Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, December 29, 1893, Image 2

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    Oregon City, December 29, 1893
Between 1850 nd 1800, the crusade
HKiinat negro slavery rose in some com
munities of the North to fever hot.
Men nd women of lealous frame of
mind who would reform humanity
Joined its rank, with fervor and ievo
lion. The motives of the pioneers in
the movement were lofty. Its object
wis human liberty; to strike the
shackles from the slave and bid him
go free. Such men as Charles Sumner,
Theodore Parker, Lincoln, Lovejoy,
Greeley sad Wendell Phillips were
heroic in conception and dauntless iu
execution. Obstacles wero no hin
drance. Like the leaders in the re
form movement of to-day, as summa
rized In the Ocala platform, they
stigmatised with all the appropriate ap
probrioua epithets of which their mind
could conceive those who radically dif
fered from them.
Then, according to the tenets of the
abolitionists, the great obstacle to the
progress of the American people was
slavery ; now the people's party holds
that if the government owned the Mil
road and telegraph lines and increased
the circulating medium to $50 per c.ip
ita, and introduced other minor econo
mic and governmental innovations, the
, flood of our prosperity would overleap
every barrier and Justice be en
throned once more. The abolitionists
thought so in their day of action. They
believed they were doing God's work
and that their opponents could only be
actuated by devilish motives. Such
great statesmen and philantropists as
Wilberforce of England and our own
Thomas Jeflerson, the father and foun
der of the democratic party, recognized
the evil of chattel slavery as well. Each
worked In his own sphere for man's
welfare and is immortalized in history.
If we compare the republican party as
it is now with what it was at its birth, wj
perceive the vast difference between
political Idealization and political reali
zation. The party that nominated Juhn
C. Fremont for president in 1850 is as
corrupt as any party can be and survive,
and the great object of its existence, the
abolition of slavery, is almost worse
than a failure, lor the civil war acceler
ated the accumulation of prodigious
wealth in the hands of the few and the
accumulation of want among the many.
The following clipping pasted 25 years
ago In his bible by that venerable di m-1
ocrat of the past generation, Uncle Juhn
Fleming, the first printer on the Pacific
coast, vividly portrays the disloyal
frenzy that possessed the reckless, sell
sacrificing reformers of 40 years ago:
Tub American Flao. The Adminis
trationists are now enthusiastic in tluir
devotion to the "Stars and 8tripeV
Perhaps they don't remember that their
own party was the first to mutilate and
scorn the National banner. In all the
States, from 1850 down to the present
year, the Republican party paraded fl igs
with only the Free States represented by
Stars ignoring that portion of the
Union in which slavery was permitted
altogether. And in 1854 the following
glowing apostrophe to the flag was pub
lished in the New York Tribune:
All hail the flaunting. Lie I
The stars Brow pale and dim :
The stripes ait bloody scars
A Lie, the vaunting hymn.
It shields a pirate's deck,
It binds a man in chains,
It yokes the captive's neck,
And wipes the bloody stains.
Tear down the flaunting Lie !
Half mast the starry (lag!
Insult no sunny sky
With hate'i polluted rag!
Destroy it ye who can!
Deep link it in tin wavei!
It bears a fellow man
To groan with fellow slaves.
Furl the boasted Lie !
Till freedom lives again,
To rule once more in truth
Among untrammelled men.
Roll up the sturrv sheen,
Conceal its bloody stains;
For in its folds are seen
The stamp of rustling chains I
David A. Wells writlngof the proposed
Income tax, observes:
"It Is a tax involving tunh Inquisi
torial features as a condition of ellieiency
that it should nuvor ho thought nf
under a free go eminent except under
the exigencies of war, and can never be
equitably enforced in the United States
except by arbitrary and doHperate
methods, which its people, if tliey are
to continue to be tree, will never tole
rate." The 05,000,000 people of the I'nlted
States pay about 1500,000,000 indirect
taxes annually to the national Rovcrn
ment or nearly f 40 per family of five.
Let us ask Mr. Wells whether such a
burden should ever bo thought of under
a free government "except under the ex
igencies of war," and whether we can
'continue to be free" II we continue to
tolerate it? If the national government
would collect this onerous tax directly,
"by artitrary and despotic methods,"
as Mr. Wells phrases It, the tax col
lectors would be met by shotguns and
thure would be another rebellion. No
wonder times are hard, when for years
there has been such a colossal drain from
the pockets of the psople into the
pockets of the few manufacturers and
the United States treasury.
And we must not lose sight ol the
facts, annoying and exasperating as they
may be when we consider them fully,
that the bulk of the ruinous tariff taxes
paid by the American people o into
the pockets of Uncle Sam's pets, the
manufacturers, and that it is the peo
ple of small means who pay this.
Could years of such a financial policy
produce anything else than stagnation?
Can an ornrgo lie squeezed hard eter
nally without becoming dry? mi t it
likely that the goose that has been I iy
ing golden eggs for Mr. Wells' "pro
tected" friends IIicbc many years has
become tired and worn out? The long
suffering people aro lool.ing to the demo
cratic party for relief and their hopes
will not, mutt not be disappointed.
A Good Seed Pert Prepared by Unliable
Wnrl:!nj 1:1 I.'ort Important.
The importance of proiwrly fitting the
soil intended for full seeding to wheat is
nrged by a correspondent of Tho Coun
try Gentleman. TliU correspondent ad
vocates plowing tho lnnd somo weeks
previous to seeding nnd then fining it as
deep as it was plowml by harrowing and
crushing. It may requiro four or five
borrowings or only two or throe to pul
verize It to the condition of a good seed
bed. Every timo the ground is harrowed
Making a Yearling Thill Ka.rcls. Ilia Mut
ulna la (IrlnuingOnt Cream.
Tho dairy superintendent nt an
perl men t station writes:
"Buby Bcparutor No. 2," which tho
station owns, will sepurato about 800
- I.. ... ...111. . I - I.....U. ..
many hard clods aro. pulled np, and the ' ' , ' ' 2,.
milk. This is one-third as much aa w
At a recent meeting of the Boston
Scientific Society the principal paper
was enti'led "Six and Seven Day lVri
ods in the Weather," the speaker being
H. Helm Clayton of Blue Hill observa
tory. Ho finds that the readings of the
barometer give evidence of distinct
periods of minimum pressure, and that
these may be divided into two classes
those which recur at intervals of seven
days almost exactly and those which
have a period of six days and four lioi: rfe
Those two kinds of periods are separated
by an interval of 27 days or some multi
ple of that number. Observations (f
othor particulars, the temperature nnd
the rainfall, for example, covering
series of years, were also considered by
Mr. Clayton, each of which yielded in
dependenlly the same result. ' There
is evidence," said he, "which tends to
show that the period of a vteek is per
haps composed of two periods, anil that
the true length is not seven duys, but
throe or three and a half days. The
cause of this periodicity Is not clear,
but the fact of its definite length sug
gests a connection willi some one or
more astronomical phenomena " Butler,
in his treatise on tho atmosphere, c n
aiders that the w idespread notion that
the weather Is dependent on the phases
of the moon is in all probability due to
the close agreement of the lunar peri id
and four weekly periods.
top mold of fiao eoil on the surface falls
Into the plr.eis the clods were raised
from. Tims repeated harrowing lets tho
fined surface soil down nnd brings the
bnrd clods to the surface to lie fined In
their turn by crushing and atmospheric
In this way by suitable working a good
seed bed is niudo In tho soil, the latter be
ing fine enough to cover and come in con
tact witli the entire seed surface, con
ducting tho heat of the ground, when
that is sufficient to cause germination, to
the seed nnd causing it to swell and ger
minate. But if the seed be surrounded
by small clods instead of fine soil the
conduction of heat will be only partial,
as the hard clodu do not come in contact
with ull the seed surface. Hence two or
three acres of ground may in dry sea
sons particularly be made by thorough
cultivation to produce ru much as five or
six acres of cloddy or half cultivated
land. Tho seed bed is whero tho seed is
deposited, with tho hopo that it will
grow and in due seasou mature. But
there can bo neither seasonable germina
tion, growth nor maturity unless the
right conditions for germination stir
round tho seed at seeding time.
