Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, February 23, 1894, Image 1

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NO. 42.
I'roniot ers of a ltailroad From
Astoria to floble Active.
A ( lli.cii of 8an Diego Confined In
Mexican Prison Reward for
an Express Robber.
Provo is si-hciiiing lo become the cap'
inn oi man
The Plm-nlx (A. T.) opera house has
men condemned as unsafe
Sacramento proposes to make its sow
i' rai' system more perfect at a coot of
. flOO.WHl.
A crowd of unemployed marched
through the streets of Suit Lake, Utah
recently, ucinuniiing work
. I .urge deposits of good coal, it Is re-
- . V- 1 1 i
l.M itii ni i uiiiiv, uttvu ueen discovered
williln eiglit links of the tinlf coast,
I he Virginia and Truckee ltailroad
( Company has olTerod a reward of f500
for the apprehension of the man who
recently rohhed the express car on the
A party of Eastern capitalists is ore-
paring to put in extensive niannfactur-
ink iiiiii in niiosuouu rails, inano, anil
also to hnild an electric railroad from
Mioslione to that place,
The mnnini"!!: oliiii gold properties
uiKtiit sixly-rive-imiiai irom Tucson. A
T., form the largest anil richest group of
mines in the Southwest. They are to lie
extensively developed at once.
. f 11 1 . . I 1 ,1
.nr. jiiiuungiun lias ueclileil to go
aueiiti wiiii me work ol making Santa
Clonic a thoroughly protected harbor
wiiciiu-i- me governmeni assists lilm or
not, and will expend (1,1)00,000 to that
.Mrs. Sisto Wcslev went to the grave
yard on the Upper Gila, a lonely spot in
a thinly populated section in New .Mex
ico, where her child was buried, when
siii) was sei upon by two Dears and com
pletely devoured.
startling but believed to be unfounded
rumors regarding the Iosb of the steamer
I'.steile are current at Victoria, B. 0.
One is that there was dynamite in the
cargo, and another that one of the dis
charged crew put dynamite among the
Over 300 Indians of the Black Hiver,
Cedar River and Puyallup trilies are
holding a great "sing gamble" near
Kenton, n asii., tlie nrst event of the
kind in that section for thirty years or
more. The Indians do not sleep during
ine guiiiu, aim em mile.
Judge Collin at Sacramento holds that
Kogers, who lias been elected Chief of
Pol ice for two terms and once received
an appointment, is not a citizen of the
United States, he not being able to prove
uiai ne was miner zi years ot age when
miner was naturalized...
Judge Towner at Santa Ana, Cat., rules
that the fll lee charged by Justices in
criminal cases never lias been a legal
charge against the county. The fee must
come out of the tines imposed, and when
there are no lines imposed there are no
lees lor the Justices, t he question at
feels every Justice of the Peace in the
The country through which the San
Diego, l uma and Phivnix railroad will
run is said to be not only rich, but beau
tiful. For ninety miles the grade ot the
line will in no case exceed twenty feet
io me nine, me ancient canal system
of New river, over 3,000 miles in length,
is one of the wonders of that magnificent
region, in which there is not a settler.
The jury in the WeBt case at San
Francisco returned a verdict of convic
tion. The crime of which Dr. Eugene
F. West was found guilty is the murder
of Addie Gilmore, a. Colusa milliner,
upon whom he committed a criminal
practice. The body of the murdered
girl was horribly mangled and thrown in
tho bay, portions of it only being found
and identified.
There is considerable feeling at San
Diego over the imprisonment at Knsen
yada, Lower California, of a citizen of
San Diego named Pullman. He has
been held for some time, and the Mexi-
can government has paid no attention to
the case, although it lias been placed be
fore it. The Washington government
lias now ueniamleu f'ulliuan's release on
bail or an explanation why he should
not be so dealt with.
Mayor Carlson of San Diego has re
moved from office the entire Board of
Public Works, and has called a special
cession of the Council to pass on the
new board, which the Mavor will pre'
sent to the session. The trouble is all
about a street the board is grading
through Hose Canyon, several miles
north of the city, work on which the
.Mayor ordered discontinued, but no at
tendon was paid to his order.
Near Bennington in Bear Lake coun
tv, Idaho, recently a man named Booth
w as caught in a snowslide, carried about
thirty yards and completely buried. His
comrades, who were close by, concluded
that tliev knew about where he landed
and going there, by placing their, ears lo
the snow could near him groan. They
set to work with shovels and soon dug
him out. He was black in the face and
nearly dead, but was soon revived.
Another evening paper of Democratic
tendencies is to be established in I'ort
Townsend. M. F. Satterlee of Quilcene
has arranged to bring in his plant, the
tjuilcene Queen, and with a new press
will begin the publication of an alter
noon paper. It is understood that Dem
ocratic aid to the Leader will now cease
W. A. Wilcox, brother-in-law of Special
1 'entity t ollector itowen, win lie citv
editor. The first issue will lie about
March 1.
The promoters of the railroad from
Astoria toCioble are exhibiting great ac
tivity at present, and consider their
chances of securing a road better than
ever liefore. It is claimed that stock on
this line has been subscribed in New
York to the amount of $1,250,000, and
t hat 1300,000 in cash is actually in hand
to begin work with, ratience and per
severence are bound to win, and the peo
ple of Astoria nave exploited so much
of these virtues that they deserve to
make the rillle this time.
A suit is now in progress in the fcutie-
rior 1 oiirt of racinc county, v ash., in
which H. S. One of I'ortland is com
plainant. He allege that a number of
persons are in illegal possession of cer
tain land on i mnook Beach claimed by
him. Mr. Gile surveyed a claim in that
liortion of Pacific county in the year
$ t 1. -I .1 1 1.
leon, DDI sinne men were naa oeen a
gradual but steady recession of waters
so that there are now in the neighbor
hood of H0 acres of accretion. Mr. Gile
claims everything in sight oat in the
channel. The suit is the ontgrowth of a
refusal on the part of the squatters to
pay a rental to the claimant. The nit
was first institnted in the Superior Court
of Pacific county some months ago, bat
was dismissed on account of tome tech
nical error in drawing the complaint.
