Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, October 13, 1893, Image 4

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    The New Bread
As endorsed anjd recommended by
tHe New-YorkHealth Authorities.
Royal Unferrnentcd, Bread is peptic, palatable, most
healthful, and may be eaten warm and fresh without
discomfort even by those, of delicate digestion, which
Is not true of bread made in any other way.
To make One Loaf of Royal Unfermented Bread :
I quart flour, I teaspoonful ult, half a tcsspoonful sugar,
a heaping teaspoonfula Royal Baking Powder, cold boiled
potato about the size of largo hen's egg, and water.
Sift together thoroughly flour, tall, sugar, and baking powder; rub In the
potato; add sufficient water to mix smoothly and rapidly Into a stiff batter,
about aa toft ai for pound-cake; about a pint of water to a quart of flour will
be required mora or leu, according to the brand and quality of the flour
uied. Do not make a 11111 dough, like yeast bread. Pour the batter into a
greaied pan, 4 H by 8 inchei, and 4 inchei deep, filling about half full. The
loaf will rite to fill the pan when baked. Duke In very hot oven 45 minutes,
placing paper over ftrit 15 minutei' baking, to prevent cruiting too loon on
top. Bake Immediately after mixing. Do not mil with milk.
Ptrfitt ttuten tan h had mly with Iht Royal Baking PtmJtr, bttauit it is tht
nlyfnvJtr in whieh tht ingredient! art frt fared it at to gait that ontinuoul
aitim Military It milt Iht largtr brtad loaf.
The best baking powder made is, as shown by analy
sis, the "Royal." Its leavening strength has been found
superior to other baking powders, and, as far as I know,
it is the only powder which will raise large bread perfectly.
Cyrus Eilson, M. D.
Com'r of Health, New-York City.
reel heart, you have nut known me
if I am great or aiaai
Vet, somewhere you -I m It own me
Henmlh dial's aiili-inlnl k !:
Tliouiih now life's urukan chalice
No earthly ewueta ran win,
Someday. at Uiva'iown imlace,
Vour arnia eliail take me lul
. Borne day a ruae will hloaaoin
White In the thorny wave.
And on the itnrk MkIiI's bwim
Will fall the mornings rayat
Borne day, when I am lying
I'ale from Hie torin and it rife,
Vour III ahall nock iui, dying,
And klsa me luu'k to llfol
Then will tho bird eniiirs, ringing,
t all auft on flelila of bloom;
Then will the streams How singing
ThrniiKh grnvua (if rich "erf uuuil
Then ahull the world benighted,
The rarest aplchdor win,
And at Love's palace lighted
Your arnia ahall hike me lul
-Frank L Blanlon In Atlanta Constitution.
Brcadmakcrs using this receipt who will write the result
of their experience will receive, free, the most practical cook
book published, containing 1000 receipts for all kinds of
cooking. Address t
A Weird Suake Story That Happened to a
Veraeloue Citlaen.
"1 got my start In a queer way," re
marked a man of evident wealth as the
drntnmer finished a story.
"How wastbatr" Inquired tbedrummer.
"Twenty-live year ago," continued the
snoeeaaful citizen, "I waa traveling with a
ldeenow, and the business went to pieces.
leaving me Ita creditor for wagca to the
amoont of (100, and no assets but the atock
In trade. Tola was divided, and my ahare
waa an anaconda about 18 feet long and aa
big around aa my body. It waan't fat,
though, I think, for air waa about the only
thing It bad to live on for several weeka be
fore the failure. Be that a it may, I took
theanake and started for St. Lou la, where I
proposed to exhibit it. I bad him In a box
in the baggage csr an( aomehow he got
out and started through the train on an ex
ploring expedition.
"Just aa he waa crossing the platformsof
the second and third coaches the couplings
came loose, and there s no telling what
would have happened, for we were going
op heavy mountain grade, if the snake
hadn't twisted himself around the brake
rods and railing and hung on. It was a
big strain on him, but he stuck to it, and
I d a lawyer If be didn t hold that train
together two miles and no doubt saved the
lives of all the pnssengers in the rear conch
es. They thought so anyhow and made me
np a purse of TAX)."
The drummer couched.
"What became of the anaconda?" he in
quired casually.
. "He gave mo my start," replied the nar
rator. "You see, the J500 wasn't a drop In
the bucket, but when we got the snake loose
the strain on him had stretched him out 20
feet longer, and I went into St. Louis with
a snake that no other exhibitor could hold
a candle to, and if you don't believe me I
can show you that snake stuffed and hung
np In my hall at Denver."
The drummer got up with the air of a
man who was uneasy.
"You ought to sell it for a telegraph
pole," he said reproachfully and went out.
Detroit Free Press.
THE $7,600
Has Not Be n Paid to Mr. Fellows of
Huffalo-It Coat Htm 30 to Bend Hla
ticket to Kanaaa t Itr Lawyer Stone
01 St Paul Will Trr snd Get the Money
fur Him Hchroeder, the Man Who
Bold the Ticket to Fallows, la India?
"Not a cent," laid Joseph B. Fellows of l'roa-
eect avenue, when asked bv a Timet renrenenta-
live whether he had received the 7,M0 won by
hlM Ua tuim m Intlnrv nnnnirn run hv V
Fox 4 Co. of Kaunas City, culled Ihe Little bnu
1.1 ,11a lottery, but which has nocoiinertion with
the Louisiana State Lottery proper. "When they
saw 1 was persistent ana alter ine puniicaiiou
of the TYmrs article giving the particulars of my
holding a winning tleket and their failure to
!isy, they telegraphed me that they were en
dued froai paying by the court. Hiuee then I
tave heard nothing Irom them."
"O course you expect to," said the Titan man.
"Well, I don't know," replied Mr. Fellows.
"There la a lawyor at Bt. I'aiil who wrote me
that he represented a man who had won a 916,
OOj prise and named conditions under which he
would andortnke to get my 7,(HO at the same
time. 1 told him to go ahead, but 1 seem to be
as far away now as 1 was before. It oost me $.10
to send my ticket to Kaunas City, and I think
they might at least return that amount to me,
as Ihad to pay It to Ihe expreiis company."
