Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, October 13, 1893, Image 2

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Oregon Cltj, October 13, 189.1.
Tlie Southern Pacific on the slate
of California. It owns tlie uruiMii
r.Mrnait rnminlaalon. ll WSIllitOOHt)
the Hate of Orpuon. It hat got In foot
on the neck o( the neople of the mule
Immlv. The nennle niUMt wake lip and
ahako it off. They aro bt-lnnltig to
realize the evil entxil o corporation con
(ml of ilm Ut hirihlature. which nhol'
Uliedthe old conimiHslon at the bidding
of IheBouthernl'at'lllc and substituted it
own commlaaion. The people are taxed
$20,000 a year to salary throe inon and
a clerk who apparently do not commit
those who employ them, but do the
bidding of tlie corporation SKai-im -i
exaction! they are aworn to protect the
public Interest. Salem journat.
It it very doubtful whether "the poo.
pie of the state" will "wake up and
hake off" the Southern raciflo until a
radical change is mado In our state
government. The Southern Pacific
Company also has Its foot on the neck
of the fair state of California and for
years she has vainly attempted to shake
off her. enemy. As long as wo give
occasion to the "practical politician"
to ply his trade, so lonx the making and
administration of our laws will be tainted
with corruption whenever Dollars aro at
The people of Oregon must destroy
the business of the professional poli
tician. The 3.000,000 people of the
republic of Switzerland killed him with
tlie Initiative and Referendum. That
is the club which will knock his brains
out in Oreiton and bring his master, the
Southern Pacific Company, to terms,
and, Incidentally, straighten out the
railroad commission.
We often hear the stereotyped phrase
that we have "the isreatest and best
governmeat the world ever saw," as
though It could not be Improved. We,
the wonderful Yankee nation, could
with much benefit to ourselves copy
from the Swiss, methods of govern
mental policy. The constitution of Hint
mountain republic is progressive and
vlaslic, while ours, though far in ad
vance of the rent of mankind at the
time when penned by that great demo
crat, the immortal Thomas JefTuron,
has remained rigid for nearly a qunrtcr
of a century and is in some respects be
hind the best thought of the world's
wisest statesmen . We must progress.
Standing still is going backward.
Tim hatred toward Gladstone in
English upiei circles borders on (runny.
The letters O. O. M. have been aneor
Ingly di liner to mean Ood's Only Mis
take, A fatality of obloquy and slander
seem to attend every great, strong
character In human hUlery Christ was
called R blasphemer, Luther was said to
bn dominated by his lusts, Washington
waa culled an illiterate boor, Jefforson
an anarchist, Lincoln an obscene
clown, and now President Cleveland Is
called a traitor to his country because
ho has opinions of his own in reuurd to
finance and has the courage to maintain
them. Few who antagonize lilin have
the manliness to aay with Joseph C.
Sibley, the free-silver representative
of Pennsylvania, "President Cleveland
is an honest man from tlie ground up."
Tiik senate still continues talking
about the Sherman silver-bullion
swindle but does not act. The country
is sick of this dilatoriness. The se nate,
the people's servant, should come to a
vote on the question of repeul of the
obnoxious law. It is believed the
friends of "free silver" will not consent
to this excepting under conditions
favorable to more silver coinage.
Tiik populist and republican journals
of Oregon arc now laruely edited by the
Evening Telegram. There would be no
objection to this if "Cunt." Moffutt did
not assnme to print a democratic paper,
It is the man's deception, false pre
tenses and arrant idiocy that inuke
one sick. Sunday Welconw.
With that successful veteran news
paper man, Ira L.. i umpueii, euiior 01
tho Eugene Guard, as president of tlio
Oregon Pros Association, tho organiza
tion will receive tlie confidence of every
kniglit of the shears In Oregon.
IIiiaiihtiikkt's says the business fail
tires for tho nine months of the year
numbered 11,17-1, 61 percent, more than
in 181)2.
Tiik races begin at Haker City October
10th . Tho hunch grass horses will show
Au. the extreme hitch-tariff organs
are claiming that the tariff hearings at
Washington have been closed becuuee
the committee could no longer bear up
under the weight of unanswerable testi
mony in support of tlie McKinley law
which both republican and democratic
manufacturers laid before them. A very
different view is taken by the American
Wool and Cotton Reporter, which Is both
a republican and a protection authority,
for tlie journal says that the "causo of
wool and woolen industry was not bene
fited by the appearance last week before
the ways and means committee of prom
inent advocates of tlie McKinley law;"
that these "McKinleyltes.who represent
only a minority of manufacturers, are
directly responsible for the defeat of the
republican party last fall,' since "they
carried the principle of protection too
far, and the country protested against It,"
and that what the woolen industry
needs, more than anything else, is a
stable and permanent tariff. The re
sponslUlitv for the absence of such a
tariff the Reporter puts upon the repub
lican party as follows: "The republican
party had it in, its power four years ago
to construct a tariff that would have
proved acceptable to the country and
have stood unchanged in any essenliul
features through years to come inlaw
that would have taken the tariff ques
tion out of politics and enabled the man
ufacturer to shape his policy for the
future without fear of being compelled
to change it and adapt it to new condi
tions arising out of a change In the policv
of tlie government. The party, under
the lead of extremists, who were over
greedy lu their desire for high protec
tive duties, saw fit to antagonize the
better judgment of the country, and in
consequence it has been discharged from
power, and the duty of constructing a
tariff more in keeping with the viows of
the country has devolved upon the dem
ocratic party."
Tub nomination of J. Van Alen, a
New Yorker worth tl'.OOO.OOO, related
to the Asters, as ambassador to Italy,
by the president, has aroused severe
criticism. Mr. Van Alen contributed
la-gely to tlie democratic campaign Inst
year 150,000 is the sum reported and
it is charged that he did so with the ex
press understanding that ho was to re
ceive, as a reward for his gift," this ap
pointment, jms charge was made
several months ago and when the nomi
nation camo a few days ago it seemed to
lend color to the charge. It is also
stated that HoraceWhite, of the Erening
Pott, and Mr. Gilder, of the Century
Magazine, sent protests to the president
and offered to refund to Mr. Van Alen
the sum subscribed by him if lie would
relinquish his claim on the nomination,
hoping in that way to relieve the presi
dent of the criticism likely to follow the
nomination. William C. Whitnev comes
out with a statement which denies that
there was any bargain of any sort. Ho
admits that Mr. Van Alen contributed
io me campaign fund, but declares that
no word ever passed between them on
the subject of a political appointment in
return. He publishes a letter which he
sent to President Cleveland June 20,
in which he states that there is no
obligation whatever to make the appoint
went, but recommends Mr. Van Alen as
in every way fit for the post.
Report of viowcrs on Oregon City and
Oswego road approved and expense ac
count of (-VI 30 ordered paid, and Joseph
Casto, J M Finlay and Frank Jaggar
appointed to appraise damages of
II 11 Johnson and D I) Mai-one,
to meet on premises of II II John
son on Saturday, the 2Ixt, at 10 a. in.
Johnson claims f'.'OOO ami Mugnno 300
Report of view-era on the M F Ambler
change n Holiday territorial rosu an
proved, and road ordered opened, the
; .,:..,-!. .
supervisor 10 use utour in umirius
only for that purpose; the old road to be
vacated. Expense $21.00.
