iw FOE FALL THEY HAVE TO GO; HARD TIMES, HIGH PRICES AND BIG PROFITS CANNOT EXIST IN THIS TOWN, BECAUSE WE HATE THE GOODS AND HAKE THE PRICES THAT SAVE THE PEOPLE'S MONET. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, WHICH INCLUDES EVERYTHING NEW AND DESIRABLE FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. REMEMBER ! WE DEAL FAIRLY, AND SAVE YOU DOLLARS ON EVERT ONE OF YOUR PURCHASES WITH US. CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Mats, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Etc., Etc., at the Store of CITY AND COUNTRY, OUK03N CITY, OUTOIIKK 13. 1S9II. Terras or uliciriition. 8lnl Copy, one year, In advance, III Ol Mingle Copy, six niniitns, In advance. 1 00 Loral nollocn 10 emits pr Hue lorlir.t:IS rents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Address, UUU Ktr.rlt urcROII 1,11, ua'gun THE LINN CITY CLAIM. Reminiscences of this Aspiring Village Before the Flood of I86V62. By an Oi.ii Timkii. 'l'lit) west bank of the Willamette river opposite Olefin City, known as the Linn Ci'y liiml claim, was taken up boiiio lime 'in 18-10 by Hubert Moore, father o( the lato James M. Moore, but the title to the land was not continued until the passage of the donation land law introduced liy Hon . nnmuei u Thurston, first delegate tocoiiKntss from Oietfon. some years later. It was named in honor of Senator Linn, of MisBouri.who, in 1840- 41, advocated the extension of the laws ol the United Stales over all territory west of tli Rocky Mountains and the wanting of claims to all who would become settlors Senator J. in" died shortly after aud the muter was neglected until later. Moore built a small lojrliouse where the lockCjmpany's building now stands. It did not present a very imposing ap pearance, iiaving neither windows nor fireplace. He was very well pleased with it, however, and called it Uobhin's Kent. Linn City was laid out in town lots in 1841, by J . W. Shivoly, w.'iodied in Astoria a short timn since. All under the hill from tho mouth of tho locks to the end of the upper lock was laid out in lots besides two tiers of blocks on the bin II. At the upper end of the place was a lanyard, one of tho first, if nut the first ever built in Oregon, which was carried on by Niuevah Ford. A house stood at the west end of the sus pension bridge that was built in 1845 by 8. V. Moss, and was occupied by Peter 11 . Bun.e:t, who resided there until the discovery of auriferous deposits in Cali fornia, Having lenught the gold lever, lie emigrated to that state and after wards became its first govern r. In 1833, a company consisting of Page, Ferguson and others built extensively at Linn City, barns, flouring and suw mills, and a large warehouse for the transfer of freight frum the lower to the upper Willamette, and they did a profitable business until 1858, when the improve ments burned down entirely. They were supposed to have been set on lire by enemies of the company. The loss was probably ioO.OOO. Some time previ ously a steamboat that was being con structed near there, but had not been launched, was also destroyed by lire. Ex-Senator J. K. Kolly and others re built the warehouse and operated it until the freshet of lSbl-'O:', which carried it away. Linn City at that time was quite a lively little plane ol 150 or more inhabi tants. It had a hotel, a portiou of which was built by Joe Meek, the well known trapper and Indian tighter. He sold out 1 1 A. II. Frier, who enlarged the building and made other improve ments and then sold out to John It. Price, father in law to lion. John H. Mitchell, the free-silver senatoi from Oregon. Price continued the hotel until IHBI-'otf. J , -1 1 x li ithaiv y had a house in which ti e leuiflatnn' lidld one of its llrst meet ings idler- llio formation of the pro visional government, but through some tiiinundrMiimlii g the meeting ail journed. Alterw ard it reassembled and completed lx work in a manner satis factory to ull in the old house on the river bank occupied, by the pioneer, John lhittcrt. tor which 8. W. Moss (i.j.v upwards of 80) made the shingles ip, the early forties at the place where U, A. Harding's residence is located. Near what la the upper end of the locks, in l842-'43 dead Indians were piled here and there almost like eord wood. They had been killed by an epidemic that was raging at the time, principally at Suavie's island and extend- in. .....I ilnu-n tliu I"?nliimhitL anil lug up iu vnv ...... Willamette rivers . tlundreds perished . General Palmer owned property and resided at Linn City for some time. He moved to Dayton and was afterwards appointed superintendent of Indian affairs. He died there a few years ago James At. Moore kept a store there as did Mr. Baity and John Brisbin. A large livery stable was kept there