iwjvw THO U. S. Government Chemists have reported, after an examination of the different brands, that the ROYAL Bak Ing Powder Is absolutely pure, greatest in strength, and superior to all others ROYAL BAKINO POWDER COMPANY, 106 WALL 8T. NEW-YORK. Fa itari itrai ki -t- t't-J' " THE WILSON MASSACRE. It Ileinlil. (ha Dlaaater at laandlilwana and tin Nlauglitatr of Cuater. The niasiuicre l)jr MiiUIm Iih of Caplaln ' Wilson and bit 111 tie Imnd of brave follow er la only an Incident In the liintory of the truKlo for white aupremacy In Africa. Rivera of blood have flowed in Mntiilx-lcluiiil hi nee Cecil Hliodcn decided to fltilit It out with LobeiiKiila and place hie company of KnKll"h adventure in imsaeHRlim of the rich gold flfliln of Mntaljclelund. It baa been black blood mostly, and the white luen'a gore spilled at KhaiiKanl in only a drop in the bucket by coinpuriaon. During this cruel war over 8,000 native have beeu slaughtered, while only half a hundred whites were killed. Like the disaster at iHandhlwana, in Zu Inland, and the lnnghter of Custer at Lit tle ilorn, tho Wilson massacre ought not to have happened. The whites were In CAPTAIN WILHON. each case out maneuvered by their Ravage foe. Captain Wilson with the advance guard pressed on in hot pursuit of King Lobengula wheu it would have been more prudent to bait for re-enforcement from the main body, from which it had been sep arated by a river swollen by a sudden rain fall. General Custer' own impetuosity and contempt for a savage foe were repro duced with the same disastrous conse quences. The Matabeles threw Captain Wilson off bis guard by conducting a disorderly re treat and thereby encouraging him to be lieve that they would not (wit, but would scatter in the bush. Then when his 34 troop ers were In pursuit of the main body, and the capture of the king seemed a matter of only a few hours of hard riding, forces of savages concealed on the right and the left closed in upon them and cut oil retreat. When the troopers were fairly entrapped, the king's warriors faced about and madea determined stand iiMn high ground. Cap tain Wilson's followers, surrounded by swarms of savages, perished like (ieneral Custer's cavalrymen. They used their car bines as long as they bad a cartridge left, and then fought hopelessly, but gallantly, with revolver and saber. Closer became the onset, until every wounded and dying - Englishman wasfuce to facewith hundreds of merciless savages. When the last man was dead, the bodies were stripped bare and horribly mutilated. Captain Wilson was a Hcotchmnn and was 87 years of age at the tlineof his death. He was a great athlete in his youth, and in 1878 he went to Cape Colony, joined the mounted police and served In the campaign against the Galkas and Gulekas. IIo also fought in the liosuto war and distinguished himself by bis daring conduct. In fact ex cessive bravery was Captain. Wilson's chief fault and ultimately caused his death. Faith In Witchcraft. Belief in witchcraft is still found among the tieoplo- in uiuny countries. The wire of a rich furuier in Styrla, Austria, bad been paralyzed for years. and the medical men gave her op as hopeless. Tho fanner lately applied to a soothsayer, who looked Into the mat ter and pronounced the patient to be be witched. She pointed out another farmer who had also been sick for years as the wizard, and prescribed that an old pair of pants of the man and a few drops of bis blood must be placed over dull fire and slowly burned. The pa tient must le hold over this smoldering fire and thoroughly ftiiuiguted, after which she would recover. The panta were obtained and the old sick man one evening, when stopping into the door way of his hut to get a breath of fresh air, was attacked and thrown down on his face to make his nose and mouth blued. The blood wus carefully scraped up from the ground and the fumigation mmlo, but of course without the prom ised effect of curing the woman. The old man was terribly shaken and has died since, whether as a result of the outrage committed against him is not retried. At Velilla, Spain, a farmer was sick. His son went to the only woman in the village that enjoyed the reputation of being a witch and de- maniled of her to restore his father to health. Wheu a few days later his father had not improved he went and shot both the soculled witch and her husband deud. Chicago Herald. Divine Hervlce by Telephone. The moyor of Nottingham, accom panied by several members of the corpo ration and other lending men of the town, recently attended divine service in novel fashion. The meeting house was the locul exchange of the National Tele phone company, but the service in which they participated was conducted at Christ church, Iiirminglmin, fifty-one miles away, the communication being of course by telephone. They sat on each side of the long table on which thirty receivers were placed, while at the church end were eight transmitters two in the belfry, two in the choir, two in the reading desk, and two in the pulpit, switched on and off as exigencies required an ar rangement which has been in ojn'ration for Borne wocIm for the edification of Birmingham subscribers. The Notting ham congregation were able to bear the bells very distinctly, and the re sponses and other musical portions of the service, while the preacher, having a clear voice nnu deliberate utterance, was very audible, and his sermon was listened to with close attention. Lon don Tit-13its. KNOWS WHAT A DRUG STORE IS FOR, A Modest Chlcagnun Who Asks For What He Wants. The popular belief that a drug store is sort of house of cull for the miscellaneous accommodation of the public seems to ob tain In the World's fair city as generally as elsewhere if we may believe this little in cident related in the Chicago Kccord: One day a man went into a drugstore onOgden avenue and