Sliailu I'nr Growing Poultry.
Tho curly chicks that is. those hatched
in tho curly spring months require all
tho Bun warmth wo can give them. Bun
light is u desideratum in cool and cold
weather. When, however, the chicks
como to be 8 or 4 months of ugo and half
or two-thirds grown, the summer days
will have arrived, nnd the heat of Old Sol
is then highly oppressive. Fowls and
chickens both will hido themselves away
in every shady nook or corner that is
available., as we know. And provinion
should bo madu that they may escape the
direct rays of the sun at this time for
good reusons. If exposed unduly In ex
cessively hot weather, the pluningo of
white fowls and light Bruhmos will turn
yellow frequently before the season it
over, and thus discolor our best birds per
haps in an unsightly way.
But tho growing stock nre particularly
sensitive to sun heat in the warmest days,
and shelter or shade should be provided
them where they can escape from the an
noyance. This may be afforded, says
Tho Poultry World, by a board roof lean
to placed upon short posts and rails not
more than three feet high above the
ground, slanting sufficiently to throw off
tho rain and open all around under
neath. It may stand at one corner of
the run against the north side of the
barn, or anywhere out of the way, and lie
but i temporary affair 8 feet wide and
10 1 et long. There may be three or four
of these in different localities put up at
small cost plain, rough and serviceable.
If you have plenty of low shudo trees on
your place, these will answer the pur
pose provided your fowls can have access
to their cool shadows without injuring
your plants and garden borders. If they
can run beneath thetrellised shelter of
broad, ample grapevine, this is a grate
ful spot for them in which to find the
cooling shudo they covet in midsummer.
Pennoyer to Cleveland.
The Governor of Oregon Sends a
Tale of Woe to the President
And Dritwn the Picture too Dark.
He Gives Oregon Black Eye,
can sepurato in our power De Laval nui'
chino if tho same efficiency of creaming
is reached. It turns eusily and is easily
cleaned, our dairyman preferring to
separate tho milk from our herd in this
wny to getting ice and cans ready for the
deep sotting.
The cream obtuined is neither frothed
nor churnod, but it is as smooth na that
from the deep setting. The machiiio has
been in almost duily use for over two
months without any expenso for repairs.
For more than half of this time it lias
been run by a tread power upon which a
yearling bull has been worked with ad
vantairo, as it has relieved a man for
other piirjioscs. It is so arranged that I "
1. l !! 1.a lw.u.1 lint tiafiea I '
tlltj Ullll IB H-tl llliw Hv www vwv.w
milking timo, and as soon as tho three or
four cows aro milked tho machine is
stortod. No further care U required ex
cept to supply milk to the reservoir as it
is milked. Tho creaming is completed
in a short timo after the lost cow is
Managed in this way the milk is in
the best possible condition for separa
tion, and tho sweet skimmilk still warm
from the cow may be fed to calves or
other stock. The bull used in this work
is a Jersey and woighed at the beginning
B10 pounds. He has steadily gained in
weight und is undoubtedly better off for
the exercise than ho would Imvo been
without it,
Tho tread power used is for two horses
and has a governor which maintains
very steady Bpoed and prevents accidents
which might occur from tho running off
of belts, etc. The power is set rather
flat and is geared so as to give tho tin v
lug pulley on tho separator 43 turns per
niinuto. Tho Bkimmilk is tested almost
every day and rarely contains more thun
.1 per cent of fat. In no case has it ci'
coeded this when the milk was nt tli
proper temperutnre.
A Worlil'a Fair Call.
Tho pretty Jersey heifer calf here
shown was born on the World's fair
grounds at Chicago. Her dam is Eu
rotisiina. a cow to be shown among the
Jerseys at the fuir.
Do not these verses fairly scorch witli
Intense Union warmth and patriotic
ardor? And of Buch are the ' Union"
men of this day in the Republican
ranks. Gazette.
Senator Vothees of Indiana, who, as
chairman of the finance committee of the
senate, had charge in that body of the
bill to repeal the silver-purchase cluuse
of the Sheiman law, has introduced a
bill which provides in the first place lor
the coinage into standard dollars, at the
rate of not less than (2,010,000 a month,
of the seigniorage or profit' fund which
has resulted or would result from the
coinage of the bullion purchased under
the Bland and Sherman laws. In ti e
next place it provides that after the seig
niorage bullion shall have been coined
the secretary of the treasury shall cim
pulsorily purchase silver bullion at the
market value in quantities sufficient t
coin not less than f.2,000,000 a month,
and to coin the same into standard dol
lars. Furthermore, it provides for the
retirement of all bank notes, treasury
notes and certificates of every kind, ex
cept silver, certificates of denomina
tions less than $10, and for the cessa
tion of the coinage of the fJJ and $o
gold pieces; and resurrects the project of
an Internatlo nal silver conference. The
retirement from circulation of gold and
piper money of denominations less than
10, with the exception of silver certifi
cates, is a provision absolutely un
called for by the conditions of the time.
It is evidently proposed only as a means
of forcing silver into circulation.
In the current number of the North
American -Review H. G. Piout presents
ome interesting statistics concerning
railroad accidents in the United States.
Comparing the number of accidents in
Great Britain with those in this countrv
and basing hi deductions upon tl
figures of the last five years, he finds
that in Great Britain one passenger
is killed for every 60,000,000 passenger
journeys made, whereas in this country
the ratio is one for every 8,800,000. In
Great Britain the ratio between passen
gets killed and miles of terrifity tra
versed is one to 23.000,000. In this
country it is one to 5,000,000.
In l'endloton 17 horses witli wagons
and harness, the property of a bankrupt
wheat fanner, were knocked down by
the sheriff at forced sale for $51, ami in
Portland last week one of our citizens
was asked by a broker 0 percent, per
month for a loan of (200 witli a certifi
cate of deposit on one of the closed Pi rt
lnnd banks as collateral. This is the
stage of financial collapse at wlii :h
the West has come after !I0 years of re
publican protection and corruption.
