City Library OREGON COURIER, VOL. XI. OREGON CITY. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. OREGON. Fill DAY. OCTOBER 13. 1893. NO. 23. How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good hoalth cannot exist without a healthy Liver." "When the Liver is torpid tho Bow els are sluggish and con fltipated, the food lies in tho stomach undi gested, poisoning tho blood; frequent houdacho ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how tho wholo system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Kegulator lias been the means of restoring more peoplo to health and happiness by giving them ii healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER DEEN DISAPPOINTED, A conrral fnmlljr ritmedj for dyipoptls, Trilil I.Ivor, t'cimllpstlun.elc, I hardly avitr duo anything elan, .ml hsve n.v.r beau dl iHilntt'il iu tli flTtit-t produced; It iiimi to b almoat a perfect euro fur all dlsMM. of to Stuiu.vli and Bowel.. W. J. MoBLaoT. Muoo, Us. BUSINESS BREVITIES. OCCIDENTAL NEWS. A submarine cable of 500 volts was luid between ban Diego and C'oronado the oilier day. It is to supply the force to run a new electric roud at the latter p I uce, A 200-foot tunnel has just been com pleted at the Sultana mine In Grant county, and a contract is soon to be let for one tiOO feet long. Exposures are satisfactory. The coyotes in the Verdo river section In Arizona are afl'ected with hydrophobia to such an extent that it is dangerous to travel through that country and especi' any to camp at nignt Steps are about to be taken toward the construction of a Hah ladder at the falls of the Willamette at Oregon Citv, for which the last Oregon Legislature made an appropriation ol f 10,000. A London company is said to have bought the nickel mines in Oregon. It is believed the company will erect plant to manufacture armor for battle ships and tor other purposes. The Farmers' Insurance Company at Spokane has been so managed that the stockholders have been deceived, and receiver has been appointed. The com pany has out $218,000 worth of policies, wiin assets ot fo.wu. A report comes from Los Angeles coun- ty, Cal., that a grove of bananas in the Calmeniia foothills will produce this sea' son 250 bunches of good, merchantable fruit, and will Yield, it is said, a hand' some profit to tiie owner. A bank in Arizona, which closed t short time ago, issued the following no tice: "This bank has not busted: it owes the people $;iti,000; the people owe it $55,000 ; it is the people who are bust ed ; when they pay we 11 pay The Board of Public Works at Tacoma has discovered a shortage of 5,000,000 trillions of water daily in the water com Danv's guaranteed supply, which was purchased recently by the city, together 'wun tiie eicciric-iigut paint, lor fi,ou, 000. According to the report of Receiver J lad ley the uregon I'acitlc is running behind, lie reports: June, earnings, 21,83.S.1G; expenses, $25,(117.41; loss, 3,784.21. July, earnings, 110,940.31 j ex penses, $23,581.07; loss, $0,041.30. Au gust, earnings, $10,307.01; expenses, $1!,238.61 ; loss, $3,870.90. The Linn County Board of Kqualiza .JJon. has assessed the Southern Pacific at $4,000 per mile on the road and $557 on rolling stock on the main line. The Or egonian and Lebanon branch was placed at $3,000 on the roadbed, and the Oreiron Pacilic will be about $4,300 on roadbed and rolling stock. From authentic reports received at Poi tland by persons in a position to know it is believed that there has been a re cent and sudden uprising among the na tives of Alaska. Many persons were killed, among them being several mis sionaries sent out by the American .Hoard. It has been figured that Philadelphia took about 480,000 baskets of peaches tins season. Tl.o Lin. Illln,! .Ill , ,!.. . no imivifl llllvu lUIUO nihil K'JIU UlUh sealed them and passed them from hand 10 nanu as coin. Now York claims the distinction of being the only Btate that produces both rock and brine salt. A paper lias been Invented in Germany from which ink writing may be erased wiui a moist sponge. The aniline dyes were invented In 1820, and now over $7,000,000 worth are annu ally used in the United States. Female tramps are disponed to claim their share of a business which has here tofore been monopolized by men. The largest gold coin in circulation is the " loot" of Anam, which weighs as much as 325 United Stutos dollars. Pennsylvania ranks first In the elvar output of the country. New York, Ohio and Florida follow in the order named. The largest gold nugget ever known was the " Sarah Sands." found in Aus tralia. It weighed 233 pounds 4 ounces troy. Keports of increase of street railroad earnings whore electricity has superseded mule power in large cities average 00 ner cent. More than 10.000 tons of salmon were packed by the canneries on the Frazer river, 11. C. this season. It took near! 3U,U00,000 cans. Among the curious products of the State of Maine are wooden bottles. These are made not for liquids, but for pills powders and tablets. Cuba has 102 coffee plantations, 700 sugar plantations, 4,600 tobacco estates, 3,200 cattle farms and 1,700 small farms devoted to various products. The silver product of the United States is about per cent of our total min eral production, which according to the census was in loau ltm,Z3U,wiz. Commander Ludlow of the Mohican which has been patrolling Behrinv Sea an summer, cellmates tiie product ol pe i : i! .i.i mgic sealing mis year ai ou.uuu sains. The stoppage of silver milliner will re duce our annual supply of gold by one third. Just about 33 per cent of the yearly yield of gold is takon out of silver mines. EASTERN MELANGE. Colorado Miners Unfavorable to a Sliding Wage Scale. THE POPULATION OF OKLAHOMA Immigration Into Canada Choice Lands in the Bed Blver Val ley of North Dakota. The harvest