CITY AND COUNTRY, DIIHGON CITV, MAItC'll .'10. II" Term of ttiiloritioii. a ....Ia ft..,.W niiAVHMr. In atlvallt'li. 12 IK x.iiulo t.'iinv. 1a ninnlns. In ilvmii'ii, I 1 COURIER. Oreirii City, Oregon COUNTY OFFH'EIM. Jll,lH, f.rk n .1. W. H. Mi inn lien F. Huriim '(iiil'i hherllf, Il.-riinli-r 1ree.ui'i-r, Assessiir, svlnsil Kiiperliili-wlenl gurveyir, . , . . , Coroner, Goluililsslnners C. W illllliillg ,B. M. Ilsmsl.y h. 11. cairn . X. C. llniillev H Oil . Hlilm-y Smyth II. I, lliiliuan I Mellaril Sentl Curhi-llus HhIi t'ullnly Court meets mi Anil Weilliesiley after llril Moiulav iif i'Vitv lumilli, Probata Court iiimiu on Arm Monday (if siery tIK'll III. . circuit (Uirt tiini'liiiii third Mnn.liy III April ana flrhl MhihIiiY In NiivelnlHir. Dilution city officers. Mime, R.-oitnler, tiii.-r nf Assessor mill Ciillecliir. . . Treasurer, Clly Attorney Street rmiiiiliiliiii'r Hiiv'i ' Water Vorl, . 1'IIV kllulllflT . . Illrslll Klrnliilit I.. I.. Porter C K. Himi K M. Callff .. II. I.. lliiliuan . K. F. Priggs .!'.(! Ilnl.cik,.lr. ... W II lli.well II. W. CiiUiwIlllli-li-r. . Alhrlilhl, Jr. II. I.. Klljr, V. N. llleelillMIl, J J. Cooke, K. M. Howell, illume llroiighluii, II F. .Isfgnr. II. K. Hlevene Council etj Unit Wednesday u( ouch miintll. CHUHC1IKI?. Kiwi Congregational Church-Rev. M. OomhIikHj: Pielnr. rVrtletis I' m. and :) P- ' HiimlBjr g -hool after morning aervlee. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at H:' 0 p. ill. Prayer M lug of V. I'. S. ('. K. every Sunday evening t U:MI prompt. First Itoritlst Church-Rev. Olliiuin Parker, lHr Morning Sen II: H111 y Mn.l la:IS; Evening H,itn l)ll; Regular Prayer M Ing ''; "'HJ .veiling. Monthly Covenant Meeting evesy Weiliies. Uy evening prec-eiillng nisi HnmUy lu tliemiuilli. HI John's Church. Catliollu-llev, A. Illllelirantl, Paitor. On Hiiiiilny, M nt and Ws n in. Kn'ry Hionliiy Hernial! Hernuin after o c ik Mass. At all "llir Masses English T IK. Holiday Scliiml l;;llp ni. Veaiers,AH,.gelleiil Subjects anil " viiiclloti ul 7::Mi p. 111. Meih.alist Episcopal Church -rllif 0. Svkes, I'nitor. Morning Heivlreal M: Knmly Hi'limil 111 l:lft: fcvmi hill Hm viccBl nam. Kiw.inli LniKim im i'lliiK Sun- ilny pvi'iilng ill i'll: nl Inn at Itt 1 11 rl.uicli - llfV. (1. W. Ulbunfy. p.lur. Hi.rilci 11 . I" ami "lp. m. Hulilmtli Hr., Ilia. in. Y. P. S. I!. H. imH" v.;ry Sliniky K.nlim nl ilial. I'niyir MiMliiRttiilnwilay fvMilng 8 sl fi. i- u.,.i ri.urcli. (I1T1111111 A. Kriwl, l'ttl Piwi.iilim S..1 rlci vi-ry aliiTiiam Hiimluy II a. m ....1 7. ui n ... si.i.liiiili ni'ry Mimliiy lua 111 1.1 llurru'lifi'n- r. Hiipt.l Wwkly 1'iayor Mwllng 1'i.rv WiHlll.wlny evening. Uiiilwt ri-lliri.n Cliiircli.-H 1. Wllllaim. Panlur. SltvIcm "! I tliliU Hiiu.Uy lnirllliiK and lln pr!;aiin SiluniHy mniii 111 "" Orflfun Clly II a. in. ami 7 11. 111 , ami i n nnii p.mi dav afu-rnuun of icli luuiitn at ItilliU'W. . ..1.... i..tikliAv. II T. Slanlcv. PnMnr. u... 1...- .v.rv Hiindiiv II a. 111. nt HlliVI'lt Hull. Piraclilim n'cond and foiirlh Sunday In each mouth. St. Punl'i I'liuri b. Kplwoiml-llm. J. A Krkalnnn. Mtir. rifrvlcwi mi-ry Miinduyalll u. 111.. and Friday cvtiilnil al 1M) a. ill , in. and 7rfU Knnirrllcal Iinilicran S""" Cull atrrKnt kin . Rtrtr. 1 . . 1..'a I.. II. Hiindiiv lull. Hiiiiilny lirfy. pauir. iuitib .u j....v " i honl rrom HitO to lu;.l a. lu and"::iu p. in. Hvrvlriia IllS.Oa 111 BOCIKTIKS. v.ii. r... ijjlun .,! A (1. 11. W. MiMt iTy Sal iinlny cvmiiiK of i-nili lnonlh in A O. H. W. li.ill on Seventh UriH-t. All aJour it bnl linn .cordially InvliHil to allrnd. 'IholuHa Vault; M. W. . T. Whillock, lire. Pin Iron N. 1. A. 0. V. W.-Mwla erery .. ?". .....In. .1 K,.lw' Hull. Onwi'ipi. VinMlini bn.llirnualv.aya welcome J. I). fainplull, M. W. It. StraUM. Itec. M.ilalla Lmllic, Ko. 40, A. 0. IT. W. Mim'H Unit and tliinl Saluidnyi In each mouth al muooi limine, VUlllug liii'luhi ra niiide welcome. T. S. Hllpp, 91 W. J. W. 'Ihomaa, llec. Ilavel tollte. No. M, A. O. IT. V.-Meel aeciind and tlllnl Satulday evenlnK at KnlKht Hall, aliby. VialtiiiK hrotlieri niiide welcolno. A. It. Sliiiuk, M. W. K. E. Carlton. Kec. I'luek.niiai Loilire. Nil. 57, A. O. U. W. Meet Unit and tl.lnl Moiidiiya In each moiilli, at Strlte'i Hall. VIllliiK liretlircn welcome. S. Holcoiuti, l. W. IC, Peaae, HeC. glintUe I.oil!e. No. 43, A. 0. t'. W. Iita avery aecolilland follllll SntUlilay ol cucll month at W'll. .uiville. Oreiimi. Max Scliuloitlii, M. V. C. T. Tuuze, lU'O. Oregon. LoilR-e, No. 3, I 0. O. C-Meeta every ri.iiiluv evelllni at 7:.T0 o'clock p. m. In the Odd ivllow.' llnll. Main atreel. MemWin of the Order are Invited to attend. J. W. MotTutt. N. (I, Thin. K Byan, It. B. Falla Encampment, Nt I, I. 0. 0. C-Meeta flint ....1 i.i-i T,..k,Uv ,,f each month at Odd Fellows' Hull. Hembora and visiting patriarch! cordlullv In- vited In attend. O. laivrjoy, t lllel rainun.ll. J. Siawaat, Scribe. n.o. Ivl... No. 03. 1. 0. 0. F.-Jleeta at Odd Fat l.iw's Hall, Oawego, every Monday eveiiing. Vialting hrelliren made welcome. W. J. Phlinistee, K. U. J. F. Bliley, Sic. Multnomah Ilge, No. 1, A. F. A. M.-llolile Its regular coluinlllllcatiiina on Unit ami lliinl Saturday! f each inolllh at 7SKI p. m. Bnlliren in good ataud lug are iuvited to allend. I.. L. Porter, W. U. T. F. Ityall, Sec Onwegu Lodge No. IIH A. F. A A M. Meela the second and fourth Hutiinlaya .luiiis I ivltci. 1) . B. Boca, W. M. E. J. Buwell, Sc. Clackniniii Chapter No. 2. II A. M Kpgular con Vncalion third Monday of mouth at 7:30 p. m. J. II. Walker, II. 1'. M. Schulplni, See. Pioneer Chapter, No. 28, O. K. S.-Meela In Mil sonic Temple. Mra. II. S. Dtrungi), W. M. Mi" Ad dle C. Jennings Si.. Willamette Fall I'amp No. M, W. of W. MeetB second and fourth Tmaalaya of llie lnonlh al K. of P. hall. Visiting neighbors made welcome. K. M. Hands, U. C. E. K. Mnrlln, Clerk. Watlcheno lolge. No. 13, I. O. It. M. Meets Mon day evening at A. (I. V. W. Hall. Visiting members cordially invited, .1. II. Hi wanl, Hacheiu. Meade Post, No. 2, (I. AIt., Deimrtment of Oregon. Meets first Monday of each mouth at A. O. U. W. Hall, Oregon City. Visiting comrailea maile wel. coma. W. H, Com. C. 0. Williams, Adj. Qolieral Pope I'oat. No. B2, 0. A. It. Meets first Saturdny of each month at (jrango hail, Mlllino. Comrades onnllally Invited. J. F. Nelson, C'oin tuander. II. W. Shaw, Adjutunt. flen. L'niok Post, No. 22, U. A. R., I)esirtnient of Oregon. Meets in nclukil house at Needy ou first 8at unhiy In each luontli at 2 o'clock p. m. All com. radas mn.le welciilne. Jacob Npogle, Culn. J. Kur sUder, Adj. Meade Belief Corpn, No. If, Department of Ore gon. Meslsun first soil third Filtlaysuf each month lu K. of P. Hall. Members of corps from abn.nU cordially welcomed. Mrs. M. 8. I'lUbury, Pres. Mrs. F. I.. Cochran, Treaa. Mrs, J, B. Hurtling, Sec. Sons of Veterans, E. I). Bilker Camp, No. 18 Meets Lrst and third Thursday evenings of each mouth. W. K. JmIiusi.ii, ('apt. U, O, Wood, 1st Lieut. Alonw Wlt'khain, 2d Lieut. I,. A. 8. of Baker Camp. 8 of V. Meets In K. I', hull on tcioud and li.iulh Monday evenings of each month. Mrs. W. E. Joimnii, I'ros. MiM liora Culltf, Secy. Achillea Lodge, No. 3, K.of P.