1 CITY AND COUNTRY, oneu:N citv, hkitkmiikii a, isf. Taruu of Niiliaoriptuiii, Hlimla Oimr. on roar, In advance, IS IK. Hluiile Copy, ill monlln, in advance, 1 00 Local iinllcea 10 cents ior Hut) Inr nratill pent Par llita fur cum siiiianiiiioni iiiaitninii. Address, COUItl Kit, Oregon i'lly. r..oii COUNTY OKKICKIW. Judge, J. W, IMdruin I'l.rk of CYurla, Un, f. Iliimton Hli.rlff, C. W liuiii HreuniKr, H. M. liaiu.li Treasurer. J. O. Wether! Aaaewiir,. J. (!, Ilrmll.y Helmut HuperintMul.iit, II. 8 0llasn Hnrv.ynr, Hlilney Mmylh uorour, II. b. Iluliiian ""'-' OIIKdON CITY OtTICKIM. Mayer, Iteoitnl.r, , iii-r ur i'oiioo, .. . AMMWMir, Treasurer, Oily Attorney Htrv.1 ('oiiiiiil.liii.r. , ,T. W. Hulllrnn .. I.. I.. Purler . . J. M. I'unlfim . J. K. Hlioailwi ....K.J. Ionia ..II r. iru !. llnheri era Nup'tuf Water Work', ., W. H. II City Kuiliieer, Klil nny Hmylh ununciiiuetii;. u, Aiiiriaiii, jr., ii. it. Kniiv, u, n. Urealllllall, W. A. While, J. J. Cooke, J. W. U't'liU ne.ll, J, (i, Purler ami T. I', Ilaiiilall. Cuuucll meets tint Wednesday uf each mmitli. ciiuncirrcs. Flint Cougrcgatl'mal lliurcli Hiiv. U. Iiuiinhvrty Paalur. Hervlcus II a. lu. ami M:lK) i. m. Hiiuilay School after luiirnliiK service. Prayer 'Mi-ellug every W.duclay ev.nliiK at H:(lo p. in. Prayer Mni'ling of Y. I1. S. C. IC. every Huuility evening at li:.rU firuuipt. Vlnit Hiptht O'liunli Iter. Oilman Parker, Pastor M 'ruing Hervlre III Hnnili.y Nalimil llll.ii livening Hervica lliiaii lt"iilUr I'myur Meeting Wnilhewliiy veiling. Monthly Cuvenniil steeling every Wciluc. day evening preceedlng Dial Nuiidiy in ilii itiuntli. 81. John'. Church, Oallnillo-llnv. A. IIIIM.miid, ' Pastor. On HtneUy, Uhmm nt H anil 10: ii a in, Kvery Hiimliiy Herman Hornnm after a o'cliick Miutf. At all other Mae. KltKllflll Hernwlia. MuniUy Hchnol p in. VeeM-ni, Aiologetlcal ttulijecta and lieu, (diction at 7::mi p. in, MellusUm Kplscnpil Church Hey 0. Mykea, Pnatur. Morning Hcivlce Ht II; Kllliiliiy School ill ltf:lri Kvcll lug Hei vice at Hinu. K;iw.irth League meeting Mini' day evening at OilUi I'myer Heeling Tliiimlny even lug at HOD. Klrat Preiliylerliiti Cliurch.-Hev. (I. V. (Illioni'.r, rxtor. Hcrvlr.es 11 a. in ami :Oun. m. Ninniilli Hclimd 10 a. III. Y. 1. S. C. K. meeU every minilny Unit llorilt'S III urilll'll .tlllliinH Kill tlVPr .veiling lit USUI. I'ruver Meeting YYrdlimlay evening , ,. ,,u , 0,mtrv, luntlerln Iltl.l lltwtroy. Kvangellcnl tliurrli, (leniian A. Kraut, I'unt' r. Prril. lilllg Kervlcee every alterants Sunday II a in. and T::UI p. m. Saldialli Sclead every Sunday 10 a m. (J. HnrrUlierger, Supl.) Weekly I'myer tleeting avery YViHlntuday evening. United llrelliren Cliurch.-Rev. P. II. William Piwtor. Horvkiw ttrat and tliinl Sunday iiicirnliigii and the proceeding Satnnlay night lu iacli month at Oregon City II a. in. and 7 jl. ui , and the tintt Hun dav afteruouo of each uniiitii at Kallf View. Christian Church-Ilev. I). T. Stanley, Pastor. Rervlcea every Sunday II a. m. at hliively'e Hall, Preaching aeooud and fuiirth buuduy iu each uionili. Rt. Paul'a Church. Knlncnlsil Rev. . A. Kckalmin, pastor. Servlcisi every Sunduy at 11 a. nl. and 70 p. lu., and Friday iveulng at 7 OU p. in. BOOIKTIKS. Tails City lodge of A. O. It. W. MmU every aw ond and fourth Kriday evening of each month In Odd Fellows' building. Alladournhig bretlireu conllnlly Invited tuattend. 0. C'luUeld, M. V. Ueo. CalilT, Hoc Pig Iron Lislge, No. I, A. O. U. Vt'.-Meeto every Thursday evenlug at ISIil Fellow's Hull, Oswego. Visiting brethren always welcome. J. U. Campbell, U. W. K. Strauss. Itec, Molalla Isslgo, No. JO. A. 0. V. W. Meola Unit aud third Saturdays In each month at Hclusil lloile, Vlalilng niumbers niiide welcome. T. H. Sllp, H. W. J. VV. '1 boiuas, lire. Ouvel Lodge, No. W, A. 0. U. W. Meets aectmd and third Saturday evelilnga at Knlglit's Hall, Canity. Vlalilng hrothers made welcome. 0. L. lturlow, M. W. W. 8. Orlbblc, Hcc. Clackamas Isslgo, No. 87, A. O. U. W. Meets flrst and third .Mondays in each mouth, at Slrite'a Hall. Vlitlng brethren welcome. 8. liolcomb, M. W. O. . Pease, Heo. Sunrise Lodge. No. 43, A, 0. V. W. Meet! every second and fourth Saturday of each nionlli at Wll oliville, On-goii. Max Kchulplua, M. W. C. T. Toote, Itco. Oregon Lodge, No. S, I 0. 0. t. Meets every Thursday evening at 7:110 o'clock p.m. In the Odd Fellows' Hull. Main alreet. Members of the Order me ii v,i.i to ala .it. i. surge 0. Kly, R.U. Thus. I:.. all. v. Kails ticai!ipnini, Nf I, I. 0. O. F. Meeta Hist aii'l ili.ii T-iesday ,d eucli month at Odd Fcllowa li,il. lniuLi.rB and iliiii.g patriarcha cordially in m:..I to stti'D'l W. II. Howell, Chief Patriarch A". Sii-wa.ii, rjeobu. I Mr., S'o. VI, i. 0.0. T. Meets at Odd Fel li..wV II el i m,w:o, evory Saturday eveuing. Visiting am : woloiiii j. 0. W. Prosser, N. 0. J, F. Ki.ley, Sec. Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, A. F. A A. M. Holds iu regular ooinnitliiicationa on first and third Satunlnya of each month at 11W ) m. Urethren In good land ing are Invited to attend. L. L. Porter, W. H. T. F. Kyan, Sec. Waucheno Lodge, No. 13, 1. 0. It. M. Meets Wed nesday evening at Armory Hall. Visiting members cordially invited. A, J. Uiisard, C. of K Charles Kelly, Sachem. Moade Post, No. 2, 0. A, It., Department of Oregon. Meets first Monday of each month at K. ol P. Hall, Oregon City. Visiting ounirados made welcome. David McArthitr, Com, J. I'. Shaw, Adj. General Pope Post, No. 62,0. A. R. Meets flrst Saturday of each month at Grange hall, Mullllo. Comrades cordially invited. J. F. Nelson, Com mander. II. W. Shaw, Adjutant. Gen. Uronk Post, No. 82, 0. A." B., Department of Oregon. Meets in achoo) house at Needy ou flrst Sat urday in each month at 2 o'clock p. in. All c rades made welcome, Jscub Spogle, Com, J. Kar etader, Adj. Meade Belief Corps, No. Department of Ore gun. Meets on first and third Fridays or each mouth in K. of P. Hall. Members of corps from abroad Cordially welcomed. Mrs. M. M. ('barman, Pres. Mrs. F. L. G'ocliran.'Treaa. Mis. J. B. Harding, Sec. Sons of Veterans, E. P. Baker Camp, No. 18-Mcets first and third Thursday evenioga of each month. K. 8. Calitr, Opt. B. S. Bellomy, 1st Lieut, 0. O. Wood, 2d Lieut. Achillea Lodge, No.3S, K.of P. Meets every Fri day night at Che K. of H. hall. Visiting kHhtB Invited. Chaa. Albright, Jr., C. 0. J. K. Ithoai , K. uf K. it 8. Csnby Isslgo, No WW, I. 0. 