Oregon City, Sept. 1,1893. 08M)0 ROAD C1IASOK. Amonjt the farniftra of Stafford and vicinity who drive to Oawrgn ovor the present Aurora and Oawego road, strong opposition exiHta to the proposed change of that road and of the road from Ore Ron City, at Sucker Lake. Tliry aee very well that the Oswego Iron Coin pany, strong corporation, and which owns the land over which both these roads run, would like to have the county do tins, even if it did dodgo taxes Chief Justice Brewer, of the United Stales supreme court, recently expressed the opinion that 60 years hence corpo rations would perform all the important functions of community or state, and it may be that this road matter is only feather allowing which way (lie wind -' doth blow. The cost of building the piece of road and of the bridge has been placed at $10,000, but it is said that Mr. Trosser will give bonds to finish tho job for . -f 0000. It does not seem modest that he, theroadfiipcrvisorof the district, should head the petition for the change. Tho Coi'itiKK takes the side of justice and fair dealing in this matter, and will not knowingly misrepresent the facta to the prejudice of Mr. Prossur or any . one else, and has said this much to em phasize that the county court cannot afford to ignore the remonstrance of the tax-paying farmers of Stafford, who travel over the present road and have far greater interests at stake than have the residents of the village of Oswego, many of whom care nothing one way or the other, and signed the petition be cause maybe, Mr. Frosser asked them to There is a lurking suspicion in the breast of many a farmer that Ids inter ests have seen sacrificed by those in authority in county, state and nation to feed the insatiable greed of the compar ative few. It's taxes on taxes, both direct and indirect, and a beggarly price fur crops. Can we blame the farmer that he finds fault? Wealth in this state has its champion in the Oregonian (money can always buy champions) and the Cotimkii naturally takes the side of its friends and patrons, the farmers, among whom its lot is cast. A rAitKKia investigator of crime and pauperism in the United States, finds that the growth of the criminal class is nearly three times greater than the growtliof population. The chief causes of this Increase are vicious immigration, intemperance and unintelligent laws. The jails and penitentarlcs always ex cepting the Klmira Iteformatory are simply nurseries of crime. In the lust decade the criminal population has in creased 30 per cent, faster than the popu- liition of the country. This happens under "the boat government t lie world ever saw," established by tho noblest and most intelligent band of patriots that ever risked their necks for human freedom. Is not our spread-eagle na tional vanity most unseemly with such facts staring us in the fuce? The crime evil is growing and it is us much an out growth of 10th century "culture" so called, as the daily newspaper, the - irasny novel, jeering scepticism brazen, cruel debauchery unknown to . the sarugo, inventive genius and the merciless greed for wealth. The times are out of joint. DEATH OF VICTOR MYSAEFF. Capt. King Deioribei the Circumitaritei Attending the Fatal 8ioknen and the Burial of hie Stepson, Kvkn before the panic there was dearth of silver dollars in the' Williim ette valley. For facilities in trade, community is better served witli $1000 in silver than in gold coin. The same conditions exist in other parts of the Union. The people need an abundance of money in small denominations, whether silver or paper, for thd daily transactions of business. If congress does not meet this want now by proper enactment, it will have to here after.. If the government would put in circulation as coin the silver now in the treasury, and, in imitation of the Lutin Union, stop silver purchases for coinage for the present, our circulating medium would be measurably increased am there would he no cause for any alarm lest our financial system strand on the white-metal basis. This would ho far wiser than recoinageofsilverat a higher ratio, advocated by some congressmen, a measure that would entoil a loss to the government treasury, says Sec retary Carlyle, of $112,000,000. Tiik llnauciul panic has passed its point of greatest dunger. The tide of prosperity is Blowly returning. The hourdeisol money in this city and Port land are beginning to look for fafo in vestments, and some of the great mills in the Just have resumed work. Mil lions of European uold are being received in New York, $7,000,000 arriving in one day by two ocean greyhounds. If the panic has given the quietus to many senseless and rascally speculation and booms that always float on the wave of prosperity, to the destruction of the un wary "suckers" that become their helpless prey, it will, in so Inr, have conferred a benefit on tho country. Tiik state militia for the present two years, will cost the people $100,000. The charitable institutions of the state, including the reform school, about $:(), 000. Here is a text for an interesting sermon. Sunda y Welcome. Yes, and General Conipson should he comnelled to preach the sermon. M01.AM.A, Or., Aug. 24lh, 1803. Editor Courier: I would respectfully beg leave to make the following statu ment in regard to the illness and death of Victor Mysaefl, my stepson, as much unnecessary excitement was occasioned thereby and inappruhension may still exist. He left home near the middle of June, being then not in rohust health and having a rash on his body, which ap peared after an attack of typhoid fovr which he had ovor one year ago. lie came horns on the morning of July 4th and stated that he had a chill on June 30th, which lasted two or three hours, and that he wa stiff and sore all over from having ridden 40 miles without addle; that lie had passed through Oregon City, and ha ring reached the vicinity of Graham's church, being much wearied, lie dismounted and laid down on the grj'.ind and took a sleep with only his overcoat for a covering. I asked him if he was sick, and he said "no, that he felt better and would lollow uatothecelebration at Wright's Springs." We left him at home and went to the springs, and as he did not roni6 we re turned home early and found him In a feverish condition. Gave him some liver pilla and quinine. Tho fever con tinuing, on the next afternoon, July 6th, we sent for Dr. l.eavilt. hut instead of coming, sent the patient some pills snd quinine and said lie would come in the morning. On the 0th the doctor came, examined the rash and put his ear over the boy's chest and said "there was no lung