The Senate Committee on Indian Af
fairs has ordered favorablo report on
the bill providing for the sale of the un
sold portion of the Umatilla laud reser
vation in Oregon.
John Barrett, Minister to Siam, was
more promptly continued than any bp
pointce iu the diplomatic service, JU
will pass twj weeks at Portland on his
way to Bangkok. .
Hermann has been assured by the
House Committee on War Claims that
his bill (or (500,000 for Orogon and
Washington Indian war claims will be
made a part of the omnibus bill carry.
ing iz.uuu.uuu. l lie Chairman of the
committee says this bill, like the river
and harlwr appropriation, will go
through, lor every member has some,
thing in it.
Pence of Colorado has offered in the
House a bill providing for woman suf
frage. The bill differs somewhat from
others presented on the same suhjoct
heretofore, as it doe not propose to
amend the constitution, but simply to
give women over 21 the right to register
and vote at all elections for members of
Congress, and provides that the right
shall not be denied or abridged by the
united oiaies or any niaic.
The Secretary of the Interior has is.
sued instructions to the Commissioner
of the General I.and Office concurring
in me latter s recommendation that a
resurvey of the Las Vegas grant in New
Mexico be rejected. He lias directed the
dual complete survey of the grant be
made in accordance with the recent de
partmental decision as speedily as may
be, so the long-ilelaved matter mav be
The Senate Committee on Pacific Rail
ways continued the hearing in the in
tercut of the Union Pacific bondholders.
Boissevain and his attorneys explained
the proiositioii for an extension of time
fur the payment of the government in
debtedness, and answered many ques
tions put py members of tne committee.
At the conclusion of the meeting a mem
ber of the committee stated satisfactory
progress had been made, but the impor
tance of the question was such that some
time must necessarily elapse liefore an
understanding could be reached.
The entire Pacillc Coast delegation, in
cluding, of course, Hermann and Kllis
of Oregon, Wilson and Doolittleof Wash
ington, as well as the California dolegii
i ion. will make an ell'ort to have the
amount for Chinese exclusion' enforce
ment increased. The Committee on Ap
propriations lias provided in the sundry
civil bill only $50,000 for this purpose.
It mav not be raised in the House, but
the Pacific Coast Senators will force a
raise in the Senate. Senator Dolph has
already a proposition making it $500,000,
and will no doubt secure a part of that
Returns received at the Treasury fie-
partment Indicate the gold output for
1803 in the United States will reach al
most the unprecedented amount of $37.-
000,000, an increase over 1802 of $4,000,
000. In Colorado theoutput has increased
from $3,000,000 in 18112 to $5,000,000 in
BOX While the gains in all gold-pro-
mring countries are nnusuallv large, the
Australian production will carry the
production of the world, it is thought,
to $180,000,000, which is an increase of
$12,000,000 for the year. With one or
two exceptions this is the largest output
ever known.
Number of Eastern Visitors
Increasing Day by Day.
It Surpasses the Fondest Dreams of
Its Moat Enthusiastic Boomers-Vienna
In the Senate Frve said a statement
hud been published that the Women's
Christian temperance Union had peti
tioneu uongress to increase the tax on
whisky. 1 lie fact was a petition pur
porting to come from that bodyhad lieen
resented to me House (Join in it tee on
ays and MeanB. The petitions had
been investigated, and it was found they
were fraudulent ; that no such persons
l:.. : i . i - . i i
worn living 111 uie towns irom which
they purported to come, t rve then pre
sented a remonstrance from the National
Women's Christian Temperance Union,
signed by olhcers in fortv-four States
and three Territories, against any tax on
whisky on the ground that the govern
ment should not enter into partnership
with mantuacturers anil sellers ot intox
ating liquors.
The Postmaster-General has addressed
communication to Hon. John 8. Hen
derson, Chairman of the House Com
mittee on fostomces and Post Koada, m
reply to a letter from the latter asking
for information and suggestions in re
gard to a bill introduced in the House to
admit to the mails as second-class mat
ter periodical publications issued by or
under the auspices of regularly incor
porated benevolent societies, orders and
iiiniiiiiuonn oi learning, ine rosunas-ter-General
says that the matter Is one
that does not commend itself to his fa
vor and is so objectionable that he trusts
the Fostoftlce Committee will not hesi
tate to report it adversely. He says that
it would be unwise to make a reduction
of postage rates or any change in the
classification of mail matter that would
bring about either a loss of revenue or
an increase of postal expenditure, and
refers to the fact that the department's
income is f0,000,000 short of its expenditures.
Representatives Hermann and Wilson
have engineered a scheme by which they
will secure quite a good-sized appropria'
lion for the survey of public lands. They
went to the Chairman of the committee,
and agreed not to fight the surveying
appropriation if he would allow them a
fair appropriation in the bill when it
was reported. A chairman of a commit
tee does not like to have his bill amend
ed or increased, and he preferred to com
promise with the Western men, who
nave heretofore been successful in get
ting the appropriations for this particu
lar matter increased. The Chairman
offered Hermann and Wilson $150,000,
and afterwards increased it to $175,000,
but they would agree to nothing less
than $200,000, which the Chairman of
the committee finally accented in con
sideration of the understanding that tin's
particular feature of the bill should not
be attacked bv these Western men
the floor of the House. It is oossi
that the appropriation will be increased
in the senate, but the sum agreed nnon
and reported is as large as was obtained
last year after a very hard fight in both
House and senate.
