CITY and COUNTRY,- OHKl )N CITY, PKIIIIIMHY I. 1D04. .(( Terms of Huliscriilloli. R.iiitl.ftoi)r, nna voir. In ailvani-.. M H il';lc Copy, sis iiiimt no. III ao'vaiir. I Ml COHKIKK, Oroiui Cily, OroKon. COUNTY OPPH'KIM. .lllillti' ri.ik ..f Ci.uti., Hin-iiir, It tNinli-r, TrtwmiiiT, AHWRWir, HuhiNil Hiipi-rililioiilent, HurvuV'ir, Curuuer Oomnilssiunsrs, .... .. J. W. M'Mrura dm. V. Ilnrloii V W llHIlllllg 8. M. II I? K M. l.'.lin J. I'. llnullrt II 8 Ullawn Hlilnvjr Kiiijrili It. h lluliuaii I lllcliwnl "lt H'onirllilk llnlr Culliiljr Cnllli iiiihiIsiiii Dm WnlliMilny after first Montis? of every iiioiiiIi. Probsts Court nicii'K oil Ural Muiiilny of .very nimitli. rircnll C.urt iniiels on llilnl III April anrl first Mtiinliiy In Nitiiili(ir, OIIKOON CITY OPPirKHS. M iyor, It ourilsr, Chief ill i'l.llrw ., AwuttKur Anil CollMior Tmmiiri-r City Attorney Htt-Hfl ClIlllllllMlollKr, Riip't uf Wsler Worlrn City KtiKluecr ... .Illrsra Xlraljtlt I,. L. Porter k. . caiirf .. II. I,. HollllMI k. r. imm . ...CO. Hnlmk,Jr. W.H. Howell . . P. W. Jr.. II. I.. Holly, O. N. Oniiellinea G. O. All.rljhl, Ilrei'lllllan, J. J. Cook, K. M. Unwell, Usura. llrmiiuiinu, H. r. Jmir. II. K. SisVeris Council meets Aral Wednesday uf each month. CHUBCHK8. KlmtCcmnri'ifnlloMiil Church Rev. M. Dousherty PMtor. fervid) II a. ui. wid mod p. ni. Sunday School sfierniornltis service. Prayer Meetluit .very Wednesday evening- at H:Ul p. m. Prayer Meeting uf V. IV S. C, K. every Sunday evening at tt:fiO prompt. First llnpllat Church -Rev. Oilman Parker, Pastor Morning- riervlt-n 11; HiimlHy Koliiml IV: 1A; Welling Service 8110; Iteifillar Prayer Meeting Wednesday vhiiIiik. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Wednes day evening prrceediiig Hint Sunday in the mouth, 81, Jolin'a Cliiireh. Cathullo-ller. A. Illlletirand, Pastor. On Sunday, Msaa at II and llliXI a m. Kvery Hnniliiy tieiluali Sermon afler 8 o'clock Mass. At all other llwel English H"rlH. Nunday School p III. Vewre, A silogetlcal Subject and lien edlction at 7::u p. ui. Mmhudlal Episcopal Church llev 0. SrHes, Pnator. Morning Heri'lce at II: Sunday School At liiilfi: liven lot; Hervlce al H-.1MI. Ki'Wortli Leitgue meeting Hun. lny evening al 0: III; Pniyer Heeling Thunday even ing at Pint Presbyterian Chllrch.-lteV. 0. W. (Iluoney, 1'ioitor. Senlces II a. hi anil UK) p. in. ttahlwtli Hclnail Ilia. in. Y. I'. O. K. meet! every Holiday evening lit n::sl. Prayer HeelingWediiefeilay eveiiing HMO. 8enufree. KvaiiKellcal Church, Oerinan A. Kmat, Paator Pi-euehliig Hervicea every alternate Bunnay 1 1 a. m, anil 7 D. in. Paliuuth Dcliool every Hnniliiy 10 a ni. (I. Harrlalierger, 8upt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting every wetiureuay evening, United Ilrcthrea Cliurch.-llev. P. II. Wllllauu. Paator. Sorvicue flrat uutl third. Huuilay luornitrga and the preceedlog tktiinlay night iu each month at Oregon t:ity u a. m. and 7 p. ui , and tne nrat tiun- duv aftenioiiD or each inoiith at tain view. C'li rl.atlan Church-Ber. P. T. Stanley, Pastor. Servicee every Sunday 11 a. m. at Shtvely'e Hall, Preaching econd and fourth Hunday iu each uionth, Ri. Paul'i Church. Kplamnal Rev. J. A. KckMnun, IHisior. Hervicee every Sunday at H a. nu-and 7 ffl p. ni., and rrlilay evenliiat 7H)p. ni. Gvaneellcal Lutheran Zlnn Congregation. Rer. L. Grey, paitur. Moeta In Hhirely'i " ball. Hunday i'IkkiI from li iW to lUiHI a. in. servicea lilixi a iu and 7::U) p. m. BOOIKTIKS. Knlla Cltv Loriire of A. 0. 1'. W.-MoeU every Hat. llnluy evening uf earh month in A. O. U, W. hll on Seventh street. All aojouniing brethren cordially invited to hltenil. Thoiuaa Uault; M. W. W. 1. Whillock, lU-c. Pig Iron Ludgp, No. I.1B, A. O. U. W.-Meeta every Ihllnaliiv eveiiliiK at oua fellow a nail, naweipi, Vieiting brethrea alwaya welcome. J. U, Cauiphell, N. W. It. Slrauaa, Uec. Molalla Lodge, No: 40. A. 0. IT. W.-Meeta flrat and thini satuniiiya in eacu nionin at school itouae, Vialling mimibera mnde welcome. T. 8. Stlpp, M. W. J. W. Thomaa, Hec. Gavel Lodge, No. ATi, A. 0. U. W. Moeta aecond anil third Saturday eveninga at Knlglit'a llall, (:aiiby. Vlelliiig hrothrra made welcome, O, L. Bar low, M. W. W. H. urinuie. Hec. Clackamas Lodgo, No. 87, A, O. U. W.-Meeta flrat and thin) Momliiya in each montn, at sinte'a nail. Vialting liretnren welcome, 8, Hoicoaio, n. w. u, K Peaae, Hec. sunriae Mge. No. 411, A. O. U. W.-Meeta every aecond and fourth Huturdav of each niouth at Wll. nvllle, Oregon. Mai Sclmlplua, M. W. O. T. 'i ooae. Hit. Oregon Lodge, No. 3, I 0. Q. r. Heeta every TTiuraday evening at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Odd Krllowa' Hall, Main treet. Mambera of Ihe Order eieinvited to attend. J. w. Moflatt, N. G. Thoa. V lt. au, K. 8. ralla Eiicmiinmi'iil. Nc 1. 1. 0. 0. t. Heeta flrat i third Tueedaya of each month at Odd Pellowa' Hall. Membera and vlaitlng patriarclia cordially In vited to attend. O. Lovrjoy, Chief Patriarch. J. A. Slewaat, Scribe. . Osweco Lalge. No. 03, 1. 0. 0. P. Meet! at Odd Ft! loW'a Hall, Oewego, every Saturday evening. Viaiting brethren niotie welcome, u. w. rrosaer, fl. u. d F. Uialcy, Sec, Multnomah Ixalge, No. 1, A. P. A. M.-llolila Ita regular coiuintlliicHtlona on flrat and third Saturdaya f uaoli mnnin et 7 Mi p. ni. urelliren in good aland. ing are invited to attend, L. L. Porter, W. M. T. P. ltyan, Sec. Waucheno lalge. No. 1:1, 1. 0. R. M.- Moeta Mon day evening at A. t. U. W. llall. Vlaitlng members oorilfally invited. J. II. Hrwiri, Stoliaiu. ;, Meade Pnat, No. 2, G. A. R Department Of Oregon, Meela flrat Monday of eaoli mouth at K, ol P. Hall, Oregon City. Viaiting comradee made welcome. David McArtliur, Com. J. P. Hliaw, Ad), General Pope Post, No. 62, 0. A. H. Meeta Drat Saturday of each month at Grange hall, Mullno. Comrades cordially invited. J. V. NeUon, Com mander. II. W. Shaw, Adjutant. Gen. Crook Poet, No. 22, G. A.' R., Department of Oregon, Meeta in echoo! houae at Needy ou flrat Sat urday in ouch month at 2 o'clock p. ni. All ooin radea mode welcome. Jacob Spogle, Com, J. Kar Binder, Adj. Moade Itellof Corp, No. 18, Department of Ore- ?;un. Meeta on flrat and third Frldaya of each month n K. of P. llall. Membera of corpe from abroad oordially welcomed. Mrs. M. M. Charman, Pres. Mra. F. L. Cochran, Treas. Mrs. 1. B. Harding, Beo. Sons of Veterans, R. D. Baker Camp, No. 18 Meets first and third Thursday evenings of each month. W. K. Johnson, Cant. U. O. Wood, 1st Lieut. Alonso Wit kham, 2d Lieut. Achilles Lodge, No. 3, K.of P. day night at the K. of P. hall, invited, ('has. Albright, Jr., C. 