trouble and that lie did n it know what was the matter with him but would call in two days and could then better decide," and then left more quinine to be given at regular intervals. Before the doctor returned we knew that serious lung trouble fx isled by hearing the gurgling sound. Dr. Leavitt again came on the Kth in the afternoon, tested his lungs with an instrument and announced serious lung trouble; examined the rash and thought it might be measles. He was told the boy had had measles, lie then thought it might be smallpox butininht be mistaken and hoped that It might be o. At no timedid the doctor determine the temperature of his patient by clinical thermometer. The boy had a very sore throat which was treuted by a garglo. Soon after the doctor left the boy had hemorrhage of the lung, the blood ooz ing from mouth and nose. When the doctor was examining the rash, I also felt it; and when the doctor said he thought it was smallpox, called his at tention to the fact that under it there was not that feeling as though small shot or bird seed lie under it. which always occurs in that disease. On taking tils leave he said, as remarked above, that he thought it was smallpox but that lie might he mistaken and hoped It might be so. He did not ask for attend ance of consulting M. I), and left the house. I censure Dr. Leavitt, after making those remarks to me, which expressed his doubts about the disease, for report ing it a case of smallpox. On tho Uth (morning) James Wylaud called ou the doctor to have him come and see the body, to determine the nature of the diseaso and if not smallpox, to allay the excitement occasioned by his report. The doctor refused to come and sent word to ''roll the body in a blanket and bury immediately; that it all would be broken out." His prognosis was again at fault, and I distinctly state that, as heretofore mentioned, there was not that feeling under the rash as though small shot or bird seed lie there; no bloating or swelling of body, limbs or la:u; no disgusting smell emunating from Lody during illness or before burial ; and when Victor MysaefTs body was washed the rash pealed otl in bran like scales similar to that of scarlet fever, leaving the surface clear and smooth, and I unhesitatingly pronounce his death to be from pneumonia Pulse had been as nearly as I could mako out, 100. Uied, July Hth, 0:45 p. m. When Dr. Leavitt left, I immediately sent my sou to Aurora to telegraph for Dr. Carll to come. He used th o phone and said, "Dr. Leavitt did not know what the matter was." Dr. Carll replied, "that if Dr. Leavitt wanted him to come to see Dr. Leavitt and then they would act concertedly " Such is the substance if not the exact words usod. Dr. C. further added that "he would come for twenty dollars. After my son's return from Aurora he went to Dr. Leavitt, who said "lie could do nothing more and he would not have objected to Dr. C'.'s calling," and soon after Ills return home death ensued. Mow 1 wish to stato that on the niiilit of July Dili I was culled out of the house by Sir Noblitt, Br., who was accom panied by, as he said, a county official. I was refused by Biiid county otlicial to be allowed to send to Aurora for a collin (or to have Dr. Giesy come and examine the body) and was told that I must bury him on the place. I said I wanted to bury him in a gravuvurd near by, but was told it should not he done. ' I and family were quarantined to the premises. and in asking tor how long a time, was told lor tilteen days; and that every day or two Borne one would call to attend to our wants I learned afterwards that the law specified thirty days, which was faithfully respected. No one during that thirty days was sent or came to at tend us. The only help we had was that of Mr. Taylor, who helped us at tho burial. If this is not outrageous conduct for the olllcers of a civilized community. I know not how to call it and heartily condemn thosn who perpe tratedit. I should state that tho grave wasdug by unknown friends to whom grentful thanks are tendered. In conclusion would state that the person who furnished you, Mr. Kditnr, the information for your obituurv notice of my stepson, is a diity liur. There wus not a truth tittered In the whole of it, unless that portion alluding to Dr. Leavitt who, he says" has acknowledged skill," is true. ltespectfully, John N. Kino. P. S. I used ercrv precaution possi- le: burned the two beds and bedding; disinfected house with carbolic acid; fumagatcd with Itirtro supply of sulphur: boiled for three hours and aired for twenty days household clotliinir: scrubbed floors and the little furniture, etc. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Margaret Morgan et al to Win II Mor gan, Tl 27 as of i) Mosier claim in t 3 a, r 8 a; $700. O A C It It to Albert Crossman, nw'4' of nej and ne'4 of nw of aec 21, t 0 a, r2e;$240. Van 11 De I.ashnuitt et al to Gen W McConnell, 100 as In 1 8s. r3e;1000. Win K llagley to John It Kvaus, lots 3 and 4, blk U.Marslilield ; $2tu0. John K Kvans to Win K liuglcv, do; $2100. Wm Wells to Mrs M C Wells, quit claim lo tract In aec 17, t4 a, r'Jej $o00. U S to Portlund Genoral Electric Co, Abernethy Island ; patent. L V Moore to W W Kimball Co, lot 7, blk 9 Falls View add; U. K E Quick to Frank A Moore, und )i of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 160, Oregon City;SO0. I) J Swltzer to Frank A Moore, do ;$ 1200. John U Duff to Sarah J Henderson, lots 3 and 4 in Pleasant Little Homes; 30. Geo K Dedman to Clara S Dedman, quitclaim to tract It in Clackamas ltiv erside; $1000. Abraham Hager to E 8 Ry Co, right of way through tract in sec 1 and 2, Crow claim ; $1 . Chas F Kesterson et al to W J Pow ell, 4 of rw'i of sec 28, 1 1 s, r 3 e; $1000. J 11 Laber to Thos J Murphv, 0 acres in sec 22, t3s, r 1 e; $100. U S to heirs of W W Weeks and wife, sjj of ne'4 of sw,1 of sec 10, n! of nu'-a', ne'4 of nw!-4,sw!4 of nej and lot 1 of sec 30, in 1 3 s, r 1 w, 320 as; patent. C W uunong, sherill, to John uooery, lot 12, blk 23, Falls View and ; $010 42 C C Williams to W K Johnson, 2 as in t8s, r2e; $050. W E Uonney to Canyon Creek Ceme tery Association, tract in t 4 s, r U e ; $5. Quitclaim. Harriet Woods to 8 K Harrington, Intl of blk I, 1st add to Park Place; 500. J I) & E A Lee to X J Fosberg, lots tl and 0 in hlk II ; 11800. Frank A Moore to C E Slopor, lot 1, 2, 3 and 4. hlk 130; $2000. Win Miller to li F Hoover, 48 40 as in t3s, r4e;$2700 John A Talbert to Giant Powder Co, 2i as in Moose claim; fHKK). Myrle Palmer to Kitty Itult, ,12 sq rds In sec 4, t 2s. r 2 e; '). Win Armstrong to John W Armstrong, 10 as in t 2 s. r 1 e: ixoo. II A Lee to Mary M Kelly, 10 ns of P Lee claim, sec 34, t 4 s; 2o0. Herbert J Thorne to Mrs Mary Thorne lot 1 and WM of ne'i of sec 10, t 3 s, r 3 e, 00 08 as, subject to mortgage of f.i.'iu; ill.C'MJ. John A Thaver to W E Johnson 38 as of Chas Walker claim, in sec 3, t 3 s, r 2e: tl.')30. K Goueher to E II Cooper, 8 ns in sec 0, r 2 e : $2250, F M Amen to Lydiu Bigolow, so '4' of ol ne,''4 and ne'4 of ge'a of sec 11, t 0 s, rl e, HO as; 11500. Lydiu lligelow to F M Ames, lots 1. 