CITY AND COUNTRY, OlIKtlON CITV.Ot'TOIIKII 0. If 0. EVENTS OF THE WEEK Term of rJilhaoripliiili, Single Copy, on your, In advance, fi Hluiila Conv. si. tinnitus, in advauc. I Local notices 10 cents rur lino lor first: phi Par Hue lor ouch aiilneuiient Inserllnii Address, COURIER, Oregon City, Oregon ( OUNTY OrTICKIM. Jlldgr , I'lerk if Courts. Hlmrirr, Hfutiplpr, Tifiiiatirrr, ASNIalir, ,. . HcIhmiI Mnptirliitiiiltit, Humiyor Cnruii.r, Cointuisaliiiisra, . 1. W. M. l.lru tiro, P. llnrtili'ii , (!. W tlnliiin .. H. H. Ilaiusl , J. U. W-lli-ri- ....J. ('. Ilnlill.y ... II. 8 flihaon . . Hlilury Htnytb n. u iiiiiuuii I diehard (fault I Curiirllua llul (HI K(ll IN CITY OlrpiCKIIS. Mayor, T. W. Sullivan Id'OnnlBf, L.h. Purler l lilcr hi I'iiIIok, .. , J. g. Purduni Assessor, J. K. Hlioad Trwmrnr, P.J. laiui. City Attiinwy H. K. Cross Hlritt I iiniitilssltiiisr, ....I'. Hoberg Hup't of Water Work. W. II. Howell City KtiKllmrr, ..... Sidney Smyth i ii. Aiiirt.m, jr., H. L. Kelly, u. llmilinan, W, A. White, J. J. Cooke, J. W. O'Coa mil, J. ii. iMrter mil I. r, luminii. l.'utiiicll meets nrst Wednesday ol each munlli. CHUBCHK8. Plrst Congngatloiial Church Rev. M. Dougherty Pastor. Serrlce. 11 a. ui. mill HtiiO p. m. Sunday ftcliiiul after iiiurnlng service. Prayer Meeting every Weducailay evsnlng at 8:011 p. III. Prayer Meeting of Y. I'. 8. 1'. E. every Sunday evening at J:M) prompt. First Bnntlit Church Iter. Oilman Parker. Paalor. Morning Harries 11; Sunday School 1U:K; Evening ttervic Bin); regular rrayer nesting weunesuay venlng. Moutlily Cuvelisul Meeting every Wedliea. tlay aveulug precoeuing Drat minoity in theinuntn. St. Jolm'a Church, Rathollo Rev. A. Hllleliranrl, pastor, un minuay, nana at a ana io-sj a Kverv Sunday Oerman Herfnon after . o'olnok Maaa. At all other Masses English Hoi-loons. Hunday School 2:.Hlp.ui. veaH,ra, AHili,gftlral hulijiKita anil lieu, diction at T::m p. m. Matlimllat Episcopal Church. Ilea. 0. gykea, Pastor. Morning Service at 11: Sunday School at I'M,',; Even, iiitr Service at H:IH. Knwiinli Leamio raeetinir Hun- day evening at th'ltl; I'rnyer Meeting ThiirtKlay even nig at aw. Klrat I'realivterlnn Clinrcb. Rev. 0. W. Glboney, Paalor. Mervicea II a. m. and DUO p. m. Sabbath School lUa. in. Y. P. B. C. K. Meets every Hunday availing at U::HI. Prayer MeetlngWednewlay evening SSKJ. Beets tree. Kvangellcal Church, German A. Ernst, Paator. Preaching Services every alternate Sunday 11 a. m. and 7::t0 p. III. Hahbath SchiHil every Siillday Id a. ui. (J. HarrUlinrger, Slipt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting Very wruuceuay evening. United Brethren Churoh.-Rev. P. R, Williams, Paator. Services first and third Siimlay Mornings anil Hie proceeding S;itllnlny niglit lu eacli inoutli at Oregon City II a. in. and 7 p. m , and the lirat Sun. dav aftcrnoun of each month at Kalli View. ChrlKtlan Church Rev. D. T. Stanley, Pastor. Service! every Sunday 11 a. m. at Slilvely'a Hall. .Preachiug second and fourth Sunday In each mouth. Ht. Paul's Church, Eplacopal Rev. J. A. Eckstnitn, tpaatur. Services every Sunday at 11 a. ra. and 710 j. in., and Friday evening HliWp. m. BOCIKTIKS, Valla City Lodge of A. O. I'. W.-Muete every eeo. umA aanl fourth Friday evening of each month in Odd yvllova building. All anjournlng brethren cordially invited toattcud. D. Caulleld, M. W. Geo. Callfl, Rec. Pig Iron Lodge, No. 13H, A. 0. U. W. Meeta every Thiimlay evening at did Fellow's Hall, (Meego. Viaitlng brethren always welcome. J. U. Campbell, M. W. R.Strnuaa, Rec. Molalla LiHlgc, No. 40, A. 0. V. W. Meets Drat and third Saturdays in each month at School Houae. Visiting members made welcome. T. 8. Slipp, M. W. J. W. Thomas, Rec. Olivel IdHlge, No. 65, A. 0. II. W. Meets second and third Saturday evenings at Knight's Hall, Cauby. Visiting brothers made welcome. 0. L. Barlow, M. W. YY. 8. Orlhble, Rec. Clackamas Lodge, No. ft.7, A. 0. V. W.-Meeta 11 nit and third Mondays in each month, at Strife's Hall. Vinltiug brethren welcome, S. Holcouih, M. W. C. K. Pease, Rec. Sunrise Lodge, No. 43, A. 0. U. W. Meets every second and fourth Satunlav of each month at Wll onville, Oregon. Mai Schulpius, M. W. C. T. Tooze, Rec. Oregon Lodge, No. 1, I 0.0. F. Meets every ThuriHlay evening at 7:. o'clock p. m. In the Odd Fellows' Hall, Main street. Members of the Order are Invited to attend. George 0. Kly, N. G. Thus. Ryan, Sec. Falls Encampment, No I, I. 0. 0. F. Meets first ud third Tuesdays of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. Members and visiting patriarchs oordially In elted to attend YV. H. Howell, Chief Patriarch J. A. Stewaat, Scribe. Oswego Lodge, No. 03, 1, 0. 0. F. Meets at Odd Fel. low's Hall, Oswego, every Saturday evening. Visiting brethren made welcome, 0. W. Prosser, N. G. J. P. Rialey, Sec, Multnomah Lodge, No, 1, A. P. A A. H.-Holds its regular coiumuiiicatlons on first and third Saturdays of each month at 7i(0 p. m. Brethren In good stand ing are invited to attend, h. L. Porter, W. M. 1. F. Ryan, Sec. Wauclieno lodge, No. 1:1. 1. 0. R. M.-Heets Wed nemlay evening at Armory Hall. Visiting membera cordially invited. A. J. Ilaurd, C. of R. Charles. Kelly, Sachem. Meade Poat, No. 2, G. A. R Department of Oregon. Meets first Monday of each month at K. of I'. Hall, Oregon City. Visiting comrades made welcome. David Mi-Arthur, Cum. J. P. Shaw, Adj. General Pope Post, No. 52, 0. A. R. Meets firat Satnrduy of each month at Gtarigi hall. comrades cordially invited. manner. H. w. Shaw, , AT TIIK CllKKKIIIMM. -NOW lilt) H'lili tllllllll 211 lllCll lllllllll llllH 1)111111 ITlM'lHll lit tlieiMilit-riliiiii iiiiiIiii Meal si.Ui, lliuru ttre in (iHritlinii nun I -i r i -1 uiiii), iwh ID hu h, i vi i, 'Juini'li iiihI I wo ll'ini li A lirick iiiiiinliiliiiii U lu iiiu liulll fur two lii.ilni a mi I he kiuimiiI. mi tlio u pMli'rn edge ui Hie liulu wliu li is bi'inif iiiiiihmI uiit, Tlio clUhiiIiiiii, willi its tilllna iiihI HiiiiikiiiK Ht en in pti in ih curuii'U by Iuiik low rutilH nl lurrcil piifier niwkei Willi rows ul In iuli 1 imil IhbiIh, hihI Hiu iiiuii moving io mill fro, hiuiih m i tit wlitiel bHrrows uml utliers willi