0. Meets every Frl- Visiting knights J.K. !. Rhodes, K, oi k. a . . Canhy Ixalge, No 64, f. O. O. T. Meets Oral and third Saturday evenings at Knight's Hall, Canby, Visiting members always made welcome. H. C. Gilluiore, W. C. T, Millard Lee, Seo. P Comimny, Flrat Rei ., 0, N. G. Armory, Third and Main. Regular drill alglit, Mouday. Regular business meetlug, flrat Momlayof each month. J. W. Uanong, Capt. P. S. Kelley, First Lieut. L. L. Picaens, Second Lieut. . Canby Spiritualist Society. Assembles on first and third Sundars of each month. H. A. Lee, Pres dent. Miss Hattie Phillips, Recording Secretary. New Era W. C. T C. Meets first Saturday In each month at their hall in New Era. Friends of Ihe cauee invited to In present. Mrs Carey Johnson, Mrs. Eastman, Pres. St. John's Branch, No. 047, C. K. of A. Meets every Tuesday evening at their hail, corner Main and Tenth streets, Oregon City, T, W. Sullivan, Free. Matt. Justin, Sec. Oregon City Board of Trade Meets at Court House on second Monday in each month. Visitors w, looms. Ueo. V. Blownrll, Pres. F. I. Donaldson, Sec. Canby B-rd of Trade Meets at Knlahl'a Hall, Canhy, on first and third. Fridays of each month. Visitors welcome. Wm. Knlglit, Free. S, J. Garri son, Bee. Molalla Grange, No. 40, P. of H. Meets at their hall at Wright's Bridge ou Ihe second Saturday of each month at 10 . m. rsllow members made welcome. J. F. Nelson, Master. E. H. Cooper, Sec. Tualatin Change, No. Ill, P. of H Meets lest Satur day of each mouth at their hall in Wllaonvllle. R. B. Uenry, Maater. Mise Beda Sharp, Seo. Warier orange. No. 117, P. of H. Meet fourth gatardtyofeach month at their hall iu New Kra. C. C. W illiams. Master. Mist Msggie Brown. See. Butte Creek Grange, No. 82, P. of H. Meets at their hall in Maruuam second Saturday in each month at 10 a. m. Visiting members always welcome, J. It. White, Master. J. E. Jack, See. Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. Meeta first Fri day of each month at Fountain Engine House. W. T. Whitluck, Pres. td U Sliaw, Foreman. A.W. Millo, Sec. Ponntain Hose Cu, No. 1 MeeU second Wednesday ia eao h munihat Kngtne House, east side Main street, between seventh and Eighth. II I rasa Straight, Free. H. p. yuinn, ForeoaM. J. W. Stewart, Sec. Cataract Hee Co. No. 2.-Meets seeoi i Tuesday of earn monlh at Cataract Engine House, kidney Smith, free. Bert Urecaasan, Foreman. Herb Bestow, See. Orega Citt Huee Co, So. J O W. Church, Frsa. W. W . Marra,' Furenuw. H. S. Strange, Sec. For Over Fifty Tear. A Olb su WbjTkieb RlWIDT. Mrs. Win- rt.,.'. Soothing Syrup Iu. see. sued for o. fifty , 9rmn l,v millions of snutners lof inetrcaisamB waiia . te-f Mug. wiia perftvt eoecee. It enitbee the child, j la.ft'ns Ihe guais, allays all pain, cares shod cdie, M reseedy f laarrhosa. Is pleasant tat ml M ik, KrJt tbe taese. ,d by Umigists ia every part of the World. Tweirtv are een'e a bottle?. Its ralue as In eeteulabK Be ear and ak fur Mrs. Wiaatow'a southing Syrup, anal take a ether kiud l i uid tbfP. steak, or freh oyster in any style go to Joe cotle-e nooe, next door to Albright A Warner's hut- tier shop- EVENTS OF THE WEEK I.kkt. All (ulllifiil Humnn CniIioIius who liuvr) comilntf( iluiir 'Jm ywir ara, iinlfsi li'tfltiiiiHlfly iIUiwiihuiI, buimi iu obaerve Hit) (hh( or lnt, All tluya til Lent, Hiniilhya t x eptetl, mt fust iluya 01 UUIIIfHIIOII oil Olid llll'lll. 11V lIlHIlell an I ion urmiU'il Aiikuhi :l, IHM7, lor 1(1 yvurs, lli-tili iiii-ul ia ullnut-d lit I lit' lirlnclpul iiii-iiI mi Nil iIihh ui Lent, ex ci'pt H'eilni adrtya, KriiUvH, Kinln-r Ml urday anil llie HmurnHV of duly w-t-k. Tilt) uae o lli-ali na-iil ami Hall im lurlml di n at ,1m kitine meal oven mi Huinlity-, At the collnlliii It is in-null teil to Mae uremi, all kniilaol fruit, yeueiiiulca hum lltill. autl hy illeliealloil Klilili'u rt-luil aiyll, lhH7,lnrlUyt)HrH,tlieiieeiil uuuer, clieeur), milk ami eiiifii ih ulmi pel nulled. The Uir ol lord iieriiiiltetl Hi pri-imr- lug food on all diijH throughout the year. Whin Ihu priuelpal inual cannot be taken hi midday, it may bu taken Iu the evfiiinu, and the vollaiion in Hie liiortiintf. All iieuoiit under '-'1 yeara and over 00 yearn uf age, thoae who are engagi-a in intra labor, mo men ana couvalesi-eiit. and I hone who cannot fast without injury Iu their health, are exempt (rum the obligation of fiihtiiiK. lliuaewhoare not bound to fast may uae HhhIi meat more than once eavh day on which it is prohibited. A LlKCTKNANT I'HUrALI.V IllfATKN. LiuutuiiHiil Miller of the tialvalniii Army, who la apparently a true soldier of the C'roHH, cni into a store the other day to sell War Vrien. A young man be hind the counter refuged to buy, but as he turned around to show llm Cry to another man huh n I the desk, the young man suddenly uiih all his might hit him several heavy blows on the bacx ol the head, l.itnt. Miller had committed no ullence excepting trying to sell his papers . and left With a "Uod bless you on bis Ins (or lila brutal, cowardly astaila t whoee i.ame he does not kiow and does not want to know, as lie would - lint i.ixult the mtri-iful, loving 8avior to whom his life is CMiiiecralffd by having him ar rrKled. As a m rt ol vicaiious (-.i niHti uient, Ihe youi'g btuiher must now daily Hiiluuit to prayers for his salvation by ihe lads and lat sies of the Army corps of Oicgon Cll.y. Stock ok Uimjih in LiTiuATiok.-i-Tlie attck of goods of the store that was e tabliHhed by J;avid Uftulield In Dr. John Welch's building, would be a little puzzled as to who is its owner, could it think and talk. Mr. Cnulieid sold the same to Rolla Woods, his clerk, and gave him a. bill of sale; Mr. Woods transferred it to It. Bililer, hired by Mr. Caulield as butcher. In the same way. But in the mean time Allen & Lewis came, through Sheriff Gaming, and took p 'Snession of the goods because Caulield owed them $24itj. Now Kihler has filed a complaint to recover the stock of goods that he claims Is lawlully his and valued at $1100, and in which he auks $750 damages from the shetiir for sein ing Ai good. Allen A Lewis evidently want to tench BtoreLeepera by this ob ject lesson that when a dealer breaks up in business owing them they will get all lliey possibly can to cover their losses. Lincoln's Birthday Monday, FhI). ruary 12th, the Nona of Veterans cele brated the birth of Abraham Lincoln (which occurred in 1800) by a convoca tion at their hall, The camp was called to order by Captain W. K. Johnson. The first one called on for an impromptu speech was Private Hermann, the mail agent, at whose solicitation the meeting had