-MeeU every Fr. day night at the K. of 1'. hull. Visiting knighta Invited. It. L Hulnian, C. C. F. J. Louis, K. of K. 4 8. Star Lodge No. M, K. of P. Meets every Wedlies lay evening in Castle hall. Brothers Invited. J. F. Blaley, C. C Ihos. Nellson, K. of H & 8. Canhy Itlgs, No 5t4, I. O. 0. T.-Meets first and third Satunlay evenings at Knight's Hull, Csnby. Viiitlng members always made welcome. I. J. Cox, W. C. T. Miss Laura Knight. Sec. Oswego Lodge No. 4IS. I. O. U. T. Meets every Friday evening in new hall in old town. J. C. Haluea, 0. T. John Kruse, Sec. F Comisniy, First Bei ., 0. N. O. Armory, Third and Main, Kegiilar drill night, Monday. Ki-gular titi-iinesR meeting, first Moiuluy of each month. J. W. Uanoiig, Capt. F. S. Kelley, First Lieut. L. L. Pie .tens. Second Lieut. Canby Spiritualist Society. AKsemhlea on first and third Sundays of each mimth. H. A. Lee, P tes tis nl Misi llaltle Phillips, Hecording Secretary. New Era W. C. T U.-Meels first Sutunlay in each month at their hall iL New Kra. Friends of the causa invited to he present. Mrs Carey Johnson, Mrs. Kastinan, Pres. 8t. John's Branch, No. C47, C. K. of A. Meets every Tueeilay evening at their hall. Corner Main and Tenlh streets, Oregon Clly. T. W. Sullivan, Pres. N. C. Michels, Sec. Oregon Clly Boanl of Trade Jleeta al Court House on second Monday in each month. Visitors w Icoma. Geo C. Urownell, Pres. F. K. Uuualliaon, Sec Canhy Board of Trada-Meete at Knight's Hall, Canby, on first and third Fridays of each month. Visitors welcome. Win. Knight, Pres. 8. J. Uarrl son, See. MnlallA Grange, No. 40, P. of H. Meets at their hall at Wright's Bridge ou Ihe second Kaltiniay of sack month at lu a. nt. rellow members made welcome. J. F. Nelson, Master. S. H. Cooper, Sec. Toalatin Giange,No. Ill, P.of H. Meets hut Satur day of each montn al ineir nan in n iisjiutiii. B. B. tienrv. Jiasier. w duu i, on.. W.ra.r 1. wigs. No. 117, P. of H.-Meet fonrth fetter1, y -f ach month at their ball in New Kra. CO. VI ::!us, Master. MissMaggie Brown. Sec. IVJte i'r- k Grange, No. K, P.of H. Meets at their ball in HT tnara second Satorday in each month at ' HI a- m. Vititiog meniWrs always welcome. J. B. Wkils, Maler. J. K. Jark, Sec. Os-veg.. Orange No. 17'i, P. of H. Meets aec.uid I .lur-iey In Uloutil at 10 km. O. fclatoa. Master I J u. mi-. See. iM-i-scts Grange No.'jrn, P. of H Meets on flr-t J '-iM.i it.y in month at 10 a. m. In laimaacns at-hool. .u. - S. Young, Master. T. H. Fes I hers. See. I Tnrsuas eiei log Mrf hiarkfunt. 0. ( II. ri..ra ' If .. ' . . 1 ...... . ic at 1. . Il V . - pjrf, K,c. I .jli::i. la ll. sn.l lj.rt.l-r Co. Herts ftrst Fri ,', 4 i,:b mouth al Fnut'ia Karine Hiam. H. W. 1 n-u ImIIi, Prca. Walla.- Cole, vYresftAo. linirge u, sc. lodiUia Hiss, OS.. So. 1 Meets s-ronn Wednesday la v 11 uwuia at fcngille llituse, -set sMle Mala street, be-aeer. beeenlh an! kighlli. Iliraat Stntiylit, Free. H. I- Wuinn. runus. J W. Stewsr-, Sec. Cataract He Cn. 5o. 1. H-ets seeot d Tuesday uf MuS m-JjlIb at Oatamct Engine Hou-a. Frank Lewis, ?.. K W. KinoairO. Furesaan. U. J. T bene. Sec. Ores-. City Boat Co, Sa. J-K la U.aesc oa Ike biU tbe third Ta-aday of ewb aatsstb. T g. las-ieic. Free, ha Xefsger. F-areaasal. H ., Sec EVENTS OF TEE WEEK A TiiAnKiiv 'l'iinriiii Miu'k, wlm, wlili lunii'H HiiriiH, I'niiiiiillli'il llit ilfHilly iihhhiiIi on n Uiimitiiiiii on tilt lurni ul Sinlnii I'nynti. ilicil hi 1 lie ponilfiiliury mi oiiiitiiiy . 1 lit iftivurnur wjulil nnvf iiHrilmieil llu' V'iiiiii: 111. in uflor n I iv or in iih thu ttviilt'iici) uiiH uiihiIh In milihfT 1 1 i in 1 1 1 11 1 tin iirit-iiiii-r wrnt lliu mifiutti nnl vlt'iiin nt crui'l fnii, 'II 1 1' ininii'tli- ule chiikj nl IiIh ilciilli kh4 vninireriiiii ol llm I111I1I11I pi.rliuii nl tliH i-kull tiiul uccuHlniicil iIimho ill llit lirain. pro- iiiiltii ny n iiii.w rcreivcil vi lulu lln r.111 WHS 111 Mlilk lll'lir H I ll I t'f ll I tl U llllll'lllllll I'll I H IMiiirf anion, in (III npiliii II of ilij sii'iiuiB, ri mlt'it'il liim irrtniiiHililf mul 11 pliulilc I1101 nl t IiIiit gooil or lmil iiirn. HiiriiK, IliN Hcciuiil'lirt', U'linitlL-il Hllnr liia ili-ulli In il.o pcnlipiiliiiry ollicialo tlmt hit Iih il In iiiiih IiIh coinpiiiiioii into liarlicjiniiioii in iliHcrinii). The purenld ol 'J Iiiti hi any lliut liu vhh never the Slime luiy ader llie lilowr. They urt) ex einplnry CilizciiK 11ml Imve det-ply felt tin1 Inline anil iiinrliflculiiiii o( liming llieir boy Kent to priwin lor murder. Now lliut (Ii-hiIi liax iilt'iiue I in, t It 1m community und I he vovernor owo it lo thrin 10 exonerate Hie boy Irom a cow- unlly crime lor wliirb liu whs not re Hponitible. If a Binnical oiieruliuii had lieen performeil 011 llie Hkull ol Tlieron .Hark, ins lilt) inik-lit liuvu ueen Huveil nnii lie uouhl liuve been itiyen unoppor lunitv lo utone, in renewed health, lor bin (fnive iiiInki, by jenra of uprluhl nem und sobriety. Dkatii of H . C. Hinoo. On March lOih, Ileihi rt C. UiiiKO died at bis borne near ClarkeH poHlnlliee, HL'ed 111 yeuiB, 7 inoniliH and 11 days. He had been ill lor Hoveral years ami lust September went to llie headhunt in quest of renewed htieiifilh, Mm. l:ii,t")UeciiiiiiHiiyiiii hlni. iNovember 1st buh rettirneJ iiincli nil- proved in beitlib but on November 20th Air. Kinco caii)jlit cultl and from thence in be buIIl-iii I intensely mini tlualh in- lervened. lie wan a Kentuckian by birlh. In bis childhood hid hither niovpil to iMissHoiiii, and in thu siirinu of lMliT) Uh wild hlet lather and brother and their families eann ti Ureiton, when .Mr. Kiiu-i located on thu farm on w hicli he ended Ilia d.iys. Fun deceased was veiy lioxpiiahle. .Snineiiiiies so ii a iy sliHiitifiM at one time were ue voided giuiniloiiK enlerlaiinnent under his roof that Air. Unigo's bouse seemed a country hotel. He is survived by a wife and five minor children, and also four grown children from his first mar riage two, a gun and a daughter, in Kusiern Washington, and two sons at home who were filial and devoted in their attentions tn their lather during, his long illness. The funeral was large ly attended ami the interment took place in the cemetery smith of his home