0. T. Meets flrst and third Saturday oveulngs at Knight's Hull, Cauby. Viaittng members always made welcome. 11, C. Gillmore, W. U. T. Millard Lee, Sec F Comisuiy. First Bel., O.N. G. Armory, Third and Main. Kegular drill night, Monday. Begutsr business meeting, llrst .Monday of each month. J. W. Oanong, Capt. F. 8. Kelley, First Lieut. L. L. Pic lens, Second Lieut. . Canby Spiritualist Society. Assembles on Upl and third Sundays nf each month. II. A. Lec, Pre a dent. Miss Hattle Phillips, Becordlllg Secretary. New Era W. C. T. U.-Mecta first Saturday In each month at their hall In New Kra. Friends of the cause invited to lie present. Mrs Carey Johnson, Mra. Ksatman, Pres. St. John's Branch, No. W7, C. K. of A.-Meeta very Tuesday evening at their hall, corner Main and Tsnili streets, Oregon City, T. W. Sullivan, Pre.. Matt, Justin, Seo. Oregon City Bourd of Trade Meets at Court House on second Monday in each month. Visitors w. Icome. Geo. 0. Brownell, Pres. F. K. Uollaldaon, Sec Canby Board of Trade-Meets at Knight's nail, Canby, on first and third Fridays of each month. Vlsjfora welcome. Win. Knight, Pres. H. J. Garri son, Sec. Molalla Grange. No. 40, P. of H.-Meetl at their hall at Wright's Bridge on Ihe second Bntiinlsy of sch month at 10 a. m. Mlow members made welcome. J. F. Nelson, Master. E. H. Cooper, Sec. Taluitin Oiange, No. Ill, P. ot H.-Meeta last Satur day of each month at their hall in Wilsonville. K. B. Uenry, Master. Miss Ileda Sharp, Meo. Warner urang.. No. 117, P. of ii.-Meet fourth gutnrdsyof each month at their hall in Sew fcna, C. C. Williams, Master. Mia Maggie Brown. Sec. Butte Creek Grange, No. M, P. of n. Meets at their hall in Maniiuiru aecond Saturday in each month at 10 a.m. Visiting members alwaya welcome. J. B. White, Master. J. K. Jack, Sec. Columbia Hook and Ladder Co.-Meets first : Frt- day of each month at Fountain Engine House. W. T. Whitlock, Pres. Hi L. Shaw, Foreman. A.W . Milln, - Fountain Hose Co, No. 1-Meets second Wednesday in each month at Engine House, east aide Main atreet, between Seventh and Eighth. Hiram Straight, Pres. M. P. yuinn. Foreman. J. W. Stewart, Sec. Cataract He Co. No. J.-Meeta aecoi d Tuesday of each month at Cataract Kngine (lousa. Sidney Snath, Pras. Bert Ureenman, Fureuiau. Herb Beatuw.aVa, Oregon City Hose Co., No. S-0 W. Church, Pres. W. W. Marra, Foreman. H. 8. Strange, Sec Drammonds Lisbtnint Remedv did great work for H. J. Lewis, 'of Anderson's Mills, S. C. tie bad sciatic rheumatism in the left hip and leg. and for six weeks was not able to alt up or walk a step ; and suffered nntol.l agonies when the pains darted no and down bis lee. After using lirummnnd Lightning Kemeuy iur : the suspension bridge over tliaVtillam Rheumutisia for two weeks, he wrote ' Ptte at Oregon City should not be d. that he cuuM walk and that the pain laved by the county court. Many of the wat gone. If you suffer from rheuma-. boards have become thin in spots and tism and wish to be cured, ask yon holes appear here and there dangerous druggist for Druminond Lightning UenitHlv. and if he hits not iMt it. write ; to the Draruiiion I Medicine Co.. 4S-50 Maiden Lane, Na York. Agents ; wanted. k: sn Tbnlea : for soar atomach. ! EVENTS OF THE WEEK rOHTMNIl'g OlIKAT Exl'UMITI'lN. TllU naiiiu til Lilinruli, m numiuiun, Id a nuiiiu to coiijiiru willi hurt) in tlio Norlli huhI, and it vf hh in obuiliuncti to an iin liuralivo popular dviiiiiml for liiBgiTvlreH. Hint tlio directors of tlio Great I'ortlnnii KxpoHilinii Iihvo gvi'iired lift urvifu for tlio iireaont your. With a gvleet bund nl IKty i itnt r u man In Hint fuvural iicconi pIlHhud golointN, liv is novr makinu a lour through (he principal citing ol tlio KmI and winning" itnliluu oniniuiia from all aorta of peoplu. Importaiii an miiNic la aa an ailjiuitt to the expogitlon, t lie attractions in other directions will he many and irtcul. Matlania (ilrard'a (iiand rrisniatic Foun'ain, a niurvHl ol mechanical and ulvutricul skill, which voft $10,000, aiiuiiriutns, aviaries, Iiihs giliiiniii: and weaving, a I'orttir wlmel, llnrul displavM, prufuse and bouuliful ; iniienious and useful niechaniciil in venlliiiia and other rpeclal hmtnrus and many minor exhlluts will nigko up a sum tolul of attractions rarely emmllud Tlio art u'ullerv, under tlio directi'in uf Sir. JliomaH Koyall, lulo ol the Louis- villo KxpoHilioii will lie uf mirpusHinu Inlercst. KUsburv's ureal work, "Custer's I.hhI 1'iulil, will liuvu llio plnuo of miior. Many urent iiuiiiters from abroad will bo rcireemeil, and local aitisiH, for the first timu in the history uf the association, will bo accorded duo honor and prominent places oil tlio walla for their work. Manufactures:. hotticulliiro. nuriiMilliire. tlio fluid, tlio orchard and diiiry, in fact, nil the atund- am attractions will bo iven duo cni sjderutiou. In short, tlieCirent Portland Kxp.Jhiiluinif 'u:i is KoiuK to be a success. Tub I'alamity (Jubi'ki,. Evrrv aftoi- noun at 2 n'l'li'i-k (fxcrpt Hiiiil,iyn hihI uiirtli ill J ill k ) Mm. ut'nrue II.Wil- i'Uim ilulivvm u ItTltiru txuiii!r lii-r peculiar Jui'triiit-g at lliu liull in litir urlliind rt-Hiilrince mi 1st Ii nn.l Cmii'li trct'lH, tii'iir lliu Kxiiimiticm