assembled. He Baid th it he lived in Sorinulield, III., in his earlv veurs. and as a small hoy had sat on Mr. Lin coln's knee. On the second day after the presidential election of '00 little Tad Lincoln came into "our home," he said, threw his cap in the air and exclaime I, ".Mrs. Hermann, dad ia elected presi dent !" Short speeches were also made by Capt. J. T. Apperson, Capt. -J. P. Shaw and llev. Oilman Parker. A Fi.attkuino Success. The enter tainment iriven by the peonle of Cane- malt at Pope's hall Friday evening was liberally patronized by the public and if richly oWrved to be. The singing by the four Aldredgn brothers was superior to that of many traveling troupes of burnt-cork minstrels, and they were most liberally annlauded. The drama of "The Last Loaf" was so well repre sented that the universal verdict was one of surprise at the histrionic talent of the amateur actors The managers, W. A. Hedges and his friends, wore well rewarded for their tireless efforts by a handsome contribution to the fund for the school bell. TheCaneinuh Dramatic Club wishes to thank E. J. McKi trick for kindness and assistance bIiuwii dur ing the rehearsal of the drama. , Vk Olo Colonial Time On Frida; evening, February 23d a Colonial en tertainment will be given at theConitre national church, beginning with ye Mavllower in 1621), whence the program Will be about as follows: Two violin solos by Miss a B. McCord and two guitar solos ly Miss E. Brayton; ye Landing of. ye Pilgrims, rec tati n aid tableau, Miss li. Humphrey j ye Land i ig ol ye PiUrms, solo, Mi g Mollie Wilkinson ; ye courtship of Miles Stand ish, in which will take part Clarence Purdom, Charles Wilson, Maud Upton, Wm, ami "John Ltwihwnite and Kay Case, New CmtHJlT Court Casks Febru ary 8th, a complaint was riled by Mar- fha A. Doores against' J..W. M unlock; he Oth, 12l li and 13th, complaint and injunction by Sarah A. Broughton et al. against Oregon City, Assessor E. S. Ca- li It anil uan .Lyons et al. ; tho 10th and 12th, complaint and summons by Sarah E Paqnet and Methodist church direct ed against Oregon City and Assessor E. S. Califf; Mar1 in D. Morgan vs. Annie V. Morgan, complaint and order: Mar garet . (Jaines vs. Sam W, Gaines. complaint; W.. J. Tayl r ' vs.' M.- J. HrodericJc, complaint and summons. Attack on Christianity. J. N. Hoff man of Sherwood has sent in a commun ication in which he assails both the Catholic and Proteelant churches, the O. U. M. and the A. P. A., and very appropriately eulogizes liberty. He makes the great mistake of crediting the Christian churches with no U'Xid as though they were institutions of ihe Devil, whereas to combat him is their special mission The church has its shortcomings, no doubt, for its servants, have the frailties com mm to human kind, but Mr. Hoffman is unjustly severe. Colto School Report. The follow- ing is the reborl of school district No. I'i for the month endine Febrnarv2d: Those neither absent nor tardy during mo iii'tiitu hid isicauiR, Denaieis., jviaoei R , Bertie and Lewie Hubbard. Grace, Walter and Andrew Gorbett, Delbert, Fred, Lucr and Alice Bonnev. O-car and Jthu Dix, Emery and Eddie Gott- berg, Oscar and Minnie Carlson. Frie. ds and patrons of elucaiion are cordially intitrd to visit the school. W. VT. Austek. Teacher. Profitable Farming, A farmer a few mile from the city harvpsted 3'i tons of clover hsv from hi meadow. which Iip soM at $10 50 per tr.n and np ward. Fmm a field on liis place that three rear aeo won 1.1 rondure no more j than 25 hnal.ela of oat per acre he o. I ta'tieil lat anmmer 65 hnahela per acre, I In enilA rt Ike n n f.. 1,1 nna-a nf I. lnlllio1n alril'iil !,..; Intel lifent. 1!"n"n8 couoie. oani iiuirariievs mill iiisie, ExcavatKo the Blitf The atfen-i linn of the city council is railed to Ihe I inceaasnt rnfting down nf the base of tln blnrT at and near the rsil-' mad depot by the Southern Pacific i Company. The excavation not alone ! render the bluff unsightly bat mr ! loosen rocks ana noalder above, and ought to' cease. The company should j ptwnre it grsve' elaewhere. Will Stick to his Post. Mattlilaa K. Rnaae', who resides beyond the My ri furm.on Uie uolalla road, intended to leave for ICaslern Oregon, but having been elerleil siinerliileiideiil of the .Sit Pleasant Hill Sabbath school, had col eluded to remain at least for the present as he will not forauku I Christian duly , but be line lo Ids nlloted task as was his ilimiriiMM iMiuesakn, S . Mmtliew, the evangelist , T.jw.xsiiir Oi'KX To Kntiiv The register and receiver of the Oregon City land nflice give nolii'rt Unit the approved plat of smvy of lowni dp i south , hinge 10 went, In Lincoln county, tins been received from Ihe surveyor-general of Oregon, ami on Mi red I2ih, at t) o'clock, a. in., hhIiI plat will be filed in Ihe nlhVe. and the hind therein em braced will be subject to entry on and after said date. Ocit Hoys. This week Thursday evening, the celebrated English three act comedy, entitled, "Our Itovs," which hud, yeara ago, a run in Liouuon oi i.mju nlk-lits. is nlayed at Shively'a hall by la dies and gentlemen of Oregon City, viz : Messrs, K. J. McKitttiek, N . L. Drlggs, K. Itboadea. L K. Diller. Waller Llllle, V'isses Krma LaMrence, Hattie Hi ay, Maud Upton and Mrs. Nora I lurk. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. The membership of the J. O, A. M . is rapidly growing. Charley Cutting, the philosopher, was In the city this week. Wm. Johnson, a pauper, died at Clackamas Heights last week. It ia said that about March 1st tl e Electric Company will employ 200 men. Mr. snd Mrs. P. F. Morev left for the East Friday evening, to return about March 1st. K. II. Fhigg, proprietor of the Salem Dnnurrat, made, a friendly call at the Cociiikh oll'c Tuesday. James Murrow 1ns onenel a paint and paper hanger's shop on Main street near the Free Heading li iom. The grand masquerade bill to be given by the firemen on February 22 I, promises to bo a n liable event. M'li Helen G-lfflth. of the Ware- Hills, spent Saturday and Siindiy with her sister. Mrs. K. A. Miller. Mr. Schelling is furnishing his new saloon in Mr. belt nun s building in nobby style. - The front is a beauty. A literary entertainment will take place at the Park Place school on Salur day evening at 7 :,'i0 i r impt. Admission 10 cents. , Editor Courier: The Slate of Colufn bia is still increasing. We bad a ni K'k trial iu which the defendant was not f und guilty, lours truly, ACoi.umhias The Willamette Silver Curt e Bard and Comp my F, in full dress uniform, paraded Thursday afternoon in honor of Ihe production of "Our Boys at S.iiv ly's 11 in the evening. Letters of administration have been issued to David Zimmerman as admin istrator of Fred Diem'a estate, who died recently in the county of Los Anifeles; .las. I. Pozier, A. Wyland and S W Mar desty appraisera. At the missionary meeting in the Congregational church Sunday evening it was stated that 17 Cuiigreg'ution mis' sionary churches in Oregon are out of funds and that the American Missionary Society is $45,000 in debt. . J, M. Poe of Eagle Creek was in the city Wednesday to pay his taxes. To make the round trip, horseback, through the deep mud in one day, all ot A: miles, is no light fob, and Mr. Pue had to start at 5 o'clock in the morning. 