Our politics and our national uoverinn nt
have been conducted on mad home
principles each for himself and the
devil take the hindmost ami tho in
evitable retribution lias come. It' an
angol from heaven had been elected
president of iho United Slates instead
of Cleveland, tho hard times now upon
us would not and could not Imvo been
averted, for they aro the legitimate ef
fect of the foolishly selfish political
economy that lias partially paralyzed
the vital wealth nnd resources of this
wondrously rich country.
Mas. Florence K. Kelly, a thoughtful
worker in philanthropic movements in
Chicago, lias observed that, while
hundreds of men aro idle by day mid
sleeping in the city hall by night, many
of those children who ate permitted to
toil becausn of tho indigence of their
parents are still sadly overlooked.
There are factories, shops and stores
in that gieat city wherein the young
wngoearners are forced to labor con
tinuously for from ten to fourteen hours.
Mrs. Kelly says that she has often been
appealed to by parents who, while tin y
cannot ct work or themselves, yet
suffer their children to perform lung
ami arduous labor to win the necehsury
Tint New York city bunkers now
hold deposits of 47o,000,000, which
means scarcity of money iu the channels
of trade and inevitable hard times.
People are wixhing each other the
compliments of I lie season anil ex
changing gifts, hid it ever occur to
you to send an ailint! friend a package of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla? If not, do so now;
and try this medicine yourself, if yuu
need a first clasK blood-puriticr.
For a sere throat there is nothing
better than a flannel hand, lire dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain halm. It will
nearly always effect a cure in one
night's time. This remedy is also a
lavorile fur rheumatism am) lias cured
many very severe esses. 50 tent bolt les
for sale by li. A. Harding, ilruirifist.
Experiments With Winter Wheat.
The Ontario collego station has issued
a bulletin giving notes and tubulated
data for 44 Canadian and American va
rieties of winter wheat tested ut the sta'
tion in 1892. Twenty-four foreign vari
eties wcro also grown, but as none of
them proved equal to some of the best
of tho American varieties no details re
garding them nre given. The average
yields per acre of tho Canadian and
American varieties in 1803 were, straw
8.3 tons and cruin 42.6 bushels, weigh
ing 60.5 pounds per bushel. The varie
ties which yielded more thun 50 bushels
per acre were Dawson Golden Chaff,
Golden Drop, Mediterranean and Ful
Tho varieties which have yielded an
average of over 40 bushels per ncro dur
ing the past three years are Surprise,
Early Red Clawson, Rodgers, Red Vel
vet Chuff, Golden Drop, Bunnell or Lun
dreth, Golden Cross or Volunteer, Man
chester, Standard, Hybrid Mediterrane
an and Martin Am her. During the past
three years the average yields of the
whito varieties have been about one bush
el ier ncro more than those of the red va
rieties, but tho latter huvo averaged from
one to two pounds more in weight per
Poultry PolntH.
Tho new Columbian Wyandotte, in
traduced by a New England fancier, is
described us having tho markings of the
light Brahma, with the symmetry of the
Wyandotte, their cleun, yellow legs and
close fitting combs.
When whitewashing the poultry prem
ises, udd course rock salt, say a handful
to n pail of tho wash, which will harden
it materially, and when it is dry it will
not easily rub off.
Tho Andulusiuns belong to the Span
ish fundly, all of which are groat hvyers
of eggs, largo for so snmll fowds. Their
plumago is (duty blue, from light blue to
very dark blue, approaching black.
Keep the chickens growing. Feed is
the keynote, tho most important point.
Fresh grass in abundance is mi impor
tant item whero good, strong chicks nre
desired, und grass is chpiiiK'r than grain
Sepnrnto tho pullets from the cockerels
just as soon us the sexes can be clearly
rrovido shelter from ruin und sun.
Chopped onions added to t he usual ra
tions uro not only invigorutmg, but ex
cellent when the fowds are subject to
S. . Clifford, Now tfussel, Win., was troubled
Willi NtMiriilttiii and KliciiiiiallMii. Ills sioinai-li
was disordered, hi l.iver wan atleeteit to
alariiiini; deLTt-e. amu-tite fell awav. and he wac
leirilily re. lined In Mi--.li and sirt'iixih. Three
hollies n( Kleetric Itinera cured him.
Kdnard ."lice-herd, HarrlslMirir. III., had a run
nliiit Mre on Ills left id eijclil yearn' NtHiidltiK
I'iihI three buttle" ol Kleetric Itinera and seven
boxes nl Hm-klcu'a Arnica halve, and his leg is
sound and well. John Speaker. 1 atawna, l.
I had live (ante lever sores on nia it'K. iinoiors
! said he was incurable, tine tiottle Kleetric Mil
I tersand one lam Hnekleu's Arnica Salve cured
j him entirely. Hold mil. A. Hardiiix's Urns store
The question is frequently axkpri,
"Why is Ayer's Chrry 1'ecloral o
much more effW'tiva than olhet roottli
remedies?" The answer it , simply I e
canae it is the most skilful combination
of anodynes and expectorants known to
mcd cal science
At the last session ol eon great an
appropriation for the establishment in
California of an experiment station for
the culture of sugar cane was made.
Why doei not Oregon' congressional
delegation endeavor to secure an appro
priation for an experiment nation for
the culture of the tngar beet in this
To make Hie hair grow a natural c-d.ir,
(prevent baldness, and keep the Fcalp
I healthy, Hall's Hair Kenewer waa in
. vented, and has proved itself aucressful.
Wf authorise ear advertiM-il ilrnSKist to srtl lr.
KittK's New iiscurry f.a- Oinsuinplion. tVinaii and
i'ol.ls. UNin this fwnditiea. If yon are attlicn-d with
al'ouitli. Cold or any l.ullit, Thnt or rtiet tumble,
and will usa this rt-tur.lv a .lim-trd. Riving it a fsir
trUI, aiHleiprrienre no iN-nrtit, yHj limy return the
bottle and hsre y..nr raon.-y refunded Hi could
Dot make this offer did we not know tht lr. Mng'
New Ihsfotery could he relied on. It never disp
points. Trial'lsutle free at Oeo. A. Hanling-' ln g
tore. I.arie slie ."41 eents ami l.lsi.
Teacher's monthly reMrt cards for
sale at the Cot uikk olhYe.oO cel. Is a 100.
Ripans Tabules cure biliousn.
ttipaiui Tabules assist digestion.
Ripans Tabules: hfjst liver tonic.
I It aillrot yoa nothing and will surely do f.m
Kri. if yn ave a Cough. t'M, or any trouble with
, Tlmsil, Cln-st or l.imgs. ir. km.' V w I'lacorerv
f.-r I '..n-ilmptiou. Cough sod C..I.U ts guaranteed to
. give relief, or money will he paid hack, offerers
trm Ijk Uiir-pe found it jnst tbe thing ami Under Its
use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample
' at our eiperevr and learn for y.airself Just how ! a
thing It is. Trial bottles free at le-w. A. Uaiding's
i Iirug Sure. Irge "ise .'sir. ami iuo.
world's fair calk.
Eurotisima will be in the dairy test at
the exposition. She is the cow that pro
duced 0-15 pounds 0 ounces of butter lu
one year and wore the ribbon of the
world's butter record till the Holstcin-
Frissian Bisson's Belle won it from her
by making 1,028 pounds of butter in
year. Then Signal's Lily Flagg beut that.
