Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, October 06, 1893, Image 1

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    City Library
NO. 22.
own KHOYl
what a comfort it in to
have ready at hand a
remedy that never fails
to roliove Constipation,
and that, without pain or
discomfort; and almost
immediately cures head
aches, and dispels every
symptom of Dyspepsia.
Such a remedy is found
in Simmons Liver Regu
lator not a bwoctened
compound to nauseate, or
an intoxicating beverage
to cultivate an alcoholic
appetite, but a medicine
pleasant to the taste, and .
perfectly harmless when
given to tho smallest
child. S. L. R. never
d isappoi n hi. It possesses
the virtues and perfec
tions of a reliable remedy
of the kind endorsed by
eminent physicians. ,
" It afford, nio nleaaure to add my testi
mony to those you recelvt annually In
rufiTi'iioe tn your valuable modlclne. 1
oonalilur Hlnimon. l.lver Regulator tlx
hi'Kt family medicine on the market. I
linve iprcHrrlheil It with excellent ruaultl.
-W. f. I'auk, 31. 1)., Tracy City, Tenn.
Tlie Oregon Agricultural College ex
liibit at the State Fair was turned over
to tho World's Fair ComnueBion of the
State, and is now displayed at Chicago's
great show,
Judge Roes at Los Angeles holds that
a Uhinauiun to bo a merchant must be
actively engaged in baying and Belling
und other duties mat merchants are oc-
cupied with.
Forest fires In the Sound country in
Washington have driven the cougars and
bears out of their dens and into the val
ley settlements, where they are seen in
great numbers.
The population of New Mexico has
not materially changed during the past
year. 1 he total Territorial indebtedness
is 41)11,712, and the cash balance in the
treasury is fm.UOO,
Immense coal fields in Sonora, Mexico,
are to be worked by can Diego parties
who have obtained a lease from the gov
ernment. Kailroad, Harbor and other
concessions have been granted.
There is a rumor at Victoria. B. C.
founded upon private advices, that the
governments of the United (States and
Great Britain are negotiating to close
Behring Sea and the Pacific for two
It is reported at Chino that Claus
Sprockets has bought 6,000 acres of the
' Bixby ranch near Westminster, Orange
county, (Jul., and win plant it to oeets.
If thi's be true, it meansanother sugar
factory lor that region
The Albatross has made the deepest
sea sounding ever made, rliosphorus
fish without eves wore secured at 2,800
fathoms. Fish and weeds sufficient to
load four cars were secured in the neigh
borhood oi iiehring bea.
The Board of Directors of the Los An
geles Chamber of Commerce has passed
a resolution favoring the extension of
the time of registering Chinamen under
the Geary act tor three months and in'
dorsing Geary's bill suspending all im
migration for live years.
The holders of scrip issued by the
canneries at San Jose are alarmed over
a notice from the government that this
scrip is subject to a tax of 10 per cent,
The scrip was issued because the can'
neries could not borrow from the banks
and merchants accepted it from the em
In Sonoma county, Cal., there will be
There are 00,000 telephones in London.
Germany's first railroad was built in
Russia has more horses than any other
Liberia yearly exports 1,000,000 pounds
oi cotleo.
The bog land of Ireland amounts to
z.twu.uuu acres.
California wines are said to be gaining
favor in Lurope.
Over 12,000 persons are employed in
London theaters.
Nearly 1,000,000 pianos are made an
nually in England.
The total cost of the Sues canal ex
ceeded JEI'0,000,000.
The capital invested in English rail
roads exceeds $500,000,000.
The little Kingdom of Greece finds
employment for 27,000 sailors.
The unicycle is expected by an In
ventor to go a mile in twenty seconds.
The hats worn out in this country an
nually cost as much as 1:100,000,000.
It is estimated that 6.000.000 women
are earning wages in the British Isles.
One of the largest barber shops in New
York now employs girl barbers exclu
The price paid for cider apples at the
big mill at Doylestown, Pa., is 10 cents
per 100 pounds.
Forty-seven years ago the patent for
the first practical sewing machine was
issued to Elias Howe.
The State of Illinois will use this year
more than 4,000,000 barrels of beer, or
enough to float a navy.
The national debt of Great Britain is
680,081,881 ($3,403,407,005); tho na
tional debt of the United States is 1377,-
Greeley. Col., will ship about 5.000
carloads of potatoes to other States the
present year. Many carloads of these
potatoes go to Texas.
The Waterbury Watch Company has
resumed operations. The courts ought
to have known that it was impossible to
wind that concern up.
A carpet loom has been devised which
runs two sets of needles, and the in
ventor claims that it will produce a
square yard of carpet material in one
The consumption of beer in the United
States is now half a barrel per capita,
and is doubling about every eight years.
At the beginning of the next century it
promises to be a barrel a head.
The Tribune states that the 1.103 mill
ionaires of New York city alone could,
if thev choose, buy up the whole real
estate of the entire Southern States and
evict the population by due process of
According to the official report for the
past twelve months the American peo
ple drank only 8,383,720 barrels of beer
in 1875, while last year we drank 31,374,-
519, and this year 33,870,406, an increase
of 2,450,540 barrels.
The nail machine was invented in 1775.
At the present day it is estimated that
4,000,000,000 nails are annually made by
machinery in Great Britain alone, and
from a fourth to a half of this numlier
in the United States.
A Firebug Conspiracy Discov
ered in Chicago.
Destitute Farmers of Western Kan
sag Appealing to Governor
Lewelllng fur Aid.
Of fifty-six Indian agencies twenty are
now in charge of army officers.
Massachusetts is credited with having
100,000 cyclists, including both sexes.
The water supply is limited in New
York, and the price of milk has gone up.
Gold-mining In Colorado has been
much stimulated by the decline in silver.