Inula or biit tli oi i lc h t lliut deiiiiiiijri uxitruasiuii, pro- si'iilH a picture In lliu me of Hie looker on from the lofty wood pile reallng uniilnsl lliu wall of lliu fuiiul which is ni t soon I'llut'ed Iron I lie mi'inm y. Hie fxpemliture fur lliis work runs up into the tlioiiiaiuU, lor fl'tOO, sefiiilnidy, wi.I not lictiiit to pity Hie bill! lor men uml iiniti-riH Ih fut it week. The rain inereaHes the tlillicultiea, for the lieutl of wuler outside drives out whatever loose urn terial there niav be under the coli'erduni ami lets water throiiKli. Near the upper end of the (Ihiii the flow has become so great that there a small- dam is being built on the inside of the main one. Water Is forcing itself in at other points As a final annoyance the mud at the bottom is beinu continually kept In commotion by the action of the Dumps. But though the sacrilice Is great, when (he Portland Uen era) hlectric Company has once erected its concrete wall behind the colferdam, it will have the foundation for an electric power housa than which none will equal It west of the Kockies. t he great quantity oi turbine wheels, wide-mouthed draft tubes, shafting and ither iron material that lies in henui near the lower end of the lock-canal, IcIIh how vast 1 tie magnitude of the establishment will be. The score or more of dynamos are yet to come. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS, Mrs. Ross Ilolman became the mother of girl on Hundiiy. A man named Wlnkel hat bought two lots in Burnet City for 1700. Wrvwl anils for t 'M Der cord. During the winter it will crawl up to or f : oU Portland Ice soils here at 60 cents 100 Dound and Oregon City ice at 7a Mr, l'artlow, the groom's lather, who Is cents. tie ol the early Uregon pioneers, ac- T1) i jun,an(j the Portland companies them lo visit the scenes market for hay except to supply present An. .a fn.i.lll.. In l.ltn an. I I . ' - .... mm aeio t'ni:n mi iniiuiiur lu iiiiii, niiia I fu.,,ln Partlow-IIowlanu. On Wednea. day, October 4th, at the residence of our esteemed Icllow-cltlzen, vv. u. lri low. Knv. 0. 0. Slratton, D. D, united in weilloi-k James W. Purtlow and Miss Annie 0. llowland. 1 he ceremony was followed by a delightful dinner. The happy cnuplo took the afternoon train lor Uhlcsgo. 'J hoy will spend trie honeymoon in visilina the world's fair uml oilier points of Interest In the hast. call nn 1 1 it dear friends ami relatives that ho has not seen for lo these many years. near his renideiice on Jellcrsou and Tim Fiii Laiidrk. Monday. Gov ernor Pennoyer, State Treasurer Met solum, Fish and Game Warden McGwire and U 8. Fish Commissioner MeDonald of Washington, Inspected Willamette nils with the object of determining on location for tlio I10.UUU salmon ladder The Datlu Istattuman says: After mak ing a thorough examination of the premises, Connnisiioiu r McDonald will take his data to Washington and there have plans and specifications drawn for lishway that will be eervicanie ami substantial . It will be located near the middle of the falls where the current is stiong, not at some side eddy or where te water is shallow and current weaK. Such a location was chosen for the lad der formerly built at the falls and it was found not to bo worth much, so the loss was not great when it was destroyed. The salmon follow the stillest current in the stream and try to get up the falls where the water Is the swittest. n is ai point in mid-stream that the proposed fish-way will be built, and the device be so planned as to withstand the force of the current and give abundant ac commodation to the salmon seeking breeding ground. The governor is of the opinion that to allow salmon to piss up the Willamette and breed in an tne branches will do more to replenish the stock than all the hatcheries in opera tion now or proposed. Commissioner McDonald also lias great laitn in me Oregon City fish-way as a means for enabling the salmon increase. It U calculated that everything will be ready to begin construction during the low ater season next year." Packet Stkamkh Link C'apt. A. H Graham was in Nalem Wednesday look lug over Hie ground for eslablialiing a passenger rervlre nn the river between Kaltuii and Portland. He was con sidurably encouraged by what he learned of the prospects nf patronage for such a service, llie proposition is Mini tne steamer Altoim shall ply hetween Salem and the metropolis. At first It is designed to make trios eerv other day Later in the season, when the days get longer a daily round trip may be made, leaving Salem at 7or7:UO a. in , and landing at Taylor street, Portland about 1 o clock the same day. The bout can carry 2)U people. .S'ldlcsnmn ant nituTAi.iTV. rue ant and man have trails in common that are a credit to neither. Mr. Flynn nf M til 1 no spilled a number of ants into a tlisii lined Willi water. They had nut taken lessons In swimming and struggled for dear life. The Btronger crawled on top of the weaker and shoved him under . Then ant No. D mounted No. 2, and two more in succeslon Joined the small pyramid. when the flflh ant floated on top of four of his submerged companions. It is a prettv experiment worth trying. We see helllshness equally brutal every day in many a human community. Book of tub Fair. Part three of "The Hook of the Fair" issued by Tho Bancroft Company, Auditorium Unild- ing, Chicago, has been received. This number is a superb one, elegantly printed on heavy glazed paper. The lllustralions are beautiful. Any one ho takes Interest in the greatest fair the world ever saw must be delighted with tins work. Rivkii Minks. Work has been Ftmiended for the season by S. U. Green and his partners nn their Blue Itivor mining property. They made improve ments during the summer costing in labor and materials flM(K). They excavated .'100 feet of tun nel in two quart, ledges and built three miles of wagon road. They are prepared now for shipping in a stamp mill next spring. Invited. J. N w, Adjutant. o. 22, G. A." K . 