of the Florida orangocron nas commenced. A telegraphic printing instrument. r- cently perfected, threatens not only to supersede the telephone as at present employed, but to revolutionize tolcgra- pny in general. Counting the bearing and non-bearing orange trees in Florida, there are esti mated to be 10,000,000 trees. California is credited with having 6,000,000 trees aim Arizona aoout x,uou,uuu. One tow boat on the Mississippi in good stage of water can take from St, Louis to Pew Orleans a tow carrying 10,000 tons of grain, a quantity that wouiu require ntty trains ot ten cars eacn. The whaling industry has fallen off so much as to play but a small part in tho world's commerce. The latest figures obtainable show the production to aver age between 15,000 and 20,000 tuns of an gallons eacn per year. F. P. Loomis, formerly United States Consul at St. Ktienne, says that from an investigation he made he finds that about iio,ouo Americans ol the better class visit hurope every year, and that they spend auoiu f iuo,uuu,uw. Erastus Wiman is reported as Ravine in a late address that there are 1455.000.- 000 in the forty-one savings banks of view lorn and Brooklyn, held by more man i,ouo,uuu depositors, and the capi tal of all the national banks in the coun try is only $700,000,000. PUBELY PERSONAL. Mrs. Blount, the ex-Minister's wife. says that some of the native women she met in Honolulu were as cultivated and refined as any women she ever saw. Five Irish Peers take their titles from places that are not to be found on the map of Ireland. These are the Duke of Aberdeen, the Earl of Sheffield, the Earl of Darnley, Viscount Bangor and Vis count Hawarden. A brother of the King of Siam, with a numerous suite, is expected to arrive in Italy shortly. After visiting Naples and Rome the Siamese Prince will pro ceed to Monz, where he will be received by King Humbert. William F. Weeks, the New York law yer who embezzled millions of his cli ents' money, and who is now a fugitive from justice located in Costa Rica, was one of the original owners of the town site of Everett, Wash. He is still inter ested in a great deal of property in that vicinity. Mrs. R. R. Phillips, a respected rem- The'southern Pacific Company ran a I ,'lnJ LlfeiIalsJ' ,hfl, J"8,1 covered free excursion train out of Sacramento '""'' i. -'neBS, aur- tlw. ntl.-r uflwnnnn hniin.l far R.nn. I inB whk'h tlu1 SUe wa given Up tor Nev. Between 300 and 400 Indians, who :d.t,ad twice, bhe makes the startling went there to nick lions, were provided with accommodations and sent to their homes in the Sagebrush State. They went in freight cars, and pulled out for the mountains cheering. A letter received at Kaslo, B. C.. dis- closes the fact that a young fellow who ran a restaurant in that town, and who died lately from fever and dysentery, was the son of an Irish Earl. The young man, who was always very reticent about his people, was a general favorite. His name was Charles Reginald Weatherly, and his mother is Lady Louisa of the same name. Frank Shay, a Southern Pacific Com pany attorney and for many years Sena tor Stanford's private secretary, is con sidered to know better than anyone else the value of the great estate left by Stanford. He savs 455,000,000 would be a conservative estimate of the value of the property. The assessed value of real estate owned bv the late Senator is $3. 230,000, and the market value probably $12,000,000. Mayor Mason of Portland has selected Miss Eugenia Shelby to touch the but ton which will launch the battle ship Oregon. Miss Shelby is the sixteen-year-old daughter of Eugene Shelby, a Common Councilman of Portland and agent at that point for Wells-Fargo Ex press. The Oregon will be christened by Miss Daisv Ainsworth, a native of Oregon and tbe daughter of one of the pioneers of that State. Miss Ainsworth is now a resident of Oakland, Cal. M iss Shelby is a granddaughter of General Lane, who was appointed Governor of the Territory of Oregon by President Tyler in ltny. Great interest in the San Francisco Midwinter Fair continues to be mani. tested by Eastern business men, who want concessions and are willing to pay for them. The German restaurant priv ilege has been applied for. A number of restaurants will be fitted up in gorgeous style, and will surround the electrical tower. The building spare for Santa Bartara has been laid out by Engineer O'Shaughnewy, next north of the Ha waiian exhibit, and will occupy 4,000 feet, containing aqnatie specimens and features of feaiHa Barbara. The elec trical theater and hunters' hall has been phvvd south of tb administration bailding. 'claim that she died and came to life again. Mrs. Phillips also alleges to have got, a gumpse oi neaven. Belva Loekwood confesses to 63 years of experience in this wicked world. She was born in New York, taught school at 14 and was married at 18. Her youthful characteristics according to her own ac knowledgment included a fondness for walking on top of rail fences, a fearless ness of snakes and an inability to keep her face clean. Alexander Herbert Bailey, the lost Englishman for whom search has been in progress for several years past by the solicitor of an estate in England, of which Bailey is the heir, has been dis covered at fast. He has recently been peddling books for a Chicago publishing house and posing as a spiritualistic me dium for recreation through Washington county, fa. Mr. Balfour, who will, it is thought, be Premier of England some day if his health lasts, is also thought to be the most interesting bachelor in England, He is handsome, his face being uncom monly refined and clever in expression : and for a statesman he is young, his years counting 45. He is a nephew of the Marquis ol Salisbury, and an unmar ried sister presides over nis household, Victor Herbert, the composer and vio