The town of Perry In the Cherokee
Strip is rapidly assuming city propor
tions. There are said to be about five contest
ants for every claim in the Cherokee
There are about 750 hotels in Chicago,
which have accommodations for 150,000
Three billion cigarettes were smoked
in this country during the fiscal year
just ended.
It is said good moonshine whisky can
be bought in Eastern Tennessee for 60
cents a gallon.
The clergymen of Kings county, N. Y.,
are denouncing the proposed Corbett
Mitchell light.
A syndicate of Populists, headed by
State officials, is buying up newspapers
in close counties in Kansas.
Floods have done Immense damage to
crops in Virginia and washed away four
large mills on the Rapidan.
The Federal grand jury at Birming
ham, Ala., has indicted six Federal offi
cers for corruption in office.
Deer are more plentiful in the Adiron
dacks this full than during any previous
open season for a score of years.
An organisation of Spiritualists re
cently met at Liberal, Mo., and raised
(100,000 for a Spiritualistic college.
Captain H. D. Spore of Hudson is or
ganizing a bicycle corns for the First
Regiment of the Texas olunteer Guard.
Kx-Kcpri'Hentativo George II. Durand
of Michigan has been selected by the
Attorney-General to assist in the prose
cution of Federal otlicials and others
implicated in the charges of opium and
Chinese smuggling on l'uget Sound ami
It is intimated that tho Treasury De
partment is actuated in ordering tho
revenue steamers Grant and Perry to
me racinc luasi more ny tne conuiuon
of the Chinese and seal-fishery Questions
than to aid in the prevention of the
smuggling oi opium in rngot rounu.
Tho Secretary of War has awarded i
medal of honor to Captain Ernest A
Cardington of the Seventh Cavalry " for
distinguished gallantry at Wounded
Knee creek, 8, I)., during the Sioux war
of the winter of 1810-1.'' Captain Car-
uington was badly wounded in tne uat-
The Committee on Ways and Means
has begun consideration of the new tar
ill" bill. There is an intimation that the
Secretary of the Treasury favors an in
crease in the internal-revenue tax on
whisky, beer and tobacco as the best
means of raising the additional revenue
necessary to meet the increasing deficits
oi the government.
In consequence of the new restrictions
for conducting the official trial trips of
naval vessels contractors will find it
more difficult in the future to earn pre
miums for an excess of sieed. Begin
ning with the Montgomery, soon to be
tried, the contractors will not be permit
ted to maintain a pressure above 5 per
cent in excess of tlie standard pressure.
Heretofore the contractors carried steam
to a dangerously high pressure.
It is highly prohablo that the Com
mittee on Territories will report a bill
for the admission of Utah to Statehood
soon. Joseph, a member of that com
mittee, said that such a bill will be re
ported, and added that lM-fore the close
of the present session bills for the ad
mission of Arizona, New Mexico and
Oklahoma will be reported favorably
from his committee. He expressed great
confidence that all four will become laws.
In response to a resolution of inquiry
the Secretary of the Interior sent to the
nuance and consolidation of land offices,
showing the following among the con
solidations: California, Independence
with Yisalia; Nevada, Eureka with Car
son City; Wyoming, Lander with Buf
falo. This statement said the reason
for tlie consolidations was the inadequacy
of the appropriation and to prevent a
The Postoffice Department has
Eastern Switzerland manufactures an.
nnallv nearly f20.000.000 worth of ma
chine-made embroideries. The United
States alone have imported as high
$7,700,000 worth of these articles in
single year, and tho business seems to
be increasing.
A movement has been started among cepted the oiler of the North American
tlie A. O. U. W. of Kansas to secure eeed Navigation Company to carry mails for
wheat for the destitute western farmers. I Mexico and Central America. The new
The big dynamite guns for the defense 1 arrangement is not a contract, but a des
of New York harbor are to be trained, I nation of the company as the official
elevated and depressed by electric mo- : mail carrier i under the general laws. Ac
lofg cording to the otter the steamers will
The consolidation of electric railroads ca"? mails once in twenty days to those
with the establishment of a truck sys-' Prts. ftt wll.luh th7 re compelled to
tern in New England is one of tlie latest stop by provisions of the company 's con
schemes I tracts with the Central American States,
The Columbian Celebration Compa- leavim? tlie postmaster to fix the com-
nv'B imiuuna at tne worura rair coai , t"""'
fireat Progress in the Study of
the Monkey Language.
Wasp Plague In Sussex, Kngland-
Assassinatlong in Italy The
French Vintage.
General Black holds his pension
grace of a special act of Congress.
Inspector Williams of the New York
police was arrested the other day by one
ot his men, who was convinced that tne
Inspector was a confidence man.
Mrs. Crook, the widow of the Indian
fighting General, is a very tine-looking
woman, with snowy-white hair that is
in striking contrast to her youthful and
vivacious spirits.
Tennessee has seven living ex-Govern'
ore. in the list of official succession
iiivuin uuub v , vui.i miciq n lit u. nnj, xu ljih iibl Ul
10,000 or 11,000 bales of hops produced thev come as follows : Isham G. Harris,
this year, against 8.400 last year. The D. W. C. Senter, James D. Porter, Alvin
hops are of an excellent quality. Only G. Hawkins, William B. Bate, Robert
white laborers were employed, and they L. Taylor and John P. Buchanan,
were so, satisfactory that Chinese will lt is stated that a8 m aa the Arch.
not oe given worn wnen wuue neip can dke Francjg Ferdinand d'Este returns
from his journey round the world his
betrothal will take place with Princess
be secured,
The Idaho Wool Growers' Association
has offered a reward of $500 for the ar
rest and conviction of the person or per
sons who have been poisoning a large
number of Bheep in Owyhee county.