The original copy of the Declaration
of independence was withdrawn from
public exhibition in the State Depart
ment library, made into roll and placed
in a tin box for filing with the archives
of the government. The rapid fading of
me text oi tne ueciarauon and the de
terioration of the parchment on which
it it engrossed from exposure to the light
and account of age rendered it impracti
cable for the department to allow it to
be exhibited or handled longer. In lien
of the original document s fac-siinile
will be placed on exhibition. Some years
ago it was noticed that the ink on the
original parchment was fading, and it
has been growing fainter. Recently
chemists were called on to examine it,
and they gave the opinion that the full
strength of the ink could be brought out
again by coating it with a chemical solu
tion. But this experiment was not tried.
owing to the fear that the precious pa
per might be injured in some way, and
also because no alteration of anything
whatever could be done to it without the
authority of an act of Congress. It re
quired an art of Congress to bring the
Declaration from Philadelphia to Waih
ington. i
The attendance at the Midwinter Ex
position continues to averuge between
8,000 and 10,000 per day, and everybody
is correspondingly encouraged iu the
belief that this fair will realize the most
anguine expectation in regard to ita
financial success. ' In proportion to the
mount of money invested, the attend
ance thus far has greatly surpassed that
accorded the Columbian Exposition dur
ing the first mouth of its existence, and
at the same rutin of Increase which waa
noticeable at Chicugo, there will be an
attendance at the Midwinter Exposition
before its close which will surpass the
fondest dreuiua of it most enthusiastic
The number of Eastern visitors to the
Exixisitinii is increasing day by day, and
it is with a sigh of great relief that they
come out of the snows and blizzards of
of the East and the middle "West, over
the mountains into the midwinter splen
dor of the Pucifio Coast. It has been
what is culled a "hard winter" in Cali
fornia, but that means only that it has
rained a little more than usual, and that
the warm midwinter days have not been
so continuous as is generally the rule.
But even this weather has been so wel
come to jieople who are used to being
mow-bound m February that they cull
Paradise in comparison, and they
really revel in their experience.
One enthusiastic traveler came into
the office of the Department of Publicity
and Promotion the other day and told
the following story: "I could hardly
get to the railway station in my town
for the snow drifts. The street cars
were not runuiug, and the horses of a
hack on wheels could scarcely plunge
along fast enough for me to make my
train. Once on board the train I read
in a daily paper, for tills was Jan. 28,
that the Califonnu Midwinter Exposi-
tion hud been formally opened on the
preceding day with thousands of people
seated on a grand stand in the open air
with heads uncovered under a broiling
un, and with the green foliage of a
beautiful park forming a background to
the scene. At different places along the
railway where we stopped for a few
moments, I noticed bulletins of 'Mid-
winter Exposition Weuther,' and the
thought strnek me that this was about
the most striding piece of advertising
that could be done iu connection With
Luluornlas exxsition. When one
stands in an atmosphere iu the neigh
borhood of iu-ro, ami reads that the
thermometer registers 75 degrees iu San
Fruucisco, oinr wishes. to be there, and
as for myse'.f I was ghul to feci that I
was 011 my wuy. At Chicago I wus de
layed several hours waiting for it tu be
come lossihle for trains to start on west-1
ward, and we drugged along across the
plums, hut when we begun to descend
the slopes of the Sierras we left the
snows liehind us mid found the green
fields at our feet, for we were, indeed,
in the laud of sunshine, fruit and flow
ers, and I intend to stay here just
long us I feel I can afford to. "
This has been the exiierience of many
westbound travelers during the present
.jidwinter season, and every effort is
being made 011 the part of the Exposi
tion management to impress the Eastern
visitors with the fact that, aside from
the climatic advantages, it is good for
them to be here. During the post week
there has been a succession of interest
ing things nt the fair. First came the
nnveiling of the Harriet Hosme. statue
of Isabella, in which a host of ludies
well known in social and literary circles
on the Pacific Coast took an interesting
part, and iu which the Palace of Art
was dedicated. The formal opening of
the Vienna Prater introduced to San
A $40,000,000 ship canal across Irelan
is mooted.
It ii said that there are 30,000 Budd
mats in rans.
Cholera is reported at Constantinople,
ciiieny in me barracks.
A congress of doctors from all over the
I I Ill L I 1,1 r. . . .
wunu win oe neiu in Koine next month
William Astor Chanter, the American
explorer, la at Mombasa in good health
It has been deflnitelv settled that Eng
land is to buy the trunk-line telephones.
Paris has borrowed $40,000,000 for the
preliminary expenditures of the World's
rairoi ivuu.
Kossuth is reported to have become
loiauy mind as a result of his recent at
tack 01 inlluenza.
Beloochistan Is now British. Knirland
holds most of the mountain country on
me inuian frontier.
The report that the British Parliament
would be dissolved in thirty davs is pos
itively denied at London.
An International mining and metal
lurgical exhibition will lie held at San
tiago, unit, this September.
There have been Immense imports of
wheat into France recently iu view of
tne increase in import dutieB.
The weather in Australia during the
present antipodean summer has been
unusually not and oppressive.
The imports of hav into Great Britain
from the United States were 101.132 tons
in I8li against 11,588 tons in 1802.
Empress Frederick of Germany has
arrived at the Isle of Wight for a long
visit to ner mother, tjueen Victoria.
It la stated that M. Cleinenceati be
cause of his attacks on the administra
tion of the French navv is to lie prose
The statement that the Princess of
Wales has retired from society in conse
quence of mental troubles is vigorously
Russian journals comment very bit
terly on the French policy o( increasing
the duty on wheat, which is prejudicial
10 tne Kiissian grain trade.
Milan, Italy, will hold a national ex.
hihition of wines and oliveoils this year
The exposition will be opened in'.May
ami remain ojien until uctouer.
The Hussian railroads, owned bv the
government, In 1880 and 1800 paid the
interest on their cost and the State debt,
and paid up a surplus of $35,000,000.
The Russian orthodox missionaries
have so failed in their proselytizing ef
forts among the Khirgese that the mis
sions will probably be shortly withdrawn.
White horses are to be barred from
military service in Germany. The Em
peror has ordered that no more be pur
chased for the army, and those now in
use are to oe sold.
Poor health mav compel Mr. McDon
ald, United States .Minister to Persia, to
resign, and the American missionaries
will ask the reappointment of ex-Min
ister l nix ton Keale.
Australian refrigerated meat has been
put on the Vienna market, where it can
compete in price with the domestic prod
uct, aunougn Austria-nungary is a large
meat-producing country.
Paris has gone daft over things Rus
sian; the latest manifestation of the
craze is the gift by a French woman to
the women's hospitals of St. Petersburg
of 3,000 smelling bottles.
