thot Charman.
AIM 8wek Marion and Mary Johnson
Jamea Humphrey nlll Shlblay
Pilar A WIm n A M SlilbUy
W B Ames Tt Llsile B Boa-era
T B t Mnrv Wurthinstoo ri Henry Thauing
II E Croat vi 0 0 and Jnlliu Campbell
John K Courtney n John Metiler
Hamilton Washington ti Empire M ff Co
R Anidai n Marion and May Johnaon
J D Cooka vi do
Ed 8 Newton (!y K 8 N.wtou) ti J O Crumble;
A 0 Stogwlcll n Anderson McKinney
Jul Tompkln. Maiwcll Ramaby
A T Millar nil Harah Una
Or Mat Uk of Partland nlVI Jones
Stall ti II I Croa
W T Homey n Henry and Ann Bmatheri
Ja Simpson nil Stafford
Tlioi Cliarman at Son . ranton A Tendalr
Ealwri, llachman Co Tt W A Ark.ruian
J A Junca nflOl Allea Wood!
(Irani Phanluy ri J B A Alia M Labar
Palmer t Kay fa C 0 loll (Oregon City Herald)
r P Ball ti B L A A Seduction Co
Slchil Mayar n WAAckarmnn A Thua Campbell
Laura BCasi ti A B Stroup
Caapcr fonker vi Herman Trolgar
B T Brodanon ti Portland Oan E 00
Walter Sbepard Tt Alfred J Burdatta
Portland Truil Co r. Reuben Smith
Jaa Cruikuhanki vi Hanora Daroren
Kobbint A Son ri Helb Anilen
Portland Tniat Co va Sam and Jai Mam
IK) 1 A and L Q Tbayer
W II ritipalrlck ti T W Fouli at al
I W Lawrence ti II L Schiller
Meier A frank Co ti do
UarreUon, Woodruff, Pratt A Co n II L Schiller
R L Sabln nUL Schiller
Cohen, DavU A Con OUon A Lonli
Wadhami A Co n H A Vorpahl
Bellomy A Bueeh n E M Howell
John Parker n Ida M McClellan at al
Joseph Blchnar n John Kalier
R L Sabln al al n B I Schiller and T F Ryan
Thna Chirman ti John Molten
R Sillier n C W Oanong
W J Taylor n M T Broderiok
J K Sheak n Ann A FT Wallace
Lehman, Hoyst A Co n M lluerth
II Freeman n Chiiitopher Webb
Oao Quintan n liana Johnaon
Thoi Charman A Son vi Sllai and Mia Wright
V O Harding ti C I and II E Cruaa
E T Holgata n J 8 and Amelia C Mullen
Mute n Win Jeea and Fred Nelson
R II Kraus ri Eaat Side Railway Co
Lydla Winetett ri Oregon City
C II Oaufleld ti D O Magona and J W droit!
C II Brown ti Noah and 8 W ll.nlf.ty
II E Crua. t. Clackaniai Alliance No HA
State ti Kdward Boylea
Ella Oraliam ti John and Mary gchrani
George Smith n Robt L Pollock
Mra Luella McFarlana n John Leland
itqurri dais,
Aulgnment of J P llanna, J 0 Plllahnry, aaaignci
Do Both Auaten, H I Croat, do
Do Oraen Broa t Co, M A Stratton do
Eliaa Dlckoiiaon n Jno M Dtckenaon
Thomasina Ko.ly (ax.) va 8 A Catherine Rameden
A M Pereoni vi Rebeoca Oardner
W H Vatighan (acini.) n Jno E Ollfcer at al
Thomailna Rudy n Jno Officer
Assignment of J P Logan, T F Ryan, aaalgnaa
Hansen at al ra Harlun Johnson -
Henry Chapman n Clou D Meraar at al
Jenningt A Webber ti John Conway
Geo W Blrcbard n 8 J Ogleaby A J Cole
W T Burnay ti 8 W It Jonea A Bank of Or City
Anna K DaTli n Tlioi Datii -
Jaa Abraham n Marion A Mary Johnaon
W T A L Co n Auric M Draper AWT Burnay
Elisabeth Urejoy n P Qen Elec Co
Mary A Fallowa vi Mra 0 M I'hlllipt at al
Mcliala Ann Teeter ti Sarah L Mack et al
Application of Anuie Rorhen for writ of habeaa
ElliaJThonipaon ra Diuglu W Wllliaiua at al
II K Duniway Lumber Co n Jaa Thouiaon
Thereat Kramerer n Riidnlph Wl nterer at al
Elllo Jonea a R L Jomi
J II Cruokilianka ti W II A 01 lie 8 Adanta
Fllancy Utla n W T Shurtl.ffet al
Nelllo P Brown TI II W Weeco A L M Davli
Helen M Montour r. Danl Montour
Mm M H Wallace ti W E Weill
Jaa II BnggeM n Rlehard W O'Brien
E.lato of Potter A Kelly, T F Ryan, aaalgnea
City of Portland ti 0 W Uanong, sheriff
Danl Jonoa ti Wra Gray at al
Chaa II Walaon n Carrie M Watson
Mary A Hatch t llenry Jr and Carrie Swift
State tb llolra of Jno (I ray A Dan J Jonea
Ditnl W Triillingor ti Juliet F Trulllnger
Louisa M Stone vi Alonio Stout
Jaa Humphrey ti J J Fowler et al
M U Lcwelllng vi Frank Been
Ed E llowland Tl Dr H W lloaa
llernloe E Day ti Frank E Day
0 F Illbbn.nl vi Jin A Anna II Fisher
Chai Bauman at al ti M K Shipley et al
8 II Chrlatlan ti Ida Clllt et al
Oak Unit. L A I Co vi Chaa U Itunnell
Annie JI Duncan ti lid II Duncan
Marietta Pratt (adiu.) ti Delilah Sargent
Klelchuor, Mayer A Co va J J Fowler at al
T B llankiiii ti Wm Logui, Ueu Warner guardian
Chai Miwhnke n do do
Chai llisley n J II OKU
Joe Paillet et al n E 8 Ky
Sarah E DaTlilaon Tl W T Duvhlann
Wm F Coggawoll ti Knima E Coggawall
8 T 8tfoli.ii. et al ti J B lather et al
John P Coulter vi Nancy J Coulter
Alignment of II I. Schiller
Wm II Roea n J II Toaadali et al
Win Vorpahl n Ed Kaniiuurur
Mary Maen ti Angua Campbell
Phillip Chaperon va Laontlue M Aruoute et al
P Uen E Co ti J V Humphrey et al
Joi Hed.e. n Wm A Sarah W Burket
Martha A Doorei v. Jno W Murdoch
Sarah A BniugMoli at al ti Or Cily el al
Sarah B Pa)uet el al ti Or City et al
Martin II Morgan n Mattle L Morgan
Mariniret C Lai no. t. Samuel W Uolnea
A C Labiurotta ra Proger BnM et al
John llarrii n Wm Crowahm and Will S Creaa
Tlioa O'Connor va Saml Eriikeon et al
John Lund n Wm W Nearer,
II C rUerell. va J W Thomaa et al
Virginia Catnplmll n Chaa K CauipMI
J P Karmeaaou at al ti 11 ru Royal
A D Illinium ti Henry Barnhart
A Kelchton ti A Lewi. A W J W MrC nl
Anna E Weaton v. Maaon Wraton
Agnes giiuunen ti Alva Suramin
Kali Ban-lay ti Or Cy
A owe Lorejoy TI Will Kail. R C,i
A pa Bluer n Chaa Bitaar
T VVyuant el al n Or Cy
W P Lorenaen ti Mary 8 Wren al al
Anlgiiment of J WThtunas,JW.Cainbell,aiala;iiea
Mary E Wlneton vi L 1 Pletrbrr
BenJ Parker ti Loutaa Parker
Hannah B Bufflngton ti C N Walte et al
II C Btevene n Henry M Fonte
S P Bridge, n Herinlna Arndl
V O Harding ti J W and 8 A Chaer
Rlla Surface VI Beiry A Surface
Minnie V CI Ine TaClarkamaa County
Criminal Caaea State va n E Croai (2), State
J C Weaterwoll, Slate P A Manjiiam. State) va
Wilhelraliia Kohler, Slate ti chai H Aahhy.state
ti W W and H P MHiuIra and W 8 Chapman.