liiiililinir Sliu tells Iiit nnilii-iiet) that all int'ii aru miiih til lliu ilt'Vil anil Unit lliu Hilly way to Ket lliu devil i mi L U to Hturvu 40 iI.ivm, wliii'li will rt'iiuivu lliu viTinil.irin iip'. iuinliij;e (mni llicir IiiiiihvuimucoIuii and illlike llieiu hoiim ul OimI. Sliu uruiliciH iiit;; that in consequence the farmer will not ti.l the Hull, ramiiie will issue and millions will die of starvation, lint Ihe elect, those who have chopped oil' the measly little iippeinlnt'e from their bit? Intestine by a 40 days' fast, will not suller because I hey are accustomed to starve. Whether 40 days' starvation wili remove the appendage, which is uflen the seat of disease, is an open question, as one of her followers died alter fasting 38 days, and Anderson who bus (listed 40 days lias not yet been cm open for examination. Occult Tiienomkna at Mink's. Min nie Mink, the little crippled daughter of ;Fred Mink, lias greatly attracted tho attention of the Beaver Creek neighbor hood for some days. It id believed that it is through her inediumistic powers that spirits have been despoiling the quiet summer evenings by loud thump ing and scratching on the wall of Mr. Mink's bouse. It is said that Minnie's bed lifted itself up as Ukhil'Ii possess. 'd, and that one of the slats of the bed viciously jabbed a fellow in the rib , who duroJ to attempt to suppress its voluntary movements, as if it were a thing of life. John Heft, under cover of the darkness, slyly hid himself in the bed and when the spirit (?) in its rounds canio to the bedside he grabbed it. It slipped from his grasp, but left a very material ball of paper with which evi dently the thumping against the wall bad been done. Stephe Hutchinson al most irreverently declares he will give a lo i if the noises Jatid thumpings and scralchings are done by the mystetious power in broad daylight where lie ran see them, Instead of in a room as dark as a black cat. The 0. & I'. Land in this County The suit now pending in Judge Bellin ger's cnurt by the national government against the Oregon & California Railioad Company for the purpose of dispossess ing the company of its grant, will work no hardship to bona fide purchasers of land within its limits whatever the re sult of the litigation may be. From the U. S. district court of the state, ih ) case will go up to the U.S. supreme court Until the latter court announces its de cision some years may elapse. In the mean time, the less owners of 0. & C. railroad land worry about the matter at issue the less nerve tissue they will waste for nothimr, as the company can not defraud them and the government will not. The Chinese ust Uo. Sheriff Gu nong went to Butloville Tuesday to maintain peace In Ihe continuous section of Clackatnus county, which has been disturbed bv agitation against the Chi nese ana expulsion of a mob of them. Public sympathy is with the women and children who are camped in largo numbers near the hop yards in eager expectoncy of being able to earn a few dollars. The hopgrower that this sea son defies public sentiment by employ- ing Uiinese coolies or Japs need not ex pect any sympathy if an indiunant mob of white men tears down his hophonse or commits some other damage. The thousands of unemp.oyed whites must someluw be clothed and fed. Donation Party. The members of tbe.M. E. church assembled in the lec ture room last Friday evenim;. The pastor's family having been invited, a social chat was indulged in and refresh menl8 weie passed, consisting of water melon and cage. Before separating they gave Itro. Sykes a thoroughly good pounding. No bones ere broken, but it will be some time before be and b I family get throouh with the effects. A sack of flour, a watermelon, tea, coffee, sugar, eggs, crackers, table raisins, bak ing powder, canned fruit, coinstarch. bread, a bucket of blackberries, dried beef, a beautiful rai!. en 'e quilt, a box of apples and a basket of pears, were the mis-ilea used. To Assist the Salmon - Since the mid die of August (here have been two fish- ways and a chute at the Clackamas dam for the accommodation of salmon, but there do not seem to be any in the river. Evidently Mr. Cross is making strenu ous efforts to satisfy the public and Fisli Commissioner McGuire nn the fish- ladder question, and witi the means he has now provided salmon can certainly get up the Clackamas to the hatchery and beyond. Ihe mill cannot run with out the dam, and in these hard times it is very desirable to keep it running, as its closing down (by the destruction of the dam) would Ihrow thirl v men out of work. Steam power would not pay. C P. Wisesett is a practical under taker. He is now making it a special business. lie is also a practical em balm, r as all who have had bis services can testily. He keeps the mo-t exten sive stork of caskets, cases and coffins south of Portland, and also a very tine grade of clot ii - covered and metallic work. The caskets and cotnns are ready trimmed so that persons from a distance canjbe immediately accommo dated. Prices to suit these hard, dull times, for I will not be undersold. Come and see for yourselves when oc casion requires. Same old place, next door to Hoake's machine shop. C. P. WisiF.SErr. j Keplaskixo Nekhf.ii. Rep'ankinir of ! i0 horses' feet. Xumerons knota are ..Ix.mw! in ih nl.l nlanka ami aa the unrt out from their face, the boards a-Pir oot more rapidly than if they had! been of "clear stuff" Evidently, Clack- m eraintv waa swin l ed in the clank- i injt of th bridge. Ilora. Few contract are beliijnnadi', aiva thn Hlntrtman of the (lib. allhfii(l 18 cents Is freely ufl'ttri'd. J,ra Alteki-r, of ruyallup, Hstiimiles the crop of ('re Ion and Wasti iiL'ton at iw whj nun" (Icrniiiiiv'a crop Is short, and KiikIiiipI's Is consiiiernl ly below last year's. In H e 