began to look anxiously about him. ' Got u phone!"' be asked. The druggist pointed to a corner behind tne prescription case, mid the man stepped over to ring the bell, lie had some trouble in getting central, so becomplalned severa times in a loud tone and asked if the phone was in order. The druggist said it was. Finally the man foil ml his number. He leaned against the phone ami had the fol lowing one sided conversation: "Hello, is that your" "Out on Ogden avenue" ".Say, how about t hat matter? " "You know what I told you yesterday I can't do it; there are some people standing around here." (The druggist moved up to- nECUTTIIKNAMKOUT. ward the front door, as though ashamed of listening to a private conversation.) "Huhf Tonightf" "All right." The .man then walked I ack to the stove and warmed him self. "Where's your directory!" he asked. The druggist pointed to a showcase where the book lay. Before the man opened the book he looked at the hock and said, "Humph! 'to," as though some one had imposed on hliu. For a few minutes he turned the leaves. Then he found what he wanted. "Have yon got a knife!" he asked. The druggist pulled out a pearl handled knife, opened it and gave it to him. "I never could remember that party's name," he remarked in a patronizing way. Thereupon be cut the name out of the di rectory, returned the knife without closing it and made a quick dash for the door, for Jus then he beard the approaching jlngleof a horse car. And the druggist, as be re placed the knife, merely smiled the tired, wan smile of a man who has trouble of his own. Had the man at the phone ever seen the drnggtst before! No. He simply took it for gran tod that every drug store was a bureau of public comfort Won to Coma. Mr. Subb Urban You need not mind Towner. His bark is worse than his bits. Mr. Townley (who has just been bitten) Great Seoul 1 hope he won't bark. Puik. Eaaily fteea Through. Witness Was my testimony clearf Counsel Transparent Boston Tran aripc Eltravagaat Adnlratloa. ' Coqnettlehly the Feeje. maid The mbwlonary cam lo (net. "I real)? think, kind sir." ab amid, That Jo an lice enuaga to eat." Washington Htac Ancient Tombs. While legal proceedings as to the ownership of tho famous Red Rock caverns, below Meuton, In winch lias been recently found a still further group of neolithic skeletons of a giant man, are still pending, an almost equally in teresting discovery has been made in a deep railway cutting at Audresy, in Seme-et-Oise, near Puns, where the workmen ran upon a huge Merovingian cemetery of the Sixth century. Alreudy there have been uncovered nearly 600 tombs, extending over an area of 2J minis, yielding a hitherto unheard of muss of carved sarcophagi, knives, spears, vases, ornaments and pottery of unique, shapes and styles of decoration It is recalled now that the tiny hamlet of Audresy, in the generations succeed ing the introduction of Christianity by Genevieve and Clovis, was an important missionary center. The expected scien tific examination of these multitudinous remains will throw a flood of light on the origins of the church among all ranks. Puns Letter. By MAUEIOE TH0MP303 Mr. Fenwicku, then one of the wealthi est citizens, and perhaps the very most influential one in Buvuiinali, was known to the British authorities as a stanch and uncompromising friend to the home government, a man upon whom they could safely roly for both sympathy and material aid in any scheme to advance their interests. Of course there wore other Tories in the city, all of them well known to Mr. Fenwicku, and the first thing Muyuurd did was to influence Feuwicke to call a secret meeting of these at his house. The readers will now quickly under stand why Roso forced her lover from the house; for ut that very time the Tory meeting was in session in u back room. The girl's good sense told her that if Lieut Prescott should discover her fa ther's connection with a treasonable transaction it would be the young man's duty to have him arrested forthwith, and the result might bo most terrible, for just at that particular point in the progress of the revolutionary struggle the bitter est hatred of the Tories was nursed by the American soldiery. Muyuard disclosed to the little knot of Tories huddled in that closely blinded rear room that Lieut. Col. Archibald Campbell was then on his way from Sandy Hook with a fleet bearing an army sent by Hir Henry Clinton to take and oc cupy Savannah. Accidentally Rose over heard this, and became aware of what was going on. The mansion hod been darkened to prevent visitors from dropping in, and all the proceedings of the conspirators were conducted with the utmost caution. Knowing that Lieut. Prescott wus ab sent on picket or outpost duty, Rose hud not dreamed of his coming, when sud denly his rap resounded on the door. One thought that of preventing the young man from discovering her father's connection witti a plot for delivering the city over to the enemy drove every thing else from her head. When he was gone she stood just in side tho door, her lieart beating wildly and her brain reeling with the excite ment of the occasion. At heart she was Klentrlo Locomotives for Bteuin Itoads. There are signs that ouo of the most startling revolutions of the century is approaching, steps are being taken in tho northwest toward the laying of an experiiiii'iitnl track on which many points lieuring on the substitution of electric locomotives for steam locomo tives en trunk lines will lie determined and electrical engineers throughout the country are on the qui vivo for the next developments. The three eighty ton electric locomotives to be used in the licit line tunnel, Baltimore, will push a freight tram of 1,'jOO tons, including lo comotive, through the tunnel, up un eight-tenths of 1 per cent, grade, for a distance of 0,(1(10 feet, at the rate of fif