1 . Tiiie Gladstone Dam. After visiting the Gladstone Bawmill dam last week, Fish Commissioner McDonald expressed the opinion that the only adequate fish- way for that dam would be an opening four leet in wiutn exienuing irom ine top of the dam to the bottom nf the river. That would also give William Beeman the opportunity he longs for to run down his cottonwood lor the ex celsior mill, which he has piled up at Baker a bridge. To prevent nsheriueu fri.m placing their gill nets across the mouth of tho Clackamas, as iney nave been accustomed to do, he recommends that the racks now in use at the Clacka mas hatchery be placed in the stream below the dam. This will practically put a stop to all fishing in the Clacka mas, as the law provides that no fisher man shall use gill-nets, seines, traps or wheels within one mille of the racks, under penalty of a heavy fine. The commissioner recommends passage of a law forbidding fishing within 600 feet of the mouth of any stream ascended by salmon on their way to the spawning groumls. 8enatr Cross readily fell in j Hh the idea of placing racks di i . t!:im, and promises to render r. ;. i- r!i assistance by deeding to . Tim New Pirbctoiiv K. L. Polk it Co.'s Portland City Directory for 18! has been received from the manager nf the arm, it. ,u. Clinton. It is as exact as it could possibly be made, and is credit to the publishers. The directory is specially useful to our citizens as it contains, among the classified lists of Portland, a complete business directory of Oregon City. E. M. Unwell Is hulMIng new house Kleveiilli Mr. Wiiicsett lies yet helpless from paralysis in his lower lluilis. Above the hips he is all right. W. M. Collar.! harvested 18,000 Miumfti nf hops from eight acres In Mission Bottom near lltittevillo. Mdit 0. Dell, employed on the pile diiveratthe west side collerdam, had two toes cut elf feiindity morning. The Clackamas County Fruit Growers Society will hold its nexl meeting at Can by on Saturday, November 4111. Mrs. ii. E. Hnrautie becatno tho mother of a 10 pound girl on Hunday, Heptem berlMlh. Who sys times are hard in Oregon? Mr. Cobeiy, of the 11 .in of Flanagan & Cohery, has sold his interest in the saloon business to his partner, Mr. Flanagan. Tuesday, the meat market of Messrs. Albright & Warner purchased three doer from a hunter named ltussell of ltussellville. Tho venison was deli clous. Potaloi-s are not plentiful and Hon. John Kruse has a to-acre field of them that are still growing. In spite of the low price, he has sown 05 acres of full wheut. The "Pride of Japan" Tea is steadily growing in favor among housekeepers. Those who have used it find always it Is the best. Fur sale at 11. Straights store. Mr. Htump.the Stiavie's Island sports man, was recently in British Columbia hunting bear witli his hear hounds, lie nd his companions killed 50, among them a grizzly weighing 1H00 pounds. Mr. Hubbard, of the Clackamas hatehery. has been able to secure only 300.000 salmon eggs, in t (ad of several millions which he ought to have now on hand. M. K. Sunday school will in the future he held at 10 a. m., and the class meet ing immediately after morning service, coniineticiiig next Sunday. Gaiiiiikl riVKKS. The largest and most expensive pres ent that Mr. and Mrs. J. McUrath received on their wedding day was a handsome residence with grounds in Cunemnli, from the groom's father, P. McGrutli. The Union Pacific has made a rate on newspaper in carload lots from Oregon City to Utah common points of IX) cents per 10U. Tins will enable our mills to successfully complete with Eastern manufacturers. There wilt be a regular meeting of Multnomah District Pomona Grange, held at Boise Grange in "Kliott's Prairie," on October 11th, nt 10:30 a. m. A full attendance is desired. Mar! 8. llowAitn, Secretary. I. M. Bales of Needy has been LOGAN. Threshing ( nbout done In this com muuily. Alias. Tracy lias Just completed a flue ivm-.tory resilience on his farm. Mr nnydur has also eoimilnlHil a nliw hnniu B. Ilawlcy, K, Hawley and 8. llattun Mil, I l.ll...U I ..II , I , ..... u,iiria aro uuiiiiuig. i,ogun I go ing right ahead in spite ol hard times. T. B. McCuhhin is breaking linneh- grass horses. Tom knows how. Mrs. Nancy McCubbln is very sick. Tlinro WSS a lltllu anrnrlais nurtv nt T. I . McC'ulihlu'g house fast Thursday night. . Dancing was the principal amusement, tht was enjoyed by all the participants. Alter the party ha) broken up, three or four young puoplo had an Impromptu dance which was iovotii enough until Miaa Caroline S wuIhm. in executing one of the steps, slipped on the steps and apruined her ankle. She sulli-red much pain for a few days, but is up and around now, Mr. Booton has lust wine home with hand of horses. Li'1'ci.iNR. A hop man un the valley recommends growers not to sell Itipuline (luimulus Input ux) at less than 20 times the puce 01 hops. Lupuline is a gum and the active principle of the hops and is usually obtained by sweeping the I j. tiled here at the request of Mr. Jlimiclt ami noor hiiu men sieving me suine iree ol iiuunani, as nn aosciuiiiiiiu ueoior. from leaves and seeds. For brewer's Bales was on the wayEist with his use, one pound equals 20 pounds of hops family. It is said he has money but - does not want to pay it out. CITY CUUNUIL MEETING. Dr. Schubert Is at his office in this citv on Sunday. Tuesday, Wednesday miliou ol . U Charniun et a for the and ridav. anu lor ine remainder oi recording of the original ollicial plat of tho week he is at Dr. Sullivan's office in Oregon City refened to finance com- Oswego, during the temporary absence mittee with power to act. of that gentleman in the cast Licenses of M Huerth and M H liana- A nlat has heen filed of "Willamette gan were continued. . Falls," blocks 1 to 17 inclusive, signed A petition Irom the residents of hit- , h. W. Goode as v ce-Dres dent and vine asaiiig ior several eiecinc ngnts Phnr ra H. Uautle d sb socretarv. It is between the head of Seventh street and sitnAted hniwenn the Tualatin and Wil Elyville referred to fire and water com- himette rivers. The lots are 50 by 100 inn tee. Communication from Chief Engineer Asmus, asking tor a change m the con dition of the approach to the Cataract engine house so that carts can be run in the house, and lor the painting of both houses, referred