CITY and COUNTRY, oiii u is 1 1 rv, HKi'TKMiiK;t mi. iron, " mi of Huliaiiriillon, Kin, .. i; . HtttCl- I'm I..M rtl h Put li'n- ' ycnr, In clvani'V, I20t i c iiioii t no. In advaiti'o. 1 DO loci-nu pur 1 1 ii u I nr llrt: A cents : ll iiiiwiiittiu iiiiMirtimi AUtiress, coll III Kit, Ort'g. hi :liy,Ori'g(in, )nsiy omi KiiH. lU'lK'. rink . f ('. Klli-i-l . .1. W. Mi-I.lruin lit-ii, V. Iliirntitii , It. W flnllmig h. al. KMIIIHl , J. O. WrllKTKll . ..J. ('. Hol'llny ii. n utt Ni-liii-y Nmyili It. ll lll'llliail I Uli Imi-il Html i'unitllua Hair KinS t'UY i-FPU'tii. kt.iym, ltieonlsr, I'likf .if Hnlliw, .. . Anamsor, Tri-asttrsr lit)- Allorni'y, Htifttt I'minnl. sinner, Hup't uf Water Works, T W. Sullivan I.. I.. purler .1. H. l-nnhun .. i K. HlHauIn . . . if. J. Uiuls II. K. DriNM . . . ' , . .. ..(J. IImIhtk W.ll. I.,w,ll ruy Miultii' m tii'cr. attinuy Biiiyin r.iiiiM'lliiii'u-tt. O. Alliright, Jr.. II. I,. K'lly, 1!. N. llrii.iilllan, W. A.WIilli-, J J. I' J. W, O'l'tm II, J. II. l'..rl.TH"'IT, If. I.SII.I.1II. t.Mlmil mens tlrst Wnlnnahy of eiiflli limntli. C1IUUC11K&. Kirl :..i.fn-Kllunal diurcih -Itev. M. Duiinlnrty IWur. S -rvlitua II . ui. mid H:lH) l. in. Huliday .-1mi. ath-r timi-niiii-service. Prayer BltM-tliiR-every vr.diH'.lny Kvt'itititr ni -i-iii p. iii. Prayer Meeting of V--'--.!'. K. every Sumin -'"iiliig al ti:M)nruiiit. I lr! luoilst Chin. -It -He . ''i im Parker, Plnr. M -raii-tf pv.vlfe II: Sun. ee i'nl l'.':o; Evening s !(. stlf -wuUr l-taje- Me.-tlni V"lneKilily ermine; MniUilJF i"- ' 'Milit v.-rv V. l ne. ll-l tV-Hll'IR llPK'.SillllJ'vHl'III' It llieltl',lll. Ht.Julin's IMU...TK I'". A. II -ll-limi (1, Pastor. On SmtJa,, 5Jhh af- -.ami ln.'O ft lu. Kvery Hiintlay irriu.,ii Si rtimii nflcr -1" ''l-.ek Maitv At all other Jusaaea fc.liirilli h -riii'ilm. elin.rt-i.'' U::tl p. ill. ViiM-ni, Ai-.i.tii'ilt'il Sitl'j.-ts mi-l Vfc-ij.;! eiiiction at Tian p. m. KilKopnl Cliurili l.-r (1. H- k"i, MiirnliiK Kervleetil II; Humlay Hclionl ut t-.!:.- liven I i If Hervlce at Hum, Kjiwurtli LmiKii" nii-ii'm mh iltiy ctiiIii at ti::l); I'niynr Miclinu TlillnMlity i u. IliK Ht NHXI. Flrat I'HHtiir. W'yiiTlHn t'linreli, llov. tl. W, (llbuney. SrnlciM It ami KKMI p. lu. BHlitwtli HitlnKtl 1U n. in. evunliift nt H::ii). k.iio. ut fr. Y. I. 8. C. K. iiii'i'tN evnry Hnmlay niyir Mfi'liiiKWiHlniuHlay evriilna KvHiiKnlii'al rimrt'li, fliriiiaii A. Krnsl, Pant'-r Prvarliiiix Srvlci fiviry altiTtialn Humlay II a. in, ami 7U) i. in. HuIiIihiIi 8(IiikiI ftrery Hnlnlny lUa in. (J. llarrUtiiTffi'r, 8upt.) Wwkly l'rayir MiH'tlug every Wtilili-miity rvenliiK, HiiIImI Ilrctliri'll t'lmrrll.-lt.'V. I'. R, Wllllama, Piwtiir, Hcrvlcm Hnt nml third Hiuntay uiurniiiKa ami the prm'ecitiitK Hutiinlny liliflit 111 eaith month at Oregon City 11 n. in. ami 7 i. ni , anil the llmt Hull diiv aflernuon of inch mutitii ut Falli Vliw, t'hrlstluii Cliilrcli Ki-t. II. T. Htiilili'.v, Pntor. 8frvlua evfi-y Kumliiy 11 h. hi. at. Hlifvi'lv'i Hall. Prraitliliift wcoml and fonrth bundiiy in iiaoh month. flt. PiiiiI'ii Churrb, Kplncoml Rov. J. A. Kekilnun, IHiNtor, Hi'rvlcia every tiiiiiday at 11 a. in. anil 7-W j. in., and Friday eveiiiiiK at 7::tUp. in. SOCIKTIKS. r-ry m nnd and fourth Friday evonliiK of fui-li month in Oild FuiloWrt' tmildllitr. All mijouniiiin bivtlireu cordially llivlli-d toatti'Ud. I). CHIltlold, l. W. Ueo. Callfl, Iti-c. 'Plltlron I.'kIki', No. lr., A. O. It. W.MiK'ti every Tlnowliiy eVi-iiiUK at thld FidloW'M Hall, Ihwcgo. Vlnlt Iiik bietlirvii alwaya wt'lcoine. J. U. L'ani)litll, . W. It. HtmlliM, Jlec. , Molnlla ImkIko, No. 40, A. O. V. W.-M.-Pti Unit and third 8aturduyn in each month at Kchool IIuiihp. VIhIHiik niciulii'ra tinidu wi-lcomo. T. H. 8tliii, M. V. J. V. Tlmiaiia, Hiv. flavel LiHlite, No. 6.', A. 0. It. W. Meeti noond and tlliril Saturday evniti at KniKht'a Hall, Canity. VInIiIiik lintlhon lllado Welcome. 0. L. llarlow, M. W. Vt . 8. Urilible, Kec. Clnckaniu Iliro, No. 67, A. O. II. W. Meet, nmt and third Mondaya in each niolltii, at Htritf'a Hall. VIsllinK hri'llirrn. welcome. H. Ilolcnnili, HI. VY. C, K. Peiuw, Itec. 8unrl! Lodge, No. 4.1, A. 0. U. W.Meeta every Necond and fourth Hntunlav of each month fit Wil onvllle, Oregon. Mai Hi'linlpiiiH, M. W. C. T. Tooe, itco. Oregon Lodge, No. o, I (. O. F. Meela every Thuraiiay evening at 7::tO o'clock p. m. In the Odil Fellowa' Hull, Main it reel. Hrmla'ra of the Older are Invited to attend, Uewge 0. Kly, N.U. Thoa. Ityan, Hec. Falla Encauinmoiit, Nc 4, 1. O. O. F. Meet! Unit and third Tuehdaya of each month at Odd Fellowa' Hall. Memheniaud vltiitlng patriarcha cordially in viteil to attend YV. II. llowell, Chief l'alrlarch J. A. btewaal, Soilbe. OBWego ladge, No. 0:1, I. 0. 0. F. Meet at Odd Fel. low's Hall, OBwejio, every Saturday evening, Vinlting lirethreu made welcome. (J. W. I'roaaer, N. U. J, P. Itialcy, Sec. Hllltnomah Lodge, No. 1, A. F. A A. M. Ilolila Ita regular Coinmtuiicationa on Unit and third Saturdaya of each inolllll at 7 ill) p. ni. Urethral! In good aland lug are invited to attend. I.. L. Porter, W. II. T. F. Hyatt, Sec. Wauclieno balge. No. Ll, I. O. II. M.-Meeli Wed- lieadav evening at Armory llall. laltlng menibera cimlially imited. A. J. llaxard, C. of It. Charlea Kelly, tSnclii'la. SI mole Pout, No. 2, tl. A. II., Department of Oregon. Meeta Unit Monday of itach month at K. of P. llall, Oregon City. Vlidting uoinlndea niaila welcome. IhoTd Mi'Arllillr, Com. J. 1'. Hliuw, Adj. Qeiieral Pope Post. No. S2, 0. A. H. Meeta Mrst Sulurday of each month at Urango itall, Mulino. Comrades conlially Invited. J. F. Nelxoii, Com maniler. II. W. 8huw, Adjutniit. (Ion. Crook Post, No. 22, U. A.' R., P.'partment of Oregon. Meeta lu achool hornw at Needy on flrat Hat urday in each month at 2 o'clock p. in. All com railaa made welcome. Jacob Spogle, Com. J. Kar tuder, Adj. lleade Relief Corp?, No. IS, Pepartnit'llt of Ore gon. Meeta on lirat and third Fridaya of each motitll in K. of l. Hall. Memben of corpa from abroad cordially welcomed. Mm. M. M. Channan, Prea. lira. K. L. Cochran, Treas. lira. J. ii. Harding, 8eo. Son of Veteriina, E. P. Baker Camp, No. 18 Meeta flrat and third Thursday eveninga ol each month. K. 8. CalirT. Capt. II. 8. Ilellomy, let Lieut. 