at the time by Wesly Mulkey, and a carpenter Bhop by James Athey of this city. Mr. Ward, father of Park Ward, ex-county treasurer, who was a house-builder, fell from the top of a building anil was so badly injured that lie died a short time afterwards. Dr. Sutl'ains had a neat cottage in Linn City and practiced bin profession, and Judge Q. C. Pratt had the finest residence in the village. He moved to San Francisco and became Suite prominent in public affairs. He ied recently qnile wealthy. A feiry was rqn between Oregon City lid Linn C'jty from the foot of Fourth street- Tlie trade to both places came partly from up the valley, but prim-ipally from the Tualatin plains anil bo con tinued until a road was made to Port land in IMtt-'-W and the trade taken thither- The entire place was swept away in the whiter of 18ill-'0-'. except two houses that stood hack anainst tiie bluff, one being occupied Jy John Gordon, the man who killed Henry Barringer on the inland iu some trouble about the right to fish there. Since the flood the place was neglected until the building of the locks in 1870-71 and the improvements of the past few years. A TrmTellDf Man. -Mr. A. C. Wolf, of Washington, Mo., writes that after taking Drununond'e Lightning Remedy for Bheumaiisin for one week, 'he pain had left hint almost entirely. He slept better, had n-i more night sweats, and appetite was good. Healsc wrote that be would nut take $100 for what tlie remedy bad done for him. There is no waiting weeas and months to get satisfaction. The remedy attacks the 4isea' at "nce- our druggist has qot got Drummunds Light ning Remedy, write to the DrumiB"nJ Mediciqe Co , 48 X) M iden Lane, New 'ork. AaTnts wanted). Buckingham' Pre for ihe WhUkers la tht beat, bsudieat. lafeat, (ureal, eleaneat, most economical and satisfac tory dye ever invented . It is the gentle ibimi' hrorite. JUST ARRIVED, AN ELEGANT LINE OF LADIES' JACKETS AND GOSSAMERS AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. EVENTS OF THE WEEK That Yopnurtown Capitalist. Two' weeks ago, a good looking, well dresed young man signed the register at the Klectric Hotel in a neat, plain hand, with modest (loiiri-lies, as "8, B. Guy, loungstown, Ohio. lie represented that he w: s looking fur a favorable lo. entity for the establishment of a boot and slum factory. To fortify hitnscll Against the rain hn asked tho loan for a few elioit hours of tin) landlord's over coat and umbrella. As a. matter nf course the Younitslown canitalNt could not be refused a little favor. Neither coat nor "umherHiil" have since turned up, anil, in addition, (iuy guyed the house out of two weeks' board. If the scamp can do as well in every town that he enlivens with his presence, he making a fair suluv and having lute of Inn. I'kd Ai'i'i.Ks. It looks as if red ap pies and rosy-chocked itirls were to bo in the Ititiire, as tliev have in the past, the standard productions of Oregon. Orrmmutn. 1 he Stal. nmm lias been advising its fiiends in (lie Willamette VHlley to set out and properly attend to more nnnte trees. In the general slim He for pears, prune, etc., the proverbial big red clipefced Webfoot apple has been lost siijlit of. Our farmers cannot. afford to lose sight of their old friend. The apple will be and should be always the staple Oregon Irint fsalem Muff wihii. The farmers of Clackamas county should profit by these suggestions and not neglect the apple for the prune and the hop. The Oregon red apple took the prize at the world's fair. Tki.kiiaimi Link to Sandy. I It Birt, president of the Cape Horn Tele graph Company, arrived in the cily I lesday with th object of interesting our citizens in his line. llus him now been built between Portland and Sandy by the wav nf Greshnin, Chesterville ami Pleasant Home, and Mr. Birt's purpose is to extend it from Sandy to Oregon City bv way of Eagle Creek, Currinsville, Sprtngwster, Highland, Molalla aim Liberal, lhe line, if built, would be a great convenience and a valuable aid in business, and Mr. Birt leserveB both encouragemont and gen erous aid. He Was Too Pconacious. Last week, Gustav ulkmer was arrested on tlie complaint of DavidWagner, an old man, who accused nun ol assault and battery. both buing brought belore Justice routs. it appeared that Wagner had attempted to strike one ol his sisters, but Volkinor had interfered and pushed the old man down to the sofa. Too mig'strate promptly declared the defendant not guilty and taxed the costs, $11.45, to tlie complainant. Dave Wagnor has violent passions and has bjen miking life miserable for his throe sisters, who own a large ranch on the Willamette above Gulteville. Ma.nimii.ivb and Gititab Instui'ctoii. Madaine Boucher, of Paris, a pupil of the famous Sigaor Rit-cj, is prepared to give private