Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, October 20, 1893, Image 1

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NO. 24.
la called the "Father of DisMaies."
It is caused by a Torpid Lirer,
and is generally aocompanied with
To treat constipation successfully
It is a mild laxative and a tonio to
tlio digestive organs. By taking
Simmons Liver Kegulntor you
promote digestion, bring on a reg
ular habit of body and provont
Diliotisncsa and Indigestion.
"My wife wai Knrely diMreued with Constls
tinn ami toughing, followed with rllacdinf Pile.
Alter four mujttiK use of Simmona Liver Heulalof
tlie ii almost entirely relieved, gaining itrength
mid flesh."-W. a. LaaraK, Delaware, Ohio.
''I have ineil Simmon Liver Regulator far
'"i.sti.li(in of my llowcli. caused by temporary
drratti'. ment nf the Liver, and alwaya with
aiinl Iwnrrtt Mikau WA.Haa, Lau CblaJ
J.t: '. -u ci ticorgia.
It !h itronosod bv un irriirutiim com
pany to rcclnim a lurge area of the Mo
jave Desert in the vicinity of Dnggutt by
melius of a diim across t ho Mojuve river
and a sulinicrgca lluine lor the purpose
of tupping the underflow.
Judge Shaw hug denied the motion for
a change of venue in ttie case of Richard
8. 1 Iciith, charged with the murder of
IxmiH It. Whirter at Fresno, and set the
Hint Monday in January as the time
when the (late for the second trial of
Heath will be resumed.
The overseer of a Fresnowinery, while
playing the spy on top of a 5,000-gallon
tank of wine to detect employes who
miht sample the ruby goods, missed his
footing and took a header into the tank.
The men who pulled him out laughed at
his mishap, and were promptly dis
charged. Governor Pciinoyer was consulted as
to the character of a testimonial to be
presented to the battle ship Oregon. The
Governor remarked that, if Oregon real
ly desired to present the ship with a tes
timonial, nothing would be more appro
priate than a silver Bervice, especially
now that silver was so cheap,
A remarkable tiling in connection with
ihe Hathdrown homicide trial at Vic
toria, 11. V., is the fact that when it was
sought to introduce the dying statement
of the dead man, Jones, an ejection was
made and sustained by the court on the
ground that it had been taken on Snu
day, and it was therefore thrown out.
George Mint, of the I'liumix (A. T.)
Evening Herald was anxious toget busi
ness from a linn that advertised in his
held, and wrote soliciting an order for
the paper. The reply came, "Where
does your paper go?" "To North and
Soul It America, Kurope, Asia and
Africa, and it is all I can do to keep it
from going to h ." He got the con
tract, with the money in advance.
The Tacoma smeller turned out 3,885
burs of bullion, weighing 348,337 pounds
and valued at 7(i,445.50, during Septem
ber. To employes $0,547.(10 were dis
bursed. The mines of Washington, Brit
ish Columbia, Alaska, Mexico and South
America furnished ores more than suffi
cient for operating the plant at its pres
ent capacity, and the second ore stack
has been put in operation in conse
quence. At SH)kane Judge Moore has appoint
ed II. K. Houghton and J. W. Uinkley
executors of the estate of the late Mrs.
Jennie V. Cannon. No bond was re
quired, and the executors under the will
also act as trustees. Judge Houghton dead-letter postolllce in Washington,
tiled a statement of the value of the es-1 is the moBt expert reader of illegible
tate. Community real estate is put at j handwriting in the country.
$700,000, and community personal prop- William U. Bate, Senator from Ten
ertv is iriven at 1000.000. Mrs. Cannon's 1 noRHPi nnvpr livlita a citmr. Unban nl-
sep'arato estate is given at $00,000, of
n ruin ;u ool oui,.ta ami 490 nnn
V, HUM e"iw,uw io in., wa. T-U,v
personal property
Silver salmon are reported as going up
I'tiget Sound in great numbers. It is
claimed that a stenmer was brought to
a full stop in the Straits recently by run
ning into a school of them. There is a
tradition among the older fishermen to
the eli'ect that a hailstorm always pre
cedes a big run of the fish. A storm of
this nature was reported on the lower
Ninn.i.anu lIle."i J V mid urrivui tu
, ... . ... :.! ,
Straits immediately followed
At Tueoma the other day Miss Cam
eron was conducting an experiment in
the chemistry class of one of the public
schools to produce musical sounds by
burning hydrogen in a flask. Ihe hy
drogen was generated by putting acid on
zinc. Miss Cameron neglected the cau
tion of the instructor, and set fire to the
gas immediately after opening the flask.
The air entered", and as soon as the fire
was set an explosion resulted and two of
the pupils were severely cut by the flying
The Great Northern Express Company
has completed arrangements for doing
business both in Alaska and Asia, and
has issued a tariff of rates to those coun
tries from Seattle. To Yokohama, Hong
kong, Hiogo, Nagasaki and Shanghai
the rates for packages valued at $50 or
less range from $1.50 for fifteen pounds
or under to $5 for forty-five to fifty
pounds, with additional rates for pack
ages of higher value. There is an addi
tional charge of $1 to $2 to Auioy, Foo
chow, Swatow, Bombay, Batavia, Cal
cutta, Manila or Singapore. The rates
to Alaska are 45 cents per 100 pounds to
Wrangel and 55 cents to Sitka, the busi
ness being carried by the Pacific Coast
Steamship Company.
A big scandal has len developed at
San Francisco in the affairs of the
Stearns rancho, a corporation which at
one time owned 130,000 acres in Califor
nia and is still one of the heaviest
landed corporations on the Pacific Slope.
The storv is that a committee of three
disinterested business men have been
for three or four months investigating
the conduct of the manager of the busi
ness of the corporation, Colonel R. J.
Northam, who is a member of the Gov
ernor's statf and one of the best-known
public men in the State. The committee
has about completed its work, and will
in a few days report to the stockholders.