0. O. Wood, 2d Lieut. Achilles Lralga, No. 3, K.of P. Meeta every Frl dav uight ut the K. of P. hall. Vlidting knighta Invited. I has. Albright, Jr., CO. J. K. Ijhodea, K. of H. Si a. Canby Lodge, No. SH4, f. O. 0. T. Meeta llmt and third Saturday evenings at Knight's Hull, Cunby. Viiltlitg nictnliera always made welcome. II. C. Gillmore, W. C. T. Millard Lee, Sec. F Comny, First He) ., 0. N. O. Armory, Third and Main, lingular drill night, Monday. Regular liuilnena meeting, Ural Monday of each month. J. W. (Jauong, Cupl. F. 8. Kelley, Flrat Lieut. L. L. i'icgeus, Second Lieut. Canity Spiritualist Society. Aaaeinldes on flr-.t and third Sundays of each month. II. A. Lee, Prea limit. Miss liattle Phillips, Uncording Secretary. New Era W. C. T U.-Mects flrat Saturday in each month at their hull II, New Era. Friends of the cause invited to he present. Mrs Carey Johnson, Mrs. Kastiuan, Pres. St. John's llranch. No. W7, C. K. of A.-Moete every Tuesday evening at their hall, comer Mailt and Tenth streets, Oregon City. T. W. Sullivan. Prea. Matt. Justin, Sec. Oregon City tlourd of Trade Meeta at Court House on aecond Monday in each month. Ylsltora w. Icome. Ueo. V. Ilrownell, Prea. F. E. Doualiieou, Sec. ttnil.r Buanl of Trade-Meeta at Knlght't Hall, Canliv," on Urst and third Fridays of each month. Visitors welcome. Win. Knight, Prea. S. J. Uarri son, H'-c. M.dulla firange. No. 40, P. of IL Meela at their llall at Wright's Bridge ou lite secolnl Saturday of each month at 1(1 a. ni. 1-elloW memoirs made welcome. J. F. Nelson, Master. K. H. Cooper, Sec. Tualatin Oiange, No. Ill, P. of II. -Meeta last Satur day of each inontli at their hall in Wilaonville. K. B. Henry, Muster. Miss lleda Sharp, Sec. Warner urange. No. 117, P. of H Meet fourth Katitnli.y of euch month at their ball in New Kra. C. 0. Williams, Master. Mia Maggie Brown. Sec. Butte Creek Orange, No. 82, P. of II.Meeta at their hall iu Mari nam second Saturdiy in each month at lue. lit. Visiting meinliers always welcome, J, B, W hile, Master. J. K. Jack, Sec. Columbia Ibsik and ladder Co. Meeta orst Fri day of euch mouth at Fountain Kngine House. W, T. Whilloi-k, Pres. K4 L. haw, Foeemtui. A.W. Milln, Stas. FoUtiUIn Him Co., No. 1 Meeta iK-cond rt e.liies.lay . i n earn month at Kngine House, saat aide Main street, I et ween neventh and Eighth. Hiram Straight, Pres. M. P. guinn, Foreman, i. W. Stewart, Sec. Cataract Hae Co. No. 2. Meeta aeeot d Tuesday of earb inonth at Cataract Engine Honaa. Sidney Snnlh, Pres. Bart lireebluan. Foreman. Herb tlesWW, Sec. Oregon City Hose Co., No J O W. Chnrck, Pre. W. W . Marrs, Forenua. H. 8. Strange, Sec. I A Good Thing to Keep at Hand. from Ihr Troy (A'laaoa) Ckirf. Sume years ago we were very much subject in severe spells of cholera mor ' . , . i . . i. bus; ana now wneu we leei ... oi me. . .. . . sj mptoiiis that usually proceed that ail- 'L "e'"1'":"e ineiit, such as sickness at ilie atomacii, iliarrh.ea, etc., we Ix-come scary. We have Mind Chamberlain'a Colic, Chol era and Diarrhii-a Remedy the very thing to straighten one out in such tast-s, and always keep it bout- We aru not writing this for a pay testimonial, bat lo let our readers know what ia a good thing to keep handy in tbe house. For sale by G. A. Haiding. druggist. Bipans Tabulea : one give relief. Kip-in T.-W; : for tour stomach. I EVENTS OF THE WEEK Onii Ant.Coi.omkh, In llililnii'l ihih ini'ntH ncur iIih rninllilrt linn- ami inert' mi hvhI Hill llill III llllnllt 2't ll'I'l Imk'i Hllll 3 Iffl in ill i-ii-r. lltlvillK IIIH HIXl mill ii -it rtt iii-o ni a hiiim'I iiiiiiiinl. Ii ii Xliin ii over uitlt mhiiv vinti.t milistiiui-t tluil ii'iiili-rK it Iiiiim'i vl'.iw iiinjMlnra On I H Htirdtt'O you olminvu liltlc (iillirun Unit li'inl hi hii iiIiIIiihh iiinflit lulu I lie inti-riur Htri't-iM of llm mil ruy, unJ h oniiiiiiruliv fi'W of llm iiiilfliHiii tl, lll'lllt'il lllllHllllllllU Hflt H'lllkillK ulnmt tin iihhiiiiI rrii-liii-i' tin mirili iiiukH In llm city liy k'Hrin oil' one viiltt l il Willi ii hlmii) nlii-k, tinil nil the IiihIhiiI iiitiny iIiimihiiiiiIh n( ttntH iwuvtl around ov.-r llm riinm in pviilt'iit cnimtiT iiHlimi, Hut llii'V urn not iIuiiiiIimI liy inlhdiiluiu. 1.1'HVH tlieni to tlii'ir ininiTy anil lelurn n lew Iiiiiiih adiTHHiil. Yuti will riinl tlit'in workiii likn flu ven In repair Hie brent'li. for hid lliey not, wllli a bieavli in their oilier hiiIIh, expodcil lu Hie uuriliiiiuhtH jj( their ninrtiil eneiiiiei, the Hiit nulion wlume elllits are a Httiiiit'a tlimw iliitlaiit? Toiling ami moiliiitc will) liiiiotiH tmerny, aula are in every direction. luuuiiiK anil pull-ii-H at the twijiK, llr lenvua ami hita ol illr:, often iniieli liinor tliun tliem-m-lvea ol whii'lr their liomu wan liuill. Eviilen'lv thev will not reHt until the (lamaKO liaa been reimiretl. Tiik Swiss M Kruno. The Oregon FaruterH' Alliitnce, Oreiron Htute Urmiiii" Oregon KuitjIitH ot I.iilior anil Feiluruteii Truilt'H AHHeinlily o( I'lirtluml, have ipbui-it a eircular to the voteia ol Oreimu axkini; their ro-oiieralion in ellorta to ntriHiut'u the Initiative ami Kelereiiiluin it Oregon. The ohicet in view U to pledge eantliilatea (or the Irg-iHlatnre in fttvnr of IIiuhu nn'H.'iirf. and to inuir i iTatc t hum In the utate cfiimtiliilion. Tlii Hii inkinu an interest In IIjm SwiHH method of popular leiiiMutii.ii t mi for 23 i:enttt tl'tatii U ropy ol .1 W huilivHll'n I "'i .ft?