2 and 3 in blk 5, Falls View add; 1500. Lucy L Itogers to trustees First Chris tian church of Cinhy, lot 0 in blk 21, uanoy ; fuo. - Uruiiiiiinlld's Lightning' Reme ly did great work for II. J. Lewis, of Anderson's Mills, 8. C. He had sciatic rheumatism in the left hip and leg, and for six weeks was not able to sit up or walk a step ; and suffered untold agonies when the pains darted up and down his leg. After using Drummond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism for two weeks, he wrote that lie could walk and that the pain wut gone. If you suffer from rheuma tism and wish to be cured, ask you druggist for Drummond's Lightning Remedy, and if lie has not got it, write to the Driimmond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. HUNKS! BLANKS 1 1 BLANK For Sale at the Coi'iukr office: Mortgage, Filing (.'oven, Bond for Deed, Promissory Notes, Receipt Hooka, Warranty Deed, (Jail Claim Deed, Circuit Court Criminal Subpoena Teachcra' llcxirt Carda, Partial Payment Keul Estate Contract,' Hliorlrr Honnoona, Jury BiuntLona, Copy of Suininona, Notice to 'larnlahce, Anawer lo Garnishee, Bulipoeim, Writ of Atlai-luDi-nr, Justice Hubpocua, civil, Juatlce Biihpoona, criminal Special or private blanks printed on application expeditiously and correctly. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Boat Salve in the world for Cuts, .Iruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum, lever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, CulllilRlna, Coma, and nil Skin Eruptions, and positively curei Plica, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect anllBlaotion. el money refunded. Price 23 cents, per box For aaie by u. A. Harmng. SEE THE WORLD'S FAIR FOR FIFTEEN CENTS. Upon receipt of your wMroM nrnl flfteou conti in poritiiKeKtmniM, we will mull you pwhnlil ourMntivB- Nlll I'OHTFUUO Or TIIK Woltl.It'a COLUMIIIAN Kxi'O- ition, ttiu regular pi loo tit Fifty centtt, but wt wo wmit you to havo onu, wo imtko the price tiunilnnl. Ton will Und ft Work of art ami a thinff to be Iirlffd. It contain1 full jtagv tiuws of the (rout HiiliUnffM, with dtwcrtptioiiM of name, ami In t'lrcut.-d In thv hiKhiit Htyleof nrt. If imt tmthflrtl with It aftur you k( ft, wu will ntf 11ml the Btauip and le you kuttp the bonk. Arirircm II. K, UUl'KLKN A CO., Chicugu, III. CITATION TO HEIRS. mU DKI.II.AII SAWJKNT. W. II. EDMONDS, COIt- A tifllim Kdmniiili. A. HarKMit, J. Haricot ami Kali fttwnt, uelrxat-law ol Jacob V. Miller, UweaiWHJ: In the 11 am of the state uf On-iron, you ami each of you art commandwl and cited to apirear before l ie lumoniifie county jtiuua or i;iHCKiiian county. late of Oretfon. at hli oft.ee In the court boa He at Or cgon ( ity, urcgon, on floti'iay, uciuer ai, ihu.j, ai 10 o'clock a. m., then and tlit-re to uliow caue, If any ex lit, why an order atid licence may not be irranted the admlnlMtratrlx tu aell lota H and 4 of block 2K of Mllwaukle, Oregon, aa prayed for lu her pt'titloii now on file. Wit ii I'M the Hon. J. W. Meldrum, Judg of nald court and iny ofuclal teal thin August .'1st, (1KO. F. JIOHTON, County Clerk aud Clerk of County Court. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. NOTICE in hereby given to all whom It may eoiH'ern Llmt the uiKleraliriied has been bv the eoiinty e urt of ('lackmiiaa county, Oregon, Hiipoitited executrix of the estate of A. K. I Hhltilev. demeaned, and that all nenon having chiluiH aKaltiat anid entato are hereby not I lied to present the name, with Ihe proper voucher, to ton iiiKlerxlKDed at the otl ice of Miller & Ull'lcr, attorneys, Ki"1 Firm atreet, Portland, Or., wiuiin nix inoniiia ironi una unie. Dated thlH lltli dav of AugUHt. A. I). 1W3. 6' KLIN I A K. flHII'LKY. AdtninlMtratrU of (he estate of A. U. Shipley. ileceafteu. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. r AM) OFFICK AT OKKGON CITY. OREOON. Li AiiL'tist st, 18K3. Notice la hereby ulven that the following-named sot tier haa filed notice of his intention to make flnnl proof In aupport uf hli claim, under section viitol It. 8., and that Maid proof will be made bcrure ttie Kegliter and itcceuer u. s, i.nnn OtHce, at llrnii city, Oregon, on October Kith, 1W3, Via: ( HA HI, KM X. PKAI'fclt, lid. K. AO. tfdOl, for lota 6 and 0 of SeO. 0, Twp. 3 8, R. 1 K. He namea the following witness- to prove his Continu- oua residence upon and cultivation of aald land, I fix: Allien tuu, widen liavkiaon, Henry uana and fctigar uaviuaon, an oi utwi'tcn, uregon. ... uuu&HT a MiiyLMi, itegwer. ALL FREE. TIioro who have Used Dr. King's New Discovery know Ha vnhio, and those who Itavo not, have iiuw the iipHirtuiifty to try It Free. Call on the advert Ued DrugglHt ami get a Trial It dtle, Free. Hend your name aud addrew to H. K. Bucklen A Co., Chicago, ami gut a sample box of Dr. Klng'a New Life l'ills Free, aa well aa a cony of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which is gitiirau I tend to do you good am I cost you nothing at Ueo. A luruHig a DDigxtore. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f AND OFFICK AT OltKOON CITY, OKKGON. U August &r, 1H)3. Notice ia hereby given that the loilowuig-nuineu auuier naa nieu nonce or ma inten tion to make final proof In aupport of Ida claim, and that aald proof will be made before the regfater and receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on October 24, IX'M, vit: JOS K I'll 1. B1YK1W, Ud. App. No. 74H4, for the N. 'jot K.,HN.orNK,'4ee.'AT.4a , K. 9 K. I He names the following wituettea to prove Ms con tinuoua nmence upon ami cultivation or said lain), vis: o. w. Maynein, u. Wallace, Tliomaa farlili, Al K. kaudul, all of HiKhlatm, Oregon. ItOllKKT A. MILLER, Biglster. NOTICE FOIi PUBLICATION. T AND OFFICK AT OltKGON CITY. OKKGON. U Align! 