State vi Frank Hall. State v Frank Hall, State
va Fred F Blener, State vi A MrUuthlln.
The Renegade Priest,
Prof. Hudolpli, LccturcN
Under the Auspices of the A.
He Denounce tb Itornan Ca
tholic Church a an Enemy
of our InHtltutlonH.
Hliivol v'a hall waa crowded to over
flowing Monday evening by an audience
of men anil women eagtr to hear the
lecture of the e-pritst, 1'rof. Ittidolph.
At the time set for commencement, Ker.
Oilman I'arker, the Uaptist preacher,
topped to the footlights with a song
book in his hands and renuttated the
audience to rise and sing "America."
To the soiik succeeded a short prayer
by Kev. Molloy, who was ato on the
platform (beside George Clark of Port
land and a few other citizens). Mr.
DeKrante I lion inttodiicetl Hie speaker
of the evening, a miildle sized, Htronulv
built man of alsiut U years. In order
that the public may jutlkw for itself what
dow, groieaiitie uasue oi met ana
aophl-try was woven fur two hours by bisliHp Hyan of I'lillHtlulphia sayi
tax collector with bullets! He now Uvea
with another man's wile on a N.-vada
ranch. ArrhblMiop Hegher declared our
public school openly an I gruaxly im
moral, and oilier prominent Iioiniali
prieata have expressed like opinions. A
Catholic teacher of a panx.-hial school
at Norwalk, O., ravl-lietl :ll of his ttlrl
pupils, and when hla crimes came to
light the pariah priest heiped the boast
to escaM to Canada by giving him
money. When a priest rtcelvei nnlttr
to build a church, lie levies a tax on his
people, who must either pay or hu
damned. The fight to-day is not between
democrats and republican! or populists,
but between A meritan liberty and
the harlot of Konio, All that re
minds the Itoinan Catlmlit's of tlieir con
nection with the early Christiana Is Unit
they eat Hah on t ritiay. 'I'de history of
the paal shows that as lung as counlriea
were ruleil by komish canon ! and
not by sellled civil Ihw,
PI'HI.IC Klll'CATlON Was (inossi.r S'Ktl-LBCTKI);-
Mr. Wheeler, a writer of the Metho
dist church, states that KIiik Victor
Emanuel turned loose 70.000 J.llu niotiks
and nuns, ami faiind tliut two Miinla of
the adults ol Italy could not read, i nn l
was the legitimate result ol l'.ipish rule.
Father llecker, the noted missionary,
wrote in the Catholic Wurlrf, July, l.iii),
that heretical opinions must be. reniHteil
even to "war and bloodshed.' Arch.
a uenani, reckless, aguressive, skiiiui Icliurcli is iiiloloraut becU'Jsu she alone
speaker ol gtxxl ability, Killed with an has the proof." This religious deNpitism
excellent memory and a clear, ringing tries to crush out American liberty,
voice, with the uniiiiMtakablu object of We do not question the ritibt of Unman
iticitinv fierce hostility against the Ko- Catholics to believe unythinx they
man Catholic church and increasing the
membership of the A. P. A., a svnoosi
ol the lecture pillows below.
Thirteen years ago, lie said, he threw
off ine letters ol sacerdotal slaver
When a church ruled by a foreign po
tentate tries to eticroiich on our liber
tics, it is time to rise In opposition to it.
hi, reter, whom the Kottilsh church
please, but wo wilt md let the IVpe of
Koine and h'.s army of- Jesuits over
throw the American school system.
tJenor Caslelar said tfiere is nut' a pro
gressivs ptinciple that has imt been
curseu oy ine cnurcn ni Hume, .(.iior-1
The following are the transfura since
warcii 27th:
W It uml Janiea I'mtliiw to W J M
Killli un, ft aa. H iml fur deed.
C( I Willhiiiia ami M A H rtlinil to
m i-.katninii,lui 7 in blk I.I, I'.tlls View
Waller I'omeroy of county of Wash
Inuton, lerriliny of Oregon, lo Calvin
I'omerov, lots 7,8. U in blk l.l.inn Cily ;
I.HK1. Peed execute I in I'orlhinil, Dec,
Mol Uirscli lo W II Hhlvely. w I,' of
on o aim o in iiik 14, uo add to Ureuon
City ; 1
M V Ambler lo I C Humphrey, lot II
in blk I, J W Uuots'addto MnrshhVId;
C W Drake to F W llurth, 1 10 as of K
Iliirbnge doimiion ; '.'H.'iO.
Or l.iinil Co to John Maririri ut a. Inta
23 a n. I 211 ol blk 70, Mlnthorn ; m
J W Uiaits to C K Street, 12 as of sw
.' of sec il, t 2 s, r 2 ej 1200.
Sunset Uml Co to Wm Winkle, lots
I) and 4 of blk 6, Niimict City j (700.
Win Harlow to It ti Irwin, blk 10
(5 7H as). Harlot. ; ih)0.
W B I'artmw lo W J McKilll.tiin, ft as
of llowland cluiin; $7')0.
Mary A Jackson to M Mtnger, lot 14
ol blk 4. U est Mde add ; f 123.
IC W Kammerer to A C Humlur. i
of sw of se1 of se V of sec 4, t 4 s, r
i e, ; f nuu.
C Knignt toU Kuiglit, lot 12 or blk
4, canity f 10.
Sam .Matliew to Elmer Holt, lots
uml (tof blk 8, (Stithy; 150.
f C Pembroke to C T Pembroke, 1 of
w ' of sw Va see 7, t 4 s. r 5 e : 200
eeiy lo h u eely et al, 811 as;
y litnt'ttttlit rfmntifM and nrerrritlry ubfrc'
i UumMc Imlr, whttlirr upun the hamltjnee,
iirin. ni- iiri t, williuul tliuutonUInn or injury
lu Mr mo'l ilf Unite ihtn. it waa for illly
i yearaihaarerMi rrimiU nt liraamua
I, iVIIami, aekiinwIi'ilKi-il liy plij-ili'laiii ai
the lilslii-ai aiitliiiilly ami Hie iiiual i-mli f lit
' .l..r..,u,..l....l.l .....I I....... .1... -
... ....' ...... n,, iihti.iim film I'viT
llvml, llllrllltf hia lirlvnte lirnt'llnniila I if..