It is said to be of common occurrence
n ixmuoii lor proprietors of nub n-
houses to hold life-insurance liolicies 011
Inebriates, so as to protect themselves
against tne loss 01 patrons,
The London Dailv News declares that
the discharge in bankruptcy granted
.tucnaei uavitt oy tne Appeal Uoiirt in
Dublin will not remove Ins disnnaliflca-
t - 11 1; . .
iiuii lor b raniamentary seat.
The commanders of the Brazilian war
vessels Tiradentes. Santos and Kahia.
suspected of disloyalty, have been de
prived of their commands, and others
nave peen appointed in their places
Russia pays no salary to the Czar. but.
as he has about 1,000,000 square miles of
larms, mines and other property, with
m ' r .1 A1A . .A . I
u iiM uiiioui fi,uuu,uuva iiiontu, ne wor
ries aiong uncomplainingly.
Elijah Halford. who now wears nnan
lets in the regular arm v. is also takimr 1
hand in newspaper work. He is engaged
as editorial correspondent of the Omaha
unristian Advocate, a Methodist publi
The death Is announced of General
Maltzeff, the richest, though not the
largest, landed proprietor 111 Russia
Among his possessions were twenty-nine
Northern Pacific Receiver and
the Employes Agree.
A Common Pleat Judge at Kansas
City Naturalizes a Chinamen,
But It Doesn't (lo.
The government of Chicago cost near
ly $10,000,000 last year.
Alt the leading papers In Chicago are
nownieniliors of the Associated Press.
St. I)iiis will again allow married
women to teach in her public schools.
Ex-Governor Campbell of Ohio nro-
posea to try for the Governorship next
The new gas company has been viven
the right to supply the people of Chi
Inmates of the State orison at Provi
dence, It. I., are making boots for the
Brazilian soldiers.
Boston has succeeded In getting more
than 80 ner cent of its telenhnne wires
placed under ground.
It is proposed in Kansas Citv to issue
AnwtiWi; -t 1 1 ... 7. - ... .-..v v..
fiw.vw 111 uonciB anu Willi the proceeds starting point had been his Journey's end.
erect a puonc-iiorary building. The detective did not come back that
I'll Klury r it frluia WIiom r-lulih
mriil Wat Nut of Man.
The (IcV sensations of lbs murderer were
31 a yiiKiie, ilreamy sort. He realized lode
tcriliuliic relief to think Unit be bad got
riil of llie body; he thought of the river
mil liow the river would tell no tales; and
how the corpse, sewed up In a carpet sack.
hail sunk like n stone In the night; and of
hi Healthy retreat, under the hazy glum
jiir of the sickly river lights and then his
lani'lt's siiddciily took a wider range, and
be tliuuglit nut of the dead, but of the liv
ing, that Is to say, of himself and of bis
ThiiHtlia first night wore slowly away,
111 lien 1 lie morning came and the gold
in water of the new day began to dunce
11 mm me wall he was still there, frozen
Into that oblivion that wuits on one whose
conscience is his owu accuser, and for
whom this world ottYr peace no more.
Days drugged along, ami by and by the
sensation of the atrocious murder gradu
ally lost its relish for the dully papers; In
the mad whirl of big New York it was for
gottenswallowed up by some new nine
days wonder.
As for Sidney Ijifarge, he had evaded
arrest, and as time wore ou he gradually
leurned to look upon himself as safe from
the vengeance of the law.
Still, who was that old man who always
kept Ufa rue iu sightr The day be first
saw the shuuow on bis track he concluded
at once that he wus wfe now only in mix
ing with the crowd, ''d wandered up and
down the Bowery. He crossed to Central
park, then buck again) to the river, and so
ou, hour after hour, until night replaced
tne waning day, and then be round that be
had moved in a great circle and that his
Chicago is now asking Itself the Ques
tion whether to reduce the salaries ot
the police or school teachers first.
There is said to be a scheme afoot to
produce the Passion Plav at a summer
resort near New York tliis stu nier.
The louieinna lottery is seeking to set
up Its ring 111 Honda, hut Governor
Alitchell will probably knock it out.
The "fickle" winter weather in the
next day following, but he did return the
next night. He wus an old man with a
gray beard and furtive glances, such as
stamped him as an expert thief cutcher.
This shadow I-afurge struggled in vain to
avoid. Now and again he would evade
the sleuth, but usually the lust restless
glance that I Jifargc cuat over his shoulder
us he started into his dark hallway, iu the
evening after a long dny's wandering up
una tinwn ine streets.- or the great city,
peach-growing section of Kentucky has J would rest on the watchful presence of
left little hope of any crop of the fruit, the mysterlo;: stranger.
Francisco the Jnperiul Vienna orcliea- mines, of which fifteen were of first im
tra, one of the guest musical organiza
tions of the world.
A series of days which are to be cele
brated Under the auspice of the differ
ent fraternal organizations was inaug
urated on Feb. Vi by the Independent
Order of Good Templars. Ou this oc
casion Festivul Hull was first brought
into service, uud a large audience
sembled there to witness the exercises
of the annual convention and anniver
sary of the organization of tlmt body.
A pleasing feature of the duy wus the
parade through the grounds of the or
phans from the Wood Templars' Home
for Orphans, and whose enjoyment of
the concessional features to which they
were made welcome wus accepted as the
forerunner of ninny similarly joyful oc
casions in the near feature. There is to
be a general "Orphans' Duy" before
long, when every child from the chari
table institutions iu San Francisco and
vicinity will be given the run of the Ex
position. There is also to be a public
school childrens' day, for which the
people of Sun Francisco are now making
great preparations, and such a day the
school children of Han Francisco have
never seen before. This school children's
duy has been set for Feb. 23, and com
ing as it does between the national holi
day and Saturday it is a school holiday
of itself, but it will be made in this con
nection an Exposition holiday in which
every person connected with the man
agement or with the Exposition in any
way will vie with every other amuse
ment maker to add to the children's
The TransuiiNHissiiqii Congress has
been in session in Kan Francisco during
the present week, and on Wednesday
evening its delegates were made the
guests of the Exposition. There was a
grand display of fireworks and gen
eral illnmiiiation of the buildings. Even
the electric tower was illuminated.
portance and gave employment to some
oo.uw worumen
Alexander III has just affixed his sig
nature to a project of law now being
elaborated by tne uouncil 01 the Kussian
empire, which is destined to render in
alienable the landed allotments of the
A syndicate proposes a Pan-American
telegraph line to extend along the Pa
cini! uoasi irom victoria, a. v.. to San
Diego, Chili, passing through the United
States, Mexico, Central American States
and 1'acific Coast countries of South
Dr. Mary Pierson Eildv. a voung grad
uate in medicine of a Massachusetts col
lege, has been authorized to nractice her
proiension among ine women ot wyna
The Grand Vizier accorded her a ner.
sonal interview, and spokeencouragingly
as mj ner proiessionai career.