teen miles an hour, or a BOO ton passen ger train, including locomotive, at the rato of thirty miles an hour. St. Louis Glolie-Dotnocrnt. Culm of the Mogul Kmperoi-M, Mr. Stanley Lane-Poole bus finished his "Catalogue of the Coins of the Mogul Emperors of Hiudoosfnn in tho Uritisli .Museum, from the invasion of Balier to the establishment of a British currency by the East India com pany, ill lo.io. It contains descriptions of over 1,400 coins, chiefly gold mid sil ver, 600 of which are represented in the autotype illustrations. This completes this authors description of the entire collection of Mohammedan coins in the museum. Handera lllrthpluce. The house in which Handel was born at Halle, on the -M of January, 1085, is to be sold, and seems likely to be bought by a brewer, who already uses the grounds as a garden. The great com poser's admirers desire, however, to have the house converted into a Handel museum, as has been done with the birthplaces of Goethe, Beethoven and other famous men, and are collecting funds for the purpose. London Standard. Truly a "Circular Slnguniatanre." A cnlf belonging to a Mr. Houchen, near Seymour, lieonme strangely sick the other dov, and in a short time began to whirl around and around, as a pup after its tail, and within two hours was load. It whirled for two solid hours, never stopping to draw breath or grease he axle. Cor. Indianapolis Journal A Common Complaint Talking of the operatic season. Sir Au gustus Harris said, "The singers giv the most anxiety on account of a curious ill ness which Is prevalent among them from time to time, called maladia da nrima donna, uliicb in plain English means when tney don't want to aing." London Tit-IJits. A Good Manager. Husband How did too set rid of that big, ugly servant girl Wife I hired a bigger and uglier one t drive her out and Uke her place. New York Weekly. an earnest rebel, thoroughly in sympathy with the struggle for independence; but she loved her father, and could not bear the thought of having him arrested as a Tory ami a traitor. Now that he was safe for the time, the strain of the situation relaxed as suddenly as it had come on and she was too weak to stand. She tot tered to a table and set the lamp on it, and then fell upon a sofa, nervel-ss and white as a ghost. It was but a few mo ments, however, that the weakness pre vailed; her nature was strong and elastic, Hid her will wus of the sort with which revolutionary women of the best stamp were endowed. Even in the moment when she was thrusting her lover from the door the resolve was forming itself, under her consciousness, so to say, that, if she could prevent it, Savannah should not Ik) betrayed and her gates opened to the British. Maynurd had left the house but a few minutes before Lieut. Prescott knocked. Indeed it had seemed I Rose that the former must have been ut the gate when tho lutter entered. She wondered if this were so, and if the lieutenant would sus pect what had been going on. One by one the contpirntors left the house and went their way. What they had deter mined upon is not known, save that some plau was agreed to which Maynard re garded as of probable value in aid of Lieut. Col. Archibald Campbell's project for taking the city. All were gone, and tho Fen wicko house hold were on the point of retiring when Maynard suddenly returned gashed and bleeding from a long, deep wound across the sido of his handsome face.- "A confounded rebel officer," he said "ran against mo just out yonder. Fetch a surgeon us soon as possible or 1 shall bleed to death. Servants were culled. "Be careful in this matter," Maynurd managed to murmur betore he reel into a chair. "Remember that there is danger if I am suspected danger for yon all. Don tget a a rob rebel surgeon, be gasped, "but be bo quick!" The blood was flowing freely, saturat ing his clothes. He was us white as a dead man. Tho household was alarmed in two ways, for Maynard appeared about to die, and that of itself was ter rible Beyond this lay the danger of having a British spy in the house, which was tho greatest of all crimes just then, There was no time for hesitation, how ever. A servant went posthaste in search of a surgeon, while others bore Maynard up to a secluded room and put him to bed with a bandage rouu I his fuco. The wound proved not so bad after all. "Ho will be himself nguin in less than a fortnight," said the surgeuii, alter dressing the gosh. "Duel, l pre sume, ho added, sotto voce, to Mr. Feu wicke at tho door on taking his leave, "These young men ure such idots." To be sure, responded the old man, glad to clutch at such an explanation. "To bo sure, and I suppose they always will be. We were young once, doctor. Meanwhile Lieut. Prescott lay where Maynurd left lum, cold and senseless, his sword under him and one arm out stretched along the sand. Slowly the fog lifted mid was blown away, giving place to a broad shimmer of moonlight that cmnhusized the dark walls and gloomy nooks of the struggling town, and made the stillness and silence seem projected like substantial, tangible parU of the scene. CHAPTER III. How flare you learned uf" 7int lo a lid Doubtless it is impossible at this time to look back and understand with any degree of realization the peculiar situa tion in which Rose Fenwicke found her self when she had sufficiently recovered from the evening's excitement to take a somewhat calm view of what had trans pired. In the seclusion of her-chamber she thought it all over, with the rapidly growing impression that it was her duty to go straightway to the headquarters of the little American garrison and make known to the commanding officer the plot being arranged to betray the city. But a often as she turned tins in her mind the connection of her father with the treasoiajble affair startled her Mid rp.ade.anr disclosure appear impossible. Hho slept