lessons on the mandoline and guitar. Every Monday from 1 p m. until Tuesday at 0 p. m she will be either at Mrs. Nellie Welherell's, Main street, or al Burmeister & Andresen's store, for ti.e purpose of giving instruc tion. "Madame Boucher," says the New York AVim, "is one of tlie finest artists on the mandoline and guitar" ever in thai great city. ' Madame Boucher also gives lessons in (he French language. Farm and Timhkk Laniis Foil Sale. E. D. Clements of this city offers for sale an excellent faun of 1110 no res prai rie land at Eagle Creek postoilice, this county, with tirst-class buildings, for fit) an acre. Land is selling there now for $73 an acre. Hero is the best bargain in Clackamas oounty. He has also for sale 640 acres of land on Molalla at $11 an acre, heavily timbered with yellow II r and controlling tlie north fora of lhe Molalla. Mr. Clements will also (lis. pose of fine resiuence property in Park Place at a bottom price. Easy terms, or will take par' pay in city property. The Cofpkkdam Dbluokd. Work was suspended on the cofferdam of the Electric Company Saturday, on account of the deluge" of water which flooded it. All excepting a small part of the dam is submerged by water. The cost of the dam thusfar is said to be about $118,000. The damage to the dam through the carrrying oil' of material by the water, may be considerable. Work w ill be resumed as soun as practicable and the object is to complete lhe con crete foundation of the powerhouse (his season New CofBT Casks. From Register of Actions: Complaint filed by Louisa M. Stoqt against Alonzo Stout; by the Itoaenfeid Smith Co., against Geo. Wal ling, with attachment! by S. A. Gunst, H. Ifausman S Co , against G. A. Wal ling, with attachment; by Sichel 4 May.r, against G. A. Walling, with attachment; Dan. Trullinger against Juliet F. Trullinger; Portland Trust Co, against Iteuuen Smith; State of Oregon against llonora LUvore.ii. .Mais Stkeet Sidewalks. Teams hauling dirt from the sidewalks on Main street have been observed to drive off with half loads in order to make the bill ol expense to property owners larger. If the council had given each property owner the privilege, under penalty if neglected, to build bis own sidewalk, Ihe expense in many cases would have been lighter. Some o I them could thus have secured payment of old debts. Water Soaked Chain. In Spring water most of the grain has been tlirenhed wet, because the frequent rains ha-e not permitted il to dry sufficiently. Fanners are obliged to spread but their threshed grain on every available toor space to keep it from spruning and to dry it. The grain is not marketable, and it is puzzling the Spring ater far mers what tu do with it and where to t-t the cash to pay their bills. The Joves' -Mill Si .xday School. Mis. Livsey, a lady of tlie Methodist faith, baa presided over the Jones' Mill Sunday sen l f-r'abont a month, Hon il E. Cross, who formerly did this work and after whom it was named the ''Cross Mission," having retir d Tbe fear is expressed by some of the patrons f the school that its Baptist literature will be superceded by that of the Metl.odist church A Misc'iiikvous Brum. The myster- Inim nnu-nra thai, neonmrtunv Mlmilo IMink, the little medium, are still ram imrt. i ua iiu.er mmiiiiK lb Buemrii nn ii a lot of cattle wero tramping at the porch, but when a man went out to drive them away there wasn't a crilter m. . ...i : l I .... if there. Hardly bad lie returned into the bouse when the stock was as noisy as ever. The ghost wasn t satinli witli this manifestation of mischief but went upstairs and culled the children in bed until lliey screamed. Canemaii School. Principal Eva A .Miller of the Uanemali school report lor tlie llrst month of the term beginning September 11 : Number pupils enrolled, 28; average daily attendance, 21. In the piimiiry department, under the care of Miss Matlie Campbell, the number of pupils enrolled was I'll, and aveiago daily attendance III. The number of visitors during the month was 34 and lhe teachers hope that more may come during trie second month. Susi'KNiun The Improvement in the Oregon City and Pleasant Hill road will remain untiiiishud during the winter, because the farmers have failed to haul lhe planks for the road, paid for by the syndicate owning the Apperson tract, from Cahill's mill as some of thcra agreed to do. A part of the lumber- has been hauled. A Coi.i.ki-tim) Tol'h. A business man who has $."d0 of credits on his books on Wednesday armed himself with a fistful of bills and went on a collecting tour. He secured 115 cents mid in revenge put up the sign, "No Trust, No Bust I" Cul lecting now is like squeezing blood from a turnip. Diiownki). Monditv, Al Forrester, employed at Trulliner's mill, was shoving drift down with a pike pole, when he lost his balance and fell into Milk creek, now, on account of the rise, a raging torrent. He was drowne I and his body has not yet been recovered. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Mrs. It. Prior Is confined to her room by illness. Dance at Arm iry hall this week Fri day evening. There is no hope for tlie recovery of Mr. Winesett. License to wed issued the Cth to Delia Hobbins and W. A, Shaver, The raiu left many portions of Mark's prairie under water Monday morning. Also in eastern Oregon tlie farmers are being pestered by the too abundant rain. T. B. Hankins, editor of the ITerald, has been kept at home by sickness for a week. Doc Howell, one of the prominent farmers uf Springwater, was in tlie cily this week. Married, the 5th, Emma Fischer and X Decker; the 0th, Jennie Cousins and Henry Close. Fred Whito, the builder, is prepaiing the plans for a $2000 residence for C. H. Dye, the attorney. Samuel Raney of Springwater was in the city last week, the first time for a number of months. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Charman and child leave this week Thursday evening for lhe world's fair. W. C. Cheney, the electrician of tlie W. K. Electric Company, returned from lhe East on Saturday. A. W, France Is building a new house on the upper end of his lots, opposite the residence of V . t . wmte. The failure of Win. Chapman, presi dent of the company that is paving Main street, will not interrupt its progress. Arthur Milln is recovering from Ihe serious illness that lias kept linn at home for several weeks aud will soon be out again. The Southern Pacific will soon assume control of the East Side motor line, which it has absorlel. This report is contradicted. W. D. Howard, of Canby,- has a Go- acre prune orchard which will give Lim a handsome income as soon as it gets into full bearing. L. L Porter, W. A. Huntley mdJ. VV. Mofl'att left on Tuesday evening for the world's fair. Mr. Porter wiil also visit Portage, Wis., his old home. Mr. Miller, superintendent of con struction of the Willamette Falls Rail way, arriveJ from the south by rail on Monday, having been absent three weeks. Mt- Hood is included in tbe new Cas cade range forest reserve extending southward to Crater lake, 250 miles long and 30 wide and embracing 4,o00, 000 acres. The stage of water in the river Mon day morning was 14 feet above low water mark, the highest known at the beginning of October, says tlie oldest inhabi tant. The addition made to the southern end of the Clackamas dam washed oul Saturday, together with a large, round slice of the adjacent bank. About 150 sawlogs went off also. The Pride of Japan Is the best brand Of tea In the country. For sale at H. Straight's. The improvement between the Fagal da mill and Baker's bridge has made a good summer road between tbe two points, shortening considerably the journey between Jackknife and Oregon City. On the'Jth Capt. James Evans brought an action before Justice Foots against fi ll. Hall, (or rent. Uo. C. Browned ap peared for tbe plaintiff and Uanuan A Ward were counsel fur defendant. Judgment was rendered by the court for the plaintiff. The hall at Poe'i hall Saturday evening received suchatlim patronage that tbe managers treated those present with all tlie lemonade they could drink. an 1 stopped the dance at 10 o clock. The same orchestra will give a "boa bon" dance about two weeks hence. A'nout 100 carloads of machinery fur the W. F. Electric Company are to come from Diyton, Ohio, and Lynn, lt. At the latter point 22 dynamos have been ordered, viz., 20 'uiullilace" ma- hines ol 0-0 horsepower each, and 2 'straight" machine of 400 b. p. each. Ripans Taboles cure bad breath. Ripan T abides cure constipation. STAFFORD. School commenced In this district Monday, lhe 2d inst., with V. E. How Ion as teacher. '' The late rains caused the water In lhe wells to rise very rapidly; one well is reported as rising lid feet in 24 hour The Sharp brothers liavo about 100 J bushels of wheat to thresh yet ut home. Il is In stacks, twn-of which have been opened uinf are gelling llioloughly sat: united . . The water has began lo run In the creeks, and low ground is too wet to plow. (lid Philips, Sr., is delivering prunes at lhe distillery for 40 cents a bushel, (id Philips, Jr., and Oid Newton are Inking German lessons The ability to lleutsi li sprechen is both pleasant and valuable. "Ilotstuir." Grapes are late here and it is feared Iney will not ripen before tho frosts come. Chris. Milem of Ml Tabor was in this neighborhood the past week. Miss Gracie Prindlo of Oregon City has been stopping at the postoilice tlie ppst ween. IeXeuis & Peter's baler is up near Sherwood baling hay. George Sniini's watermill is humming merrv tune now. and he says