loncellist, is the new leader of Gilmore's band. People are wondering what so fine a musician as Herbert will do in such a position, to which the members of the band have elected him, with Mrs. Gilmore's hearty approval. Mr. Reeves. who has been leader since shortly after P. S. Gilmore's death, will return to Providence and resume the control of the band which so long bore his name. An American who was recently a guest of Prof. John Stuart Blackie thus de scribes him : "An erect figure, not tall, but above the medium height. White hair falling about his nerk. The bluest blue eyes I ever saw, with a keen, merry expression in tneir searching deptfis. Eyes that have never used glasses de spite their owner's 84 years. A fare al ternating between ruddy and pale tints, like a mixture of heather red and white. A pleasant speech, with a quaint twist of Glasgow in the accent, y laint, un conventional, honest maimer?!, all the more elegant bj ration of their Terr simplicity." A diBpatch from Fall River savs that all the in i t 1b are running. Horses and cattle are dying of drouth in various parts of Texas. The IndiaiiB are costing the govern ment about $7,000,000 per year. Mob law was strongly condemned bv the Knoxville (Tenn.) Presbytery. James A. Garfield is to have a monu ment in Fairmount Park, Philadephia. Congressman do Armond proposes a tax on all incomes in excess of $10,000. The report of the Utah Commission says that polygamous marriages are a thing of the past. Over one-fifth of tho whole number of people in the United Status have visited the World's Fair. Georgia negroes will form an assocla tion to prevent lynchings and other out rages upon the race. Secretary Lamont has appointed t board to appraise Fort Bliss in Texas, witn a view to its sale. Ex-President Harrison is said to have received $1,000 for a recent magazine ar ticle on me worms fair. More than 4,000,000 words have been used In Congressional debate since the silver repeal question came up. Several pupils in Philadelphia, rang' ing from 9 to 12 years old, have been ar- rested for carrying revolvers to bcIiooI. More than one-half of the Cherokee Strip boomers have already left their claims and gone back to theirold homes Virginia comes up smiling with the largest peanut crop lor years. Norfolk reports 600,000 bushels more than lost year. The Missouri State Board of Railroad Commissioners and the express compa nies arc preparing a new schedule of rates. Railroad trains will shortly be lit by electricity. The New York Central rail road is probably the first to use that system. Representative Cooper of Texas has introduced resolutions in the House re ferring the question of silver to a vote of the people. Immigration into Canada has proven a failure the past vear, a decrease of 25 per cent compared with the previous year being shown. Kansas farmers have been taken In by swindlers, who sell a compound alleged to double the amount of butter from a given amount of cream. A Kentucky Congressman wants the government to pay rent for the school' houses and churches used as hospitals by the armies during the war. The canal between Georgia Bay and ako Ontario, which will shorten the Chicago route to the seaboard by over ,uuo miles, is nearing completion. In Maryland the finest varieties of peaches are selling in the orchards at 25 cents a bushel. Prices are so low that it does not pay to ship them to market. The Chicago irrand lurv has found in dictments against twelve men, who are charged with arson. They were com bined to insure houses and then burn them. A whistle that will make itself heard for twenty-five miles has just been fin ished by John Bowman, and it will adorn the car shops at Third and Berks street, Philadelphia. The indebtedness per head in Colorado $206. Even Kansas, which has always been an insatiate borrower, has only succeeded in running up a mortgage debt ol $170 per head. A Rochester man has devised a nlan by which a trolley street car can be itopped almost instantaneously, or with n a space ol three leet, while the car is going at full speed. Bartholin's magnificent statuary group which is at present on exhibition at the World's Fair will be kept at Chicago. The work is of bronze, and is composed of heroic figures of Washington and Lafayette. The silver-mine owers at Aspen. Col.. have proposed a sliding scale of wages to the men, but the latter are not dis posed to accept it, and work will not be resumed until the price of silver justifies the old wages. The New York World boasts of having given away in charity on a recent Sun day morning a pile of bread " 20 feet long, 6 feet high and 6 feet wide," and " did not have enough to give each hun gry man a loaf." FROM WASHINGTON CITY. FOREIGN FLASHES. Senator Dolph hat Introduced a bill to ratify tho agruoniciit with tho JimIIhiih uii mo allium ii mo cesnion of their lamia not needed for al-. General Paralysis of ManilfdCt- Arrangements are being made at the UmS M fcllglailU. Navy Department for the trial of the new cruiser Olympia, built by the Union Iron Works of San Francisco. Tho trial will take place about November 1 over a forty-mile course in Santa Barbara Chan nel between Point Conception and Santa Barbara. According to a Treasury statement is-1 sueu uy nocreiary uarusie me amounioi money in circulation in the United Stales October 1 was $1,701,0:111,1)18. Tho average circulation per capita, estimat ing the population at 07,300,000, is there fore $25.20. a net increase in circulation during September of $21,:i77,247. Tho greutest item of Increase was gold coin, vis., $14,820,741. President Cleveland has sinned tho proclamation setting apart a larire tract of land as a forest reserve under the act of March 3, 1801. Tho reservation will be known as the " Cascade forest reser vation." It extends from the Columbia river 200 miles south wan), about twenty mileswIdo.takingintheCasciuIeKange. Tne King of Sweden used the tele- .lll.i 1.. 