'.line aiuiins the luilillllyaiiit arlatueraey of
Knniie he in-.ciM-il llila revipa, f lite,
I by inuil. M-euri'ly pHi-kccl. CorrnHiu.
ilrner amIJeiitliil. Sufr Ast-iita fur America.
t The Skookum Ruot Hair Grower Co., '
If Pcpt. K, '7Suiilh Klltli Avei.ne, New Vork. It
.Ill UAl, until vuiini.iitutu, ll'l IMC I mil!.., IMini VIIU Ul )I M X I III 1 1 1 11 II H I "-won. i I'l.J l I
church secure any temporal power.' Toe reign in Mexico, the Itomun Catholics ' a-1 ol Ch IVndleton
Emperor Conslantlne was a pnlhician can't liold a foot of ground in Mexico. ; erty remains in Mr
1. A
Silas K Ilevcrs to Rebecca Scobit,
i:i7 as In sec 22, t 4 a, r 1 e : 48.30.
.1 J Oibson lo It I! (iibson. sw i of tie
uano bruno was burned Itaurwoutlpile in 4 1,1 sec .1, t 6 s, r 4 e, 40 a- ; f Idtl - l)o
the ltllh century fur"uicnly leaching j t" H F (iibson, nw of se ,'4 of sec ; i, I
Ins discoveries 111 astronuim;. tin e 1 a s, r 4 e. 40 as : 200.
claims lo have set the first machinery of was condemned to abjure on his knees ' F M Amen to Thus Law, lot-1, 2, :l of
poery in motion, never iiyeu 111 r.ome. ttiui inn eart.i uoes move. oik 0, raits lew attii : i.io
Nut till 32), from Constantino, did the Since the fatal end 01 Maximilian's 1 Susan May lo H 1. and K I) H ill, .'II
claim; 1U. Prop
IS .'laj S uuHSesaloil
anu was etigageti 111 war. uonstautine Nearly a hall million heroes ai ti 111 "tiring tier lite
never saw a cross in the sky. The bish- their lives to snoore-H slaverv in tu.i
ops and priests sent word to Constat!- United States, which was upiield by Ihe
tine and proiiuseii mat 11 he wou give giant Uepotisui ol H tine. We will have
what they aaked they would sustain him a new war. Let 'or come. There in a
new army that is willinu to take up the
guns aim ngut Ihe A. P. A. That
providential association is now 2 W .
000 stronir. The wom'an'H A. P. A.
will be there also on the Held of Ultiu
Uotne holds a vast 'aawfeifalH oi all
kinds of property, through her bMmps,
that escapes taxation. . Senatur llhiii-
once said that the Roman Catho ic
with their power and Influence
In 725 Pepin first granted territory to
the Komish church, which he had taken
from the Lombard. Charlemagne was
Hie first emperor crowned by the poiin
The crown of Charlemagne is said to
contain a spike from the cross of Christ.
I'opcry preserves so many of thestt holy
spikes; they are in shrines, monasteries,
chapels. All the holy spikes and holy lobby at Washington is tliu most tlis
timber irotn Holy crosses would luruish gracelul and unscrupulous that ever
iron and ties enough for a railroad from visited the national capital. i would
New York to San Francisco. 1 know not advise you to opp ise or ulTend your
mere are in noiy coats 01 jurist, inougn 1 uatnoiic neighbors, but we must and
he bore but one. The church holds that
outside of it there is 110 salvation. St,
Athanasius (in the fourth century) af
firmed that and so does the church to
day. Humanism forbids all liberty ol
conscience. The natural conclusion is
that all persons who will not submit to
the church must be made to, to insure
their salvation, or they will be a scandal
will oppose the tecular Dower of the
Pope. Uen. Lafavetto said that "if the
liberties of America era ever destroyed
they will fall by the hands of the Unman
Catholic clergy." One of the Popes has
aid that "Catholics mttst love their
church more than their ouulrv."
Father Butler, a Komish priest, left the
cnurcn to marry a Alias Uradv She
as heretics and must be put out of the bore him several children, and then, at
way. St. Thomas Anuinas (1274) on p. the importunities of BislioD Wimer of
00 of his Summum Theologiunt teaches New Jetsey, he deserted her and the
that heretics should be delivered over to babies and reentered the priesthood,
the secular power to be exterminated. The church holds that oticn a nrieat ia
In a canon enacted by the 4th Lateral! always a priest, and does not recognize
council '1215) it is a Hi r mod that the tiie legal marriage of a priest ; lie is nut
secular powers must exert themselves mairied, holds the church, even if lie be
to the utmost to exterminate heretics, married. It is all right, it a priest have
and if a secular prince does not he shall children in an orphan asylum. The
be excommunicated and his ' properly church of Home overritles Die seen hir
confiscated, and all those encouraging law of the land.
heretics snail likewise be excommuni- the hat was passed around forcu-
cated, which moans that lection and Kev. Mr. Parker announced
J I, Mari.ui to J B Walker and W J
Hobiiison, lot 4 t.f 11 H of W W Weeks
tionaiton in sees r.i aim w, t ;i s, r I w,
2') 8 as conveying Id of said lot 4;
Men llomsley to Ben Wolfer. 70 as of
Hannah rish claim, sec 20, I 4 8, r 1 e,
U & C It It Co lo Mary Liebrom, lie M
of lie (4, sw J4 of lie .'4' of sec 21, t .'t 8, r
4c; f'loo.
George Susbatier to J A Rydm in, lot
2, :i, 4 of blk 10, Canby; (UOO.
L F Callahan to H J and C A Kastall,
100 as of C It Cullrihnii claim ; $(00.
C Hinuel lo J W AIcKav. e 4, of lot 3
of blk 1, ti recti Point; f'H).
Jane li baker to J W Watts, 18 43 as
if ihe Horns Baker claim Nos 54 and
OS; 1.
Horida F A Kavler to Clara J Emp.
;j acre; fu.
J h Stone to CliarleB Stone, ne i of
tie qr ol sec 22, t 2 8, r 4 e J IKK).
1110s L..iw to c 31 Amen, 11 w of ne
Vk ol sec 22, t 4 a. r 2 e. 41 as: 1750.
Wallace W Porter to W U Wade, lots
I uml a of blk 140, Oregon City ; K'OO.
Nellie Cummins et al to tililiu llines.
lot a of 11 H of W W Weeks donation
claim in sees 19 and 30, 1 3 s, r 1 e, 25 8
as ; x-iuj.40.