Returns of the Manchester shin canal
for a recent week show that "twenty-
nine vessels were berthed at Manchester
and balford docks. They carried about
17, (XX) tons of mere hand ISO. There were
also many passenger trips. Tne locks,
sluices and other machinery worked
Egypt is about to submit to the Euro
pean powers the project of forming a
reservoir lor storing tne water of the
Nile and during the season when the
river is at its lowest ntilizing the water
for irrigation, thns adding enormously
to the wealth of the land by extending
its cultivable area.
The other day at SaratofT. Russia.
peasant woman walking near the village
was surrounded and devoured bv a pack
of nine wolvee. Another peasant going
to market was set upon bv a pack of
wolves and torn to shreds. Nothing was
left of the man and his horse but a few
bones and tufts of hair.
M. Poussef, founder of the famous
brasseries in Paris, died some weeks ago,
leaving a large fortune, amassed through
the success of the beer halls. He be-
. . 1 iiiv DiiunH 111
iuuuku mm great structure u not ouite l..l,oJ lonnnnn v.-
. . 1., , uuwiku UlCI .W,WV MJ W U1VIUCT1
complete, and there were band concerts mong twelve old customers of his first
at the fireworks and on the grand oen- establishment, whose potations started
tral court as welL The arrangement him on the highway to prosperity.
'ZlTJCT, birt?'d7 lDClI,fcde m'm Report from the far East are to the
Rework, more , lluminatiotia, the open- effect that the silver crisie becoming
ing of the electric tower and the in- more and mom ami. Th, i. a
auguration of the electric prianutic city of currency in Shanghai. Hongkong
wurt'ia. and Singapore, and a committer of the
Hongkong Chamber of Commerce re-
1 - - 3 ... .
ne Mercer mine, the bonanza nf IK. "J JTT1 ?nn,,Doa' ia"" ,a
., - n 1 'u j'L"L V. . vor 01 me coinage 01 uritien aouars
narHld &timJ&: ' - Ek-. ! Tin-
qqq 1 coiTBsponaeni avers mat ine leading
The passenger-rate war will make It
xissible at an early date for a $5 rate
roin the Missouri river to the Pacific
Three millions of greenbacks were
among the deposits made ut tho New
York Snbtreasury by subscribers for
The shortage of John W. Love, the
Watkins (N. Y.) hank cashier, is $110.-
000. It is believed Love has sailed for
foreign parts.
New York city will at once expend
$220,000 on park improvements to pro
vide work for the unemployed and $260,
000 soon afterward.
Two aluminium boats are being con
structed at Baltimore for an Arctic ex
pedition, which is to start northward
early this coming spring.
.Dr. Senner, tlie Commissioner of Im
migration, says that the immigration to
New York in January has been lower
than tor any month since 1847.
The city of Philadelphia expended
$160,000 for election booths, and tho
most jU thm mw .wrecked, attflrthree
elections had been held in tneiii.
Shall habitual inebriates try the Kee-
ley cure at the expense of the State?
That is the novel proposition of some
petitioners in Cayuga county, N. Y.
The Common Council of Emporia,
Kan., passed a bill placing a tax of $600
a year on dealers in cigarettes, and the
Mayor, a tobacconist, vetoed the bill.
John W. Mackay has the practical ad
ministration of the affairs of the Com
mercial Cable Company, which early in
the spring will lay two more cables to
Eleven of the twelve thirteen-lnch
guns to be made have now been jacketed,
and are gradually near ing completion.
They are for the ships Indiana, Massa
chusetts and Oregon.
As a step toward "saving the country"
the citizens of Westerville. Columbus
county, 0., suggest biennial sessions of
Congress, and offer to subscribe $25
apiece to tide over the present financial
An article in the New York Herald as
serts that there are strong reasons for
thinking that the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company is interested in the proposed
trolley line between ivew York and run
A recent reception at the White House
demonstrated tnat the house is much too
small to hold the crowds that attend
every reception given in t. The coun
try has outgrown the Chief Executive's
piace 01 residence.
Common Pleas Judge Andrews at Kan
sas City naturalized a Chinaman, and
Captain Hogartv. Treasury Inspector.
threatened to proceed agaiust him if the
papers were not recalled, as they were
issued in violation of tiie law. The
Judge recalled them.
George W. Chllds two davs liefore lie
was taxen ill received letters from Canon
Farrar and the daughter of Charles
Dickens, in which both thanked the
Plnladelphian for checks for $100 each
which they bod received from him to lie
used among the poor.
The Trustees of St. Patrick's Catlie
dral at New York have prepared, and in
a lew nays will present to Joseph A.
lAjiioiioc, me millionaire oaiim-r 01 nan
Francisco, a unique and magnificently
uiiiiiiiiinieti uiouin, containing resoiit'
tionsof thanks for the $12,000 altar re
cently presented by Mr. Donohoe to the
The receiver of the Northern Paid An
and the employes have reached an agree
ment, ine demand 01 the trainmen to
be paid for overtime caused by wrecks
was conceded. It was agreed that the
tandard run should be 100 miles and
the time allowed to make it tvn hours.
Shorter runs should be paid in propor
tion to the number of miles.
That lust night Uifarce wus sitting in
his room, Inst in the dull smoke dream of
one who is always thinking of some haunt
ing, secret sorrow. He wus saying to him
self: "I must "scape. Tomorrow I shall take
passage as a stowaway on an East India
liner. Then this town shell know me no
He started to his feet, a startled cry of
terror trembling from his Hps.