11 ...III.. IV V V .11..,.!. .ft ...I... I u...l iniurvinu i. Minim; vt i 'in mm ruin storms and gubseiiient warm weuther have been disastrous to the hop yiirds. Near llillshorn tlio crop m nw turliiu In oxcellciit rlmpR. J. It. Curt wrluht near llarrisliiiru has KUtherod 2l'oU poiinils of the KiikIIsIi varioly pur acre ami aold 27 Pales at I7f per poumi TheOrciiiii crop-weal lier report atates that tlio vineg uro ladun with burrs, of Ijooil nveraco aizn and of excellent inil ity. Tbo recent warm wputher einiHul lice to multiply, especially on bottom hinds. What is Thick? To break the Ico i t a dull church social, the do.icon so. em nly asked a pretty sister, "What Is tripe?" "Tripe, sir, Is a bird," sIih re plied with the air of a mother In Israel who knows she lias a bend lull of w is dom. Ho put the same question to a second ladv w ho n dinned that tripe la a llsli." Tho third liuly correctly replied that it was Inlestines uf an anlmul, but naively added that she know very well it "wiia not a snlpo or nil v fish like that." All of which oes lo show (but these Indiea have never Horsed In it slaughter house and do not know na much about kitchen work as they ouitht to. Monky, Money. Will those renders of the CtiiiiiiKit who are in arrears fur subscription please pay up at ihe r enrlieit convenience? " The money is absolutely needed by the publisher tn pa tho running expenses, tor paper. printers, rent ele. The inane kouiU sum' dun the OuitiKli must b collected somehow Will ymi kind reader. ri- spond to thisrequesl with silver dolla ? Mini-tkhs' Mkktino In the ni nthly meeti.ig nf the preachers of this citv, be d last Tuesday ht the M K church, an excellent paper on Tennyson wbb read by Hev. (j. V. (iiboney iiml nn Interesting discussion followed It. was also decided that the Sunday evening sen ico should bn dimmed from K to 7:110, commencing with .September lOili. Gahiiiki. Sykks, Secretary. Pknatoh II. E. Cross' Story The story which II. E. Cross published in the ICuterprhf last week principally ru lleclingnn Sberiirtiiinonif often misses the truth. For instance the item in the ConiiKit about the attachment on bis buggy horse for d ilinqueut taxes wis not "Inspired," as he aaserls, but was published without consulting nnvbody us a "joke on Cross." I'ltoitATR Matters Monday, No vember Oth, has been set by Ihe county judge as tbo day for final hearing of Klinabeth Warner, executrix ol Arthur Warner. Thos Chnrmnn, administra tor of estate of Alex Mctiarvey, lias been authorized to have a suitable monument erected on the grave nf the deceased, expense nf ihe same and of a railing not to exceed f'00. CITY COUNCIL MEETING. The saloon licenses of Brady & Mo Donough, A. Schilling and I,. A. Noble were ordered continued. Fiiemun's committee asked for 20.70, to pay bnlerprme for printing rules and by-laws, which was granted. On petition of Elizabeth Fox and Chits. p . Horn, a slight change of grade was ordered in front of their property. Remonstrance from Geo. Brniighton, James Wilkinson and Mrs. James Dola--, declaring that they will not pay the as sessments because the improvement was not on grade, was laid on the table. Chief of police reported that two horses had been impounded and sold for $24.50, with expense of $10 35 and $8 15 turned into the treasury; that some of the parties on Main street mak ing connections with sewers hail not connected their closets, which should be done. Street committee ordered to gel deed from Geo Broughton as agreed before building trestle along with sidj of lOili street. The following bills were ordered paid out of Main street fund : S. Smyth $S0, W. S. Brown $50, Fled Hesse 13, S. S. Walker 12.50, J. D. Baker $7.50. Out of Fiftli street fund: Smvth $50, W. S. Brown $15, C. A. Moebnke ft, Fred Hesse $4, 8. 8. Walker $3.75, J. D. Maker, $1. Bills allowed: W. H. Cooke $0, C. Hoberg $00, Wilson Cooke $505, W. T. Welch $18.75, P. G. E Co. $172 95, Pope & Co. $14 30, W. M. Bloomlield $1 .51), O. C. Iron Works $3 40.' D. Chase 12, Azitlie Cochran f4 40, L. A. Nobel $7, Chas. B. Welsh $87.05, John Kelly 70, J. S. Purdom 89 50, I. L Porter $02.50, C. O. T. Williams!)? 13, I Le Mahieu $24, J. W. Scoggin $0.50, C. N. Greenman $39 85, II. Straight $44 25. Assessment of Fifth Btreet ordered published. Councilman Kelly brought up the matter of the privilege to do sewer work, the upshot of which was that hereafter Engineer Smyth will exact from each person undertaking such work, beside the $1000 bonds and li cense, a statement of competency from two reputable plumbers. SOCIAL, AND PERSONAL. Ed Ntwton lias returned from a three mouths' sojourn at the seacoast, Mr. Alden, the real estate man, lias returned after a prolonged summer va cation. Our former fellow-citizen, Patsy Moore, who has a farm on Neturt's bay, is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Chase, of Colfax, Wash., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Chase of Ibis city. Jacob Rauft lias gone to Samaritan hospital for medical treatment, bis allliction being strangulated hernia. O. Dickersou, Flavius Painter and 15 others returned nn Monday ftom a huckleberry expedition to Table Rock. J. W. O'Connell, T. P. Randall, Mint Randal?, Mr. Canard and Mr. Crawford started Thursday forenoon by team for the upper Nehalem to fish and hunt. Miss Grace and Ida Kinder and Sam and J. Hess returned Wednesday from Salmon river. They report that a'K) soldiers from Vancouver are camped there. Huckleberries aud trout are abundant and they will return next week. Major Joseoh Magone, of Canyon City, who walked to Chicago in the spring, has been in town for several days visiting old friends and bis sons, Ed and Amy Magone The maj ir hag a stalwart frame and bis 74 years ait lightly on him. On Sunday at 3 p. m., at the Catl.olie