Report of viewers for Nothnoegel
change in the Union scIioiiIIiouhc ami
(iresliam road approved, and when the
new road is opened the old one will be
vacated .
F.eport of viewers on tho Hurkhiirt
road approved and road ordered opened
by supervisor, using only the lubor of
petitioners; expense of $-15 20.
Report oi appraisers of damages on
the Mnrinubrook and Oswego road, laid
over to November term ; expenso of $12
ordered paid.
O C Sash & Door Co, c h acct. ... 10 53
Bnrmeisterit Anderson, c hacct. 1 50
Geo F Hortoll. clerk 2IM1 65
C W Gnnong, sheriff 05 8(1
C W Ganong. jail 50 30
J O Bradley, assessor ' 200 10
Geo Baker, wood 04 30
It L Holmnn, pauper acct 10 00
O'Connell & Glass, pauper acct. . 10 00
J W Smith, rood acct 08
S Smyth, road acct 7 00
J J Murphy, sup court crlm acct. 2-1 50
Coroner's investigation in lieu of
inquest 17 00
Coroners investigation, uurl
Coroner's investigation, F Ma
gone & F Mackemie
J M llaytlen, r & b acct
I'.nos Ualilll. r ft I) acct.
II 8 Gibson, educational mceling
Churman ft Co. r ft b acct
Mcston ft Dygert, records 88 00
State vs Win 1'ororon ft J .Miller
diet 5
State vs Ed II Duncan, disl 5. . .
Stnto vs E C Cass et nl. (lint 5. , .
Stato vs Duvorun ft E Pedego,
dist 3
C G Huntley, c h acct
Ayeiharnt & Ilelote, c ll acct. . . .
Pope & Co, r & b acct
D Nash ft Co, r & b acct
Kiiupp, llurrell ft Co, r ft b
5 10
7 50
110 00
12(1 00
2d 00
10 25
107 (10
22 75
80 05
02 00
22 45
50 88
52 112
08 HO
2 00
R Scott, r .i b acct (I 00
Judge. The prices following are for the
more staple books used ; Mi stou ft
Dygert, plain ruled records, medium,
480 psges, best paper, ft); same,
with printed head, $12; same,
with printed page, $14 ; same, 040 pages,
plain, $ lO.rK) ; same, 040 pages, printed
head, $13.60, same, 040 pages, printed
page, $10; canvass covers on same, $1.26
each. Hen C Irwin A Co, plain ruled
records, 480 pages, best psper,$5;saine,
with printed head, $7; same, with
printod page, $0; same, 1140 psgei, plain,
$(t;same, 040 pages, printed head, $8;
same, 040 pages, printed page, $10;
canvas covers, 75c. Glass and Prnd
hommo, plain record, 480 pages, best
paper, In lots of six, $8; canvas covers,
$1.50; printed heads, $2.60 extra per
book. Oregon City Oiiimu, plain
record, 480 pages, best paper, medium,
$12; printed beud $1 extra, full page
printing $5 extra, including canvas
covers. All tho above books are to be
bound the same, in full Russia
Ruport of It Scott on tho completion
of the Johnson creek bridge approved
and clerk to issue a warrant for $10 34
in favor of Pacific Bridge Co, In full
payment for building said bridge.
iieport of E P Carter, supr dist 4, for
September, approved and accounts as
follows: Materials $11,811, labor $00.75.
Petition of Chas De Champlaine for
license to sell spirituous, maltand vinous
liquors in Oswego precinct for six
months granted.
Bridge across Beaver creek near
CabiH's; ordered that Supr Smith pro
cure the necessary material and rebuild
said bridge, and that he employ a car
pooler and other necessary help.
Proposition of Geo Broughton to pur
chase part of old plank on suspension
bridge, accepted.
Ordered that the suspension bridge at
Oregon C'.ty be te hckid without un
necessary delay and that John Baxter
be designated to perforin l lie work under
the direction of county judge.
Ordered that a lii-t i f delinquent tuxes
for the years 1887 to 1801, inclusive be
prepared and that the county judge
employ a suitable person to do same.
'the allowance of $2 per month for
night watch was ordered discontinued
from October 1st.
Allowance for the care and keeping
of Calvin Harrington be increased to
$20, to date from October 1st.
Mileage and per diem of Commissioner
C Buir, $10 GO.
Ripiuts Tubules: one givos relief.
Ripans Tabulcs euro headache.
Itipaus Tabules cure liver troubles.
Oregon, fur iho (oiuily f Miillii-iinali.
Nsncjf M.-Oonl, f'lslnliir,
vs. I
A. II, Wltiiruw, Dtfetnleiil.
Hlsto nt Oregon,
County of clwksniM.I
Nolle Is hereliy slven that by ylrtiie of ill n
eeiitlon and oritur uf isle Issued out of the circuit
court of lli ilais'if Oregon for the county of Mull-
nah, bearing date Ilm l 'lay of October, ISM,
In a in It wherein Nanny McCord la plaintiff and A.
II. Wllhrow la deleiiiieiil, coininamllng roe. 111
Ilia nam of the slate of Oregon, thai out of the
real state hereinafter described, to reallie a aura
tilllelent to aatlufy the dcraan.lt of aald deiiree,
liewll: t-'AV Uigetlier with Interest oil the same
luce Ilia IKilli of Heiilember, 1ms, at eight per
ei'iil. pur annum, ami c"iir.'7.1(l now accrued
ami alo tlie cotla ol and attending thla nlc and
writ. Now, therefore, in obedlruc to this de
cree, I did, on the vth day of June, IsiU, duly
levy upon, under atlarhinrnt, and will, on the
llthilay of Novamlwr, lsua, at the hour uf one
o'clock p. m. of aald day, at Ilia front door of the
roiirlhciiiH) In laid county, oiler for sale at pub
lic auction, and awll lo the blithest and best bid
der, fur rush III hand, all ol the right, title and
lnlcrot the (aid defendant, A. II. Wllhrow, has
III anil to the following deacrlbed real property,
to-wlt; IxHs thirty-live (&',) and thirly-aix (M) In
block forty-four (41) of Mlulhiirn addltloii to
Portland, in t'lackama county, Oregon.
Dated thla ISIIi day of Oclolwr. A. I). lSoS.
O. W. (iANONii,
Sheriff of Claekamaa County, Oregon.
Ocloberl, 1MIII. Notice la hereby given that the
following-named n-lllnr haa tiled notice uf his Intui
tion lo inuke final proof In nippnrt of hli claim iulr
Hmi. il, H. 8., and that said proof will be made be
fore Urn Kexlater ami Itroi Iter at Oreg. n ( Ity, Oiexoi
on llwembers, 1HU3, via: KMANUKL A HTr.lt N,
11. K. No. 10,2.', for the S. H of SK. ) and 8. Si of
SW. V. See. 14, T. S B. K. lie niuuea the follow
ing wltiifwies to prove Ills Oontlnuoua realilenoe iipon
ml cultivation of aalil land, vli: K. i. Peake, Y. .