"What does Hchroeder, the man from whom
yon bought the ticket, think of UT"
"Be was as badly taken in as I was."
"Does he sell tickets for them still T"
"No, Indeed; they had the audacity to send
him some and request that ho go on and do
business for them as before."
Sohroeder is a barber on Niagara street, and
anew notning 01 ine cnaractcr 01 the concern
which he represented. When he learned It
through the timet and his experience In the
Fellows mutter he dropped them quick, and has
warnea an inoso wno loimeriy purcnascii tii k
etaol him not to do anymore business with
them or their representatives.
Mr. Fellows Is an honest, industrious citlr.cn,
who boa a right to believe that he should re
ceive what they acknowledged was his. There
are those, however, who are of the opinion Hint,
as this Is the same company that swindled th
late Julius Hons out of a like amount, Mr. Fel
lows stands a very small chance of ever getting
a penny from it.
Just what success Lawyer Stone will have for
' his client Mr. Fellows, of course, cannot tell,
but he hopes for the best. People who have
been Investing their money In this concern are
of the opinion that, II this company Is the fruml
It seems to be, they should be exposed In all
sections of the country. Their gsme, like that
of the green-goods mun and the bunco man, Is
one of fraud.
In the Brst account of the fraud practiced on
Mr. Follows it was shown that In Ht. l'oul anil
other cities the same game hail been played 011
the uususpecling. Home sample think there
may be a compromise through lawyer Htoue,
but thoe who have read and heard more 01
this concern than they, say that he (Fellows) is
oat the 11 he paid Hchroeder lor the ticket, out
of the 13(1 he paid to send It to Kaunas City and
out 17,600, which his ticket culled for as a lml I
winner ol a capital prlte.
There are lotteries which are said to pay, and
pay promptly, but It Is plain to be seen Hint this
the Little Louisiana so called rttu by K. Fox
A Co., Kaunas city, Is not one of them. Buffalo
(AA F.) Time, Seyl. li.
The Quean HsmI No Change.
The Rngliab queen has an income of
6,000 day, and yet she has had many
queer little experiences of finding herself
penniless in awkward situations. On one
oeoaeioa she called a wayside mendicant to
her carriage only to And that neither she
nor the princess with her had a ahilling.
and this regal queen of England and ens
press at India was obliged to borrow some
pen oe from the keeper of the totlgau near
-New York Fun.
Iliiinlng Ilia Wind.
Stranger I presume n man who bus fol
lowed tho sea so ninny years uiuat have
been in some wrecks.
Old Sea Captain Wrecks!1 Well, a few
The wuat wreck I ever hiul was on the Jer
sey coaat
"Long agof"
"S-Jino'aU You we I got becalmed off
tbe count f Ireland."
"Yes. Well, I tried every which way to
tart a wind, hut it was no ga Not a
breath Ktiriin. At hint I got ilcsperiiUi."
"I presume an."
"Yes, I got so desperate I made up my
Blind I'd try a plan I'd often heard of, if it
took the last dollar I had. Can't raise the
Wind without money."
"It's a good drill the Mime way on slioro."
"Jubso. Well, then, I took n blu silver
dollar, kissed it three limes, swung it nine
times around my head, mid then dung it
as far as I could into the sen, In the direc
tion I winded the wind to come, you
"I sec."
"Well, It cainc."
"It did?"
"Did It? Well, you juntoiiKht toseen It.
Tho fust blast took every stitch o' sail clean
off the yards, 1111 in three minutes more we
wasscuildin under hare poles a thousand
utiles an hour."
"Ish'd say so. Well, the nex' thing
knew, bump wen't 'er how, an thorn we
was beln' (limbed all to hits square up ugln
Long Drunch. Why, air, we struck with
such fowe we hounded way up the heaeb
and walked dry shod riu;ht into a hotel."
"1 uovcr beard of Unit."
"N o, tho season was over an the hotels
was closed. Well, sir, after that 1 uever
tried no more silver dollars when I wanted
"I suppose not."
"No, sir. After that I uever fiunir any
thing begRer'n a ten cent piece." Now
Yorlt Weekly.
The Oeeun No Longer Trackless.
Wo speak of the ocean its "trackless." It
so no longer. If two vessels sail from
New York to Calcutta, they will, If lutein
gently navigated, follow so nearly the
same course that their paths, if plotted on
a chart, will hardly diverge by fifty miles
at any point. The same is true of every
other route. Let us consider the case of n
vessel bound to New York from Liverpool
Her captain might, if prepared for a con
stant buttle against diverse winds anil cur
runts and winter gales, select a route uot
very different from that followed by ocean
atenmors between those porta.
Otherwise ho would follow the southern
route laid down hy the sailing directors;
and after beating to the westward a few
hundred miles to make sure of clearing the
coast of Spain, would shape u course to the
southward, passing as far west of Madeira
as the westerly winds of tlieso latitudes
Will permit. Between Madeira ami the
Canaries, but a few hundred miles to the
westward of both, he would fan his way
across the baffling "Culms of Cancer," and
pick up the northeast trades. It li these
astern unci freshening every mile, he
would sweep down to the south ami west,
and when well ovor toward the West
Indies, haul up to the northward toward
Here he would have to work again across
the Calms of Cancer, and ' then with the
uncertain but probably westerly winds of
our Atlantic coast, ami with the (iulf
stream in his favor, he would stand on and
make his port, having sailed 4,500 miles be
tween two ports less than i),000 miles apart,
but with winds and current almost uni
formly favorable, ami with line and brac
ing weather, Goliltliwalte's Geographical
A Wonderful lllrd.
L. E. Thompson, manager of Stilpsio
grove, who is a great collector of curios!
ties, relics ami animal pets, is rejoicing in
the possession of a blue heron, which, if
half that is told about him is true, must lie
a remarkable bird. The heron Is n young
one and was chased by a dog Into some
bushes, where It was captured. It was
placed in a large cage anil attempts were
made to educate it, which have proved en
tlrcly satisfactory.