Eurotisimn's udder looks almost as heavy
as her hind quarter,
Ideal Butter IMaeor. '
The ideal flavor conies from the sweat
hillside grasses in sunny June. Other
seasons are only approximations. This
invisible, intangible dclicionsuess coinei
chiefly from the flavoring oils of the
food consumed by the cow, intensified
possibly by the punty of the surround
ings nnd by the health giving sunshine,
The claim that any share of it is in the
breed is not sound.
Different fodder muteriuls carry differ
ing flavors into the product. Lowland
grasses never tone up the flavor to the
standard reached on tho houoysucklo.
blue grass and redtop of the highlands.
Cottonseed menl has a flavor peculiar to
itself, and the same is truo of linseed
meal and wheat brun. Either fel in
quantity to dominate over the rest of the
ration will carry its peculiar flavor to
the product.
Corn, the plant cither fed from the
field or well proservod in a silo, will car
ry a fairly acceptable flavor with it
But com carried to an extreme acid con
dition iu tho silo, or ndvunced to a par
tial decomposition, if fed liberally is sure
to contummute the product. Clover in
its maturity of growth and bearing
wealth of blossoms is the very perfec
tion of fodder for excellence in product,
Sweet, fragrant buy, other things being
favorable, will produce a good stnndurd
of flavor. Many dairymen will not ad
uiit these variations from the use of these
different fodders, but very few dairymen
aro skilled judges of butter. Z. A. Gil
bert, Editor Maine Farmer.
flutter or Cheese?
After a careful study of tho question
as to which pays better, butter lnukit'.g
or cheoHcmnking, the Now York experi
ment station concludes that the answer
depends upon various conditions, such
as the relative prices of cheese und but
ter, the amount of loss iu the two kinds
of manufacture, the amount nnd quality
of llio manufactured product, etc. In
winter butter making puvs better, since
the amount of fresh butter is fur lielow
tho demand, and prices are cotiqiamti ve
ry high. In summer chceKctnukingpays
Stutter, since the price of butter is then
lowest, und in the form of cheese the
product can lie held and stored until
prices are high.
Begin now to get ready both cows and
roiw if you intend to go in for winter
dairying. Breed the cows so that they
will drop calves euriy next winter. Priv
jmro ground for a good bij crop of ensi-
age corn.
(inv. IVnuoyer on Mondiiy addressed
llie following letter to President Cleve
land :
"Tne exlraoriliniiry circiimitincn
which greet the relui n nf this holiday
must be my ext-uatt fur writing you.
Today is the first Christmas in the his
lory 'of Oregon when more than tvvo
lliirda nf lis people are without employ
ment and more I ban i-ne-iiird are willioi t
sullicient means of support. Business
is almost completely stagnated, money
is not to be obtained, and unbtora are
powerless to avoid the seizure nf their
properly and their homes to satisfy, at a
small perceulaire nf their value, the
claims nf creditors. Itepeated appeals
have been msdo to me as g iverimr of
Oregon to assemble the leg slature in
order to alleviate this condition of af
fairs, and to avert Impending calamity.
Kedress Is, however, not in our hands.
but in yours, and hence this appeal to
' The laws o' ci nuress which have di
eliminated against silver and made Hold
alone full legal tender money, giving to
the money lender tbe privilege of refus
ing hoih the silver dollar and the silver
certificate, thus rendering unavailable
more than one half of our national cur
rency as absolute debt paying money,
are the sole causes ol the decline ol val
lies, the paralysis of budness and the
consequent impoverislimni t l the great
army of wage earners and of the lumen I
inv slaivation of their wivs and child
ren. If, when yon stood upon the east
ern portion nf the can't d on the 4lli of
lust March, you Ictd announced toths
people thai you would speedily convene
congress in extra session to esrrv out
(lie pledges of the platform to which you
gave your asaeut. and upon which yrni
were elected, which declared for tl e
"use of both iH'l and silver as stau lar I
money without discrimination atinst
either metal," tho widespread revuNi mi
of business which has tliininihei th t
value of the property of the nation by
fully one-half, would never have oc
curred. And if now Von would give
such advice to conitress. the further
downward tendency would be checke 1
anil, with favorable- congressional legis
lation, business would again revive and
prosperity would again visit our land.
"It is honoruble to carry out th
pleilues of a party to the people, and is
it not most dishonorable not to do so?
The responsibility lies entirely with yu.
The comple'e obedience of the lower
house of contcresa to your wishes has
been observed throughout the world. It
would obey your behest and in this tin
enale would give you support.
"Yoiiurea father and youni doubt
feel grateful to O id when, up in retiring
to rest, you look upon your sleeping
babes in their couches, the pictures of
health, consequent upon their having n
sufficiency of food and clothing. I pray
yon, however, to enlarge the scope ol
yjur vision und behold as you surely
can, in many ami many a cot, children
loved as much liy their parents as ynutg
are by you, weak and sickly from in
sufficient food and clothing, the inno-
ent victims of vicious finuncial legislu
tion. whose sleeping forms nre halhe.l
by the scalding tears of mothers bend
ing over tliem in sorrow ami despair,
and then resolve as you should, to faith
fufly carry nut the pledges which your
party gave to a confiding people. If
you wil tlo so, Ood wiff bless yon and u
grateful nation mil applaud you."
The board ol trade ol Salem on Wed
nesday passed resolutions denouncing
the governor lor the letter, as tney con
sider it an insult and an inj'iry to the
state because in many respects untrue.
A young society ludy, after a round of
gayetr, becomes suddenly conscious of an un
usual sensation. Bit ha frequent attacks nf
ousinru, lur oaat macs, ami site feels Mat and
generally run down.
Mothers, look well to your dan. liters
Daughters, look well to yotirselver I
Let tli first symptom de lilting the ap
proacb of disease receive) your iuatuul utleu
tion. Healthy women are the lmH) nf the
race, and it is well-nigh criminal lu neglect
.....!.! l.lL !7. If e
wiivimiijt wiuun utuiiiiat' rviit'l.
l'liero is Son for all sufferers from .Yrrwuj
i ttuts. Head what follows I
Ira. Jennie C. Davis, a fine art! t and an
-"ompitsnra auutoress, ot Wrslllelti, i ls
....I been subject to headache ever si ee she
jo i!d remember. Bo severe were ler at
tacks as to cause at times temporary ill hi linn
All treatment hail failed to relieve li r, In.
after using Dr. Miles' Kestorutive Vr i n
she writes: "My record is to me, ai l.n
satisfactory. No headache, constantly I.
creasing appetite, and a consequent r da 1.
weight of two and a half pounds in in I on
Six weeks later she writes! "II ton.
and sewed Immoderately of laic, Lot in
headaches do not return.