P ti Linn to Dan A Jones, as in sec 35,
i .. . '
ion, 1 1 e i T'O
Golden Opportunity For Suffer-
ins If uiimnlty.
hy.lelari. (live Their It niikIIm to die People,
DO YOU SUFFER? ZT. n."..il
and we will ai.iiil y,w Verm ul Charge a ruu.
i ilt a.a of iperlaPy prepnrnl ri illi-illra Int aultml
WZt,Z7 " WANT yorB ,"t0',
WC PAN PIIDC 'lomlninimmtrililliieaMe)
II L OH II u U il b " 1"'"1 Utir tmtnienta
ir 1111 iiiamui-a anil ilrinrlnlUM are cUru and
iK-ienimc, iripuml By 'many yenia' riprrienea,
wlilnk eualilra IK tu (luarantra a Cure, Va mil
N. B. We haTe the only pnalllva cure fi-
....-..am. irim; aim uATAHitit, Hererenee
aiic n. 1 i-eriliatieliliy luealnl. (Old ealabllvlied. )
ii .namei nr., sua rrnuelaea, Ci
Ttr if
What It tha condition of your J l your hair dry, S
harsh, brittle? Doe It pllt at the end? Mas It a i
llfelesa appearance? Doci It fall out when combed or
brushed ? la It full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch ?
la It dry or In heated condition ? If these are tome of
your ay mptoma be warned in time or you will become bald. 5
Skookum Root Hair Grower i
It prndutrtlna U not o ftivldtnl, but th rMUll of Hrnl lft ic
d ol Hi dliWMUM of tbe balr nii Ktlp Ud to lh d Imtov
thorn. "Mkojkmn'oouttninfithcr uiloliii'roli. It
li tthAtvan bamI.
rvAMrch. kixrld
rr ot bow lo trMt tl
9 elt.
tut dtitroy th$ hitir.
lb follUilMi U top uUtmi 1
f W rtMi thM iMtii Alan. hMlthv Mi4 frM fmrm Irrff Atlna Mtintlnni. liv
If rourdruffRlitcMBMiUDDlyvtMMd dlnet to oi.Mdwwia forward .
prl.., nn rrrrlpl of prk jUrowtr, $IW wr boltl j I tot Auu. ,
YerU, N. Y.
Your Stomach
Distresses You
aftereatlog a bearty meal, and tha
result Is a cbronio case of Indiges
tion, Sour Btomach, Heartburn,
Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack.
PMnai.a) lalffAatlaai. R k
!'cl'-ler maaT Bawele. Fa riff
the Hlaod, uud are a PaaltlTe Care for
CaatipallD, Hick lieaelacke, BIU
.atataaeBB auu ail oioer Ulaeaaea arlalea
f rum a dlaonlered ooDdltltin of tne LlTer aoa
Stomach. They act gently yet promptly, and
perfeet illaeatlon rollowa their uae.
KIpaniTatiulea take the place or aa Eatlre
Slealcliie Cheat, and abouirt be keptCur
Sold by inanittt or ami by
Price, Two Dollan.
Ipraea SL, Mew Verk.
Priests don't want tlieir people to 110
to such lecttiros, anu tnev are excoin
municatetl il they ko. If a Catholic ia
refused absolution by the Priest he will
no to hell. I have the same power now. I.
thouirh a reneirade priest, can absolve as
many sins as any priest, because once a
Driest hi alwara a Driest. The doctrine
of the extermination of heretics is as old
as Komamsm. rope Oreuory VII (whose
maiden name waa Hiltlebrantl Pope
Ilellbrand, Downing, the historian, calls
him), who died in 10K3, taiiulit it was no
crime to kill a heretic. U ie ol the later
popis hrs rea Hir met! this. By special
decree of Pope Pius IX, the Sumiuum
I lieolotfiiiin ol ot. llionias Aquinas, the
"evangelical U'icior, which tjactiesthia
doctrine, is used as a textbook at the
Catholic university in (lie city of Wash
ington, we know now mat munv mis
takes of President Harrison can be
traced to
The irreatest presiilent of tlie United
Slates, Abraham Lincoln, waa killed
by the Jesuits, and ha had been warned
years before, while a lawyer in Chain-
that following evening Prot. Hmlolph
would lecture on " The : bitorv of Mv
Life.or Why I Left the Catholic Church.' '
At the second lecture. Kjv. Mr.
Parker was absent- and the patriotic
song, too, but Kev. Mr Molloy opened
it wtln prayer. The Joolure was ire He
rons in . its expressions of contempt f,r
and ridicule of the Irish Catholics, nud
tickled the Oratmeineii,. aa 1'rof. Ru
dolph intended. He wiuV . rtiot he had
been born in that sectiun of Switzer
land which formerly formed a part 1 f
Italy, and his purentaite was Italian
In 18C8, in his 2.1th year, he had been
ordained as a priest at Cleveland. O
and 12 years later had left the church
and shortly thereafter- married
American lady. His little boy wax
uood A. P. A-ist. In' January, It
year, he hud been brutally assaulted
at Lafayette, Intl., while delivering
lecture at the opera house, by a moo of
Catholic Irish, bincetlien the A. P. A
has made it safe for hiiii to lecture there
as often as he likes, anil hi) is no al
ways fully prepared for murderous
assaults. A priest in this city, he said,
had told a man that his sou would be
in punitory, that hell np stairs, for 300
years, because he wouliln t pay what
paine county, III., he (Mended Father he asked to ifet him out. lie made fie.
Schenecke and cleared him. He proved quenl allusions to the eticliarist as the
me perjury 01 me 11 priests that swore "little nod which the priest carries 111
against him. Prof. Morse, the inventor his pocket in a box.und to the abundance
the telfuraol). went to Koine ami lol wine the irnod nrit lulnhui llv ni
there learned that the Komish church zlea, and to the best of his ability de
was in sympathy witli the Southern ritled the Catholic church th fuitli of
Lonletleracy and Intended to kill Lin- his lather and of the "dear old mother
coin. Koine waa in sympathy with Jeff, whom he professed to love-with munv
Davis anu the rebellion ana utte.npled a Kibe and anecdote, some of them wiltv
witli tlie aid ol napoleon to establish a and others vu im v counin. nml an
popish empire 011 this continent with propriately ended by saying of tlie Irish
the cily of Mexico as its capital and
Maximilian as its tulor.
Clear down to tlie council of 1870 the
Komish decree that heretics must be
exterminated had not been repealed. In
mi) the Waldetisians were condemned
as heretics, and the pope sent the duke
1 bavoy to butcher the heretics of
ietlmont St. Dominic, founder f the
inquisition, was a most zealous hunter
ml killer of heretics. In the "Lives
the Saints" we are told that he cun-
veneu tituiisaiitis aim thousands ol her
etics he did, 11110 corp-tea
that in the capture ol Visier by the
rencli (Catholic) troous. the nrii.Ht
beinir asked whether Ihe lives of Catho
lics shouldn't be saved, replied, -
Kill em all Uod will know his
One hundred thousand Albicans ami
Waldensians were killed. At niidniitlit
HI. Bartholomew's nk'ht, OO.OtiO
rotestants were killed in Paris and
,000 in Ihe whole of France. Pone
reg-ory XIII. ordered the Te Deum lo
sung to celebrate tlie event and to
commemorate It had medals ; Btruck
boarimton one aide, '8lauahter of the
ugtienots. I."72 "
In lOSo, after revocation of the edict
?( antes, lliotisands of Protestants wero
driveu out ot France. In fpain alone,
during the time of the Holy Inquisition,
f L'.uuu were brutally punished for her
esy, and 30.000 killed, beside thousands
In every quarter o( the world where
Spain held sway. Heresy ami apostasy
are Ihe two greatest crimes in the eyes
of Koine. 1 have the honor lo be an
apostate Irom Komanism and you are
all apostates. We are all ex-communicated,
and you are amenable to the po
pish canon law which teaches it is no
crime to kill heretics. I ask,
Caidinal Manning, as representative
of the Koman church, said In a lecture
published in the London 7'(toW,Octobe.',
180-1: "I acknowledge no civil poer
1 am tiie sole and supreme indite of what
ia right and wrong. .Moreover, it ia ne
cessaty to every human creatum lo be
subject to the l'ote o( Koine " If Ko- .
nanism should ever become our state
Catholics, "lo hell with such people
anu Humanism, too
Lire Stock Polnta.