There, in the twilight of the little room,
la-fore Sidney Lafurge, stood the man who
hud beeu on his trull.
With a wild cry of despair Lufurge
sprang from his seat and made a desperate
lunge at tne detective's throat.
There was a crash of gluss, and Sidney
Uifarge'i bauds were sopped with blood.
He had seen and sprung at his own reflec
tion in the mirror, for the old man was but
the presentment of his former self, wasted
away and transformed in a single night,
and as the result of a night's crime trans
formed by the spell of an avenging con
science, whose power would haunt and
hold as long as wretched life endured, and
only to be broken at lust when death
freezes thaatrings of the haunted heart in
the mute ami tougueless silence of another
and un unknown world.
"He was only a fool," said the coroner
the next morning, as tie lighted his cigar,
"!:e wus only a drunken fool, boys, and he
must nave cut his throat while he had an
attack of the Jim-jams, for 1 see that the
lust thing ho did was to sniush the big
looking glass in ins room."
Some of them laughed, and some of them
scowled. By and by, while they were
drinking, the van drove up for potter's
And none shall ever know. John Hu
bert Greusel in New York Recorder.
WniAT-Valley, 86c j Walla Walla,
"rttsouc per cental.
EASTian Smoiio Miats amd Laid
Hams, medium. 1212ie per pound;
hams, large, HM12c; hams, picnic,
11lW)12f hnuWaal l.MMn 1-fatiL.
" I ' iw-.-.i, vnWHf AUI&1UV,
short clear sidea, 1012c; dry Bait sides,
v;tiguu;tc; aneo oeei name, li;i$ic
iru, com pound, in tins, 10o per
pound; pure, in tins, 11(3120; pigs'
iwt, 00s, so.ou; pigs' ieet, 4tw, $3.zo
kit, $1.26.
Hors '93s, choice, 1214o per pound
medium, llc; poor, no demand.
Wool Valley. 10(3 11c ner pound;
(Jmpqua, ll12c; Eastern Oregon, 0(3
10c, accoruing to quality ana shrinkage.
Hi dm Dry selected prime. 6c: green.
salted, 60 pounds and over, 3c; under
00 pounds, 23c ; sheep pelta, shearlings,
10($16c; medium, 2036c; long wool,
3060c; tallow, good to choice, 33c
per pounu. . ,.
LIT I AMD Daassin muat.
; Bur Top steers, $2.603.00; fair to
gooa steers, iz.uuts&zo; cows, $2.26 j
unroneu oeei, ngoc per pound. -
! mottom isest sheep, $2.60; ewes,
Hoaa Choice heavy. 14.00(34. 2K- Din.
dlum, $4.00; light and feeders, $.1.00
i.uuj ai-essed, oS(gc per pound.
V AtSmall choice, tie; large, 4c
Manilla rope. IK in. cir. and un. 10c:
manilla rope, 12-thread, diam., lOc:
manilla rope. 6 and O-thread. V. andK-lB
diam., 11c; manilla bail rope, in coils
or on reels, 10c: manilla lath vara.
tarreu, c ; manuia nawser-iaid rope well
boring, etc.. 13c: manilla transmission.
of-power rope, 14c ; manilla paper twine.
rope, 14 In. cir. and upward, 7Jicj sisal
iojhj, ii-uirenu, t uiaiu.. ?ic; sisal
rope. 0 and 9-tlireod. 1 and 6-16 diam..
8'c; Bisal lath yarn, tarred, 7I4C; hop
vine twine, tarred, 7c; sisal paper twine.
floor, reap. rro.
Flour Portland. 2.66: Salem. 12.(16 !
Cascadia, $2.66; Dayton, $2.66; Walla
waua, aa.uu; snowfinke, $2.76; Corval
lis, $2.66; Pendleton. $2.66: Graham.
$2.40; superfine, $2.26 per barrel.
UAT8 white, ;w(33-W per bushel;
gray,-ai32c; rolled, in bags, $5,760
6.00; barrels, $6.006.26; in cases, $3.76.
MiLLSTcrrs Bran, $1316; ehorta,
$1616; ground barley. $16(gl8; chop
feed, $16 per ton : whole feed barley. 60(i
70c per cental; middlings, $23(328 per
ton; chicken wheat, 66c$1.16 per
Hay Good, $1012 per ton.
Buttir Oregon fancy creamery. ZIU
30c: fancy dairy. 22ia25c: fair to
good, 16lc; common, 11(3 12c per
pound ; UalifornU, 46c per roll.
uhkkbi Uregon, 10(813c; Califor
-c; Yonng America, 1216c;
Great excitement has been runnp.l ui
Lincoln, 111., by the discovery of an un-
successiui piot to blow UP the lail of lv
gan county, located at Lincoln, for the
purpose of liberating a notorious Irvnl
criminal under sentence of six years at
TIia Tk. . : ; 1 ' . .
p..,.. hq in.icB iinpiicauid in
the plot are Arthur Goodpasture, Ida
:unll. - .1 t : limit r
Aliens Bim uevrgia tt imams.
A scheme has been mooted by the Ni
agara halls Park and River railroad to
construct a bridge from the Canadian
de of the Niagara river to Nav lal.n.l
and thence to the United States shore.
The new bridge is to lie of steel and to
rest on two roc ledges midway between
the top of the banks and the ra.tir
edge. It will be 600 feet long, and it is
estimated to cost $200,000. The work
will begin in the spring.
The House Committee on Pnhl i- JnAm
a voted to favorably report the hill nf
Hartman of Montana for determining
the title to mineral lamia In Mnm.n.
and Idaho within the limit of the land
grants of the Northern Pacific railroad.
Under the bill commissioners am tn h
appointed by the President to examine
and classify a soon aa possible all lands
witnin tnese grant with regard to their
mineral charai-ter and to reject all claims
on Denan 01 the Aorthern I'ac n nn
mineral lands exclusive of coal and iron
Society Iu Thru ltle.