to the fire and water commit') o. Peiiiion irom J H Walker et al for a walk on Seventh from the head of the Sei'ti.'th street Btairs to the west side of Vent, t street, referred to the committee .a - sets. Oreaon. Meets in school hoim- at Vw:yt urday in each month at 2 'c)ck p. nt rades made welcome. Jacob tspcf!, Dia stader, Adj. Meade Relluf Corns, No. 1". P'-pniy won MnMla , Aral and thlnl VrMav-f- ink. of 1. Ilsll. Members of cor'vV cordiully welcomed. Mil. M. M t. -?T-i Mrs. F. L. Cochran, Treat., sons or veterans, tii l od States government a . un of land upon which to ay and alleys 20 feet Our eloquent postmaster, Mr. Rands, met members of the Uregon and wash ington editorial associations on the mo tor line at Milwaukie. Sunday fore noon, and welcomed them with an ad dross nf hiirh voltaite. but the electric current did not sizzle a seconu. Copied from Register of Actions: Walter Shenerd vs A J Burdett, com plaint and attachment filed; hmma McDonald vs Ladru and Osmond Royal, uuunicatiun from Astoria chamber complaint; B V Broderson vs Portland nnerce in regard to raising lund General fclectnc Company, complaint; i i- battleship "Oregon" about to be State of Oregon vs heirs of John Uray, i bed . The mayor to represent the D J Jones et al REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Humphrey Jones to Lewis Gardner. 40 as lu e ' of sees 21 & 28, t 3 t, r U e ; 11000. W W Weed to W E Wcod, 144 sq rds of Pb Lee donation, ts.'l & 4 s, r 1 e; ...UL. ' ' fJOUll, Win Barlow to C W Armstrong, s !.i of nw M of sec 21), 1 3 s, r 1 e, near Pud ding nver, 27 as; 1100. George Backmever to A llunv. e M. of nw of sec 2, 1 4 a. r 1 e, 80 as j $.1050. Franz Filer to 1 loses Halloo, dona tion ol 0 M 8t John, Not 7359, 000 as : .10.000. J A Confer lo Jennie P Tate, lots 1, 2, , , niic zi, Co sod to Or City; $1000. Ira Cooper to Susie Ann Cooper, (10 as in sec 4, 1 3s, roe; fm M Davoren lo Agues June Crook shanks, 00 as in sec 1. 1 2 s. r 2 e: t,00. A E Lewellen to John Lewellen, 1)0 as out, u Lewellen donation; fl. W I. Cornell to John Lewellen, same; $1. W J Lewellen to John Lewellen same; $1. C O Davis to sell dist 82, quitclaim, acre, if school is maintained two con secutive years; l. .Marina niucc to Frank Slay, 7o as, sees 24, 25, t 4 s, r 1 e; flO. Sarah Beckmark to Frank May. same: 1. Josephine May to Frank May, same; 10. Mary Rosensiein to Frank May, same; 10. J r iMenefee to Jane O Eller, lots 7, 8, Pleasant Hill Park in W Blotton dona tion, sec 1, 12, 1 2 s, r 1 e ; $1500. j u to Mary A Lee Buttler, lots 2,3, 10, blkM, 6 Oswego; :100. Ed Holloway to Gertrude E Ilollowav. 13U4 as in sec 23, t 3 a, r 4 e ; $1500. J D and E A Lee to Mrs Nancy Wil ten, lot 2, blk 18, 15 blk 30, 5 blk 42, SUswego; $190. Or Land Co of Salem to Oroha Van- syckel, lots 37, 38, blk 40 Minthorn; Lizzie A Royal to Ladru Rnval. W I tit in lots 4, 5, blk 28, Or City; $1. U 8 to Ira Cooper. II Celt 3057. se! of sec 4, t 3 s, r 5 e. A Slather to T O Strong. 40 as in sue 14, t 3 s, r 4 e on Eagle Creek ; $250. Jacob Harless to Jacob Elmer. 220 near Molalla Corners; $8800. LETTER LIST. The following la a list of letters re- niaining at the Oregon City postollice for the week ending Oclober 6th. 1803, uncalled for: Brown, O R Durling, M G Gans, M Hathaway, J C Howard, C A Jones, Miss Ann Bulensiefen, Gus Detrick, J W F roter, L II flort, Wm Holmes, Mary A Jones. 0 P Johnson, Mrs Alice Kelly, J A Laverty, A It i.oungn l'erham, H W & E J Kedner, J F Retate, V F Ross, Mrs Clius Ross, Mrs C C Kunyan, W S When calling for these letters please say "advertised." E. al. Hands, P. AI. 'l b Best Medicine. .1. 0. -ViMiov, Contractor and Jiunder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, tints speaks of Ayer'a Pillat " Ayer's Tills are the best medicine I ever tried; uml, In niy Judgment, nn butter general rmneily could bo devised. I dure usi-d tln'iii la my family mid tiiciiitmieniled them to my friends uml rmplnyes for more than twenty yeurs. 1'n my certain knowledge, many coses of Ilia following complaints have heen completely and Permanently Cured by tho use of Ayer's Tills alone : Third day chills, diiinli ague, bilious fever, sli-k lii-uilai-he, rheumatism, flux, dys pnpsla, constipation, mid haril colds. I kmm- that a moderate use of Ayer's Mil l, continued for a few days or weeks, r.s the nature of tlio complaint required, would lio found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for i Iglit years, and I run safely say that Ayer's Pills give, better satisfaction t'..nn tiny other Till I ever sold." J. J. Purry, Rpottsylvitnla C. II., Va. AYER'S PILLS rrr:rl by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., I.owrll, Mnaa. Every Dos Effective Our Boots and Shoes, in All Styles, Cannot be stir asscd in quality or price. Try us and be convinced Call and examine our fine and varied stock of HATS and Modish Fall and Winter Clothing. We have an excellent supply of WALL PAPER, rich in delicale tints t Thos. Charman & Son. LOCAL SUMMARY. Best flour $3.23 per barrel ; baby shoes 25e; ladies' lace cloth, boxed 75c; Indies' flue button reduced lo $1 ; boys brngans 50c; m en's plows (1, The Red Front. Charman & Son are receiving their fall mid winter stock. Gents' ready made clothing in latest styles and at hard times prices. Ladies' dress goods in newest designs. F.'escriptions carefully compounded ft G. A. Harding's drug store. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent il Merchants' Exchange, nan Francisco It: our authorized agent. This paper is kept on lilo in his ollice. For lib printing go to the Couh ikk ollice. Lawykks' Biiikks and Foi.DKHB printed at the Coi'itiuii ollice. IF YOU WA.IsrT BEAUTY and STYLE combined with MERIT CALL ON Belloniy & Iffiuscli, MANUFACTURERS OF LOUlsraES, MATTRESSES AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, AS FURNITURE, CAB PETS, BEDDING, HEATING ANU COOK STOVES, CROCKEBT, TINWARE, ETC, ETC. PRICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIMES. TJHHE RED FRONT Green Coffee 22c;Roast Coffee 2?c;Rice stfc a pound;Dry Granulated Sugar, is and 16 pounds $1; Good Green Tea 30c and Good Uncolored Tea 37c a pound. BEST FLOUR $3.35 A PARREL. 