The Texas horn fly is worryinir cows
so much- as to seriously interfere with
the milk flow in some localities. Deter
mined effort and constant vigilance will
get rid or it anally.
A man who has docked thousands of
lambs and says he never lost one does it
Ve read ""'l'1? backing the lamb np against
The republican slate convention nom
inated Judge V . p. lAr far governor ; , 1 , cnntience Mlll people have in
tt r - . ... . .. .. 1 Aver s Saraanarilla a a Idiavl m..li..in
a. a. jvincaia, eanor 01 me tugene , 1. n,. ii,i' ..i "."' .v .
B - . . V. 1 1 I II I HI ..A II, 1,
block of wood and giving the tail one
whack with a sharp chisel 8 inches wide.
He leaves full two inches of the tail. In
docking lambs be careful to cut off only
the tail, none of the backbone.' Cut the
tail square across,
Some persons have a complete cover
for a cow in Oytlme to nook around her
while she ia being milked. Tbey call
this a milking sheet.
Remember to sow- f odder, corn or a
patch of oats or barley for fall pasture
tor tne uiuk cows. Means must be taken
to prevent them shrinking in milk dur
ing hot weather. Then they will start
in finely tn the fall at the opening of cold
Stir a little oatmeal occasionally into
me water lor your horses during hot
weather. They like it. and it is aood for
Horses in Australia are so plentiful
and good for nothing that many of them
are killed and boiled down for glue, fat
and bones.
One of the remedies successfully tried
for the unspeakable Texas or horn fly is
to sprinkle the animals with a mixture
of carbolic acid and water, dusting them
also with the yellow insect powder. Bub
the carbolic acid and water open the
places where the flies bite) worst.
As soon aa the sitting season is over
with your hens, kill off the roosters.
They are a nuisance. A fertilized egg
will germinate at a temperature of 92
degree. Of a hot day in chicken houses
religion, as the Pope is Irving to make and hens' nests that temperature is often
it, then tlie burning of bennies would reached. An unfertilized egg will there
take place in America on a grander at-aie j fore keep sound longer than a fertilixed
than the world has ever seen On ac-1 vnk.i. w.nt. j ii..
XXJOZ ?Z?'V STL. iVr,"' ! thoa. that died a natural death
.' ,..0 .... , t Ml, . ilt.
Journal, for secretary of state; C. E.
Wolverton, of Albany, for supreme
judge; C. M. Idleman, of Portland, law
partner of Carer V. Johnson of Oregon
City, for attorney general.
many years. It haa been handed down
practicable to have a wo xlpile always
ready before the- church-door, a was
once the custom . liiiKtuon't AVriaj.
IHtH. a Komish publication, atated that
- , " ......1-1, .i,t.,t ain.ii, m 1 mi Hint
irom parent to child, and ia the favorite , it was undoubtedly the plan of the Pope
lamily medicine in thousands of house- ; lo rule America. MonsignorCapel said
! in his speeches in 1884 that the time
,,. . , - I will come when Rome will order the
i.iMiwTahtileaaasiatdlgestioB. faithful lo reply lo the demands 0 Ihe
in the bargain.
If a calf haa a bad attack of scours, it
will never fully recover, nys an ip-1
rienced calf raiser. And such an attack
la brought on by a single overfeed or
drink of milk that if too cold.
Kipans Tabulea : for sour stomach.
Itipan Tahnlrs cure constipation.
J j Davis lo 1) A Jones, 01 sq rods
111 sec 2, 1 1 s, r -1 e; u.
II L Bull to Susan 15 May, lots 1, 2 of
blk 2, New Kra; $.10.
M Susbuuet to John A Krdman, lots
0, 1 ol blk 4: $200
Adolph Kinzie to Ole II Kyllo.n of
nw ol sec 11. t 5 s, r 1 e, 80 as; 700.
O & 0 K It Co to Hans Klinkcr, se
of ne M of sec 17, t 'i s, r 5 j $80.
State of Or to Mont Mendenhall, ne (4
of sec 10, t 2 s, r 0 e, 100 as ; $200.
U A Miller, sheriff's deed to Mary K
Stevens, 60 as at Canby; foreclosure of
U S to V A Hobbie, se of sec 12. t
2 8, r 7 e, 100 as; patent.
Teleniind Yanderkelen to Frank Van
cretlenciibroeck, of iots 5 and 5 of blk
Iff, Oswego 1st add; $40.
O & C K K Co to Fenl Kuth, ne if of
sec 10, t :5s, roe; $120.
OiSClll! Co to John Bennett, se M
of nw 4 of sec 17. t 5 s, r 3 e, 40 as;
Croline Card lo August ll-ibert, sw
of nw ?4, w H of sw ,'4, lot 3 of sec 28, t
3 s, r 3 e, etc, in all 1:17.30 as; $1200.
U S to Pat Sharkey, ne 14 of sec 28, t
1 s, r 3 e, 100 as; patent.
U S to It (J Caseilay, lots 5 and ti of
sec 34, 1 3 s, ami ne qr of nw qr, lots 4, 5,
sec 33,1 4 b, r 2 e, 158 as ; patent.
State of Or to Haver Decker, ne qr of
sw qr of sec 4, t 2 s, r 4 e, 40 as ; $S0.
Mrs Mary II Coates lo J K Elmer,
45.0.- as of J Winglield claim No 4H, N'jI
791), Cert 110; 4.311.
U S to J Decker, e of sw qr, w y.j of
sw qr of sec 8, t 2 s, r 4 e, Kill as ; patent.
U S to Xaver Decker, 8 )i of ne qr,
lots 1 and 2 of sec 0, t 3 s, r 7 e, 103 as ;
O C Huntington, sheriff's deetl to
Mary Kunes, 120 as of K Canfleld claim :
tV.mj. foreclosure sale.
Anna an Konsselaer to V L Mar
shall, e of ne qr of sec 34, w of nw
qr of sec 35, t 1 s, rS e, 100 as; $2500.
11 K I tore to K L Durham, lot U o blk
13, Winadur; $150.
-a Oregon, for the County ol Clarkaiuas.
Martin P. M,irKan, l'latntifr, 1
MHttle I. .Mnrtan, Defendant.)
To Muttte I.. Murxan, the nbove-named deleii
duut: la the name of the state of ori-Kcin.yiitt are
requlrvil to apiar and anawer the ciiiniihtliit of
tlie philntlll'liereiii.oii or bvfure Mouday.llie Itiib
nn; in Ani, a.o. inin; ana 11 you mil 10 answer,
the planum will apply to the court fur the rellel
prayed fur hi the complaint, to-wit: For a de
cree dhi'ilvluif the bunds ot matrimony now ex
istliiK Iwtweeu yon anil the plaiiitin", and for
such other and further relief aa lo the court may
'in equitable and just.
This miinniMiia ia piihliihed br order of Hon.
The, a. Mcllrlil.., jiulge of the oth Judicial dis
trict of the shite ol Oregon, dated February 10th,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Tlie San Francisco Weekly Bxa miner
"THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURQ," In Colors, by Thuriilru?, Iht Crest War Arll.L
"THE SIRENS," In Ctlsrs-a Palnllag Faintui Iht World Over.