The committee consists of BarclavHen
ley, George B. Polhemus and E. W. Mc
liraw. It is reported thrre will beama
jority and a minority report. The ma
jority bv Henley and Polhemns will
state that $luO,uO0 of the income of the
ranch has been illegally diverted. It is
not charged that there has been any em
bezzlement, however. In his minority
report McOraw will defend Colonel
Northam in his actions as custodian of
the property of the company.
Cornell has 51 2 free scholarships, which
aggregate f lOO.UUu.
Italy In 1887 had 70,007 schools, 85,400
teachers anu a,uvi,wu attenuance.
Joseph Pulitzer has given $100,000 to
Columbia College, New York city.
Tills country has fifty-two law schools,
with S4B teacliers anu H.uuu students.
New York onens five evening high
schools for the use of advanced pupils
employed during the day.
The first normal school ever estab
lished for women was that opened in
July, 1831), at Lexington, Mass.
There is probability that there will lie
no schools bold in the Chickasaw nation
this year on account of lack of funds.
Religious teaching in public schools
was declared absolutely necessary by the
Church ol JMiglaml synod in uanaua.
Of fiftv-three younn ladles who urad
u a ted this year from a famous female
educational institution not one has a pet
The Brooklyn Board of Kd ilea t ion has
decided to increase the school hours in
that city over an hour a day for the sake
ol physical culture.
The French Minister of Public Instnuv
tion has issued a circular which will have
the eli'ect of greatly stimulating the
study ol the English language.
Miss Lillian Stephenson is the Repub
lican nominee for School Commissioner
in the First Oneida (N. Y.) district. Her
Democratic competitor is Miss Ijiura r,
At the end of the second week the
Missouri State University had enrolled
475 students. This is forty more than
the number enrolled at the same tune
last year.
The Mechanic Arts High School in
Boston promises to be so much of a suc
cess from the rush of pupils that more
land and a larger building are linjwra
tively needed.
Oxford iB to have another' college for
women, nt. Hilda will soon ue opened
under the auspices of Miss Ikirothea
Beale. a worker in the cause of hiirhor
education in England.
There are now 300 students at the
University of North Carolina, and at
least 100 more are expected. The num
ber of students at the opening is the
largest in thirty-three years.
The new Searles scientific building at
Bowdoin College will cost 1150.000 in
stead of $00,000, as was first planned
when Kdward F. Searles, husband of the
late Mrs. Mark Hopkins-Searles, an
nounced the gift.
There are a dozen colleges of more or
less importance in Kansas, and so far
every one that has opened reports an in
creased attendance this year over last.
This is one of the best possible indica
tions that Kansas is all right.
J. Grant Cramer of Orange, N. J., son
of a former United States Minister to
Switzerland and a nephew of General
Grant, has been appointed instructor of
French and German in lehigh Univer
sity, and lias entered upon his duties
Women belonifine to a Baltimore cook
ing school have offered to train in the
culinary science 100 girls attending the
grammar schools of the eity without
charge, hoping thereby to demonstrate
the utility of establishing a cookery de
partment in connection with the public
Dr. G. C. Grandison. a colored man
and late President of Bennett College,
Greensborough, N. C, who spoke at the
recent memorial exercises at HaniDton
Institute, is described as one of the lore
most orators, not only of his race, but of
the day. 11 is address was eloquent in
the extreme, and he has command of all
the resources of the public speaker. He
has a dash of Indian blood in him.
Rose Coghlan, the actress, has paid
$27,01X1 for a home in New York city near
Central Park,
Susanne, Mme. de la Ramee, mother
of " Ouida," died a short time ago near
Florence. Italy, from the ellects of a fall.
She was by birth an English woman
named Sutton.
Mrs. Patti Lyle Collins, who presides
over the " live-letter " department of the
wava one j ,i9 fingers or between his
t... . t. r . ... i. ir. .i
huh, OUV HO UiaiCll IS put, I.U lb. I1V ttU'
vocates what he calls the "dry smoke."
Kdwin S. Filler, ex-Mayor of Phila.
delphia, mentioned eighteen months ago
as possible candidate lor the 1 residency,
begins the fall campaign with eighty
pairs of trousers and fifty suits of clothes.
Geronimo. the cruel and once powerful
Indian chieftain of the West, is now a
quiet and peaceful prisoner at Mount
V ernon Harracks, an army post upon the
A,ftbama river Hhort aistance above
v eriiuu i
Jerome K. Jerome began life as a clerk.
Then he went on the stage, which qauli-
! lied him for play-writing, to which in
conjunction with novel-writing and co-
editing a magazine he has since turned
his attention.
Forty years ago a mulatto boy of Chat
ham county, N. C, was sold into slavery,
and was taken to Georgia. A few days
ago he returned, a venerable-looking man
and worth more than $oou,000. ilia
name is Nathan.
Mrs. Ada M. Bittenbender, the Prohi
bition candidate for Supreme Judge of
Nebraska, is in the law practice at Lin
coln witli her husband as senior partner
of the firm. She is a native ol Bradford
county, Pa., about 45 years of age and a
very bright, well-educated woman.
One of the most affecting reunions dur
ing the recent encampment of the Grand
Armv at Indianapolis was that of Gen
eral Lew Wallace and his men of the
Eleventh Indiana Regiment. About 325
of the members were present. General
Wallace was their first Colonel and the
one who made the regiment.
Dr. Edward Warren, who died the
other day in Paris, had a career of more
than common interest. lie was acting
Surgeon-General in Lee's army during
the Peinsula campaign, and after the
war he went abroad and became our-geon-General
in the Khedive's armv in
Egypt, and was honored with the title
of Bey.
Rev. Leonard Blomefield, who died re
cently at Bath, was one of the most em
inent naturalists in England, and had
been a member of the Linmean Society
lor seventy-one years, lie was long a
well-known and popular figure at Cam
bridge, and was an intimate friend of
Whewell Darwin, Julius Hare, Sedgwick,
Bishop Thirwall and other literary and
scientific celebrities of the period.