13 yds. Good Dress Gingham $1; 15 yds. Cobot VV $1; Good Calicoes 17 to 20 yds. $1. Shoes that wear at Lowest Prices. PRODUCE TAKEN. HAMILTON & ALLEN, Oregon City, Ore. Your Lnine llnck. And the painful torture in joints and muscles is iiothini; but Klieuinutisin. Nothing but KlieuiniiliHin kills people. JNotmni! like Druuimonil s Liuhtinir Remedy for speedy relief and quick cure. Une trial will convince any one that it is a wonderful preparation. Ac cept nothing in its place, for nothing else will do the work, it should be sold bv all druguists who take pride in keep ing abreast with recent discoveries in medicine. For full particulars, testi monials, etc., write to the, Drummond Medicine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane. New York. Agents wanted. THE PEOPLE'S PARTY MEETING. Argus Attends It and Frankly Expresses his Opinions. t:Lr-Tt?j.&i'; . . . - vyu-es ion I .: V V'V5'-''-''M ! V.$ 8 Sevent tv meeting t be held 111 Portland her 7th. ' V reported one case of dis- ; Vmct that received 18 days in '.TA... n tl. . f.. !..!... a u.:i iirrs iiiivi. luncibcu fJ uml ndged a days in jail and id ?' each. Seventh street law d committe :v,v. sam nim-ptij (lien T.fJ! proi-.vty holders V.Vf . isessiiieuts SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. 1 K. V naui-r e 16. v- p.', first anil third Thursday tveuan'- c . ,.. S-''fV. ' '''K.-'.SS-A ', no. 454 a,' : .:, '.--: a;v''::v-v.v!Ki:t fc?.- .day night at ths K. o t A"X'-f.H " ' tv. U-X t.'-Z V- '- ' vji : .1 V.-i ' - i-HAKinmnl fB.8. I tPiKi-.-k ' i K Ji-K' .A 1 ' . 'd that ,l,ird BWurd..' ..aula Aifi ' . . v.- . ?.-,Vv?f'.Mt' ' " " iJ ' ' 1 ' ' !Hh"11 Ci1lmor.,W.C.'r. W-Zr'::?yd - ' lm'M'Pl k ' IfV the r Company, Fits. B i-l ' ' vi5!V'VV ' . V P tlVr, Imsiiies. meeting, flrst f s A 'T ?; l W k 'f k'.O Pieltens, Sond,I.leut, t . '. v;'4'-.V i'-.'il -'jK,',tl(' Lf-t.w. lo build uppruach c,ibyspiri,.ii,l .'f-v. f$&;X'Z&&-i r: I'vi.llug .nd third Sundays of ;,.vli - . 'i-'A;-: ' vi.V:;,!1'--?,;!!. vVK promised by Mr. dant. MS.H.tti.i' $i.J&:tf&-&W:fr!Sft fc Side Uailway. The NewBraW.CT. .-M-, , t,:i:,i ,.. V v 1 '.JtJ- .'P'. ip-.V '.1'i1 .-i; build sins II approach or month t their UU In New Kra L,.: y: S . i.- . Vr. ' r ;'S5v' '' th nhovu amount. .. - .ii , - - u .... v.-.. ... .. r , . ....i.,. . - . i x . . - . lm I i :nu I ... til H lor Sl.roar lint. ai .Inlin'a Branch. Nn. Cii, rery Tuesday evening .1 their Jhlml I. as Tenth Streets, urrjuu Mlt. Juatin, 8m. Oregon City Board of Trade-Meeti- a f in on second Monday in each tuoiilh. V :atw. Geo. C. Brownell, Pres. F. K. Donalunn, ; Canlif Bunrd of Trade Meets .1 ivms . .t vv; 1U11. mth. Canny,' on Ural and third Frld.ya of "'V"th Visitors welcome. Wm. Knight, Pres. 1. 1. Oairl .on, Hrc. Molalla Orange. No. 40, P. of H.-Merts .t their hall t Wright's Bridge on the second BHurrfay or .Th tnonth at 10 a. oi. rellow me--r. mad. welcome. J. V. Nelson, Master, K. H. Cs- r, .iec. Tualatin Oi.nge,No. Ill, '"' day of each mouth at their hall in Wiiaon.ille. H. . Henry, Master. Mis. Bed. Sharp, Sec Warner ..range. No. 117, P. of H.-" gat,mUyofeh month their bsll lu .! O. vfilllama. Master. Mies Maggie Brown. Sec. n,.tu Creek Orange, No. 82, T. of H.-Meets St their fffiSTd Saturday In e h month - WhiM.'Maaler. J. K. Jack, Sec. Columbia H and Ladder f.-leets """w't" day of ecl month st Kountaln hngine Houje. W. T. Whitlock.Prea. Kd L. ijbaw. Foreman. A.W.MHln, See. w .,.! ll.aeCo No 1 Meets Mcond Wednesday i.Th" mCn"n".tVneHu-.' blwn Seventh and Eighth ' " M. P. uinn, Foreman. J. W. Slewan, nec. n,c Ko i.M-tssecoi 4 Tuesday of .wrmrmhH;rc,ngHo Pna. Bert (ireenman. Foreman. Bert. Bestow, nee. n.... rmnoseCo.. No.S-o W. Chore, net. W. W Mani, Forem... H. . Strange. Sec A Ba.heil ol Fl. ....1 one wants Is stick fst in the an., v. v , throat. id feels as tln.ugh tney urn gliek wmiewiiere A"I " "!. ;.,,. I.irr Heauhir. One-half I tabiesp infill is dose, and it p dowrpU-sssntly. Yoa'll find U a mdd i ..,iv iin nn enciun. ."Sl-WKH-jl i -.':.. if ijl.lS'r!! t. .i.v. urs. . .'Kfc.TD FOR QAl.C Tue (I'lbwing k ivertismei.t appeared in : -pteinber naujijer of The Hewi-patM-r Man, a monthly periodical pub liHhMl in San Francisco: "OKEUON CITY Manufacturing center of the PaciRc Coast. Largest woolen mills and paper mills in the West. Largest c'ecti ii' power station in the world 76 a!er vheels, 250 horse-power each. Ine Enltrpritt news and job office for sain. Established 18(16. One of the best equipped offices in Oregon. Re publican paperand county. Investigate. Kare chance for an energetic man. Address C. Meservk. care nf , Portland, Oregon." Chatl-T forgets to mention the old city rot k crusher and the shoddy mill. '"i iiient w: io audited and certificates (not nniiaiiin w ud ioov. .j 1.U111 rauiurs aiiainnt the property adjacent, for sueh 4Mrrroveinent, and the recorder to have such certificates printed and issued at once. Main street: Sidney Smyth, in full $70; I M Miller, in full, 67 50; HE Cross, 1563 20; American Bridge A Contract Co, $.1373 56; Wyclifle, in full, 12792 24; Wyelille on general fund, 110241. Fifth street: S Smyth, in full, $50; Perhaui Bros, f 173.44; Un Lyons, f:id38.80. Openixo of thk Pcbi.ic Schools. The attendance at the public sehnols on Monday, the oiiening day, was 4!H), anil on Wednesday 515, which is an im-rease ul 25 within two days. The enrollment is still increasing. The teachers are assigned as follows: First grade, Mis May Kelly; 2d grade, MUs Getrrtide Finley; 3i Krade, Miss Annetta Clia-w; 4th grade, Mrs Glass; 5th grade. Miss Junis Wade; 8th gride, Mix Fannie Porter; 8th grsde , Vice-Principal Phil Soulen;9than4 10th grades. Principal Pringle. In llie Seveith atreel schuol, the 1st and M grades re in charce of Miss Mollie Uankins; 'ii and 4th grades, if Miss Erma Liwrence, the 7ih grade. ol Vice Principal i'bwell The bills of Pope A Co for 75 25. 