11. Z. Burkhart has joined the Bamlon woolen mill company, which has a plant c isting $30,000 and a growing section of country for maiket. the company lias received a liberal bonus of money and valuable lands including water frontage. '' Dr.'Mullinix of Astoria who has been at Washington for some months, mav take Hon. Peter Paqnet's place in the iandoffice, charges having been pre ferred against tne latter gentleman which will probably cause his removal. Cily Marshal C E Bums bought, in behalf of the city, all the property on Main and 5th sts. that was sold for street assessments, excepting that of Mrs Brouuhton, the M E. church and Peter Paquet, which was protected by injunc Hons. The Oregon Cily wouljn mill, the blggeBt weet of the liocky mountain costing upwards of. t250,000, is as still i g a int. use. Not a spinning jenny nt r a loom is moving. It I a stopped and like a courier at a general s tent, is waiting for orders. Anthonv A. Cowing, who was ap u tinted receiver of the land , office at Burns, Oregon, on Monday last, is a brother of Attorney T. F. Cowing of this city, who appreciates the recognition by the democracy ot nis oroiner a stay ing party qualities as well as qualifica tions. : -l . .. . : Business around the government land office is at ( resent very quiet. But d w entries are being made, and very few cash proofs, though the number of homesteads completing final entries are not diminished which is solely due to the fict that the limitation of their claims f irces settlers to prove up. Last week, per request of the chief of police of Portland, a girl of sixteen was artested here at a house of questionable icpulatioii and taken back home by her mother. The young fellow with whom the girl hud come here was not molested, though he could be made to suffer for abducting her. It ia said she is hoir to IU0.0O0 from her grandmother. The C'ackamas county grange will meet at Oregon City March 5th at 1 p.m. to elect delegates to the state grange. The next meeting of Multnomah district grange, composed of the counties, of Washington, Multnomah an I. Clacka mas, will beat Oswego en Wednesday, April 18th, at 10 a. in. Ihe grange nei r had a greater membership in this county.. ! . There are people in the northeastern part of the' county' who have not yet paid their last year's threshing bill and ii not know where their tax-money is to come from . ' They cannot borrow the several small sum needed except t n too short a time and at exorbitant in-t-rest, and to hauf grain .or potatoes o market now is-worse than a week in purgatory.' . LETTER LIST. The following is list of letters re maining at the Oregon City postofflce for the week ending February 15th, 1894, uncalled for: Anderson, Minnie Bates, Eva ISaker, Jane Callahan, Louis Calof, Max Coe, Geo W Erickson, F L Frantz, S W Jost, John Milne, John Phelps, Harney Phelps, Mr Smith. Mary M Hwertx, F Thomas, U I Woodman, J D Wollingei, Mrs Ella When calling for these letters please aay "advertised." E. M. Rards, P. M, D m't waste lime, money and health trying every new medicine von may sea advertised in the papers, if the cause of your trouble is in the blood, liver stomach or kidneys, take Ayr a Santa parilla at once, and be sure ol a care. Take no other. . Go to E. G. Farnsworth't for fine ! Pompadour hair-cat. 1 Thousands of mothers give their children Stetdman's Mouthing Powders during the teething period, . Ripans Tabulcs cure bilioujnea. Kipsuis Ttiinles : for sour stomach. Ripans Tabulcs -cure basi breath. E ipans Tsbnle cure iteadaJie. ' COUNTY COURT. Annlifatlon uranlod of W II Lawton to erect telegraph and telephone line along county mail. r ' Aniilii-atliin allowed of Theresa Kra mer for aid, and f0 ier mouth g.anled Ironi I'elirutir) l Aiiiilifolinn allowed nf Meade Post Iti'liel (!oiniiiiliee for aid for Wilson Itiileiibiiliae. indlL'elit soldier. RehiguiiOiiU acfepleil of A II Mar tjnain ns eleittinn clerk fur Matquitin pre find and J 1 Druki' iippoinleil 1'roiiimilioii diclilieil til C E Voting ti keen .lease Allen. C'sl H.ll'riuiflon and Ole llitiiaen iitiiinerM. Bouiidarv line between New Era and Tualatin ureciiiets to remain tinchangod For care mid keeping of W C Kent, warrant to be hereuf er is-uud to Martin HiirnhHib-or. Report approved of Henry McUugin on removing the slide and rebuilding Ihe approach to Hull It on bridge and ex pense aeculiiit ol f.ll I u'l alloweil Renort annroved of A W Conko as supervisor of road district 1 : do of W H Smith, suneivisor of road (iisirict 2i do ol E P Caller, supervisor ot road Uletrici 4 : tlo of G W Prosser, supervisor ol roaa district a It is ordered that Supervisor W II Smith shall cause to be removed a obstructions to travel in all that part of the O li Taylor load Hint has lierctolore been opened for travel. Ordered that J M llavdenler be op pointed election clerk of Viola precinct vice W 11 Matloou resumed, and also J II Scott appointed election clerk in Viola precinct vice Johnson non-resi dent. Ordeied that the clerk issue a war rant directiuir the sheriff to collect all i the laxes upon the assessment roll of .JMM Report approved of G W Trosser, supervisor of district 5. for January, and expense account allowed as lollowa : Labor $222 51, materials $51.20, super vision t!2. total 28.") 