Edward H.Watson of California, a
naval cadet at Annapolis, carries a time
piece which is a historic relic. It is the
watch which was presented to Admiral
Farragnt by the citizens of Vallejo in
1858. At the time of the presentation
Farragnt was a Captain in the navy, and
had just been relieved as commandant
of the Mare Island navy yard. The
watch it a plain gold timepiece, and was
presented to young Watson by Loyal I
Farragnt, sen of the Admiral,
The Eighty-fourth Parallel of
the Pole Reached.
Urge Number of Deaths Caused by
the Recent Storm Below New
Orleans, Louisiana.
The new public building at Omaha
will be builtol granite.
The cotton crop Is 40 per cent short of
last year's yield in Southwest lexas.
For 10 cents each children under 14
are now admitted to the World's Fair.
Dengue or break-bone fever has made
Its appearance at Corpus Christi, Tex.
Ex-Treasurer Green MeCurtin of Ok
lahoma is short $104,727. He has dis
appeared. A public library and literary resort ex
clusively for the blind has been opened
in Chicago.
The Ferris wheel at the World's Fair
has taken in the $1100,000 it cost and
$100,000 beside.
New York city will spend $20,000 to
make her day at the World's Fair a
memorable success.
Many railway bridges have been swept
away by floods in the Indian Territory
and Northern Texas.
Denver has contracted to ship to Eu-
roe by the way of Galveston, Tex., 5,000
tons of Colorado nay.
The Welsh in the United States claim
that they are in number as many as their
countrymen In Wales.
The manufacture of cigarettes shows a
remarkable and steady increase over
other forms of tobacco.
The cruiBer New York will be the first
United States vessel to receive a battery
of Whitehead torpedoes.
Eight thousand men are employed on
the canal that will carry the sewage of
Chicago to the Illinois river.
In New York the grand jury has made
a presentment recommending that the
oltiee of Coroner be abolished.
worker, has indict over 000 persons to
sign the pledge at Tuscola, la.
A Portland (Me.) furniture man, who
baa failed for nearly $800 000 shows up
with less than $5,000 worth of assets.
The employes of the Denver and Rio since July 1, 18H3; also that of 10,
Grande railroad have agreed to accept a 782 cases suspended under the act of
1U per cent reduction in wages until Jan
TKa nlttlltr Biitninn wnalliRi. Iinfl
brought sickness and death to the
Orientals on the Midway Plaisance,
The diminished price of silver lias
caused the shutdown of many Mexican
mines and also greatly decreased the
Contracts have recently been made for
between 500 and 1,000 cars In Nebraska i,y the United States Commissioner at
for transportation of last year's corn and ti,e port of entry. The certificate de
hay crop. scribes the immigrants. The circular
Mrs. Samuel Bennett of Tanner, W.
Va gave birth to her twenty-ninth
ciuid a lew days ago. . ah the cnuuren
are alive. I
It is safe now to number the deaths in
the nw.nl fltiirm liulnw ew Of leans at
2,000 and over, and the loss In property
will be many millions,
The house of the late Justice Bradley,
formerly the Washington home of Ste-
fihen A. Douglas, has been purchased by
'apal Delegate Satolli.
The Texas Associated Press has con
tracted with the Associated Press for a
period of ten years and severed its con
nection with the United Press.
A correspondent of the New York Trl
bune suggests the holding of a great
World's Fair at New York in 1000 to eel-'
brate the closing of the nineteeth cen
tury. There is a movement in Canada for
having a national park created in the (
Nepigon country,, in order that the
...... .. .i ii 1
trout nsiung mere may oeeiernauy per-.
i.?1' v i ir ii . . u...
The New York Herald announces tha
President McLeodof the New England i
railroad has secured an entrance to the
center of New ork city with good termi-
nal facilities.
Fourteen members of the Board of (
rreenoiuers oi laiiersuu, n. o., wave
n.MII nf motrin.. t'Al IHH1 franrl.
ulently in the purchase of a courthouse
for that town.
Captain Porter of the whaler Newport
claims to have sailed to the eighty
fourth parallel of the pole. Navigators
are getting there by degrees. This is
within six of it.
John D. Rockefeller, the Standard Oil
multi-millionaire, is to purchase at Tar
rytown, N. Y., about 500 acres for $750,
000. He will build a mansion which will
cost over $1,000,000.
Every member of Congress has re.
ceived an anonymous printed circular
threatening United States Senators as
enemies ot the people lor not acting on
the silver purchase repeal bill.
Two hundred prominent citizens of
Austin, lex., have asked - Governor
Hogg to accept the sugar bounty ac
cumulated at Washington to Texas
credit, which he refused last spring.
Mrs. Mathilda Cross MacConnell has
presented to the city of Pittsburg five
long squares of ground as it is described
for a public park. She is the third ladv
in the city who has given land for park
It is announced that more than 21,000
patents were granted on inventions in
volving the industrial application of
electricity between January 1, 1876, and
December 31, 1802, and tbe number of
new ones is increasing at the rate of
2,000 per annum.
At present there are seventy-one pub
lic buildings in course of construction in
the United States, and the plans for
forty-nine new ones, for which appropri
ations have been made, are being pre
pared in the Treasury Department.
Representative Caminetti has discov
ered a way to avoid the heavy expense of
deporting Chinese who refuse to register.
He protxwes that the government send
some of the old war vessels going out of
commission for that purpose.
Th Standard Oil CouiDinv has hnnirht
3,000 acres of land near the lake front at
Ashtabula, O., with the intention of
erecting a big steel plant capable of turn
ing ont 2,000 tons per da v. ihe location
is favorable for securing supplies of
cheap coal and ore.