Mis Juhn K.Miller,of Vulpar Iho, lud
was tdtked three years ago with Im it nf I e
in i j worst form. It finally went In lie
head, and all indications were that it niii
result either in insanity or softening of li
bra in. Her husband thus writes; "it wont,
be impossible for me to attempt a V nii'in.
of her wfferingt during all this time Sli
was treated by our very best local pliyt-iciims
with but temporary benefit. She h is taken
four bottles of Dr. Miles Hkstob tivi
Nibvikk, and is cured. She has toned
twenty pounds in weight. I tell yon. she
often blesses you for what you have dune for
Recollect that for the curb of all Ner
vous Diseases there is no remedy which ap
proaches Dr. M'dal Rettoralm fierviut. It is
free from dangerous drugs and opiates. Sold
by all druggists, on a positive guarantee, or
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
If- -- - - 4f f
't inntautlu remnvfH and turrver ttrtrmi oh iff
tiunnble httir, u-hrther ww the haitthJucr,
arm or urek, without tlivetttorutUm or injury
to the mot itrllcutf akin. It whn fur Hfly
,TtnrM lha Hortl fiiriniiln of KrHRimm
4 it iiaiiii. ncKiifiwiruKwi y iii)micihiii hr
7 I lift hl..K..ut Ul..l,.i.U ttA
flermntiiliflNt hikI air fipecirtllxt that ever
l.ve.1, DuriiiK lilt, priv me pniclU'c of life
time animiK tiie nnltjlily and ariHtovracy of
Km rope he prvRi-ri ImmI th Ik recipe, I Ine,
VI by mall, hwurely packed. Vorrttpon-
Km rope he prvRi-ri ImmI th Ik recipe,
1 by mall. hHmrely Hacked. L
, ilrner C'Mjtt Initial. Hole Agent for America.
, AnareHR
; The Skookum Root Hair Grower Co.,
It Dept. R, 7 South Fifth Avenue, New York. Ij
in a i n uca nci
What It tho condition of your? Is your hair dry, ,
harah, brittle? Doe it apllt at tho end? Has It a '
lifeloM appearance? Doea It fall out when combed or !
brushed ? la It full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch ? ,
la it dry or In a heated condition ? If these are aome of
your symptom, be warned in time oryou will become bald, j
SkookumRoot Hair Grower I
U what roan! IUBrodurtioBt.noanarld.ni.t)utthrMiultof -lntino 2j
naurch. Kuowled.. of tba dUwaaga of tba balr and scalp lad to Ua l Iscojr. aT
arr or how lo traat thsm. "Hlookum" contains neimer miaaraiBoivuns. i
Js Jtrolatsmi.
butadaluthtrallrooollnf and nfniblnf Tonic Hr .tlmulallna .
tha follicle., it ttuyt aUiKg aulr, suras duadrv and Brows Aolr imuii ,
la not a Dr., I
tar Kaert the Scale olean, healthy, nd frae front IrrlUtlnf niptlons. br
the use of Mun Ohm Heap. It dtntrujijmroJiOo ruw(, whtvh Jet un i
ana d.ifroa fft. hair, .... . ... . . I
If Tour drucaistcainntitipritr Ton send direct to ns. and wa will forward ,
prepaid, on receipt of price. Urower, u ir uoiua 1 1 lui mu avai,,is
par Jar i S lor $2.90.
87 ttaath Vlfth Avenue, Mew York, N. Y.
faille to the payment of all warrants ettilorat'd
prior to Auk. H1.
InlL-mst will i-ttujia front the data of thla no
tlce.. H. B. CAI.IKK.
Treasurer ol Clai-kamaa Countv.
Dated OrvKon City. December l.i, IMM.
Golden Opportunity For Suffer
intr Hiiiiiiiiiity.
Physician, Clivo Their Kt-nimllea to the People.
DO YOU SUFFER? PittinhiK vuur trouble.
and we will m-iid yon Fr of Charge full
coitrsb of opecially iirvpni-etl rt-jnttlies bout nulttMl
to your owe. YY ri W AST 1U( K ttKUUM
UC PAM PlIDt thpnmstai7rflmrrtffvnrt
IlL XiRn iHL of both text. Ourtmttmonti.
for an uitietuieH aim iei.rniiue nre oirn and
Scientific, aciuirwl by many yeais' experience,
which euahlM uh to Ouaraiitee a Cure, Do nut
N. B. We have the only poult I ve cure f-tr
KfilefhY (FITS) and Catarrh. References
given, i'ermanentiy located. (Old established.)
lit Market St., San Francisco, C
wu x r-fLi"iw,viTi,
For Information and free Handbook write to
MUNN CO.. Ml Btioauwar, Niw York.
Oldest bureau for securing- patent, In America.
Krerj patent taken out by ui la brought before
Uie public br a uotioe given tree ot charge la toe
Lartut circulation of anr scientific paper In the
world. Splendidlr illustrated. No tntellirent
nan should be without It. Weeklr. SJ.UO
fear: 11.60 six months. Address MUNN 4 CO.
tmuauxua, Ubl Broodwajr, New York Otr.
The ttnilcrsiiMtcri hnvlng bcon restored to
health tiy simple means, alter suffering for
vera! venrs with a severe lung afleetiou. and
that dread disease Coituitiirltn, is anxious to
nake known to nis leiit.w sniierers the mean,
I cure. To thote who desire it. he will cheer
fully send (free of charge) a copy of ttieprescrip-
on useii. wiuen tney win nmi a sure cure for
'ousiintiitloit. AatliinM, Catarrh. Hronelil
la and all throat anil lung nlladie. He
liopcsitll surterers will try his remedy, as it Is
ivaiiiiiiile. Those tieslrn; the prescription.
men wi i cost mem tint u ug. ami luav nrove a
oics.iiig, w in please auuress,
Mec. I. Ttiat all street railways operated on any
ol Ihe streets In Oregon city and carrying Ireiglit
or express of any desenption whatever and un
loading the curs currying said freight or express
while the same stand on the streets nf said Ore
gon City, ahall pay to said Oregon City a license
ol SHOO per annum, payable quarterly.
Sen II. Any person, lirm or corporation who
ahall violate any of the provisions of this ordi
nance, or who as agent or employe of gtich
railway company shall assist In operating the
same contrary to the provislona of tills ordi
nances! a'l lie deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and on couvrt'o:i theieof shall lie Hued not less
thau live nor more Hum twenty dollars for each
and every ullei.i,., before the mayor or recorder.
t ne anovtt ordinance will come up lor second
reading and piissHge at a special meeting of the
council to ou neiu
o dock p. m.
be held December Dutli, 1SI.I, at 7Si
Published by order of the city council ol Ore-
ember mil, 1
KK, Kucordcr
gou City at a meeting held December aith, 1KIA
i. u. run
' lue of an order of the Hon. uotinty Court ut
Clack mas county, Oregon, the undersigned has
been licensed to sell lots 3 and 4 of block 28, Mil.
waukle, Ore., at private sale. Therefore from and
al.er the 21st day nf January, W.H, 1 will oner at
privateVale and sell tnthe hlgliestand best bidder
all the right, title and Interest nf Jacob P. Miller,
deceased, at the time of hla death, In the above
described real estate. Terma of sale one-half
cash, balance on mortgage at 8 per -Interest
cent, per annum for one year.
Dated, December iilat, W..
Administratrix ol oatate alorcsald,
D. C. t C D.LATouBRTTE,aUyafor administratrix
Oregon, lor the County of Clackamas.
Mrs. M. II. Wallace, llallltlff, )
vs. 5
W. E. Wells, Defendant. ,
State cf Oriiion, )
County of Clackamas.)