lie wishes it would keep on raining lor the next three weeks. There will be a great deal of clover to thresh this fall iu this vicinity, if the weather will permit. L. CANBY ITEMS. The M'i'tillti is nearly as high as it was in the flood of 1SIH). Everything n wr the railroad bridgo is all at. J. A. Cox broke his engine whiu about three miles out. Ho was return ing from threshing. Tlie damage is not serious. The ruin has interrupted work with his machine. He consumed one day and a half in a rainstorm threshing 725 bushels of grain. Some farmers have not yet hud any threshing done and from present prospects they will have to postpone it for tins season. A good deal of grain is being stored here from different parts of the county. Attendance at our public school is 1 10 and more coming. Rev. S. Mathews had the misfortune lo burn up one drier full of prunes, about 1000 pounds. A patent drier de mands careful watching. L. Rogers is about to sell his liotef. O. A. Buyk-8, of YainbiP, is visiting I). Dlmick. F. Norton has moved onto tho farm of J. Hodges near Mark's Prairie. Polatoos don't turn out well here. Hon. E. C. Maddock has moved into town for the purpose of schooling his children. Land rents here for $3 per acre. CLACKAMAS. Win. Phillips hat quit the hotel busi ness at Canbv and moved back to Clack amas where lie will remain indefinitely. The village school is progressing finely with Alex Thompson as principal. The powder house here Is bearing completion and will soon be ready for the storage of powder. Laie heavy rains stopped the running of plows, but a few days "let up" wi 1 start them again. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. Recorder Porfer being absent, Mr, Kennard was elected recorder pro tern. Ordered that the plat of the city, by whicli all lots have been sold and which should have been filed before, be filed at once. Proposition of LSI! it Co. to give $100 toward building the approach to the Abernethy bridge provided it could place trucks on same, accepted. Street committee ordered t advertise for bids for building the same. Finance committee reported that no appeal in tlie Seventh street case had been tiled here as yet, but city attorney stated that it hud been filed in the su preme court. Resolution by Councilman Albright approved and that as about one-fourth of the Main street improvement had been completed the city treasurer should ac cept one-third of the assessment, which woulJ cover the work until November hen they could call for mure if needed. This is to be collected ol ull property holders along the street, whether im provement is commenced or not, and if any object they will be obliged to pay the whole amount which is due and payable. Stieet committee reported that the piece of Bidewalk in front of cily property between the head of Seventh street steps and Center street should be built as the cost would be but little (about $15). and it would be a great convenience to resi dents of Ihe uoith sideuf Seventh street LETTER LIST. The following is a list of letters re maining at the Oregon Cily postoilice for tho week ending ilclober 12th, 1803, uncalled fur: Amis, DrJW Arnold, Win Armstrong, Harry Brooks, Miss L Goodrich, It Havens. Addison Hughes, Miss Sarah Miley, Miss Kate Nungessen, Miss M Nulten, Elmer Reed. Thos II Ross, Miss C C Simmons, Miss J Schneider, Joseph Thorns. Ben H Tucker, Miss Alice Ward, Miss C Or C Nursery Co When calling for these letters please nay -advertised." E. M. Ranks, P. M. There will be no preaching service at ttie Presbyterian church next Sunday iiiurning, as the pastor will be absent at the meeting of the Synod of Oregon, but ill the evening there will lie a popular meeting conducted under the auspice of the Y. P. S. C. E. m The Imps around Aurora are nearly all baled and the buyer are busy gathering (ample. The grower ae all holding far 20c per pound. When the hair begins to come out in combing, it show a weakne ol tbe salp that calls for immediate attention. Tbe best preparation to arrest further lorn of hair and restore the scalp to healthy condition i Ayer' Hair Vigor. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W W Sibray lo L K Jaiiney, lots ,'i aim o, uik o, ueiurai aim lo U U; IL'OOU. Do to do, lots 5 and 0, Central add ; $8. a r.ngoerg to fan Miuliolin, 120 as sec 22, t 2 s. r 2 e j fMAx). ; w in Burlow todljjtinners, 14.78 as at ilurluw; fK87. , NO Waldeu l H K Clements, I.Ik K, Park Place ; 22lH). K B Clomenls to N t) Wulden, lots 4, uik ur i,iiy ; f.ias.1, M Athey to John Wanker. W.i as in sue 20, t 2 s. r le: ilSS. Ed Seol to W W Schafor. 10 as at cor oi sees i, ami bu. 1 3 s, r 1 e; I'.'