80 Report annroved of Suneivisor A W Cooke, road district 1, a'ul f'10.45 al lowed for labor. Report approved of Supervisor W H Smith, road district 2, and account al lowed as follows: Labor t2i().2:i, ma terials 8:1, supervision f20, total 240HO. Repurt approved of Supervisor & r Carter, road district 4, and $19 37 al lowed (or labor. Petition granted of L Heinz et al for county road, county suiveyor to suivey snd A H Wing, J R Spahr and Peter Adams to view said road, to meet at place of beginning Tuesday, February 20. at 10 a. in. . Proposition of Portland General E luc id c Company to compromise the suit now pending against it fur collection of delinquent taxes, laid over till Jnarcn term. Opinion of 0 D Lt ton re tie, attor ney for the county in this case, recom mending compromise, submitted. Resignation accepted of J M Tracy, as judge of election in Harding precinct, and J J Bargfeldt appointed in his stead as chairman of judges. Propositilion uf W H Young to binrd and clothe all male county charges at $15 per month not accepted, as nothing would be saved thereby. The matter of granting relief to Mrs N Smith turned over to Commissioner C. Bair foi investigation. ' Proposition accepted of D W Kin naird to make township plats for asses sor showing school district boundaries. In the matter of polling places for Or egon City precinct: It appearing that by mistake all that part of Ely precinct as heretofore established which was in corporated within the corporate limits of Oregon City by act of the legislature dated fedruury 20, mi:i, was not set on from Ely precinct at the January term of Die court in 1804; and it further ap pearing that Oregon City Mo 1 and Ore gon City No 2 have each more than 250 legal voters as shown by the last pre ceding general election. It ia therefore ordered that so much of the order I this court' setting oft', and establishing suitable and convenient voting precincts as applied to tbe boundary lines of said biy, Oregon vily Ho l and Orcgou City No 2, be and the same is hereby set aside and held for naught; and it is fur ther ordereil that there be and is hereby established a polling place to be known and designated aa Oregon City No 3, bounded and described 'as follows: Description: Beginning at southeast corner of the Oregon City claim and running thence west about 11 chains to west line of a tract of land conveyed by Patrick Duffy to James Shaw: theuce southerly tracing the west line of st id tract and east line of a tract heretofore conveyed by Jacob Kamm to Christina Vermilyea to tne southeast corner of said Jacob Kamm tract; tnence west on south line of said tract about 23 chains to southwest curner of said tract ; thence north along the west line of said tract about 27 chains to center of lane leading from Molalla road to Apperson road; thence westerly along center line of said lane to the west line of the Win Holmes D L C; thence northerly and northeast erly tracing the west line of the William Holmes claim to the southeast corner of Falls View addition to Oregon City; thence northwesterly along southerly boundary of the said FallsVi iw addition about 25 chains to top of first bluff; thence northeasterly along Promontory avenue in Falls View addition to inter sect the center line of J Q Adams street prolonged; thence, northerly along cen ter line of said J Q Adams street to the center line of Seventh street ; thence southerly along center line of Seventh street to the center line of Van Buren street; thence northerly along center line of Van Buren stieet to the north boundary ol the Oregon City claim ; thence easterly along said north boun dary to the northeast corner of said Ore gon City claim ; tnence southerly along the east boundary of said claim to the place of beginning. The voting place to be iu the basement of the new Ore gon City school building, provided the same can be procured for that purpose, otherwise to be in some building near said school building. And it is lurther ordered that the boundary lines of Ely, Oregon City No 1 and Oregon City No 2 precincts be and ihe same are hereby changed so far as is necessary to con form to the boundary of Oregon City precinct No 3, as herein above descrilied For the years 1804 and 1805, May M McGeehar, Tom Davis and James Shel ley appointed judges of election for Ely precinct, and John Darling and W a Stafford clerks. J W Noble, appointed judge of elec tion for Oregon City precinct No 2, not being a resident of said precinct. T L Charman is appointed in his stead. Contract for blasting material for the ear 1804 awarded to the California Powder Works. For the years 1804 and 1805, C A Rands, J N Harrington and Wm Savaee appointed judges of election in Oiegon City precinct No 3, and J L Swatlord and George fcly clerks. Mileage and per diem of commission ers: C Bair, in .80; it Peon, It appearing to the court that the establishing of a new voting precinct, to-wit, Oregon City precinct No 3, has necessitated me malting oi cnangea m the boundaries of Canemah and Ely orecinds and also in Oregon City pre cinct No 1 and Oregon City precinct No 2 ; and it further appearing that Oregon City precinct No 3 is not attached to any justice of the peace and constable district; and it farther appearing to the court mat all business pertaining to the magisterial and constable districts Kos i 4 and 5, as established at the January term of this court in 1802. coald fie per formed more ecomically by but one jns tice ol the peace and one constable, and without inconvenience to the public. It I is therefore ordered by the court that ! magisterial and constable districts -i 4 and & aa eatablisbed at the Jannarr 1 (lH't!) term of this and the ' same are herpb abolished, and it is fnr- j theror.lire thitt Abernelhv. Canem h , My, Oregon City o I, So Z, o 3, ana , YVt-st Orgoo City precincts shall make and constitute one jiiatire ( f, the peace snd constable district to be known and designated as Juslicd and constable dii-irictNo4. CLAIMS ALLOWED, J Foy, g jury witness 3 surveyor Mnllh, fees C W Ginning, she rilf's acct 0 W Uanong, Jail acct Vasessor Bradley Clerk llorlon. . .' Glass A Sniylh, pauper acct H L Holmiiu, ' O C cemetery, " " fohn Dully, ." " t)C waterworks', courthouse acct O 0 Iron Works, " " 1 Harris, pauper acct B 0 Irwin A Co, records Jury list, dial 1 0 00 47 (6 32 84 208 C' SI7 15 12 3b 15 CO 5 00 1 7 15 CO I 0i 20 i0 8 50 7 00 7 00 Jury Hal, (list 13 stale vs G lllani'haril Mule vs John Smith 43 0ft 38 CO 8 'arch warranto! Laviua Smith. 7 t0 Siiite vs Kd Duncan et al .2(1 Wate VS John Km I lh Ill 111 S tie vs Harry Clark 27 0 Stale vs Ed lloyles ,. . 3 40 Seaich warrant ol S W Woods. . 