It will take food from no other hand than
that of Mr. Thompson, of whom it is very
fond, and whose approach It greets with
cries of delight and Happing of wings. The
bird's food is mntly frogs and fish, although
11 occasional IV inclulKes In ice cream, a low
ing it to melt in the cavity of Its large bill
before swallowing It. It also takes coffee
from a spoon, but, lmvinir hiul its throat
scalded once, invariably sticks a toe in ti e
liquid to test its teni)crattire before pa
utKitiK or 11. ine mm wl whistle ur
dance at command and is now lenrning to
turn a back somersault.
une sujry loiu nuout ine Dim Is worm re
peating. Apparently objecting to the still
horns of the bullheads upon which it feeds,
the heron carefully bites the horns off lie-
lore swallowing the hah. When the hull
heads are nil devoured the bird will give a
smack of aatisfoction, pick out an appro
priate bullhead Horn, jump on bis perch,
and, looking around In a dreamy fashion.
calmly pick his teeth with the horn.
Kockville (Conn.) Journal.
Tale Trad. Mark H oa tbs stat
8555 In tho World I '
V. P. N. V. Vo, 614 fl. K. S. U. To. 691
The Structure of Ferns.
When flowering Plants iisuallv make
seed, that la generally the last effort for
plant life the aeed la the lieijinning of the
life of tbe new plant, r ems, however, only
produce spores rr reproductive purposes.
These spores germinate and go through the
same process subsequently that flowers go
through In the production of aeeda, The
spores expand when the germinating time
comes, and form a flat, green membrane:
what are then really the flowers appear on
this membrane. As s geueral rule, after
these fern flowers have matured, tbe mem
brane dries up and disappears. In one fam
ily of ferns, however, natives of New llol
bud, named pUtycerium, this green blade
is permanent and continues to enlarge, be
coming really a portion of tbe plant
Every year a new blade is formed, which
spreads over the old ones. The large plant
la of a totally different character, having
tua fronds of ordinary ferna. '
Clara Kingliuti was one of the pretti
est girls that over walked on two foot.
Whon a follow hovo ulongsitlu hor ho
couldn't help roiimrkiiig tho beauty of
hor lines. She was as lovely us a clip
per ship bowling along under a cltit.d of
canvas, and that's saying 11 good ileal.
All the mun in Old Sulom, Mass., were
madly in love with her, and no wonder.
Out tliors was no lubberly landsman
good enough fur liur, 1 warrant you. Hlie
had tiuiiled down hor colors long ago
and Btirrondorod to Jack (Jrowmnshicld
the big captain of the East linliaiiian
Coroinnnilol, lying down at the dock anil
taking in cargo for Colombo.
Tho skipper was as smart a snilorinmi
as ever took a sight at the situ and tho
Coroinandul was as splendid a ship us
ever flow' the saucy stars and strix-s
from ber monkey guff. Mind you. I am
spinning a yarn of times ovor so long
ago, when bulom was a busy, thriving
maritime town with hor merchants cu
gaged in the Indian trade,, and when her
ships, laden with oriental silks, spices,
bidos und other products, were i-otitinii
ally coming into port. I whs a lively
lad in those days, having taken to the
sea like a goose to the oml. ami when
my captain, Jack CrowiiinshicM, got
spliced to C'luru Kingliuti in the little
stone church on the hill 1 was tliero 11s
large as life.
Tbe skipper seemed more flustered
than she did, and as they passed down
the aisle it was admitted Unit a likelier
couple bud never before been united 11 1
the altar. They went to Doston to spend
the honeymoon, ami I went back alumni.
took off my Siintlay-go-to-uieeling to;,'s
and went aloft with my tur brush.
All our crew was already shipped, ns
we were to sail in three weeks tune, ami
we were trying to see how pretty we
could make the old packet look Ix-fori'
we cast oil' from the dock ami pointed
her nose to blue water. Our sailors
were neither Dutchmen nor il. items
such as one meets) with in these degen
erato days, but good Anierinins -Ihi
linest seamen 111 the world. I'oiupey
tho coal black cook, was an American
too, anil nobody could handle the fore
sheet as well as he: and I tell you hit
pork ami hemis was a dish that would
make you ldtiblier like a baby for mort
and his plum diilf was so inilescriliably
luscious that every Sunday forenoon
while it was n-sizzliug in the coppers
you would ti 111 1 the watch on deck, nil ol
tlietu under the lee of the galley with
the water fairly running out of their
loutlm ns they inhaled the fragrant
odors of pliiuiH niitl spice.
The Coroinandul was 0110 of the fast
est clippers hailing from Salem, and it
was the ambition of every old woman
who hud sons to dispose of to get them
aboard of her. Mothers used to bring
their boys down to the dock and waylay
tho skipper. Some of them would fall
down on their uiiirrowboiics and just
beg of him to take their boys. II was 11
proud day for me when I was shipped,
and on that occasion I felt as haughty
as a dog with two tails. This was my
second voyage, and Iho skipper took
quite an interest 111 1110. 1 was given
chargo of his cabin and used to keep his
traps in order when at sea, tho steward
being a little old and slinky on his pins.
Tho day before the ship was to sail
Captain Crowuinsliield brought his wife
back from Boston and installed her in
the dearest littlo old fashioned cottage
that evor was. It was covered witli
creepers ami vines, ami in tho littlo gar
des that surrounded it hollyhocks, sweet
Williams and any amount of other scent
ed posies grew luxuriantly and crf timed
the air.
Mrs. Crowuinsliield cume aboard the
ship that afternoon, and while her hus
band was at tiie custom house getting
his clearance papers nnd transuding
other business she and I fixed up the
captain's cabin. It did my heart good
toseo that dainty little woman decorat
ing the cabin with ribbons and putting
everything in apple pio order. The con
trivances for liis comfort that were
evolved from her shapely littlo head
were so ingenious that I fairly opened
ty mouth with admiration. A lucky
fellow was Jack Crowuinsliield, always
eating tho fat and drinking the sweet of
lifo. Lint whilo this labor of love was
occupying the littlo woman's mind and
busy lingers big tears were welling tip
in her blue eyes, for tomorrow was the
day of Borrowful parting, and she would
not be likely to see that big husband of
hors for at least two years. I fell in love
witli her at sight, and for nearly two
yours 1 dreamed about tier.