none that night, Indeed she scarcely thought of sleep. Her nerves were wrought to high tension and her whole nature was absorbed in the con sideration of a plan for bulking Maynard (lid his allies. Strange that it should have been nearly tho lust hour of the night before a thought, which might (under a less struin of excitement) have been suggested at once by Maynurd s re mark, came umjii her mind with almost stunning suddenness. The wounded man upon entering the house hud said that he hud been hurt by a roliel ofllcer. Why had she not thought of Prescott? It was so plain now that it was he who cut that gush. They must have met in the street and fought there. Instantly tho dreadful question arose, Was Lieut. Prescott hurt? Then sho remembered thut she hud heard two pistol shots ring out clear and keen through the foggy night air. Her heart stopwd short for awhile, to presently leap into her throat with almost suffocating throbs. ith that swift and vivid reudi ness coilimon to young and imaginative mind, her fancy pictured her lover Iviuif dead with upturned tace In the moon light. A cold chill crept over her and lior limbs shook us with an ague. Loud and clear the cocks i.i the bock court crowed out the hour of dawn. She sprang up, threw on her clothes and passed out into the street. As if by some unerring intuition she went directly to the spot where Prescott and Maynurd had fought, There were deep murks of the struggle in tho sand, and some streaks and dashes of blood were visible in the gray chill morning glimmer. She looked iimmt. her eyes scanning as best they could the surrounding space; then nunc a great re liefa sense of escape from u burden of horrible dread. A drum rolled -out the morning cull at the little American camp With but a moment's hesitation she went swiftly on in the direction of the sound, and wus soon face to face with the sentinel in front of the officers' quarters. I wish to see Gen. Howe, she said abruptly. f The sentinel called the officer of the guard, a corporal, who came forward in a moment. Well, iiiaduin," he demanded, doffing his well worn cap, "what is it yon wish?" 'I must see Gen. Howe. 'Sorry I am that he's uot here, madam. but he is not. He is ut the Tittmill man sion. "Then could I see the next officer in charge?" "Col. Huger is here, madam," "Tell him 1 have something important to say to him. Leaving her with the sentinel the cor poral turned about und wulked away. In a few minutes he came back, and bidding her follow led the way to a small house surrounded by tents. Col. Huger, who had just risen and hastily dressed him self, received her in a small, plainly fur nished room which was well saturated with the fumes of tobucco. He wus very polite and kind in his manner, but ut first did not recognize her. "It is because 1 could not help it that I have come here, she hurriedly liegan. "There is a plot to betray the city into the enemy s hands. A fleet is already on the way here from Sandy Hook, and there is now in Savunnuh mi emissary of the British going about among the To nes. The colonel recognized her while she was siieakiug, and the slightest shade of perplexity gathered on his eyes. She wus beautiful. and her embarrassment height ened the effect of her face. Yon are Miss Fenwicke, I believe," lie said, with grave courtesy. She nodded and the color slipped out of her cheoks. "How have you learned whut you tell me?" he inquired, fixing his eyes steadily anon Isys. She shrunk and looked down, but pres ently her native courage asserted itself. She returned his gaze steadily with clear, innocent eyes, while the rwy flush came slowly up into her face aguin. "You must not insist upon thut ques tion," she answered: "for 1 cannot tell you. You may be sure that 1 have it from the direvtest channel of informa tion. The British will land to-morrow or the next day." She arose to go. "And the emissary, who is he and where is he?" demanded the colonel. "1 cunuot tell you." "You must!" "1 will not." The colonel's face relaxed almost to a smile. "Very well," he suid. "Sergeant, tuke a carriage and drive this lady to her home." A young red headed officer cuino out of an adjoining room und bowed. "Get a carriage," repeated the colonel, and when the man was gone he turned to Rose and said: "It is scarcely possible that your in formation is reliable, but I will honor it, coming from you. 1 am surprised that you bring it to us, but I am all the more proud of your patriotism." She knew that he was thinking of her father and connecting bin with the conspiracy. How strong is the force of the Brit ish reported to be?" ho inquired after a few seconds of silence, "and who commanded?" 'It is a strong force under Lieut.-Col. Archibald Campbell and Commodore Parker." "When did it sail from Sandy Hook?" "On the 27th of November." "Did you hear what troops they have?" "The Seventy-first regiment of foot. four battalions of Provincials, two of Hessians and u detachment of artillery." Ho looked at her in surprise. Her memory seemed absolutely clear and ready. Somehow the sincerity und dig nity of her bearing and the extreme beauty of her face gave singular force to her statements. Ho knew that her father was a bitter Tory; at least that was tho well grounded belief of every body, and it seemed strange, indeed. that this, his only child, should come as the bearer of such information. Of course the colonel's first thought was the suspicion that .Mr. Fenwicke must be deeply concerned in th.t conspiracy. ino sergeant had returned at this mo ment und was standing uncovered in the doorway, his red hair shining and hii freckled face beaming with good nature. The carnage is readv. Col. Huger," he suid, saluting. Rose, after bidding the colonel good morning, turned and followed the ser geant, who gallantly handed her intc he carnage and bade the negro drivel