26, IK'A Notice in hereby given that the loiiowing-naiiKHi settler lias tiled notice of Ids in ten tlon to make Anal proof In mipHirt of Ida claim under I Sec. ftto, It. S., and that said proof will be made be. lore (lie rcgixter ami receiver at Oregon City, uregou, App. No UaM.'furt'he K. K of NK. i and N. U of SK. See. 14, T. 2 8 , It. 0 K. He names the follow ing wiimtMcs to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of uahl land, viz: Adolf. Asrhotf, F.I 8. I'eake, Kinauufl Stem, B, J, IVnke, all of Mar- mot, Oregon. KOHKKT a, .ilILLKIt, Ibgitdur. For Ovar Fifty Yeiira. An Old anii Wkll-Tiiiko Hkmkot. Mr. Win dow's Soothing Hvi-uiihiis been lined for over tifty years by million of mothers for their children while NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f AND OFFICE AT OKKGON CITY. OKEGON. U August 2o, W& Notice la hereby given that the follow. ug-iiaiueu settler lias nitnl notice of his inten tion to make nual inwf iu oupHirt of his claim, and that said proof will be made tefore the register and receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on October 24, 18ii:l, viz: WILLIAM D. THOMAS. Hd App. No. o7tH. teething, With perfect iiiicoMH. It aoothca the child, for the K. of NK. Vi, SW. of NK. H aud UK. iins, allays an pain, cures wind ooiio,'oin '4 reo. o, t i h. t k, aofteiift the giuiiH, and la the Inmt remetly for Dlarrluea. Ia pleaaant to the taate. Hold by DruggiHta In every part of the World. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Its value la In calculable, lte aura and ak for Mra. Wlnslow'a tloothlng Hynip, and take no other kind. He names the fol lowing witn'-mea to provu Ida continuous residence unon ami cultivation of aald land, viz: David It. Thomapi, Dudley M Baldwin, W llliam Bramhall, II. A, miller, all uiAims, Oregon. KOHKKT A. HILLED, ltegister. ORDINANCE NO ... . iUK(10N CITY DOKS O It OA IN, AS FOLLOWS: 1. There is hereby assessed upon each lot or part thereof lying abutting upon Main i iable therefore, and upon the Kast Side Kailway Compauy, the several sums of money Section street, anil anie therefore, ami unon tne Kast sine Kaliway uoinoauv. the suvHra anina tit mnnov hereinafter Uulieated, to pay (or the improvement of said street under the provisions of ordinance No. i:. The aggregate nmoiim of such assessment being the probable coat of the Improvement, htreto fora aseertaiued ami determined by the city council: and the eity reeorder Is hereby directed to enter a siuteiueni uereui in me ihhut oi cmj ni'iiv, a provmeu oy oee. iuv oi tne charter, follows: HUM K. I.OT. OWNkK'S NAHR, PKSCKtlTION. dl M ABS8EI. Beginning al a point on southerly piojectlon of west line Main street, 51. fi feet distant from southeast corner of block 1, thence southerly on said wealerly line Main street 24 feel; tlienee westerly at right - angles loo feet; thence northerly at riieht an tries 24 feet; thence easterly at right angles 100 feet to own kit's NAMK. Portland General Klectrle Company In Paris, the most brilliant city of tho world, lunacy haH increased during the past 10 years :J0 per cent. There are everal screws looee in civilization that bears such horrible fruit. At Uaytun, Wash., wheat is 30 cents bushel. Low price of cereals have deeply Involved many of the farmer in mat section. Card of Thanks. I hereby extend my thank to the boys for compliments paid to mo aa a fireman, ami I hone that they will d.i theirdiity in Ihe future as I have dune in the past. The pride and honor of a lire man is to save property, life and distress D. J. Sl.OVKK. Ori'ipm city Mimutui'turhiK 1 4 Ort'Kim 1 a Cily 1 2 MiluufnrturhiK 1 1 Company 2 4 Jitlia liit'Mttt'h tout M.J. llriMliTlok Awis of tHwimiiug nt'l! t'Ulllllltlll Ht thti aontllPRat rorn.r Mnclc 1. Ihuncu siiiitli.rly Hlonic weatcrly lliu ol Muln iri-i .)i 0 im; liii'lice weal.rly al mint aiiulcf lerl: llicnru norilit'rly at riKlit jl.tf left: thi'iK'o fusti rly at riglit anglr. wo test to lti' ol htwtmilnic A GOOD THINU TO KEEP AT HAND. from On jyo (A'diuatj chltj. Some year ago we were very much subject to severe spells 0f cholera mor liu; and now when we feel any of the J?t0m',.that P80"11 Precd that ail men , wch a. wckoes at the stomach, diar.b.ea .etc., we become cary. We i ?02 Chmber ''' Colic, Cholera alratghten one out in such cases, and ougr LV' vw tHtal. but to let our reader know what i. a good thing: by O. A. HardmgjOrugirigt. ! '1?nntnoioj:9rnqtxwd!H Don't Taka Our Word. But rail your dniKvist to one side and ariK him privately which of all the reme dies advertised to cure rheumatism he would recommend. If he is posted and conscientious, he will toll you that lr. Drummond's l.iirlj tniny Remedy is the only one that oilers a reward of f")(K) for a rase that cannot he cured. One bottle will cure any ordinary case. With sensible people this is the strongest recommendation. Sold by druggists, or sent to any address by express. Drummoud Medicine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. Among the incidents of rhildhood that stand out in bold relief, as our memory reverts to the days wnen we were young, none are more prominent than severe sickness. The voting mother vividly remember that it wus Chamlerl.iiirs Cough Remedy cured her of croup, anil in turn administer it to her n oil spring and always with the best results. For sale by U. A. Harding, druggist. Thomas Clmrmnn 3 Tliomaa Cluirinun a J K Ayer 2 Mra. K. IliiriueUter 1 M. (irahain John Schrsin t O. T.WIlli.ma ml M. A. sirallon EUt-of ('. W. Pot Mra Ann Jtiiociir ami II. '. SlfVrna Mm. Ann Jnirr six) ll.C. Slt-Tflia. Instruction books (or l lanos, organs and all string instruments at Hurmeia-1 terA Andresen. I IU'iiIiiiiIiik nt aimlheiiat rornrr lot 4. thence northerly sIouk t line Main atrtel a lenj thence westerly at riulit hiikIchH" reel; theneti aouiiieriy aa ri!ni HiiKiea teal; llienea east erly Ht riflit sniilua s" leet lo point of he- !lll'.lilll Ui'Kinuliig at northeast comer lot 4. thrnee southerly hIoiik wet line of Muln Mreet 40 3 test: thance westerly at right anttles S7 fe,t; thence aonthelly ill riiflit annlea 'JS leet: theneti ueat.rly at rich! aiiflrs Is fvt; thene northerly pi rik'lit anities lis J leet; thencn easterly at ri(ht mules 111 (eel to point of bcKlnniliK South hull lot 3. cut otr by s line at right unities to Main atreet North hair lot 3, eut olT by a Una at Hum anities to Main street ltfitinntna; at aoutheusi corner lot i, thrnee northerly along: west line M.iin street '..7j feet; Ihenee westerly at riRht unities ;. leet; thence aolithcrly ut riitht anitlea .75 1,,1; tlienee easterly at right anglea 7., (eel lo polul of iH-ginuina Iteaianina' at northeast comer lot2,thenea aoutnerly along west line Main street 4 feet; thence westerly at riiiht unities 7.'i leet; tlienee aontherly at right hliifles .7.) leet; ihenee westerly at right anale. W leet; thance nortlierly at right angle. tsg f,vt; thenee easterly at right anglea 10.', leet to point of beglnninir Suih half of