5 80 Recorder Riimsby 104 05 nmerprun 1) 50 E Kerr, road acct 13 1)0 II Cochran, road ncct 125 W 8 Huntley 41184 Mate vs Joe Beck, insane 18 80 Portland Hospital, puuper acct. . Ml (0 Jurors, special circuit term. Jan. 31 00 NEW ERA. Since about Ihe 25lb of January, there have lieen stolen in New Era: Four sacks of potatoes from Mr. Blone, 12 suks ditto fiom Mr. lllancbunl, 1 sack ditto from Mr. Brown, 18 chickens from Mr. Snlle. a hum and several iura of fruit from Mr. Newberry, and a hog iioiii air. MielciucH that was killed in the pen There is no clue to the thieves. The p -ople are alarmed. Postmaster Newberry has been se riously ill but is again able to be about, which ia a pleasure to his numerous Iriends. Herman AnLhont' intends to build a house and barn during the summer and go more extensively into Ihe bye busi ness. STAFFORD. StalTord has enjoyed a season of weather especially adapted to its needs. though it looked somewhat snuallv again Wednesday morning. The German minister is conduction a series of meetings at the church. The young people have also organized a so ciety, and have been' devising various ways and menus to raise 'funds for an organ. Last Thursday evening at their regular meeting lliey raised enouirh to complete the purchase price and some over for incidental expenses. They are digging i well now or the use of the parsonage. It is tlown 22 feet. The people are Keeping an eve out for petty thieves who have been disturbing hen roosts, etc. j and some are talking of setting guns to protect property. Tlie grubbers pre doing some good work. A new blacksmith has taken Mr. Neu bauer's shop. : Stafford hens are outdoimr themselves and the mournful cry from the lien-pans is heard nf "cut, cut the prices only 15 cents a dozen," unheard oi in the win ter time. Notwithstanding that ibis is thus. valentines are. still all the no and loving hear s are made happy.' This is as it should be. Mr. Rowton, our teacher.' has adopted the plan of giving credits lor deportment which Beems to have a very good in fluence. Li. SPECIAL CIRCUIT COURT TERM. The circuit court met in special session on February 8th, the' judge and officers present. H C Stevensvs L K and Silas Wright. judgment for plaintiff. ' " Warrant ordered drawn cf 110 in favor of Miss Hattie Cochran lor one day's service as court reporter . Lavina E Smith vs J E Smith, dis missed. R E Stewart vs J J and W II Herman, judment for plaintiff by default ; de fendants are indebted to him $1048. H F Allen i(J II Lewis vs David Caufield, judgment for plaintiffs; by de fault of defendant, who did not appear and is indebted to them .'475, costs being $31 . Wm Vorpahl vs E W Kamuierer, judgment for plaintiff by default of de fendant bo is $800 In debt to him. W M and II D McGuire vs VV S Chapman, and S W Blusdell, assignee for creditors of W 3 Chapman, judg ment for plaintiffs in sum of 14081. Joseph Hedges vs VV M and Sarah Burket, Bummons and certified copy of complaint to be sent to defendants liv ing at Thaver, Kansas. The or'gi ml claim or Barbw, Will & Co against the Boston Store of $2500, has been cut down by Judge McBride to $750. Previously the claimants had themselves reduced their demand to $1150 less than oiehalf. They con ducted the Boston Store one week dur ing which they took in $25(1, of which sum they claimed $180 for expenses, but the judge reduced this claim by f 80. The store continues witli T F Ryan in charge as receiver, and Mr. Schiller, its former owner, as chief clerk. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J W Roots to J F Klheridge. lota 1. 2 blk 21, Root's add to Marshlield; Susannah Randall to A Ranmaun, 17s as on Molalla road of Kohl Caulield donation ; f 875. liond for deed. Emma Louise Christensen to John VVagley, yt of sw,1 of Bee I), t 3 s, r 1 e, 80 as; (11. John Wagley to Emma Louise Christ ensen, n '-j of 11WI4 of sec 10, t 3 s, r 1 e, 80 as; ft. Louise Kochec to Emma Louise ChriBtensen, n of nw ol sec 111, t 3 s, r 1 e, 80 as; $1. Lonise Kocher to John Wagley, s,1 ol sw'4 ol sec 9, 1 3 s, r 1 e, 80 as; f 1. Will L Co to M M Butt, lots 3, 4 blk 4, Park Place; 200. Elizabeth E Moody to Julia P Little, trat 3 and i ol tract 4, Molalla, )i as; $112. Elizabeth E Moody to George li Fox, lots 1, 2 tract 1, Molalla; $ 150. Elizabeth E Moody to C A llovis, s'A ol tract 5, Molalla, acre; M7.50. Elizabeth E Moody to George li Fox, s! of tract i, ni of tract 6, Molalla, acre ; $75. -. , K II Ingraham to W II Miller and F L riwan, 150 as in sec 30, t 2 s, r tt e; 280. J Polseo to Christian llaav, n'i of sw of sec 28, 1 4 s, r 3 e; Harah M McCown to Helena B M Rinearson, lots 3, I, 5, 0, 15, 10, 17, 18, b:k 10, Gladstone; $1200. Democrats. Stick to Your Colors. Okkoox Citv. Feb. 15, 1894 E'iitor Courier: From experience bsd in the original home of. the populist ( Kansas), 1 wo lid say to tbe dem jcrata ol Clackamas comity, do not fuse tciC.i the people' 1 pnrtu. All that tbe demo-! crats there have left to remind them of their fusion in I8H7 an I 1848 is "ex perience," while the populists either held tbe offices, or thorns of republican tendencies went bark to their old love on election day, and ia many cases helped to elect those which the demo- j crats by fusion bad hoped to defeat. YVaOK II. SfEXlKK. O. W. O Hardman, sheriff of Tyler , appreciates good thintr lo, vv. a and does not hesitate to gar so. He was almost prostrated with a cold when I he procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Coogh Remedy. He says: "tt gave me prompt relief. I Ona it to he in In valuable remedy for coughs and colds." For sale bjr . Harding, d'tiggis't. 0 A Racking Cough Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Mrs. P. I). Hall, 217 Genesee St., Lock port, N. Y., says : . ! " Over thirty years ago, I remember hearing my futlmr describe the wonder ful curative effects .of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. During a recent attack of La Grippe, which assumed the form of a catarrh, soreness of the lungs, accom ' piinlcd by an aggravating cough.' I. used various remedies and prescriptions. While some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, none of them afforded me any relief from , that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize uie the moment I attempted to lie down at night. After ten or twelve such nights, I was - : Nearly In Despair, and had about decided to sit up all night In my easy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. It then oc curred to me that 1 had a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pcqtoral.' I took a poouful of this preparation in little water, and was able to He down without cottgbing. In a few moments I full asleep, and awoke in the morning greatly refreshed and fooling much better. I took a toaspoonful of the Pec toral every nlglit for a week, then grad ually decreased the doso, and in two weeks my cough was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prrparodbjpr J C. Ayor Co., Lowell, Mass. P ro m pt to act , s u re to c u re Hard Times. (Th'ril Communication.) Editor Courier: Your