follow her directions. Before reaching the Fenwicke man sion Rose ordered the driver to stop the eluele, and she got out to hmsh the dis tance on foot, not wishing any of the household to see her in Col. Huger' car riage, which would be sure to provoke awkward inquiries. Fortunately neither her going out nor her coming in was observed, and she made her way to her room, where ho flung herself down exhausted, soon fall ing asleep. No sooner w:is Rose gone from his presence than Col. Huger ordered hi horse and galloped to the Tatnall resi dence to see Gen. Howe and advise him of what she bad told. Toe general dis missed the matter with a few words, saying curtly that he placed no reliance in a story which on it face was simply preposterous. "How could an emissary outstrip a Moot?' lie inquired. "If the British sailed from Handy Hook last month how could this supposed spy know It Don't you see how utterly ridiculous the whole thing Is.' Col. linger had come flushed a trifle with the effect produced by Rose's noble bearing and bewitching face. He went back but half convinced that the general was right in giving no heed to her warning. One, two, three duys, a week, two weeks went by without any apparition of a British fleet. The general had not iinfrequeutly laughed at Col. Huger about his belief in the story of the old Tory's daughter, und the colonel in turn had come to look buck to the singular little affair as something inexplicable. Lieut. Prescott, after lying some dayi at the house of a friend who had chanced to find him und tuke him in, recovers from the stunning bruises received from the brutnl kicks of the giant Maynard, and returned to camp before the expira tion of his release from duty. Meantime Maynard's wound healed so rapidly that within ten days the gush had changed to a slender purple scar slantwise across bis left cheek. So care ful were the Fenwickes and so closely did they keep their secret thut no sus spicion of the Englishman' presence in the house over went abroad in the town Rose heard of Lieut. Prescott frequent ly through tier friends, but ho came no more to see her, nor did he send her any of those tender messages thut lent such bnghtness to her life for months pust. She felt the reason for this and could not blame him, for in her memory the act of driving mm from the house lingered with all the ngly features that her im agination could lend to it, and she de spised herself. VW BR OONTINUm She Merely Pressed the Huttnn. A tall and elegantly dressed lady whom nolxsly knew walked Into the ofllec of the Palace the oilier night. A big crowd was around. The place was thronged with eastern editors, nod outside, bordering the iiviilar driveway, there was a rattle ami crashing of baggage, for hacks and car riages hud Just arrived from the overland train with passengers. Over a dozen persons stood before the desk, valises and satchels in band, waiting to be registered. Clerks stood, pen in bund, or disappeared and then came into view iiguiu like automatons on an oiled track The lady asked for a messenger, having penciled her name in a brief note on a card Ulie was in a hurry, n.il deemed the mat ter in hand of prime importance. Slfght imperiousiiess was noticed In her manner. It grew stronger as she paused there for the messenger to come. Then, as if she would end it all at once, and with the words, "I will ring for one myself," de pleted on her face, she reached for the bell and gave it a cordial punch. litter darkness fell upon the bustling throngs throughout the building. Her hand huil fallen upon the elect rlo key board, and every light went out. There were specula! ions of astonishment and chagrin, and (he stillness was broken lit Intervals by a dozen quest ions. 1 he clerks sprang to the s.-ut of ti e dull culty, mill when at length the lig'.-t was turned on the crowd noticed the ligure of the impetuous lady vanishing as quietly nnil rapidly as possible from their aston ished gaze. Shu never came buck. San Francisco Kxaminer. l'Nlng Itaiield lliitter. There is probably no person who regards rancid butler as anything hum highly of fensive substance, and there are few out side the uninitiated who can think of any better use to lie made of It than throw it Into the ttshburrel. The Initiated know better. There are few housewives aud cooks who, when they flavor their cus tards, pies, cakes, etc., with delicious es sence of pineapple, do not imagine that tons of that luscious tropical fruit are daily gathered by dusky natives from wav ing palms und amid scenes of harvest rev elry, are then squeezed of their fragrant juice for the special henellt of the Ameri can palate. Hut the 'trade knows that the pinc-upple oil of commerce is really butyric ether. The miracle worker takes his rancid but ter mid mixes it into a soapy hither with potash and sulphuric acid at first. This results in a thin, oily liquid Which has even a more persistently rancid odor than the butter hud at first. It is then called butyric acid. Being distilled with alcohol and more sulphuric acid, the marvelous result is u fragrant and altogether delight ful substance known as butyric ether or pineapple oil.-New York Tribune.' What Makes Stenographers Weep. "Whom do you find the most dilllcnlt witness to take!" was ssked of A. M. Grif- fen, one of the oldest court reportei-s. Uecidedly a woman with n grievance," lie readily replied. "A Pole in a passion is hud; an Irishman denouncing an enemy is equally so; a German speaking broken r.nglisli is a terror; a frenchman rendering meaningless his words by ejaculations is still more deplorable; hut none of these can hold a candle to a woman with a griev ance. II nam VW-ller had ever happened to have been a reporter he would have overlooked the widow and warned his friends to beware of a woman with a griev ance, liy the way, I can always tell the profession of it man by the manner in which he gives his testimony. The real estate man, the actor, the traveling man, the doctor all carry their professions with them into the witness box." Chicago Her aid. Hears Like Turtle Eggs. In the spring the female loggerhead comes ashore and scoops out a pit with her hind legs in the sand on the south side of a shoal. Then sue lays trom im to zuj eggs in the hole and covers them up again with the sand, leaving them to be hatched by the beat of the sun. Hears are ever so fond of turtle eggs of all sorts, and they dig up the nests wherever they can find Iheui, goholmg amazing quantities. 