on the hid. The community lost a good citizen and nil ibbor wlio will bd long held in ten Icr reniembrinue. S. John My hub fur Multnomah's Siikii iff. In Portland evidently Hon. Joint .Myers lias fully maintains I the reputa tion for integrity and ability in the ad ministration of public ufl'airs that dis tinguished l.iin during the many years he w as a resident of this cuunlv- The iV. II'. l'arifie Farmer Suva : "Mr. Myers can bu the next sheriff of Multnomah county if he w ill allow bis name to go before the convention for nomination. His vigorous light against squandering public funds title in the city council of Portland will bring bun many votes Irom people who are opposite to him in political faith. They remember bis tight lo save the city several thousand dollars on the purchase of the electric light plant, in which he was defeated. They remember his figlb against paying an enormous sum lor the liast Portland water works in which he was victorious. They also remember his victorious fight against bonding the city for fZOU.UUU when it already had more indebtedness than it coOTd carry, lor the purpose ol purchasing park. In fuel his well known honesty in the administration of all public all'Hirs, and his conscientious. ness about conoinv uie hist the attri butes required for the otlice of sheriff lie will also be able to give the large bond that will hereafter ue required of that i llieial. Special Council Mkktinu At the special meeting of tho city council ru Friday evening, il was agreed that the committee formed In secure legal talent in the street cases (Hroughton, Jaggar and Stevens) employ Mr. JJeach of Port land for tlw to assist Air. cross, llie latter having agreed to carry a Main street and a Fifth street rase through the ciicuit court for 2.K), and through the supreme court for lt)0 each. Mr. Cross agreed to withdraw from his writ ten contract w ith Ihe committee fur f U. A new regulaiing the city at torney was read to come up later. At tho suggestion of the muyor.a resolution was passed that a committee be ap pi in ed to draft by-laws (as suggested by the charter), in order that there may be legal means l.v w Inch to control and regulate Ihe actions ol both mayor and council me n. The mayor appointed as such committee, Kelly, Cooke and Al bright. It is said an ordinsnce w ill be intn (Ini'ftI giving concilmen power to appoint their own committee. The di of opinion were settled at ihe meeting the evening previous. OitKtioN Statu S S. Convention The ninth annual convention of the Oregon Stale Sunday School Association will he held in the Hrst M. K. church, Salem, opening Wednesday, May 2, at 2 p. in. and closing Friday, May 4, at noon. This is a mass convention, livery per son interested in Sunday school work is cordially invited. Kvery school in the state is urged to send as many delegates as possible. The presence of William Reynolds, international field superinten dent, will add much to the value of the meetings. The names of all persons ex pecting to be present and desiring enter tainment should be sent to W. W. Brooks, Salem, nol later than April 23d. Delegates buying full tare tickets to Sa lem will receive certificates at conven tion entitling them to return trip tickets at one-third fare over Southen Pacific linps.. The Oreiron Pacific Ry. will also make special rate of one and one half fares for round trip Kasteii Sehvices. The Eister ser vices at the Hotnan Catholic church 'nnday rrorning crt-aied no i tie inter est among our citizens Members of other churches helped to swell the crowd which wa loo great for eyen st mding room The choir, aasited by the own and instrumental chant ren dere 1 the glorious Gregorian maic in a manner worthy ol the masters that ini mortalized their deepest and lo'tte't in sp ra ions In these chords of almost diyin- harmony. The theme, the Hisen Christ, was truly worthy of the" sublim est effort of the human intellect and the most complete consecration of Ihe soul lo Him whose name the devout-ancient Hebrews would never utter. Monday evening, as a toktn ol recognition that lliev had arnnhted themselves ( xeeplinnallv well of their arduous task. Father Hillebrand gave a recepiion to the orchestra and the choir. Essti-ii at St Pai l's Ciitincii The floral ami arhorary deenrati ,n of the That Debatk. W. W. Myera is still ;tend. J. Iasto. I resident. EpiHtopiil church on E inter Sundav prepared to meet George 0. Brownell ' " T"t."" 7Tnf ere significant of the semi-tropical I in a public diac-tisnion on the tariff ques-1 "frtockwell Bad Boy; Oorern luxuriance that ilistinqnishea vernal liou, according lo the recognized rule I mt nt Ownership of Railroads. these vegetation in the Willamette vallev. I oi debate and not after the manner in re two pamphlets issued by J. A. otocx Aronnd llm chancel railing stood five! which Mr. Bruwneil prescribes. Mr. I we" ,,,e 'ow Vr,ce ' 10 cen' ec"- calls lilliea in full li.o,n. one of them barimr five hliwnom. an I thu rail imr ! itsulf inl. rl vinu.l irilh a ll.! . ,' a trimming of f-rns prettiiv oif-et the baptismal font by i's vivid iwn; a: ainat the wall to Ihe re-ar of the -tir ghone an anchor nf vinMa and liy-, cinths, between ami" of while fowersi and a wreath oi wini grape r;na ami nai i fodil The. aorvin-a. cnniliii-iel dv tlie ! pwtor. Ke. Tcks r im were onnsnaMr ! impressive and ihe cb rch was crowded. Stud horse posters printed at the : Coram office ei-her nn paper or rlmh. LOCAL NEWS ITKMS. J. Illcliner, the Oswego iiiurch nit, was in the city Iuesdity, A, Goetlllng of Gladstone moved Into his now residence Thursday. Isaac Frost of Canby and Mary Han son ol Oswego died on Sunday. Llcnnso to wed issued March 2,')d to Heinz and A. 11. liey nobis. J. W. O'Coiinell is mentioned as the pro! able republican viindid.ite ( ir Jmlice in Oregon t'ity. Married, March 221. Amelia K Kiuesl and August Wtiinert: the itfih, Cora Hall and J. K. Kiggs. On Sunday evening Kight lit vereiitl Bishop Morris will conduct the services at the F.piscop il church. Ilusidcuces are being built on Hie west side by l)f. Paine, It. 8. liellomy, Will HntsiNi and Mr. McMillan. The ladies of the Congregational church are preparing for a concert and social to be given aooiit April 20th. Mrs. E. K. Williamson Tuesday eve ning gave a select parly in honor of hur brolher-in-law, Mr. Gordon Williams. A woolen mill (lucrative from Indi ana says factory wages here and I here are about the same, but living is higher hero. Messrs, Marr Si Kohertson. the w i Jo- awake young groceiyuien. have rented the store on Seventh street under lliu A. 0. U. W. hall. Manied, at the Methodist parsonage, March 20th, by the pastor, Albert