lot 1. rut oft" by a line al right angles tu Main street North hall nt lot I, cut off by a line at right anglea to Main aireet ItegilllilnK at aeutheast corner lot 4: thene northerly on west line Main street Si f,-i; Ihenee westerly at right angles feet; thenee northerly al rigtit anglas 14 fet; tlienee westerly at right angles ;'sV feel; thenee south erly at right angles .',7 feet: thenee easterly at right angles Uk (eel to point of beginning Httginnmg at a Miint on tne west line of Main street Xt fetit northerly from the southeaat corner of lot 4, thence westerly at right angl to Main tn-t AO feel: thenee northerly at right angles -4 f,: Ihenee westerly at right anglea .v f, et: Ihenee northerly b me northerly line ol sant lot 4: Ihenee at right angles rasterlv to Main street. lUetae fc.ultv. erly to plai-e of heglnnlna; beginning at the Mi;keio.t corner of iai.1 loll, bio, h S; Ihenee wi-sterly IUS feel: thenre nor.herlT to line of pmiierty owneil tiy M M , T. I., and h. K. ('barman:' thenee at rigtit anglea easterly 31 fret; them Kiatrteriv at right angl,- M teef: thent-e easterly al nghl angles u Main street; thenee to IneptaiTof beitinuiag t l.K) 711 aso 71 USH 74 !I'.I3 44 ,," SI 147 4l T1 91 AH) to m (3 113 OS S64 63 '.'-"7 04 Mra. M. U ( harmail, T. I.. I'liarman, K. K. (.'Iiarmaii J. iJigns Fslate and Mra. I'lara Morcv llrglniilng nt northeast corner of lot 8. thenee westerly along north line of lot II lift (eeli Ihenee aontherly along west lino lot I till feel: tlicnei) enatrily al right anglea HI leet: Ihfhcu southerly at right anglea 'H (eel: IIkiuo easterly al right anglea 74 feet to Muln street; thence tiorthu aireet to point of beginning glea ly i Isaac Karr J. Log nt Palate ami I!. O. Albright, Jr. (len. Harding. N. o. Vt'ahlen and Mrs. Clara Moray. (len. Harding. N. O. . Walden anil Mri. Clara Moray Oregon Ixxlge. Nn. , I O.O. K. E. P. Kelly lleglniilng al toiilheasl corner lot tl, Ihenee northerly nn west line Main atreet 4U7 feet; thenee westerly at right anglea lu', feel ; Ihenee iMttherly al right anglr. 4'..7 leel; thence easterly at right anglt a m feel In plnce ol be- ? Inning, leglnning at northeast comer 1. 1 2; Ihenee aontherly along west line Main street '.II (eel: Ihenee westerly at right anglea IH'i feel; thenee noithurly ut right anulrs '.tl leel; Ihenee east erly at right anglea ln.'i feel lo place uf In. ginning Many peoplo, not aware of the dangers of constipation, neglect the proper rem edy till the habit become chronic, or inflammation or stoppage results. A dose or two of Ayer'i l'ills In the hegil ning would have prevented all this. Kipans Tubule euro hcadacho. John Hch rain Mllllnnmnh Korige No. A. K. & A. M. All ol south half ol lot i, smith nf Alley. North half of lot t, em oil' by s line at rlglir nnglea lo Mulu street lieglnnlng at southeast comer lot 1; thence northerly 4X7 feel along west line Muln street: thenee westerly at right aiigles lu'i feel; Ihenee southerly al right angle W 7 feel: Ihenee easterly at right anglea lo.', feet In point of beginning. lieglnnlng ut nnrllieust cor nor lot 1; Ihenee aontherly along weal line Muln street 'iVA leal; thence westerly at right anglea lu'i feel: thfiieo northerly al right anglea 'J.'i.1 feet; anglea n I et tu BON'IJS FOII 8ALK. CKAI.EII PIUS W II.I. UK IIKI'KIVKII IIY TIIK I m trwisiirer nf Clackainaa comity, at liia nfllee In I Hie courthouse in Oregon Cily. ud In li o'clock noon, August ai'.ili. ISM, for tho tale of bonds to Die amount uf ft'SU of achmil distHrt Nn. 8 of Olai-kalnaa county, Oregon. Said bonila not to be Bold below mr, llonds tu bear aev.n pr cent. In. terest. lutercKl ami principal MiyabtiMittlioll)ee of tha ouunty treusurer at Oregon city, Oregon. Kmlorae envelope, "I'mpouila fur the Piirehaae nf ft-iinol iioiiaa." itigiit reaerveii to reject any or all i.i.u y II cil me Oregon lily, Atlf. 17, 1KWI. t.ounty Treaaiirer. APPLICATION FOR LICENK. IfOTICK 19 IIKREIIY (IIVKN THAT I HIIAM. ' apply to the city council of Oregon city. Ore gon, Inr a saloon license to continue iny auloon located in Oregon Cily. aald license to date from u.... 1 T.I. .Ulb-I , , oepieinutr flu, in., n. ,ivur.u. APPLICATION FOR LICKNRK. UOTICK IS II KHKIIV GIVKN THAT I SHALL ia apply tu the city council uf Oregon I'ity, Oregon, for a saloon license to continue my aaloun lucatud iu ur?gun tity, aum Iicenaeioiiaie rmni Sepienitier 24, 1SM.I. AI.Ur.lll BUMj1,1.HU. 0 10 10 10 10 11 11 II 11 VI 12 u 12 18 18 13 13 14 14 14 14 1.1 1(1 111 Hi IS 17 17 17 18 18 IS IS 19 111 19 20 21 21 21 22 Hank nf Oregon Cily. Hank nl OrcguiiCily L. Jaggar, CI, A. Ilnnllng and Mm. I'lara Storey II. C. Blcveua. L. Jaggar. tl. A. Harding and Clara Morey Sophia Chartnati Mlsa K. Ilareluy Mlsa K. Ilareluy ('. II. A K. (1. Caiitlelil li Caiilleld Kalate Clackainaa county Clackamas County Mra. M M. Chnrmun St. raitl'a Parish ol Oregon City Kirat llnptlst church of Oregoa Cily Andibiahop of the Cathollo ehun'li for Ihe diocese of Oregon City, Vt'.U. (Irnaa Archbishop nf the Catholic ctiureli for the dlecese of Oregon City, W. II. (irosa. Archbishop of the Catliullc church for the diocese of Oregon CI y, W. II. I irosa Archbishop ol the Catholic church for the diocese of Oregon City, W. II. Urost (len. liroitghton . Mra. O. Albright Alden Fiult fc Vegetable Preserving f'n. Mra. H. K. I'aipiet T. Wygaiit T. Wygiiut Mra. H. K. I'aouet Julia KleliHrda John Wilkinson belle Harding llelle Ilnnllng June K. Ilnek June R. Ilnek I.. T. Harlii L.T. Ilurln Jamea Dolnn Kstate Juuiea Dolun Kstate Jamea liolau Kstate James Holun Kalate (ien. Hrniighton A K.Walt. A. K. Walt. (ieorge llrntighlnn. J. Login r.tu(e and C. O. Albright. J. Login Kstate and C. O. Albright L. T. Ha rln L. T. Hnrltl James Wilklnaoii Juuiea Wilkinson Jutnea Wilkinson Jamea Wilkinson Juliana Freytag Jamea Heulcy John nil Freytag James Henley Chttrlea HoMa t'linrlus Holds M. Hucrth M.Uuerlh them:e easterly at right point ol ijeginniug. M feet nlTthc snnlherly side of lot 8, cut olT by a Hue at righl aiiglea In Mulu aireet till feet off the northerly aide 'of lot 8 cut oil' by a Hue at rlghb anglea to Mulu sheet Westerly half of lot 8, cut oft" by a line parallel tu Main street Kasterly half of lot s, ent nn by n line par allel to Main street Westerly hull of lot 7, rut nfl" by a line par allel to Minn street Kusterly half of lot 7, cut otr by a Hue par allel lo Mniii street C. X. (ireeunian Isapliena Grccntnan J. rerguaoii Clara Morey Clara Morey Mra. M E. Harlow Mra. M. K. Hurlow Oipha F. Crosa First Congregational Society of Oregon Cily First Congregational Society ol Oregon Cily J. D. Hurtling Geo. A. Harding