The Old Mary Washington monument
at Fredericksburg, Va., was polled down
and the box in the corner-stone turned
over to the officers of the Monument As
sociation. The box was filled with water
and a confused mass of pulp. None of
the objects eonld be distingnished. The
stone of the old monument will be placed
in the foundation of the new one about
to be erected. Tbe same corner-stone
will be nsed.
Senator Dolph believes that silver may
be maintained, but not by the Sherman
law or free coinage,
rostmaater-Ueiieral Hissell Is expected
to devote considerable attention in his
annual report to the project! 1-ceut
postal service. He believes the Inaugu
ration of the service is Impossible at the
present time, owing to a dellcit of $,
000,000 In postal funds in the Treasury.
Governor Caleb V. West of Utah, In
his annual report, states that the total
population of the Territory is estimated
at 233,806, an Increase of iWi.DOO. He
cause of recent financial stringency and
the decline of silver values, the popula
tion of the mining districts has ma
terially decreased during the past six
months, while there has been a steady
growth in the other parts of the Terri
tory. Anderson of West Virginia has Intro
duced a bill to amend Section 5,628 of
the Itevised Statutes by striking out the
words "unless such force be necessary
to repel armed enemies of the United
States or to keep the peace at the polls."
This Is one of the lederal statutes not
repealed in the Tucker bill, and the
amendment is intended to prevent any
army or navy officers bring troops to the
Hepreaentative Poolittle of Washing
ton has introduced a joint resolution In
the House providing lor a commission,
consisting of three Senators anil six Rep
resentatives to go over the entire route
of the Nicaragua canal and make a thor
ough examination with a view of sub
mitting to Congress a comprehensive re
port ofthe existing conditions and fur
nishing information upon which future
legislation may be had. The resolution
was referred to the Committee on Inter
state and Foreign Commerce.
The Banking and Currency Com
mittee heard Bryan of Nebraska ou his
bill to secure depositors of National
Banks, compelling the banks to set
aside one-fourth of 1 per cent of the av
erage deposits for the two mouths pre
ceding January 1 until a fund of f 10,
000,000 is created to be paid depositors
of failed banks. Bryan argued that the
lepositors ought to be paid at once, for
if every depositor was sure of his money
he would not draw it out, and this
would have the effect of preventing
Secretary Smith has sent to the Senate
the reply of Commissioner lochren to
inauiries. The number of pensions
granted during the period ending Sep
tember 1, 18113, was 55,244. Of these
1 ?..1?Lere. w?eT. the.?l!n?raL Bw nd
W.U67 under the law ol imw. i ne num-
I i .. , .aiia ! arjt
, 01)iae tlB jm.jHaiction
, 1r..itl xtt !... h n .nxnen.l.
1800 payment lias been resumed in 0,072
cases up to October 5, 18t)3.
' me circular saueu uy un ieu guiles
nupennienuenr, oi immigration oui up
1 10 carry out the agreement with Ca-
! '"n.T." .'T.r.. . .Vl
, tL:, K.otoo miianA jn r,i
vjdeg fcr an immi t eertim.ate ich
AntUla.O Ko I.Mai.. trx a.ln.io.inn int tit a
I vtin n.a irtiu aitsawi w vjjidoivi i i j vuo
. Unita states when nmtwrlv iwH.lflvd
also provides for a head tax by the
' steamer landing the immigrants. The'
ports oi iiainax, iueuec, roini ievis,
Vancouver and Victoria are the only
ports at which such immigrants shall be;
Cumuiiiiga from the Committee on
Naval Affairs presented to the House
and had passed a resolution calling on
the Secretary of the Navy for informa
tion as to the amount of premiums paid
extractors for the construction of war
ships developing speed in excess of re
quirements, etc. After this the bill to
remit the penalties on the dynamite
cruiser Vesuvius came up, and Sayers of
Texas vigorously opposed it, claiming
the Vesuvius was worthless lor the pur
poses for which she was built, Talbot
Qf Maryland read a letter from Secre
tary Herbert declaring the claim an
equitable one and Baying if the dyna
mite guns did not show Improvement
the Vesuvius would be fitted with other
armament. The amount involved is $30,-
sui mi . i. Ml . .i .
uuu. me um wem over wunoui aciion.
In the Supreme Court of the United
StaUig ex-Attorney-General Garland
a9ked tmj mntt vaMCe for he .
the , o( th(J Northem Vaci&c Kaif.
roa(, Company vs. J. L. Patterson, Treas-
nrer of uanatjn county, Mont., from the
Montana Supreme Court. The proposi-
tions contained in this case involve niu
mately the question of the taxability of
all the unpatented surveyed lands within
the limits of the Northern Pacific, South
ern Pacific, Union Pacific, Central Pa
cific, California and Oregon, Oregon and
California, Atlantic and Pacific, Texas
Pacific and all other various land grants
made bv Congress to aid in the construc
tion of railroads. These lands now
amount in the case of the Northern Pa
cific grant alone to over 17,000,000 acres,
an area rapidly increasing as the surveys
are farther extended. The area of lands
in the same condition included in simi
lar grants will more than double this.
These lands are to be found in almost
every State west of the Mississippi, and
their taxability has been one of the great
sources of revenue in those States. The
Southern Pacific Company, controlling
the land grants of that road, of the Cen
tral Pacinc.'Oregon and California and
California and Oregon, refuses to pay
taxes upon unpatented portions of those
grants. The States along the line of the
Northern Pacific have sustained the
claims of the County Treasurers, and tax
the lands within their jurisdiction; and
the railroad company comes to the Su
preme Court for relief.