Prake, J. H. HohllMoll and A. Am-hon, all of Mar
mot, Oregon. BOHKIIT A. Mll.LKK, Begl.ler.
tieeaepp-'lui tj niH-utor of the estate of Kliaon
R. Lewellen, dr.l.il All persona having claims
agaJiut eald rkult arc lmruhy nollfnd to present the
aid claims to meal Hprliigweter.Chwkaniaa county,
Oregon, with the proper vouchers, on ur before ilx
moutlu from the date of title notice.
Deled thla lit day of Heptemlwr, 1HU3.
Kiccutnr of the (elate of Kllxin D. l-ewelleii,
Eighty acres of fine farm land, mostly
bottom, on Woodcock creek, Clackamas
county, two miles from Meadow Brook
postotlice. Three acres cleared, 12 acres
slushed ; good house 20x30. Price $800,
of which f")0O must be paid down, hit!-
. aiice two vears time, for further par-
I ticulars call at Coukikii oflice or address
me at Vuncouver, Wash.
' Mus. Anna Taylor.
. tfitoiv-.i luoiiHTu iiivn1 iipitm AMmritmtit nv
NtJTll.K IS llgltl-.IIX lilltci IIIJII inc. rv..v,,.i ........ .
the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon, un the pmperly abutting on Fifth street of aald city, liable
under the Charter of aald city, fur the Improvement of raid fifth atreet, and that aald aniountt of money
are due and payable wllhln twenty duyi from the find publication of this notice, October dth, 1803; that If
aid sumVare not told at said time they will draw Interest, together with whatever coita may be Incurred
The above mentioned pmperly together Willi said Hwswnient and owners la aa follows, to wit :
Ben C Irvine A Co, records 1(1 00
Knterprme, stationary -1(1 00
O C Iron Works, r&'b acct 8 50
Resignation of W W Jchso as justice
of the piece of magisterial dist 7 ac
cepted and J 1) Rittur appointed us his
Ordered that clerk issue a warrant to
II d Gibson, superintendent, for $70 on
account of iiuitrterly payment lor school
districts reported.
The order made at the September
term of directing the cancellation of
warrants, rescinded as fur as warrant
No 11-' 1 for $ I is concerned.
Report or W II Smith, supt dist 2. for
September approved ; entire account us
follows: Materials $110.40, labor on
bridges $05 85, labor $7.50, supervised
$.11, total -'.iU,8l.
Report of O W l'rossor, supr dist 5,
for September approved and expense as
follows: Labor $.")()..')(), material $102. -18.
Report of S Flilcraftou the Improve
ment of Oregon Citv and Apperson
road approved ami expense of $541. 12
ordered paid.
Resignation of A II Bullock as con
stable of magisterial district No 2 ac
cepted and W II Welch appointed.
Report of S Smyth, county surveyor,
on the measurement of extra earth ex
cavated by contractors on Urimm's bltill'
approved; warrant to be issued in fa or
ol l'avn it CouiiHoll for the sum of
Report of A W Cooke on the improve
ment of Baker's hridgo and Kagiildtt's
mill road approved and the action of
the court in issuing warrant for $1075 to
l'avn & Counsell is approved.
I'etition of C T 1 ooze et a! for re
duction of rates on Boone's Perycoi.
tinned to Thursday, November litli, at
10 a. in.
Ivy M Saw tell and Muttio R l.eavitt
appointed to scholarships in the state
agricultural college.
Report of A W Cooke, supr dist 1, for
September, approved and expense as
follows: Materials $I2! 0.1, labor $!07.75,
supervison $(), total $.'!lki 78.
Recommendations of A W Cooke,
supr, on road work in dist 1, approved,
and ordered that the sum of $:l()0 be ex
pended under his direction in grading
and graveling the Milwaukie and Foster
road .
Ordered that A W Cooke procure the
neeossitry material and repair tbebridges
reported by him as needing repair, and
lo rebuild the bridge on Milwaukie and
Foster road near Fred Gage's liuiHe.
Ordered that payment be made of
f... I.. I.... tl,n li... f
. , - laiiaiB iim inuui "it iiiiutriuciii wi
snow that from January to September, I Baker's bridge and Fagalda's mill road
this year, 500 state and privste hanks in between Grimm's blutf and Baker's
the United States failed aud that 72 have tp " romllien(leJ in Sii-rvisor
resumed business. In the same time "rhe JliTtrTof John Locke for damages
loo national banks have failed, 70 of caused by the riot at Chsmpoeg not
which have resumed. I allowed .
ton tract for tlie furnishing of comity
I records awarded to Ben C Irwi & Co,
j book to be obtained by ordri of county
tin or li Co. Add. I
10(1 or 6 Co. Add. 'i
IIHI or 6 Co. Add. 7
lull or ft Co. Add. S
IIII or 4 " II
110 or 4 " 4
llu or 4 " 5
1111 or 4 "
llll or VI " .1
till ur 12 " o
Pll or 1-2 " 4
llll or 12 " 4
llll or 12 "
1111 or 12 " II
HUorll " I
Uigur 1 1 " 2
l:orll " 7
1H2 or II " S
1117 or 20 " 1
1H7 or 20 " 2
1H7 or 211 " 7
1117 or 211 " 8
HIS or 1!) " 3
Ills or III " 4
HIS or 111 ' l
HIS or III "
rni or -24 ' a
lfill or 24 " 4
lfttl or 24 " r
lfill or 24 "
1MI or 211 " 1
liKI or 211 " 2
HHI or 2H " 7
IIIO or 21 " H
1112 or 112 7
1112 or 112 " S
lull or ' ll
ir.i or ;ci " a
owNsa'a same.