Hundreds of sheep have been killed by
eating saltpeter or a mixture of salt and
strychnine sprmkiea over tne ranges,
Elizabeth of Bavaria, a granddaughter
of the kmperor francis Joseph and of
f mice Kegent IiUitpold of Havana.
Don M. Dickinson of Michigan, ex
Postmaster-General of the United States,
has been retained by the Canadian Pa'
cific to defend President Van Home and
Sheepmen charge the cattlemen with the other officials of the road charged with
wholesale poisoning. violation of the interstate commerce law.
The Los Angeles Chamber of Com- The trial comes up in November at Ta-
merce has been induced by the large in- soma.
flux from the East to pass a resolution Captain Mahan, now of the United
stating that " here, as in every other States steamer Chicago and the author
section of tlie country, several men stand of the remarkable books on the influence
ready to fill every vacancy for work that of sea power, is one of the most popular
occurs, ine new-coming uay lauurers Americans in ungiano. He was a guest
stand very little chance of securing work at the dinner given by the Queen to the
at tlie present time, and are therefore German Emperor at Osborne the other
urgently warned not to come uj mis evening,
It is reported at San Diego that an In
dian outbreak is imminent at Yuma,
owing to the trouble between Chief Pas
qual and ex-Chief Miguel. Telegraphic
orders have been received by Colonel
Kellogg in command of the local garri
son of regular troops for aid. He has
assigned Major Charles L. Davis to the
commanu oi aaetacnmentoi uuriy men,
Ex-Preoiilent Benjamin Harrison
writes to a friend that he will arrive in
San Francisco about the 1st of next Feb
ruary. He will remain in California six
weeks. His lectures at Stanford Uni
versity will be largely historical, and will
treat of colonial characters down through
the confederation to the adoption of the
United States constitution.
Dr. Thomas Heazle Park, the physi
who will leave at once for service at that cian who accompanied Stanley through
point. the Central African forest in his search
for mig rasna, is aeaa. xne explorer
ti.. A. i ik knnJ l. mowea macn auecuon ior rars in ms
that the body of the man found recently , , , u.:i .ni c..i. ,
near I-a Mesi was that of A. C, Warner; &J JE
who disappeared from ban Diego some . . .7nrmB(I
wrciwnugu aiici olciiuuk tuv ii 111" lm, fc, (l, n,.,'mk.
........ 1 1 ;.. B,J rawivui ov.ni ivt vt.uw .. ......
iwiuuiaic i id .' w ii ! u v. i , 1 1 m V U I . 1 . -
rmB7 hv the Pai-ifiV Mail nt.in.P.rj&n. the expedition,
tember 5 for Chili, and is understood to Lord Roberts was passed over recently
have had $4,000 in Chilian scrip, having m favor of the Duke of Connaught, and
stolen the American money to meet his the latter was given the important corn
immediate requirements. mand at Aldershot. The incident has
The sugar industry of California for causeoa great ueai oiuaa .eeiing in vue
the past year has ben very successful, "S'1"11 a1Tlj0ra ?
zi .i, . i v,. j .l " most English General, while the Duke is
AJvrvu iuc iiunci Ul BUKai IRXU) mill me I . , .. j
manufacturer of sugar therefrom have """P1? t?!80n .?!B Tthend ha no
realized large profits. The refinery at mu 3 ' lJ "'"
Watsonville is reported to be working at
its full capacity. The yield of sugar
beets this year is 70,000 tons, which at
present rates is worth $77 per ton, ex
clusive of the bounty, which is worth
40 per ton. Lost year the crop of ragar
beets was 5,000 tons. It is expected the
growing of sugar beets will become a
loading agricultural industry.
Thomas R. Sheridan, President of the
Columbian Guard has.
Contrary to the general belief, it is
said that Li Hung Chang, the Viceroy
and real ruler of China, is most kindly
disposed toward the Christians. Two of
his daughters were educated in Massa
chusetts, and both were converted to
Christianity. Subsequently one married
a jrrenenman ana tne other an r.nelien
man. Their influence has made their
First National Bank of Rosebnrg and ;ther very tolerant of their coreligion
one of the promoters ot the Loos Uay, I
Koeeburg and r astern railroad, says the Dr. Stacker, the German clergyman
remaining rixty-two miles of road has who has becoma nmmin.ni thnt, hi.
been located from Myrtle Point to Rose- hostility to the Hebrews, preached his
burg. v or is practically suspended first sermon in this country in Chicago
iur me rainj ku. um -hi uc tuifieu wee w a email congregation. He
in earnest early in the spring, and the made no reference to the Hehrpw. ,nH
i : : l l 1 . . a i v i I -i . . .
jrmu ni txmijiitTLcu uj i"ivriii ixzr i,
8'.4. Completion of this road will make
accessible an immense timber area, and
will render tributary to Portland a large
and fertile section of the State, which
has heretofore been in all but name part
f California.
said nothing sensational. At Mr. Moo
dy's meeting the following day Dr.
Starker spoke in English, saving that he
was an anti-Semitic politically onlv, not
personally or socially. He ia said'to h
imu uiciwiiiiiii ipmci, wiui LUC XJOweT i
vi my uiuiuRHva ui tkim vnnona.
$400,000, and it was sold by the receiver
for $2,5150.
A Chinaman at Ottawa will test the
constitutionality of Canada's law, which
imposes a duty of $50 each on all Chi
nese immigrants
The Amalgamated Association of Iron
and Steel Workers in Pennsylvania has
agreed to concede a 10 percent reduction
in the finishers' department.
In Cincinnati there has recently been
organized a rent guarantee company,
the business of which is to insure land
lords against loss by bad tenants.
There have been recent developments
tending to show that the Louisville and
Nashville railroad will soon absorb the
Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern.