church, Kev. Father Hillebrand unittd in marriage Joseph McGrath and Annie Duffy, both of this city. The bride waa charmingly arrayed in a gown of cream mull trimmed with cream silk, which was prettily contrasted by oranire blossoms. Amongthe incidents of childhood that stand out in bold relief, as our memory reverts to the days'wnen we were young, none are more prominent than severe sickness. The young mother vividly remembers that it was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and in turn administers it to her oan otl- spring and always with the best results. For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Or Interest to Sportswes. W. H. Hurlhurt, A. G. P. A Union Pacific riystem, Portland, Or., lias just received ; a supply of books called ' (jiin Club i Rules and Revised Lawa." This oubli- ration contains a digest of the lawa r. lating to game in the Western states ami , territorim. Mr. Hurlbort will be glad to mail von one of the books upon re- , ceiDt of two stamps to cover Doslaite. W. II HrRI BfRT, A. G. P. A. Attention In time to nny Jrrr-fftilarlty of the Stomach, Liver, or Bowela may prevent serious consequences, Indigestion, iieiiducho, nun- son, bilious Hess, and ver tigo indicuto certain func tional derange Incuts, the beat remedy for which Is Ayer's rilla. Purely vcgetiiblo, sugar coated, easy to tuko and quick to assimilate, this is tlio Ideal family medicine the most popular, safe, ond useful aperient In pharmacy. Mrs. M. A. Uuockwell, Harris, Teiin., says: "Ayer's Cjitlinrllo rills cured mo of sick henduclio anil my husband of neuralgia. Ws mum mere u No Better Medicine. and liavo Induced many to mo It." "Thlrly-flvo yean ago this Spring, I wat mn down by hind work and a succession of colds, which mitdo me to feeble that It was au fffurt fur mo to walk. I consulted the doctors, but kept linking lower until I had given up all Imps of evor being better. IlapiHMiIng to bo lit a store, ono day, wliero medicines wcro mid, the proprietor noticed my weak and sickly appearance, and after a few nuoallmis as to my health, recom mended mo to try Ayor's Pills. I had little faltli In Iheso or any other medicine, but concluded, at last, to take bis advice and try a box. llefore I had used tliem all, I was very much better, aud two boxes cured me. I am now so years old) but I believe that It It had not been for Ayer's rills, I should have been In my grave long ago. I buy S boxes every year, which make 210 boxes up to this tlino, and I would no moro be with out I hem than without bread." IX. II. Iiigrnhain, Kockluiii', Me. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer ft Co., Low.ll, Uau. Every Dose Effective LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. John Mutton is sufTnring from a very sore hand. Hoard at the muss bouso on the we t side is f:).7o per week. Several new dwellings are notice il'e in the Lognn settlement. Harvest homo festival at Muinig's, Sandy, on Friditv, the 8lli. License to wed issued on the 5th to Nellie M. liissell and Welden M. Shank. The Coi'niKit thanks M. Doonev of New Era for copies of ICngilsh papers. In the firemen's tournament at The Dalles, Oreeon City beat Gotdendule at Dase null, IU to 13. There Is a hole lu Cle ir creek bridge which should be mended with a new plank without delay. The store of I. Selling will be closed on Mon lay until 0 o'clock on account of Jewish New Year. Marriages seem to increase with Ihe hard times, perhaps because now young man navo more leisure than when Iris; ness is brisk. Dr. Pa i ne's new house in Sunset City addition is almost finished, and a man named Lewis is erecting a house near by. Work is progressing on the road from Baker's Ferry bridge tn the Fagalde mill, and on the newly located Mt. Pleasant road. T.J.Hensley this week picked from an apple treo in the old orchard nn the west sido an open blossom with several buds appended. Amy Maifnno and a couple, of Portland gentlemen who were camping about 30 miles up the uiuckamas a low days ago, shot three fat deer. The most interesting objects one sees now in the country are irrain stacks. Soon they will have flattened out into straggling heaps of straw. The "Pride of Japan ' is gradually gaining in favor over all other brands nf tea. The public wants the best. For sale at II. Straight's store. Threshing on the farm of Sam Iluip'e near Currinsvillo last week turned out pretty eood yield of grain. That wns the first threshing in thn neighborhood . Dav and niuht shifts are employed i n the concrete wall that is being built be tween the two pulp mills, about 00 m n being in a shift. The night work is ii- lumated by electric lignt. On Monday, Mr. frullinirer, i'., Mr Mulvany, Reuben Wright and Mr. Mink began hop picking. The hop crop in the Muliiio neighborhood promises io turn out well. Thursday, the Sucker creek road matter conies up for consideration be fore the county court. Tuesday over 100 names had been obtained to tlio remonstrance. The board of trade meets on Monday evening. Our business men should not fail t attend. A lively, rousing meeting of the board has not taken place for sometime. Now is the time to bo wide awake. Hon. James Tracy, of Loiran, will seek the nomination on the republican ticket for county judge next spring. The nomination would be a good one, but rauybe Judge Meldrum will be re nominated. The annual conference of the M. E. church which met at Albany, made the following appointments for this county : Canbv, W.J. Gardner; Oregon City, Gabrfel Sykes; Oswego and Clackamas, C. Anderson. J. J. Cooke has found around the small limbs ot cherry trees in his garden, elastic rings, which, on being cut open, expose a large number of eirgs of an orchard pest. The price of fruit is eternal vigilance. Mrs. Phil Shannon, of Sprir.Kwater, died on