"I hud rather u unique experience the
first year I was In society," said a Snu
Francisco girl, "for I 'came out' in New
York, Berlin, and afterward in Iximlon,
and I am obliged to say that I found more
kindlineHH-uiid real courtesy in Germany
than anywhere else, although many of the
customs struck me as very curious. A
stranger In either London or New York
has a hard time of it society unless she la
exceptionally gifted with beauty or money:
but in (lermuny every one Is at least wel
corned with cordiulity, mid the habit of
universal Introductions puts one at one'
ease at once. Coming straight from New
York, where I must confess I had been re
ceived, If not with rudeness, ut least with
the most uiicompliinentury Indifference,
the contrast wus most striking.
"The evening after my arrival I attended
a little gathering where there wus some
dancing and more conversation; and to my
surprise and gratification every man in the
room asked to lie presented to me. This
was Indeed a pleasant change from New
York, where I have felt myself forlorn and
nn alien; mid I was none the less pleased
with the kindly youn officers to learn
that these murks of civility were not per
sonal at nil, being merely the usual way of
welcoming a stranger. 'New York Trlb
The Proniiuelatlon of "tilrl."
mere are certain words 111 the pronun
cuitlon 01 wliicli eople ilmer strangely:
Perhaps the most common of these
words is "girl." In verse she is made to
rhyme with curl, pearl, and belted earl
those articles seem naturally to belong to
Her. And without regard to tbe exigen
cies or rhyme sue Is often so pronounced.
Others besides hambo turn her Into gal."
We Knew an oiucer in the Indian army. 1
man of eduiation and refinement, wbo in
vuriuhly did so. Even from the lips of
that prince ot culture, alter Savage Lan
dor, the word came with that sound.
Then there are Mrs. Hovser' "(fell," tbe
"gy-url" of melodrama, and various other
modifications, all ot which goto prove that
girl as she is pronounced is almost as
much of an riiigina us the fair creature
herself. liniloii Tit Bits.
KWetrlidty Clean Yog.
It is reported thai the effect of an electri
tal discharge has Iwen so succetwfully ap
plied to fogs on the const a to clear the
atmosphere for n distance of l.'sl feet iu
every direction. It would seem that smok
Ing room and dust clouds might be pretty
effectually cleared by this mean. New
York World.
Cleaning Hold Jewelry.
To clean gold jewelry, make a lather of
plain yellow soap and tepid water and
wash tbe ornaments in it; dry tbem thor
oughly and afterward brush tbem with a
little dry whiting, finally polishing them
with a very soft leather. New York Jour
A DIrDt Application.
Elder Sister Come, Clarence, take your
powder like a man. Yon never bear me
making any complaint about such a little
thing aa that.
Luireoce Calliper (sourly) Neither
would I if I could daub it on my face. It
i swallerin it that I object to. Ufa,
lasers 1 to be final.
Out of tk-: 3uetioa.
Maude We bad private theatrical but
eren ing. They went off tint rate, only tbe
folk would laugh in tbe wrong place.
Uncle Henry There i no tuch thing.
The action of the coinmis-1 Mude. hunching in the wroag place In
j private loaatrical. Boston Transcript.
Swiss, imported, 3032c; domestic, 16
ig 10c per pound.
Kqqs Oregon, benerallv 15(ai(lc ner
doien ; Eastern, nominally the same.
rooiTRY vnicitens, mixed, quoted at
$3.003.60 per dozen; ducka, $4.60
5.60; geese, $8.00; turkeya, live, 124c
per pound ; dressed, 14c.
j- VMBVABLBa Ann runrra . .
Viomabum California cabbage. lWc
per pound ; potatoes, Oregon, 6076c per
oiu;, ouiom tuuying price), fi.uuigi.iu
per sack ; Bweet potatoes, 2$jc per pound ;
California celery, 8600c; artichokes,
$1.00 per dozen; California lettuce,
2035c per dozen ; Oregon hothouse let
tuce, 4060c ; cauliflower, $2.76 per crate,
00c per dozen ; parsley, 26c per dozen ;
sprouts, $1.00(81.26 per box; string
oeans, lotainc per pound; asparagus,
"ne per pound.
Froith Sicily lemons, $4.004.60 per
box; California fancy, $3.60(34.00; com
mon. $2.603.00; bananas, $1.603.00
per buiicn; Honolulu, I.&02.50; Cali
fornia navels, $2.25(32.75 per box; seed
lings, ii.zoraz.w: Japanese. 11. 75M2.UU:
sunflower, $2.75; apples (buying price),
green, 5006c per hox; red. 60(gl76cj
late winter pears, 6580c per box.
nimnnnnn. T.I.I. I...L- i.l
vnnnw uvvvo iuig iiuiia, Koourtvu,
$1.752.00; peaches, $1.862.00; Bart
lett pears, $1.762.00: plums, 1.87M9
1.60: strawberries. 12.26(0)2.46: r.herrins.
$2.252.40; blackberries, fl.862.00;
laspberries. $2.40: pineapple. 2.2Txa
2.80; apricots, $1.65. Pie fruits,
assorted. $1.20: peaches. $1.25: plums.
$1.0001.20; blackberries, $1.25(31.40 per
uozen. rie iruits, gallons, assorted,
$3.153.60; peaches, $3.504.0O; pri.
cots, $3.504.00; plums, $2.753.00;
blackberries, $4.264.60; toinatoes,$1.10.
Mmats Corned beef, Is, $1.60; 2s,
$2.26; chipped, $2.40; lunch tongue, Is,
$3.50; 2a, $6.757.00; deviled ham, $1.50
2.76 per dozen; roast beef, Is, $1.50;
Fisk Sardines, 76c$2.26; ,
$2.154.50; lobsters, $2.30 3.50; sal
mon, tin Mb tails, $1.251.50; flats,
$1.76;2-lba, $2.262.60; -barrel, $5.50.
STAPLI OBooaaia.
CorriR Costa Rica, 23c; Rio,2223c:
Salvador, 22c; Mocha, 26 28c; Ar-
buckle's, Columbia and Lion, 100-pound
cases, $24.80
Drird Fruits 1803 pack, Petite
prunes, o8cj silver, 1012c; Italian,
810cj German. 68c; plums, 610c:
evaporated apples, 810c; evaporated
apricots, I516c; peaches, 1012c;
pears, 7llo per pound.
Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.60; 100s,
$16.00; 60s, $16.60; stock, $8.60(49.50.
Syrup Kastern, in barrels, 4055c;
in half barrels, 4257c; in cases, 35
80c per gallon; $2.25 per keg; California,
in barrels, 2040c per gallon; $1.75 per
Sugar -D. 4Vc: Golden 0. 4J.e; extra
v. oc: coniecuoners" A, osc; dry gran
ulated, 6,'iic; cube, crushed and pow
dered, OUo per pound : Wo per pound
discount on all grades for prompt cash ;
mapie sugar, 1013100 per pound.
Kick No. 1 Sandwich Island. $4.75(3
6.00; no Japan in market.
Brans Small white, No. 1, 2ic ; No.
2, 2gc; large white, 2J'c; pe beans,
2Jac; pink, 2'c; bayou. 2?ic: butter.
3c; Lima, 3''c per pound.
Pick i.rs Barrels, No. 1, 28(3 30c per
gallon ; No. 2, 2028c; kegs. 5s, 86c per
keg ; half gallons, $2.75 per dozen ; quar
ter gallons, $1.75 per dozen.
Spicks Whole Allspice, 1820c per
pound; cassia, 10(9 lHc: cinnamon. 22(9
40c; cloves, 18(330c; black pepper, 20(
26c; nutmeg, 7680c.
"As old as,
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven"
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Regu
lator is the
only Liver
and Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
tn i 1 d laxa
e table,
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold l.y nil
Druggists in Liquid, or in Towder
to be taken dry or made intoa lea.
Th King of Llrer Mrdlilnrn.
" 1 have itu-d yiiiirHlinirions l.lvcr Rrirn
lntorand run onMeniimixly ray It I. Hi
kingofailllv r niedli-lniw. I coiiKldvr It a
medicine elm In Itwlf. Ueo. W. Jack
on, Tucoiua, Vt uliiugtou.
Ba th Z Stamp la red on wrapper
Be sure the Digs farrowed now do not
get chilled.
Moist earth la said in ha natnra'a
for wasp stings.
Holding stuff that is for sale too long
is just as disastrous as selling too soon.
In filling the icehnnan m! tho hlmlr.
ot ice on edge. It will not melt so fast,
and is easier to get out.
A plentiful annnlv nf atraw fn han
ding increases the comfort of the animal
and the Size of the mnmim nils tkau
cold days.
The ammonia which I Mranlna fmm
the manure Pile, and which can easily
be detected bv the smell. ( v.liiahio
Prevent the waste by occasionally ap
plying dry earth or gypsum to the sur-
DO not dispose of thn hollar aluaa
from your good cows. Those coming now
Will, if kept thrifty, be read tn turn nn
grass in May or June, and will then just
shoot ahead if given a little milk or
If a piece of land 1 to 1 HnnhU
cropped next season, fertilize it freely
and plant crops which mature quickly,
such as wheat followed by millet, or
sweet corn followed by buckwheat or
The sorghum plant makes an excellent
forage crop, andis especially relished by
the cattle. It is cut and dried somewhat
ne nayr- ir syrttp r to be-roade-from -the
plant, the blades are removed and
used tor stock and the stalks run through
the mill. The refuse from the syrup
mill makes an excellent grade of paper.
Go away from home a little during the
winter If you can, and learn what the
farmers are doing elsewhere. When yon
are in new places visit the markets, and
see what products are in demand and
what prices are being obtained. Every
sort of Information that at all relates to
your business is of value, and you should
neglect no opportunity to procure the '
It has been demonstrate that, inn
pounds of sand will absorb 26 pounds of
water; 100 pounds of loam, 40 pounds;
100 pounds of clav loam. 60 nnnnil.- inn -
pounds of clay. 70 nnnnda. Thl. .
Slams why some soils always appear
rier than others and why after a shower
some soils become like a thick paste,
while others im An 1 v sYim no.ro i vol v
damp. ' r '
What sort of a walk
the house to the barn? Some who read
this doubtless have only such as nature
made, and nature does not makn rrv
good ones for wet and muddy weather.
It would be wise to take the job in your
own hands before the season has pro-
ressed further and have at least a solid
oard walk that will keep your feet dry
and your boots clean.
The milk of human klndneu
I. never nmler ban:
Though oft, through human klntlneaa,
It tatca nonie of the can.
Farmers' Monthly Bays: The selection
of the finest individuals of a breed is of
as much or ot more importance than the
choice of s breed. Pare breeds have as '
strong an impulse to perpetuate their
inferior characteristics as their superior
qualities. Breed only from the best
males that can be procured. Avoid those
showing the slightest trace ot sickness
or the effects of disease. Disease or a
tendency to disease Is transmitted.
Weakness reproduces weakness; vigor
begets vigor. Hereditary unsoundness
or a predisposition to disease may be to
rnado the dominant characteristic of a 1
strain. The offspring of stock that is
very young or immature, or imperfectly
developed, or that is constitutionally
impaired by privation or neglect, will
inherit a condition of the system that
readily becomes diseased from slight ex
citing causes. Hardineis. vitality and
vigor of constitution are of more impor
tance in poultry for profit than all other
qualities combined. Only the most vig
orous should be bred from. Birds hav
ing a strong, bright eye, that are cheer
ful and active and are not much above '
the average of the breed in size, are tha
most desirable. A dnll and sunken eye
shows defective nutritive power and lack
of constitution and vigor. The progeny
of two-year-old fowls grow larger, ma
ture earlier and feather more rapidly
than that from vounger stock. A iwk.
erel mated to mature hens usually gives
large and vigorous chickens. If the hens
are few in number, there is generally a
ireiiunuerance 01 cocaereis, especially
Irom the earliest eggs. Cockerel am
generally more efficient early in the sea
son than cocks. If pullets are to be bred
from, they should be mated to a mature
cock. The earlier eggs will produce
more cockerels than the later ones. As
a rule, other things being eona.1 tha.
fewer the number of hens allowed to a
male the greater the number of
eli produced.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Amawmla; No Alum.
Used in Million! of Homes 40 Yeats the Standard