A Chattanooga electrician proposes to
perfect an arrangement by means of
which train robbers will be electrocuted
as soon as they touch the express com
panv's safe.
Two interesting reports on the manner
of living and of saving by the working
l Ml U . T11..J . I
people will ue irauemiLLvu tu lAiuiena
by Commissioner of Labor Wright within
a few months.
The Texas Penitentiary Board is con'
sidering the purchase of the Rogers SU'
gar plantation in Brazoria county. Con'
victs have been working it on tlie shares
for several years,
Governor Lewelling of Kansas has re
ceived hundreds of Tetters with appeal
for aid from destitute farmers of Western
Kansas. They say they must have help
or starvation will follow,
The Citizens' League of New Jersey
aims at the defeat of those members of
the Legislature who voted for the infa
mous racetrack bills last winter, in case
they are made candidates again.
Louis Simmons, a white resident of
Mascoutah, 111., 41 years old, was ducked
in a pond the other day for presuming
to want to marry Mrs. lunina jacKson
1 iv 1. 'l. nr ,
vcoioreu;, wuo weigus pouuun.
The announcement that the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will arm all its
trainmen and that the express compa
nies will supply their messengers with
Winchesters and shotguns is timely
A Zulu fraud, who has been operating
in the West, was arrested in the Zion M.
E. Church at New Haven, Conn., while
delivering a sermon and placed in jail
on a charge of swindling Chicago people,
Already $5,000,000 have been spent
upon the scheme to carry electric power
tor illuminating and manufacturing pur
poses from Niagara Falls over the State
of Kew York. The first wires will prob
ably be strung along the Erie canal.
The statistics of the shipping of the
world, iust published by Lloyds, show
that there is no nation which has made
so rapid an increase in the tonnage of
steamers registered during tlie past
twelve months as the united Mates
Two hundred and one women availed
themselves of the privilege of voting for
i i - ii- i " t ! i 1 j : V-
EMiuuui oiuuiais at ail eiectum ueiu iu iew
Haven, Conn., on September 18. The
ticket they supported was elected by a
majority of 1,700 out of a vote ox 7,61(7.
The reports of railroad earnings con
tinue to show a decrease as compared
with the earnings last year. There has
been a decrease every week for some
time, but the weekly decrease has been
growing smaller since the middle of August.
k water famine prevails in parti of
Encinal and Duval counties, Tex. In
the town of Aquilares there is much suf
fering. Mexican women await the com
ing of the trains, and with cans and
pails catch the drippings under the ten
der and engine.
The House Committee on Banking has
decided to report favorably on Mr.
Springer's bill providing that before a
loan can be made by a national bank to
one of its officers consent must be grant
ed by yea and nay vote of the directors.
A great number of banks have come to
grief because of the borrowing proclivi
ties of their directors.
A firebug conspiracy has been discov
ered in Chicago, the scoundrels having
their headquarters in that city. At leaet
eight fires have been traced to these fire
bugs in Illinois and two or three ether
States, and during the last three years
the gang bas succeeded in getting a clear
$M,O00 from ths insurance compani.
The annual report of Governor W. T.
Thornton of New Mexico states that the
population of the Territory lias not ma
terially changed during the past year.
The total Territorial indebtedness is
$011,712, and cash balance in the treas
ury $121,000. Stock-raising lias decreased
as a result of the four years' drought.
Many mines are closed on account of the
decrease in silver value and the money
market stringency. The annual product
of precious stones is rapidly increasing.
Governor Thornton recommends the
approval bv Congress of a legislative ac
of the Territory providing for a County
tjourt in every county where tho county
seat has a population of 2,000 or more,
The report of the special agent on the
production of tin and terne plates for
the quarter ended June 30 shows an ag
gregate output of 41,800,042 pounds, of
which slightly more than 49 per cent was
irom American diock plate. Mantitact
ures during the fiscal vcar 18111 airsre.
gated 13,040,710 pounds, of which 0,206,
533 were from American plate. During
tne uscai year oi ibim more were l),81,
202 pounds manufactured, of which 43,
59i),24 were from American plate. The
report on the imports and exports of
piates indicates that the entire consump'
tion by the United Stotes during the fis'
cal year 1803 was 720,000,000 pounds, of
which more than 15 por cont was of
Amer.can manufacture.
Secretary Herbert has given to the
press the correspondence relating to the
removal of Captain Higginson from the
command of the Atlanta. The state'
ments that Secretary Herbert apologized
to Captain Higginson for removing him
from duty and offered to restore him to
his command on his own application are
not borne out by the facts, and are espe
cially denied. Captain Higginson is en
titled to tlie credit of having disclosed to
the department the condition of the At
lanta when the vessel was ordered to
sea. The letterB embrace the full his
tory of this well-known case, and the
conclusion of the matter is that Secre
tary Herbert accepts the apology and
explanation of Captain Higginson, and
says his connection with the matter will
not be permitted to prevent his being
assigned to such duty as his rank enti
tles him to perform, when the opportu
nity offers.
The compromise silver measure pre
pared by Senator Jones of Arkansas has
been introduced in the Senate bv its au
thor. It provides that there ahall be a
commission, comprised of three Senators
to oe selected by the Senate, three Rep
resentatives to be selected by the Sneaker
oi nio nouse and three persons to be se-
lectea oy tne president, subject to con
firmation bv the Senate. The commis
sion shall organize bv the HleWinn nf imp
of their number as' President, and the
President is to appoint a clerk. The
commission is to hold its session in the
capitol and in such other places as a ma
jority shall direct, and employ necessary
stenographers and employes, and may
administeroaths and send for persons and
papers. The commission is charged with
an examination into the fiscal anil mon
etary condition of the government and
Another native war in Southern Africa
now seems inevitable.