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an ex-a
edition Issued out nl the circuit court of the
state of Oregon for Ihe county of Clackamas,
bearing date the rth dav of December, isu:i, iu a
suit w herein Mrs. M. II. Wallace waa plaintiff
and W. E. Wells was defendant, commanding
me. in the name of the state of Oregon, that out
of the personal property of defendant or If ,uf
Helen! could not be found, then out ol real prop
erty of said defendant, to realize a sum siiiliclent
to siitisiy tne aetnuiiiis oi sai't judgment, to-wit.
SMI. 2:1, and costs now accrued of i..v, and also
the costs ol and attending this sale. Nuw. there
lore, lu obedience to audi decree, and being un
able to find oersonal nrouertv tosutfsfv the same
I did, on the 2ilth dav ol December. 18S.I. duly
levy upon, and wilt, on Saturday the 27 til day ol
January, 1MM, at the hour of lUo'clo- k a. m. of
saia aay, attne ironi amir ot tne courthouse in
said county, oiler (or sale at public auction, and
sen to tne mgnest an 1 nest Dinner, lor cash 111
hand, all of the right, lltlo and interest the said
defciiilaiithiidonthulU.lt day nf July, 18:1:1, In
and to the lollowlug described real properly.
to-wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of
souinwest quarter 01 section 1,, townsnip -1
south, range 2 east of W. .!!.: running thence eas
M) rods; thence south "II roils: thence west SO
roils; lln-n -e north to beginning, containing 5
acres: lu Clackamas county, Oregon.
Dated this until day of Decembt r, A. D. IKiii.
Sherlirol Clackamas County, Oregon.
a Oregon, for the County of Clackamaa.
James II. lloggesa, Plaintiff, )
Richard W. O'llricn, Defendant.
State of Oregon,
County of Clackamas.)
Notice Is hereby given that by vlrlure of an
execution and order of sale Issued out of the
circuit court of the state of Orce.011 for the coun
ty 01 Ulackainaa. bearing date tho 7111 dav of Mi-
vemlier, 1N7H, lu a suit wherein James II. hoggess
was nia lltlll and Hie lard W. O 111 ell was defen
dant, commanding me. In the name ol the state
ol Oregon, that nut nf I ha real estate hereinalter
described, 10 realize a sum aulllcieiit lo satisfy
the demands nf aa d decree, to-wit: ft' 11,
geiher with Interest 011 the same since the Mil
of Mccemlier. 1SH2. at IU vcr cent, ler annum.
wllh an attorney's fee of $.'0, and also the costs
01 ami attending this sale. Miw, inereiore, 111
Obedience to such decree, I will, on hatiinlay. tne
oih dav of Janiiarv. Ji-4. at the hour of one
o'clock p. 111. of said day, at the front door of the
eoiirinouse in sain comity, oner uirsaie at pim-
lln ailctliin. Hud si.ll to tli'e hiirhcst and best bid
der, for cash lu hand, all nf the right, title and
Interest the sal I defendant. Rlchnnl W. O'Brien,
had on Ihe filh dav of December, IKti. in and to
Ihe following described real nroiwrlv. to wn:
Lota three ill), four (4), live (5), six (0), seven (7)
and eight Oil In block number tueiltv-nve ) 01
Oregon Iron A eHeel I'n.'s Hrst addition to the
town of Oswego. In Clackamas county. Oregon.
as the same la descrllied and mentioned iiHin
the plat of said addition 011 tile In recorder a 01-
nce 01 t.'iaraanias county, tiregnn.
Dated this H1I1 day of Dtceiulicr, W-i
BherllTof Clitckunias County, Or.
A Nuvoniber 1.1. lH'.KI. Notice is hereby given that
w. ci tit u v.- ' rn
Salt Lake, Denver
Omaha, Kansas City,
Chicago, St. Louis.
Eastern Cities.
tbe Quickest to Chi
cago and tbe East.
Quicker to Omaha
and Kansas City.
. II. II. ( LARK,
For rates ami uouerul informal ttlll I'llll
on or itdilrcaM,
noveniuer 1.1, in-.i:i. nonce is nereoy giren inni 1 .y . t rr 1 ,,,,
thefolloalug-namedaettlerlias died notice of hi " . J"-"DU II 1 , ,st lien. 1
Intention to make filial proof In support of his I
claim, and that said proof will be made before the I
Register and Receiver at Oregon City. Oregon, on I
January H, 1NU, vlx: K UN KMT D. HIKVKII.S. lid K.
01 N K. and
N W.' of UK. I.; see. H. T. 2 rt., K 6 E. lie nalllee the
WuKliiiiKton St., cor. TlsiraJ.
fullowiUK wittiMWH lu prove his oontimious rtulnVnc.
uDon Bin) otiltfvulliin of bh.i1 Iniid. viz: M. Kelly.
It. A, Tin K.vck, J It. Kml.ni-, Adolf AHChnff, hII of
Urmol, Orftfon JtUHKKT A. MlW.KIi, IWKister.
The Shasta Route
Conmtit-rk, ilecfiwted. Notice u lieivhy kivpii tlml
I Imve Hied my Dim I report iu executor of Mid entHt'
iu the countv court of CluckHrutts count v. Ores on,
mid Die court Iihh ti imIiiUi1 the hour of of 10 o'clock
it. tn of JutniHry id, km tho tiiuu for hcariiiK
oltjwtloim to unid rcjiort. If ttny thero nre, nnd for
Qnui wttleiiiont ol faia estate.
Kxiutor of YMte of Henry Coins took
Dated Novwutier 'A), lM'.H,
O. E. Hat kb A I
UKO. h, 8TOBT,
OK Til K
nAPrus I rain, lave I'orllainUuiilv.
II l.FP.H.
7:l e.u.
Oregon Lit)
Han I ranciscii
Attorneys for Executur.
Pnr, lu .H . . HI- Bll
gene and
Arl M IOa.i
I v !;uo f. a
I lo Alhany i,.ill,vu, langemVJl.tMl
I II "'!"!!'- "'"""" City, It-uui, Eu
'1 all Minion, imiim Uou.i,,.. T' .".
v"...s tuM, nun
uf an nnler of the county court of Clackamas
county, Oregon, the undersigned has been duly ap-
mlnteil executor of the last will anil lestutiient ol
tlltah Carter, ileceaseil. All persons ure reoulred to
present claims against sam estate prnierly verim-a
to me at the omce of C. I). A 1. C. Latonrette, my
attorneys, In Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from this date. SCOTT cauteu,
Hated November 27, lsu-t. Gxecutor Aforesaiu.
1:30. M.
9:31 A.M.
imO p. h.
Oregon city
':WA. m
dersieued. executur of the last will and testa
ment of Oritla Itichardson. have filed my final
account of the ailialnlHtnition of said estate in the
county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and that
the Hull. Juhn w. flleitlrum, juuge ol saiu court, lias
set Tuesday. January fti, 18'jt, at 10 o'clock a. ni , as
the time of hearing said account and settlement
thereof. M. MCHAKIMON,
OJ.tD.C. I.ATiil'BETra, Executor Aforesaid.
Attomeya for Executor.