Cleve land of Multnomah county and Miss Myrtle Guild of Clackamas county. From February 12th in Monday, Marcli 2Uth, the total amount of taxes Pi.llpr.lni1 hv lliu ulmeifl' wsl lift .2t'2. leaving over $100,000 yet uncollected . At llie grand Masoilic hatninet at the lloiel .Portland on Thursday evening last were present from this cilv, Dr. W. E. Chi 11. JI2 0 , and L L. Porler, .10 ' . The city council should either raise lie pav ol the chief of police or lower that of the recorder and the city treas urer. The present arrangement is very unfair. Dr. Ferguson and his family have ilia. appeared Irom their old home on Main street in Goose Flat. The high street assessment has literally driven them out ol town. The following vestrymen were elected Monday at St. Paul's church : Senior Warden. II. L. Kelly; A. W. Schwan, 11. Holmes. V. Harris, It. Glaspool, Geo. A. Harding. The democratic county convention promises lo bring a big crowd of demo crats to Oregon Clly. The Dhmocbacy is Unlerritied and full of (ini and fight because it stands on Ihe Fternal Right, A few days ago, M. II. Flanagan re ceived Irom the old country a c uple of leavt g of shamrock, Erin's nat ional em blem and dear to the heart of every Irishman, one being a four and the other a live leaf. St. Paul's Guild elected on Monday the following officers for the current year: President, Mrs. II L. Kelly; Vice President, Mrs. H. Glaspool; Secretary, Mrs. F. Ij. Cochran; Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. A . Harding. The Easter servii-es at the Congrega tional church Sunday evening were Mieciallv interesting and drew a large audience. A c eruvman is- expected from the East to become the settled pastor of this church. Noticing that I have been nominated by the people's party for. justice of the pence lor tuts district without my know ledge, I hereby say that I cannot accept said nomiuulion - Jacob Rueck. Barlow, Or., Marcli 27, '91. Cram Bros, of Portland are refitting and relurnishing the Mcnogram cigar store in an elegant manner. It will be the finest and most luxurious place of its kind that has ever been in the city, ntl will open latter part of next week. At a primary meeting of the demo crats of Eagle Creek precinct held at Eagle Creek March 24th, the following delegates were elected to attend the county convention at Oregon City, April 7th: L. Stipp, Ed. Noble, G. J. Cur rin, J. O. Linn and C. A. Linn. Next Sunday will be Temperance Day at the Congregational church. Mr. Sliorey will preach on "The Dang r ol the Drink Habit" in the morning and on "The Life and Character of John B. Gnugh" in the evening. He was an in timate friend of this great reformer. A suit has been begun for action in circuit court by E . T. Holgate against I P. and Amelia C. Mullar, and attach ment and summons issued; complaint tiled by Mary E. Winston against L. J. Fletcher; complaint and summons filed by Ben Parker against Louisa Parker. A letter from S. R. Green, of the Blue River Mining Co at Oregon City, to J. D. Matlock of Eu.'ene, states that their company will put in a stamp null this season. ' As soon as he roads will per mit the machinery will be hauled up the McKenzie. The mill will have a capacity for crushing 30 tons of ore in 10 hours. Eugene (juard. Tho han Ijomest an I most omple'e motor line car that has appeared in Or egon City was taken over the suspen sion bridge Tuesday night for the west sideline. It came from the Brill com pany, Philadelphia. Both ends are walled in by win lows for protection of the motormen. vestibule style.- A sec ond like cur came Wednesday. A farmer near the city who has a half dozen cows sells all the butter they pro duce the year round at the top of the market for cash to private customers, and he connot supply the demand for his excellent hiitter. We need many more such dairymen in order to keep money at home, and farmers muit stop buying Eastern butter and bacon. At the last meeting of the Philoma- thean Society the following officers were elected : Vara t'aulield, president ; Bert Beatlie. vice-president: Clarence Pur- dom. secretary; Josie Fullerton, treas urer. Betta Pouts, and bmina louer were elected members of the executive committee. The entertainment to be given in Snively's hall was postponed until Saturday, April 7th. Oregoniatig whether democrats or re publicans, who visit Washington and reveal their presence to Senator Mitchell find him to be a veritable vade-mecum in their explorations at the seat of govern ment, where he is acquainted with every body of note and is familiar with every point of interest. When the senator has learned what bis friend from Oregon wants he takes him in a bee-line to the proper subdivision of the depart ment indicated. The Nehalein Timrt gays of the loud mouthed agitator, Daniel Cronen, who w as conspicuous here by his incendiary language previous to the eviction of the Chinese: "Mr. Cronen is in hii element when he belongs to some party he can run. That such material is not wanted by either republicans or democrats, is evident from Ihe manner in which he was sat down upon at Ihe last demo cratic primaries held here, when be was luled out as not being a democrat. Such men are so anxious to speak that they must hare their say somewhere." : Myers will write In points on a black-I'hcy board, prov l a half hour' talk lint ! frrt Usui in W hat lh !. man s.m. give Mr. B. 4.5 minute to replr! i an I then clone with I ) minute. It w,nldbefun if we could ft llie two i gentlemen together. cucaiiiguam g uyv vn me n niami j is a Dcpoiar iirenaratico in oce bottle.; RiH-kitiihamV !). f.H- tins' Wl.i.k-i , and color evenly a brown or black. Ai y peiaon can easily apply it at hun.e. j Ripan Tabule : best liver tonic Cipans Taules rare bUiinuneaa. MOLALLA. The democrats of Molalu helil llielr pilmnrit-H last Suturdiiy. The following named delegates were elected lo attend the county convention at Oregon City: Samuel Eugle, W, 11. Vnughun, James Dickey, W. 11. Engle, Willard W. Aim inn, P, C Little, Victor Dickey and 0. W. II obliins. The democrat of Molalla have organ ized a chili i-oimistliiu' of 110 names. It la i xpeeled that it will be swelled to si me KO members. ' Ni.twiihslanding all I hut lias been said in rcgaid In killing deer nut of sea son, there are some that still Persist in I'liilatmg Ihe game laws, or at luusl sticn s rumored Our school bus commenced again, with Prof W. A. Ilovis as teacher. It has been well attended Ibis winter- It given up that we have had llie best school Ibis winter thai we have had lor some lime. J V. HsrlesH is lulking of buying Ihe Little or Mrs. Dultoii properly in this place. The funnels on