-- v i r.fc-1 J.i ttisltttion," from W. S. r'Krn, .Miluaiiklr;,-0,v,. Which Act is thk Aei'orn'iiiif t I Im art- on pUK HI of the lienor, 'I l.a .v- of On linn of W.YA, it is Unlawful to hum ik'or "between the tir-it day of November in each year and the lirst day of Atiiftist of the tallowing year," but accurdiiiK to the act on page 170, "tin tween the lirst day of December in each year and the lirst day ol August of the following year." The question is, can deer be hunted in ISuvetniMT or nut I Si.cial Scppkii. The l'resbj teriaug will give a social Bupper at ohively s ballon the evening of Friday, September 2Wth, A short and interesting program will be rentlered, beginning at 8 o'clock, after which refreshments will be served. A special ellort will be made to make this a rally social lo usher in the reign ol "old winter. Uome and spend the time plcasantlv. The only admission will be at the door. S. of V. Soci L.Tho Ladies' Aid Society of the the Sons of Veterana, will give a social at the hail over the livery barn on seventh street, on September 2!)th. There will be a program of exer cises, at tliu conclusion of which the I ml it-s will serve collee, cake, sand wiches and pickles for the small sum of 15 cents Kvcrybody is invited to come, especially the U. A. ll. mem hers. Winter Clotiiino. Now is the time to have your light colored summer suit dyed bluck for winter use. Black makes your shoddy clothes wanner because it absorbs more heat than a light color. For that reason the black man Bweats more in a given degree of htat than a red-headed white mau. Lost Between the end of the sus pension bridge and Caufield's grocery store on Seventh street, a gold stick pin with five pearl settings forming a star. The finder will be liberally rewarded if be will leave the pin at Courier otllce. - m. -I . HOOD VIEW. Mrs. I.illie Jolly, of Portland, dangliter of Hon. It. V. Short, is very dangerously ill. Mrs. Capt. W. P. Short and family li nve returned to their home in the city after several weeks' visit among relatives and friends here. Mrs J. Spencer is improving after a recent spell of illness. Mrs. Kate Graham, of Siinrnfiel, Cal., who bus been visiting relatives here for the past two months, expects to re turn home next week. The wedding party at Graham's Ferry last week was quite a surprise to the mnnv friends who were assembled. in mi-: no it i am. Lines written in memory of iho little daughter of D. D. Mngone antl her tutor, Mr. McKechnie,, who were drowned in the canal near Sucker luke on Septem ber 10th . A man and child have passed away From this world's dust unto the day. His life for her be freely gave, But God " illed not that he ehould save To friends on earth this little one, For her earthly work was done. And He who when upon earth, smiled In blessing on each little child, And for the sins of mankind bled, This mau and child hath homeward Perhaps their spirits from above led. Behold the grief of them lltey love, And whisper low, again will meet Where death is not and life is sweet. And He who sees how bleeds the heart Of them who from their loved ones And can their wi e and sorrow feel, part, In time their wounds of death will heal, And join the hands of parted friends When tneir work on this earth ends. Miss E. E. Tompkins. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS T U A Sellwood to J C Hingerford, part ot Lot Whitcomb donation No 8, sec t 1 b, r I e, 10 as; fliOOO. Sheriff Ganong to August Fischer, lot lit ol of blk 4, West Side add to Oregon City, for taxes of 1890 due from McKean A Campbell ; 4.07. Sheriff Gunotig to August Fischer, lots 1 and 2, blk 1, New Kra, for taxes due of lSPO by Frieda L'tnih; $4 20. Thomas Shute to T W White, one acre of W T Matlock donation; flMlU. Joep!i fer to KobtGatzke, ."iOxlOO ft of lot 8, Barlow; tl. John (iatzke to K Gittzke, blks ABC in lot 8. Bjrlow; $400. J A Gritliths to ('has Everett Movers, lot 2, blk 44, 01 AS Go's 1st add to Oswego ; $375. J T Brown to F D Duval, 5 as of lot 7 in sec 34. t Us, r 1 e; f 180. A Goettling to W Westburg, pt of H Johnson donation, st e 15, t 2 a, r 2 e, 10 a;700. It Galzse to school dim 97, blk B in lot 8. Barlow ;230. YO Harding to Helen L Milln, sw of sec 28,1 5 s, r I e. IGOas; $1. A Bushel ol Pilla, and every one wants 13 stick fast in the tit mat, and feels as though they did stick somewhere. Away with them and take Simmons Liver Regular. One-half a tablesrijonfnl is a dose, and it goes ! dnvn nloaBandn Vnll'll An.l it TI i I (t i laxative, with no griping, and does not debilitate. It quickly relieves the sys- tern of malarial poison, and cures Consti pation, Indigestion, ihlliousness and A mono- the incidents of childhood that ' stand out in bold relief, as our memory ; work. The caskets ami coffins are reverts to the days wneo we were yonng, j (yr Intkhkst to Spoiitsmk.i. W. II. ready trimmed so that persons from a n-ne are more prominent than severe HurHrurt, A. O. P. A . Union Pacilic distance ran be immediately accornmo sieknrM. The voana- mother vivid I v i p..rti. 1 Or inat rivni i dated. Prices to suit these hard, dull reniembers that it Chamherlaio's Coudi Keroedy cored her of cruap, and in turn administers it to her on otf sprin? and always with the best molts For sale by (i. A. Harding, druggist. ri 1 Ripana Tab ale digestion. Eipans Tabulef cure head a he. 8TAFF0RO. The smile Old Phlllltn weara on 111 fare now would subdue th wicked, mid iniike hit frienda rejoice. It Is all caused uy ma wile presenting lil in vitnauounc ing tiiiie-pnund boy Nuturday last, There hai been another change in i I carrier the past week, Charlel Howler having lold out to a young man living n Oswego. Hen I. Atliev and iiart of liia family went to Kagle Creek hucklelierrying last week and returned home two days later wetter and wiser than when Ihey do- parted, but with no more berries. MosarM. Sinn tut Scliroi'der ate ruxl.eil Willi threaliiug ih season ami keep their machine humming Niiinliiys Just as though there was never In lie any liore afler. Hop pickers, picnickers, coasters, etc., are returning home. Miss Adull Larson and Kdward Car pt-nter have list returned from a trip to ll e sea const at .Nestucca. Mrs. (iage and Misses (iage have re turned from tlielio'illelils with enormous iippeliles. Another aurprise partv was given at K I'. Larson's hall lust Hitturday eve ning. Everybody tliat attended was surprised, as ia usually the case, to Bee so many of their friends and Kctpmin tances present. John Francis made a short call ut the postoiliee Sunday morning while on his way to f rog fond. School commences here next Monday morning. John Q anil Don H. (iago reiiirned last week from a two weeks' lojourii in the .Nestucca valley. Mrs. Klligson is convnleneent. I, CANBV