Saturday and her remains wi e buried on Monday from the Episcopal church in this city. Her age was 48 years. A husband and five children remain to mourn their loss. Bertie liolcomb sliot a wild cut a few diys ago and sold his scalp to Clackamas county for $1. The cat wasn't bad looking. The fur on lis pelt is of very liulit red speckled with white, while near the legs it changes to streaks of while and dark. At a materializing sceance held by Craig one evening last week in liarlow, a person in Hie circle mruca, nma n observe who or what was playing guitar floating aboye them. For temtriiy the guitar fell plump on caput and he was ordered out of the his Ids the room. The stone wall needed along Mrs. Brougbton's residence properly will cost any way $300, which will bring the tost to her of the Fifth street improvement to flHOO, more than the two lots and the old house will sell for. Mr. Lyons is rushing bis job in a creditable manner to avoid the rains, no doubt. Fine Farn for Sate Cheap. For sale, a farm of 01 acres, under fence, 15 acres in first class cultivation and 83 acres slashed and in clover. All level land ; no rocks ; a good well of living water. Located one-half mile from Mulino P. O. A g wl box house. Price $1A'j0 cash. Immediate posses- aion can I given Ar ply to C. T. Howabii, Mulino, Oregon. To rise in the mornioz with a bad taste in the mouth and no appetite. indicates that the stomach needs strengthening. For this purpose, there ie nothing better than an occas.onal ' duaeof Aver'i I'll ta taken at bed time- Willamette as the General Merchandise lu Clackamas Comity. DEALERS IN HOP CLOTH, KILN Goods Sold on a STRICTLY CASH Basis Only, PORTLAITD'S CREAT EB Oneita SBDtober 271893 Cosbs October 28 .ISEKATr3 CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL Fl'KNIHII '1 11 K MUSIC. A WORLD OK MECHANICS IN MI NATURE. he Special Features Will Eclipse Those of Any Previous Year. MADAM GIRARD GYER'S Coteilriii led at a coat ol flo.lKU, anil (lirowlnn a unw, win ueaiiiuy .uuaic null. LARGE AOTIAHniMS r"tl'ihi nh t w .w ueeu ciiiiiuriif THE ART flAMiERY .V 11 tilnln SIU K"lr An""" l.rl HaTl'ly Tj visit till" ureut Kxii Hit Ion and ov . V, n ,.. i,v Ml A, ,1,,,,K IM 1 l"ll l I III.- III IU 1' HI I It V.llieil0. ItEDl't EO HATKH OX A IX TRANSI'tlltTATION LIKE". For further liiforiimlioii address 1: w. AI.IjJiIN Superintendent and Seerctnry. LOCAL SUMMARY. Prescriptions t'lirefully compounded fit (t. A. UitiJina'a dins: atora. L. P. Fialier, Xuwppiipnr Advertising Avent Mereliniita' Kxeliuii(.'e, Sun Francisco ia our nuihorized fluent. Thin paper in kept on tile in his otliee. For job printing n to the Couk 1KB ollice. Lawykiih' Biiiiii-s and F01.DKH8 printed at the Coi'iiiEH otliee. Wood taken on niibcri ptlun .at Corn Bit otliee. lirinit it in summer time. The Mulino ml In n ill it-1 1 v in fiih .lima oritur fi.r lis. m 1 1 n riir i'o I ii t: t customers. Firttt class work guaranteed. FOR SALE. Eighty acres of fine farm land, mostly bottom, on Woodcock creek, ChickiimiiN county, two miles from Meadow Itrook postoilico. Three ncres clenred. 12 acres slashed ; "ood house 20x30. Price fSOO, of which $o00 must bo pnid down, bal ance two yeurs' limn. For further par ticulars call ut Cot'itiKit ollice or address me at Vancouver, Wash. Miti. Anna Taylor. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS, You are hereby uotillud that the board of wuler commissioners have instructed me to strictly enforce the rule requiring the payment nf water rates, at the ollice of the City Water Works between the 1st aud 10th days of each month. All persona using water from the Cily Water Works will tlieiaturo recetva no liirmur-niTttee- than this,and If their rent is not puid by Ihe 10th duy of Sep tember, the water will be shut oil from their service pipes and a cliaiue ot uu cents made for so doini;. Per order of Ihe bourd.' Tiiob. F. Kyan, Sec. BIDS WANTED. Xotice is hereby iliven that scaled bids will be received at the storo of A. F. Stokes, in Ciinomuh, up to September 1 1 tli. 18!).'t at 13 o'clock noon, for tho erection of a schoolhouuo on block "C," in tho town of Canemah. Contractors to furnish $1000 bonds. Plans and specification can bo seen at said store. lite bourd reserves llio rigiu to reject any or till bids. By order of board of directors. Ciiaiii.es J. Rose. Clerk. a lama lmek ir t,r A miill In lllfl side or chest, try satututiun it piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Puiu Balm ami binding it onto tlio aU'eeted parts. This treatment will cure any ordinary case in une or two days. Pain Halm ulso cures rheumatism, ou coin dohiim for sale by U. A. Hurtling, druggist, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J II Lambert to Mary V Hyatt, lot 10 iu blk 0, Cambridge; :i00. Kninia L Butler lo A W Pick, sw M of nw and nw of sw of sec lis. se M of ne V. anil ne f se M of sec 20, t 1 s, r 4 e, 100 as ; f-'oOO. Isuiihena ureunnian nuit chiim to U IS Oreenman. s )i of lot 7, blk IS, Oregon Cilv;l.' C N Clreenmaii quit claim to Isuphena Cireenmiiu, lots 'A and 5, blk 18, Or City; l. S R and i IS Harrington to Harriet A Woods, lot 1, blk 1, 1st. add to Park Place; $."i00. Walter H Keves of Missouri to W I'. I.ehr of Illinois, s ) of se 'a of sec 14, t 4 s, r 5 e. SO as; fl.jUO Ann W Jaggur and II V Stevens to J R mke, 70x08,' feet on 4ih and Water sti. Or Cily; 3000 J f Perdue to trustees of Aniish Men onite church, one acre of sue 7, 1 5 s, r 1 e ; :10. J W Noble to Louise A Noble, lots 5, 0 blk 125, Or Cily; ll'illO. Peter Coal lleet to A W Graham, lot 5 blk 100, Or City ; tl J Iternert to It Koeppe, 2o'( as ol Dan Bell claim ; $025 A GOOM TlllNli TO KKKI AT II AM). 