the prairie are biiny these days rowing grain and plowing. Making garden has been llie order of the day here for few days, until the showers put a stop tn present proceed ing. Doctor Paine came out from Oregon City recently to see Mrs. Clifton Calla han, who has been sick for some time. Dr. Paine pronounced her malady sof tening of the brain. William Lovei idge Is thinking of rent ing bis farm and going to Woodburn to live thin fail. He has a tract of land at Woodburn and expects to put up g dwelling there Ibis summer. Il is reported that (hern are quite a number of horses dying ill Ihe llussel ville country with the blind staggers. It seeme as though there is no remedy that will cure it. What has become of the motor lino Irom Oregon City to Wilhoif There has not been anything said about it here recently. When the dry weather tomes and the mads become dusty, peo ple will forget about a motor line. Joseph B. Jackson is preparing to go to Long Cieek in Grant county, as soon as he can get ready. He expects to go in the dairy business. 1). 11. Wells is going with him. There will be considerable mining done in this vit i , ity this season Ne I Jackson, who has just returned from Long Creek, reports that mining has commenced there abeady. He was called home on account of the sickness of his wife. N. P. Kayleris preparing to commence the butcher business here in a abort time. Joe If urle-s will run the wagon and peddle beef. Robert Bagbv who lias been rick nearly all w inter at Grants Pass, is ex pected home in a short time Frank Spoor has bought the Elmer place and taken possession. There are a few cases of la grippe re ported in the neighborhood yet. J. 8. Dugan is still confined to the house; also Mrs. b II. Dungan, who. had la grippe some two months ago. We have been informed that the Mo lalla literary society will close the sea son with an entertainment, consisting of songs, declamations, dialogues, etc. No admission will be charged . The patter of the gentle rain is again heard on the shingles, thereby making the roads as muddy as of yore. Easter passed oil' here without a drop of rain, which, according to tradition. prognosticates an early spring. We want object. X. Y. SS. PARK PLACE The littnrv society dnl not meet Sat1 urday Tugnt, owing Xo le 'schoolliouso being in use by the Hal Hazard Com panv. I his proved to an excellent entertainment, frought with exciting war scenes, with many hail breadth escapes f rold Hal Huzird.the fedeial spv. The management had intended that the receipts of both Friday and Sat urday nights should go to the Park Place library, but later concluded to give Mis. Geo. Lluht (whose hu band died on the 22 J) a benefit, so Friday night s receipts was turned over to her, amounting to f 22. Geo. Gregory has moved upon Clack amas heights. DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES Adopted by the Democracy of Lower Mo lalla Precinct, The following declaration of principles was adopted by the democracy of Lower Molalia precinct at their primaries: 1st. We believe in the free and un limited coinage of gold and silver, mak ing it a legal tender for all debts Utli public and private. If the people of this country are capable of making their own laws; if they are capable of admin istering their own affairs; if they are capable of preserving their liberties, they are cap ble of providing their own money and currency without the inter ference of Great firitian, the gold bugs of Wall street and other fortign nation'. We believe in the repeal of "the 10 per cent, tax an state bank issues. We denounce the present system of road labor in our county as one of the most outrageous swindles that was ever imposed upon a free people. We would favor a law giving the citizens in each and every road district in the state the right to elect their roadmaster, and let the road taxes be collected as they are, but compel the roadmaster to give bonds for the fuithful performance of his otlice, and all work let to the lowest respon g ble bidder, with the right, if work is no done according to specifications, to re ject the same. We are also in favor of local assessois, believing the work can be done for one fill h less money and there would be one tenth more properly assesssed in the state. Much enthusiasm was manifested at the meeting. On Saturday the demo crats of Lower Molalla precinct will again meet at the usual place of voting for the purpose of organizing a demo cratic club. JuftT List. Tli following la tbs jury vsrtira fur the April term of the circuit court: Thomas Arm strong, E Newklrk, Emai Caliill, Enoch Midlaro, C NQreenman, E W llornshtl, Jubn F ,Rislej, Wm L Thompson, A P Tialil, Julia Penniaun, llenry Trogf, K E Buliall.E R Charman, T R A 8ellwood,J T Grace, John Pslmsleer, S 8 Walker, O W B..JI.D, Henry Thomas, A rtlior Cliff, J T Cockelrease, J L Kruse, H, T W SnlllTafl, A J Tbnrauson, WH Coiike, Charles Moehnke.OK H Miller, CO Babcock, W A Peardorff, John T Mclnlyre. Attention, Fruit Growers I Tb-J first quarterly meeting for 1391 of the Clackamas County Horticultural So ciety will lie held in Osweg i on Thurs day, the 10th day of April, time 10 a. m. Address of welcome by Mr. Jar risli : reaoonse bv Gilbert Robbins. As perpetuated all liuit growers snouiu ai- are in line witn trie ramcai a . t' desseminated . , t. Mrti,:0f- I lie mist ' ' i' ' , . , H.lld bl W E. Jones, 2'Jl Alder st.e.t. Portland. Anyone wanting good saddle, buggir or lann noraeg will io wen 10 can un Ihe undersigned at Barlow. ". IK VI Goto E. O. Farns worth's for a fine Pompadour hair-cut. Riparu Tabuleg : one give relief. Kipan Tabuleg : for sour gtomach. Initiative and Referendum. rutin. he,! hy rviiueal otitic jh, (iiiiiiillli. i II u V'""""1""'. H. li'lten, tei riilniy The initiative means thai when a cer tain percentage of all the voters tlgn I peillion in favor of the enactment of am new law, or repeal i.f an old one. mid nie uieir petition w 1 1 li the proper nlllcer llie proposed law or repeal must he sub milled to all the Vetera at the ballot hoi al the next election. If the proposal re ceived a majority ol the voles cajt it be. comes g law, otherwise not. Laws made by the initiative are not presented lo Ihe leginiiiiuro at ail. The referendum means lliut nil bill passed by the legislature must be re ferred to the voters at Ihe ballot box al the next election, and that no bill can ueconic a law unless it received a ma Jorily of the votes cast. Ik. -I.!.. . imnill low , my 0r county jaws aie yoled Uion only l.y citizens of tiie locality to which the law apply Only general taws ure relcrred lo all the viti zens of llie slate. The veto power is taken from I'm