1) A Hodgson $13 and J Howell $10.50 were referred to the water commission to be paid by them, as the hills were lor work on the hydrants and it was the opinion of the council that the commis sion should pay fur such work. Bills allowed: Dan Lyons 120 20, C Hoberg $197.50, Wilton & Cooke $20.15, Geo Broiighton $40.59, Povsert & Putt kainer 18, C U Welch $.). L L Porter $r0, J S Piirdom $), J W Kelly, $65, L A Nobel $19, Portland Gen E Co $172, 45. hnUrpriM $3 25 Mrs G W Church $16, Oregon Potle'ry Co $131.50, A O Long $131 60, Sidnev Smyth $2 05, O C Sash & Door Co $4 15. .ihilitate. It quickly relieves me m,w- rHlTAIOt CUfl.t The Olwnn Ccnsti-1 Wty Chataoqna Circle met on Tuesday Communicated. ObfgoN Citv, Oct. 2d, 1893. Editi r O.i hick: 'l lie follovting arti cles have lieen stolen from my residence : 1 gold watch and chain. 1 black cassi mere dress pattern, 2 solid silver table spoons, 1 pair spectacles. The party having thete article is known, and if the things are brought back, nothing will l said, if not, a warrant of arrest will be gotten oat 4mJ served very shortly. Gra.mixa Wiiitiick. '"! JT'l7d 1 bon.0' CWle. Meserv'e pation, iin.! fijek Headache. A limiicd .nioonl of mtmey to lend on first clafs sejeority by Wsde B. Spencer, Oregon City Tliero pin Ka nn lioaltK fr.e Mitliap min.l :andreponeaamorsiiic.l IB. pro- or bodv so long as the is ritiatml. gram for next meeliog: 1 A Study of Cleanse the ital current from all hnpur the Geography ol lUlv. 2 h''nes fn in itiea by the oe of Aver's Saraprilla. I Roman Mythology, art. II . 8. Strange. : This rnedicine recruits the wasted ener- 3. The tginningn n, civiiiziiion.tJ ip. tries, strenifthens the nerves, and lam Graham. onel talk on r-cono- stores health to the debi.itated E. E. Williams returned from the world's fair Sunday. Governor Pennoyer stopped at the Electric hotel Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. K. Prier returned from the sea coast Sunday morning. License to wed issued September 28th to Neoda Mallelt and 11. h. Vaughan. V. HarriB, an Astoria gentleman, is flow propneter of the ihos. fields store Col. J. B. tithian and other Oregon editors were in the city on Sunday. The Oswego Ironworker says Prof. H. S. Strange is "a prominent candidate for state superintendent. Sam Selling, the popular merchant, loft for the East last week, to return sometime in November. Will H. Walker returned from Tilla mook Wednesday, where, he reports, business could not be duller. L. R. Janney, the attorney, will be absent from Oregon City for some time, to transact business in California. Alfred llowland was in town this week with his old friend, Billy Stone. It wag Billy's first visit to the city in two years Married, at the Methodist parsonage, September 28th, by Rev. Gabriel Sykos, Bimpert JMeiager . to Miss Martha IS. fykes. Married at the home of the bride in Caneuiah, October 4th, by Rev. G. W. uinoney, nr. Wintield l Alidlam and Miss Frances E. Marshall. The Willamette Silver Cornet Band will give their first ball, Friday Oclober l.itli, in the Armory hall, first-class music wil! be furnished by the band or chestra under the ellicient leadership of Prol. J. u. Everest. Lome everybody and enjoy yourself. Tickets 75 cents. Ladies free. Next Sunday evening Rev. II. A. Shorey of the Congregational church will give one of his stirring talks on "Tne Vonog 'Man of the Period." Mr. Shorey's experience as pastor of a Boston church, editor of the Golden Hule, presi dent of Gates college, has given him an outlook upon practical life possessed by few occupants of the pulpit. SPECIMEN CASES. B. H. Clifford. New asel. Wis., was troubled witb Neuralgia and Ktieumatisin, hi. Ktoroairh was disordered, bis Liver was aiTecU-d to an alarming degree, aop-tit Jell away, and he wa terribly redm-ed In deh and strength. Three bottlMi of Kleotric Bitter, etired him. Edward shepherd, llarrlsburg. III., bad a run nlngMire on his leg of eight years' standing feed three bottles ol Kleetrif Bitters and seren boxes ol Burklen's Arnica ralve, and his leg is sound atid well. John speaker. Catawba, O. had five large lever re. on hi. leg. doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Klertrlc Blt .m.nrf ,.. I.,i Hur klen . Arnica Salve cured him entirely- Sold at i. A H.rdmg'. Pmg store ; otiginal thinkers. her contains Editor Courier: Being a working man and having little to do, these dull times, 1 thought 1 might get a little informa tion, etc., by hearing the people's party men at Shively's hull on Saturday. Why the people's party men did not turn in and aid the little side show by a few more common sense arguments, I do not know, as there were room for them. Rev. Joe Waldrop dished up a large amount of old hash for his ad dress viz: The capitalists or bankers, or Wall street money kings, a branch from Lombard street, London, had com bined to enslave the American people, through the control of the legislature by corruption of her representatives, and had forced legislation which robbed the people of untold wealth. This he as serted to be the cause of the present financial crisis. Bankers were locking their money up and withdrawing it from circulation, the national banks having withdrawn more than their circulation during the last decade. He proved the conspiracy by reading a copy nf an old circular some one had been allowed to see amongst some old pnpeis in a bank. A copy of this supposed circular will be found in Mrs. Emery's "Seven Finan cial Conspiracies." What the speuker lacked in argument ho made up for in gesture, etc. When he would be emphatic, he plunged out the forefinger of his right hand, with hollowed back and foot planted forward with an irresislable stamp that finally settled it, and as he gyrated, oscillated, vibrated, quaked, tottered, trilled or in short English, as he thonk his massive pile of pretty curls with such positive aHSurauce, there was no room left for doubling. My friends of. the people's party should not mistake such physical ellbrts for fuels and sound logic. He did not, to my mind, show ony particular connection between the rob bery acts of legislation in and prior to 1873, and the financial crises which has come upon us suddenly and without proviom warning. Neither did he irtve any reasons why it had not come before, waiting 20 years to mature, nor why this maturity could not have been extended