Kneel, the faster, is Insane, and is now
in an asylum near Paris.
Harvesting operations in Ttniiinanln
sliow satisfactory result.
The revision ot the Belgian constitu
tion has been accomplished at last.
A caravan of 10,000 camels and 4.000
slaves left Timbuctoo for Morocco recently.
The doctors to Chinese rovaltv were
recently fined a year's salary each for
Train-robbing in Spain is iruanled
against by stationing two soldiers in
every railway car.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria's latest
project is the establishment of a med
ical faculty in Sofia.
Paris has a new storage-batturv street.
car line that has been in successful op
eration several months.
Dr. Cornelius Hers of Panama canal
notoriety is recovering his health at
Bournemouth, England.
The average number of assassinations
and attempts at assassination in Italy is
said to be fully 5,000 a year.
France Is the only European country
which has to-day fewer able-bodied men
than it had thirty years ago.
The Ubina volcano in the Peruvian
Cordillera has become active after being
in a quiescent state ior years.
Kaiser William, Dr. Minuet savs. has
taken for his motto. " Tho Emneror is
the first servant of the people."
The London section of the National
Liberal Federation has declared for the
abolition of the House of Lords.
Tho wasp plague is still very bad In
Sussex, England, and the destruction in
the orchards has been very great.
During the reign of Victoria the In
dian government has coined 2,000,000
of gold and 200,000,000 of Bilver.
Tho latest estimate of the Russian
wheat crop is 272,000,000 bushels. Last
year's crop was 250,000,000 bushels.
A peasant living on one of the Greek
isles recently dug up a Btatue, for which
the British government lias paid $32,000.
The tariff war between Germany and
Russia will oree.ihe (former country to
buy enormous quantities of grain in this
Russia is said to be about to acquire a
naval station in East Africa at which to
repair and coal the vessels ot her Pacific
The phylloxera has at last touched
every wine-growing district in France,
the Champagne vines being the last to
be harmed.
Christine Nilsson has her dining room
papered with hotel bills which she has
paid during her professional tours. The
sum total is enormous.
Tlie St. Petersburg correspondent of
the .London uentral news says that an
imperial ukase will shortly be issued
aliolishing the practice of knouting by
tne ponce.
The recent army maneuvers of the
Austro-Hungarian troops were not satis
factory. Emperor William was not very
favorably impressed with the work of
the Generals.
In Switzerland all the telegraph lines
are controlled by the government. There
are 1,411 ullices and 12,385 telegraph op
erators. The annual profit derived above
all expenses is $250,000.
The Quantity of fruit in South Lincoln
shire, England, this season exceeds all
previous years. Uwing to the markets
being glutted, growers have a difficulty
in disposing of the crop.
There has been so great an increase
recently in the growth and exportation
of Jaffa oranges that that town now
stands next to Beyrout in importance
among the ports on the Syrian coast.
Mr. Gladstone has offended against
tradition in appointing Sir Henry Nor
man Governor-General of India to suc
ceed Lord Lansdowne. The rule has
been to appoint nobody but a peer to
that post.
The Duke of Edinburgh, although he
has expatriated himself and has become
a German princeling, does not propose
to relinquish his right to the annuity of
25,000 which he draws from the Impe
rial Treasury of Great Britain.
In order to stay the cholera it is stated
that two Jewish women, merchants'
wives, are going from house to house in
Gallicia with a pair of scissors cutting
the women's hair, which many have al
lowed to grow in unorthodox fashion.
A letter from Prof. Garner, dated from
his steel cage, which he has named Fort
Gorilla, has been received in England
from rernandez Vaz, Africa. The pro
temor claims to have made great progress
in his study of the monkey language,
Mr. Burne-Jones, the English artist.
is engaged upon the interesting task of
painting a portrait of Mr. Gladstone's
youngest granddaughter, Dorothy Drew.
lhis little niue-eyed maiden of 3 years
is ania to resemoie tne grandfather start-lingly.
Dr. Buchwald of Leipsic discovered
among some forgotten manuscripts in
the University of Jena Martin Luther's
political essay against the theoogica
faculty of the University of Lou vain,
Belgium, wnicn manuscript was sun
posed to have been lost.
The tailors have met in London " to
WiiKAf Valley, 00i-$1.00; Walla
Walla, 87 (300c per cental. -
Eastern Smokid Miats and Labd
Hams, medium, uncovered, H'jOUfi'ic
tier pound; covered, 14'(915c; break
fast bacon, uncovered, lliVn'ncj cov
ered, lU'17u; short clear sides, 15 '.j
dime; dry salt sides, HH'jc; lard,
compound, in tins. 10'ie per pound;
pure, in tins, 133I4'4'c ; Oregon lard, 11,
Burlaps, 8-otince, 40-inch, net cash,
6c; burlaps, 10-ounce, 40-inch, net
cash, (1 ! u c : burlaps, 11, Si -ounce, 45-inch,
'ic; burlaps, lU-ounce, 60-inch, 11c;
burlaps, 10-ounce, 76-inch, 14c; wheat
bags. Calcutta, 22x36, spot, 8c; 2-bushel
oat bags, 7J4c; tio. I selected second
hand bags, 7c; Calcutta hop cloth. 24
ounce, 10c
Hops '02s. lOQIOo nor pound, accord'
Ing to quality; new crop, '03s, lie for
inferior to 17c for choice.
Wool Prices nominal.
Hidks Dry selected prime. 5c: green.
salted, 60 pounds and over, 3,'gC, under
ou pounds, Z3c ; Bheep pelts, shearlings,
10(il5c; medium, 2035c; long wool,
3000c; tallow, good to choice, SV4o
per pound.
Floor Standard, 3.25; Walla Walla,
$3.25; graham, $2.75; superfine, $2.50
per barrel.