"CHRi:T OR DIANA," llluttrilinf an Nlttorleal Evnl l Eariy Ckrlsllanlly.
. " PEEK-A-BQO 1" Flnl-Priis Wlnatr at ia Paris lalam ' -
(Mb of thtM Pletaral Is SU3I lachea, a4 tniy an alaf antly rt produced in fao-ilinlla, lUoatuf ariry
faatara of tbt frail orlf laala. tltbir ona of whjeh could aot ba purobaiod fur 100,000.
Besides, There Are 9,000 Premiums
hahum m mut noM is otitit to $to,ooo
Tba oris of tha WailLt Il.ataaa It tl 60 par yaar, Including tbt Premium Plctura and rooi
hart of tb (149,000 llatot FrtmUmt, wblab ara fullj deitirlbed Id Iht twilra pafi Pr-olum Suppla
Dial, wbleb will bt Mat frtt ta aaplleiMoa to
w. rt. HEArtST. fuDtianar. sain rranoiaoo, CaiL
Ine iimlernlani'd having been restored to
health bV lillllllo llieana. after aiiHiHiiir for
everal yean with a aevere lung ull'ectiou, and
that dreHd dineatie Cuiouinptioii, ia riixIouh to
make ituown to hia fellow aullerera tha meant
of cure. Tothote who desire it, he will cheer
fully send (free of charge) a com-of thenrescrln.
lion used, which they will lind a sure cure for
oimuiiiimoii, AaMima, uatarrli, Kroiiclu-
lla and all throal and lung Maladiii. lie
llilucs all KIlni'rerK wl 1 1 Lrv h i nm.ili. a. It I.
invaluable. Tluwo doslrlu the prescription,
which win cost nem notninir. anil mav Drnva
oiesiuigi win pieostfauuress, -
Oregon lor t'lai-kainas Cniinly I
Bernlce K. Day, I'lainllir, i I
va. I ' ' '
Frank K liar, nefenilant.) I
To Irank F. Uav. said defendant: In the mime .
if the slate of Oregon, vou are hereliv reoulred
to apiear and answer lhecoiiiillui tiled against
VOU ill tne alaive entitled suit bv the Hrst iIht of
the next regular lerni of said court, to wll : the
Itith day ol April. Mm. and If vou (all an tu an.
awer lor want thereof the pUlnllll will apply to
the court lor the relief demanded In tha com
plaint, to wll., lor decree dissolving the mar
riage contract now eilstimr between nlaiiitiir
and defendant, and for the care, custody ami
control ot the minor child of plaintiff and da
fendant, lor the costs and disbursements f the
suit, and lor such other aim further relief as to
the court mav awm meet with euiilty nnd good
consclenca. This summons Is published pursu
ant to an order made bv the Hon. Invl B.Hlerna.
Judge of Ihe fourth judicial district of the state
oi uregott.
listed February 2Hth. IWH.
Attorney, lor I'lainllir.
" I i I
The Shasta Route
S0UTiiElL 1'At'lFHJ 10.
"Wt I'ruius Leave I'urtlaiid Daily.
I'!1.""-. ' 11 1 TuOhT-
0 15 P.M. I l.i i'uriiutiu itrl h '.Ui.7
7:IUr.. I.T Uuguiii.li) ;.ltta.t
1U.4.ia.m. At Bun rraiuistu l.i i ut, r, t
'I he alaive trams atop al ail stations Troui
Portland lo Allwiiy inclusive, langi-m, Miedds.
Ilaisey, llnrristmrg, JimriIku Cily, Irving, h ill-cue
and all slaliium ntiiii ItiiH-iiurg lo A.-li and
a Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Oregon, for the Counlv of Clackamas
Emma McDonald, I'lainllir,
Ladru Royal and Ostnon Royal, Defendants
Stale of Orego , (
County of Clackamas.)
mem, order ana dcoree duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the circuit court of the
stateoi uregou lor me county of Clackamas, to
ineuuiy nirecieu, aaieu uia Tinaoy or Aiarch,ltttH.
Heart Failure.
The epitaph on many a tombstone is
"heart failure." So wonder, when we con
sider tlie immense strain which is put on
that small organ. Marvelous as it is, beating
100,000 times and exertine a force tonal to
5,184,000 pounds daily, it has its limit its
endurance often is too severely tested. So
common are diseases of the heart though
often for a considerable time without the
suspicions of the alUicted person being in.
the least excited that it it stated that m
perwn in four hat s bad heart Dr. t ranklin
Miles, of Elkhart, Ind.. has for years mail
a special study of all diseases of the heart,
and his remarkable success has made his
name a familiar one in all parts of our land.
He haa found the most common symptoms
of heart disease to be pain, dittrea or tender-
ueu in the chat, bad:, tlomach, boteett, left
shoulder and arm, ihorlneu of breath, mother
inn ipetlt, fainting, etc
Mr. Ueorge K. Smith, of B irnes, Yates
Co, N. Y, writes: 14 Db, Milks' New
Hkart C'URK hai worked vonderfidly oa
mind and botly to 1 ean do a good dny't work.
I feel ten yean younger and take more interest
in attaint. I bad shortness of breath, palpi
tation, pain under left shoulder blade, pui'a
drown j the heart, 1 could not ilrep on my right
iile. 8 i nee I have token Dr. JlileJ it r
Heart ( W ileep trrZ, and hart no jxipfn-
(ton. Jt hat made my heart uronger. J wish
oil would print this, because I want all to
now what Dr. Aide Heart tart bat done
for me."
" For montht my wife suffered with palpi-
Infirm, mothering tpetlt, and was unable to
sleep on her left side. IShe tried several
doctors without relief. Your -Heart dire
recommended. After takitie three
bottles, the fully recovered her health.
Your medicines do what you claim." Chas.
Christmas, Toledo, O.
Or. Miles' New Curt for the Heart b sold
by all druggists on a positive guarantee. Jt
it mfe, agreeable, effeetire, end doti tare.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
upon a Judgment and decree rendered in anld
court on the leth day of November, lswi, In laror
of Emma McDonald, plaintiff, and against Ladru
Royal, defendant, fur tlie sum of four thousand
aoiiars in goiu coin, witli interest thereon at the
rate of eight nerceilL ner annum from tha tilth
day ol April, is'.ia, and the further sum of two
hundred ami nity dollars attorney fee, with costs,
uisuursemeiits and taxes and accruing costs,
ciiiiiiuniioiiig ine 10 maae sale oi ine loll0W!ll
described real property: Beginning at the south
weal corner of lot Mo. S in block No. 2U, as the
same appears upon the maps and plats of Oregon
City, t lackamas county, Oreapn, on Hie in the
ciera s oiuce oi saiu county; tnelica northerly
aiong .uauisirvm or saiu otty thirty ieei;tnenceat
right-angles tn said Main street southeasterly one
iioiioreii anu nve w) leei; ttieuce at rignt-angiua
With the last described line and narallel with
said Main street aoulbwesterly tbirar feet, lo
the southerly Hue of said lot; thence n rthwest-
erty along tne southerly line ot said lot one nun
tired and live (lu."i) feet, to said Main street, helm
the place of beginning. Also the northerly one-
half of the northerly one half ol lot No. 7 of .aid
block No. said Dortion to be cut oH bv a line
drawn at right-angles to said Main street, and
uescnneu as ioiiowh, viz.: t;oinmenciiig on saia
Main street at the northwesterly corner of said
lot 7. thence al ritrht-nuules to said Main street
aluug tlie nurtherlv line of said lot one hundred
and live (llf) leet, to. the northeast comer of said
lot: mence at right-angles to said last described
line seventeen and eleven-fortlctbsfl7 11-4U) feet:
thence at right-angles to said last described Hue
ona iitinuteu anu nve (lui) iret to saiu Malu
street; thence aiong said Main street northeast
erly seventeen and eleven-forllcths (i7 11-40) feet
to the place of beginning. The maps and plats
referred to being those filed by the late Dr. John
McLoughlin of said Oregon city, Oregon. Now,
therefore, by virtueoisaid execution, judgment
order and decree, and in compliance with the
conimaiias ol saiu writ, i will, on ratitrusy, the
Hlh uayoi April. is:n. at tne iioiirot zu clock p.