indefinitely. uusiness and trade cannot exist with out capital, and capital is easily scared . The first thing a wise investor looks for is security. Foreiirn investors look fur a gold basis an (he only security against depreciative values, and a breath of stiepicion of this being tampered with is SJllicient to bring about a crimes, like t ie one we are passing through. Hence our president and congress hastened lo assemble to pass legislation which was calculated to restore confidence, and I, for one, have more faith in their saKa' ity and patriotism than in FriendWaldrop's remedies. I cannot believe that the choice of the people in her legislative halls are all either fools or knaves ex cept the small minority sent by the populist vote. Honesty is the best policy, etc. He who would argue repudiation of his country's debts, however fair his sophis try mavTlook, is deteriorating his own character and exercixes a mischievous power on his country as far as his in fluence extends. A no is. Stwdman's Soothing Powders relieve teverishnees and prevent htB and con' vulsions during the teeting period. Perhaps some of our readers would like to know in what respect Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is better than any other. We will tell you. When this Remedy Is taken as soon as a cold has been contracted, and before it has be come settled in llio system, it will coun teract tho effect of the cold and greatly lesson us severity, and it is the only remedy that will do this. It acts in per fect harmony with nature and aids na ture in relieving the lungs, opening the secretions, liquefying the mucus and causing its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs and restoring the system to a strong and healthy condition. No other remedy in the market possesses these remarkable properties. No other will cure a cold bo quickly. For sale by G- A. Harding, Druggist. C. T. Winesktt is a Practical under taker. He is now making if a special business. He is also a practical em bill un r as all who have had his services can testily. He keeps the most exten sivo stock of caskets, cases and collins south of Portland, and also a very fine grade of cloth - covered and metallic work. Tho caskets and collins are ready trimmed bo that persons from a distance cun bo immediately accommo dated. Prices to suit these hard, dull times, for I will not be undersold. Come and see for yourselves when oc casion requires. Same old place, next door to Uoako 8 in ik' Ii in e simp. C. P. Winksett. By arrangement S F. Scripturo will attend to my undertaking business dur- ng my Illness. C. I . Winksett. It Never Fail.. Harris & Hnnuo, Erin. Tenn . manu facturers of the celebrated Erin Lime, havo in their employ, in the various de- fiarttneiits of their business, severnl iiindred men. The firm write to the Drummond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York, in great praise ol Drtnnmond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism, and say thev have cured four cases with it. and that it has not failed in a single inslunce. The remedy ftlwnys gives satisfaction. If the drug gist cannot furnish it, write to lite Drumtnond Modicum Co., 48-50 Maiden Lnno, New York, and the remedy will be sent to your address, Agents wanted 'I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a specific lor croup. It is very pIcHnmt to take, which is one of the most important requisites where a cough remedy is Intended fur use among chil dren 1 have known of cases of croup where 1 know the lite of the little one tvus saved by tho use of Chatnlierluin's Cough Remedy. J. J. Laurange druggist, Avoca, Neb. 50-cent bottles for sule hy G. A. Harding, druggist. Kipans Tubules best liver tonic. "During my tetm' of service In the aimy I contracted chronic diarrluua," aays A . E. Bending, of Halsey, Oregon. "Since then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when 1 found any that would give me relief they would injure my stomach, until uiiauiDeriain s Colic, unoiera anu inarrhu'a Remedy was brought to my notice. I used it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results follow." por sale by U. A. Hardine. druggist. Op Intkiirst to Sportsmen. W. H. Hurlburt, A. G. P. A. Union Pacific System, Portland, Or., has just received a supply of books called "Gun Club Rules and Revised Laws." This publi cation contains a digest of tlio laws re lating to game in the Western states and territories. Mr. Hurlburt will be triad to mail you one of the books upon re ceipt oi two stamps to coyer postage W. H. Huiti-BtiBT, A. G. P. A. Thomas Charmim Oio. A. HAtDl.ta E. O. Cadpiilo Ciiahlis H. Cacheio Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN TUB CUT I'uid Up Capital, $50,000. President, Vice President, Cashier, Manager, K General limiting Business Transacted. Ucposlls Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Note. Discounted. County and City Warrant. Bought. Loans Made on Available Security. Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drain Hold Available lu Any Part of ths world. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Baa Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposit.. sea aoints or THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. The use of Hall's Hair Renewer pro motes the growth of the hair, and re stores its natural color and beauty, frees the scalp ol uandrult, tetter and all im purities. Oregon City Market Report. Whsat Pertm.Mo, bulk without sacks Oat -::oj fl bushel, wltb sacks. Fi.oua - Holler fi 8fi per bb, net Baas 20c BurrgB lies roll, VgAL-SVjtUo dressed CmcggNS t'Xgi dosen Iissr On loot2'j;ac; dressed Wc Mutton 1 75'2 8niNai.ES 1'2 25 y thousand. Lard l2Ho y pound. IltDis Green, 8o; dry, 07c1I!d; ane-tKlrd off oroulled. Hlieup pelt., 2M30e Hay Timothy, 112, clover 111, wheat hay It), baled. Dried Fruit. Prune. 10c; apple. 810o Mill Fbkd Snort. 118, Bran 110; Chop IV; rejuetod wheat, 80 cent H bu Pork Hides 11c, shoulders Do, ham. loo; on loot t)ic; dressed 7,','c. Potatoes 15c a bu; apple. 