1 have known as many us thirteen nests to be robbed by a single bear in one night. As soon tia they are hatched the young ones sou I vie into t lie water. Crabs, fishes and shelltuh contribute to the diet of these tortoises. Interview in Washington Star. AN UNSEEN ENEMT NMV ( I KK Hill llllKI M tTIHM. Calderwood'i Rheumatism Cure la new discovery entirely. It turtr failt to curt sciatica, lumbago, gout, chronic, muscular or inflammatory cases, whether of long or short duration. It is very pleasant to taso. One teaspoonful if a dose. it is quick to act and alwayi ellects a permanent cure. Securely packed In wooden boxes and shipped anywhere on receipt of the money. Three bottles for f6. Hend money by express, draft, postal order or registered letter to Calderwood'i Rheumatism Cure, Market street, cor ner of Fourth, San Francisco, Cal, Testimonials of cure sent to any one on application. Three bottle will last three weeks. Any ordinary case will succumb in that time, Homo have got well after using but one Ixittle. This remedy doc away with doctors' hills, prescriptions and drug store expenses, besides it saves time and trouble. Directions on every Ixittle. Circular and testimonial in every package. When ordering stato your nearest ex press office, and alwava give your post- olllce address and full name. old Ijiwver-It won't dhv von to trvlocolleet thnlilelit. Yoiiiik Lawyer-Hut It In viilid, slid the dehlor ll wi-hIUiv. old Iji vi-r-llnl ihe crcdlior lata nothing. NKItVOUM IIVNI'KI'HIA. The failure of the nerves of the stomach to perform their functions is the cause of nervous dyspepsia, a most exhausting form of disease. Allcock's Pobocs Plastrrs are an excellent remedy. Senator James F. Pierce of New York writes: For the past two years I have Buttered very much from an aggravated form of nervous dyspepsia. I have resorted to va rious remedial agents, deriving but little benefit. A lew months since a friend of mine suggested the trial of Allcock's Por ous 1'i.actkw'. Following the suggestions. I have been Using the same with the hap piest (fleets. To those similarly (filleted let me suggest the manner of their use. I nlace one over niv stomach, one over the hepatio region and one on my hack. The ellect is excellent, r roin the day I com menced their use I have been slowly but surely improving, and am quite confident that by com inning 1 shall again be restored to my accustomed health." dranpkkth riL-LS cleanse ine system. It in un nwfullr rood thins for a man when he Kotucauifhl the II rut time he docs wioug. A couiih. cold or sore throat should not he nenlected. "Hrown't Hronehiul Troches " are a simple remedy, and give immediate leuei. biilil onh m ntuet. Invalid 3 Years, Cured by Hood's seV5v.' 'JMPak. ItottUM at Hi luih m4 il which Clrrular Saw! mtt run or N.Hf u tul4 in lioliuti lliMti la iim.1 in mwiiii. wliar III twanlili ut tl, lliaky, "UI MW (lam 11 oul ut Im In lh ifrniiliir Saw rum, It- ulily HimI Saw Piaui rtr iiaila, Una ililttriilly la al-..-lnllf ami aah.'llv i.raat.nlr.1 l.,...IIir. SKaKIMM Veil HIS HIUKT OIK Salilt II IS lltlaU IT la IMS Milt Ol a HH Ut am 1, 11 HIMI. Iliall lubllia- ami l,al,l.ilt at llii-n alilla.1 mi aa lo lafc U. rar ikilli Ml. fa fraai I all atari, irrf rial) 4 rltrlrS bfaiarr iai in a" ' ' " ' ' .i, -M rrliTM (A aiiar aa I .ia O iMib ut-ii" WNaaJNMaiirw-AUl. Tl awiiil tram Mlurli tartlt-a Hi wwal In l asnnl anil which aut-iiuallcally trlunia In Ha lai baa 1mi t-naiil I kapa niUuSOuu III ItywI.iiliU )il ili lil aai.a II t Kaiilary VJUi ll i-f all aiikli-lu ll- aw. tlia ua i,f liailli inah trwhallil i "I'll aairwaai Una aa.ll) i.i..il,l ll la ibrrrfur. n l ill -n l l I -1" ". walim ll -a III .-ill aauvluha malarial uiliLlr ali-l laMt. Autllwr laalutvul 0. 1 llonrl A Co . Lowell. Mnaa "(iontlcmeu: I aul kM In tell von that I have been given (mid nealtli by limsi Huraapanlln. Kor three yi lira I waa an iu vauu, aunt-ring lernuiy noin Nervousness and Lameness. ' I whh a nervfiiia 1 etiuhl uot buHr the least noli", ami i had to - lk with eruii nes lor tlx moiilhi, aa I could not put one of my feet lo the floor. I'liyalchiiia did not do me any K'ul, so a menu torn m to set noou Burkapanna, bill I Said There Was No Use. Howi ver. after tliliiklnar the natter over. I de- elilrd to f vo it a trial, and have taken all! botllra of Hood's Biiraspsiillii, and Ihe re alm la mai l am wen aa any one renin wian lu dv, and eau uo any sum 01 wora. i au Hood'snCures ilae all inyl'li nils to tiiko Hood a Htru- rilia tor i hi iii-vu it will no tnein ouu.' Alias m'ok h-id os. i.i'iiun, i a'linrnm. HonH'a Pll'rt uur liver ilia. eonadnatl :Uiiiuuca,Iuuudici,alck lutiduchcluillgeitlou. Mia Wallop (the teacher)- Tommy, did I are ou whlapvrfiiK wltk the boy next you liirat now T iiinmy-nii, ma-am. lour uses wus uiriicu Ilnr wt offer thU vrry iit rior mw tw Willi i ?A Inch ur.ir mw ( much ! inn .linn fth) t h"M' H" 'ff,l wiNxUn friiii rttn lw Umitlil I rtvkn uiv ll-ut tin- frifiuli of Ilia Arni'lir will 6,i,hh ula V- fort llml w Imw im lawn lillil Hi I'uMlt Kin I TU ami naif) ili tliiiifiiiatinl ouftwh In !. I m un ftii ull Miclo iiu'l ,'UliniK ll imvaii lliflntlfl iuihmI Iiv. Pur i tan of ilmlUr ml iitlily, nl nritini'iy ttrfi