1 If niUIIU JIO IJUUIlUBriUB. I I Secretary of the Treasury estimates for appropriations for the Interior Depart ment for the fiscal year ending June ,'t0, 1805. The appropriations linked airirrn. gate $170,770,134, as against $180,087,030 ! M.000 paujiers in the Japanese Empire. lor the current tlscal year, the principal item is the armv and navy pensions. LADY COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS The Fastest Cruiser Afloat-Women Eligible to Olllce-Revolu-' tion in Argentina. Parliament will meet again on Novem- WTi- i ijuecn Victoria has iv id a typewriter to her secretarial staf. A new great seal for Iilund has just uwu uiuurru at a COM OI &HO. Iii England there is a fcoble move ment in progress against tipping, The British Labor Congress has agreed .mi, mc uuy ui eiriKen nas passed. lone for the first time a few days ago. F(VVnt'a Anllnn ll.l- Ml 1 - Mwwlanr link fi.nltl.-l.... .. fai Ilia ' .n nTui'uui : ' . . " 7r " " . ' . " , w.wu.uw pounus lamer than in ih . Widespread suffering has resulted from the strikes in the English coal mines. It Is estimated that there are less than The French government charges worn en a tax of $10 each for wearing troueirs. The Poe has postponed indefinitely ...a encyclical concerning social ques' tions. There are associations in Great Britain which insure against elopement, matri mony aim iwins The Argentine government announces mat me revolution in the Republic ap proaches its end. Experiments made in tobacco cultiva- wnich loot up 1100,000,000. Tills is a decrease of $5,000,000 from the present fiscal year. Representative Henderson has had prepared for introduction into the House a resolution for the appointment of a ppecial committee of five to investigate and report on the transactions of the sugar trust, with power to sit during tho session of Congressto send for persons and miners, to secure the Hid of ll.n De partment of Justice and, if the facts ; t'on throughout Europe have not given warrant, to report a bill to annul Its cor-1 much promise of success, porate existence. Under extreme pressure Siam has Judge Charles D. Long of Detroit, and agreed to sign both the treaty with a member ot the Supreme Court of . Franco and the convention annexed. Michigan, has filed a petition for a man- Tval foloernma an nn li,,. ... damus in the District Court to compel ! mitted through pneumatic tubes in most the Commissioner of Pensions to pay his of the principal cities of Great Britain. (plaintilrs) pension, which, he holds, is . ,!,. ,, i,.i . . if egally sui.ed.' This will bring out ' ZASX the whole question of the action of Pen- .i ( : 'rii'vi. ? . u sion Commissioner Lochrro in suspend- " laHl f '-'Us ing pensions. The Commissioner is cited . m," , T , , , , to show cause Octolier 10 why the writ ' The women of Iceland, who have had should not issue. I municipal suffrage ever since 1882, have Representative Hermann has favor- ' 2ow. oeen maue wme w """""Pa' of- ably reported to Congress his bill from the Committee on War Claims, requir-l. lrof; Koch, the great bacteriologist, ing the adjudication of claims for com- J1?8 8ot himself into trouble by divorcing pensation for property lost in the mili-; ,11B w,fo 8Iul marrying a Berlin variety tary service of the United States. This . stress. especially refers to horses and other There is littie doubt that the whole urojierty lost, and which the department Austrian Cabinet will resign if royal has heretofore declined to consider be-1 sanction to the civil marriaee bill is cause of the statute of limitations. It withheld. is of interest to claimants in the Indian A bill appropriating $3,447,045 for the payment of damages sustained bv citi zens of Pennsylvania from Union and Confederate troops during the late war was reported favorably in the House by me uommiiiee on war uiaims. Sensational newspaper writers are at tributing to New York bankers and to the United States Treasury orlicials threats to " turn the screws " and bring on another financial convulsion if the Senate does not soon pass the repeal Ulll. During the month of October the State of North Dakota will offer for sale nearly 100,000 acres of the choicest lands, all located in tne tamons Ked Kiver Valley. State owns 3,500,000 acres, being a part of the grant of land donated by Con gress. Oklahoma had a population in 1890 larger than Wyoming when admitted as a state, and with the increase since and the sudden addition of fully 00,000 more on the opening of the Cherokee Strip it must have now a population of over 130,000. Elder Roberts of the Mormon Church complains that he was barred from par ticipating in the proceedings of the Par liament of Religions at the World's Fair, notwithstanding the belief was enter tained that all religions could have the right and privilege to be heard. It is reported that the crops of peaches and grapes in Michigan this year are too great to oe moved. I be various trans portation companies that are engaged in carrying the product to Chicago and other markets are overwhelmed with of ferings f material to be carried away. A PartV of nperm minora naaBm.. through Chicope, Kan., a visit to vt ler were called " scabs " bv a lot of boys, and stones were thrown at them, when one of the negroes fired bis pistol at the boys, wounding one. Much ex citement resulted, and the negroes were laaen w niiSDurg, jaan., to avoid trrablt. wars of the Pacific Coast, The Democratic members of the Wavs and Means Committee are making prog ress with the tariff bill. The ground work is understood to be free raw mate rials, with compensatory reductions on other materials. There is a growing im pression that the consequent deficit in the receipts will be met