.iO. A Berry to Mnrgret White, wji of iio'i of nw,'4' of sec 34, 1 2 , r 2 e ; $000. O it S Co. of Osweirn tn W Tvrn.lt lot s(IA 7, blk 50, 1st add ; (200. Elizabeth Jane Hedges to Fred Rakel, blk F, 1st add Caneiiuh; $1. N O Walden to Willamette Falls Pn.. tlie 357 as bought from B F Baker on the Willamette and Tualatin rivers; 3G.021 . Oregon L Co to R V Auxier, Iota 15, 10, blk 60, Minlhorn; $2.50. P A Daily to W J .Miller, M of n'i of so! of sec 8. t 2 s, r 3 e. 80 as ; $200. E Kraeft to A C Kraeft, nwtf of seVi, ne'ofsw and lot 4 of sec 28, t 3 s, r 3 e, 107 01! as, and 248 a of e of Dan Mosier donation ; $10,000. John F Rroetje to Susan Snyder, 30 as of George Crow donation; $1000; bond for deed. U S to S W Moss as assignee of Dr John McLoughlin, title lo lot 4, blk 27, uregon cny. James Shaw to Anna Zellner, lots 10 and 15, blk 7, Shaw's first add to 0 C ; $150. O & C R R Co to Ottra B Taylor, n o' Sf.'i or sec 21, t 4 s, r 4 e, 80 as; $180. Do to do, Bw.'i of awl', lot 5 in sec 15, 14f, r4e.45 as; $134. - A Sharp rructlne yo i call it when reading an article and nun ai mo ciose unit you nave read an advertisement. Don t condemn the advertiser. on wont read the ordi nary advertisement. All advertisers leel this in common with the writer who takes this means of telling you that Simmons Liver Regulator is the best medicine for Malaria, impure blood and a poisoned system. Equally as good for Indigestion and Biliousness. noo Will lie Given For any case of rheumatism which can not bo cured by Dr. DrummonJ's Lightning Remedy. Tlie proprietors do not hide this offer, but print it in bold type on all their circulars, wrappers, printed matter, and through the columns of newspapers everywhere. It will work wonders one bottle curing any ordinary case. If the druggist has not got it, he will order it, or it will be senl to any address by express on receipt of price, together with special in structions for use. Drummond Medicine Co., 48 60 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. Tim Famous Sea Weed Remedy is still in the front. Scores have been cured by it right in town, and willingly testify to its success as a cure fur rheu matism. All who sutler should give it a fair trial ; Sold by Thaykk & Allien, 3Iain St. and G. h. Hakuiieaves, Gen. Agent, South Mudison St. 'I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a specific for croup. It is very pleasant to take, which is one of tlie most important requisites where a cough remedy is intended for use among chil dren I have known of cases of croup where I know tho life of the little one was saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." J. J. LaGrange, druggist, Avocn, Neb. 50-cent bottles fur sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. When catarrh attacks a person of scrofulous diathesis, the disease is almost sure to become chronic. The only efUcucinus cure, therefore, is Ayer's Sursiiparilla, which expels scrofula from the system and the catarrh soon follows suit. Local treatment is only a waste of time. Ok Intkiiest to Si-oktsmen. W. II. Ilurlburt, A. G. P. A. Union Pacific System, Portland, Or., has Just received a supply of books called '"Gun Club Rules and Revised Laws." This publi cation contains a digest of the laws re lating to game in tlie Western states and territories. Mr. Ilurlburt will be glad to mail you one of the books upon re ceipt of two stumps to cover postage . W. 11. HUIII.IIUHT, a. u. r. A. Stefdinan's Soothing Powders relieve feveriliness and prevent fits and con vulsions during tlie teeting period. Perhaps some of our readers would liko to know in what respect Chamber IiiIu'b Cough Kemody is better than any other. We will teli you. When this Remedy is taken as' soon as a cold has been contracted, and before it has be come settled in lhe "yHtem, it will coun teract the effect of (he cold and greatly lessen its severity, and it is the only remedy that will do this. It acts in per fect harmonv with nature and aids na ture in relieving the lungs, opening the secie'ions, liquefying tlie mucus and canning its expuUinu from Ihe air cells of the lunga and restoring the system lo a Htrong and healthy condition. Ho oilier remedy in tlie market possusaes thewe remarkable properties. No other will cure a cold soiiiickly. For sale by U. A. Harding. Oruggist. "During my term' of service in the army I contracted chronic diarrhu-a," says A. K. Bending, of Halsey, Oregon. "Kince then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when 1 found any that would give me relief they would injure my stomach, urilil Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I'iarrhua Kemedy was brought to my notice. I tine.l it and will nay it is the only remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results follow." Fur sale by ) A. Harding, drugiriBt Make your purchnnes from the large aiHorted Block of Charman & Hon ; prices