The report of Brigadier-General Will
iam P. Carlin, commanding the military
department of the Columbia, which in
cludes the States of Oregon, Washington
and a part of Idaho and the Territory
of Alaska, has been received at the War
Department. The General devotes a
large part of his report to urging the
necessity for the abandonment of some
small posts in the department because
of their inaccessibility and the estab
lishment of larger posts in place of them
at points near the railroad and the large
cities and towns. General Carlin re
commends the discontinuance of Fort
Spokane, Wash., and the construction
of a post near Spokane. Fort Town
send, he says, is useless to protect the
cities and harbors of l'uget Sound, and
he thinks the garrison should be re
moved to some important point. One,
if not two, points in addition to th ese
named could, in General Carlin's opin
ion, be abandoned with advantage to the
government. Fort Canby, at the
mouth of the Columbia river, would be
of great importance in time of war with
a naval power, but it is inaccessible in
winter, and only a small garrison is re
quired there in time of peace. Fort
Stevens, on the opposite or southern
side of the river, is also a point of great
importance, and General Carlin urges
that it be strongly fortified. General
Carlin reports that desertions in the de
partment of tbe Columbia showed an in
crease during the year. He says that
. i . . . . ir. . .
me Munufn hj eniisa a cumpany us In
dian resulted in failure.
Novel Method to Secure
Payment of Taxes.
Canal du Midi to be Extended-Plow
or Bar Silver to India-Postal
Service by Camels.
Drought Is interfering with farm work
in Italy.
i Germany has a clock whlnh. It is
claimed, will run 9,000 days without
, The Russian authorities -have forbid
den the publication of marriage oilers in
me newspajiers.
The population of the English town of
Nottingham has increased 127,300 in the
last sixteen years.
London has been holding an exhibi
tion of fire engines. The oldest one
shown bore the date of 1570.
Spain has excepted from quarantine
all Russian war ships touching at Cadis,
unless there is disease aboard.
In Paris at the sale of autographs the
letters of Zola realized 4s each; Mau
passant, 6s; Victor Hugo, 0s 8d.
The American colony in Paris now
numbers 3,600. There is a falling oil'
from the census of two years ago of
No less than forty Italian Bishops are
now without their exequaturs, owing to
a conflict lietween the Vatican and the
A water-drinking contest was recently
held in Paris. The winner swallowed
twelve quarts, the second nine and the
third seven.
Among the novel societies Incorporated
in Europe recently is "The Society for
the Protection of Non-Smokers'' in
Lower Austria.
Abbas Pasha, the Khedive of Egypt,
intends to visit England in the spring of
1804, provided that the English court
shall be willing.
The British government has decided
to act as a mediator between the striking
miners and owners provided it iB accept
able to both sides.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria is in
great tlnancial straits, and iub lather-ln-Faw
and Karon Hirsch have each loaned
him 1,000,000 francs.
Returns from the various vitlcultnral
societies of France show that the wine
crop of the country for the year amount
ed to 30,000,000 hectolitres.
Prince Bismarck has Bold his memoirs
to a London publisher for 600,000 marks
on the condition that they shall be pub
lished Immediately after his demise.
Unsuccessful efforts have been made
to got German bankers at Berlin to form
a syndicate to take a great Italian loan,
the reported amount being $120,000,000.
world's fair to be held In Madrid
in 1804 will seek to surpass the Colum
bian Exposition in all the attributes of
greatness. It is a very large undertak
! Ipg for Spain
Emigration from Spain to South Amer-
nan Kepublics is assuming considerable
proportions, owing to the extreme die-
tress prevailing in the country, especially
in the agricultural districts,
It is currently rumored In London that
William Waldorf A star is about to build
in that city the largest and most costly
hotel in the world, which, it is estimated,
will cost more than $7,000,000,
The Queen Regent of Spain has de
cided to fulfill a heartfelt wish of her
husband and establish a college in the
Escurial. bearing her name, for the
teaching and study of Christian sciences,
Apollinaris water comes from a Bnring
in the valley on the Ahr in the Rhine
district. A whole villuge is engaged in
bottling it and shipping it. From 100,
000 to 150,000 bottles are prepared in a
" Piggie's Island " in London, which
took its name from the dirty hovels
which clustered on it, has been converted
hv the Iindon County Council Into a
clean and beautiful park. It cost $25,000
to make the change.
The report that eleven rebellious Se
as were blown from the guns at Cabul
enied bv later news from Simla. An
officer was shot by an orderly, and the
latter was executed. 1 Hat wag an tne
rioting and the only execution.
It is reported that the French govern
ment has determined to suppress bull
fighting in that country. The Society
for the Protection of Animals will bring
suit against a Mayor who authorized a
fight in order to test the law in the case.
Fully 1,600 people are to leave Iceland
this year for the Canadian Northwest,
and as the Canadian government will
nav their passage and in other wave en
able them to settle in more desirable
homes, the exodus is likely to continue,
Rouen Cathedral is in danger, the west
front being seriously dilapidated. 1 he
local authorities will not pay for the nec
essary restoration ; so, unless the State
comes to the rescue sjieedily, this fine
old building promises to be irreparably
The French government has just cre
ated in the nature of an experiment a
Pistal service by camel express in the
rench territories of Olxish and the So
mali coast. In connection with this
service a special provisional stamp will
be issued, the value being 5 francs.
It is under renewed contemplation to
extend or supplement the old Languedoc
canal Canal du Midi built some 200
years ago, from ISordeaux at the Garonne
river to the Mediterranean by means of
a new canal, to be 27 feet deep, 140 to
200 feet broad and some 300 miles long.
Calcutta advices say the flow of bar
silver to India is due partly to the de
mands made by the native mints and by
private enterprises for the illegal coinage
of rupees. As soon as the decree sus
pending the free coinage of silver was
issued, the illegal coinage of rupees in
creased alarmingly.
Princess Maud of Wales is particularly
fond of assuming an alias and dropping
some of the red tape and royalty. Every
year she goes to visit her former gover
ness, who lives in Devonshire. Always
the sensible Princess insists on being
called Miss Mills and upon being treated
as a member of the family.
It is said that fully 300,000 men, wom
en and children in Lancashire, England,
alone are dependent from meal to meal
on public charity, owing to the prolonga
tion ot the lockout, a remarxauie leat
n l.. . Lit., un nrin . : i
UIC IB ...U, J.,WV U...J.O
cashire have been idle for two months,
not ten Police Court eases have arisen.