bv increased ln. ternal revenue taxes on whisky and to bacco. Carlisle is understood to favor an increased tax on whisky to $1.20, cal culating this will increase the revenue $30,000,000. The charges made by the citizens of tiKianoma uity ot alleged misconduct on the part of Captain D. F. Steele of tho United States army (retired) in connec tion with tho openincr of Oklahoma to settlement had their effect in the issiiinv of an order by the Secretary of War for me conri-iiiiiniai oi uaptam Steele, llo is charged with fraud in his official ca pacity, while in command of the troops in 1802, to secure control of some of the best land sites in the Territory and with making a bargain with an auctioneer bv which lie purchased at the very lowes't price government ouildimrs and other property sold when the military camp was broken up. The court-martial will meet at tort Reno, Oklahoma. Strenuous efforts have been mado by uiose iavoring and opposing the ilc Creary substitute for the Geary bill to agree upon a time when the bill shull be considered. It is feared that there will be no quorum in the House as soon as the vote is taken on the Federal election law repeal bill. Elforts will be made to take the bill up as soon after this vote as possible. Some of its opponents want it put off till November 1 to wait for a quorum. There is little doubt expressed that the bill will go through as goon as a vote can be reached. Several Western members are preparing speeches which will severely arraign the administration for the non-enforcement of the Geary law. In his report to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs Prof. Putnam in chaive of the ethnological exhibit of the World's Fair denounces as falsehoods the charges bv Mrs. Sickles. Chairman ot the universal I'eace Union, that bru tal and cruel exhibitions of the Indian sun dance were given at the fair. The accusations are characterized as misreP' resentations; he says there has been no representation ot the Indian sun dance. and there has not been a single Indian belonging to the United States who has taken part in any exhibition except the piavajos, who nave been quietly sitting in a hut weavingand making silver work. Indians from Vancouver Island, who are entirely outside the jurisdiction of the TTU.V . i ..!.!! uiiiwu rcm;o, imve uiveii exiiioiiions, performing ceremonial songs and dances, Secretary Carlisle has sent to the House his reply to the resolution of that body asking him why 4,500,000 ounces oi silver million were not purchased dur ing July and August as required by law. The reply says, as the United States is the largest purchaser of silver in the world, the Secretary of the Treaaury after an examination of the offers and quotations each day should determine what in his judgment is a fair price. He either has to purchase 4.500,000 ounces at the dealers' prices, no matter how un reasonable or exorbitant, or he must era ploy such means as are at his command to ascertain the actual market price. The effort of the department since June 12 has been to simply ascertain the fair market price of bullion each dav it was offered for sale, and when ascertained to make purchases at that price. The Foreign Affairs Committee has decided to report favorably the McCreary substitute for the Everett bill. As agreed on, it extends the Chinese registration period six months from the passage of tne act. it strikes out the word "white" from the Geary act so as to permit the testimony of anybody except Chinamen to be adduce. to prove "Chinamen are entitled to register." It defines a Chi nese laborer. Geary offered his amend ment requiring photograph in a- in con nection with the identification clause, but onlv secured three votes in its sup port. The majority deemed the regula tions of the Treamiry Department suffi cient. Geary cast the only adverse vote. He declares tiie bill's teeth are drawn. that it is a makeshift in keeping with the course of the administration. an,1 tUt be will fight it tooth and aaiL A million acres of oats were grown this year in Scotland, and only 280,000 acres wnra devoted to nil ttiAnthpr amino t.MU,!ha1 Last month the officers of the Fish mongers' Company, London, seized and destroyed 100 tonB of fish as unfit for human food. The coercive measures against the young Czechs, the Nationalists of Bohe mia, continue to be enforced with in creasing rigor. A number of smaller coal pits in Staf fordshire, Nottinghamshire and Derby shire-, England, have reopened at the old rates ol wages. The vintages in France and Italy this year are unusually good. In France the output and quality of champagne will lie exceptional. Germany's foreign trade for the first seven months of the year shows a heavy falling off in imports and a considerable increase in exports. So vast are the ruins of Pompeii that they cannot all be excavated at the ordi nary rate ot progress More the middle oi the next century. The Moslems plant a cypress tree on every grave immediately after the inter ment, which makes the Moslem ceme teries resemble forests. The three British battle shins now un der construction have been modified as regards armor in view of the informa tion gained by the loss of the Victoria, A new street railway is beinir laid in Cairo, Egypt. Passengers will hang to me same kino ol hand straps with which cars are luxuriantly furnished in the cities of America. The fastest cruiser afloat is the Yoshi- no, which has fust been constructed bv Sir W. G. Armstrong, Mitchell A Co. for me Japanese government. Tins vessel attained a speed of 23.031 knots. A Projected canal from Marseilles In me vauey of the Khone is attracting the attention of French engineers, and they are at present engaged in seeking an ouuet on tne Mediterranean coast. PORTLAND MARKET. Wiiat Valley, 06g7)ft'c; Walla, 85a87Jc per cental. Walla PB0VISION8. ESTSKS SUOKID Ms ATS AND LARD Hams, medium, uncovered, HlS'tc per pound; covered, H'Cioc; break fast bacon, uncovered, 10;4(9l7c; cov ered, iU!ti7c; short clear sides, CtlOc; dry salt sides, 14$14c; lard, wmpounu, in tins, io'o per pounuj pure, in tins, 1314'-4'c; Oregon lard, 11)$ BAOS AND BAOOINO. Burlaps. 