m.. at the front door of the courthouse in Oregon
City, tu Ihe county of Clackaiiiits, state of Ore
gon, sell, sulijiot ui redemption, all the right,
lit e and Intercsl. which t ie ahove named de.
fcudniit. Ladru Koval. had. on the third daT of
jiiue. trasi, me uaie ! tne mortgage oi planum
herein, or since had in and Ui the above de
scribed reai proerly, nt public auction to the
highest niouer lor cuiieo Mates goia coin, cash
In hand, to satisfy said execution, judgment.
order and decree. Interest, taxes, t'ats and
accruing coals.
Oregon City, Or , March Hi, IMil.
Sheriff of Chu-katnaa t'ouuty, Oregon.
hereby givra that the atalvnif nn aa edniinie
trati of tha refate nf Andrew J. Biry, dei-weel. haa
flltd his Snal r.prt in the nnnty coarl of 11arka
J March I'th, lm4. Notice ia hereby given that
the folliiaiiig-uanieil eettler haa filed notice of lib
Intention tn airtHe ntial pnair In mpport or liii
claim, and thtit .aid proof will lie made before the
K.ai-ti-r and Rrcrlvtr of the U.S. Land Office at
Oregon Cltv, Uti-i'iin. on HaT l'lth. IrM. Til:
liKllltliR VV'IfcHKIIIIOI.D, H. E. No. 7714. fur the
w.', or sw '.aiHisw or nw. ,.f tec. a. T.
.HS., R. 5 E. lie names tbe following wMueaaea to
prove in. Clltlltnous madence UDoh anil cullivalinn
of aaid land, vis: John C Dona, liana Johaam,
Henry Johlisun, t'hriiit Hheel, all of lieurge P.O.,
Oregon HOHEKT A. MILLER, Hegislrr.
sell at public auction al the Seventh Street
i.ivery flame, in Oregon city, on SsttintaT. the
Mh day of April, l..M, at 10 o'clock A. M.. ihe
following iiersnnal priinerty, acconling to the
f rovislnii. of Title If, 1'hapter of the Oeneral
jiws of Oregon, the same being the property of
Harry Irembath. and held by me on acjairo of
t::0: One bav mare. 4 years old, white spot in
forehead, weight about Sou pounds. F. JOI'LIN
Notice is hereby given that the nnderaigned
has btvn duly appointed by the Hon. J. tl. M.-l-drum.
co.mtT Imige f rla kama. i-oilntv.Ure
rnn. aa ailmliii.liatnr of the estate of' Issue
Error, deceaseil. All Dersona having claim,
against said etate are notilie.1 to present tha
same properly Ti-r ded In me In Orecvtl City,
oreg.in. within six months from this date.
Ilf RAM STKAK.IIT. Administrator aiorrsaid.
r. l. Jk 1 1. 1'. I.vtih carrx Aitomeya.
Datrit April 1:1, IrtH.
John Lund, I'lainllir,
William W. Keevea, Alfred Neeves, Ade
line Wilkinson. Emetine Walters and
John Wallers (her husband), Jennie
i urn u auu iiaorge j. i.urrin tner nus
band), t.'harles V. Karrcr and Anna
Farrer (his wife), John Doe and Sural-1
Binlth, Defeiitlauta. J
To William W. Neeves, Alfred Neeves, Adeline
Wilkinson, (-.incline Walters, John W -tlters,
Charles W. Farrer and Anna Farrer, Defen
dants III the name of tha state of Oregon, von are
hereby reouired to auncar and answer the coin-
plaint llred against you in the above-entitled suit
on or before Monday, the Huh day of April, A.
is. inm, nun iieing me nraioay ot tne next regie
lar term of the above-eiitltlod court for tlie conn.
ty of Clackamas; and It yon full so to answer, for
want mereoi uie planum win apply to ine court
tor tne reiiei uemiiniieu in sum couipiailil, lo-wll:
For Judgment and decree ol said court tiiat tbe
iiiaiiion ia ine owner in lee simple ni tne weal
naif of Uiesouthwesiqiiarterofsectliititwenty-klx
dti) Hi township one (1) south of range three Oi)
east of the Willamette meridian, hi Clackamas
county, Oregon, free and clear from any claim
oi oeieimniiis, or any oi inein; thai none nt the
defendants have any valid or lawful claim to
said real property, or any part thereof, and Hint
the claims of defendant.-, and of each oi Ihem,
ara it:. out right as against plaiutill; and that
plalnllira llllo to said property be quieted as
against defendants.
This summons ia published by order of the
Hon. IjivhI B. Stearns, judg of the circuit court
oi i ne state oi Oregon mr lite inurlb Judicial dis
trict, dated March 1st, A. D. ltnil.
K. II. I'LEltV,
Attorney for Fliilutlll'.
:.il a. a.
.vr-ur. a.
Oregon t Hy
PVU.MAN UUffKT .1l.r.K"r:HS
Alluclicd to ain iiroiigh Triilns.
IVeaLSIile Division,
Itetwern folt't'i.A.NO and Clllt V A 1. 1.1.1
ma a. raim daily ikxcki-i sunha v.;
7:8U A. l.v l'ortliii7i Ar7 fijfi KM?
I'.M. Ar Otirviilhs l.v l:lo 1'. M.
At AlbailV ailil Corvilllls Ciiiuim..I ulll. Iml...
of Oregon Facltlc Kallroad.
KXrBs TKAIN l)AII.V (KXl-KcfaUNiA"v.l
4:40 P. M. I l.v Portland
7.2nr. M. I Ar McMllllivllle l.v
Ar I 8::
I VrnA.M.
-- Oregon, lor the Comity of Mult nah.
Phoabe lillbert, PlalntilTi . .
vs. 5
J. B. Laber, Defendant.
State op okehon, i
County of Clackamas, "
NOTfCE Is hereby given that bv virtue of an
execution Issued out of Hie cliculu-ourt of the
state of Oregon for the county of Multnomah
bearing dale the Huh day oi February, Ism, in a
suit wherein l'hoebe (iilberl waa nlainllH and J.
o Latter was tielendant, commanding me. In the
name ol the state of Oregon, thai out oi the rr.
tonal properly of plalutlh" if sulllclent could be
found, and If not then, the real estate belonging
to plainliir, to realize a sum ulticlciit lo satisfy
tlie demands of said decree, to wit: ini III) cost
and also Ihe costs of and attending this writ.