ITEMS. Mr. Mathews is liarvesling his large pi line crop. Ilis patent dryer that will cure o'HX) pounds a day, is ready for bus Inesi. The Willamette Land Company lias yet a couple bundled of the over 400 ai.T' s of land il bought I ere, having sold abotii, one-hull of it, to a large extent on partial payments, lor an uggrogate sum rotial to the purchase pi ice of the entire area. Wiien the company's large prune orchard gets into bearing, its income promises to be handsome. Dr. J. II. Irvine, the Sunnyside drug gist who located here in June, conducts a pharmacy which would be a credit to a larger town. Peter Stisbatier will soon be our dem ocratic postmaster. His appointment is a cretlit to the administration. The handsome placo of G. W, Hoyt near Canny shows what one man's energy and thrift can accomplish on our prairie in a couple of years. Many of the prune trees in bis orchard, planted two years ago this spring, will beur next spring, and even this year lie has gath ered a little rips fruit from them. Canity has a bright future. It cornea out now that two of our prominent citizens have fliXX) each in a Portland suspended bank. We'iinsdidn't know they bad so many "skads" until the suspended banks made them squeal. Our watermelons are a drug. They bring in Portland from I to $o per bun dled. There is talk ot planting out more hops. D. W. Howard will have a new- yard in bearing next Bummer. Charier Schmidt lost a valuable horse by some sickness recently. Misfortune appears to pursue him relentlessly, yet he preserves his philosophical cheerful ness. Monday. II. C. Gilinore. Wes Kiggs. Grant White and left for the huckleberry patch beyond Table Mountain. The tomato plantation of Mr. Howaid on his bottom land yields enormously, Mrs. Ball and her sou, Albert, are on the sick list. The latter has been ill all summer but is now recovering. MARK'S PRAIRIE. lion picking all done. 1 he prairie s yield ia rather small but quality good. Everything ia soquiet since bop picking that we teel very lonesome. - we were verv iuckv in getting some of our hop pickers direct from the Knal. One, ftliss Bailey from Missouri, got off the train at Harlow in the forenoon and came out to our yard and picked hops in the ulteinonn. Mrs. Camelia Piuney, P. J. D'zney and I. J. oilliam ol uutteville, will soon start for their homes in Kentucky. On Friday evening, September 22d, while Yodor & Co. were going up the hill at the west end of the bridge near George Taylor's with their threshing ma chine, which is run by a traction en. gine, the machine ran backwards onto the bridge, and one wheel running H' threw Lee Yoder off the machine. His foot caught under the wheel, where lie was held about three-quarters of an. hour, but was released with a badly crushed foot and at last accounts bo was believed to be recovering. When the banks all closed the repub licans wanted to know where the good times were "you democrats" promised us, but now that the banks have again opened and money mailers tire easier, and silver worth 100 cents to the dollar, what will they want to know? Well, we agree with the Three Sinters that the central committeeman of elec tions in Burlow precinct is a very wide awake republican, enough so to beat Kli Mattock out of the oflice of sheriff of Clackamas county at our last election, and after the election couldn't tell what republicanism or democracy was. Yes, we think he is wide awake. SCHOOL NOTICE. The public schools of this city will open October 2d. and the board has di vided the district for tbe present as fol lows, fo-wit: Beginning at the bluff on Seventh (7th) street and running thence along said street to John O Adams street, thence northerly along John (i Adams to -Ninth (ililt) street, thence easterly along Ninth (llth) street to dis trict limits. All children of first grade (or chart class) and a1 1 children of the next or second (2d) grade, living soutli ot above liuos, will assemble at tbe new aclioOitiouse, All of the above named grades living north of above lines nnd all of same grades living under the blufl will as semble at the old schoolhouse. Inequalities in above division will lie corrected by the principal transferring pupils from one school to another as the case may require. All of the seventh (7th) grade will assemble at tbe new scboolbouse with out regard to district lines. Other changes will be made whenever neces sary and practicable. Grades not mentioned aliove will assemble at old schtsdhouse. Chart class will be organized during the first week of term ; pupils not enter ing during first week will not be received nntil middle of term, when new chart - !" will probably be organized ii. i. ivei.t,Y, i n....i ,.i t( I L . . V Geo. W.GiHoNgY,: rZ,"' T. S. Lawrence September 20ih, 18.13 The first grade children comprise the 'little lots.1' little lots. ; ? . . .. .-. .. n r, 1. t nl tKKiks caileil "linn U UD Rules and Keviaed Laws." This pnbii- ration contain a digest of the lata re luting to m me in the Western states and territories. Mr. Hurlbort will be giad to mail yon one of the looks op- n re- ceipt of two atampa to coyer postage, j attend to my undertaking business dur W. H. ftimm-rr. A. O. P. A. ing my illness. C. P. Wismett. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. The public schools of Orogon City will commence on Monduy. The Planking Ilea leady for Hie change In the Mt. Pleasant road. James Hhaw has made small kiln ol brick at clay deposit this aide of Ely, with the object of trying to vitiify them. Tlio liloli Fifth alrei.t embankment at Mrs. llroughton'i house ia caving in and the city will have to hustle to put up wall to support the dirt. Four carloads of vitrified brick at- r'ved on Thtirsdnv from lite yard al Fulton Park for Main street, the work mi which has been pushed Ibis week. Al Salem lintiH ranirn from 10 lo 17 cenlBjal Independence sales have been made ut 18 cents . The total hop crop of Oregon is placed at 3-1.IHW to 40,000 bales. Mr. It Middled at the Samaritan hospi tal Friday evening. We shall never see bis r- ii mil tl jure in our e iirthoiisu sgtin. He bus Hindu his List map. I'ertcn to Ids asln a. Lang's fruit bel-.w town is now drying the pi tines from Jacobs' or- liiinl on the west siilti. The trees are n their fifth year and bear a small crop. The orchard occni-ies 20 acres. Tin) Junauese lugiltirs and New York Novelty Company, wiiich played ut Shivoly's ball on Saturday last, jump id I heir board bill at the Electric hotel. The landlord attached their duds. On the blotter n jiiduui'tut is entitle I iy Joshua iiorliett iwhiiimi Klimles iieviius; a complaint by Casp-.