In tho morning tliero wus a large
crowd to see us olf. When the skipper
stepped aboard I noticed ho looked sad
and grave so different from his usual
rockless nnd jovial appearance. Mrs.
Crowninsliield did not see tho ship olf.
The strain would have been too much
for her. They gave us three cheers ns
we spread our canvas to the breeze and
sailed out to sea. Tho wind was fair
and it was a delightful August day
Wo gavo her every stitch sho would
iitwuer under and Salem was soon out
of sight.
Nothing particular happened during
the passngo out. Tho skipper conlidod
to me that he intended to make a collce
tion of "curios' for Ins wife, who was a
particular admirer of things from for
eign parts. I was only a youngster, as
1 have said before, but if the captain had
only known how madly I was in love
with his wife he would doubtless have
kicked me around tho decks. I think 1
was fifteen years old at the time, and
was as foolish us I was young. It is as
tonishing what iutluence a kindly word
from a pretty woman has ttxti a sailor
Ixiy accustomed tofower halfience than
ticks! Besides, my love was akin to
Ipiritual worship.
However, I made up my mind that if
urine would make Mrs. Crowiiinsbield
happy 1 would do my best to afford her
pleasure. So when we were bowling
along through the northeast trades and
the flying fish came alxiard 1 used to
pick out the finest and largest and pre
serve them for keeping, after the recipe
of an old sailor, who was something of
a taxidermist. These fish I would mount
on panels of wood given to ine by the
carpenter, and with their wings extended
with ingenious skill (though I av it who
shouldn't) they looked qnite ornamental.
Tbe captain did bis best to make a
smart passage. The Coromandel was in
ber best trim and waa kept moving all
the time. When we got down to about
HI degs. south latitude, and wuru in Iioxh
of gotting a piping westerly liree.o with
which to run down, we wore hanicred
by a dead calm. It was quite lucky for
mot but the skipper fretted and fumed
like a newly caught bear In a pit. lie
wanted to make tho smartest passage on
record. The ship was surrounded by
Docks of Ca(ie pigeons, Cajio hens and an
occasional albatross. Tho pigeons, which
are birds of lieuutiful plumage, wore
caught easily with hook and lino. All
you had to do was to throw over your
lino baitod with a morsel of suit jsirk
and haul them in hund over fist. 1
caught sovoral hundred and grow ipiite
expert in skinning them and curing tho
skins. They were all Intended for Mrs.
It was a triumphant hour for mo when
1 captured an albatross. 1 am 1111 old,
broken down man now, having been a
sailor boy and man for more than fifty
years, and chictty in tho southern trade.
For voyage after voyngo I have tried to
catch an albatross witli bait, but failed
always. Capu hens Iho vultures of the
sea you can cqitiiro at will. They will
bite at any garbage. But tho albatross
is a cleanly lii.-d and 1 never knew ouo
to be taken with hook and line.
This morning, however, I was on tho
forecastle head, bunging out a shirt to
dry, when the albatross blundered on
board. He was a magnilicout bird, ouo
of the finest 1 over saw. Hesottled down
on tho deck and looked like a sailor that
had lost his bearings. In a moment en
sued a buttle that bent hollow the tilt of
the Knight of the Sorrowful Figure in
his duel with ho windmills. 1 grubbed
him by tho neck and he thrashed at me
with bill and wing. The watch below,
hearing the no'lse, camo running on deck
and rescued mo, all covered with blood.
For tho next two days I was engaged on
his skin. It used tip all my arsenical
soup, and I had to get a bottle of red
pepper from the stownrd to complete tho
task. It was all for Mrs. Crowninsliield.
Did any misfortune happen the ship
after the killing of the albatross? Not a
The ancient mariner was an adept in
romantic fiction. Vou can kill alba
trosses without uny weather breeding
results. I have no superstition, but I
will tell yon something gleaned from
ripe cxiwnence. tub, Hesb nnd fowl
may lie sacrificed at sea without any su
pernatural results. But 1 have never
known a pig to bo stuck aboard a ship
but that either a gale of wind followed
or something disastrous happened. This
I will sweur to.
Hon and presented it, Including the Idol
Khe kissed the ugly faces of tbe monster,
Then turning to me she exclaimed
"Tom Jacksonl How can I ever repay
you wr your kinuness? 1 am ever so
much obliged."
Then she paused for a few momenta.
Suddenly a bright thought Illuminated
her lovely countenance.
"I U tell you what, Tom," she er
claimed cntnusiuaticuiiy, "Yon can
come np stairs and kiss my baby. Ho
is nine months old today, and he is hav
ing a sort of a birthday portyl" A,
K. in Now York Recordor.
Wo got to Colombo on the hundredth
day out from Salem a capital passage
in those days. Lvory rupee I could scrape
up wasspent in gathering togothor curios
for Mrs. Crowuinsliield. My father, n
well to do Salem merchant, had thought
fully placed in the captain's hands n
couple of hundred dollars to be doled
out to ine during our stay on the Indian
const. I bought a big cedar wood trunk
with quaint silver handles, and in this
moth proof receptacle I stowed away all
my precious bird skins and mounted fly
ing fish. My love grew madder than ever.
I had a letter of introduction to a
charming English family living near Ka
duwellu, a Singhalese village on the
southern bank of the Kaluny river, about
a day's journey in bullock wagon from
Colombo. 1 easily obtained leave of ab
sence while tho ship was discharging her
cargo, and spent a week there thoroughly
enjoying myself. My host niudo things
very pleasant for me, und we took many
excursions in the neighborhood that
pleased 1110 much,
One of the tainous resorts thereabout
was a Uuddhi8t temple, irreverently
called a joss house by heathens and bar
barians. Cut out of the natural rock, it
was shaded by banyan trees, whoso big
leaves-, shaped like a heart, quivered con
tinuully in uspen fashion.