'rum the Troy (A'mwia) ChiiJ. Some years ano we were very niiii:h Mihject to aevere npellB of cholera mur ium; and now when we feel any of the lyiiiotoma. that iiHimlly preceed that ail ment, suuh an nickiH'WH at the Hloinach, diarrhiua, etc , we lii-come aeary. We have found Chamberlain' Colie, Cholera and Diarrhaia Remedy the very tliihi; to Hlraii;hten one out in audi vanex, and alwuva keep it about. We are not writ nig lliit for a pay teHlimonial, but to let our reader know what ia a good tliinir. to keen handy in the home. For aide by U. A. Harding, druuifixt. Oregon Crop Weather Report AuiiiHt .'ilit waa Ihe wannest day in weatern O eioi, the temperature read ing Wi decrees at many place. Hmoke him been particularly dense in the Wil lainetie and Roxue River valh-ya Full ing ashes Ikcuiob objectionable to pe ilealrian on the street of Portland, where the deposit wa sufficiently thick to attract attention. There waa shout the average amount of sunliine, and to rain occurred Harvest is nearing com- filetion, teiiig principally confined to ate sown spring wheat and oats. Karly sown spring whe.it is a K'"d crop, more than realizing expectation, while late town irrain practically a failure. The grain failed to mature and many oat rrnps were cut for hay. The second clover crop wa light. Ki,a:.a Tabule aUt rligcirtion. BARLOW, - ILai - gcst "and Most Complete THING PERTAINING TO INDUSTRIAL - EXPOSITION. PRISMATIC KnilMTAiv llw.iinilut Join i.f water in all tlio rolora ol the rain nf nil varUlea found In Oreiion wnlcra, have leu great eipeliae. n etilU Hi n i.r nltitliik-a Hle tcd Tn m llic World' 'l,,lr' rll"li'rii' ttltliiiilnl iniliillnit fiulera view ila wonders lu ever) dejiarlmeiit of Art olid WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. Your elhlors anil Fellow Clllzena Who Have Tried It. Mr. M. Quinn ol Oreuon Citv t.avs: )'I was laid up with a severe attack uf inflammatory rheumatism in a most acuto form. Three applications of Ihe laniniiH .seaweed Kemedy entirely cured i.i ii Mrs. Geo. Rcddnwv. Monroe street. says: "It is worth its weiubt in ".old for riieiimiitun.' Mrs. CharlM, Seventh street, suvs: "My boy's riht leg was purnlyzetl from his hip down, so that hu was unable to put his foot to thoKround for over twelve months. After iiKinu three bottles of Mr. Unweaves' Seaweed Itemedy he cun run tiri.nnd without his sticks." Mrs. Wutts, Jefl'iirson street, says: "1 was nomplutel) cured of a severe at tack of muscular rheumatism by three applications of the Seaweed Remedy." Sold by U. H IIaiiiiiieavks, S. Madison street, uiid at Thsyer & Ahlcn's oflice, Main btreet. WOOD SAWING. Wood sawing by the Bibcock wood saw quickly uud cheiinlv (limn Tenve orders at Umut & Cooler's real estate ollice or address me at Kly. Kl.MUIt DlX'lN. BLANKS! BLANKS II BLANKS!!.! For Sale at the Couiuer office : Mnrtirnge, VtUna Covers, -tr. Bond fur Deed," Promissory Notei, Receipt hooks, Warranty Deed, Quit Claim Deed. Circuit Court Criminal Subpoena reiteliers' Report CiinU, Partial Fnyinent Real Estate Contract, Sliorl IT Summons, Jury Summons, Copy of Summons, Xutiee to (liirnisliec, Answer to Garnishee, Subpoena, Writ of Attaclimenr, Justice Subpoena, civil, Justlio Subpoena, criminal KtlC'Mlll or rtlienln litimba n.iii,url nn --. , ..... ... u.i.i.n.j u. Kill application expeditiously uud correctly. Oregon City Market Report. WHBAT-PurliiiSlo. bulk I without aacki Oath -4:io V bushel, with eacka. Fi.oua Holier per bill, net Euas 50c Buttkb 10.4'h? a roll, Veal A!a$iia rlL-cfseJ Chickenii iXSA a ilnaon Basr On foot2i!;jc;ilrfK8oil tfit" Mutton-1 Shinoi.es fi & Tfi tbouBand, Laid 12)o pound. Hums Green, 3e: dry. lia7orb; one-third off orcullcd. Sheen pc-lts, ZMWOo Ha V Timothy, tu baled; clover f 12. Dhikd Fsuits I'rnnea 10c; upplea 810o Mux Feed SlicrtH I'Jl'iO. Brnn 118.50; Chop 111; rOu-Kd wheat, M) cents bu I'ona Bil-ts lie, alioulilora lie, liami Wo; on f nol 6l,c; drtSBcl 7jC. Potittoes i: a Hi; applea MKtiiOe a box. HAVE YOU GOT PILES IT CHIN FILES known by molitur llttii per pi ration, oaune tatcnis Ituhliig viten wurtri. TIiIb form and BLIND. LmEUlNUor 1 HOT UVDIHQ FlLVti YlKLD AT ONCB TO DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, whl"h son dirootly on part Teotd, abriorb tumor. allavltchlnfr,efrootlng purmoiifiitciiro. Prion BOo. DruKKiata or mail. Dr. Bamako, PhtUdelpbU, p CliarniHii tie Co, DriiKKiflli ' GUNN'S IMFBOVID LIVER PILLS ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE RESULTS ARE WHAT TELL We coarante that one of tbfae ptlla at adoa will froouf better mult In th cure of Headache, oativeneaa. Hour Btomaeh, JJadlJreath and Dlcii (!, thrn three to nve of any other make, and do It without frrlptutr nnd aickening. Their wonderful action makea yon foe) llKe a new brtng. Sfio. a box. lrutfgtaiaivr maii. SoauukoUod, Co Pbaa.,r a, CimrmanJk Co, DruKffltti DR. GUNN'S ONION SYRUP . mo rnnrut COLDS mo croup. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In rslalng- a family of Bine ehtldin, my only rem edy for Cough, Colde and Croup waa onion ayrup. It tajuat aerTM!ttvato-dr It wu forty year at. Now my arndfhildf f n tati Dr. Ounn'a Onion Syrup which la already prepared and mort (ieuAat to tho iuu Mold at W oeau a botUa, Charman k Co. Druiata Kipani Ta'til cure bad breath. Job Printing at the Courier Office. wis v Mrv w no raI ""s - OREQ-CW, CLOTH, SULPHUR AND EVERY THE HOP INDUSTRY. Highest Price Paid for Countrv Produce. Our Boots and Shoes, in All Styles, Cannot be sur asscd in quality or price. Try us and be convinced Call and examine our fine and varied stock of Straw Hats ano Modish Spring and Summer Clothing. We have an excellent supply of WALL PAPER, rich in delicate tints .. Thos. Charman & Son. Lounges llattremes BEJL1LOMY & BUSCK'. Are manufacturing them and keep cannot be excelled in elegance, durability and low trices. Our mat tresses are well made up and are exactly as represented. Country