lower than in Portland. Tor Our TIMy Tear. Ai Old au WEfx-T.iro Hi: nr. Mr. M. V'i- Sov'i Billing Byrupha. Im. bwS f.ir ov.r Aft? yii liy million. f m.Khri fur th4r ehiMrv whil. trailing, witb pTl-t rare.. It tliw Um child, .ftn. tli. guiiM,.llay all pain, enrr. wM eviie, and la th. twwt rm'ly tot fharrbu. b plaaant u thu UMt. S..14 by lmuffirt. la every part nf the WotH. Twmj lrt crnia a bittl. It lalm u In. e kukbl. Ba aura aj4 aak fur Mra. Wintnv'a itawtltittK ftyrup, aad lake a., other kind. I. "Only the Scars Remain," Buys Henry Hudson, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, l'a., who certi fies as follows: " Among tho many testlmonU al which I seo in regard to cor tain medicines performing eures, cleansing tbe blood, etc, none Impress me more than my own oik, Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I had sw'illlugs come on my legs, which broke ami became run ning sore. Our family phy atolan could do ine no good, and it was feared that the bones would be aflocted. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Sarsapnrllla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer' Sursaparllla ha done me, I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, havo noticed Ayer Bar saparllla advertised In all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good It did for ma," Ayer's Sarsaparilla Tr p.in-.l by Dr. J. O. Ayer t Co., Lowell, Mnu. Cures others, will oure you LOCAL SUMMARY. Best flour $3.25 per barrel ; baby slues 25c; ladies' lace cloth, boxed 75c ; Indies' fine button reduced lo (si ; boys brogans ouc; men's plows fl. The lted Front Charmnn & Son are receiving their fall and winter stock. Gents' ready made clothing In latest styles and at hard times prices. Ladies dress goods in newest designs. Proscriptions carefully compounded at it. a. naming s urug store. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent si merchants' Exchange, Han Francisco is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his ollice. For job printing go to the Cour I nit olbce . Lawykhs' Biiikks and Folpkiis printed ai tne uoukikii otnee. A limited amount of monev to lend on nrst-class secuntv by Wade K.Spencer, Oregon City. Two YoKit or Woiik Oxkn. Wanted to trade, two yoke of work oxen, for oats or bay. Apply to H E. Cruse at Gladstone sawmill oH'ice, Main street. C. P. Winksktt is a practical under taker. He is now making it a special business. He is also a practical cm lull mi r as all who have had his services can testily. He keeps the most exten sive stock of cHHkets. cases and coflins south of Portland, and also a very fine grade of cloth -covered and metallic work. The cattkets and coflins are ready trimmed so that persons from a distance can be immediately accommo dated. Trices to suit these hard, dull times, for I will not be undersold. Come and see for yourselves when oc casion requires. Same old place, next door to Kuake s machine shop. C. I . Winksktt. By arrangement 8. F. Scripture will attend to my undertaking business dur ig my illness. C. l Winksktt. Time checks fioin Oregon City Woolen Mills will be taken in exchange for mereliundise on account for their full value at the store of I . Bulling. 'tipaus Tubules assist digestion. GUNN'S UtTBOVID LIVER PILLS 0HLY0HE FOR A DOSE A WORD TO LADIES. Tim ptlla r bo different In tut, mtll and action from 3hrut thatthr might be oaill medicated ooiifeotlon. Ladles Buffering from beadaobea and thoae with Billow complexion who aaonot take ordinary pllla era delighted with them. They matte tho akin beautiful, freo from blotohM and pimple. SOcj. BueAUko Mod. Co Hiiadelyiua, fa. Charman 4 Co, Druftglatf DR. GUNN 'S ONION SYRUP a FOR COUGHS, COLDS AMD CROUP. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT. When a child, another gmw mo onto irray tor Coughs, Colds and Croup, in torn I glvo It to my lit tlo ones. There lo nothing oo simple, soio an, euro. Dr. (Finn's Onion Irrup la a barmlee and plooo ant to tho taato so honor. Tbi BOteier horn romodj, why twa uy it So id at M aaata. Charman Co, Dnigjiiti HAVZ YOU GOT PILES iTCHtlfU riLEfl known by biwi 1; e par'piraUoa, aauao intones itching v.n w uu Tbl form and BI.lJtlK A,uM..tDLiHM or .OTJlUlUJf( tlhMM TirtD aTOWCB T CR. 60 SAN K Of PILC REttm, wileh aeta directly on parts a frosted, rha tanon, nltayattehing.otTetrting mataus. imigarieio I haraaa A Co. fmgglate ray R 1 N I IJ!J m Selling. Our Boots and Shoes, Cannot be sur assed in quality or price. Try us and b convince d Call and examine our fine and varied stock of HATS and Modish Fail and Winter Clothing. We have an excellent supply of WALL PAPER, rich in delicate tints . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . Thos. Charman & Son. BEAUTY and STYLE .CALL ON. mtellomj & IHUisch, MANUFACTURERS OF LOITIN'GKES, MATTRESSES AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, AS FURNITURE, CAR PETS, BEDDING, HEATING AND COOK STOVES, CROCKERY, TINWARE, ETC., ETC. PRICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIME8. T1HIE K1ED FffiOOT Gren Coffee 22c;Roast Coffee 2Sc;Rice5c a pound;Dry Granulated Sugar, 15 and 16 pounds $i; Good Green Tea 30c and Good Uncolored Tea 37c a pound. BEST FLOUR $5.25 A BARREL. 13 yds. Good Dress Gingham $f; 15 yds. Cobot W $1; Good Calicoes ' 17 to 20 yds. $1. Shoes that wear at Lowest Prices. PRODUCE TAKEN. HAMILTON & ALLEN, Oregon City Market Report. WHkiT-Perbu.Mc. bulk without aaoVi OAT-E0a V lubel, with tooki. Floub Roller f3 85 per bbl, net Eoos-20c Buttss v roll, Vkal 6Jitk dressed CHiciiNs 124 a doieo Bsir On foot2i;dreiiie !m Mutton-1 7fl2 8hinoi.es 2 2S thousand. Labd 2iie pound. HiDts Green, 8c; dr7,07efln; one-third oil oroulled. Sheep pelts, !U30o Hay Timothy, 112, clover 111, wheat hay (9, baled. Dried Fruits Prunes too; apples 810o Mill Feed Shorts $18, Bran III); Chop IS; rejected wheat, 80 cents f bu Pork Sides 14o, shoulders So, hams lSo; on fool 6)(c; dressed 70. Potatoes 45c a bu; apples 40AOc a box. BUCKLEN'S AKNICA SALVE. Tho Bost Salve In the world for Cuts, 1. anHAa TrtnHn &j .. l , di i'iuiocd. oiion, uiifOin, unik uiiuuiu, I'ever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is EUHranteed lo give perfect satisfaction, m money refunded. Price lb cents per box For sale by 0. A, Harding. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTOHNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW OFFICE, REAR OF COMMERCIAL BANK. Oregon City, Oregon. Geo. C. Brownell. A. 8. Premier. Brownell & Dresser, Attorneys at Law, Office One Door North .,' Caufitld Je Hunt- ley' D iijthn "., OREGON CITY, . - OREGON. w. Caret Johnson. C. H. IDLEMAN Johnson & Idleman, LAWYERS, CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN BTREET8, Oregon City, Oregon. Real Kstate To Bell and Money To Lend L. M. ANDREWS, M. D. DEALER IN Drags, Notions, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, itc. Prescription Carefully Compounded Shlvely'a Itlock, Cor. of 7th & Madison St., Oregon City. Noblitt Livery and Sale table OREGON CITY, OREGON, 0 tht Street betweei tbe Bridge ted tkt Depot. Double and alnila rlas and saddle horaea ai .Im. ftinnMIMl with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any Eina oi skkb piompujr AlWDUttU ut uy mwer vr p.m. HOKSKS BOUGHT OR SOLD The Commercial Bank OF OREGOS CITY. CAPITAL 1 100.OOO. Traasacts a Geaeral Baakiaf Bailees. i bill. HlavontiiitAMi. llatkM MH- in tss nim - -Kk ,- Kong. IP1U rr. T h J Z uTi P. M.rrda, nana v"- - , u Tenlnga from S till 7 r. M. C LATOIRETTE. r. . ir.i.i.-., President Caahfcw Ripana Tabulee : beat liver tonic. Rjpana Tahulea cure biltotisneaa. in All Styles, combined with MERIT Oregon City, Ore. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING UOl'SK IN THI CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. President. Vice President. Cashier, Manager, Thomas Cbasman Geo. A. Haidino I. 0. CACmiD Charles H. CAurma K General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Pisccunted. Countv and City Warrants bought. Loans Made ou Available Secunlr Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available in Any Part of lb World. Telegraphlo Exchange Sold on Portland, Sal Fraucisco, ( h Icago and New York. . Interest Paid on Time Deposits. SUB AOSNT8 Of THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. GEO. A. HARDING, DEALER IN IF LR Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window Glass. PreteripUmu Accurately Compounded. Harding's block. .. Oregon City Transportation Cq's STEAMERALTOMA." TIME TABLK OREGOX CITY BOAT. Leave Leare Portland OeeoohCitt Foot Taylor St. Foot stb 8L 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:00 m. 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. sunday time, 8:00 A. M. 9.-3UA. a. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p. In effect September 20th, 1893. M. Frier's PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. If yon want a FIRST-CLASS rilOTOGKAFH call on him at his Old bland, opposite Farr'a the butcher's. Nothing but FIRST-CLASS WORK Dt aad Promptly Delivered. OREGON CITY JOBBING SKSP. ALL KINDS OF TINNING, PLUr.lDir.C, And Genera! Jobbing to Order Sewer and Water Cessectl: Made at the Moat Seasonable Kate AS Work is done witb a rlew to last and aall.fr all concerned. Shop oa 1th Street, Dour Depot, A. W. SCHWAB, PBOP. frakx mccrj, Can and Locksmith. Adjoininf the Noblitt fctabla, OREGOX CITY. ' OREGON. All Una. f Ptraanna raaalM aaS el. a. Aftilaaa af f Mail BMCfeiar. rairaa. anapaaaw avv Ba4 lor all BlaS. at lataa. kaiaaaaal Ptatols boacht aaa aaM. BICYCLES REPAIRED.