frame. )iu wuuhl ltf clingi-il fiatl II' muik rtn uit-trH .uirieWrsii iKiviwrMi.r til fiHi, AMXJHK .Ol A MUM If Ttl Ul.f IT AT tM.r tl Untjt vf our Uwl An mtot. We ht fcild an cnnim-n numhrr cf 1'owt-r Animator eutflli with which t4e ate umi, ni-l a mr taw h.it run lianl detract frnm their UMfuliim mil their ifiula1nn. If fur nish very iinur aiw ! ry low imce. many tfriifl tut Bis will be huuiht tuilrite tlit-m Whrirtrr . ... t.mrrd Af lotor cue, otlit-rs tr mre ta ( lluw. whrnwt Ukiftwrll known erllrl rtMitlun it. and put It in ft thai very iurlr torn) tiling tlmt litnu-itl l-rfote.lt wldrnaftiidanlarirentir r.'ututi it (of dniim nfll t-tri lilting to which wa put uur limi-U and tins la llir-llimn llmi li-ia m the pail brunuhl to muili buinr t lu uur fsiluiy. wh"'h in I ha future, wo have no duiiM, Hill Liiittf, i-rm'lKaill) all the business III our line. It U ihi rvputaliun Hint ut ar d.i,ly orktnit for, Wt tlle that I Im Aermotrtr Bterl fuw Pram ami fhr will miittrm and enhance tho fmue whuli luir nanud ill th manufacture ut 81 I Windmills ami ftttl T.'Wm, honr. for the purnow of tcallernig Utnn mi I tin I nr)lnily nioyknow that a rd Hum inn " lad fm a smtll (irice, W K OrrKK THItt NTKKI. RAW AMI I'KAMK Hill lift t'AU A rill ft It I OH It IIP Aim KriNr Him 1W. H nf tlua tri n-. us -f totiditi-ina atatt-d In No H In our nat ftdtfrtiiiirnt. ISu, l, we ihall talk of Jtanmntf and make n ,ttti that will Iw ol kiuvaiaftl mlsrert. 2 Ata m A. I, Ai-tiMoiuU tU OAKLAND HOUSE, 064', ir Tlilnl, WATKK MOTOR, One Tuerk Water Motor, new. that will develop from 10 to'15-horse power ; can be n au ai a sacrifice oy auuresstng r AlMKB K IvKY, Portland, Or. 0XI$ ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches aud fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the enly remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its fleets, nrenarerl onlv from trm moat healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all aod have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fiirs is for sale in 60c and t$ bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Lo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCIS00, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KV. HEW tQRK, M.t. It is sold on a guarantee by ail dru gist3. It euros Inoipient Consumption and Is the best uougn ana uroup vure, Hon-sr I a t...- FAN FRANCISCO. CAL. At Fertlea l.ike llowunl Sin el ( able (Jura to the llouau. Vlrret l( 'c lu Miilu inlrr lair up uitrii. luOSInule mid Kaml'v Kiiouia. Itonina ah-, -JSo and rrnc per dny. For wn or inure perauns laie, .'Oc and If.nn In iJ.Sn per net-It. UKO. W, KltANCIi, rreprlelor. Only Cheap High-Class TVPKWIIITKK, 11 U lltba 11 U Slll "C'U "O l'rlce fUTi; atiperlnr to flllO niaelilnea. Agents wanted in every town, (looil eham e for live men. Wiito for imrllciiln-a imil eataliutuo ni TynewritcrHunpMes. PACIFIC TYi'KWKTl'KK KXt.'ilAMIE, l'orUand, Or. laiiuarjr ... in ... Fe-liruarr I..., " 1ft... March 1 . . I'l per rent ..10 ..It ' ..1.1 ' .. 0 TOTAL U7 na-r eent Wat liae palil ti aiur euntamierM In 00 nava I'roltl lutlil twice cai-ll niiiiilli; innlii-v i-iin In wllliilrHWii any lime; (JU lu ai.iajo ean Ih luve-Uiil: write fur Itiiiiriiiutliiii. riMHKU Via . Hanker anil Hrnker. 18 mill HII llroiKlwuy. .Nvw York. ON 1IAVINO THE INSIST Belting, Packing and Hose, Boots and Shoes, Rubber and Oil llothlng, Druggists' Rubber Goods, MAm'FACTVRKD BY Goodyear Rubber Co., 73 aud 7B Flrat St., Portland, Or. Write for eutalotrue frkr. KIDNEY, Bladder. Drlnarr and Liver niseaaei Drnnav Gravel and Diabetes are cured by HUNT'S REMEDY THE BEST KIDNEY AND LIVER MEDICINE. Bee Supplies. PORTLAND SEED CO., 71 Second Streala - Portland, Or. Send for outnlogne. Do You Cough? It Is a irff sign of iveakness. You need more than a tonic. You need Scott's Emulsion the . Cream of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites.not only to cure the Cough but to give your system real strength. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Prepared by Scott A Uowne, X. Y. A. I UraWitt, i more to be dreaded than nn open and visible one. That mbiilo and lurking he. which under the generic name nt mainna inminents men, when it -hitclie un In it lenHcloiin trrMp, in the various forms of chilli und fever, bilious remit tent, dumb ague or ague cake, emi only te effect nnjly KUiirded Hu'itinHl by fortlfyMijf the system iifufnti if m intidiou a I tack h with Huftetter'n Stumtich Hitter, it thorough antidote to ihe poimui of mi mum in the system and a aafeKimrd Hgt in it thoio,:trly to 1 relied upon. In the event of a nialarioim attack moid poisoning your xysiem witn quiutne.aud uk instead tbi wholeaume remedy, unobjectionable lu taste and far more eflieaeions than any drug. l"e the Bittern for dyspepsia, biliousness, connlipH tiou, kidney complaints aud rheu matt tun. Young Lady Mr. Fantonn, what did Boat Hy wh.-n lie rind mw Huth? S'oung Man I don't know, unless he aked her not to atep on his corn. Statu of Ohm, City or Toledo, I.l-r Ct !TY. i ' Kit ah K J. Chlcky make oath that he la the senior partner of the firm of K. J. Chf.mky A Co., doing businew In the rity of Toledo, rntin tvand State aforesaid, and thut Mid firm will pay thetmm of ON K HIMKKI DOI.1.AKS for each and every rane of catarrh that cannot be cured by tue ue of Halls Catarrh (Tub. FKANK J. CHF.NKY. Sworn to before me and Mihseribed in my prrnence this b dav of Iecember, A. D. lv&. M1AU) A. W. ULKAiHIN, A (Mre pHhlic. Hall'fl Catarrh Cure is tnken internally, and acts dirvctlv on he blood and mucoua nurfaces of the system. Send for testimonial, free Toledo, O. Sold by druggists; ?.r reuta. A POTTER PRESS. Sire, ,VU4M inside bearers: table distribu tion; bed springs, will print nine-column folio or ail-column quarto; a splendid all round press for count it office; for tal cheap; guaranteed in