-r Y linker against Herman Troeger; a irnuipluint by Alice Sours against Calvin Sours. The proceeds of the reception to Capt. W. I, riiomiiHon Friday evening at the th. Salvation Artnv barracks were $7. I'he valiant captain will remain for a season as cnuinia idor ol llm uregoii City baiullion. Tin" Siiiii. a small weekly paper pub lished at tl e Schod for Deaf Mutes in' Salem, gives the mimes nf the following lireu pupils enrolled (rom Clackamas cotintv: Laura Alliey, John Kelchel and I'nink Johnson. On account of the prevailing hard times, one of our prominent young men as uecipted the job of unloading schooners in Portland. Hit put hi watch in "soak" as a guarantee that he ill do faithful work. Carl Perhain, a lineman nt work Wednesday on the bridge of the East Side motor over the Cluckuma. grasped nuked wire just before (I p. in-, an as instantly killed. 1 1 is arm was burned up to the elbow. A mechanic who is looking for a job hits counted up in this city, 10 brick masons, 17 plasterers and 75 carpenters There must be some he d lusn't know of and hasn't counted. There are many more mechanics than jobs. The conntv court litis contracted for lit-foot plunking to renew the floor of the suspension bridge, the same to be laid crosswise. The superintendent of le job should reject all bastard and nutiy boards, in case such are hauled Shortly two more pumps will be at ork on Ihe cofferdam at the locks ringing their number up tu six. When ic space behind the dam has been once cleared of water, building of a massive mcrete wall will proceed with rapidity Monday evening, Jennie Purcelland Fred Mossman were arrested before tho 'ortlnnd restaurant on Main street tiev were eloping. The "old man' snaked the girl into a m itor car and lllicer Ptirdom arrested Moh.s man, who now in jail In 1'orl Intnl. The Willamette Silver Bund is form ing a first class string band from its ranks, witli the help ol Mr. Everest of ortlund on the violin, and will give series of dunces during the winter. The baud expects to give Its initiatory ball about the 1st of October, with excellent music. - The Jacksonville Timet says: ,"ProL- M. V. Kork, state lecturer of the farm cis' alliance, is canvassing southern Oregon at present. He is being favored with good-sized audiences. That or ganization is not a political one, but Mr Kork's lectures are decidedly of that nature. We do not suppose he can hoodwink anybody, however. LETTER LIST. The following is a list of letters re maining at the Oregon City postoflice for the week ending September 28, 18!i:i, uncalled for: Ambler, F M Andrews, J II Crawford, Johnnio Dablke, (ins Dibble, Horace L Harris, Wm Hazard, A J Leism, MrsSC Lee, Mrs S C Miller, John McClelliind. J It Miller, S J Runynn, W 8 Thomas, lune, .Miss When calling for these letters please ay "advertised." E. M. Rands, P. M. The Money of the World. Acting Director of the Mint Preston has prepared a table of the monetary systems ot the world, the table shows that the aggregate stock of gold is 13.582,- 605,000; silver, $4,042,700,01)0; uncovered paper, $2,035,873,000. Stock ut gold possessed liy pi menial countries is as follows: United States, $1)04,000,000 ; Great Britinn, $550,000,000; rrunce, $800,000,000; Germany, $000,- 000,000; Russia, $250,000,000. Tbe stock of silver is as follows: United States, $015,000,000; Great Britian, 100, 000,000 ; France, $700,000,000 ; Germany, $.,'11,(100,000; Ktissia, f uo.000,000. The stock ot silver is divided as fol lows: United States. $538,000,000 full tender, and $77,000,000 limited tender; dretit Britain, no silver full tender, $100,000,000 limited tender; France, $050,000,000 full tender, $50,000,000 lim itetl tender; Germany, $103,000,000 full tender and $108,000,000 limited tender; Russia, $22,000,000 full tender and $38,- 000.000 limited tender. Hie ratio prevailing in nearly all principal countries between gold and egal tender silver is I to 15'.j. the ratio between gold and limited tender silver is, as a rule, 1 to 14 38. There spective ratios in tbe United Stutes ore I to 15 08 and 1 to 14 05. The vnrious monetary systems as di vided among countries: Gold and silver United States, F'rance, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Spun, Netherlands, Turkey and Japan. Gold tuned Kingdom, uermany, l'ortugal, Austria, Scandinavian Union, Australia, Egypt. Canada and Cuba. Silver Rus sia, M "Zico, I entrul and South America, nnd India. Of the uncovered mmev, South America has $000.000 000; Russia, $5CO,000,000; United States, $412,000, 000; Austria, $2o0,000,000; Italy, $103, HOo.OOO; Germany, $107,000,000; France, $81.000 1 00; ami Great Britain, $(, 000,000. The per capita circulation of gold Is: United States, $!l 01 ; United Kingdom. $1 1.47; France, $20 52 ; Germany, $12.12, Russia, $2 21 . Per capita of all classes of monev ia: F'rance, $40.50; Cuba, $31 00; Netherlands, $28 88; Australia, $20 75; Belgium, $25.53; United Stales, $24 34; United Kingdom, $13.42; and Russia, $7 10. C. P. Wisesktt ia a practical under taker He is now making it a special business. He is also a practical em balm, r as all who have had his services ran testily. He keeps tbe most exten sive stock of caskets, cases and coffins south of Portland, and bIbo a very fine irrade of cloth -covered and metallic times, lor 1 win . . t -1, not !e undersold. Come and see for yourselves when oc-cai-inn requires. Same old place, next door to Itoake's machine shop. C. P. Wixesett. By arrangement S F. Scripture will SOCIAL AND PEU80NAL, A Chaiaugtia circle has boon orgaiilzod In lli lit city . Mis. Ward ia visiting her sister, Mra. C. D. I.uloiiietle. Hon. G. K. Hayes wus in Halem hist week nil It gal business. Mr. Jose, of Harlow, has changed his residence to Poriland. Mr, and Mrs. Tingle returned from the Lust Sunday morning. Mrs. Wayne Howurd became ihe moinur of a boy on Monday. Wisses May and Amv Kellv mi iioin the coaet last Thursday. Mrs. Illirkbart who has bi.nn vlaltinir i . ii ..... i .. ... . " 1. 