I'AKS ON OfiliKN Rnnej-v
PVLLUAN buffet sleepers
Attuched lo all Through Triilns.
r"Hl LAND nmi t'lii, vi ...
l.uii a ,r . . '
.. n. iu. iv I'orl -N.l
m:ll'.M. Ar (;nrv.,n,.
1:CU P. M.
i:r. si. r.v oir
7.25 P.M. A r McMlniivlll,
I.v I fi:ru A.M
Ripan Tliulea mrcconatipation.
in Ju.t li hour, J. V. S. rellcvci con.tln.tir-
"d sick headache,. After It Ret, tho svstcia
tider control an occasional dose prevents n'.tnm
n e rcier Dy pcnnlsahai to W. II. Matahall, llruna
wick House, a r.; Geo. A.Wcnicr, MI t all lorn ia
St., . K.; Mr. C. Melvln, US Kcarnr SL. a
and many othera who hat found relief from'
constipation and lick hcadarhca. It.W. Vincent,
of Terrene Court, & f. wrltca: ' am 60 ymr,
ol age and have been troubled with constipation
for H ycara. I waa recently Induced to try Joy',
Vege'abla Saraaparilla. I rccognlwd In It at
once an herb that tha Mexican, tuxil to give n,
In the early to' lor bowel troubles. (I came to
California In 1S3S.) and I knew U would help m
nannaa, r or n oral llBat In vcftra I can slccw
well and my jntem I, rayular and In iplcndid
couJitioiu The old Urxlcan berba lutlil, remedy
arc a certain, con lu constipation and twwai
trouble." Aik for
InnV Vegetable
uuy or.
fill usi
For Sale by Geo. A. Harding
btaMlahed la Colorado, !. Sample, by mall e
npna wi!l rtcetva prompt and carclal atuouaa.
e.wMw,M M7u mw rwrcawa
iiL-tn, r ITM Uwrtac, at, v Cola,
-a- Oregon, lor tne County ol Clackumas.
Wm. Vaughn, administrator of Estatel
ot James oiuner, t'luiiitlil,
va. I
lohn E. Officer. David Ofrlccr, and f
'Ihmniixiue tuny, executrix of Abel
Kudy, lielem.auts. J -
County of Clackamas, t
Notice is herehv given that liv vlrt le of an ex
ecution and order of sale Issued out of the cir
cuit court of the slate ol Oregon for the county ol
t'lackaina. bearing date the 1-ih day of Decern-
oer, i"ti. in asm. wiieretu win. vaugnn, auiiun
Ulrator of the estate ol James Otlicer, was plain
lill. and J"an E. Olticer. David lillli-er. and
thouiazlnu Eudy.execiitrix of .Ih-1 Kuily, were
defendants, commanding me, In the name ol the
atate of Oregon, that out of the real estate here
inalter described, to realize a aiim stirtlcient to
aatialy the demand, ol said de.-ree. to wit: a' al,
together with co..ts of $:!ti.'J i, antl ale i the costs
of and atteuiliug this sale Now, therefore, in
obedieuce t. such di cree, I will oil Saturday,
the '27th day of Januaiy, 194, at tile hour of two
o'clock p. m. of said dny, at thu rout d.air of the
courthouse in snld county, oiler for sale at pub
lie auction, and sell to the highest and bet bid
der, for cash In hand, all of the rlghl, liile and
Interest the ald defendants had In and to the
following described rial proerty, to wit: The
eait half ol donation claim :RI, granud to Jauie,
o nicer and Evalinr (I. OiHi er by tiatcnt from the
general government ol the United Htatea, dated
April lth. Ifou, granting part, of section, In, ju,
20 and :ai in township -I south, range 2 asl.
Dated tills fill day ol December, A. H ItU.
C. W. (iANoNll.
Sheriff of Clackamaa County, Oregon
Ri4tit Tannic cure liver trouble.
Oregon, lot the County of M.iltnoiuah.
M. H. Luelllng, HaliitllT.)
vs. 5
Frank Been-, Defendant. )
8i at op OKIUON, (
Couutyof Clackamaa. i
Notice I, hereby given that by virtue of an exe
cution Issued out of the circuit court of the atal
of Oregon lor Ihe county ol Clackamas, bearing
date tli' Hah day of December. IKd. In a suit
herein M. II. Luelllng was plaintiff and Frank
Beers was defendant, commanding me. In the
name of the stale ol urrgnn. that out of the real
eatate hereinafter described and heretofore at
tached In this case, to realize a sura siinVient to
aatisly the demands of said .terree. lo wli: to:,
aoo a Dinner sum oi ii.,b nsu a.,w airnie.1.
and also the eo.ta of and aitrudiug this sale.
Now. therelore. In oheilieuce lo aucb exn-ution.
I did heretofore dulv levy uptin. uudr attach
meut ia this ease, an I will, on the x7tb dav of
January. I.H. at the k ur of II o l. k a. ni. of
aaid day. at the trout d-sa-uf the courthouse iu
aaid count,. oT,-r f.r sale at public atit-tinn a,,
wll to th highest and la st bnldar. for cash iu
hand, all ol the rutht. Illia and llilerei.1 the
defrll't'.nt hl at lim .,f attai-hmelil ia and
toth f llowlnt ile-rib d real uronr-rtv t. .mil-
Then nhwr quarter of tne nortlicaat' qnarer
of sec o-t twei,ty-tiv In towush b one south
ranrr Hire east of nillauietk mm.ti.n. in
Clackamas countv. Oreg n.
Datol thia jth day of Dei-ember. A. P. UN.
: w. UANONJ.
Sheriff ol Cla' kamaa l',aiiily, iregon.
J- Oregon, lor the County ol Clackamaa
John Wulimandel, Plaintiff,
vs. i
Wm. dribble, Defendant.
State of Orego -. I
County uf Clackamas.!
Notice Is hereby given tbat by virtue of an e xc-
culloii ami onier oi sale issuea out ot tne circuit
court of the stale of Oregon for the county ol
Clackamas, bearing date lhe4lh day of December,
1ku:1, in a suit wherein John Weismandel was
piuniliii anil win. unouie was aeieiiuani, coin
tiiaudiuir me. in the name of the stale of Oregon.
that out of the real estate hereinafter described
to realize a sum stiltioient to sutisfy the demands
or said decree, to-wit: WU, toeether with la-
terest on the siune since said ae:ree waa enlere.
at 10 iwir cent, per annum, with Ti0 attorney fee
and costs ol :ki.9i, and also Ihe costs of and at
endlng this sale. Now, therefore, In obedicuce
to such decree. I did. on the tun day December.
IH'.H. duly levy tinon under aa nttnchmeul and
order of sale, and will, on the :ith day of Janu
ary, IMit, at the hour ol one o clock p. ln.oi salu
dav. at the trout door of the courthouse in said
county, offer lr side at public auction, and seil
to the nigiu-st una oest uiiuier, torcasn in nanu,
all nl the right, title and Interest the said defen
dant, Win, (Irllible, had at the lime of Iheattnch-
Can be obtuined at the lowest mica from
I II. MOOHK, Aa. nl. Oir,. I II,
Maraoi-i a.h , f p tv,
Portland, Or
Oregon Pacific Pw'roaif Company
E. W. IIAHLKY, riKCKivm.
This Comnv' steamlaials:
'WM. M. IIOAd" . . - n n... d...