8-ounre. 40-inch, net cash. 6c; burlaps, 10-ounce, 40-lnch, net cash, 6c; burlaps, 11-ounce, 45-inch, 7i4c: burlaps. 10-nnmw. AO-inch, lie- burlaps, l-ounce, 70-inch, 14c; wheat rags, Calcutta, 2x30. spot. 8c: Z-bushel oat bags. 7?.,o; No. 1 selected second hand bags, 7c; Calcutta hop cloth, 24- uuuee, ioc HOPS, WOOL AND HIPIS. Hops '02s. lOffllflc per nonnd. accord- Ing to quality; new crop, '03s, lie for inferior 10 it ftc lor choice. wool rrices nominal. Hipks Dry selected prime. Be: omen. salted, 00 pounds and over. 8'c: nndnr 60 pounds, 2(8 3c; sheep pelta, shearlings, 10c16c; medium, 20(c35c; long wool, 30000c; tallow, good to choice, 33c per puunu. PLOUR, Ykkd, ETC. Floob Standard. M.00: Walla Walla. $3.00; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. Oats New white, 863flc per bushel ; new gray, 8233c; rolled, in bags, $0.25 0.50; barrels, $0.75(7.00; cases, $3.75. MiLLSTurrs Bran. U0.00: shorts. $18.00; ground barley, f 22(323; chop feed, $18 per ton: whole feed, barley, 80 itt85c per cental; middlings, $2328 per ton ; chicken wheat, tl.10rai.25 per cental. Hay Good, $1012 per ton. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSODUTELY PURE FARM AND GARDEN. A Simple Device to Keep Cows From Becoming Soiled. POULTRY-RAISING PAYS WELL. Good Water Essential for Cows- Valuable Information Con densed for Farmers. daiby produce. Bdttb Oreiton fancv creamery. 27U iu30c: fancv dairy. 22a25e! fair in good, 17ii320ci common, 1510o per pouuu. Lurks r Oregon. 1012Wc: Califor nia, 1314c ; Young America, 1510c per pounu. aaa 25c per dozen. Foultby Chickens, old. 1.1.000)3.50 ! broilers, $1.50(83.00: ducks. $3.00(4.00: geese, $8.000.00 per dozen; turkeys, uve, lie per pounu. Livi and dbrssid mrat. Bxar Prime steers. 2.5032.76: fair to good steers, $2.002.50: good to choice cows, Jl.WMZ.OU: dressed beef. t3.50ft 6.00 per 100 pounds. Mutton (Jhoice mutton, $2.002.50; dressed, $4.005.50; lambs, $2.002.50; dresBed. $0.00: live weiirht. 12.00(32.50. Hoos Choice heavy, $5.00(35.50; me- u.uiii, fi.uuiwu.uu, ngiit anu leeuers, $4.506.00; dresBed, $7.00. ViAL $4.0u0.00. MlSCISLLANIOUa. Tin I. C. charcoal. 14x20. prime Qual ity, $8.500.00 per box ; for crosses, $2 extra per oox; i. v. coke plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.60(38.00 per box ; terne plate, x. u., prime quality, $0.507.00. Nails Base quotations: Iron, $2.25; 1 M OE. I An Eft , aura., fA.ou, wire, fi.ou per a eg, Strkl Per pound, 10c. Lrad Per pound. Vie: bar. O'dfo. Naval Stohhh Onknm.x4.f)0tf)5.00nflr Daio; resin. M.80(35.00 ner 480 pounds: utr, orocKiioun, 13 ; Uarohna, $u per bar rel; pitch, $0 per barrel; turpeutine, 05c per gallon in car lots. Iron Bar, 2Jo per pound j pig-iron, $2325 per ton. The bicycle haB become so popular in France that the railroads are making special accommodations for carrying the machines and storing them at stations tor tne use ol travelers seeing the coun try roads. Aline, jjamoertde Kothscluld is among the latest enthusiasts for bicycle-riding in Brussels. She goes regularly to the liois oe la Uamhro to practice. Bicycle riding has created quite a furore in the city among the gentler sex. An international exhibition will be held at Vienna from April 20 to June 10, 1804. The exhibition will embrace eco nomical food supply, army sustenance, life protection and means of transport and a special sports exhibition. Hardly ten years ago the first step was taken in Germany to bring the whole body of wage-earners under compulsory State insurance. To-day nearly 13.000.- ( 01) laborers are actually insured against sickness, accident, invalidity and old age. Some one seems to have told the Sul tan that chlorate of potash is a danger ous explosive. Consequently no druggist or pharmacist in Constantinople is al lowed to possess or sell it. The Grand Master of Artillery alone is allowed to have it in keeping. The authorities at Port Darwin. Aus tralia, have notified the steamship com panies that in future the strictest inter pretation of the Chinese restriction act ill tie enforced. This beine so. no steamer having on board more than two Chinese passengers can enter Port Darwin. The general paralysis of manufactur ing ln England is costing the country millions weekly. Nothing like such mis ery and disaster has ever been known before in England. There is no parallel for it anywhere, save perhaps in some peculiarly savage and widespread phase of devastation by war. Throughout the east of Europe and In Roumania there has lately been organized a system of lady commercial travelers, whose mission it is to supply wedding tronweaux, layettes, mourning outfits and other goo Is. These ladies hail from Paris, and carry with them specimens and samples from the first French bouses. cannbd coops. Cannkd Goous Table fruits, assorted, $1.75(42.00: peaches. tl.H5ffl2.lMlr Bart- lett pears, $1.752.O0; plums, $1.S7 1.50; strawberries. 2.25i2.45 : cherrinn. 9 .4.1. 1.U..I.I : At uEniiA uiiwivuvn 1UH, f ioui(i'4.uu. raspoerries, z.w; pineapples, $a.Z5( 2.80; apricots, $1.052.00. Pie fruits, assorted. (1.20; peaches. 11.25: plums. 1.00(81.20: blackberries. $1.25(3.1.40 per uu.en. iie iruiis, gallons, assorted, $3.153.60; peaches, 3.60(a4.00; apri cots, $3.504.00; plums, $2.753.O0; DiacKuerries, .zog4.uO; tomatoes,$1.10. Mrats Corned beef, 1b, $1.60; 2s, $2.40; chipped, $2.553.00: lunch tongue, Is, $4; 2s, $0.75 j deviled ham, $1.752.15 per dozen. Fish Sardines, s, 75c$2.25; ks, $2.154.60; lobsters, $2.803.60; sal mon, tin 1-lb tails, $1.25S$1.50; flats, $1.75;2-lbs, $2.252.50; -barrel, $5.60. VRQKTABLRS AND FRUIT. Vroetablrs Cabbage, lc per pound ; potatoes, Oregon, 75c per sack ; new on ions, lc per pound: tomatoes.