1 illinium, reinrneii .tinnilitv, Mr and Mrs.Theo. Chirk and children rulilinud irom lSnidou lust Monday. A Purlluud orchestra will give a ball at i t'lHi nail on nuturtlay evening Mrs. Puler Paqiiot left (or The Dalles too nisi oi tne wwck to visit her sister Frank Louis, who bus been visiting ins oa; home and the world a fair, r. turned Thiirdny evening. Hun. James Tracv and w ife, of I.ih-hii slutted Wednesday for Ihe world's tair, to oe aiieetit three or four wetks. Married, September 27lh, by Justice roma, ai mo niniau oi n . I itistlun Mary S. Park and Seiner Lankius. Tim ladies of St. Paul's Guild are pre. paring for their annual fair ami cliry. antlieiniiiu sin a, to be given In Novem ber. Mariled, September 23d, by Rev. G. arser, I'.iuiiy u. vuru and I N. Ilurke; tho 21st, Ella Wright and It. 11. Ham mond. Surveyor Henry Meldmm and his party will return from the Nehalem val ley itbuut a wPek hence, says a letter from one of ilium. Mr. Jamiey, the attorney, has hiovkiI ins oilice up into the otllce of .Messrs joiinsnn Idleuian. He intends to visit talilurnia on business. Minnie Mink, the little medium of Mink, has been visited bv the Gurmun preacher. He will not penult her to have any communication with those wicked people, the Spii dualists. Mrs. and Mrs.II.C Riugo, accompanied by their little boy, left for Yaqtiiua on Wednesday morning, with the object of remaining for some time il they find their watting health improved by the sea air. W. II. II. Samson returned Saturday evening Irom Portland. F'or six weeks he lias been at the Good Samaritun hospital attending his aged father, who, he says, is rapidly recovering from the amputation of Ids leg. A society of King's Daughters and Sons has been organized by tlie mem bers of St. Paul's church. The following ollicers were elected: President, Miss Kelly; vice-president, Mr. Pusey; sec retary, Miss 1 1 ut t iu Coclnan; treasurer, L. Cowing. Wednesday evening being the 30th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Charman, the members of tho Chat man families surprised them with a visit. After congtatulations dainty refreshments were served. A wry pleas ant evening wus spent. A Protest by Mulino Alliance. UiHoked, By Mulino Alliance No. 83, that we ate unalterably opposed to the location of the proposed new road be teen South Oregon City and Howard's mill. It. Goi'chek, President. E. II. Cooi'Kit, Secretary. The Harass to liaise For Profit, There are hut two kinds of horses for furmers and small breeders to profitably raise now, and these are the highest tyiK'B of light harness horse and the heaviest draft horse that can be pro duced, with quality, high finish, action and good bone. These- kinds may be raided at a good profit if the business la conducted with proper cure and the right kind of breeding stock is procured to start with. To commence right the best material is very important for a breeder. If farmers want to ruise light harness stock, let theui'aim to ruise couch or car riage horses, found their principles of breeding on individuality, knee action, good color, with high finish, quality and above all size, this being a leading fea ture in a light harness animal, and on which its valuo depends, everything else being equal. No uniniul should be less thun 15 hands, and a stallion should be 10 hunds and weigh not less than 1,250 pounds, always, if possible, durk bay or brown. Strive to breed a fixed type of horse, bo that any two would mutch. Never cross or mix the breeds. This means retrogression. A fixed type is what the public wauts. Every animal should be bred for a Axed purpose, improving tne stock all tne time by weeding out the culls and keep ing the very best for breeding purposes. Occasionally, buy a good one, when the opportunity occurs, with both breeding and individuality to strengthen the bureiu. The very best stock to produce this class of horses is the Humbletonians, the Wilkeseg preferred. All animuls purchased for breeding should be as neur possible the standard wished to be produced and should be selected from the most producing lines of blood and the highest type of the American trotter that the purchaser can afford, all being (-elected from tho most fashionable lines of blood within the breeders' reach; but do not sacrifice size, quality, color or Bctiou for the standard. Spirit of the Turf. Live Stork Points. If you wean lambs in September, they will be able to get full pasture and take a whack at caring for themselves before cold weather. L .n't neglect to cull out the chickens in August. Weed out the roosters, the old hens und tho feeble ones and leave only strong, prime birds for winter luy ing. - Cuduhy, the greut meat man, failed partly because of the drought iu Europe. Lack of ruin destroyed the fodder crops there, and funncra were obliged to throw their live stock upon the mur- ket to keep it from starving to death. That brought down the price of meat across the Atlantic, Shippers and deal ers here who had invested heavily on the hance of continued high prices for porn nnd meats lost accordingly. The rest of the story is, however, that with the scarcity of stock animuls in Europe next year prices there will go soaring. Then American producers and shippers can get their innings. In an age of fraud and adulteration, it ia certainly gratifying to know that such an extensirely used preparation as Ayer's tiarsaparilla may be emplicitly relied upon. It never varies either in uality. annearance or ettecl, but is always up lo the standard. BUCK LEX'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, .truises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. CnilMains, Coma, and all Skin Eruptions, and P04itivelr cure Pilea, or no pay req-iired. It la s-tjRraiileH t, gVe perfect satisfaction, f 1 money refunded. Price 1 t-ent. per box For lalt by U.A. Harding. STRENGTH AXI HEALTH; If y..a rw D"t f-wlina. stnaiK awl healthy, try Flae trie bitt!. If --I-aOrij'tH; ' liaa Ml y.iSj W-ak and weary, aaa Eb-rtrf- Hours. This remcljr acts directly mi later, Stomach and Kelneya, gently aiding theaa vrgan-Jto le-rf'inn their fanetltMi. If are afflict ed with Stra llnwtarb, yoy will And speedy and per manent relief by taking Klectrie Hitters, Oti. trial will convince )a t). -!