The government of Saxony has adopted
a novel method to secure the payment of
taxes. The names of persons who did
not pay their taxes last year are printed
and hung no in all the restaurants and
saloons. The proprietors dare not serve
those mentioned on the lists with food
or drink under penalty of losing their
Whit Valley, 05(307t'c; Walla
Walla, Mttm;-,c per cental.
Eastsrn Smoked Msats and Lard
Hams, medium, U(t5c per pound;
breakfast bacon, 18(4 lOc,; nhort clear
sltles, 1610c; dry salt sides, I3i4c;
lard, compound, in tins, lO'c per pound ;
pure, In tins, 13 (3 15c.
Burlaps. B-onnce. 40-Inch, net cash,
6c; burlaps, 10 -ounce, 40-inch, net
cash, o'c; burlaps, 11 -on nee, 40-incn,
7,c; burlaps, ltl-ounce, 00-lnch, 11c;
burlaps, Ill-ounce, 70-inch, 14c; wheat
bags. Calcutta, 22x30, spot, 8c; 2-buahel
oat bags, 74c; No. 1 selected second
hand bags, 7c; Calcutta hop cloth, 24
otince, 10c.
Hops were quiet yesterday and a shade
lower. Tallow has advanced in the East.
Hops 'V2s, 10(3 10c per pound, accord
ing to Quality: new crop. '03s. HctaiOc;
choice, 10c(317c.
Wool Prices nominal.
Hides Dry selected prime. 6c; green,
salted, (10 pounds and over, 3,'yc; nnder
60 pounds, 2 (at 3c; sheep pelts, shearlings,
10( 1 5c; medium, 20($36c; long wool,
30(3J0c; tallow, good to choice, 33e
per pound.
FixDR-8tamlard, $3.00; Walla Walla,
$3.00; graham, $2.60; superfine, $2.25
per barrel.
Oats New white, 3530c per bushel ;
new gray, 3233c; rolled, in bags, $0.25
6.50; barrels, $tl.757.O0; cases, $3.76.
Mii.Lsrurrs Bran. 110.00: shorts.
$18.00; ground barley, 2223; chop
feed, $18 per ton: whole feed, barley, 80
moots per cental; middlings, fzaigst
per ton: chicken wheat. tl.I0l. 25 per
Hay Good, $1012 per ton.
Riitteh Oreimn fancy creamery. 30
(332 c; fancy dairy, 2527c; fair to
good, 1720c; common, 15 10c per
Cheese Oregon, 1012c; Califor
nia, 13(gl4c; Young America, 15 10c per
Eoos Oregon, 27,0 per dozen; East
ern, 2325c
Poultry Chickens, old, $3.0U3.&0;
broilers, $1.50(93.00; ducks, $3.00(4.00;
geese, $8.009.00 per dozen; turkeys,
live, 14c per pound.
Beep Prime steers. S2.60S2.75; fair
... 1 .lutM tO Rll. nnnl ln.il.nlM
cows, $1.602.00; dressed beef, $3.60
0.00 per 100 txmhds.
Mutton Choice mutton, $2.002.50;
dressed, $4.00g5.60; lambs, $2.002.60;
dressed, $0.00 ; live weight, sz.uuc42.ou.
H 00s Choice heavy, $5.00(5.50; me
dium, $4.505.00; light and feeders,
$4.505.00; dressed, $7.00.
veal $-:.ou(9o.ou.
Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual
ity, $8.50(89.00 per box ; for crosses, $2
extra per box; I. C. coke plates, 14x20,
prime quality, $7.508.00per box; terne
plate, I. C, prime quality, $0.507.00.
Nails Base quotations: Iron, $2.25;
steel, $2.35; wire, $2.60 per keg.
Steel Per pound, 10c.
La ad Per pound. AMo: bar. 0c
Naval Storks Oakum, $4.505.00 per
bale; resin, $4.80(35.oo per 48U pounua;
tar. Stockholm. $13 ; Carolina, $0 per bar
rel ; pitch, $G per barrel ; turpentine, 05c
per gallon in car lots.
Iron Bar, 2o per pound; pig-Iron,
Z3(gz& per ton.
VEGETABLES and fruits.
Vegetables Cabbage, la per pound;
potatoes, Oregon, 76c per sack ; new on
ions, II4C per pound; tomatoes. 35
40c per box: green corn. 15c per dozen;
sweet potatoes, 1 1 c per pound ; egg
plant, $1.00 per box; uregon celery, so
Fruits Sicily lemons, $0.00(30.60 per
uua , vnuiuitiia nun uui ft.uviBw,uv
per box ; bananas, $l.60C43.00 per bunch ;
oranges, $3.60 per box : Oregon peaches,
85c(3$1.00 per box ; California, per box ;
fall butter pears, 8000c per box, ll)4c
per pound; cassavae. fzigfz.ou: grapes,
60(a3OOc per box : Italian prunes, 75(g$l
per pox; apples, naiuwiii, mug, 00c
1 . - 1 r 1.1 ir: nr. .
MSl.OU per liox; waxen, voigvuc; cran
berries, $8(38.60 per barrel.
Dried Fruits Petite prunes. lOrti 11c:
silver, ll12c; Italian, 13)c; German,
10(3 lie; plums, 80c; evaporated ap
ples, 10(3 11c; evaporated apricots, 14(3
15c; peaches, 10(3 12 '4c; pears, 7 (3 11c
per pound.
Honey Choice comb, 18c per pound;
new Oregon, 10(g20c; extract, 0(8 10c.
Salt Liverpool, 100s, $10.00; 60s,
$10.50; stock, $8.60(89.60.
Coffee Costa Rica, 23c; Rio, 22c;
Salvador, 23c; Mocha. 2()28c; Ar
buckle's, Columbia and Lion, 100-pound
cases, 26.30u per pound.