Oats New white, 33(335c per bushel ;
new gray, 30032c; rolled, in bags, $6.25
(tfU.W; barrels, $B.757.00; cases, $3.75.
MiiiLSTOrrs Bran. $17.00; shorts,
$20.00; ground barley, 2223; chop
feed, $18 per ton : whole feed, barley, 80
85c per cental; middlings, $23(328
per ton: chicken wheat. 11. 10(31.25 per
Hay Good, $1012 per ton.
Buttbr Oregon fancy creamery, 27J
330c; fancy dairy, 2225c; fair to
good, 17b20c; common, 1516c per
Ciikkhi Oregon, 12'ac; California,
13($14c; Young America, 1616c per
Euos per dozen.
Poultry Chickens, old. $3.00(33.50:
broilers, $1.503.00; ducks, $3.00&4.00;
geese, $8.000.00 per dozen; turkeys,
live, 14c per pound.
Bksp Prime steers, $2.502.75; fair
. mwl .0 nnai Ril. t
cows, $1.50(42.00; dressed beef, $3.50$
Mutton Choice mutton, $2.00(82.50:
dressed, $4.00(35.50; lambs, $2.002.50;
dressed, $6.00; live weight, $2.00(32.50.
Hoos Choice heavy. 6.00ffl5.60: me
dium, $4.506.00; light and feeders,
$4.60o.0U; dressed, $7.00.-
.Val $4.0006.00. "
Ttw I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual
ity, $8.509.00 per box; for crosses, $2
extra per box; f. U. coke plates, 14x20,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
, - t n - - utu illVS III JAyilU17ll MS
the people of the United States, with a prepare for the abolition ot the sweating
view to devising means for the better
ment thereof, and is given full jurisdic
tion. It is charged to specially examine
and report upon by one or more bills the
iouowing subjects: ltieitiu or partial
remonetization of silver and a proper
ratio between it and gold ; revision of
legal-tender laws to prevent discrimina
tion between various descriptions of
money; State-bank tax repeal with nec
essary revisions ; tne cause of the pres
ent paralysis of trade and the necessity
system and long hours and for the com
ing battle of the tailors of the world."
The 25,000 members of the organization
are threatened by the master tailors
with a destruction of their union.
The present year of 1893 promises to
be a great year for the French vintage.
Chateau Laflte, which produced 320 hogs
heads last year, has this year yielded
1,000, and the increase is general. There
is such a demand for casks that certain
of legislation to prevent nationol bank's ordinary sizes, nsually bringing 4 francs,
from nhnaino tln.ir rviwpp Th uuvniH . " lun- nu
prime quality, $7.508.00perbox; terne
plate, l. v., prune quality, fll.oUftS7.lW,
Nails Base quotations: Iron, $2.25
steel, $z.3d; wire, $2.50 per keg.
Stbbl Per pound, 10ke.
Lead Per pound. 44o: bar. fi'ic.
Naval Storks Oakum, $4.5O5.O0 nei
bale; resin, $4.80(56.00 per 480 pounds
tar, Stockholm. $13 : Carolina. fl per bar
rel ; pitch. $0 per barrol : turpentine. 65c
per gallon in car tots.
Iron Bar, 2Jfc per pound; pig-iron
fzixgzo per ton.
Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted.
$1.75(2.00; peaches, $1.852.00; Bart-
lett pears, $1.75(32.00; plums, $1.37i
l.DU; strawberries, f2.2blS2.46; cherries,
sz.ztKgz.w; blackberries, fl.8oa2.00
raspberries, $2.40: pineann es. 12.25(3
z.tsu; apricots, $i.of(2.00. fie fruits,
assorted. $1.20: peaches. 11.25: plums.
$1.00(3 1.20 j blackberries, $1.251.40 per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted,
aa.iotga.ou; peaches, f3.tU(44.ou; apri
cots, fj.ouisi.uu; piums, iz.7o(33.uu:
blackberries, $4.20(34. ou.
Msatb Corned beef. Is. $1.60: 2s,
$2.40; chipped, $2.654.00; lunch
tongue, Is, $4; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham,
iwoo.io per uozeu,
Fish Sardines, lis. 75ca$2.25: &s.
$2.164.50; lobsters, $2.30(43.50; sal
mon, tin 1-lb tails, $1.25$1.50; flats,
$1.7t);z-lbs, $2.20(32.00; Ji -barrel, $5.50.
Dried Fruits Petite prunes. lOftillc:
silver, ll12c; Italian, 13c; German,
10(3 11c; plums, 80c; evaporated ap
ples, 10(3 11c; evaporated apricots, 12(3
15c; peaches, 10(3l2.'c; pears, 7llc
per pound.
I ion by unolce comb, 18c per pound:
new uregon, lozucj extract, BWIOc.
Salt Liverpool, 100s, $16.00 : 60s,
$16.50; stock, $8.50(39.50.
UoprEE tJosta Kica, 23c; Kio, Z2c;
Salvador, 23c; Mocha, 2l28c; Ar
buckle's, Columbia and Lion, 100-pound
cases, zo.auc per pound.
Beans Small whites. Site: pinks,
3J4C; bayos, 8'c; butter, 4c; lima, 'i'ic
per pound.
kicb island, (o.vo(9o.uu; japan, ;
New Orleans, $5.506.25 per cental.
byrdp f -as tern, in barrels, 40(3 00c;
!- 1.-1 V I AaKT. In - - UKA
111 AIM 1 Utkt I CIO, UfUIVi 111 UUWDt UV
80c per gallon : $2.25 per keg: California.
in barrels, 20(3 40c per gallon; $1.75 per
Suoab D.5c; Golden C. 5c; extra
C, &c ; confectioners' A, 6e ; dry gran-
.. I 1.1 m.. . . 1 . 1. 1 I
uittieu, ""8c; cuoe, crusiieu anu pow
dered, 7!c per pound ; jc per pound
discount on ail grades for prompt cash ;
mapie sugar, 10(3 loc per pound.