4U'i0e a box. DR. GUNN'S ONION SYRUP l FOR COUGHS, COLDS AHD CROUP. A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. When oh lid At home, mother made 010 Uk a tea- Kpoonfiil of onion ayrup at DlRht, the neit morntnc m couh wm gone. For Croup It had do txiual. M t ohlMr-n insist upon having Dr. Uunn'i Onion Ky in 1 fil-r"i!Y prepared, mora plftaaant au d wi ( r.g i. . t.,t or tvmcll of the onion. Bold at AOo CharmHii dt Co, DraggUM xrt Yoke or Woek Oi ex. Wanted mica. Rev. j- Morm. o nA TZ "o yoke of work oxen, for TTr.dmm. CitePo itICl Mlke tVZr hay. Apply to H E. Crow it Freedom. rWr. By Orde. rrlel re- ytem. ai out lit uj- "it - j . . nawmill otnVe, Main atretfc of Committee. yonr purchases from the large I atork of Charman A Hoa: price ..wer than in Portland. GUARANTEED CURE. We authirtso our adwtlaed dniKglat la aril lr. King's Ji-w Owrjiwy foe Consumption. OM.lia .nd l ufcts, apixi thia olitHi. If you an .lllictM with a tough. OiW or any Lonf , Thnart or tlx trooWa, and will naa tato rnonly aa itirartnl, .III". H a fair trial, atytnp'rt'liea mu bori!, fm may flora the bottle and hara your money rfuD-. eold not nak- thai oftVr M w ant know that ft. KiNt a ,w bisery eonU ba IN oa. It "-r .iaap-p-HPU. Trial bottlaa frw at Oeo. A. UardJBf'a IfUf lore. Largo alas 50 erata aad II .00. Riparra Tabule ait digestion. The Arena the foremont reform magazine of the country. It is an 'arena" for the diwusninn of the new- e-t and freeheat thoiiu-ht of our nuwt The October Hum an article from M. M. Trumball on "Jud (iearr and the An rchista," 1 A. J. Warner on "Wil veror Fiat Money;" by B. O. Floweron "The Cominir KeliKion;" by R. J. Hin ton on "A Continental lane" and other contributiooa of eijual merit. GUNN'S IafPBOVIO LIVER PILLS 0KLY0HE FOR MOOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, Breath bad or HMd .rhlncr On. of thm pills r. llovoa distreaa In tho alomaoh and oura. beadaeno, ono oaoh night for a wi-k awoaton. the stomach and purlfbio tho broath. Ihoy Inaoro porfoot diaestloa, roculatotho bowal. and euro eonotipotlon. Thoy am promptly, yot mildly, noyrr anpo or airkoB. Ua IrruMiata or saall. Booanao Ml. Co,PhUa, Pa. Charman M Co, Druggist. BLANKS! BLANKS!! BLANKS!!! For Bale at the Couiiikr office; Mortgage, Filing Covers, Bond lor Deed, Promissory Note., Receipt Books, Warranty Deed, Quit Claim Deed, Circuit Court Criminal Hubpoen. Teai'licrs' Report Cards, Partial Payment Real Estate Contract, Sheriff Summon , Jury Summon., Copy of Summon., Notice to Garnishee, Answer to Garnishee, Subpoena, Writ of Attach ilenr, Justice Subpoena, civil, Justice Subpoena, criminal Kpceliil or private blanks nnntea on application expeditiously and correctly GEO. A. HARDING, DEALER IN IP DRUGS IE Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oil. and Window Ola... PrtKriptloiu Accumttly Compoundtd. hardino'b block. Oregon City Transportation Co s Ik STEAMER "ALTONA." TIME TAIILK Leave Portland Font Taylor St. 7:.'I0 A.M. 12:00 m . 4:H0p.m. SUNDAV TIME. 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 3 :30 p. m. OREGON CITY 1IOAT. Lear OrioomCht hoot Mb st, 0:30 a. .2:30 p. 0:00 p. 0:31) a. 2:00 p. 5:00 p. In effect September 20th, 1893. M. Prier' PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. If yon want a FIR9TCLA88 WIOTOGKAPII call on him at his Old ISIand, opposite Farr'i , the butcher's. Nothinn but FIRST-CLASS WORK Dom and Promptly Delivered. BUCKLKX'S AUNICA SALVE. The Bout Sulve in the world fur Cuts. .Iruiaes, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheutn, (ever Sores. Tetter. Clianiied Hands Cnllblalna, Corns, and all Skin Kruptlona, and positively cure. Pile., or no pay reipiired. H U (itaranued lo give perfect satisfaction, money refunded. Price l" cent, per box Foi aie oy u.A. naraiug. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE. ATTUHNEYS 1 AND COUNSELORS AT LAW OFFICE, REAR OF COMMERCIAL BANK. Oreifon City, Oregon. Geo. c. ukowniu. A. 8. Da.Mla. Brownell & Dresser, Attorneys at Law. Office One Door A'ort . 'CaufieldJcHant- OREGON CITV, - - OREGON. HA IT YOU PfiT 0B. BTS0. Mil KHEBY. ay j wi -n mrm an InnilMU PTLU known t7 1. i i'r.pir:Ma, suim laMiiae Ititna) i air... Tina form and BLIMP. . ..S2LilJi ot tUtnllVVlMQ tUM TlH.n ATO'li-r. TO raetlr oa vmnrn affaetod. atnorba tuDtora. allava itohinc.effartina' Timerhecka Irom Orvson City Woolen , ' . ' " 111 J I. a T.n -'it m,r. Prln soe. Dnifriiis n ereumdise on aocount (or their lull j ra-Cc onaau. or. Baab.niuadaili.ra value rt the a'ore of I. Bki.i.iko. ChanaaaACa. Prinlst. W. Cat Jon.Kia. C. M. iDiaaaa Johnson & Idleman, LAWYERS. COB.VEK FOl'RTH AND MAI9 8TREET8. Oregon tilj, Oregon. R l Estate To Sell and Koney To Lend OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. ALL KINDS OF TINNING, PLUMBING, And General Jobbing to Order. Sewer and Water Connections Hade at the Most Reasonable Rate. Al Work I. done wltb a view to last and satisfy al- concerned. Shop on 7th Street, near Depot, A. W. 8CHWAN, PROP. The Commercial Dank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. fransaeta a General Banking Buiiaete, Loan. made. Hills discounted. Uak mi. lections, lluys and sells exchange on all point, in the United Htate. and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Deposits received sliblecl to cheek. In. teres! at usual rates allowed or time deposits. Bankopon trim 9 A.M. to P. M.: Saturday evenings from 6 till 7 P. M. f. E. DONALDSON, Cashier D.C. LATOURKTTE, President. FRANK NELDON, Cun and Locksmith. Adjoining the Noblitt Stable. OREGON CITY, OREGON. All kind f firnrmi repaired & clnumt. All kltofc of small machine repaired. Daplicat key, luad for all kind of loctu. UuMaod Pltttuli bought and told. BICYCLES REPAIRED. L. M. ANDREWS. M. D. niALca m Drngs, Notions, Peitzzicrles, Toilet Articles, tie. PrescrlptloM Carafally CaapMttfttf. Shively's) Block, Cor. of 7th & Madison St., Or. jron City Noblitt Livery and Sale Stall It OKEUON CITY, OREGON, Oa tit Street ketweei tba Bridge aatj tt uepei. Double and .ingle rln and saddl. boras, as w.v. on hand at ih iowe.1 rate., and a corral also connected with the bars lor looat Mork. Any tnrorm.tion retrarding any kind auaa pt omptly aitead4 lo by letter or pciacaa. HORSES BOUttHT Oat aOLP