Hen. A. Harding Albeit Schilling Northerly luilf of lot 7. cut oft" by a line at right-angles lo Main street Southerly half of lot 7. cut oft" bv a line at rlghl tliiglea In .Muln street 22 8 L Comer Northerly half of lot 7, eut lift" by a line at rlght-iiugles to Muln street! Southerly hull ol lot 7, i ut oft" bv a lineal right nng es to Main street Beginning at nnrlhwent corner lot S; ihenee southerly on line Main sireel 88 feet; thenee ciuterli at right angles (W feet: tl.euco north erly at right angles :tl le. t: tlienee westerlr at right angles lii feet to plueu of beginning. ' liegitining at noriliciiat corner lot 8: thenee westerly aiong a. nun line mm street 41) feet; 22 8 22 thenee aontherly nt rlghl nngleiMI feel; thenee anslerly at right angles 40 feel: thenee north erly at right angles 33 feet to place of begin ning. Archbishop of the Catholic doiitherly Imlr of lot S, cut offliy a line at right church for the ilioceaeof angles to Main street Oregon City, W. II. (irosa Archbishop nf Ihe Catholic church for'the. dloceae of Oregon City. W. II. Qroaa Mrs. II. L. Milli 22 23 a 21 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 "5 2li 20 28 to 27 E. G. Chunnan E. E Chamian Kstate of J, Login Mra. J. G. Siuuiiaon Mrs. F. E. Caldwell Mra. F. E. Caldwell Estate of J. Muder Mrs. Margarete Wygaut Minnie Jaggar Oregon City M. A.Stmtton M. A. Strntton Trustees of M. E. Church of Oregon City Trustees nf M. E. Church of Oregon Cily II. C. Stevens II. C. Stevens II. C. Stevens Mra. Ann F. ami L Jaggar Commercial Bank of Oregon City M. K. Harlow win J. ll. intvlil 62 feet of northerly slile i.f lot 0, cut uffhy a lino at riglit-angles to Main street 14 feet off southerly side of lot It, cut off by a lino tit rlglit-anglea lo Muln street North half of lot 7, rut oft by a line ut right angles to Main atreet Kotith liulfuf lot 7, eut nn" by a line ut right angles lo .Muln street North Imlr of lot A, eut oft' by a line at rlght-nnglee to Main street South hull i f lot tl, cut off by a line at right niiglra to Muln street 4il feet off north aide of lot 5, cut oft hy a lino at right-angles to Main street . 17 feet off southerly side of lot .1, cut offby a line at right angles to Mulu street, ulao alley as lli'dl. ciltetl 27 27 2S II. W. ltoss II. W. llosa J. H. Graham J. Johnson A. D. Gmbam Mra. M. E. Harlow N. (). Wahlen A. L. Kichunlson II. L. L Clark A. L. Kichunlson 28 2! II. 1. L. Clnrk II. L. L. ( lark J.G. Pillsbury r-ortland Flouring Milla Conisioy John Parson, lelrn Royal and (tnoml Koyul Oregon Cily Ijulru Royal W L, White T. L. Churman M. C. Barlow and J. T. Apperaon Mra. Annie If Hall lleginnltig at northwest lcornr lot K, thence southerly along esst line of Muln atreut 37.7 feet; tlienee easterly nt right angles 7(1 feet; tlienee northerly at right-angles 37.7 feet; thenee westerly at right-angles 70 feet to place of beginning Also Beginning at northeast corner lot H, tiience westerly along south line Fifth street 35 feet; thonce southerly ut right-angles :t4.ttt reel; Ihenee easterly at right-auglcs 3i feet: thence northerly ut right-angles ::4 Ho feet, to place of beginning Beginning nt southwest corner lot H, Ihenee nortlierly along east linn Mailt street 32 feot; thenoe easterly at right-angles 70 feet: llionce southerly at rlglit.nuglea 32 recti tlienee westerly at right-angles 70 feet lo pluoo of beginning Beginning at snulheiist comer lot s, thenoe northerly along east line of lot 8 JM.SS feet: thenee westerly at riglit-angles 35 feet: thenco aontherly ut riglit angles ;i4Xi feel j Ihenee easterly at riglit angles 3i feet to place of beginning :t!.7 feet off northerly side of lot 7, cut off hy a line at right-angles to Main street 37 feet off southerly aide of lot 7, cut oft by a III), at right angles to M iin street 21 feet oft northerly aide of lot cut uffby a Hoi at right-tingles to Main street Beginning on easterly line ol Main atreet 2ft feet southerly from north west corner lot S. thence southerly on east line of Main street 21 feet: thence easterly at right-angles Hfi feet: thence northerly at riglit-angles 21 fe-t; thence Westerly at right - angles lu'i feet to place of beginning Beginning at a point on easterly line Main street 41 feel southerly from northwest corner lot 8, thence southerly 21 leet along east line Main street; I hence easterly at right-angles 105 feel: Ihenee northerly at right anglea 21 feet: thenee westerly ut riglit-anglm HO feat to place of be ginning .:t feel of southerly side of lot S, out eft! by a Una at right-angles to Main street R5.S feet off nortlierly sl.le of t 7, cut oh by a line at right-iingles to Main street 33 feel ef .otithcrlv side of hit at right-angles to Main street , cut oft by a line No-tli half of lot S, rut offl.jr a line nt light-angles to Main street S.tlth half of lot S, cut offby a line nt right-angles to Main street 17 1 feet off northerly side of lot 7, rut off by a line at right-angles to Main street 52 feet off southerly side of lot 7, cut off bv a line at right a-igles to Main street George flronghton George B-onghlon The East Sl.le Railway Company B..gtntii g at most westerly corner block 2!l Ihenee ftiutherty along e.sl boundary Mala street 7ti.'feel: thence easterly at right angle. 100 feet: thence northerly at right-angles 76.5 feet; thene. westerly at right-angles loll feet to place of be. ginning Park addition to Oregon City, west half of block A Beginning at a point on Main street 110 feet. N'ortherlv of the oorlheMt Corner of bl.s-k 14 of Oregon City, Ihenee at right-angles westerly 10 1 feet, thence at right angles northerle 1:12 f.el. theoce at right-angle easterly Its) feet to Main atreet, thence along Maio street to Ihe place of liegiuning The franchise of Ihe Ct Side R dtwav Corn suiv. granted to It under the provii.uisof ordin ance No. l.'fcl. of Oregon Clfy. Oregon, more particularlv dewribed aa follows, to-wit: Be ginning at a noil t 2 no feet east of Ihe center line of Main stm-t at its Interseetl-.n with the north line nf Third street, said point being one fisit west .of the wisit rail of said Conimnv's Ireek; Ihenee northerly and northristrrlv par-, allel with and one f-sai from the west rail of Mid eoBipany's track to the north line ol Four, teenth street in Mid Oregvo Cily. tbenceeasferlv at right angles lo sal.l ompny'. tiafk 7 feefi thn.