Inside tho temple, which was guarded
by a fat, good natural priest clad in a
yellow robo, reclined the image of Bntl-
dliu, leaning on his left arm. Tho priest
showed us around tho templo, and I ex
plored evory uook und comer. Carefully
concealed behind a curtain was u little
niche in which wero arranged a number
of littlo idols, evidently the priest's own
particular Laros and Penates. One was
the quaintest and most picturesque tiling
of the kind you oversaw. It was carved
out of 11 block of teak, and was four feet
high. It hail three heads, each of which
was supplied with three eyes of greenish
stones which looked like emeralds.
The priest wouldn't sell me this idol,
and in fact looked quite offended when
I offered to purchase it. He was propi
tiated and appeased, however, by the
welcome gift of a rupee.
I was bound to get that idol for Mrs.
Crowninsliield. Accordingly I laid my
plans with wluit I thought was rare
skill, I bought a little canoe from a na-
j tivo for a trillo and concealed it in the
jungle near the river. 1 knew thai if 1
attempted to steal tho idol and take it to
Colombo overland I should be detected,
snd probably murdered by the super
stitious Singhalese. Therefore the river
was my sole hope. The tide would carry
me down swiftly and I could easily
reach my ship.
One pitch dark night I made for the
joss house. The fat old priest was asleep.
You could hear hissnoresiifnroll. There
wero neither locks nor bolts on the por
tal, und two little lamps of coconnut oil
served to innko darkness visible. 1 knew
the latitude and longitude of the shrine
perfectly and soon had tho idol in my
(;rasp. Was it only imagination that
Hindu mo think it trembled as I hugged
it to my liosoin nnd made for the canoe?
I launched my little craft and paddled
vigorously down the river. The current
was rapid. The boat struck a sunken
tree and in an instant capsized. I clung
to nn overhanging branch for my lifo.
Now 11 strange thing happened. The
idol, with a glare of baleful light glit
tering from its nine green eyes, swam
np the stream, cleaving the water with
the impetuosity of a salmon trout. It
had suddenly come to life. This was
too much for u.e. I lost consciousness.
When I recovered I was in my friend's
bungalow. It appears that a party of
fishermen going out to catch prawns for
the morning dish of curry had seen me
clinging to the tree. They had recog
nized me as the guest of the "Burra
Sahib" and had taken ine to his house. 1
made a clean breast of it to my host. He
told me that it was inqHissible to steal
an idol from tho joss house. Thev al
ways returned to the temple. He 'took
1110 to tho shrine and pulling aside the
curtain from the niche there sat the
samo old idol, ns unconcerned and in
animate as yon please. How did he get
"Come to the village with me." said
my host. We went to the hut of n native !
carpenter, who was engaged in whittling
out nn idol nlmost the exact countcrrart
of tho one I tried to steal. I bought it
for fifteen rupees.
That one can never get aw.iv it
hasn't been blessed," said the Burra
a a e
Eighteen months after leaving Salem
we landed there again, concluding a
most prcaiK'niu voyage. I. hired a
wagon, and packing all my curios was
driven np to Ihe house of Captain Crow
ninsliield, choosing a time when the
skipper was engaged at the office of the
owners. Mrs. Crowninsliield was at
home looking lovelier and more bloom
ing than ever. She was kind enough to
remember me. I displayed my coUvc-
Depredstluns of a Coon.
That coon of Rueger's, which hat
been sauntering around the lamppost
a the corner of Ninth and Banks street
from time to time during the post three
months, made tilings lively Sunday after
noon at Mr, B. A. Fox's bird store on
Broad street
Mr. Ruegcr got tired of the quadrupled
md wished to dispose of him. The coon
was accordingly turned over to Mr. Fox,
who was to sell him. He was kept at
the bird store. Sunday afternoon, when
tvorybody was away, there began a gen
eral havoo on the part of the animaL
Climbing ovor a partition in a show win
low, ho proceeded to chew up five Abys
sinian rabbits. Only one of the pets was
left to tell the tale. His coonshlp then
umed upon a handsome Brahma cock In
the rear of tho establishment and after
ward proceeded to deprive a beautiful
tropical song bird of his plumage.
He next made an attack on a number
of goldfish, and when his appetite was
satisfied there wasn't a single representa
tive of the piscatorial tribe left in the
aquurium. Several other depredations
were committed, and his coonship was
making preparations to exterminate ev
ery valuable bird in the establishment
when two festive coppers crawled over
the transom and put an end to his calcula
tions. He was carried back to Rueger's,
but soon effected his escape and mode it
lively for the squirrels in the Capitol
square. A small regiment of small boys
were in pursuit of the animal, which
with an all important air mounted the
Washington monument and soon sat
complacently on the top of George's head,
eying his pursuers with an expression of
mingled defiance and curiosity. He waa
filially captured. Richmond Times.
The "Oyster" ol the Turkey,
Many will recall the oft repeated story
of the young epicure, Brillat Savariu'a
son, who ordered thirty turkeys for his
dinner. When his father reprimanded
him for such extravagance on an occa
sion when he dined alone, the youth re
called the fact that there was one portion
of the turkey which the father had al
ways reserved for himself the very tid
bit of the bird and as there were but
two small portions of it in each bird the
order could in no way be called extrava
gant. This tidbit is known as the "oyster"
of the turkey, and probably not one car
ver in twonty can tell you exactly where
it lie.). It is not, as many suppose, a
piece of the White meat of the breast.
The breast is composed of only two dis
tinct layers on each side, the upper and
lower fillets. Tho "oyster," in fact, is a
portion of exceedingly tender dark meat,
which lies in the hollow on each side of
the backbone near and just above the
second joint.
By examining the bare carcass of a
carved turkoy the two hollows where the
"oysters he will be easily perceived, and
one will note that their shape is a long
oval similar to that of a Rockawoy oyster,
Unhappily this tidbit is often ignored
by the carver or is sliced with the second
joint, it should be served intact to any
one at table who can appreciate the best
bit of the bird. New York Tribune.
She Wauled .Codrinh.