- ia tba renr-dy yita ne-i. l-argc buttles mily !4l cents JU ueu. A. Harding's brag BUira. I.ipans Tabulei cure bad breath. Itipnns T abides cum biliousness. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing- rash, by Ayer'i Snrsiiparilln. Mr. HiciiAitu Birks, tho well-known Druggist, 207 McGill St., Montreal, P. Q., gays: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and havo hoard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer'a Bnrsaparilla, ono in particular being that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. The child was literally covered from bead to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of 'the best medical treatment available. Iler father was In great distress about the case and, at ruy recommendation, at lost began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparllla, two bot tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. Iam sure, wore he here to-day, bo would testify In the strongest terms as to tho merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.C Ayerfc Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others-will cure you LOCAL summary. Prescriptions carefully compounded ct G. A. Harding's drui; store. 15 and 10 pounds dry grnmilatod sutHtr (orfl. iwod ten 'Me. choice tincolored tea !)7jU a pound, at the Hod Front. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, Han Francisco is our authorized ai;ont. This paper is kept on lile in his olliee. For job printing iro to the Cour Kit oilice. Lawvehs' Bkikks and Foi.DKits printed at tbe LomtiKa olbce. Wood taken on subscription at Couit- office. Brinif it in summer time. Good green co(Tee22e, roust collee 25c a pound at the Ked Front. FOR SALE. Eiirlity acres of fine farm land, mostly bottom, on Woodcock creek, ClackamuB county, two'miles from .Meadow lirook postoiliee. 1 hreo acres cleared, M acres Blushed : eood house 20x.'l0. l'rice $800, of which f'lOO must be paid down, bal ance two years limn. For further par ticu'urs call at Cot'itiKit cilice or address mo at Vancouver, Wash. Al us. Anna Tavi.ou, Yuur Luiiis llnek. And the painful torture In joints and muscles is nothini; but ItliuumuliBm. Nothing but Hheuuiittisin bills people. Nothini; like Driimtnond's Lighting Remedy for speedy relief and quick cure. One trial will convince any one that H is a wondcrltil preparation. Ao- cept nolliinii in its place, for nothing else will do the work. It should be sold bv all druggists who take pridu iu keep ni abreast with recent discoveries in medicine For full particulars, testi monials, etc., write to the Drtimmond Medicine Co., -18 50 Maiden Lane, New I ork. Agents wanted. For a lame buck or for a pain in the side or chest, try saturating a piece of flannel with Cliamberluin s ruin Halm and binding it onto tbe allected parts. This tieatuient will cure any ordinary case in one or two days, rain Haiti) ulso cures rheumatism. oOcunt bottles for sale by U. A . Harding, tlruggist. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. Your Neluhhora ulld Follow Mtlxeli. Who Have Tried It. Mr. M. Qtiinu of Oregon City says: "I was laid up with n severo attack of inflammatory rheumatism in it most acute form. Three applications of the famous Seaweed Remedy entirely cured me." Mrs. Geo. Uudtlawy, Monroe street, says: "It is worth its weight in gold (or rlietuniit i 111." Mrs. Charles, Seventh street, says: "My boy's right leg was puralyzed from his hip down, so that be was nimble to put his foot to the ground for over twelve months. After using 1.1 roe bottles of Mr. Hargreaves' Seaweed Heuiedy he can run around without his sticks." Mrs. Watts, Jullerson street, says: "1 was complete! enied of a severe at tack of muscular rheumatism by three applications of the Seaweed Itemedy." Sold by (i. E HaitoitKtVKS, S. Madison street, and at Tbiiyer & Alden's oilice, Main Rtreet. Two Yoke of Woiik Oxen. Wanted to trade, two yoke ol work oxen, for outs or hay. Apply to II. E. ( rots at Gladstone sawmill oilice, Main street. Kipaiis Tubules : host li vor tonic. Itipuns Tab tiles euro constipation. HAVE YOU nor ITOTTINO riLIJS known hj moiitur 1: .y por-tpira', cause Inumte iUihlii-g Vu warm. Thin form uud BLIND. YIKMy ATONCKTO DR. flO SAN KO'S PILE REMEDY. which acti dtreotlr on part affect!. " borlM tumon, Uayi I to h ing, effect lnf rLLO or inaU. Dr. WQanko. I'luUdeiptJiev, Pfc Charmiui & Co, DnilKts DR. GUNN'S f SYRUP OR COUGHS. COLDS W AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In ralelnf a family of Bine children, my only rrm dy for Couahtt. Cold and Croup waa onion lyrup. It lljuit a effective to-dir aa It waa forty years ai. Now my grandchildren take Dr. Ounu'a Onion Symp which lealf-idy prepared and mora leaaaat to ttta taata. Sold at SO oeou a botiia. Charman k Co. Dm guilts DR. GUSH'S IMFBOVED LIVER PILLS our 0 HE FOR A DOSE RESULTS ARE WHAT TELL We guarantee that one of theae pi Hi at a doae, will froduea better reauHa tn the euro of Heederhe, oetiveneee. Boor Stomach, Bad Breath and j Beea.toaa three to five of any other make, end doll without griping aod eiekeoing. Their wonderful rtioa maaee you feel like a nw bein a boa. Vrugt-aia or MIL Jtoaaaao Med, Co rttlia, fa. rhannao 4 Crt. Dniggl-ts Our Boots and Shoes, in All Styles, Cannot be sur assed in quality or price. Try us and be convinced Call and examine our fine and varied stock of Straw Hats anr Modish Spring and Summer Clothing. We have an excdlent supply of WALL TAPER, rich in delicate tints Thos. Charman & Son. BEAUTY and STYLE CALL ON...... Bellomy & HiicIi, MANUFACTURERS OF -LOUlsrGKES, MATTBESSES AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD PETS, BEDDING, HEATING ANlJ COOK STOVES, CROCKERY, TINWARE, ETC , ETC. PRICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIMES. TMM RED FMOKT Green ColTec 22c; Roast Coffee 25c; Rice 5c a pound; Dry Granulated Sugar, 15 and 16 pounds $1; Good Green Tea 30c and Good Uncolorcd Tea 37c a pound. BEST FLOUR $3.40 A BARREL. 