"TIIIIEEHIsrEltS" . . Cpi. il. j. vui,:
Thl pi CtimnHiiv retu-n-M (lie rlu-tit ti vrv fi-.... n.i
crhJ, iw clreuiiiBUiiiowB may require, wlthuiit ntu.
the fallowing dottcribed real properly, to-wit: I
Hcffiiiuinii hi noun im tin uni ry u i. i. n, ui a. c.
incut on Mti Id 231 dny of August. IW8 In and to
Hfiriiiu iiv hi noitli u
(irfltble and wife In T, 4 W.. R. 1 h of V. M..
tho north fiil of the divUlon line between the
cast and went hulveii of nald clrtlm; thence south
tm.HtirhaliH lo Kouth bound nrv of said cUim:
thunre ensl VM ehain; thence north t1.7o
elmliii to north boundary; thence south if)
wvsi l.VA chaiut to the place of Ik-kIiiuIiik. eon '
taiuinn: W.1H aereH. Also, bcufntiinir 2i chain
st of south wet corner or ii. i. u. ol a, h. orib-
ble iu T. 4 H., it. 1 K. of V, M., rnniiinir thetire
east on claim line lri :6 chHlim to the divlhloti
line between the'eftht and weet halvei of eaid
claim; thence north on a;tid division Hue
chaiitN: thence weMt V.iM chains to the c. inter of
a tract of land uow owuen ny Jonn Ktaiii ana F.
Hnclmri: thence noiUh to the place of betrinuiiur.
coulaiuhitr acrea, more or lens.
Uated inn iay oi yecemoer, a. v. who.
C. W. GANONt).
SherifT of Clackamaa Comity,- OreKon.
Leave Portland. Hiinditv. Wfdncmlnv nmi Vri.i..
0 a. in. '
Leave Corvallla. Monday, Wetlnmitay and Friday,
a. ni.
Leave Salem, north. ThihiIhv Tiinru.i . u.....
dny, u a m.
Leav Han FninclM)'., Nov, rlh, 14(h end 23d.
LfHvee Ya(nluit ytli, lutli and ai-Jtii.
For freight and iNimiiiffKr mtes nnolv to
agent or im-nter uf thin i:oinpany, or II, tj. Day
guneral nfieiit, Salmon Mri'cl (m k, I'ortlmi.i.
K l;LCAHY,(.u,l, Hnpt..
Oregon, for the count)' of Clackamas.
James Humphrey, Plaintiff,
J. Fow ler, M. M. Kowler, Jno. H
Cornelius. N K Coriieliuii, T. e.
McbHiiUd. and lm Kleischner.
Sol Hire h. Saniut;! iSimou and
.Mark E. Mayer, partnera under J
the nrni name oi ri lttcnuer,
Mayer Co.. Defendant.
State of Okioox,
County uf ( lackamaa.l
Notice is hereby given that by viitue of an
exerniiun and order of kale IxMied out of the I
circuit court of. the etate i f Oreson (or the coun
ty of Clackamas, bearing date the 1-ith day of
I'ecemuer, ib'-o, in a eun wnereio iune tium-i
p:.rt waa plauitiit and J. J. rowler et al (above
uameo) were dt if iKianK c-mmaudng me. in i
the name of the utateof Oregon, that out of the
real estate heninaiu-r newnimi, to realize a I
mm iiittii-leut to alify the demando of auid de I
cree, io-wii: riiu.i aue .amea Humphrey,
plaintiif. U'KHhtrr with luterext on the same
nice nam tie. ree waa entered ai in per cent, per
annum, ana i aue uriennani i. . mi-
Daiiic . with nten-at aa aforesaid, and a further
sum of li' t. i.'xliie to Flew hi.er, M tycr A Co..
wiin iu per ceni-iiiiereai ir ar.num Kiuceut free
was entered, and aino tne costs ! and attend in i
mis saie. aw, inereiore, in oocdiene lo aucn
. cnj. I will, on the itn day of January, l-w4.
the hour of one oi.i p. m. of aaid
iy, at front door of the fourth on ; I
In said county, offer ror sale al public
uctiitn. and av.1 to the hiaheat and beat I
bdder. br rash In hand, all the rueht. til le and
interest the Mid dcfei daiiU had iti an to tb; lid-
twin riewrilen rail bnpetty lo-wtt: Situated
In the unity of Clackima. st.-.te oi Oretfon, and
pariruiartv iMiiinn nnd dewnti hi tiiwa.
lwit: BKliiniiig ai a (tnt 14 ! 4S KOt hains
wert of the ijuarwr sertioti r truer between see
tbms 1" ami 16. ninniiift iht iH-e wert '& and
6HtU chains to the center of aaid section 16:
thence saith 4 aud 1MW (-hniti: thenee eart U
1 and 9U itW chain: thence sHith ti ' w -et 3 and
i 7 KOehaiiis. thaiiee eart li and fl mi chains:
' thelicv liMth 6mui 1"4) i hi fl. Ii the plaev of
Wa;nni.a. roiitHiiiinc U acre,: t ing a frae-
j iiiial part oi ee lion it ol township two auutn.
infe one tui ! w iiiamette mendian.
I'ate-l thw-Wh day M Uwember. A. D.
C W. i.ANoN'i.
ShtrilTof riai-kamai County, Oregon.
They all Testify
To Mil EHcaey
The old-time simple
I remedy from tbe Georgia
swamps and fields baa
I gone forth to the antipodes;
astonishing tbe skeptical and
confounding the theories oC
' those who depend solely on tho
physician's akliL There Is no blood
taint which it does not Immediately
eradicate. Poisons outwardly absorbed or tho
result of Tile diseases from within all yield to this
potent bat simple remedy. It Is an vnequaledl
tonic, bullda tiptoe old and feeble, cures all di teases
arising from Impure blood or weakened vitality,
jteod (or a treatise. Examine the proof.
Books on Blood and Skin Diseases n&iaUedffta
JhmggUU Beit It,
Prawf a. Atlanta, Oa.
ll.l l V M' 1 .
Ti I I aa. 1 Wm
11 I I MJ
i i n l aH
II I tKl
r- i ji.i
KipaMi Tabulea : for .our stomach.
Your Stomach
kftareaUng . hearty meal, and ths
reaolt I. a chronic eauw of Iudiceo
tion. Soar Stomach, Heart born,
Dyspepai, or a bilioo attar k.
Pi.aiale nireatlaa, Renlai, tb.
ni.aasurh. LUer maaT Baw.la, Farlrr
tke BImsI. and ar. a Paxillrc Car fr
l..a.iiamiiaa. icb usMarle, nil
l...eMk ana all otb.r lHaeaM. arlxoa
fn,m a Uiaonlvnd eoDdlllai of th. Liver sad
Stomach. Th-T act aently yet pmmai.aiul
perfect dlrMHUsa follow, their oae.
KlttansTahule, lake tbe place of aa Eattr
Medlcla. IkeM. arxl ..ok' be kcptlor
taU r rgyla ar amt ht
- rmCoOora.
I. a,..,. a uww lk.