dealers will do well to get our wholesale prices. THE RED FRONT. TVTnlr Mnl. n flK. 4 Dam A -I Cfa..L. r - - h j auv&dB&a buiicc, a ruuuus ui oiaruu, a rounds 23t)C Soda or Rice; 6 Founds Beans or Rolled Oats; 7 spools Tnread; 8 X. Dress Braid; Boys' Straw Hats; 12 Lead Pencils; Ink; 95 Pnvolsinac 9 Pan era Pine R flrannaa v siuivivfva) aj aava a afc w V uujbii Catloo IS Yards for 1.00. SATKENS. Arrived Pure Ground Spices, Half Price. TKAD K 3TOB PBODUCK. Hamilton & Allen. - C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW OFFICE, REAR OF COMMERCIAL BANK Oregon City, Oreuon. Geo. C. Bkowmelu A. 8. Dbensi u. Brownell & Dresser, Attorneys at Law, Office OneDoof North ' CaufiehlA Hunt ley'i D .lyahn OREGON CITY, . OUEGON. VV. Casky Johnson. C. M. Idleiian Johnson & Idlcmaii, LAWYERS, COHNER FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS, Oregon City, Oregon. Real Estate To Bell and Money To Lend L. It. JANNEY, Lawyer and Notary Public. Okku;b Next Dook to Huntley's Dhuostokk, OHE'JON CITY, - OR KG ON. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depo Double anil alintle rlira and aaddle lioraca ai wava on hand at Uie loweat rata. and acorra. alao I'DiiiH'i'li'il with the barn for looae atoclt Any Information leioinlliiK an; kind of atocl pioinptly attiiidud to by letter or pcraon. IIOIIMK8 IIOI OHT OH KOI.II L. M. ANDREWS, M. D. OKAI.KK IN Drags, Notions, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, te. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Bhively'ai Hlook, Cor. of 7th & Mudison St., Oregon City. OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP ALL KINDS OF TINNING, PLUMBING, And Ouneral Jobbing lo Order. Sewer and Water Connections Miuln at the Moat Keapnnable Rati'.. AC Work ia done with a view to last and anlinfy all concerned. Hhop ou 7lh Street, near Depot, A. W. SCHWAN, PROP. Oregon City Transportation Crj's STEAMERS Altona and Ramona. TIME TAHLK OREOON CITV ItOATS. Lear PortlAxd Pool Taylor Ht. 7:30A. M. 9:30 a. m. 12:00 M . 2:I!0 P. M. MiiOr.n. 6:00 P. M. Lear OatOON t.'ITT Foot ath tn. 7:00 a.m. 9:30 A. M. 12:00 M. 2:.10 p. M. 4 :m p. v. ::jo p. . Sl'NUAV TIME. :00 a. M. 9:311a.m. 11:00 A.M. 2:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p. No way landings. In effect April 2-JtS, 1853. Ripans Tabules : best liver tonic. Rlpana Tabules: one give relief. awar mm mwm. m. I I V- Stock of a full stock on hand. Our couches Founds Cnt Steel 8 Penny Nails. - Orejron City. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. ' Transacts i General Banking Builneit. Loana mail.. Bill. rt1u mint.! fliua ..i. leetinua. Hitya and nella exchange on ah voint. ila "ii alaalaiiil m.i tu1 Vi-i - -r - K'unir. iiuivKlu --oJnehiiiililppi to check. In tereHL mt n.,,.i wit allowed or time dCDoalta. I Bank rnoA tr im 9 A. .M. to V. M .: S.turUaT (veninaalromtllll P. M. II. C. LATOUltETTK, P. K. DONALPSON, : . . Caahler rreuiileut. FRANK HELDON, Cun and Locksmith. Adjoining the Noblitt Stable, OREGON CITY, OREGON. All kind, of Fimirnia repaired iid cleaned. All klnda of aniall machine, rejialrpd. Duplicat. kajrl uiaile fur all kind, of locka. Oiinaainl Pistols bought and Hold. IilCYCLXS REPAIRED. Iffi. Frier's PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. If you nt a FIRST-CLA88 PHOTOGRAPH call on him at bin Old Htttnd, opposite Farr's the butcher's. Nothing but FIRST-CLASS WORK Done and Promptly Delivered. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING IlOl'BK IN TUB CITV Puid Up Capital, $50,000. President, Vice Preaideut, Cashier, Manager, THOMAS Cbakmam Gio. A. Habdixs E. O. Ciumld Charlbs II. Cacrim-D A Oencrnl Ranking IlnalneaaTranaacted. , . Deposit. Received Subject to Check. Approved Hills and Notes Discounted. t oiiiilv and City Warrants Bought. Loiuia Maiieon Available Security. Kxchauge Hoiiftht and Hold, ('ollfctioiia Made Promptly. Drufta Hold Available 111 Any Part ol th World. TeleKraphlc Kxchnnge Bold on Portland, San Francisco, I hlcago and New York. I ntcrcat Paid on Tiiuo Depoaita. SUB AOENTS OP THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. TO CONSUMPTT1VEQ The undcrnln-ncd having been restored Co hoiilth by ilniile memii, after tuirerlng for .(vithI yenn with a nevere huiff afl'ectlon, and that dread disease Consumption. u anxtoui lo make known to his fellow tuiffrrera the meant of dure. To thoe who desire It, he will cheer fully Kfnd (free of charge) a copy of thepreaeripa tion uned. wlik'h tht-y will find a sure cure for 'oituniitlont Aftthmu, trrh. Bronchi tin and all throat and lung MaUihet, He hopeti ill milTerer will try his remely, as It la Invaluable. Those dexlrlng the prescription, which will coat them nothing, and may prove a blt'Htliifr, will please addreNg, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Biooklyn, New York AGENTS WANTED on SaUry and Com mission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED BIOGRARHY OF JAMES G.BLAINE, By OAII. HAMILTON, hia literary axecutor, with the co-operation of hia family, and for Mr. Illaine'a Complete Works. TWKNl V VKARS OK CONGHKas." and Ms later book, "PO l.rricAl. mh i shionh" one prospeetui fortliM 3 HKSTHKLI.INO bonka In the mar ket. A. K. P. Jordan of Mo.,tok 112 order from lirat Ho calls: ai nl's prollt l6 SO. Mra. !) lanl of ). look l.'iorlera, 13 Sal Kusala, In 1 day prollt f 26 A. E. N. Rice ol Mass. took S7 ord.ra In 2daya: prollt 47.SA. J. Partridge of Me. took 43 orders Irnm 86 call.: profit $75.95, kI A. Palmar of N. Dak. took 53 ordera in S dara protit $18X3. tXCLl'KlVK TERHITOIiW Iliven. If you wish to aaaka LARUB MONEV, write Immediately for terms lo th HENRY BILL PUB. CO.. Norwlck, Cn. GEO. A. HARDING, PBALEK IU DEUGS Standard Patf.leilici.iss. Faints, Oils and Window Glass. PreieripHeiu Acturattlf Cbnpaaadrd HARDISO' BLOCK . J 0