correspondent ol January 2(Hh and "Reader" last ween 1 on tne anove suulect seem to see but one side ol the matter, and that in only one corner of our country, viz: uregon, wliiie, in reality.' tne whole country Buffers; but the farmers, at whom Header levels such a thrust, ate usually the best situated of all who labor with their hands. That the world is (nil of improvident people is too true, qui nini tnev nave made tnis period. of national stringei cy seems ridiculous. I'rountily, some of those whole sec ions (riven by Uncle 8am alluded to bv Reader have been carelessly morteaired. but that proves nothing. ' Suppose they had been kept intact. Is the income from them, in most cases, larger, in proportion, than from a we'l tilled forty acres? Does he consider the scandal ously low price of wheat chargeable to the thriftless ways of the farmer or to our perverted government and thence on to Wall street ant) its retinuo? J hese very lazy larmers have the fruits of the earth lo sell and thousands ol our country are starving for them, out because 01 the tcarcily of money the farmer can't sell and he and the con sumer sudor alike, while a cry of "over production resounds through tbe land, reminding .one of children's pluy and crying, " fhe Wolf is coming, hide! . - And what of the thousands of labor ing people, who for years have receivec only enough to keep their fumilies above want lust the bare necessaries of life is it fight to. score -them for failing to lay up against a tune . like the . present, brought on by those high uo in power? , About the extreme thrift of the Ger mans. In most cases it is bought by the hardest labor ot young . and old The wife and mother iu addition to her endless household dutias, becomes chore boy, lured man and a veritable drudge wearily longing for the better time, so long-in coming, while the children, kppt il) the ceaseless tread-mill, vow that once -away from the farm they will never return. Do you think you wool I like your lamily to lollow in Xjie.way -The waste and spendthrift , ways that brought us hither have, had their origin in high places among corrupt oflicials, who have lived high and spent money which they have never earned, and our taxes have increased accordingly, es pecially on the lazy larmer. Muthinks such attacks as Reader's should be made where they belong and nut on. the poor farmer and laborer, who toil. early and lute, eat piorfood and wear patched overalls, striving lo get the ends somewhere near together meet they never will, while our county olliuials ' squander our substance on bridges costing several thousand dollars just to look at, and our roads are in such a state that getting to market is worse than a trip to Mt. Hood. Justice Om.y Oregon Cily, Feb. 12, 1804. PACIFIC COAST NOTES. .1 J' We liuve not told half concerning the dirty doings of Prof. Rork. It is to be regretted that. the columns of any paper should have to be besmirched by stories of such beastliness, but for the bent fit of the people it is necessary. fleppner Gazette. John Hurri t, of l'ortland' or Bjtton, nominated minister to Siain, whs for merly city editor of the democratic re-imblican- D iDiilist Eerniitn TeArnram. lie is about. 'M years olil. The place is 1 worth f'jOOO a year and there is nothing to do. Ills uncle is Air. .Cleveland's physician. , .... Jeirisom, who renides near I his place, recently killed a hog which bas been rarely if ever equalled in size in Oregon. Itueighed 710 pounds dressed, being worth at b cents. $:il).05. Instead of selling it it was put up for home use. The entire state of Oregon is invited to beat this record. Browniville 'timet. - The Southern Pacific railroad lias sent to New York for 21 new engines, all ol mammoth design, and which will be used in the passenger serviie in the Hierra Kevaila, Tehschiipi and Siskiyou mountain regions. The estimated cost of these engines is shout fiXl.OOO and they will embrace in theifeonstruction all (he recently invented features in lo comotive construction which have been made. Should the democrats combine with the populists in the formation of county and elate tickets, the union would win without the shadow of a doubt. By this movement Multnomah county can be carried by the coalition, the governor sure, and equally probable a strong democratic-populist be chosen to suc ceed Dolpb in the United States e-nate. Hingly, it must be admitted, under ex isting conditions, neither ol th latter have the ghost of a chance. In union there is strength. Sundag Welcome. Lewis Chapman, one of the most suc cessful and enterprising farmers and fruit-growers ol sooth Douirlas couotr. nas snippeu a cariosu ui uncu pruu from bis place to a firm at Red Lodge, Montana. Mr Chapman informs us that from two acres of 7-year-old Petite prnne trees he dried 12.000 pounds of prunes, and that from four seres he hss realized 11040 at 6'4 cents per pound. The expenses figure from the time of cultivating about K) per sere. Mr. Chapman has also shipped 401)0 pounds of diied app'ca and says that he could handler several carloads. Could lliey De secureu, at g'u pnt-e, Mr. Chapman is not at all discouraged with the present tone of the prune market, butsavs he will set out more trees and can wake big money on prunes at one-ball the present price U'Mle Eulerjtrite . ro conquer co::,r27;.; . , THE IPIOIrTlBEIlR; STOHI . ' llAS,w . . ; Reduced Prices on Staple Cac:'3 TO A HARD-TIME ASIS. ' Tbe Most Extensive Emporinm of General CsrcLis b ; Clackamas Conaty. EW GOODS DAILY ARRIVING! Red Front's ClearanceCalc - tl ISUYB either 10 lbs Dry Undulated Biuisr 4 lbs. Good Roast CnlW 25c BUYS 1 lb. either Uest Ground Cocoanut 1 pair Infanta' Shoes. Misses' 24c Mixed Hose out to 14c; Ladles' 23c Gloves rut lo Lie; Mens' 75c Gloves rut to 67c f Hoy's $1.35 tihot s. sizes 10 to 2. cut to II : Ladies'Arctica cut to 00c; Childs' or Ladies' MltU-ns cut to 10c, ' " Ladies' wool mittens lftc; ohilds' mittens 15c; good cotton oeks 6c ; wall paper 0c per roll ; mixed candy 10c per pound : brooms 10c. 17c and. 20c: MIum' cloaks (1 and $160, formerly $5 to 112; childs' wool hose 10c and 15c; ladies' skills 10c; ladies' low rubbers 20c; misses' sizes (1 to 2) for 10c; men's $4.S0 pants lor a ; gossamers zau 10 :; neetues 1 cent package; 00c Jetseys lor 25c j 1 60 jerseys 40c ; boy's 60c caps now 10c. Dress goods at cost. HAMILTON & ALLEN, OREGON CITY. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS. AND COUNSELORS . " AT. LAW OFFICE, REAR OF COMMERCIAL BANK. Oregon City, Oregon. Geo. C. Bsownill. A. 8. DsziMia. Brownell & Dresser, Attorneys at Law, Office One Door IfoHh ,' Caufield Sell unt ley'i D .lUtUn OREGON CITY, . OREGON. We iJAREY JOHNSON, 0ORNEK FOURTH. AND MAIN STREETS, Oregon City, Oregon. Real Estate To Sell and .Honey To Lend The Commercial Dank OF OREGON CITY . CAPITAL f 109,000. ' Transact! a General Banking Business. Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys snd sells exchange on all points In the United States and Kurope and ou Hone. nong. ueposiis received sunieciiocneci. in terest at usual rates allowed or tima denoslta. Bank open from 9 A. M. lo i P. U.: Baturdai evenings irom o 1111 r. at. D. C. LATOURETTE. F.K.DONALDSON. rresiuenu . uasniDi CITY VIEW NURSERY, CANBY, OREGON. All Varieties Fruit Trees For Sale. J. A. COX & SON, 1 ' VROPRIETORS. BLANKS! ' BLANKS 1 ! BLANKS!! I For Hale at the Courier office : 7" -Mortgage, . Filing Coven, Y Bond tor Deed, . '' ' , Promissory Notes, ! Receipt Books, ' ' Warranty Deed, ' Quit claim Deed, ' Circuit Court Criminal Hul poena Teachers' Report Cants, . Partial Payment Real Estate Contract, Sheriff Summons, .. . Jury Summons, . , Copy of Summons, . , Notice to Garnishee, ' Answer to Garnishee, ' Subpoena, Writ of Attachmenr, - Justice Subpoeua, civil, Justice Subpoena, criminal Special or private blanks printed on application 'expeditiously and correctly. Oregon City Market Report. Whiat Per bu, 45q, bulk without sacki 0T--a!3.rK) ) bushel, with laoks, . F1.0CE - Roller 2 80 per bbl, net Eoos-ieic BUTTia fiOo'a roll, ViiL-4(tftl! dressed Chickens tX 8 So a doten Bisr On foot Wc; drosaed 4($' Mutton-SI im'i 23 8hinoi,ks 2 y thousand, LiSB--12)tc V pound, " Hides Oreen.So; dry. 67oVi one-third off orculled. Sheep pelts, 2j30o IUy Timothy, 112, clover 111, bated . Dried Fruits Prunes 5c; apples rsWc; very du. . Mill Feed Shorts' fie, Bran 10; Chop (5; rejected wheat, CO cents V bu Pork Sides 12c, shoulders Do, hams 12o; on fool 60; dressed tlo. ' Potatoes lOe a bu; apploa 502 a box. Oiiloiis-1.26 per 100. . ' : . Ell 000 For Nothing. ' ''Curtis: Bantin,' President street, Brooklyn.,.N, Y., ifpeht 11000 with doc tors, and at famous Sprint?, in the ef fort to cure a bail case of rtlieuniiitisrn; but to no avail. Drummond's Lifhtninf Kcrnody helped him from the start, and by its ui;e he was fully restored. It will do the samo for you if you give it a trial. Ask your druggist for it,' and if he can not supply you, write to the Driimmond Medicine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. LOCAL SUMMARY. What Is the matter with E. O. Farns. worth's tonsorial parlor, the only first class one in Oregon City ? Prescriptions carefully compounded at O. A. Harding's drug store. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, 8an Francisco is our authoriied sifent. This paper is kept on file in his oflice. For jab printing go to the Coua ieb office. Lawyers' Brikf and Folders printed at the Cookies office. Read Red Front ad. Prices always the lowest- .'' The queen of Kngland says that fop's coffee and oyster house is the best in the city. Jos. Fbancovich, Prop. Teacher's monthly report cards for sale at the Covbier office. 50 cents a 100 Fresh oysters in any style atJoe'i coffee house There is no claim made for Ayer's Sarsaparilla which cannot b j endorsed hr anorra of testimonials. This fact plainly proves that Uie blood is the source of most disorders and that Ayer's Srsaparilla is the best of blood pari Dora Trv it this tnonlli. Mrs. F.inily Thorne, who resides at Toledo, Washington, says she lias never been able to proenre any medicine for rheumatism that relieves the pain so quickly and effectually as Chamber lain's Pain Balm and that she baa also need It for lame bark with great success. Ker sale by . A. Harding, druggist. Pepper, Ginger, Mustaiir or Allspice. . i Noblitt Livery and Ss!a Stalls OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oi the Strael between tea Irldge uf tie - . - Oepet.. . . . . Double and single rlits and sstfdle horwt si wsyionlisud si the lowest rites, snd aeorrai also connected with Ihe barn for loose stock Any Information regtrdlnn any kind of stock promptly sttendad to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT OB SOLD Undertaking and Embdsizj. Mrs.C.P.WInesett Keeps' the BEST STOCK ot COFFINS AND CASKETS outside of Portland. - Ladles' and Gents' Burial Robes In stock. FINE HEARSE. S. F. SCRIPTURE, Manager. FRANK KELOON, Cun and Locksmith. - Adjoining the Noblitt Stable, OREGON CITY, OREGON. All kind of Firearms repel ml asd cleaned. All klnaa of sniel machines repaired. Dedicate keys aiad1 for all kinds of locks. Ouas and Pistols bought and aokt. - BICYCLES REPAIRED. OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. ,. ALL KINDS OF TINNING, PLUMOINC. And General Jobbing to Order. Sewer and Water Connections ..Made at the Most Reasonable Rates. Al Work 4s done with a view to last and satisfy ak ooncerned. Shop on Tib Street, near Depot, A. W. SCHWAN, PROP, FRESH STOCK! iW-.- CHOICE GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Obtain your family supplies at the Grocery, just opened, on north east corner of Seventh and Center -streets. Prices as low as the lowest. Country Produce Bought Flour and Feed For Sale. J. A. BUCK, Prop. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST RANKING IlOl'SE IN THE C.TT Paid Up Capital, $50,000. President, Vice President. . Tiiomib Ceaeean Geo. A. E. G. CAUniLD Chasms H. (Udiieid Cashier, - Manager, K General Dunking Business Transacted, Deposits Hcceived Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notea Discounted, ' County and City Warrants bought, Loans Made on Available Secunte Exchange Bought and Sold. ' Collections Made Promptly. " Draft! Hold Available in Anr Part of lb. World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Sid Francisco, I blcago and New York. interest raid on Time Deposits. . t sub id litre of THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Oregon City Transportation Co's STEAMER "RAfssONA." TIME TABLE Leav Pokti.asd Foot Taylor St. 7:00a.M. It :.tO A. m. 4:00 p.m. OREGON CITT BOAT Leave , OreoohCitt Foot tun St. 9:00 a. M. , 2:00 P, M. , ' 0:00 P. M LEAVE Sl'NDAY. ":.'IOA.)t. 9:30 a.m. 11:00a.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:30p.m. 5:30 p.m. In effect January 8, 1804- L. M. ANDREWS. M. D. DEALEB in ? Drags, Notions, Ferfsssriss, Toilet Articles, itc. , PretcrlptKM Cartfilly CtmpttUti. 8hiTly Block, Cor. of 7th & Madison St., Oregon City GEO. A. HARDING, DEALEB IH IP DRUGS Standard PaU'ic:::! Paints, Olla am) Window Glaaa. Pretcriptioiu Accurately OssimaaVd babdibg'b block.