order. Addreea rALiii a niT, Portland, Or. Cat InaaeiiD 8tore Polish: m dart bo nwU. Tit Obxmka for break fart. nQllQir fnrm laud In Nebraska to trde for I DAlfl'L timber land. II. E. Noble, Portland, Or. And .OrHK!tS Totally Kxteriiiluateri by WHEELER'S CARBON BISULPHIDE. F. A. Cook & ',, Hole AgHiita, Portland. OIL I Dr. Williams' Indian Pile ointment will cure Blind, Hleclliiif una itohlnar files. It ttbsorba tho tumors, allava me nciiing at once, acts aa a poul tice. Ktvcs luatant relief. Dr. Will. lams' Indian Pile ointment la prepared lor Piles and Itclilnu ol the Drlvate puna, averv dox ih warranted, sty urug. lau on receipt 01 nnci, iai cenu LIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. roprietora, Clevelund, Ohio. aud Dr. Evory'8 f Trans iforniao I Alt Win theOreot Curo for Catarrh. Deofnoss.Col(1a, SoroThront, lloaraenesa, Homiaclm, IVtlri, BIckcmdk a ino vuic'o, ovuao ui fit.c.alluruLintisor i. K. EVOU V Hi VtWnmjk, 3i'J (9lii bt., Jlrouklyui , X HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Bright'! Disease, Retention or Non-retention ol Urine, Paiua In the Back, Loina 01 Side. HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, Oouera Debility, female Weakness and Kxceaaea. HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Biliousness. Headache, Jaundice, Sour atomacb, Dyapepsla, Couaiipatlou and Piles. HUNT'S REMEDY A l) ) AT ONCE on the Kidney, I. Mar and Bowel, restoring them to a licnlthy ac tion, and t'UHKM wheu all other nieillciuua fall. Hundreds have boon saved who have been given np to die by Irlewu) and phyaioiaus. MOLD II V ALI, HKI I.I.I!) IN. DOCTOR m ran s it HI, THE GREAT CURE YOU tivVVANT THE BEST. ' Hpnri fur our (7ataloirUB ol I. INCUBATORS 'Vt. Beat uiukua. Low prices. ZViay pay. ment. Address Wa V. Heads, mpon, uamornia. FOR INDIGESTION at a m TTwrtTTva pttwi known be moisture HJi h like prpiraUcvP. came ntiie licUtnj - h.n mrm. Thia form aim awnu. T1KLD ATONCFTO a. era HA .? a ai aA'O Oil C DCUCM Uila DU'9rinnu a rii.6 numtui, which aota directly on parta affected. krwtrM tumor. alllkTB iicnuuf. on scum MaTaf afA aa TuTtnanantOtlM. PrllTft IWfl. i)rilBTaT.ata AND YOU GOT CONSTIPATION. -A- MRS. WINSLOW S sosyTBHuVNO - FOR CHILDREN TCETHINQ raraaleerallltracclata. W CeaU a aattl. Regulator of the Liver and Kidneys A SPECIFIC FOR equals custom hoik, coutin from 1 j4 iu o, ocst raiue inr me money aaiv ui iu. 1II(7 RUU UritO mel on the bottom. Every tirwairantid. Tukenoaubitf. jiutc. local papers for lull .ucHTijiuonoi ourcnmpiets 1 in. a inr isuu's aim gen l llcmcn or send for 11. iHftrated Latalogu fivinK in. struct ions derby mail. Postage free. Vou can get tho best Scrofula, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Neuralgia And All Other Blood ind Skin Diseases. S. P. N. V. No. 537-S. F. N. U. No. 614 Extreme, Chronic, Torturing Cases of fl 11 ARE CURED BY ST. JACOBS OIL. PROMPT AND SURE. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN." MARRY A PLAIN CIRLIFSHE USES SAPOLIO 7 DROP IT ir YOUR BUSINESS DOES NOT PAY. Chickens art easily and auceeaalullj raised bv using the Petaluma IrV cubatpr and Brooder, onr U- luatrmtM caralnania tella all about 1L Don't bur any bnt lh Petalnna 11 yon want sironr, Tlioroua chicks We are PaCtlr I'oaat Healqnarura lor Bme and ClovcrCntters, Maik era, Hooka, Caponislnt Tools, Foonulns, Flood's Roup Core, Morris Poultry fore, Creoswsone the ereatcbicken-lice killer and every other article required by poultry raisers. See the machines in operation at onr eihlbit with the Nerwalk Ostrich Farm, Mldwluter Fair, batching oairicbea and all kind ol rirgs. ('atalotne tree: if ron want it, write to aa. PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO., 750 7oi--i75 Main atreet, Peuluma, Cal. Free by Mail on receipt of umi DoLLas A Whole Garden. Let Bait ma oar Illoatraled Catalogue whirl will 11 Toaiallaho.it It. lawwaaat e aaul T lawl fa. 'HberwiMMl Hail H nnar-ry Co. I. CT-S awsatme Street, awaa Fraeciacah. electe1 Seed, a specialty Smoke the Admiral Cigar ettet and be happy. Golden West Baking Powder HAS NO WPF.RIOR IX any particular. MONKT RKFI'NPED BY any grocer, IF SOT fAn-FACTORY. Mane Hi PuBtlasd bt Clossetft Devers. The Admiral Cigarettes are the best. It is a positive cure lor all those nainful. dpil. eate complaints and complicated troubles aud weakneaaes common ainoug our wives, mothers and daughters. The effect Is Immediate and lasting-. Two or three doses of Da. Pardei's Kkmkdy taken ditliv keeps the blood cool, the liver and kidneys act ive, and will entirely eradicate from Ihe system -all traces of Scrofula, Halt Khcum, or any other , form of blood disenae. No medicine ever introduced In this countrv I has met with such ready sale, nor given tuck universal aatlataction whenever uced aa that ol Da. Pardii's Rsmkdy. This remedy has been nsed In the hospitals throughout the old world for the past twenty- Illve years as a specific for the above diseases, and It has and will cure wheu all other so-otllea remediea fail. send for namohlet 01 testimonial from thoae who have been cured by its use. Jnuirsism sell It at 11.00 per bottle. Try It and be convinced. For sale by MACK & CO., 0 and II Front St., San Francisco. DR. GUWS ONION SYRUP F0R COUGHS, COLDS AMD CROUP. 1 GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. fQTmiliitrfBanrof Bine Mldrm. jr only wtn djr for Concha, Colds and Creup was onion srup.'Ik Is Jaart effective today as it was forty years acx '" Kow my ffrandchildreii tike Dr. Onnn'i Onion Syrup . whiok is already prepared, and nor1 pleasant to to taatb Sold eYerywhrrav Larce bottlrs 50 senta. TMaWavtaWttforiU Thttrs's pmh'af m good Cmmmmmttwm aod people wbo kire wak Innrs or Astli Bs.iho)diM Ptao sCara for OoosanpUoa. It lua cucsl Usaiaads ft baa not injur- Sotia. It ta not bad to uu istba toateoaufcayrvpb goM warrwtam We TT U3