Now, therefore, being unable to find personal
properly of the above limned plalnill), I did, on
the 7th day ol March, ISM, duly levy npon. and
will, on Hnliirday, the 14th day of April, hot, at
the hour ol i o'clock p. M ,of said day, at the
front door of the curt house In said coiiniv.
oiler for sale at public auction, and sell to the
highest and best bidder, for cash in hand, all of
the right, title and interest tlie said pi 1 1 mill bad,
at datenf levy, In aud to the following described
real properly, to wu:
Commencing at the northwest corner of Dip
George Brock and Eunice Hroi k D I.. C. known
as claim number 4ti In township three (.1) south,
range one (1) east, running thence south along
tha claim Una wo Al-lou led: thence cast IBH leet;
thence north aw HI lot) leet; thence oast 41 feel
more or less to a uoint: thence mirlh JIMI 7-10
feet to and along claim line to extreme north
line ol said claim; thence west l."l, feet along
Hie north line of .said claim to tlie olace of ie-
ginning, containing gl , actes more or less.
oateu this nun duy of March, A. I), lam.
C. W. HANiiNii.
Sheriff of ( luckamas Co., State ol Oregon
Can be obtained at the lowest tides from
I.. II. MOOKK, Agent, Or. con t'lly
Manager,, . m l. I i I . Aa, n
Portland, Or
Oregon Pacific Railroad Company
I'll AS. CI..1 ItK, It ver.
Coniuciliig with Htr. "HOMER" hclwien Viiqnlnt
. and Sin Frtuieisi-o.
Steulucr lenvca Han Funiclsco Fi'lirlliuy 'Jtllb, Mim-h
2d, lL'lh, '"il and ::il.
Steamer b-avea YHqlllna
17th and 2Ttl.
Itiglita reserved to change
Fi-brlliiry STilli, Man-It 7lb,
s.-dlliig llntea without
For freight and iaaeiiKrr mtes apply lo any Agent,
Nos. '.' to a Mirlel Slm-t,
Hlln Francisco, Calif.
CHAS. CI.AIIK, Itccelvor,
Citrvallls, Oregon.
ul n v-
Salt Lake, Denver
Omaha, Kansas City,
Chicago, St. Louis.
AND Al.li
oi uregou lor uiacaamai County.
Oregon for Clackaniai County.
Joseph Hedges, riaintllT,
Vi. M. Biirketand Sarah W. Burket, Defendai
To W. M. Burket and Sarah W. Burket, said de-
In the name of the stata of Oreoon. von
uvieoi raoioieu n, appear aim answer the
mlailil riled airuinst von In iho mIu.v..
titled suit on or before April lt'ah. 1KJI. and If
you fall so to answer, for want then of, tha
piainim win auoiv to the court fur thi r.. ir Hb.
manded In tliacomulaiut. to wit. the rnrai.iit.nru
of certain mortgage recorded In Vol. 82. page
n, Mortgage Keconis ol said count)-, upon the
nn iirm-iiuvu ir.i esiaie. lii-wil: ki.viii
lug at the northeast corner of aection :t4 in. n.
ehlp t south, range 2 east ol Hi Willamette mti
riilian; running iliem e south '.' rials; them a
weai u rous; uience norm 7o rods; llieiice east
liw rods u the place ol begiuuina. tcirelh.r
nil aiuiruey a lees anil costs.
This summons lb Dllbliabed he nnlii, nf tl.
Hou.T. A Mi.'ilriilc. made and entered February
lth, 1.M CD. D. C. LATOCRETrK.
Attorneys for Flalutlir.
It rouse; the Liver and KidnrTs and Stomach
rure. HraiUche. Dvanensia. rreatra ui Ann..
tile. Purines the Im.iure Blood, and
3 a"
Eastern Cities.
U n 1 1 r 0 the Quickest to Chi
ll UU I o cago and the East.
UniiroQDicker to Omaha
nUU lb and Kansas City.
S. II. II. f LARK.
For rales ami ifenerul informal imi rail
on or adilrt-ss,
W II. IIUULBUKT, A.st. fien. Pass. Agent
2.i4 WRNliintrton St., cor. Third,
IManrrirbnai II boUlavialg tbrU
(Johns A I llema -, Atty.
I hereby rfre notice that 1 bare flhl tn the
roniilT OHirt of I'lMcfcamaa ronnlr lln-nMi. mr
tioal ac-onnt a admioistratoe of the estate of i
eoanlT. tlregna. an I Ihe iMge irf aJd eoarl ka, John Hohi-nleitncr. .te-eaxst and the court haa
u .i. j u ... . designated Jniia at to o'clock a. m.. aa
the time foreiamin itNn and aeltlement ttt tha
same. HK KT iA-. Admit I trilor.
I "at. I April 11, ISV4.
,ppHnte4 Monday, tha Ttk aay af May, Itai, at K
o'ebwk a a., aa the tiaM f.a- bearing Ibereof and tbe
tettleaaenl f Ike said eaUla.
ROBERT R ITT, A.tniaiaraor
C. !. I. C !jTirarrr. AKuraeya.
Ripana Tahti'r mre heala. he.
The Cot will IV tent mtil efter
the June eleclinn l any til. Ire-ai lor 2)
cfnla in ilnrxf.
VTllaiary aad aapaapaadwaaklyrraaaataxt
ll ra. aiaHpoallhsa. KaelnatTatarrllaryta
f lipartaaw ana.i raaii-T. PraUarda
m a4raatagatakag1nM. UbnUjfflV aA
W Uaa ans. Lara-rat a' I
11 trswan we elaaa, Cmmr Ooaa- i
Ml aardy.raUatklan UXT '
Ua'foria.orra.ra. I
Ml wr w mmi fmrrm. I
I WtkP tlw (nil tmewXrf to toll
itJI Hptmit 0n4 tkf tor ,1
I w y,tjMeM tnu On tilt ud fU fmr- II
I Urml fi-M. MOWS BHi OO. mr- II
I TyM. NKlMi ON. (TMkM(ll
Job Printing at the
Courier Ofiice.
Hi-iTO TDinrTT?llS
For a
ET.m.(. ?" and an boneat opinion, write I
irii , ' WBO B,Te bd neaj-lTOfty reara'
'Jr,enoe ln the patent boaineaa. Commomci.
t,''Zjr""mui- A Ha.dbo.lt of in
.T""0. " and boar to ob.
tJUn ibem arm free. Alaoa catatonia of bkcau.
leal and anentulc book, aent free. aaeaiaD
ratrata taken tbronah Mann k Co. Teearra
R2- '' ttinaaerlr.Xind
otTeS SrSfi1' """l" tbeTublTc iltj:
JS-frSJS,"". ""'""tor. Tbil .Dleixtld paper
Si!iTS"T- 'antly illort rated, baa by fartba
tSiT 2!'"" o' any acwnuBc wurk In tba
S'd- 3 a year. Sample eoptea aent free,
eo'."! 'll"vtl,lT. jT.Tear'n.l.
eotora. and nhotoarapba of new
r!5i 2LD'4"' enaWina builder, to abow to
Jrtore omtrai-ta. Addreaa
MLNal A Oil. Niw To a, 3.1 BsoiUT.T.