She had come over to New York to do
some shopping with friends from Brook
lyn, whose guest the was. Hor garb and
bearing betokened an abundance of this
world goods, and hor nnreaerved speech
plainly indicated to other patrons of
Dolinonico't who were within sound of
hor voice that she had made some pur
chases of a costly character,
"Well, now for luncheon," the said,
pausing in her talk about jewelry, tilkt
and laces, "What do 1 want? Lot me
see. Oirla, lot us have at nice a lunch
eon at the house affords. Each of you
give your orders.
The taste of the three Brooklyn ladies
ran to patties, salads, partridge, cold
turkey, potato chips, sliced oranges and
cream puffs, Tho polite waiter made t
note of those delicacies and turned III'
quiringly to the visiting lady. She care
fully studied each page of the bill of
fare, and, after ascertaining what hor
friends haA ordered, sho looked the
waiter straight in the eye and said with
tho air of 0110 born to command, "Young
man, bring mo a largo plate or picked
up codlish, New York Tiuiet,
A Spanish Method of taring Sleep.
Cures for insomnia are very numerous,
und before auy man could try thorn all
he would be asleep forever. A way for
putting young children to sleep It of
Spanish origin, It requires that the
back from the neck to the waist be gently
rubbed. Chicago News.
Bismarck Is what in Germany they
call a "chain smoker," that is he smokes
from morning till night without
break, lighting one cigar with the eud
of the other.
Dr. Tieiw's (loklen Medical
Disnivery purifies the blood.
Ily this means, It raacbea,
buikis up, and invigorati
every imrt of the system.
For every hlixnl taint and
(Unorder, and for every dis-
ense that comes from an Inac
tive liver or Impure blood, it
is the only remedy so aura
and effective that it can be
If It falls to benefit or curt,
you have your money uses'.
llnwe illnesses are IllanV.
They're different in form, but
they're like In treatment,
Brooklyn Hotel
M-2IZ Burt Si., Saa Francisco.
This favorite hotel Is under the msnsnement
of L'llAKI.fcH MONiUOMKKY.and Is a good II
not ihe best Kaiuily and liusliiuss Mini's lloiej
In Ban Krauclseo.
Home Comforts! Culsins Unexcelled 1
PIrst-ctass service and the hlKhenl standard of
respectability guaranteed. 0r rtvtrni mniutt bt
turpiiMMit it amfnfvs and nmierf. Hoard and
room per any. II.Ji. II. to, 11.76 and t.'.uo: board
H,,-onlJ,l,,rnM llvar intl w"m P' 17 to ll-'i sIllKld rooms, UM -
Kthf'ili "action1 'VZffll ' ''d L" -""
and enrich tlu bliaal, 1
and there's a positive cure.
The "Dlaooverr" does this.
as nothing else can. Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
hiiiounnesa; all iironrlital, Tnroat, and Lung
A Unctions : evorr form or rtcrofuln. even
Consumption (or I.mig-armfula ) in ita ear
lier stages : and the most stuhltora Hkin
and Hcalp Diseases, art completely cured
A nevsmsnt of ttin batrsls svli dsr Is nxmnnrr fnr
Snnlltl. TIism pills supply wlist llin syatnni Inolu u
I lingular. Tna Ours liuauaunw, uriKiiwi ina
and olaar ths Oomplntion hntlar than ooa
m. Thayaot mSdlj. nrlther grluanor altihnn aa
olhs pllla da. To oouvlnia yuu ol thnlr msrlta wo
will mall aamptm frea, or a mil boi for IIS onnia. SolA
swywllala, ilusoiiao Mod. Co, i'luUulSlpMa. .
too uu, and
11.00 per IiottW
One cent a does.
Twit GRBAT COITnil fTltHB uminntlv eiirra
Where all others falL Coughs, Croup, lore
Tnroat. Hoaratneaa. Wboooloa- Couan
Asthma. For Ceasuaptlea It bat no rival!
thouaanda. and wl
taken In time. Bold by Druggists on a guar
enteo. For a Lame Hack or Cheat, use
Mtivirl ri
rH nn N tin h V
When we rocollrot that the stomach la ilia
grand laboratory In wlilcn food Is transformed
nio ine secretions wnicn lurtiisii vigor lo the
item alter entering anil enriching the blooil;
at it Is In short the fountain headiif ntrenath.
it is essential to keep this iinporiant supplying
machine hi order and to restore it to activity
when it become lusctlve. This Ho. tetter's
Stomach Hitters does most effectual ly, reason-
biy, regulating and reinforcing digestion, pro-
noting uiip hciioii 01 ine uver ana ooweis.
Htrength and quietude of the nerves depend In
great measure upon thorough illvestlon. There
s ao nervine tonic more mgniy esteemed ny
he medical fraternity than the Hitters. Hhysi-
kvu wciixvyou arnce,ouoit iujucwriroo.
Justice of the Peace. George Wil
kinson, of Lowville, Murray Co.,
Minn., makes a deposition concern
ine a severe cold. Listen to it. "In
ror more than thirty yearn Attcoit't the Spring of 1888, through ex
Pohous I'labtkrs have been doing their be oosure I contracted a verv severe
neficent work, relieving pain, inspiring! ,M that settled nn nivliinim TH.
men, women and children with new hope was flcMmoailje(1 Kv exeeTvefiiol,'t
elans also strongly commend It for chills and
lever, rneumulisiii, kiuney ana bladder trouble,
sick headache nnd want of appetite and sleeu.
inu a fiiiicgianniui uinw limes a uay,
Regulator of ths Liverand Kidneys
"It's fillinv about bridal nalra.
like other pears at all." "why not?'
softest when they're green."
Ther are not
and new courage,
Pain is a great discourager. When all
the muscles are sore, it is hard to keep up
hope. Allcock's Pogotrs Plastsbs and
pain have no atlinitv for each other, one or
tbe otber must yield, and pain is the one
10 ne ueieateu.
Placed high tin between the ahouh'er-
I. .n,l nn ll.o k..t .k .
cure for ooiigha: on the nit of the stomach
they relieve indication; ovr the muscles
tney relieve strains and Htllliiesa. Wher
ever there is soreiieus, they soothe and
ItRAnnEimi'a Pills do not iniure the
"Don't vou believe Ixird ltudelelrh Is a lamleri I
proprietor?" "I'm afraid not. He doesn't seem I
nave any manors."
sweats. One bottle of BoscheeV
German Syrup broke uo the cold.
night sweats, and all and left me
in a good, healthy condition. I can
give German Syrup my most earnest
commendation!" C
A Cure For Stammering.