-e ftattherlv parallel With mM rail of Saul eftipny's tnwk. and nne f.t et of it to the north line of Third street In said eitr: thence at rfaht anrlea weMerly 7 feet tn place of brtn ninc: with all switches and Inmonts. and all privilege. .w. eament,, arenie.1 ,sr acerninc ander the pnAisioos f aid ordinance. Sam ftseeesed Ordered nl It-bet by the e:ty nrnorll at Oregon Citi. u a mm t ee heH Aa.'W4 SHI., W - L. L. MKTKtt. Re-ordr. 8'4I A3 1 11 M r,tM eo MS 74 V.2 07 IMI 01 2 15 S2 814 3ft 1st Ho 12.1 Ut 23!i 37 UNI 01 451 71 4Hj 00 4W1 17 li.s 88 471 24 403 ! rail (H 41'SI 10 4l2 SI 4M 711 M 64 4KI 25 Sll 3 4HII Wl 401 SO V.8 41 ,Vl 63 210 83 224 S3 las 2 lt.t 4.1 IOI 47 108 07 ISO III IK'I tU 1S7 17 15.1 14 Hill SO 1W (II 18S 77 lHl 60 17tl 74 12 70 1S2 711 I7ll 74 1711 74 S2 7 1S2 70 170 74 I7tl 71 IK2 711 12 70 17(1 74 173 OS 1711 2.1 tl.' 40 02 40 M 70 Vi 84 lli7 02 122 "3 130 20 5li 51 rai 50 ll'.l 12 114 Ml I'.m 12 I7tl .10 KI OK 102 38 31.1 13 322 02 Kll 71 I 'd 71 320 1,1 31 01 BALD HEADS! whot l tho condition oi your 4- is your imir ory, e linrsh, brittle? Does It pllt at tho end? Has It Ii(ulvs5 appc-arnncc? Docs It fall out when combed or 5. brushed t Is it full of dandruff ? Does your scalp itch ? Is It dry or In a heated condition ? If these ore some of your 8ymrtc;.is be warned in time oryou will become bald. J. Skookum Root Hair Grower i 1 la whatyou need. In production la not an accident, but the rMtillof rienlllto research, knowledge of tha diseases of tho hulrenil sj alp i led In lha ery of bow tot rem them, "skookmn "coniuliia neither mlnerala nor oils. It l.notaDye.butadeligiiifullycis.liug and reinlung louie. Hy atiiuulailii f the folllck ll Hum yuliaj Amr. earn luiidru and growl AoiryalawJ h""l'tr Keep tha icaln eltan, heatthT. and free from Irrllatlnc "'Pl"'"f l m tho use ot aiba,taanwAwiii. 11 dwtroia IHirOJKW Wmu'4, whuh U v ! ",'V'Vour''drugl"i cannot aupplTTOO send dlrMM mi I w l'""'rj 5 prepiil.l, on receipt uf prlto. orower, ilW per lailtla I ( (or i.00. Duap.Wo. JJ uerjunofors.'.tai. THF? SKOOKUn ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., a- TRAHP HAlla. ar Kouin mh AYenue, ISew 1 or, H. . JM f ; m-' "Tj I Ti r I 'i ii r i a: siiiaui'i'-s sai.ic r.iii:it f.hje- CUiSL'KK, III Ihe Clrciill Court of Hie stale of on gnu for the Coiitity oi cluckaiiiiia. Nellie I'. Ilrow II, I'lillntlll'. II, W. Wesmuuil l M. I at Is, Kefeiiiliillts. Hlntc of (Iregotl, I County n elm kiiioiis.l Vollce la hereby given lluil by vlilue nl nit Isexecutloii mill older of rule Issued out of the circuit court ol l lie siule ol Oregon loi Ihecoiiiiiy ol t'liickiiuiaa. In-iirlng date the i-'nd du) ol July, IM03, In u sun uherelll Nellie I'. Hum 11 Is plum till', and II. W. Hesco ami I.. M. Unvls ute de fell. Inula, i in, innuidliig me. III llie liuliieol the stile of (,regon. lllill olll of lllu real estate here limner .1. m i il il. lo realize a sum siiillclciit lo sutislvthe ileuiilKls ol niiiI decree. to Mil: (lll, togetfier Willi Interest on Ihe emtio since March Till, lairj, at s percent per annum, and also Ihe coats ol urn I ii I u inlliig this siile end nil allorlic) fee nf flnu, no. I cost now accrued ol '.n lo. Now, therelore, III obedience to such decree, I did, on tin, nth day ol August, l.-iSl. duly lcy iiniti, and will, on Saturday llie o:h duy ol HepiemlH-r, Imli, ut the hour ol one o'chc k p. in nl Mild iluy, at Hie I I door of the eoiirl house In said eoiiulv, oiler lor sulu ut public aiicllnu, and sell in the highest ami hc.l bidder, for cash lu bund, all of the rlghl. title and Interest the Mil Id ilelellilillils hud 00 the Till duv ol M'l'tclll- bcr, Isol, In und to the Inllnw lug ilescrllieil teal proiwrly, in ti li: The w.i, nl mcIIoii In lu lown alilp 2 aoulh nl range li cost of Ihe S illnnie'.te lucridliiti. Hilled Hits lllh day of August, A. IV tun C. W . UA.Nll.N0, Hlierllfol Cluckiittiaa Co,, stale ol Or. 107 08 Oil 30 174 10 337 S4 2117 80 ?2 41 I 50 318 30 llVi 30 1115 37 .332 I'd 310 03 ,'Wo :r. Xli 74 H'.ll 30 lot) :'.1 rai 01 352 72 201 KS I II! 02 Ml 111 373 43 303 12 3:1 0 .-, 330 id ff'UEItlFF-S SAI.K. Slatu of Oregon 1 sa County of claekunins.) Tho Northwed Kire and Murine Insurance CnuiNiuy, I'lainiill', vs C. II. 1 1 n wort Ii. Marllni s. Huwiiilli and Hnvlil I', siruitoti, liefeiuiatits. NOTICK 1.4 IIKIIKIIV tilVKN THAT II V VIII tue uf an execution sinl order nf snlo tsiied (Mil ol Ihe -jircuil court of the stute ol Oregon for the cotiuiv of (iin kainiis. bciirhig dute the I2iii of July, tso.l, lu a suit wherein Hie Northwest Fire and Murine lllsiininee Coiiipnnv Is pluln till, and C. B. Iluworth, MmlhuS llunorih uml llnvid I'. Strntton wcredelcliih'.uls, eoiniiiullilllig me, III llie name ol ihe stale nf Oregon, to levy upon mid seil Ihe rcill eslitt llei'eilluflcr des cribed nud Ihe inlctcst of Ihe ilcfcliduuts therein liereliinlter set forth, tu realize a sum siillieielil In silisly llie deieulids ol sunl iiecree. 10 wit: c.i''2 o'. togdher witli interest 011 the Millie since said decree '.vus entered ill 8 per cent. per iiiiiiinn. nit'l iiImi tin stsoi mi, I altcicl- llu this 1 ale. 1 did. 011 the 2.V.I1 day of July, lh'.i:l, I duly levy upon, mid will, on Sutiiidny.ihc 23 1 due of September, bi'ii. itt,the hour or 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, al the irotit door uf llie cuiirihtiiisf lu said couiitv. oiler for sale at public 1111. tlon, uinl sell lo the liihc-t nud hesi biibler, tor cash lu iiuiiil tho lolmultig described rial i:operty, lo wit: The s-'i of itie snuihciis: ipiarter, the uest hull oi the southeast t tui ri-.-r. uinl the tiorlheiist i(iiaitcl' of the Miulhwell iilurter nl section 2i'i. all in l( tislilt, two (2) south, rung" tlve (5) e 11 of Willamette Meridian, end nil tne estate, righi, ttl,e anil lntere-t Hie dcioiiilaiits had ur hel i tie rein 1111 the lltli day ol August, 18", the dute 01 ll.e lliorlgitge ilpiin decree of foreclosure ol wlilch Mild ordcl- of sale Mas issued uinl li. 11 ail the cutnt , riht, tilicatid Interest of sal- del lid.ints since u. quired or now held tin r.-lti. Hilled tl.ls 2"i:h dav of Aitgiisl. A. Iv lsti:i. IV W. OANllNH, Slur.!! oK.'lackiiiiiiisvoiitiiv. Oregon. Through 1 loirs' Salt Lake, Denver,, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis AND AIIs Eastern Cities. 31 2 1 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO U n 1 1 10 tte QuIckest to Chi ll UU I o cago and the East. U n 1 1 10 Quicker to Omaha nUUIb and Kansas City. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLttPtRS, FKEE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. Fur rales uml tit iii riil iiifuin iilii.n lull on ur iitlilrccH, W. II. IlL'IiLliLUr.Assl.licii. 1'asa.AKei.t 24 Wiihl.iiiioii St., cor. 'liiird, I'Uini.ANH, UKKtiliN . easTano south VIA The Shasta t-toute I UK 'I'll K SOUlLiilLN i'Atll iC CO. Express Truitie Lvuve l'urlliinil Hull)-. fouib.'i ; ' j . ; ftwtto. - t ::.'P.M. 1 Lv rorilmiii .. Arl io'i"i . 