Beans Small whites. 3(3 3 c; pinks,
3c; bayos, 33c; butter, 4c; lima,
3'aC per pound.
Rice Island,$5.756.00;Japan, j
New Orleans, $6.60U.2o per cental.
Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4055cj
in half-barrels, 42(867c: in cases. 35(3
80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg ; California,
in barrels, 20(340c per gallon; $1.76 per
Hugar D, 5c ; Golden 0, 6c ; extra
C. &c ; confectioners' A, 64c ; dry gran
ulated, 0c; cube, crushed and pow
dered, 70 per pound ; Jo per pound
discount on all grades for prompt cash;
maple sugar, 15(3 loo per pound.
Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted,
$1.75(32.00; peaches, $1.85(32.00; Bart
lett pears, $1.75(32.00; plums, $1.37)(3
1.50; strawberries, $2.25(32.46; cherries,
$2.25(32.40; blackberries, $1.85(82.00;
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25(3
2.80; apricots, $1.05. Pie fruits,
assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.26; plums,
$1.00(31.20; blackberries, $1.25(3 1.40 per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted,
$3.16(33.50; peaches, $3.50(84.00; apri
cots, $3.50(84.00; plums, $2.75(33.00;
blackberries, $4.25(84.60; tomatoes.ll.io.
Meats Corned beef. Is, $1.60; 2s,
$2.40; chipped, $2.55(83.00: lunch
tongue, Is, $4; 2a, $0.75; deviled ham,
$1.75(32.15 per dozen.
Fish Sardines, l4, 76c$2.25;
$2.16(84.60; lobsters, $2.30(33.50; sal
mon, tin Mb tails, $1.25(3$1.60; flats,
$1.76; 2-lbs, $2.26(32.60; .-barrel, $5.50.
The German Government has ar
ranged with half a dozen universities for
a series of lectures on sanitation, to tie
delivered to people engaged in the pub
lic service, numbing, drainage, laundry
work, the disposal of sewage, slaughter
ing cattle, ventilation and other subjects
which involve the public health are to
be tbe topics for instruction.
SksotlB, LloM la Of AUm Mountain.
Amopg the Arabs of the Atlas
mountains, where the lion is hunted
with anccees, the hunter studies his
beast before engaging' in battle. If
he is very fat, there is little danger in
pot shots. If he is lean and spry, the
Arab will maneuver for a coign of
vantage from which be can pour in
three or four shots before coming to
clone quarters. If he is so emaciated
that yon can count his ribs, the rule
fcs to ahoot boldly; tne brute cannot
retaliate. San Francisco Argonaut
Highest of all in Leavening
Spirits of Turpentine Will De
stroy ltoup Germs.
A Flan of Keeping Onions Through
Winter Advice About Milk
ing Farm Notes.
Never waste f je in wintering weak
The grub is often the cause ot the
flower plants turning yellow.
Keeping the orchard well trimmed
will add to the appearance of the farm.
Tobacco is a valuable insecticide
against greenhouse peat, used dry, as
smoke or in the form of decoction.
Where the hives are troubled with
ants a little pine tar on a board, placed
next tne nive, win seep tnem away.
Cuttings of grapes and currants taken
close to the old wood will be more cer
tain to root than if from long pieces cut
This season seems to be a favorable
one for some of the less common kinds
of insects, and they have occurred in
increased numbers.
Burn the Btraw or other material from
the nests once a week, and replace it
with fresh. This practice will aid greatly
in keeping down lice.
Manv swarms and large yields of
honey will not be obtained during the
same season. The one will be developed
at the expense of the other.
To secure the greatest quantity of pure
white combs remove the sections as Boon
as filled, and replace empty ones with
starters of comb foundation.
Do as much plowing this autumn as
possible. It will save time in getting
crops in next spring, and will prevent
many weeds maturing in stubble fields.
Late growth produces tender wood.
which cannot withstand a low tempera
ture; tlierelore, cease cultivating orchard
trees in time for them to thoroughly
If discarded apples are removed from
the orchard and fed to pigs or other stock
or the animals allowed to pick them up
in the orchard, many injurious insects
will be destroyed.
Do not allow weeds to mature seed on
the land where potatoes were grown.
They will seed the ground thoroughly for
another year witli loxtail, pui-sian, pig'
weeds, etc., if allowed to grow.
Examine flocks of sheep, and if ticks
are still found on them, destroy by dip
ping in tobacco decoction or in some of
the prepared dips before they are con
fined in barns and Biieda again.
In pruning voung seedlings after the
introduced bud has started growth do
not cut away too much of it at a time, or
too heavy a flow of sap sont to the young
snoot may kin tne introduced bud.
One of the liest ways of renewing an
old currant bush is to cut out all the old
growth and the greater portion of the
new and dig thoroughly around the roots
und apply a good dressing of manure.
wintkhino onions.
I will repeat my plan of keeping
onions through winter in as few words
as possible, as some of your readers ma
have forgotten it, or perhaps not have
noticed it, Bays a writer in Ohio Farmer.
We select a piece of dry ground and dig
a trench from four to six feet wide, and
long enough to hold all that we have to
nut in it. We put them about six
inches deep in the pit. They are put
upon the ground, but about two inches
of straw over them, and then a few
inches of earth on the straw. We wish
them to get frozen as soon as possible
after they are put into the pit. After
we are certain that they are all frozen,
we haul some manure and cover them,
perhaps a foot deeper, than at first.
There are two reasons for this. One ia
that if they are allowed to thaw during
the winter, they will almost certainly
rot and the entire lot be lost. Upon the
other hand, if they get frozen too hard,
tliev will either rot when they thaw out
or else be dead and worthless for sets. In
the spring, after the frost is all out of
them, we take them out of the pit and
put them back upon the shelves again,
as they were during the fall before.
There they remain until they are needed
to set out. I have tried various plans
of preserving onion sets through winter,
but none 01 them nave proved as satis
factory as the above, In fact, we con
sider ft Just about perfect.