J. W. NorrU
J . W. Norrls
C, II, Uitoiirclte
(J. P. Lalourctt
Klltabeth Kucha
hlliabfth Kiiclm
Klisalwth Kuchs
Kllialielh KihIiii
Win. II. Poie
Wm. II. I'ope
('has. K. Horn
flitts. F. Horn
J. J. t'ooke
J. J. t'.ke
A. M. Proper
A B. Moore
George C. Kinney
Ailolph Si-hoi'Ppa
Adulph NchoepiM
Haiullid Meyer
HlllllUel Meyer
Ann W. JuKirar
Ann W. JaKK"r
Ann W. Juguur
Ann YV. Juggiir
Margamt L. llntilorf
Mariiaret h. Baldorf
Frank Jaggar
Frank Jnggar
T. t. Ityaii
T. Y. ltyH.ii
John Blttuur -John
Sarah M. MrCown
Herah M. McCown
Buth A. Punloni
Itulh A. Pnrdoill
Sarah M. BlcCown
Sarah M. McCown
Sarah M. McCown
Sarah M. McCuwu
Frank Jnggar
Frank JiiKimr
tleonte ltnndidl
Oeorge Italldnll
Katu L. Newtou
7(1 fi.t off the westerly end of said lot ft, cut
on by a line nt right-angles to Fifth street
lITi feet off the easterly end of eiild lot r, cut
on by a line at right-unities to Flflh street
l.'li aaaKanKD
t 211 14
211 20
24 lul
III .10
Id 114
22 2M
22 112
ll'rl lit
22 Aft
14S 74
lii'J m
21 l!7
211 II"
1 1) 2 2S
4 05
l.'Si 211
J.', 21
211 4S
142 70
21 12
27 m
174 Mi
a m
187 IK)
2S 01
22 S4
va 2u
170 18
140 07
211 611
1.11 41
ll!2 8l
22 31
2S 7
ISO 91
21 HI
170 22
lm 27
24 2ft
7 fitogtlineniiterlv end of said lot 3. cut
off liy line INU-Hllel to Monroe sireet 10 oo
Klls rtrHnviltn :tl fiwt off Hie westerly end of aald lot 3. cut
off by line parallel to Monroe street 7 02
Kiln llranvlllu llll font off the westerly end of said lot 4. cut
off bv line parallel to Monnie street Ml 00
KhIo t. Nuwliin 72 feet off lliu easterly end of said lot 4. Cut
off bv line tiarallel to Monroe street 110 38
Mrs. Nora A. Hcckart We 20
Mrs. It. W. Bacon 21 69
Heirs uf Anna Nehron l'J
Ileirs of Anna Nehren 21 07
Heirs of Anna N. lm-n 22 01
ll..lr of inm NVI.rell IM 11
Mary K. Poller 17H S
Mary K. Potter 24 41
Mrv K Poller 21 11
Mary K. Fuller 1 23
W. YV. Myers 22 10
(trace Williams U 33
tlmce Williams ISO 10
W. W. Mrera 22 20
W. W. Myers l '
W, W Myers M
W. YV. Mvers iloS 3
W W. Mvers 24 41
Helri of 'Win. Ilrouishlnn S.'s) 2
llelrs ol YVm. llnmL'htoll 111 33
Heirs of Win. Ilroiigliton a 1,6
llelrs of Wm. Ilrougliton 40(1 4S
Cliickaiiuis Coilnly b7 22
Clm-kaiiiKS ('ounly ft"0
John Welch 3"7
John Welch 04 12
Ordered nnbllshcd by the city council of Or. gon City, OreKon, at a meeting held October 4lh, 1SKI.
h L. I'OBTKB, Bwwnler of Oregon City, Oregon
N the City Council of Oregon Illy, Oregon, on tlie property abutting on Main street of said city, liable
under the Charter of aald city fur the Improvement of said Malu street, ami that eaiiiamoutits of money
are due and payable within twenty days from the first publication of this notice, Octobo. Cth, 1SU3; that
if anld sums are not paid at aalil lime they will draw Interest together wltn whatever costs may be incurred,
Tho above mentioned properly together with said assessment and owners is as follows, to-wlt :
Portland General
Kleetrlc Company
llrignii city
I Colorado several thousand mm
have been re employed in the mines,
and the principal mines in tlie Coeur d'
Alenes have resumed. During the
period of idleness, the stock of silver
b been sufficiently reduced to make
resumption of work not alone safe
but profitable.
Statistics compiled from official data
John (llehlsi'b iiiul
M. J. llrodcrlck
Thomas Cbiirnian
,T Thomas ('barman
3 J R Ayer
2 Mrs. E. linrinclMi'r
g 2 J M. Graham
John Selirain
Beginning t a point on southerly projeotlon
of west lino Main street, 51.0 (eet distant from
southeast corner of Moos 1, thence southerly
on said westerly line Mnin street 24 feet;
thence westerly at right -angles 10(1 feet;
thence northerly at right - angles 24 feet;
thence easterly at right angles 1IW feet to
place of beginning I 1110 7
lieiiliining at tne niitneasi corner ninea i,
theui'O southerly along westerly Hue ol Main
street ol (1 leet; thence westerly nt right angles
losi feet; thence northerly at rlirht angles ftl.il
feet; thence easterly at right angles luo leet
to place of beginning 2su 71
3s 74
11113 44
,KN 03
Beginning at southeast corner bit 4. thence
northerly nlong west line Main sireet 2s feet;
thence westerly at risbl angles s" feet; thence
southerly as right niiiclcfl 2S feel; thence east
erly at right angles S7 feet to point of be
ginning 147 40
Beginning at northeast corner lot 4, thence
southerly nlong west line of Main street 40 3
feet; thence westerly at right angles s; feet;
thence aoulheily at right anglea '2S feet;
thence westerly at rlulit auglea Is feet;
Ihenee northerly at right angles ils.1 (eel:
tlicnca easterly at right angles loft feet to
point of beginning 4ir2 01
South half lot 3. cut off by a line at right
angles lo Main street 2iM .16
North half lol 3. cut on by a lint at right
angles to Main street 2nd &3
Beginning al aouthcasl corner lot i. thence
northerly along west line Main street 22.7.1
feet; thence westerly at right angles 7ft feet;
thence somberly at right anirlcs 22.7ft feet:
thence easterly at right angle 7 feet lo point
of beginning lift OS
Beginning at northeast corner lot 2, thence
southerly along west line Main street 4ft Aft
eel: thence westerly at rlaht auales 7ft feet;
thence southerly at right aimles 22.7ft feel:
thence westerly at right angles 30 feet; thence
northerly at right angles bs.1 feel; tbem-e
C. O. T. Williams
and M. A. Nlratloti
K.tate of C. W. PoS
Mrs Ann Jagaar
aud 11. C. Stevens
re Ann Jaagar
and H.C. Steven.
fiiptuu Tabules : for lour stomach.
easterly al right anglea 10A feel to point of
South half of lol I. rut off by a lineal right
angles lu Main street
North half of lid I, cut ogrby a line al riglu
anglealo Malu atreet
Beginning at aoutheasl dirtier lot 4: thence
northerly on avesl line Main treet BM feet;
thence westerly at right angles feet: 1 hence
northerly at right anglea 24 feel; Ihenee
westerly at right anglea As feel; thence south
erly at right angles S7 feet: thence easterly al
right angle luo feel to point of beginning
Beginning al a point on tha west line of Main
street S3 lent northerly from the southeast
comer of lot 4. Ihen,-e wesu-rly al right anglea
in Main atreet M) feel: thence northerly at
right anglea 24 feet; thence westerly al right
angle feet: thence northerly to the
northerly line ot aald lot 4: thence at right
angles easterly lo Main street; thence south
erly to place of beglnuiug
Beginning at lh southeast corner ot aald lot 1,
block S: thence westerly 10A feet: thence
northeriv lo line of property owned by M M.,
T. L. ana K. K. Char-nan; thence at right
anglea easterly 31 feet: Ihenee somberly al
riant angles Jn feet: thence easterly at right
angles to Main atreet: tlieitee u theplaeeof
X 02
227 Ol
227 04
I'i 90
Mrs. M. M (iiamian,
T. I.. Charmaii,
K. K. I 'barman
J. Uigus Kslate aud
Mrs. Clara Morev
Isaac Karr
J. Iigus Estate and
CO. Albright, Jr.
Gen. Harding. N.O.
Walden anil Mrs, Clara
Geo. Harding. K. O.
Vt alden and Mrs. Clara
Oregon Lodge. No. S,
I O.O. K.
K.I). Kelly
John gchrani
.Milllnomnli Uxlge No.