7.11 p.m. iv oienon ( a,- 1,,. y.jJi;' ."''L'.i'i.l i raiieisuo l.v ;:oo r, 'llie iibovo iruiits stoj. iraiiuuhui7Tr)ui !'", All'"' inclusive, laiisunt, Mhu.M-s llulaey, H111 rtabiirK, Juuellmi Cilv, Irving Eo cene und all stall. .11, (rum K iscbi'irit to Aaii an.l iinliisive. 1 UO.-Klll'ini M. , HAII.V " .V3UA M l.v I'ortlillld :'!1 l. M. l.v orcKou l ily r.'yjf. ii. I Ar Koscloirx Ar l.v l.v 1:30 p. K 3:2tiP. at i:(H. M 'MinT..'. St IHNISt; CAUS ON titiliHN koutk. I-C I. L.V AX UVFFKT SLEEPEliS AMI SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Allitcheil lo allTltrimitli I riilns. tVeslsiidu iiiVlnliMi, llelne.n I'Olili.ANU und COM VAH.JS. -. '"" f.xt'KM an niia Y.) 5 .'.II A M 12 lal'.M. I V Ar l,.Ml...l i.'iirvallls ArS::'fif.U, l.v i:w p. si. 207 97 1J2 K, til 7(i 172 23 Via (11 3411 ll'J SCI 72 lft'i J2 1 " KM TSwiC This Remedy Is a pleasant, safe, and sure cure for Conght, colds, and all throat aud luug affectloui. UAKUPACTURXD BY I. D. HOLDEN, Stockton, Cal. For Sale by Geo. A. IIakdinc Purely a vegetable compound, made entirely of roots and herbs gathered from the forer.ts of Georgia, and has been used by millions of people with the best results. It QURES All manner of Blood diseases, from the pestiferous little boil on your nosa to the worst cases of inherited blood taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh and SKIN'OWCER Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Cia. At Albany and iWvithla conned with iraina dilreaon l'uelilc Kullroml. "" " TU US Jl Al n' ( K XI'KI'T BUNDA Y. I I '' I'orllii'ud ArK:2.'iA.M ' Ar MeMltinvllle t.v R:Iu A. M. l-'oirv. 7.2.11'. M. TllUOlliir TICh'RTS TO A 1,1. HUNTS IN TIIR EASTKHS STAIKS. CAVaDA AM) KI'llOI'K fan lie nbluliud at the loivest tales frnm I.. II. MroltK, Afcilit.Olll'im fHy li. KOKHI.KR. K. I'. KIKIKKS. Mill 1.01 1 Af,l I 1 A F' A If. tl Portland, Or 110 On', ftl I 110 40 1st) 2 3S7 sr. IIW Mi 274 10 274 09 la! IV, a4 23 '3f.a to 420 si 01 : Your Stomach DistressesYou after eatlufc a hearty uical, and tho result U a chronic oase of Indiges tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack. RIPANS TADULES Promote Piffpntlon, Ttrs-nlatP the toi.iuch, LivtT RUtl IltfuclH, I'tirily the BIoimI. auiiure u I'ttwitive Cure r t'onmipHiioiit Hick HendiichCt liil Ioumik'hn uml all othor UlseaMs ariMiiR tnnu a tliwinlt-retl contilticu of the Lh r mul Stomacb. Tlit'y ott ut'iitiv yet promptly, uud perffft (lltT.-j-li'tn fN.-WH their uae. Ktpnni TatinlfK takt thf place of an Ent iro rUeulciue IhcM ami KltmiM tie kujitlur Sold by druggists or tent by tiiail. Price, . Tito Dollar. THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 Sprue. St., New V.rk. AGENTS WANTED on Salary and Corn mission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED BiQSRARHY OF JAMES G. BLAINE. By (itll. H AM l.rov. bis lltorarv exeont .r. witb tlie ei.i ration ,:l til-fntnilv. und f. r 11 r. Blaine's 1 ot,i.:elcW..rk-. ' l tS I V VK HH Of t (N(.hl-i."and his Inter In.c. !. MrlCAI. I'IM'l lt " (me oro-Dci los I for these :t IIKT si Kl. LINK bo k in the mar j kt. A. K. I". Jord ni "I lc ,t.- li Unorders from first 110 tails; uifciit'. iiroiit sjf.it; .ii. Irs. Itnl I larrt ,.t i. to. a 1 .or.'i-s. i;i u Russia, in 1 d.iv: imtit '; 'J.t. K. i . Iti.-e of Mas., to k ;7 orders 1 III 2da's: ,r,nt 4, .1. l'artn te of Me ' tis'k 4;ionlcp. in m ;a; eaVs: jirotit ;. 'J.l. K. ' .4. Palmer nf . I', k took -t ord- r in :t ilivs; . pr.itit :m a.t. Ir.t'i.riVK i r.iti:iTt;Y alien. If y. u w-ti to i,1:4i.c I.M;.K MuM:v. a rite Itlinndiately for lerm to the; HENRY EILL FU3. Ci . Ks-vihh. Conn. Ore?Gn Pacific Pr'i'road Company K. W. HAIILKY, IIecbivkb. IIVER DIVISION, TliU Conijmnv's sti'iniilioats; oi'n,pI--u,,,'.',.V:!' .. " f'l". b'' H'u'll . illtli-K His i Kie" . . t'apt, 11, J. Vuuni, ...... ,,. ,,,, VHry j,,,, tt Clint, us ciieiiiii-tiniees luay n'illlre, without Initios, Leave I'oitlaud, Sui.diiy, Widnesduv and Frlilay. ii 11. 1,1. ' l.cme I'orriillla, Jloiiiluy, Wnlneailuy and Friday. :1 a. 111. " Leave Sulem, nortli, Tuesduy, Tliuisduy mid Sutltr duy, 1 a 111. ori'.XW ST K A M Kit BAILINGS- S. 8. WII.LAMKTTK VAI.I.KY. Leaves Sun Fronrisee, July 1 lib, 21st and 31st. Leiivcs Yaiiiinu, Jul. ,b, llilh and 2t;tli. For fl'Chrllt llltll IIIISHfOlOxr ltlou tmnl n an iiKcnl or purser of lliia Coiiiniy, or II. C. Day gea ml aitciii, faluion street ilock, I'ortliinil. . I--, .'ii'iii aiir.i.en-, upt : I . V. ltlil.AW T. F.4I. A. FREE MEDICINE! (Jolilt-ii Opport n itfv For Suffpi. iiiiT Iliiiiniiiily. I'liyslriiiiis (live Their Ibliieilius to the People, DO YOIJ SUFFER? pluhiitiff your trouble, und wo will send yon Kretj of i'liarce a WUL coiB.sr. of speeliilly prepared remedies best atiit.d to your ens,. VK WAST Yol'K KKC'OM MKXIIATIOX. W C P A 'J P 1 1 fl C """ d d 'srtnea II L U H 11 Ll U 1" C ". '"" unit. Our IrcHlmeiils for nil iliseas.-H uinl ilefortnitiea are Modern and Scientific, ai-iiilit-il by many yeaia experience, wiiieli eiiiildes us to u'lmnuitee a Cure. Ho not it.-piir. N. It. We Imve lh. only positive cure for Ki'ii.Et'aT KITS) ami CATAn'nH. Keferencaa given. Peiliiniiuntiy localeil. (did established.) Dr. WILLIAMS' MEDICAL AND SURGI CAL INSTITUTE, 7 'II Mm kct -it , San Francisco, tl. Tc CONSUMPTIVES Ti.e tllldcr-iiilcil llavl'l'' been reytonrt to health by simple menus, utter siill'erlng for several M'rils with a severe lime a HV-ctiou sell lloit dre.nl d,.use ('nosuiiiplimi, is anxious lo nuke Known to ,'iia follow sillier, r.x the liieana ol cure. To thine who desire ll, hp will cheer nlty vv (ire,- of churife) a copy of Ihej rescrip rion icd. wl.icii Ihcv wil1 find a sure euro lor I'miMiiiiiil I.,,,, X.ll.liui, Ctorrti, ISroiii-lii-lis nud nil tliroilt ini'l Hill',' Jlill ldies. lie !iopcsll .itfl'Tcrs will try bis remedy, as It ia invaluable. Those desirilur llie preseriptlon, ivtnch will eo-t them tiothltiit. aod may prove a Ides in.-, will please address. Rev. Edward A Wilson Biookijn.NewYork Ki':a ; Talm.'es cure liver trotililes. .mat 14 Job PrlnUng al tie Courier Office. A i Scientific Americao Agency for - - d r 1 1 T -or' eiurira vwrianjaia, er-.-i " .oo.'; J"" rrss, Handbook smte -a .Ml IU. 1 Bl f.tjWAT. MW TO'..'. nnie-t Jrea lor ,runnir patent, in Am' Kverv rwci.l taien out fr ns is bmoctit fc . tae puooti oy a notice givah tret ot cbarra b, t. q Scientific mcriaa Sj Lircest eirenlatleii of an Kientille paper IB to wona. sp.en.ii.iir illuatratcu. o Inrelhr-a man stiouol be ttboul It. Wetkl. J3.( a ear: ll.sisn months. Addresa Mt'NN C ri kuauuia. Jk 1 imauwar. Hew Turk Qif-