A gentleman who stammered from
ihildhood nlmost up to manhood gives a
very simple remedy for the misfortune!
Go into a room whore you will be quiet
and alone, get some book that will in
terest but not excite you and sit down
and read two hours aloud to yourself,
keeping your teeth together. Do thit
every two or three days, or once a week
if very tiresoino, always taking care to
read slowly and distinctly, moving tho
lips, but not the teeth. Then, when con
versing with others, try to speak at
slowly nnd distinctly as possible and
make up your mind that you will not
Well, I tried this remedy, not having
much faith in it, I must confess, but
willing to do almost anything to cure
myself of such an annoying difficulty.
I read for two hours aloud with my
teeth together. The first result was to
make my tongue and jaws ache that is,
while I was reading and tho next to
mnke me feel as if something had loos
ened my talking apparatus, for 1 could
speak with less difficulty immediately.
The change was so great that every one
who knew me remarked it I repeated
this remedy every five or six days for a
month, and then at longer intervals un
til cured. Uood Health.
n,. i.,.i ....n.,.i ... ,v . t
fj mm i',ii,i,,mib, oa iiid) uaiuiui rencii III? I
diseased portion of the car. There is only one I
way w cure ueamcHi, anil mat is Dy constltu
donsl remedies. Deslnens is canard hv an in
Darned condition of the mucous lining of the
eustachian tube. When this tube Is iulUmt-d
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when It is entirely closed deafuesa is
ine result, ana unless the Inllanunatloii can b, I
taken out and this tube restored to its normal I
conilition, hesrlng will be destroyed forever; I
nine cases out of ten are earned b; catarrh. I
which Is nothing but an lnliamod condition of I
toe mucous sunaces. i
We will give One Hundred Dollars for am-
case of deafness (caused lv catarrh) that cannot I
ee curea Dy nan a l alarm cure, Henri lor cir
culars, iree. r. j, chi-.msv A cu.,
Toleilo. n.
gold by druggists; 76 cents.
Cbvbral bottles of Swift's Specific (S.R. S.i
entirely cleansed mv system of contairioua
ukxxi poison or ine very worst lype.
n si. a. iuumis, anreveport, u.
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia
Aid ill Otber Blood anil Skin Diseases.
It Is a positive cure fnr all those tislnfnl. deli
cate complaints end compllcnted troubles and
weaknesses common among our wives, mothers
and daughters.
The elfin Is Immediate and Innllng. Two or
three doses of Da. I'akukk's Kkmkhy mken dally
keeps the blood cool, the liver and kidneys act
ive, and will entirely annllcHli from ihn Kvninm
all trace of Scrofula, Unit Hlieuin, or any other
iviiuvi uioou uiseiiae.
Ho medicine ever Introducer In this country
has met with such ready sale, uor given such
universal sittlnfnctinn whenever used as that of
Da. I'AaiiKK'a Kkmkiiy.
This remedy has been ll-eil In the hn'pHids
throughout the old world for tho imt twenty.
live yoHrs as a specific for the above diseases,
and It has and will cure when all other Mwjulled
remedies full.
fend lor pamphlet of testimonials from those
who hnve been cur, d bv Its use. Druggists sell
It at 11.00 per bottle. Try It and be convinced.
For sale by
9 and II Front St., San Franclsoo.
T had scrofula In 1WI, and cleansed my
1 system entirely from it by biking seven
1 nave not naa any symp
honies of S. S. S.
turns since.
C. W. Wilcox.
Spartanburg, S. C
Treatise on niood and Skin nise.ises nailed
iree, swirT argcivic La, Atlanta, Oa.
CaeBaamellneBtove Polish; no dust, no smell
Bladder. Urinary and Liver Diseases Dronsv
Gravel and Diabetes are cured by
Trt GiHatsA for breakfast.
The Testimonials
We publish are not purchased, nor written
up in our otuce, nor a-e tney mun our
employes. They are fui-ts, proving that
noun a oiirsupuriuu lusks.
Three Enemies
"For ovor tweuty
yean I have suffered
with neuralgia, rheuma
tism aud dyspepsia.
Many t'mrs 1 could not
turn In bed. Several
p'yslci :us hnve treated
mo aud I havo tiled dif-
ilra. Hurt. fcreut remedies, but all
failed. Five ycois ago I begau to take Hood i
Bursa pnr ilia and it bus done me avast amount
of good. I am 72 years old aud enjoy good
health, which I attribute to Hood's rJarsnpa
rilla." Xlas. E. M. Bi-kt, W. Kendall, N. Y.
Hood's Plllscure nil I.ircr Ills, Biliousness,
Jaundice, Indigestion, Kick Headuche. 2.
-tub- CASH
Buyers' Guide STORE.
Tug Ht'YKKS' (ItllhK Is nubllshed the first of
eacu mnnin. it is isxiica in the interest ol all
consumers. It gives the lowest ciish ouotHllons
on everything In the grocery line. It will save
von money to consult it. Mi H free to am
address on implication. Don't bo without II.
It costs Vou nntlitlur to eet It. It iiiiolen whole
sale prices direct lo the consumer. Mention
mis paper, aiiuress
130 Frout Htreet, . I'nrtlauil, Or.
Cures Rrlght's Disease, Retention or Non-re.
ten lion ol Urine, Pains in tho Back, Loins or
Cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, (leueral
Debility, Female Weakness and Excesses.
I Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
fBANK WOOL8ET, Agent, Portland, Or
Cures Biliousness. Headache, Jaundice. Pour
siomaco, uyapepsia, constipation snd riles.
Washington a City of Churches.