i.iv. nor and placed in the hands of the peopiu. All laws are printed in full ami ulih each is a short statement ol the reasons lor and against ts enuctinnnt. A of the pamphlet containing these ln a aim reasons and a sample ballot is de livered to every voter. Making a law is purely a business prop isit ion. The rea otis fur ami against bi-imr nlninlv staled in print by the parties olfering and opposing the law . only a Utile com mm sense hemg necessary for a who voio. i This is not in auv sense a narlLan question, nor the property of any pait; . It was proposed in Oregon and has been supported by a union of the State Fum . era' Alliance, Slate Grunge, Knights of i.aoor, rortianil hederalrd trades and Portland Cential Labor Council. Money fur the Work has been supplied by these organizations and by republicans, dem ocrats and people's panv men individu ally. In case of urgency, if enough petition ers can be obtained, a special election may be held to enact or repeal a law, but there has never been good reasons for this as to a law made by the peopiu. In our own country the only excuso for special session has been lo" correct evil class legislation. When all the citizens make the law, ami the vote of one counts for as much as any other, class legislation must cease, because no class is strong enough to over-rule all other ciasses at the bal lot box. The mechanics and laborers on the farm and in the city will have a power in law-making that must be felt. The tax payers instead of lax eaters will fix the amount ol public expenses. Under the present system It is not so. When the appropriation bills come up all partisanship disappears. Republi cans and democrats are almost a unit for everything in sight, from pearl-handle pocket knives to branch asylums and a populist draws mileage to go home via San Francisco As tax eaters they are against the tax payers. They have ihe power and we foot the bills. Some men say that the people are too ignorant to vote wisely on lawg that may be submitted, but we have yet to hear any man speak of himself as one of that ignorant class. The progregss of the Swiss under the initiative and referendum is amazing. Their experience proves that "the wis dom of the whole people is greater than that of any part." Their greatest state, Zurich, bus made all her own laws and appropriations of publld money since 1H48, in excess of a vi-ty small sum, by direct vote of the people, and thev boast they have no beggars nor paupers, nor does any Vison of propertv't 1 v S Zurich la : muki.r . Iltlli':' :"' N OOC.ODO worth The citv of f 112,000 and "oily by the tj'jieir mag- ,. lie lor a Is I or.. , . ... , ;''"' i,. it" Unl"i.i , . i' ' t i;!v $;i',.!0il a"," - .. fc'"i.. ..'" . .is re- Cive ,. ,',t:j.iii, wiiiie for local o Wi-fir'i f i.Al i . highi salary.. The low si :iiri"s and . -i' wsr'.ch over public ex p niluurps ',:' y ihe great thirst lur puolio ....... a liicli we boiler. US llie reierenuum none oi tnese bodies can make a law, raise their wages, or appropriate more than a very small sum lor any purpose without an endorsement al the b'lllot box. We shall be saved from that minority rule of which the repeal of the Sherman law is an example. Un the vote lUJ cm gressmen voted for the repeal and 01 against it. Of the 12,000,000 votes cant when these men were elected the 103 received a trifle over 3,000,000, while the 0,000,000 were cast for the minority. This is what cau be done under our present system . The initiative and reierendum is the onlv practical plan thuslar made by which the majority does really govern. It is the only peaceable way to obtain an und sputable expiession of the will of the people on any question. Programing of Exercises of Multnomah Grange. The following is the prngiainiue for the Multnomah District Grange which meets nt Oswego on the third Wednes day in April at 10 a. m. : Address of welcome by J. II. of Oswego No. 175 Response by Jacob Johnson of Eve ning 8tnr No. 27 Address on Direct Legislation by V. S U'Ren of Mihvaukio Giiiuge. Discussion. Song, Mrs Cooper. Dinner. Music. The Grange, Its Relation lo the Pub lic Schools, by Mrs, Mao Waldron of Warner Grange. ' Discussion, Tbe Political Dutv of the Grange by It. Wright of Molalla No. 40. Discussion. Recitation, Mas. Todd ol ISoise Grange. (Question box. E. II. CoorEB, Lecturer. James Thorns A. Sons, Abstracters of Titles. Notwithstanding the unfinished ab stract indexes we started for Ciackamas county have recently passed out of our hands, li abtlrucl bunmett did no', and we therefore desire to sny to our old patrons and the public generally that we are still in the abstract business at our Id stand in the Jaggar building, oppo site 1 1 ii n tit y a drugHtore, where we are fully prepared lo furnish reliable ab stracts of title with certainty and dis patch ., m The beau ifu ly illustrated April Slid hind Mohthly (Des Moines, Iowa) is out. It hag 17 contributions, among litem "NH,ks and Crannies of Scotland," bv G. W E Hill; "The Colorado Grass hopper," bv C. L. Kingbury ; "A Ear Reaching Clurity," by B. F. Tiliing hast, etc. Nothing Cheap About It. Dr. Druinmond'g Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism is put up in large bot tles, and once seen it is never mistaken for any ether preparation. All the cheap remedies put ttxether are not worth one bottle of fjrummond'g Lightning Reme dy, and any guflerer who has taken it, will hear witness to its marvelous power, and the druggists who kcII it say thev I have never seen its equal. Full partu-o- nasty never are . . . ., .- . 1 , 1. m'eCVw Maiden Lane, New York. Agents i wanted. j ''For a long time I sufTcred with stoin . ach and liver troubles, and could find no relief until I began to use Ayer's j Pills. I took them regularly for a few I mouths, and my health was completely ' reetored.'' 0. W. Baine, New Berne, X. C Ripans Tabuleg cure liver troubles. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of 8 diatresainfr raah, by Ayer'a Sarsaparllla, Mr. Richard RinKs, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, r. Q., says: I have sold Ayerg Family Medicines for 40 years, and have beard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparllla, one In particular being that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. The ciilld was literally covered from bead to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, In spite of the best medical treatment available. ITer father was In great distress about tho case, and, at my recommendation, at lost began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparllla, two bot tles of which effocted a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla rreparod by Dr. J. C Aysr k Co., Lowell, It ass. Cures othero.wlll cure you REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- Francis Baker to John Lesters. nart of lots 1 and 3 of sec 10, t8s, r2e; 52). II Htc.ter to Mar'in Richter.20 as In sec 30, t 3 s, r 1 e ; !00. John Kins ta Paul 0 Snlle. parcel of and in sec 23, t 3 s, r 1 e; $500. O & C R R lo Paul Wiederhold. ce U of ne V, ne 4 of se )i of sec 2, 1 3 a, r 6 e, 80 as: f.'