13 yds. Good Dress Gingham $1; 15 yds. Cobot W $1; Good Calicoes, 17 to 20 yds. $1. Shoes that wear at Lowest Prices. PRODUCE TAKEN. HAMILTON & ALLEN, FOKyTXjISriD'S GREAT - INDUSTRIAL - EXPOSITION. Opens Seplenber 27 1QQ3 C' October 28 LIBER ATI'S CELEDRATED MILITARY DAND WILL FURNISH THE MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINATURE. The Special Features Will Eclipse Those of Any Previous Year. MADAM GIRARD GYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN, Coiialrut ted at a cost of 111,000, and throwing a thousand Jets nt water In all the colon of tbe rain- uuw, win ueauiujr diusiu nan. LARGE AQUARIUMS K'o1 ,n w ".-. THE ART GALLERY ?! TiTSSSSl Last FlRlit. To visit this ureal Exposition and view its -rontlers In every department of Art and Seienee. will be next lliiiig lu a visit lotlie World's Fair at Cblcsgo. . BEDI'CED RATES ON ALL TRANSPORTATION LINES. For further information address Oregon City Market Report. Wheat Per bu.Mc, bulk without sacVs Oats- -SO 1 V bualiel. with sacks. Flour -Roller fl 85 per Eoos 'JOc Buttkr I. roll, Vsal S'jiCk) dressed ChickiN8 'J4 a doteu BBS? On foot22!,CidreKeil Kt$-V Mutton 1 V$2 8111N01.SB 1-2 23 f, thousand. Lasd 12)40 V pound. Hides Green, Do; dry. 0Ca)7olf6: .me-ttilrd off orculled. Sheep pelts, -U30o Hit Timothy, ,u. clover IUl!i!ilJiatt9il. baled. Dried Fruits Prunes 10c; apples 810o , Mux Feed Shorts lis, Bran fit); Chf-i-10; rejected wheat, 80 ccnls f, bu Fork Sides Uo, shoulders lie, hams.-e; on foot 5,0; dressed VAc - PotatoesaSe a bu; apples 4H'VUc a box. BLANKS! BLANKS!! BLANKS!!! For Sule nt the Coi'iiikk nfllce: MorlKnge, Filing ('overs, Komi for Deed, Promissory Notes, Iteeelpt Book, Warranty Deed, (Jtilt Claim Doed, Circuit Court Criminal Huhpncna Toapliors' Iteport Cards, I'arlial Payment Real Gatate Contract, KliorlfT Summons, Jury Summons, Copy of Summon, Notice to Garnishee, Answer to (Jarnlnli-c, Subpoena, Writ of Attach .lcnr, Justice Bubpoetia, civil, Justice Sabpocna, criminal Special or private blanks printed on application expeditiously and correctly. Iiijians Tabuios cure liver troubles. C. D. & D. C. LATODRETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW OFFICE. HEAR OF COMMERCIAL BANK Oregon City, Oregon. OKO. C. IIROWSKU. A. 8. Premier. Brownell & Dresser, Attorneys at Law, Office One Door North Cuujtrld Ji Hunt ley' I D :njtim-, OREGON CITY, OREGON W. Cakiy Johmsoh. C. M. Idle as Johnson & Idleuian, ZL.A.WriE.IRS. CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS, Oregon City, Oregon. Reul Estate To Sell and Money To Lend L. K. .JAXiNEY, Lawyer and Notary Pnblic. Office Next Door to Huntley's DlllOSTOKE, OHE'JON CITY, OREGON. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, 0a the Street between the Bridge tnt tbe Depot. Ioulle and almle rlirs and uddl hone, ai ...iMthiuri at il, ItivNt ralf-a. and a ttitr also connec-u-d with the bam lor loran .tock Any Information nuardlna any lino oi iwci piouplly aiu-ndttd to by letter or persoa). HOUSES BOl'flUT H SUl.lI L. M. ANDREWS, M. D. Ill A LIB l."t Drags, Notions, rerramenes, Toilet Articles, -tc. Preaeriptlon Carefully Ctmponndetf. Shlrely'-i Block, Cor. of 7th A Madison fit., Orejron City. combined with MERIT GOODS, AS FURNITURE, CAR- Oregon City, Ore. K. AV. ALLEN, Superintendent and Secretary Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUBB IN TBI CITY Paid Up Capital, 950,000. President, Vice President, Cashier, Manager, Thomas Chasman Geo. A. Ha dixs I. O. Caufiild Chaei.ii B. Caufield K Genera, Hankinc Ht aim-ss Transacted. DeiKfrlta I c.-i'lvi d Sulije.ct Im-heck. (Approved llllla and Note, lilarounti-d. ' Uoutity and Ctr Warrants boesht. Liihik Made ou Available Security. I..U hance lloti(ht and -oM. CoJIci'tlo:. Mitttt. Hmtnntl- I grafts Bold Available iu Any Psrt ol lh siapltlc Exchange Hold on Poriland, Fad . ruiii'iM,i, ( hli'BKoand New York. I lull-rest Paid on Tim Deposits. SUB AGENTS OF' THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. GEO. A. HARDING, DEALER IN IF Delias IB Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window Olasa. Preicriptiotu Accurately Compounded. HARDINO'8 BLOCK . Oregon City Transportation Co's STEAMERS Altona and Ramona TIME TAULE OREOOX CITY BOATS. Leave Leave PoktlAnd OsioomCitt Foot Taylor St. Foot Stb 81. 7:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 0:30 a.m. . 0:30a.m. 12:00 M. . 12:00 M. 2:30 p.m. " 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. sunday time. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p. No way landings. In effect April 24th, 1893. K. Frier's PHOTOGRAPH GALLE3T. If yon want a FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH call on lifi i U. Ida Old f land, oppoeite rarr'a the butcher's. k Nothing but FIRST CLASS WPRit Don and Promptly Delivered. I .. CITY JOB.BISifsHOP ALL M.Nitf OF TINNING, PLUMDINC, Ai l Orner.l JoLblof to Order. Sewer r.d Water Connectioas Maile at Ihe Moat Reasonable Rate. At' Work ia dun. with a lcw to nut and aalipfy al- concerned. Sbop oo 7lta Street, near Uepot, A. W. SCHWAN, PROP. The Commercial Dank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Trautactt a General Banking ImImm. Loans maile. Bill, dlarounled. Matte, eol lections. Buys and Mils eii haiife oa all point. In the United Htate. and Kurop. aud on Hon( Kona-. IletMMita received aubiert to cheek. In- threat at naual rate, allowed or time Bank open frim A. M. lo 4 P. M-; Saturday tTeninits from till T P. U. D. C. LATOl'RETTE, F. E. DONALPfON, Preaident. Caakier FRANX mXCll, Oun and Locksmith. Adjoining the Noblitt Stable, OREGON CITY, OREGON. All kinds f Flraarw. repaired at riaamd. AH kl f aaaall saacaiaea rvpalrad. Daaiaasl ky. asa lr ail k lads nf lariu. ttaaaaaaa Piatol. ktwihl ud soM. BICYCLES REPAIRED.