- 35 40c per box ; green corn, 15c per dozen ; sweet potatoes, ljc per pound; egg plant, $1.00 per box ; new California cel ery, 90c per dozen ; Oregon, 36(260c. Fruits Sicily lemons, $0.00((tfl.50 per box: California new crop, $5.00(($550 per box ; bananas, $1.60(33.00 per bunch : oranges, market bare ; Oregon, peaches, 85c per box; California, per box; fall butter pears, 65(380c per box, lelc per pound: watermelons. 75cril.fiO nr dozen; nutmeg melons, $1.50 per box; Casawvas, $2.00(32.50; grapes, 50(300c per box ; Italian prunes, 00w80c per box ; apples, Baldwin, King and Gravenstein. 85c$1.00 per box; Waxen, 75g00c. STAPLS OBOCIRIIS. Dried Fruits Petite prunes, 10llc; ilver, ll(iil2c; Italian. 13'6c: German. luetic, piuins, mavc; evaporated ap ples, 10(a. 11c; evaporated apricots, 14( 15c; peaches, 10(ftl2.c; pears, 7llc per pound. Honiv Choice comb, 18c per pound: new uregon, ioijuc; extract, H(alUc. Salt Liverpool, 100s. Ilfl.00 : 60s. $10.50; Btock, $8.60i(t0.60. Salvador, 23c; Mocha. 2028cj Ar- puckie's, uoiumuia and Lion. 100-pound cases, 25.30c per pound. Brans Small whites. 333c;' pinks, 3c; bayos, 33.'c; butter, 4c; lima, ,1'ic per pounu. Kica lsland,o.7&B.uujJapan, -New Orleans, $5.50(30.26 per cental. Syrup Eastern, in barrels. 40055c; in half-barrels, 42(i?67c: in cases, 350 80c per ration : $2.25 per keir: California. in barrels, 20(g40c per gallon; $1.75 per keg. Suoar D. 6Kc; Golden C, 6c ; extra U 8Jic ; confectioners' A, 64c : dry aran- mated, 6c; cube, crushed and pow- uerea, per pound; $c per pound uiscounv on an grades lor prompt cash ; mapie sugar, lotgioc per pound. lilac HaU la BotUm. Said a hat salesman tome: "People some In and see a hat oa my head and at ones want It I don't know what for, unless they think I select tha best. In tbts way I mid H bau one nann.'N-Boston Globs, There Is more profit in five irood than in fifteen inferior cows. Don't get a eeneral-nurpose cow tor a special-purpose use, or vice versa. Do not be in too bier a hurry to store the corn. Let it be well cured before cribbing. When trluiminsr shrubs and bushed cut out the old wood ; leave the new for next season's bloom and fruitage. First-class butter sells for a good price almost universally. It is only the infe rior grades which bring low prices. . A Brld' oilaama. Pharaoh's lean kine ate up the good A charming young lady walked Into a ones. The same thing, so far as profits hair dresser's establishment in the south go, is repeated often on many a farm. , eastern section of the city one day last Feed liberally, for it is only from what week and informed the proprietress that is received above the amount required she wanted her hair thoroughly washed and shampooed, her bangs frizzed and curled and her tresses dressed in tha is, I always have tome Income, both summer and winter. No matter how hard the times are, people do need eggs, and chicken meat is cheaper in many localities than pork and beef. I can al ways find a market for my produce, and, unlike most crops, it is always in a con dition to be marketed. While the work at times becomes tedious, it is not neces sarily laborious." a simplr dkvicr. A correspondent of the Conntrv Dan. tleman gives a device he uses to keen his cows from getting soiled while in the staoie. ine plan is simple, and places no restrictions on the animal. He says : "A device I am using answers the pur pose. It is simply a board, which may he padded to keep from rubbing, the hair off, placed across the stall, fust high enough not to touch the animal when standing at ease. When she wishes to void excrement she must arch her back. The position of the board prevents her; so she steps back to get into the position nature requires, and the excrement falls in the gutter or offset, far enough away to permit her lying down in the clean stall. The board must be placed at dif ferent heights and lemrths to suit tha size of the animal. A little notice of the actions of each will give one the exact place to put it." lor maintenance that animals rive re turns. Now that the strawstack has settled, a dav mav be well used in fixing it up ior ine tan rains, uoea yours need attention? A light mulch of new-mown grass will help the bed of animals by keeping the Srounu moist anu cool during the hot, ry spell. If you have cultivated vour crop the oast, season simply to keep the weeds down, you have not done the best by your farm. If the cocks have not already been re moved from the flocks, do so at once. The number of eggs produced is not af- lecteu uy inem. Keep a dust bath within reach of the fowls constantly. They enjoy wallowing, and it helps to keep them healthful and free from vermin. In selling dairy products the minimum quantity of fertilizing elements leave the farm. Dairymen usually build up M.o rorbiui-y ui ineir lana. The concensus of oninion favors hav- ing cows dry for a few weeks before calv ing, although some dairymen insist that continuous milking is best Two tilings never learned by the blun der-head buttermaker are when the cream is just ripe enough and when the putter is worked just enough Not Importaat. "So yon and Agnes have a difference. Is it maUrUlr" "No; only the trimming.'' Detroit Trik nna. Jmt tb ThUg. Hsr-Yvu an to klswU In white. 