!04. G W Jackson Sr to G W Jackson Jr, H of sw if. ne W of sw M. 120 as. and also 33 as, till in G W Jackson Sr'g do nation claim No 50-1 ; f 1500. 8 H Dix to W H Wilson, se V of nw M of sec 34. 1 4 g, r 3 e, 40 as ; f 200. Fred I'liillippin et al quitclaim to Francis E Spoor. loO as e U B Jackson donation ; I333. F J Herdliska to R C Ilerdliska, lot 10 of I) Ik 30. Oswego 1st add ; . OttCRKti Rhvs Gwvnn, ne M of se M of sec 10, t8s, r 2e; $100. OACRKtoAN Johnson, nw i of sw l4 !i ! Bw J4 atitl ne l of sec 17, t5s, r3e, 280 a; $840. O & C It R to Wm Johnson, sw VA of nw 4' of see 17, t 5 s, r 3 e, 40 as; $120. Rachel Bronner to Wm Kydd, II as of Rolit Caufield donation No 53 ; $ 150. Lenitlne Arnoudtsetal to Phil Chap eron, nw i-4 of ne ii &e of nw J, s of ne '4 and Be J4 of sec 30, t 3 s, r 8e, 320 as; f 750. ' E W Leland to Agnes Leland, e 4 of sec 1, 1 5 s, r 1 e, 320 as; f'OOO. jWjtbM,JslurWii.i 1. 1 u-wu., uu rt 7. I o. I, 12 of blk 10, Gladstone; I I'iOili i LOCAL SUMMARY. What is the matter with E. G. Farns worth's tonsorial parlor, the only .first class one in Oreuon City ? . Prescriptions carefully corn pounded at U. A. tiaraing's drug store. L. P. Fisher, Newspapor Advertising Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, 8an Francisco is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his office . For job printing go to the Couk lEKolDce. Lawyers' Briefs and Folders printed at the Courier ollice. Read Red Front ail. Prices always the lowest. Teacher's monthly report cards for sale at the Courier office, 58 cents a 100 Don't Take Our Word, But call your druggist to one side and ask him privately which of all the reme dies advertised to cure rheumatism, he would recommend. If he is posted, and conscientious, he will tell you that Dr. Diummond's Lightning Remedy is the only one that oilers a reward of $500 fur a case thu cannot be cured. One bot tie will cure any ordinary case. With sensible people this is the strongest rec ommendation. Sold by druggists, or sent to any address by express. Drum moiitl Medicine Co., 48.50 Maiden Lane New York . Agents wanted. For Ovar Fifty Tear. An Old aho Wkll.?hibd Rkhrdy. Mrs, Win stiiw'stitKiililiig Syrup baa used fur uvsr fifty years by millions of mothers fur their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, suftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind culio, and is the liest remedy fur Dlarrhuia. la pleasant to the taste. Hold by Druggists In etury part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value ia in calculable. Re sure and ask for Mra. Window's Soothing Hyrup, and take no ether kind. th shoulder bud troubled Mr. J. II. Loper, a well known druggist of Des Moines, Iowa, for over six months. At times the pain was so severe that he could not lift anything. With all he could do he could not get rid of it until he applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm. "1 only made three applications nf it," he says, "And have since been free from all pain." He now recommends it to per sons similarly alllicted. It is for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. STRENGTH AND HEALTH. If yuil are nut feeling strung and healthy, try Flee trie Hitters. If "Isi lirfjipo" lias left you weak and weary, use Electric Hitters. This remedy acta directly on Liver, Hlomat-h anil Kitlueys, guiilly aiding theae organs lo porfunn their functions. If yon are afflict ed with Sick Headache, yuil will find speedy and per manent n-ilef by taking Electric Hitters. One trial will convince yuu that Ibis is the remedy yua need. Iirge buttli only .'Jl cents at Ueu. A. Harding's Drug store. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy la becoming so well known and so popular as to need no siieoiul mention. All who have used Electrio ltlttera aing the same song of prnlse A purer medicine does not exist and It Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed Electric HIiots will cure all diseases ol the Liver and Kidneya, will remove Pimples, Holla, Halt Rheum and other anVt-tionacaiiaed by Im pure blood Will drive Malaria from the sys tem and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fe vers. -Foi core of lleadat-he, Con at I pat ion and Indigestion try Klectrio Hitters Entire satisfac tion guaranteed, or moner refunded. Price fl eta. and II per bottle st O. A. Harding's drug store. DESERVING PRAISE. We desire to aar to our ell liens, that for f ear we have been selling Or. King's New Discovery for Consumption, l)r. King's New Life Pills, Biiiklen'a Arnica Halve and Electric Hitlers, and have never handled remediea Ibat sell as well, or that have given aueh unlveraal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and w aland ready to refund the fiiin hase price if aatisfaetorr resulla do not f"l ow their use. Theae remedies have won their greal popularity purely on their merits. U. A. HaaoiKo, Druggist. 'What's In a name?" Well, thai tie penda. For instance, the name of "Ayer" is sufficient K'lafan1 Ayvr' Sarsaparilla is a uennine, sc en title blood-purifier, and not a hain. like so many that eo by the name of "sar saparilla." Ayei'a sarsaparilla i the standard. fO CONQUER THE Reduced Prices on Staple Goods TO A HARD-TIME BASIS. Tbe Host Extensive Emporium of General Kerch&2&3 la Clackamas County. " EW COOD8 DAILY ARRIVING THOS. OHARAIiT Sc SOlsT Red Front's ClearanceSale l BUY8 either 18 lbs. Drv Gradnlalnd y'',"-Xurk.ey ItBd or Ilu" Blue Calico-20 yds. Unbleached Muslin-16 ydi. Check Ginghams. 11? . 5 XJ-- Be8t Gr0U1"l I'eppor, Ginger, Muslutd or Cocor-nnt. Misses 25c Mixed Hose cut tn 14o- T.aili' riu n. .(. 75. ,i , , . . - - , - - -.,.. vu . yj s.v, mens luu Gloves cut to 67c ; Ladies' Arctics cut to OUc. Ladiig'wool mittens 15c: childs' mittens 15c! onnA eniinn Ri.. a. 11 paper Oc per roll; mixed candy 10c per pound; brooms 10c, 17c and 20c; Misses' c oak$I and $1 60, formerly $5 to 12; childs' wool hose 10c and 16c: ladies' skirts 19c; ladies' low rubbers 20c, misses' sizes (I to 2) for 10c; men'a $4.60 ,...ioi'r..j,iuBiiiiieriiiooc;ouc .Milt tatm tiriUI Itenn.. mmr..A- 1 - - 1 rw vh'o nun juv sViCBO K'lUUB HlvUHl. HAMILTON & ALLEN, OREGON CITY. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW OFFICE, REAR OF COMMERCIAL BANK Oregon City, Oregon. . Geo. C, BaowNELl. A. 8. DansHia. Brownell & Dresser, Attorneys at Law, Office One Door North ..' Caufield fc Hunt ley'! D .0i , OREGON CITY, OREGON. W. CAREY JOHNSON, LAWYER. CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN 8TREET8. Oregon City, Oregon. Real Estate To Sell and Money To Lend The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Loans matte. Hllla dlsooliliUitl. Maltea nol lections. Burs and sells exchange on all points n the milled Stutea and Kurtnm and on Horn Koiik, PfiKwits received stibfeel to cheek. In terest at usual rales allowed or time deposits. Bank open from 9 A. M. lo 4 P. M.; Saturday eveulngs Irom 6 till 7 F. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, F. E. DONALD80N, President. Oasblul CITY VIEW NURSERY, CANBY, OREGON. All Varieties Fruit Trees For Sale. J. A. COX & SON, PROPRIETORS. LTlWa-ANDREWaSTW DEALER IN Drags, Notions, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, itc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Shlvely'a Block, Cor. ot 7th & Madison St., Oregon City BLANKS! BLANKS 1 1 BLANKS!!! For Hale at the Cophikr office : Mortgage, ' Filing Covers, Bond tor Deed. Promissory Notes, Receipt Books, Warranty Deed, Quitclaim Deed, Circuit Court Criminal Subpoena Teachers' Report Cards, Partial Payment Real Estate Contract, Shorl IT Summons, Jury Summons, Copy of Summons, Notice to Garnishee, Answer to Garnishee, Subpoena, Writ of Altachmenr, Justice Subpoeua, civil, Justice Subpoena, criminal Special or nrivate blanks printed on application expeditiously and correctly. Oregon City Market Report. WHiAT-Perbu. too, bulk I without saclsl OiTS--3at$:iro f, bushel, with sacks. Floub Roller 2 70 per bbl, not E 'as l'2'c Burrca fiOoa roll, VkAb-filsO dressed CHicgam-Si 8 50 a dosen Bigr )n foot, cows S!c; Hecrs 11' jr, fat; 6c dressed Muttos-1 5082 Shinoi.ks-S'2 V thousand. Li so-120 pound. Hinss Oreen,3oi dry.(l7cVtb; one-third off orcullcd. Sheep pelts, 2j30o Har-Tlmothy, Hit, clover 111, baled. Dried Fruits Prunes 8c; apples .'sSfioi very dull. Mill Fteo Shorts 110.' Bran (10; Chop 15; rejected wheat, CO cents bu Poag Sides l'io, shoulders 9c, 1 ami 12c; on fool 5c; dressed 6o. Potatoes fiOc a sack, per 100. "Per paps you would not think so, but a very liir'ue proportion of diseases in New York comes Irom carelesBiieis about catching cold." says Dr. Cyrus Edson. "It is such a simple thing and so common that very few people, unless it is a case of pneumonia, pay- any at tenion to a cold. New York is one ol the healtiest places on Ihe Atlantic coast and yet there are a areat many cases of catarrh and consumption, which have their origin in this nculect of the simplest precaution of every day life. The most sensible advice is, when yon have one get rid of il as soon as possi ble. By all means do not neglect it." Dr. Edson does not tell you how to cure a cold but we will. Take Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. It will relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the secre tions and soon effect a permanent cure. 50 cent bottles for sale by U- A. Har ding, druggist. Twentv yards of good muslin or 18 yards of turgey red or indigo blue calico for $1 at The Red Front. FOR SALE. Eighty acrea of fine farm land, mostly bottom, on Woodcock creek, Clackamas county, two miles Irom sieauow uroos postolfice. Three acrea cleared, 12 acres slashed ; good house 20x30. Price 1800, of which loOO must be paid dowt:, bal ance two tears' lime. For further par ticulars call at Coraiga cilice or address me at Vancouver, Wash. Mas. Ax.xa Taylor. Teething babiea and feverish children need 8Urdinan's Soothing Powders. Try them cWilPETITIDlI STOUE jergeyg lor 25c; I1.60 jcrscyg 40c; boy'g ' af I Noblitt Livery and Sale Stsble OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and tbs Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle hones al ways ou hand at Ihe lowest rates, and acorra, also connected wllh the barn tor loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or persoD. HORSES BOUGHT OB ROLD Undertaking and Embalming. Mrs. C. P.Win esett Keeps the BEST STOCK of- COFFINS AND CASKETS outside of Portland. I jiiI lei' and Dents' Burial Robes In slock. FINE HEARSE. 8. F. SCRIPTURE, Manager. FRANK NELDON, Cun and Locksmith. Adjoining the Noblitt Stable, OREGON CITY, OREGON. All kinds of Firearms repaired id cleaned. All kinds of auial machines repaired. Duplicate keys mail1 for all kinds of locks. Uunaand . Pistols bought and soldv BICYCLES REPAIRED" FRESH STOCK! CHOICE GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Obtain your family supplies at the Grocery, just opened, on north east corner of Seventh and Center streets. Prices as low as the lowest,' i Flour and Feed For Sale. J. A. BUCK, Prop. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST RANKING IIOtSE IN THE CITV Paid Up Capital, $50,000. President, Vice President, Cashier, Manager, - Thomas Chabsun Gio. A. HtaDi.No E. 0. Cadfiild Charlii H.CABnlLB K Goneral Banking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject lo Check. Approved Bills and Notes Disccunted. I'ountv and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Securiiv Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available lu Anv Part of the World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Baa Francisco, Chicago and New York. interest raia on nine ueposiis. scs agents or THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. Oregon City Transportation Co's STEAMER "RAMONA." TIME TABLE Leave Portland Foot Taylor St. 4:00 p. M. 11:30 a.m. OREGON CITY BOAT - Leave ORioo ClTT Foot nth Bl. 9:00 a. m. 2:00 p.m. GEO. A. HARDING, DEALER IN IP Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window Glass. Pretertpliotu Accurately Compounded Harding's block. TWO-CS we will a Brilli of unusi and a CENT STAMPS I sena you s a I Brilliant Gem F unusual color, copy of Tht Gnat Divide," so you can tee what a wonderful journal it w, pr- vided you name the paper you saw this in. It's a real Jewel we'll send yoo. ADDRt3 THI Cftf AT OIVIDC, Dtwmr, H. & folasyaaa.xMBsii.paldwe.klrtroasMaxt I PsrasJieatpoelUoak Xadavlll7Svtr I D KipertaM annsi.s.ry- IealUrifT y 1 I 1 dvmtaUbariBat. uur tai I I aoaaaalaaloa to local paif il 1 Uasa areata. LuwT "Os! I growars of Vly m7t H I liAriy.rllasr. I wNsJ ,. I aars.ry ST 11 tr" livU.seisr I I atotk. SeV. team aa4 aaivalM. I I aVC WoaTasiasa.wtasf I WVa f urj as al I -raV lalasaaetaaa- oo4 ataaial Istt I y-lailissiiissin1 Ontat mat tmlt tmf I I Vl.e' . BW aUlO. OO, -1 I Jlrrjmtm. Portlaast. Ora. fTaal kavaaai a I 1 teAniMo. Kan, this av- V J '-.