A. K. at A. M.
Beginning al nnrlheaal corner nf lol I, thence
wesleily along norlh line of lot S luft feed
Ihenee somberly along west Hue lot S 44 d
feel: Ihenee ensfeily al right angles Ml fe.;
llieuco aiiulherly al right angles 211 feel;
thuure easterly at right angles 74 feet lo
Main sireet: Ihenee northerly along Mnlu
street to IMilulof beginning
Beginning at southeast comer lol 2, Hicne
niirlbcrly on went Hue Main sireet 40 7 lol;
thence westerly al right angles n'ifcel;tliciiitf
somberly al right angles 40.7 feet; Ihciice:
easterly at right angles lul li-ut lo place of Iw
gluulug. Beglnuiug al northeast corner lol 2: iheiica
siiuiherly along west line Mam sireet 2n loot;
thence westerly at right angles lift (eel; llti'lire
northerly at light angles 2o feet: Ihenee east,
erly al right angles 111.') feel til place of lie-ginning
Bank nf Oregon lily.
Bank ol Oregon Clly
L. Jaggar, O, A. Harding
and Mrs. tiara Morey
II. C. HtcvellN. L. Jnggar.
(1. A. Harding and Clara Morey
Hophla Charmaii
Mlsi K. Barclay
Mlsa K. Barclay
C. II. A E.G. Caufleld
It. Caullehl Estate
Clackamas couuly
Clackamas County
Mrs M. M. charmaii
St. Paul a Parish of Oregon City
Kind Baptist church ol Oregon I lly
Archbishop of the Catholic
church for the diocese of
Oregon City, W.II. Gross
Archbishop of the Catholic ,
church for tho diocese of
Oregon City, W. II. Gross.
Archbishop nf the Catholic
church for the dliK'css of
Oregon CI y, W. II. I Irons
Archbishop of the Catholic
church for the diocese of
Oregon Clly, W, II. Gross
Geo, Broughton
Mrs. O. Albright
Alden Emit A Vegetable Preserving Co,
Mrs. H. E. Paipiel
T. Wvgiint
T. Wygaut
Mrs. H. K. I'aiiucf
Julia Itlehanls
John Wilkinson
Belle Harding
Belle Hnrillng
Jane K. Buck
Jane E. Duck
L. T. Barln
L.T. Burl ii
James Dnlan Estate
Julnes Dnlan Estate
Jnines Dnlan Estate
James Dnlan Estate
Geo, Broughton
A E.Walt.
A. K. Wait.
George Broughton.
J. Logos Kstate and R. 0. Alhrlciit.
J. Uigua Estate and ('. 0. Albright
I.. T. Barln
I.. T. Barln
James Wilkinson
James Wilkinson
James Wilkinson
James Wilkinson
Juhnna Kreytsg
All of smith half nf lot 2. siiulli of Alley.
Nnrlh half of lol 2. cut oil' by a line at rigid
angles to Main street
Beginning at soulheasl corner lot 1: thence
niirlbcrly 43.7 feet along west Hue Malu street:
Ihenee westerly at right angles luft leet; Ibeiiee
outiicrly at right angle 43.7 feel: llielii-o
easterly at right auglea lift feel to point of
Beginning nt northeast corner tot I; Iheneo
aiiulherly along west Hue Main street 2YA feet;
thence westerly al right auglea loft feel;
tliaiico northerly at right anglea 2ft.ft feet;
thence easlerly at right angles HH feet to
point of beginning.
M feet oh" the southerly side of lot S, cut tiff
by a line al rlgbt-aiiglcslo Main sireet
30 feet on the northerly side nf lot I cut
off by a Hue at rlght-nnglca lo .Main sli-ct
James Ilealey
Juhnna FreylKtr
James Ilealey
Charles Bolda
Charles Holds
M. Huerlh
C. N. Greenmiin
Isapheua Oreeiiinau
J. I-ergusoii
Clara Morey
Clara Morey
Mrs. M E. Barlow
Mrs. M. E. Barlow
Orpha F. Cross i
First Congregational
Hoelety of Oregon City
First Congregational
Hoelety of Oregon Clly
J. B. Harding
Geo. A. Harding
Gen. A. Harding
Albeit Schilling -
L. Comer
Archbishop of the Cathode
church fur the diocese of
Oregon City, YV. H. Gnaw
Archbishop of the Catholic
church for the diocese of
Oregon City, W. H. dross
Mrs. U. L. Milil
E, E. Chnnuan
E. K. Cliaraian
Estate of J. Loe.ua
Mrs. J. R. Samssn
Mrs. F. I. Caldwell
Mra. T. E. Caldwell
Estate of J. Msder
Mrs. Margarete Wygaut
Minnie Jaggar
Oregon City
M. A. Stratum
M. A. Stratton
Trustees nf M. E. Church
of Oregon City
Trustees of M. E. Church
of Oregon (ity
II. C. Stevens
Westerly half nf lot 8, cut oirbv I
to .Main sireet
Easterly hulf of lot S, cut oft' by n line par
allel lo Main street
Westerly half nf hit 7, cut on by a line par
allel to Minn street
Easterly half nl hd 7, flit otT by a line par
allel In Main street
Northerly half of lot 7, cut ofT by a lino nt
rlght-nnglcH to Mnlu sireet
Somberly half of lot 7, cut off by a line nt
rigbt-ungles to Mnlu sireet
Northerly half uf lot 7, cut oft' by a lino at
right-angles to Main street;
Southerly half of lot 7, cut off by a Hue at
right angles to Main street
Beginning at northwest corner tot S; thence
southerly on line Main street S3 feel; thence
easterly at right angles IB feet; thence north
erly at right anglea 33 feet: thence westerly
nt right angles Oft feet to place of beginning.
Beginning at northeast corner lol S; thence
westerly along aotilli Hue Huh street 40 feet;
thence southerly at right nngles 33 feet; thence
easterly at right angles 40 feet: thence north
erly at right angles It) feet to place of beginning-.