There is no city in tho United States
which might bo called the city of
churches with more appropriateness
than W ashington. They are not partic
ularly large or imposing, these Wash
ington churches, but there is an im
mense number of them. As a matter of
fact, the capital contains nearly 200
churches. The Methodist denomination
claims 52. The Baptists come next with
45, then the Episcopalians with 26 and
the Presbyterians with 21. The Roman
Catholics have 13, the Lutherans 10, the
Congregationulists 4, the Hebrews and
the Christians 2 each and the Unitarians,
the Universnlists and the Swedenbor-
gians 1 each. Besides these there are
half a dozen nonsectarian bodies.
Washington Letter.
Respect For the Knglish Lauguage.
If we reverence our mother tongue as
wo ought, we will be on onr guard not to
insult it by violating its rules We will
not say, "You hadn't ought to do this,''
or, "Ho ain t a-goin to do that." We
will avoid that last aud worst error of
tho vulvar, the double negative. We
will be ubovu misplacing moods and
tenses aud putting the nominative case
where the objective belongs by right.
Harper s Uaznr.
Friendly Regard
is never en
tertained by
the children
for a medi
cine that
tastes bad
This explains
the popular
ity among
ones oi
Scott's Emulsion,
a preparation of cod-hver
oil almost as palatable as
miiK. Many mothers have
grateful knowledge of its
benefits to weak, sicklv
.-f"' Tf. h) x""' B"wna T. All rtrnriiMs.
Money Saved. Money Earned.
Mrs. Climber My dear, Mrs. Highupp
has bad ber portrait painted by a cele
brated artist, and I haven't had a thing
but common, ordinary, everyday photo
graphs to snow.
Husband (a wise man) Huhl The idea
of advertising to the whole world that
her complexion is so bad it won't stand
the camera! New ork Weekly.
Black Flowers.
Wben one thinks of it, black flowers are
dctertable. Fancy nature producing a black
Hon erl Aa well a black sun or black aTaaa.
Yet the incongruities of fashionable mourn
ing aanctioo without a word these mon
strosities, and a daisy, a rose or a bunch of
violets that is ink bum, somber and with
out even tbe semblance of a soul is dutiful
ly mad acceptably worn. Xew York Times,
f MS
Bak ing Pon der
When in Portland be sure to take in
the greatest novelty at the Exposition.
We shall bake biscuits and cake everv
afternoon and even inn on onr Drettv
Jewel Gas Stove. Evervbodv cordiallv
invited to have a biscuit with ns and see
the wonderful merits of Golden West
Baking Powder proved by actual work.
rarrionabla Carioaltj.
Little Girl (at tbe afternoon ooocert
.Mamma, wnicn one is i heodore Tbomaar
Mamma The one who stands with his
back to na. dear. Don t whisper.
(After a few moments of thoughtful ej-
lence) Mamma, what's ths rest of his
name Chicago Tribune.
n rwa RrinedT fnr Catarrb Is las faf
I I M, Taaax to Vrm. tnt Ooart. I I
J I So by atoaxlset ar mm kr aolu.
U tea. K. T beam Wamsn. Cm J
V taj at ONCE on the Kidney a. liver
ana nowrln, restorfnir them in a health
tion, and fl lll-.N when all other medicines
KR. UadliiK Jew
eler el the Pad Hi
Northwest, keeps s
large sioca oi ail
UADUK9 on band
Dest Hoods at low
est figures. Badge
maae u oraer.
. restoring them to a healthy ac- '
fail. Hundreds have been saved who have heen
given up to die by friends and physicians.
Ta a finAolnl hrnnil nt I1i,miI,,b ml ,1.I..K w
maiiuiaeiure expresniy lor r AAlll.T INC.
We guarantee It to be the hiuhest erwaiBLK
QkADK OF- ILLl MINAT1NO Oil. Ask Or it.
Hercules Gas Ennint.
Made for Power or Pumping Purpoaesv
The Cheapest Reliable Oaa Eutlue
on the Maraoi.
Out or Enoini ajio
111 A IIVI'II H illl.lTUICllS
Kvervthlnv In tKa uhouu Una ,1-1
Beards, Properties, Opera and May Book's, etc.,'
furnished at greatly reduced rates and In mine.
rior quality by theoldest, largest, best renowned
and therefore only reliable Theatrical Supply
Houne on the Paeitte. CimlmL CnrmanniAn,..
licited. Goldstein 4 Co., 26, is and 30 O'Farrell
reet, also doo Market street, San Kranclsco. We
mipply alt Theateri on the Coatt. to wlmm
stf ill lei iUn
FKA.V'I. citizen of the Cuntnn Tpin Ktvit.
erland. When last heard from he wan mlnhiir
n Oren-on. Franc! will hour nt anmohin., tn
his advantage II he reports to the
Hal Klrst street,
., . Portland, Or.
Portland, Or., October 2, 1853.
linnTOR8on Installs! bnts. Best makes,
Ulilinfl'.i, rnces.
It. '.
Hend lor catalogue.
HUC II, mPoriT al
ITCHIMO FTI.ES known bv motsttrae
Ilka pempiracjqp.oaiiaa latcnao Itchli
ah.il wina. Tliia f'rm and BL.1N1).
wht.-h aota direcllr en p"a affected.
aa ma aiTtuKTjna. enacting
PU f v; a permao"TU e-ura. rriee &00. PmrJ9'.l
I Imkm SJ eruAU. lie. Boaaoko. Falladalpaja. ra
For Simplicity It Beats ths World.
It oils Itself from a Reservoir,
No Carburetor to g-et out of order.
No Batteries or Electric Spark.
It runs with a Cheaper (trade or Gasoline tbaa any
other Engine.
acifD voa caTAtcona to
PALMER & REY, Manufacturers).
405 tanwM Stmt, San Francaa. U
Par br all lrtt"t. ta Oatt a kettle.
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
Arroaia. Onsoo. Jannarr IS. I eaa state with nieasnrs that bT tbe ana nt
MOORI 3 REVEALED ftSMEDT By busbaad was relieved from as 0.1 case at
RHFXMATlsX and say ytranran dot cured entirely 01 U FLA 51 at ATOR? 8&r .
HA nasi waan the bast doctor I eooid get Old a 1st aa good. Vo-.rs le rradud
1LR8. II. T sTiiUX