Vegetables Cabbage, lc per pound ;
potatoes, Oregon, 75c per sack; new on
ions, lc per pound; tomatoes, 35(3
40c per box; green corn, 15c per dozen;
sweet potatoes, lVgUftc per pound;
egg plant. 11.00 per box ; new California
celery, 90c per dozen ; Oregon, 35a60c.
t rbits Hiciiy lemons, o.uut.w per
per oox : bananas, 11.60(43.00 per bunch ;
oranges, market bare; Oregon, peaches,
75c per box ; California, 75(3 85c per box ;
fall butter pears, 6580c per box, &c
per pound; watermelons. 75cC$l. 00 per
dozen ; nutmeg melons, $1.50 per box ;
Casawvas, $2.00(32.60; grapes, 60(1 (K
per box; Italian prnnes.OOftftOcperbox:
apples, Baldwin, King and Gravenstein,
Hoc$I.0U per box; waxen, 76 lJc.
Necessity for Planting Timber
for Present Use.
Sell Every Foot of Idle Land-Practical
Suggestions for Pro
gressive Farmers.
section of the resolution instructs the
Secretary of the Treasury to set apart
and retain in the Treasury so much of
the silver bullion now in the Treasury as
will be necessary to redeem the outstand
ing Treasury notes in compliance with
the terms of the act of July 14, 1800,
and provides that the remainder of the
bullion shall be set apart to be coined.
and the Secretary is required to coin it
at the rate of not less than 4,000,000
standard silver dollars per month, which
when coined shall be an asset in the
Treasury, and while this coinage is in
progress the purchases of silver bullion
under the terms of ths Sherman act
hail be suspended.
Many of the bouses in Holland have a
special door, which is never opened save
on two occasions, when there is a mar
riage or a death in the family. The bride
and groom enter by this door; it is then
nailed or barred up until a death occurs,
when it is opened and the body is re
moved by this exit.
Tlie Chinese government in reply to
the joint protest of foreign Ministers
against the alleged barbarous treatment
of foreigners in China, especially in Hu
nan and Hufehe, of which Chang Tung
is Viceroy, promised that Chang Tung
should be degraded in rank in the event
of further outrages happening in his
We often hear farmers urged to plant
timber tor future use and profit, but I
have never heard a word said about
planting any for the present time, says a
writer in Farm. Field and Fireside.
There is a great deal said of what timber
will amount to in fifty years, but nothing
about what will be profitable in five or
ten years. Would it not be very conve
nient if a farmer could in five years raise
all the fence posts he needed? It can be
very easily done by simply planting one
or two acres to an Osage-orange grove.
I have cut them at four years old that
were from one to two inches in diameter
at the top of a six-foot post, and although
cut green out of a hedge and set in the
fence, they were quite sound at the end
of twelve years, while some burr-oak
posts in the same fence were entirely
rotted off. Osage orange does best on
land on which timber or hazel brush for
merly grew. A two-inch Osage-orange
post is much morn satisfactory than any
iron post that I ever saw, anil, I believe,
will last longer unless the latter was gal
vanized. Of course, small posts will
split at the top if staples are driven too
near the end, but that is easily obviated
by tying the top wires witli annealed
wire around the top of the post. In the
blue-grass region of Kentucky I saw
black-locust posts sold for 40 cents apiece,
while oak posts were not worth more
than 5 cents each. Osage orange is a
stronger and more durable post than lo
cust, and if it were grown in groves, it
would be straighter and better than if
grown in hedges, and no stock would
trouble an osagu-oraiige grove after the
second year, and if well cultivated, not
much after the first. Hedges are too
much trouble, and exhaust too much
land to be profitable ; but where durable,
strong timber is needed there is nothing
better than Osage orange. While it
makes the hottest fire of any wood I ever
saw burned, I never knew it to be troub
led by insects or borers of any kind.
think six feet apart would be about the
right distance to plant a grove. This
would give about 1,200 plants to the acre,
Jaque in Country Gentleman says:
Your correspondent asks what he .can
alford to pay for having women do the
miming, we nave several tunes had an
arrangement with wives of our tenants
ior iiuiKing morning anu evening, and
have paid 10 cents for each service that
IB, 2U cents per day. This is based upon
an hour's service at each milking at tlie
rate 01 xi ior a days work, in an hour's
time a good milker ought to milk ten
cows. Ihere are several reasons why
women are to be preferred for milkers
when they can be had, or when a por
tion of the force can be women. Their
natural manual dexterity is creator than
that of men, and thev wilf milk with
more rapidity and greater ease to the
cows, which means that they will get
mure uiuk, ana uie uuuers OI tne cows
will be kept in better condition. The
presence of women at milking time
checks rude conversation and boisterous
conduct, and the quieter the stable can
be kept the better, especially if you have
any nervous cows. The men are not apt
to neglect the thorough cleaning of the
stalls or brushing of the cows in occa
sional absence of the proprietor if they
nuu uibi. women are to am in tne mim
ing. The average man, born or long res
ident in this country, looks upon every
woman as a ladv. and entertains for her
a respectful courtesy which keeps him
upon his good behavior in her presence.
He will be making a good move to in
troduce as many women as he can among
his milkers.
If there is anv land unon the farm
which is not earning anything, it is a di
rect menace to tho prosperity of the rest
of the farm. The taxes and the interest
on its cost go on lust the same as if it
were earning something, and this de
tracts from the profit of tlie whole. Often
these idle and waste Dlaees are but a har
bor for vermin and weeds, or if they do
not become so, it is because there is a
constant expenditure of labor to keep it
ciean, anu nun lauor mi gill tar better De
eR'iRieu in me cultivation 01 some crop.