Somberly half of lot 8, cut off by aline at right
angles to Main sireet
62 feet of northerly side of lot 0, cut off by a line
at right-angles to Main street
14 feet off southerly side of lot 0, cut off by a Hue
at right-angles to Slain street
If. C. Stevens
II. 0. Stevens
Mrs, Ann F. and L. Jsggsr
Commercial Bunk of Oregon City
m. it. iiurlow aim J, u. iiaviu
II. W. Itosa
Nnrlh half of lot 7, cut off by a line at right
angles to Main street
Smith luilf of lot 7, cut off by u lino ut right
angles to Mnlu street
North half of lot 6, cut off by a line at rlght-auglea
lo Main street
South hulf of lot 0, cut off by a Hue at right angles
to Mnlu street
40 feet off north side of lot ft, out off by a line at
rlgliLangles to Main street
17 feet off southerly side of lot ft, cut offhy a line
at right angles In lilnill sireet, also alley us dedicated
II. YV. Rosa
J. M. Graham
J. Johnson
A. B, tlmluim
Clara Morey
Mra. M. E. Barlow
N. O. Walden
A. L. Bichiirdson
II. L. I.. Clark
A, I.. Rlrbanlson
II. L, L. Clark
II. I.. L. Clark
J. Q. Plllsbury
Portland Flouring Mills
John Parson. I.ailru Royal
and Osmond Boyal
Oregon Clly
Ladru Royal
Ladru Royal
W. L. White
T. L. Charman
M. E. Barlow and J. T.
Mra; Annie R. Rail
George Broughto
George Broughton
Beginning at northwest eorn-r lot 8, tlienoe
southerly along esst line of Main streot 117.7 feetj
thence easterly at right anglea 70 feet: thence
northerly at right-angles 37.7 feet: thence westerly
at right-angles 70 feet to place of beginning
Also Beginning at northeast comer lot 8, thence
Westerly along south lino Fifth atreet 3ft foot:
thence aolltherly at rlglit-nngles IH.Sft feet tlience
easterly at right-angles lift feet- tlienoe northerly
at right-angles !I4 X!t feet, to place of beginning
beginning at southwest corner lot s, thence
northerly along east line Main street 112 feeti
thence easterly at rigllt angles 70 foot; Ihenee
soulherly at rlght-anglea 112 feet; thence westerly
at right-angles 70 feet to place of beginning
Beginning at southeast corner lot s, thence
northerly along east Hue of lot S 114. 8ft feet: thence
westerly at right-angles ai feet: tlience southerly
at right-angles IH.Sft feet: tlience easterly at right
angles 3ft feet to place of beginning
irj.7 feet off northerly side of lot 7, cut off by a
line at right-angles to Main street
37 feet off soulherly side of lot 7, cut off by a line
at right-angles to Main atreet
21 feet off northerly slileof lot 8, cut off by a line
at rlglit-nnales to .Mnin street
Beginning on easterly line of Main street 20 feet
southerly from northwest oorner lot 8, tbenee
southerly on east line of Main street 21 feet; tl ee
easterly nt right-angles llli feet; thence norlherly
at right-angles 21 feet; tlience westerly u right
stigloa 10ft feet to place of beginning
Beginning at a point on easterly line Main street
41 feet southerly from northwest corner lot 8,
thence soulherly 21 leet along east line Main
street: thence easterly at rlght-anglce llVi feet:
tlience northerly at right angles 21 feet; theme
westerly at right-angles lllft feet to place nf be.
Bit feet of southerly side of lot 8, cutoff by a line
al right-angles lo .Main street
Sft.3 feet off northerly side of lot 7, cut off hy line
st rlght-sngles to Main street
33 feet of southerly side of lot 7, cut off by line
t right-angles to Main sireet
V'i4 4ft
II 11 .'.I
Ms no
ftls 74
&.T2 07
ls lis
2 lft ft2
311 3ft
Isl Sft
l ift ,'si
23ft 37
UK) 01
4ftl Ti
4k Oil
4U0 17
4iiS 3S
171 24
4113 AS
Mil IM
4I2 01
41 79
ftnu in
4M 2ft
4KI 117
PM1 121
401 SO
ftft II
mu w
2111 S3
221 S3
IHS (12
l:o 4ft
b'.l 47
Ills 07
Isil 10
183 a
1S7 17
IV, 14
Mil 811
UHt 111
lis 77
lsl on
170 74
IM 70
1K2 70
170 71
170 74
12 711
1x2 70
170 74
170 71
182 70
IS2 70
170 74
173 (IS
1?J lift
02 40
02 l
ftft 79
ft, 84
ln7 irj
122 23
1119 29
What Ii tha condition of your? Is your Mr dry, S
wan, prune r ixies u pui nt. ino enuar nag ii i
llfelcs appearance? Docs It fntl out when combed or J
brushed r Is It full of dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch ? j
U it dry or In heated condition ? II these aro lome nf t
y our ty mpiomsDo warneu in lime or you win uecome oaiu.
Skookum Root Hair Grower I
I what you nerd. Iti prod nation Ii not n w.f'imt, hut Hie rtiuttof tWonl Iflo
rttwivli kii'iwIrMK ot (llMaMof ititt hair and waId lea U llMili-wuVe
ary ot Imw lutnut tli-'in, "HkiMikmii "outiumi Dfiilier luinwaliDoroli. ll i
.notHJv'p, buiilelnfi.tfu1lyoH.hinii( rrrfiiuug urnm. Ity umuiitirn ,
lit MU.kt U tfoj .tJdniy Auir, gut 4an4nJf anU grout haw v Ovid
I tr Keen th rain c!in, heilthf , and frM fmrn Irrftstlnf mptlonf, f 1
tha un ut &kukum Mm ll UutUujrt paroMio invt$, whuk JttU ym
and iiettrvy th Amr. . I
If vuur (IruifKi.i rMnnf lupplf yon nrt dfnwt in nl, nd w will fnrwird i
prTTi'i, un ririiivi prK urvwrii ftew jwr wtii i tur fv.vvs wfiwvi
TD41R HARK a m u-at. aifwi. V..l.. r v
teahle Ut the iinyuii'iit uf all warratils endiirsi-d
prior to jiuy in. isiii.
Interest will eensu from tho dale nf this no
lieu. H. 11. t'Al.lr'K.
Treasurer nf t lai-kainaa Cininlv.
Dated Oreumt Lily. September 22, lw-1.
N 1 II K ClllfliT ('(HilT KOK TIIK HTATK
- tlri-ifiin, fur the County of iiaekiiuisa.
.Msjnr A. I.l! Moll,., I'lsiullrr, I
vs 1
I'murc Iji Mulls, lli'fi'iidsiit. J
To I'miic, I Mulle. Ilulenilaiit:
In the name nf II, c- s sin ill Un-aoii. von are hit-
reuiilrisl to alijn-araliil answer tlie coluiiallit III'
imIiisi vim In the all its putltled suit by Monday, I
lllh ilsy uf Novemht-r, latin-, the same bslutf the hrsl
nay ot llu term ut mis court iiiiiowiiik his esiu
Hull nf Ihe tlmi' rt-'ril'eil by this court for tlie i
lliallon of Ibis summons, tu-alt; Mi siieeeu
tr,'ks tiiiblli iitlnn ilii ri'nf. itii.l If you full loan
Hsir ur nliswor. tin- (ilslulirf will ai.ly In Ihe run
lur tin rflli-l luii.ieu nir ill me eouil'iuiiii n,,
vlx: Kura dii-riHiilissottlna the ls,u,l.of iiiutrlin
now i-ilslliiic lo'ltvei'li llu- I'liill'liftsiiil ili'li-iiilnni
This summons U mihli-lu'd bv nrdiT of tin. II
II. Hurley, one of His ,-irrult ludai's of the fnu
llldll'lal dlstrlrt of the slsle of Orimlll. tllildo on I
I .'Hi ilsy of Si'lil.'iiils'r. IS'.nl. I he eirrilll lu. mi- ot i
district III which llil" suit is s.iilliia holinj aim
f null his dlrttrl. t v,ili litis oiilor ass llimli..
X. N. hTKKVrN, Altorlii') hr linlullll
L Ori-iili, for the t'oiilil)' of Chiclnillisa.
tiiiu i.-s ii. Wiitsun, riaiuiirr,!
iltsull, CIslulllT, 1
mil, lli'fi-ndiiiit. )
Carrli. 31. Walsn
To (hrrle M. Wiilauii. Ihe iihiive-iiiiliuil di-feiidn
In llu liniiu. ol tlio sluls of OreiMil. volt lire
iiulr.il to tumour ini'l iniNWer the eollllifiiltlt of tlx
Dlslliliir liir--lti. oil M Ill V. tin lltll tbiv ol NoVi
ls-r, A 1). ls!ill; and il voti fall tn atiswi-r. Iho dnl
till will apiily to tin' court fur Ihe ri-lli'f irnyi-il
In tlu.coiiiiiniiit, tU'Wlt,: For a drcn-e illssoivins
Ihe Isiniisiif iiiiilrililiiliv now existing hi'lwii'll .v
and the pliilnlllf, anil fur such other and further l o
lli'l us to tin. court limy s,fin ,.iiiiiiiiiii' nun jusi.