6l(M-Vott feakt at tan pai4f)u OOOD WATER FOB THE COWS. It is almost a stereotyped nhraHe to recommend good water for cows, says the New York Tribune, and if "line upon une and precept unon precept" enforces great truths, there ought to be very nine neeu oi sermons upon tins subject, but the other dav In a fortv- mile drive across the country, the heart r . . , . .vr. . ui me areat uairy section oi uiuo, it was surprising how many dairies this drouth stricken section was compelling to drink out of stagnant pools and dugouts, the water of which was, with its pollutions of mud and the offal of the cattle them selves, thick and horribly filthy. This need not be so, and the fault is all with the man who owns the farm, and not either in the withholdings of Providence or natural defects in the living water of tne iarm itseu. in these days ot cheap aerometers and cheaper pumps every man has a spring on his farm and an abundance of water at command, and no excuse exists for cows drinking filthy water. In the dairy districts bad water means more than its injury to the cattle, for it has its deleterious effect nnon the butter and cheese, for milk beinir 87 parts water, and this serum must have a water origin, it is seen that it is very probable that bad water will give as bail iniiuence to the mi k: lor while with good food and water it is onite a difficult thing to influence the natural flavors of dairy produce, vet with imnmner fml and drink it is one of the easiest, to feed a "stink " or objectionable flavor into wnac would otherwise be a table luxury butter and cheese. Good, pure wuior in as certainly demanded as much as good food, and the present drouth ought to pe tun ol heeded lessons in these very particulars. PAYS THE PABMKB. The Homestead thinks farmers will not allow the Poultry to be slivhted. as they realize more fully what can be made out of it, and recalls the instance of a small farmer who became converted to poultry farming by an experiment wishing to adopt only those branches of farming that pay him the best, he kept a ledger account of all his crops vege tables, grain, hogs, cows, poultry. lie kept this np three years, and then set tled down to poultry as the best crop. His farm pays better to-day on ten acres than any 100 in the neighborhood. He states the situation in this way: " If I put much time and expense in the grow ing of vegetables andadryorunfavorable year should present itself, so that the crop becomes a failure, I am at a big loesj but with poultry I am safe that. highest style of the art The attend ants started in, and after duly admiring the magnificent luxurUnoe and fine silken quality of the fair one's golden locks and they were beautiful pro ceeded with the shampooing process. Then it was necessary to fan the hair and put it into a warm box to dry it The customer Interrupted this portion of the performance by saying suddenly, "Please hurry np the other part of this business; 1 am to be married in an hour." "But," exclaimed the startled hair dresser, "it will require all that thus to dry your hair, and 1 cant dress it until it is dry. "Fix it somehow," was the reply. "I can't keep the young man, the minister and the guests waiting." Her hair was piled np on her head, wet as it was, and after the bang had been arranged she left, saying, "Pm not go ing away, and 111 run run in tomorrow and let yon finish np the job." "I haven't seen the bride since," said the lady of the establishment in tolling the story, "and I suppose she's too happy to think of even her hair. She paid me al) right, but I or some one else will have a terri ble time ln putting that young wife's head in order one of these days." Phila delphia Record. A Napoleon of Literature. ' The man was as thin as a rail and bad the cadaverous look of a poet out of a job. At least that's the way he appeared to the editor as that gentleman raised his eyes from his work to tee what it was shuffling across the floor toward his desk. "Good morning," said the visitor. "Good morning," responded the editor. "You are the editor." said the visitor inquiringly, half in doubt "Yes, I know yon are. I can always tell an editor by his intellectual expression. I have here, sir, an article for the press." "Prose or poetry? queried the editor. not regarding the flattery. "Both, sir; combination effort, I may say." "Ah, yon must be a genius?" "Well, sir," and the visitor plumed himself, "I am considered by my friends Napoleon of literature, sir." The editor didn't like that a little bit "Urn," he said, looking him over. ''Urn, I didn't know yon were a Napo leon, but I knew you were a bony part of literature. Anybody could see that with half an eye." Detroit Free Press. Two Army Officers. An American officer who went through the Franco-German war with the Pruastia army in order to study the art of war late ly told tne following anecdote: He became intimate with two German officers, one of whom was a grave, elderly man of undoubted courage and long ex perience in his profession. His knowledge of military tactics made him an authority in his regiment; all disputed points were referred to him by bis brother officers for decision. The other, who was a gay young fellow, fond of cards and dancing, held a higher rank ln tb corps. Toe American one day commented Indig nantly on this fact to the older man. Why," be asked, "should P , a man much your inferior, outrank youf "Hold therel" said the old officer. "Ton mistake. P is not my inferior. Per haps be has not stndied the art of war as thoroughly as I have, but the little he knows he pots into practice. When yon kw us In battle you will understand the difference. I know what ought to be done. Ua does it If a park of artillery is to be taken, while I am for a moment or two heniMting over scientiflo rules as to the best way to do It he, with half of a nils dimly in his mind, takra It" Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder The Only Pure . . . Cream of Tartar Powder. Contains neither Ammonia, Alum, nor any other adulterant Does finer and more economical work than any other, owing to its marvelous purity and greater strength. It is cheaper at 500 a pound than the ordinary kinds at aoc Tb Best U always the Cheapest.