It will pay better to clean such places up
once ior an anu put tnem to some use.
Most 01 tnem are capable of some good.
aoi infrequently thev would serve admi
rably for a timber tract.
It will pay to give cows corn until
clover aftermath grows up.
Do not allow dairy cows to fall off in
quantity of milk from short pastures.
Take only clean eggs to market: in
order to do this have only clean nests.
Do not be tempted by extra prices for
early pullets which will soon be laying.
Every hen over the number vou can
well house and care for will be kept at a
A large quantity of the butter produced
An CnnrcMry Coinage.
Washington society last winter
knew a very self sufficient bachelor,
who waa a congrerjan. In certain
lines he wan smart enough, but gen
erally speaking he nr-eded about twice
as much sense as he usually displayed.
One evening be was talking to a
sharp girl
"I tell you what it w," he said. "I
ahall introduce a bill for the coinage
of half centu."
"Why are you goiiie to do itf" ahe
asked innocently. "That's what you
kTv aJfeady." Detroit Free Pnm. ,
in this country Is spoiled by too much
churning and working.
Give chickens a change ot food fre
quently ; they will keep in better health
and produce more eggs.
Generally fowls which feather and ma
ture early are good egg producers, good
setters and good mothers.
First-class butter sells for a good price
almost universally. It is only the infe
rior grades which bring low prices.
Do not hurry cows to and from the
pasture. Dairy cows are sensHiyey and
are much disturbed by harsh treatment.
Get ready for winter work now. Build
poultry-houses and arrange yards ; select
the breeding stock and layers, and dis
pose of all others.
Raise more poultry on the farm for
home consumption. Compared with
pork, it costs less and is much more
nourishing and healthful.
It will often pay to sow winter rye and
not allow it to mature. It makes good
late-autumn and early-spring pasture,
keeps the soil covered during the winter
and furnishes a growth to turn under for
green manure.
Why Caklrs Tbrlva.
The man who buys shoestrings and
other small articles from street fakirs
doesn't always do so because he gets
them, or thinks he gets them, cheaper.
It is chiefly because men engaged in
business are usually so absentminded
that trifles of everyday use are never
thought of unless they are pushed right
under the business nose. As a rule the
staff boaght of street venders costs two
to five times as much as it would in a
legitimate store. But it is on this single
weakness of mankind that the street
fakir lives and thrives. A man will fool
with a broken shoestring a dozen morn
ings before he will remember to get a
new pair. Then suddenly during busy
day he runs against a shoestring peddler
and buys a pair on the spot, paying
double price for what his dealer would
give him for nothing.
The fakirs thrive best in the closest
and most busy centers. Down in Wall
and Broad and New and Nassau streets,
among the bankers and brokers and law
yers, who are too' busy to think of sus
pender and shoestrings and lead pencils,
etc., the street fakirs fare well, for amid
the roar of clashing millions the absent
minded man clutches hastily on what
comes uppermost, knowing that other
wise he'll forget all about it New
York Herald.
Tfea Oautt War Under tha Tabla.
Sothern gave a dinner to Florence at a
London club and invited him for half
an hour later than any of the other
guests. He said to his guests, who were
eminent men in literature and politics
and in the nobility: "When Florence
comes suppose you all get nnder the
table? He'll think his lateness has
caused you to leave." So when Florence
was announced all except Sothern got
under the table, and the tablecloth hid
them from sight. As Florence entered
he saw Sothern alone and said:
"Has nobody come yet?"
"Oh, yes," said Sothern in a loud
voice. "They've all come. And as soon
as yon were announced they hid under
the table, though why the deuce they
did it I cau't imagine."
One by one the guests crawled out,
looking red and ashamed. New York
Maikrat Sklua.
The aoskrat is somewhat similar ht
appearance to his dry land cousin, but is
incomparably larger. The brown musk
rat, which is larger than the black
muskrat, when full grown will measure
twelve to fourteen inches from the tip
of his nose to tha root of his tail, and his
ratlike caudal appendage sometimes at
tains a length of eight inches. Muskrat
skins are valuable for their soft, glossy
fnr, and are bought by traders at from
six cents to ten cents each and sold to
furriers. The flesh of the muskrat is
said to be quite palatable, and it is some
times eaten. Baltimore Sun.
Providing In Ttma.
Lawyer (who has been called to draft
will) Ready, sir? What is ths first
bequest you wish to make?
Dying Millionaire I bequeath all my
property, real and personal, after the
satisfaction of just claims against my es
tate, to the foreign mission board of the
Lawyer But you are not going to
leave your wife and daughters unpro
vided for?
Dying Millionaire Certainly not I
am merely trying to fix it so that when
the courts reverse my decision in tha
matter the money will go where I want
it to by the way, I guess I'll have yon
draw up the papers for the contest right
now. Exchange.
SlitrS" MHUoa Dollars aa A era.
The other day the Southeastern Rail
way company was asked no less a sum
than 1,250,000 for a small and practi
cally useless piece of ground in Ber-
mondsey. The land is abont sixteen feet
In depth, and comprises an area of 4.131
superficial feet, so that the claim is at the
rate of 13,000,000 an acre. The com--
pany, it is scarcely necessary to add, did
not clnae at the sum stated "
Looking Backward.
In the good old days of childhood what iplendid hot flaky
biscuit nd delicious pastry our mothers gave us. You may enjoy
as good now. The secret is in using
Dr. Price'sCream Baking Powder.
It has remained the standard for purity, excellence and whole
torneness for more than forty years, and retained its supremacy
among the practical cooks, in the great hotels, dubs, restaura&B
and in the hornet of millions.