Tills slim loons Is lillhllihi-d bv tililiT of II"
Tl ills A. .Mi-llrl.li', JiiiIki. of llu.'tiftll Jinlii'lul ill
Irli'lul llu. Is i, r Hi, ..i.iii. T. F. I'UWIMI.
Isili-d S,-iu-iiilsr 2i, Is;i3. Ailuriu-y for liniulllf.
rti .Ml
1i.i K
114 !i
wo 12
170 SO
ISO 118
IWi 38
lllft 13
.122 112
lfttl 71
1K1 71
It'll 13
3IS 01
' 107 OS
174 111
207 (0
72 41
nvi mi
318 llll
10ft 30
1IK 117
.'1112 I d
319 llll
M9 32
332 71
100 IHI
UK! 3ft
3ftU 111
,V.2 78
201 8S
1411 92
llllll 111
1111 411
llllll 12
;w mi
111 70
172 23
IHS 01
34!) 02
301 72
A On-goll, for the County of Cinekslllus.
Tin- On-i-iin National Hiuk of I'orilninl,
vs. lialllllir.
S. W. It. Join's, IMra.limt.
Tn llu mild A. W. It. Jones. Iiefi'iiiliiul;
lu tin' name of the unite of (Iri'itoii. voii are hcn-li
n-iillrisl to ii,n'iir and all-wir the comiiliilut 0
inillisl vou in Ilm iilHivi'H'lllitli'd ai-llun 1,11 or In't'
Ho. Hist dt'.y of Ilm next eusiiliiit ti'i'in of the alsiv
entitled court, to wit: i he lilh diiv of Noveml
Is'.ill. null in d.-fiitllt llieniif, vntl are llotllliil lieri'l
llist lliu plnitilllf will liike JitilKnii'tit ilKiilust you fi
the sum of tlility livii Ii 11 11 lr.il dulUrs tsil'san, 1
Ki'thiT Willi (iltori-st tlicri'iin from tlie ftlh dt,y
IIiti'IiiIiit, lMll, nl the rnti' of tell per cinit. sr 11
tiuni anil also lor Itif further sum of dins' hiiiiihi'
and tlfiy ilollurH'i.l.'sll as stlorui.ys' f,s In this ttt-tli
orsiu li less sum us iilliirm-ys' fi-e as Mu court nuiy
Uhiii a lusirliiK lliervol iiiljililue reasonable, mill Ii
costs mill iiistoinu'msnis.
This suinmotis is iiulili.lu-d hv order of the hon
able Ju.lue of the fouilli iitdii-iiU district, wlilc
01-iler wns made ut eliiimlNra oil the 2illh day of
tn-pii'iiiui-r, i.vi:i.
Attorneys for l'lniutilft
The iiitiU'rsiL'iu-d liiivlntr bwn nstoriMl
hcaitli liv ni in liH'iiiiH. flfior nuMiTlnir f
scvithI yi'tirs with a xevoro Iuiik nttretlnti, anu
that drutiil tlisettsy CoiihiiiiiiI ion, Ih anxious lo
niiike known to IiIh fellnw MitlVnTK the lnuiniH
of curt, lo uuifp who di't lie It, he will rht'cl
fully Kfiin (irc of churii.) a -oiy uf thy itri-Mcriti
tiou iiNfd, which ihry will llml n Hiiro cure for
rfiimiiiiiitt lim. Artthmii, Catarrh, llninoh
tla and all throm nixl ImiK iMtiltidif aa ll
liiiPt'Hhll siitl.Tcrs will try Ills remedy, us it
invalutihle. i'lioso detdrniK the preNcriptioi),
which win cost uiem limning. Hihi may prove
blesHiiK, will please adilreKK,
Rev. Edward A.Wilson, Uiookiyn.NYw York
Holden's Ethereal Cough Syrup
A Nerer Fallliu' Kemedv, for all
Suitable lor Old or Youn?.
rnaPARttD 11Y
THB H0LDEN DRU0 Co., Stookton, Cal,
For Sale by Geo. A. Harding
Still, half of lot 8, cut offhy a linn nt Huhl-misim
to Mutn street
Month half of lot a, cat off by a line at rlk-htiuutles
to Msln street
1" 1 feet off northerly side of lot 7, cut off hy
line nt ri-lit.aiit;le to Msin sireet
W feet off southerly side of lot 7, rut off hv s Hup
at riiiht angles lo Main street
Beginning at roost westerly eomer block 2i
thence aoutherly along esst ts.nniiary Main atreet
7li..ifeel; thence nulerlv at rlirht angles 1U1 fei-t;
thence northerly at nirln-snt'li-s 7ti,i feet: theuee
Westerly al rinhtingles lis) feel to place of bo.
fsrk addition to Ongon City. West halfof Hick A
Resinning at a point on Main street l feet.
-lortlmrly or the northeast corner of hlock 14 of
Oregon City, thence at rigltt anglea westerly loi
feet, thence at right-anglea northerly l:o f,et
thence at right-angles easterly lis) feet to Main'
street, thence along Msin atreet to the place of
hegi lining
The Kaat Side Rail war The franchise of the East Side Railway rom-
nirny pany, granted to It under theprovis.nsof nrlin-
ance So. l.to, of Oregon I'itv. Oregon, more
particularly described as follows, to wit; Be
ginning at a point it feet east of the center
line of Msin .treet at its intersection with the
north line of Third street, said point being one
loot West of the West rail of said comismy's
lrsu; theare northerly and northeasterly par
allel with and .aw f. from the west rail nf
aid company's tract In the north line of four
teenth Mreet in said Oregon llty. tnence easterly
at right-angles to ,. company's tnsrk 7 feet;
then. Ksitherlv parallel with east rail of said
e.anpany'1 track, and one foot east of It to tha
north liae of Third street in said city; Ihenee at
right anglea westerly 7 feet to place of Begin
ning: with all wltchea and tnrnonla, and all
priMlegea and aasments, are rued or accruing
nader the pnnleions nf said ordinance, ena
pnhlMled by Ihe City eaiarll of Ore-oa City Oreo, st a asertinr held Oekdier tth 1sB
U L. l-oRTKl. Rrd,Oreg.,rity. i-r-trm
110 0(1
.ti mi
W3 40
inn i'i
as7 m
UW Sti
274 10
274 09
1211 on
3M Zl
4.11 .11
Golden 0i)ortunity J'or Nufler
lug HumiHiity.