TURI'ENTINE por roup.
Western Kural says: Experiments
made show that germs of roiiD are de
stroyed when brought in contact with
spirits of turpentine. Turpentine, how
ever, is a severe dose to give, even if ef
fectual, and if too much is given, it may
do damage of itself. To properly pre
pare it mix one part spirits of turpen
tine, one part kerosene and three parts
glycerine in a sewing machine oil can,
and always shake well before using.
with the point ol the oil can force three
drops of the mixture down the throat of
the towl three times a day. Koup is a
disease that is almost incurable, being
contagious, and gradually exhausts the
mru iiinieau 01 causing insiam ueai.11.
If it appears in the flock, the labor of han
All Other Baking Powders
Leave traces of Ammonia Alua,
Alkali or Acid in the Food.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow&r
Is tht only Baking Powder that is free from any taint ol
adulteration or defect
Dr. Price' is indispensable when perfect work and whc
some (bod are desired.
Its higher raising power and marvelous purity msi
uore economical than any other.
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
dling the sick birds Is often more than
the value of the flock, and as roup can
not well be treated on the wholesale plan
(that is without handling the fowls), it
is cheaper to clean them out, burn the
carcasses, thoroughly disinfect and begin
anew. The building should be very
warm and dry.
It cannot help but he injurious to a
cow to milk her np to a new calving. It
is exhausting to the cow and the calf
both, as the calf is supported by the cow
and needs the nutriment that is taken
from the cow in the milk. A cow should
be dried off four weeks before the calf is
due, and this is more desirable because
the milk itself is undergoing a change
during this time by which it is made un-
nt tor use in tne dairy ana unpieasani
for food. To dry a cow leave half the
milk in the udder, and continue this for
a week ; then milk once a day only, and
still leave some ot the milk ; feed only
dry food, and if necessary, straw ; but
give meal in moderate quantity. If the
cow is one of those occasional profuse
milkers that cannot be dried, the milk
may be fed to pigs and the cow milked
partly. '
To Inaora Plcaunt Draws.
It Is not enough that children should be
kept In Ignorance of evil, their sensitive
spirits are so alive to every passing influ
ence that suggestions ars surely boms to
them of the sin and sorrow all around.
They have intuitions, if not discernment,
of the existence of much concerning which
their elders suppose them to be altogether
In the dark. The expulsive power of
toothing thoughts is perhaps tha only
remedy for all night fears. The writer
partly attributes her own exemption la
childhood from these tortures to a habit
somehow acquired of repeating to herself
before going to sleep tbe nrst stanza or
Bishop Ken's evening hymn.
We could scarcely tell what spell of peace
it bore, whether it lay in the music of the
words, in Its opening note of praise, which
seemed to lift the spirit Into regions ol
eternal calm, or in the trustful rapture ot
its prayer, but the "blessings of the light"
seemed still to linger on the strain; tha
darkness was but as the shadow of tha
"Almighty wings" beneath which we were
"Give me a great thought to die on,"
asked Herder on his deathbed. And a
peaceful thought to fall asleep on, a
thought in which, as Herbert hath it,
"more than in bed we rest," is a mighty
help for children of every growth toward
healthy slumber. Argosy.
DeBnltlent of tbe Praloas Infant
Cynical subscribers to London Tit-Blta
have funushedjhe following definitions ot
a baby: y
A daylight charmer and a midnight
A pleasure to two, a nuisance to every
other body and a necessity to the world.
An Inhabitant of Lapland,
The morning caller, noonday crawler,
midnight brawler.
An Invention for keeping people awake
at night
A mite of a thing that requires a mighty
lot of attention.
A thing everybody thinks there is a great
deal too much fusa about unless it Is their
A thing we are expected to kiss, and lsok
as if we enjoyed it.
A mite of humanity that will cry no
harder if a pin is stuck into him than he
will it the cat won't let him puU her tail.
A crying evil you only aggravate by put.
ting down.
Tbe bachelor's horror, the mother's treas
ure and the despotic tyrant of the most re
publican household.
The human screech owl, whose warbling
sounds are demoniacal to some, seraphic to
many and appealing to all.
That which increases the mother's toll,
decreases tbe father's cash and serves as
an alarm clock to the neighbors.
Mark Twain's Hrothar.
Mark Twain has a brother living la
Keokuk, la., who Is absentminded enough
for Mark to "put In a book." It is related
that he drank violet ink for blackberry
cordial and took an allopathio dose of am
monia Instead of his cough medicine, but
his latest abeentmioded adventure oc
curred when his wife bad goes to a Sun
day school picnic
Mis. Clemens Instructed hr husband
that he would And his lunch nicely pre
pared In the refrigerator. On her way
home she inquired of Mr. Clemens as to
his bachelorhood and bow he had enjoyed
his lunch.
"Well," said Mr. Clemens, "I dtdnt
think the salad you spoke of wa especially
good, but I ate it."
Mrs. Clemens discovered that be had
"eaten it" indeed that Is, the yeast pat to
raise for the next day's baking, while the
salad remained untouched. New York
Dangers of Procrattlnntlea.
Undlady-I 'pose you noticed that long
whiskered old gentleman who sat opposite
yon at dinner today f That Is Professor
Driebones, and you can bars his room, as
be is going west on a scientiflo exploration
-strangest thing you srer heard.
New Boarder-What Isf
!.andlady-The object of his tour. He
bas been told that a prehistoric cars has
been discovered out west, and In It sat ten
skeletons around a petrifled table.
wi u i-V.r1i Willi! Whv dtdnt
the fools change their boarding house sooo-
er.-New xora weeaiy.
What the Qumb'i Rom Crave.
It Is told oo high authority that Queen
Victoria's favorite scents are petchoali
..j ..k.i. Tkiaa famous India
auu uivMM..w
ihawla which the gives ss wedding pns
1 . I L -1-
antaars perfumed wun rnrii.
ioo I Mot