I'hysticliini, (ilvo Their Hi iiiftlitia to th IVoplu,
nil VOU CIICrCDO Write u nt mice, ex-
UU IUI aUrrCn! piitiniiiK vunr Dun 1. 1.-.
mid wo will m-ii'l Juii Free of iiiiii;e a fi ll
oi iiwK of spceiHi'.v ir'piiril rem im hen licnt suited
i. your nif-. WK WANT YUl'H ItW'OM
llC OM 1 UUflL oiUutli r.tt. Ourtrriuimiiit:
for nil iltHviMi-H tiihl ih'firmiti-M are MihUmii und
Sclntitlc, Qt'iiuired hy nmny yt'Hin' cxpt-rit-nce,
which eirnMes to (iiiiimiilt-e a Cure, Do nut
N. II. Wf Imve the only po-iitive cure for
Krii.Ri'MT i UTS) iinU Catakrh. It ef t- re n c e
givt-ti. i'ertniiiieiiti)' loi'iitetl. (('hi ft.ibliflu-l.)
710 Miti-ket. .St., fan ai Fruilelsei,, tn
Scientific American
til 3 Win TP Arte uinifi
fir tmnrmation and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for eeurmir patents in America.
Krer natent taken out b us it broupht before
the puoiic ttj a notice given free of charge tn the
! -nentiftc menrau
Larrett drmtatioii of anr tcietitiflc paper In the
world. $ilenUidir llliutrated. No inrelheeai
man should be without it. Week It. .J.oO a
vear; tl.aiiiU month. Address ML'NN A CO
Ft BLUUUU, 301 broauwaji ew York City.
4 -- f .
J inttnittly rrmttrf nvd irrr ttfnray nhrc
iT arm -it tiffk, icithtmt UiiUtrn1hni or tnnry
l to the mnt it'lifiti It w for fifty
.venrn ilir rrt fMrmuli f Kmmna
ii..... -..u..,. ..i i. . i. . ....;....
1 iU
. li v-1. liirn-3 hie nrivtite nrni-iicH-of a lif-
a Time mntinj: tlie nft.ilTtv ami ari-UK r-TrT of ,f
F'ln-De he Dh-'riM thi rteir. P-ir.
! hr tnnil. 4!ir, Is nat-ktil. 1"orTfu-
l ilrnf, roNit.iVef.il. A.ie Agents for Amerlea.
A.lilress ' Ij
j l The Skookum Root Hair Brnwer Co., J-
Dept. R, 57 Sinth Fiftb A re., ue, New York. .
vxuM nrounn
uTisdJ.i J .TJ 3
ti i. .XI - ' - - -
Salt Lake, Denver,
Omaha, Kansas City,
Chicago, St. Louis,
AND A 1,1,
Eastern Cities.
M n -. 0 the Quickest to Chi
ll U U I o cago and the East.
U n 1 1 i-o Ql 1 ;ker to Omaha
nUUlb and Kansas City.
Fur liili'H iiiul in'iu-ral iiifiirn ntion rail
on tir Hililrt'HH,
U'. II.IIUIM.IlUU r, Asst.t;en. 1'at.H. Atent
Jut Wasliinnliiii St., our. Third,
The Shasta Route
Kxpress Trains U-uve I'liilliinil lmly.
I'i'euuii t'lly
Ar j M lll .i.T
l.v 7:1iia.
l.v 1mu r. k
llll'l p. m. I l.v
: 1 1. f. it. l.v
lu. I., a.m. I Ar Sun I-rtim isi-u
Tin, iilmve Iriilns Mt.,, nl nil sttittntis In, in
l iirllillnl lu Allniny llli lllilve, T'llliKenl, Slieilils.
llulsey, IIiirrislmrL'. JniieliL'ii tlllv. li-i-i,,,. .-.
(it iii- iiiul nil siiiimiis iruni Itnseln'irg tuAsli mi'l
"""itu.sKnTIUi .MAll. DAILY
10 A. U.
J::ll A.M.
Ol. .M.
I'orl l,i ti i
liri-Knii t'lly
:) r.H
7:ihia at
Allni-lieil tnMliniiiKli Train b.
WestNlile iiivihI,,,.
lletMiieu I'lHtl i.AM) hiiiI COB VALI.I8.
rortliiuil Ar I 6::tft P. JI.
Corviillih l.v I 1 :(Xl P. M .
I l.v
At Alhtitiviitiil (-..r.-nLlw ............. ...I.l.
... ...,,,,iT,ni,i, iisiUI
of Oregon Piii-llli' lltillrimil.
1:111 P. M.
7.2ii P. M.
ArlH:-, A.M
l.v I RifHA.M.
To Al.t. I'lllNTS IN TIIK
fun lie oliliilneil at Hie lowest tntes from ,
I.. II. MOOItlC, Altl-nl, trrBoll Clly
M"rr AfH ( f riP.Aiten
I'ortlaml, Or
Oregon Pacific FPi'road Company
Tills CuniiHiiiy's sIi-hiiiIhsiIs:
WM. M. IIOAll" . . . f-,,,,1. f(, Raabe
TllllKIISISI hllS" . . ('mil. It. J. Vuuii
Tills t'uiiiiiiiiiv ii-si-rvisi tits rls-l'l t.i irv ftum this
mini, a i-ii,:iini,tiiiici.s nmy n-ijllii-.-, wllli-nt ii-IU-s.
I.i-iive r
11. Ill,
1,1'HVI' t'lil'Vlllll,
I'lliiml, Sltliiltiv, Wt-tlii'
Mi.iiiln.v, W
Leave Salem, In. l lll. Tilrsiluv, Tlnm
l.v, ll a. in.
'inyaiul Fi'.i.j,
liislny iii! Fiiiluy,
Isy mill Hetur-
Li-lives YiiiiiIiiii, Oi l. Sil, Villi 'Jil anil Nov. 1st.
I.i-iiws San Fninrlsce, net. Till, 17lll anil 27tll.
K.r fi-elelit anil iiiissi-iiffi-r rates utility to aa
nent or iurs,-r uf this (' uiny, or II, '. Day
m-.-i ii i i,i-iii, ritiiiiiiii Mrei'i iiih-k, I iiriiami,
It. K. .Ml I.l AllY.lnu'l, Sliit
0. T. WA11IU.AW T, , &; A,
Nature should be
assisted to thro ir
oCT imparities of the
blood. Nothing"
docs it so well, so
promptly, or so
surely as Swift's
For three years I was troubled with mala
rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail,
and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and life
lost all its charms. I tried mercurial and
potash remedies, but to no effect. I could
get no relief. I then decided to try I
A few bottles of this wonderful I
medicine made a complete and permanent
cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever.
J. A. kice, Ottawa, Kan.
Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga,
Your Stomach
after eating a hearty meal, and the
result Is a chronic case of Indiges
tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn,
Dyspepsia, or a biliout attack.
Pj-tMiiate niiestloe. Hernial tie
Ntm-tch. Over .ad Bowele. Partfy
Ike Klood, auilare a Posilly l lr r,r
.n..lp..l, slck llViiVehi Hill
loaeneM, and all otbn llsei2 .rl.ini
2!Sr. rT .n """ r -"mull j. said
perfwt dleil.,n fr.lws their ise.
inedlcloe ideal, and shouM be kept lor
- "- " VI J m HJt
i hr cf runiMf or teal if
o, "saii.
"ei - - Ttco DuOart.
' nM H. Tas-k. I
Mating at tte
;crier Office.